Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1084: How to Get Underactive Muscles to Fire & Build, the Best Substitutes for Squats & Deadlifts, How to Lift When Experiencing Shoulder Issues & MORE

Episode Date: July 27, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (organifi.com/mindpump, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best substitutes for deadlifts and squats f...or someone with severe lower back problems, using a landmine press rather than an overhead press when dealing with shoulder issues, uneven activation of muscle groups, and if it is necessary to be in good shape before becoming a trainer. If you were wondering why there was a dip in energy at Mind Pump HQ, have no fear they are stocked back up of Organifi Pure. (3:32) Solo ‘cholo’: Justin shares his experiences while his family is out of town. (4:42) Kids being little shits. (12:43) How humans have evolved to be fat. (14:35)  Jeremy Buendia in HOT water. The important lesson of separating the person from what they do for a living. (15:24) How the conspiracies involving Jeffrey Epstein are coming to life! (24:22) Mind Pump Recommends ‘The Loudest Voice’ on Showtime. How politics are NASTY. (28:38) Mind Pump Live: Presented by Skinny Dipped continues on to Seattle. (32:12) The story behind how this man has survived eating only pizza for 25 years. How this highlights the aspects of human complexity. (34:10) Who’s excited for Super Size Me 2??!! (39:17) Sal tries Chick-fil-A for the first time! What’s the consensus? (41:41) #Quah question #1 – What are the best substitutes for deadlifts and squats for someone with severe lower back problems? (44:42) #Quah question #2 – What are your thoughts on using a landmine press rather than an overhead press when dealing with shoulder issues? (54:47) #Quah question #3 – How would you address an uneven activation of muscle groups? For example, my right lat is activating more fully than my left during some pulling exercises. How do you catch the weaker side up while avoiding perpetuating the issue? (1:02:23) #Quah question #4 – Do you think you have to be in good shape before you become a trainer? (1:08:55) People Mentioned Chris D'Elia (@chrisdelia)  Instagram Bryan Callen (@bryancallen)  Instagram 4x Mr. Olympia Physique Champ (@jeremy_buendia)  Instagram Jon Bones Jones (@jonnybones)  Instagram   Related Links/Products Mentioned July Promotion: MAPS Anywhere ½ off!! **Code “ANYWHERE50” at checkout** Visit Organifi for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** No phones allowed at Jack White’s concert — and it was wonderful What made humans 'the fat primate'? Jeremy Buendia Speaks Out Regarding Violence Allegations Morning Report: Dana White comments on Jon Jones’ latest legal troubles: ‘I’m numb to this sh*t now’ WATCH: Video Surfaces of Jeremy Buendia Getting Knocked Out at Bodybuilding Event Jeffrey Epstein found injured with marks on his neck in New York jail cell, sources say The Loudest Voice: New Limited Series Starring Russell ... - Showtime Check out Mind Pump Live to get tickets for their next live event! Visit Skinny Dipped for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners!  **Code “mindpump” at checkout** This Man Has Survived on Pizza Alone for 25 Years - VICE Despite Morgan Spurlock’s Sexual Misconduct Confession, ‘Super Size Me 2’ Is Getting a Release Date Super Size Me 2 - Official Trailer Prime Bundle | MAPS Fitness Products - Mind Pump Correcting Upper Cross Syndrome to Improve Posture & Health-- Prone Cobra Squat Like a Pro!- 10 Primers to Improve Squat Form & Depth- Handcuffs with Rotation (Video 2 of 10) TRX Suspension Trainer T,Y,I Series Mind Pump TV - YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of The Mind Pump, we talk all about fitness, fat loss, muscle building, personal training, everything, health and fitness related. But we also have a lot of fun. Here's what we talked about in the introductory portion of this episode. We talked about pure the, uh, neutropic, uh, powder from organify.
Starting point is 00:00:33 It's part of our ritual. We purifies my brain. We drink it before we podcast and, uh, we had run out, um, but now we got it. So we're kind of fired up in this episode. Justin talks about, uh, being alone at home, wife and kids were gone, so he went to a concert on a Wednesday night. Oh yeah, man. I'm getting crazy.
Starting point is 00:00:51 That a good time. I talked about why humans are the fattest primates. I'm talking about DNA and evolution. We talked about the controversy surrounding Jeremy Buendia. There's more controversy, huh? Gosh, weird. I talked about Jeffrey Epstein. Looks like he tried to kill himself.
Starting point is 00:01:07 That's weird, who could have ever guessed that. We mentioned the upcoming live event at In Seattle, Mind Pump Live, that's where we're meeting people in person, hosted by Skinny Dipped. And we also talked about how our kids love Skinny Dipped Allmans. These are allmans lightly coated in chocolate, great macro profile. We are sponsored by Skinny Dipped. If you go to skinnydipped.com forward slash mind pump and enter the code, mind pump,
Starting point is 00:01:35 you'll get 20% off. We are also sponsored by Organify. If you go to Organify.com forward slash mind pump and use the code, mind pump, you'll get 20% off. Just then brought up the pizza diet. I think you're trying to talk us into it, Adam. Hey, it's a good idea, right guys? Adam, Adam, talk about the carnivore diet.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Let's go pizza. Adam talked about the documentary Super Size B Part 2. It's about chicken, apparently. And then I talked about how a kid got a felony for spitting in food at the grocery store and then putting it back on the shelf. Oh, that's what you get, you little shit. Then we get in the fitness portion of this episode.
Starting point is 00:02:11 First question, this person wants to know the best substitutes for deadlifts and squats for someone with low back problems. So if your low back hurts and you wanna get the benefits of squatting and deadlift, but you can't do those two exercises, we give you some alternatives. Next question, this person has problems doing overhead presses, but doesn't have problems
Starting point is 00:02:29 doing landmine presses. They want to know what our opinion is. Our landmine presses a good substitute. The next question, this person, their muscles are not building evenly. They're not able to activate the right, excuse me the right muscle, like they are with their left muscle. So if you have one side of your body that's not as balanced as the other, it doesn't develop as well.
Starting point is 00:02:54 We give you some tips and tricks on how you can get those muscles to catch up. And the final question, this person wants to know if you need to be in good shape in order to become a trainer. Also there's five days left for the maps anywhere sale. Now, maps anywhere is our program that requires no gym access. All you need are resistance bands, a broomstick, and your body. That's it. And you can do this anywhere.
Starting point is 00:03:17 That program, 50% off, all you got to do is go to mapswhite.com. That's MAPSWHIT.com and use the code anywhere 50 that's A and Y W H E R E 5 0 for the discount. Dude, finally got more pure. Yes. For all the listeners, if you were wondering if there was like a little dip in the energy the last week or two, there was a reason for this. Man. I could attribute it all to that. It's become our ritual before podcasting,
Starting point is 00:03:46 we pour some pure in the water, shake it up, drink it. It might have been good to take some time off. Now it's fire all over again. Have you guys have had it with caffeine? Yeah, what do you think? That's pretty much my go to. I do the nitro coffee and then I do my... Pure. Right after that.
Starting point is 00:04:05 It's like, that's cup two. That's cup one. Okay, so zeros at home. What you see here is number one. Okay, that's when it kicks in. So zero. Everything else is insignificant. Zero normalizes here.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Yes. One, slightly above. That sort of gets the digits and, you know, the limbs moving. Are you trying to reduce reduce your Your intake of the caffeine I did for one week Yeah, I was proud of myself like this sucks. Yeah, I was stupid Adam and I had a meeting. We're like I don't like Yeah, I can't even hang out with myself It's terrible speaking a horrible person speaking to hang out by yourself. Aren't you like like?
Starting point is 00:04:44 Solo Cholo this weekend? Yeah, bro. Solo cholo. It up in the mountains, all by myself. Yeah, dude, that's the rumor. Yeah, my kids and so my oldest went early to San Diego to hang out with his aunt, which is kind of a cool thing. Like, it's the first time he's done something just by himself.
Starting point is 00:05:02 And so Courtney's sister came up and they had like this celebration for her parents over the weekend. And then she took my oldest back with her to her place in San Diego and then got to take him to like court with her. She's a lawyer. And so he got to see that whole thing like a real like a criminal case. Oh, so he got to sit in. So he got to sit in, which he had to make a special exception because they don't usually allow kids. It's a head to wear this little suit and stuff. Oh, no!
Starting point is 00:05:30 It is pretty cool. That is pretty cool. What a great thing for him to see, you know, especially an aunt, family member, woman, who's like successful and takes charge. She's badass, did she? She's like the, you know, the standard down there in San Diego, so it was, I'm sure he, and she did that like,
Starting point is 00:05:48 because he's been really all about the military ever since I went on that plane flight. Oh, he does. So she's like, I want to give him a different perspective. You know, that's fine. That's fine, a little less dangerous. So he's down there. And then what Courtney took your other boy down?
Starting point is 00:06:02 Yeah, so they left yesterday. And so I was just like, I just, the house was like a ghost town. Wow. Yeah, and my dog was even counted forks. I didn't know exactly when we were gonna go to Seattle or not. And so I was just like, ah, porn hub.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Yeah, porn hub, porn hub. And then, you know, in erupting, I was like, I was like, Rosie Palmer in our five sisters, I was like, Paul Millah Anderson, that's my go-to girl. But yeah, then that guy interrupts my brother,
Starting point is 00:06:29 text me out of the blue. He's like, dude, Jack White is in town. Let's go hit it up. And I'm like, what are you talking about? Like he was playing up in Oakland at the Fox Theater. And I was like, I'm not doing anything. Let's go. So this one, hold on a second, just for the audience.
Starting point is 00:06:45 You know, this is a Wednesday night. Yeah, yeah, super random. Like a last minute, 38 year old, 39 year old Justin. I'm gonna go ahead and talk to him. It's pretty funny, it feels like we're back in high school or something. This is me and my brother used to hit up some concerts, but yeah, it was a great show.
Starting point is 00:07:01 The weird part, they took our phones. Well, we basically have to lock them up. Oh wow. Wait, how does it, what do you mean? How do you, so you get this pouch when you show up and then you gotta put your phone in the pouch and then they lock it. So you can keep it with you in this pouch,
Starting point is 00:07:14 but you can't access it. Then what, how do you get it out afterwards? So you go back to this like magnet opener thing that that unlocks it. They're taking it to that level where you actually put it in a sleeve like that. Yeah. I mean, I was weird, dude.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I was, I remember when I went to the last Kevin Hart show and he's like, and he does a whole, the first like 10 minutes is all about the cell phone. Like, he even does like a little bit in it to try and make it light and funny, but the whole thing is like, listen, you pull your fucking phone out, you pull it out. We're gonna you. Yeah, they put they they tell you they pull you right out That's to prevent people from recording. He says he says at the very beginning
Starting point is 00:07:52 He's like listen, I tell this at every show and every show I have to be an asshole and we got a launch at least four or five You so I'm let's talking right now and I know there's four or five you out now They're gonna fucking listen and aren't gonna believe me But you you pull your phone out of your pocket and you're getting launched out of this place. Wow. And they do, dude, you fucking grab that phone out and they'll come over and take you out.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Now the power thing is new though. Yeah, I've never seen that. Now, what if there was like an emergency? Well, some shit went down. Like, we need to, someone make a call, like we can't. Yeah, then you don't care if you get exited, right? Well, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I guess, so there was a designated area, like it's like not quite outside, but it was in this room adjacent to the theater and you could go in there and then they unlock it for you, but you have to check in that room. And then you have to lock it back up and then you can come back in. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:39 But if you leave the building, they won't let you back in. And so I made the mistake of like, I was just hanging almost like one foot out and they unlocked it for me and I was supposed to walk a few uh... paces over to this room and I was walking outside and the slaves like you can't go back in you can't go back in you're you're out here once you're out you're out I'm like no I didn't know let me in please I was like begging to get back in and then they she finally was cool and let me back in,
Starting point is 00:09:06 but they were a strict man. So, I mean, that has to take forever to get every person. Yes, every person was a massive line. Yeah, wow. Yeah, it took a long time to get into the show, and we got there early too, and it was just like, this huge line. I wonder how long until there's a technology
Starting point is 00:09:23 that just blocks all, you know, function, you know, that'd be the move where you walk in and then they just don't work. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? It's like dead signal. The problem is the camera because even if you don't have a signal, you could still record, save the video. So like the key would be the key would be to it would be like a shield in front of the show, right? So it wouldn't be like the whole arena. Your phone would still work, but you try to record it and you'd get nothing. You just get to play the rehearsal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:46 But dude, let me tell you how it was a bizarre, it felt like back, you know, early 90s when nobody had cell phones and shit and went to concerts and just kind of stared. You know, like it was like, I started talking to this lady, you know, like, like, I think it's my brother went to the bathroom and I'm like, ah, what am I doing? You're nervous. What am I doing with myself? You know, funny when you catch yourself doing things that you've gotten so used to always having your phone next to you
Starting point is 00:10:11 and then if you forget it, like I was in a bank line the other day and I just left my phone in the car and it was like a long line and I'm like, standing there and I'm like, why do I feel so awkward right now? I'm like, oh shit, because I don't have my phone to look down at.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I'm like, this is weird. Isn't this strange? Yeah, we have right now, Jessica has heard Nesan nephew visiting, and so we have four kids in the house, and they've definitely been doing things together and playing, but otherwise, if we just let them do their own stuff, especially in the evening, they're all on their own individual devices. Now, when I was a kid, if there were multiple kids in the house,
Starting point is 00:10:41 we weren't doing stuff on our own. We're building forts, we're playing board games, we're doing something together. And're playing board games. Yeah. We're doing something together. And so what I started taking stuff away, you know, once you tell them, no, you can't go on anything, then you see them start to play together. It's so alluring, it's so powerful.
Starting point is 00:10:54 It's almost not fair. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? But that's crazy at the with the power thing. I wonder how many more people are start doing that? Yeah, I don't know. It definitely, I think once the band was actually on and the performance was happening, I think it did enhance the experience for everybody because everybody was like, you could
Starting point is 00:11:10 tell everybody's really drawn into what was going on in the music and everything. So that was cool. And plus, you know, sitting in a theater too, you totally would have seen everybody's stupid screen in your face, you know, otherwise. So I thought that was pretty cool. Now you went to bed late. Yeah, I was like one o'clock or something, didn't I? Yeah, I'm a little bit worn out this morning,
Starting point is 00:11:30 but yeah, it was worth it. You know, I would never have done that. And it's like, I mean, my brother don't really hang out that often, so it was pretty cool. Oh, that's awesome. Why don't you guys set up for a comedy show? That's what you guys are set up for this. Yeah, Christian.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Yeah, Christian. Yeah, what is that? What is are set up for this. Yeah, Chris Delia. Yeah, Chris Delia. What is that? What is that? End of August. Oh, it's in August. And I look forward to that. He's fucking hilarious. Oh, hilarious.
Starting point is 00:11:52 We have one of the funniest, the way him and Brian Calon talk shit about each other. That's my favorite part. I wish they did like they toured together because they talk so much. It's amazing when they talk shit about each other. Oh, it's so funny. Yeah, so Chris Delia makes fun of Brian Calon
Starting point is 00:12:07 for being older, right? And you know, when they had that Russian app, that face app, yeah, he goes, he made one with himself and he goes, I did one with Brian Calon too and it just showed a coffin. Yeah. Yeah. That's a cat ass.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I love that. Oh, it's so good. I love that anyway. Well, he did the M&M impression. It was so good. So good that M&M put it on that one of love that. Oh, it's so good. I love that anyway. He did the M&M impression. It was so good. It's so good that M&M put it on that one of his tracks. Yeah. I thought that was so good.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Yeah, that was the funny thing. I feel like M&M was like, how do I deal with this? It's good, it's funny. It's like, he's roasting me, but it's, so I think he handled it pretty well. No, that's the way to do it for sure. Dude, I was reading some news articles the other day, and I don't know
Starting point is 00:12:45 I don't know this was a thing but apparently there's this trend where kids Will go to a grocery store and they'll like open you were telling me yeah They'll open like a tub of ice cream lick it put the lid on put it back in the walk out or they'll You know they'll spittin the shampoo or they'll do something like that and put it back in the grocery store. Is this like some kind of dare that was like passing along and kind of thing? I guess it's kind of viral and kids are starting to, they think it's funny, they'll record it,
Starting point is 00:13:15 show the friends that click what I did, you know, I freaking do. Yes, the old man and me will come out of it. Oh, yeah, so there was this one kid that spit and spank them. I forgot Be the shadow Teenager Yeah, I read about it. I read about a kid who got a pin like a real skinny pin and poke was getting condoms
Starting point is 00:13:36 I mean is it that? Holes and Is it that much different though than someone grabbing a deodorant stick and reusing it and then put it back? Yeah, that's this That's terrible Never happened I In his defense that needed to happen. Yeah, I was all pro. I was very thankful. I was pro at it. Yeah, so did you know that?
Starting point is 00:14:06 It was funny though, like, I feel like if I was a store owner, I'd be like, fuck, just steal it from me. Well, take it at this point. Nobody wants it at that. So this one kid got marked down with a felony for spitting in some food and then putting it back. There you go, you little shit. Yeah, be felony.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Yeah, well, spits saliva, that's like your, you know what I mean? That's a, you could pass on some disease or something. Wow. Yeah, that's a lot of technology. Yeah, well, spits saliva, that's like, you know what I mean? That's, you could pass on some disease or something. Wow. Yeah, that's a big deal. There's a little prank that went wrong. Yeah, fucked up shit. That's what happens. Also, another article I read about,
Starting point is 00:14:36 this is in a scientific magazine or science magazine, about why humans are the fattest primates. So now besides the way we live, our lifestyles, even if we were out in nature or whatever, humans are still fat compared to other primates. Primates tend to be orangutans. I mean, they're pretty fat. I think they just have big bellies.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Yeah, I don't think they're lean now. I mean, we definitely have some morbid status. Yeah, well, the theory is that our brains through evolution tripled in size very quickly and just requires a tremendous amount of energy and fat helps provide that energy. So we just, we literally evolved to be fatties. It's just, it's just an energy, man.
Starting point is 00:15:14 They'll tell people that. Yeah, well, hey, we evolved to do a lot of shit that we got to work on, right? Yeah, anyway. Do you see the drama with Jeremy Wundia? Oh, no, I saw that there's a video that had leaked. So was it his friend that shot the video? Like how did this all go down? Oh, I don't know who shot the actual,
Starting point is 00:15:35 the video, you tell me the video we got knocked out, that one. Oh, we got punched. Yeah, that's what I saw. Yeah, he got laid out. That'll be it was an airport video. Yeah, that's what that looked like. I could tell.
Starting point is 00:15:43 No, the other thing was his ex-girlfriend did this whole, I guess she did this interview where she talked about how she was on vacation with him and he got physical with her and he's abusive. And by the way, this is not the first time he's been accused of this. No. This is like a, it's kind of becoming his MO. This might be why he has a different girlfriend every six months. Yeah, yeah, they handle after a while. But anyway, she tried to get away and he took her purse, he took her whatever. She said all she had was her passport. She was able to get away, told the authorities because and she showed bruises or whatever in the video. And then he made a video afterwards saying, you know, he knows he needs to work on his temper this night, but he's never, he's
Starting point is 00:16:22 never hit a woman or he's never laid a hand on the one, but he does need to work on his temper this night, but he's never, he's never hit a woman or he's never laid a hand on the one, but he does need to work on his temper. I don't know, man. That's like the third accusation. Yeah. From somebody. Well, I think he lost all his sponsors. I mean, he, he tried to present it as if he decided to, you know, not partner with them or split up from them, but I think, I think he's, I think all his sponsors are getting pulled. You know, it's, that's the, that's the shitty part, man. You put yourself out there like in, in this world right now with you get a, what does he got a million or two million followers on Instagram?
Starting point is 00:16:49 And he's constantly putting out fires the entire time. I just couldn't imagine like going through that where all day long, all you're doing is responding to just hate and hate. Well, I gotta look for a new watermelon BCA person. Oh, fuck. Yeah, that's my good too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I don't know the guy personally, so I don't know if I know if it's true. Oh, you do? Yeah, yeah. No, I know. We've round him a lot in the circuit, man. So, you know, and I don't have anything like personally, like a story that I had to share where he was, he was an idiot to me. He has a arrogance about him,
Starting point is 00:17:25 but he'd never did anything to me that would make me really not like him as a person, but you know how you get that when you're around somebody you can just kind of sense their character. And he has that, he has that about him, but that's also the kind of champion. Right, right, right, exactly. To me, it's no different than when you meet a pro athlete
Starting point is 00:17:45 who's the shit and go to what they do. Like, you get this kind of, it takes that kind of swagger and attitude a lot of times to rise to that place. And so he kind of has that about him. And I do know a lot of people that are connected to him that know all the personal stories of the allegations that are being made with all of his physical being physical and shit.
Starting point is 00:18:04 And I know people that have seen it in clubs, but I personally have never witnessed it myself. And don't have anything personal against them. It's just, you know, it's unfortunate because he's just a bad representation of the person. He was a champion for what three, four years in men's disease. So there's so many young kids that look up to him. You know, and it's just that's the thing that's unfortunate is this is a kid that has got a million kids that are looking up to and he's just a fucking bad example.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Terrible, Sam. This is like a problem with athletes in general looking up to, I'm not saying that this is what athletes do, but I'm saying, actually looking up to anybody for an accomplishment is that we tend to idolize them. And so if you're an amazing basketball player,. And so if you're an amazing basketball player, that's true, you're an amazing basketball player,
Starting point is 00:18:49 you're one of the best or whatever, but that does not mean you're a good, whatever else. It doesn't mean you're a good human necessarily. And so one of the, and this is a good lesson for parents to teach kids. I tell my kids this all the time is, I know you like this person because they're really good at this one thing,
Starting point is 00:19:06 but keep it to that. Like keep your admiration to that skill right there. They do that very well. It does not mean that they're good at everything else. It doesn't mean they're a good human. And it's just, it's like a shortcut that our brain takes. We see somebody that's successful and our brain automatically is like,
Starting point is 00:19:23 oh, that person is must also be smart Right, or they must also have you know great good opinions about whatever else and just not I'm always in During this this this time that we're in right now with the social media and this the ability to become Almost famous overnight I'm always so curious when things like this happen to someone at this level that are, you know, in the million two million followers on how quickly that can turn, you know, like, I'm most interested to watch over the next six months. Like does he completely fall off of his pedestal? Does he lose all, I mean, at this point, you got to think that he's got, he's probably generating, I don't know, somewhere between 300 to $600,000 a year off of, you know, program sales and supplements and all the other things that he's affiliated with and doing.
Starting point is 00:20:11 And then that's just my rough estimate of probably what he's doing, who knows what he's making off of coaching and all the other stuff. So what happens to that, you know, does Kenny, is he got a big enough pool that he can still maintain that and like pivot and move from that? I watched, I remember when this happened with Devin Feseek, it was shreds. I thought for sure that kid was just going to just dissolve and go away, but he, you know, stayed on his hustle and
Starting point is 00:20:36 kind of rebranded himself and still has got a million plus followers. I think he can recover more because it was more like it was the photoshopping and it was the facade that he was putting out which is a little more forgivable than beating women. Right. Well, you know what though? Here's the thing. I think maybe the opposite might be true. Justin, not because I think one is more forgivable than the other, but because the people
Starting point is 00:21:02 that follow him follow him for his physique and his body. And I don't know if a lot of them really care about too much other shit. I mean, we saw it happen. Look at, was it Michael Vick, the player that got busted with the dog fighting? And he lost a lot of popularity, but then he kept some of it because he was a good football player and people kind of were like, I just like watching the play. Well people like, do you guys hear what recently happened to John Jones again? So I mean, people are trying to find anything about him to take him down. I mean, he's definitely lost a lot of favor, but he's still championing. He's still like kicking ass, but I guess he was in some strip club.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I mean, duh, you know, he's going to be in a strip club. And I guess like he wrestled one of the waitresses there and was like rough housing and stuff allegedly. And I guess like came out like four weeks later saying all these accusations came out. And there's a bunch of people there, no video, no nothing, but when her sort of word versus his. And so I guess yeah, like he like, apparently he roughed her up.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Was the thing. He's a train wreck, but you know what's funny at some point when you become a target, you're fucked. You can't do shit. You know what I mean? You can't like, don't cut anyone off. Like, he's a target now too.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Oh yeah, like his fan base had really turned on him. Yeah, because of, well, it's tough because, I mean, he failed so many of those tests and he just, his track record is shit. You know, it's like, and it's tough because I mean he failed so many of those tests and he just his track record is shit You know, it's like but you remember Mike Tyson like he he was the greatest of all time And then he was just like doing crazy stuff. It's the same. Well, it's interesting because it you don't see I mean you if you look at Jeremy's profile right now
Starting point is 00:22:38 I mean I I'm not like tracking that carefully to see if it's like drastically changing But it's not enough to where I notice it. Like, you still got millions of people paying attention to them. So it's weird. We live in a time too, where we may talk shit about them and follow them and put some of them, but you still follow them. You're still connected to them.
Starting point is 00:22:55 You're still interested in what's happening. So we're attracted to the drama, we're attracted to all that shit. For me, there's certain things that are inexcusable. And when you're doing things that involve violence, especially to people that, and I'm not accusing Jeremy, by the way, I don't know if it's all true, these are accusations.
Starting point is 00:23:12 But if I know something to be true, and you're the kind of person that's going to be violent against people who can't defend themselves well against you, to me, you are, that's almost at the bottom. I mean, the bottom being someone who does something to people who do things to kids, that's almost at the bottom. I mean, the bottom being someone who does something to people who do things with kids. That's gotta be the bottom.
Starting point is 00:23:29 You're just a coward and you're just a despicable person. Violence is in almost every time violence is inexcusable, but especially when you're somebody who's violent towards people, you know you know know, you know, you know You're physically stronger bigger and you know more capable than it just makes you such a massive coward I really hate that. I hate that when you know when people Exert themselves that way. It's like let's see. I'd like to see you do that again somebody who's your own You guys don't you got knocked out you got fucking knocked out at the place and that's that's the truth
Starting point is 00:24:04 You know, yeah, these cowards tend to be like that. So I'll bullies. A lot of times bullies are like this where they pick on, I was like, man, the fights I used to get in when I was a kid was always against bullies. Cause I couldn't stand that shit. They're always the most insecure in the room. Yep, they are the bullies.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And that's why they're doing that. Make themselves feel better. Hey, you brought something up on a few episodes ago on Jeffrey Epstein and remind me the story and everything. And then I remember you called that like watch something happen to him and didn't come out. He's weird, bro. He's conspiracy theories right themselves. So remind me who he is again. So he was the billionaire who they were, they brought him in because of underage sex trafficking,
Starting point is 00:24:46 so having sex with prostitutes that were underage or whatever. And I guess there was all this evidence and he's very connected to a lot of very, very powerful people, there's a lot of rumors. He owns an island and there's a lot of rumors that he would fly very powerful celebrities and politicians and just powerful figures onto this island and he had a bunch of underage prostitutes there
Starting point is 00:25:14 that they would have sex with whatever in fly back. This was a big rumor. Anyway, he got off on a, just a ridiculous slap on the wrist originally. It was like club fed. He could go in and out whenever he pleased. He barely got any punishment for it. And everybody's like, this is insane.
Starting point is 00:25:32 This shouldn't happen. Anyway, the case got reopened because apparently new evidence emerged. And everybody's like excited to hear because maybe he's gonna start to flip on people because we'll end up happening. Name a name. Yeah, because if they have a lot of shit on them,
Starting point is 00:25:45 he might be like, they might give them a plea deal. All right, fine, luckily, they put you in prison in life, or you'll get 10 years if you tell us, you know, what happened with these people. Because there are plain records. There's records of, if this private jet. Dude, if you're him, you are not saying a fucking word.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Well, or you are in getting a plea deal. That's the fear. I mean, you've got a dude's flip on the mafia, you know who knows? Yeah, I guess that's true. I guess that's true. You know, that's scary. I don't know if I'd be more scared though of the mafia or the fucking government Some of these people get a politician's bro more gangster. Yeah, exactly. Well, who protects you from the mafia with the government Who's gonna protect the government? He's got to go to the mafia. Yeah, he has hide me. But anyway on these plane logs He's I mean all these very powerful people, Bill Clinton was on this plane,
Starting point is 00:26:28 and you know, Bill's got a, you know, Clinton's got a terrible reputation. He was on there something like a dozen times, several of which without his secret service, which is weird. Why would he tell a secret service? So everybody's like, oh my God, and this is all part of this huge conspiracy
Starting point is 00:26:40 that there's this pedophilia ring of, you know, powerful politicians and whatever. So anyway, this guy gets taken in, and I told you guys, oh fuck, they got him. They're gonna reopen some of these cases. No, you totally called this. And I said, watch something happen to him. Fuckin' ay, something happened to him, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:57 It looked like he either tried to commit suicide or somebody tried to kill him. They found him on the floor of a cell, blew almost dead, like someone choked him. He broke his neck, right? Something doing something. Now he's alive. He's not dead. So this is like a movie dude.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Either that was like a like a hardcore message or yeah, he was trying to end it all. Well, I mean, to be fair someone tried to end him. They didn't finish the job. Right. Now, to be fair, it wouldn't take much to get him killed because if he's an accused pedophile all you got to do is put him in population yeah yeah they'll handle it there and and and and if you're let's say you're a powerful person and you don't want him to say anything that's what you're gonna make sure happens make sure you put him in in in regular pop it he's a billionaire
Starting point is 00:27:41 so already this motherfuckers don't like him right And on top of it, dude was accused of having sex with underage, yeah, prostitute, whatever, he's gonna get killed in prison. So it might have just been that. It might have been that they just put him in with regular people knowing what was gonna happen, turn to blind eye. All right, let's see, it could have been that.
Starting point is 00:27:58 It could have been, of course, the conspiracy could be that. It's a message, which is like, we're gonna almost kill you just to let you know that. That we could have if we wanna do. Or they could. We're not sure it's coincidental. This is my opinion. This just came out, right?
Starting point is 00:28:11 This just happened, dude. Wow. Isn't that crazy? Yeah. Well, I mean, God, when they start busting these sex rings, they start finding, I don't know if people are gonna want to know what's on the other end of this, man. It might be.
Starting point is 00:28:23 It might be. I've read some conspiracy theories that have tied some of the most powerful people you can think of. Some of the most beloved people. You remember how shocked people were when Bill Cosby's stuff came out? Oh yeah. It would be worse if we didn't wanna believe it.
Starting point is 00:28:35 It'll be worse than that. So speaking of the long these lines, I'm gonna put this on the podcast because I know we always have somebody who's got a great recommendation for me. I would love to read a book on the show that I'm watching right now, Loudest Voices, which is the Russell Crowe and telling the whole Fox story, because the deeper this show gets in, the more intrigued I am with all the behind-the-scenes shit
Starting point is 00:28:56 that was happening and how the Me Too involvement was evolved. So, anybody that has a good book recommendation, I would love to read a book that's along the lines of this, so maybe someone could share that with me. You've got to watch it. I'm going to check it out. Yeah, you need to watch it. I know that it's right up your alley as far as things that you would dig. Politics is nasty, bro. It's a nasty war. It's a media. All that stuff is so corrupt and dirty. Oh, dude. Right now, what's happening with the whole investigation of the Russian probe, and you had, you know, Mule or speaking or whatever it's just what a circus, what an absolute circus. And it's all it's the word that's, you know, we understand what politics means in the office, right?
Starting point is 00:29:33 And we're like, oh, we hate politics. It's just a bunch of positioning and, you know, angling or whatever. Oh, man at that level. Well, they're showing on this show. That's why I'm so curious to how accurate this is. Is there's a show, they're showing him as this fucking, he would videotape these, he would hire them and they'd be like, you know, cheerleaders, he's like purely hiring them off of, you know, for sexual purposes, brings them in and then like uses that power to allow them to get TV time or what are we at that. And then videotape them.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Like that Hollywood producer or director guy, what was his name? I'm seeing it. Yeah. Was it Epstein? Not Epstein. No, that's what we just talked about. We just talked about Weinstein. Weinstein.
Starting point is 00:30:11 What do they all sound steam? No, no, no, no. But, yeah, Weinstein, yeah. That was the other guy that went down for that shit. Yeah, you know what though? This shit's been happening for a long time, man. And it's like, let me ask you guys a question this. Let's say you're an adult.
Starting point is 00:30:24 This is gonna be touching. Let's say you're an adult. This is gonna be touching. Let's say you're an adult. You're an actor or an actress. Okay, so we're not talking about kids here. You're 20, 21, whatever. And you get invited to go at a party and there's directors and producers there. And you willingly have sex or offer that
Starting point is 00:30:42 to these people to get your role. I mean, that's a slimy world that they're in. And a lot of them afterwards turn back and be like, oh, I had sex with you to get this part and say, hey, man, you guys are all part of this. A lot of you guys were just a part of this whole fucking game. Well, that's what interests me with reading more, like a book that's a little bit more detailed
Starting point is 00:31:01 than watching like obviously a showtime series on this because you know, I always wanna hear the other side of the story, like for someone to get away to that level of that, like you can't tell me that some of these people were willingly doing this. And I think he even, and he videotaped it for that purpose. To show. So I show that they wanted to, they were part of it.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yeah, they show that she's getting in her outfit and then coming in. Because she knows she's gonna get a part of it. Right, right. So it's like, I'm that she's getting in her outfit and then coming in. Because she knows she's gonna get a part of it. Right. Right. So it's like, he's not physically forcing you to, sure he's manipulating you to do it stuff, but you still are actively doing it.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Still flying me disgusting. Oh yeah, by a no means in my justifying that behavior, but also. Were they all overage? Yeah, they were all, in the film or the clip right now, it's everybody's like 30, they're ones, late film or the clip right now. It's everybody's like 30. You know, everyone's late 20s, 30 years old. I mean, jeez, man, it's like you gotta have responsibility
Starting point is 00:31:52 and power over yourself. Like when you're in a situation like that, as shitty and as difficult as it could be, there's the laws that'll help protect you. And I know it could be tough, but step out of that, man man and get those fuckers, you know fired or in jail where they belong, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, I'm excited dude for Seattle. I am super super excited. I've only been there once awesome city
Starting point is 00:32:17 I know Justin you have family there. I did yeah Yeah, I got family of my cousin who's up there and her family and yeah, dude It's it last time we went there, remember we had like this after party. And I just found like a DM of somebody that we were hanging out with after the event. And I was like, oh yeah, I totally remember. It was a great time at that hotel
Starting point is 00:32:37 that we had afterwards too. Yeah. Shout out to skinny dith man for putting this one on for us, which is cool. Yeah, I told you, I got in the phone with them and they were like, tell Justin, thank you. Thank you for consuming hot water products. I already packed it for snacks for the airplane.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Yeah, dude, it's, did you? That is it. I'm gonna tell you right now, if you want to give your kid a treat, which I'm not opposed to treats, it depends how you use them. Skinny dip does a great option. They do have chocolate but the macros are good. And it's mostly almond and they taste amazing. Kids freaking love them.
Starting point is 00:33:14 So it's like they get their treats on a big list. And the key, I tell everybody that, and it's cool because they actually have even smaller sizes. They have like the little fun size pack. Oh, I don't get the big bag. Did you have the whole thing? Yeah, then they have like the little fun size pack. Oh, I don't get the big bag did you know? Yeah, then they have yeah, then they have the little you know The medium size ones that are like I think a 200 something calories. Just think all those the priming bag
Starting point is 00:33:31 Yeah, he does a little warm up priming Yeah, the mistake is to buy the is the buy the big bag that has about seven 800 calories in it because You could easily sit down and drill that whole thing. Yeah, which I have done before. Well, our intern comes up to me yesterday and she's like, have you tried the raspberry ones? Like, look at how's it my favorite one. She's like, I can't stop eating them. It was my absolute favorite one. All right, cool.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Let's get the purple just dust all of her fingers. Yeah, that's what happens. Yeah, incidentally, that was my stripper name back in the day. Purple dust, purple dust, fingers, purple dust fingers. Speaking of food, Justin, you brought up at the last event that we did, and I didn't get to hear the whole story on, was the pizza guy.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Oh yeah, yeah, I was trying to have been trying to like, interject this in conversation at some point, because it was so absurd. So this guy lived off of pizza for 25 years. There's this whole vice article about it, about this guy that just literally won't eat anything else. Nothing else. Pizza is his only food that he's eaten and he's surviving somehow.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Wow. Well, this is just, so this is a great thing to point out to people more like, I eat carnivore and I feel great. It's like, well, we're gone. Well, so this is a great thing to point out to people more like, I eat carnivore and I feel great. It's like, well, we're gone. Let's find a salad. That's got to eat pizza for 25 years and he didn't seem to die either. So there's actually a backstory to it,
Starting point is 00:34:53 like the reason why, I guess. So he had some, like when he was five or six, he said some bad experiences where he, like his mom would drop him off at his aunt's or something that would like force him to eat this stew that he really hated. And it was like all these vegetables and like normal stuff,
Starting point is 00:35:10 like, you know, meat and everything in the stew, but like refused. And so he would get beaten and like had to go into this closet and wait it out until his mom showed up and then he would leave. And so he was like traumatized. Of course there's some deep rooted reason for this. Right, like this all came out in his therapy.
Starting point is 00:35:27 And then like, I guess like his sister fed him some poisonous mushrooms and like he had to get rushed to the hospital. Oh my God. So anyway, he has this like massive distrust of like pizza is safe. You know, like pizza is safe. So he doesn't eat meat anymore either. It's just cheese pizza. And he's eaten like every kind of pizza you could pull. Please tell me there's a company that's smart enough to have sponsored him by now.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Oh yeah. Does your know better be honest? His ass. Tell me that. Tell me there's got to be a pizza company has got to be. He is their Jared. Yeah, you got it. He's ready to go.
Starting point is 00:36:01 You got to get a guy like that. How crazy is that? That just highlights the complexity of the human psyche. Like, you had some bad situations as a kid, and now his logical choice is to eat just pizza for the rest of his life. Yeah, it's so weird. It was diabetes.
Starting point is 00:36:14 More so, I think it's more so than a logical choice, and it's more of like a fuck you to your parents, right? That's what I think that's what it is. Yeah, yeah, no, cause I think about some of my habits, right? So if I try and like reflect on like my own Patterns that I've done for those exact same reasons like I have this thing where Because we couldn't control the AC unit in our house and it was always fucking hot as shit You know I run my shit 24-7 ice cold beyond colder than what I even like it
Starting point is 00:36:40 You know what I'm saying? You're wearing a fucking jacket Yeah, you know what I'm saying like and I wearing a fucking jacket. Yeah, dude, you know what I'm saying? Like, and I know that's partially because, because I remember my first apartment, I remember being 17, moving out. And that was the first thing, man, I did. It was like, I dropped a thermometer all the way to the bottom, and I'd run it when I'm not home. Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:36:56 You know what I'm saying? I remember coming home. You're a house and then you had all the playboys out there. Yeah, that's another thing. I grew up very conservatively. Like that was, I remember being in trouble from my mom finding a porno tape when I was 16 years older, whatever. So when I bought my house, I fucking had Playboy towels.
Starting point is 00:37:13 I had Playboys on my coffee table. Yeah, you know, saying so. It's cool in here. So I totally get that. I think it's more of that than it is. I just picture the girls that came over your house. Oh my God. And then after, yeah, what was their reaction?
Starting point is 00:37:26 And then afterwards they're surprised when you're not, you don't wanna be committed to them. Like, what do you mean? I got a fucking playboy, everything in my house. You know what's funny, and this is to all the young boys that are coming up, like, the irony in it is that, exactly, that's the message that you're sending when you're that guy, and it's funny because at that age,
Starting point is 00:37:44 I feel like like the girls were always like, they wanna change that guy. Oh yeah, you're sending when you're that guy. And it's funny because at that age, I feel like the girls were always like, they wanna change that guy. Oh yeah, you're a project. So it did not, you would think that- It would deter that. There's a girl listening right now. It's like, oh, that's so disgusting. What a douchebag.
Starting point is 00:37:57 I would never come to that. Okay, well you're the one. Okay, they're nine. We're fucking definitely. Especially at that age right? Yeah, they wanna change that. You know what I'm saying? They're like, oh, you know,. We're fucking definitely. Especially at that age, right? Yeah, yeah, they want to change that. You know what I'm saying? They're like, oh, you know, he's such a bachelor
Starting point is 00:38:07 and I'm gonna be the girl that settles him down. So it is. I'm like, no. Yeah, it's like, you know, it's like total reverse psychology. It totally worked for me as a kid in his 20s. But I think it's more of that, right? I think it's more the FU to the parents than it is. Like, oh, I'm logically going to, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:24 eat pizza for the rest of my life because I think it says, if we could ever one day just, yes, crazy. Just switch off those illogical things that we do because of childhood trauma. We're all guilty of it. We're all everybody.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Yeah, everybody's guilty of the trick is to become aware, right? That's why I think self-awareness is by far one of the most. Well, self-awareness is definitely step one, but then step two is then actually working. Yeah, changing. Oh yeah, no you're right. You could be aware of it and still be an idiot. It's so hard to change those patterns and behaviors
Starting point is 00:38:52 that it's for some people that have to change environments completely. So some people will like move, believe it in an area, and then all of a sudden they become different. Yeah, sometimes it's necessary. They asked them, they're like, so are you ever gonna like eat meat or eat anything else other than pizza ever again?
Starting point is 00:39:08 He's like, no, no, no, no, no, it's not interesting. It's like me. I'm gonna run my shit cold forever. That'll give a shit. You know, it's pizza from here on out. Yeah, that's all right. Did you see the guys that um, supersize me too? That's coming out.
Starting point is 00:39:20 No, I don't know. Yeah, I thought I would've killed the same guy. You're saying you're trying to kill him, so? No, no, no, he's not, but it's a different story. It actually got me, I'm actually really interested to watch it, Duncan pulled it up for a second. It's, so he's doing it all about chicken. And it actually like really, I saw just a clip of it
Starting point is 00:39:37 and I'm like, oh man, is that true? So all the hormones and antibiotics are good. Well, even, and he's actually even going after like organic and free range. And he's like, do you want to know what constitutes free range chicken? And they show what constitutes free. It's like an extra couple feet. Bro, it is.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Yeah. It's the size of this couch I'm sitting in right now. That's free range. That's free range. Yeah, you can have a little fucking fence right here. That's a free range chicken right there. They have to have, that's all they constitute. That's the dares between that guy
Starting point is 00:40:05 and the guy who shoved in with like 10 chicken. So is he just gonna need a bunch of fried chicken and stuff? So I don't know, I don't know the whole premise of it. I just know that he's targeting, I know it's called. Oh wait, no, it came out in 2017, it's already been out. Is it out? Yeah, it's been out I think, has it? Maybe that's when it was shot.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Is it out? It says 2017, so I'm not sure. Do you guys read that news article about the moon landing? It's not. I believe that's it. It was not big a deal. Right, have any of you guys heard it? No, I did hear it either.
Starting point is 00:40:35 It just came up on my, it came up on Netflix or what? Well, maybe it is 2000 way screw scroll down, Doug. It says 2019 there. Oh, maybe that's just a rating. I don't know. Hey, whatever. Well, maybe it just got news to me. So, you know, it says Super size me to will come out this September and that was published July 2019
Starting point is 00:40:53 That article. So maybe it's not out. Yeah, I don't think it's So maybe I think it was shit. I think it was created in 2017, but there's some Sexual misconduct thing that kind of got in the way of its release, I guess. I'm not sure. Whoa. And so that he released it later. Yeah, maybe that's what's going on. What's the sexual misconduct?
Starting point is 00:41:12 Is it on him? Yeah. Oh shit, go back up to him. Let me see, that didn't even mean to go to this way. You got a appropriate one. He got frisky with the chicken. He's stupid, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Oh. He keeps choking the chicken. I don't know what's going on. Oh wow, that's interesting. So I didn't even know that happened with him. Yeah, so, oh. Yeah. He keeps choking the chicken. I don't know what it's called. Oh, wow, that's interesting. So I didn't even know that happened with him. Yeah, so I don't know. It intrigued me. I'm curious to watch it for sure.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah, I'll watch it for sure too. But now I want to know what happened with this deal. I did try Chick-fil-A for the first time ever. So I heard that they use MSG. Oh, well, so I'll tell you. Now I am not. Did destroy you or what? I got bloated.
Starting point is 00:41:47 That's what happens to me. Yeah, I got really bloated. And it's crazy because it's so good. It's the best. Yes. I've never had a chicken. And it's so basic. At one time when you brought me like one of my breakfast ones.
Starting point is 00:41:57 It had me when I was living south side, this is when we were podcasting. Everyday. Yeah, I remember you was eating one every day for a minute there, man. And it was. But it's so basic. Okay, what's in here? Oh, it's just a fried piece of chicken
Starting point is 00:42:09 and some pickles and whatever. It's not a big deal. But I'm like, whatever, they just open one over by where I live. So I drove through, got one and it was amazing. It was really good. But yeah, I felt like garbage afterwards. Yeah, their breakfast sandwich is just,
Starting point is 00:42:22 what's in the breakfast? Oh, it's so good. I do the egg chicken cheese, fried chicken, breakfast sandwich. Now they're fully closed on Sunday. Yeah, like 100%. Yeah, yeah. And what's great, and they crush.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Yeah, I know. They're like the fastest growing fast food chain. They are. They are one of the fastest. Crazy. But I also heard the rumor is that they pump MSG into it. Well, I know that they dip the chicken in milk before they dip it in batter and then do the frying.
Starting point is 00:42:54 So the dairy and it might have been what bloated me, but it fucks with you too. Oh, interesting. Yeah, yeah, no, it definitely does. And it's one of those things that, I mean, it's crazy. Is it whatever? Yeah, it's crazy to me that I like that with it. Because it took me a while to like,
Starting point is 00:43:07 when we were, I was eating it every day, and when you're eating stuff like that every day, this is what's funny, I think, and this is where I think, it helps me coach this to clients when I'm speaking to them. It's like, it's really easy to ignore these little subtle signs. Because I wasn't like, shitting myself afterwards,
Starting point is 00:43:22 I didn't feel awful or anything like that. It just would be, I'd't feel awful or anything like that. It just would be, I'd have this kind of blow. But then you have it every day. And you have it every day, you just, oh, that's how I look right now. I'm not fucking shredded at them right now. I'm a little soft right now.
Starting point is 00:43:34 So I have this, so maybe I'm holding, or maybe I'm holding some water. So you don't really think about it, because it's not really bothering you until you do it consistently like that. And then you have the discipline to remove it consistently and then pay attention and then go back again and reintroduce it but be aware and watch and then you go like,
Starting point is 00:43:52 and I did that enough times now because I loved it so much. I was like, man, I don't want to let this go. And so I would run it for a while consistently, pull it out, reintroduce it, notice it, do it again. About the third time I'm like, yeah, this shit's fucking me up. I shouldn't be eating this much. I love it. But it was delicious to sell.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Yeah. It was amazing. Better than best fried chicken ever had. Yeah. This quaz brought to you by Organifi. For those days, you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition. Organifi fills the gap with laboratory-tested, certified, organic superfoods to help give your health a performance the added edge Try or gain a fight totally risk-free for 60 days by going to organify.com
Starting point is 00:44:32 That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I dot com and use a coupon code mine pump for 20% off at checkout All right, a first question is from Blackburn 71-71. What are the best substitutes for dead lifts and squats for someone with severe lower back problems? Okay, so this is a very, very common question. Now I do want to say this before I give you some substitutes. If you can't do a fundamental exercise, which dead lifts and squats are considered, I would consider them both fundamental.
Starting point is 00:45:05 One is you're lifting something off the ground. The other one is squatting, both of which we should be able to do until the day we die. If you can't do those because of pain, your goal should be to figure out why you have that pain and try and fix those issues so that you can do those exercises. That being said, there are exercises you can do those exercises. That being said, there are exercises you can do
Starting point is 00:45:26 to substitute those that are pretty damn good. Now for squats, all split stance squat exercises are phenomenal replacements. So instead of putting a bar in your back and doing a squat, you could do a walking lunge, a Bulgarian split stance squat, you could do a back step lunge. you can even do a heavy step up, but anything where the legs are split,
Starting point is 00:45:50 one leg behind, one leg in front, tends to protect the low back far more than squats do. So, and I see this with clients all the time, somebody would be sensitive in the back and we're working on ways to get them to be able to squat. In the meantime, I'd be doing those exercises, somebody would be sensitive in the back and we're working on ways to get them to be able to squat. In the meantime, I'd be doing those exercises, and those exercises, like Bulgarian split-stained squats
Starting point is 00:46:10 will build amazing legs. You're gonna get great legs with them. Now, as far as deadlifts are concerned, you might wanna try a trap bar. I was gonna say, yeah, trap bar. So it's just good, because like it disperses the forces a lot better. So you can actually like get more quad activation,
Starting point is 00:46:26 you get more of your legs involved and everything else within that lift. Yeah, a trap bar deadlift is much easier to get into, much more natural. And because the bar, when you grab in the trap bar, the handles are next to your sides. The weight isn't in front of you, so it's not nearly as much tension on the back of the posture or change. I also love to take somebody and do with the deadlift, alternative is to do a single leg toe touch.
Starting point is 00:46:52 And just no weight. No weight. And then if it gets really easy, eventually start to hold dumbbells while you do that. And I'll tell you what, that's an ass kicker. That's an ass kicker. And what it does too is because you're doing like a stability type movement, and a lot
Starting point is 00:47:06 of times, a lot of low back pain is caused from, you know, you're not having good hip mobility and hip strength, and all that, working all those muscles in a single leg would do really, really well for that person. But at the end of the day, like, when I hear someone say, like, lower back problems, because normally someone who has like a few spine, or they have something, they say that in the day, like when I hear someone say like lower back problems, because normally someone who has like a few spine or they have something, they say that in the question. When someone asked me, hey, can I get an alternative for deadlift or squat, because I have low back problems, I don't know if it's a low back problem, like, oh, it just bothers me. You see mechanical.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Yeah, it hurts. It aches, it's achiness, and that's so common. And you used to have low back problems. Yes, I had looked. Yes. And I avoided squats for many, many years, even as a fucking personal trainer. And I think that's also why I think I'm so passionate about telling people when you feel this way,
Starting point is 00:47:54 you know, yes, we can do some alternative exercises and keep your workout going and still burn body fat and build muscle and avoid those exercises. But honestly, they're gonna have so much more benefit if your entire workout now becomes geared around getting to the point where you can squat and deadlift. Totally. Like that's where you,
Starting point is 00:48:13 even if you're falling like your standard maps and above, that's where I go like, listen, this is where we should be, we should be in prime and prime pro, and that's all we should be really doing. See, prime and prime pro were designed to compliment programs, but they also could be standalone programs for somebody who has issues like this, and if that's the case, you really should live in those type of those programs and just work
Starting point is 00:48:38 towards getting to the place where you can squat and deadlift and that is gonna do so much for you. And you'll build muscle on the way too. It's not like you're not gonna still build muscle and burn body fat that is going to do so much for you. And you'll build muscle on the way too. It's not like you're not going to still build muscle and burn body fat. You're going to do that. You're for sure going to do that still. We can't keep avoiding the issue. You know, you can't keep working around it.
Starting point is 00:48:53 It's not going to go away. It's better to just, you know, address it head on and really dive into figuring out how to create better movement, better patterns that won't aggravate your lower back and will strengthen your lower back and really get everything aligned how it should be. And so I'm always like quick to steer people towards the direction of those programs, a prime pro or the prime, because it's so valuable
Starting point is 00:49:26 and it's so worth it. I know it is hard on the ego, it's hard to regress and it's hard to admit that this is gonna be a period that I'm doing shit, I'm not excited about, but it's just like do it, be an adult and address this problem. Yeah, I mean, look, this is the old adage, if you don't use it, if you don't use it,
Starting point is 00:49:47 you lose it is very true. So whatever movements you stop doing, you eventually start to completely lose the ability to do those movements. So if you're somebody who I can't deadlift with weight because it just bothers my back, so I'm never gonna to do deadlifts. Eventually, you lose the ability just to lift your own body weight in that position. If you never do squats, you'll stop being able to squat.
Starting point is 00:50:12 And then it moves down the line. I couldn't, I used to be able to squat now, I can't squat, so I'm not going to squat anymore. Now I can't do any lower body exercises. Now I can't get out of a chair very good and I can't walk very well. And I've seen this. I used to train people in advanced age. any lower body exercises. Now I can't get out of a chair very good, and I can't walk very well. And I've seen this. I used to train people in advanced age, and it was, it's rarely ever like,
Starting point is 00:50:30 oh, yesterday I used to be able to reach over my head, and now I can't. It's not like that. It's just slowly over time. And I had this conversation yesterday with my dad. My dad came up to visit the Cedar Baby, and came up with his wife, Gail, and she's a little bit older than he
Starting point is 00:50:46 is, and she used to ride horses, and she can't anymore because she's got all this hip pain going on, and she's actually looking into potentially doing surgery, and we were talking about this. And I was explaining to her that, you know, the fact that you can move around and you could do things now, you know, I would highly recommend us working on your hip mobility first before you decided to go to surgery. And so she was totally open ears and listening. We're discussing this.
Starting point is 00:51:08 And I'm like, here's the thing, like at one point you get to like my uncle, who's another situation where you become in so much chronic pain from that that you're taking the pills to numb that, you're taking the quarter zone shots every few weeks to get you through. And then the next thing you know, you're in, you got a that, you're taking the quarter zone shots every few weeks to get you through. And then the next thing you know,
Starting point is 00:51:27 you're in, you know, you got a cane, or you got a walker, and you got all these issues. And it only gets harder. So the longer that you procrastinate on working towards fixing the root cause, the more inevitable it is, and the more difficult it will be to reverse that later on.
Starting point is 00:51:43 So if you've got that going on now, you know, because I even think of like what happened with me, I had low back pain in my late 20s, and it was chronic pain, and I was ignoring it and just still working out and training, and still building a great physique. A lot of people may not know this, but when I first was competing and standing on stage,
Starting point is 00:52:01 I looked aesthetically in the best shape of my life, but I was not physically in the best shape of my life at all. I still was dealing with low back pain, even with that. So yeah, you can build a physique to look great, but I wasn't moving the best I've ever moved, and it was inevitable I was going to have to address that, and I prolonged that all the way into my thirties, and it took me a good year and a half, maybe two years
Starting point is 00:52:23 of like hardcore work on the mobility side to get rid of that and eliminate it. Yeah, well, there's a myth that the body that you can maintain your body. And so what I mean by that is there is no maintenance. You're either progressing or regressing. Now, the reason why it feels like you're maintaining is because you're pushing your body to progress while it's regressing. And so it's kind of evening out. So that's what happens. As you get older, you're trying to get stronger, you're trying to maintain mobility, you're
Starting point is 00:52:52 trying to progress. But when it ends up happening, you just kind of maintain. That's because you're fighting what's happening with age. You're actually successfully fighting. You're trying to fight the odds. You're defying the odds. Now over time, you're still still gonna decline as you age, but you are going to mitigate a huge amount of that.
Starting point is 00:53:10 But the only way it's done is with consistent work. You have to consistently practice and work on these things. So if you can't do a fundamental movement, and here's your fundamental movements, you should be able to squat, you should be able to lift things off the ground, you should be able to twist and rotate, you should be able to reach, you should be able to lift things off the ground, you should be able to twist and rotate, you should be able to reach up above or something
Starting point is 00:53:27 over your head. Yes, you should be able to pull and row things or push things in front of your body. You should be able to walk, you should be able to light jog without lots of paint. If you can't do those things, find out why, fix the problems so that you can do those things, because the longer you don't do those things,
Starting point is 00:53:44 the faster you'll permanently lose the opponent. And the truth is fixing those problems and just like I was telling Gail yesterday was, it's not one thing and it's not one time. It's tedious. It's actually really easy. It's a practice. It's actually really easy,
Starting point is 00:53:59 but the work that you have to do is very tedious and you have to do it consistently because you've been working against that pattern for so long that in order to reverse it or to counter it, you've got to put the time in of doing that. And the reason why a lot of people ignore it because it sucks, it's boring. I tell you right now, getting down and doing the 90, 90 shit
Starting point is 00:54:18 and doing the ankle mobility stuff all, you know, like, nah, especially being still, I still don't feel like I'm dead. I'm young, I want to go train hard, I want to go lift, I want to get after it, I want to be still, I still don't feel like I'm dead. I'm young, I wanna go train hard. I wanna go lift, I wanna get after it. I wanna be active, I wanna do those things. I look at it like I'm drinking water. Yeah, it's the same thing. It's, to me, it's like boring, right?
Starting point is 00:54:34 I'm gonna drink some water, but I know it's good for me and it hydrates me and it's something that I'm always constantly trying to get in, you know, throughout the day. You know, other than just going straight for like the, you for the tasty soda. Next question is from Elijah RG96. What are your thoughts on using a landmine press
Starting point is 00:54:52 rather than an overhead press when dealing with shoulder issues? Oh, sure, you could have paired these together. I know, all right. Well, okay, so let's talk about the landmine press for a second. So landmine press, great upper body exercise. The difference between a landmine press for a second. So landmine press, great upper body exercise. The difference between a landmine press and a traditional overhead press is that the resistance curve on a landmine press
Starting point is 00:55:14 is different. When you're standing with the barbell at the bottom, that's where it's gonna be heavy. It's as heavy as. As you press it up, it gets lighter because it's pivoting on its end. Not only that, it's no longer an overhead press. It's kind of in front of you a little bit.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Yes, totally. It's totally, and it becomes more in front of you as you press up. So, it's not, and the reason why it probably feels really good on people that have shoulder issues is because they lack the shoulder mobility. You know, they lack the shoulder mobility in order to press something above their head. And so push, they're all, and so here's the thing, and this is where, you know, I have a hard time just like telling somebody,
Starting point is 00:55:52 yeah, sure, do that instead. When it's like, again, we're not addressing the ruckus because all we're doing is saying, hey, I can't do it just like the squat and deadlift person. Hey, I can't do squats and deadlift, so instead of, because I have chronic back pain, this person, hey, I have chronic shoulder pain and issues going on, so instead of because I have chronic back pain, this person, hey, I have chronic shoulder pain and issues going on.
Starting point is 00:56:06 So instead of trying to work towards getting to the place where I can do a true overhead press, I'm gonna do this landmine press for my shoulders because I feel my muscles still working there. Problem is you're limiting your range of motion on your shoulders, you're not working towards that. And this is another one that was close to home for me. You know, and I had to start remember when I started with the dow bar, shoulders, you're not working towards that. And this is another one that was close to home for me.
Starting point is 00:56:27 And I had to start, I remember when I started with the dow bar and I was trying to get to the place where I could actually do a behind the head shoulder press. And I couldn't do it with anything more than a dow bar. And I slowly worked to the point working on my shoulder, this is zone one and prime for us. So addressing thoracic mobility my shoulder mobility zones. This is zone one and prime for us. So addressing thoracic mobility and shoulder mobility was where I was working on to get to that place. And it was tedious and embarrassing
Starting point is 00:56:53 to be the big muscular bodybuilder guy lifting the straight bar with no weight on it behind us head. But I worked towards that to where I could now get 135 behind my neck, no problem and very controlled and comfortable, but it takes time. It's the same thing. I have a lot of success with people having shoulder problems. This is one that if you hit problems,
Starting point is 00:57:17 can be difficult to deal with, low back problems can be very complicated and difficult to deal with. Shoulder problems can also be difficult, but I've always had more success with shoulder problems. I think it's just, they're typically easier to address some people. It's like, get them to be able to pinch their shoulders
Starting point is 00:57:34 back and down, so strengthen that position, work on the stabilizers of the shoulder, and then little by little, work on getting a straight overhead press. One thing you can, by the way, what we're saying right now isn't that a landmine press is not as good as an overhead press. Right. They're both good exercises, just different in ten. Yes, they're just different. So you want to be able to do both of them. You don't want to not be able to do either one of them.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Here's a good exercise for you to help you with your overhead press. Try doing some overhead carries with light dumbbells. Grab a pair of light dumbbells, press them up over your head, bring your shoulders down so that you're not super shrugging. You don't have to bring them all the way down, but bring them down a little bit because you're not reaching. You're probably shrugging. Bring them up straight up above your head, lock your elbows out, nice and tall, brace your core, and walk for like 10 to 30 steps, put them down, rest, and then repeat. Here's the other thing you can do.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Before you work out your shoulders and do overhead presses, do some light band pull apart and some light rows to pull your shoulders back. That tends to be the issue because when the shoulders are rolled forward or shrugged, the shoulder joints limited. Like right now, if you're listening right now, bring your shoulders forward and shrug your shoulder.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Now, while holding that position, try and get your arm up as high as you possibly can. You'll notice you're not able to get it straight over your head. That's because that last part of the movement of getting the arm straight up over your head isn't the arm moving in the shoulder joint. It's the shoulder blade sliding down and making room.
Starting point is 00:59:04 And so that's the part in my experience. Isn't it true for everybody? Because every individual is different. But in my experience, that tends to be where the issue is. It's in the shoulder blade. Not being able to get it pulled back and down. And so then they're stuck in this forward. So I like the scapular circles.
Starting point is 00:59:18 I know a lot of times people don't really have, like, it's a mind muscle thing. It's a connection thing. It's like really, because people are unaware that their shoulders are not, they don't have full retraction in the ability. They don't know how to depress their shoulder blade down and to also then in turn, bring it forward and elevate. And so that whole process is just great
Starting point is 00:59:42 as a way to educate the body of regain control over that specific joint of the body. And to do that, you can just do that against the wall or even do our shoulder circles as well. They design machines around this. I've now, because I've gone to a few gyms recently and worked out. And when I'm in a gym, because I normally work out my garage with free weights, I like to use machines, just because it's different and usually don't work out with machines. So I'm like, okay, I'm already here,
Starting point is 01:00:11 I'm gonna use machines. And when I do the overhead press machines, you know what I've noticed, they've started designing, it wasn't like this back in the day. Back in the day, the shoulder press machines by Nautilus and other manufacturers, the machine pressed straight up over your head. They've now changed them to where most of them now
Starting point is 01:00:27 press out here. It's right. Fucking weird. And I know why it's because people- So many issues. Yes, people don't have the shoulder mobility. They don't have, everybody has forward shoulder. So I'm on these shoulder machines,
Starting point is 01:00:38 and it's almost like a high incline press. And I'm like, what's going on? Well, they're exactly, and this is back to the red, the caution tape everywhere. You know, our certifications, they want, you know, 90 degree angles everywhere. I mean, it's, it all feeds into that where the gym owner is not gonna want it, you know, a certain way
Starting point is 01:00:55 because it's gonna hurt people's shoulders. And yes, they are in a bad position, begin with. Prone Cobra, you can watch a video on our YouTube channel, Mind Pump TV, Prone Cobra, is good to help with this scapula retraction. Hand cuffs with rotation. Challenging is help. Yep, and that's another great one that we have on there.
Starting point is 01:01:13 And here's one you can do just for yourself. This is an easy one. Lay on your back and do like a snow angel almost. So you're laying on your back with your arm straight, bring them up as high as you can, and then rotate your hand so that you can bring them up higher, see if you can bring your arm straight up above your head, and keep them in contact with the floor.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Gravity will help you. Each roll lifts. Yeah, and there's just a million. So awesome exercises. Yeah, we didn't mention my actual favorite. So what I do before almost every shoulder workout is actually I do a suspension trainer W. So suspension trainer Ws are awesome
Starting point is 01:01:46 because you get external rotation, you get retraction and depression, rear delt gets included in there too. So all the muscles that really are responsible for getting yourself into that position. And you can modify it with a suspension trainer on how much resistance. So if you're really weak and that's really challenging,
Starting point is 01:02:02 you don't have to lean back that far at all and you can really just work on the mechanics of it. And's really challenging, you don't have to lean back that far at all, and you can really just work on the mechanics of it. And as you progress, you can actually make it a greater angle. So suspension trainer, TRX, right, ropes, the most gyms now have those, and doing a W, you can look that exercise. But again, the theme is work on the mobility.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Yeah, yeah. Next question is from Andrew Lemberg. how would you address an even activation of muscle groups? For example, my right lat activating more fully than my left during some pulling exercises. How do you catch the weaker side up while avoiding perpetuating the issue? Oh, yeah. So, one thing you want to understand about your body and yourself is that when you're trying to do a movement, your body was designed or evolved to just do the movement.
Starting point is 01:02:53 And the way it's going to do the movement is in the most efficient way possible that it can do. It does not think to itself, oh, we're doing a lap pull down, activate lats, get the lats to do most of the work. It's just going to pull the weight down in the most efficient way possible. And so if that means that you're going to do it in a way that mostly works your biceps, or one of your lats does more work than the other one, because you're good at it that way, that's the way you're always going to do it. So the only way to change it is to do it differently.
Starting point is 01:03:23 And the only way to do it differently is to go really, really light and go unilateral. One side at a time and try to feel that muscle work. I remember as an early trainer, when I kind of first had this epiphany of how the body operates, you know, this is if you're a trainer, you know what I'm exactly what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 01:03:41 You'll be training a client, and you're telling them to do an overhead press with some light dumbbells. And then they'll start to fatigue and inevitably what do they do when they're trying to get the dumbbells up? They stand up on their toes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:52 And I remember thinking like, why would that happen? Yeah, getting up on your toes isn't gonna help you press the dumbbells up. And then I thought, oh, the body doesn't know you're trying to do it overhead press. The body thinks you're trying to push something up.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Trying to get higher. It's just trying to get the weight higher. And since your arms can't do it, standing up on your toes is gonna do it overhead press. Body things are trying to push something up. Trying to get higher. It's just trying to get the weight higher. And since your arms can't do it, standing up in your toes is gonna do it. And so that's just an example of what happens with your body. So if you have one side activating the other, do one side at a time, you have to go really light and you have to feel and squeeze and understand that muscle
Starting point is 01:04:21 and also learn how to prime. Primey makes an absolute huge difference. But I can't tell you how long this takes, it takes a long time for this to happen. And this is, I have no idea this person I haven't seen their movement, but this is common. And it's normally common on the side that somebody like writes with or they play a sport with.
Starting point is 01:04:41 So they're kind of, if I'm a right-handed person, typically I have a right-handed person, typically I have my right shoulder is a little more rolled forward or protracted than the left side is. And when you go to do a row or a lap pull down, the first thing that engages those lats is the retraction of that, the scapula. So if I'm in the extended position and I go to pull down in the side that is more protracted that is less likely to get engaged is tensed the lag a little bit. And so Sal's point of the unilateral work is important, but the way you start to pay
Starting point is 01:05:15 attention to that is when you're in that extended position in the lap, pull down or a seated row, whatever movement we're doing, it's that first initial pull back and being able to retract the scapula all the way back, right away to engage the lats and get them to start to pull. That is what makes that difference. So learning to, sometimes when we think like, oh, it's the lat, like you're trying to think of the lat the whole time,
Starting point is 01:05:38 but there might be some sort of a breakdown, somewhere else down the kinetic chain, and that's normally what's going on is, it's somewhere else that's mechanically off. It's just like looking at a, and I love sports analogies for things like this. If you have somebody who has never been taught by a professional how to golf swing
Starting point is 01:05:55 or throw a football or do anything, you like to Salis Point, you just, the body just learns to do it as efficiently and as easy as possible. But we know that there's proper mechanics for all those things. There's a right way to hit a golf ball the best way, which will give you the most distance, the most accuracy. Same thing goes for throwing a ball or anything else, but doesn't mean that somebody else
Starting point is 01:06:17 can't just learn to do it. But what's really tough is when you've been training that way for a really long time is to unlearn those behaviors because once you learn to do it correctly, you'll actually, even though you'll have to take a step back originally, like Sal saying, go much lighter, learn it down, and you will, you're going to have to be okay with that going a lot lighter, one arm at a time. But once you really start to learn to fire the lats and get it going when it's supposed to, you will eventually catch up to where you were and surpass it, but you also got to be humble enough
Starting point is 01:06:48 to step back right now, work on the mechanics, get it down and get it firing properly before you start to press again. This is where isolation exercises shine. This is where bodybuilding style exercises do well. Bodybuilders are the best athletes at isolating muscles and connecting to muscles because that's what they're supposed to do. So I, this, now this is something I learned for myself. The first time I learned, I actually felt my lats
Starting point is 01:07:15 when doing rows and pull-ups as a kid working out was when I started my workouts with dumbbell pull-overs and straight arm pull-downs. And I learned how to isolate my lats. I felt them working, I felt them burning, I felt them get a little pump. Now, because I had a connection to them, like, oh, that's what that feels like. Then when I went to do a pull up, I knew how to get my lats engaged.
Starting point is 01:07:35 So I would say for you or for anybody, if you're trying to get a muscle, that is just like, you know, I squat and I don't feel it in my butt. Or, you know, I do a row and I don't feel it, I feel it mostly in my biceps, where I do a bench press and I feel it, all of my butt, or, you know, I do a row and I don't feel it, I feel it mostly in my biceps, or I do a bench press and I feel it, all of my shoulders are my triceps.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Do an isolation movement for that muscle first. Squeeze the shit out of it, really activate it. Don't just pump it out, feel that muscle working, squeeze it. Then when you go back to your compound movement, your pull down row or bench press or squat or whatever, now, and this isn't happening inherently, it's not like it automatically makes you activate the muscles more, you just know where they are now, you know how to feel them. Now when you do the exercise, now you can kind of feel the muscle and know what it's
Starting point is 01:08:17 supposed to feel like. Now, you can have a training partner help you with this, like if you're trying to activate your lat, that's underdeveloped and you're doing a one arm straight arm pull down. Yeah, have a guy, have your buddy put his hand on your lat so you know where to feel it. It's that feedback. So, isolation movements. Those, that's where I love isolation movements. If you have muscles that just lag and you can't connect to them whatever,
Starting point is 01:08:37 rather than putting the isolation movements at the end of the workout, which is what you typically would do, put them in the beginning and think about squeezing and feeling that target muscle so that when you go in your compound lifts, now you can proceed in a way that's going to hit those muscles. Next question is from Jules Ray, 72. Do you think you have to be in good shape before you become a trainer? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:09:01 You know what? Yes and no. Yeah, I mean, it's like if you're, if you're super into fitness and if you're super into fitness and health so much so that you want to make be a trainer and make it your career, the side effect is you're probably going to be fit because you believe in what you're selling or whatever. That being said, some of my most successful trainers were people who looked like every day, they weren't overweight or super out of shape, but they looked like everyday people, but they
Starting point is 01:09:30 had prior to becoming a trainer, had lost like a hundred pounds or had made these amazing transformations. They were some of my best trainers because they had gone through the journey and people tend to connect with them. Believe it or not, being super, super shredded as a trainer can actually backfire sometimes. Sometimes you just don't connect and people see you as, you know, as an ideal that they can't ever accomplish
Starting point is 01:09:56 and they wanna work with the guy or girl that's less intimidating and looks more like a fit, you know, everyday type of person. Yeah, I've had the same experience because we've had, you know, people have lost weight. And then that passion just exudes from them and it's contagious. And I've seen people do very well
Starting point is 01:10:14 who have lost, you know, a decent amount of weight, but we're still, you know, in the process of, of bettering themselves and getting in better shape. But the relatability wasability was definitely something I noticed with their clients and had a really deep bond and connection with their clients. So I don't know. It kind of changed my mind a little bit in terms of like having to look like, you know, Mr. Buff Shreddeguy all the time and, you know, from that perspective.
Starting point is 01:10:42 And also, I mean, I've, I've actually played in athletics, I've played under coaches who were just like, have really let themselves go. And that never bothered me because their cues and their coaching were so accurate and they did their work and they studied and they knew tendencies and I knew back in the day, sure they killed it, but like my judgment wasn't on
Starting point is 01:11:07 their appearance and maybe I'm all alone on that, but I got a lot out of them and you know. When you look at most of the bodybuilder coaches, they're fat and out of shape. I mean, it's experience trumps. Experiences, everything. Experiences trumps the way you look for sure, but then this person is somebody who doesn't have experience
Starting point is 01:11:23 or that. I kind of did a little experiment with this when I was managing trainers. Because I had went on this kick for, I don't know, the first five years or so, where I was seeking out the educational portion and then I was on this kick of like, the hiring the look.
Starting point is 01:11:40 And then I finally like just decided, like, you know what, I haven't really given these people a shot that have applied here that were, you know, weren't in very good shape at all, but maybe I really liked how enthusiastic they were, or they seemed coachable to me, and I could mold them to be a great trainer.
Starting point is 01:11:57 The reality of it is this is that we are in a very superficial industry, very superficial. It's a little bit different than a performance-based coach who's coaching the football. It's very different. Yeah, it's very different than an engineer who is teaching other, you know, up and coming engineers. I mean, we're in a space that, you know,
Starting point is 01:12:19 90% of the people that are just sighting to get in shape unfortunately are just, are fueled by their own insecurities that they want to look a different way. They don't like the way they look. They want. So unfortunately, it's very challenging if you're not going to be in good shape. And good, there's a very wide range of what? You don't need to be shredded. Yeah, yeah. Just can't be like visibly unhealthy. Yeah, care of yourself. That's I mean look look. It's okay Fitness is a lifestyle. Okay, if you are looking to hire a trainer your goal is obviously to look better But ideally you'd want to be fit and healthy and look better forever in an order to do that as a good trainer You're gonna communicate to them that this is a lifestyle. This is not a temporary thing We're gonna change behaviors and do this forever. And so you're not
Starting point is 01:13:08 unlike a preacher of a religion. You really aren't. It's very, very similar. Now, one of the things that has killed religions in the past were priests that were sleeping with prostitutes and doing drugs and people that didn't practice. What they preach. Now, the person can't follow you around and see your lifestyle. All they, their judgment is how you look. And if you're visibly unhealthy and out of shape, to that person, it's gonna be very hard for you to make a case for this lifestyle
Starting point is 01:13:39 because you look like a hypocrite. Not to hypocrite. Not to mention that. There's also, you know, when you're going back to kind of Justin's point about experience and how much that can be valued, even if you're someone's out of shape, there's something to be said about somebody
Starting point is 01:13:50 who has taken themselves to getting into really good shape and that experience. So whether you maintain the, you know, really, really good shape all the time versus somebody who like, oh, yeah, I've been in good shape. I've taken myself all the way there. I think that's an important thing to have learned as a trainer, whether you maintain that six percent
Starting point is 01:14:11 or seven percent body fat, I don't think that's necessary at all. But I think there's a lot of value in the lessons that are learned in taking yourself to a place that a lot of people are probably gonna ask you to take them to. And if you've never taken yourself there, then a lot of the pitfalls going to ask you to take them to. And if you've never taken yourself there, then a lot of the pitfalls, the challenges that come. We're not going to know how to coach them.
Starting point is 01:14:30 You're right. So it's less about how you look there, and it's more about your knowledge and experience of taking yourself there that I think also become important. So. I remember one time, I used to love to, you know, what's the word when you're scouting. I used to love scouting staff from different fields,
Starting point is 01:14:49 people outside of fitness, in particular, for my sales guys. And I remember one time I went to go buy shoes at a foot locker and the dude helping me was just phenomenal communicator, super likable. And he was a little bit overweight. And so I started talking to him and he asked me what I did and I told him I managed to gym.
Starting point is 01:15:04 I'm like, man, how much they pay you here? And he told me I'm like, you'll make more money if you work for me in a gym and he goes, oh, he's like, well, I started working out six months ago and I've lost like 60 pounds and he shows me his driver's license and sure enough he did. And I'm like, this would be a great person to work in my gym.
Starting point is 01:15:20 And he wasn't a trainer, he was a sales guy. He still worked in a gym though. But he was phenomenal because he could relate to all the people that were coming in just getting started and then one of the things that he would do is he would show his own before and after be like look it's possible and you know what it worked totally that guy sold so many memberships to people because he had kind of been in their shoes six months prior but to both your guys point he was trying to better himself and that was something like he could show.
Starting point is 01:15:46 And it wasn't like a, like no hypocrisy in that whole process to where it's like, do as I say it out as I do kind of a thing. It's, it's, like people can, can smell that out like the authenticity of it. So, if, you know, if you're really trying to better them and, I mean, again, like if, if you, you might not be as like much of a specimen as you once were, but you know that how to coach somebody to get to that point, there's value in that. The truth is it's only one of maybe the five most important attributes, right? When you think of the most important attributes to be a successful trainer, being in good
Starting point is 01:16:21 shape is only one of those. So if you are extremely good at communication and sales and your and knowledge, like that will trump all day. I was in the most fit trainer. Right. I was an 18 year old kid trying to build muscle, but I was, if you saw me at the gym, you think that kid, oh, that kid looks like he maybe works out sometimes. So I look at it like it's no different than the other attributes. I think if you were a fucking ripped, awesome trainer,
Starting point is 01:16:46 but you are poor in communication, you're gonna have just as much trouble or more trouble than the fat trainer. So I mean, every one of these attributes, I think play into the success of a personal trainer. And for me as a leader of trainers, I was always looking for somebody, or looking for people that had a little bit of all of those, and then I wanted to develop all of them up. So, you know, this is only one of those.
Starting point is 01:17:10 But don't fool yourself that if you disregard one of those attributes that I think are characteristics that make up a successful trainer, it's just going to be harder. So, in the end of the day, you have to have integrity. If you want to day, you know, you have to have integrity. If you wanna be successful in fitness, you have to have integrity. And if you're preaching fitness and health, but you're not practicing it, then you don't have integrity. Because you don't really believe in what you're preaching.
Starting point is 01:17:40 You know, your actions will tell you a lot about what people actually believe. And so, in a fit looking body is a side effect of that. But like we've been saying, you know, the last 10 minutes here fit. There's a wide range of fit. You don't need to be shredded. You don't need to be the most amazing looking. Just don't just practice what you preach.
Starting point is 01:18:02 The side effect of that will be you'll look pretty healthy and fit Yeah, and with that go to mind pump free calm and download our guides. They're all absolutely free You can also find us all on Instagram. You can find Justin at mind pump Justin You can find me at mind pump sal and you can find Adam at mind pump Adam Thank you for listening to mind pump If your goal is to build and shape your body dramatically improve your health and energy and Maximize your overall
Starting point is 01:18:25 performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump.
Starting point is 01:19:20 And until next time, this is Mindbomb.

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