Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1071: Substitute Exercises When You Don't have a Barbell or Rack, Ways to Prevent a Slower Metabolism While Maintaining Endurance, Tips for Merging the Fitness & Wellness Industries & MORE

Episode Date: July 10, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (organifi.com/mindpump, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about ways to prevent metabolic adaptations while ke...eping endurance and stamina levels up, alternative exercises for someone who doesn’t have access to a rack or barbell and can’t complete compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench press, how training is different as a teenager, and tips for merging the fitness and wellness industries. Official Announcement: Maximus is here!! Adam details and shares the full story! The value of the Doula, how they used CBD, the emotion involved & MORE. {4:17) #Quah question #1 – You talk about metabolic adaptations to cardiovascular exercise such as running on the treadmill, etc. But are there ways to prevent that from happening while keeping endurance and stamina levels up? If so, how? (47:08) #Quah question #2 – What alternative exercises would you suggest for someone who doesn’t have access to a rack or barbell and can’t complete compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench press? (55:03) #Quah question #3 – How is training different as a teenager? (1:04:00) #Quah question #4 – What are your biggest tips for merging the fitness and wellness industries? It seems so many people are too far one way or the other. What basic concepts do you feel encompass both in a realistic way? (1:18:30) People Mentioned Steph Greunke, MS, RD, PMH-C (@stephgreunke)  Instagram Arnold (@Schwarzenegger)  Twitter Ben Pakulski (@bpakfitness)  Instagram Related Links/Products Mentioned July Promotion: MAPS Anywhere ½ off!! **Code “ANYWHERE50” at checkout** Visit NED for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Mind Pump Ep. 1060: Stephanie Greunke of the Whole Mamas Podcast MAPS Fitness HIIT | Muscle Adaptation Programming System Mind Pump TV - YouTube The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding : The Bible of Bodybuilding, Fully Updated and Revised Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND Special, oh special prize announcement. I'm not gonna tell you guys early surprise what we talk about But let's just say it's fucking awesome. We're all excited and everybody got super emotional So we talk about this special surprise for the most part in the intro of this episode But we did also mention the use of hemp oil during the let's say birthing process kind of gave away a little bit of what the surprise is. Oh, no more surprises. Yes. I want to give a little disclaimer, if you're going to use hemp oil for anything
Starting point is 00:00:49 that is related to pregnancy, please check with your doctor. We're not advocating for its use. Thank you. But it was used for something like that. Now, Ned is one of our sponsors. They do make full spectrum hemp oil extract that contains not only CBD,
Starting point is 00:01:02 but all of the other beneficial cannabinoids, including one of my other favorites, CBG, look it up. It's pretty awesome. That's a new one. Anyway, if you go to helloned.com-flour-slaosh-mind-pump, you will get 15% off your first purchase. I also talked about the Beneficial Fatty Acid Profile of Grass-Fed Meat versus Grained Fat Meat.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Grass-Fed Meat actually has a better fatty acid profile, so it's healthier for you. Also, we are sponsored by Butcherbox, which delivers grass-fed meat to your door, and get this, they have a promotion going on right now. You can get burgers for summer. So new members receive six burger patties in every single box, that's free,
Starting point is 00:01:44 until October 15th plus, 20 hours off your first order from July 10th to August 4th. That's good, because I double up, so. That's it. So here's what you do for that discount. Go to butcherbox.com, forward slash mind pump, and get hooked up. Then we get to the fitness portion of this episode.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Here are the fitness questions. The first question was talking about metabolic adaptations. Are there ways to prevent that from happening while maintaining endurance? In other words, if you're training for endurance, sometimes it can slow down your metabolism, you might lose some muscle. We give some tips on how you can prevent
Starting point is 00:02:15 some of that from happening. The next question, this person wants some alternative exercises for the barbell movements like squats, dead liftsifts, bench press. So what are some good alternatives that will also give great results? The next question, what's it like training a teenager? What are some of the things you need to focus on when training a teenager or if you're a teenager listening, what should you pay attention to to train your body?
Starting point is 00:02:41 And the final question, what are our best tips for merging fitness with wellness? Sometimes it seems like they contradict each other. Now we've talked about many episodes in the past that they actually benefit each other. So we talk all about health, wellness, and performance and fitness, like muscle building, fat loss, and how to combine those methods for best results. Also, this month, maps anywhere, that's the program without any equipment, you can do it anywhere, you can do it at home, at work, you can do it on the road,
Starting point is 00:03:13 it utilizes your body weight and bands, suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced, it's actually a very difficult workout. That program is 50% off. Here's what you do to get the discount, go to mapswhite.com com that's MAPS I T E dot com and use the code anywhere 50 a and Y H E R E 5 0 no space for the discount
Starting point is 00:03:36 Teacher And it's t-shirt time. Oh You know my favorite time we go I like Adam's birthday. I was just trying to you know, it's my favorite time. We go. Third. Just I like to add them for a second. I was just trying to, you know, be in place of Adam. All right. We have five winners this week. We have three for iTunes and two for Facebook for iTunes. Stephanie Callahan, Kelsey, G a W J P E for two, two, one.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And for Facebook, Daniel Carter, Ollie Fuller, all of you are winners in the name. I just read to iTunes at mind.media.com send your shirt size, your shipping address, include your Instagram handle, and we'll get that shirt right out to you. Oh yeah. Bro, I'm so psyched and excited for you.
Starting point is 00:04:22 So we gotta tell the whole story now. So this is the official announcement. Baby boy coming into the world. Well, fuck, he's four weeks early, and how crazy is this? You don't wanna wait anymore. He's for sure lucky, baby. Kind of like his dad, right?
Starting point is 00:04:34 Yeah. Let's go now. Hurry up, the fuck. Right, right. For four weeks late. Well, what happened on, so we were out at the beach, all of us for the fourth of July thing, right? Yeah, it was the, what was it?
Starting point is 00:04:44 The fifth or the sixth? Is it the after or the day after? The sixth, the sixth. Yeah of us, for the fourth of July thing, right? Yeah, it was the, what was it, the fifth, or the sixth, the after? The sixth, the sixth. Yeah, so we had the whole staff up there. Right, so we went up to the beach, and at this time, we had already, we had just seen our doula, and had her last appointment,
Starting point is 00:04:56 and they are telling her like, you know, you're pretty far along, baby's already over five pounds, you know, you pretty much, even though the due date's not for four weeks, you could come any time, so let's pull back on the exercising. Let's kind of stay laid up, not do anything. And she was like, well, we're supposed to go to the beach on Friday or Friday, right? Saturday Saturday. And they're like, okay, well, that's fine. Just, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:18 take it easy. Don't do anything too active. And so like, all right, so we're all at the beach, hanging out, having a good time. And I'm over there with Eli and Taylor and Dev playing hearts. And she's- And you're whipping on them, right? Yeah, yeah, of course, right? You got to put that in there. I heard you're whipping on them. Yeah, so.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Give Eli's good though. He's got game for sure. So we're playing and we're about halfway through and they get up to go to the restroom. And so I go over to go check on Katrina, walk over, kiss her on their face and say, hey, how you doing, honey? She's like, I, I, I, I, I peed myself.
Starting point is 00:05:49 And I'm like, what? She's like, yeah, I think so. I'm like, what do you mean you think so? I'm like, you, you peed yourself? Like a lot. She's like, yeah, like my panties are soaked. I'm like, whoa, I'm like, you sure you're watered in break? And she's like, ah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I'm like, call the doula right now. I was like, call the doula. I said, we gotta go. We should go if you think you think you or your water my bro. She's like, well, I don't know. I think I just peed, but that's so weird. I've never peed my pants before, right?
Starting point is 00:06:16 And now you gotta, meanwhile, she's been having kind of mild. Not yet. No, this is no real contractions yet. She's had a little bit of like that the day before, you know, a couple times she thinks that's just Braxton Hicks is happening to her. So this is all the first time, right?
Starting point is 00:06:32 So the Braxton Hicks are like practice contractions that the body adds before. Yeah, so like people compare it to like menstrual cramps, right? So she's kind of having experiencing that a little bit and we had just on, they checked her on the Wednesday, right? So here we are Saturday and Wednesday. They're like, oh, yeah, you're right on pace.
Starting point is 00:06:48 We're looking good. It looks like this, you know, August six or seven, whatever. And then these the kind of cramps were happening a little bit, but nothing bad. She was like, fine. And I know she's a high paying tolerance. So I'm like, we won't know until she gets probably really close. Then that happens. So a freak out, I tell her to call the doula.
Starting point is 00:07:05 She calls the doula, and the doula is like, yes, go to the hospital just to make sure, right? So. This is when you came up to me. And you guys kind of disappeared for a second. And he's like magician, you're like, yeah, I thought you were gone. Well, I thought so bad for her because she did.
Starting point is 00:07:18 She said her panties were soaked. And we didn't want to make a big deal about it. Right, yeah, no. Especially if she's, of course, especially if she just pissed herself, right? Right. It's like, no. Especially if, of course, especially if she just pissed herself, right? Right. Right. It's like, hey, your water, but nope, she just pissed herself.
Starting point is 00:07:29 That's all, no big deal. So, right, so I wanted to keep it discreet. I walked over to Sal and just said, hey, I'm not sure, but her water might have broke. I'm gonna get her to the hospital right now. And Sal's like, what? Getting all excited, I'll get you know, say how he gets, because he knows a baby's coming out.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Yeah. So, I'm telling me to, you know, wait till I leave to tell everybody I'm like, fuck, I gotta wait. So tell me to, you know, wait till I leave to tell everybody, I'm like, fuck, I gotta wait five minutes. Yeah, you told the wrong guy. Yeah, I was right. You know, it's funny when you left, because you guys disappeared. I waited to you guys could, you know, took off, and then I told everybody,
Starting point is 00:07:55 nobody believed me, because I was fuck with everyone, you know, like, I'm shit. Yeah. So I tried wolf, dude. Well, we're four weeks out, right? So we get to, we get to the the hospital and they hook her up right away, check her and he's heartbeat's great, he's kickin' and moving around and stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:11 And they go in, they check her cervix, they're like, oh, it's way back there, it's thick, you're not even open. So they're like, you're weeks out still. And you're probably just experiencing Braxton Hicks. It's very normal to wet yourself. Water hasn't broken, no mucus plug, everything's like no signs of late.
Starting point is 00:08:30 And walking in the sand with, you know, as pregnant as she was, I mean, that pushes on your bladder. Yeah. And he's slowly coming down, right? That's the process in the last four weeks. So he's making his way down. And so he's putting probably pressure on her bladder.
Starting point is 00:08:43 She probably was walking the sand, pissed herself, and that's what happened, right? So, so that's kind of, so the nurses, I love you, honey. You know, so, so, so, no, I'm so unfiltered. Yeah, once it comes full circle, she'll appreciate the, the authenticity of the story here, right? Because I don't want to lead out any details because it was so amazing, right? So we go there and they basically tell us, you know, go home, you're fine. And that was the day that we went, which was Saturday, right?
Starting point is 00:09:14 So as the night went on, she started having, again, we are now we think our Braxton Hicks are not like real contractions because they pretty much told her she's not in labor right now. and they're starting to pick up pace and They're starting to intensify a little bit and it's getting the point where we're getting close to like that We're getting like five the five one one right where you're hitting the every five minutes You're hitting the one minute long contractions and you know that's where they tell you like once it hits around that time
Starting point is 00:09:41 You should probably head of the hospital and And so here we are, the next, or that night, we're starting to pick up that pace like that. And, you know, I'm like exhausted, and I'm trying to time for her. So I'm like all night long through the night, you know, I just let it's in my hand. And I'm like dozing off for the four to five minutes in between.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And then I hear her, oh, and I'm okay, start hitting again, you know, like, and so I'm timing them and I'm like, okay, we're like at five, six minutes and I keep asking, are they getting painful though? You sure that Braxton Hicks and she's like, huh, they're pretty uncomfortable. And I'm like, all right, well,
Starting point is 00:10:15 let's see if it speeds up a little bit and then the pain started to pick up in the morning. I don't know why, she's like, I wanna go to the hospital. I'm like, okay, let's go. So we go to the hospital, second time. And now we're there, same thing again, hook us all up, check us heartbeat, everything's like, I wanna go to the hospital. I'm like, okay, let's go. So we go to the hospital. Second time. And now we're there. Same thing again.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Hook us all up, check us heartbeat. Everything's great. Check the cervix. Nothing. She's still same place. It's far up there. It's thick. And so again, and they leave her there for this time
Starting point is 00:10:37 for about two hours just to monitor her a little bit longer. This is where you guys are texting me. What's going on? And she, again, like, no, no signs of labor. Water hasn't broken, cervix is all the way up, everything is normal. This, we're still on pace for the four week mark, right? And so at this point, like, now I'm getting a little worried
Starting point is 00:10:54 because here we are four weeks out and she's already dealing with this much discomfort. Right. And so they discharge us again, we go home. And this time we're home, now I'm like turning into coach, like, okay, if we got four weeks of this shit, like, come on baby, you gotta put your game face on. Now in the hatches now.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Yeah, and so I'm kind of telling her, like, breathe through it, like, you know, if these are just, these, you know, mild fake contractions that this isn't labor yet, like we got a lot ahead of us. And the nurses are telling that before they discharges, they're like, oh, don't worry, honey, you'll know when you're in labor. They call it labor for a reason.
Starting point is 00:11:27 And she's already uncomfortable. Yeah, so she's already like, and mind you, those that have heard us talk about this, you know, from day one, our birth plan with the doula was nothing. No IV, no drugs, no anything. No potosin, no epidural, we don't want anything. We're gonna go 100% natural through this whole thing.
Starting point is 00:11:46 And here we are fucking four weeks out with what we think are fake contractions and she's already in this kind of pain. I'm going, fuck, this is gonna be tough. And, you know, so she calls the doula and is telling the doula how much pain she's in. And she's trying to give her all, like, getting the bath and all these different remedies
Starting point is 00:12:04 and she's like, is there anything I can take? And she's like, do you have CBD? No way. Yeah. So she, the duel that told her to take CBD? Yeah, yeah. She asked her if we had it. Yeah, she asked her if we had anything.
Starting point is 00:12:13 And she goes, no, my husband does, she looks at me, she goes, do you have any of the Ned? And I'm like, of course, I'd like just ran out. So I'm like, you used it all. Right, I did. And it was on a night where I just wanted to relax, right? I'm like, of course, I just fucking used the last drops of it. So then I call Rachel up and I was like,
Starting point is 00:12:30 Rachel, please tell me you have a bottle of Ned or whatever. And she goes, I do, I'll drive it over. So she drove it over, dropped it off. She took the Ned, but nothing was helping. I mean, these things are now starting to hit hard. And now I'm watching your grimace, but we're still at about the five minute mark. And I'm like, we just went
Starting point is 00:12:48 to the hospital early in the morning, nowhere near it. So now I'm thinking, like, you know, we got to just, we got to hang tight. And I know, I know that I can keep her home, even if these are really contractions, even though I don't think they are right now, I know I can keep her home close to the two and a half 3 minute mark before it's like real scary time, right? And so I'm like, okay, I'm timing and I'm watching everything really closely. And I tell her, I'm like, listen, I was like, if they really start to intensify, tell me, then we'll go.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Otherwise, they just stay this intense. I'm going to watch the time. And until it gets below 3 minutes for an hour consistently, I think we should try and stay here. And so we did that. We're doing the bathtub thing and standing up and I'm watching her in a lot of fucking pain. And then it gets to a point where these things are dropping in the three minute, below three minutes.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I'm about two and a half minutes, three minutes in contractions. They're definitely intensifying. She's starting to win. She's even starting to cry a little bit. And I'm like, oh fuck, she's in a lot. And she looks at me and she goes, I gotta go back for the pain.
Starting point is 00:13:48 And his water hasn't broken yet, because we were trying to wait to see when the water would break. I don't wanna go back a third time and be discharged until the water breaks. Water's in broke. I don't think they're gonna let us stay. So what they probably would have done
Starting point is 00:14:00 is if they probably would have broke the water for her and then tried to put her on Potosi, or something. Well, they wouldn't have done anything because he her and then tried to put her on potosin or something. Well, they didn't, they wouldn't have done anything because he's so early. If she was on time, they would have done that. They would have actually tried to send her into labor, but they're like, no, we want him to stay in there and cook. And you're having no signs of labor.
Starting point is 00:14:16 So they were all like, you know, hang in there, you know, tough at out type of deal. So she looks at me and she's like, I gotta go to the hospital and at least figure out something to think is the Ned at that point didn't help. She was in so much pain. So she's like, I gotta figure something out and I'm like, all right, home we'll go.
Starting point is 00:14:32 And now we're down to like two and a half minute contractions, fucking painful as shit. She is, and she's already between all these times, she's already, she's like, every time she goes to the bathroom, it's like every, maybe, I don't know, minute to two minutes. She's going, so between contractions, she's peeing,, it's like every maybe, I don't know, minute to two minutes, she's going, so between contractions, she's peeing, and it's like leaking out on herself,
Starting point is 00:14:48 so she's super uncomfortable and frustrated with everything, and she's not even wearing pants, she got a towel underneath her that's kind of like, in case she wets herself again. So she's walking, she's wanting to walk out, and I live in a house that has three flights of stairs, plus the garage, which is four flights, right? So, into walk down, and it takes longer than two minutes. So she can't even make it down
Starting point is 00:15:09 the stairs without breaking up the stairs and to contract. Like walk down, stop. Yeah, grab the thing, screaming, and I'm like, and I'm walking down with her. It's intense. And she gets to the last flight. And I'm walking behind her and I'm just kind of grabbing and I'm moving pretty like casual and slow because Again, water hasn't broken. We've already been in the hospital twice in discharge I'm trying to just kind of talk her through the pain And I'm walking behind her and she's hunched over and she got a towel and all of a sudden I see the towel just go Just water just soak up and I went oh shit your water just broke and she goes
Starting point is 00:15:43 I think so. I'm like no, it did. I could see like how much it soaked. You couldn't pee that much. And so now I'm like, okay, we need to get to the hospital. I'm going to be delivered because we're already at 2.5 minute contractions. Just water's broken now. It's like game time. So fly to the hospital. Luckily, our hospital is really close. Get her in there. Like I said, you left the car on. Luckily our hospital's really close, get her in there. I like how you said you left the car on. So, yeah, that's a panicking batter. I roll up, well she can't walk. So I gotta get a wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:16:11 So I mean, we knew where we had to walk to and we had walked in the last two times. So again, I'm thinking we're gonna walk in, but now she can't get fucking 10 yards without a contraction hitting and her hunched over crying. So I go sprinting in the hospital doors, looking for a wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:16:29 You just tell, hey, I need a wheelchair. Yeah, yeah. I come running in. I said, my wife's in, my wife's fucking having a baby right now. I need a wheelchair. And so, one of the ambulance guys, and I parked right in front of the ambulance in the red, left the car running, get the wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:16:41 She's barefoot, no, she's holding on to a dry pair underwear, no one to wear on, and one of her dresses, throw her on the, we got nothing, no bags packed, bass and that's not fucking done, nothing's like, yeah, roll up like that, and I push her up there, they get her up into the room, get her on the chair right away, and this is now the third time they've seen us, so they're like, oh great, the couple that, you know, thinks they're having a baby. You're all natural couples, yeah, exactly, you can see, the couple that, you know, thinks they're having a baby. You're all natural couples. Yeah, you're gonna. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:06 You can see the nurses like that, you know? They're like, yeah, everybody thinks they're gonna go all natural, especially on the first one. In fact, I didn't know this till afterwards that 10% actually even attempt a natural birth on their first baby, only 5% even succeed. So yeah, I totally get this sensation that everyone's just like rolling their eyes like, oh, it's the first time,
Starting point is 00:17:27 first time baby couple. It's the first time natural couple. Yeah, yeah, here we go. Right, right. So I kind of feel like that's the attitude. Nurses are walking, same thing again, slowly putting your all up. And then nurse checks her and she's like,
Starting point is 00:17:38 oh, you're five centimeters, you're moving along. And I'm like, okay, everyone's still calm, no big deal. Nurse is going, no doctors there. Her doctor's on vacation right now for two weeks. And they haven't called the doctor in. So Nurse gets on, and she's now like, and I mean, the pain that she's in is like crazy. And I feel, that was for me,
Starting point is 00:17:55 and everything that we went through, the hardest process for me was watching, watching the pain that she went through. Like everybody talked about, you know, wait till that moment happens at him and he comes out, like you're probably gonna get emotional and I think that. And I did get emotional probably like two or three times during the whole process, but it wasn't,
Starting point is 00:18:15 cause it was the first, it don't get me wrong. Most exciting moment was holding my son for the first time and that experience was amazing, but the emotional part for me where I actually cried was watching her and being there with her. She actually stood up through the whole labor. So I actually sat like this at the edge of the bed. She put her hands on my thighs, put her face into my chest, and then I was just had my
Starting point is 00:18:41 head in her ear so she could hear me talking to her, and then we were just breathing through the contractions and she was just kind of like shaking her hips in between. And she's squatting. Yeah, well, there's a soft bend in her knees. Sure, she's bent over. God, I'm saying. And the doulo was behind her, kind of working her hips and she's like screaming in pain.
Starting point is 00:19:00 I mean, just screaming in pain. And we're, so this is after being told we're five centimeters dilated, screaming in pain. And we're, so this is after being told, we're five centimeters dilated, screaming in pain. And the pain you can tell is getting worse, the contractions now are about every minute and a half or so. So they're like, let's check her again. And she's only six centimeters dilated. So she's only gone up like one more.
Starting point is 00:19:20 And I can see that the pain looks like it's gone up like 10 levels. And there's a point where she looks at me and you know, I'm mind you too, I'm skipping over a lot of like doctors interrupting which the Dulo was probably the best investment I've done so far in this whole process. Like having someone as an advocate there for your birth plan,
Starting point is 00:19:40 especially being a first time father. You're so vulnerable because you're in excruciating pain. You as a husband, you're just like, I want to help you. I don't want you to hurt anymore. And there's lots of unknowns floating around there. Yeah, and doctors and nurses are like, do you want pain med? Do you want this? It's like offering drugs to somebody that's that's feeding for them.
Starting point is 00:19:58 You're very vulnerable. Very. Having a duel of theirs. Very, very much. Great investment. Right, so, and we probably wouldn't have made it all the way through natural If it wasn't her there to help me through that because it became there came a point and I was worried about this is why invested in one that
Starting point is 00:20:14 She would get in a lot of pain and she would feel like I can't do this anymore and they're so quick to be like We can have the Epidemic right away. It'll feel like. We got you. Yeah, they're like, we'll do it. And they must have offered it to her of fucking six times. And I'm constantly like, turn it down. They ignore you.
Starting point is 00:20:31 So I'm like, she's good. They ignore her. They're like, they want her to say no. Right? And the first two times, she was like, no, no, I'm okay. I can do this. And then after that, she was no longer responding to them. And then she's crying. And she's looking into my eyes and she you could tell she doesn't want anyone else to know and she's like I can't do this anymore, huh? I can't do it anymore and then at that point that's where I get emotional because I can't tell her no
Starting point is 00:20:57 Like I can't say no, you can't do it and so I just get silent and I just look back in her eyes Now this is when your 15, 20 years of personal training experience is all the coaching. I can't do it under wraps. I can't do it under wraps. It's a kid. Well, so you can do it. So all the doctors and nurses,
Starting point is 00:21:13 everyone was tripping out on her and I together. They're like, you guys did not look like a couple that had done this for the first time. And at that moment, we were really connected. Like I couldn't pay attention to anybody else in the room. She's got her head on my chest and I'm breathing her through the contractions and talking to her in her ear and just telling her what a great job that she's doing and that we're transitioning
Starting point is 00:21:35 and that's why it's painful and how strong of a woman she is. And that's the part that's getting me really emotional is coaching her through this, seeing her in a pain and a play. We've been together for eight years. And so we obviously, I've seen a lot of things with her and we've had ups and downs, of course, like anybody has never seen her like this before. And for her to look me in the eyes, just broken and like telling me, you know, please. And me also feeling like I've been, she's wanted natural and all those things too, but I've been more the pusher on the doula,
Starting point is 00:22:07 the pusher on the all natural. And so with her feeling like, I can't do this anymore, and then me being like, fuck. So I like just negotiate with her at one point, and like, I'm like, all right, Han Woll, we'll do it. Can you give me 15 minutes, and we'll check and see where you're at,
Starting point is 00:22:23 and see if you've dilated more. And she looks back at me and she agrees. And then when we go, and then she's just, then she's like about 12 minutes after that. We don't even make 15 minutes. She's like fucking screaming at the top of her lungs every now, minute or less. And they get her, and this whole time too, she stayed standing. And that was part of the coaching I was telling her to is like, honey, if we give them, we give them the epidural, you give you the epidural, you can't stand anymore. And I know this, you know this is the best place we wanna be,
Starting point is 00:22:50 you know this is gonna make this go faster, you feel better right now in this place, you take that epidural and you're gonna have to lay down. And you know how uncomfortable you are on your back. So she was like fighting it for that. They get her on, they check her and then they go, oh, she's 10, she's ready to go. And we're like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:23:08 So she made it before 15 minutes. Yeah, ready to go. Yeah, 12 minutes she was ready to go. So the whole time that I'm telling this story all over the place is when we're actually, after from the first moment we got in there, and we're told we were five centimeters, it was an hour. You know, it was a total hour that we were in there
Starting point is 00:23:25 going through all this. And she gets in and she does like, she straddles over the back of the bed. So her rear ends facing the doctor. And here's another situation where the doula was great. And then the doctor was like, trying to tell her she needs to turn around. And she was the most comfortable in that position.
Starting point is 00:23:43 And the doula and her were kind of going back and forth about it because the doctor was freaking out that she can't deliver that way. And the dual was like getting upset. The dual was like, this is just a doctor. The doctor doesn't know how to do it. Right, that way. Right, it was uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Right, so they kind of were having their little scrum and why they were having their little scrum, Katrina can hear them and she just fucking flips over for the doctor. At this point, the doctor is just now kind of putting her scrubs on and stuff like that. They're like, okay, we're going into labor. So they get the holsters up, or what are they called, the squat bar. You get the squat bar up for and the duel wraps the towel on it. She's like, all right, because before that, they were telling her during the contractions,
Starting point is 00:24:22 don't try and push. They're like, work through it, work through it. Once you're dialeted 10, now it's like, if you feel a contraction, fucking push, right? So they're all getting ready. The bed's not, they haven't even got the thing down on the floor yet, they haven't got the thing to detach. They're not ready.
Starting point is 00:24:36 They're not ready at all. They're just like, oh, it's time to go to labor and they're setting everything up and Dula's saying, hey, it's fucking go time. So when you feel like you want to push, fucking push. So she grazes down and I'm in her ear and I'm like, listen, remember we talked about your pelvis and your core right now.
Starting point is 00:24:50 And so when you get this, you fucking push. First push, boom, crowns. Doctor goes, oh shit. Fucking puts her hand on the baby's head. Hold on and Dula's like, don't hold on, fucking push. You're gonna be like, yeah. So Dula, she tells her to push and second push, boom. Shoulders come out. Third push, phew, shoots out just tells her to push you in second push. Boom.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Shoulders come out. Third push. Poo shoots out. Dr. Ketchism was like that. Wow. Yeah, it was that fucking fast. Dude, it was so crazy. It was so insane.
Starting point is 00:25:14 And then hands him up. We did a delayed court, a court cutting. She was in so much pain though. You know, she was like out of it. There's a picture of her and the baby's laying on her chest and she's like, looking up. Did I even look at that and the baby's laying on her chest and she's like, look it up. Did I even look at that here? She's like, oh, it's so much pain and it went through war.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Right, because they go right into her too and they still do work on it. Yeah, because you still have to deliver the everything else afterwards and you're not done, done at that point. Yeah, so she's not like having her moment with her son yet, you know, so. And because he used four weeks early,
Starting point is 00:25:43 they consider him a premium. And so only for a minute that she really get the whole thing. He's five pounds, 14 ounces. And he looks totally 19 inches long. Yeah, I mean, he must have been massive apparently. Yeah, no, I mean, I would project him to be nine and a half, 10 pounds if he would have made the full term. But because of that, you know, he's had to go through
Starting point is 00:26:03 all this testing stuff, which that's been a little frustrating for me as dad because of that, you know, he's had to go through all this testing stuff, which that's been a little frustrating for me as dad because there is, I think she's been misdiagnosed since day one about being pre-diabetic. So because she's over the age of 35 and she's Hispanic, she automatically gets thrown in this like high-risk category. And because the first test that she took for the stupid diabetes test, and they give her fucking 100 grams of sugar.
Starting point is 00:26:27 And she was before that, basically keto. My girl hasn't had over 50 grams of sugar in like fucking eight years. You know, like she just doesn't eat that way. So her body's just hyper-response? Yeah, like, and to me it was like no shit, you know what I'm saying? That she totally responded that way.
Starting point is 00:26:41 So then we, she found out that she can opt out of that, but it was too late, they already put her in the program to be monitoring her. So we decided instead of them doing it and giving her, we would monitor at home. And bro, we, every test, she should take a test after every meal, right in the middle of perfect every time, every single time she was perfect. So what are they doing? They're doing blood tests on your boy, every hour or something to make sure to see how it is. So he's been poor guy, dude, he's been prick 20 times, you know. your boy every hour or something to make sure to see how I do. So he's been poor guy dude, he's been prick 20 times. You know, so after every hour, hour and a half or so, they come in, they prick them, they check its blood.
Starting point is 00:27:12 So because she was high risk, they end that automatically throws him in that, then you put them in the fact that he's premiums, they automatically have to put him. So poor dude is like passing all that. He was an eight app car score. He goes into the ICU, passes blood sugar, passes visual, passes everything, like with flying colors, and still has to kind of go through the process, but they got him out of there within three hours.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Yeah, they're just pre-caught, it's all pre-caughtions and shit. I mean, because now you guys are going home a couple of days later. Yeah, no, yeah, so you have to be in there for a minimum of 24 hours, right? And they wanted him a little bit longer because he had been high risk,
Starting point is 00:27:45 but he's done phenomenal, man. He's so good. He's fucking super chill, man. Super chill. So salty when they got him upset. Yeah, that was so great. Dude, we walk in. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:27:55 No, we walk in for the first time. I hadn't seen you were Katrina or your son since you guys went to labor. And I walk in and I'm like, hey, what's going on? And then the baby starts crying a little bit. And Adam's like, this is the first time he's crying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:07 It was. Because he recognizes, she doesn't mind pop. But she was pregnant. She does. She listens to every episode. He's like that annoying son of a bitch. I thought I got on with this. She's like that.
Starting point is 00:28:16 That's what I recognize that voice. Yeah, that's, I mean, I just literally came from the circumcision right now. He didn't cry. It's been so funny every process of the way. And Katrina and I, we've been no matter what everybody's told us, we know that we are going to have our own experience.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And so we've not allowed what everybody else has experienced to influence the way we feel and how we're having things. And so we've just been fucking calm. Are you, have you done the whole like where he sleeps to just watch him? So, wow, that's my boy. So I actually, I went home last night and by myself
Starting point is 00:28:49 and I left her and part of the reason why I did was I actually have bonded a lot with him since he, I've had him more. So since he's been born, you know, she was, she does her what she needs to do for nursing but it's so little that she gets and And so it's like five to 10 minutes, and then she then she pumps, and then I actually take the syringe
Starting point is 00:29:09 and give him the rest through syringe. And so I've done all the feedings, the changing, he's done all the skin to skin with me for hours on hours. I let her sleep, so I've done a lot of bonding with him. And I felt like, you know what, I can go home I can get some rest that'll give her the entire night where she doesn't have me and she has to kind of like just them the two of them have their time and it was the first time that
Starting point is 00:29:33 finally we got through most of the tests where she'd actually get like a six hour window where no one would fuck with her. So I actually left her last night just so they could obviously I was texting and talking to her all my long but I wanted them, and it was great because they did. They, he slept on her a lot and was connected, but for sure, my favorite part is that right now is that he's, he's so fucking chill and calm and he gets in rhythm with your breathing
Starting point is 00:29:59 and it's so wild to the point where it's even fun for me to kind of play with it because it's like, oh my god, this is crazy. He'll get on my chest and I'll just be laying there and listening to him breathe. And he's breathing in sync with me. And the first time I noticed this was I yawn because I was tired, right?
Starting point is 00:30:14 I yawned and it like startled him. And I was like, oh, that was weird. And then I kind of noticed any time that we were in rhythm with our breathing and he was on me, skin to skin. If I were to change any way of my breathing, it would startle him. But as long as I was breathing normal and he'd breathe, I'd only be out.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Not wild. Yeah, so connected. Yeah, so connected, right? So it's so wild. Really, really cool to feel that, experience that, that was really rad. So, no, I just can't, man. Yeah, your energy is, I mean, as soon as I saw you,
Starting point is 00:30:41 you just have this calm, I don't know, just different energy. I remember that, I remember that switch, you know, I haven't taken over. Yeah, you get to eat and you're already, it's great. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now everybody is, you know, again, everyone tells you about their experience and everything,
Starting point is 00:30:54 but there's nothing that can explain it. That's why, you know, you always hear people, this is annoying for people without kids, like, oh, you know when you have kids and people like, shut up, like, it's true though. There is a part too, and again, I'm glad we had an experience with a doula and kind of talking about things of, you know, it's funny how nature works and your instincts.
Starting point is 00:31:12 And you know, part of the, if there's any frustration that I've had in the last two days, was actually having to listen to doctors and other people be involved in the whole process, I really feel like between her and I, like just leave us alone, like let me, let us figure it out. I really feel like between her and I, like just leave us alone, like let us figure it out. Let us put it together, like I'm not scared,
Starting point is 00:31:29 I'm not worried she's not like. You ready to go home? Yeah, like let me take her home and let's, if we have any problems, we'll call you guys, but other than that, like I wanna be on my own. That's so awesome man. Yeah, he's a cute little guy. He does not look premature.
Starting point is 00:31:43 He looks like he went full term. That's worse than he did. Be matured babies have a look, right? No, total. I'm not gonna lie. And he's already getting cheeks, which is exciting for me. I was telling her he's getting the cheeks.
Starting point is 00:31:53 He's already changed in the 24 hours. It's wild to see that. Yeah, real, they changed fast. Especially since he came out early, right? And then he's being fed. And I don't know how, like, he's got a lot of hair, dude. Yeah, there's a lot of like,
Starting point is 00:32:02 he took all your hair. It's weird, it's weird. It's weird. you took all your hair That's what my use like girls You know gray and white He just stole your hair No, that's how it goes. Yeah, I ain't you know everybody thinks their kids good looking But I'm not gonna lie. I told Katrina this is like true story I'm just a kid I've ever seen my life well
Starting point is 00:32:24 When you go to that when you do the newborn classes, the kids they use in the videos and boy I got I hope to God nobody's fucking one of the parents of that. That's what I'm gonna show. Kids my side the babies are ugly as fuck bro. I remember telling Katrina we get out of the newborn class and I'm like man is our kid gonna look ugly like that. Yeah I'm like man I sure hope. Almost one expect.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Hey just wait to start playing the mind game. You're like is my kid as look ugly like that? Yeah. I'm like, man, I sure hope. Almost wanna expect. Hey, just wait till you start playing the mind game. You're like, is my kid as cute as I think he is? Well, that's because it's my kid. So this is the feeling I had, right? So I have this impression when we do the new born class. So I'm telling Katrina that. And then I know he's gonna be a premium. I do know a premium baby's due.
Starting point is 00:33:00 I mean, they should have been cooking longer, right? So I mean, their internal organs aren't even all the way up to where they're supposed to be. They're sucked in a little bit. So I'm like a little nervous. Like when he's coming, like, man, is he going to look like all alien scary looking and ugly as fuck? My daughter says like a potato. That's what my daughter. My daughter says the newborns. Pretty accurate. Yeah. She says newborns look like potatoes. Yeah. She said that what her cousin was born. But he came out and you know he did. To me, he didn't, he still had a lot of meat on his bones.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Like he didn't look all scrawny. He's a cute kid. Yeah, he's small. Definitely small. I'm a little biased too, right? But not as biased as you. So again, I mean, I'm objectively speaking, you got a good looking back on you.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Yeah, that's great. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, that's good. It's been a while, right? That's crazy to me that the doula, and I want to make sure we do disclaimer here, we're not advocating for the use of hemp oil for pregnancy or contraction.
Starting point is 00:33:50 So this, but this is what your doula said, which is cool. Yeah, yep, yep. She was, Katrina was just reaching out for, you know, a natural way to hopefully dull some of the pain and she said it to her and then, Well, the cannabinoids have angiolitic effects, which may be why they help with pain.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I don't know if they could... Well, also, I think that's what it was too, is because at this point, remember, we don't think we're in labor. So she's trying to think, even the doula is like, because she's sent us to the hospital twice and we're getting turned away. She's like, these could be Braxton Hicks
Starting point is 00:34:21 and she just have our time. So she's trying to give her ways to kind of calm her down with what, because you're going to do that. Yeah, so we're like lights out, you know, candlelight in the bathtub. I'm giving her the Ned, you know, that's kind of like we're trying to like just kind of chill her out. And maybe that's because what I noticed for the first two times with the hospital, once they hooked her all up and they gave her an IV and stuff, she did kind of,
Starting point is 00:34:42 the contractions kind of calmed down a little. She felt maybe like she's like, okay, I'm safe for whatever. Yeah, right. Yeah. Because a lot of people don't realize that a lot of the reason why we don't like pain or the painful quote unquote part of pain isn't so much the physical sensation of the pain,
Starting point is 00:34:58 but rather the thoughts and fears surrounding pain. This is why a little kid. What's gonna happen as a result? Yeah, this is why little kids, like if you talk to surgeons who operate on children, they'll tell you that they'll do a surgery on a child that normally would lay a person out for a week, and the kid is trying to get out of bed the next day and play, because they don't know, they don't have the same fear and thoughts around it, and so what cannabinoids seem to show in literatures that they have some, especially when you have multiple cannabinoids,
Starting point is 00:35:25 like CBG, that's another one that is found in hemp oil and some cannabis, it's got some effects like CBD, and when you combine them all together, you get that effect and that's what you get. And you can still get that from hemp. And hemp is, yeah, the net is full spectrum. So that's all of this. Yeah, it's not just CBD, it's all the matter.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I wish I would have, I would, you know, it didn't even dawn on me that that would be a potential thing where else I obviously wouldn't have used the last bit of our... That's cool that the duelist, like she's trained in this, right? So that's pretty frickin' rap. Yeah, she was great, dude. I'm at the alternative options.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Now, how is the nursing? Cause I know sometimes there's, although the latching on process, so some women have struggled with latching on, where the baby's born, and to them to latch on to the nipple It's like this whole process they even have Coaches that come back to yeah, which I was not I don't know until I had my own kids but
Starting point is 00:36:15 Apparently from what I've read natural childbirth Improves the success and odds of latching on has Katrina had no problem? No problems. Yeah. I mean, she's producing enough milk and all that stuff. She wore this right now. It's all the just a classroom. Yeah. So that's, I mean, it's sold. It's like, which is anabolic, bro. Right. Yeah. Whatever. Now, right now, she needs it. But like, don't worry. I'm storing some from myself. Whatever. Left home of our stuff on the company. That's the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,feeding or the breastfeeding coach or whatever her name, whatever they call her. She was in there like, co-training consultant.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Yeah, that's what it was. Thank you. And they're in there talking about the pump and, you know, it's good to do that. And like, oh no, we get home. I'll do that part. Don't you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:55 So I'll keep those things going. Don't worry. Yeah. I know it's anabolic. Don't trip. I'll be you. I'll be getting some. Having to get jacked away.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Yeah. You're gonna get a taste of it. Pretty cool stuff. Come on. Come on. You got to look pretty good. Taste it right. Pretty cool stuff. Come on. Come on. You got it. Come on.
Starting point is 00:37:09 I never did. Really? No. You pussy. I never did. Really? Come on. It was weird to me.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Yeah. That's my husband. Like, nothing of a pull. Yeah, nothing of a super opponent. Well, you also have, you also have, you also have, you tell me issues. So I get it. You don't say like, you're scared. You look good, dude. Throw a little Nestle in my mouth.
Starting point is 00:37:26 It's sweet, dude. Yeah, I'm gonna. Fresh. Some to it. Oh my God, that's terrible. Terrible. Well, breast milk is the perfect human food. It's very high in, you know, healthy fats for the child.
Starting point is 00:37:39 It actually contains natural cannabinoids, talking about cannabinoids. So human breast milk has been shown to contain, I believe it's an endomide. I think that's the name of the cannabinoids, talking about cannabinoids. So human breast milk has been shown to contain, I believe it's an endomide. I think that's the name of the cannabinoid that humans make. That's in breast milk, because what you'll notice with your child, especially as he gets older, is he'll cry or whatever, then she'll breastfeed him,
Starting point is 00:37:57 and then he'll look like, he'll breastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed, and then he'll just, and they get like milk drunk. Did you remember that just that? Yeah, we're there, it's like, after I eat a bunch like milk drunk. Yeah. Do you remember that just that? Yeah, we're there's like, after eating a bunch of turkeys. Yeah, like, yeah. It could be the cannabinoids,
Starting point is 00:38:10 but it's got a great fatty acid profile, of course protein, and then there's some natural sugars in there. And so one of the things, I think it was, who was it that we interviewed that talk all about pregnancy and nutrition and post pregnancy? Was it grunky? Yeah. Is that what they say, right? Yeah, yeah, when we talk, I think it might have been off air.
Starting point is 00:38:30 She was talking about how important it is to eat good adequate amount of healthy fats while your breast feeding so that you produce it more. And she advocated for breastfed beef because of the fatty acid profile, Yeah, we're all in you know butcher box. We're all set up Yeah, we got all the best connections, bro Yeah, we did this all before so she got the butcher box grass-fed meat. You had the net for the whatever Yeah, no, we're set on all that stuff for sure I tell you what though. We did we did not have I mean this was four weeks away So by no means did we I mean we didn't even have the clothes washed
Starting point is 00:39:05 for to put them in because- You had to go home and do the car seat. Yeah. Yeah. The car seat was still in the box. It had to got the car seat, right? So it was still in the box. I had to go do that. Bass andette wasn't put together.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Swing wasn't put together. We didn't what we had and washed any of his newborn clothes that he could be in. So we had to go wash it with all that, whatever that, fucking newborn soap is, right? So here's the things that I was, so when I had my son, I tried to be, now I was young though. I was a haldos, I went, I had my son 24 or 25, but I tried to be very self-aware of the
Starting point is 00:39:35 changes that happened after having my son. And here's some of the stuff that I noticed. I wonder if you'll notice the same thing. I noticed that certain things pissed me off, that didn't piss me off before. Like before when I'd read about like politics or shit that's happening in the world, they'd be like, whatever, you know, I'll do my own thing, do you know, all of a sudden I was like,
Starting point is 00:39:54 these fucking assholes. Yeah. They're gonna make the world fucked up. I'm gonna be terrible. So I was all about there. All of a sudden I cared about shit. Like, and I got pissed off. And then I got, here's the other thing that I noticed.
Starting point is 00:40:03 I got emotional. I was never emotional before. Not an emotional person, or at least I wasn't. And then I got here's the other thing that I noticed. I got emotional. I was never emotional before. Not an emotional person or at least I wasn't. And then I have my kid and I watched cartoons with him and something will happen on the cartoon, like finding Nemo when the fish can't find his dad or whatever. That's a terrible move.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Yeah, I'm sitting there like start crying and show what the fuck happened to me. Yeah. So those are two things like pay attention. See what you notice about. Yeah, right now the things that I said I wouldn't do or that I didn't think I was gonna do that I ended up doing, one was watching him come out and then two was cutting the core.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Oh yeah, you were all right. I'm not gonna watch my moves. Yeah, no, I was like, yeah. I don't wanna see that. That's the bird. Yeah, yeah, no, that's a very special place for me. You know what I'm saying? I'm like, I do, I don't wanna see a train wreck happen down there.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Oh my God, that's just gonna fuck you. He's still out of town. He's the same, that's the same dude. Yeah, I said, I'm good a train wreck happen down there. Oh my God. That's just good. He's still out of town. Yeah. He's the same. Yeah, it's up. I'm good. Dude, I'm good. No, but it doesn't. You want to see it every day?
Starting point is 00:40:52 Yeah. Well, what it was, again, it's funny because those two things, both the court and that, neither one of them had any desire to do. But I also was not like, no, I won't, right? It was not like that, but I'm like, nah, I'm cool. I don't want to, you know? But when in a game time came, it wasn't the desire to see him coming in,
Starting point is 00:41:10 like a lot of people talk about. It was again, I was so connected to her, and I was so emotional about her that I just wanted to see it get it out and tell her like, you're there. Like when it crowned, I was so elated to tell her. She was a little hair. She was doing that intuitively
Starting point is 00:41:26 because the duel actually kind of moved me in that direction. So I was like, right there for like, you know, front row. And I was like, what am I doing here? And I'm saying it's so happening. Yeah, yeah. No, I just intuitively were, nothing was like planned or taught.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I mean, it was so fast. There was no like, hey, you should go here Adam or you guys should do this. It was just like, you said the doctor had to catch the baby. Yeah, but he literally fired out. Yeah, they didn't even have, because they only do like a little support thing that goes underneath so that doesn't have,
Starting point is 00:41:51 right at the word, like he, there was tile underneath him. Like he was getting, and shot like into, into her arms. It was crazy. He's already doing stunts. Yeah, it was. He came flying out, again, like I was so,
Starting point is 00:42:03 into like coaching her through the process that it was more like me, because I'm standing right between her heads right here, right to my left, to the right. She's got, she's in the holsters and she did the, you know, grab on to the ropes. And you know, at that point when it said go time, that that's a little bit of coaching that I had to do with her is everything we talked about tightening and pressing with her core and engaging her pelvis. And she just did it all at once.
Starting point is 00:42:25 And just, isn't it just that, did you stop to think, do you have a head enough time to stop and think how just insane, and I don't know what words you want to use, miraculous and strange and just crazy the whole process is, like you and her combined your, it's like an outer body experience. Yeah, you guys combined your programs or whatever you want to call your DNA, your essence,
Starting point is 00:42:47 made a new, a brand new human that's never existed before, based off of your two mixes, grows inside of her, and then it comes out and boom, there's, I mean, it's just a crazy, the whole thing is wild, right? No, it's been surreal for us too, because I mean, I'm in the middle of it right now.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Like literally as soon as we hang up these mics, I'm flying back to the hospital So it still hasn't even fully set in I don't think it's still it happens so quick for us that we weren't prepared for anything Pro you're add to get him at your house Yeah, four days, though. You didn't have a kid. Yeah, and when nor was I even taught I was like I told Katrina I was like oh, maybe this weekend. I'll do the best. I remember talking to you. Here's a funny thing. So I don't remember, I don't know if it was at the beach or before that, but you and I were talking.
Starting point is 00:43:29 I think it was when she, the doctor told her, oh, it might happen sooner than we think or whatever. Yeah. The look on your face was hilarious, because you went from, you know why? And I know you explained it to me very well. You said that you were, you had put it off till two weeks before.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Like, I'm not gonna like really think and worry about it until two weeks before the due date. But then you got a wake up call. Like it probably could happen now. The look on your face. Oh yeah. Totally different. Well, right away, I started going to work right away
Starting point is 00:43:57 because we booked all these trips to be flying out everywhere. And we had a lot going on here. Yeah, and it's crazy the way I'm so glad it happened on the weekend when it happened because that happened so fast. I would have missed it if we were in Denver. Think about that. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Think about that. If we were in Denver and Seattle, you weren't supposed to miss it, obviously. Yeah, dude, that's crazy to me. That's what tripped me out that I was like, whoa, I totally could have missed that. And I was like, I'll be fine, because I'll know when the contractions start coming and then I'll be able to get on a plane
Starting point is 00:44:28 and more likely it'll be, I mean, and the nurses were that way. You've just seen the way they're all walking around and acting like, oh yeah, it'll be, you know, it'll be, he'll probably be here in 10 hours or 30 hours somewhere in that range. And no, it was go time and she was a champ, dude. Like she, it's crazy to me, like,
Starting point is 00:44:44 and I just get emotional just even talking about her through this whole thing, which is again weird from me. I expected that to be a, it's my boy and it's all about that. It hasn't. There's been this, this connection in bonding with her on another level that, you know, two year point two, we made this together. We got through this together. Like we did it naturally. We wanted to. We experienced all that together. And I can't believe she made it like that. That part to me was amazing. And like I'm so proud and like so much God's respect for her to do that. There's like, I was looking at her and I had no words. I had no more words or no coaching. I had nothing left to say to her after about the third time that she cried and looked me in the eyes and said, I can't do it anymore. I'm like, fuck, what do I, would I keep telling her? You got this, you know?
Starting point is 00:45:28 You got this. You got this. You got this. I find. Yeah, right? Like, what do you say to that? Well, I mean, let's be honest, if we were the ones having cute, it would be a scheduled, you know, full anesthesia, I'll wake up in the babies there.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Yeah. 100%. Anyway, man. Carved out of me. Congratulations, dude. Yeah. Yeah, we're all super excited I'm gonna be a fun couple weeks. Yeah, Jessica was so Jessica got it. She never gets a cold never get sick Got a cold and then of course you're like we're going to the labor and she's fucking was mad for like an hour
Starting point is 00:45:58 I didn't even have time to get you cigars or anything. Yeah, it's all good I got a dump my dumb at home, so we'll pop a bottle of that when she's a. Oh, you got that. Yeah, so we'll do that. But Jessica's excited to see the baby. So we'll wait until she just heard cold was gone and we'll stop on. Yeah, no, we're, yeah, I can't wait. We're going to be home today. And then, you know, I'm most excited about today going forward. Like I just, I feel like I'm want to have just time with him. And, you know, that's all you're going to want to do. Yeah, most of family and friends, they've kind of bust through the last couple of days and seen, seen everyone been by and so like that
Starting point is 00:46:29 and we'll be home pretty much by ourselves and get that finally, that one on one time. So, dude, I can't wait. It's like almost hours away, right? Awesome, bro. Love you guys, man. Very proud of Katrina. Good job, Katrina.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Very excited. Yeah, appreciate all the support from you guys. Love you guys. This quad brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition, Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance-the-added edge. Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to organify.com.
Starting point is 00:47:02 That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com. And use a coupon code minepump for 20% off at checkout. Our first question is from J.Celfit. You talk about metabolic adaptations to cardiovascular exercise such as running on the treadmill, etc. But are there ways to prevent that from happening while keeping endurance and stamina levels up? If so, how? All right, so this is a good question. It is a good question, although that's what you're adapting to by keeping endurance and
Starting point is 00:47:34 stamina levels up. That's what the body is doing because you're... So it's kind of like... That's the thing about adaptation. I think people don't quite understand. There are bad things. No, there are adaptations that counter each other, and there are adaptations that tend to complement each other.
Starting point is 00:47:54 So let me give you a couple examples. If your body is adapting to have more endurance and more stamina, that means that your body's trying to be more efficient with energy, right? So think of a car engine, you want a car that's more efficient with gas, it's going to be smaller. It's going to be a four cylinder or two cylinder engine
Starting point is 00:48:15 with an electric motor or something like that, right? So your muscles are going to shrink to become more efficient. You don't need a lot of strength for an endurance and stamina, therefore, you don't need lots of muscle. And subsequently, less muscle will also make you lighter and make you burn more calories, make you burn less calories, make you more efficient. That is the opposite of the adaptation that you're asking from your body when you're trying to get stronger and build more muscle. If I'm trying to get stronger, what I'm asking my body to do is make its muscles bigger
Starting point is 00:48:48 and the side effect of that is becoming less efficient with energy burning more calories. So they're opposing adaptations. So if I'm training for one, then I'm going to lose a little bit of the other one. And if I train for the other one, I'm going to lose it. It's just what's going to happen. If I train for both at the same time, I don't get a little bit of the other one. And if I train for the other one, I'm gonna lose a lot. It's just what's gonna happen. If I train for both at the same time, I don't get a lot of either. I get a little bit of either.
Starting point is 00:49:11 If I train for just one, I get a lot of that one, and much, much, much less of the other. So if your goal is to have stamina and endurance, you have to be okay with the fact that you're not going to maximize strength in muscle building and metabolism. And it really depends on you lean more in whichever one's more of the priority, right? So if I'm talking to an endurance athlete and somebody that really cares about, but then
Starting point is 00:49:37 they also want to be stronger and build muscle, we spend most of our time building stamina and endurance because that's their highest priority, but we still strength train. And it doesn't mean they won't build any muscle and they won't get stronger, they absolutely will, but they'll have more of an adaptation towards energy and endurance and they're not gonna build as much muscle. And then the reverse is true.
Starting point is 00:49:56 If I have somebody comes and says, Adam, I wanna build muscle, but I also wanna, you know, I wanna have some good stamina, but my main goal is to build muscle. Okay, well, we're going to prioritize lifting weights and building muscle, and we're going to do the occasional cardiovascular training. And then I guess there's some hacks or some better ways or rules, I think, that you should follow if you're, if you're the, if you fall in the build muscle,
Starting point is 00:50:20 but you also still want a little bit of stamina and endurance, but it's not your major priority. That's where things like hit are really valuable and training it like a higher intensity, but shorter duration. Right. So, yeah, sprints and, you know, only doing cardio for like 30 minutes or less, doing it for hour or beyond an hour. Oh, man, you're, it's, it's, you start getting that far into cardiovascular training. It becomes really difficult to also be trying to add a lot of muscle at the same time. Yeah, this, to me, it just highlights the, like, specialization in terms of, like, that's
Starting point is 00:50:55 a goal of mine is to gain more endurance. I've had other athletes that want to get more explosive. Had other athletes want to get, like, just strong, like, way stronger. And so the majority of the programming is gonna be based around that, however, there's gonna be phases where we're gonna make sure, like so for instance, for endurance, I'm gonna make sure that we're focusing on strengths
Starting point is 00:51:15 so we're able to support the joints. And so it's gonna elongate that process for them so they don't like inevitably end up with too much repetitive movement that's all the same, that's gonna end up in resultant injury. Now, the other thing too is that, you can go a little extreme in this direction as well and actually lose performance in your desired adaptation.
Starting point is 00:51:34 And sometimes competing adaptations can actually benefit each other, but it's very, you have to be very careful. So here's my example. If your stamina is so bad that it's limiting you from being able to exert your strength effectively, then some endurance training will actually make you stronger. It'll make you, it'll, it'll make you healthier
Starting point is 00:51:57 in a way that you can build more muscle. And on the other side, I've trained endurance athletes with resistance training and improved upon their endurance. Now, it wasn't because we focused all their training on building strength, but it's because their lack of strength was getting in the way of their ability to maximize their endurance. So we would do a little bit of it. So you do benefit from doing a little bit of everything, but at some point they do start to compete.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Now, again, some adaptations are very complimentary. So a good example would be like if I'm training for the adaptation of hypertrophy, which is muscle growth, that's going to complement the adaptation of maximal strength. Maximal strength is a performance adaptation. I just want to lift as much weight as I possibly can for one rep. Some hypertrophy is going to help that and strength is a performance adaptation. I just want to lift as much weight as I possibly can for one rep. Some hypertrophy is going to help that and strength is going to help hypertrophy. This is why you can move in and out of certain adaptations
Starting point is 00:52:52 and complement your overall goal. But some are just so opposing that you have to be very careful. And lots of endurance is quite opposing to lots and lots of strength. And so you just have to be careful, and like Adam said, consider which goal is your primary goal. And if you're in one of those people that's like,
Starting point is 00:53:12 I like both, then do both. Just do both of them and be okay with the fact that you're going to look at mixed martial artists, right? A mixed champion mixed martial artists is not going to be the best boxer in the world. You know, he's not going to be, he or she's not going to be the best boxer in the world. You know, he's not going to be here. She's not going to be the best jujitsu fighter in the world or the best collegiate wrestler. They're the best mixed martial artists.
Starting point is 00:53:33 They do all of those things quite well, but they do none of them typically, not any of them at a super high world class level. Sometimes one of them is not. We saw this example with Mayweather and McGregor. Right. Right. And so this is what happened when you train, and that's a great example of them. I always saw this example with Mayweather and McGregor. Right, right, right. And so this is what happened when you train, and that's a great example of adaptation. Like you have your body and your brain
Starting point is 00:53:51 has a limited capacity to adapt, and oftentimes what makes you better at one thing is also what's gonna make you worse at another thing. And it's a lot like I've used this analogy before, and I love it because I think it paints the picture so well. It's like when you're creating your character on a video game and they give you, you know, 30 points to work with, and you have to put some,
Starting point is 00:54:11 you spread it out. Yeah, you got strength, you got speed, you got stamina, you've got endurance, you've got flexibility, and you've got 30 points and you can kind of mix it up, and you've all done this before, we're like, cool, I'm gonna give them 30 points of power, screw everything else, since you asked kicked in the game, because you're not balanced,
Starting point is 00:54:24 how to whatever. But that's kind of how it works, so, you everything else and you ask kicked in the game because you're not balanced out or whatever. But that's kind of how it works. So, you know, and here's the bottom line. If you want to be healthy, let's say your goal is longevity. You're like, I want to be able to be fit and healthy forever. A mix of everything is ideal. Being too specialized in one thing,
Starting point is 00:54:40 the risk of injury and the risk of burnout and the risk of issues actually goes up quite a bit. Like if I all ever do focus on strength, my risk of injury goes up if all ever focus on is endurance, same thing. So the reality is being specialized, great for performance, great for maximum, whatever your goal is for longevity and doing this long term, you probably want to do a mix of everything.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Next question is from Amelia 10. What alternative exercises would you suggest to someone who doesn't have access to a rack or barbell and can't complete compound lifts like squats, dead lifts and the bench press? Wow. This is exactly what motivated us to create map starter. I mean, that was the point was for somebody who can't complete the exercise. This is exactly what motivated us to create map starter. That was the point was for somebody who can't complete the exercises, the lifts that you just listed off and don't have access to a rack and a barbell.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Well, the third advanced though, it started a great program, especially for beginners, but if they're advanced, I would say, Matt anywhere. Yeah, but why do you think they're advanced though? They don't have access to it. It doesn't necessarily mean that they can't do them or that they, you know what I'm saying? Just that they don't have access to it. Oh, then I would go anywhere there.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Yeah, anywhere would tell me. But then I see right away, they say, I can't complete compound lives like squats, dead lives, and the bench press. So if you just, so somebody who just can't do them, because then I would go, I think this was a temporary thing. Yeah, okay. Yeah. Oh yeah
Starting point is 00:56:06 Yeah, so maps anywhere would probably be the ideal program But here's the thing I think we should list alternative exercises to Barbell squats barbell deadlifts barbell bench presses like why not like what are the exercises? I just did this for somebody for squats Lunges or any incredible. Oh, they're phenomenal. So underrated, wouldn't you guys say? One of the best, yeah. It's one of the places I think is a trainer that you learn quickly that when you get a client who's especially advanced age or just lacks the mobility
Starting point is 00:56:37 or the strength to do squats, and it's a very technical movement. Almost always, I think I started on clients in lunges. Well, I mean, this is a great time, and we've highlighted the importance of unilateral training in general. And I know that like having barbells and access to barbells and doing these compound lifts
Starting point is 00:56:56 are very important, we stress that all the time, but there are times where it is very good idea to just focus on unilateral training for a while. That's going to help to benefit your bilateral movements. Well, to that point, that's exactly where I'd go for deadlifts. Also, a single-legged toe touch with just your body weight and then eventually progressing to actually doing that with dumbbells. Single-legged deadlifts.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Oh, my God. Single-legged deadlifts are incredible. Oh, phenomenal. Phenomenal, I mean, and of course all your presses just throw dumbbells on it. And I'll argue that dumbbells are in terms of presses, shoulder presses and bench presses. I will argue are, yeah, about as good.
Starting point is 00:57:38 In some cases better, I could see it going back and forth in terms of barb, barb, squats look, a lunge or a split stance exercise, like a Bulgarian split stance squat, a walking lunge, a back step lunge, a step up, which is kind of another version of a split stance squat, if you will. All those movements are very similar to a squat.
Starting point is 00:58:01 If you look at a squat and you look at a lunge, the front leg of a lunge, or a Bulgarian squat or whatever, is doing the squat. The difference is you have one leg going back. One suspended. Exactly. And it's offering support or whatever. And to be honest, in terms of functionality,
Starting point is 00:58:17 one leg in front, one leg in a back really simulates more of what running and walking look like anyway. And I've heard some coaches make pretty compelling arguments. Oh, there's arguments against, yeah, just doing unilateral training. And yeah, I've heard many brilliant strength coaches like argue it, but yeah, like, I mean, there's,
Starting point is 00:58:36 you could argue cases on both sides for sure, but I think that it is, it's just a great idea to do in general. It's gonna help you to really isolate to where any dysfunctions lie. Like a lot of times we get into sort of the mode of like doing the exercise and completing the exercise without really paying attention to, you know, the firing sequence. Like what is everything happening the way it should be happening? Like are there any deviations? Are there any like external rotations? Are
Starting point is 00:59:03 there anything happening like within the kinetic chain that you need to pay attention to? This exaggerates it. This actually makes me want to have write this down, maybe Doug maybe take a note to send over to Danny because I would love Danny to actually do videos of what exactly we're doing. I don't have a barbell.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Yeah, yeah, here, or the, you know, ideal replacement exercises for these, these three major lifts. Because the squat, like, the lunge in my opinion is one of the best movements that you should you should do or, yeah, period. It's such a great, great movement. And if you can't do squats, it's for sure the first replacement I would go. And I think that single leg dead lifts, just what you get from the balance and stability of that, the hip strength that you get, anti-rotation that you get from it, I mean,
Starting point is 00:59:50 that is probably one of the most underrated movements that I really didn't start incorporating into my own personal routine till way and saw huge carryover and benefit into my big compound lift. So, and it's so easy to, because you do that just their body weight. Single leg toe touch or single leg did lift, same difference is just someone's body weight is challenging.
Starting point is 01:00:12 You get a client whose decondition a little bit, they'll be sore as fuck just their body weight. Four reps. Right. Then you add five pounds or 10 pounds in each hand, like super challenge. And you can actually get to the point where I've done videos on my Instagram way back when, you know, I'm doing that with like 80, 90 pound dumbbells.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Oh my God, you want to light up your glutes and hamstrings? Oh my God. And with the focus of the anti-rotation component, I think is a huge thing because I mean, I, we've even had people asking, you know, DMs and on the forum about when they deadlift and they turn and they wrote in their turn in the deadlift. And this is one of those exercises that's perfect to really just focus it down and make sure that, you know, you're not getting
Starting point is 01:00:58 that hip rotation. Yeah. And have you guys ever tried us, like like it's almost like a split stance dumbbell deadlift? Yeah, that's even the regression to that like if I have a client that can't even balance on one leg Yeah, then I'll do what you or if you just want to like push weight, right? You can kind of do like the split stance, you know, dumbbell deadlift. I tell you what like In terms of the average person progressing if you don't have access to a barbell You can get pretty damn far. Now, you're not going to be able to push these crazy maximal grinding, you know, type of weights like
Starting point is 01:01:31 you would with a barbell, but you can get pretty damn far. And as far as hypertrophy is concerned, as far as developing muscle, I think you could get damn close. For the upper body, I wouldn't see a difference at all. I mean, upper body, everything with dumbbells, you would be absolutely fine. In fact, oftentimes you find body builders do that anyway because they feel more control and connection to the muscle. It's the lower body where it gets a little bit more tricky. I mean, pistol squats, there's another one right there.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Try just doing a one-legged bodyweight squat. Yeah, that's hard. It's very, very hard. It's a lot of resistance, and watch what happens to the development of your legs. Here's a thing, there's very few things, equipment-wise, that can prevent you from achieving a phenomenal physique.
Starting point is 01:02:20 In fact, you can have no equipment, and you can still accomplish a phenomenal physique. Some of, you can have no equipment and you could still accomplish a phenomenal physique. Some of the most amazing bodies that I've ever worked with in my entire life were people that worked out with almost no equipment at all. I mean, I've worked with gymnasts. I've worked with calisthenic enthusiasts, people who work out with rings and bars and stuff. You ever see like bar, they think they call them barmen. You're the guys in New York. Yeah, or like.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Constantin Kings. Yeah. And a lot of these, like, and a lot of started in prison where some of the jails would remove weights because in mates were using them to hit each other or whatever. And all they would have would be pull up bars. And so the guys would get super creative with the bars.
Starting point is 01:03:04 And they would just get these incredibly, I mean, just amazing physiques. You really need no equipment. I used to say this all the time as a trainer, I don't go fuck how busy the gym is, give me a pair of dumbbells and a bench, or give me the floor, give me like first square feet of floor space, and I'm gonna give my client
Starting point is 01:03:22 a great workout. I would, most of my training career was done like that. Because if you're a trainer and you work 24 hours. Yeah, you worked in a big box gym and most clients want to train after work, which is five to nine pm. You ain't getting all the fucking pieces of equipment you want. So, you know, you learn as a trainer to go find a little four by four square area and bring some dumbbells and mat, maybe a box.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Yes, and you did the entire, I do a whole entire workout, am I climbing that one little square? And a phenomenal workout, a phenomenal workout. I mean, again, this is the inspiration behind maps anywhere. I remember when we wrote that, it was all about like,
Starting point is 01:03:58 oh, this is how I used to have to train people at prime time in the gym. Right. Let's make it happen. Next question is from Chris Force 75. How is training different as a teenager? Hmm. So it's funny when I read, when I hear this question,
Starting point is 01:04:13 I have two perspectives. Remembering what it was like to work out as a teenager and then knowing what it's like to train a teenager. Do you guys remember what it was like to work out as a teenager? Yeah, no, absolutely. Yeah. The hardest part about, I mean, you're still, you're still, even though you're not like a child anymore, and you're a young adult as a teenager, you still, you're, it's a,
Starting point is 01:04:35 and it's like, it's the central nervous system, like still learning, like good patterns. And I can, I can vividly like see myself working out right now, like back them. That's when you do a dumbbell press and the one would be go. Yeah, that's like when I remember bench press was so hard for me. And it was so frustrating because my two buddies that we used to work out together, they were so much stronger than I was. And my form was terrible. And we're young teenagers so we don't understand mechanics, right? We don't understand.
Starting point is 01:05:08 It's all about pushing as much as you do. Yeah, it's just like trying to get stronger. And they don't know why I'm not stronger. I don't know why I'm stronger, you know? And I just blame it on being skinny and long and that's all it is. But I'm really, I'm not learning to the movement properly. And I'd have one of my buddies would be pushing my shoulders
Starting point is 01:05:24 down and then my other buddy would be pushing my shoulders down. And then my other buddy would be helping me balance the bars. I'm pressing, you know, so I got two guys spotting, you know, like guys holding the shoulders down, guys. And you're laughing the same thing, dude. I went through that same process. Yeah, and you just, I hadn't been taught like, you know, proper mechanics of a movement and how to do it. So that's training a teenager, to me that's probably the most difficult thing
Starting point is 01:05:47 as a teenager and even coaching one is getting them to understand how the chest works and where the posture needs to be in order to optimally use the chest. And not, because the brain, the way the brain works is just get this weight off of me or just pick this weight up. Like you have to train the brain, the way the brain works is just get this weight off of me or just pick this weight up. Like you have to train the brain to fire the muscles
Starting point is 01:06:09 that you want to carry most of the load and that takes some time to prep. Good form is not natural. It's not at all. It's the counterintuitive. Right, the body will just use leverage. It'll just leverage and use every bit of muscle in the body to try and get it up.
Starting point is 01:06:24 And when you're a young teenager trying to figure that out and piece that together, that's probably one of the hardest things. And so there is a lot of value in having a good coach or a good trainer who teaches really good biomechanics because that's what I remember as a kid. And then I also remember that is training these young kids. That was one of the most challenging things.
Starting point is 01:06:44 But it also made me a great trainer because that's where you started to learn all these little cues. You know, squeeze the show, pinch my finger, you know, so I could squeeze my shoulder blades back and you do shit like that to get them to do the cues that you need for them to perform the movement. So, but as far as like the exercises that they can do, they can do everything that a grown-ass adult can do, just you get, it's a little more challenging as far as like the exercises that they can do, they can do everything that a grown-ass adult can do,
Starting point is 01:07:06 just you get, it's a little more challenging as far as. I mean, I started working out seriously, like consistently at around 14 years old. Like I was in, that's it. I was in the backyard. I was doing my five day or six day split from day one. As soon as I decided I was gonna do it and I got real consistent
Starting point is 01:07:25 and I had my dad at a weight set. And the thing that I remember as a teenager, like Adam says, form was impossible. I copied the pictures that I saw on the magazines or in my Arnold's Fortune Maker encyclopedia bodybuilding. And then the goal was to see how heavy I could lift. The good news is this, the good news is, at 14 years old, my child-like testosterone levels are entering into the highest levels that I'll ever have in my whole life. It's going up, and I'm on natural steroids.
Starting point is 01:07:59 It is just climbing and climbing and climbing, and I'm sure it peaked probably at some time in my late teens or early 20s. And because I'd never worked out before, because it was a new stimulus, because of the testosterone, and because I'm obviously a beginner so I'm weak to begin with,
Starting point is 01:08:16 I had strength gains all the time. It was hilarious. No matter what I did, I'd come back and I'd do two more reps or four more reps every single time. And I still have at home. I gotta bring bring these to you guys. I have workout logs I have workout look from now. You still have those when I was first Oh, dude, I have written workout logs and then this is how you know how to what a neurotic
Starting point is 01:08:39 Like fucking maniac I was 15 or 16 years old. I've got we got our first computer I actually printed out my workout my arm measurements fucking maniac I was, 15 or 16 years old, I've got, we got our first computer. I actually printed out my workout, my arm measurements, my chest measurement, my shoulder measurements, and the weights that I lifted for how many reps. And I have it, week by week, I have a folder. That's a great idea. Yeah, and I see, I'm like, I get stronger all the time.
Starting point is 01:09:01 In a way, that wasn't going for like 300 pounds or 320. I was, yeah. I was purely about like competing with whoever's doing the most. I wanted to take them out. That's all I cared about, dude. I wanted to be in the group of the guys that were lifted the most weight. I was getting really pissed when I was in this medium group. They would actually take us by position and-
Starting point is 01:09:23 You're in the middle, that's the worst thing. Yeah, in the middle. I was like, no, there's these other guys that were like stronger than me. So like, I was just like monkey, see monkey, do I would just like study them. And I was like watching every single like lift that they would do and like try to mimic it as best as I could. And that was like, all I had to really like focus my efforts towards. And you know, eventually paid off, cause like you said that natural testosterone
Starting point is 01:09:47 started kick in and then I was just like, oh wow this is working, I'm getting stronger, I'm getting stronger. And your body's like, my form wasn't that great. And your body's like gumby. Like I would do workouts. And like if I did some of the shit that I did then,
Starting point is 01:09:58 now I'd be done. I'd be like, you guys, I can't come to work tomorrow. I mean I would do, I would look at the routine and be like, oh Arnold says do 20 sets per body part. Okay cool. So I'm gonna work my whole body today So I'd be in the backyard for I don't know three and a half hours and I'd do the whole fucking thing and I'd be dead When I come my mom would be like what's wrong with you? I got to take a nap and I wake up the next day
Starting point is 01:10:18 And you know, I'd be sore, but I'd go about it. It's just so your body's extremely resilient Now here's a thing with training a teenager. It's paying the ass and I'll tell you why. When you train a teenager, the body awareness just isn't quite all there. Well, even besides that, half of the battle is keeping them engaged. That's half the battle because I'd say
Starting point is 01:10:39 a majority of the teenagers that came to work out with me, where their parents hired me, it was their parents idea. It was their parents saying, hey, I work with this trainer, I want you to see him because you're playing baseball or football or I think it's a good idea that you get some activity. And so I'd make friends with him
Starting point is 01:10:56 and I'm trying to keep them engaged. So it was really hard for me to sit there and explain form and technique because that's boring as shit, right, to a teenager. So I'd be keeping him engaged. We'd have good conversation. Then we'd do the set and we'd get real focused. Here's a thing with training a teenager.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Form is everything because, like we're saying, proper form does not come natural. And how, if you take a 25 year old or 30 year old and how hard it is to teach them proper form, it can be even harder to teach a teenager. Now the good news is a teenager's body adapts faster. So a 30 year old with bad movement patterns can take a while. With a teenager, if they're focused and they do what you tell them, it's amazing how fast they improve. It is literally week
Starting point is 01:11:40 over week. I do this one my son. I train my son sporadically and I watch him in the next workout. I'm like, holy shit, this is a huge improvement. So that's the thing with trained teachers, proper form, make it perfect, make sure that they connect perfectly, keep them engaged. If you can do that, everything else is amazing. And what ends up happening is you create this positive, if you do it right, this positive association with working out,
Starting point is 01:12:07 you have a window to really help, you know, this teenager like be set up for life. And I really am passionate about like pairing them to the right coach that will just really hone in on the mechanics and establishing these good patterns because dude, you can just keep building on that from forever. Like, most of our experiences was, you know,
Starting point is 01:12:29 like going back and fixing all these, like bad things that we've established in the way that we move in. You know, you have an opportunity as a teenager to really hone in on that and like set yourself up for success long-term. Well, this is to another place that like unilateral and balanced type work, there's a lot of value here. And even though we've mocked it before
Starting point is 01:12:50 is like everyone balancing on weird stuff, but if you can get a teenager to get competitive with trying to make the movement perfect and look perfect versus how much weight they're moving, you'll get way more benefit from that. So for example, like we were just talking about the last question about single leg toe touch. That can be a very ugly exercise
Starting point is 01:13:11 or it can be a really beautiful movement if you focus on that. And you see this all the time when you walk through, you can always, this is how I can always tell when there's a really good trainer or not. I can take a single leg toe touch and even the most advanced person, and I can make that thing fucking challenging. I mean, I can take a PVC pipe and run it down
Starting point is 01:13:30 the back of their spine and make sure that their their head, their shoulder blades and their hips are all touching it through the entire movement while they do it and make it all controlled and slow and top, it's top of the top and balance. Like, you can, if you can get them to get competitive with themselves on making the movement look really beautiful and perfect, the carryover from that, as you build upon their strength, will be incredible. If you throw them into a squad and a bench press in these movements, and it's all just about like,
Starting point is 01:13:59 all right, five more or three more, and you're pushing them to failure, and their form is all over the place, eh, not as much value. No, and then speaking of carryover, the carryover from learning the lessons that fitness teaches you to the rest of your life, this is the reason why training,
Starting point is 01:14:17 I said it was paying the ass of training teenagers, it is challenging, but it's also for me at least, it was one of the most rewarding age groups. The only age group that I found more rewarding was the advanced age. I love training old people, but a close second would be kids and it was because of this. I would train them and then I'd watch them, the personalities develop. I'd hear about how well they were doing in school. You'd see their confidence change because they would learn the lessons through fitness. They'd learn the, you know, apply hard work,
Starting point is 01:14:47 and then I improve, apply hard work, and then I improve, and that lesson is really easy to apply to the rest of your life. And so that part right there is why I think, you know, kids should definitely, if you can get them to, you don't want to necessarily force them to make it a shitty situation, because then they'll hate it for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 01:15:04 But if you can make a positive, it's funny. I had clients that I trained, I started training about, I want to say about 13, 14 years ago, and their son was six when they first started training. I mean, he would bring him in, six year old kid, and he'd hang out while they'd work out, and then I'd play with him a little bit in between sets and whatever. Well, the kid now is an adult, and guess what, his career is now. He's a trainer. He's a personal trainer. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:15:31 He's a personal trainer. That's the second kid now that I knew as a child who came into the gym and now has made fitness. One of them is a physical therapist. They've made it like a part, because they had such a positive association with it, which I think is great. I also think there's so much value to something
Starting point is 01:15:46 that you kind of glazed over, which was the tracking. Like, I learned so much from just writing down my workout and my food to help me understand like what was really going on. And I, I, I, we talk about this all the time for adults and people, I bet. I mean, a lot of where you're at today is because of those, I have the same way, it stacks of paper of,
Starting point is 01:16:10 back then we didn't have all the great tools that you had of like calculate calories and put your workouts in and then it figures the volume out for you. I did all that stuff long form, but it was so good because it's very eye opening when you have to write and you have to track things down. So if you can teach those habits and behaviors now, you know, my sister works for the company
Starting point is 01:16:30 and one of the things that she's been like, it's what a thousand something episodes in. And she's always trying to talk to her husband about like the stuff that she learns from listening to the show. And he's like so stubborn. He doesn't give a, he doesn't care about aesthetics the way he looks for that. He's into his downhill mountain biking and, just, he literally does activity to cancel out all his favorite foods that he loves and beer drinking and, but he'll go on these kicks where he's like, he realizes he's put on a little extra weight and he really wants
Starting point is 01:16:57 his shape and then gets stuck in these plateaus and he's frustrated. And my sister's like, you need a track and you do this, I know I'm fine, I know I'm this and that, will she finally like, got need a track and you do this. I know, I'm fine, I know I'm this and that. Well, she finally like got him to track this last like six months. So I just saw him the other day for the first time and probably about three months. He's in the best shape I've ever seen him in his life. Right. So I've known him for 12 years now.
Starting point is 01:17:14 I think I saw pictures of them. Oh, he's river rafting or so. Yeah, yeah. Oh, that's really good. And he looks incredible right now. And I ask her, go, what's Tom doing right now? She goes, I finally got him just a track. That's all he did was track,
Starting point is 01:17:27 but it was such an eye opener for him on what he was feeding his body. And the same thing goes for working out. So a lot of people don't understand why their workouts aren't progressing. Their body's not progressing. And what you find out when you track consistently for a couple of months,
Starting point is 01:17:43 you start to notice these patterns and behaviors that we all tend to fall in. Where it's like, oh, I'm on this hardcore kick. And two weeks, I'm increasing volume, and I'm doing all these exercises, and then the next two weeks, shit kind of happens, I get busy, oh, I kind of stopped my workout a little early, I wasn't feeling as strong or I missed that day.
Starting point is 01:18:02 And when you kind of see it and you're like, oh, well well that makes sense Well, you teach a kid to do that right? I mean because because all I mean if you I mean most self-improvement Books and gurus or whatever will teach you to do what journal. Yeah, they'll all teach it's all tracking It's just so you can bring awareness to self-reflective you teach a kid to do that and just through to workouts Fuck it. They're not doing it. They're just tracking the workouts. It teaches them to become more self-aware and they can apply that to.
Starting point is 01:18:28 That's why the carryover is just so incredible. Next question is from honestly, Haley, what are your biggest tips for merging the fitness and wellness industries? It seems so many people are too far one way or the other. What basic concepts do you feel encompassed both in a realistic way? Well, it's important to understand that this is natural for humans, right? It's natural for us to want. We feel comfortable and safe, right? Like, we want to be in a group. We want to identify
Starting point is 01:18:58 with someone else like that. So it's scary to not be in a group. So this was one of the goals, this was our mission. This was one of the original goals of Mind Pump. I mean, the first meeting that we had when we were sitting in Adam's living room, we were sitting there and it was a four hour conversation or something like that. And we talked about a lot of different things. But one of the main topics was that the fitness,
Starting point is 01:19:21 the hardcore fitness, muscle building, fat burning industry, and the wellness industry with health and longevity, meditation, self awareness, that those two industries needed to merge and collide. And we saw it, bright as day. And I don't remember who brought it up, but all of us were like, absolutely. And that's become one of the missions of Mind Pump. And I think it's crazy that people think
Starting point is 01:19:47 of them as separate industries anyway, because they benefit each other. They're so, we were just talking about adaptations earlier in this episode. They are adaptations that complement. Can focusing on some of the tenants of wellness like self-awareness, meditation. Sleep and yoga, and things like that. focusing on some of the tenets of wellness, like self-awareness, meditation, sleep, and yoga, and things like that.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Well, that benefit you building muscle. Absolutely. And we'll be getting stronger with lifting weights, tracking your calories so that you get leaner, whatever that benefit your wellness as well. Absolutely. In fact, I'll say this, if you're too extreme and one or the other, you're
Starting point is 01:20:25 not maximizing either one. You're not. If you're too extreme wellness and you avoid all the benefits that you get from the muscle building fat burning fitness side of the industry, you're not maximizing your wellness. Well, you need it. Yeah, you need to stretch too. At a certain times, you need to stretch the direction, like the capacity for getting stronger, the capacity for the abilities that you can do as a human being.
Starting point is 01:20:50 And I think that the wellness community itself is like, to me, it feels like we're always trying to find this homeostasis because already every day we're introduced to all this kind of stress and we're trying to manage this stress. But you know, that's very important and that's a very important concept in trying to maintain like a healthy well-being and find where that is and be able to navigate from there. But now press it again and see, you know, where your potential lies going forward as well.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Well, what basic concepts do you guys feel encompass both of these in a realistic way? So that's kind of a different question to word it like that. Like, you know, the, the, that are cover both of them? Well, that's the end of the question. Well, I think, I think, um, health, uh, they, the health is both of them. Like if you want to improve your health, you want to build muscle, you want to have a, right?
Starting point is 01:21:44 So let's think of things like that. We think, first, like you're where you're heading, right? Things that are extremely important to both, you know, the wellness person and the hardcore fitness build muscle person. That's the funny thing, almost everything of both of them. Okay, so lifting weights, both. Getting good sleep, both. Good nutrition, both, getting good sleep, both,
Starting point is 01:22:05 good nutrition, both of them, what else? Having good stress management, both of them, having a good spiritual practice. That might sound like purely wellness, but let me tell you something right now, long term, if you wanna benefit your fitness and you don't have some type of a sense of purpose, I don't care what you want to call it,
Starting point is 01:22:25 sense of purpose, spiritual practice, whatever. It's going to benefit both. That's, I don't see, here's the thing, and you're, you were right with what you said earlier in terms of identifying. The problem becomes when people identify strongly with something and they think that that's them, that's who they are.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Oh, I'm a fitness guy. Therefore, I am not anything else that's not fitness. So I am all about building muscle. I am all about looking good. I'm all about burning body fat. When you add, by the way, this is not a problem just with fitness. You identify with anything in that way,
Starting point is 01:22:57 and it's not good for you. You see that in politics, like at least everywhere. You see that with, I could be a skater. I'm a skater. Therefore, I have to wear these pants, these shoes, talk this way, I don't do these things. We're just tribal people, I mean, human beings, in general. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:23:12 And the goal, I think we, I think even us sitting here and explaining this time, I think we all have a little bit in us, and so you have to be constantly checking yourself. It's just very natural. You're gonna fall into the things you like to do. You know, if you're the yoga person and you started doing yoga at one point in your life and you just sought tremendous benefits.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Sleep got better, relationships got better, aches and pains went away. And then all of a sudden you shift into this, I'm a yoga person and you do yoga four times a week and you meditate and then you just, I'm not gonna lift, I don I don't need to lift heavy bar, people any, yeah, I've met a lot. That's why I use them as an example.
Starting point is 01:23:50 And I'll start with them and pick on the wellness side, but I'll then turn around and pick on the other side too. You know, you get, you get in this, you get, you start to identify with that group so much that all the things you do are like super yoga based and that mentality, and you totally neglect the benefits of going over and picking up a barbell that's so heavy
Starting point is 01:24:12 you can only do it two or three times. You know much benefit that you get for doing a move like that, but you'll show me a person who like they're all their posts or yoga and that's all they love to talk about, ever has lifted a barbell three times with it like close to their max load. You just don't ever see that. And then the other is true.
Starting point is 01:24:30 Now in the strong guy, the strong man big beard, little bit of a gut, got my weight belt on, fucking chalked up like crazy, lift the house every single time I go to the gym and I follow all other strong man. I only share my PRs on my Instagram, like follow all these strong man accounts. Show me that guy sitting in a Friday yoga class. He just doesn't do it. The irony is, both people would greatly benefit to getting the fuck out of their modality a little bit
Starting point is 01:24:58 and trying to do them. And we all have this. I'm guilty of it myself of catching myself, doing kind of gravitating towards the same things over and over because I'd love to do it. And I really try my best to be that person and lead by example by, you know, hey, you might catch me swimming. Oh, you might catch me strength training.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Oh, you might catch me mobility guy. You don't know. To me, that's where the real training lies is to be able to train your mind, to be able to pursue things that are uncomfortable. And like, we're susceptible to like you said, doing things we just naturally like to do, or I just got good at it, and I want to stay here. And so to be able to check yourself in that process, that takes a lot more mental discipline than it does to just get up and keep doing what you've been doing. It's tough because if you're listening right now, it's normally always rooted in some sort of an
Starting point is 01:25:48 insecurity. If I'm the super strong guy who's now been lifting heavy ass weights for 10. Top of food chain. Yeah, and I probably was really insecure and weak when I was younger and wanted to be strong and that's what drove me in that direction. And so are you kidding me, I would never want to be a wiery little weak ass yoga person. And that's the way I think. Or you're just a badass in the gym and you don't want to go to a yoga class and look like a dumbass.
Starting point is 01:26:10 That's exactly it. That's what I'm saying. It's an insecurity that's driven you in that same thing and then same thing goes for the yoga person. Maybe you were a hell of a week in the gym and you got embarrassed because you didn't live very much away. But then in the yoga room, man, you can move around like gumbee.
Starting point is 01:26:24 And so you stick in that area because that's where you feel confident. Now, there's a big difference between not doing something because you just don't like it and not doing something because it's the other team, it's the other side. There's a big difference. Like, if you don't like lifting a lot of weights, you genuinely don't really enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:26:41 So you do some because it's good for you, but okay, whatever, that's fine. But if you're like, I don't like weights because that's bodybuilder stuff. I'm a yoga person I don't do yoga. I'm a I'm a lifter like I bench and deadlift. I don't want to do stupid yoga like there's a big difference In fact, if I I bet you a million I would bet anybody all the money in the world that if I could somehow erase everybody's minds and Convince everybody that weight training was yoga, I bet you you'd see 80% of yoga people deflates. And if I bet you, if I could convince
Starting point is 01:27:12 all bodybuilders in the world, somehow erase their minds and convince them that yoga is great for bodybuilding, it's a bodybuilding thing, this is what bodybuilders do, they do yoga too. I guarantee you 80% of them would all of a sudden do yoga. That's how silly it is. It's not necessarily that, look, I experienced this. Well, that's why we believe we can change it.
Starting point is 01:27:29 That's right. And this is the, look, I experienced this myself. I remember I took quite a few yoga classes years ago. And I remember walking in there and I'm not a huge buff, dude. I'm relatively muscular, but in a yoga class, I kind of stand out, right? First off, I'm a guy. The class was mostly women. And second off, I am bigger than the average regular great and stretchy pants. Exactly. So I go in there and I'm taking the class and I remember the looks that I got from the people and even the instructor would make kind of pokey remarks at me
Starting point is 01:28:01 because, you know, there's the big dude in the back trying to do the poses. And I remember thinking, what a shame. Like what, I'm a business owner. And I'm like, I would never treat someone coming to my gym, given the same energy that this person's giving me. Like, what a shame. Why are they doing this? It's because they identify so strongly with their craft
Starting point is 01:28:21 and they think that I'm the opposite. They think that when in reality we're all just trying to become healthier versions of ourselves and using different modalities. And it's kind of a shitty thing that we tend to do that. As things open up, I think we're gonna start to see more and more people move over back and forth. You know, we have bodybuilders like Ben Pekolsky
Starting point is 01:28:44 who, what do you call himself, the bodybuilding yogi? For example, Doreen Yates, who was a Mr. Olympia for years, he talks a lot now about health and wellness. I think we're supplements now, advertise themselves, whereas it used to be hardcore muscle building supplements, had nothing that said anything about making you healthy. Now, starting to advertise things like organic or this is healthier for you, not just that it maximizes muscle building and fabric.
Starting point is 01:29:14 So I think it's starting to merge. And I'd like to encourage that merging because there's so much we can all learn from each other. And fitness and health, That's such a big sphere. And that includes almost everything that you do in your life. And so identifying with one thing is really robbing you of the benefits of all the other things that you could possibly be involved in when it comes to health and wellness and fitness. And with that go to mindpumpfree.com download our
Starting point is 01:29:41 guides. They're all absolutely free. You can also find us all on Instagram. You can find me at MindPumpSal just and at MindPumpJust and in Adam at MindPump Free dot com download our guides they're all absolutely free. You can also find us all on Instagram. You can find me at MindPumpSal just in at MindPump Justin in Adam at MindPump Adam. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having
Starting point is 01:30:26 Sal, Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support.
Starting point is 01:30:53 And until next time, this is MindPump.

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