Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1114: How to Improve Your Deadlift, Keys to a Better Sex Life, Diet Adjustments that Maximize Changes in Body Composition & MORE

Episode Date: September 7, 2019

In this episode of Quah, sponsored by Organifi (organifi.com/mindpump, code "mindpump" for 20% off), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about tips for improving deadlifts, whether practicin...g a healthy lifestyle improves your sex life, whether diet breaks are necessary for body composition changes, and most awkward moments with clients. How Organifi ‘Glow’ can be beneficial for your skin. (3:13) Adam living the FULL ‘dad life’. (5:54) How your children will BREAK your heart. (10:50) Keeping it in the family. Study shows a rate of extreme inbreeding in the U.K. (14:27) The mischievous nature of children. (16:00) How our bodies evolved to receive nutrients through food and the challenges of getting them through a vegan diet. (20:10) Mind Pump Recommends Diagnosis on Netflix + Our natural inclination to follow the crowd. (25:12) Making the case that artificial sweeteners create ‘bad’ behaviors. (29:14) #Quah question #1 – What are your tips for improving deadlifts? Should I be changing the rep range? How often should I increase volume? (38:52) #Quah question #2 – Does practicing a healthy lifestyle improve your sex life? If so, how? (46:43) #Quah question #3 – Are diet breaks necessary or can long term consistency still get you body composition changes? (54:50) #Quah question #4 – What have been some of your most awkward moments with clients? (59:40) Related Links/Products Mentioned September Promotion: MAPS Starter ½ off!! **Code “STARTER50” at checkout** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Thousands in UK born as result of ‘extreme inbreeding’, study suggests Mind Pump 1107: How Going Vegan Can Make You Fat & Sick Vegan and vegetarian diets linked to increased risk of stroke, study finds When Vitamin Pills Are Too Much of a Good Thing Suggested move to plant-based diets risks worsening brain health nutrient deficiency Diagnosis | Netflix Official Site It doesn't matter if it's sugary or diet: New study links all soda to an early death Andy Galpin Instagram post on Squats vs. Deadlifts Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Everly Well for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Andy Galpin (@drandygalpin) • Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump, look we talk all about fitness, health, building muscle, burning body fat, improving your sex life, but we also talked about current events and our own lives. The first 35 minutes of this episode was the introductory portion where we talk about those things. Here's what we talked about.
Starting point is 00:00:31 We start out by talking about glow, the new supplement from Organify, to improve the look of your skin. Our employee Rachel loves it. Then we talked about Adam's new messy house. It's got kids stuff all over the place. You can get a handle on it. Under the club. We talked about heartbreaking moments with kids
Starting point is 00:00:49 that make things that make us cry and have to do with our children. We're so sensitive. We talked about the study done on the UK. Apparently, there's a lot of inbreeding going on there for a little while. Why'd you look at me like that? That sucks.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Justin talked about how his son is using tactics to not go to sleep, smart kid. I talked about studies on how vegan diets are causing certain nutrient deficiencies, like colon, and how taking certain vitamins can be risky, and why sign to say the best way to get your nutrients is from real food. We talked about the show Diagnosis on Netflix,
Starting point is 00:01:24 and then I brought up a new study comparing regular soda to artificially sweetened soda. By the way, our sponsor organify the makers of glow. We have a discount with them. All you got to do is go to organify.com-mindpump, use the code MindPump for 20% off. Then we got into the questions. The first fitness question, this person wants to know what are some good tips to improve their deadlifts? So we talked all about how to get stronger with your deadlifts and how to maximize the effects of the deadlift. Next question, does practicing a healthy
Starting point is 00:01:55 lifestyle improve your sex life? Hell yeah, does. Yeah. My eye on. Next question, are diet breaks necessary or can, or is long-term consistency better for getting your body to change? And the final question, what are some of the most awkward moments we've had with clients I think mine wins? I was probably the most embarrassing one of all. I'll give you that.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Also this month, Maps Starter is 50% off. Now Maps Starter is a program designed for people to get started with resistance training. If you wanna reap all the benefits of working out with resistance, building muscles, speeding up your metabolism, sculpting your body,
Starting point is 00:02:36 Map starter is the perfect program for you. Or, if you're someone that likes to work at home with minimal equipment, this program uses just dumbbells and a physio ball. It's also a phenomenal tool for trainers. So personal trainers for your beginner clients, this is a great tool for you to help your clients get to their goals. So this program, 50% off, here's how you get the discount, go to maps starter.com that's MAPS, ST-AR-T-E-R.com, and use the code starter50. That's ST-AR-T-E-R, 50, no space for the discount. Speaking of Rachel, she destroys the Organified Glow Drink.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I know, I've seen her drinking it like crazy. She keeps it in the little fridge. I haven't had it yet. She's the only one. Well, it's taken advantage of that. It's in the pink bottle. I think it's taken advantage of that. It's in the pink bottle. I think it's marketed to women. Have you guys tasted it?
Starting point is 00:03:28 No. It actually tastes pretty good. Oh, really? Yeah, but it's designed for skin to give you like, that's why it's called glow, right? It's for your skin. So she's been drinking like crazy. And I told her when we first got it,
Starting point is 00:03:38 I said, test this out. Let us know what you think. What do you guys think of her skin? Well, she looks beautiful. Yeah. I think it's working. Are you weighing? I mean, have you asked her to the name? She loves it. Oh of her skin? Well, she looks beautiful. I think it's working. Are you weighing? I mean, have you asked her to look to the name?
Starting point is 00:03:47 She loves it. Oh, she does. Yes, she loves it. She has it every day. Yeah, so that's kind of cool. No, I know she's had skin stuff, so I know she's had to see a dermatologist and stuff. You were helping her with her diet with her gut
Starting point is 00:03:59 and stuff early on, weren't you? Yeah, to try to help with some of her issues were, but she's been drinking that on top of it now for at least a couple months. I want to say a month or two. So what is it? What is it in it that's supposed to be? There are erivetic herbs inside the formulation, and I'm going to be honest with you, I'm not
Starting point is 00:04:16 familiar with them at all. I've done a little bit of reading on them. This is why we hand that product off to someone else. It. The pink in the name to me. I was like, I'm in a pass. If Sal doesn't know what's in it for sure, they'll give it to one of the employees. Yeah. It's a big test for all. No, I did. I looked up the here. I have a screenshot because I looked up the when we first got the order in, I did my own research. I just wasn't, you know, I
Starting point is 00:04:42 wasn't super privy on it to begin with. And usually I know I'll know. Well, that's why we avoided talking about it on the show because we were like, okay, we don't know enough on it to be promoting it. Exactly. So there's something called Kamu-Kamu that's in there. That's supposed to be good for the skin.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Tramelia, it's also supposed to be really good for the skin. And then there's things like Rosehip in there, which is high in vitamin C and collagen, which if you're deficient or you're protein and take his low, collagen can help with connective tissue. But I think it's the other compounds in there that are the most valuable. Yeah, the most valuable. And she likes it. She really loves it. I just walked in and she had the little glass, clear glass, shaker cup or whatever thing that she used. It looks like a pink lemonade. What is it? It's pink. Yeah, it's a pink color. Yeah, it was a taste like lemonade. Yep. Kind of like that. Yeah, it's she used. It looks like a pink lemonade, what is it? It's pink, yeah, it's a pink color. Yeah, it's taste like.
Starting point is 00:05:25 It's lemonade, yep, kind of like that. Yeah, it's really good. It's got like a fruity flavor to it. Anyway, they do a good job. I mean, every time they come out with a new product, you see our boy Andrew uploader the new gifts? Oh yeah, Justin's rainbow. I'm using that like crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Yeah, the one where I'm doing the Italian. Yeah, the hands, what do you call it? It's like like like crab claws kind of just, hey, what the fuck? I don't know. Yeah, it's pretty good. Dude, I had like a name. Adam, you were complaining about your home.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Oh, God. You're gonna put me on blast on the podcast? You're gonna put me on blast on the podcast. You're gonna put me on blast on the podcast? You're gonna put me on blast on the podcast? You're gonna put me on blast on the podcast? Kids, shit everywhere. Yeah, you know, and everybody told me this is,
Starting point is 00:06:03 this is the new norm dude. Dad live, dude. You know what, I tell you what for all my young guys are listening still wait wait As long as you can wait wait wait He was talking a weekend. Oh, yeah. Oh, man. It was real comfortable. You would show up to work. It's a week after It's like this is already submitted to that right fuck you we got him to admit it yes 100% submitted to that I was an asshole for the for saying some shit like that already admitted to that yeah it was it's the real deal didn't fatherhoods the real deal and no your AC is busted so you're still downstairs so we and you have no AC yeah last last weekend we were
Starting point is 00:06:42 up at sanctuary or spot up spot up in Monterey. And we got a phone call from her brother who was watching, we always have someone stay and watch the dogs or whatever. And he's like, I don't think he's working. And I was like, oh, God. And we have this heat wave coming through right now. Sanctuary is like, I'm really hot. All of a sudden, it's like 91.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Yeah, I'm like, what the fuck? So anyways, we get home call and of course, because it's a Labor Day weekend and so without, we couldn't even get anybody out till the next day. Next day they come out and they go, I'm hoping it's like a fan belt, you know, or some shit, like I can't fix it myself, right? So I'm guessing.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Do they have fan belts? And flux capacitors. I can't. I just think you're in. I just think you're in. Widgets. I hope it you're... Widgets. I hope it just has Mark pulling it out. I don't fucking know.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I'm pre-sures to gromm it. I hope it ran out again. It's just something you've said. I hope it's so he has to refill it or something. Oh man. Yeah, so I'm like, I'm taking you know, educated guesses like that. I hope into God that they can fix it. So anyways, it's not the flux capacitor or the belt.
Starting point is 00:07:47 It's fucking broken. And that's that we need a whole new one. Wow. Yeah, yeah. And that's gonna take another week. How are you sleeping now? Like shit. So did you just open the windows, man?
Starting point is 00:07:57 Yeah, like 10 fans surrounding you or what? Yeah, so I'm all the way on the, so we have people that people need to know this. Adam likes to sleep like a, like, he needs to be cold. He's another Arctic bear. Like, very, very cold. Not just nice. It can't be 72, like everybody else for 70 needs to be like, five people come over my house in the summer. We're checking it and they do.
Starting point is 00:08:17 And they're cold. They're like, fuck, it's cold in here. Like, that's how I like it, which is probably why we blew the fuck. So, but anyways, I'm all the way at the very bottom floor of our house, which at least that stays, especially right now, a good 10 degrees, maybe more cooler than the top of the house. So Katrina and Maximus are on the top floor
Starting point is 00:08:39 and are loving the tropical feel of the house right now. I can't stand it. So I'm all the way at the bottom and then we have a lot of bunch of windows on the bottom floor. So actually, you actually cools off by nighttime. So by two in the morning, and I don't go to bed now
Starting point is 00:08:52 till my shift to kind of help Katrina out to give her some relief. I try and give her from about 10 to midnight or one give or take that time to sleep right before she's gonna go into the, because there's a good chance she's up two or three times through the night. And so if I can give her a good little power nap before she goes, so that's kind of our system right now. But I mean, that leaves me from like last night, 1230.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And I'm normally up by about 630 or so. And hoping that I have a perfect night sleep, which I don't, you know, absolutely I don't. And right now too, my dogs are so, we don't normally have the windows open, we normally keep the windows closed in the AC running, so it keeps the house quiet, and you can't hear like people walking by or cars,
Starting point is 00:09:37 and my dogs are so protective that anytime somebody walks by the front of the house, they go crazy. So at least once a night right now when I'm in a deep sleep, they downstairs with you upstairs, they hover, you know, they hover wherever they're cool and comfortable. So it's pretty hot upstairs. So sometimes they'll come hang out with me. They're with each other. Yeah. Yeah. They typically stay together. Although there's this funny pattern. Like, so Bentley has a bedtime at nine o'clock.
Starting point is 00:10:04 It's just like clockwork. It doesn't matter what's going on in the house. At nine p.m., he leaves everybody and goes upstairs and I think the reason why this is, is because the two of them fight all time, like fucking brothers. And we've kept one dog bed out, because we used to have two dog beds.
Starting point is 00:10:23 He claims it that way. Yes, and so he gets up there early to make sure he claims it. I totally think that have two dog beds. He claims it that way. Yes. And so he gets up there early to make sure he claims it. I totally think that's what it is. That's all the wisdom. It is. No, it is. It's the older dog.
Starting point is 00:10:31 And he's just like, he heads up there and go claims a spot and then gets in the bed and gets all comfortable. So he'll normally go up there, Mazzie stays downstairs and then wouldn't normally go up after we go up. But since I've been sleeping downstairs, sometimes he stays down there with me for a little while. It was a good thing your boy the other day
Starting point is 00:10:48 when Katrina brought his cheeks are filling up. Yeah, we just did his home man, bro. Can I tell you something? I was not ready for this. I was not ready for this at all. I tried warning you. Everybody did. I didn't think it was a big deal.
Starting point is 00:10:59 So, had his first shot. Broke my fucking heart out. I told you, I told you. Let me tell you, right, I remember that. Let me tell you what broke my heart about it. What I wasn't prepared about, because it's like, it's not like, okay, he's eight weeks old,
Starting point is 00:11:12 so it's not like, I'm not used to crying for plenty of it. Cryed, all the cries all the time, right? It's part of the deal. I know what you're gonna say right now, but I want to hear you say it. And it's a different cry. It got the shot and it's cry, I've never heard. And that fucking just like,
Starting point is 00:11:26 whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, it was just like, I was like angry, you know what I'm saying? I was so angry about it. You wanna fight someone? I did, I didn't partner, she'd I'm saying like, and it gets me even choked up just talking about it. So crazy, because he like looks at me. Cause he's trusting you.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Yes, yes, that's exactly what it is. He cried different and he looked at me like I did it. You know, like, oh man, that just crippled me, bro. Dude, that happened to, I remember, you know, with my oldest and like the nurse was trying to put in an IV and couldn't get it. And so Courtney's like a wizard. She's, she was in pediatrics and they would always call
Starting point is 00:12:02 her actually to other units to come help, you know, especially with kids to be able to start the IV because it was just like her thing. And so she's sitting there watching a nurse like fumble around and not get it with our kid and she's like, yeah, she lost it. She's like, I'm gonna do it and then did it first, first try. And I was like, oh, you're champion because that was just heart wrench. Dude, the two, the two most hard things that I've ever had to do besides like major things like when my kid got hurt or something like that was when they got shots and what it is is because your kid is looking at you
Starting point is 00:12:32 trusting you. It was the look of the cry. Like, hey dad, I love you. And then boom and then like, you betrayed me. My father. Yeah, and it breaks your heart. The second one was, and you get better with the second kid
Starting point is 00:12:43 because you get used to this, this, you know, but when my son, I dropped, when I brought him to school for the first time and he didn't want to stay by himself. And I told, I was building it up the whole time, building it up, building it up like you're gonna be, you know, it's good to be brave and you're gonna have a good time.
Starting point is 00:12:58 So we get there and he knew what was about to happen. He knew, like, I'm gonna get dropped off. So I bring him there and he's holding my hand and he doesn't want to let go. And so I'm like okay okay and I'm waiting to the last minute and finally the teacher's like all right parents you have to go and he wouldn't let go on my hand and I had to peel his little hand off. I had to peel his little hand off mine and then the teacher held him and he was like reaching for me like this and And the look on his face was like, don't abandon me. And I fucking turned around and I walked out
Starting point is 00:13:29 and I'm walking and I'm crying. I'm walking through the school and every parent who has a kid that's in older grades knew right away, they looked at me and I knew like, that's the first time I'm like, wow, that was terrible. Yeah, that was terrible. I was not ready. I got to hand me a flask. You know. Jesus. Oh, that was terrible. Yeah, that was terrible. I was not ready. That guy hand me a flask.
Starting point is 00:13:45 You know what I did. Jesus, oh. That's brutal. I wasn't ready for it at all. I totally didn't even, I didn't, I know people, it's that's like, oh, it's tough when he does it, but I feel like, oh, it's just,
Starting point is 00:13:55 because it hurts. I'm like, I whatever, but man, it's exactly that. It's the sound of the cry and the look that I got. Right after it. He forgot about it already. I don't worry about it. Thank God. You don't know what's going on. I'm good today, but I mean, about it already. I don't worry about it. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:14:05 You don't know what's going on. I'm good today, but I mean, even just telling the story, it makes me relive the moment. I'm like, oh shit, it got me. So the whole thing that like my mom used to tell me, this hurts me more than it hurts you when she was like, you know, hit me with the wooden spoon.
Starting point is 00:14:16 You're like, you're a liar. You're a liar. She was telling the truth. It probably did. Yeah. Maybe not. I don't know, she hit me pretty hard with that thing. Anyway, anyway, dude, funny study came out not that long ago.
Starting point is 00:14:30 So, just as gonna crack up on this one. Okay, yeah, it's late on me. No, no, no, you're gonna love this one. So, study came out from the UK. That apparently, let me pull this up here. Thousands in the UK, because they did a big genetic study. Apparently, we're just from, apparently,
Starting point is 00:14:48 thousands in the UK, like a large percentage, apparently, more than other places are born as the result of extreme inbreeding. No, great. That explains a lot. No, they're saying that there was like, there's like, the royal line and all that. I mean, they're all inbreeding.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Yeah, they're saying like thousands of people were the result of first degree and second degree relatives. Isn't that the case with like any island community? Probably. Yeah, because I mean, you only have so many options. How long was that prevalent for? How long did they think that was a good idea to try and stay within the family?
Starting point is 00:15:30 Well, that was a common belief for royalty. I don't know how long that lasted or where it was the worst. I know it was a thing in the UK, but also consider, like Justin said, it's an island. So you're just, you just surrounded by all these people. So, you know, it's like, oh, there's my cousin, she's at least not my sister, so we're gonna have kids. I mean, seriously, that's what it was like
Starting point is 00:15:56 for a long time. Yeah, that's, yeah, that's, I gotta remind people, this is an inbreeding, but, this is, you have an inbreeding smile. You have an inbreeding smile. No, no, no, no, my son, it was just really funny. So there's lots of tactics that they use
Starting point is 00:16:14 to get out of like going downstairs and going to sleep. They wanna stay up, they wanna, oh, you're boys. My boy, my boys. And so they pull all these different things, like, oh, I'm hungry or I'm this and that, whatever, like different tactics. So my youngest pulled a new tactic on me,
Starting point is 00:16:29 which I took, it threw me for a loop for a minute there. So he starts like giving Courtney a hug and all this, giving her a kiss. And then I'm like, all right, come on, let's brush teeth, let's go, let's go to bed, you know? I'm like that old drum that keeps beating the same thing. And he's just like, gives Courtney a kiss, looks over. I'm like, come on, then he looks at me, gives me a funny look at his face,
Starting point is 00:16:51 then he goes back in for another kiss, and I'm like, okay, all right, great, yeah, you got mine. Okay, cool, let's go. Another kiss, longer kiss, like a really long kiss. Okay, dude, let's get weird. I'm not like, okay, you win. You win tonight, you know? I'm like, I don't know what to do about that. Time to go to bed.
Starting point is 00:17:10 It was so funny though. He knew, he knew he could press my button. The tactics that kids use when they're really young are funny. Like my daughter will do this thing where I'll be like, how was your lunch? Did you eat your lunch? She's like, man, my stomach has been hurting all day. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:23 I started figuring this out. She's like, yeah, my stomach was hurting so I couldn't, you know, the tomatoes and like the healthy stuff you know I gave her. But like, wow, that sucks because we're gonna have tacos tonight. So just don't eat because I don't want your stomach and it's so funny, I'll wait.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Oh, weird, yes. Yeah, I'll wait. It's like a half hour. She goes, papa, my stomach feels so much better now. She'll wait a little bit. She thinks by waiting 15 minutes, you know what I mean? So 15 minutes, like, she could, she would tell me she came up. She thinks by waiting 15 minutes, you know what I mean? So 15 minutes, like, she came up to me.
Starting point is 00:17:47 She's like, you want to know it's weird? What's weird? She's like, my stomach's starting to feel better. I think I'm getting a little bit better. I'm gonna cut you. We're not having Taco Tuesday. You know, it's weird. No, it's because you guys both have two.
Starting point is 00:18:04 So it was one more mischievous or deceitful like that than the other, like who's more clever at all kids? My daughter. Both in different ways. Oh, yours are two different? Both different. No, my daughter, I saw this early on when she was little, when she came up to me, she must have been three,
Starting point is 00:18:20 maybe she was tiny. And she's like, but can I have some chocolate? I'm like, I know we don't have chocolate, except for the chocolate that I hid that we save for guests, you know? But I, but I, she doesn't know what that is. I'm like, we don't have any chocolate.
Starting point is 00:18:35 She's like, yeah, we do. I'm like, where is it? She walks over into the hiding space, opens it up. I'm like, did you know that this chocolate was here? She's like, no. What? Really? Then I look over to the side of the couch? She's like, no. What? Really? Then I look over to the side of the couch.
Starting point is 00:18:47 It's like seven wrappers of chocolate. So she already did it and decided to do it. Oh, man. Little shit. No, she's definitely more sneaky. Yeah, it's funny. It's like, as far as like, mischief goes. Like Ethan's more crafty and will, he'll use it
Starting point is 00:19:03 to like get what he wants. Like he'll, like for instance, like we only let them play so much video games. And so he knows that in order to get to me, he has to tell me certain things. Remember, because sometimes he'll get me to play with him and then he'd start recounting like, oh, dad, you made the most awesome building. I'm about mine. He's feeding my ego. He's like, dad, you're so smart. He made the most awesome building. I'm about mine. Me and Franchery goes feed my ego.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Aine's like, dad, you're so smart. He's like, dad, I learned this new thing and I think it looked really great in your place and all like drawing this whole picture for me. I'm like, oh, that sounds cool bud. Maybe if we get to it, he's like, yeah, I'll just go ahead and turn it on. You know, that assumption closes with me.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And then, yeah, my youngest though, he'll get into the kind of mischief like when he was younger, I think he was like four or whatever. close with me. And then, yeah, no, my youngest though, he'll get into the kind of mischief like, when he was younger, I think he was like four or whatever. And we're downtown Santa Cruz and he just, like, kind of looks at me, laughs, and then pulls his pants down, so it's peeing on a tree. What?
Starting point is 00:19:54 I'm like, no, you can't do that. You know, like, that's not okay, like, like, the public. It's down to. I feel like, yeah, yeah, he just like. Down to those Santa Cruz, and he probably fit right in, right? Yeah, it's a normal thing now.
Starting point is 00:20:08 That's hilarious. Dude, so it's funny that we did that vegan episode because there's more and more studies that come now coming out about veganism. And there were a couple really interesting ones. So there was one paper written in the UK that talked about how if you're gonna go vegan, you need to be very careful
Starting point is 00:20:25 with damaging your cognitive ability because of the lack of colon that's found in the vegan diet. More stuff they lack. Well, colon is some scientists make the argument that colon should be considered an essential nutrient. And there are some studies that show that when vegans of vegetarians supplement with colon that they get a cognitive boost kind of similar to what?
Starting point is 00:20:50 Creating. Yeah, like what you get with creating. And then there was another paper that came out in scientific American that talked about the dangers of taking supplements. Now that we're on the of taking nutritional supplements like multivitamins and stuff like that. I'm going to pull it up for you guys because it was kind of interesting. And they were talking about how some of the damages that can happen from like excess of B vitamins, they found like too much vitamin B6 resulted in more bone fractures in women. And they think it's because it competes with receptors that estrogen competes with.
Starting point is 00:21:23 So women who were taking too much B6, weren't able to utilize their estrogen as effectively. Oh, interesting. Causing more bone fractures. Vitamin A, high doses of beta-carotene and vitamin A, make lung cancer deadly, far more deadly. And so they were talking in this article
Starting point is 00:21:40 about how the ideal way to get your nutrients is what we always talk about, is to get them them through food because when you take them through supplements, the likelihood that you can take too much is far higher. And in some, in other cases, you just don't absorb as much, like getting your vitamin D levels to go up by eating vitamin D2, which is found in plants, certain mushrooms are high in vitamin D, but it's a form of vitamin D that you'd have to consume a ton of to see any changes in your D levels in your blood versus D3, which is found in, for example, cod liver oil, for example.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Is it a speed of that to make a difference in terms of digesting it from real food versus encapsulated form. What do you mean the speed of it? Like say, you take a pill and then your acid right away, breaks it down versus food will take a little bit longer to break down. You know what, that's an interesting question. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:22:42 There are lots of co-factors and other compounds in foods that oftentimes enhance their bioavailability. For example, this is an easy one, this is a simple one, but like vitamin D3, it's better utilized when there's fat present. So like cod liver oil is a fat, it's omega-3 fatty acid. So when you have it with that, then you absorb better. If you just took pure vitamin D3 without fat, then you probably wouldn't absorb as much. Vitamin C is oftentimes utilized better in the presence of bioflavinoids that are found
Starting point is 00:23:15 in like oranges, for example, citrus fruits have high bioflavinoid compounds or whatever, makes the vitamin C much more biovalid. But it seems like it's all already been done for us in natural form. And so the further we get away from that, it tends to create problems. Totally, that's exactly it.
Starting point is 00:23:33 It's like, and it's not that the food, I mean, there's two ways you could look at it. I guess you could look at it and think, oh, the food was designed perfectly for us. Or, so that would be like the creationist belief, or the evolutionary which is our bodies evolved to alongside the intake these nutrients in these forms. So our bodies are better. Either way you look at it, it's a good idea. Either way you look at it, what you don't want
Starting point is 00:23:57 to do is you don't want to be in a position where you have to supplement with nutrients. Yeah, you want to be in a position where you have where you can have all your nutrients through food. And to be fair, it's difficult regardless. But the point we made in the vegan episode was, it's more difficult for a longer time. Yeah, that's very true. That type of, yeah. Well, it's interesting.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Interesting. I don't you think that the evolution of supplements in general came originally to help people with deficiencies and we've now started to use it more like a luxury or an excuse not to get it from real food. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, well vitamin enrichment became a thing when we started having nutritional deficiencies because...
Starting point is 00:24:37 That's what I'm saying. Yeah, because of all the... The fact that we're grains and everything else is subsidized. Yeah, so they would like put iron in foods or iodine in salt because children were getting, were having goiters as a result of low iodine. So, you know, when you go buy, like, Morton salt, you ever notice how it says iodized? Uh-huh. That was like a government push at one point, was because there were iodine deficiencies
Starting point is 00:25:01 were so common that they started just putting iodine in salt as a way to give people more iodine. And it worked, but it is quite interesting, right? Yeah, we have to do that kind of stuff. Well, dude, have you guys had a chance to watch that show diagnosis on Netflix at all? I want to watch it. Oh, it was super fascinating.
Starting point is 00:25:21 So basically, this doctor, this lady, she had always wanted to do this had wanted to be able to source like problems like you ever watch that show house where he does like like he gets these really unique like impossible ailments that he's trying to figure out and give him the proper diagnosis so they can treat him well and so this was always a and give them the proper diagnosis so they can treat them well. And so this was always a problem amongst doctors is to try and narrow down the real legit diagnosis because sometimes you get mixed symptoms that look like something, but it's really not that-
Starting point is 00:25:56 Are they using crowd sourcing? Yes. So using crowd sourcing now all over the world, not just like, and two, what's good about that is there was this case with this guy who didn't know he had Gulf War syndrome. So the only doctors that really knew what those symptoms looked like and how to even look for that were within the VA. And so he wasn't going through the VA, like trying to find out why he was having all these
Starting point is 00:26:20 problems with his brain and why was developing all this plaque and all this excess, all these problems that he was experiencing and has mood changes and swings. And so put it out there and you get all these doctors from around the world and also people who had loved ones and relatives that had similar symptoms and gave their anecdotes. And so, but what's good about it is that
Starting point is 00:26:42 this isn't just like everyday average know, everyday average people sourcing and then trying to like go through and filter. It actually, like this doctor, she actually, at the end of the day, like, like takes all that information in, like narrows it down to like the real solid leads that she thinks are gonna be most appropriate to look into and then like dives deep into that.
Starting point is 00:27:04 And then they've been able to solve, like, I've read about this. Crazy problems. I've read about this. So this is crowd sourcing, where they will put information out to a massive amounts of people. And oftentimes solve total mysteries.
Starting point is 00:27:18 I love it, dude. It really, like, made me emotional, because it's like, it's watching human beings, like, be, like, really, like, I don't know. It's like a's watching human beings like be like really like I don't know it's like a really good resourceful and helpful yeah just like humanitarian kind of an approach to you know real problems instead all this bullshit like politics that we get flooded with that reminds me of this test that because there is it's funny you ever notice like humans always we always
Starting point is 00:27:44 want to go with crowd. And although there's danger in that, you gotta ask yourself, why? Why do we, why do we tend to do that? Like that one study where they'll have a bunch of test people in an elevator, and they'll all be facing, you know, to the left. And someone will walk in and they'll naturally face to the left.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Or when people are waiting in a waiting room and you have a bunch of test subjects or actors or whatever, who all stand up when a bell goes off and then sits down. And before you know it, the people who aren't part of the test or aren't actors will start to copy them. And it's funny that we have that natural inclination to follow the crowd and you ask yourself,
Starting point is 00:28:17 well why does that exist? And it's because in some cases, there's a lot of brilliance in the crowd. And there's this one test that proves it, which is really fast. And we have mimicking genes too. We do, and we're extremely social, but there's this one test that demonstrate this so well. You can try this out.
Starting point is 00:28:35 They'll take a jar that, let's say they fill with pebbles or jelly beans. And then they'll tell a hundred people to guess how many jelly beans are in there. Then if you take everybody's answer, you get remarkably close. Like within like a couple, like five, like 10 jelly beans. Remarkably close. And the more people are a part of it, the closer you tend to get to the actual number, even though, you know, the top, you know, number and the bottom number are way, way off. You just add them all up and average them out and they come out to something really, really
Starting point is 00:29:10 close. Pretty weird, right? It is really, really crazy. All right, I got another study that came out on artificial sweeteners or diet soda, as I should say. So I love it. You're really building up your case, it seems. No, they ate it.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Right, Lane's in the room. He's before he put it in. Sounds like I haven't done research. No, I just it. Right, Lane's the only one who's before he put it. Sounds like I haven't done research. No, I just came out September 4th. This was in the Washington Post. And they found that artificial sweetener or diet sodas and regular sodas are both totally connected to early death. And in one study in particular,
Starting point is 00:29:41 I gotta pull that one up. And one study in particular, the diet sodas were connected to worse outcomes than the sugary sodas were. You want to know something that I noticed personally, and I know this is just my story, but I've talked openly about diet coax like crazy, and I told you what I did, and this has now been, I'm probably, I don't know, I'd say six months or so. In six months time, I think I've had two diet coaks, maybe three. And what I've done, and only because it was like,
Starting point is 00:30:08 I really wanted something like that, and that was kind of like the only choice wherever I was at. But what I've done is I replaced that with like, sparkling water. So I've been drinking that, like, I just needed something carbonated to kind of get rid of me craving.
Starting point is 00:30:18 And at first, it took me a while. I'd say like the nicotine gum version of... Right. Right. Literally, I've learned to like sparkling water. No, it's what I had to do to like kind of wing myself off of the cravings of wanting to have the die co-call time. So it took me about a solid month before I noticed like, oh, they're like, they're completely gone. But I'd still have the occasional like I have sweet tooth where I'd want a coke or want something. And that's where I told you guys I'd switched over to
Starting point is 00:30:45 using the real cane sugar in Hanson. So I'm drinking like a Hanson's root beer thing that I'm drinking. It's like 130 calories, real cane sugar. What I noticed with it, I can buy a six pack of that and it'll last in my month in my house. Like I rarely ever have the craving for, like the way I was craving diet coke.
Starting point is 00:31:03 I diet coke, no joke, this is me being very real and honest with people because I think there, I can't be alone in this. I start drinking them, like I can go from not having them all, I start drinking them once, and then I want it again the next day, and then I want it again, and then before you know it, I'm having two, sometimes, and then I'll watch myself
Starting point is 00:31:19 get a little bit of a tour, it's like I had it lunch, I had it at dinner, and I'm like, I want them at every meal. There's two reasons for this, I believe. The coke relieves and the artificial... Yeah, no, there's two, first off, the study that I read that said that in some of these studies that artificial sweetened sodas had worse outcomes, I don't necessarily think it's because
Starting point is 00:31:38 of the artificial sweetener. I think it's because of the behaviors that they tend to encourage, and they make people eat worse food. They're a part of a bad eating lifestyle. And what you're talking about, Adam, I think there's two reasons for this. One is artificial sweeteners are far sweeter than sugar.
Starting point is 00:31:56 And we know this. They just hit that sweet sensation. They've been engineered to. They are. I don't know how many times sweeter they are than sugar. It's a lot. It's like a thousand. Yeah something like that Yeah, so that registers in your brain. There's another piece though. There's when you drink something with sugar, especially if you're somebody that's Health conscious and you have somewhat of a value on your aesthetics, okay? So You're like, you know, I like enjoying things, but I also like to look good and feel good. Sugary drinks with sugaring calories come with the natural barrier and
Starting point is 00:32:31 limitation of calories. So what I mean by that is if you're somebody who's into how you look and you drink a soda, you know you've consumed 150 calories. That's a natural barrier. That's a natural thing that'll kind of make you stop having more because you think because it's not coming with, you know, artificially sweet and drinks come with this aura of no, there's zero side effect. That's an interesting theory because I'll pay attention to that more if that's part of what keeps restricts me from wanting another one. For sure, I agree with that's what justifies me going from one to two to three. Yeah, because I have no calories. No calories.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Right. And I want it. I have a craving for it. I want it. It's no calories. Of course, I'm going to have it. Right. Even a question. So when you're trying to train a client to start to change how they, how they enjoy food, the relationship to food, calories serve as a nice little, you know, speed bump. You know what I mean? It's a nice little, hey, you can enjoy it, but then remember you're having lots of sugar and there's lots of calories. But what if they're like, oh, this has no sugar, no calories. Now they can indulge in that behavior over and over again. And that behavior is not isolated to just the soda. That behavior bleeds over into other things. And
Starting point is 00:33:44 that's why we see when people consume lots of diet sodas, they don't lose any weight. You think that they're replacing sugar drinks therefore they should lose weight. No, because then they just eat more. It just encourages that type of behavior. It's not part of a healthy lifestyle. And I do think for people like us who are,
Starting point is 00:34:00 you know, we're somewhat concerned with how we look, when you remove that barrier, it's like, oh, there's nothing stopping me from having more. Yeah, it's interesting. It's been a really interesting thing for me to pay close attention to because, you know, I do, I remember I've, before I've talked about how I'll go on and off, like I allow myself to have die coax
Starting point is 00:34:17 and then I say, okay, I'm gonna wing myself off, know, and then I'll go periods, none at all. But every time I, and this has just been part of an ongoing cycle for me is that if I'm not drinking them at all. But every time, and this has just been part of an ongoing cycle for me, is that if I'm not drinking them at all, I'm not having any, and then when I decide to have them, it's only a matter of time before it goes from, and I don't go from not having them to one every day,
Starting point is 00:34:34 I go from one, and then I say, oh, once occasional, that occasional turns real quick to one a day, and one a day real quick turns to two a day, and two a day can real quick turn to three day and That can happen to me in the probably about a three-month Time frame so within three months I can be Having diet coax with every meal all sudden in a day and I notice that and I do and I remember in the past a lot of that Is the justification of oh, it's no it doesn't matter. It's zero calories
Starting point is 00:35:04 It's you know, and we know that artificial sweeteners don't kill people, so I'm okay, so no big deal. But it also, I also notice something too, like, man, fruit is so much better right now. Like fruit is a million times better when I'm not drinking diet sodas. When I'm drinking diet sodas, like crazy, it totally ruins fruit for me.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Does, let me ask you a question. When you're drinking a lot of diet sodas, does a normal sugary sodas start to taste bland? Yeah, so this is why, like the reason why I don't like regular soda, diet soda, I like better, okay, in the first place. And the reason why I hadn't done the real cane sugar in the past is like, and so I try to do that. Do you remember when Coke still has it?
Starting point is 00:35:42 And I'm not a fan of that, which I should try, because it's been a while since I've been doing the real cane sugar thing. Coke zero has a stevia, excuse me, a Coke zero. Oh, the green one? Yeah, the green Coke, which is half stevia and half real cane sugar. And I just don't, the taste of it, I don't really enjoy.
Starting point is 00:35:59 But when I left drinking the diet Coke this last time, went to doing all the sparkling water, and then when I did decide to reintroduce any sort of a soda, I said, okay, I'm going to reintroduce a real cane sugar soda. I'm not going to try and cut it in half, like with a green Coke and just to try and save it. Because that's all it does. By doing the half stevia and half real cane sugar, it's like they're trying to blend the best of both worlds. It's only a 50 calorie drink. It's just calorie amount down. Yeah, it brings calories down to 50 calories, but then you're using real cane sugar instead of you,
Starting point is 00:36:29 which is a little more, or all natural versus like, what Coke Zero is using. But no, I noticed a big difference. I noticed a huge difference in the way fruit taste and that's been awesome. And now with the real cane sugar, I can actually enjoy it, but then I don't crave it the same way.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Like I said, a six pack can last in my refrigerator right now, like for an entire month. I really, and even if I'm like cranking them out, cranking them out isn't one a day, even. It's just occasionally. No, it makes it really, really hard to eat a whole natural diet when your taste buds and your perception is so skewed by those types of foods.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Then you go try and eat something that's whole natural and it's fucking boring. It's just totally boring, doesn't taste good, you can't really enjoy it. It doesn't help you at all. The cool part is you can get that back though. Yes, and I try and explain that to clients that I would have that would don't like fruits and vegetables. A lot of times the people that don't like fruits and vegetables. And a lot of times the people that don't like fruits and vegetables consume a lot of these products.
Starting point is 00:37:28 They consume a lot of the diet cogs and fake sugar or sugar infused type things because that's why. It's fucked up their palate completely. And I remember the first time I really, when I didn't really really get this, this didn't come all the way home for me until competing because I'd never, ever been that consistent of like eating
Starting point is 00:37:48 all whole, like eating really clean for a really long period of time. And boy, man, I remember, and also being in a deficit and you know, being like really feeling what hunger felt like, like boy, when I was like that and I, all of a sudden this new love for fruits and vegetables came that I just never had before. And it wasn't until even like Doug and you were now also,
Starting point is 00:38:11 I could sit down and like, even right now, it sounds great, just talking about this, like a big ol' bowl of, you know, rapini and butter and oil or something, or a big ol' Brussels sprout recipe, like Doug does all the time. That sounds amazing right now. This quaz brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition,
Starting point is 00:38:31 Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance-the-edit edge. Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com. And use a coupon code mine pump for 20% off at checkout. First question is from Steve Kalerman. What are your tips for improving deadlifts? Should I be changing the rep range? How often should I increase volume? You know, it's funny. There was a, what's his name? Andy Galpon. He did a post.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Did you see his post? I saw it. Yeah. No, I didn't see it. They did a post where they were testing the amount of muscular, I think it was like muscular damage and how much the central nervous system was affected. And I'm not quite sure how they did, they do this test, but they compared the squat and the dead squat.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Now, what would age old test of which one gives you the most? Yeah, which one would you think? What? Which one would you think is more taxing over on the body? Squat, squat, no. You think so? No doubt. So here's what I've always felt and believed.
Starting point is 00:39:35 And power lifters have shared the sentiment as well, is that squats, you can squat more often than you can deadlift. If you deadlift too often, it starts to get bad. Don't do too often, you'll hurt yourself, but you could squat five days a week if you have good form. But the study actually came out the reverse. It said what you say.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Yeah, I would think that. Yeah, I just think there's so, and deadlifts are a leverage thing. Now, the whole body gets worked in both of them. There's no way of avoiding that. But because it's a leverage thing versus something crushing you, something crushing you, just you're, and speaking more towards like your core area, your grounding, everything, I think there's so much more that has to be working and is,
Starting point is 00:40:15 and is also potentially compromised. Yeah, it just feels to me like the squat I can distribute that force a little bit more than with the dead left, the dead left, I'm like really concerned about my back and like, you know, making sure that I'm bracing and keeping that all like super connected. But yeah, I would have thought dead left personally. Yeah, well, so let's talk about improving the dead left. Now, some exercises lend themselves really well
Starting point is 00:40:39 to high reps and other exercises not so much. The dead left in my experience isn't a great high rep exercise. They work really, really well with lower reps. I like doing and I've loved training clients anywhere between one to eight reps on the deadlift and I rarely would like to go over than eight reps. Part of that reason is when your form breaks down on a deadlift, it can get really bad. It's not a safe exercise to do with bad forms. Well, especially when you're working at like 75%
Starting point is 00:41:14 to 80% of your load or capacity. Like I don't ever want to be doing like a higher rep. Like I don't want ever to take a deadlift to failure on a 10 to 12 rep deadlift. But I'll absolutely do 10s and 12. I for sure will do that with those, but your intensity's pretty low. Or way low. This is when I'm working technique or speed.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah. I love to, if I'm going to do high rep deadlifts, it's a perfect time also for me to switch my, what I'm focusing on. Instead of, instead of doing 12 reps and really pushing to where that 12th rep is like challenging to where I can almost not do it, I could probably do 20 reps with that with that way, but I'm actually working on the speed of it or reps, it's normally to break up my heavy deadlifting if I've been doing that consistently for a long time. And then it's like, okay, let's work on technique or let's work on speed or let's work out parts of the deadlift.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Now I like, I really like doing one day a week of deadlifts where it's relatively heavy and the reps are low and you're focusing on that kind of top end type strength. And then if you're going to deadlift another time during the week, that's when I'll go lighter and focus on, maybe like what Adam's talking about. Exactly, same protocol. Exactly, focusing on form, squeeze, tighten your core, everything's perfect.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Deadlifts are also phenomenal with progressive type resistance tools, like chains and bands. Boy, do I love using chains and bands with deadlifts. They just really get me strong and feeling really, really good. The other thing is there's lots of different versions of deadlifts. And although they don't completely carry over, there is some carryover. So if you're stuck at your conventional deadlift for a while, move to a sumo or to a trap bar deadlift.
Starting point is 00:43:08 I love trap bar deadlifts, that's one of my favorites. It's an easier, safer version, I should say, in terms of risk versus reward than a traditional deadlift. And there's some decent carryover. I was able to pull, and you can pull more weight with a trap bar, but it's good to get a feel of that heavier weight. I didn't have that neutral grip,, I like that, change a pace.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Totally. There's a place for rack pulls for somebody who's trying to improve their deadlifts too. This is where that stuff makes sense to me. I like the deficits better, but yes, I've never, have you done a lot of rack pulls? I haven't done a whole lot of them before. No, I wouldn't say I've done a lot, but I mean, I've done a lot in my career. It's not something I do a lot of, though. It's something that I intermittently will put in there,
Starting point is 00:43:46 especially if my goal is to improve deadless and I'm increasing the volume. So if I'm increasing the volume of deadlifts, I'm not gonna be doing it the exact same way. In other words, I'm not gonna have three days of deadlifting in the week and they're all gonna be heavy loaded, five by five type of training.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Like that's a bad idea. Like that you're gonna, for sure, tax yourself and that's where injury could possibly Have it so maybe one of the days is the heavy load like that maybe another day is the high rep and speed work and like what Sousa and then another day might be rack pulls like that so where it's not as taxing right so that's ways that I would incorporate I'm gonna or deficit dead yeah deficit dead so I was going to get back to that because I remember doing that, especially like the sticking point for me is that first bit of like getting it off the ground was the real slow grinding part of the lift for me. And so once I started doing more deficit dead lifts, that really did help initiate more
Starting point is 00:44:40 force there in the beginning. See that? And that's another good point why I like, why I like rack poles because my, it's not, I can almost always get it like, I've been able to pull 600 off the floor, but I can't finish it, but I can't finish it. I'm like you. Yeah. It's like, once I'll get it off three inches off the floor and then I didn't go in
Starting point is 00:44:56 anymore. No, if I can get it up, then I'm going to finish it. Really? Yeah. Yeah. So that's a good example of how you would do other work during the week to increase volume to also improve the deadlift is pay attention to that where your sticking points are on your deadlift and then incorporate moves like deficit deads or rack pulls to try and help.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Now here's one of my favorite kind of workouts. I'll give you an example and I'll use weight so you can kind of see how much I'm scaling the weight up or down based on this particular workout. I love taking, so if I'm going to go do heavy singles, so heavy one rep sets with a deadlift, and it's not my max, but it's heavy enough to where it's a workout, I'll work up to about 495 pounds. That's 545 pound plates on each side. So here's one of my favorite workouts. I'll take 315, so I'll go down from five plates, down to three, and I'll do two reps, but I'll do ten sets.
Starting point is 00:45:47 So I'll do ten sets, two reps, three-fifteen, really easy, but I'm pulling the weight strong and tight, and as I'm getting deeper and deeper into the workout, I'm feeling more and more confident and sure. I'll pull faster and harder throughout the workout. And I'm doing ten sets, and it's not intense. Three-fifteen to pull two times is not hard, but because I'm doing 10 sets and it's not intense. 315 to pull two times is not hard, but because I'm doing so many sets and because I start to work on the speed and power of my pulls, I get a great workout. It takes a long time, but that workout does a great job of
Starting point is 00:46:16 boosting my strength and muscle building especially. You're building the skill of it too, though. Yeah, you also did something else that's really smart that's important to note if you're going to increase volume, that's what you do is if you're going to end up doing more sets, more reps, you're obviously going to end up getting more volume. So you want to reduce the load so you're not at the intensity isn't that high while you're also increasing. So if you're going to increase volume, you want to decrease the intensity a little bit so you can handle that. Next question is from Mind Pump Official. Does practicing a healthy lifestyle improve your sex life?
Starting point is 00:46:48 If so, how? That's the biggest one Adam. The, this is not me. This was me. So this one cracks me up because towards the end of my personal training career, I started, I was getting lots of referrals from the clients that I was working with.
Starting point is 00:47:04 And towards the end there, a good chunk of my clients were in advance stage. So I would say towards the end there, at least 50 to 60% of my clients were late 60s and up many of them in their 70s, which is a, that's a big percentage of your clients. Usually you'll have maybe one client in that age group, but towards the end there, I had quite a few.
Starting point is 00:47:25 And what used to crack me up the most was when ever I would get a new client that was in advanced age, like clockwork, there were a few things that they would it was common to on, that they noticed that they improved in their bodies. I'm getting a little randy, so. Yes, yes. One of them was like, oh, I feel a little stronger or I have more energy and always always that would always tell me
Starting point is 00:47:48 That they were hornier but in some way shape or form and it usually started like this they come up to me and be like I mean how's this conversation good. Oh, I mean hey Susan. How you doing? Hey Sally come in and then we start or sat or whatever and then they be like um So what kind of effects does weight training have on the body? Well, you know, build muscles, I do my whole thing, they, what other kind of effects? I'd look at, I know already, right?
Starting point is 00:48:12 My soldier was at full salute. Yeah, so I'd look at her and I'd be like, what else are you noticing? Are you noticing like more vigor? She's like, you could say that, we'd laugh, and then I knew what she was talking about. Or if it was an old man, they'd be straight up about it. You're like, hey, I'm waking up with boners against sound.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Hey, I just started this dance class. I just want to meet people. Yeah, no, I mean, does have being healthy give you a better sex life? Absolutely. I mean, remember, it's not just healthy. I mean, there's studies to do to show the how much what your testosterone levels decrease when you're above 15% body fat. And 15% body fat is, you gotta,
Starting point is 00:48:52 if you're under... Time out for a man. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so if you're under, if you're under 15% body fat, you're in pretty good shape. 14% or less, I mean, I would like to, I think that I carry myself most of the time between nine and 14 is
Starting point is 00:49:05 about where I fluctuate through. You're in pretty good shape. If you do that, you got to be training pretty consistent. So somebody who's doing that has already got a naturally increased their testosterone levels. I remember just, I mean, obviously it wasn't that long ago for me when I was telling you guys that like it was just in the dumpster for me. Oh, when you went off your your testosterone. And I was doing everything, everything from natural testosterone boosters to the infrared, like all these different things, you know, salhyde meal on a protocol to try and address it.
Starting point is 00:49:34 And I tell you what, and everything did help. I definitely noticed a difference from the infrared, I definitely noticed a difference from the test visitor, but nothing felt more significant than heavy lifting. And specifically heavy lifting, I noticed when I was like squatting or dead, now what was heavy to me? I was a lot weaker, so heavy to me was almost 50% of what my load is right now. So I wasn't very strong, but challenging my strength like that and pushing those limits
Starting point is 00:50:02 and squatting and deadlifting. And when I say the pushing limits It's not a long intense. Sometimes it would be a 20 minute workout and I would just do five sets of squats But I would I would go heavy loaded the next day after that I always felt like this boost and I saw a boost in my sex drive my mood my energy and everything and then if I missed it or went a Few days of not strength training. I would feel it go back down. Well, you gotta, I mean, keep in mind, your drive to have sex is one of our most primitive drives.
Starting point is 00:50:33 It's one of the, you know, there's like get water, get shelter, get food, and procreate. So it's a very, very, very primitive drive. Now, there's a lot of reasons we have sex, one of which is to procreate, but we have sex for lots and lots of other reasons. But ultimately, the reason why we are driven to have sex is to procreate. And your body will not want you to procreate if you're not healthy.
Starting point is 00:50:55 And it makes perfect sense. Evolutionarily speaking, if you're not a healthy person, you're probably not healthy enough to take care of an offspring. If you're a man, you're not healthy enough to hunt and find food or if you're probably not healthy enough to take care of an offspring. If you're a man, you're not healthy enough to hunt and find food or if you're a woman, you're not going to survive the child-bearing process. And so you're going to lose your sex drive. And women, this becomes quite obvious. Their periods become very erratic, sometimes they'll lose their period. And man's sex drives goes down quite a bit, and their sperm count goes down. And so you just don't wanna have sex
Starting point is 00:51:25 because your body's like, you're not healthy enough to procreate. So good health improves and increases your vigor. So physiologically speaking, yes, it puts you in a better place to have better sex. But there's also a psychological component. This is a big one. This is a huge one.
Starting point is 00:51:42 When you exercise and you move and you're fit, you feel good and you're good. You look good. You know what I mean? Nothing makes you, I don't know about you guys. You sued that. Oh, that confidence comes through again. I think a lot of times people get inside their head too much
Starting point is 00:51:55 and then that's one of those things. It's just like a downward spiral. You start not thinking you're the best right now. So, you know, it kind of goes back and crawls, you know, back to its home. Thinkable, think about it when, you know, you do something really awesome or you're feeling really good about yourself.
Starting point is 00:52:11 It makes you more sexual. It makes you, you know, much more of a sexual person. Also, in modern times, a sex killer, absolute killer in modern times is stress and anxiety. Those will destroy anybody's sex drive. Sex killer! In fact, oftentimes people will think they have like hormone issues or whatever, then they'll get their hormones checked,
Starting point is 00:52:32 the doctors like, no, they're normal, and they're like, well, why do I not want to have sex? And it's like, well, you know, did you, you know, are you overwhelmed at home? Is your husband helping you? Or, you know, for a husband, how's work going? Or, you know, how's your relationship with your wife? The stress and anxiety can have a huge negative effect
Starting point is 00:52:46 on your sex drive. And the one thing you can do to improve anxiety and stress that is not pharmaceutical, that is extremely effective as effective and in some studies, maybe even more effective than pharmaceuticals is exercise and being healthy. Like if you're a healthy and you work out, your stress levels go down, sex drive goes up.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Well, it's funny and I have to say joke all the time about what's happening in my household and what not and why I'm outside building things and doing all this. It's like the environment plays a major factor in the stress levels and the things that need to be accomplished and we're living inside our head too much And then it's like, oh, yeah, well, okay, you know, here we go
Starting point is 00:53:28 And you want to like alleviate all that and like and get the stress out of there and like you know Make those opportunities where I can help and then you know, we can get outside of that environment and even just getting outside Helps to promote you know more of that like strong connection that you had absolutely, Absolutely. Having a healthy mind and body makes you want to connect and procreate or just have sex with people. It's one of the most effective things you could do. Anybody, and I'm sure there's a genetic predisposition for sex drive and then there's lots of things in our lives that kind of affect that.
Starting point is 00:54:05 But I like to think of it like almost everything else that there's this range, you know, and you can be in this real low range. And my low range may be different than someone else's low range, but I can make my range go up just by being healthier, getting good sleep, getting good sunlight, you know, eating good food, lifting weights and exercising.
Starting point is 00:54:25 It's going to give me, you know, a better, healthier sex drive. And then in terms of this actual sex that you're having, well, I mean, if you're fit and healthy, you can do some moves. Yeah, well sex is a, it's a vigorous activity. I mean, it really is. You're moving, you're doing things and being fit and mobile and having good stamina and energy, do you think that'll improve your sex life? I think so. Next question is from Ms. Newbooty. Are diet breaks necessary or can long-term consistencies
Starting point is 00:54:56 still get you body composition changes? Well, we should change, I want to change the question a little bit. Yeah, the question's a little confusing. Well, I wanna change the question a little bit. Yeah, the question a little confusing. Well, I'm gonna change a little bit because I think, quote unquote, diet breaks can definitely be a part of long-term consistency. So I think sometimes people confuse consistency with, I eat the same way all the time. Like I'm always eating superstructured, super healthy, and that's what's considered consistent. And if I go out on a weekend or have a nice dinner with my girlfriend or my
Starting point is 00:55:30 boyfriend or go out with my friends, then now I'm breaking that consistency. I don't think that's the case. I think- This is being flexible. I think an overall healthy relationship with food looks like that, and it's consistently like that. You know what I'm saying? Like, I do enjoy- You can count for that. You can count for that and it's consistently like that. You know what I'm saying? Like I do enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:55:45 You can count for that. You guys think that's exactly right. So now that being said, studies do show that when they compare people, groups of people who are dieting, the groups of people who diet and then include what are called diet breaks, well, they'll eat more food for a week and then go back on the diet or whatever, they do better. They do better both by sticking to the diet more consistently, I think it's psychologically,
Starting point is 00:56:07 it gives them a break. But they also, there seems to be a physiological benefit as well. And I think it has to do with like, you know, like how we reverse diet people, we can give them more calories, metabolism speeds up, they start burning more body fat. Or at least it helps mitigate the slow down, the metabolic slow down that happens from being too much. And the size, you knowize nutrients better and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, stuff like that. Well, I think that she asked to the long-term consistency for sure get you the body still.
Starting point is 00:56:32 I think the question sometimes people have is, if I'm not on a diet like that, can I still be making changes over time if I'm not tracking and doing all that? Absolutely. It's just going to take longer. That's the thing that I always tell people about when getting into tracking and making moves. It all depends on who I'm speaking to. If I'm talking to someone who says, ask a question like, Adam, I've got six weeks,
Starting point is 00:56:52 can we make the most moves in six weeks? What are we gonna do? We're gonna be on a diet and we're gonna track and we're gonna be super rigorous about it. If you're somebody who's like, I don't wanna do any of those things, and can I still build the physique? I want to yeah, absolutely over time you just keep making better and better choice and I actually think that's a much healthier approach
Starting point is 00:57:11 The reality is though most people are impatient. Most people want both worlds, you know, I get that all the time Like I don't want to get in the bed shape of my life in six weeks, but I don't want to fool any diets What the fuck what am I so much a magician? You're really serious. No, it's totally, don't you guys remember getting that? I used to get all the time. I used to get that diet. Yeah, I would get these demands of how fast they want something,
Starting point is 00:57:32 but then they had to give me all these rules on what they're not willing to do. It's just like, Okay, well, that's gonna be tough. You know, we'll see how that works out for you. But no, I think, I mean, I'm not tracking right now.
Starting point is 00:57:41 I haven't tracked in a long time, actually. I've been just kind of eating and it's very inconsistent. I think the biggest thing that I notice when I'm not tracking, I have a hard time hitting protein targets because what always happens is when I do get back to tracking and I just kind of track what I'm doing, I go like, oh shit, I'm under consuming that. But I'm aware of it.
Starting point is 00:58:01 So I consciously try and make an effort and I notice, I can always tell in my strength, I can even tell the way my physique looks when I string three or four days that are really good, where I know I was like making sure I was getting good three, four meals that were six to eight ounces of meat in it, like I definitely can feel it and see the difference,
Starting point is 00:58:17 but then I'll kind of not get that for a week or two, and I kind of don't care, because if I slide back a little bit, because I'm not trying to make any crazy progress right now. You know, it's not a big deal. Yeah, I mean, in my experience working with people being on the same kind of caloric intake all the time is not as effective as allowing it to fluctuate here and there.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Both from a psychological component, but I also think there may be some physiological component. Like I noticed this, whether bulking or cutting. Like if I was always eating high calorie all the time, throwing in a couple low calorie days, my body would respond, but- Why would it be like that? The way the body adapts to everything else is like that.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Of course, so why wouldn't the metabolism do the same thing? And there's no way we evolved in an environment where we fucking eating the same thing all the time. I'm pretty sure we had days of high calorie when there was food. And lots of days of low calorie. All new. Yeah, exactly. So I think your body works better that way. But at the end of the day, whatever
Starting point is 00:59:10 works better for you works better for you. So, you know, sometimes people ask this question. And what I'm afraid of is I'll give someone a piece of advice that runs counter to what works better for them. But then they'll stick to it. They'll try and be stick to it hard headedly because, you know, sales said it or whatever. At the end of the day, if something's working for you and you feel good and you feel like you have a good relationship with food and you're consistent with the same food all the time and you know, you heard you should have diet breaks, but you're like, I don't know, this is working great for me. Don't do it. Listen to your body. Next question is from Elijah RG96. What have been some of your most awkward moments
Starting point is 00:59:46 with clients? I have one that comes in mind. Right away. Right away. Right away, the first one that comes in mind, and I remember clients named Mindy Doe. She was one of my favorite long-term clients that I had, great, great client.
Starting point is 00:59:59 And we had been training, I wanna say we'd already been together for a year we'd been training, I think already. And I was, she was doing dumbbell chest press or dumbbell flies one of the other. And I was handing her 10 pound weights. And these were the whole 24-feet. This one's the rubber one.
Starting point is 01:00:16 So 10 pounds, you guys know are like really thin. And so they're really thin and they're light. So a lot of times with clients, I would pinch the outside of the weights until they grab it. And we just missed the handoff. Where did go? Oh, bounced off her head. No.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Yeah. I wish I could say that's never happened to me. Oh my God, bro. It's so fucking embarrassed. Oh, it's the worst. It, you know, you just even though part of it was kind of her her fault too on the Fucking trainer like they should never happen and that was and never again Did I hold the dumbbells like that? I think every trainer has done that I've done the same thing really exactly holding it Just like I feel so much better now, but I once though. Yeah, that's all it takes you five counts
Starting point is 01:00:59 You bounce a dumbbell up to someone said you would do it one time a little bit of a mark to you know Why she had a big ass goose egg from it. Oh, oh yeah, no, it was fucking really bad, dude. It was like, we had to stop the session. It was like, shit, like gather herself. I'm like, to get you checked out, dude. Yeah, and then it's all like fucking 10 minutes later. It was a big ass goose egg.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Oh, it's fine, it's barely even noticing. Yeah, well, you know why? I mean, thank God, it was literally like one of my lifeer, you know, clients that was just, I mean, she was with me. Thank God it wasn't like a first session. Yeah, it was thank God it was somebody who literally like already just loved me to death as a trainer that like God, you know, I bet I said sorry a million times and I thought that she was pissed at me.
Starting point is 01:01:39 So that's a lawsuit right there. Oh yeah, Jesus, dude, that was so embarrassing. The reason why we grab the dumbbells that way, because I used to do the same thing with the light ones, right? You want them to be able to grab the grips. Because how do you hand a dumbbell to someone? Yeah, awful. You can't use the grip,
Starting point is 01:01:53 because then their hand has to go on the grip. So you're trying to figure out how to do it, so you grab it by the belt. So you gotta do, yeah. Yeah, I did just do them one individually. Yeah, so you got two hands. Well, that's okay, so I had an idea. I know I've told the story on an old podcast,
Starting point is 01:02:05 but it's been at least 800 episodes, so I'll tell us the story again. Because it's still, what, telling it makes me embarrassed. You know what I'm saying? Like, as I'm thinking about this. Is she sure, lady? No, this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me with a client.
Starting point is 01:02:19 So I was training my client, my older client, who's, I don't know, I wanna say 71, and she comes in, hi, Sal, oh my God, give me a hug, great, and I see whatever she's doing. She's doing her stretches or whatever. Oh, I forgot about this. She was like, you know, my shoulder hurt, my shoulder's hurting a little bit,
Starting point is 01:02:36 because yesterday I was, I don't remember what she was doing, she was reaching for something, and she said it kinda hurt. So I took her off the treadmill, I'm looking at her shoulder, and I'm like, okay, it's the super spinatus muscle. She's like, where's that?
Starting point is 01:02:47 And I'm like, you know what? I have an anatomy app on my iPad. Let me show you. So I go my bag. And I pull out my iPad because I had gotten, I had just gotten this really cool anatomy app where you can pull up the humanity. I remember that it's a badass app.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Oh, it's badass. You can point to a muscle and it'll zero in on the muscle. It'll show you the action. You can spin them around. You could spin the anatomy figure or whatever. I mean, it was phenomenal. So I'm holding my iPad in front of her. So she's looking at it with me.
Starting point is 01:03:17 And I push the button for the screen to come on and enter the passcode, enter into the passcode, porn. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Porn comes up on the screen. And it was bad, dude, because it was, but what do you do? It worked. It was, that's what I want to know. We never, I didn't ask that the last time you told the story.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I own the place. It's my, it's my gym. I owned it. I never thought to ask you that The person is just like wait a second. This is yet my phone, but this screen's bigger It's an iPad. I had just gotten the iPad. I mean you know first time you get it like it's a big screen But it was bad because it was the you know, it was the you know, it kind of porn you finish with No, I'm talking about oh god. You know what I mean right like oh when you start your session
Starting point is 01:04:03 There's the thought you start with easy shit, but stuff you finish with is a stuff that you rewind your bear is your ashamed of You know, I mean, that's like 20 minutes in and you're like oh, yeah, this is that's the shit that popped up I'm not even gonna she was so how quick were you just delete? Okay, it pops up. So this is how long it was pops up Thousand one thousand two change of screen. Wow, that's crazy. So for a full two seconds, she saw all kinds of stuff. Everything. All kinds of things. Things happening.
Starting point is 01:04:30 What was said after, dude, did you just say? Nothing. Yeah, as I say, that's one of those times. That's so embarrassing, you don't talk about it. We both, neither one of us ever mentioned it ever. And I, for a while there, I convinced myself that she didn't see it, I was like, she didn't see it. Yeah, she did. She was like, look at right at it.
Starting point is 01:04:47 She saw it. She had 100% saw it. I don't even know if I want to tell this story. Only because I feel bad for the person that it happened to, like, is one of my clients and we were outside training and doing, like, I liked to get outside the gym sometimes and so I bring my kettlebells and I bring like some equipment out there and we do some drills and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:05:06 And so I had her doing some stuff where she's working with the kettlebells, I get really aggressive with it, and something happened, and I'm pretty sure she shuddered pants. And then she just stopped like cold turkey, and was like, I gotta go. And then just left, and didn't come back.
Starting point is 01:05:24 But you don't know what happened. No, I don't know exactly what happened, but I've had at least three, maybe four. And I would think, South, for you, because you did a lot of advanced age. I had at least three or four women pissed their pants. From jumping and jumping. Yes, doing jump boxes, dude.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Like jump boxes. I've learned my lesson with that. Yeah, I was doing jumps. I had, after they had kids. I had a lady, you guys have heard of the term coregasm. Have you guys heard of this before? Coregasm?
Starting point is 01:05:50 Coregasm. No, no. So for the orgasmic birth, that's a myth. That's fucking weird, Justin. I looked at it up by the way. It is a video. I've seen that video, okay, very, very strange. Thank you, that anyway.
Starting point is 01:06:02 Coregasm, there are certain exercises that some women can do where they're activating certain muscles. And while they're straining, it gives them this feeling like they're about to orgasm. Like they're gonna have an orgasm. And some women will actually have an orgasm doing this. Look it up, I'm not making this up. So I had a client who this was in my early days
Starting point is 01:06:23 of first-lifters. Is this the porn star? No, this wasn't her. This wasn't her. That was a different. I we were doing leg presses and she stopped halfway through the set and I'm like, keep going, keep going. And then she would, she's like, okay, she's like, one minute. No, and she was like, one minute. No, she, she, she locked it, you know, and stopped. And I'm like, what happened? And she's like, I'm like, keep going. She was like, okay, and she did again. Two or three times, she stopped it. And finally, she was like, I'm not doing those anymore.
Starting point is 01:06:50 And it was because it was causing it. See, like right there. An exercise induced orgasm. It's most widely reported to occur during core work. And it was first discussed through anecdotal anecdotes or accounts in 1953. Yeah, so this was okay 5% of women he spoke to so this is the these were studies done by the Kinsey Institute the Kinsey scientists This is like big big studies 5% of them
Starting point is 01:07:15 Mentioned experiencing orgasm during exercise. He's like so I'm doing these at home from no one Yeah, not here. Yeah, no she told me afterwards what was happening later on when I was training her for a little while I was like wow Go to mind pump free.com and download our guides. They're all absolutely free You can also find us all on Instagram. You can find Justin at mind pump Justin me at mind pump salad Adam at mind pump Adam Thank you for listening to mind pump If your goal is to build and shape your body
Starting point is 01:07:42 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballac, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee,
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Starting point is 01:08:44 We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mindbump.

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