Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1080: 21 Commandments of Gym Etiquette

Episode Date: July 22, 2019

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin discuss the 21 Commandments of gym etiquette, what thou shall and shall not do to be a good gym citizen. Teaching proper gym etiquette: The 21 Gym Commandments e...veryone NEEDS to follow. (1:42) #1 – Bring a towel! (2:56) #2 – Wear deodorant. (6:44) #3 – Hand dryers are for hands ONLY! (9:37) #4 – The order you put your clothes on. (12:06) #5 – Put your weights away. (13:30) #6 – Don’t be that person who shaves in the jacuzzi. (19:47) #7 – Proper pool etiquette. (21:15) #8 –Don’t do karate between sets. (22:23) #9 – Taking up all the equipment for yourself. (24:40) #10 – Doing curls/rows directly in front of the dumbbell rack. (26:10) #11 – Don’t drop your weights. (28:18) #12 – Misusing the intent of the gym equipment. (31:12)  #13 – Please no texting or reading on the equipment. (34:00) #14 – Men stop wearing spandex. (35:21) #15 – When to let people ‘work in’. (35:57) #16 – Couples “working out” together. (39:27) #17 – Teaching trainers how to spot properly. (40:20) #18 – Please wear underwear if you are wearing short shorts. (41:50) #19 – The proper attire for women. (42:50) #20 – Please don’t ‘jerk off’ in the shower. (47:11) #21 –The shower is NOT the bathroom. (47:39) People Mentioned Dr. Ben Pollack (@phdeadlift)  Instagram Related Links/Products Mentioned July Promotion: MAPS Anywhere ½ off!! **Code “ANYWHERE50” at checkout** Big Tex Gym: Train Like You Mean It Bristol Stool Chart: Types of Poop - Shapes, Textures & Consistency Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. So in this episode of Mind Pump, now for those of you who've been listening to Mind Pump for the last four years, you're going to hear stories that we've told in the past. But here's what we did. We compiled and put together a list of the commandments that people need to know and understand when they work in a gym. When they work out in a gym, I should say.
Starting point is 00:00:34 The 21 commandments. There's 21 commandments. So if you work out in a gym, especially if you work in a gym, you need to know these and learn these. It's more than gym etiquette again. They these laws. We went up to the top of the mountain, came down with the commandments that you all need to know these and learn these. It's more than Jim etiquette again. They these laws. We went up to the top of the mountain Came down with the commandments that you all need to follow when you work out a burning bush to in the gym now before the episode starts
Starting point is 00:00:53 I want to let everybody know and remind everybody that maps anywhere is 50% off and I remember maps anywhere is our equipment free program designed for just your body weight and some bands. It's extremely effective. It's great for travel. It's great as a way to mix things up, give your body novel stimulus. It's half off. Here's what you do to get the discount.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Go to mapswhite.com. That's M-A-P-S-W-H-I-T-E. .com and use the code anywhere 50 for the discount. That's A and Y-W-H-E-R-E-5-0. No anywhere 50 for the discount. That's a and y, w, h, e, r, e, five, zero, no space to get that discount. This promotion will not be back until late next year, so make sure you take advantage of it. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Here we are, the commandments for the gym, 21 of them, learn them. You know what we need to do? But I think we need to visit a topic that is of all the topics that we've covered on the podcast, protein, intake, carbs, fats, lifting weights, doing cardio, wellness, health, gut health, you know, emotional connections to food,
Starting point is 00:01:59 like all the topics we've done, there's one that is probably the most important. The most important that we have not. And you didn't name it right there? That we have not talked about. Let me hear it. I think we need to cover. Well, you know why?
Starting point is 00:02:12 Because have you been to a commercial gym in a while? Yeah, a couple times. Dude, there's something. I don't know. People need to hear this episode. We need to teach people again how to behave in gyms. Oh, gym etiquette. Gym etiquette. Let's cover gymedicates.
Starting point is 00:02:27 And let's go down the list of things. And what I wanted to do. Manor school. Yeah, and let's, I mean, here's the thing. I want the audience to understand, because I know it's gonna happen. We're gonna tell, talk about certain things, and people are gonna think, oh my god,
Starting point is 00:02:37 that's so funny that happened one time. No. No, these, these have frequented. Here's the rules. The rules of this game is, because I want everybody to know this etiquette. Let's talk about things that happen a lot. Okay, I know.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Not like one time off random shit. Let's talk about stuff that actually happens a lot. So I'll open with one that I think is quite important. This is a big one. I'm sure everybody listening is experienced getting on a machine and being bathed in a pool of someone else's sweat. Disgusting. Yeah, this has to be one of the worst things of all time.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yeah, especially when it's just like that greasy, like bacon grease kind of sweat. Where the head goes. Yeah, you can kind of slide into the machine. Yeah, I hate that when you see the head mark. I feel like we shouldn't even have it. I feel hate that when you see the head mark on the floor. I feel like we should even have it. I feel like you shouldn't even have to talk about that one. I feel like you should, you would feel guilty when you do that.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Dude, how many times? You know when you leave that much. You know when you're sweating that bad. That's the thing, and you see the imprint when you get up. It lines your body like perfectly. Well, the best thing, the best part about it is when you go and talk to a member that I, and this is a daily thing, this was a daily thing for me.
Starting point is 00:03:48 You go talk to a member about, hey, can you wipe off your sweat? They would act, they'd get all pissed off and shocked. Like, why are you mad? Like that was a gift. So what's your thoughts then on what part of that does the gym own? Do you think that it's full responsibility
Starting point is 00:04:03 on the person who comes in there that you should bring a towel or do you think that the gym? Because like one of the things that I think American barbell does are the old golds that I think is because everybody has probably gone to the gym before and forgotten their towel. So either one should you have the availability to grab a towel or like what I like what golds does is they have like I don't know paper towels and yeah paper towels and spray mounted throughout the gym so in case you did forget your towel you can walk over I like that yeah I like I think that's a smart move to do it that way because if you go to like a super high-end gym then you got staff and people are
Starting point is 00:04:39 service but at 24 when we work there they didn't have the towels, you know the paper towels I remember one time you guys remember DJ you guys ever know DJ Densmore. Yeah great dude. Yes. Yes. Love him right good friend of mine He's also from Boston. He's now a cop and but he was ex-military Cool guy didn't take any shit I loved working with him because he was a pit bull and I could literally tell him You need to go talk to this dude over there, and then I just, I'd watch and see what happened. There was a repeat offender at Santa Teresa 24,
Starting point is 00:05:11 it was a dude that was big dude, who was just, he was hairy and sweaty. He was one of the sweatiest human beings ever ever seen my life. I couldn't believe he wasn't dehydrated from all the sweat. Anyway, several times I tell him, bring you town, and then I think it was like the third or four time
Starting point is 00:05:24 and I told him, the next time you come in here and sweat on the equipment, I'm gonna force you to buy a towel or you're gonna have to leave. So either buy a towel or you leave. And towels were like three bucks. There were nothing. So he comes, no towel and I'm like, waiting.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I'm like, let's see what happens. Sure enough, he's sweating all over the peck deck. So I'm like, DJ, can you, can you do me a favor? Let's regulate. Yeah, can you give me a favor? Regular. Yeah, can you go talk to him? Ironically, that's probably the same guy he's to play pickup ball with. Always the guy, it takes his shirt off first.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Fucking splines me back to you, I'm going to the pole. Yeah, just does that backup move, or just trying to bump me with his butt. I think that's like an old man move. Oh, that's a nice thing. He does a hook shot. And it's just disgusting. Sweat flies it, right?
Starting point is 00:06:04 That's an old man's strategy move right there. And it's just disgusting. Sweat flies everywhere. That's an old man's strategy move right there. It's like, I can't run with the young kids anymore, but I can post them up with my shirt off and get him so keen on that. And then he's trying to like, you know, establish your ground, but you're sliding off of him. It's just the end.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Dude, you should've seen DJ though. He goes over to him, tells him to buy a towel. And the guy goes, no, I'm not gonna buy a towel. So DJ just stands in front of him, like, how close? And he goes, their junkie goes, make your move. And I'm like, oh shit, it's about to go down. It has terminator. The dude bought it, the dude bought a towel.
Starting point is 00:06:32 It worked out really well, but he's like, make your move. And I'm like, did I make a mistake sending DJ out there to fuck it, he's the enforcer. Yeah, anyway. But that's gotta be one of the worst ones. Let's think what else, what are some? What do you guys think about the people that don't wear deodorant to the gym? Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Man. How do you approach that? That's a tough conversation. It is a tough one because some cultures. Somebody needs to say something. Some cultures don't, right? They don't allow. Well, I don't know if it's some cultures,
Starting point is 00:06:55 no, some cultures don't. Some cultures, but also hippies. I mean, there's this one guy, right? This one guy. Dude, he's always, and it's the worst because he'll wear a tank top, and he does pull-ups all the time, and it's the most ripe,
Starting point is 00:07:10 like the whole room changes into this oniony cloud. And like nobody says anything, so I had to say something to him. What did you say? I was like, you know what, we all smell this. No, you do. Yeah, I was like, you know, I have Deonar in the locker room if you need a borrow some. And it's like, I just got this. No, you do. Yeah, I was like, you know, I have Deonar in the locker room
Starting point is 00:07:25 if you need a borrow some. And it's like, I just got to a point where I think now I'm like older, you know, like I feel comfortable saying something, but it was, because you look at everybody's face and the gym around it and they were all turned away like, whoa, bro, do it. I'm like, you're dude, like you're terrorizing us.
Starting point is 00:07:41 You know what I know what I did? Well, this God damn, I was a terror. There's a lot of stuff that we did that for sure would have got us fired today. So I don't know how I was, I didn't get fired for doing half the stuff, but there was a dude that used to come into the gym and he wore the same tank top every time he worked out.
Starting point is 00:07:58 He'd have sweat stains on it, you know, yellow sweat stains. And he was just, it was literally like, if you walk by you, it was a human onion that just walked by and would just create this. And I used to tell him, I literally took him aside once and I said, hey man, I love the fact that you work out. So consistently, we value our members tremendously
Starting point is 00:08:18 who, especially the consistent ones. So this is kind of embarrassing for me to say, but you have a strong smell and which happens when you work out. If you wouldn't mind washing your shirt and wearing the odorant. So I had this conversation with him. I'm a lucky t-shirt. I had, bro, I had this conversation with him. Wow, so it's all my PRs in this, right? Two times. And as you guys know, if you're working a gym for a while, there's certain members
Starting point is 00:08:42 that everybody starts to know because of something. Like, oh, that's the guy that never unwrites a sweaty bed. Yeah, there's stinky onion guy, right? So, you wanna know what I did? That was a fucking tear. I've gotta got fired for today. So, I'm like, I couldn't take it anymore. He's like, I'm like, he's not doing it.
Starting point is 00:08:56 So, while he was doing shoulder press, I got the spray deodorant. No, you did it. I started to doubt, dude. Oh, my God, man. And I told my- Yes, you would be fired for this. And I told my staff, I'm like, watch this as he's do as he goes up to do the shoulder press
Starting point is 00:09:09 I go next I'm gonna go That's proactive I had to bro. Yeah, the relationship you have to have with your members to get away with something like that Oh, bro. I if you have a gym don't do that today. I was I didn't care at that point I was like go ahead and get pissed off man I talked to you two times and you're offensive. Yeah, how do you do that? Like I mean, don't do that today. I didn't care at that point. I was like, go ahead and get pissed off, man. I talked to you two times and you're offensive. Yeah, how do you do that? Like, I mean, signs don't work. Yeah, like, do you just like tell them
Starting point is 00:09:32 as you're having them sign up for their membership? Like, look, here's the rules. Yeah, dude, signs don't work. You're telling me, bro. I put the biggest, clearest signs next to the hand dryers. Clear. Like, I mean.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Oh my God, we could go off on hand dryers. And I had to, I had to put it next to the hand dryer and it said hand dryers are for hands only. Because. And I don't know if the women do this in the women's locker room. I've never been in there, well, you know, obviously I've never been in the women's locker room, but the men's locker room. Lately, this happens., well, obviously, I've never been in the women's locker room, but the men's locker room.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Lately, this happens. I imagine. No trackings. I don't wanna wrap myself out. And this was so common I had to do this, that there were dudes that would blow dry, they're junk. And they're cracked.
Starting point is 00:10:20 And I don't know how many times I walked into the gym. I don't know how many times I walked into the gym. I don't know how many times I walked into the gym. I don't know how many times I walked into the gym. I don't know how many times I walked into the gym. I don't know how many times I walked into the gym. I don't know how many times I walked into the gym. The locker room and saw a guy bent over the room. Yeah, that's the problem. Spreading his cheeks. Yes, spread in cheeks. Yes, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yes, open. That is the answer. Open. The first time I saw this is when I first became a trainer because there's two shocking things that happened to me the first time I went to do gym. Because I was young when I went to do gym. I was 15, I think when when I had my first membership,
Starting point is 00:10:46 and I was shocked to see just grown men walking around naked the first time. I got over that real quick, right, whatever. It was exciting at first. When I first became a trainer, I remember the first time I saw this. I went into the locker room to use the bathroom, and there's a guy, because the hand dryers
Starting point is 00:11:02 are next to the sink, so it's not like they're in a place that's, what's the word, because the hand dryers are next to the sink. So it's not like they're in a place that's, what's the word, convenient to dry your junk. So they're next to the sink for hands. There was a dude with his leg, and he was a short guy too, so he was like, almost like his leg was way up on the counter.
Starting point is 00:11:17 On the counter, I've seen it. I've seen it bro. And he's waving his hand around like this, so he's flipping his dick around, excuse my language, flipping around, getting to dry. And then I realized, I'm an 18 year old trainer and I'm like, wait a minute, all the air that's in this room has been blown off,
Starting point is 00:11:33 his dick. Wow. Yeah, so I left. This guy's particles are just flying around. So you know what I did? I put, at one point I got so irritated and the whole staff thought it was funny or whatever. I made a sign that I drew stick figures
Starting point is 00:11:49 of a man with his leg up on the counter, a man bending over, and I put a big circle and a cross over it. And then I put one where he's drawing his hands, and I put a star around it. It's like, okay, fine, if you can't read this shit. I feel like that's another one of those old man things. And it reminds me of another thing that should be a rule
Starting point is 00:12:05 Which is the order that you put clothes on? Oh my god. Like for some reason in the in the men's bathroom the and once you get above the age of 50 It also and becomes okay to walk around in a t-shirt with no underwear or pants on It's like they just has your tea shaving your beard and just shirt Like like really what you get into your locker you look at all your stack of clean clothes like they just have your tea shaving your beard and just shirt. Like really what you get into your locker, you look at all your stack of clean clothes
Starting point is 00:12:30 and your underwear's right there. And you go, I'm gonna put the t-shirt on right now. T-shirts going on right now. I'm gonna get to the underwear 10 minutes later. After I'm done shaving my beard and brushing my teeth. Oh, what's happening on sports center? Yeah. Then they come up to you and they forget.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Talk to you. They forget to put the pants on. Oh, then you walk in and they come up and hey, Sal, let's go on. Hey, man, we're got out there. I had a guy. I had a guy tried to hug me. He had a t-shirt on and naked. He had a t-shirt on and it was a long fight. Okay, granted it was a long t-shirt. So it's kind of like a little bit of a nightgown, but you could see the bottom of things. If you know what I mean, you can put that in your mind. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:13:06 This is just a gem etiquette, not Sal's favorite moment. This is, yeah. Any walks up to me, he was so buddy, he tries to give me a hug. And I did the forearm block that you learned, you know, like distance, whatever. Great space. But yeah, you should definitely put, as a weirdo, we have to talk about this. I think it's important. Yeah, it's true, because it happens frequently. Yeah, that's true, dude. It's true. Now that's locker room stuff,? No, I think it's important. Yeah, it's true. Because it happens frequently.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Yeah, it's true, dude, it's true. Now that's locker room stuff, but I think there's a lot of etiquette that needs to be talked about inside the weight room, which is, and I think the number one pet peeve that I used to have, and it used to piss me off when I couldn't catch the motherfucker that did this. But, and it's normally the guy who does this,
Starting point is 00:13:44 this is a guy's or notorious, but it's not to say the girls may not do this either, but you see the guy who loads up the leg press. Thank you. All the way to the end. So he's doing a thousand pounds. One leg press gym hero. He's going around the gym collecting all the 45s
Starting point is 00:14:01 from all the benches and all the squat wraps, bringing it over the leg press to load it up, stack it as many ways you can. And then it gets under there. And by the way, it's a good half hour, 45 minute process for this guy to get to his three sets of this. He's got to get the hype going first. And then he does three to four inches range of motion
Starting point is 00:14:18 on the leg press. And then when the motherfucker's done, he walks away and just leaves it. Walks away. And leaves all the weights on there. You know what I mean? I'm in the squat rack. I'm like, where's all the 45 walks away and just leaves it. Walks away. And leaves all the weights on that. You know what I mean? I'm in the squat rack.
Starting point is 00:14:26 I'm like, where's all four of five? Yeah. I'm looking everywhere. You're squatting. This guy. He's just and has a squat with a bunch of quarters. Yeah. Cause a dude, you know what's like 10 quarters.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Like yeah. You know what's making me laugh about this? Cause it's true. That's very, you're 100% correct. It's, I don't think I've ever seen a woman do that. And have you guys ever seen, I guess they do too, but it's usually men, probably the ratio is eight to one of people who don't put their weights away, right?
Starting point is 00:14:52 It's usually guys that leave their weights around. And it makes me laugh, because it's kind of like, this is what we get in trouble for at home, and I mean, not putting shit away. Yeah, they're just extended to the tube, I guess. Yeah, that's pretty much, well, that's the same thing. I think it's because it's all the hygiene stuff, like you see, like you have to do it at home.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Like there's a lot of things you gotta do at home before you come to the gym. One of them being, I think it's this is your people out of them. Sorry, I'm gonna call them out. People, your people. The ones that bring the gallon jug of water, right? But they don't bring it already filled. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Okay, because I filled this up, like at the water don't bring it already filled. Oh yeah. Okay, because I'll fill this up, like at the water fountain, I'm standing there. Oh, just another cup of milk, bro. A couple minutes. I'm sitting there just like, just thirsty and fine. Normally I defend the gallon of water. I totally would defend the gallon of water, but I will get on board with you.
Starting point is 00:15:40 It is annoying if you're filling your gallon up at the watering hole. I'm like, come on man. It does stay with the way the faucet trips out. I mean, it does take like probably 10 minutes to fill up a gallon. And you have to do it tilted enough because the water like, you're messing up my workout here bro. What was that? What did you guys do at capital when people wouldn't put their dumbbells away? I loved this. I think this was one of the most brilliant things we ever did. And I'm not the most brilliant. And you can't get away with this again, probably today. But what it was probably one of the messiest gyms. It's also one of the most, you know, popular gyms as far as traffic. And during five, what we call prime time, five,
Starting point is 00:16:18 six PM at night, the weight room would get just, it would be crazy. There would not be a single dumbbell on the dumbbell rack. There not be a single dumbbell on the dumbbell rack. There would be a single plate on the plate rack. It would just be a disaster. And I can't remember what GM I was working with. And he talked about blocking it off. And I'm like, oh, this is what a great idea. And we announced it over to the loudspeaker.
Starting point is 00:16:43 And it was like five o'clock. Everyone, please exit the freeway room now, please. And we came in, we brought all the staff in, and we made everybody step out of the freeway area. We took yellow caution tape, cautioned off, and everyone's like, what the fuck's going on? And then we realized as a team, and as a staff, we re-racked weights.
Starting point is 00:17:01 And they had to wait. And they had to wait, and they watched all of us, clearly ended up. Beautiful. I was going around telling all the pissed off members, hey listen, we're going to do this every day at five o'clock if we can't hold each other accountable to keeping the way with them. We did that about three times I think before it really caught on and then you found other members calling other members out that would leave away. So it was beautiful. It was probably one of the smartest things that we ever did. But again, one of those things that I think that you could get away with 15 years ago,
Starting point is 00:17:28 even if I can't get away with it. Well, I mean, it's smart because later on, like you said, people wouldn't let other people not leave the, because they put your weights away, because they know they're gonna shut down the weight. There's a consequence to it. Oh, I think that's what, yeah, people need to understand that,
Starting point is 00:17:41 like, if you keep doing this, something will happen. I also think it's one of those things that's just weird that we just don't. Most people are in the gym to build muscle and burn fat and carrying your weights back and putting them away only adds to that. You could burn a couple extra calories, walking it back to where it belongs. It's not funny. You might build a little bit more muscle.
Starting point is 00:18:00 And you want the front spot in the parking lot. You know, the first ones to like, yeah, they just leave everything there. Have you ever guys seen, you guys ever see people getting like arguments over parking for the front, and then they get in, so they fight for the front, I actually saw,
Starting point is 00:18:15 I saw two, yeah, I saw two women yelling at each other. And so, so I already, what then so she had to go park a little further, walk in and she gets on the treadmill. I'm like, you could have walked from the parking lot to an extra walk. You know what I'm saying? There is no logic there whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:18:31 No, I like your idea though, with the weight rack. I think it's spread because we started doing something like that too, and I think that was you guys probably started out with it. Oh, it was brilliant. And it wasn't my idea. Somebody else had brought it up. I just thought it was brilliant too,
Starting point is 00:18:42 and I was all on board. That's excellent idea, because it was put on this trainer's back then at least. It was put on the trainers to keep the weight room clean. So it was my trainers and I were always having to clean it the room, and I'm getting so fed up with picking up behind everybody every single day that I was like, man, how am I going to teach these members to do this?
Starting point is 00:18:59 And he came up with that, I was like, man, that is brilliant. And it worked, man. What's crazy to me is how some of the weird ones that you'd think are just unique, like, oh, this is a one off. Oh yeah. But then you would see it repeatedly. And then not only that, but when we all first started
Starting point is 00:19:14 working together, because most of our audience knows, we didn't work in the same gym. Adam and Justin worked in the same gym, but the three of us had never worked in the same gym. We just knew of each other and we worked same gyms but at different times, like if I ran one club and then I left or whatever and then Adam would pop in and but we never worked in the same clubs
Starting point is 00:19:35 at the same time I should say. And it's weird to me that some of the weird shit that you think this doesn't happen a lot. I would first bring it up to you guys and be like, oh yeah, that happens at this one. And one of those things is the dude that shaves in the jacuzzi. That's apparently, I will never.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I'll never forget. I can't believe that happened to YouTube. I'll never forget the day I got called in to, because a lot of times I was the one who probably went and talked to a lot of members. Just again, when I come into a club, I try to become the mayor of my club and meet all my members. Because I was that guy, it was also my responsibility, a lot of times, to talk to these types of
Starting point is 00:20:15 members. And I'll never forget being told that there was a guy in the Jekuzi shaving his beard. And I was just like, what do you mean he's in the Jekuzzi shaving? They're like, go look. And I walked in the wet. It's happening right now. And I'm not gonna lie. I stood there and watched him for a few minutes because I was just so blown away that somebody would be sitting in a jacuzzi, a public jacuzzi shaving their beard, rinsing their stumbles off in the water they're they're they're basking in and then shaving it again, and I'm like Well, and I walked over the guy I was just like you don't see anything wrong with this picture at all
Starting point is 00:20:51 Nope, like and just even register. Yeah, look back at me like I was crazy Yeah, and I actually thought am I crazy is this we is this not weird? Is this normal somewhere that I don't know about? I don't know, but that was a thing, I guess. That was a crazy one, man. And that one is, and I did see repeat offenders on that. And you would think that we shouldn't have to talk about these things, but they do. They happen more than once.
Starting point is 00:21:14 If it's like, yeah, the pool in general brings a lot of weirdness. You know, like, so I had a time where I saw a guy actually jump directly out of the pool and was like, oh man, I need to catch my set of crulls right away. You know, I'm just gonna get out. I'm gonna be dripping wet. I'm gonna be in a speedo. I'm gonna go right up to the mirror and just rip it out. Yes. And then go right back into the pool.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Yes. I've had to talk to people about that exact thing and I've had to talk to people who go from the sauna, straight from the sauna to the treadmill or to work out. So they're dripping sweat and they go straight into the gym, lay on a bench or sit on a machine. And I do the same thing, Adam, I go up to them and what I used to do is I'd sit there and stare at them because it was shocking to me that they didn't realize
Starting point is 00:22:00 what they were doing was disgusting. They just don't even know. And what I'm hoping for, which never happened, but I was hoping for that they would have a realization, like, oh, wait, oh yeah, this is weird. I shouldn't be doing this. Oh, somebody's watching me. But instead, they'd be like, can I help you?
Starting point is 00:22:12 But yeah, you can help me. How about if you don't fucking leave, you're disgusting this everywhere, all over the, why don't you dry off before you get on the equipment? Yeah. You know what's super common, and I still see, because I work out everyone's Y Clubs board, which is more of an upscale club,
Starting point is 00:22:25 but I still see this quite common, it's makes me laugh. Why is it that dudes do karate in between sets? Yeah, there, there's another common phrase. What's funny is the guy who does karate. You don't know karate. He doesn't know karate. I don't know karate, right? But you know when does someone does it know karate?
Starting point is 00:22:43 But you can really tell when somebody does in no karate. You know what I think? You know when does someone does it? No, but you could you could really tell with so many things in You know what I think you watch like one movie and it's like yeah, I got this Now why now why do you think this is you think this to the dude just feeling fucking off? He's feeling alpha because he just lifted. Oh, yeah, I'm not gonna sit here and rest Whatever. I'm gonna punch the air. Yeah. I'm gonna practice my fighting skills. It's we I'm gonna practice my fighting skills. It gets weed. Yeah. It's so, it was, it was never impressive.
Starting point is 00:23:08 No, there's one, so it clubs pour downstairs. You guys know they have the punching bags. Yeah. So there's this dude that in between sets, he'd walk over the punching bags and then he'd like, like he'd hit it, but kind of like look at it sideways and walk over it. Yes. Yeah, like, I'm haunting it.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Yes. Like, he's envisioning it like a person. I see this guy with my mind. That's what I'm walking in. What do you get in dude? Yeah, and a boom. Dang. And then he did like this back kick,
Starting point is 00:23:32 but it was really just bent his knee and behind his back and I was like, I'm walking around. And I'm watching this guy like, wow. Oh, shit. You don't like messing with that guy? I'm not gonna, these are the things too. Okay, I know we're talking about Jim etiquette right now,
Starting point is 00:23:43 but it is the things that make me miss the gym atmosphere. It is fun. I loved my desk at Coddle was perfect. I just had this beautiful view of the entire weight room floor, and I could just I could sit there. It's the most entertaining thing in the world. Yeah. Is it not? Yeah. I feel like if somebody did a reality show in a gym, a legit reality show, it would be Did a reality show in a gym, a legit reality show? It would be, it's got, you see every walks of life and stuff that you couldn't even believe that happened in a gym. And it has to be like a cheap price point.
Starting point is 00:24:13 So you get like everybody. Oh, like one of those planet fitness, can you imagine what planet fitness is probably like? I don't, I can't even imagine. I almost want to like go investigate. We're listing off a lot of these like outlandish things, right? I think people are going like, is that really happen? There's a lot of little things that we have to address that I,
Starting point is 00:24:30 that I think some people just don't know, like, because you see some people that work out all the time to this, that that bother me and I think is something that people shouldn't do. Oh, most annoying. I think I have the most annoying one of all time. And this one really took a spike after the introduction or popularity of CrossFit. Because this would happen sometimes before,
Starting point is 00:24:52 but then CrossFit took off. And then all of a sudden, this was like a big problem. And it's people who reserve. Seven pieces of equipment. Yeah, dude. They'll set up five stations of, I got three more circuits, bro. Yeah. Dumbbell rack and they'd have the box over here and I need this bench over here.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I need the machine over here. We got a jump rope over there and they would be like take up the whole gym to do their shitty, you know, poorly pro ground work. Do your crossfit elsewhere in your stupid warehouse, you know, by yourself. But yeah, I used to make announcements in the gym. Oh yeah, bro. I just, if you're listening right now and you work in a gym and you don't utilize
Starting point is 00:25:33 the powerful shame bringing tool known as the intercom, you're missing out. It has got to be the most effective way to bring shame upon people. And that's what I used to do. So if there was like a guy, for example, you know, doing curls in front of the rack and just, you know, so nobody could grab dumbbells, I'd go on the intercom. I'd be like attention members of this. Hey, hey you guy with the long hair and the wearing the pink stringer tank top. And then
Starting point is 00:26:00 I'd wait for him to look and be like, excuse me, I'm talking to you and he'd look over and be like, yeah, you, can you please not do curls in front of the dumbbell rack and the shame? We have to, okay, so you're gonna have to. That would bring you from the, what it sounds like you're talking about is curls in the squat rack. But you're talking about curls in front of the rack,
Starting point is 00:26:13 which I think is a common. In front of the rack rack. This is a common one that I see people do all the time that may just not know better that. When you do dumbbell curls, it seems natural because a lot of people are doing standing curls to just grab the dumbbells, you grab your 25s or 30s or whatever you're curling,
Starting point is 00:26:30 and you just take a step back and you curl right there. But what you don't realize is you block all the people that are trying to walk past the... They need to get the weights. Right, or re-wrap their weights, or grab the weights that you're standing right in front of. And so, you know, some gem etiquette is, if you're gonna do dumbbell curls,
Starting point is 00:26:45 looking at yourself in the mirror, which is totally fine, I think, acceptable. Instead of just taking a single little baby step back, take two or three giant steps back to allow other people to pass by and re-rack the dumbbells, because that is super annoying to me, especially when you're doing it in front of your 25s and 30s, and I'm carrying the 100 pound dumbbells back over
Starting point is 00:27:04 from doing my chest pressing. I was gonna say the only exception being, like if you're doing dumbbell shrugs, but with like the heaviest weight, right? And you can get up there close. Even that annoys me. Yeah, dude. If you can't handle a weight enough
Starting point is 00:27:18 to take three steps back or to put it back, I hate to break it to you, bro. That's not a way you can handle. Sorry, take the weight, put it down. It's too heavy for you. You're not strengthening your muscles. You know, you're strengthening your muscles. This includes, and this is some of my peers,
Starting point is 00:27:34 I'll call out, because the men's physique guys and bodybuilder guys are notorious for this, which is the leaning over the dumbbells and doing the dumbbell rows. Oh, because they hold the, they put their hand on the dumbbell roll. Yes. You know, it works equally good for that? A bench.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Right. You know, you don't need to use the dumbbell roll. And to Justin, it's right behind you. At the Justin's point, the only way that I think that that is okay is if you are picking up the very last ones. The heaviest. Because then you're not in the way.
Starting point is 00:27:58 If you are rowing the fucking 160s or 200s, whatever your gym goes up to, I'm gonna leave you alone. Right, by all means, if you're actually strong. Lean over the last dumbbell, that's fine. But if you're doing 80s or 90s, and you're leaning on the hundreds or the 70s to do your rows, get the fuck outta here.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Out of the way. Yeah, and here's another one. Now, this is a problem that, this is a rule in every gym I've ever been in, but I do think that sometimes it's unfair, so I think we should clarify the whole don't drop weights rule. Now first off, I agree with it.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Don't drop your weights, unless you're lifting some heavy ass fucking weights, but if you're using the 20s and you drop them, get out of the gym, that's embarrassing. If you're using the 150s and you put them down and it's loud, well yeah, you're using the 150s, but if you're using the 20s, don't drop the 20s. That's one that doesn't the 150s, you know? But if you're using the 20s, they're dropped to 20s. That's one that doesn't bother.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Unless you're a five year old working out with the toilet. Dropping waste doesn't bother me so much because I feel like the dropping waste rule is more to protect the gym and the gym floor. Like that rule came about because. You've never seen someone drop a weight and have it flip towards people? That's an off-line.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I've seen people actually like, as they're coming down out of like a deadlift, they slam it into the ground like a deadlift, they slam it into the ground. Yeah, dude. And it's not even that much weight. You're like, come on. It's like they're beating their chest, like they're gorilla.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Look at you. They want everybody just watching. I mean, there is that guy. He exists. I just did side-laterals with 30s. Cucumber, yeah. Everybody. Cause at one point, I mean, that's a fine line there.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Because what's heavy to you, maybe, you know, what's heavy to you, maybe, what's heavy to you may not be so heavy to somebody else or flip that. Somebody who comes in as 80 pound dumbbells could be extremely heavy for them for them dropping it. So I'm on the fence with the drop of the weights because it just depends on where you're at, how much weight you're carrying, and it's like what's heavy to you?
Starting point is 00:29:41 And I feel like that rule came in place again to protect the gym floor. Of course. And I don't mind? And I feel like that rule came in place, again, to protect the gym for us. Of course. And I don't mind. If I walk into like an old school gym, I actually love to hear the weights fucking. Wow, slam in the ground. You know what though?
Starting point is 00:29:54 It gets me excited to live. You know what though? So we experienced this when we went to big text gym, right? That's the name of it, right? The one in Texas, the one that Ben Polic works out of? Great gym. Okay, so one of the best vibes in old school feel gym that I've ever been to, and some of the strongest fucking humans
Starting point is 00:30:13 you'll ever see work out there, also the most cool. Now, they'll drop weights and make a lot of noise, but it's different than the morons that are dropping weights and stuff in the local fitness club or whatever. Those guys are dropping weights because they want everybody to know that I'm strong and I'm the guys at big techs. They don't, they're egos or they don't have huge egos.
Starting point is 00:30:34 They're being cool with everybody. They're like, oh, why is it so loud? Oh yeah, you deadlifted 700 pounds. Yeah, not like you deadlifted 105 and then push the weights down to the floor so everybody could hear. Right. Because a lot of the energy of these gyms is look at me.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Look at me. You know, that's why the dude does karate in between sets. Because he's like, everybody needs to know how bad ass I am. And since they can't tell with this exercise, I'm gonna make sure I demonstrate my winged shoulder skills. I love it's fishy when they grab the cables to launch them up like a trampoline and then they cry to kick in the air. They have seen those videos.
Starting point is 00:31:07 What is that up? I don't know, but I actually saw it in real life too. There's a guy at Golds who did that. You know what else kind of bothers me? And we've brought this up on the show many times is when people misuse the intent of the machine or exercise. I know. You're like seeing that they're facing backwards and they're like, you know, pushing it
Starting point is 00:31:24 instead of, you know, using their legs. What's some of the worst ways you guys have seen equipment being used? Well, some of the most shocking. Shocking? Or weird or what? One of them for me was, okay, so the line leg curl, I saw somebody laying on their stomach and then using it for the rest. Oh, for the neck. The head was pulling up.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I've seen that too. I was like, what the hell's going on? Yeah, I've seen that. I've seen the hip thrust down on that. That's common. Yeah, although that's more acceptable than the neck. Well, I've seen the neck one. I've seen the dude roll in his face up and down on that too. I've seen that for sure. You know, I'm reading it, staff infection. The stepping down on the, you know, a weighted or the pull-up assisted machine. Like it's a leg press, I want to do a press. It's hilarious to me.
Starting point is 00:32:09 You should. You should have an every gym now. That makes no sense to me because it's wholly ineffective. If you want to do a one-legged leg press, use a leg press because if you use enough weight to actually do anything, then you'll stand on it and it won't go down. Right, or step up.
Starting point is 00:32:22 You're suddenly, step up onto a step, holding weight. It's so weird. It's more effective. You know what it is? It is literally, either somebody who saw someone doing an Instagram, so they thought I need to do this, or it's another way for someone to be like, hey, look at me.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I'll see. I blame our trainers. This is stuff that I feel like getting to create. Yes, I feel like the trainers perpetuate this. We get, and the reason why I say that in smirking because I know that I did this stuff like Trying to get creative with that. Yeah, try to get creative and show people different things You know check this out if you ever used it, you know shrugs Have you ever used a calf machine for shrugs, you know like have you ever used it?
Starting point is 00:32:59 Oh, so you've curled but have you curled balancing on a stability ball? Right. Yeah, that one I'm serious So I think that one the the shoulder press on the leg press, I think is common. I've seen that and that makes zero sense to me at all. But the worst I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of crazy shit. I saw a guy do use a lap pull down bar and then so it's like hanging on to it and he's, you know, using his knees to pull him down. And he's just twisting his body.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Oh, yeah. Side-deciding. And then you would add weight. I'm like, why are you adding, using his knees to pull him down. And he's just twisting his body. Oh, yeah. Side decision. Side decision. And then you would add weight. I'm like, why are you adding weight? The resistance isn't being used. But the worst I ever saw was a guy juggling dumbbells. Like, what?
Starting point is 00:33:33 Yeah. He was literally practicing juggling with dumbbells. Um, to his credit, he had some skills. And I walked over to him. And I'm like, you're like, okay. I literally said, I said, are you a professional juggler? He's like, no, I walked over to him. I'm like, you're like, okay. I literally said, I said, are you a professional jugular? He's like, no, I just like to practice. Can you not practice with dumbbells?
Starting point is 00:33:50 Some happens to you. You know what I mean? We might have to be, you know, we're gonna be kind of liable. So that's weird. You know, it's really common now that was not common when I was running gyms, only because the technology didn't exist, but now I see it. And actually, I actually had a situation recently with this,
Starting point is 00:34:08 where I had confronted a guy, is I see people using the equipment, the benches, the leg press, whatever, like a texting station. And it's not just texting in between sets, which I don't mind if you're doing a minute rest and you're gonna text fine. I still think you're not being present,
Starting point is 00:34:24 but sometimes I do it because I have to do work. But literally sitting there for 20 minutes and they're just sitting there and they're texting and they're not unwrecking the way, I actually had, I went up to a guy and I said, hey, can you text somewhere else so I can work out and I started unwrapping the weights and you got up and moved.
Starting point is 00:34:39 But see, that's just taken on a new form. That's always been there. That's been the guy that brings in the newspaper before. He's just already turns the page. You're right. It has to do an old man. Yeah, right. It has to get new form. That's true. I remember that. There was a lady who used to have read her book on the leg press. I remember I just gripping novel. She's like a romance novel and she's like leg pressing. You know, like every every couple of minutes she gets a couple of reps in and then she goes back to reading. I'm like, dude, you know, like every, every couple of minutes, she gets a couple of reps in and then she gets back to reading I'm like, dude, you can't read your novel at the leg press for 45 minutes. You got to let people come work in.
Starting point is 00:35:11 You know what I would like and this doesn't need to be a role, but I would like this to be a role is I know that spandex has really made a huge impact on fitness and it's from the early days. Lululemon has changed the landscape. Yeah, please don't hate on this. No, no, no, no, no. I just don't think men should wear it. Oh, yeah, I don't think, I don't need to know. Spandex are discouraged for men. I don't need to know if you're circumcised. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Oh, dude, I know what religion you are. Bro, I mean, you've ever seen some of these guys they'll wear like a, you know, they'll tuck their shirt in on top of it and they'll wear a spandex pants and you could see the entire outline of their penis Yeah, it's like that's a little bit maybe they want that. I don't know. Yeah, that's Yeah, that's some kind of signal. Yeah, I don't think I don't think you should be worrying now
Starting point is 00:35:55 How do you guys teach people as far as the etiquette to working in like what is the what is the general rule like how many people can work in? Is it do you let people work in with you like what's the what's the general rule? How many people can work in? Is it, do you let people work in with you? What's the rule? You know what the irony of this one is, Adam, is that the most hardcore consistent members were the ones that would let people work in, it would be cool. You know who are always assholes about this?
Starting point is 00:36:19 The people who never worked out and that are just the seasonal members. I would see them be assholes to other people. And it would be like a selectorized machine, which selectorized equipment is easy to work in. I just moved the pin. So it's like I'm unwracking 15 plates or whatever. And they'd be assholes about it.
Starting point is 00:36:36 They'd be like, hey, you mind if I work in? They'd be like, I'm using you. Yeah, I got five sets left. And I'd hear over here this and I'd walk over them. And be like, actually, why don't you let them work in since all you have to do is move a pin, you dick. So I think you should definitely let people work in. Unless, of course, it's, you know, you have to un-rock, you know, like 15 plates off the bench or whatever. Yeah, the machines definitely make sense for that. You have no excuse. Like, you got to
Starting point is 00:36:59 have to arrest period anyways, like apply your arrest period. Let somebody in. Yeah, I think, I think you have to always let a single person work in, right? So if I'm on a piece of equipment and I'm using it and somebody wants a person wants to come in and work in, totally fine because it makes sense, rest period wise and everything like that to allow somebody.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Most people aren't arresting less than a 45 second or a minute that it takes to complete a set. If you and your three buddies come over and they want to work in with me, I might say, let me finish my four sets before you get in and work. I don't know about a group of people trying to come all in in my space. No, thanks. Well, that's why I say you got to clarify this because there's certain to me there's certain
Starting point is 00:37:38 things that absolutely. Well, that's the etiquette for the other person, right? Don't ask to work in if you're showing up with your buddy. Right. You know, hey, can we all work in? Right. No. ask to work in if you're showing up with your buddy. Right. You know, hey, can we all work in? Right. No, can I work in? Yes. Right. And oftentimes what I ask, just to be polite, if you want to ask somebody to work in, as you say,
Starting point is 00:37:52 how long your rest periods do you mind if I work in while you rest? That's the way I ask, because somebody could very well be doing 15 second rest periods, in which case, it might not work for me to work in. But I've usually, it's But usually it's 30 seconds, 60 seconds, or usually now. I've had people try and work in when I'm doing squats or something and I'm just like, no. You know, like, no, go away. Because, I mean, the weights, I'm gonna have to take them off,
Starting point is 00:38:16 put them back on, take them off, put them back on. And it was like, I'm like, dude, I'll be 10 more minutes max. You know, you definitely, I will look for you, I'll find you, I will grab you and place you there. No, that makes a lot of sense, but machines? God, who cares? Change the freaking question. Well, that's why I think it's important
Starting point is 00:38:34 because I think there's a gray area here. There's stuff that I think, if you're somebody who is using a squat rack and somebody wants to come over and work in and they're doing, they wanna do deadlifts on the platform or something behind it. You know, that's just ridiculous because the time to pull the barbell down,
Starting point is 00:38:49 rack it for your way, put it back up like that, you're killing my rest periods completely and they're gonna throw off my entire routine. I actually had a guy once while I was training one of my clients on, I think it was a Hacksquat, a guy actually walks up and starts unwrapping the hack squat while we're doing reps. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:10 That's a true story. That's awesome. While the lady was, you know, while my client was going up and down with the weight, as she's coming up, he comes over and starts taking weights off. Wow. Yeah, dude, I almost body stuff. He's a hot sat guy.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Oh yeah, dude. Oh man. Get the fuck out of my gym. We're an asshole. Buddy, how about the couples Oh man, the fuck out of my gym. What an asshole. Buddy, how about the couples that work together? Making out and shit in the gym. Yeah, those are really good. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I saw a guy and a girl work, I saw a guy and a guy do this too. So, this is not exclusive to men and women. Could be also men and men, I've seen do this, where one of them, same exact thing, by the way, scenario, one of them is doing the cable row and the way that the other person spotting them is on the bench with them. So they're straddling the bench up close
Starting point is 00:39:57 and kind of wrapping the arms around, like open them with the trainer with the hot client move. Oh, dude. She was all the time. First, remember the spotting the hot chick move. Oh, dude. Oh, yeah. She was all the time. First, remember the spotting the hot chick with like a holding or squatting, like a deadlift or a squat. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:40:12 When you squat, you wrap your hug, you bear hugger from behind and you help her. We need to teach, we need to teach trainers how to spot people properly, don't we? That's totally inappropriate. I had to teach a trainer actually, to write them up for this, because he did it second time. I had to teach a trainer, actually, to write him up for this, because he did it second time after I talked to him.
Starting point is 00:40:28 You know when you're stretching the client out, doing like, you know, it's like static stretching, but you're pushing it a little more. You're lifting one leg up. Yeah, so you're on the floor with them. They're waiting for you. And you have their leg up, you know, in your hand, or maybe even on your shoulder to stretch it.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Well, the appropriate way to do this is to have your head on the outside of their leg and to not make eye contact. So you're, you're, you're, cause think about this position and not thrust your hip forward. Yeah. If you're laying down on your back and your trainer has your leg up on their shoulder and they're pushing it down to stretch your hamstring, your head has to be on the outside and you look away even if you're talking to him you look away. No, I had this fucking trainer who would put his head on the inside. Make eye contact. Yeah, he's making eye contact with him. Yeah, and I'm like, I'm taking care of you. I feel like I need to. I feel I'm weird about that next contract. Yeah, you're going to be reciting next week. Tell me
Starting point is 00:41:21 where you can feel this. Do you feel that? So I got all my clients to recite. Look at my hands. Yeah, yeah. No, terrible. But those are things in your tea. Yeah, the gym couple thing, it's funny. Cause that always exists.
Starting point is 00:41:35 You always see like, like I've seen crazy stuff where they do pull ups together. One of them's wrapped around the other person and they think that they're being all cute. I blame Instagram for this bullshit. 100%. Yeah, it's a couple of goals, all that bullshit. Yeah, perpetuated that for sure.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Oh, unbelievable. Please wear underwear if you have really short shorts on. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Yeah, please do this. I've seen, especially did any kind of adductor of the machine. I've seen way too many balls because of this. And you know what, it's typically an older man who's in his late 40s to whatever.
Starting point is 00:42:07 And he's wearing the 1970s Lakers baseball shorts. You ever watch? Yeah. Go look at some old videos of basketball in the 1970s. And you know what I'm talking about? It's a Kareem Aldoobar. You know, it's a city. And it's got the slit up the side and shit.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Homeboy's proud, man. Yeah, proud of what he's working with. He doesn't care. He doesn't care. I used to love, you know, again, things you get fired for. I used to love fucking what's happening. Some of our trainers, they'd be like, hey, bro, follow me.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I want to show you something real quick. Train will be like, okay, boss, no problem. He'll follow me. And we'd stand somewhere and they'd be like, okay, he's what I want you to do. Can you look to your left real quick and look to the, oh, man. I'm like, now go tell the guy to put some underboards's what I want you to do. Can you look to your left real quick and look to the, oh, man.
Starting point is 00:42:45 I'm like, now go tell the guy to put some underboards on the, I'm not doing it. Yeah. Anyway. What about the tire that you wear? This is something that, and this was a hard one for me, and where I would get a female client that would, or a member that would come up to me,
Starting point is 00:43:00 and tell me that, you know, somebody, some members like looking at them creepy, and that totally do not justify that, and I would definitely go speak to this guy, but a lot of times this would happen, and it would happen, and I would see the entire of this girl's wearing, and I'm like, well, Jesus,
Starting point is 00:43:18 like she's wearing shorts that are super tight and short, and showing her hair is done, makeup's done, tits are coming out of her. She's got the bra, the tube, the two bra thing going on, and then wondering why this creep is staring at her across the gym and I'm like, fuck, man, you put me in such an awkward situation, like I gotta go over and address this guy, but at the same time too, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:43:41 if that really bothers you, like maybe choose a different piece of a tie, and that's a tough thing to, like, what do you say to that? Yeah, because it doesn't excuse somebody, it doesn't give a right to somebody to, to objectify you. But at the same time, you're going to get, you're going to get people who react to you. If you wear a clothing that's designed to elicit a reaction. Look, just like the guy with the basketball shorts from 1975, whose balls are hanging out, he got a lot of stairs.
Starting point is 00:44:11 You know what I mean? He got a lot of people staring at him because shit's hanging out of his shorts. And so yeah, don't wear just, a lot of gyms now have dress clothes though. It wasn't like this for a long time, but now a lot of gyms, if you go into a gym and you're dressed like you're going to the beach, a lot of times the staff will
Starting point is 00:44:30 come up to you and tell you you need to change your clothes or whatever. It'll be in the contract, it'll be because it can be totally distracting to wear certain things in the gym. Yeah, well, I mean, there are a high percentage of people who go to the gym to like find, you know, hook up and like find somebody. It's like a meat market, you know, for some people. Bro, there were locations, there were, because 24-hour fitness had tons of locations.
Starting point is 00:44:53 There were locations that we were made aware of that were hot spots. Oh, right. They were actually placed, they were meetups because one of the challenges of running gyms that are 24 hours is the off hours, the twilight hours. And in the twilight hours, there would be maybe one staff member in the gym. You had like a porter or someone at the front desk and you're talking about a 30,000 square
Starting point is 00:45:21 foot facility. There's a lot of nooks and crannies that you can hide in. You can go in the locker room, you can whatever. And I remember, dude, I had a, one of my assistant managers that worked for me a while ago. He had transferred out of a club because this club became a hotspot for men to meet up and do all kinds of crazy shit in the locker room.
Starting point is 00:45:44 And he was super popular in San Francisco. Was it? Super popular. Yeah, no, it was so uncraigsless. They used to have a, and it was known for years, like two in the morning, they would meet in the steam room and there'd be a gang bang. And they had such a hard time policing it
Starting point is 00:45:58 because it's two o'clock in the morning and you have like, you know, you have the young kid who's like 20 years old, who's like the overnight manager, you know, and who's running just a front desk. Like, hey, hey, hey, break it up, guys. Right. He's like going and stop like 15 dudes going into each other. You're gonna say, like, that's not half up. Well, so because the way it would work is, I'm very familiar with what you're talking about. They actually, you know, talk to us about this. The steam room, for anybody who's ever used a steam room, it's hard to see inside from the outside. And once you open the door, you have to adjust to see what's happening.
Starting point is 00:46:28 And what they used to do with this club is they had one guy would stand outside the door. And his job was to knock on the window or the door to let them know that someone's walking in. So catching them doing this was hard to do. But what you would end up happening is you to, they used to plan this as they would rush the steam room. Then they'd open the door and what they would find is a bunch of dudes sitting around with erections. Because the guys got like the new red away. Oh, someone's coming and they'd sit down. But what do you say? You know what I mean? You can't have an erection in here.
Starting point is 00:47:03 That's not allowed. Yeah. Hey, buddy. You can't get mean? You can't have an erection in here. That's not allowed. Yeah, hey buddy, you can't get excited in here. You can't get too happy in here, you know what I mean? But that shit used to happen, dude. Speaking of which, we've talked about this before. You guys have had to kick a guy out of the shower for handling himself. Yeah, that is an awkward conversation. That is a very, very difficult.
Starting point is 00:47:19 I believe that it not happens more than once. That's happened more than once for me and Jim's too. It's like, you would think that that's an obvious one. Like, leave that for home, dude. What do you say? Yeah. So please don't share it off in the shower. Yeah, that's the only thing you can't say.
Starting point is 00:47:32 And so don't look at me. Yeah. Stop looking at me. Yeah, what about the, here's a, here's one that is shouldn't be common, but unfortunately is. I don't know why this is common, but so I ran clubs for big commercial gyms
Starting point is 00:47:47 cumulatively maybe four years and I can think of maybe three times, I think three of the top of my head times, where I had to go in the shower and I had to either me or my porter had to clean up, poop, poop in the shower. Yeah, this is a good thing. Isn't that a cultural thing?
Starting point is 00:48:06 I don't, pooping it maybe. I know, I do, I really, I believe. I poop it in holes. Yeah, I think that, no, there's cultures that do that that like, shit shower in holes. Yeah, like it's a normal thing. And then what did they do? They push it down the, the grate.
Starting point is 00:48:19 I don't know. I don't know, I don't know enough to speak on it, but I believe that's the same. It's, there's also cultures that you would stand over the toilet. This was a big oh yeah, and you'd see footprints. Yes, when I first came to Capitol, McKee original squatting, I'll never forget this because I was completely just could not figure this out, but you would go in the stall and we would get in there and I get in there on these mornings and there would be shit on the sides of the stall, the wall, all of the toilet.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I'm like, like someone, someone's ass exploded. Oh, this is this, this, this, this, they made the rounds of all the clubs. I know exactly what that's. Well, that's why I don't know if it's the same person. I think it's a cultural thing. And it was because what I found out was they were, they would stand on the toilet and they would shit. And if they had, and if they had a diarrhea or anything like that,
Starting point is 00:49:06 yeah, this is what it was going to happen. It was going to spray everywhere. So disgusting. We heard these wrong with people. No, I got called into the shower because there was a fully formed, very healthy, this guy had a, obviously, a healthy gut. This was like a three or four on the Bristol scale.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Great consistency. Yeah, if you don't know what the Bristol scale is, look it up a three or four. So you can see it's a fully formed turd. Just fucking sit next to the peanuts and all. Next to the... Yep. Oh, he had corn.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Corned. Next to the next to the drain, and it was just chilling there in the drain. And I was, you know, I was a young manager, and I really didn't know what to do. I should have gotten plastic bag and just picked it up and flushed it, but I thought to myself. But it's human. Yeah, I thought to myself, I'm going to close off the shower and I'm going to use the high pressure hose that's in the shower
Starting point is 00:49:55 to spray it down the drain or break it up into bits and then I'll get my guy to come and just scrub it down. That sounds like one of those ideas that went horribly wrong. Right. It was stupid because I brought my dude and one of my staff members in there because I'm not gonna do this by myself. Someone's gonna watch this happen. And so he stood off to the side, so he's to my left. And I'm just,
Starting point is 00:50:16 pff, pff, yeah, so it takes me about, I don't know, 30 seconds to a minute, it dissolves pretty well. I'll just psh, goes down. And then I look at my, my, my staff ever. And I was like, oh, you got shit speckles all over you. Oh, over your pants, buddy. You're standing down, win.
Starting point is 00:50:32 My apology. Oh, yeah. You're sure. And they went in there and scrubbed it out. But I can't believe that that one, that one's not the only time I've ever had to do that or seen that. No, like shit in the shower is a thing. That's, that's happened.
Starting point is 00:50:43 And not just in men's locker rooms, by the way. I remember like talking to Barbara, like she had to do that or see that. No, shit in the shower is a thing. That's what's happening. Not just in men's locker rooms, by the way. I remember talking to Barbara, she had to go in there, she could so mad coming out. This shit in the shower again. Yeah, again, I think it's a cultural thing. There's definitely cultures that do stuff like this. I, now I'm sure you guys could appreciate this. How funny was it when people would come out and be like,
Starting point is 00:51:04 there's whatever in the locker room, there's shit or whatever. And then did you ever get the sigh of relief when it was a woman's locker room? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm not allowed in there. Sorry, I can't go in there. You're a problem.
Starting point is 00:51:15 You're gonna have to go clean that up. That sucks. That really is. Bummer. That sucks for you. Yeah, I've seen almost everything. I think there's two things that make gyms, three things that make it more likely
Starting point is 00:51:30 that you're gonna see some crazy shit. One is if it's a really low price gym, so that's obvious, right? If everybody can work out there, you're gonna work out with everybody. You're gonna get everybody. You're gonna get everybody. The second two aren't so obvious,
Starting point is 00:51:43 and that is if there's a basketball court, and if there's a pool, because I've run gyms without basketball courts and pools, and I have had, you know, I get nearly as much less fights. Way less fights. Basketball court, you're gonna get a fight. Every day.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Minimum once a month. Minimum once a month. I mean, scuffles at least. Yeah. How often would you guys have to call ambulance? To the gym. Ah, that was pretty insane once or twice a month, right? Right, right.
Starting point is 00:52:10 About that. Somebody passing out or, you know, something happening. Somebody's getting a bloody nose from the basketball court. Yeah, yeah. So I, at some point, because it became such a regular thing that would happen every month, is I would, whenever, because what they would do is every time you call the ambulance, the fire truck would show up, ambulance would show up,
Starting point is 00:52:28 and it's usually somebody passing out or whatever. And again, it happens like once a month. And what they would do is, because they're an emergency vehicle, they park right in front of the gym, and the one on Santa Teresa, you know, the front is the big windows that shine into the gym.
Starting point is 00:52:42 So they'd park in front of the gym and they'd have the lights flashing. So the whole gym would have like that shine into the gym. So they park in front of the gym and they'd have the lights flashing. So the whole gym would have lights flashing to the gym. It was a great opportunity to run a sale on a peril. I'll tell you that much right now. I used to make an announcement. We're having emergency sale at the front there.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Red lights sale. Everything's 20% off. There's our monthly sale right there. So I was like, perfect, I'm getting the smoke machine. Yeah, let's set those numbers. Well, I think we covered, man. I think we covered all the things and the rules that the average gym member should know
Starting point is 00:53:09 of walking into a gym. If you go to the gym, please follow these rules. Don't do the stuff that we just talked about that you shouldn't do and please do the good stuff that we talked about. Mind your members. And you'll have a good experience. Also, you can go to mindpumpfree.com
Starting point is 00:53:23 and download any of our guides for free. We have guides on fitness, fat loss, nutrition, personal training, quite a few. They're all absolutely free. Make sure you go check them out. You can also find us all on Instagram. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballad, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically
Starting point is 00:54:07 transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes, and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump.
Starting point is 00:54:42 friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time this is Mindbump.

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