Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 107: Adam's Post San Jose Pro Update

Episode Date: July 2, 2015

Last weekend Adam competed in the San Jose Pro. He was up against some heavy hitters... How did he fare? Adam reveals ALL in this episode....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, you guys know what my favorite forum online is? Pen house. Wait, hustler. No, no. Playboy. No, no. Grinder. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:00:10 Wait. There's a mind pump forum. It's a private forum on Facebook. You know how you get invited? How? You got to enroll in our bundle program, which is all these amazing programs that get you shredded, ripped, and muscular.
Starting point is 00:00:24 And then you get on a forum, and you can talk to us and... You have them here. No. The mind-pump community. Ah, okay. Guess how much you cost? How much? $500.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Zero.00 dollars. For how long though? If you get on now, you're on forever. After that, we're probably going to start charging us. Zero dollars, too expensive. Zero dollars. We want paid people... Can we put a down payment on that? You can put it... We'll let you do it in payments. After that, we're probably gonna start $0.00 too expensive. Zero dollars. We want paid people.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Can we put a down payment on that? You can put it, we'll let you do it in payments. Three easy payments of zero dollars. Uh, I don't know. MindPumpRadio.com, click on the yellow button and roll in the bundle, get forum access. For free. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind. There's only one place to go. Mind, up, mind, up with your hosts.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Adam, bro. What? Your show, let's talk about it. What happened bro? Let's do it right now. This is the post show update. Post the apocalypse.
Starting point is 00:01:24 We're on now. All right for yeah, we're on dude He's got that's recording Here we go. Oh, we're going so Adam. How did you? Where did you place and how did you feel about it and are you satisfied? Oh, I place fucking 11 the place the worst I've ever placed How many people 20 it was there was a lot of talent there, dude. A lot of you know what? Best roster I've ever competed in hands down. There was four dudes that are ex Olympians are going to Olympia. There was two bodybuilding.com sponsored athletes.
Starting point is 00:01:57 And then there was one TV star from Brazil. So you know, a lot and not to mention all the guys that are sponsored and tied in with a lot of people so that so it was definitely competitive and I heard even the bachelor was there. Yeah, he was. What bachelor? Johnny took a picture with him. Yeah, the from the TV show. Oh, fuck, I hate that show. Yeah, Johnny there. Johnny did a funny picture on his Instagram. So Johnny Sebastian those of you guys that have listened before have Follow him now on IG. He just did a post with the the bachelor I saw that him getting a rose from I will say this you easily had the loudest Audience we did that what and like I said the two what did I tell you guys?
Starting point is 00:02:39 We were awesome the two things that we're gonna make me happy of course. I'm competitive as shit and I want to win But the two biggest things that would make me happy to make my day was one, coming in with the best physique that I've brought to stage yet, I accomplished that. I was definitely better than my Lou Ferregno show. And in my opinion, mind you too. So my placing is the worst. But I always look, I'll take my pictures from my last show
Starting point is 00:03:04 and I'll compare to these pictures. And as long as I can look at my physique and say, Hey, I went after building better calves, better legs and a back this time around. And you know, did I do that and did I present that? And I did, you know, for sure, my, I brought all those things up. I'm super, I was super excited about that. So it was a total win. And more than anything else, I wanted to walk out on that stage
Starting point is 00:03:25 and I wanted the place to erupt being in our hometown. And that just, it was awesome. It was very cool to walk out to watch these 20 other pros that, like I said, are all big names and guys. And then here I come stepping on stage. And I was the last athlete to come out, which was cool.
Starting point is 00:03:39 So I was number 20. Yeah, you were. Number 20. So I got to come out and then the place just exploded. So it with electric. There was a lot of mind pump t-shirts everywhere. Everywhere we were looking, people wore our mind pump shirts, which is, this is kind of odd because we show up and I'm not used to this, but
Starting point is 00:03:56 people were stopping me, ingested, and Doug wanting to take pictures with us and shit. That's weird. That's weird. It's just weird. Yeah, just weird. That's cool. No, it us and shit. That's weird. That's weird. It's just weird, yeah, just weird. That's cool. No, it's cool, but it's weird. I'm not used to that type of notoriety anywhere.
Starting point is 00:04:10 We usually let Adam take care of all that. Well, I mean, you've been in the end as you've been doing this competitive thing for a while, but I haven't been on social media very long or doing this stuff. So to have people come up and be like, mine, pom, take a picture. Yeah, it's neat and cool.
Starting point is 00:04:23 It's cool, Rad. What actually doesn't happen, and I talk to my girl about this, and it's so strange. So now, some people still don't, and I get it because, it's through this social media thing. You feel like you know us really well, because you listen to us on the radio, or you see us on IG on a regular basis.
Starting point is 00:04:43 But then some people still don't wanna say hi hi because they don't feel like, I don't know if they don't feel like it's a weird thing to say. Like, hey, I know you from Mind Pumper, this or that. I love when people do it. They don't stare. Yeah, they stare and I'll recognize some people. I'll recognize it and I know they know us. And they'll be whispering or I'll walk by and they're like looking down at their IG and
Starting point is 00:05:03 they're talking and just like, they're pointing and shit and it's like, obviously, just say fucking hi dude. Like, I don't know, they're talking to you. You and me get to get a chance to meet you and stuff. Well there was this really cool couple. I don't know if they were together with a guy and a girl, both obviously very fit. All tatted up and the guy comes up.
Starting point is 00:05:18 He's like, oh, I'm a big fan of Bime Pump because I just found you guys. I've already listened to like 80 episodes in a row. And he found us because he follows, um, she, uh, she brought it. Yeah. Yeah. So that thought that was pretty cool. Yeah. My mom, this was my first show that my mom had made. So my mom had come out for the first time. So this was pretty cool. And it was neat because she's, she's wearing her, her mind puncture. And she wasn't wearing the zero fuck shirt. She was wearing the one that just says
Starting point is 00:05:47 he made my mom's pretty gangster though. She would she would rock she would rock the zero fuck still. She's she's as conservative as she is. She's also still she's supportive of her son, you know, although she she does probably wish I'd tone down the F bombs. Yeahbs. Uh, not gonna happen. Yeah, not gonna happen. Mothers are never, you know, the silly satisfying. Well, I explain to her that it's probably the best word that's, I mean, it's the only word that can be used as an adjective and noun of verb and as-
Starting point is 00:06:14 It's the most versatile word. It is the most versatile word. And it explains so much. You know, fuck or dude. Yeah, I usually rotate those. Yeah, great word in the vocabulary. So, that's a full sentence right there. Fuck, dude. Yeah, dude, in the vocabulary. So. And that's a full sentence right there.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Yeah. Anyway, it's fucking, she, she, she, whoa. She came to pre-judging, right? So she actually carted around with me all morning long, which was cool. And when we first walked into the arena, she had to go to the restroom and she went to the restroom.
Starting point is 00:06:38 And in the restroom, a lot of the bikini competitors and women that were getting ready for this stage were inside getting ready. And as soon as she walked in the bathroom, some girl stopped and was like, oh my God, I love that show. I love mine, pup. And my mom's to get some. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Yeah, she gets all excited. Oh, it's my son. Yeah. That's my baby, boys. You can't wait to come out. Let me show you a picture of him. Did you know when he was 12? He shit his pants when he was playing basketball.
Starting point is 00:07:04 He wasn't always a big shot. Right. Look at these balls. Role me out of the bus. Yeah, you know, the number one thing that I always get asked after these shows and I know and I noticed Craig too. I was I've been listening to Craig's periscope and he gets the same thing too. Everybody wants to hear us talk shit about the placing, you know, how do I feel about it kind of rolls out how you thought right going in. And here's the thing bro, it's so subjective. It is. It is.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And here's my attitude on it is, you know, first of all, at the professional level, it's completely different than I had more, I guess I had more of an attitude or more frustration when I was an amateur and then the national level competitor because I would walk backstage when I was an amateur and I'd look around and be like, okay, I've got like, yeah, you're miles better. Yeah, I was like, I've got all these dudes smoked right here. Maybe this guy's close to me, maybe that guy
Starting point is 00:08:00 and then when I would place like fourth or sixth, I would be fucking pissed, you know, because I'm like, you know, and I'll be the first one when I'm standing next to another dude that's put together, like that dude's put together. He's put some work in it. Everybody look good. Yeah, at the, at the IFB league, so in the professional level,
Starting point is 00:08:14 it's just like any other sport, you know, everybody's bad ass. So when I look at, when I look at that, I go, you know, hey, I could place anywhere from first to dead last. It really, you know, and of course, everybody anywhere from first to dead last. It really, and of course, everybody who's close to you that are family and friends and fans of Mind Pump are all biased.
Starting point is 00:08:32 We think you look way better in this guy, that guy. And I love that, that's great and all. But I'll be the first one to admit that easily, I could have taken last place. Easily. The guy's fuzzy, maybe one or two guys that I felt really confident. They're like, okay, I'm definitely better conditioned than these guys for sure. But it still wasn't even a long, it wasn't like I smoked them, it was just that.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Well, also, I mean, how many shows have you done as a pro? Like this is your second one, right? Yeah, so in my second. And what about those other guys? Like I'm sure those other guys have put in a couple more. And I mean, like for me, I just, I see it as a FaceTime thing. The judges really want to get... It is.
Starting point is 00:09:09 See the amount of reps you're getting in and as far as doing shows and all that on. They do. They like to see you come again and again and again and you tend to get rewarded for. I don't want to say you just get rewarded for showing up from show to show to show. The idea is that you show up from show to show and you continue to show improvements. You know and and I feel like I improved from last show but first of all I don't think any maybe I had one judge the same judge of the 10 that was from my last show.
Starting point is 00:09:38 So maybe that one judge scored me good because he's like oh I remember this guy from Lou for Lou Ferigno and wow, he brought his calves up and wow, his posing is a little bit better or whatever that. And maybe they gave me a little bit of love. But the other nine have never seen me before and they're just like, so it's starting to know. Well, it's super look at I'm not a, obviously not an IFBB physique judge, but like Craig, for example, I think he placed last, right? You got last right? Well, once you hit, okay, the way the placing starts or it works is 16. If there's,
Starting point is 00:10:08 you know, 20, 40, 50 guys, it doesn't matter. If there's more than 16, they no longer judge past that. So it goes from, it goes to top 15 and then everybody else is 16. Okay. So, so I'll tell you something right now. I like his physique. I like the way he looks. He's chiseled his hell, incredibly conditioned, but obviously he doesn't have the look that they're looking for. He doesn't have that, you know, that, you know, whatever they're looking for when it comes to physique. But when I see him on stage,
Starting point is 00:10:37 I was like, he looked fucking impressive as hell. Me and me and Jess and we're both commenting. You look extremely impressive. The guy who won, you won, he looked really good, but I think it was second place that I think looked maybe better. Second or third, I'm not sure. Yeah, I know you're talking about that.
Starting point is 00:10:52 But I mean, I'm not a judge, so it's very subjective. Well, both of those guys, the obey the bolt guy that won it, it was awesome. And it's great that it was a local boy that took it. And what did John Cakes, what did he place? Uh, what a John. I want to say John was like seventh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Yeah, I want to say he was. And the morning, which was crazy and pre-judging, they had John and I right next to each other. And I actually thought I was going to take somewhere between six or eighth the way they had set up in the morning time. You know, they were bouncing John and I from the center of the second call outs and then towards the second evening, or towards the second show, like the evening show I actually got bumped.
Starting point is 00:11:33 So, and so do the other big tall black guy that personally, my favorite physique in the whole show was the six foot four brother. Darnell Ferguson. Darnell, yeah. You look good. We were talking about him. Oh my Darnell Ferguson. Darnell, yeah. You look, we were talking about him. You look really good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah. And, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, I, I think Sal has mentioned this before. When you used to go, anybody that knows their classics and knows, uh, when Arnold Swartz here used to complete, compete against Colombo, if you looked at Colombo, he was more aesthetic. He was more, uh, symmetrically balanced and was ripped at shit, but Arnold was massive, you know? And he's tall.
Starting point is 00:12:11 And he's tall. So he got to give extra love for that man, because somebody who is over six foot tall that builds a symmetrical physique, they're not built that way. They're built to be swimmers and look at that. And then they are in the sport of bodybuilding. They're not built like a bodybuilder.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Most bodybuilders are about a 5-8 to 5-10 average bodybuilder pro body Was 5-9 yeah exactly so 5-8 to 5-10 is that range that you're in that sweet spot for for building this ideal Symmetrical physique so when you see somebody outside of that in my opinion You should get some more love for that, you know, and think that, you know, the top three for last that show was. They're all small dude. Yeah, everybody was under five, 10, and they all looked freaking awesome. And nothing to take anything from,
Starting point is 00:12:54 but I personally myself, if I'm judging, and like I said, I'm probably biased, because I'm a six foot three dude. I'm gonna lean towards the guy who's six four, like, to our now first, who will right who was stacked dude was stacked I mean he had abs delts arms back. I mean Yeah, it's delts were super. Oh, yeah, dude dude was that was definitely stacked I mean he was he was lagging in the calves and the leg department, but men's physique doesn't give a shit about that
Starting point is 00:13:16 So I definitely thought he had a badass physique for sure, so it's definitely you know these type of sports are definitely not Spectator sports and I'll explain what I mean because I'm coming in as an outside guy, right? There's first of all, you can't see much. You can't see much from the audience. So it's very hard to tell. And then you, so you look at the screen to try and tell, but it's hard to see the differences, especially when you have so many. Especially that screen they have was terrible. That's pretty all blurry. It was all blurry. What was up with the lighting?
Starting point is 00:13:45 Yeah, the light tried everybody. I was trying to periscope it on there and it was just like I bet they're all like looking at this like what the fuck? No, you know, it's all blurry But you're there and it's like you're there for we got there at six I think you guys came out at like nine. Yeah, and you're just sitting there And so it's not like necessarily what you would consider, you know, a fun spectator sport for outside people. However, the photos are what get the sport popular. It's not the shows,
Starting point is 00:14:13 that the shows are the hardcore fans, right? Yeah. It's not like a bunch of people, like, hey, let's go watch a bodybuilding show, because it's not really that exciting. No, and you know what, everybody who I, whoever tells me that they're gonna come out and support, I always warn them, I always tell them like hey listen
Starting point is 00:14:25 I don't even like going to watch this This is my sport. I made it I live it and I don't like it whenever I go to him I don't like go to go you know shake hands and kiss babies for like an hour or two and then I'm fucking out They're like I do not like to hang around a bodybuilding show because they're just long They're drug out that like you said lighting your table. He reminded me of going to a graduation ceremony. That's a very good analogy. Because it's like the only way that it's cool or memorable is you got somebody who's close to you that's up there that's graduating right?
Starting point is 00:14:55 That's why you're just waiting a whole fucking time for one person. And it's only 15 seconds. Get the car starting. Congratulations Adam Schaefer graduating class in 1999. You walk up, head into diploma, then I'm fucking done, right? That's it, that's actually a great analogy. It's pretty much like that. And if you're not going to go see somebody,
Starting point is 00:15:13 it's kind of like whatever. I was a little disappointed that they didn't have like a pose off at the end, like they do a bodybuilding. So we were, who was that? Because that's fun. Who's I talking to? It was Craig. Craig. Yeah, Craig and I were talking about that, like they do with bodybuilding. So we were, who was that? Because that's fun. Who was I talking to? You know, Craig. Craig.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Yeah, Craig and I were talking about that, like dude, it would be really cool if we got to do someone with that afterwards. Well, bro, let me just be straight up here, okay? You're a charismatic individual, you have an overpowering personality. I think if you did a pose off, you would fuck with people. No, because of that.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And I think that would help the more charismatic people come forward, which is not, that's good for the sport. If you ask me, you got to represent the sport. It'd be better if it was like WWE or you give them Mike. And then you just like, I'm gonna talk shit. Yeah, you're a fucking name shit.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Look at these abs. You know, you guys, you actually bring up a great point and actually a really funny point because I actually, ironically, I'm very challenged with my whole stage presence because I'm super outgoing. You guys know that. I have no problem being in front of a camera. I have no problem being in the line light at all. So people always ask me, are you nervous when you get there?
Starting point is 00:16:16 The very first show I ever did, I was nervous because I didn't want to fuck it up. Yeah, you didn't know what to do. But I'm not nervous being out in front of people. I eat that stuff up. But that being said, I have a really hard time doing all the pixie, fairy shit stuff that they have us do.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Like the turns and the flair, that a lot of these guys give and like everybody wants, they always want to, they always want to critique my posing and be like, you know, you need to pose more, you need to work on your posing and do this. And I'm just like, you know what? You know, I'm not saying I don't need to. I think I am the worst IFBV pro poser for sure.
Starting point is 00:16:49 But I just refuse to do all that tinkerbell shit, bro. I do not want to do the little twirlin' and spin in like fairy dust is going to come out of my hands when I turn around. There is, there, that doesn't show charisma to me. That doesn't show confidence. There's like confidence to me is I'm going to come out with my swagger. Farts are showing you my side. Bam, show you my front. Bam, show charisma to me. That doesn't show confidence. There's like confidence to me is I'm gonna come up with my swagger. Bam, show you my side. Bam, show you my front. Bam, show you my back.
Starting point is 00:17:09 It makes me laugh that they're talking about posing because you guys don't pose. You guys do a turn side back. Bodybuilding, you do front double bias, back double bias, rearlabs, you do all these different poses. So I can understand, but you guys are just standing there, you do front, you do the side kind of shot in the back.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Yeah. So what the fuck, what can you do to make that more, like, well, somebody tried to dance a little bit in between doing this, like, I'm confused, like, walk, like, what do you do? Like, just move your hands a little bit more. And that's just it is. These guys have learned now. It's, it's evolved, right?
Starting point is 00:17:38 You did the kiss, you kissed the audience. That's kind of, yeah, my, that's, and that to me, that's my personality. Showing out, saying goodbye to all the fans and showing my love or whatever or whatever like that. So I just a couple ladies passed out when you did that I I feel like though I just I just I got hit with a lot of panties didn't make it up on It's amazing doing that the arm straight to get it up there right my right in the back of my head Those those were boxer brief. I was gonna die of somebody actually did that because I've been saying that for so long And I actually like hey bro, just you know I brought some panties. I'm torn up
Starting point is 00:18:04 Oh, God, dude, so does this. I don't know how I'm gonna react. I'm gonna put on my favorite. I'm gonna put them on. I'm gonna put on my biggest ones they make. Yeah. This is like, so I have a funny story for you guys that I didn't get a chance to share with you guys, so you'll appreciate I'm sharing it now on radio. So this is my second or third show where muscle productions is putting it on. And so there's a guy, their main photographer who works for them.
Starting point is 00:18:28 He's always backstage and why we're in the pump up room and we're doing stuff. He's filming and he's taking pictures and he goes, and he's the one who puts the video together and post all the pictures of all the athletes to promote their company, right? And it's this older guy. And every time he sees me, he makes his way over to me and he's like, he's always snapping photos, which he's doing that to everybody, right? So that seems normal, but it's not normal because this guy like takes an abnormally
Starting point is 00:18:53 amount more pictures in the video. Oh, he falls every time I start to, if I take my shirt off, I'm oily up, I do a push up, I do a curl, he comes, I'll see mid-sentence with somebody else. Yes, hold on. I will see mid said somebody yes, yes hold on I will see him across the room and I was telling Craig this right when he was first He must have dude this guy's got like a crush on me or something
Starting point is 00:19:11 It's weird to me the fuck out cuz like this old dude right and he's just creepy about how he does it And the way he looks at me when he's filming me like you just feels fucking creepy right and I'm telling Craig This and Craig's gonna look at me like no, whatever. I don't think he believes me right and then like two minutes later I get down to push up sure shit dude comes right and over getting the camera on front of me he's doing this to me the whole time and I'm like I'm telling I tell Craig I say see bro I'm fucking telling you this guy's all over my shit dude so as soon as I get off stage he comes running up to me as soon as I get out he was hey real quick and I can I get a photo of you and so much that I'm like kind of roll my eyes I I'm like, yeah, bro, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I don't want to be a dick. It's the company, right? It's their company. I'm fine. It takes 50 more real quick. So he gets me in front of this little banner, right? And he has a video, he sets up a video, and he's getting all stage, I think he's going to take a real quick shot.
Starting point is 00:19:55 And he's like, you know, stand right here. I'm going to get my camera ready. This and that. So he gets a video camera out. He gets a still shot camera going. And he's in front of their poster for their company. And he's like, okay, I'm going to have you say this. So say in PC, the best bubble, come for, you know, he starts giving me lines. And I start like, okay, so I'm playing along and I'm doing
Starting point is 00:20:13 this. And then he's like, okay, I did 15 different clips of different lines and little promos for their show. And he's snapping shots and photos. He even walks over and he gets a fucking cowboy hat and he gives me a cowboy hat. He even walks over and he gets a fucking cowboy hat and he gives me a cowboy hat. And he puts a cow, I got my fucking hair all day and I just got a round of cowboys. He puts a cowboy hat on my head and he has me do all these stupid things.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I felt like such a clown, bro. He's not, I want you to say. This isn't gonna get weird, you know. Yeah, yeah. Now I want you to say you like it hard and deep, go. Yeah. Like a whole way, way, way. Say ye, how I climb on. He has me a thing for me to release the liability for them to use the photos
Starting point is 00:20:48 and he says he's gonna email me all of them for free or what I want to stuff and then he hands me 20 bucks for where you wear the chaps but Craig had walked in afterwards and and seen me with the cowboy and you can see the things like what the fuck and I look at Craig Craig and go, I told you bro. I told you bro. Look what he's making me do. Yeah, so I don't have my pants on. That was pretty funny. That was one of the funniest things that happened to me when I was backstage. Did you see us in the car,
Starting point is 00:21:15 a pair of scoping on the way over there? I died laughing. Were you laughing? Oh, it was hilarious. Because it was the first time you guys had done it. Yeah, I was going to know what you're doing. Watching you clowns get on there. You see the office up.
Starting point is 00:21:23 I don't know. Is it on? Do I get to help it's on? Are we work is it yeah, I think we are what do we do? What do we do here? So so we were totally gonna be there on early? We're gonna be there early Yeah, get off the freeway boom Like no one's moving but hippies it's straight and there's like all these Hippies walking by but they're they're not pretend hippies They're not like the cool like trendy hippies that you see now, you know, days of real deal. These are real filthy hippies, like the real deal.
Starting point is 00:21:49 My crazy dreadlocks and like chicks with hairy legs, like straight up, you know, like hippies, you know what I'm saying? My favorite was your description. You're like, a lot of these people have to be vegan, right? Cause they just, they just, they look like, they didn't look like they, it was like they're in passout. It was a stereo tip.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Yeah, it was. They're not too offend anybody, it was a stereo tip. But we, and we didn't know that it was a dead head concert. So I'm like, what is going on? Look at all these people. So then we put, we're like, wait, there's a lot of tie-dye shirts.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Oh, it's crazy, bro. Thank God we left super early to get back for the- I saw a couple people that looked like they were on acid. I was, I'm pretty sure they were on acid. I think, was it my girl or my sister made a comment about, you know what'd be really funny is if, if you switched the tickets out of five of these dead head people with five people that were going to the bodybuilding show
Starting point is 00:22:39 and you forced them to go to the opposite venue and see how they handled it. It was awesome at that bar. Like for a second, there was like half hippies and like half of these bodybuilders all sitting there. Yeah. Oh, I should have stopped and like got it on camera. It was like the most bizarre group of people all sitting in the same spot.
Starting point is 00:22:58 It's probably the closest thing to the opposite spectrum. Yeah. I mean, it's pretty close, right? To the opposite spectrum right there. A bunch of hippies. A bunch of hippies that don't eat meat, a bunch of bodybuilders that eat all the meat. Yeah, I mean, it's pretty close, right? To the opposite spectrum right there. I do a bunch of a bunch of hippies a bunch of a bunch of hippies That don't eat meat a bunch of bodybuilders that eat all the meat all the meats. Yeah, it was pretty cool, man That was cool getting that having that shot with you afterwards too when we went out to the bar. Yeah, yeah That was right, but you know, we get about about an hour before you went on stage. Yeah, that was fun
Starting point is 00:23:19 We the fireball. Yep. No, it tastes like big red gum. It's a chick. It's just a is it really is that way I liked it? Yep, I'm not a big alcohol kind of person You know God speed that bro. I freaking drank yesterday. Did you would you have? Oh, yeah, so Just a likes it tell me about it. No, you know, and this it reminds me of why I don't drink dude I'm just not a fan of how I feel for the next that you have sequasit sex with some random stranger again No, no, no, no. So, not again. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:23:46 But that's what I call my other hand. So, post show, I told my girl this show's local, and I go, okay, this is perfect because when I fly it out and I have to go to a show, I'm really limited to what I get after a post show. It's normally like 11 o'clock or midnight when I get out, what's open at 11 o'clock? Taco Bell.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yeah, a bunch of garbage. So, you know, typically in and out is like the post show meal and then the next day, I'm flying through an airport, so I'm getting airport food and garbage and of course I'm craving bad stuff. Like a synabon? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:19 So that's kind of like the traditional foods is I'm trying to get back and like freaking pizza from a freaking airport, all terrible stuff. And I'm like, we're home. freaking pizza from a freaking Airport all terrible stuff and I'm like we're home So now I want to make the foods I want to make and we have all these like healthy recipes that are you know Aren't like crazy clean like I've been eating where it's like boiled chicken and rice But it's like stuff that hey, I you know I could probably consume a shit ton of it and I still won't be as bad as you know going to town on like some garbage In and out or something like that, right?
Starting point is 00:24:45 So my first meal I wanted was sushi. So I was like, okay, I want to go out to one of our favorite sushi spots. It doesn't close to 11.30. So we hit up sushi confidence or afterwards. And I drilled five orders and rolls and some shishimi. And I had a little bit of sake, which was perfect. Felt great. I felt like I got a little bit of a cheat in there.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I did still relatively clean. Yes, still relatively clean. A little bit of the, you know, tempera and a little bit of the cream cheese. I was in there was enough to kind of make my stomach go and I had to go to give it halfway through the meal. I had to go to the bathroom, you know, and take care of it.
Starting point is 00:25:19 To evacuate the facility. Yeah, right. So, my stomach is just like ultra sensitive after a show. And I right. So my, my, that's just how, how my stomach is just like ultra sensitive after a show and it just, and I do this every time. Like even though I want these bad things that they are not even enjoyable, they go right through me and it's, it makes my stomach all girly and shit. So we had the sushi. Awesome. felt great. Welcome to next morning. And the plan was to take the day off the gym. I was going to have a complete day. Hang out with my girl, give her some, you know, some quality time. And we're was to take the day off the gym. I was gonna have a complete day, hang out with my girl, give her some quality time,
Starting point is 00:25:46 and we were going to make our homemade pizzas that we make that I talked about on the air last time with a lavash bread and everything. So we had everything and I'll set up to do that. And it was kind of, we woke up, I had protein waffles. It'll start my day, so start them off good. I'm eating clean, I'm good. And then we had this kind of lag time
Starting point is 00:26:01 before when we were gonna have pizza. So I go, hey, let's go see your mom say, let's go see your mom and, uh, you know, what, let's go, let's crack a bottle of wine with her, you know, we don't even done that with the reverse hat down. And my girl loves to do that. Her mom loves to do that. And I'm like, you know, I'll have a cup of glasses of wine or whatever. So we decided to do this. And of course, when we said that, she's like, oh, that'd be great. You know, once you get a swing by, grab all these different cheeses and crackers. And so we swing over over to New Leaf and get all these great, you know, once you guys swing by, grab all these different cheeses and crackers, and so we swing over to New Leaf and get all these great,
Starting point is 00:26:26 you know, great, great cheeses, right? And triple gouda and this honey gouda and this angel, I mean, all these different kinds, right? And we get there. And because I'm still feeling like I've been leanin' and depleted a little bit, I haven't really, really filled all the way up. I just can't stop.
Starting point is 00:26:45 I can't. Oh, I must have put a pound of cheese plus. And then you found out you're lactose intolerant. Oh, I'm pounded cheese and crackers and bread. And I'm wanting, I'm wanting to, I'm wondering why. And I had a bottle of wine in my dome. So I'm fucked up.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I've got all this stuff that I've eaten and stuff myself. I have now my stomachs turn into a turtle shell and I can't stop there because I've been craving this pizza that we're about to have. So then we start having the pizzas and that being the fact that I'm drunk, I'm still going. And just totally. So you're on.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Over-consumed. And then I had to finish for shells, red cupcakes. Oh yeah, I saw those. I was thinking of you, so. I'm almost stolen. Yeah, it doesn't make sense just to have one of those. It makes me eat the whole box, so I'm done with those. This was all yesterday? Yeah. So I smash all smash all that and then dude I wake up this morning and I just feel like I got hit by a train
Starting point is 00:27:32 Dude feel like I hit by a train and here's the part that really pisses me off my favorite thing about competing literally my favorite thing All the workouts I work out afterwards dude the workout afterward is so awesome at anapolk I haven't hit legs in two weeks, so I'm pumped to go do legs and I'm all mentally pumped I'm gonna just destroy him today. Oh my god. That was so rough dude. Oh, it was so rough training legs today. I wanted to throw up how I do my workout. I didn't feel strong. I didn't feel super anabolic. I was just I was pissed. So I was feeling you bro because up until you know, as you were getting ready for this contest,
Starting point is 00:28:06 I've been kind of dieting with you, right? After the show. So I did the same show on the same cycle. Bro, I did the same thing. So yesterday, I wake up and I'm like, I'm just gonna, you know, I'm gonna fast. So I had just a, like a protein shake. I don't really have anything else.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And then we filmed, you know, how we were filming for the next guide that's coming out. So we did some of that and I'm like, Doug, let's get some, let's get some Thai food. So I fucked up a shitload of Thai foods. I'm like, oh, Cam, good. I'm done for the day. I'm not going to do anything else. Then I had a Jamba Juice.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Then I had three empanadas. And I had some carnitas. Boo, yeah. I had some refri beans. I had some tortilla chips, potato chips, and then I ate a bowl of cereal. Oh yeah, I'm already ready to die already. I don't know what the fuck came over me,
Starting point is 00:28:50 but it was because I was feeling your bro. Yeah, I did it for you. I did it for you bro. I was connected bro. I gained three pounds. Period, so how did you feel this morning? I had a great workout. See I didn't eat foods that I'm not intolerant
Starting point is 00:28:59 that I'm intolerant to. Okay. So I lifted pretty heavy today. I was doing front squats with 300. And that's the thing that made me so mad. I think it was the alcohol that fucked you up from the first, bro. Yeah, the alcohol and cheese and all the bread.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I don't eat bread. I don't eat cheese and I don't drink. And I did all three of them and one sitting and over did it. And I'm not a big dessert guy. Clean most times. So that was just so much of that. My girl even said to me, she's like, you dummy. You would have been better off going in and out afterwards. And just getting that, you're one big cheat and then getting back on it the next day and you would have felt great,
Starting point is 00:29:31 because I can handle a cheeseburger, no problem. Then my body would do just fine with that. But all the cheese and crackers like that was just and the alcohol was just so heavy. So back I was back on it today right away. I mean, this morning I woke up and had my regular steak Steak and egg whites and I've been on the chicken chicken and rice today and And now I'm gonna go I'm gonna go on like two two days and more where I'm gonna stay moderate to low on my carbs And kind of clean myself off. Well, this is good. We should tell the audience We're gonna start we're gonna talk about this I guess on a weekly basis of how you're kind of coming out of that diet phase, right? Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:04 I want to address this because it's probably, and I mentioned this step before. We get this question all the time. Yeah, well, over 66% of competitors are considered, they consider to have a eating disorder. And so to me, I find that this is a really, really important topic to talk about because so many people look up to all these guys that are so badass and girls that are dev these amazing physiques but they don't get to see and of course these people all post all their great photos all the time and nobody posts all the shit that they go through and they they all have these relationships and what I'm sharing with you guys right now is very very common with all of them only I have enough self-discipline to make sure I switch
Starting point is 00:30:43 gears and get bad. Oh bro they go they go weeks they go weeks. Oh, yeah. And they, and they don't just eat more. They eat horrible garbage for every meal. Yes. You know, so it's, there's a big difference between. To be frat cheeky. Yeah, there's a big difference between going, okay, I'm gonna have something bad, you know, for lunch, you know, today, and then maybe the next day, I, maybe two days later, I'll have some, no, it's like breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, everything's garbage, candy, shit. You know, for like a week or two weeks and they'll gain like 15 pounds.
Starting point is 00:31:11 And this is why I think this is so good that we're gonna do this whole reverse diet. So those that aren't familiar with that, we're gonna, I'm gonna show you guys how I reverse diet out of a show. And why this is so important is, and when we talked early on in my journey, my body is used to anywhere between 3,500 and 4,000 calories a day without putting weight on.
Starting point is 00:31:31 So I could maintain my 225, you know, single-digit body fat and eat relatively close to 4,000 calories every day, completely fine. Well, if I went back to that right now, that's not the case. If I started eating 4,000 calories, I would blow up like a balloon because I have over the course of the last six to eight weeks. I have slowly tapered down and got my body used to 3,500, 3,000, 2,800, 2,600, even as low as 2,300 to 2,000 calories a day. So now my body has gotten to my caloric maintenance level is much lower
Starting point is 00:32:06 than what it was before. And this is why so many people, yo, yo diet in America, and you see this up and down, up and down is everybody gets in shape for the summer or their bachelor at party or Vegas that's coming on the corner and they all go cut and extreme and work out like crazy. And then they go back to eating with the way they were or worse like competitors do and they blow up like a balloon. So reverse dieting is a very, very important technique to maintaining that physique that you want to maintain year round.
Starting point is 00:32:31 So, you know, we'll definitely be talking about what I'll be doing. Typically, I let myself though, just, I'm human, and I do, there's always a list of things that I want to eat that I'll let myself for 24 to 48 hours, kind of indulge on a few things and you know Then this time at the 24 was enough for me I'm already back on it because I did so much damage in that one typically
Starting point is 00:32:52 I would have been a little more balanced about it and like Sal said had one or two cheats in a day and then the next day I want or two cheats and then well you got the fourth of July coming up to bro Holiday's really hard down, you know, you know what the fourth of July is barbecue, you can you can get some meat. Yeah, barbecue barbecue. Try you know, but mail us some try tip. It's up with that behind the veggies and meat. Yeah, I'm at an alcohol drinker. So it's not gonna be hard for me to pass on that. So that's not a big deal. And I've actually got a lot of shit going on. So I wouldn't know if we're gonna celebrate for July. Oh, beautiful. Communists. Pretty much. Yeah, we had a we had it. I mean, it A communist. Pretty much.
Starting point is 00:33:26 Yeah, we had a, we had it. I mean, it was fun. It was fun going, dude, seeing all those people there. It was fine. We had a good time. We, yeah, it's like somebody said, like it's, it's, you just have to like make yourself have a good time. Well, you're making fun of ourselves. Yeah. No, it was cool. It's, it's cool, you know, supporting you and, and kind of being in that,
Starting point is 00:33:43 um, in that crowd and that industry because I've been in the fitness industry for a long time, but in the fitness service industry, not in the physique presentation industry. I've only been to one bodybuilding show my entire life. So it's a completely different thing, but you can, in like every industry, it's got its own culture. So you see people walking around and you can see,
Starting point is 00:34:03 you can tell everybody's into it. And the chicks get ripped, bro. But here's the thing, when you see people walking around and you can see, you know, you can tell everybody's into it. And the chicks get ripped, bro. But here's the thing, when you see girls in pictures, when they're that lean, you see their bodies and everything. And you're like, oh, we know the really lean. When you see them in person, their faces, because women have a certain, they need to have a certain amount of body fat.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And they're, in fact, you can tell that they have no fat, and their faces are just, you know, super gaunt and chiseled. Yeah. And it's kind of like tell that they have no fat and their faces are just, you know, gone. Super gone and chiseled. And it's kind of like, wow, that is extreme, you know what I mean? You know, walking around with just full blown six packs, you know, not even flexing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:36 So it's pretty well. Very cool. Yeah, half the people were like passed out on the ground, like eating little wavy cakes and stuff. Yeah. It's, you know, being a guy who's in it, and I love it, and I'm a part of it, I still think it's weird, you know.
Starting point is 00:34:48 It's a very different culture, and it's very extreme on so many levels. So, I love the discipline. Hey, I do it. I don't even compete. I just like to die it down. And that's the thing that I, I also biggest respect, I think.
Starting point is 00:35:02 And that's the one thing I do enjoy about it is, I feel, and it is, out of all the competitive sports ever played And that's the one thing I do enjoy about it is I feel and it is out of all the competitive sports that I've played, it's the one that everybody's got mad love for each other. There is never any hate, dude. There really isn't. No, it's a good feeling. Yeah, it is. It's super positive energy, man.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Everybody and you could have the worst physique out of everybody in there and you still get mad love from everybody else because everybody knows just even to get to where you were at last place guy last place guy still took some serious work to get to where he's at you know so a lot of respect for for everybody who was just to get on stage and you're freaking you know underwear and that too you mean it takes it's one thing to get in shape I'm down for that not the rest of it though one's at you yeah yeah yeah that takes it takes a lot to to put yourself out there like that to get on stage. Even having a good physique, you know, even having a good physique to get up there and stand and then let people critique you and tell you all your weaknesses and tell you
Starting point is 00:35:57 just kind of messed up. It takes a toll on a lot of people. A lot of people don't handle it maybe in front of everybody really well, but then they break down. They like, listen. I can completely see that. Not good. And I'm talking about you and your body.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Yeah, it's people telling you your body isn't look good. Yeah. And working out as your life. Yeah. Hey, by the way, your arms look like shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Yeah. All right, cool, man. Well, it was great going, brother. So stay tuned. We'll be doing some reverse dieting episodes with you. Yeah, we'll definitely be updating everything. And make sure you guys that are listening right now, if you guys aren't tuned into the Mind Pump Radio
Starting point is 00:36:33 Periscope and then my personal one. Both those two will be talking back and forth on there a lot more. So make sure you guys are in there. Well, the Mind Pump Periscope, we're gonna turn on before and maybe even between episodes, you can kind of see what we do in between recordings. And maybe when I'm in the bathroom or something.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Yeah, I'll hold it for you. I'll hold the phone for you. Not the other thing. Excellent. Enjoy the adventure. Peace. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam,
Starting point is 00:37:01 and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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