Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1058: Ideal Rest Time Between Sets, How to Spot a Bogus Study, Morning Neck Pain Solutions & MORE

Episode Date: June 21, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by MAPS Fitness Products (www.mapsfitnessproducts.com), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best rest time in between sets for building muscle, w...hat to do if you wake up with a kink in your neck or sore shoulders, how to tell whether a study is BS or not, and if the NBA should implement measures to limit injuries like Kevin Durant's and Klay Thompson's at the end of the season. Mind Pump tells all! Old and current significant others beware. (4:38) Once you go Felix Gray, you can’t go back. (10:18) Summer is here, it’s grilling season! Time to stock up that Butcher Box inventory. (16:32) Justin is looking for some ‘quality meat’ for the MAPS Programs & MORE. Slide into the DM’s if you live and breathe fitness. (21:00) Calling all male physique athletes and aspiring competitors: STOP it with the supplements! (23:00) How chronic inflammation makes you less motivated. (34:23) The importance of changing the atmosphere. Updates on the guy's current fitness programming. (36:04) Scientists have developed an ingenious way to convert blood into a universal donor type. (40:45) Facebook introduces Project Libra: The future is here! (42:56) #Quah question #1 – What is the best rest time in between sets for building muscle? (46:43) #Quah question #2 – If you wake up with a kink in your neck or sore shoulders, is it ok to prime and workout through the soreness? If the soreness is turning into pain, is it better to stop? (53:21) #Quah question #3 – How can you tell whether a study is BS or not? With so many contradictory studies, how can you tell what to believe? (1:02:31) #Quah question #4 – With both Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson going down with serious injuries at about the same time at the end of the season, do you think these injuries are due to overuse and lack of recovery? Do you think the NBA could or should put measures on these things from happening such as shorter playing seasons, etc.? (1:11:49) People Mentioned 4x Mr. Olympia Physique Champ (@jeremy_buendia)  Instagram Mark Bell (@marksmellybell)  Instagram Scott Stevenson (@fortitude_training)  Instagram Dr. Justin Brink (@premiere_spine_sport)  Instagram Layne Norton, PhD (@biolayne)  Instagram Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength)  Instagram   Related Links/Products Mentioned June Promotion: MAPS Strong ½ off!! **Code “STRONG50” at checkout** Visit Felix Gray for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Check out Mind Pump Live to get tickets for their next live event! If interested in shooting to be featured in upcoming MAPS program or product – Email Justin Andrews: justin@mindpumpmedia.com How chronic inflammation may drive down dopamine and motivation These gut enzymes could save lives by converting Type A blood to Type O

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this super duper awesome episode of The Mind Pump. It's up, ass. Look, for the first 43 minutes, we talk about random current events and fun stuff. And then we get into the fitness portion of this episode. Here's what we talked about.
Starting point is 00:00:27 We start out by talking about back seat drivers and how annoying they are. And I'm sorry, honey, I talked about some stuff you do when we drive. We talked about Felix Gray, blue blocking glasses. These are our blue blockers of choice. They don't turn everything orange and yellow. They're clear, they look good, and yet they still block the blue light that can prevent
Starting point is 00:00:50 you from sleeping good, or from damaging your eyes or causing headaches when you work and for a new computer. So here's what you do. Go to Felix Gray that's F-E-L-I-X-G-R-A-Y glasses.com, Fort slash Mind Pump, and you'll get free shipping and free returns. Then we talked about Justin's Karnasada. I, I, I, I. Sounds like a cool dance he does.
Starting point is 00:01:13 He made it with a butcher box meat, which is grass fed, high quality meat, sent to your door, the best quality meat that I've found, and for the best prices. Oh, and by the way, if you sign up for Butcher Box now, you're gonna get bacon forever. That's right, bacon for life, crazy promotion. Here's what you do, go to butcherbox.com,
Starting point is 00:01:38 forward slash mind pump, sign up, you'll get the bacon for life, and that's basically free bacon, every single box, for the life of your subscription. Oh, and you get $ bacon for life. And that's basically free bacon every single box for the life of your subscription. Oh, and you get $20 off your first box too. I think they're losing their minds. Then we talked about how Justin is looking for
Starting point is 00:01:53 some meat sent to him in his email. He's actually looking for male models. Sliding me to the hands, you know. We need some. Huge please. No, we need some male models for our upcoming maps, programs and guides. If you're fit, functional, you got good mobility,
Starting point is 00:02:09 and you don't mind coming to the San Jose area. And enhance them, okay, come on. Contact Justin. Then we talked about a, a, a, a, a, we talked about an unknown pro physique competitors, insane supplement stack. Shhh.
Starting point is 00:02:23 It's, he doesn't take all those supplements. He doesn't even listen. He's full of shit. Then I talked about a study talking about chronic inflammation and motivation, how chronic motivation reduces dopamine, which is probably why when you're inflamed. You feel like doing nothing. We gave our workout updates. You want to guess who's giving the best workouts?
Starting point is 00:02:42 It's me. Then we talked about how gut bacteria is turning blood into typo. This is a breakthrough, kind of crazy. It sounds like magic. Adam talked about new cryptocurrency from Facebook. That's crazy. Oh, and by the way, our live event in Denver,
Starting point is 00:02:58 which was coming up, is now sold out. But we still have tickets available for San Francisco and Seattle. Just go to myimpumpalive.com to get your tickets to meet us live. Then we get into the fitness portion of this episode. The first question, what's the best rest time between sets for building muscle? You'll be surprised with the answer in that part of this episode. Next question, if you wake up with a kink in your neck or your shoulders, is it okay to prime and work out through the
Starting point is 00:03:25 soreness or should you just not move? May have been that kinky stuff. Next question, how can you tell whether a study is BS or not? Like how can you find the right studies to pay attention to and how can you find the wrong studies that you should ignore? And the final question, this person is talking about Kevin Durant and Clay Thompson, both going down with serious injuries. Is it the trainer's fault? Do we blame the NBA? Like we have a nice discussion here about sports ball and all the injuries that have
Starting point is 00:03:55 been in the game. It sounds like a real like ESPN sports. And that's amazing. In that great. Also, this month month our most effective muscle building, strength building, metabolism boosting program, MAP strong. This is a program designed, it's different than your traditional body building type workouts. It's hard, but you can do it in a gym. It is awesome. Extremely effective. Listen, it's 50% off.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Half off this month only. Here's what you do to sign up. Go to mapsstrong.com MAPS STRLNG.com and use the code strong 50 STRLNG 50 for the discount. Make sure you do it now. Justin and I were serenading Rachel this morning. Wow. We were. That's, uh, we missed our third wheel. trying to get someone to quit What's going on she said I actually had a she appreciated it fantastic. You're boss too It's harmony yeah, it's funny. I give her a raise right after that. I don't know
Starting point is 00:04:57 I know South says your voice is to you know, it's a good thing gets recorded on the podcast and you can hear yourself and you know I feel like it's got better though. You know, like he is pitch, you know, it's increased. Lessons are pain off. Lessons are pain off. No, I think it's funny. I think it's some, my ex, my, I've never talked crap about her about her right now. Not in the dressing room.
Starting point is 00:05:19 No, bro, like for actually for the first few years I was married to her, I thought that she was pretending. Yeah, you know what I mean? So she would sing a song Yeah, and I think like oh, she's just trying to sound like you know some people make fun of voices and stuff And I thought for sure she was pretending and I remember like a few a few years into our marriage She was singing and I kind of laughed. Yeah, and she's like why are you laughing? I'm like, who's you know the way you're saying? You messed around right? That's right. I'm like the way you're singing. What do you mean you're making fun of me? I'm like, could you know the way you're saying? You mess around, right? Not the way you're saying it. I'm like, the way you're saying, you're saying, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:05:47 You're making fun of me? And I'm like, and then a dawn on me. Oh wow, that's how terrible I am. I'm trying hard. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the idea. Dude, that's so funny. That reminds me of a girlfriend had,
Starting point is 00:05:57 and thankfully Courtney's like, she could pass, but like, this girl before that, we drive these long drives, because she went to Cal Poly. And as we're driving home, I hear something on the radio, like weezer or something like say a name, so it comes on. And I start saying in, we're all having a good time. And then she's saying like, hey, name so.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Like really, like just like off and all over the place. And I was like, was that serious? Like were you really trying there? We should tell old girlfriend stories, dude. I was thinking that reminds me, I've dated this girl who, I just, I've just thinking of like long drives. And I remember, some of those are fun.
Starting point is 00:06:33 I remember the first time she ever drove us somewhere this girl had dated Hemena. And she would fucking break check. Like, you ever been with someone who does that like? Oh my God. Hard, like someone who could be like a half a mile in front of you and their lights go on and they bring kill hard you're doing like 65 70 in the fast lane and they see they see the car in front like just the lights come on and then they break check every single time. Oh my god drive me crazy. We are on our way
Starting point is 00:07:01 to I think we went to a a Warriors game it was like in I don't know like an hour commute during what one of these weekdays Man, I remember I'll remember thinking to after that I was like I will never go anywhere with that girl get dry That's the whole time like my palms are all sweating from I've had that little they're in the passenger seat and they see things like happening, you know, 50 hundred yards away And they're things like happening, you know, 50, 100 yards away and they're like, whoa, my God, you're gonna stab him. Like grab my arm, like, what's going on? I'm slowing down.
Starting point is 00:07:29 It is, okay, that's every time I drive. Yeah. Is that, is that, is that infuriate you? Like it infuriates me? Because he's like, calm down. Here's, yeah, you're driving and then they freak out and then it instantly causes you to get that visceral reaction. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:44 And then you're like, what? All this time. Where the fuck up there? Hit the brakes? Yeah. You guys are riding the bike over there. Everybody calm down. Like everybody needs a relax. Jessica does not like it that I hit my brakes
Starting point is 00:07:56 and she's gonna disagree with me when she hears this. Appropriately. No, no, I gotta hit the brakes. Where the fuck before the car is gonna slow? So she's like, don't watch the brake. I'm like, listen, we got way ahead of time. Oh, she does that.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Yeah, I was crazy. She's a backseat driver. I guarantee she's listening right now, angry, because she's like, no, you don't hit him. Hey, one more time, you're riding in the trunk. That's it. We've got to fight over it. Oh, I bet.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Yeah, because I'll get mad at her, and she'll tell me I don't drive you right. I think I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can and then she'll tell me I don't a driving right I think I already doesn't have pedals like you know Maybe when you're in drivers ed and and then the other person like the instructor next to you had pedals She pushes the floor dude that used to do that she stomps at one point when I was I remember I was driving on one of those Getting my hours in and I was driving through town in capitol and there was a stop sign like happening like maybe 20 yards for me and so I've started to slowly slow down and then she stops on it.
Starting point is 00:08:47 And we stopped like 10 yards away from even where I should have stopped where the line was. And I was like, what was that? You weren't even paying attention. I'm like, of course I was paying attention. I was gradually slowing down. And so after that, I didn't even put my foot on the brake. I'll just wait, are you gonna brake? I didn't pass that my foot on the break. I'll just wait, are you gonna break? I didn't pass that day.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Oh my God. She didn't mark me off as like hours. That's a layer of what a joke. I wanted to keep that. Katrina's pretty good. She every once in a while, she'll do the, you know, scream out loud or get freaked out because she see something that maybe I didn't see
Starting point is 00:09:21 or I saw it, I just didn't, wasn't scared of it. I saw it coming. But what she does really well is that after she does that, she knows it, because I probably have a look on my face, like a real irritated look, wait, after she does that, because it does, it tenses you up. Bad. Right, really bad.
Starting point is 00:09:35 And then I'll look over at her, especially when it's not that big of a deal, you know, it's like, oh, you saw some guy, some cyclist, two blocks up, or whatever. She normally immediately goes like, I'm sorry, sorry, I just, Oh no, driving is a point of tension for for Jessica and I like she she'll like to put her foot up on the dash she's real flexible right so she likes to peter and I tell her I said do you know what would happen yeah yeah I'm like if we crashed and the airbag came out and your foot was on top
Starting point is 00:10:00 of there do you know where your foot would end up your leg you would end up with your hip would end up with next to your ear. Don't put your feet up and she's like, well then don't look at your phone. I'm like, but I'm a stoplight and then we argue. Okay. Okay. I'm a day in the life right now.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Yeah. That's all, that's all I think we all have that. Anyway, so you know, I was at home the other day and I couldn't find my Felix Grae's and I had this old pair of blue blockers. And so I put them on and it made me realize like those other blue blockers suck. They're fucking the orange tint that they have.
Starting point is 00:10:32 You can't see. It just starts everything. Watching TV is a pain in the ass in them because everything then turns orange. Can you explain the difference that because we actually just, I just got a DM and I promised that I would, I would look it up and I reached out to Rachel. I actually think she sent something over to me and I didn't get a chance to open it about that because I've gotten messages before.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Why is it these blue blockers don't have orange lenses? Well, the way that the less, I should say, the less quality or the cheaper type of blue blocker glasses work is they use like a really heavy yellow or orange-ish tint that will block blue light. So that's how they block the blue light. They have this really, really heavy tint. So you put them on the really, they're the really dorky orange looking glasses where the
Starting point is 00:11:17 whole world looks orange because you're blocking out the blue light. But the way that Felix Gray works and the reason why they're blowing up is they develop this proprietary lens that uses this pigment that's naturally occurring in human eyes, and they're able to integrate them into the lens that blocks the blue light but doesn't change the color of what you're seeing. So Felix Gray's got two types of glasses, right? They have the daytime ones and the nighttime ones. The daytime ones block out a decent portion
Starting point is 00:11:53 of the blue light that you're gonna get from electronics, but not too much. And what I mean by that is you wanna block out a lot of blue light when you're getting ready for bed, but you don't wanna block out all the blue light when you're up, because then it tells your brain to fall asleep. In fact, if you wear really, really powerful blue blockers all day long, you'll find that you're kind of sleepy throughout the day. So their daytime ones are designed for day use. They're designed to be able to work on a computer,
Starting point is 00:12:16 avoid eye strain, avoid headaches, avoid some of the damaging effects of blue light without making you feel like you're going to fall asleep. The nighttime ones are the strong ones that block out more of the blue light. Those are the ones that tell your brain that you're, you know, it's time to get ready for bed. Those are the ones I use mostly because I'm not on a computer every single day when I am or the daytime ones, but at night I wear the stronger ones to tell my brain. I've got the habit of wearing the daytime ones a lot. In fact, someone messaged on one of my Instagram posts where I wear them stronger ones to tell my brain. I've got the habit of wearing the daytime ones a lot. In fact, someone messaged on one of my Instagram posts
Starting point is 00:12:48 because I wear them quite often now. Anytime that we're good, too. Yeah, well, they're stylish. And the fact if I'm working, I'm always on my phone. I'm like staring at, to me, that strains my eyes more. Anything is staring at that little screen. That's worse than even the computer or the TV I feel like. So I try and always now, I mean, I'm not wearing them right now. We're not on computers with that, but I've
Starting point is 00:13:07 got them with me. And when we sit down and if I start doing work on my phone or the computer, I'll put them on in the daytime and I'll wear them all day. When the sun goes down, I switch over to my dark ones. I got to get better at that. Yeah, because I've, you know, stopped the habit of even wearing my glasses, like when I'm reading my phone and when I'm on the computer and my eyes, like even just reading the screen here in the studio, like I can't like really make it out very well anymore either.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Well, you actually didn't you order just recently the prescription ones didn't you? Yeah, I'm waiting for that to come in. I can't wait because then, you know, I can get maybe a little bit less of the eye strain from the blue light specifically and also like, because I need, I need glasses, dude, I have to like admit that I'm old and fucking my eyes are shitty.
Starting point is 00:13:48 You guys see that they're also, they're making them for kids now. Yes, that's so cool. So here's the crazy thing, I remember, see, I was like three years ago when people were talking about, you know, wearing glasses to block blue light. And, you know, three, four years ago, I thought it was hokey,
Starting point is 00:14:05 like whatever, stupid, I don't know where glasses, whatever. But then the science was coming out and like the melatonin production alone can be cut down by more than half by because you're being exposed to blue light before going to bed. Simply wearing blue light blocking glasses will dramatically in some cases, increase your
Starting point is 00:14:25 melatonin production by something like 90%. Now, why is that important? Well, melatonin is a hormone produced when you're sleep, it's anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, it's essential for quality sleep, it's an essential hormone. Now, children, I would surmise or even more susceptible to just like they are to anything else. They're just more sensitive And kids nowadays are on electronics all the damn bar did with so I give my kids adult
Starting point is 00:14:52 I have the adult Felix Grace didn't have the kids ones so my kids were the big ones Whenever they're watching TV or whatever at night. That's great. So not that kids. Yeah, dude It's important because kids are on these fucking they're only screens all the time. Yeah. And here's the thing, it's not, some people don't go to sleep. But you may be one of these people that get, goes to sleep and wakes up and is like, I don't, I don't need to worry about blue light. I go to sleep. You don't realize that there's a difference between quality sleep and just regular sleep. And you don't notice the difference until you experience quality sleep. And then you wake up and you go,
Starting point is 00:15:26 oh, that's different. Like, I feel way more rested, way different than, you know, how I did before. Just still that, like, that subtle subconscious alertness, like, you know, you realize it's still there like before you turn asleep. It reminds me of, like, when I would take a client and I'd have them clean up their diet,
Starting point is 00:15:43 and then they would go eat out with their friends and eat shitty food or whatever and be like, and then they'd come back and be like, man, I felt terrible after eating that pizza. Like, you know, why did I feel so bad eating that pizza? I'm like, that's how you used to always feel. You just didn't realize it because you were always in that state.
Starting point is 00:15:58 So I think people have such, I think we're chronically, we have just chronic terrible sleep most people. Even just because you knock yourself out, because you're, you know, taking a sleeping pillar because you're so exhausted that you fall asleep, doesn't mean you have quality sleep. There's a big difference. And trust me, when you start experiencing the other side, way different. And I bet you that bad sleep is probably for a lot of people, one of the major reasons
Starting point is 00:16:22 why they feel anxious or depressed. Like, I know I do. If I don't get good sleep, I start to notice I'm feeling just irritable. Oh, it bleeds into everything you're doing. Yeah, everything. Dude, you know I love about summer? Grilling.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Like, I dude, outside it's finally like warm outside, I can finally get in my element, dude. I don't have like a real fancy one set up like you Adam or anything. Still, I run into little Weber. Are you using charcoal up like you Adam or anything. You know, it's still like running the little Weber. Are you using charcoal or do you use the gas? I charcoal. Oh, just because the flavor though, right?
Starting point is 00:16:50 I don't know. There's something like... Does that take a long time to set up and stuff though? Yeah, it does. I have one of those coffee cans. Yeah, whatever the fuck you call it. But yeah, you put all the coals in there and then light it with the newspaper. And I do it the old school way. So I don't use a lot of lyre fluid or any of that kind of stuff. So what did you light it? It's em, I'm an idiot that I don't really know what the hell is it
Starting point is 00:17:10 You light it and the whole can thing. How long does that take? Yeah, so that probably takes maybe like five to minutes for it to you know All the coals get nice and hot and then you put it in and they put the grill over the top and then I clean the grill and do that whole thing That's it. Okay. Yeah, it's not bad. I'm gonna get a Weber. It's super simple, dude. I mean, you can take the things to the be- Well, you should probably start with like a gas. I do have gas.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Okay, that's what I use. Gas is like just hit like, I don't know if you're ready. I don't know if you're ready for the Weber. Yeah, well, it tastes so much better. Your hands get dirty, so that it does. It does, it takes a little more skill though. What you cook up. So I got, so the flat iron steak from Butcherbox, they have-
Starting point is 00:17:44 I just ordered that dude You know, it's great to do with that was like carne asada and I Courtney had this idea of like You know doing that and putting the marinade on it. So you know olive oil like garlic Cloves like all kinds of long did you leave it in the marinade for we leave it in there for a couple hours So she did that ahead of time and then I took it out. And so there's a few strips of it. It wasn't like one big long. So sometimes we'll go to the grocery store
Starting point is 00:18:08 and we'll get like a really flat, you know, like skirt steak or something like that. That's a big piece. So it was nice. It was actually there was a couple. I had like three or four of them. And then I took them out. And then so what you do is you char both sides.
Starting point is 00:18:21 And it cooks pretty fast because it's a thin piece of meat. Right, right. But dude, the flavor and everything and like it just like. What did you use it? you do is you char both sides. And it cooks pretty fast because it's a thin piece of meat. But dude, the flavor and everything, and it's just like, what did you use it? I mean, did you just cut it up and eat it? Raylor, did you mix it with anything? Where would you? Yeah, so when you cut it to,
Starting point is 00:18:34 you kind of cut it at a diagonal. And then you kind of shave it off the top and chop it down like that. And then we just put it in tacos. I was gonna say, yeah, so you did tacos. Yeah, we did tacos and then did it. You guys do this off to the heart. It's a personal question. Oh wow. Yeah. It's a personal question. It's like 12. Yeah, I like it. I kind of like a soft and then it.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Yeah, start soft. Start soft. Yeah, I know where to record. Do you can't recover from that? I can't. I'm sorry. I fucked myself on that one. But yeah, like I, it's, I'm trying to stay away from all flour and all that shit with the, you know, my issues. So yeah, we had, we had some good corn tortillas that we put on there and- Did you see my- What are the macros on flank is supposed to be one of the leanest ones, right Adam?
Starting point is 00:19:19 Uh, I don't know if it's one of the leanest. I, no, it's not. Fale would be, a flamin' on, it would be one of the leanest that you're doing. Yeah, there's some fat. But it's, I mean, I guess it's leaner than rib eye, right? I love flamin' on it. It's leaner than tri-tip, but it's not like a flailene
Starting point is 00:19:36 or like a top sirloin lean. Those are leaner cuts and that is. I love flamin' that's when you go to, you do like a breakfast place and they'll give you steak and eggs. Oftentimes the steak is flank, right? Yeah, oftentimes. I would think, yeah, dude, but I forgot all about carne asada, like, because we ordered all the time over at Luna or something I got. And I'm just like, dude, when you make it yourself,
Starting point is 00:19:55 totally different story. Oh, do you guys both follow my brother-in-law, Tom? Do you guys follow him on Instagram? Did you see what he did yesterday? Did you see what big ass thing of meat? Yeah, eight hours. He cooked man, he got down on the his tacos. Is he using butcher box too? Or is he going with the regular? I can ask Cassie if they use butcher box.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I don't know if they do or not. I know they have. I don't know if that cut was from butcher box, but I know that she's used it before. I've gotten out of the point where I can perceive now the quality of meat pretty dang well without knowing. Like I ate over my parents' house for Father's Day, my dad grilled up just a bunch of grocery store,
Starting point is 00:20:31 you know, meat or whatever, grain fed, whatever. And you can, I can tell now. Now I can tell, I look at it, and now I'm starting to associate the grass fed with just better. So now I'm not, although grain fed meat, it's a different taste. It tastes good, right?
Starting point is 00:20:44 The fat, it's got more fat and and stuff. But it's, I'm starting, although grain fed meat is a different taste. It tastes good, right? It's got more fat and and stuff. But I'm starting to look at and realize it's not as good the quality is as good. Oh yeah, I've grown to appreciate it for sure. Yeah, totally. Total box quality. Dude, quality meat, let me just tell you something.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Like I've been looking out, reaching out recently for some quality meat for our maps program. What? What? What? What? I need to find a guy. You know some quality meat for our maps program I need to find a guy I'm looking at I'm looking for some quality meat out there No, like I've been having a hard time because I mean we have good models that have come through and helped but I
Starting point is 00:21:25 Have like some some good female models. I've used that are very consistent, and the guys are inconsistent. So I've been trying to slide the DMs to some views. So we need some male models to shoot for our maps program. Yeah, and what kind of look are we looking for right now? Pretty much like a superhero. Okay. No, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Like this is my problem. I don't know how to articulate. Well, athletic and functional. I'll let like you got to have good mechanics like You got to obviously be like just live and breathing fitness. Well, that's what I feel like it's been the biggest challenge Yeah, yeah, cuz we'll get the muscular models and have terrible mobility. Yeah, you know wait now We're looking now we pay them so people need to know this. We're paying models. Where are they? Where should they contact if they're interested?
Starting point is 00:22:08 They should contact. I'm gonna give you your cell phone number. I know. Hey, if you got meat, 408, five, five, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, email me just in the at Mindpoint Media.com. Okay, so and these are models for the maps. Throw in a casting angle. Are we doing this for maps, programs, or for the guides are all. Yeah, all in general. I mean, so we've been on kind of a mission
Starting point is 00:22:34 to reface everything, make it all kind of look a little bit more presentable to the mass market out there and compete with your beach bodies and everything else that exists out there. So we're trying to help our game. And so I'm just looking for, you know, the good fit for that. But that's the,
Starting point is 00:22:50 so they should email you like pictures, right? Yeah. If I'm sliding, you guys, the DM dude, that's all business related, okay? Like don't get all excited. Hey, well, speaking of beef and male models, I guess. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Yeah. More, let's keep going this direction. I've got some beef for you. Now listen to this. This is like a, this has got to be one of my pet peeves right here. Oh yeah, I like it when Adam's irritated. I do, this is just, this is just like, and I always wonder like how many fucking people like really fall for this and actually buy into this shit. And I, for them, I don't spend very much time when I come across this
Starting point is 00:23:27 because I just don't have time to fucking hate on somebody and what they're doing. But I did read a few of the comments to see, are people like buying into this bullshit or what? So I'm going to read, like literally verbatim, a post, you know, made by a men's physique champion, right? Who is now picked up, I don't know, his second or third, maybe the fourth since I've known him, supplement line that he's running. And the caption is, I've been getting a handful of DMs that people ask me, what new sub-stack is now that I'm taking, which I was probably a bunch of horseshit.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Nobody's DMing me. Yeah, I'm rough. Nobody asked you, bro. Nobody asked you what you're taking, right? Here's what a pond waking up. Listen to all this and then you guys give me feedback, right? Upon waking up, one scoop of BCAAEAA cotton candy. One pill of one pill. Oh, no, bro, you better hang on tight here, okay? This is just a pond waking up. Okay, so it's already good. Right. Pond waking up, one scoop of BCAAEAA cotton candy. One pill of shredded is fuck best fat burner available.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Two pills of alpha natural testosterone booster in estrogen blocker. Pre workout, three quarter scooped of Amt AF, warning very strong. One scoop of adabolic, one scoop of pumped is fuck. Then they're going into intro workout, intro workout, one and a half scoops adabolic, key for massive pumps, then it's post workout,
Starting point is 00:24:49 post workouts, two scoops away isolate, one scoop of BCAA, and then pre-bed, one scoop of rested as fuck grow while you sleep. Oh my God, you know I was just keistered that. You just gave me diarrhea, at least. That, that, first of all, who is it? Yeah, I don't want to just, as fuck. It's a men's physique champion. It's gotta be isn't I'm not gonna say who I'm My my my reason of bringing this up is a champion staff. I'm sure people listening right now
Starting point is 00:25:15 I'm sure someone could be any number of them because a lot of them are idiots. So right first of all No, dude. Just like take everything. Yeah, first of all. No, you don't take all that stuff I like how he says testosterone booster because he's on fucking steroids. Why would you take it testosterone booster? A natural testosterone. Get the fuck out of here. He doesn't take all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:34 And all that stuff, if you took all of that in one day, you would wreck your gut. You would wreck your gut. Yeah, no, it's garbage. B-C-A-A, you got the cotton candy B-C-A's. Well, I mean, here's the thing in this, right? Like, whatever, pre-workout, you know, to each their own, we've talked about that before, but you can't say his name, huh? The way I don't need to. I already know how to have the people have to
Starting point is 00:25:55 read this guy's posts. Sure. I'm with Schmidt. Yeah. It's got a fucking million plus followers. But you've got, you've got, you're taking, first of all, branch-chain amino acids. We've covered, we've covered this before.. You know acids. We've got shmendi We've cut we've covered this before Justin stop it. We've covered this before okay branch. You know amino acids borderline complete waste of money unless unless you're not eating protein Right, which we're this person's definitely not missing protein You know saying this person not missing protein All so and you're and you're taking it twice in a day,
Starting point is 00:26:25 that's just ridiculous. Then the very nap, like a huge funnel, that is just like pours it all in his face. The very next supplement is fat burner, which, stop. Fat burner still exists. They don't, yeah, they don't do shit. Yeah, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Abs, absolutely crap. Then you take a natural test booster, which we've discussed before, if you don't have abnormally low testosterone, right, you are, if you don't have abnormally low, then a natural test austro booster will do absolutely nothing for you. So especially if you're this guy, and I know who it is now, because I found him, who is on anabolic, a lot of anabolic steroids, taking a testosterone booster makes absolute zero sense. Zero sense.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Nothing. None whatsoever. He's lying. And then you have the pre workout, okay, whatever, caffeine get high. Stimulant time. I'm fine with that. One scoop of adabolic.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I don't know what adabolic is. It's pre workout stuff. Oh, I looked up to ingredients. Adda, like ATTA. No, ADA. Yeah, I got the ingredients are, it's got bullshit in it. Artificial sweeteners. Oh, bullshit. And promised false dreams. Promise. It's still false dreams. Basically, you get muscle deflator. And then it's probably a nitrogoccy, I think, is it's called pumped as fuck. Great branding here too.
Starting point is 00:27:45 There's a lot of as fucks in there. And then intro workout, one and a half scoops of adabolic, again, more for, I guess more of this pump stuff. So the scoop you took before the workout wasn't enough, you got to take it halfway through the workout again to get more of it. And then the post workout, two scoops of way, I mean, I can get down with some way protein. That's fine. But then another scoop of how funny is this? Two scoops of way isolate after you've already taken your BCAs this morning. And then you're gonna run back BCAs again after that. Like, what are you doing? Nothing. He's not doing any of that.
Starting point is 00:28:17 All he did was, and then don't forget, you're taking one scoop of rested, which I'm assuming is your case scene protein for slopes or it's probably got like jinky larganine okay, let me guess it's got arganine and al dopa and other things that are supposed to increase your, you know, serotonin or whatever what you're sleeping.
Starting point is 00:28:37 It's all garbage. Hilarious. You know what it is? So much. Here's what these guys do. Please, this is 100% what they do, okay? And if you're one of these guys and you're like, eh, I'm still angry, my name's stuck in shit.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Please contact me, we'll talk about this, we'll record it. So you could try to defend yourself. I promise you'll sound like an idiot though, but whatever, I'm warning you, so let's go into this. Wow, go into this. But 100% what they do is they try to figure out ways to throw in as much shit as possible in one day.
Starting point is 00:29:07 And so they're like, this is what I use throughout the day. And it's like, they named every supplement from this company that's sponsoring them. And I wanna be clear that I think me sharing that part of why I wasn't trying to roll the person, the name under the bus is, I wanted to use an example of somebody I know
Starting point is 00:29:22 that has millions of people that are looking up to them because there was a day when I was one of those kids There was a day that I was 19 years old and I was looking at somebody who had a physique that I was Abs I admired and I and I wanted to look like and I was working my ass off in the gym And if he told me that he was taking all those supplements I too would think that I need to take those supplements if I one day want to look like him. So the purpose is not to hate, the purpose is not to talk shit or throw shade on somebody else and how they how they do business or how they make money, even though I think it's
Starting point is 00:29:53 a fucking terrible way to have to make money. But it's really more to enlighten the kids that are following these pages, thinking that these things really matter. These things do not matter. All the clients that I've ever trained and all the results and bodies that I've sculpted and changed over the 20 years, none of them, none of them have ever been because of supplements
Starting point is 00:30:15 because I got my clients taking some pre, post workout, and none of that at all. You sound pipe dreams. No, it's just, it's, how would you, now imagine this, imagine some 17 year old kid is following this moron and is like, oh, okay, I need to take all this stuff. And so what they do is they take exactly that.
Starting point is 00:30:35 They saved up their money. They buy, I don't know how much that's gonna cost. Which is exactly gonna happen. Yeah, $500 with the supplements or whatever. And they take it all. Now, let me ask you guys, and be honest, do you think they're gonna feel good taking all those supplements every day?
Starting point is 00:30:49 Do you think their health is gonna get better or do you think it's gonna get worse? Yeah. Yeah, sure, here and there, it's not a problem, but you throw that much shit at yourself with just a bunch of fillers and artificial sweeteners and shit, and you do it all day long. You're gonna fuck your gut up.
Starting point is 00:31:03 I'm speaking from personal experience. Well, that's what I know. And I think that the passion behind all this, and I just wanna, I want people to understand that. It's not, I think when, even here in you guys right now, listening to you get all fired up, and it's like, it's not coming at the person as much as it is. There's passion behind that because we all
Starting point is 00:31:23 fucked ourselves up doing that, and spent a lot of wasted money. Yeah. When I didn't have the money to waste, like, and that's kind of what I tell people now, it's like, Hey, if you got fuck you money, and you want to throw away $500 and you're not worried about your gut health and you're, and you want to try things out and, Hey, to each their own go for it. But do not think that you need to take any of that stuff to build an incredible physique.
Starting point is 00:31:43 You can never take any of that and, build an incredible physique. You could never take any of that and train correctly, eat correctly, and you'll build just as good of a physique. Now, not as good as physique as a guy who we're talking about right now because he is on tons of antibiotics, so you would have to also take antibiotics. But let me tell you, his diet, his discipline, and his antibiotics is the reason he looks that way. It's not because anything to do with any of those supplements, you could pull all those supplements out,
Starting point is 00:32:08 keep his training the same, keep his diet the same, and a steroids stack the same, and he would look exactly the fucking same. Could you imagine if you took all the money that you spent as a kid on garbage like that, and you invested it in like a good training coach? You imagine if you hired a strength coach, like someone was, or a down payment on a house.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Yeah. Yeah. First exactly. You would have saved money, first of all, because it would have been cheaper, and you would have gotten way better results. Or even if you just invested in a good fitness program, or you spent it on like a really good gym
Starting point is 00:32:37 with a personal trainer or something like that, or just quality food, like, hey, let me think, I'm spending $200 a month on supplements. What if I took that $200 and bought like steak? I just can't wait until it dies that it doesn't make sense for those guys to post like that. Because the reason why it exists is because the consumer keeps spending the money. Yeah, it works because somebody is using his code and buying $500 a sub months every single
Starting point is 00:33:04 month. And that's happening to probably hundreds of people are continuing to do that. And it's funding these people and it's making a case for while these sub-mantig companies keep pushing it, while these young Instagram celebrities keep using it as a way of making money is because you all keep buying it. Like once everybody stops buying it and buying in the bull bullshit, it'll die.
Starting point is 00:33:26 But until we get savvy and we learn that it has nothing to do with their results, that stuff's gonna keep happening. So we want to buy it, bro, because we want the pill that does all that shit. You want to believe so badly that the answer to your problems is just a scoop of, you know, a scoop away.
Starting point is 00:33:43 A cotton candy powder. Hold the pill away. Like, you know, a scoop away. Cotton candy powder, all the way. Just a pill away. Like, you just snore in blow. Like, you know what's crazy? Like, I've been trying to work out for years and I just can't build any muscle. And, you know what's crazy?
Starting point is 00:33:55 I discovered the answer and the answer is in this tasty cotton candy flavor drink on top of it. Oh my God, you know, it's not gonna happen, but we want to believe it. It's just from cotton candy. We want to believe it so bad, you know what I mean? And the worst thing about it is people are going to spend all their time and money thinking that's important
Starting point is 00:34:12 and not spending time and money on the things that really are important. And so then they end up with not just not getting good results, but they actually end up with health problems as a result. Speaking of poor health, just read this fascinating article on chronic inflammation. Trip off this, right? So, you know, when you're feeling kind of sick and inflamed, how you just want to stay at home and you don't want to do much and don't want to move or whatever. Evolutionarily
Starting point is 00:34:38 speaking, scientists think this makes sense. Like, if you're sick, it makes sense to isolate yourself so that you don't spread the disease to other people. And this is why we do this. But they're trying to figure out why. Like what are the actual mechanisms that are happening? And they find is that chronic motivation reduces, dramatically reduces dopamine in the brain. So if your health is kind of off
Starting point is 00:35:02 and you've got slightly elevated levels of inflammation because a poor diet or lack of sleep, your dopamine levels are plummet. And you'll find that you'll be less productive, less motivated because dopamine is what gives you that drive to want to do things. And you'll find that chronic inflammation just makes you less motivated. Overall, as it too doesn't want to like expend energy in In other directions and conserve it all to really kind of fight the the inflammation. I think internally I think your body needs more energy to heal
Starting point is 00:35:36 Rather than giving you energy to do other things, but I mean crazy, right? So if you you know if you're somebody and you're like Thinking yourself like I used to be such a motivated person. I used to be so driven and for whatever reason I just don't feel like I used to I would examine your overall health and see if things like getting better sleep getting better diet lowering your naturally lowering your inflammation it will get that natural you know feeling of motivation and drive to go back out. This is how I felt yesterday, man. I felt, I just was, I didn't have any motivation. I came home and ideally I've found that like it's best for me to, before I even had home to get my workout in here, or else it's really tough to motivate me to come back
Starting point is 00:36:17 or leave the house, right? And so I got home last night and I told the trainer, I'm like, man, I told myself that I wanted to start the week off where I get a really good training session in today and I just didn't feel like it. I'm like, God, man, I told myself that I wanted to start the week off where I get a really good training session in today and I just didn't feel like it. I'm like, you know what, I'm gonna go, but I'm gonna go down to golds because I haven't gone down and lived to down there
Starting point is 00:36:32 or what's now American barbell. And, you know, on the way there, I've got my like rock playlist. I'm getting my- Doing everything. Yeah, I've done everything. All the things I can go back is full. Literally, Daring.
Starting point is 00:36:42 But I mean, I think it's, I wanted to share this with the audience just because, I mean, I think I like to think I'm a fitness guy. We're all fitness guys, but even to us, there's moments like this where I just, I wanted to just get on the couch and do nothing and just relax and call it a day, but I had already committed to myself
Starting point is 00:37:03 that I'm gonna have a really good week of training and part of that having a really good week of training is making sure I get Monday. I could a really good lift in on Monday to start my week off. It just makes a big difference for me. And so, even though I came home and I was planning, I'm like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:37:16 And I know it's like the worst time to lift around four or five o'clock in the evening because everybody's there. It's like, it doesn't matter. I'm not gonna let those excuse give my way. And then I head to the gym. Here's an example of a time I take a pre workout. So I've got my pre workout, I'm drinking on the way over there. I can't remember you just some dopamine.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Yeah, I'm trying to, right? And I'm cranking the rock music on the way. And I tell you what, I had a phenomenal workout last night. And it does remind me, and this is where I think we're all a little bit different, because I know you guys like to train at home or like your privacy and hearing stuff. There's something about being in that atmosphere
Starting point is 00:37:47 and I don't know if it just, it brings me back to being an old trainer day or it's getting ready for a show stuff. But when I get in that atmosphere of the gym packed and all the meat heads walking around it, it gets me, it gets me, I like being around meat heads. It gets me going and it makes me, it makes me wanna train and not store a stop,
Starting point is 00:38:08 a few shorts, a few reps short of a set. Like I put it in the extra effort. It's, you know, so. How do I feel today? I feel great today. Yeah, I feel really good today and I'm glad that I went and did that. So, you know, sometimes that helps
Starting point is 00:38:22 just to change the atmosphere. It's also part of why Katrina hates me for spending having like 10 times. I do, I do. I do the same thing. Every time she goes to the account, she questions it every time. Why are you paying for this? Tell me when the last time you went there.
Starting point is 00:38:37 It doesn't matter. I might want to be able to do it. And this is the example. This is why I don't kid stuff. Hey, it's worth it, bro. It's worth it, too. No, yesterday. Yes, should don't kid. It's guy, bro. It's worth it to you. No, yesterday. Totally right off.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yes, should I go home and I told Jessica I'm like, I want a fucking hardcore workout today. So get ready. She's like, okay. So I get home and I get the perfect playlist. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Say hello. Say hello. Say hello. No, so I get home and in my, the way I like to work out And yeah No, so I get home and in my the way I like to work out of my garage is different than like to work on the gym when I go to a gym I like to do high volume
Starting point is 00:39:15 I like to hypertrophy connect to muscle squeeze get a good pump, you know do stuff that I don't have access to when I work out my garage It's like it's old old school caveman style. So literally what I did was I picked one major muscle, one major exercise per muscle group, five sets, five reps. Heavy, hard, plate metal. It was hot because it's in the my garage. So it was hot outside.
Starting point is 00:39:41 So I'm sweating and oh, fuck, I love those workouts. Oh, I love them, dude, they're just so fucking just angry. The problem with them though is if I train heavy too often, it hurts my joints. I can't do that shit all the time. I started the what's that called Mark Bells, the sleeve that goes over for benching. Plank shot for benching.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Yeah, I started to really enjoy using that because of that simple fact, because I would use the bench and just get after it, you know, and then after I would just be like, oh my God, my shoulders hurt. Dying. And I started using that like when I would get, you know, up and wait and I was doing like one or two reps
Starting point is 00:40:20 and that's been saving my ass, dude. But yeah, I started getting into that mode where I just wanna kill, kill, kill. And then like one of my kids will come in and start doing like, gymnastic ring flips and things next to me. I'm just like, ah! Ah!
Starting point is 00:40:33 Like out of here! That is busy! It's dangerous. Yeah, yeah, I don't wanna hit you with something. It's not safe in here, right? Yes, I might need a gym access, too. Yeah, that's fun. Anyway, did you guys see the other article?
Starting point is 00:40:45 Dude, here's one of the things I love about our private forum. More than anything is, I don't have to look for articles anymore. I sort of got at least, people ask me all the time, where do you get your articles or where do you read your research? Like people share them in our forum. Somebody shared the other day a breakthrough. Now this could very well be one of the greatest breakthroughs of our time.
Starting point is 00:41:07 What? Yes. I did not see this. Yes. Scientists were able to use gut bacteria to convert type A blood, type B blood, and type AB blood into O. What?
Starting point is 00:41:19 They were able to convert all the other types of blood into the universal type of, because you know, type O blood is universal. It's the most wanted because everybody can use it. Yeah. Regardless of what your type O negative is at the, I don't know, I don't know exactly. But anyway, what they did is by using gut bacteria,
Starting point is 00:41:40 they were able to convert, they alter it? To alter it. Wow. I don't understand. Well, so... Spin it together or... So blood types are just differentiated
Starting point is 00:41:49 by the kinds of sugar that's found on the surface of the red blood cells. Okay. And type O has no sugars. And so they, in the past, they were trying to use enzymes that could remove the sugars, they're turning them into type O. So the bacteria's like eating it?
Starting point is 00:42:03 Yeah, but the problem is that the enzymes would destroy the blood. They couldn't figure out how to do it. So, they looked into the digestive tract, and they found that bacterial enzymes found in feces strip the sugars from the lining to aid in digestion in your gut, and the same bacteria are working on the blood. So, is this a very effective, now that they've discovered this, they have to find that way to be able to do it effectively
Starting point is 00:42:31 and cheaply on mass. But this can be able to replicate this process. Yes, but they have yet to do it on a large scale or be able to do it in a way where it's usable. It's just a new way of converting blood into Typhoon. That's huge. It could be massive. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:48 It could be easy. Yeah, because that's always like, I mean, trying to find the right match a lot of times is, I mean, it's paramount to just keep people alive. Speaking of ground breaking, you guys see what Facebook announced today. No. That was literally today. They revealed it's a long way to cryptocurrency plans. Cryptocurrency plans.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Yep. So they're calling it Project Libra. It's a new type of digital money designed for the billions of people using its apps and social network. If the plan is successful users will soon be able to shop with and send stuff all through social media platforms using this new currency. And they've already got... So they have their own currency.
Starting point is 00:43:24 They're not allowing the use of other cryptos? Well, so it'll be a variety of other merchants, like Uber, Spotify, MasterCard, you'll be able to use their money to buy all these things. So right now I think they have close to like 100 different companies like the Uber's, the Spotify's, MasterCards that are on board with it, which means that it would be able to transfer it to that also.
Starting point is 00:43:45 So if you had a master card and you also own Libra cryptocurrency, you could pay down your master card with your cryptocurrency. And or buy music on iTunes and things like that. So they've already, and by 2020, they're hoping that they've got thousands of people that will, or companies that will join. So how is this gonna work?
Starting point is 00:44:01 Is this like you buy them with your normal money and then you have their credit? How does that work? Yeah, it's the same way that you buy crypto right now. So it tokens at Chuck E.G. Kind of like kind of. So what would be the benefit? I get confused sometimes.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Well, I do too. Well, it'll be, it's gonna make things so much faster and streamless and more protected, right? So you're more protected with it. It'll be quicker the way you'll be able to do it. I mean, that's what we're doing. We're just moving to this faster, more convenient way of purchasing. I mean, you've seen it already. This transition we've made in the last five years. Don't you guys think it's crazy? How quick? I mean, I was literally today. This is what I was doing today. Today, I bought a pair of,
Starting point is 00:44:40 you know, retro rebox. We're just? How you started? Shut up, shut up. Okay, shut up. That's beside the point. I bought a stormtrooper helmet, so I can't say anything. What? Yeah, I did. You guys are into some weird sex. Well, you know what, but this is a good example
Starting point is 00:44:56 though, so I've called me out like that because it's true. So not the joys we're looking for. I've made a point to not buy sneakers anymore yet they still got me this morning because I'm just, you know, I'm scrolling on Instagram, up pops in my feed, this outfit, I liked it,
Starting point is 00:45:10 clicked on it, goes to a page, I go to the page of the brand or whatever, and I go, I don't know, I'm scrolling through a few, I'm like, oh, I've been wanting to get a pair of these classic Reeboks. I click on it, and you can, it literally from the picture on Instagram, it clicks, sends me right to the website,
Starting point is 00:45:28 to buy, double click on my iPhone. It's already in my, you know, my address and that, it's being shipped to my house in two days. Yeah. Wow. It's all snap of the finger. Yeah, my face ID's me real quick
Starting point is 00:45:38 to authenticate the purchase. Boom done. It's being shipped to my house. Wow. I mean, so we're just, it's just gonna get quicker and easier to wear. I mean, I foresee us being able to triple hit something. And are you sure you wanna buy?
Starting point is 00:45:52 I can't wait till you say yes or feeding. I wonder if like, like brick and mortar stores will be like that. When you walk in, you look at stuff and you'll pick something up, you'll be like, I want this double tap. It's already in your cart. It's already been purchased.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Yeah. And then you leave. You have to wait lying on your eyes and all this I mean it's the future man we're living in the future is here here Quake call I'm going for everything Max
Starting point is 00:46:16 Quake Today's calls brought to you by Max and a Bollock if you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength Max and a Bollock is the perfect place to start. With a full 30-day money back guarantee, there is absolutely zero risk. So what is your waiting for? Go to mindprominion.com and get started today!
Starting point is 00:46:35 It's the motherfucking qual! Eagle is landed! Quique-qual. First question is from Adrian. What is the best rest time in between sets for building muscle? Best rest time. If you look at the studies,
Starting point is 00:46:51 the studies are pretty clear and they'll tell you that yeah, 90 seconds to two and a half, maybe even three minutes, is ideal for building muscle. But, right, there's a big butt. Naviat. And that just from the muscle growth. Not my butt. Boom.
Starting point is 00:47:07 But anyway, here's the big, here's the butt here. It depends on, a lot of it depends on what your body's used to. So now if you compare head to head, rest periods, and you compare 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 90 seconds, 120 seconds, or whatever, and you compare them, the longer rest periods, up to a certain point, do build more muscle. They allow for more ATP to be replenished. That's the muscle energy that you use when you lift.
Starting point is 00:47:33 They allow you lift heavier weights, and that tends to contribute to more muscle growth. The problem is, if you stick to a rest period for too long, your body gets adapted to it and gets used to it, and switching out of that oftentimes triggers new muscle growth. I remember experiencing this for myself, for me too. As a kid, I remember reading the magazines and all the magazines said for mass,
Starting point is 00:47:56 you know, rest two to three minutes between sets and lift heavy. And so I did that on all sets, two to three minutes, heavy, that's how I train. And I remember talking to a friend of mine who was relatively muscular, and he says, yeah, no, I only rest about 30 seconds, and I get better pumps.
Starting point is 00:48:13 And I remember trying it out, and my body just responded, and I built muscle. And it wasn't because the 30-second rest was superior, because my body wasn't used to it. Right. And the same rule applies if you're somebody who loves to like circuit train. If you're somebody who always does the 30 second or less type of rest periods and you go
Starting point is 00:48:30 boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, you're hopping around and you're doing supersets. One of the best things that person can do are short, I mean long rest periods and these heavy, heavy sets, right, where you just do five by five and you rest for two or three minutes. Like that person will end up piling on a bunch of muscles just because their body is so adapted to the 30-second rest period. So typically what I would tell somebody when someone asks me a question like this, I before I respond, I say, what are you currently doing? And then whatever they're currently doing, I tell them like the furthest thing from that, right? So whatever's the most... So if someone's resting 60 seconds,
Starting point is 00:49:06 let's just say, and that's what they do consistently. And I tell them to start resting for 90 seconds, not gonna feel a big difference. But I tell that person to rest three minutes, that person will see a big difference. Or I tell that person to only rest 15 seconds, big difference. And both changing that rest period to either north or south will stimulate
Starting point is 00:49:26 more muscle growth because it's a new adaptation. I would say 90% of people have talked to you. Like I'm usually trying to give them the rest longer. Yeah, just because of like the prevailing idea of how to build muscle out there is like usually in a circuit based kind of a training situation where there's like, you're really cutting out the rest and you're trying to build in this cardiovascular field
Starting point is 00:49:46 to it as well and also just getting the pump and supersetting all the time and really cutting that time in between short. And it's harder to rest because if your mentality is you're in there to beast out, resting seems counterintuitive. Especially today, and we live in the CrossFit era. Before that, I don't know, maybe not so much,
Starting point is 00:50:07 but it's become so popular now to do build these little strength circuits where you have pull-ups, dead lifts, push-ups, and a kettlebell swing, and you do these round robin' circuits with no rest in between exercises. Because that shit's hard. Oh yeah, what am I going to say? One of my favorite things is to take an X crossfitter
Starting point is 00:50:25 and put them through like a powerlifting type of a protocol and give them long rest periods and watch them blow up. So yeah, yeah, yeah. I, I even like mixing things up sometimes because traditionally you would consider long rest periods with really, really heavy weight. But I like to do this sometimes too. I'll take a heavy weight and do like a double,
Starting point is 00:50:45 so like two reps and then cut my rest periods short. Now I'm not gonna be able to go as heavy as I could if I did a long rest period, but I like to test myself with shorter rest periods and heavy weight. And that's a great combination. So after we, and we haven't released this episode yet, this episode is coming soon, but after we hung out with, what's his name?
Starting point is 00:51:04 Stevenson from Fortitude Training. And he talked about cluster sets. Oh, right, right. I actually started doing that, I've been doing that since, and I love that, and it's that concept. It's four reps, 15 seconds in between. And you basically, it's one long set.
Starting point is 00:51:21 And you can, what I found is I can lift pretty heavy weight. I can lift close to anything that I would be doing five to eight reps easily if I'm only having to do four and that 15 seconds rest is just enough for me to gather it back so I can do it again. And I find myself being able to do at least, five to 15 rounds of whatever it is that I'm doing. I really enjoy that.
Starting point is 00:51:42 I would say for the average person, you're probably looking to rest anywhere between 30 to 120 seconds. That's kind of the range that you'd want to look at. And play within that range, the shorter rest periods, here's what you'll notice. 30 seconds, a real 30 second rest. There's gonna be, you're gonna breathe a little bit harder,
Starting point is 00:52:01 probably gonna sweat a little more. You're not gonna be able to lift as much weight, you'll probably get a better pump. The longer rest periods, you're gonna feel stronger, you're gonna lift heavier weight. It's not gonna feel as grueling, but it will have a different feel to it in terms of how it builds muscle or whatever.
Starting point is 00:52:17 So, play around with them. Enjoy the different rest periods, get good at one, and then once you get good at one, get good at a different one. So, as you're gonna say, get good at one, and then once you get good at one, get good at a different one. So I was gonna say, play around with it, but do it with some sort of structure so you can actually measure and see the difference. Right, a mistake that I used to do,
Starting point is 00:52:34 because I understood that once that light ball went off, that, oh wow, lifting this lighter weight, lower rest periods actually ended up building more muscle for me because I used to be the long, long rest period guy. Then it became like I would just like sporadically just throw it into all those routines where then it becomes really hard to measure like how much gains you're getting from it or when you should probably phase out of it. So my recommendation is, you know, if you're falling one of our programs, it'd be great. You run a rest period for a phase, you know, for a good solid three to four weeks and then switch the rest period in the next phase. If you're not following one of our programs,
Starting point is 00:53:06 then that's exactly what I'd say to you, is run whatever rest period you want for a good, solid three to five weeks and then transition to another rest period for a three to five weeks and be consistent with all of your lifts and pay attention to what you see. Next question is from junior Wilson 916. If you wake up with a kink in your neck or sore shoulders, is it okay to prime and work
Starting point is 00:53:27 out through the soreness? If the soreness is turning it into pain, is it better to stop? This is a good question. Now I want to say this with a lot of caution, because if you have a kink in your neck or you wake up with a joint that's sore or you feel pain, oftentimes the right kind of movement and priming is the solution. Oftentimes, oftentimes it's what'll solve the problem.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Maybe not immediately, but it'll solve the root of why you're getting pain in the first place. Now, here's the caveat. Doing the wrong stuff will make it worse. So you gotta know what you're getting pain in the first place. Now, here's the caveat. Doing the wrong stuff will make it worse. So you gotta know what you're doing. Now, if I wake up with the kink in my neck, which happens sometimes, I have neck issues from Jiu-Jitsu for my past Jitsu use,
Starting point is 00:54:15 I'll wake up with the kink in my neck. I know what movements help my neck. And so immediately what I do is rather than taking ibuprofen and not moving and hoping it goes away, is I get up, I drink a glass of water, once I'm up in a wake, then I'll do my priming movements that help, that I know help my neck. And typically I'm able to reduce the pain by a significant amount. Justin you've been dealing with hip pain recently and you just went to Dr. Brinks.
Starting point is 00:54:43 And he didn't tell you to not move and take, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah, take it off. No, I've been applying all those specific mobility drills in positions religiously. And like, it's a frequency issue. So it's a frequency issue. For me, not having access to certain ranges of motion and not actively trying to
Starting point is 00:55:07 You know connect with that that part of my body And so that's been a real conscious thing for me to whenever I can get into 90 90 really work on the internal rotation Prime myself ahead of time before any kind of squatting or any kind of movement But I have not stopped moving and it has been a little more recuperative type movement I haven't been adding a lot of intensity to my workouts, like I was there for a minute, except for my upper body for the most part, but it's already starting to pay off. And it's been like a week, basically, of just like real conscious effort to where I know it's going to be months of just consciously always doing this and making it part of a ritual and a routine.
Starting point is 00:55:46 So it might be something like that. It might just be that you slept wrong and you got a kink and you just need to regain alignment and get movement and movement heals. It's always hard to troubleshoot something like this over a podcast without being able to see the person move or know exactly what's happened to him. But what I will say is that in my experience with clients that deal with pain and joint pain, more often than not.
Starting point is 00:56:15 So 80 to 90% of the time, it's not like an acute injury. It's normally either lack of mobility or movement with muscles that then causes a lot of stress on the joints. Because, and that's kind of how Maps Prime Pro is designed. So that I would instead of priming or looking at the Maps Prime program as your answer, this is where having Prime Pro comes in really handy because we went through every major joint and then we addressed all these mobility and and there's all the way up to the neck. So there's neck exercise and pros and women with any neck. Yeah, yeah, so there's there's neck exercise and so what ends up happening a lot of times is you've got this major this a major joint on the body right whether we're talking about the knees the ankles whatever right shoulders one of these majorers, one of these major joints, and then you have all these surrounding muscles. Now, those surrounding muscles are responsible for taking that joint through its fullest range
Starting point is 00:57:10 of motion in all directions that it's capable of. And what ends up happening over time is that we stop using it all those directions. When we are kids, we played in like all of it, we rolled, we tumbled, we climbed on monkey bars, we do a really good job without even realizing it, of exercising and moving these joints through their fullest range of motion and staying connected to them. And as we age, and this is like totally speaking from experience now, like I've felt this happen to myself, where we become more sedentary and we sit at desk and we drive in cars and
Starting point is 00:57:41 we sit in offices and at computers all day long. And we're not playing and rolling around. And what happens is the body goes, hey, if you don't use it, you'll lose it. It starts to say, if Adam's not gonna put his hands all the way above his head, we don't need to activate the muscles that are responsible to do that. But now here's the problem. Every once in a while, you have to put something
Starting point is 00:58:03 above a shelf or you have to do something. And then what ends up happening is the joint takes the stress instead of the muscles because you're no longer training the muscles that were supposed to assist the joint and doing that movement. You just start moving wrong. It's no different than, like, you know, when I was a kid at home, I spoke Sicilian because when I, before I went to school, that's what I spoke at home to my mom and my dad. And I became very fluent in Sicilian.
Starting point is 00:58:28 As I started going to school, I spoke less than less of it. To the point now where I speak it occasionally. Now what's ended up happening? I've lost my fluency. It's no different. Your body loses its movement fluency if you don't practice it and use it,
Starting point is 00:58:45 and when you lose that fluency, your body's more apt to move in ways that are not optimal, and your joints are moving ways that are not optimal. You know, your knee can move in a way that'll minimize any potential damage and give it a long shelf life, or you can move your knee in a way where it's gonna cause a lot of wear and tear,
Starting point is 00:59:04 and you're gonna cause a lot of pain and problems in a very short period of time. So that's what priming is all about. And that's why, you know what Adam said, like most clients with pain, it's not because, like when someone comes to me, he says, oh, I have this shoulder pain, it's okay, what did you heard it?
Starting point is 00:59:18 Well, I don't know, five years ago I heard it. It's okay, so it's healed, but it still hurts. Now we're talking about a chronic issue that has to do with just poor recruitment patterns and poor mobility. So once you figure out what your movement pattern issue is and your mobility issue is, the path to fixing that pain is to fix those things. That's what's going to take care of the pain. It's not getting rid of the symptoms by taking anti-inflammatories. It's not, I mean, I remember when I was younger, if I hurt something or something hurt, the answer was to not use it anymore. Like, okay, just leave it alone. Don't move it anymore. No, the answer oftentimes
Starting point is 00:59:54 is not that. The answer oftentimes is to use it, but use it in a way that gets it to move better. Well, I'm too, to throw a little more caution out there. For me, my tendency when I have pain or I feel like I have the answer for it is to overdo it. And so I was doing a lot of mobility exercises and I was really trying to push through the pain, which was not eating in any of my recovery. You're just a fucking bulldog. Well, I know there's other people out there that like that.
Starting point is 01:00:22 They're like, well, okay, so if it's it's a neck thing I'm just gonna scratch it. You know like and So you I mean you have to be conscious of the threshold there like when your body's speaking back to you like loudly like that's when you stop I also think that we're seeing more and more neck and shoulder stuff because of The phones and the computers like this is this is, it's not a new issue per se, because you know, it's just natural as we age, the body's closing up and we're rounding, and we're rounding over. Everyone's seen the seven year old grandma
Starting point is 01:00:53 or grandpa that's walking around the walkers. It's not new, but I think it's accelerated more than we've ever seen in history before because we now have these devices that we can't stop at a stop sign, we can't stop at a walking down the street and we can't be in a grocery store line, we can't do anything anymore of just standing there upright.
Starting point is 01:01:14 We are right away we default to looking down on our phone and that just exaggerates the problem. I mean, you had now you have forward head even more. We already are forward. And so when you have forward head even more. We already are forward. And so when you have forward head and you got these rounded shoulders and it doesn't take much sleeping the wrong way or moving the wrong way to get this pain or your body,
Starting point is 01:01:35 bothering you, this is why too, when people go to like chiropractors and chiropractors pop them or realign them in the neutral spine, why it feels so amazing. Oh, so great. What feels so amazing isn't the magic that he did on you. It's that he stacked your joints correctly. He put you back in the anatomical position
Starting point is 01:01:51 where you're supposed to be. And that's what feels so amazing. Now, the problem is, you got all these muscles like that. Yeah, the muscles that are countering it because you're shaping the body formed over in this round of position all day. So, you know, one of the best things to help somebody's neck and shoulders is to just
Starting point is 01:02:06 assess where their head and their shoulders are. If they're in this weird awkward kind of rounded forward position, like, yeah, no shit, your neck or your shoulder hurts because of where you're at. Like stack them the way they should be and see if you feel that way. And then if it's really difficult to get you in that position, that's a obvious thing that you need to work on. And that's where the priming comes in before every workout and addressing zone one. Next question is from Jake Bauer 7. How can you tell whether a study is BS or not?
Starting point is 01:02:35 With so many contradictory studies, how can you tell what to believe? Yeah, I learned this a long time ago. I used to train. If Lane shares it, it's probably BS. If Mind Pump shares it's probably. Yeah. Shout out to Lane. Now, I used to train this lady that conducted studies. This is actually part of what she did. She worked for, I think it was Davis University
Starting point is 01:02:59 in Davis, California. And we would talk a lot about studies, in nutrition studies and fitness studies. And she would talk a lot about studies and nutrition studies and fitness studies. And she would ask me questions about the studies. How big was the sample size? Was it double blind placebo controlled? Did they duplicate it? And I remember being like, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:03:16 I don't know any of the stuff. So she started to explain to me the things you want to look at in studies. For example, sample size. This is very important because if I do a study on five people, that may not be a sample size. That's large enough to really give me a good answer. I might have picked five people that all react the same way
Starting point is 01:03:38 to a particular nutrition plan or whatever. But you could have picked 30 more and they all didn't react that. Right, right. So sample size makes a big difference You want to have a big sample size Double blind placebo controlled is considered the gold standard now. What does that mean double blind means? That neither the people being studied
Starting point is 01:03:58 Nor the people conducting the test Know who is getting the studied Ingredient or who the who the people are that are getting tested getting the studied ingredient or who the people are that are getting tested with the, you know, whatever the control is. Whatever the control is, whatever the, they don't know. So for example, let's say I want to test and see if vitamin D helps with depression. And I get, you know, 250 people. And I give them half of them vitamin D and half of them,
Starting point is 01:04:26 I give a placebo, so it's got nothing. Double blind placebo controlled means that the researchers don't know who gets the vitamin D and the people who are being studied don't know who gets the vitamin D. Placebo controlled means we are also taking a side of this sample group and giving them nothing because you always want to test against nothing to see what the difference is. So that's kind of your gold standard. Here's
Starting point is 01:04:52 the other thing too. Most nutrition studies are not controlled. They're not double blind enough. And they're not long enough. Most nutrition studies are surveys. So most of them are just, hey, we're gonna, we asked a thousand people how they ate and then we asked them three months later how they ate and then we asked them a year later how they ate and then we asked them five years later how they ate. And here's what we know.
Starting point is 01:05:18 We know how flawed that is with clients like trying to report what food that they ate, just for a week. And it's also, you also don't know, there's a lot of, there's a lot of stuff sometimes that we don't necessarily see a connection. I'll give you, this is a great, great classic example. So now we know today that coffee for the most part,
Starting point is 01:05:40 and what I say for the most part, if it's appropriate for you, so if you have good tolerance to caffeine and you're otherwise healthy, coffee is extremely healthy by itself, black coffee, right? It's got full of antioxidants. Caffeine has got health benefits in and of itself. It's not dehydrating like, you know, we were led to believe in weird kids.
Starting point is 01:05:59 It's actually a decent source of hydration because it's got a lot of water in it. So for all intents and purposes, studies are pretty clear that coffee, if you're healthy, probably pretty damn good for you. Now, if you looked at the studies that were done 30 years ago, 20, 30 years ago, you would have read studies that said coffee is linked to cancer. Coffee is linked to heart.
Starting point is 01:06:21 People, bad hearts. Elevate your heart rate. Yeah, cortisol. Well, not cortisol spike. Well, not just that. Like the studies back then were showing like people who drank a lot of coffee had more heart disease,
Starting point is 01:06:30 had higher rates of cancer, and just died sooner. And so people thought coffee probably is not a good thing. Now here's the problem. They didn't control for the fact that people who drank a lot of coffee 30 years ago also tended to smoke a lot of cigarettes. You forget that. That was the thing. They went hand in hand. Yeah. Black coffee in a cigarette was
Starting point is 01:06:49 like the gold standard. Right. So, so again, if you look at, if you look at studies, probably, if you look at studies that show that meat consumption, meat consumption is tied to cancer. You got to look a little deeper. People today who consume a lot of meat are tend to be people who are not health conscious. It's true. People who consume a lot of meat today, because we've been raised for the last 40 years
Starting point is 01:07:15 to believe that meat's bad, health conscious people, except for people in the know, health conscious people tend to avoid meat. People who just eat lots of meat are people who are not health conscious because again, so when you break it down and you look and you see, like, wait a minute, these guys are consuming hot dogs. Right, Burger King, McDonald's.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Like, cut those people out. Yeah, lunch meats and shit like that. Like, you know what I mean? These baloney is definitely cut out. Yeah, and also look at the rest of their lifestyle. Like, here's another one. Multivitamins, studies show that people who take a multivitamin live longer and have better health. Well, when they dive deeper,
Starting point is 01:07:48 they find that there's a little bit of a self-selection bias there where... Right. What type of person actually takes the time to take a multivitamin? Yeah. ...same person who probably works out and actually makes better food choices. That's right. So this is why it's important to look at. And also look and see if it's been duplicated. Do you know, I forgot what it was, in the nutrition space specifically, a majority of studies are not, they can't duplicate.
Starting point is 01:08:11 They have a hard time. They can't. They've heard the same thing. Yeah, they can't replicate that same exact, the result. That's right. Let me put it to you this way. So just so you understand,
Starting point is 01:08:22 the FDA's process for reviewing a drug and approving a drug to be sold as a pharmaceutical is, by far, the most stringent, regulated, insane process on Earth. It costs, I don't know, how many tens of millions of dollars, and maybe even a hundred million dollars to take a drug from conception to approval To be able to be sold as a medication, okay? So and this is for for all drugs This is why you see so many drugs of the same category because it's so damn expensive to come up with a new drug that they're better off Just taking an opiate and just tweaking it a little bit because they don't have to go through all the same vigorous whatever. But if you invent a new drug,
Starting point is 01:09:07 it's gonna cost you millions and millions and millions dollars and about 10 years before it gets approved. That's how rigorous it is. And we're talking about studies on animals and then human studies and trials and long trials and all this stuff. And guess what? Every single day, there are drugs that got approved by the FDA that have to get recalled because we've discovered
Starting point is 01:09:31 that it did something else that we didn't study. It's a side effect that was worried. Yeah, so now I'm not saying this to freak everybody out and say don't trust studies. I'm just saying, look at the studies, take them with a grain of salt, look at the big picture, look at the context, and don't throw out wisdom. Like, there's still some wisdom there. So if you read a study that sounds kind of crazy, like study shows that people who drink wine
Starting point is 01:09:53 are healthier than people who don't, okay, there's a little bit of logic, like a little wisdom that says, wait, this kind of sounds fucked up. Like, what do you mean, they're drinking alcohol every day? Let's look a little deeper and see what's going on. Or compound and chocolate, shown to do whatever. Or this study shows that fat oxidation increases
Starting point is 01:10:08 with this substance, therefore this is a fat burning pill you're gonna take. Take it with a grain of salt. Like here's what we know for sure. Whole natural foods, probably the best, definitely the best for you. Don't overate, definitely true. There's a wide variety of ways people can eat
Starting point is 01:10:24 to be healthy. There's societies where people eat mostly plants, there's societies where people eat lots of meat. Those are all pretty healthy. When it comes to exercise, some activity's better than no activity. Resistance training, best way to build muscle. If you want to live in modern life,
Starting point is 01:10:37 you want to have a fashion metabolism, you should probably build muscle, you should probably avoid. Getting good sleep and quality sleep, that's probably a good thing. Having good social connections, having good friendships, having a life that's got stress in it, but you manage it well, so it's got some meaning.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Like that's all stuff we kind of know. All the other details and stuff, I'd say take it with a grain of salt, look and see what the study says, look and see if there's other studies that are similar. And again, be skeptical. I think that's the other studies that are similar. And again, be skeptical. I think that's the best approach. Be skeptical.
Starting point is 01:11:07 Yeah, definitely be skeptical. I'm like very much like, I don't like to be adamant about one thing. I just get pissed when people are like so confident in that one study. Well, yeah, like for example, you know, people in our space like to talk about how safe and great artificial sweeteners are and they're perfectly fine and studies will show. And I'm a skeptical person. I'm like, well, we created them.
Starting point is 01:11:32 We invented artificial sweeteners. They're synthetic. So I'm not gonna be so skeptical, but I'm saying, nah, it's probably not as good for me as the whole natural foods are. Whole natural foods have been around since the beginning of time. I'm going to wait it out.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Yeah, so let's just wait it out and see what's going on. Next question is from J.M. Wardle. With both Kevin Durant and Clay Thompson going down with serious injuries at about the same time at the very end of the season, do you think these injuries are due to overuse and lack of recovery? Do you think the NBA could or should implement measures to limit these things from happening, such as shorter playing seasons, et cetera?
Starting point is 01:12:11 This is a cool question. I'm so pumped that you guys picked this. Yeah, we totally did. The idea, because I told them on the post, I said, listen, the boys don't want to talk about this. I do want to talk about this, because I think this is an interesting topic, and this is totally the conversation
Starting point is 01:12:24 that my best friends and I would have over a beer over a beer and barbecue weekend type of deal, right? So you got, first of all, let me explain to you guys so you understand the two injuries so that I know you can intelligently discuss. Kevin Durant blew out of the Keeleys. You told us about that. Well, originally, they thought he had a calf strain and that's what they said he had and he was out for about three
Starting point is 01:12:45 weeks. Now personally when I saw it, I ride away said that's a key lease for sure and what I thought was he probably just had a partial Terry didn't have a full tear. He comes back in the in the championship game goes hard and blows it out. blows it out completely, right? And then Clay Clay went up for a dunk when he came down, when he landed his knee did a little wobble and ACL went. So he tore his ACL. So knowing that and the question the way they're asking this question, do I think that some of this is due to wear and tear over usage on the player?
Starting point is 01:13:22 100% idea. Now here's the thing. Now, Clay's was a complete freak accident landing like that. If he could have played that whole game and not jumped like that, and he could be totally fine. So that's partially a freak accident. I think Kevin Durantz probably a little bit over usage. Do I think the NBA should restructure or change things? Personally, no. I think this is why you pay these warriors. And I think the NBA should restructure or change things. Personally, no. I think this is why you pay these warriors. And I think they get paid extremely high dollars
Starting point is 01:13:49 because they're at risk. They put their bodies at risk. This is gladiators. I mean, at the end of the day, what we're doing, we're paying to be entertained and we're by people who are at, you know, obviously a level that we could never achieve. And they're throwing their entire body out there
Starting point is 01:14:06 for us on display. And so it's tough because you want to empathize with the athletes out there and have make sure that they're being acknowledged and taken care of. But within the training and with the off season and the strength, that all has to be really strictly managed leading up into a really high demand type situation
Starting point is 01:14:28 like the playoffs or the finals. I love that you compared it to gladiators of the old times because that's what this is. Obviously, we can't put two men in a ring into the death anymore. It's bad, right? That'd be so. But there's a reason.
Starting point is 01:14:45 It'd be like crazy. I mean, think about that. There is a reason through all of human history. We've been drawn to this, right? Why, why, why, what is it about this that we love to see? And sports is a reflection of that. Because we can, it's the close now to that point, I think if there, if we continue to eliminate the risk of injury and protect
Starting point is 01:15:06 the players and protect the players, I think it'll actually start to take away from the sport because who would have back then wanted to watch two guys get in the, you know, into the Coliseum and play with Nerf swords. Right. You know what I'm saying? And we all sat like when it would be super, would people be into it? If it was like a point scoring system and they had Nerf swords. The stakes aren't as high. Right. Because the stakes are so high, you don't want to put yourself in that arena or you don't
Starting point is 01:15:33 have the skill to put yourself on that basketball court. It's so entertaining to watch these athletes who have trained their whole lives and at their peak performance battle it out and potentially not die, but could get really hurt in each other's own. Plus how many times have these athletes felt a twinge or, first of all, I would like for them to pick one athlete that's out there competing that doesn't have something that's hurting at the moment.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Like good luck. Anytime I've ever competed in anything, you know, when I was real heavy into judo or jujitsu, at some point, something hurt always. Something was always hurting in my body. And so with these athletes, again, you're sacrificing your body, you're putting yourself out there. And time and time again, you've gone out there while you hurt and you came out victorious.
Starting point is 01:16:20 So what makes you think it's going to be different, any different this time? And plus, that's what makes you who you are. Now, do I think it's the trainers fault? Do I think it's the league's fault? At the end of the day, you know who's fault it is? The player, they have all the responsibility, it's their body. Now, the coaches and the trainers,
Starting point is 01:16:37 their job is to identify these things and to be smart council. Like, who knows? Maybe Kevin Durant's trainer said, I don't think you should go out there. I don't, and maybe Kevin Durant said, no, I'm going out there. I'm going out there.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Oh, I absolutely think that's what happened. I absolutely think that he shouldn't, which is also, and again, like all my buddies and I, we're all talking like, man, so much admiration and respect for that man, knowing exactly. He had a major injury like that that he shouldn't be out there But yet he showed like immense heart, right put himself on the line That's part of what makes the sports so that's the drama of it. It is. There's a thing dude
Starting point is 01:17:15 That's why we pay them yeah, you know like a you don't want to admit that but they make a fuck ton of money Right for reason because it's a short window right window. And that's tough to acknowledge that fact, but if you go into different sports where the stakes are even higher, like a football or like a MMA or something like that, you, like I'm an advocate of paying them more, like especially in MMA, they're way grossly underpaid.
Starting point is 01:17:39 One of the saddest things I ever saw was, I went to a big fitness convention and there was an old pro wrestler, they're signing autographs. You guys remember the iron chic? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. He was there signing autographs and when I saw him, I grew up watching him wrestle and I watched you know, WWE, about that and it was WWF and I remember he was probably 60 when he was
Starting point is 01:18:04 signing these things, maybe 60, right? He had a cane and he could barely get up and stand up and sign autographs. And I remember having a conversation afterwards and I told my dad about it and I'm like, man, this guy was so strong and so muscular and he goes, these guys, they sacrifice their bodies. And then later on, I met Joe Montana.
Starting point is 01:18:27 And Joe Montana, I remember watching them walk and being like, what's wrong with his legs? And one of my buddies was like, oh, he's on so much pain medicine and shit like that. And you realize like, that's the, you know, what do they say? You're signing your soul to the devil? I mean, that's true here.
Starting point is 01:18:42 You're doing, when you're going into this profession, you're gonna have fame, money, power, glory. What you're not gonna have is longevity, mobility. You're not gonna have a long career. That's why you can't equate fitness in that equation. No. Now, it's kind of cool too, though, is this is also what I think is just part of the evolution of the sport.
Starting point is 01:19:04 I'm a big fan of basketball and like have followed it and even watched like in red old history and how we got here. And it used to be that you you had a team, but you played your like five best players the entire time like that's just it. And then we seen like someone like Dean Smith come on the scene and start rotating through the players all the time. So those guys could get rest and found that like, oh, if I had a decent, I maybe I don't have all A players, but I got these B players who can come in, give my A players a little bit of rest, put them back in, then they have more energy. So they can pound the other team. And then we saw that was the first big movement in this
Starting point is 01:19:39 like player rotation thing. And then you have coaches like Phil Jackson and you have Popovitch who have really revolutionized how they do it to the point where they'll actually throughout the season. It's a very long season. They rest some of their superstars. A lot of times you would you would see. Yeah, it's a smart coach. Right. You would see some of our star players not start that game. It's not because he's not the best player. He's being punished. It's because he's being smart. Like, I know we've got over 80 games that we've got a play right now. I'm going to let my one of my best players sit this game out and he would intentionally do that. So I just think we're, we're seeing another
Starting point is 01:20:13 evolution of that and the teams of the future and the warriors are a good example of this. In fact, we are the tagline for the last championship warrior team was strength the numbers because, you know, Kerr was known for playing so many of the bench players. And in fact, in this last championship run, you know, I think we played like 12 or 13 players in the championship game where I think the raptors would play seven.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Do these players have insurance? Are they able to, like, I know you were talking about how Kevin Durant was waiting the next contract was supposed to be the big one. Blue out of the killings. Do these guys purchase insurance in case of shit like that? No, no. And why?
Starting point is 01:20:54 Well, you can contract, I mean, sure is affected by that, right? So because he's out of contract, he's fought. If he was in contract, he's protected, right? So in contract. But do they have separate, because you know how like singers and actresses and actors can buy insurance to like,
Starting point is 01:21:10 they can insure like their voice or whatever, like if something happens to me, I can't see anymore. I wonder if there is, they've got to have something like that. I'm sure there's some sort of, I would do that shit. I can't imagine that it,
Starting point is 01:21:21 I don't know, that's, it's a good question. I don't know. I doubt too many insurance companies without you playing a huge premium would take much. It'd be worth it, I don't know, that's, it's your question. I doubt too many insurance companies without you playing a huge premium would take much. It'd be worth it, in my opinion. Well, if it'd be worth it for the athlete, you're right. So a painter, but I would question
Starting point is 01:21:34 what insurance company would take on a high profile athlete that would end up costing them a ton of money to pay them out? No, and the risk is so high. And the risk is so high, right? It's the reason why if you've got all kinds, if you've got cancer and all kinds of stuff and you go to the doctors and you try and get insurance, you're paying through the fucking roof because you're high risk.
Starting point is 01:21:51 Right. And athlete would be extremely high risk. Yeah, you're a football player and you're like, I'd like to ensure my, you know, I don't want to get hurt and like fuck. Yeah, exactly. Like, there's a 90% chance this guy's getting hurt. What insurance companies are going to do that and without you having to pay like a million dollar premium.
Starting point is 01:22:05 I think that the few, what you're seeing now in sports and the future of sports, in my opinion, is being able to identify when you need to take an athlete out, when you need to focus on recovery, when you need to train him in a particular way to prevent injury because it's expensive to the teams to have these injuries. It's expensive to the league and it looks bad.
Starting point is 01:22:27 With the more injuries you have, the more sad stories you hear, it's kind of like a black eye on the sport. Like if a football player gets just cleaned out with a hit and he gets a concussion and can't play anymore, it looks bad. So I think what's smart, what they're starting to invest in is, how do I identify? Detection. Yeah, like okay, we need to take you out now
Starting point is 01:22:50 and we can put you in everything. All you're, This is already happening. This is also why I love sports. We're gonna see it in professional sports before we see it hit the general population. Like you already, I mean, the warriors before anybody on this podcast,
Starting point is 01:23:03 probably heard of Halo or Noony, that's, or even HRV, the warriors were already implementing it into the system. Like they're already using stuff like that. Part of the, they have coaches on staff that are supposed to, to track the steps of their players in the moon. Like, oh, Ego Doll is at, you know, he's done, you know, 75,000 steps this week and his HRV is reading this tomorrow. He's light day back off. Who are we?
Starting point is 01:23:27 Who were you just? Was it Paul? Was it Paul that was using technology like that for his training as athletes? Corey does. Corey. Corey. Oh, yeah. It was Corey who was talking about that.
Starting point is 01:23:36 He does that already with his at he works side by side. He's the strength conditioning coach. He works side by side by the practice coaches and the team coaches. And he would tell him like, hey, you know, take it easy on Justin today. I, you know, he's measuring here on his HRV. We just had a hard training session. So don't don't go balls. And we're already starting to do this. Also imagine the some this is what I think about when I hear about like athletes like this having these major injuries or whatever. I think about
Starting point is 01:24:02 what a growth. I mean, what a challenge that you must go through. Like, let's say you're a boxer, I was in a boxing a lot when I was a kid and you think about these guys who are just animals in the ring, un-industructible, and then they start losing, and you've identified so strongly with the fact that you're this amazing athlete, and now you're not.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Like, what a hard like fuck, like what do I do now? Oh yeah, it's heartbreaking. I can't even imagine. No, you guys should watch on Showtime. It's a documentary on Demarcus Cousins called Resurgence. So they documented when he tore his Achilles. So Demarcus Cousins is the center that's on the lawyers. We picked him up this last year
Starting point is 01:24:43 because no team would touch him because he just tore his Achilles. And so they did a documentary on Showtime of his whole rehab and that the mental of like that happening to him. He was right. He was on pace to have a career year with the Pelicans. They were on pace to go to the playoffs and thought they were going to make a run at the warriors back then.
Starting point is 01:25:00 And then he tears his Achilles goes down and like what that day. Oh, yeah. So it's I can't imagine. Just like you lose your identity. Completely. I'm this amazing athlete. I'm known for being this amazing athlete. Now I'm not.
Starting point is 01:25:12 And we see this, that's definitely an example and that's we're using a professional athlete, but I normal average people. I'm seeing this right now with my buddies' dads that are retiring. That's why you don't identify with your body. You don't identify with these things. They spend their whole lives as a whatever say said job and their job was to be a provider and a father and to work your ass off at this
Starting point is 01:25:36 job. And then it's like now retirements here. The press and their depressed as fuck. Who am I? And they're trying to figure out and I'm watching it be expressed in different ways. You know, I'm seeing, you know, one of my, I refer to it being like a father figure to me because he was like a father who's like going down to like smoking cigarettes like crazy and like just angry and bitter and just not happy with himself and like depressed.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Like, you know, then the other ones is like lost confused. He's already bored of golfing. Like, you know, so you're seeing this, I'm watching it firsthand happen, like, whoa, like how important it is to not get so tunnel vision, which I know is important for success, but to be-
Starting point is 01:26:14 Don't identify with it. Right, right, it's a key. Yeah, it's like you can be focused on an area, but it's not- It's like those Hollywood actors and actresses are so good looking and so known for being good looking, and identify so strongly, just can't fucking deal with aging. They try and preserve it as much as they can with plastic surgery and everything.
Starting point is 01:26:30 Well, my dad retired. He just, he went crazy and just fucking, I mean, did the back, I tore up the whole lawn and made a, planted all kinds of different plants and did the front yard and just, you know, it was like months of just figuring shit out that I needed to be able to reorganizing everything. Yeah, it was a tough transition. Anyway with that go to MindPumpFree.com and download our guides. They're all absolutely free. You can also find us all on Instagram. You can find me at MindPumpSale, Adam at MindPump Adam and Justin at MindPump just. Oh yeah! Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
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