Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1094: How to Lose Stubborn Body Fat, What an Ideal Rest Day Looks Like, Non-Negotiables in Relationships & MORE

Episode Date: August 10, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (organifi.com/mindpump, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how lose fat from areas that don't seem to resp...ond, what exactly defines an ideal rest day, non-negotiables for both romantic and platonic relationships, and how they practice spirituality.  Why Adam must be super high when watching shows recommended by Sal. (5:30) How Justin is on a ‘cult-watch’. How we put all the blame on the leader and put no responsibility on the people who FOLLOW. (7:51) A Mind Pump Rant: Free Markets vs. Socialism. (13:34) Arizona Tea maker enters the cannabis market. How all the ‘big dogs’ are getting into the market. (22:17) Updates on Adam’s testosterone levels after Maximus using the Everly Well tests + when to test your hormones if a health/fitness enthusiast. (27:40) Is the significant other in the house when you have your ‘private time with yourself’? (32:02) Human breast milk may help babies tell time via circadian signals from mom. (37:43) How the guys use the Skinny Dipped almonds to curb the ‘sweet tooth’ with their kids and themselves. (40:03) Kraft Heinz stock hits all-time low + the guys remanence on their favorite ‘fast food’. (41:19) How Disney is a powerhouse and is showing no signs of slowing down. (46:35) #Quah question #1 – I want to lose body fat in my legs, primarily my thighs, where all my weight goes. Should I give squats a rest and focus on deadlifts? My ideal is strong, yet lean legs. My upper body and core respond well, but my lower half is always difficult to sculpt. (49:57) #Quah question #2 – What do you consider a rest day? Is it a day without weights, cardio or both? (58:41) #Quah question #3 – What is a non-negotiable for each of you when it comes to interpersonal relationships for platonic and romantic? (1:08:39) #Quah question #4 – How do you guys practice spirituality even though you may not be religious? (1:20:44) People Mentioned Joe Rogan (@joerogan)  Instagram Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)  Twitter Related Links/Products Mentioned August Promotion: MAPS Prime/Prime Pro ½ off!! **Code “PRIME50” at checkout** The Loudest Voice nxivm documentary | HBO Mind Pump 1082: The Truth About Beachbody® Joe Rogan Experience #1330 - Bernie Sanders Arizona Tea maker enters the cannabis market Visit Everly Well for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Human breast milk may help babies tell time via circadian signals from mom Visit Skinny Dipped for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners!  **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Kraft Heinz likely to slide more after hitting an all-time low, traders warn Disney CEO Bob Iger says it’s a coincidence the Disney+ bundle costs the same as a Netflix subscription Eckhart Tolle - Amazon.com Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this controversial and slightly triggering episode of the Mind Pump, how many third rails did we touch? Look, we have a lot of fun when we do this podcast, and we talk a lot about fitness and health and building muscle and burning body fat.
Starting point is 00:00:26 And then we have regular conversation. But in this episode, we touch a few third rail. So warning to all of you extra sensitive people. Actually, if you're extra sensitive, you probably aren't a mind pump fan. But anyway, here's what we talked about in this episode. For the first 44 minutes, we did our intro conversation. We started by talking about the Nexium Cult. I guess Justin has been doing a lot of, I got behind you. He's been watching documentaries on cults trying
Starting point is 00:00:55 to look out for the warning signs that Adam may be presenting to everybody. Then we talk about Bernie Sanders on Joe Rogan. I did a comment on the Joe Rogan Instagram page about Bernie Sanders. Most of you who listen for a long time know my views on his socialistic type policies. He's here in the past. So I go off a little bit. Thanks Adam for letting me or pushing me to rant
Starting point is 00:01:18 here in this part of this episode. Then we talk about Arizona T, the popular T company that everybody loves. They're going into the cannabis business. Not just CBD, but they're actually going into the real cannabis business. That's interesting. Then Adam gives us a little update on his testosterone. He's going to be doing another male hormone test through Everly Well, not Everly Well as
Starting point is 00:01:40 a company that will send these tests to your door. They're very inexpensive. And there's a lot of tests on there. The men's hormone tests, for example, test for testosterone, cortisol, DHA, and estradiol. The women's hormone tests. Everything.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Test for a lot of different things, and you test yourself throughout your normal cycle to get accurate ratings. But there's also food sensitivity tests. There's tests for Lyme disease. There's tests for your cholesterol. It's amazing, they are one of our partners and sponsors. If you go to EverlyWell.com and use the code Mind Pump, you'll get 15% off any test purchased.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Then I talked about breast milk and circadian rhythm. Believe it or not, the time of day that a woman produces a breast milk makes the breast milk different. Breast milk in the morning has more energy energizing compounds. Breast milk in the evening has got melatonin. It's very, very interesting. Pre-milk post milk, I call it now.
Starting point is 00:02:36 There you go. And then Justin talked about how he likes to take skinny dipped almonds on his hiking trips with his kids. Skinny dipped almonds are delicious, lightly coated, healthy almonds. Kids love it. Just enough chocolate to make it taste delicious with good macro profiles.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Now, Skinny dipped is one of our sponsors. If you go to skinnydipped.com forward slash Mind Pump and use the code Mind Pump, you'll get 20% off. Then we talked about the Hines company, massive dip in their revenue apparently, and their stock price. And then we talked about Disney and how we think Disney's gonna rule the world
Starting point is 00:03:13 in the coming years. Pretty much. Then we get an apprentice portion of this episode. First question, this person wants to lose body fat in their legs. Everything else is getting lean, but their legs, what can they do? We talk about solutions in that part of this episode.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Next question, what do we consider a rest day? Is it better to have active rest or sit on the couch type arrest? So we talk all about the different types of rest and their benefits. Next question, what are the non-negotiables for us when it comes to relationships, both platonic and romantic? So we talk about what kind of friends we like to have, and then we talk about our partners, and why we like our partners.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And the final question, how do we practice spirituality, whether or not we are religious? And of course, that's a third rail, and we dance all over it. And that part of this episode. Also, this month, for the first time ever maps prime and maps prime pro are both 50% off is a massive massive discount now maps prime has a mobility test in it You take this test and it tells you what your priming movements also known as what you need to do to warm up
Starting point is 00:04:22 For your workouts now this makes a huge difference. How you prime your body can make your current workout, whatever your workout is, far more effective, by helping you connect to muscles you wanna connect to, by helping you create better movement patterns, by helping you just output better power in your movements like your squats and your deadlifts. So that's Maps Prime.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Now Maps Prime Pro, that one's all about correctional exercise. If you have mobility issues, if you want to gain greater ranges of motion that you have control over, if you have aches or pains, that's Maps Prime Pro for you. That's what will help you with that. Also those programs are phenomenal for personal trainers. If you're a trainer, you should own both those programs. It'll provide tremendous value to your clients. Now both those programs, 50% off, here's what you do.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Go to mapsfitnisproducts.com and use the code prime50, PRIME50 for the discount. Now when you get in there, you can buy one or the other for 50% off, but the code you can use as much as you want. So you can go back in there and get the other one or the other for 50% off, but the code you can use as much as you want. So you can go back in there and get the other one for the discount as well. It's good for both. Oh my God, I'm watching that stupid show.
Starting point is 00:05:32 It's all recommended. Oh, the boys. And the heroes won. Yeah, and he's driving the dolphin. Do you see he's saving the dolphin? It's so absurd, dude. It's such a terrible show. It's a terrible show. It's so absurd, dude. It's such a terrible show. It's a terrible show.
Starting point is 00:05:47 It's a terrible show. Yeah, I watched one episode and this. It's terrible, bro. I started watching the loudest voice. That looks like it's going to be great. That is a great show. I tell you, you could trust my recommend. I do, actually.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah, you and I like some more shit. Yeah. Sal over here, weird shit sometimes, dude. He recommends this to... But I get it, though. You don't say it like Sal's shit. Yeah. Sal over here, weird shit sometimes. He recommends this to, but I get it though. You don't say it like Sal's entertaining, bro. When Sal recommends this show, I just got to get really fucking high and watch. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Yeah, like his show that he likes, I just got to get really sick. Yeah, cuz I can get on board half the time. Yeah, I'm like, oh yeah. Yeah, I'm fucking, I have a stupid sense of humor. I would say the two of you like some more stuff and Doug and I like some more stuff. I like all of it.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Yeah. Doug's like in a little bit more intelligent shows. Oh, I like that. You want to go there? Yeah, let's say that. That's what you say. Zal goes pure entertainment. Pure entertainment.
Starting point is 00:06:37 No, I don't. I go, it's either it's either entertainment or fantasy from you. You're the two extremes. Yeah. I'm documentaries or sci- fantasy from you. You're the two extremes. Yeah. Yeah. I'm documentaries or sci-fi or you know weird crazy humor shit. I it's also creative. Think about it.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Like super heroes are always portrayed in a particular way. This is like super heroes like celebrities and how to celebrity's act like idiots. You know, I have to say some to that I'm going to get a lot of flack for this, but even stranger things have lost my attention. I haven't even finished the season three because I was just like, I don't know, I feel like it's the season three. Season three wasn't as compelling for me either.
Starting point is 00:07:12 No, like I really got in the first two. The first two got me in, I think the whole mystery of all of it. It's tough when you have that to keep replicating it. It loses a little bit of its magic. Yeah, it's now it's kinda like, I like the nostalgia, that's what keeps it, it loses a little bit of its magic. Yeah, now it's kind of like... I like the nostalgia, that's what keeps me, that's what kept me involved.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yeah, that was the best part of it. That's it. But I like Smart Series too, I like Deep Series, but sometimes, if I'm gonna watch something that's fake, if I'm gonna watch something that's scripted, I'd rather just be entertained. If I wanna watch something that's heavy, I wanna learn something, like real history
Starting point is 00:07:46 or something like that. Dude, I have this thing where I'm like on a cult watch. You have been watching a lot of that. Yeah, I don't know why. You're about a starting one? Why are you showing it? You know what it is? It's my paranoia, you know?
Starting point is 00:07:57 It's like I'm always watching everybody around them, like ooh, like, because now we're sort of in this space where we're bringing influencer quote unquote, you know, on the show and like, because now we're sort of in this space where we're bringing influencer, quote unquote, you know, on the show and like, I don't know, I'm just always looking at people a certain way to see, you know, what their true intention is. They want to be a cult leader. Because dude, I mean, you see how this plays out
Starting point is 00:08:16 and that's why I love about these type of documentaries where you see real cults and how they form. And there was this one, I never heard of this one, it was called Nexium. And it started out as like this multi-level marketing company. It still exists as a multi-level company. Really? Yeah, and the guy, the guy's brilliant.
Starting point is 00:08:35 I mean, he was like everywhere from like, you know, like rocket engineering to, you know, whatever MIT and, you know, all the way across to English and like, he's just like a master of all things. And so he's like this really, you know, brilliant mind that that just manipulates everybody. And so his whole thing is to like, it's a self-improvement. It's this motivational type of thing for celebrities and certain people to come in and get coaching. Sounds like Scientology. Very, very close to that.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Very, very similar, very similar, but... Sounds like every multi-level marketing. But he was so predatory on women specifically. Like, he would have sex with them, right? Well, yeah. And then they would bring in women to... Well, before that, he created this... Like, rule- centered focus on, like, to...
Starting point is 00:09:23 To have women become more powerful and more of a presence in the workplace and like all this like really empowering kind of like language for them to empower yourself. Let me use your body. Yeah, and then he ends up like using them and like gets collateral, which is what they call it, where they take like all this naked pictures, they take stuff that they can use as blackmail later on. And give it to him, and then he becomes, he manages this certain select,
Starting point is 00:09:55 upper management group of women that go out and find him other women. That's him right there? Yeah. And so he's not even attractive. And he used all these women to bring women to him as like this whole sex trafficking thing. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I was just like, oh my God. It's fascinating how they can get away with this for so long and how so many people can follow. I think I'm reading between the lines, though, Justin. I know why you're studying this stuff. You're afraid that Adam and I might, we might one day go on the long long. Checking you guys.
Starting point is 00:10:26 He's like, wait, wait, what are the signs? Where's this all going? Yeah, hey, hey, hey, don't wrap me into your cult fantasy stuff. Hey, listen, listen, the reason why we work together is because you and I cancel each other up. You can't have two cult leaders of the same cult, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, no, but it's like the structure of it and everything is just like herbal life. That's why I thought it was so hilarious. Dude, it's, man, it's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:10:49 How about you, you know what? Crickets from Beachbody. I really thought we were gonna, I thought, I mean, we refilled some feathers. And I thought it was gonna be way more of an onsite. I mean, with that many people that are coaching in and in it with 400,000 coaches they have, I really thought we would get a lot more of a backlash
Starting point is 00:11:07 than what we did. It really lasted a day or two. I got a lot of people telling me thank you for saying that. No, that was a part of it. And I, you know, bought the, I drank the Kool-Aid and I wasted money and, you know, they prey on, I had a lot of women saying that they'll target like women after having babies.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Yes. So I got sent screenshots, screenshots of them coming after people, like trying to get them to get inside or get them a part of it and stuff. So, oh, one other thing I wanted to bring up from the guy, like, so he, like on the inner circle, actually, like branded these women. Like brand brand?
Starting point is 00:11:38 Like, it was like a ceremonial thing, yeah. Like, instead of like a tattoo, they thought it was gonna be a tattoo, but it was actually like they branded them with this like a ceremonial thing, yeah, like instead of like a tattoo, they thought it was gonna be a tattoo, but it was actually like they branded them with this like a hot iron. And it was his initials, so it was like flipped up. You didn't even know it was his initials. It made it look like it was theirs, but then when you looked at it from a different angle,
Starting point is 00:11:56 it was K-R, like his initials. Wow. How fucked up is that? It's so weird though that how people, you know, it's crazy that we put so much blame on the person who's giving the orders or leading it. And we put almost no responsibility on the people who follow, it's like,
Starting point is 00:12:16 it's like if you look back in history, people wanna follow. Well, no, well, hear me out, hear me out. Like if it's like when you, you go back in time, Hitler was a terrible man. He gets blamed for all the deaths and killing that happened, but he carried out very few of them. It was mostly people who took orders.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You know, I'm just taking orders, but we don't necessarily look at those people and place responsibility on them. Like we don't look at the soldiers who are, you know, pulling the switch on the gas chambers or whatever, we're saying, oh, it's the guy giving the orders, and we take away responsibility. So here we are with the cult. We have a cult leader who's obviously evil and manipulative,
Starting point is 00:12:54 but the people in the cult tend to not get the, you know, the blame for the responsibility that they have for themselves and for what they did to other people. Yeah, I'm saying. That's a really weird thing. Yeah, it's everybody wants somebody to tell them like what the answer is. You know, and it's like they they project it all out on somebody else and like, oh, well, I was part, but I wasn't the one, you know, orchestrated. It's a weird psychological phenomena, though, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:13:18 Like if you have a leader of an army or a country and then they do horrible things, it just highlights how many people are stupid, that's all. Yeah, that's all highlights. This is the, we need to be responsible for. I'm telling you, this is my biggest argument with you because I'm pro free markets like you are, but this is the one thing that why I don't think it could ever happen is because there's two,
Starting point is 00:13:36 there's more stupid people than smart people. And because of that, they need to be told what to do. Okay, so, so, one thing is that is. So understanding that, understanding that there are bad people out there, ignorant people out there, and stupid people out there, would you like to roll the dice and see you can run all that
Starting point is 00:13:52 and tell people what to do? No, I agree with you. All right. So my point is there's nothing that's perfect. Right. But if we, our best chance, our best chances at evolving and moving forward in the best ways is to allow
Starting point is 00:14:05 people to be free and make voluntary interactions with each other. Because you have the best protections against that, for example, if a company does something that people don't like, we can all step away. When you have government who's got a lot of power, it does something we don't like, you get a fucking deal with it. How often do we vote in elections? How often do we buy things? Which one has more power? The reality is it's your dollars that have more power. So when people make that argument, that, oh no, people need to be told what to do.
Starting point is 00:14:32 We need, you know, that argument makes a stronger case. Because especially when you consider the very people that seek the power over others, that's a self-selection bias. You're not pulling from an average group of people. You're pulling from a group of people that want power. And people talk a lot about greed. Like, oh, corporations are greedy, or business people are greedy.
Starting point is 00:14:53 As if somehow political greed is any better. I want the greed to be in power is, how is that any better than the greed to make money? In fact, the greed to make money in a free market requires that I produce something that you want in order for me to get what I want Political power doesn't work that way if I got all the power you fucking do what I say man because I got all the guy got here Exactly so yeah, so no, I I you're right. I think that there's a lot of people out there that are dumb that make Bad decisions I myself included. I'm sure I make bad decisions all the time
Starting point is 00:15:24 I know I have in the past right but our best chances of moving forward, and it's not a guarantee. We may just kill ourselves anyway, but our best chances are if we just allow, just respect each other's liberties and allow each other to move forward and do voluntary interactions. And that question, those, those volunteer, someone may do something that you disagree with, but they're doing it because it's better than whatever they were doing before. That's why they made that choice. So anyway, you got me on a rant. Yeah, good job Adam.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I'm totally not to do that. Yeah, fucking guy. No, it's a good conversation because I agree with you, but then at the same time, I see the challenges with it. Oh, you also have to be somebody who's okay with like the, you know, survival, the fittest type of mentality then, because the truth is, many of the dumb ones are gonna die off. Well, and again, do you think that there's a market
Starting point is 00:16:13 for helping the disenfranchise and helping people who need help? I think there is. I think there's enough people out there that want to help. Also, if we're gonna give people the best chances, why not follow a system that creates the most opportunities in the most wealth? So I'll give you guys a good example.
Starting point is 00:16:27 You look at Hong Kong. Look at Hong Kong 60 years ago, 70 years ago. It was a third world country. Hong Kong today is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Hong Kong has one of the freest markets who benefited the most. Yes, there were people who became Uber Rich,
Starting point is 00:16:43 but there were people who were starving before. And now, if you're lower class in Hong Kong, you're not really starving, like they were 50 or 60 years ago or 70 years ago. So that's the thing. And yes, you have discrepancies, of course, but if you want to create a system that gives you, if you want to, you want to system it gives you
Starting point is 00:16:57 the best. How are more incentives and less punishment? The best chance is, you know, the Soviet Union had thousands and thousands of acres of fields of wheat that would go rotten. And people were starving. And you think to yourself, how can people be starving when they have all this food that they're producing over here? Because they didn't know how to allocate resources effectively and efficiently. They couldn't get it to them. They had to guess at best, they had to sit back and guess, okay, how do we allocate resources here?
Starting point is 00:17:27 Who's gonna do what? Where are we gonna put things? Today to this day, we produce enough food to feed the entire world. The problem isn't food production, the problem is distribution and allocation of resources, markets just do it better than anything we've ever seen, mainly because you have all these signals.
Starting point is 00:17:45 The price of things is a signal. If something's expensive, that means that a lot of people want it. We allocated differently than if something's inexpensive. And that is a, sounds simple, but it's brilliant in the way it's kind of spread out in the way it works. So if we want to allocate resources best, allow markets to do their job. And again, it's not going to be perfect.
Starting point is 00:18:02 It's easy to look at and point out what's not right. But when you go in and try and control it, you're guessing, man, at best. You're going to guess and say, okay, well, I think this will be the best way to allocate our resources and invent this and do this innovation. And without having the market, the market signals, you're just, whoa, man, you need that. Did you either wait thing so much? Did either one of you guys listen to Joe Rogan and Bernie Sanders? Did you listen to the whole thing?
Starting point is 00:18:24 Oh, you listen to what about you? No, I don't listen to any of it. He was the one who got on there commented. Oh, man, I've heard, I've heard, I've heard, I've been, I've been, I will listen to it, but I've heard so much Bernie Sanders. He Bernie Sanders promotes, uh, any sounds genuine, he sounds like a good guy, but he promotes unicorn economics. It's, it's a, it's a lot of, it's the equivalent of the fifth grade,
Starting point is 00:18:46 you know, kid running for president who says, he's doing a lot of promises. He's doing a lot of promises. Yeah, there was no real challenge to that conversation, either, which was a little bit frustrating, but yeah, I mean, like, there was, I mean, he, again, yeah, he comes across as like, like has genuine intent, you know, with,
Starting point is 00:19:03 but they all do. Like, that's how that's, that's the pitch to get to the top, but to get into office. It's not interesting that Joe even had them, with knowing Joe's political views. I thought that was really interesting. Joe says he identifies as a, like, he says on the left side, yeah. But I don't know, like really, he sounds so libertarian when he talks. Well, it's, it's, yeah, he's, he's, he's right there in the middle. Like, I don's yeah. Yeah, he's he's he's right there in the middle
Starting point is 00:19:26 Like I don't think he wants to recognize that but he's right there in the middle. Yeah, he he tries to have people from both sides I appreciate that. I like the fact that I just wish you would challenge Some people a little bit more, you know like when Bernie Sanders says we'll have all this free stuff and you see Well, how you gonna pay for it? We'll tax the rich. How much money is that? Oh, we can't we don't even have enough We can't talk shit to Joe for doing that. That's'll tax the rich, how much money is that? We don't even have enough money. We can't talk shit to Joe for doing that. That's one of the challenges we have. It is tough to do that.
Starting point is 00:19:48 It's still something that I'm... And he only had an hour with him, and he normally gets like three hours with his guests. But it just turned into a long commercial for Bernie Sanders. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Again, it's not hard to promise things and say that we can legislate what we need. Oh, no, we have, you know, things are expensive.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I know, like here's a good one, right? I don't think, I think I can make a case very well that food and clothing is more essential and fundamental than healthcare and education. Because, you know, Bernie Sanders promising free healthcare, free education, for example. I can make the case that food and clothes or shoes, shoes are more fundamental.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Like before you even worry about education and healthcare, you need to have clothes and shoes and food, right? So what if I came out and said today, you know what, because it's so fundamental, I wanna guarantee everybody has shoes and clothes from now on the government's providing that for everyone. We're gonna get rid of all the markets for clothes, shoes, and food, everything will be produced by for everyone. We're gonna get rid of all the markets for clothes, shoes, and food.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Everything will be produced by the government. We're gonna tax people, and we're gonna, that way everybody has it. Now that sounds crazy. Nobody would want, you do imagine what government shoes would be like, and government food would be like. They'd look at your shoes. They'd be tear.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Actually, actually, they wouldn't be nearly as comfortable. We all rock a new way. We begin to make amounts of cheese though. Yeah. So but everybody would, most people, because we know, no, that would be terrible. That'd be absolutely terrible. I'd go insane.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Yeah, so. That would give me to move. And but that's what they think that, you know, that it works for other things somehow. No, it doesn't. It actually stifles the shit and our healthcare systems, anything but, you know, perfect or even free market. It's super super regulated and super it is a lot of cronism in there
Starting point is 00:21:29 but it's still the most innovative You know a lot of the a lot of the European countries and stuff that have single-payer healthcare a lot of the medicines that they use were Innovated and invested in here. They don't have the innovation of the capital to do that kind of stuff I saw that argument and invested in here. They don't have the innovation of the capital to do that kind of stuff. Because I saw that argument. I mean, I went through and read all the, you got me sucked in because I saw you, you stirred the pot on that on Joe Rogan's post
Starting point is 00:21:54 and you must have got a bajillion comments. Oh, that was, yeah, I was a good conversation. I mean, I must have saw three different professors trying to come at you with some shit. I saw people attacking you, thinking that you were conservative but I'm like, did that's so funny that right away? Someone told you, I was like,
Starting point is 00:22:07 excuse me taking steroids. Yeah. I was like, yes, the ultimate compliment. I thought like, that's not a, you're not cutting me down, bro. Yeah. I appreciate that one. Anyway, did you guys see that Arizona T
Starting point is 00:22:18 is entering into the cannabis market? So check this out. So I did, that's a big company. Yeah. I did see that and I want to retract what I said before. So I said that it's so stupid, all the stuff seemed, but I started to think about this more and I got, you know what? What this highlights is that everybody loves fucking weed.
Starting point is 00:22:34 At least 75% and if you're a big company already, like Arizona T, you probably surveyed your people and you went, okay, we have a total of 10 million customers worldwide that drink or Arizona tea of that 10 million. We should do a survey and see how many people like weed, and they do a survey and he goes, oh shit, 75% of our customers like weed, let's just throw some fucking CBD in our fucking tea. Why not?
Starting point is 00:22:59 Well, no, I think that's what's happening. I think they're actually gonna do cannabis though, not CBD, they're doing cannabis. Oh, are they? Yes, so they're entering into the cannabis market with the same difference. That's my point. TAC, still my point stands.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Sure. Of course, we make teas with 30 grams of sugar and let's see how many of our customers like marijuana, all of them, that shit. But yeah, they're gonna make vape pens and teach, see infused gummies in the cannabis market. That's pretty crazy, dude. Well, they're gonna work with vape pens and teach, see, infuse gummies in the cannabis market. That's pretty crazy, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Well, they're going to work with Dixie. That's weird. This is, I saw this years ago, people, I remember when we first started talking about the marijuana clubs in my whole stint in there, and everyone asking why I got out of it. It's like it was very clear to me that this was inevitable, that eventually all the big dogs would get in. And how are you some small time, grower like I was,
Starting point is 00:23:55 and producing whatever said product in the space? How am I gonna compete with Arizona T, dude? How am I gonna compete with these companies? Your best role. How am I gonna compete with these Arizona T, dude? How am I going to compete with these companies? Your best role. How am I going to compete with these companies that are going to come in? It would be in your hope, you're praying that they buy you. That's the idea, right? Yeah, product.
Starting point is 00:24:15 But it's such a stupid business point. I mean, the likelihood of me even being on their radar, I would already have to have been a huge company to even get their attention. Otherwise, they would still be like, why fuck would this guy? We'll just do it all ourselves. We already have the audience, the network already.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Why don't we just create ourselves? And that's what we're seeing what's happening. So I feel really bad for a lot of the people that have gotten into the marijuana space in the last couple of years because it really is. It's almost inevitable that all the big guys are going to come in and clean house, man. And that before, like a twisted tea, you know, before they do alcohol, they're going to do it right to weed.
Starting point is 00:24:58 That's true. They got a jump over one. I used to have a client that worked out in the gym that I owned and he sold Lamps and lights and huge huge company that sold lots of lights and included Including grow lights lights that you know people used to grow plants. This was years ago now This was maybe I want to say seven or eight years ago And I remember him coming to me and being like hey he goes The company that owns Mara Burrow, what is the Altria, I think, just purchased like a shit ton of grow lights and land, uh, some of it in Mexico, lots of it in Southern
Starting point is 00:25:36 California. And he's like, they're just getting ready. They're getting ready for the loss of change. Marlboro is already in the business of growing plants. They already have a lot of plants. They have, what of growing plants. I read a couple of years ago, they already had like 50 something patents. They already have patents on strains and everything. They already make cigarettes,
Starting point is 00:25:54 that's not hard to go jump right into fricking joints. Yeah, and you have a massive audience already, it's not hard to convince people, what a unbelievable brilliant pivot for that company when everybody smoking is bad They could even start presenting that here's your alternative don't smoke don't smoke tobacco smoke weed instead. Yeah Oh, it's crazy. I'm gonna show the studies that show that some people who smoke weed with Merrill with with cigarettes have less you know chances of lung cancer. I'm interested
Starting point is 00:26:23 I want to get the the the CEO of Joel on the, I had Taylor reach out a while back. I got to follow up on him to see if we got anywhere with that because I'd like to, because right now they're making a huge push on their being healthy. Like, you know, trying to push and say that this is the healthy alternative
Starting point is 00:26:39 and it's saving all these people's lives. And, you know, I don't know if I see that. What I actually see, where's the stats on that and like how long have they been aggregating the stats? Inhaling when you're inhaling that, and healthier doesn't mean healthy. Well, and what ends up happening is because you think it is,
Starting point is 00:26:56 you do more of it. So now somebody who would have one cigarette sucks down a whole jewel cartridge in a day because it's so easy, it's smooth, it's addicting. And you should just be honest. Hey, it's not healthy for you, but it's fun. Like here you go, you use it your own risk. It's all good, make your own choices.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Yeah, your job as a company is to grow, right? To make it more. I feel like you're making their shit addictive. You know what I'm saying? You make things addictive so people come back again and you pitch it. But that's what I mean. I feel like we're in an age now where people can just be honest and they'll probably do better. Do you know what I'm saying? No, because it goes back to the first thing we talked about stupid people. You think
Starting point is 00:27:34 so? We're still dumb, they've been stupid people. Damn it. Oh, hey, I was going to ask you, Adam. I've told you this before, how studies show that after having a child, a man's testosterone tends to drop and I always speculated that it probably has to do with the just the lack of sleep and stuff. Are you due for another? I'm actually due. Everly well too.
Starting point is 00:27:55 So this is, I'm kind of mad, well, not mad. It just, you know, Maximus came four weeks early, so I kind of had a couple things planned, you know, timed out that I was going to do before he came. And that was one of the things that kind of threw that off was I had scheduled like this last week. I was supposed to do the Everly Well test. And I didn't take the test yet because I about every like two to three months, I redo the, the men's hormone test that they do. Now that went tests testosterone, DHA, estradiol, and cortisol. So those are all important hormones for men. That's in the men's health test.
Starting point is 00:28:30 So they have a pure testosterone, then they have the men's health test one, which the men's health test one has all of that. So in these ways, we'll just get the men's health one. It's good too, because you could have good testosterone, but also have high estradiol. So it's like you have high estrogen type hormones with your testosterone. Right, you know? So's like, yeah, I estrogen type hormones with your testosterone.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Right. So the plan was to take that and I just held off on it before this exact reason, because of the, you know, they do, they say that my estrogen levels are supposed to spike right now and testosterone is supposed to dip during having a kid. And, you know, maybe I feel that a little bit like because of the fatigue and being tired for sure. And I'm training, but I think I'm little bit like cause of the fatigue and being tired for sure. And I'm training, but I think I'm feeling really good right now because my training's been going good.
Starting point is 00:29:10 So I'm gonna take the test. I haven't, I didn't take it last week when I was supposed to take it, but because I've been feeling so good and can really consist it with my training, I'm gonna get on the test. That might offset it because the last time you took it, you weren't training as consistent. I know, that's what I'm kind of bummed about is that
Starting point is 00:29:24 because I probably had a little bit of a dip from having Maximus, but yet I'm feeling so great and I was on the upward swing. It'll be really interesting to see if I'm kind of where I was at before, you know, or did I take a dip, or could I even potentially be up a little bit? I would be ecstatic if I'm up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:29:41 This is gonna be interesting because your motivation and drive doesn't just come from testosterone. It can also come from mindset and changing circumstances. And you can be like, I mean, I remember, it's like the, like, after I got divorced, right after I got divorced, I had a PR on deadlift. What, because my testosterone, no, it was probably because my cortisol was through the roof
Starting point is 00:30:01 and I was kinda anxious and stressed and that gave me that power to hit a PR or whatever. Now it'll be interesting to see whatever. The women's hormone test, the women's health test is phenomenal. Where they go, they test like a bajillion things within a day. Well, so what they do is they'll test
Starting point is 00:30:16 so estradiol, progesterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle, stimulating hormone, DHA, testosterone, cortisol, TSH, free T3, free T4, TPO antibodies. This is all in the women's health test. That's way more comprehensive. Well, what's awesome about it is some of these are tested on day 19 of the cycle, and some of them are tested on day three.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Now, why is this important? Well, a woman's hormones are, they cycle throughout her cycle. And so if you only test hormones once, you're getting a snapshot of that one day. It's important to test on different days when you're looking at different things. That's the most comprehensive way to do it.
Starting point is 00:30:53 And the Everly Well Women's Health Test does that. So it tests like, for example, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone are measured on day three. That's when you wanna measure those hormones. But like cortisol and estradiol, you wanna measure on day three. That's when you want to measure those hormones. But like cortisol and estradiol, you want to measure on day 19. That's going to give you a much better,
Starting point is 00:31:11 much more accurate look at your hormone profile. And then of course, the way I recommend using all these tests, if you're a health and fitness enthusiast, and this is a difficult thing to do with your doctor, but not difficult to do with a company like Everlywell, is to do, I suggest doing a hormone test every quarter or at least twice a year. So you can see where you're at throughout the year, you know, in relation to different circumstance.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Most importantly, your adjustments that you make. That's how I, you know, it's like, I know that my training and my diet has been different for the last couple of months. And so I like to see like, oh, how's that responding and making a difference? So that's what's best is, I mean, if you've been doing the exact same thing consistently for six months, I see less value in it,
Starting point is 00:31:53 but if you're somebody who's constantly manipulating diet and exercise or maybe supplementing something, like I think that's always, it's- How's your libido? That's hard to tell because you're probably not having much sex. It's probably high. Yeah, it's probably high. I'm on the fucking record right now I said a fucking record. Well, I mean you are having some sex. It's the one by yourself. Yeah, I not even I'm not having much of that I'm not even having having much of that. Why aren't you being nice to yourself? No, you know, I think cuz I'm fucking tired, bro It's like a whoa you're too tired to jerk off
Starting point is 00:32:23 It's like this it's like this It's not you've never been that's actually you know what it is to you know, it's like a well you're too tired to jerk off it's like this it's like this that's exhausted it's not you've never been that's actually you know what it is to you know it's kind of weird because Katrina's in the house 24 seven I don't have a lot of private time really yeah jerking off thing it was like my own thing that's like that was something I did not see coming private time do it do it do it do it do it other married me do jerk off at work go say hey it just feels it feels shower time it It feels weird to have my wife downstairs with a baby and I'm upstairs jerking off. It's like back shed time.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Do you guys do that? Do you guys don't do that? Do you? When you guys jerk off, it's not when your girls are in the house, are they? Of course. Not well, I mean. What?
Starting point is 00:32:59 She's always there. When you're doing something, not when you're doing, wait a second. I'm gonna, this is a real serious question right now from you because I've had, I'm struggling with this. Okay, when I was, when I was, I'm not talking about the fun stuff that you have with your girl, okay?
Starting point is 00:33:12 We do all that fun stuff together, but you're one on one private, you time, when you jerk off, is the wife in the house? You know, back in the day, Justin, I don't care about you right now so much. Justin. Yeah, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:28 I mean, the thing is, like all the time, I mean, she's usually there, like for the most part, I wait, which she's not there, like that's, it's game on,
Starting point is 00:33:37 that's the best, right? Yeah, but that is my favorite, but yeah, I mean, I got caught even when, what? Yeah, when I was, like by myself and she came home early whatever, but Did he catch you like yeah, oh yeah Humiliating you really how did you not tell me this oh because I Humiliate why don't dude I was like I was like having at it
Starting point is 00:34:04 You know then she just came home or oh hey ah and it's humiliating. Why don't, dude, I was like, I was like having at it, you know, and then she just came home, or, oh, hey, ah! And it's fine because she, like, this is something we talk about. Like, it's not a big deal. So, you know, she, she, like, thinks it's funny. And I'm like, it's, you know. Yeah, Katrina wouldn't get mad.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I mean, I told you what happened to me the other day when the, I mean, this was what, a few months ago when I, the fucking new truck truck that the Bluetooth just picks it up right away. And the last thing I was watching was PornHub. So I'll send it. Right. Yeah, as soon as we get in, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:31 go have dinner together. It's like, on the, on the, on the, I had that one time on the, which is like, what are you watching? The Bluetooth speaker. No. I was in the bathroom watching this. You're like, hey, you're like, I can't hear it.
Starting point is 00:34:43 So you just keep turning it up. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Who knows if you hear it. No, it's usually for me, it's like every now and then it'll be like the shower did, because it's like, what do you get to do? Okay, so this is, but she'll come in and I go,
Starting point is 00:34:54 oh, I can't believe nobody has ever brought this up. I talked about this because for me, never in my life, have I ever had a girlfriend or anyone that I've been with, that I would ever jerk off with her in the house. If I'm a horny and she's in the house, I'm going after her. Sure, right? So there's never been a time in my life. I have it some time.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Where it's at well, give it some time. It's already happened, like it's weird. It just doesn't feel right for me. It doesn't feel right. Just need to crack the seal, bro. In that. It's at me. It sounds like you've turned it tracks the seal, bro. In that. It makes you feel better. It sounds like you've turned it into a game, bro.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Like he's on it. He's on it. It makes him more excited. It is. It's adventurous. Little by little, Adam's just learning now, the different. No, listen, when I'm like reliving on it. My relationship now, no, I don't do it now because we have a phenomenal sex life.
Starting point is 00:35:44 But in my marriage, when I was married, yeah, she would be home and that's, yeah, I don't do it now because we have a phenomenal sex life. But in my marriage when I was married, yeah, she would be home and that's, yeah, I would definitely, I got caught once by my ex-wife. It's terrible. What? Yeah, she walked into the room. Why didn't you just give me the heads up when I was here? She walked into the room and she walked me on this tutorial. Yeah, we're supposed to say.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Well, give me the 4011. I got to figure it out. We tried telling you, bro, you were so bad denial. Yeah, I'm going to be fucking proud. I'm going to be fucking proud. I was trying to do this. Never mentioned this one. me the 411 and I got figured out we tried telling you bro you were so bad denial yeah always gonna be fucking I never mentioned this one yeah we did you never mentioned this suddenly yeah we did we're hitting it now she walked in on me she goes this is all she does she goes gross and she walks out like oh now I feel shame feel terrible I feel absolutely terrible no, no. So you're not doing nothing then.
Starting point is 00:36:25 You're fucking, no wonder you're working out hard. Some guy coming up and saying, I'm gonna put it somewhere. Yeah, 100%. 100%. So you're by six. So it's come out right.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Yeah. So, hey, don't do this, squat's the failure. We don't wanna do that. Yeah. Yeah. Ah. Hey, there's nobody brought this up to me.
Starting point is 00:36:41 I never even occurred to me. Just didn't, I didn't think about it. Yes, I know that there's obviously that time that you won't be having sex. And that did occur to me that, wow, that will be some of the longest I've ever gone without having sex since I was probably a fucking kid. So that did slide down.
Starting point is 00:36:58 But then I'm thinking in my house, I got what dream I was doing. I'm like, whatever, I'll masturbate, right? And then I thought, wait a second, this is what's happening to me right now. I'm like, she's I'll masturbate, right? I'll be, and then I thought, wait a second, this is what's happening to me right now. I'm like, she's downstairs doing dishes or this stuff. Like she could go, I have my like, routine. Like when I masturbate, I have a routine.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Okay. You know what I'm saying? And like, I like to be comfortable. And I don't like to be worried. You make love to yourself. Yeah, that's too much. You're just pumping out. Yeah, what are you doing, bro?
Starting point is 00:37:23 Get rid of it. Oh man. You have to turn yourself on out. Yeah, what are you doing? Get rid of it. Oh man. You have to turn yourself on or something. Yeah, get jock dirty to myself. Yeah, a little bit. Get the motion out. Get the candles, the mood right. Just too much.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Oh man, you're going too much. Yeah, five minutes, go. Oh man. Anyway, now it's like a reset button. All right, change the subject. I read a crazy article on breast milk. I'll get a good transition. That's kind of a nice transition.
Starting point is 00:37:48 So did you guys know that breast milk actually helps regulate the baby's circadian rhythm? Yes, I told you guys at the time that the milk that she produces at nighttime, this is why if you're pumping like a lot of women are, you should pay attention to... You should probably down AM, because if you're pumping a lot of women are, you should pay attention to... You should probably down AM, because if you pumped at 10 o'clock at night, and then you give that
Starting point is 00:38:10 to your baby in the morning time, like you make him all sleepy and vice versa, right? Yeah, so vice versa. Vice versa, vice versa. Yeah, so the morning milk has got stuff and it that energizes him a little bit, and then the evening milk has compounds that actually soothe the baby
Starting point is 00:38:25 to help them sleep. Crazy right? It's insane, it's all natural. You know what I mean? So the baby and that, it's all there. Exactly, it's so cool. Anyway, we're storing it. She just started actually pumping plus breast feeding, which is again, something that is
Starting point is 00:38:41 challenging, I wouldn't have thought of like to be able to do that to be, you know, nursing every two hours. It goes further though, check this out. So, morning breast milk has three times more cortisol than evening breast milk. Cause you're one times. Yeah, cause cortisol wakes you up. Melatonin, which you barely see at all in daytime milk,
Starting point is 00:38:59 is high or higher, much higher in the evening milk. Night milk also contains higher levels of DNA building blocks that help promote healthy sleep. Day milk has more activity promoting amino acids. Iron and milk peaks around noon, vitamin E peaks in the evening. Minerals like zinc, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are highest in the morning. And the daytime milk has an immune boosting cocktail in it.
Starting point is 00:39:26 So it's way more complex than you could ever imagine. Have they incorporated any of this into formula? Like night time? We're just learning this now, dude. Yeah, that's crazy. Like, again, you could see that pre-workout, you know, post-work, like you could see, like how the supplemental brain, you know, for these companies would just go hard. No, that's a great call, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:45 I think it's an incredible prediction. I'm sure you'll see that soon. I'm sure formulas. Lourning milk, nighttime milk. 100% they will. You know what, though? They still eat not too. Well, in order for the, I think you're right,
Starting point is 00:39:55 but for them to do that would be admitting that their product is not as good as the natural inferior. That's right. And they don't want to do that. They don't want to do that. Dude, I've been trying to, since the kids have been off, since, you know, from school and for summer and all that, like they just like sit around complaining,
Starting point is 00:40:11 I'm like, we gotta get out. So we're hiking. Like that's like the new, we're, I'm home, I'm hiking, getting everybody out, getting the energized out. But I took, you know that the skinny depth of the different flavors, that my favorite's the peanut butter one, but I put it all together in this like sort of trail mix. So you just dip to the different flavors that my favorites the peanut butter one, but I put it all together in this sort of trail mix.
Starting point is 00:40:28 So you just mixed all the different flavors. And mixed it all together and then take it with us on these massive hikes and stuff. I thought that was like, and it worked really well instead of adding all the chocolate pieces and all that kind of shit to it. How are your kids with the skinny dip? They fucking love it.
Starting point is 00:40:43 They love it. Yeah. Your kids eat them too. They love it. Yeah. Your kids eat them too. Yeah, it's like, I mean, we use it as a treat, but it's a good treat. It's much better than other types of treats. I mean, it's mostly almond, so the kids are eating healthy almond.
Starting point is 00:40:54 No, no, it's one of our favorite. I keep them frozen, man. I keep them in the freezer. The in the freezer, they're okay. You know what you guys got me onto was the mint chocolate flavored with coffee. Yeah. That is a combination, bro.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yeah. That is so good. You eat the chocolate almond with the mint flavor one? Boom, drink some coffee. Really? Oh, so good. Yeah, that's like cool aftertaste, man. Oh, so good.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Well, speaking of food products and stuff, do you guys see what's going on with Hines? Still, Hines is at a record low stock price. I think it's since 2015, it's taking a shit. No, nobody wants that. Although, because they own a bunch of processed food stuff, right? Like, like, like, bread and cheese.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah, they got the Mac cheese. Obviously, they've got the ketchup. Yeah, ketchup, I think they even, I think they're even our owners of Oscar Meyer, one of those, one of those weenere companies that it's just all packaged processed foods that were popular when we were kids. And so they just were massive.
Starting point is 00:41:49 But what they're seeing is that people just don't, they don't want all the dyes and all the stuff that's came out of that. And so it's not, and they're so massive that that's enough when all of your products contain all that shit. That's enough to see a huge dip across board. Now I know they just purchased primal kitchen, right? They did. But it's not going to offset.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Yeah, exactly. Like buy what they've established in their brand and everything. That's a tough transition. Well, you can tell they're trying to hedge their bets. They're trying to go in and buy these natural, quote unquote, natural food companies to kind of offset the losses. In my opinion, and I'm sure they're already doing this, they need to work on some PR to change the perception
Starting point is 00:42:31 of their products, you know what I'm saying? What'll be interesting, I'm curious to what Warren Buffett does and see if he stays in it and tries to help it or says, fuck it in bail. Did he do anything? Well, he's heavily invested in that. That's one of his, some of their, most of their money is in that company.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Not most, a big chunk of their money is in that company. So here's what I foresee. I foresee things like that continue to drop, but I also foresee them rebounding as people start to, you know, value Americanism more and more. I think you're starting to see, you saw this with McDonald's a little bit. They were there a huge dive.
Starting point is 00:43:05 But it's an American brand and people, they want to be paid for. I keep seeing statistics that fast food companies are just jumping up still. Depends which ones you're talking about. Yeah, definitely. Chick-fil-A, would they grow like 2000 percent? Well, definitely the other ones, the Chipotle's and the ones that are sort of like Fast food but not like a little more health conscious fast food Like I've seen like you know a lot of like reports of that like I've been taken off like crazy Well, everyone's getting their food delivered to them
Starting point is 00:43:36 It's no it's and most of those companies you've seen a pivot air now offering services like that Like I know the McDonald's and the Burger King's, like now they can deliver to your house now. I haven't had anything for McDonald's in probably a decade or longer. Not a single thing. Yeah, but memory. Here's how powerful they are. Memory-wise?
Starting point is 00:43:54 I can still taste the fries. I still taste the French fries. I can literally think about it right now and imagine the flavor. I wonder if it's as good as I remember. Because I still think that they have the one thing they mastered for sure. Better than any fries that I've ever had.
Starting point is 00:44:06 But is it just my memory? Or is that for real? So we should go get some french fries. That's how I always use my food. No, I hadn't, I hadn't, I tried to think of the last fast food I had. I remember when, cause I love as a kid, my favorite fast food
Starting point is 00:44:19 as a kid was Taco Bell. And I remember in my 20s, and I hadn't had it for what, once I become a trainer I didn't eat eat a lot of fast food although I did still Partake in like the Jack in the box tacos on after drinking nights. I did have the occasional burger from like Carl's junior But I wasn't I'm straight. It wasn't a big fast food eater and I let go of I love me some Western baking. Oh, I used to love them, bro
Starting point is 00:44:43 I see those like like crazy, but I do remember in like my mid to late 20s going back and like kind of like having all of them at one point, right? And they weren't. They just didn't live up to what they remember. The memories or whatever. Yeah, they definitely. You know what I feel like it is. I feel like you have to eat it two or three times in a row. Yes, start becoming addicted to me again.
Starting point is 00:45:00 It's like the protein bar thing for me. I've shared that before on the show. Like, you know, I'll go on long stints of not having any protein bars whatsoever. And then I'll sit and I'll have one. And it'll be like, it's okay, but I bought a box or something where I have multiple, and then I'll have the second one.
Starting point is 00:45:14 And then I'll have the third one. Now I'm like, oh, I'm, now I'm craving them, now I want them. And it's really weird to watch that happen. And I've seen this happen, I've seen myself do this multiple times. Like, I love like the quest bar when I've been eating quest I've seen myself do this multiple times like I Love like the quest bar when I've been eating quest bars If I haven't had a quest bar in a long time that I have they taste like jot dog shit
Starting point is 00:45:31 Mm-hmm. I just can't stand after you've eaten a few of them but after I've eaten a few of them Then they're like it's like it's weird. It is weird so weird and it's weird because I've done that multiple times like to like That's is that right? They can't be right. That's weird. That's happening now So I used to like I thought McDonald's was good as you growing up. I liked them. Carl's Jr. They got little older just because they have more meat and, you know, you know, sustenance or whatever substance in there.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Jack in the box was decent. You know which one I fucking never liked. I tried it twice and I was like, this is disgusting. Why does it even exist? Arbise. Arbise? Never liked it. I loved Arbise.
Starting point is 00:46:04 The five for five. It's so weird. Oh man. It's fucking hot deli meat with liquid cheese on it. You know what the, you just got it, you just got into eating prime rib, though. And they do horse radish and prime. And so the, the, the Arbis five for five when I was bulking that back in the days.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Oh my god, that was a good one. It was one right across the street from 24. Yes, that's the one I used to go to. I tried it two times. I'm like, okay, I'ma try it again. You gotta dump the horse radish on it. That's fine. It just makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:46:29 It can't have it by itself, it's not even a good deli-sounds terrible. I just don't like it. Hey, did you guys see the article I shared on Disney? Yeah. No. Okay, Disney. Hulu. Hulu.
Starting point is 00:46:41 ESPN. 1299 a month. 1299 a month. Oh man. Yep. That's affordable. I think Disney's probably you got your kids now you know that your yeah, you're nothing covered there. You know the profits are down though right you know they're stock went down because the profits are down this is the mean that I think yeah that's because they didn't hit quarterly projections which I'm
Starting point is 00:47:00 sure they've been investing a bunch of a bunch of a lot. Yeah spending a lot of money right now. Their parks aren't making as much money. Right, so that's what I see. And that's what I thought when I was there, and it was like, you know, it wasn't like super crowded, like it had been for me every time I've been there. And I got like a little, like, wow,
Starting point is 00:47:15 is there revenue down for the park? Cause it just felt like there was a lot of people. Do you watch when they launch this, watch when they launch this, watch when they launch this this stream, especially, Sal, if you agree on this, you know, conservative type of movement that we're going to see as a, as a backlash of what we've seen for the last few years, because that's something that Disney's done a really good job of staying
Starting point is 00:47:38 the wholesome family family first. And look at the brand, the Hulu Disney plus and ESPN. That's all age appropriate for every every every age You can love watching all those all the channels are all the things that are provided on those on those that platform I think just that this is the way I look at it Disney Still to this day has the best writing that I Consistent writing that I've ever seen. Yeah, I, you see them take over a franchise like Star Wars, and actually do a pretty fucking good job.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Do you know how hard it is to fill those shoes? That is, I wouldn't want it. I wouldn't, you could have given to me. I'd turn it down because, how could you fill those shoes? They did a pretty damn good job. They just write really well. The story telling is so good.
Starting point is 00:48:20 It's really funny, like Disney people. There's people even complain about like, a Mary Poppins, like, oh, it's not the same. It's like, it was good. It's really funny, there's people even complain about a Mary Poppins. Oh, it's not the same. It was good. It's just new. People don't like change. That's just always going to be the case.
Starting point is 00:48:35 If you can keep reinventing one of these stories, they have Avatar now. And Avatar is, they have like three and more of them. They're just four more. They have a very shot. Oh, wait till that comes out. Oh, I know. It's really ridiculous. Yeah, that's gonna be a blockbuster.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Of course it is. Marvel, I mean, I think they're a power, I think they're a very smart buy. I really, really do. I think, and then they're doing a good job of new media. They're moving in a new media very, very intelligently. You know? Yeah, slowly, bro. They're taking their time. They're walking up to this.
Starting point is 00:49:06 That's why I get a little dip in the stock right now. I ain't a big deal. If anything, just I think it's a buying opportunity for someone. But still way up from when we told everyone to get it like last year. Yeah, it's still even, even, I mean, it has room dip. Yeah. And, and, and, you know, this is just, I have to tell people this. If I say this is a good idea to buy this, I own it myself. So just, what do they call that? Disclosure, right? This clause brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition,
Starting point is 00:49:35 Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance- added edge. Try Organify totally risk free for 60 days by going to Organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com and use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off that checkout. First question is from AC Longyear. I want to lose body fat in my legs primarily my thighs where all my weight goes. Should I give squats to rest and focus on deadlifts? My ideal is strong yet lean legs. My upper body and core respond well, but my lower half is always difficult to scope.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Oh, I know this is a good friend of mine, Angela, who's been following the maps programs for a long time. It's been a supporter of mind pump early on. Very consistent. So here's a deal, Angela. The first off, for women, storing more body fat in their legs or having a tendency to store body fat in their legs, is not just common, it's actually quite healthy. When women start to store more around their midsection, in relation to how they've always stored body fat. Then you got to look and see if there's some potential hormonal issues that may be causing a change in the way you're storing body fat.
Starting point is 00:50:52 But studies have shown that women who store body fat in their legs and butt tend to be healthier, have lower rates of inflammation, have better, you know, easier childbirth and so on. So it's not a bad thing. Now, you know, here's the thing. Here's the unfortunate part. You can't spot reduce. Now what you can do is to try to live a lifestyle and work out program that promote healthy hormone levels
Starting point is 00:51:17 so that you have a healthy body fat storage profile, if you will. But it sounds like, and I know you, you are pretty healthy, it sounds like that's what's happening. You're just, that's just the last place you're gonna lose it. The first place that you store body fats, the last place that you lose it. So, if you want your legs to get, to get totally lean, you just have to keep a new level of leanness.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Getting leaner. A new level leaner. This is, I remember, and I shared this a long time ago on the podcast, when I'd fallen out of shape, I'd gotten the worst shape I had been in, and it was when I was 30, then I decided to go on this, I'm gonna go from the worst shape to the best shape of my life,
Starting point is 00:51:56 and I got, I went from 20% body fat, body fat down to 7% body fat. When I did that, I still remember I had this little like pooch, my, my, my, my, like, round your belly button. Yeah. Yeah. And it was the weirdest thing ever that I had this because I was scratching my head because the reason why I was scratching my head that it would seem so weird to me was, I knew I was leaner than I'd ever been in my, even leaner than when I was in high school, I might have been like a skinnier kid, but not with the
Starting point is 00:52:21 amount of muscle mass that I had on me and that low of body fat percentage. I never, I've never been measured at 7%. So it was definitely the lowest that I've ever been in my life. But I do remember as a kid, like I had a flat stomach and I never had like a little pooch, but I carried body fat for so long in that area and I hadn't been that lean in such a long time that even when I got down to the lean side of the bed, my body had still kind of this stubborn fat that was kind of hanging around my lower abs. And I thought to myself, fuck,
Starting point is 00:52:48 is this good, am I gonna have this no matter what? And I remember then, I went on like a little mini bulk and I went back on a cut again that I got even leaner down to like 6% body fat. And I noticed that it got better. And I thought, oh shit, okay, maybe if I just make sure that I don't allow myself to get put on a bunch more body fat again, and I keep myself relative good shape bulk,
Starting point is 00:53:11 but when I bulk, I put on good muscle that I come back down, I get leaner than I've been, and I just kept about the third time that I had done this where I had, you know, bolt for a couple of weeks, then came back on a hard cut, then bolt and came back on, but the third time, it went away completely. And I was at the leanest I'd ever been in my life too,
Starting point is 00:53:30 and I'm now down to like 5% like I was getting ready for a stage, and I finally saw it go away. But I also thought to myself like, wow, now how often does this happen to clients of mine where they lose X amount of body fat, and they still have an area on their body that they're just, oh man, I don't like the way it looks or it's still there. And it just gave me better coaching now that, wow, okay, it's stubborn and it seems frustrating
Starting point is 00:53:57 because you've been in good shape or maybe you're even in good shape right now but you have these areas. But it's not like you've lost, you don't lose hope that you can't still get rid of that body fat. You just got to take your body to a new level of leanness that it's never seen before, and eventually it will go. Eventually, and then the key is once you eliminate it and you lean out, you get so lean that you've eliminated
Starting point is 00:54:19 these areas, then what you can't do is fall off the wagon and just put on a bunch of body fat again, because it'll go right back to that place. You then have to do like a controlled bulk where okay, if you do increase the calories again, you gotta make sure that your training still strength training and building muscle so those extra calories that you consume go
Starting point is 00:54:36 to building muscle versus going to that spot. Yeah, and you also have to, it's tough because we'll become so hyper focused on one area of our body that will push our body to limits to try to improve that one area. Not realizing that there's other potential negatives for what we're doing. So for example, for me, if I get hyper focused on having strided, shredded muscles, especially in my midsection, I've gotten lean enough to where I've had, I've seen veins in my abs, like I've gotten that lean.
Starting point is 00:55:06 But then when I look at my face, I look gaunt. I don't look that healthy and I don't feel as healthy. And so when you look at the big picture, you have to ask yourself, do I want to get so lean that I finally see my legs get shredded, but then my health isn't as good and I don't necessarily feel as good. It is, it's one of those things you can't have at all,
Starting point is 00:55:26 you know, you can't have at all. So you gotta kinda ask yourself that. And for women in particular, getting too lean, cause I know this young lady, and she's always fucking lean, she's very lean, she walks around, very, very lean. Being too lean, especially for a woman, can cause hormonal issues,
Starting point is 00:55:41 and can be quite unhealthy, especially if you maintain it for too long. So don't focus so heavily on just one thing, but again, if you take all that into consideration and you're like, look, I just want to get leaner, it seems like this body fat on this part of my body is not responding, you just gotta get leaner. Keep getting leaner because again,
Starting point is 00:56:02 the first place you put it on, and this is largely genetic, although hormones do have their influence. For example, as I was saying earlier, when a woman's hormones get off and her cordles, all levels are higher throughout the day, then they normally would be. You tend to see some studies will suggest that there may be more midsection fat storage. That's different from what they may normally experience. But aside from that, the vast majority of the reason why you store body fat where you do and why it wants to stick on some areas and why it's so easy to lose another is genetic. It just does.
Starting point is 00:56:36 And in generally speaking, this isn't true for every individual, but generally speaking, men store more body fat around their midsection and their lower back and women store more body fat in their lower bodies and in their arms, especially the back of their arms. This is just general. In fact, I've known men to store body fat like women and I have no women to store body fat like men. And it just doesn't, you can tell.
Starting point is 00:57:02 It just doesn't look right. You've ever seen a guy with a real heavy kind of lower body. You can upside down triangle. Yeah, you can tell, it just doesn't look right. You've ever seen a guy with a real heavy, kind of lower body, you can upside down triangle. Yeah, you can tell it's a pair of body. Yeah, you know, they shouldn't be, they're storing body fat in ways that don't seem natural for, you know, for their sex or whatever. But yeah, nonetheless, you just gotta keep getting leaner.
Starting point is 00:57:17 If there is no workout, you could do to target a part of your body. I mean, you could always build muscle and more muscle will look leaner with the same amount of body fat. I mean, you could always build muscle and more muscle will look leaner with the same amount of body fat. So you could do that. But again, she's got, I mean, her legs are very built. She squats all the time. Yeah, I would say just keep doing what you do. And if you want to keep, if you want to see your legs get leaner, you have to push your body fat down even further. The key though is to is it down and then come back and build, right?
Starting point is 00:57:45 So what some people will do, or what would have happened to me if I would have been obsessive about that area? And I got down to seven, I just kept pushing the body further and further and further and further. That wouldn't have served me as well as, hey, okay, I got down to seven percent body fat.
Starting point is 00:57:59 I still kind of have this pooch. Okay, I'm gonna go back on a bulk and increase my calories, because that's what's healthy for me, and that's what my body needs right now. And then while I'm doing that, I'm building muscle. So even though my weight's going up, calories are going up, I'm not putting on a lot of body fat at all. And so then I build the metabolism back up and then I go back down again. And so that's kind of the key is, you know, try and push yourself into a new
Starting point is 00:58:22 level of leanness that you've never seen before. Once you get there, reverse out, go back to a bulk, but make sure you're eating correctly, you're training, you're building muscle, do that for a few weeks, then come back down. You do that consistently enough, it'll go away, I promise it will. Next question is from MiniFig.
Starting point is 00:58:42 What do you consider a rest day? Is it a day without weights, cardio, or both? Hmm. All right, I'll tell you what I personally consider a rest day, and then I'll tell you what I would consider a rest day, depending on the client of the person I'm working with. Now for me, a rest day is still active. I'm still typically doing stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:02 It's just not structured activity. It's not scheduled activity. So I'm not necessarily at the gym, although I could be. I'm not necessarily doing a workout, but I'm either walking or hiking, or maybe I'm in the gym doing mobility work, light trigger session type stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Studies will show that recovery-wise, active recovery is probably better. It's better both for faster recovery and it's also better for results because the body thrives off of activity, just needs to be done appropriately. Now for clients, this is largely true as well. That's what I would tell them.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Hey, on your days off, just stay active. Make sure you're doing stuff and you're not just laying around. Now that being said, there is some value to doing nothing every once in a while, especially if you're really beat up and pushing yourself real hard. It depends on who you're talking to. Yeah, I would say, you know, you could just do nothing and watch TV all day and just kind of relax. And lastly, consider your mental state.
Starting point is 00:59:59 I can make a mobility workout extremely stressful just by my mental state. Yeah. And it can also be very cooperative depending on my mental state. So that's part of it. Like, where you are in your head, why are you doing these things? It's gotta be therapeutic. Yeah, you gotta be in that mental space. And for me, I look at it as an opportunity to work on just different movements.
Starting point is 01:00:18 And I tend to do like really light, moderate to light intensity. But I spend that time to, you know, place my body in positions, because I'm in such fixed positions all the time. And these are the areas I'm always trying to address with my hips and my ankles and my shoulders. And I use the days in between to really make sure and I express that movement and get my joints to still function and still have that ability. And so it doesn't require a lot of conscious effort.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Like I just built it into just part of the way I get up and I do things. If I know I'm going to get into my truck and sit for a long time in my truck before that, I'm down the farm form, doing 90, 90, I'm going through pigeon, I'm just grabbing the wall and I'm opening up and there's always opportunities throughout my day to just get up move and twist my body and rotate and get all these types of different types of movements in.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Yeah, not moving for a long period of time is pretty detrimental in the body. Your body will atrophy and adapt quite quickly. If you've ever had a broken bone or had a cast on, you've had a spring ninkle or something like that, for a week, you've all experienced this, you take the cast off, and just a week of not moving that area, the muscle is, I mean, gone.
Starting point is 01:01:44 You've lost tons of strength and area, the muscle is, I mean, gone. You've lost tons of strength and size of the muscle. I learned this as a kid. I used to think that if I had worked out, I had to lay on the couch, not burn any calories, not move that my muscles grow. And then I realized I built more muscle when I would work out and then go BMX riding or hanging out
Starting point is 01:02:01 and running up in the hills with my cousins or whatever. I built more muscle as a result of just kind of being active as well. Active recovery is superior in most cases to inactive recovery. That's why I actually don't ever, I don't ever recommend any of my clients like true, I shouldn't say never because there's probably been, there's always exceptions to the rule, but for the most part, I don't ever recommend rest days or schedule rest days, even for myself, like, because the way I look at what would be a quote unquote, rest day is just me scaling back the intensity. So, you know, a rest day for me might look like sauna, mobility, and calf work, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:44 that's really the intensity of me training my calves and doing some mobility stuff and sitting in the sauna. It's really almost therapeutic for me. There's not a lot of crazy training that's involved in that for me. Now, to Sal's point, like I could come into those two things, though, especially when you're talking about training the calves and mobility, and I could make them extremely intense. That could be a hard workout for somebody.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I mean, you could do a mobility session where you're sweating like crazy. And I definitely can do a calf workout where I'm sweating in its hard. But sometimes I'll come in and I'll touch exercises especially being the guy who's more into body sculpting than anything else. There's always areas that, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:21 I should do some more ab work or core work or like rotational stuff like Justin's saying. There's always like little things that some more ab work or core work or rotational stuff like Justin's saying. There's always little things that I should be doing more of. I can always find those. And sometimes I'll go in the gym and I'll just do some of that stuff. But I do it with this a different attitude towards the workout. It's not, I'm going to get in there and get this workout.
Starting point is 01:03:41 It's like, I'm going to cruise. I'll come in here in our studio and we've got mace bells and Indian clubs and, you know, sometimes like a workout will be that. A bunch of therapeutic bands, sauna, swinging some clubs around. I'm not breaking a hard sweat in. I'm just kind of working on keeping my shoulders mobile
Starting point is 01:03:57 and doing maybe some core stuff. Like that can be, you know, a rest day. I'm not training. I'm not bringing a lot of intensity to my workout, I'm promoting blood flow, I'm staying active and still moving, so I'm getting like steps and calories burned. Sometimes a rest day could be,
Starting point is 01:04:15 I'll go to the gym and do an hour of lists. So I'll get on the elliptical, put on my favorite audio book. Just cruise. Yeah, and just really cruise. I'm not, I'm not even hardly sweating at all. In fact, I probably wouldn't even break the sweat till probably the last 10 minutes of it
Starting point is 01:04:30 because it's not even pushing at all. But I'm just moving, keeping the body moving. And I like to try and be at the gym or try and create movement every single day and not put on the only time where I might give myself and say, you know what, I shouldn't go to the gym today, is I probably would be traveling a lot,
Starting point is 01:04:49 so I'm flying quite a bit, a lot of stress at work, and I've been hammering the weights, and just maybe overreaching multiple workouts. Or if you're getting sick, that's a good time. Yeah, right, right, right. Saying that all things are fine with me, but other than like my training is, I would stop maybe and take a day off like that,
Starting point is 01:05:06 but that's very rare. Most often, more often than not, a quote unquote, rest day actually looks like still training just a way lower intensity. I almost never told clients to do nothing. You know, I'd say, okay, here's your workout. You're gonna work out on Monday's Wednesdays and Fridays. And I'd say, okay, what do you want me to do?
Starting point is 01:05:24 Tuesday's Thursday's Saturdays and Sundays. And it's okay, well, what do you want me to do? Tuesday's Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. And my reply was always, just be active. Well, what does that mean? Whatever you want. You know, swim, go for a hike. Yeah, go for a walk. Yeah, go take a yoga class, go to the mall, walk around the mall, wash your cars, clean the house.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Just shit around the house. Your body is far healthier when you do that. And it recovers faster. There's this myth out there that your body recovers faster if you don't move, let it recover, let it rest. No, no, no, movement causes a circulation to improve and increase. That helps with recovery.
Starting point is 01:05:58 It also continues to tell the body and signal the body that you need to have these muscles. It doesn't even, it doesn't just help it. It greatly helps it. I mean, when you talk about what makes you recover from soreness and from training like that. Yes, it's oxygen blood and nutrients getting to the muscle. Nothing promotes that more than moving.
Starting point is 01:06:18 So if you want to recover, you want to build more muscle, you want to be, then it's actually, when that light bulb finally went off for me, because I was on the other side of that spectrum, I used to be in my early 20s, I would definitely subscribe to the theory of blast it, and then go, then I literally would, I would go to the gym, and then I would go home,
Starting point is 01:06:36 and then I would lay down in my bed for the next two, I would eat a big ass meal and lay in my bed for two hours. I gotta grow now. Yes, I literally was that kid, I would do that. Do that. I'm growing. Thinking that that was the most ideal thing for me to do, to building, and to grow now. Yes, I literally was that kid. I would do that. Do that. Do that. I'm growing.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Thinking that that was the most ideal thing for me to do to building into growth. Well, think about the signal that that sends, right? Remember, your body's an adaptation machine, and it's learned to adapt through thousands of years of evolution. So think about what that says. You've just caused severe trauma to your muscles with a really hard workout, followed by zero activity. The signal that your body is getting is, uh-oh, we got injured and it doesn't work anymore.
Starting point is 01:07:10 It's not working anymore. They got so hurt that they can't move anymore. So your body's thinking not necessarily to build muscle, your body's thinking, pair that down, we don't need that. Let's become more efficient. Can't move anymore anyway, just like if you have a cast on your body. Now, if you hammer yourself, but then you're moving your body thinks, oh, we got to get stronger still using these things. We need to be more resilient to this trauma next time. We're
Starting point is 01:07:32 still active. So we still need this muscle. Divert resources. Let's get it recovered. Let's get it strong. This is highlights another reason why I can't stand sometimes when we take these studies and we just run with them. Because it's like, I remember the studies back then when we were reading and it was the importance of getting in the parasympathetic. That was so important to recovery and building. You can be parasympathetic and move.
Starting point is 01:07:55 I know, but the way you would think about it is like, where do you the most parasympathetic? Yeah, sleep and rest. So you would think, okay, well, that's sleep rest. Like, if the bodybuilder mentality is the more is better. So if I could be rested as much as possible, then I'll recover faster. No, I'll tell you you could do this experiment on yourself if you want. Go to the gym hammer your legs Stay in bed for a full week. Go back to the gym. You're a weaker. I promise you. Go back to the gym three days later You're weaker because you've been laying in bed the whole time, even though you hammered your legs super hard at the gym.
Starting point is 01:08:27 And then on the reverse, go hammer your legs, but then the rest of the week do some stretching, mobility work, maybe do some body weight squats, body weight lunges, do some hiking, go back to the gym, you've improved every time. Next question is from drops of jewels. What is non-negotiable for each of you when it comes to interpersonal relationships,
Starting point is 01:08:46 both platonic and romantic? Oh yeah. Oh wow. You know what? I'll tell you what, speaking personally, for me, I am an extremely forgiving individual in terms of personality, you know, flaws and, you know, breaks in character and, you know, if you look at the group of people that I consider, you know, I have very few super close friends, but I have a lot of friends. And if you look at the group of friends that I have, you would see such an eclectic array
Starting point is 01:09:20 of different types of people. Some of them, you know, have been to jail and some of them have issues with alcohol, and some of them might seem like, leave it to be for super perfect, and others are liberal or conservative or. I love, if people are cool, I am super, super forgiving,
Starting point is 01:09:37 but there's one thing that has to be, that has to be in place for that to happen, and that has to be authenticity. I have to know and feel that you're just being real. If I know you're being real, I'm super forgiving and super cool. If I feel like you're not being genuine with me, I don't know who you are.
Starting point is 01:09:53 I don't know what to trust. And so I can't open up. I can't have that. I can't work with that. I can't work with that. I can't have a friendship with someone that I don't know who am I being friends with. That's really pretty much it.
Starting point is 01:10:04 And aside from that, don't be an evil asshole, but other than that I'm super forgivable. You just gotta be real. So that's, that's, that's on the platonic friends side, right? Cause that's what I would agree with that too, which is, you know, hence why, you know, radical honesty is one of our core values. Hence why we have trademarked stay authentic.
Starting point is 01:10:21 I mean, it's definitely something that we all, I think would agree, it would probably be one of our, one of our top non-negotiables for a platonic relationship with anybody. It's just so important that you are an authentic real person. And I am the same way too. Like I have an eclectic group of people that I hang out with, with all different political views,
Starting point is 01:10:42 religious views, drug addicts, not drug addicts, cool people, straight people. all, you name it, like everything you could think of. And the thing that's most important is that you're comfortable with who you are. Like that's what attracts me to people. But for relationship-wise, like, you know, with Katrina, I think that one of the things
Starting point is 01:11:00 that was so attractive about her for me was really her confidence. Like in a relationship, I found later on how important that would be. I didn't know that would be that important. And I probably dated a lot of really insecure girls in my early 20s, searching for all the wrong things, not really knowing what I wanted yet and piecing that all together. And it really came full circle when I when I finally met her when I turned 30. And that was I needed a woman that was just every bit as self-confident as I was or more. And that to me has been everything in our relationship. I mean that her her confidence level and she hates that I tell the story how we first met and
Starting point is 01:11:47 how I kind of fell in love with her and stuff, but it's true. It's what made me fall in love with her was that level of self-confidence that, because it pushes me to be even more confident. And I already think that I'm already a really self-confident person, and I'm also somebody who's got a lot of friends and I go a lot of places and I'm in the fitness space and to have somebody who is constantly struggling with insecurities would put so much stress
Starting point is 01:12:15 on the relationships that I was in in the past and having somebody who has that much self-confidence is been like, so now it would be a non-negotiable. Even if Katrina and I weren't in a relationship and this is a different life, knowing what I know now, like that would be like probably my number one non-negotiable, like I need a woman with self confidence.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Yeah, I could echo that a lot. I mean, self-sufficient and, you know, like having that is super important because I've dated women in the past where it was, self-sufficient and you know like having that is super important because I've dated women in the past where it was I mean Like you could do no wrong even then where I I would try to get you know a riser like a challenge and it just wasn't there And I just I need that I need that to keep me grounded to keep me anchored to You know challenge my own bullshit because I know I am know I am full of shit just like everybody else.
Starting point is 01:13:08 We have stuff that needs to be checked occasionally. And as long as it's like done in a loving way, and it's something that you can have that kind of rapport. So it's like you're talking to somebody who is also very much strong-minded and independent, but also will sacrifice, will balance you out. I mean, that's always been super important to me is to have somebody that's intelligent
Starting point is 01:13:39 and can have their own path that they're living in life, but share it with you. And I think that it's tough because you want to duplicate yourself and project yourself onto your partner a lot of times. And so that's where I enjoy the fact that I'm not the same. We have a lot of similar interests. We have a lot of similar trains of thought, but there's a lot of those moments where I do run into,
Starting point is 01:14:06 oh wow, you don't think the way I do. And I feel like that's important. That's the same thing I feel with the platonic relationships. I don't want friends around me to have the same ideas as me all the time. You know, that's a fucking boring. I love diversity. I love people, I feel like that's where we find truth.
Starting point is 01:14:25 We find truth in different perspectives. I feel like people are so afraid nowadays of having a difference of opinion. And I think it's so important that we do. Yeah. I think the common thread though needs to be authenticity, right? Definitely. If they're being real, then you can be, you can have your differing opinions, but respect the fact that the person's being genuine.
Starting point is 01:14:48 And of course, you gotta be a good person. I think self-awareness is really important. Oh, it's just gonna, it's so crazy you're in my head right now. That's exactly what I was gonna say right now, because I think that goes hand in hand, it with those. Oh yeah, because I'm really forgiving. Like if you're not a person, nobody's perfect.
Starting point is 01:15:03 God knows I'm not perfect. I'm far from it. But I'm very forgiving. Like if you're not a person, nobody's perfect. God knows I'm not perfect. I'm far from it. But I'm very forgiving with a lot of things so long as the person's self-aware enough to identify and be like, okay, well, that's something I need to work on. Here's something that I'm dealing with. Or self-aware enough to be able to take criticism.
Starting point is 01:15:19 Of course, it needs to be positioned in a way that's not criticizing the person. But to be able to take criticism and be like, okay, let me look in the mirror and see one of the things that I can work on. I really appreciate and respect that. I also love intelligence because I love deep conversations. Surface conversations for me are just very difficult. It's very hard for me to have a conversation that goes two inches deep. I need
Starting point is 01:15:46 to, I don't care what we're talking about. I tend you guys know this about me. We'll talk about any subject. And the next thing you know, I'm diving in deep, it just keeps me stimulated. I would not be able to date a partner that wasn't, that wasn't able to do that or that like the surface stuff because I would be it would drive me crazy I need that kind of stimulation. I also need to be with someone that's You know that's very touchy-feely loving Sexual and a very physical person as well. I like to hug and kiss a lot and it wouldn't work for me to be with someone who Wasn't like that I would probably annoy the shit out of them and then I would probably think they didn't like me,
Starting point is 01:16:25 because they're not the same way. I grew up that way. We're just lots of hugging, lots of kissing. You know, and so I like that in a relationship as well. And I even like that with my friendships. You know, with you guys, I think I've kissed you guys on the cheek at least a dozen times now, since we've been partners.
Starting point is 01:16:41 I know it makes you guys feel uncomfortable sometimes, but that's just, hey, that's just starting to get used to it. That's just me and me. And I need to show it. Yeah, Adam doesn't get uncomfortable, but it makes me uncomfortable, you know, because he gives it right back. But I try and turn my cheek on him. Yeah, that's the move. It is. It is a chico. Yeah, I don't want the lips. But the self aware thing for me is such a big one. I was just thinking about, you know, I always like to be as as real as possible and share like stuff that happens in our relationship. And it was just a couple days ago. And I think I shared with you guys off air
Starting point is 01:17:16 where, you know, I'm on this kick right now. I'm on a mission to fight the dad body, get myself in better shape, even being a father with everything I have in my plate. And so that's really important to me right now. And I've expressed that. I've communicated that to Katrina. She knows that. She's very supportive of that and encourages me to take off and go train even if she's
Starting point is 01:17:36 by herself with a baby and stuff like that. So it's been working really well. Well, just a couple of days ago, she obviously had a long day and was tired. And I came home and I was getting ready to take a pretty workout to get myself amped up to go to the gym. And she's like, you're going to go to the gym right now? And I'm like, yeah. And she's like, I can really use you to take the baby right now and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:17:58 And I'm like, I don't want to miss today because tomorrow we have a meeting and I got this and I'll probably miss tomorrow. So I don't want to miss today because tomorrow we have a meeting and I got this and I'll probably miss tomorrow so I don't want to miss two days in a row. So I really want to go and, you know, she kind of gave me back again like the, you know, how much she's been doing on her own and this and that. And I'm was like, and what was great was there was a moment there where I was really frustrated
Starting point is 01:18:21 and I wanted to be frustrated at her, but then I also, I'm self-aware to understand what she's going through, right? And what that must be for her, she's so self-aware of that I've already expressed to her and communicated this is important to me. So there was actually this moment of like, I just didn't say anything.
Starting point is 01:18:37 And I went and I went and got the baby, changed his diaper, put him on my chest, kind of rocked him to sleep and stuff. And then she came over like maybe a half hour later, she's like, are you gonna go to the gym? And I'm like upset, right? So no, you know, I just say no, I'm not going to the gym. And what was cool about it,
Starting point is 01:18:53 and what I love about our relationship is it didn't cause a fight. That was literally like that was all the communication that needed to be said was she could tell that I was really disappointed that I didn't go to the gym. I didn't push back and fight with her about staying to be there with my son. I just stepped right up, did what I was supposed to do
Starting point is 01:19:08 to be a good father and, you know, okay, I don't need to go to the gym, right? I know that inside my head. Read the body language. Right, but she could also feel that that was something I really want to do. And then I could just feel her demeanor towards me the rest of the night.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Like all of a sudden, she's like, way loving and supportive and doing things for that the next day, making sure that I got to the gym and stuff. Like so, you know, that's what's cool when you have somebody who is really, really self-aware. Sometimes it doesn't even require communication, that they're so self-aware of themselves and what they're asking of you and their partner,
Starting point is 01:19:43 that you can have those moments where there's like just almost like silence. And each partner would someone's really self-aware instead of like being mad, like I didn't go pout and go like fuck her, I can't believe she's expected. What I do right away is I think about me. I go, okay, what do I own in this? Like I am dad, like that she's gotta be really tired. And she does the same thing and we don't even have to talk about it.
Starting point is 01:20:03 I know that she goes like, oh, I know it's really important to him that he wants to train right now and I know he's working hard for that. He's been incredibly supportive and helpful as a partner. Like, how could I not let him? So I know that conversation's happening in her head. At the same time, that conversation's happening in my head, that to me is like real self-awareness
Starting point is 01:20:20 on like another level. And when you have a partner, it's like that, man, it saves so many fights and going backwards in a relationship. And I can't express how important that was to find somebody who had that level of awareness. And I would say that, you know, that probably goes hand in hand with the authentic and being real thing, but would probably try what I originally said as being number one. Next question is from as whole 41. What is Z?
Starting point is 01:20:48 Double Z. I know what you're doing. How do you guys practice spirituality even though you may not be religious? Yeah, this is a great question. That's just Salzo. Oh, no, this is a recent. This is something that I've recently, relatively recently, realized the importance of. For a long time, I've, for longer than this part
Starting point is 01:21:11 that I've realized, I've realized that health is such a big sphere, an all-encompassing sphere of different things. It's your physical activity, it's your nutrition. I knew that early on, then I realized, oh, sleep is a part of that. Then I realized, oh, my relationships are a part of that. And that's where it was for a while,
Starting point is 01:21:31 relationship, sleep, exercise, nutrition. It took me a little while to realize that there's a spiritual side of health. And this came from reading studies on blue zones and studies on people who live long and who are happy and and how a sense of meaning has always been a part of that and how you find meaning in I guess spiritual ways. Now many people were religious, but not all of them. So realizing that I started to dive into
Starting point is 01:22:02 spirituality, I started to dive into religions and I started to dive into religions. And see, like, why do these religions, why so many people find them so valuable? Is it a human flaw or is there a purpose behind it? Is there a value? And for things to last that long, I think humans can be very arrogant, right? We can look at things and be like,
Starting point is 01:22:21 oh, stupid, we're dumb. There's no value in that. Well, if something has lasted for thousands of thousands of years, then there's usually a purpose for it, and it's a good purpose, and you don't want to just throw things away. So I've been doing a lot of reading and whatnot, and so lately, what we've done, Jessica and I, is every Sunday, and we do some kind of a spiritual practice.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Now, sometimes that means we go to a church, and we listen to a pastor speak. Sometimes that means we pull up a video on YouTube and we watch something on meditation or Buddhism or we learn something about another religion or philosophy. But for me, and this is a recent thing and I found tremendous value, once a week now, I dedicate at least a few hours to becoming, to try to build my spiritual wisdom, if you will, because there's a lot of truths that are out there and the spiritual truths
Starting point is 01:23:15 are different than the truths that you might get out of a textbook in regards to nutrition or science. And so I'm opened up, I've opened up to it, and I found a lot of value. And what it's done for me is it's actually made me more grateful. I find more joy in the small things in life. And I feel a renewed sense of drive and purpose
Starting point is 01:23:37 that is outside of myself that I think I'm finding a lot of value. And so I'm going to continue to do this. But this was something I did none of for a long time. I actually rejected for a long time. I don't, I mean, I fall in the category of, I mean, I don't like to consider myself religious, but I believe in God and have openly expressed that. I've also been somebody who's practiced spirituality since I was a kid. So I don't feel like I have to put these
Starting point is 01:24:00 practices in place, which my mother would think so. My mom would like to hear that I have a routine that where I open the Bible up on certain days or I make sure that I pray X amount of times and go into church every Sunday. But the reality is that I definitely have practiced that for a very long time in my life. I've already been proven the value of it. What Sal is coming to realize now and his adulthood is something that I realized
Starting point is 01:24:26 a long time ago and how important it was. I mean, it probably saved me in my life, the life that I grew up and if it wasn't for that, believing that there is something greater and a greater purpose for my life during those times, it's probably what kept me from being the other percentage, right? Like someone who has a background like mine, it's a 50-50 shot that I head down the path of drugs and suicide and all that shit. And I didn't choose that. I didn't want to be like that at all. And I think that spirituality and religion
Starting point is 01:24:56 was probably what kept me from going that direction. So it's been a big part of my life and practice. If anything, what I think I've done now is I think I've become less dogmatic about it. I think that I grew up in a home that was really dogmatic about religion and I've been very, I'm now as an adult, I'm much more open to different types of practices and different ways that people communicate their way of being spiritual. And I'm very open to that. I'm not, my way is more right than your way,
Starting point is 01:25:27 or this is wrong, and that's not technically how it is. I mean, somebody tried to check me the other day on referring to meditation as prayer and some, oh, I've heard prayer is this and meditation is that, it's like, I don't draw a line in the sand. Yeah, I don't draw a line in the sand and say, like, oh, my way is this way and your way is that way. It's that, you know, ultimately the practice of it, I find tons of value in it.
Starting point is 01:25:49 I think it's really important who you're praying to or how you're doing it. I think matters less. I think the practice of being completely present to me, that's what it's really about. I think in a world today where we are so plugged in and disconnected from ourselves and the moment, I think a spiritual practice is extremely important to people and how you do that that's up to you. But it's something that's been a part of my life for a very long time and it could be as simple as
Starting point is 01:26:19 a five minute, 10 minute quiet time where I was on a kick just last month, which I'm not doing right now, but I was doing it last month where I was reading like a morning devotional. I just felt compelled to do it that month. And so every morning I was opening up and reading a morning devotional and sitting there and meditating on the wisdom that was from it. And that to me is spirituality.
Starting point is 01:26:43 I mean, that's enough of that. Then you might go on a run right now where I'm just on this cake where I'm praying a lot where I was, you know, before I go to bed and a lot of my prayers, what I'm talking right now, is around gratitude. I feel so great. I think this whole fatherhood thing
Starting point is 01:26:56 has turned me into this emotional guy. It's weird. I'm starting to connect right now. What is getting me really emotional and it only reminds me. it must have something to do with the gentleman in the room and that how grateful I am for them because I'm getting emotional when I'm talk about our relationship and I get emotional when I see stuff on TV that's related to like the bond between these men and I'm like oh man the bond that I forged with these guys and what we're building
Starting point is 01:27:22 and what we're doing and so you, I'm in this place of gratitude. And so I find it very important that at night time, I remind myself of that. And I'm present with today, and not just focused on where I want the company to be in five years, and what I want to, the house that I want to get, and the things I want to do. And it's like, man, like, I'm so overwhelmed with joy.
Starting point is 01:27:41 It's important that I remind myself how amazing this moment is right now, and I'm grateful for that. So to me, those are all things, those are all spiritual type things, it's not attached to a specific religion, even though I grew up in the Christian religion. So that's my definition of it, that's how I use it, that's how I practice it, and I think that it is important for people to find that somehow, whether you find it through a church, or you find that through some sort of reading, I do find tons of value in it. Yeah, I think, I mean, it's a humongous part of my life.
Starting point is 01:28:13 It's always been a humongous part of my life. I don't really talk about it very often because of the fact of how I was raised in a very dogmatic, very black and white rule system. I memorized passages. I went through numerous courses and things to learn further about the teachings and even went to a Christian college and the whole time I'm trying to appeal to this established religion and my parents and trying to have them be happy with my decision making process and all this, but I wasn't owning it for myself. I never, it was hard for me to peel back and find real truth for myself through that process.
Starting point is 01:29:09 I was always feeling like you're under the guise of somebody else watching what you're doing and then having opinions about what you're doing, whether it's right or wrong. And I had a hard time kind of deciphering whether or not that was the right thing for me personally. And so once I broke away from my family life, I went and kind of learned outside of my friends, family, anybody that's influencing me, it really helped to give me the opportunity to find
Starting point is 01:29:43 what the true meaning was behind all these things and where the fundamental building blocks of your spirituality, like where I could build off of from that. And I have a real problem personally with church culture in the way that it's like this certain talk that it's funny because I have conversations with Courtney all the time where it's just a big humongous turn off. She experienced the same thing where, you know, it becomes a sort of a new, it's its own language. It's where you, you're, oh, holy that, like, there's a certain way you describe things. Everything that happens is because God made it that way, right? And that becomes like the fall, you know, sort of a way
Starting point is 01:30:32 that you're gonna describe how everything happens. Like, and for me, I just wanted to kind of remove myself and then see from the outside, you know, what was the most important lessons I learned from it. And definitely, I still have that in me. It's still part of who I am. And it's something I'm still redefining, but it still rings true today. And so I just think that it's important to get out of the group, you know, and sort of
Starting point is 01:31:00 really individualize, you know, what, how you're, you're going to live your life and really spend time thinking about that, spend time thinking about what is true North, where is your purpose? Like you have to, you have to really consciously think about that and, and, and take away all the influencing around you and, and, and spend that time. So the meditation, the removal of your comfort and getting out there and putting yourself out there, I think is a very important part of the process as well. Yeah, I think what you need to do, because I was a staunch atheist for a long time.
Starting point is 01:31:40 And I've said this before, I think a lot of atheists know more about religion than religious people to because we search, we search, and we read, and that's what we come to our conclusion. So for a long time, I was atheist, and then I started to kind of change my views on things. I had someone close to me, you know, get sick and die of cancer. She was very religious and watching her grace through the whole process helped me kind of reconsider things a little bit and believe it or not, learning about some aspects of science had me kind of reconsider things. I think religion hurts
Starting point is 01:32:17 itself. I don't actually, I don't want to say that. I think what hurts religion is the metaphysical aspect of it, the, you know, the otherworldly aspect of it. I think if you're searching for real wisdom, forget that part, forget the magic part about. Just look at it and look at the wisdom that's written in some of these religious practices, especially the major religions, and the reason why I say especially the major religions, because they've lasted for thousands of years and they've resulted in successful societies. So you know that the wisdom that's within them is effective and good wisdom.
Starting point is 01:32:51 And it's so funny. It's like, you know, Eckhart Toley is one of my, is an author that Jessica introduced me to and he's now become one of my favorite authors. And he's, he's not religious, but he talks a lot about the ego and how you disconnect from the ego and detach yourself from worldly things and how that helps you become a better person and all stuff. And a lot of what he says is very, very true. Psychologists will call it mindfulness
Starting point is 01:33:17 in Christianity called the Beatitudes. You learn about the Beatitudes. Blessed are the poor. Does that mean it's good to be poor? No, it means the people who don't identify with money are blessed. It's okay to have money, just don't identify with it. It doesn't define who you are.
Starting point is 01:33:33 It's not your ultimate goal. So these are all the wisdoms that you can find in these things. Because if you're like I was, where I got to the point where I was like so repelled by anything that I didn't want to look. But once I opened up a little bit and dive deeper, I was like, wow, there's a lot of,
Starting point is 01:33:48 forget the magic aspect of it, forget the, oh, the worldly aspect. Let's look at the like, the wisdom that's in there. Why do they talk about food this way? Why do they talk about sex this way? Why do they talk about possessions this way? Why do they talk about relationships with way? Why do they talk about relationships with each other in this way?
Starting point is 01:34:07 And you start to dive deep and you realize, like, there is a tremendous amount of wisdom that's just as true today as it was when they wrote these things. Thousands of years ago. Yeah, I always look at it as where does this train of thought end up? And I'm always assessing that if,
Starting point is 01:34:23 because you see it get re-created all the time, like, all the time, people come up with another concept that's like, because they're true. Because yeah, and it's, it always comes back to, it stems back to the root of it is these building blocks. It's these truths that are, that exist for a reason. Well, here's a good one. Here's a really, really good one. This is something that we take for total granted in modern times. It is not natural at all for humans to regard each other as equal at all. And I don't mean
Starting point is 01:34:53 equalism, we're the same. That's not what I'm talking about because that's obvious. We're not the same. Some of us are tall, some of us are short, some of us are dumb, some of us are smart and whatever. That's not what I'm talking about. I mean equal in the sense that we should all have kind of equal rights and be treated equally. You look at the constitution, the bill of rights. We think we take that for granted. You know, we protect speech.
Starting point is 01:35:14 We should all be able to say what we want. We should all protect our property and ourselves. And we believe that. Like nobody thinks it's okay for me to go steal someone's shit regardless of how dumb the person is or how much smarter I am or how much everybody would regard that as terrible, right? We take that for granted.
Starting point is 01:35:32 It was never like that. For most of human history, they were fucking kings and queens and everybody else was under them. They were slaves. We did not regard each other as equal. But then you had this huge had this powerful religion, Christianity, and I'm just speaking for Western civilizations, that talked about how humans were created
Starting point is 01:35:53 in the image of God, which meant that we all were born with these kind of equal, we all had this image of God. So we're not better than each other. Now, it wasn't expressed very accurately in the early days of this country, for example, but that belief is what led to the Bill of Rights is what, and what's led to the constant seeking
Starting point is 01:36:12 of valuing each other's liberties. That is not a natural thing. That is a wisdom that people, or if you believe in God, God gave to people, but that is a wisdom that we came up with through religion, and it's because of that that we developed Western societies and a lot of these beliefs, they weren't natural. So it's fucking remarkable when we talk about the wisdom that exists in these spiritual practices, like whether you're atheist or not, disregard the magic aspect of it, just look at the wisdom that's in them. And that's what I'm doing right now. It's like once a week I dedicate time to looking at this wisdom and being like, okay,
Starting point is 01:36:48 and I'm blown away every time. Now that I've now that I've kind of taken down the walls, I'm like, wow, this is crazy. They wrote this thousands of years ago. This is just as true today as it was I guess back then. I guess there's a lot of stuff that changes, but a lot of stuff that doesn't change. So anyway, it's pretty cool. Look, if you go to mindpumpFree.com, you can download our guides. They're all absolutely free.
Starting point is 01:37:10 We have a new guide on there. It's our hard-gainer guides. If you're somebody that struggles with building muscle in gaining weight, you might want to check that one out. You can also find us on Instagram. You can find me at MindPumpSal, just in a MindPump Justin in Adam at MindPump Adam. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy
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