Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1028: Best Rep Tempo to Build Muscle, How to Train When Sleep Deprived, Staying Lean When Transitioning to Intuitive Eating & MORE

Episode Date: May 10, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (www.mapsfitnessproducts.com), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about explosive reps vs. slower tempo reps for hypertrophy, sta...ying lean when transitioning from counting macros to intuitive eating, how to adjust training and nutrition when sleep deprived and the most challenging thing they face when trying to achieve balance in their lives. The strategy to ‘ween’ yourself off caffeine. (3:58) How Skinny Dipped almonds are so ADDICTING! (9:30) Mind Pump gearing up for the Vuori flagship event May 10th. (11:20) Sunscreen chemicals enter the bloodstream at potentially unsafe levels: Study. (14:16) The newest trending sex act, ‘figging’. Why do humans make everything weird? (19:28) Mind Pump clarifies their take on kratom. (22:43) Denver is voting to become the first city to decriminalize hallucinogenic mushrooms. (25:28) How Justin’s kid is the ‘star’ of the party + that age when the other sex first notices you. (31:48) The XFL is returning in 2020. Why the higher the stakes, the more viable the sport. (35:06) New ‘Wellness’ Division coming to IFBB Pro League. (40:17) #Quah question #1 – Are more explosive reps or slower tempo reps better for hypertrophy? (46:07) #Quah question #2 – What would you recommend for someone who has relied on counting macros for a long time to transition to intuitive eating while maintaining a lean physique? (53:54) #Quah question #3 – We just had a baby and getting adequate sleep at night is next to impossible. If you had to wake up every 2-3 hours and had to run on 6 or fewer hours of sleep at night, how would your training and nutrition change? (1:00:45) #Quah question #4 – What balance in your life is most challenging to achieve? (1:05:43) People Mentioned Layne Norton, PhD (@biolayne)  Instagram Related Links/Products Mentioned May Promotion: MAPS HIIT ½ off!! **Code “HIIT50” at checkout** Visit Skinny Dipped for the special offer for Mind Pump Listeners! Visit Vuori for the special offer for Mind Pump Listeners! Mind Pump Live Sunscreen Chemicals Enter Bloodstream at Potentially Unsafe Levels: Study Hawaii is banning sunscreens that kill coral reefs An Intro to Figging—The Kink Where You Put Ginger in Your Butt Denver is voting to become the first city to decriminalize hallucinogenic mushrooms Vince McMahon announces XFL's return New Wellness Division Coming to IFBB Pro League Intuitive Nutrition Guide | MAPS Fitness Products - Mind Pump Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, ob-mite, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Hey, it's Mind Pump! Look, for the first 40 minutes, we do our introductory conversation. Here's what we talked about. Adam talked about weaning himself off of caffeine, and I gave my protocol. He's a weiner. That's right. We do a macro comparison of plain almonds
Starting point is 00:00:30 versus the chocolate dipped delicious skinny dipped almond. Oh, by the way, they have a store locator on their website and they are one of our sponsors. If you go to skinnydipped.com, forward slash mine pump and enter the code, mine pump, you'll get 20% off. Then we talked about Viori's new bank shorts and cruise board shorts. One pair of shorts is made with 25 plastic bottles recycled into these amazing shorts.
Starting point is 00:00:57 And of course, they have lots of other clothing that we think is amazing and awesome. They are one of our sponsors. If you go to VioriClothingVUORIClothing.com forward slash mine pump and use the code listed on their page, you'll get 25% off. I bring up a new study on sunscreen showing that some of the chemicals are reaching unsafe levels and people and how some states of banned sunscreens because it's killing the coral reef, I think.
Starting point is 00:01:27 I immediately got sunburned. Then I talked about a new sex act, figging, Justin explains what he likes to do on his own. We talk about eco-sexuals, Denver, by the time this airs, they may have decriminalized silasibon mushrooms. That's gonna be crazy. Justin brings up his son's party entrance,
Starting point is 00:01:47 what a cool kid. There's a new XFL deal with Fox. They're trying to compete with the NFL. And then I talk about the new wellness division that's being introduced in the IFB and NPC. Again, this is presenting your physique on stage apparently to display wellness. It's kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Then we get into the fitness part of this episode. The first question was, are explosive reps or slower temple reps better for hypertrophy? hypertrophy meaning muscle growth. You want to build muscle? Should you lift explosively or control? The next question was, for somebody who's been counting macros and tracking their food for a very, very long time, what are some recommendations and advice we have to help them transition to a more intuitive eating lifestyle? It can be quite stressful always counting macros, so we give our advice in the net part of this episode.
Starting point is 00:02:41 The next question, this person just had a baby, they're only sleeping like six hours a night and they're waking up every two or three hours. How should they work out and how should they structure their nutrition? And the final question, this person wants to know how we balance our lives with our most challenging challenges. In other words, what do we find most difficult to balance
Starting point is 00:03:02 in each of our lives? Also, this month, get ready for summer. Maps hit is 50% off. I'm ready. Hit stands for high intensity interval training. This is the best fat burning maps program we have in a short period of time. It's half off. Here's what you do.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Go to mapshit.com, M-A-P-S-H-I-I-T, dot com, and use the code hit 50 H IIT 50 on no space for that discount. If you want to check out our other maps programs, go to maps fitness products.com. Also, we may have some spots available for a live event in Encinitas on the 10th of this month. There's like two lefts out. There might be two or three tickets left. Go to mindpumplive.com, see if you could still get a ticket. Come say hi to us, give Adam a hug, give Justin. We'll reciprocate.
Starting point is 00:03:54 A little pinch in the butt cheek. What's the matter, Adam? You cutting your caffeine now? Are you really? I think you're not gonna do it. Well, I think I'm due just because I noticed. Just as a nace there. You just don't want anybody to.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Oh, because I can't. You're going up while I'm going down. Well, sometimes, wait a minute, dude. Hey, listen, I know where you're going. That came out where I'm going. That's not where I'm going. No, really, are you cutting it down? Well, I can't say that since I was just noticing
Starting point is 00:04:21 that I had a lot today and I don't feel like I had it. How much did you have? Let's see here, let me do the math here. 200, 300, 400, 500. I had about 500 milligrams, I would say. Oh, that's not crazy for you. For you, high for you is what, 600 and more? For this.
Starting point is 00:04:42 So, what, a recent podcast we talked about, something, I don't remember, we were talking about winging ourselves off of something, right? We were talking about something more. We did. We definitely covered that. And I was sharing cannabis and caffeine and how I have my rate. So caffeine is 400 or 600 milligrams. So once I start getting around that, where I'm at four or 600 milligrams
Starting point is 00:05:05 and I feel like I feel right now, which is I had it just a few hours ago and I already feel kind of tired. That's normally my sign that, okay, I've ramped up too much time to go the other direction. Here's the strategy. I'm gonna tell you guys, I just, I sort of got to hack this. I sort of got to chop the air. Right. That's what I'm doing right now. I, so I'm obviously more sensitive than you guys already, caffeine. I've talked about this before, but I found this strategy so that I don't have to go off for two weeks at a time to get myself, you know, my sensitivity back up.
Starting point is 00:05:34 What I do is I take... I have a Oscar. Yep, I have a Oscar. That's really worth it. I just, I just need to be the answer. I sprinkle it on my third eye. Otherwise, not as easy as to's against the way that keeps giving. The brown eye seems to be the answer for a lot of people's days.
Starting point is 00:05:49 No, what I do is I don't have, I have no caffeine at all between two to three days a week. So two to three days a week, I have no caffeine at all. And that allows me to use a normal amount on the other days and feel it. So I save the caffeine for the days that I want it, which is my heavy lifting days, that's it. So if you took like one or two days off a week, you'd be able to just consistently use it all the time.
Starting point is 00:06:15 It's because you're using it every day. Yeah, I think that's what the problem is. Yeah, there's, right now I just, man, one of my favorite times of the day is that first cup of coffee. I know, I thought I was a reviews. I'm a failure brother. A favorite times of the day is that that first cup of coffee. I know, I thought I was a reviewer. I thought it was a reviewer, I'm a feel for you brother. A favorite time of the week. That's my favorite time of the week.
Starting point is 00:06:30 That's my favorite time of the week. My second favorite time of the week is when my coffee's ready. That's more in you. There's nothing like waking up to a smell of a good cup of coffee downstairs. I know you know. Oh yeah. Where have you just smelled it? I'm not giving you that.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Is it important to have fun getting that important enough on with that Just have Katrina bruh Justin Justin rubs it all over his body He drinks so much coffee Sometimes you guys think that I have a beard, but it's just grains of coffee Lap it on me bro. You have do you have you ever calculated the amount of caffeine that you have every day? No, why I don't do math. He needs a calculator for it. Hold on, let's do the math right now. And don't lie, let's be honest. I'm gonna lie. No, I'm just gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:07:08 You're gonna reveal my addiction on air. What is this wiki lake? Yeah, no, be honest. Okay, that's not even, it hasn't been on air for like a decade, by the way. I'm sure. You just dated yourself. Would it?
Starting point is 00:07:21 No, he says that anymore, right? I reference Lane as wiki lake. Is the wiki lake a fitness? Yeah, see? as Ricky Lake. What'd you like of fitness? See? What is the field done? You need Jones? I don't know. I'll throw a different one.
Starting point is 00:07:30 So hold on a second. Seriously, how much caffeine give me a typical current day? So you wake up in the morning, you have an energy drink. He's got a lot. I have Cubs Zero. He can sit. That's for one. Cubs Zero is the one that just doesn't count.
Starting point is 00:07:43 You just got to get in. Whoa. Wait a second. You guys don't do that. You have a cup zero. Yeah, dude. That's like the shitty, you know, home brew, but like I just don't count. Doesn't do anything other than like open my eyelids.
Starting point is 00:07:56 That's the name for it. Yeah, that's cup zero, dude. That makes me straight to either pizza or Starbucks. Starbucks now there's like a drive-through like that I haven't drive my way out so I can get my Nitro. Okay. I hit my Nitro.
Starting point is 00:08:11 That's a Grande size. So that's like, 300 ounces. 350, probably more. Isn't it really that much? Maybe. Wow. Maybe more. So 300, 350.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I don't like this game. And then, here's that a big deal. You're fine. You had the Cubs Zero, which is probably another 200. So that's already 500, 550. Now. And then what's that a big deal, you're fine. You had the Cubs Zero, which is probably another 200. So that's already 500, 550. Now, and then what'd you do? Now he's, now he starts counting for real.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Now I'm like, okay, that would be good. He started, gentlemen. But I wanna enhance this day. And so I get into the studio and then I'm like, I feel great, I'm gonna get some water. You know, I'm gonna kind of balance it out. Oh yeah, we have nitron tap. And so go like do like a quarter full of, I'll fill that up.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Yeah, yeah. And then I'll have a little pill of a thinning. Okay, good. That's good. And then, yeah, and then I'm on to my organify purer. And I might have one more cup actually, you know, as the day progresses. And then, now, are we going to, can we count the coffee that you drink when you leave work? I might have one more cup actually, you know, as the day progresses. And then, now, are we gonna,
Starting point is 00:09:06 can we count the coffee that you drink when you leave work or are you just counting the water? That's the one I just said. That's the last one? Yes. You're like a thousand. Yeah. You're like a thousand milligrams.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Okay. Yeah, you get to lay off because the next step, you know what the next step is? Heroin. Yep, cocaine and heroin. Yeah, I was like, Gateway to heroin. Heroin wouldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:09:23 I think cocaine might do it. Yeah, yeah. Sprinkle that in some water. I need, I need an upper. Dude, speaking was like, Gateway to Arrow. Heroin wouldn't do it. I think cocaine might do it. Yeah, yeah, Sprinkle's that in some water. I need to, I need to upper. Dude, speaking of cocaine. Yeah, oh great. Hey, skinny dips gonna love you, referring to their alvets as fucking soul. So there's a more shrimp partying out there?
Starting point is 00:09:37 Is it happening? Stretch that commercial. Their flavor, their dark chocolate mint. Could they make it more addicting? Yeah. Oh my god, it's so good. It's my favorite. But so check this out. So I have the macro comparison right in front it more addicting? Yeah. Oh my god, it's so good. It's my favorite. But so check this out.
Starting point is 00:09:46 So I have the macro comparison right in front of me, right? Yeah. 15 normal almonds, 104 calories, 9 grams of fat, 3.5 grams of carbohydrates, 3.8 grams of protein. That's just plain naked almonds. Naked. Naked. Nothing. Sexy. Skinny sexy skinny dipped almonds which are
Starting point is 00:10:06 Way more delicious far from naked way more delicious 150 calories. It's only another 45 calories. Mm-hmm 12 grams of fat 11 grams of carbohydrates 5 grams of protein the macros on skinny dipped almonds are amazing They did a fantastic job. It's like I feel like these are the almonds for competitors Because you know how competitors always talk about what can I have snack on because I can't have Mac or whatever. It's can't have almonds.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I know that asshole voice right there. Like I ever talked like that. I can only have this me to count me out. I've brought my bag that specifically has a compartment that I've been in my Mac yesterday. No, it sounds a lot like that. No, but it's another 45 calories for a serving of almonds and you get chocolate, mint, or peanut butter, or whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Those are my favorites. Did you see that they have them on American Airlines? Did someone send you guys a picture too? Yeah, yeah, I saw it on Instagram, somebody posted. They're everywhere now. They have a store locator. This is where I get them all. On the Skinny Dip website has a store locator
Starting point is 00:11:02 so you can find where they're at and and try them yourself. And I know how I know people love skinny dip. You see it all over their face. Oh, do I have some on me? Yeah. Damn it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:14 That powder though, I mean, it's the chocolate powder. It gets everywhere. It's good though. Speaking of our favorite brands, we are getting ready to head off to one of our favorite brands and companies, Viori. Oh, I can't wait. Yeah this Friday We will see you soon so Cal Do we have any tickets left? I thought there was a few left It might be sold out by the time this goes live. Well, you could try my pub live calm
Starting point is 00:11:37 You could try if you want to come there might be like two or three that are available and I know that Viori is Do they give a discount to the people attending as well? Yes. I believe so. Oh, by the way, did you see their, their, their shorts that they made that were, let me see the name of them. Recycable. Yeah, no, not that the shorts are recycling. It's a recyclable plastic. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We knew that. It's just sick. No, they have, there's two types of shorts that bank shorts and their cruise board shorts. Yes, and they're made from recycled plastic bottles. They're recyclable then.
Starting point is 00:12:11 So, I guess you're right. We know. All right. So each short, when you're done, you can take them from the same place. So check this out. And an average pair of the bank shorts or the board shorts, 25 plastic bottles.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Justin shorts, 65. You got two sales. Just stitch them together. It's a lot of material. Normal plastic bottles, gallon bottles, for example. I take a body builder. It's big ass. He unfortunately has no discount codes for his shorts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah, I got to triple up. Extra glutes. No, but that's a, that's a, that's a, and have you felt the, I, brother, fabrics made for a cycle plaster? Their material is off the chain. Yeah. Oh, it's great.
Starting point is 00:12:57 All of it. Stretchy, breathable, all that stuff. People are finally getting on board too. Now, they're blowing up though, man. I just, so I, every morning I read, morning, brew, and hustle are my two my two newsletters that I like to read. And it was just like two or three mornings ago.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I saw Viori was the main ad in there again. And they were talking about them coming after Lululemon. So they are now like, I mean, they're being compared to the same. Yeah. So they're there now. And now a big portion of our audience is got on board and is like bought it and tried it. Once you get a pair, like anything,
Starting point is 00:13:30 that's a great piece of clothing. Once you get one pair and you're like, oh shit, this is legit. My whole, my whole, I have a one dresser in our spare room that is like almost all converted to Viori. Well, so I was in Campbell with Jessica for Cinco de Mayo And which was crazy it was crazy over there by the way forget I was Cinco de Mayo. Sorry Adam Anyway, I'm walking around me to send your people
Starting point is 00:13:53 Yeah, this guy this guy this guy yells at me from across the street He's like mine pump and so he runs over with his buddies and they're all big fans and they're all wearing Viori And they wanted to show me do we got the Viori Viori! Yeah, we love their shit, bro. So, honestly, we were like, this is cool, man. Yeah, people are doing that. We're all wearing the knees out there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And then pointing it out. It's a sound like a game site. Yeah, exactly. Totally. Dude, did you guys see that the study, did it? I wonder if it was Enzo or Jackie that shared it, or maybe no one shared it. They share a lot of studies with us in articles.
Starting point is 00:14:23 This one was about sunscreen. So there was an FDA study that came out that showed that people who regularly use sunscreens may be absorbing ready for this higher than safe levels of active ingredients into their bodies. Now remember, this is based off of active, quote, unquote, ingredients. Well, so there's sunscreens will work one of two different ways. One, they block, they like reflect the UV rays. Or two, which is the more common sunscreens, they absorb the UV rays and disperse them. Those are the chemical based sunscreens.
Starting point is 00:14:59 That just sounds like a bad idea. Yeah, well, a lot of these chemicals have, you know, xenoestrogenic type properties like almost like these hormone disrupting properties, but you know they say if you don't use them that much or whatever you're not getting that much in your system, what they're finding is people who use a lot of these sunscreens, they're the levels that they're getting in their blood of these chemicals is higher than what the FDA will leave in Dean as safe, and you know the FDA will leave in Dean as safe.
Starting point is 00:15:25 And you know the FDA standards are not great. Here's the other part of it. The sunscreens, I think Hawaii, if I'm not mistaken, maybe Doug can find this out. They've banned certain sunscreens because the chemicals are fucking with the marine life. Yeah. So about that. Yeah. So how crazy is that? So you know, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:15:46 It's like people are putting on sunscreen to prevent skin cancer and sun damage, but we're seeing a rise in other types of cancers because of the lack of vitamin D because we're not getting the sun. And or we can't win potentially other type. Well, here's the thing. What do white people like me do?
Starting point is 00:16:04 Now, you just stay inside your cave. Yeah. Here's what you do. The best thing you could possibly do to prevent skin cancer is to slowly acclimate to the sun, allow your body to adapt, and build your own natural ability to block. What does that mean can new regulations help? That's Hawaii.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Hawaii and Key West. They both banned them. Wow because the because the chemicals are hazardous to the coral reef and potentially to people as well. How funny is that see this is this is what pisses me off. It's like oh there's the chemical right there. Oxey Benzone is one of them which is the most common one. If you have sunscreen at home, look at the back of it. It's probably gonna have oxybenzone in it. The sunscreens I recommend are the ones that are made with zinc oxide or titanium oxide, not the nano-particularized versions, because then you'll absorb those minerals, but just
Starting point is 00:16:57 the normal ones. Yes, they do leave a slight white sheen on the body, but here's what I've noticed with them, way more effective at preventing sunburn. If I put that on my kids, they here's what I've noticed with him. Way more effective at preventing sunburn. If I put that on my kids, they go out in the sun all day long. I don't have to reapply, just way, way, way better. And it's not the chemicals or whatever. Just why I wanted is to look more white. Yeah, just the beach.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Just, I do it because you know, kids are like Casper. Oh my God. The friendly ghost. Like add insult to injury here. It's like anything else, dude. Like, imagine if people, actually this happens all the time, if people weren't active and then went to the gym and beat the crap out of themselves,
Starting point is 00:17:31 they would show that that would cause all kinds of illnesses and problems. Same thing with the sun. I think people just don't ever go outside and they're like, we're gonna go to the beach this weekend, or I'm gonna do this one outdoor thing and that's that I never do. And then they get sunburn.
Starting point is 00:17:45 That's the problem. You gotta slowly acclimate yourself to the sun. And of course there's individual variants and genetics like Justin will never, sorry, have this sun. At the adaptation process. I've worked on it before. Capabilities like Adam or I. I know my potential.
Starting point is 00:18:02 How dark, do you get pretty dark Adam? I do, I get really dark. But you pretty dark Adam? I do I get really dark But you know what happened as I got older and I actually have it because where were we just recently in my we were up in Where we just where we just come back. Oh clean hills. Yes, Oakland Hills and we were outside that tire time And I was soaking up the sun. I get these little sun sun bumps, you know That now where when I was a kid I could just sit in the sun all day long, no problem with nothing on me and I'd be fine. But I will though, and I don't really burn.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I just get darker and darker and darker. The only thing that I get now is I get these little sun bumps if I was in the sun too long, I'll get that and they're kinda interesting. Yeah, I get like, either more freckles or negative freckles. What's the negative freckles, huh? They disappear?
Starting point is 00:18:44 White. It looks like, like, it's weird. It's a negative freckles? They disappear? White. It looks like, like, it's weird. It's like a pretty sure that's care. Inverse of it. Yes, not because it's like it's all the less. That's just dying skin. Yeah, yeah. Maybe it's.
Starting point is 00:18:53 It's getting all the way off. Yeah. Yeah, I get these weird blister. The farm fine. Dude, if you guys saw me when I was a kid, I was, I'd go to vacation, you know, my parents would take me to Italy. And when we were in Italy, I mean, there was, all we would do, everything was outside. It was. I'd go to vacation, you know, my parents would take me to Italy. And when we were in
Starting point is 00:19:05 Italy, I mean, it was all we would do. Everything was outside. And it was in the summertime. I'm not even exaggerating, bro. I get like black dark, like super, super insanely dark. I have that ability. But if I don't acclimate myself to it, I'll burn. Yeah. For sure. I see I want to get these little, but I mean, I'm getting these bumps. I'm definitely getting a reaction from it You know you were you were sharing off air before we got on that you were gonna share with us what this this new sex act that you and Jessica have been practicing We're not practicing super curious Yeah, not at all
Starting point is 00:19:37 Don't lie would we're not at all apparently with figs. Yeah, we're not at all practice for us. No dude I somebody shared this article with me because I tend to post funny, crazy articles in my Insta story. And the one that someone shared me, it was this sex act that's apparently getting popular in the subculture or whatever called figging, figging. What culture? Like who's doing this? I have no idea weird people like what I don don't wanna say weird people, but I'm sorry, it's kinda strange to me.
Starting point is 00:20:10 They take, here's what they do, right for this. They take a piece of ginger and they peel the ginger, so that's like bear or whatever. And they carve it into the shape of like a butt plug. So you guys know what the shape of a butt plug is? One end is bigger than the one end. That way you don't lose it. Okay, like a wine corks.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Kind of sorry. It's like, informational. And they'll put it up their butt and then the ginger, because ginger's kind of spicy and hot, it starts to like burn. And yeah, and they find it as kind of like this, like I was reading the article,
Starting point is 00:20:45 these are people who are into the whole like, dominate tricks and submissive thing. This is burning. So yeah, and they'll get off and so they'll tie each other up whatever, put one of these things in their butt and then they'll like, hit each other and shit. And apparently they like it. But it doesn't, it gets worse.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Sounds awesome. Some people will put in the vagina, some men will put in their urethra. Ooh, why though? Yeah, I don't know. I don't in their urethra. Ooh. Why, though? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. Urethra, like that's a no zone. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Well, hey, man. Not to mention all the previous entries. Yeah, yeah. No, people, humans are, we're such intelligent creatures that we just make everything weird. You know what I'm saying? We gotta just go crazy with everything. But you know what the term frigging came from?
Starting point is 00:21:25 Yeah, how does it get a thingy out of ginger? So, frigging came from the term, I think it's FWeggingFEUGGING. This was a practice that horse trainers would do where they would take a piece of ginger, put it up the horses butt, because it would make the horse walk real tall and stick their tail up so they looked real proper when they would bring them to competitions. And it became well known and then became illegal to the point where then judges would have to check to see if you were figging or flagging or whatever. They did just like sniffing their head.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Yeah, I don't know the horse only only your fans, you know, would send that to you. We are reading shit like this. Dude, this stuff fascinates me. Did you know there's people that are considered eco-sexuals? Yeah, those are the ones that are banging the earth. Literally. Like, helping trees, like, trees in the ground. Or the dirt, or flowers, or plants, and they'll do that.
Starting point is 00:22:19 And they get off on having sex with... I'm pretty sure I helped my bed a few times as a young adolescent. adolescent yeah just because it was there yeah you're laying on this is the organic version sounds like if you're just we're playing we're not playing as kids he falls on a stomach get up Adam hold on give me a minute terrible transition but you just you reminded me because you said people, sitting set to you, I feel the need to, I don't know if it's correct, but maybe elaborate a little bit. The talk that you and I had the other day about, Cratum, I got a long email from a recovering addict
Starting point is 00:22:58 that's actually going through this 12-step program, and I believe it was his best friend, or somebody very close to him, died from an overdose of Cratum. Oh, really? Yeah. I believe it was his best friend or somebody very close to him died from an overdose of freedom. Oh really? Yeah. I knew it man. And so and I thought you did a really good job of as much as I was saying that I wish it
Starting point is 00:23:14 was around when I went through my you know, viking addiction of warning people that you could actually get just as addicted to that and And I made the argument that, well, Jesus, you'd have to take so many in order to do that. Well, it sounds like there's been enough cases where people have done this enough to where somebody who was listening had a friend that did that and then and just wanted me to share that that it, you know, it's not. And he made a good point in the email. And by all means, if you have a extremely addictive personality, I'm not a doctor and I'm not recommending that you go use something like Cratum. My point was for someone like myself
Starting point is 00:23:53 who recognized the addiction that I was having chemically to it and found that if I would have had something like that, it would have made the process easier for me. I did it on my own. I don't have, I don't think I have very addictive behaviors. I don't think I struggle with addiction. Anytime I've ever felt that I've been addicted
Starting point is 00:24:13 to anything at all, I've been able to wing myself off. But if you are somebody who struggles with addiction and you have a very addictive personality that absolutely a 12 stepstep program or seeking help is a much better way of going about it than I'm not recommending that you go use cratum. So I just wanna make that very clear. It's not the substance that's addictive
Starting point is 00:24:36 or it's the person that gets addicted. So that's what's important. So if you're in a bad space and you're looking for an escape, cratum is gonna be bad for you just like. Just like v for an escape, freedom is gonna be bad for you just like, just like viking in, is gonna be bad for you. And that was my big issue with it was there are people in the fitness space who are making,
Starting point is 00:24:54 they're talking about creating freedom, the same way people in the fitness space are talking about SARMS. Like it's all positives, zero negatives, there are no whatever, very irresponsible. This is what ends up getting things illegal or getting people in trouble. Just be straight up honest, just talk about it like a real thing,
Starting point is 00:25:14 like okay, here's what it does, here's what it doesn't do. Just like the way we talk about cannabis, even though we're all fans, we're very honest with the fact that there's some potential negatives as well. You can still become a loser. Yeah, absolutely. And that could be your substance of choice. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Speaking of substances, as of the recording of this episode, so when this airs, we'll know if Denver is going to decriminalize the use of magic mushrooms of Silas-Iban. Now, is this going to be, I didn't read the full article, but I did see it come across. It's just clinical or is it just medicinal? Okay, so, and so under the supervision of a psychiatrist, or how does it, do you know how it's, I'm not 100%, I'm not 100%,
Starting point is 00:25:55 I think what it is is that personal amounts of use are illegal, but not criminalized. So in other words, like, I think there's a, past a certain amount, you can get in big trouble, but I think a personal amount will become whereas before if you got caught with a personal amount, a small amount of magic mushrooms, you could face jail time and stuff like that. Now I think it's going to be like a ticket or a warning or something like that, but we need to be more more, we need to figure it out. Now what what the exacts are. What is your guys' opinion on that? Are you pro or?
Starting point is 00:26:25 Totally, yeah. Totally, I'm two reasons. One, morally speaking and philosophically speaking, I think it's absolutely fucking insane that people should be thrown in jail or their money should be forcefully taken, which would be a fine for doing nothing but hurting themselves. So, even if you think that someone's hurting themselves with a substance, it's very strange
Starting point is 00:26:50 that you find someone, hey, you over there, sir, hurting yourself. We want to help you by throwing you in jail, making it hard for you to get a job or by you having to, it's insane to me. It's extremely tyrannical, doesn't make any sense. Now, if someone on a substance hurts someone else or steals someone's stuff or damages someone's property, totally should be in trouble. But if you do something to yourself, that makes no sense. That's the moral argument. The other side of it is we're finding now through studies that there's potentially some
Starting point is 00:27:16 incredible applications, medicinally, for psilocybin in particular, psychotherapy applications, and the scheduling of Psylocybin makes it very difficult to use or even study in this particular case. And I feel like we've lost decades of research because of the scheduling. Right, let's have a side. Post-traumatic stress and end of life care, like these types of fields, I feel. It's exciting news, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:42 if we're able to then introduce, you know, this into the into that therapy and have them have access to it and really benefit, you know, with their with their patients from that. Wasn't there just a study in this last year about PTSD and mushrooms? I was I think it was a ridiculous number of people that no mushrooms. Silas, I've been was there was a study on end of life therapy. I think PTSD was with MDMA. Oh, that's right. That's MDMA. Yeah, but with with PTSD There's someone on cell. Well, there might be there might be I know there's one for sure on end of life where people One of the biggest Challenges with being terminally ill I can't spell is the
Starting point is 00:28:22 Is you know obviously the depression fear and anxiety around the fact of knowing that you're going to die soon. And so the prescription of anti-anxiety medications and antidepressant drugs and all these other substances goes through the roof whenever you're terminal because it's a scary plaque. I can't imagine being in a position knowing I was going gonna die in a few months or even a year, right? What they did is they took people who were terminal, they had them do a therapy session under Silas' Ibn, and these people came out and it was like a significant
Starting point is 00:28:55 improvement in their anxiety and fears around death. Here's my book. What are they attribute to that? Yeah, what's the big takeaway? Becoming okay with the other side. around death. Here's my book. What are they attribute to that? Yeah, what's the big takeaway? Becoming okay with, you know, the other side, or seeing the beauty in the most simple things. Yes, or...
Starting point is 00:29:12 I'll tell you what, I did nothing like looking at it, some trees or some flowers or some clouds when you're on that show. You're ultimately present. Yeah, and where I also think that it helps people believe that their soul or their being will transcend their physical life. So they do this and they think,
Starting point is 00:29:31 oh, you know what, this is just all part of the cycle or whatever and they become at peace with it. I'm not quite sure because these substances are kind of murky in terms of how exactly they work. Do you know that they work in a lot of cases? Now, do you know how much work, because I've yet to experience a full dose of psilocybin. I've only been too scared to go full psychedelic
Starting point is 00:29:55 on any of the stuff. So I have microdosed things like this before and had nothing but a positive experience, but I'm still, I haven't gone all the way in the deep end. Do you know what the dosage that they're using for this? Is that mostly micro dosing that they're using this? Or are they going full-sucking? So the studies, there's been studies on big doses, but a lot of the studies that are showing
Starting point is 00:30:15 great benefits are on lower doses. So and that's, you know, it's, of course, of course, right? What do people do with anything that, that feels good? We take a shit ton of it. What they're doing in these studies also was they're not giving people side of side bin and then go here, go take this wherever you want to take it on your own. Set in setting matters a lot. It's a guided experience. It is. They're talking to a therapist while they're going through this. They're integrating what they're seeing
Starting point is 00:30:41 through things. Yes. And they're in a safe environment. Like I couldn't imagine being on a substance like this and doing it like at a rave or doing it at a party. I've heard horror stories of people who like, oh, I ate magic mushrooms and then I went to this massive, you know, kegger or whatever. And of course, it's a scary situation to be in to be on those types of things. So I don't know, it's pretty interesting, but anyway. Yeah, it's a Denver's a go for it
Starting point is 00:31:09 Huh, they are and here's the thing keep keep your eyes open So you guys know how I own shares of GW pharmaceutical. That's the company itself That's making pharmaceutical drugs off of CBD Which is exploding the price of the shares right now is of this podcast like 180 I bought them at nine Wow pay attention to pharmaceutical companies That will be using Silas Ivan if that shit becomes legal or they or they get what's called the FDA fast track or whatever Fucking to pay attention because the hype alone now we'll get that shit This is good is in the quality is gonna go up and all that whole process too. Yeah, once once they get their hands on it was funny.
Starting point is 00:31:46 So my my oldest he got invited to this party and it was actually right down the street from our house. So it was at this like a gym that usually it's only open for the campers that live in the area or that they bring in for like these special camps. And I guess now you can like rent it out. And so I'm gonna have his friends like rented the place out and invite like everybody there. And so since it's so close, like we're like, okay,
Starting point is 00:32:12 well, we'll just, you know, drive you out and drop you off for whatever he's like, no, no mom, like I'm going like on my bike, I'm gonna wear this helmet, more of this shirt, I'm gonna cruise in without you guys and he's like imagining doing this whole like hard break stop like like hey guys like I'm here. You know, he's at that point now we're like he wants to be like really cool. You know, like like this is like he's gonna make this massive impression at this party and like me and Courtney were just like holding back. Just dying laughing.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I'm telling you, dude, your boy, your oldest cracks me up. He was trying to, he was making my daughter laugh for Assoff. He's totally showing off. And we're going to go, we're going to go do the Yosemite. I can't wait to see what he does. And she thinks he's the funniest thing in the world. Dude, I just, I can't imagine like, what does he think? Like, so all of a sudden everybody stops, you know, mid track.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Like, whoa, he's here by himself. He's gonna wear his text, you know? Can you even do that? That's not a bike? Like, what? You're so cool, yeah. You know, like he's like the star of the park. You know, drops his bike, he starts walking in his seat.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yeah, that's right. We stop everybody. Oh, your parents dropped your parents dropped your, I wrote loser. You want to ride? Get on my bike. Let me show you. I was like, oh my God, it's so funny to walk.
Starting point is 00:33:33 It's so funny. Did yesterday go to pick up my kids from school and my son goes, he got out and I wasn't there in time. So he went to the, they have like this aftercare classroom or whatever they go to. So I walk in because my daughter's like this aftercare classroom or whatever they go to. So I walk in, because my daughter's doing her girl scout thing or whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:49 So I walk in to get my son and he didn't see me walk in, right? He's sitting on the couch and he's got like four girls around him, obviously all the same grade or whatever. And they're like asking them all these, I couldn't hear what was going on. I tried to hear, I was like, what are they asking me? But they're asking them questions and you could tell they're trying to make them embarrassed
Starting point is 00:34:05 and he's like, you ever see, like you remember when you were like 13 and you were just figuring out how to like act around girls? So you got kind of like this, trying to be cool, but you can't help but smile because you've like, chicks are talking to you. Yeah, so you kind of got this look, you know? You like things you're going with all of that.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And he tries to act close, like, oh, whatever, but he's got this smile on his lips. Like not laugh too hard. Yeah, so one of the girls spots me, she's like, oh, whatever. But he's got this smile on his lips. Like not laugh too hard. Yeah. So one of the girls spots me, she's like, oh, your dad's here, he's like, oh, and he poofs slams his computer shut. Walks over, let's go.
Starting point is 00:34:31 What's up? What are you doing, bro? I'm not here. Yeah, like what are you doing? I'm in my mind, of course, you know what I'm thinking. Oh yeah, he's gonna want lift. Yeah. Now the girls are talking to him.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Oh yeah. Yeah. You just wait. Get them biceps. I remember the first time a girl noticed that I had some muscle. That was like all the motivation I needed forever. That's does game change.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Yeah, I mean, like sounds got muscles. Say what? Yeah, I'm working out. It reminds me that I'm gonna live here seeing an American beauty when she walks over and she like touches his arm. I like muscles. Oh yes.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Dancingly in the garage. Yeah. Oh. That's all we need. That's all we need. That's all we need. So I was reading my articles this morning, came across the XFL is coming back again. That was not.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Yes, in 2020, it is, and it's supposed to debut six days after next year's shoot. This big man, is he behind this? 500 million of his own money. What? He's got too much money. That's what it is. Was that the he hate me?
Starting point is 00:35:25 Yes. Yes. Yeah, they're trying to make a run back. I can't believe it's coming, dude. How many times do they have to get their asses kicked? I do, I don't know. We'll see. Because this is how many times now has there been a competing?
Starting point is 00:35:36 Well, the minor league idea already failed. Did you see that? Yeah, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, between college and, yeah, NFL type of, what was that? I forget what that was. Yeah, AA or something. Yeah, I know. AAF. I think you have like different rules or something like that to make a different. Yeah, they do. There's, I mean, spikes on the show.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Yeah, the highlight, all the entertainment of it, which is kind of fun. So in the article, what they say, the difference this time versus last time is they tried to, they spend a lot of energy around the out off the foot field shenanigans and drama. Yeah, more like WWE were, I think they're, he's, I think they're really trying to make a competitor to the NFL. I mean, I think they're going to be putting more of the effort towards the game. 500 million, you said. Yeah. So you think it's all money. So you think they're gonna spend more time now trying to make it good football?
Starting point is 00:36:29 Yes, to compete. That's gonna be tough. I love that there's more options, but yeah, I don't know how it's gonna do. I don't think so. I mean, I think the NFL has just been established for way too long that I can't imagine. The amount of run rate I would think that you would need,
Starting point is 00:36:44 I mean, it's like the UFC now too. It's like too big, too fast, and how do you take something like that down, unless you have, and which McMahon does, if you got fuck you money, where you can just throw it at it to where, because that's the only way, right, is to attract good enough players
Starting point is 00:37:02 that are willing to come over. And so you gotta pay out, which, I remember Pride tried to do that with UFC. See, that's what it's gonna say. At one point, Pride was doing a good job competing with UFC, but here's why I think they did a good job because they had slightly different rules.
Starting point is 00:37:19 So instead of seeing people fighting the cage. They're cool with having steroids. Yeah, well, not just that. Instead of seeing people in the cage, you saw people fighting a ring that changes the fight. Yeah. You could stomp on people. Stomp on the soccer kicks.
Starting point is 00:37:31 But in the UFC, you could elbow people. So it was different. I would think that they would do well if they did. Like, let me ask you guys this. You guys are obviously much more privy to football. Sport. What are some rules in football that are unpopular? Well, right now, it's not going to hit the quarterback. and then you're gonna be in a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little technique of tackling, like they've had to like reduce a lot of,
Starting point is 00:38:06 like any kind of like collisions you have to do, like a very specific way to where they'll throw flag because it's too violent or like, you know, you're hitting the head too much, like they're trying to eliminate a lot of like head involved tackling. Or what if they change like the downs or something like that to where you have to pass on this standard?
Starting point is 00:38:23 I do believe that there are, I don't know. And well, I had to look up like the, they did it last time that there was different, a little bit different. Yeah, different rule changes. So I'm sure there'll be some, I mean, what's the point of a competitor if you don't try and offer something better or different? What if they could put like mics and everybody's helmet so you can literally talk to the players?
Starting point is 00:38:40 They might, they might do things like this. Like to me, I think no matter what, I hope it's more violent. I think the, I think the future of all professional sports and you already see the you know They they're integrating this so if you I mean, I know you're not watching any of NBA playoffs or not, but they started doing this almost a decade ago or or so Especially in playoffs. They they highlight this like on TNT and stuff where they'll pick one player from the game And he's Mike the entire the entire time right and then they'll you know during commercial break they'll do little clips like a little 30-second clips of him you know doing like hyping up the team or talking
Starting point is 00:39:14 about plays or what about so we've already started to integrate that into sports already I think that you know eventually it'll be full on where you could just follow your favorite player and be able to listen to what he's saying or seeing the entire game. It's interesting too, because you think that the numbers, like, you know, like sign out for football have gone way down amongst kids and amongst schools and all that. But he's bringing on a whole other league of football at the same time. It's interesting because I do feel on some level though that like we are drawn to MMA for a reason. We are drawn to boxing for a reason. We are drawn to football for a reason.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I just don't see that going anywhere. Now higher the stakes, the more exciting this sport. That's the bottom line. Like poker, boring as fuck, but poker for a million dollars in the pot. Exciting. You know what I'm saying. Yeah football is exciting because the stakes are Besides a game like F*** up. Dangerous exactly. I mean, it's not denying that dude. You guys see the the IFB's new physique division or whatever what? Wellness. They're calling it what? Well a wellness division in the IFB What? Wellness, they're calling it.
Starting point is 00:40:21 What? Well, a wellness division in the IFB. Are you seeing NPC? How did I not see this? 100% are you serious? Positive. You just got trolled. What are the, yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, out, define lines and muscle separation. It's, this is the irony of it.
Starting point is 00:40:45 It's what would they want to be keen in men's physique to originally be? The irony of this is. They just keep opening more divisions, it's hilarious. They are, and here's the irony of it. Wellness is not about aesthetics, but yet they're gonna get on stage and try and display what wellness looks like.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Oh my God, I'm so glad you did. I wish you would have shared this before we started. No, I'm not. I'm not talking all about this. I know, I would love to talk more about this, but I don't know enough about this right now. No, no, no, no. so glad you didn't. I wish you would have shared this before we started. No, I know. I know. I would love to talk more about this, but I don't know enough about this right now. No, no, no, no. Why did you see this?
Starting point is 00:41:10 This was, there was actually two questions under our quaw on Instagram. It was May 4th. This just was announced. Yeah, that we're regarding it. So all I did was read the stuff that are comments that are client, you know, people say. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:22 We'll have to read, we'll have to read, we'll have to read more up on this and then talk about this. No, but yeah, fascinating. Yeah. How crazy though, right? Like they're, they're trying to continue to push towards this. So without mainstream marketable. So without, I see, I don't, I think it's more about this.
Starting point is 00:41:38 So I have no idea yet. So I, I make come back and recant half of what I'm saying right now. But my guess is exactly the same thing that we saw happen with the men's physique and the bikini division, which was open up a division that is looks less like they're on tons of antibiotics. And then it did look like that. If you go back to see the very first year of men's physique
Starting point is 00:42:03 and the very first year of women's bikini. very first year of Women's Bikini. Look very different. Oh my God, incredibly soft looking. I mean, you barely saw the abs on the guys and very little definition in their arms and shoulders like, and then each year, you know, they got crazier and crazier and crazier. And now Men's physique looks like, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:24 classic bodybuilders. I mean, the guys are crazy big. It's crazy what they were walking around. So, this is just a farming business for magazines. What it, yeah, that's what I really wanted to say. Supplements. But what's happening, I mean, it's smart on IPB. They just keep opening up.
Starting point is 00:42:39 They're just, they keep making the barrier, barrier for entry easier and easier for people to get involved, which is just introducing more people to the bodybuilding culture, but it'll do the same thing again. They'll come in, they'll look probably really soft and then the winners will look harder and more defined and that'll continue to drive.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Well, I'm reading about it right now and they haven't released the specific details of what they're gonna look for, but the speculation is that they're having released the specific details of what they're going to look for, but the speculation is that they're going to be looking for an athletic physique without hard lines and hard definition. Which is what they said about men's physique and what they said about bikini when it first came out. They said the same thing.
Starting point is 00:43:17 They're not looking for somebody who's super diced up. So how are you going to judge this? You know, I'm saying like, who looks the healthiest on stage? Who's the best looking? And it's so anti-wellness. It really is. super diced up. So how are you gonna judge this? You know what I'm saying? Like who looks the healthiest on stage? As soon as the best looking. And it's so anti-wellness. It really is. Wellness is not about aesthetics at all.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Aesthetics is a side effect of wellness. So to me, it's funny that they're taking a term from a part of the industry that has, not only has nothing at all to do with body building and those type of sports, but probably is anti those type of sports. Oh, that's the, I think that's the, it's their answer to people like us
Starting point is 00:43:49 talking about unhealthy bodybuildings, right? It's like, okay, we'll one up you guys. How about a wellness division? Exactly. We don't have you. Yeah, we got you. This is for wellness. This is the love your body division.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Here we have John, who's been restricting his food for 12 weeks and Terrible relationship for the Husky division. That's what I'm this Dad bod dad bod division Yeah, it'll be interesting. I mean what I foresee is the same thing that like I said We saw a men's physique can be kidding when it'll first come out and it probably will look like the wellness or it'll probably Pro I wonder look just like what the men's physique can, the beginning first. Hold on a second. As a, you're a pro, an IFBB pro. Does that open you up to compete in anything, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:44:30 Yeah. So you can compete in bodybuilding, classic physique, anything in any, any division. And wellness. Yeah. Oh, shit. Yeah. You are. I was making a comeback.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Wellness, see these days. Wellness, Olympia. I don't know. I tell you, if I liked getting up on stage, I would still be doing it. I wish I liked that stuff. How do they pose with like a non-lusty? Yeah, that would do.
Starting point is 00:44:53 That will be funny. That's true. That will be a downward dog. Every division has different routines. So it'll be interesting to see what they decide what wellness would be. I mean, I would hope that they were smart. It would incorporate some sort of flexibility or mobility challenge.
Starting point is 00:45:07 That would be smart. Like if you're going to say it's a wellness division and it's because one of the things I think that a majority of them, even the men's physique for sure, bodyweight, very few of them have very good mobility. Most of them are just stiff as a, stiff as a bore. Most of them can't squat beyond 90, can't lift their arms above their head. So I definitely think that if you're gonna create a wellness division, there should be some sort of
Starting point is 00:45:29 mobility component and their flexibility component and their soul will see. It'll be interesting. No. Let's see. Quick call. Let me go, I have my everything. Max.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Quiles. Today's clause brought to you by Max and a Bollock. If you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength, Max and a Bollyk is the perfect place to start! With a full 30-day money back guarantee, there is absolutely zero risk! So what is your waiting for? Go to mindprominia.com and get started today! It's the Bollyk-fucking quals!
Starting point is 00:46:01 An English Landish! Quik-quals... First question is landed! Quikwa. First question is from MiniFig. Ooh, more Fig Talk. Oh my God. That was not planned, but that was not planned. That was not planned. Just then put that one where it was.
Starting point is 00:46:15 No, I'm not. Are more explosive reps or slower tempo reps better for hypertrophy? Oh, this is kind of a cool question. Yeah, it is. So first we should explain what they mean between the different types of reps. So obviously explosive, you are lifting the weight quickly with force. You are really trying to move a weight fast, slower tempo, obviously, what it sounds like. It's a much more controlled tempo with the weight.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Now, there's parameters to that. It's a fast, explosive tempo is considered a 1-1-1, and then a hypertrophy would be a 4-2-2. Right. Now, studies will show that explosive reps. Now, let me finish this whole thing before everybody freaks out. Explosive reps build more muscle. Now, here's the caveat. These are, if you saw these reps being performed, they would look controlled. So this is not like what Adam would just said with the 111, where someone's taking a lightweight and moving it quickly, which is what real explosive movement
Starting point is 00:47:15 is supposed to be. That's power. What they're talking about is they'll give test subjects a weight that's heavy for them and they'll tell them to push it as fast as they can, but because it's heavy, the weight is still, it's not moving very fast. And that does build more muscle, at least it activates more muscle fibers. That being said, your body adapts to whatever you do. I tend to lift this way. I tend to lift heavy, but push as hard as I can.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Well, it's really exerting maximal effort in that lift, and that's where you get a lot of benefit like strength wise, those are hypertrophy wise, you know, from that kind of a tempo, but it like making sure it's under control is everything. I mean, and that that's where, you know, the slower tempo, really that the advantage is definitely in the slower tempo in order to establish, you know, proper mechanics and to be able to control that load properly. Right, and what I was gonna say is, when I do, most of my reps, when I lift, especially my heavy lifts, they're explosive.
Starting point is 00:48:14 They don't look like they're explosive because it's heavy, but I am being explosive. But that being said, when I move out of that, and I take a lot of weight and do slow and controlled reps, I was just gonna get muscle growth. I was just gonna say that this is real similar to questions we've answered before where we talk about. And this is, I like this question because this is an area that I feel passionate about
Starting point is 00:48:33 with what we talk about on the show because there's a lot of people in our space in our field that love to quote studies and in use this. Well, studies will show that, you know, moving the weight more explosively recruits more muscle therefore you build more muscle therefore it's better for hypertrophy in a you know six week controlled study in X amount of people whatever ways and you've been training that way consistently for quite some time, meaning any time beyond about four to six weeks, that changing it up and doing the opposite, whatever one you're opposite of to whatever one you're doing, that one's going to build a lot of muscle. So this is why it's so important to phase your workouts and it's so important to move in and out of different tempos, different rest periods, different sets, different reps, like all these things are important to be moving in and
Starting point is 00:49:30 out. And all of them can build the most muscle. If we were to compare them all, everybody at starting point zero, then we can refer to these studies and go, okay, yeah, this is true. This is better for hypertrophy. But that all goes out the window when somebody has been following that protocol for months on in and their body is extremely adapted to that and it's not seen much changing more simply, moving to something that may have scored the least on a muscle building study will actually do very well for the body if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Right, and now here's the other thing. I very rarely recommended that any of my clients try and lift a weight explosively, because most people lack the control, the stability, to apply maximal force without their form going out the window. I mean, I'm not exaggerating. Nine out of 10 people that I've trained, maybe even more if that's possible. I would always tell them to lift with good control
Starting point is 00:50:33 because they just didn't have the ability to apply. You take anybody, you tell them to squat, just getting them to squat right is hard. But once they get that down, you say, okay, squat up as fast and hard as you can, even with heavy weight and you watch what happens to their they get that down, you say, okay, squat up as fast and hard as you can, even with heavy weight, and you watch what happens to their knees, their hips, their back, and the injury rate goes up through the roof.
Starting point is 00:50:50 So for most people listening, unless you're super experienced and super comfortable and with your lifts, it's always lift with control. The risk versus reward factor ratio isn't great. It's not great. Like, let's say lifting explosively was, 5% better and I'm being generous. I don't even think it's that much.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Is it worth the increased risk of injury that comes from lifting explosively? Probably not. If you lift all the time, probably not. Even myself, if I drive explosively to consistently, I notice my form starts to go off a little bit and then what ends up happening when your form goes off and you combine that with maximal effort, that's a bad combination. Well, this should be the and this is one of the things I did like about
Starting point is 00:51:35 NASM. Was I remember NASM? I believe it was a seven step, right? Was it a seven step progression as far as like where you would. I don't remember. Yeah, I know it's a seven step progression and the very last thing is explosive power. Like that's the pinnacle that you're trying. So most clients, and that's some clients that could take years to get there.
Starting point is 00:52:00 So it's one of the last things that I'd ever train somebody on. You'd have to be a pretty advanced lifter for me to use techniques like that because the wrist versus reward like you were saying, so there's there are more likely their form is more likely to break down and potentially injure themselves and then for getting muscle right for the little the little bit of advantage movie might be getting to adding a little bit more muscle by trying to be explosive, you're probably risking a lot more than that. Yeah, and it's another acute variable. These are things that we can manipulate along the process of interrupting what your normal
Starting point is 00:52:35 routine is so we can prevent it, we can prevent like plateaus inevitably from occurring. So reps are another one you can manipulate. You can manipulate rests. So, you know, say that we're cutting the rest in between going from one exercise to the other. And so you're going to get a different benefit from that. So there's just different things like this that you can tweak and modify to then, you know, continue your path of building muscle. Now, here's the key to doing an explosive heavy rep. And this is why it takes so long to get to this point. You have to learn how to get tight,
Starting point is 00:53:10 really, really tight with your form. Like if I'm gonna do a bench press and I'm working on maximum hypertrophy and strength, and I wanna use an explosive type of rep and I'm going heavy, the key to doing it without hurting myself is to get really tight. Tight with my hands, tight with my shoulders,
Starting point is 00:53:26 pull the shoulders back, tight with my hips, everything's locked in position, lower with good control, explode, but I'm within this real narrow, you know, particular and specific range of motion, that's safe. Same thing with the squat, same thing with the deadlift. I can deadlift explosively, but before I do,
Starting point is 00:53:44 I get really tight and tense up and maximize my position before I apply that for us. Because otherwise, I'll end up hurting myself. Next question is from Sarah Haney. What would you recommend for someone who's relied on county macros for a long time to transition to intuitive eating while maintaining a lean physique.
Starting point is 00:54:06 This is a hard transition for a lot of people, especially if you've been counting and tracking your macros for a long time. To go from not knowing what's in your food to learning what's in your food and tracking is a hard step. Very, very difficult, right? We've got a guide for this. Yeah, what we do, we have an intuitive eating guide that talks about some of the strategies
Starting point is 00:54:27 that get you to this point. But it's hard to go from not tracking not knowing what you're doing at all to all of a sudden tracking counting. But then what happens is you get into that rhythm, you know it's working for you, you know how to get lean, you know how to eat more to build muscle because you're tracking.
Starting point is 00:54:44 But now you're like, okay, I've been doing this for a year and it's just a pain in the ass. It's a pain in the ass to always count what I'm eating. It can become a stress in and of itself. I've worked with lots of people where this becomes a stress for them where they don't want to go out unless they know what's exactly what's in food and what they're going to eat or whatever. And it becomes very difficult and moving out of it can be hard because it's like you're taking the training wheels off of the bike. So here's how I recommend doing it. And this is the way I recommend doing any transition.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Just do it really slow. The first thing I recommend to people who are, who relied on counting macros for a long period of time is to have one or two days a week that are intuitive. And what I mean is to have one or two days a week that are intuitive. And what I mean by that is one or two days a week do not aim for any kind of a macro number, but still write down the food that you're eating. So still write it down. So you're still tracking it in that sense, but you're not aiming for anything in particular. Now, here's the two things that I've seen people do
Starting point is 00:55:45 when they do this. Either one, they end up eating the exact same food date the day before when they were aiming for macros. So they're like, oh, I'm eating intuitively today and I look at their food logs and like, you ate the exact same food, so that's kind of not the same thing. Or two, it becomes a cheat day where it's like,
Starting point is 00:56:00 oh shit, I'm off, I'm gonna just eat whatever the hell I want. No, the idea is when you're going into this intuitive day, where it's like, oh shit, I'm off, I'm gonna just eat whatever the hell I want. Yeah. No, the idea is, when you're going into this intuitive day, this kind of experiment on yourself, is to try to eat foods that you think will serve you well. That's a very broad category. So what will serve you well? I'm gonna go out to dinner with my friends.
Starting point is 00:56:23 What's gonna serve me well? I wanna enjoy what I'm eating. So I'm gonna order things that I'm gonna go out to dinner with my friends. What's gonna serve me well? I want to enjoy what I'm eating. So I'm gonna order things that I'm gonna enjoy eating. That also means I'm not gonna binge and make myself uncomfortable, because you don't really enjoy that, do you? That's more of a sign of rebelling than it is a sign of enjoying your food.
Starting point is 00:56:38 So I'm gonna go do that. Or maybe you're not. Maybe you're just going to work that day, and it's a regular day, and you're thinking, you know what just going to work that day and it's a regular day and you're thinking, you know what, I've been eating a lot of protein for a long period of time, I think my body may do well on a day where I eat mostly vegetables, where I increase my fiber intake
Starting point is 00:56:57 and I eat lots of vegetables, so I think that's what I kind of need, an experiment with that. And what you wanna do on these intuitive days is pay attention to how you feel. So you can start to see how your body actually responds to different types of foods. And then when you get comfortable with that one day a week or two days a week, make it three days a week
Starting point is 00:57:15 and then make it four days a week. And then if you find that it's going off the rails, scale it back, bring it back to two days a week. But little by little, you should be able to get yourself to the point where you're off tracking completely and you're eating more intuitively. And what'll end up happening is you notice your body doesn't change much in the mirror.
Starting point is 00:57:31 You still look pretty lean, you still pretty fit, and it's this exhilarating feeling of being like, oh shit, I'm not tracking. And I feel good. It's a change. I would say be patient and be careful of over-correcting. So one of the things that I would say be patient and be careful of over correcting. So one of the things that I would see and that's really common with somebody
Starting point is 00:57:51 who is like the super tracker, right? That tracks all their macros, ways their food, ways their body weight, does all this whole time. And then they decide they're gonna move into this intuitive eating. And what ends up happening, they're like, okay, I'm not gonna track the day, but I'm gonna start, you know, just feeling it out.
Starting point is 00:58:06 And they feel it out for a day or two, they get on the scale and they see like a, the pound go up on the scale or something. And then they freak out and then they over correct the other way, jump on the cardio like crazy, cut way back on the calories. And they think they got, they added a pound of fat in one day. And if you're being mindful like Sal is saying now, and you're not binging on your intuitive eating day and you're staying, you're trying to stay relatively close, the likelihood of you putting a whole pound of fat on in a single day is extremely, extremely low. You would have, you would have to
Starting point is 00:58:40 overconc, grossly over consume to put that much body fat on in one day. More likely, you're holding on to a little bit of water or you had a little bit more carbohydrates that day. So be careful of the over-correcting. That's the thing that I see the most from somebody who is addicted to tracking and they're trying to break free of that, is the day that the soon as they start breaking free of that and they see any sort of flux on the scale up or down, they go the other extreme because they're afraid that they way over did it or way under did it.
Starting point is 00:59:10 So that would be my advice to that person. And it's funny too what you'll find with the intuitive eating process as you start to move in that direction is as you're starting to pay attention to how you feel around foods, your anxiety around those foods may actually increase a little bit, just because you're bringing awareness to it, but that's because you're judging it. Here's a big, big part of this process that's gonna help you. Don't judge what happens on these intuitive days,
Starting point is 00:59:39 especially when you first start doing them. When you first start doing them, don't look back at them and be like, oh man, on my intuitive day, I ate a whole bag of chips or I ate way too low protein. I'm terrible. I'm going right back. Don't judge it. Just look at it, observe it, and then move on and see how you feel. And little by little, you'll get yourself off the chains of macro counting, because macro counting itself can become a terrible stress. I've had people where they cried
Starting point is 01:00:10 because I told them to do an intuitive day, and they cried because they almost, and I would look at their menus, like I said, their food logs, and like it's exactly the same as the other days. You're not going intuitive, you're just doing exactly the same thing, and they cry because they couldn't do it,
Starting point is 01:00:23 and so I'd say, okay, let's have an intuitive meal, let's start with that. And then let's, let's slow. So take your time. Don't judge it. But once you break those change, it's pretty awesome. And always know that you can go back to counting macros if you become afraid. So that sometimes help people, you know, knowing that, okay, if I, if I go too, too off, I can, I can jump back for a little bit. Next question is from Kyle Howard 65. We just had a baby and getting adequate sleep at night
Starting point is 01:00:50 is next to impossible. If you had to wake up every two to three hours and had to run on six or fewer hours of sleep at night, how would your training and nutrition change? This is kind of a cool question because I think about this a lot. Yeah. I think a lot about
Starting point is 01:01:06 you know what what may come about when when max gets here. Am I am I going to be burning the candle at both ends? What is my training? I don't want to put on the the with the sympathy weight they say right the husband does. So for me I I think that it might be a lot of recuperative type of training or movement. I also why even got like the roer to, you know, and when I just so you know, like when I row, it's not a ball, so the wall type of deal. Like I can get on there and kind of cruise. It's like a like a full body walk, you know, is where I'm getting some upper body work and posterior chain work is the way I look at it and it's way more meditative.
Starting point is 01:01:49 So I think that I would probably lean more towards exercise like that. Now, hopefully I don't have seven days in the week where I'm blasted and I get no sleep. That could be possible. And if that is, I'll probably listen to my body and be doing a lot of mobility and a lot of recuperative work. Hopefully, I'll have at least a couple days out of the week where I feel like I got a great night's rest. I fed myself really well. And then I can kind of get after it in the gym. And then, but I think that's what you
Starting point is 01:02:17 got to do. I mean, I can't wait to hear the advice from these two guys that have already been down this road already. But personally, what I'm mentally preparing myself for, I may not be able to get to the gym, or I may not want to go to the gym and lift crazy weights, it may be more mobility work at my house, maybe more a little bit of rowing, maybe swimming, maybe going for a walk, and maybe just focus on other aspects of health in my life.
Starting point is 01:02:40 I'm not gonna probably be making great muscle gains during this. Yeah, no, I think you're right on point. Yeah. I would say, so something you want to consider is it's a lot harder to get in shape, aesthetically speaking, then it is to stay in shape. And what I mean by that, I'm not talking about the extreme, so I'm not talking about super shredder or whatever, but if you're relatively fit and healthy, however much work you needed to do to build all this crazy muscle, to keep it, it's not as hard.
Starting point is 01:03:08 So don't worry too much about your body, just go in, you know, wait, the thing that's going to affect you the worst is the lack of sleep, not necessarily the fact that you're not working out like you used to. I've had clients like this, and what I'll have them do is I'll tell them to lift one day a week, pick the day that you're you got good sleep You know, so if you got decent sleep one night the next day lift one day a week and then the rest of time like what Adam was saying recuperative stuff Walking walking out
Starting point is 01:03:36 Outside getting some sun exposure stretching Mobility work realize that babies do not stay babies and infants forever That's really the point. Yeah, I was gonna stress ability work, realize that babies do not stay babies and infants forever. That's really the point. Yeah. I was going to stress. It's just, I mean, in terms of like picking a time period to get like at your best like
Starting point is 01:03:55 ultimate like physique and and get all these gains, this is not that time. Like you just have to realize that this is this is a window of time where your focus is completely different and there's gonna be a lot of compromises that need to be made. But that doesn't mean you need to compromise self and like self-saying in terms of your maintaining what kind of muscle mass you already have currently and where your body fat levels are at.
Starting point is 01:04:23 There's a way to do that nutritionally and as well as getting that recuperative movement, like Adam's talking about, to me that was what was my saving grace, was just getting out of the house, going on hikes, doing all these things that were very restorative, and also mentally because it's being in that environment,
Starting point is 01:04:44 because it's so reactive to environment, like, you know, because it's so reactive to be proactive and go places to me was like, it was like therapy. So that was something that I found a lot of value in, but I still got exercising in. It just, it was a different mentality. It wasn't like I was trying to crush it in the gym. That just wasn't the time for me to do that.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Yeah, and I would say optimize the sleep that you do get. And one of the big mistakes that people make, both because it messes with your sleep but also because it is a great way to just add unnecessary calories, is what a lot of times people do is when they wake up every two or three hours, then they'll snack. So like, oh, I'm already up. I'm going to grab a little bit of this tea or a little bit of that tea.
Starting point is 01:05:30 The cravings will go up. Yeah, that's a big mistake. Eat during daylight hours and when it's nighttime, even if you're wake up in the middle of the night or whatever, don't eat, it's just an easy way to add extra calories. Next question is from Christian Rilo. What balance in your life is most challenging to achieve? I have a good one for this. I, you know, for most of my fitness career, I used to say that by looking at my physique,
Starting point is 01:05:58 you could tell what was going on with my bank account. And that was because I, either one could be, I was all into my fitness and I was in the best shape of my life, but I was broke as fuck. Or I had deep ass pockets that can go do whatever I wanted, but I was in the worst shape of my life. So I've, I've, I've did this for a very, very long time. And a lot of that is much of the lessons that we talk about on this show. I mean, that we've learned. I was an all or nothing person in the past. I wouldn't, if I
Starting point is 01:06:30 was not perfect on my diet and my program, and I didn't have an hour to an hour and a half in the gym, then I just didn't do it. It was like, fuck it. Like, if I'm not going to do it all the way, I'm not going to do it at all. And I definitely don't live like that anymore. And I think that was not only bad advice or a bad strategy for a very long time. And I didn't see the value like I do today in going for a walk or just coming to the gym. Like today, I'm going to have another day like this where,
Starting point is 01:06:59 you know, I'm pretty tired. And I've had a lot of caffeine this morning. I don't feel the greatest. I've trained three days already in this week, so I don't feel like I need to get after it. So I'll probably just do some really lightweight squats or lunges and call it a day. Like I never would do that in the past.
Starting point is 01:07:17 I've learned to do things like that. And then also the work life balance, like, man, I've always been this Barry myself into my work and become tunnel vision about everything else And and what ends up happening is everything else kind of falls the ship But then I'm really successful in business and there's just been a lot of things that I've learned to What's the word I'm looking for compartmentalize? Thank you Justin what's the word I'm looking for compartmentalize? Thank you Justin.
Starting point is 01:07:45 And be able to go, okay, like this time is for me working on the business. Like I can't, like I can allow myself from, you know, six a.m. to five p.m. Adam, you can bury yourself into it. Grind like crazy, don't look up from your phone, do whatever you want to do. But once that five p.m. hits, you know,
Starting point is 01:08:03 phone goes away and it's no more business talk after that. And the same thing goes for fitness. It's like, I can be all about my training, but when it comes to certain times that Katrina and I set her for date night, or we've agreed that we're going away for a weekend, like it doesn't matter, like we're gonna go and feed other parts of my soul.
Starting point is 01:08:24 It's not always about having to carry a couple of wear around or doing shit like that. It's about enjoying the moment with her and having a glass of wine and having a good meal. And so I've just I've changed a lot of those things, but it took me a really a really long time. I struggled with that stuff. And I really honestly feel like just in the last probably five years, and I felt like that's really come together for me and I'm happy. And I'm lucky that I've found a career that allows me to, that it helps that I stay in shape and I work out and that that promotes, helps promote the business.
Starting point is 01:08:58 So, you know, I think that's important. If you have a hard time finding balance in certain aspects of life, it's nice if you can find ways that they speak to each other. Yeah, for me, and this is something I've struggled with since I was a kid, it's just my use of electronics. I loved TV a lot as a kid. I know I would watch a lot of educational stuff, but boy, could I sit in front of a TV for hours and hours
Starting point is 01:09:23 on end? And today, it's my phone and it's also the television. It's still a difficult one for me and I'm much better at it. I'm much more aware and I create practices around it now. So I'm a lot better than I used to be. But if I didn't, I'm not at the intuitive part. Like I'm not there yet. I'm not at the part yet where I don't need practices and rules for myself
Starting point is 01:09:46 where I could just, it'll balance itself out. If I eliminate those things, like I had a hard rule that I wouldn't take the phone in the bathroom every time I would go to the bathroom. And it worked great. Like I'd go to the bathroom, first of all, is in and out faster. Believe it or not, you're in there longer
Starting point is 01:10:01 when you're with your phone, Justin. But the other thing too is, you just, it's funny, he's coming from you. I know exactly. Less of that mindless scrolling or whatever, but once I eliminate that rule, I end up bringing the phone in the bathroom with myself, but same thing with the TV,
Starting point is 01:10:19 like if I make a rule that I'm not gonna watch TV four days a week, if I don't have that rule that I make for myself, I find it creeping back in and it becomes this daily type of thing. So it's that, that kind of stuff. And I think that's a big challenge. Well, you just said that. You just said something. I think it's so important to hang out there for a minute is the importance of giving your putting parameters on yourself and, and, and knowing that just like the way we talk about nutrition, some people are not at a place to intuitivize.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Some people don't have enough education, enough experience, enough time of practicing good habits. The right state of mind and mental space. You have to, it takes time to get there. And there's nothing wrong with admitting that and being like, hey, listen, this is an area that is a challenge for me. And I need to say, I agree. I'm the same way too with the tech tools and the stuff.
Starting point is 01:11:12 That's why I was alluding to the things that, Katrina and I will agree on, okay, this is night for us, you know, that this is what we do. Like, and if we don't set that on the calendar, we don't make that a point to do that, then maybe one week or two week we're good about just intuitively doing it, and then we go right back to old habits.
Starting point is 01:11:30 So I'm a firm believer in, unless you've mastered some of these areas that you should put some sort of parameters around yourself or set goals for yourself, and these are great simple goals. It's stupid as it may sound, but setting a goal not to take your phone in the restroom is a great step in the right direction. Sounds silly, but try it. Yeah, getting intuitive about, you know.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Yep. Yeah, no, I could echo both those things. I was trying to think about like some things that, like mainly for creating more balance. I think for me, I sort of had two different lives for a while where I would work and I would hang out with my friends and I would, that was like this separate kind of a person. And then when I get home, I'm like this ultra family-focused guy. I'm trying to make up for not being there or wanting to hang out with my friends in the weekends or not be involved, and include them more
Starting point is 01:12:31 and what I'm doing. And I think that after the last year too, I was just consuming myself with all these goals and things I wanted to accomplish, but then also having this motivation of like needing, you know, needing like my own time to hang out with friends and do all these types of things. Like I realized like I need to structure more time
Starting point is 01:12:56 to like hang out and like have fun and do things like including my family and making that a priority. And so for me like that balance at home, I could feel that. They could feel that. They could sense it. Like I was kinda like, yeah, I'm here, but I'm also like, okay, I'm out. I'm gonna go watch this movie.
Starting point is 01:13:16 I'm gonna go do this with my friends. I'm gonna do this. I was always like, something was like kind of leading me out. But I just, and I don't know what that is or what that was, but I just decided that no, like I wanna foster more of an inclusive environment for that and that's been paying off substantially to where we vacation sometimes a bit more.
Starting point is 01:13:40 We just do things on the weekend together, they find their way into my workouts with me. Like, I'm not like, this is my workout. Like, I have to like get huge and, you know, do all this stuff by myself. Like, I'm trying to be more open to allowing, you know, like my wife and my kids to like just be around and like be a part of it with me. So that's been a huge thing. And with that, go to mindpumpfree.com and download our guides. They are absolutely free. You can also find us all on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:14:11 You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal and you can find Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body
Starting point is 01:14:45 looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 01:15:18 We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. And until next time, this is Mindbump.

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