Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 106: Post Workout Macros, MindPump Origins, Skyscraper Daredevils & Sport Obsessions

Episode Date: July 1, 2015

It is Q&A time once again! Sal, Adam & Justin answer your questions about what to eat after working out, how they met and decided to start MindPump, their thoughts on people who take selfies while bal...ancing on the edge of the roofs of skyscrapers and their favorite sports.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Justin real quick. Yeah, buddy. How much how much you charge a client right now to train personal train? Three grand a month maybe 150 an hour Let's say so what are you what are your rates right now? You know 150 an hour, but I'm gonna be raising them to about 200 now So here's on the same as hell here's what's crazy is that and this is a part that boggles me because I know we have tens of thousands of people that are listening to us and that boggles me because I know we have tens of thousands of people that are listening to us. And here, all of us, we get so many questions that are asked all the time. We all charge a hundred and fifteen hour or more in just this case. And yet, we have a program out right now that provides our training, which we all follow when we help our clients. We have our nutrition
Starting point is 00:00:40 survival guide that's designed to help, it doesn't matter what you're trying to lose weight, gain weight, maintain whatever is male, female, has everything you need inside there to break down. We have our intermittent fasting guide, which all of us teach our clients how to utilize that as a tool and then how to put that into side of yours as normal daily habits. And then we have our six pack apps. We have all of that. And then in addition to that, we throw in a forum that's completely free for people to
Starting point is 00:01:03 have access to all four of us, where we can answer questions and help them along with their programs. That's as close to personal training as you can get with us without actually standing right in front of us. All of that for $97. That's ridiculous. One time payment. Less than one hour that we get.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Less than one hour, I mean, less money than what it would cost one hour to spend with any of us, and you've got it set up on a program Pretty awesome. You go to mindpumpradio.com. You click the big yellow button You can save and get that right now if you hurry up press it well last if you want to pump your body and expand your mind Only one place to go Might, might, might, up with your hosts Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Hey Justin. Yeah. Who should we blame it on? You blame it on the rain? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blaming on my ball sack, each and every night, slapping on your chin.
Starting point is 00:02:04 What? Yeah, yeah. You know I'm comingpping on your chin. Yeah, yeah. No, I'm coming in. Whoa, blame it up. Wow, I got, I went kind of far with that one. I'm sorry, sorry, I've never been there. I don't know where. Assaulted you.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Remember Millie Vanille? Kind of missed you guys. Did you miss us? I did. I knew it. Why were you gone or something? Last week, you fucked it. You did.
Starting point is 00:02:23 You know, it was awesome. What? You're on one of those pilgr. You know, you know, it was awesome. Well, you're on one of those pilgrimages. Let me tell you it was awesome. I felt like there was so much more room for my ego in this room, it was so much room. It just filled up the room. And now you're here. What are you saying?
Starting point is 00:02:40 I was Paris coping today and somebody said that somebody referred to missing me on mine pump. And I said, no, I heard that guy thought it was great. I thought the guys did awesome. And they said, no, no, they need your ego in there. I'm like, I think Sal's got a, Sal's got a big enough ego for the both of us. They're like, no, no, no, no, you're the ego. He's the nerd. You're the ego. He's the nerd. I'm the other guy. You know, I forgot what you're the guy behind the guy. No, she referred to you as something really,
Starting point is 00:03:06 actually you had the biggest compliment, I can't remember what she said. You know, I don't like this, this is not cool anymore. Justin keeps getting all the good compliments. He is. It was funny in that. Why is it super cool? It's not funny anymore, okay?
Starting point is 00:03:16 Why are you guys like this? I don't like it. I take everything all the time. It looks like you're taking everything. It's what it looks like. But you're attention horrors we are. Or just horrors. I want to do a little rant before. Like a snail, you're taking everything. It looks like a tension horse we are. Or just horse. I wanna do a little rant before.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Like a snail, you guys are hairs. On your what? My dick. Yee-ee. So, I wanna rant for a second before we do our Q&A. Yes. We got a rant for, what are you talking about? Bro.
Starting point is 00:03:38 God. What are you gonna hit? So let me tell you what's annoying, it's fuck. So there's this trainer that works in the gym that I work at the works in the gym that I Work at the one I just sold that I still train at. Yeah, is he new? She has probably been a trainer since 19, you know, 72 Oh really versatile machines. Yeah, so here's so I'm guessing she gets on my fucking. I'll tell you why she gets on my nerves There's a few things she does that gets on my nerves number one she'll train one client and take up the whole fucking gym. Oh she's one of those circuit training ones. Dude no no she'll just set everything aside that she's gonna use so it's like Bosu ball you know Fisio ball
Starting point is 00:04:14 three pair of dumbbells cable so I'm like I'm like what the fuck can I use because you apparently you're trying to use everything so she does that but then here's what's annoying so she she's classically does that. We're all good about using our space. Everybody's cool and kind of whatever. We avoid that. And the day after I sell this, so she was always super nice to me, kiss my ass, whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:36 The day after I sell the gym, literally, the day after I sell my gym, I'm gonna go work out inside the gym that I used to own. I'm gonna have a little workout. And she's doing this. She's taking up the entire fucking gym because she has one client. So she's training one client. There's another trainer who's in there's training client. And then there's me who's about to work out. So I'm looking around and I'm like, this bitch took up everything. So I looked at her and I'm like, okay, what are you not using so that I know what I can use? Well, and I was being like cool, I wasn't being an asshole.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Bro, swore to God, later that day she goes to the new owner and she complains about me. I just sold a fucking day, the gym, the day before you. Complains about me. He shouldn't be working out here. He's taking up too much. It's like nobody takes as much space as you fucking do when you're training your 75 year old client
Starting point is 00:05:23 who really can't do much, but for some reason you have 15 pieces of equipment out She's making an obstacle course So it's like stupid Anchor-round, yeah, did you just have did you just deal with it again the other day every single day? She does that and I'm just like roll my eyes. I'm cool my 80 year old dude box jumps and Thirsty no, she does the same workout for the same people. Every single time. It's the same exact workout classic,
Starting point is 00:05:49 every single time. And it's like Jane Fonda meets Crossfit. Yeah, and I just want to tell her, I just want to look at her and be like, you suck. Bring out the thigh master. I was cool with you before, but then when I found out you were stupid,
Starting point is 00:06:04 I just gonna tell you, you suck. How many trainers actually work out out of that facility? Train out of the facility? Well, me and the new owner are there mostly, and then there's the sucky trainer I just talked about. Then there's a trainer who was my very first client when I started my business. When I first started the gym, you know, that I just sold. She was my very, very first client
Starting point is 00:06:25 13 years ago, and then she couldn't train anymore because she couldn't afford it. So I figured out a way for her to work out at the gym, and then, you know, she couldn't afford that. And so then I said, I told her, said, you need to be a trainer because she had a passion for it. She became a trainer. She's an excellent trainer. That's it.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Nice. No, and then there's, there's a couple part-time trainers that are also there, but then we also have two massage therapists in the back. So how many is that five, six? Yeah, something like that. The guy, I mean, he's a trainer, right? Yeah. So when we shot video there the day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:54 So that's pretty much it. Just had to rant there. If you're a trainer and you do that, you're an asshole. Justin, you've been in his studio already, right? Yeah, yeah. So it has, I found out this guy's secret, by the way. The lighting in that place is ridiculous. I saw the back of the bathroom now.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I know where he takes half those. You saw the YouTube, didn't you see how amazing I looked, bro? No, listen. I was like, no, no, no, no, no, no. You were all lying. I was like, man, this has been fantastic in here. No wonder Sal looks so good. Dude, you're just getting off your show.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I designed it that way. I designed the gym to have a lighting. It's excellent. It makes the shit out of my bathroom lighting. I have to take my selfies out. Yeah, I gotta help you with that, bro. I surpassed you on the selfie. You did.
Starting point is 00:07:37 The selfie express. You did. He's got the lighting down for sure. Lighting makes a big difference. So does a Filter or two So question time Answer some questions get to some questions right now. Who gonna get who get here? What's up Doug? You want to start with number three?
Starting point is 00:07:57 Dogs always telling us what to do. I know what the fuck did he wants You know I he's an alpha. He wants us to get nerdy right Yeah, I just want to live everybody to know I'm in charge here So you are my minions, so I know we we when we first started remember when we were doing all the Q&A's beginning We got all these like science-based ones and we got bored of that and we're a territory to everybody like give us some other Sure, right? So now everybody gives us we have no science. Yeah, now we have nothing related like fitness questions now people give us all these which I actually love and that's like I'm we are we are a fitness radio show you guys think we should answer some fitness questions All right, I'll ask like fuck that no, let's talk about Cox
Starting point is 00:08:35 Dude, we're in anything show. Yeah, all right So we'll start with the most fitness related question here. This is from Shannon McGee and she wants to know who has the biggest dick in the room. So I do. So now we'll move on to the next question. That's funny because I wasn't hard yet. Hey, how can you find the blind guy at the nudist colony? It's not that hard. All right, first question. The one we'll start, the one that the boss told us to start with. This is from Tyler Stein Haver. Steine Hauer. Steine Hauer.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Oh, yeah. Tyler Stein Hauer. It looks like a V. Doesn't that sound like a pro wrestler? No, sounds Jewish. Oh, duh. But it sounds like a wrestler. Like Steine Hauer.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Steine Hauer. A new map. A new map member. Yeah, he just enrolled in the program. So he's a Jewish WWF wrestler? Yes. And he's about to be really buffed because he just enrolled in our program. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Hopefully he read the disclaimer. He could get two buff. Well, Tyler, you need to be careful because there's going to be a lot of punting being thrown your way here. A lot of people are going to claim you're on anabolic steroids. Yeah, so it's a hard life, my friend. And the love. You've got some courage for doing for enrolling the program.
Starting point is 00:09:52 His question is, what is the ideal macro ratio for post workouts? Bo-yo. Ideally. It is, you know they've gone back and forth on this, right? They have. Remember when we were going into school And it was a two to one ratio. Yeah, then it went to four to one. Yeah, okay, so we're talking about carb to protein ratio
Starting point is 00:10:11 Yeah, and yeah, so two to one ratio then they said four to one yeah, and so I don't know I I always have stuck to either one to one myself really or just protein Wow, and okay, so either one to one myself, or just protein. Wow. Okay, so it's been real low on carbs too. I'm not completely absent. I have two opinions on that. One is if mine changes based off of my goal. So I talked a little bit about this in the Paris scope today.
Starting point is 00:10:41 After I got done with my workout since I feel fat after what I did yesterday. It's gonna change a little bit. I've got plenty of glycogen stored up from yesterday's workout and I'd like to go back to kind of leaning back down. So you just sipped on some lemon water? I actually had nothing. Okay. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Bro, you lose on your game. Exactly. So here's the theory on this is post workout if my primary goal at the time. So let's say I'm going through a mini bulk or I'm trying to build I am trying to catch that window. I'm trying to get some food in right away And I'm probably sitting somewhere at a four to one ratio for for every for For every one gram of protein. I'm getting four grams of carbohydrates So that's typically the ratio that I'm looking for when I'm trying to build, because that's I'm trying to shuttle that in there. The studies right now show that that's the
Starting point is 00:11:30 ideal for maximum absorption. You want your fat extremely low. So it absorbs fat slows down. Yes. So four to one, if I'm trying to now, if my goal of the time is to lean out and I'm not trying to build, I might do it, Sal, or Justin just said, and just do primarily protein or minimal carbs, or like I did today, which is not eat at all. And there's nothing wrong with that because what I just did in my workout completely depleted myself.
Starting point is 00:11:57 And when I deplete and the gas tank has no longer got glucose stored up, it doesn't have its main resource of fuel, then the second most popular place that your body wants to go is fat. So I will stretch out till I get the next meal for maybe another two, three, maybe even four hours if I'm not like starving, you know, if I'm fine. And I'm not really that hungry
Starting point is 00:12:18 and I'm wanting to lean out, I actually won't have anything to eat. Well, I'll tell you, the studies show in order to increase, because there's a, you get a spike in protein synthesis when you consume protein post-workout, okay? Protein synthesis is the utilization of protein to rebuild muscle or to build muscle. They have found that you actually don't even need
Starting point is 00:12:38 to have complete proteins post-workout. All you need are the essential amino acids. So you could take... A BCAM type of... Well, just the essentials, because there's more than just branching amino acids, but if you just took the essential amino acids. So you could take... EBCA and... ETAVIR. Well, just the essentials, because there's more than just branching amino acids. But if you just took the essential amino acids, you would essentially have no calories,
Starting point is 00:12:50 but you would also take advantage of that post-workout window. The reason why they tell you to take carbs afterwards is to replenish glycogen, but they also say to spike insulin, which just supposedly helps drive amino acids into your muscles. Here's the thing with insulin. I've personally found it better, and this is anecdote, of course, but to have just some little bit of protein post workout,
Starting point is 00:13:14 maybe some carbs, maybe not. I do better than when I have more carbs post workout. Then I tend to crash and I notice some of the effects of eating extra carbohydrates. I don't have a shitload of protein either. I might have 15 grams post workout because I don't need to have a 50 gram protein shake after my workout. I'm not about to add 15 pounds of muscle, you know what I'm saying? So not even a pound of muscle, you know, after my workout. So I'll have like 15 grams of protein, take
Starting point is 00:13:40 advantage of that and still keep my calories low and then have, you know, saved more calories for the fun stuff, which is food. Yeah. Absolutely. There's other strategies to this too, which I've also done. So let's say, especially when I'm on a consistent diet for a show, and today I'm allowing myself 200 grams of carbs in the day. So I'm actually going to take those 200 grams of carbs, and I'm going to schedule them around my workout pre and post. And that's just because I want to maximize them being utilized
Starting point is 00:14:11 and the rest of the time I want, I actually want my body depleted, burning fat when I'm not really exercising or I don't really need them. So and I think the ultimate takeaway and I believe, I don't know if it was Lane Norton I was listening to when he talked about this, I believe, I don't know if it was Lane Norton I was listening to when he talked about this, but I think he said it really well, was that you're really splitting hairs when you are focusing on the perfect ratio of that because- This is an advanced technique. Exactly. If you drill the perfect ratio, right, post workout within that 20 minute and a block
Starting point is 00:14:42 window, but then you fucking eat like shit on your meal for or before you go to bed or If your workout sucked. Yeah, your workout. So I do anything you decided to go before you go to bed You wash down with a bowl of cereal or something like that. It's just like that one bad choice of bowl of cereal before you Would to bed is gonna do more adverse effects than the the timing the perfect ratio of food at the You're splitting hairs. You're always better off eating ballast and clean all day long. Focus on the most important things that are going to make the biggest change and then focus on those small things.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Exactly. Do you take a post workout shake, Justin? It depends. Yeah, if I'm doing like a mini bulk, I'll kind of be more concerned about that. But yeah, like typically, it varies for me. I really probably won't even take anything after I work out. Like Adam's talking about, you know, it just depends. What kind of protein do you guys weigh? I'm assuming weigh protein. Yeah, I want it.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Yeah, see, I can't dairy bothers me. I can't have, I don't like soy because too much soy will start to bother me. So I have a plant-based protein which is made with brown rice protein. There's hemp in there. I think pea protein. There's a bunch of other things in there. They fortify it with amino acids. Works fine. I used to take away.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I can't tell. The difference at all. Actually, it's better because I can utilize it better because it's not, I'm not having an intolerance to it. So all right. There's your question, Doug. Now we're gonna get to the, the monophanies related. Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:09 So Celeste from Periscope. Her name on Periscope was cell-out 2174. Her question was, what influenced the start of Mind Pump? Oh yeah, yo. How did it go? What influenced the beginning? What was the reason for us to collaborate? And listen, well, this is something
Starting point is 00:16:33 that I had been wanting to do for a long time. And this is before I met, because you can see Adam and Justin have known each other for a long time. I've known Doug for about four years now. Doug was a client and then you know, we started working together. And you know, we had a baby. We had a baby. We can legally get married now, hooray. Yes. Congratulations. But I, you know, we've been talking about that I want to get on and do a podcast because I have a lot of things to say, obviously. During this period of time now, me and Adam
Starting point is 00:17:08 kind of get in contact with each other. Nothing big, I think it was just through Facebook, right? It was like an email or here and there. Well, we've always been. They were exchanging selfies. I think I remember it was a specific pose. And Adam was like, oh, damn, I'm you like get better strations here check us out, bro Actually, oh, hey dude, look at that. They could
Starting point is 00:17:31 Look at it. I was like no, I did look at this I was like no, hey man look at these like it happens. It just kept going on and on from there That was kind of like step two. You on blast. That was like step two of the relationship. It started that we were, I mean, we've been connected because of mutual friends. We work for the same company for many years.
Starting point is 00:17:55 People have been telling us to work together for a couple of years. Yeah, I mean, I'm talking, we go, I talked eight, 10 years ago, you know, I have known of Sal and, because we have so many mutual friends and connected and everybody used to tell, eight, 10 years ago, I had known of Sal, because we have so many mutual friends and connected, and everybody used to tell me that, oh, you gotta meet this guy, Sal, you gotta meet this guy,
Starting point is 00:18:11 Sal, he's just like you. And we would run into each other at conventions and things like that in passing, but we never really kicked it or hung out. And I wasn't really intrigued to do anything with him until later on, until after we had both left 24-hour fitness and kind of moved on in our fitness careers and we're doing our own thing.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And we kind of reconnected on Facebook. And I just, you know, I'd be on his Facebook reading a lot of his posts and seeing what he's doing and very like-minded. And, you know, that's what intrigued me to reach out via Facebook and send him an inbox message and start talking to them. And we started sharing our views and thoughts on fitness and where we saw fitness going.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And I think he said, just one time, we got to do something together. We got to collaborate. I'm like, yeah, yeah, no, for sure. And being the entrepreneurs that we all are, we're all so fucking busy. We're all, yeah, we must have said that like three times and didn't do shit for like a year. Oh, at least a year. It was almost two years. I think we talked back and forth about getting together, getting together, you know, we're all, we must have said that like three times and didn't do shit for like a year. Oh, at least a year, it was almost two years. I think we talked back and forth about getting together, getting together,
Starting point is 00:19:08 getting together, getting together. And because during that time, that's when Justin and I were building Fuzik and team level up and stuff. So we were doing our thing and we had our vision and the app and stuff that we had been working on. And that Justin and I, we go way back because we used to work together.
Starting point is 00:19:23 And you know, him and I have been collaborating for a long time. And I remember, you know, telling Justin one I, we go way back because we used to work together. And, you know, him and I have been collaborating for a long time. And I remember, you know, telling Justin one time, like, hey, you know, we really got to get together with Sal, I think he would, I think he would just be a great asset to us. And I think we would all blend really well. And, you know, he got a chance to start fishing through his stuff and get a chance to kind of get an idea of what he was all about. And he agreed. And, you know, we finally just I don't what was the very first
Starting point is 00:19:45 We got on the phone. Did we get on the phone? No, we got on the phone and we both just started Ranting about the shit that we want to see and do and change in the industry and You know when you know when you talk to somebody is love it for sight It is dude. It was you know when you talk to somebody and then like they start saying shit that you're thinking and then it gets you both amped and it's like. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. And then we try to talk. podcast and then that was it and we all got together and um yeah and then it was fucking magical all the first time we started going and one of the main influences of all that since that was
Starting point is 00:20:30 the main question is that you know and this is Justin and I have seen um you know to back up a little bit even before Sal Justin and I um why him and I got tied together we've known each other for a long time but we started doing business when I realized that he was one of the first trainers that had ever worked with me That I actually really felt kind of saw the future of fitness the way I did so many people and fitness get so caught up with What's right in front of them and you know focus on being a better trainer getting their national certifications learning you Exercises and motivating inspiring and you know their thing, which that's all great shit. But, you know, Justin saw like, dude, you know, we've been in this stagnant way of fitness
Starting point is 00:21:12 and when it, it's gotta be evolved, every business evolves and changes and grows. And, you know, I feel like there's so much of this bullshit that's out there and, you know, this is what I wanna build, this is what I wanna do. And I was like, fuck yeah, bro. I'm right with you on that. And I was kinda doing it myself. He was doing it on his self. I'm like, you know, this is what I want to build, this is what I want to do. And I was like, fuck yeah, bro. I'm right with you on that. And I was kind of doing it myself.
Starting point is 00:21:26 He was doing it on his self. I'm like, you know what? Why don't we kind of merge what we're both doing and find a way we can do this together and you know, that will be more powerful that way since we're really trying to go against what everybody else is doing. And we didn't, we did not fit the norm.
Starting point is 00:21:38 We didn't want to fall in that trap of what everybody is doing. We wanted to push this industry. And then when I met Sal, and Justin was saying, it was love at first sight, when we started talking, it was because Sal was exactly the same way. And he was kind of a loner. He was kind of a loner.
Starting point is 00:21:52 He was our long lost brother. He was, he was a loner in his path with Doug, and they were kind of going on the same mission. And it was just like, man, these are like, I feel like nobody else is like this. And we all are a bunch of, you know, even Justin, because Justin's not maybe as forward about it, but we are a bunch of arrogant fucks
Starting point is 00:22:09 that believe, believe we can take on the world on anything. No, I turn the mic off and I'm like, I'm so fucking awesome. Yeah. Right? Am I right? I'm like selfie, no, I just don't post them. Well, in all reality, I mean, Justin, I mean, there's no way we'd get along
Starting point is 00:22:28 if he, if I, he wasn't as confident as the rest of us, he just portrays it differently, you know, his, his confidence. I mean, he was on this mission all alone by himself. He's like, I'm fucking doing this. I'm building this. I'm going to go this direction. And so was Sal and so was myself. And I was just like, dude, the three of us need to put all this to end.
Starting point is 00:22:43 And what was beautiful and what I, what I it was just like dude, the three of us need to put all this to, and then what was beautiful and what I saw was the uniqueness of everybody. Everybody had a different voice, you know, we all saw the same vision, we all saw the, where we wanted to take this, and what do we wanna do with it, but then we all had a different background, which I felt was really important.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I felt like if we were going to connect to millions of people, as cool as I am, and for sure, I'm definitely the coolest at everybody here, that I would get a lot of people as cool as I am. And for sure, I'm definitely the coolest at everybody here that I would get a lot of people that like, I would get a lot of people that liked me and followed that direction. But if I was gonna get more people that believed in my vision and stuff like that, I would need a team of guys and other people around me
Starting point is 00:23:19 that made me better. And these guys are absolutely that. I think that's good. I remember our first meeting was at your house, it was at Adam's house and we were sitting there and we're talking about what we want this podcast to be about. None of us said, oh, we just need to have
Starting point is 00:23:35 like a straight fitness show where we just talk about, you know, answer questions and, you know, all of us were like, no, it's not gonna be boring. We're gonna talk about everything. We're gonna talk about sex. We're gonna talk about drugs. We're gonna talk about, of course, we're gonna talk about fitness. It's crazy. We're gonna talk about everything. We're gonna talk about sex. We're gonna talk about drugs. We're gonna talk about, of course, we're gonna talk about business.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Yeah, crazy. Yeah, weird. Yeah, we're gonna be, we're gonna cuss. We're just gonna be ourselves. We're just gonna go nuts. Let's piss some people off. And this was the attitude that actually got our original, one of our original co-hosts to not do it.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah, no, that's, because we're afraid about. Exactly, that those that don't know that Craig Capurso was a part of the show when we first started and, you know, he has sponsors and that kind of went against what we were trying to do because we're trying to piss off those people, you know, he's got companies that pay him good money monthly to to represent them as a spokesperson model. And we're going to talk shit about. And we're going to talk shit about those come because a lot and, you know, no offense to those companies because those are, they're
Starting point is 00:24:26 you know, they're great companies. They take good care of him and stuff like that. And in that in particular, not even those companies, I know, not even them, but just in general. Yeah, exactly. Which it was a very hard thing for Craig to have to try and skate because we thought he had a great personality and another person who was not afraid to step out of the norm, but then he was put in a very hard position to have to come out and talk shit about some of these companies and some of these companies are very similar to the ones that he represents. And so he kind of had to step away from that,
Starting point is 00:24:54 which ended up working out in the best as much as we miss him and stuff like that. And you know, it'd be nice to have him on his a guest more often. But, you know, he really couldn't do it the same way that we all made sure that we didn't tie ourselves to any companies like that. We all represent ourselves. We have nothing to do. Well, we are willing to lose it all, but we don't have, we're not tied to those things,
Starting point is 00:25:14 but it's like the t-shirts that we made, zero fucks. That's our attitude. We don't care. And so we're going to say what we're going to say. Which was like, even though we've never really done like a mission statement, right, of this business, it really, I love that on our letterhead. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Zero fucks giving. Zero fucks, here you go. Well, I really, I make a gym. The one thing that we all, I guess we, because obviously if you're gonna run this, we're all businessmen, we're all entrepreneurs and stuff like that. You know, we just like, we do shoot from the hip and it's not like we just, let's grab some mics and talk, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:45 we all knew that there had to be a purpose behind all this and the purpose was to give this message that, you know, all the stuff that the opposite message of what we get sold all the time on commercials and magazines and all that and calling all that bullshit out because, believe it or not, a majority of the people fall right in that trap and have no idea. Now, most of your mind pump and your pump heads
Starting point is 00:26:08 and your listeners, you guys are a lot smarter people, which is why you listen to us, and then you guys get it. You get it when we talk about it like, fuck, these guys keep it real. And that's all we're trying to do, and that's where we need your guys' help to continue to spread what we're trying to do, is to get to those people that are falling into that trap
Starting point is 00:26:25 that are falling into, you know, buying whatever the quick fixes and this quick program to do this or the quick supplement for this. And, you know, we're trying to reach those people and ultimately help those people. So, you know, that's where we need your guys' help because you guys are intelligent people like ourselves because you're obviously sitting in and tuning in, you know, and you guys get it and you get what we're trying to, is helping us get that message across everybody else. You know what I remember? I remember when we, so we had recorded a bunch of episodes,
Starting point is 00:26:52 and then we had aired like three at one time, right? The first time, right? So we aired three of them. So I'm at the gym, and I'm training a client. Okay, I get a phone call from Adam, phone's ringing, and I don't answer it because I'm with a client. He shoots me a text and he's like, pick up your fucking phone now. So this must have been, I think our show was only up for a day, two days maybe, at this point when you called me.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Oh, I know what you're talking about now. Okay, yeah. Was it up for like a day or two? It was no, it was like, we had just released a three. It was later, it was the evening time. Wasn't the evening time? Yeah, but it was up for like, we had only, we had just released a three. Oh, yeah, it was the evening time. Wasn't the evening time? Yeah, but it was up for like,
Starting point is 00:27:26 we had just released a three. Oh, yeah, I don't know. It was the first week. It was the first week. So I'm like, fuck, okay, I gotta take this call. So I go outside, I finish my client, I go outside to give him a call. And he's like, okay, so, go on iTunes right now. So I go on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:27:41 So I go on iTunes. So I go on and I search the categories. What were we, 27th? Yeah, something like that. Top 50. Top 50 of all podcasts. Yeah. And we were getting on the new and notable section.
Starting point is 00:27:52 We got to like 10th, right? No five. We broke five. We broke five. Right off the bat. Dude, I saw that shit and it became real. Yeah. Because I, and I realized holy shit,
Starting point is 00:28:02 like all the crazy shit that I say. People are actually listening to it Oh fuck and I ran inside I freaking scream. I got super excited and then that was it But I remember getting that because I had as Confident as I am and I as listening to the shows. I'm thinking this is gonna be great as Confident as I am you know you always in your mind. You're always thinking well I'm very confident, but I'm willing to grind this out for a couple years. Not thinking that five days later.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Oh, I mean, that was one thing that we all sat and we talked about. We said, Hey, when we do this, you know, this isn't like, Hey, let's try it. Throw it out there. See if people bite hook and they start listening to us just because we think we're funny or we're really cool or whatever. The fucking thing is, we know it's a business. Yeah, it's a business. We all agreed that, you know, hey, I mean, we may be talking to five people for the first year.
Starting point is 00:28:47 You know what I'm saying? We're gonna get our message out and we're gonna continue to do it until we perfect our craft and we're recognized for it. And it was just what it was like holy shit. The first week to get put on that, it was like. Well, dude, Doug, do you remember what our first goal was for the first month?
Starting point is 00:29:02 Do you remember what the goal was that we set before we aired the first episodes? I don't even remember that. 100 subscribers. Oh, yeah. Do you remember that? Yeah. We wanted 100, we're like, okay, if we can get 100 subscribers in the first 30 days, then
Starting point is 00:29:14 we're doing well. Yeah. Thousands. That's the first week. Yeah. That's a little tiny vision. And it was, yeah, so that's why it was. You know that reminds me of those that are listening right now, especially if it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:26 you're just tuning into us in the first and in the, they're just now becoming a mind publicer in the last couple of months. Something we totally appreciate that we haven't gotten a lot of in a long time, says we haven't talked about it. And we, I mean, is reviews. Yes. If you go into iTunes and you actually leave a review, it's, it's great. It helps us with our rankings and so on. There's obviously people that have never heard of us that are clicking on there and they read those and there's none that are really current. So it's nice to have current ones up there so people don't look back and be like, oh, there's
Starting point is 00:29:55 like an old podcast or what that they don't, you know, they move along with that. So those who are listening, if you haven't left a review right now and you're a listener right now, super appreciative. If you guys do that, go on there and click a review. Only five star. If you leave anything less than that, fuck you, don't do it. We're gonna try and just get a sh**.
Starting point is 00:30:10 I tell you what we'll do. We will. I tell you what, leave reviews. If we find something that we really like that are just original, funny or whatever. I don't know, we'll send them something. Send them a free t-shirt, something like that. Make a picture, Justin.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Yeah, make a picture, Justin. You can actually, you can already find a shave. I shaved, finally. Either you all let you guys choose. You get a naked picture from Justin. Yeah, make a picture. You can actually you can already find him. I shaved finally either you all let you guys choose you get a naked picture from Justin or Doug yeah or Doug or both of them together that to me or I'll send you my cockpump either one of those three whatever whatever whatever what you want. All right next like you've used it. Yeah. It's a used one. Yeah of course I've used it bro. You thought you think it got that way, but all that truly. It's so big. It's so big. It has asthma. Yes. Has trouble breathing. Onward, onward. What's the next one? All right. This one's from Jay underscore Cito CITO.
Starting point is 00:31:03 What is our opinion on the Sky Skper daredevil's on social media? Oh, I don't know what this is. Okay, listen, I'm your explaining. Yeah, you know. Okay, so is there a name? Do they have a term for them? You know what? I watch like a video.
Starting point is 00:31:15 I got it. Go ahead and talk. I'll look it up. Yeah, look it up. Why are you doing that? Why I'm where I'm talking about. So he actually put this on the Q&A, I think last week or the week before, but he did it after we had already done the Q&A's.
Starting point is 00:31:25 And then he tagged me in these pictures and I was asked him, I said, I have no idea what he was talking about. So he tagged me in a couple of them. Then I get on this thing and I'm like, what the fuck? And he tags me on these things and it's these kids. And the new thing is for these kids to get on top of skyscrapers. Like we're talking like New York City skyscrapers, like fucking hundred stories plus tall. How are they getting outside?
Starting point is 00:31:50 That's part of what the, why I think it's become this big trend is that, they obviously had to sneak up there, get up there and it's to do that. And then they're filming it. And then they film them. And they film themselves. They think, yeah, they film themselves
Starting point is 00:32:04 like hopping from ledge to ledge and walking across. A lot of these, I'm looking at, is them just sitting at the edge of this massive building with their legs hanging off the side. Yeah, what the hell? And here's, and he asks us what our opinion was on it. And to eat their own, if you're gonna do something like that, you're an idiot.
Starting point is 00:32:22 And if you heard mentality, yeah, if you wanna be an idiot, like to rest the idiots and to do that, I mean, fine, whatever. But the thing that I did wanna touch on that I did notice that I thought was really fucking stupid is he tagged me on a couple that were on big pages. And they were on these pages that are fitness like,
Starting point is 00:32:41 I don't wanna roll somebody in the bus and be wrong. So I don't wanna say this was one of them. But you guys all know if you follow fitness pages like Shredded Academy or Bodybuilding, what, with Bodybuilding? Instagram. Bodybuilding is to Graham. And, you know, these are big pages
Starting point is 00:32:56 that have like millions of people that are following them. And they're supposed to be inspirational pages or whatever. And these pages, I know you're sorry. He's, he's this guy, but I bet you fall some Star Wars ones. Fuck yeah, I do. Here, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:12 He follows that one. He follows that one chick that you told us to follow. What's your name, Lindsay? I saw this. Oh yeah. What the, what the juglies? Lindsay P's. Yeah, you, you follow that one.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Shhh. Did you just put that on me? I was the one you shared that listen? I was getting safe It's like Prince play a one that sure that yes you were It was it was it was it was it was me it was me it was me fine. I did it This guy no this guy of this I know so This guy no, this guy. I know.
Starting point is 00:33:43 So, uh, so it's on a couple of them on these pages and I'm like, wow, this is, it's one thing that people are going to do stupid shit and post it on their own page, you know, whatever. Yeah. But for another page that has millions of followers, that's an inspirational page to post something like this to me is really fucking stupid because you know, you got a million people out of a million people, there is definitely a percentage in how large that was just do stupid. Yeah, that will just do stupid shit because they see it on there
Starting point is 00:34:16 and it's such a cool page and they are easily influenced by stupid things like that. So now you're influencing, you know, thousands of people to get on this bandwagon and do something that is so ridiculous has nothing to do with fitness, has nothing to do with anything inspirational, you know, it's hanging your feet off of it. How does safe is gardening? Yeah, right. It is, it is one of the stupidest things I have seen and it looks like it's a growing trend right now. So if you're a listener of our, I doubt any of our listeners would do this because, but I think you're an idiot if you do. Well, I hear, you know, for me, look, there's too many stupid people around. Let's be honest, let's look at you know, you're absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:34:56 People aren't dying enough of doing stupid shit because we're always saving people. Sometimes it's okay to let people die doing something stupid because then they don't reproduce. And we don't have more stupid people hanging around. And as far as like people posting these pictures and then kids, you know, look, I'm the kind of person. If I say something and that influences you to do something really dumb, that's your fucking fault. Okay, I'm just speaking, you know, so I don't care.
Starting point is 00:35:20 You know, if you're gonna do what you're gonna do, whatever. If my kid tries to do it, I'm gonna freaking stop them obviously because it's dangerous to shit. But you're not my kid. I don't know you. You want to take a picture of the top of the top of building and be an idiot. I mean, whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:32 I don't care. Yeah, teach their own. It's not going to motivate me. No. Yeah. So, uh, let's, someone's going to eventually, someone will fall. I'll tell you that much and then that shit will make big news.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Well, it's just, I mean, it's anything else. It kind of defies like what we talk about. It's like, if you watch somebody doing something and you just like get hyped to do that and like, and you know it's stupid, you're fucking stupid. You know what, though? You know what's funny? The three of us are talking about how stupid I bet we've all the three of us have done some stupid, especially when you're teenagers. Usually. I've done some really dumb shit.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Yeah, I would say even up until I was 30. Yeah. He's all now I'm like old and cranky. Oh yeah, no, we, so. I was talking about my varicose, the balls on the periscope. Oh, gosh. I love those things.
Starting point is 00:36:20 So my, my roomie and buddy, Ev was just tell, he just got in a car accident this weekend. And it was not his fault. He was coming home at two in the morning. He worked he worked you to bartender and he's coming home and this car this car was coming up on him. He said it was full. He was dry. He said he was doing like 65 70 already. It was two in the morning. He was the freeways were wide open. And so he was already moving pretty fast and he sees these lights like barreling down. So they're doing like a hundred plus Oh shit
Starting point is 00:36:46 And he says they're coming straight up behind him and it doesn't look like they're kind of like merge over so he merges over But they tried to merge at the same time. Well, no, no, so he merges over the right and they just they go Smoking by him and then last minute when they see him merge over He they merge hard to the hard to the left and they clip the inside rail completely go sideways turn perpendicular to the freeway tires catch and shoot across the highway hits the front of his front car. He hits his brakes. He just barely misses but he scrapes the whole front of his car as they're shooting by like so and fast full speed right.
Starting point is 00:37:21 And then it goes up the side of the of the freeway does like six flips in the air rolls rolls all the way over and then lands on the tires try it in the drunk driver obviously drunk right to in the morning flying 100 something else now I get tired he says they were super young lungs are very short and why I shared that was you know we're him and I were talking about it like you know you're what an idiot like it's already unsafe and not smart to drive drunk. And, you know, we've all done stupid things and probably have done that before or a drink before and not, you know, but got behind a wheel when you probably shouldn't have, but as an older adult, if you do something like that, like you're like extra cautious,
Starting point is 00:37:58 you know, drive all slow. You have somebody follow you or whatever like that. It's like, it's amazing, especially for the male brain, because there's a reason why guys, insurance costs more money for us. Especially the young male brain. We're just stupid. We really are, I remember literally having no fear and thinking nothing will happen,
Starting point is 00:38:19 or even doing stupid shit, like I'll tell you something now. Someone egged my house last week. My house, right? I saw a little egg splatter up on the wall, and and my wife saw pissed off. I can't get mad. Yeah, you remember that shit I used to do that shit. So it's almost like oh well. It's like this dude you guys remember that song Teenager scared the living shit out of me I can't last as long as someone oblige
Starting point is 00:38:43 I don't I don't remember that fuck you guys in your In your Insane In your freaking what did you even listen to I know what was that what year was that bro? Give us it. Yes. It was a is it in seat time because I was listening to you just make that song. No This is where we need like I need the fan support right now Well, I almost spent only a song. You know, there's actually, you know what?
Starting point is 00:39:09 I do see some of our fans that are like you. So there's probably a few of you like, oh my God, I remember that Justin. I don't remember. I do, this is where it's, you see, it's like, I come from this world, right? Yeah. You're from that world. It's way over there.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Yeah. You're from that world that's like way adjacent. Yeah. But it's fucking way. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a nerd for sure. You're more of a geek. Yeah. Well, you know, that's a good point. I define it.
Starting point is 00:39:36 I don't know. I just have to share. I think that's a perfect way to transition into the last question, which is regarding sports. Yeah. Who's it from? Who's it from? Who's that from? Raging, weezy game. It can be a geek if I'm in the sports. So I got that on you.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Right. What does it say? Are we sports fans? Which sports do you prefer? Go ahead, I'm going to last since I'm proud. Yeah, let him go last because he'll take an hour. Yeah, I like football. Okay, Sal. This is funny. But seriously, that like football. Okay, Sal.
Starting point is 00:40:08 This is what serious. I like that's it. Like I like I watch the 49ers. Did you play it? Did you watch it? Why don't you play sports? You played you played more than just that, bro. Come on. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I mean, I played I played football. I didn't even play football. So I was in high school and then I played all the way through high school. And then I played college football and Thought about playing arena football and was gonna try out and then just at that time they actually stopped The league for like a year. Oh, it was around that same time when they had the little yeah I had like a I had like a one of my friends knew the owner for the I had like a, I had like one of my friends knew the owner for the Saber cats
Starting point is 00:40:46 and was gonna like give us a try out and shit. And so, but anyway, so that didn't work out. And I'm actually glad because it'll make anything and you travel like everywhere and get paid dirt. But it was still been fun. You know, it's exactly how I looked at wanting to be a rock star when I was in a band. It's like, dude, that would be so awesome and fun, but you know, you never make it.
Starting point is 00:41:08 You know, I mean, unless you're like, you're crazy and that's your life and that's all you devote yourself to. But anyway, yeah, I like sports. I also played rugby, which was pretty hardcore. I liked that. It actually, now people have a misconception with rugby. Like, there wasn't as many injuries as football. I know why. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:33 You know why? Because we go a lot harder in football. Because you have pads and you feel invincible. You feel invincible and you lead with like iron and... Yeah, you just fucking smash yourself into body. There's more technique in rugby with a tackle. There's a lot more technique and plus you absorb, you know, running people running, you tackle them differently and you kind of go down to the legs and you tackle
Starting point is 00:41:59 over to the sides, it's different. I didn't, I mean, I tackled them straight on like football and I broke some dudes collarbone. What an evil motherfucker. Sorry. He laughs about it too. This is Justin and I broke some guys collarbone. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Well, dude, the biggest guy, so I was on, at San Jose State, I was on the rugby team and the biggest guy on the team, like, tried to make an example out of me and this one I was just trying out, you know, and so they have these hitting drills. And everybody's kind of going through and he kind of picks me out, because I was pretty yoked
Starting point is 00:42:34 back then, even more so than now, because I was just hitting it hard. Like I wanted to kill people. And he singles me out and he's like, all right, you know, he's going to run the ball. And so he runs the ball and he straight up like tries to jugger not me and like runs straight up the gap. And I didn't think and I'm going to go to the side, you know, I'm going to kind of he's going to just, you know, barrel right through me. And I just got right underneath him and I picked them up off the ground, drove them back on his head and got up and stood right
Starting point is 00:43:12 over. And he had a broken collarbone. Yeah. Dick. It wasn't, yeah. I didn't break it. So you, Justin, and then you killed them. So, and I murdered him.
Starting point is 00:43:21 You, you, you watch football though now, yeah, NFL. Yeah, no, I only watch. NFL watch football though now, yeah, NFL? Yeah, I only watch, or college, what do you watch more of? I probably watch more NFL now, because I only have like one day like a watch. Like, and the thing is, like watching football, it absorbs a lot of time, and you know, I have kids,
Starting point is 00:43:41 I have businesses, it's like, I watch a lot of sports center to get caught up on like everything that's going on, but if I'm gonna watch, it's gonna be Niners, and that's it, and then that's my day. You know, I got like that one period where I watch that, and then, you know, playoffs and all that for basketball and for baseball, I'm an A's fan, big A's fan, so.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Yeah, that's me in the sound like some well a little bit of Dance see to get your dance. Yeah, I so I great. I I don't watch sports at all. I watch I'll tell you what sports I watch I watch mixed martial arts So I'm a big UFC fan. I've been a big fan from the very beginning. Yeah, the very first UFC hoist grace. He comes out skinny Brazilian dude. I like to see too. And just, you know, takes the guy down and chokes him out and beat everybody without, you know, really hurting anybody. Just made them submit. And I was mesmerized at that point. I enjoy mixed martial arts. I really enjoy the grappling aspect. The striking is good too, but I like the grappling
Starting point is 00:44:47 because grappling is so technical. It's so based off of leverage and technique and positioning. And it's like chess, you know, and that's what got me into Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. That's when I started training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and I competed a few times. But I love that you could outsmart your opponent and slow them down if they're really fast,
Starting point is 00:45:07 or if they're really strong, you could nullify their strength with technique and positioning. So, Mixed Martial Arts is pretty much it. And that's an online, I'll watch a judo, I'll watch wrestling, and Mixed Martial Arts. And I really could give zero fuck, they give no shit for any traditional sports. Actually, I take that back when the World Cup is on.
Starting point is 00:45:29 I am a fanatic. No, no, the least sport I've all of them on, dude. So the one that I mastered when I was six years old. No, no, no, no, when Italy, when Italy, talking about that soccer. When Italy's playing or America's playing, I love it. And I love the Women's World Cup, which is on right now too. You guys should watch that.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Now, did you play any sports culture? I like Women's World Cup. I's world. I did not I played no I mean just played with my friends outside But never like any any no I got into sports no the sport that I took the serious the most serious was Lifting weights and I started 14 and you did you do to you did you do for a little jiu jitsu in my 20s and in judo as a kid I did judo yeah, but nothing like like working out in the gym. That was my thing Again, you know, it was something I could plan, I could learn about the science. So I'm very cerebral with my approach to things, including especially sports.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Yeah, that's really cool. Yeah, so Adam, I got a better question for you Adam. What sport don't you watch? Okay. Can you name one you don't watch? Yeah. This guy does the whole D&D for... Yeah, I've done just a drag as he called me the day because of fantasy football, you dick.
Starting point is 00:46:32 So, let's... But think about it, everybody, it's accurate. I don't watch the WNBA. That's it. That's about it. No, I am definitely... You watch golf? Yeah, but you don't watch golf that.
Starting point is 00:46:44 I don't watch golf that. I watch golf that. All the way golf. Yeah, but do you know what you have to throw all the way up? Okay, well, you watch, do you watch tennis? No, I don't watch tennis. I don't watch golf. Um, although I have, I've sat down and watched matches and I have, I've watched golf. So you definitely watch basketball baseball and football? Yeah, I'm, I'm definitely a sports fanatic for sure. And I'm less of one in my 30s than what I as a kid, I was crazy. I collected
Starting point is 00:47:07 every sport card so baseball. We're talking about when your kids, that's different. Well, no, I'm not just saying I was like a as a kid, you could name a player and I could ramble off stats and tell you everything where he went to college, what team he was on, what he's been traded to, everyone from baseball, football, basketball. Those are like my, the tri-effective for me as a kid growing. And when I say kid, too, I mean, all the way up into my 20s. It wasn't until like my mid 20s later did. I really fall off and wouldn't claim myself as a Finak, although if you were to compare me to these two, I am still a sports fanatic because I watched basketball, baseball, and football pretty religiously.
Starting point is 00:47:48 What did you play growing up? I played soccer and basketball growing up. I did play football one year and got my ass kicked. It wasn't very good at it. But, I thinner growing. So, organized. I was tiny, yet I remember, they put me in a defensive end and I got fucking lit up, bro. I was, yet. Remember I was tiny tiny. They put me in defensive in and I got fucking lit up
Starting point is 00:48:05 Bro, I was I was it so remember I was in high school in guard was Bro, of course too like the the Titan was like a monster. He was like the biggest kid on the team So I literally got my ass just killed bro killed and I did not like it at all It was not fun to meet up is sports like the fruit like if you're gonna what if you're gonna sit down and watch TV? Is that the most likely thing you're gonna watch? So I guess I guess yes, and I'm huge like you am a huge MMA fan. I've watched all I've watched all the UFC's every single one of them. I've been I've been watching since the very beginning. I used to watch it with my cousin. My cousin and I used to watch on cassette tapes when it was underground. It wasn't broadcasted on live TV.
Starting point is 00:48:45 You'd have to get it like by the buy-em from somewhere. I remember that. It was almost back where they had like the porn. Yeah, yeah. Like they had to walk back towards the back. Ooh, what a tough decision. So I've been watching that for a long time. And as an adult, I probably watch MMA and NFL the most. I don't
Starting point is 00:49:07 I and I watch every NFL game because I play fantasy football. I played fantasy football for eight plus. I'm this would be my ninth season. So I have the ticket and I watch every single game. I'm a huge gambler too. So I gamble on sports. So and I gamble a lot on basketball and football and MMA. So those three sports, I, because I'm gambling on it, I tend to watch a lot of them because of that. And we played on a softball team together. It's right. Don't ever, guys, by the way, I want to see how sad would never, never, are we going to fucking do that? Come on, no, I only get, I just want to see you. We got all these shirts ready to go. I was saying, we should get size. I just want to see him swing a bat.
Starting point is 00:49:46 That's all I want. I can swing a bat. I can swing a bat. I can swing a bat. I just don't want to do that. So, you know, I think, and I'm also the guy too who watches, I watch E60. I watch, I've seen all the 30 for 30s. I TV all those.
Starting point is 00:50:03 So those, if you don't know what that is, those are really cool. So it is. So you that's the thing you watch most on TV. If you're going to watch TV. Yeah. If I if I actually do watch considerably watch, I think I watch a lot of TV. And it's my favorite. When I come home, because I work crazy hours and I start the day pretty early, I don't normally start my day any later than about 6, 7 o'clock in the morning. I'm up working sometimes earlier. You guys know that and I don't stop and shut down
Starting point is 00:50:31 till about eight or nine p.m. at the earliest. The night like this won't be till like 10 o'clock when I get home. So I have my thing to unwine. I can't unwind from working, working like my brain. That's what I do. So it's really hard for me to shut my brain out, which is also why I smoke weed.
Starting point is 00:50:46 So my thing, I get home, and my girls got my joint rolled for me, and I'll normally put my feet up on the couch. And I'll take, and it doesn't, I don't like, I'm not a burner where I burn all day long. I can't do that. For me, I take a couple of hits off the joint, which is just enough for me to totally calm me down. Otherwise, my brain doesn't stop. I'll be up taking notes in the middle of the night and my girl will be yelling at me.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Because I tend to do that sometimes. If I don't smoke weed and I go to bed, she'll get up and she'll yell at me to go smoke weed. She'll be, because she swears she can hear my brain working at night. And she'll like elbow me and bend me and stop thinking. Bro, I wake up in the middle of the night and I'll tell my wife, oh my God, listen to this. I got this idea and she'll flip out. If you got a hold of my iPhone and you looked at the notes on your iPhone, it's crazy. And those are 90% of those were taking at midnight,
Starting point is 00:51:39 two in the morning, all right? That because I can't sleep and I get up. So I typically, I have a handful of shows that I Tivo and a lot of them are sports related. Although I watch other stuff too. You watch trash TV too. No, that's what I'm sick. When I'm sick, I like to watch 16 and pregnant. So that's my favorite six show.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I used to watch that Brett Michael show. Did you really? I think it really is. Is that is that what you do? Do you watch mostly sports on TV too? No, I watch zero sports. you do you watch mostly sports on TV to no I watch zero sports What do you watch on TV? I watch all like discovery channel and Brainy science. Yeah, see there we go. That's it though. That's what I watch bro
Starting point is 00:52:15 My favorite thing to do is when especially in a Friday night When everybody's asleep. That's when my brain really starts to go like I said about 11 o'clock at night I'll put on the freaking deepest documentary you can watch and I'll just watch. Yeah, I watch it like that to like 4am, especially something that has to do with like quantum physics or questioning the, you know, consciousness or if I go on YouTube, I'll start watching those videos. I'll be up to 4 o'clock in the morning. No problem. You said, whoa. Yeah. I mean, well, meanwhile, Adam's watching sports center. No, and I, I so I watch a of sports, my girl's a huge sports fan, huge. So we watch a lot of that stuff together.
Starting point is 00:52:49 And if I'm gonna watch, I do watch history and discovery channel. And when I do watch, that's normally when I'm by myself. When my girl's not around to watch TV. So we have our TV shows that we watch together. And, you know, because she's a huge sports fan, I watch all those with her. But she's not, she doesn't, when I watch documentaries, because I like to watch documentaries myself, I watch all those with her, but she's not, when I watch documentaries, because I like to watch documentaries myself,
Starting point is 00:53:07 I get on iTunes and I'll go through the documentary and find a back at your choice. And I watch the profit in like Shark Tank. Oh yeah, that's a good one. Shark Tank is a great show. Yeah, great show for sure. Great show. Yeah, excellent.
Starting point is 00:53:20 I think we just got you a lot of listeners. We, yeah, I think we just, BBC, or we're, it, we're,. Yeah, I think we just, B.C. B.C. Hamey. Yeah, we got work. We're, how are we doing on time, that was at 50 minutes there? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Do we have to 50 minutes? Jesus. Raptus shit up. We just talk a lot. Habla blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Well, thanks for listening. Tune in next time on Mind Pump. See ya.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Pump it. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show, and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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