Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 114: These Popular Exercises are for Pussies

Episode Date: July 15, 2015

What kind of exercises do you do after you have done all the good ones? Try these impotent exercises on for size. Oh, and did Sal just call Adam out?......

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, pop, mite, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I made a post a little while ago. I think I might have irritated Adam a little bit because literally, literally five minutes later, he makes a post on Instagram, doing the exact same thing I talked shit about almost. No, he didn't. Yeah, he did.
Starting point is 00:00:27 He did. So I did a post on Instagram, and in a nutshell, basically I make fun of people who do finishing exercises, or exercises that are finishers, which is basically code word for, I'm a pussy. Because, because they don't, they don't really do much themselves. They don't really do much themselves. And you add them into the exercise because you're fatigued from doing the real good exercises
Starting point is 00:00:52 and you want to just throw an extra bunch of volume. So, and I know you're not wearing yourself out in the actual workout. Right, I know Justin's on my side with this. So literally, literally after that, five five minutes later Adam makes a post and It's by the way that's the only post that Adam didn't like in like months on mine So that he makes a post He always waits for your like to Okay, I'm good. I tag him on all of them. Yeah, Adam doesn't Adam does his post videos one of my favorite back finishing exercises and it's like a
Starting point is 00:01:26 45 degree bent over cable row with like 60 pounds and I had my belt on for you and he's That shit that's the physique in you bro He's like I like to do this to squeeze out the extra definition and my I did not say some I couldn't read it I saw it. I'm like where it's getting hard put the belt on I better put the belt up for this what are K. I can't hold my body up right there. Where is your where is your post for you? Did that I don't want to I don't want to throw out my back with this warm cable row I'm sure I feel like we're throwing Adam like I'm under the bus right all these
Starting point is 00:02:00 Emerson said I know I'm not bad. He's the buffed this guy in the room he's got he's gonna have to take it Adam Adam likes to get piped he's a cheap he's a hyping so hot okay let's talk you let's talk about this okay so first of all the the post I did okay don't defend it no I'm going to because I did not say anything I didn't use the word finisher I wouldn't even use that word finisher
Starting point is 00:02:25 But what I did talk about read no more like finish read actually know it we should we shouldn't raise well because there's listeners I probably don't read Instagram or don't care to go back and read this Why don't you pull it up and read it? Okay, here it is come here Cox mobs He already already on it. I saw look at that exercise read it. Okay, Justin. Would you ever do that? No? Yeah, now now now Adam gets away with it because he looks like you know, hercules, but hold on He looks good in it. Okay. I'll get it. No, he tried to he backed it up a little bit. Okay fucking first let me like it Yeah, I like it. Oh He waited yeah, yeah, what a dick. Yeah, you did this because you like for you. Did you change it? Did you edit it?
Starting point is 00:02:59 I did not bro Okay, although I'm a firm believer in large moves, like, let me see that again, because, um, yeah, I'm just hoping that the front of that doesn't say shreds. No, no, no, no, it doesn't. I'm good. No, no, no, we're good. But you know what though, I'm glad you had your belt on, because that, what do you, read it, read it, read it.
Starting point is 00:03:17 That looks like six plates. You know what he did? You're just like eight pounds. You're just as bad as the chick setfall me just for my naked patience. Yeah, I'm it. You didn't even read it, bro. You just went there and said, okay, you just saw the stupid exercise.
Starting point is 00:03:27 And you go like, read it, bro. Although I am a firm believer in large movements like deadlifts and rows, which make up a majority of my lifts, I still love to incorporate simple movements like this that I can mentally concentrate on decelerating the weight with constant tension on the muscle. He's trying to just add validity to this week exercise.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Number one, big movements first. Correct. Two, angles, shit, three, any exercise I perform well. No, no, no, I mean, the post is, I mean, legit. Look, Adam knows a shit. Obviously, he knows a shit. But then this falls into the category of, yeah, well, there's a place for this.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Well, look what he puts at the end. Before everyone freaks out that I have a belt on, I would normally never use a belt, especially for a simple movement like this. But yesterday was my first day back hitting deads and my posterior chain is fried. So I was defiantly using a belt as a crutch to help assisting me and my stabilizing my trunk while focusing primarily on my lats. See, you get away with it because you're really smart. You know what I mean? So yes.. See, you get away with it because you're really smart. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:04:25 So, yes. So yeah, you're. Well, so which brings me to my, my handsome always wins. Which brings me back to my defense, what you're saying. I mean, this is what I love is that we agree and a disagree on so many things here.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And, yeah, that's true. I 100% agree, like when you, I mean, you could literally do nothing but bench press, overhead press, dead lifts and squats and probably never have to touch anything else for your life and build a pretty damn good physique. You know, and I, and I have to be, I happen to be in the, a, a business of a sculpting and, you know, I've never been in that a business until now, you know, and so it's actually changed my philosophy on how I train myself.
Starting point is 00:05:03 So I find myself focusing on specific things to get my body to engage certain parts of the muscle or get more development in a specific area. So for example, and I'll tell you guys can watch, watch me do this, just like I did my back and my legs. So my upper, my, my traps and like my rhomboids are a little bit underdeveloped in comparison to my lats and now my lower back because I've put so much good Focus on deads and building this thicker back that my upper back is just it's just not as developed now It's developed. It's it's if you look at it. You don't go like oh my god. He has no upper back Yeah, you're nitpicking right exactly because I do do all the foundational movements that will get everything a little bit
Starting point is 00:05:42 But if I want that to build up a little bit more and catch up to you everything else, I'm going to do some silly movements like what you would probably mock, which was I'll be sitting on a, I did it. I'll show this video soon. I did a video of me doing a seated row, but I was using a, using a rope and elevating my elbow, almost like face pulls from a seat rope position to where I can just squeeze a contract. You know what, after I try it, I'm trying to off you for a second. Yeah, because you know, you're talking, and I get, because you're coming from that,
Starting point is 00:06:13 that's a whole other world. And so we kinda, and I know Sal is in with me, it's somewhat, you know, you still have like, you're kind of the split of the world, right? So I'm gonna talk from my world, something that like immediately if I post this, and I probably should just be fair, and we're talking a little bit on the thread.
Starting point is 00:06:31 The sky was doing some rubber band, kettlebell exercises for shoulder stabilization. Stabilization exercises in general can get ridiculous, right? And unnecessary. And I even know that, like doing a bamboo bar overhead press, like, I'm being a little silly, you know? But at the same time, like, I feel that my shoulder stabilization and mobility are like a high priority, so I'm really going to emphasize that, even though I could just be doing an overhead
Starting point is 00:07:03 press with weights, right? And I would get stronger in my joint, would get more stable as a result. Great point. Well, here's the thing. Here's where I could see that we're finishing exercises, what have a place. The way you're using them,
Starting point is 00:07:19 it's not necessarily, and you worded it differently, but I'm gonna word it just a little differently, and you'll see where I'm going with this. It's not necessarily that you're trying to develop a muscle differently. It's going to give you more of a mind and muscle connection, which then will connect to. So, for example, let's say you want to work a particular type of your mid-part of your mid-back. One-arm cable row finisher, it it's gonna help your mind isolate that muscle. Then when you go do your barbell row, you have your barbell row,
Starting point is 00:07:49 you're gonna engage that part of the back a little better. So I can see that word, you know, where it's coming from. I'm gonna read my post, I'm gonna read my first. Yeah, let's see the retort here from your... Well, here I'll read the first two sentences and then I'll scroll down, but the first two sentences are hilarious. Finishing exercises, this is another word for, I am a pussy
Starting point is 00:08:06 and I wanna pretend I lift it right. That's what I put in there. Ouch! So I said, okay, here's the deal. If you were to rank exercises on a scale of one to 10 on effectiveness, then certain ones would get a 10 like bench press, that'll lift squats, overhead press, cleans, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Others would get an eight, pull up, stumble, shoulder press, incline presses, barbell rows and and others would be ranked below a five Most cable exercises most machines leg extensions, etc Now the reason why I think a lot of people do a lot of these low ranking exercises is because a lot of people do and you're not one of these people But a lot of people do body parts splits so they'll do back once a week, they're doing 20 sets. You're not gonna do 20 sets of 10 ranking exercises or eight ranking exercises. You just not going, you're gonna fry yourself.
Starting point is 00:08:52 So what do you do as you start with, let's say you're doing legs that day, you'll do barbell squats, then you might do stiff like a deadlift, and those are the two meat and potatoes exercises, and then you're fried, so you basically do all these other little exercises. Well, if you work out less with less volume,
Starting point is 00:09:08 but more frequently, so instead of doing, you know, 15 sets for one workout, doing five sets three days a week, well, now I can do the big exercises every time. And so that's one of the reasons, not all the reason, but I think that's one of the reasons why, that's why frequency I think, or, you, or training more frequently tends to be more effective because you can do those more effective exercises. I wanted to speculate as far as from the physique world,
Starting point is 00:09:34 why I see a lot of people shying away from these barbell lifts and dumbbells, which isn't the case, typically, but let's say, you're on the... You're on the right, it's actually way more common than you. You're on these splits because the mentality is my guess is that, I mean, it wears you out, right? And you're going to get fatigued from doing these big compound lifts.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And so then it's like, you know, man, he put it in a a little. I was on a point there for a second. Why did you start? They went away, Barca, but no. No, because here's the thing. Now they can hit all these little cable machines. They're not having to engage more of their core and really get involved and get worn out by it. So, therefore, if they feel like they're doing something, the overall volume is the goal, right?
Starting point is 00:10:25 And so, yeah, I just see it, I see it more as like a lot of these lifts, like, I mean, they're very involved. Well, look, I'll tell you something, there's guys do 15 sets for their leg workouts all the time. How about this? How about you do 15 set leg workouts? No, I agree. I'm trying to save them in tallities.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Exactly, but make them all squats, you know, lunges and leg press. And then see how you feel afterwards. You're fucked. First of all, you probably won't even be able to finish your workout. Yeah, you know, but if you do squats and then you do leg extensions, leg curls, you know, kind of skirt around, then you can do one leg at leg press and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Then you might be able to get away with it. So that's where belt, you know, then you get, then you're there for like five hours. Well, there's something to be said also for, somebody who squats, now mine, I mean, we're also comparing the average person to someone like us. So when I fire squats, I can focus on what I'm firing,
Starting point is 00:11:18 mentally, very well, right? And in fact, I did a post-eat-a-day about me squatting and you can see me coming off my toes a little bit. And somebody made a comment about that. And I said, well, you know, on pariscope, I discussed like what I was trying to put that workout, I designed it to put emphasis on my quads. So no, I'm trying to go in a knee extension. Exactly. So no, sometimes I'll even put plates underneath my feet. And actually, I normally would have done it that day. Only I was like, I don't know if I want to put that on video. And then people not get it like and as I didn't but of course someone commented or a couple people commented
Starting point is 00:11:46 on me being off my heels and going for you. You use the squat shoes bro. Change your life. I know I know I definitely want to I do want to try those and see how they feel and stuff. So anyways what a lot of people don't have the ability to do is the that mind muscle connection like you mentioned before that I find is very key that is a little bit easier to do on a lot of these real small basic movements and exercises.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Of course. And they've got studies, which is also why I love following Ben Pach, the bodybuilder who's got his kines degree and he's tied to the doctor from bodybuilding.com. And when he works out, they hook him all up to machines. And they show how much connection he's getting mentally while he's working out, doing movements. And they motivate him by like telling him to focus. Think this, this, that, and they can read his, how much he's getting worked based off of his mental focus on the muscle.
Starting point is 00:12:34 And it's, there's a difference and there's a significant difference. So that being said and knowing that this is, this is possible, that, you know, I find it very important that was part of this post is to always incorporate an exercise that you feel where you're trying to feel it more than anything else. So just because squats are the best thing for your legs, and we can all agree on that. But hey, you know what, there might be another exercise other that you can feel it contracting better than something else, even if it's not as effective as squats is, but because you can mentally feel more It does bring it does make it a lot more effective than what we think it does
Starting point is 00:13:09 I also think we need to be clear here that the Nine easily nine at a ten of people who are looking to build muscle get better shape are not competitors, they're not fizzy competitors not bodybuilders And I think a lot of times, they emulate the routines of these athletes and they're better and off not emulating some of their routines because, you know, some, you know, dude that just wants to build more muscle, wants to work out three days a week, you know, he's better off focusing on some of those large remote. I, most people are right. But I think a lot of times, they emulate these routines and I, and I see God, I see it all
Starting point is 00:13:43 of the time, I go to golds and I see all these kids with 13-inch arms doing one-arm cable concentration curls and preacher curl machine. And I'm looking, I'm like, look, if you just did some cleans and some heavy pull-ups, your arms will fucking grow way faster. I've been saying. Justin's correct. And sort of that is, I mean, we probably all were. I at least I know I was as a kid.
Starting point is 00:14:06 I was doing the same damn thing. You know, when I was a kid doing the, you know, saying all the basic movements and machines and shit because you feel comfortable doing all those stuff. And, you know, and let's be honest, a lot of those other big movements are fucking hard. They're super hard. They're exhausting.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Yeah, exactly. They're exhausting. You know how shitty and you need like proper mechanics. Like you can't fuck around. Exactly. And that's where I, I mean, God, I wish somebody that really shitty and you need proper mechanics. Like, you can't fuck around. And that's where I, I mean, God, I wish somebody that really knew that I wish the me now, or one of us, or one of you found me when I was 17 years old and took me under your wing
Starting point is 00:14:34 and said, hey, listen. Taking advantage. Yeah, let me show you. Let me show you. I'm gonna have you sound horrible. I'm gonna, and it sounds, you know, here's a nutty part too, like, and I've shared this before.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Yes, it does for you, so. About my squatting, I used to hate to train legs because I still train that mentality of I had to do 20 to 24 sets in a workout. I never train legs like that. Maybe once in a blue moon, I hit 20 sets. Maybe. Yeah. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:14:59 That's like, I just felt like, like, I needed to burn some serious calories and I wanted to crush myself. Otherwise, I do, like, anywhere between eight to 12 is the most I even do it because that's enough. Otherwise, I do like anywhere between eight to 12 is the most I even do it, because that's enough. Like I'm like, and then I come back in two days and do it again, and then two days again and do it again.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And I do it with other stuff, and it's like my legs have become so much more developed than they ever have. Oh, dude, from when we started recording the show to now, you've added like two inches to your legs. Yeah, that was been my main focus was my legs and my back on the sourcing, and that's what, but I'm telling you, that's exactly all I've done. I've gone like two inches to your legs. Yeah, that was been my main focus was my legs and my back on the sassy and that's what but I'm telling that's exactly all I've
Starting point is 00:15:26 done. I've gone from the almost like a split routine where I hit legs once a week and destroy them to the guy who does three times a week with half the intensity because I'm not doing nowhere near as much volume. But I'm getting stronger. Oh, stronger, large, my legs are way bigger than what they were. Well, people out people like to comment on my legs all time. I haven't used a leg extension or a leg curl machine in 15 years.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Well, I told you what I did. Remember when I did the leg curl? That I hadn't done it. I saw all I had been doing is squatting. All I've been doing is squatting. And I was like, man, I haven't got a thing in the other hand. I was like, no, I don't know. I thought I did leg press or leg curls.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I should just go see. I should just go do it. Because it'd be great because I hadn't done it so long. Let's just do I'd time I did leg press or leg curls, and my fuck, I should just go see. I should just go do it, like, you know, because it'd be great because I hadn't done it so long. Let's just do it. So I did lying leg curls, and I told you I was blown away, considering that I have not done anything other than deadlifting to really put any emphasis in squatting on my hamstrings, and my hamstrings were literally,
Starting point is 00:16:20 I went up over 300% in strength. I was blew my mind. Well, what about what's her name? A Rochelle, a friend Rochelle. On Instagram, she's a sugar sweet and fit, I think. She stopped doing leg extensions and instead went to Sissy Squats. Which is an isolation movement,
Starting point is 00:16:36 but it's not an isolation movement like a leg extension. It's an old school type of a squat. And I think she posted a before and after. I don't know if she posted it or she just sent it to us of her legs. Huge difference. She stopped doing leg extensions, went to the CISC squat, legs, boom, huge difference. Funny thing is while she doesn't, is doing them in the gym, trainers are like, oh, those are bad for your knees. What are you doing? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Oh, yeah. Which, which we probably don't get anywhere. Yeah. We're here. We're here. We're here. We're here. We we're gonna wear in our first trainers. Well, because you wanna be the authority for everything. Oh, you do wanna be the one. You know what that is? I read. What a topic right there. I was just. I read in my certification.
Starting point is 00:17:13 What I was just thinking about this other day, you know, because we do have a lot. We have a lot of trainers that are listening to us. A lot of trainers or people that are trying to become trainers. This is gonna, so this is for you guys. When that day comes and you get your certification or you finish your degree and you start training and you become this authority in this industry, do not make the mistake of becoming that asshole who finds the need to point out what everybody else is always doing wrong and to punk other trainers that are
Starting point is 00:17:42 doing something different. Yeah, not like us on the show. Yeah. You don't want to be like us on the show. We don't specifically attack people. Well, it's real so. So, and the reason we're, there's a difference now, we're fucking really smart now. Back then we weren't that smart. We're fucking really smart now. We really got to hold back. No, and here's why I say that, because there's so many things that
Starting point is 00:18:07 contradict what I used to say back in the day. And even now, I feel like even when we say something now, even if we're punking somebody, we're a little more clever or we're a little more open-minded or we're smarter and definitely considered their point of view. Exactly. Even how Sal and I right now are debating the topic of finisher's or like that. Like, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:18:28 Absolutely, I agree with him that, you know, if you're going around doing a bunch of finisher type exercises, especially in the workout and you are not hitting your primary movements, like you're really wasting your time or you're really doing way more than you need to, you could do a lot less and be a lot more effective. Or even, I mean, with CrossFit, I was initially excited because it was different because it was like, I'm like, oh good, they're focusing a lot on these compound lifts
Starting point is 00:18:54 and it looks kind of fun because you're really getting a shit kicked out of you. And then you just dive in and you're like, what is this about? What's the programming? What how's this involved? Now you have to talk shit about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:09 You know, it's like a moral obligation because it's at that point where it's mainstream. And, you know, when anybody, like readily adopts a concept, like it doesn't matter if you compare them to a religion or not, it is that thing, right, that people like, they'll, do you P90X? Oh, do you this? Oh, do you, like, we have to look at everything and critique it, you know, but stay open-minded at first, like, okay, you know, I see where you're coming from, you know, I gathered all the information, but now as
Starting point is 00:19:42 as a professional and promoting the right things, we have to articulate why we don't. We do, but what do we do with our programs? What do we encourage like crazy? Oh yeah, experiment, experiment, exactly. It's also why we work for everyone. Everything that we talk about are guides. Right, they're not the program or the best program
Starting point is 00:20:01 or the only way. Yeah, that's a good point. It's a guide to help people out. And I think that's ultimately our vision, right? It is. And you have to understand this. There's general rules when it comes to nutrition and fitness. There's definitely general rules.
Starting point is 00:20:15 However, the variance from person to person, from individual to individual, can be so dramatic that it could be, what works for one person can be the opposite of what works for another person. When you look at just individuals, now if you take a whole group of 10,000 people, you'll see trends and that's how you get your general rules. But that's when we developed our programs, same thing.
Starting point is 00:20:35 We put workouts on there, but they're sample workouts. And if you've never done them before, maybe go through them the first time, follow exactly what we've written down, what we listed, but after that, we encourage experimentation because we've been trainers long enough to know that we've trained enough people one-on-one to know that people are different. The most ways to skin the cat. There's gonna be, look, I'll tell you something right now,
Starting point is 00:20:57 we talk about how great squats are. I guarantee you there's people out there that build better strength and muscle in their legs from a leg press. Not a lot, but there's definitely going to be those individuals. So there's definitely rules of thumb, but they're not for every single person. And we encourage debate, shit, if you think, you have ideas better than ours or we're wrong, we encourage it. I mean, you better bring,
Starting point is 00:21:18 you know, you better bring a lunch, you know, you better know what you're talking about and bring us lunch to promise. Yeah, Because, right, because, you know, we were pretty well versed, but I fuck, man, I love having my paradigm shatter. There's nothing more that I love than you. Well, I think we're absolutely. I think even when Crossfield, like you said, when we first came out, shit, I would remember
Starting point is 00:21:37 I was one of the first trainers to bring it over to our facility way back when. We did it, yeah, you remember that? Yeah, I definitely, I remember, I liked it. I thought it was really cool And and here's the thing that and I still stand by this when I talk shit about it is that there's a lot of things about it That is cool. That is that I've taken from it that I'm like, oh, this is a I like this philosophy or I think this is great or This is a great concept, but it's it's as a whole. Yeah, it's it's incomplete
Starting point is 00:22:02 It's incomplete. It's not a whole. It's it's it's it's it's dogmatic. It's you know, they didn't leave themselves open for people to adjust things and they haven't changed any of the wrong things about it. Yeah. Right. That's my biggest problem. It's like if it's going to be on the mainstream and they're to hear critics, you know, critiquing programs, programming issues, which they can address, but they steamroll over any critiques and then they try and bury anybody who tries to, you know, bring about issues of injuries and things that are going wrong.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Oh, yeah. And so that's 100% the wrong mentality to have if you're coming up with a revolutionary concept. Like you have to listen to concept, like you have to listen to your audience. You have to listen, you have to consider safety. You have to consider how maybe you should rebrand it as, now it's, this is a sport. Nothing else.
Starting point is 00:22:58 That's what I was waiting for you to finish. I could say is that this is the easy fix. Is it just going and I believe that's when Reebok signed with him that it was going the direction that's the commercial about advertising as a sport. They'll be gold. And they and they kind of do already. It's the people that are running them still that want to believe in the dogma that it's still this just to work out the workout and it's the answer. And it's like, no, it's not. It's a fucking sport just like football. And it's I love football. I love soccer. I love basketball.
Starting point is 00:23:24 I love all those sports. And I love I love I love soccer. I love basketball. I love all those sports and I love watching CrossFit. It's fucking fun to watch. Now, just like football, soccer, basketball is there's a lot of idiots that don't train the best way to play the sport and they're still great athletes. So that's okay. There can be CrossFit people that train like idiots and are just CrossFit people because they could they're super athletic and they train Hella hard and that's fine and we all watch them and we enjoy him But what I'm not gonna do is I'm most certainly not gonna fucking ask what Shaquille O'Neal does to get in shape and start Following it because he's a fucking NBA player, right? I mean that makes no fucking sense to me
Starting point is 00:23:58 He's not he is not a personal trainer. He's not some and but you know what? Maybe he did lots of cool cool workouts that are really successful and made him jump super high and be super, and I probably should use it better now just than a fucking 300 pound guy. I can't jump, right? That's not very agile. I probably should have picked something more athletic
Starting point is 00:24:13 like a Kobe Bryant, right? Whatever Kobe Bryant. I know how many people are aspiring to jump like, yeah, or LeBron James, right? Whatever LeBron James's workout, just because he does that, and I like playing basketball, doesn't mean that like that's the most ideal way
Starting point is 00:24:25 for me to work out, nor is he saying that. But that's how a lot of these athletes get these fitness program, and for my special deals, you notice that, right? Well, even though people just dismiss the fact that they're genetic freak and they're training since who, how knows, like maybe they're five. Well, I mean, even to bring it back to the finisher, you know, thing, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:47 when you see all these like pro bodybuilders and physique athletes, you know, no offense to Adam, you guys make up a small percentage of the genetic pool of people who can even look like that. I mean, let's be honest, someone can train exactly like you, do do everything right, but if they don't have the right, jeans, they're not gonna make it to that level. Well, not only that, not only that, but, and I have to say that this is something that I have for sure have, can speak to because it's new to me.
Starting point is 00:25:18 And I'm still blown away by it, is it just takes fucking time of consistency. Oh yeah, yeah. And you can't, you gotta be in it for takes fucking time of consistency. And you can't fall off. Because if you fall it like, okay, so check this out. Here's a cool analogy of what I've realized with my own physique and going through this.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Can never in my life is all the years I've been a personal trainer. I've always maintained myself at a reasonable body fat percentage. So 10% to 12% was typically what I was fit. You know, look good in clothes and a trainer and stuff like that. And what I was talking about, perfect, you know, and got away with kind of eating the things I wanted to
Starting point is 00:25:51 as long as I could train hard and do my thing and could stay in shape. And whenever something came around like a Vegas pool, I could cut down a little bit harder and get even a little bit better shape. But never have I tried to get myself a 2% body fat and continue to build this physique and shape in a certain
Starting point is 00:26:05 way and never lay off a workout. I mean, I'm going on three years now of not missing a workout really. That wasn't planned literally. And not stopping nutrition, my nutrition either. And by not something I'm not sure, I mean this. Even when I eat something bad, it's planned or it's like, I'm still accounting for it. I'm still going to. It's always a priority. Yeah, it's like planned or it's like, I'm still accounting for it. I'm still going to open. It's always a priority.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Yeah, it's because, and being this way consistently. Well, so check this out in November this year. After my pro debut, I took a month off basically and I didn't take a month off of work out. Still worked out every day. I took, literally took, I think four days off around Christmas, I took off from the gym and I decided I was just not gonna track my food.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I was gonna enjoy the holiday. I'm gonna take my, I just had my pro debut. I worked hard to get to that level. Now I debuted and now it's like, it's holidays. Let's be normal and human, right? So I take this sabbatical, right, for a month of like really getting after it and really tracking. Well, then I decided, okay, I'm gonna do a show at the beginning of the year,
Starting point is 00:27:06 which is what I ended up just doing right now. Well, I wanted to do a show sooner, but I couldn't, or I shouldn't, I don't think, because when I was cutting and getting back in shape and like, Billy, the one month I took off was enough to regress me back to where I was not as good as I was in November. And I had to bust my balls for the last like three, four months just to catch my physique back up to where it was when I
Starting point is 00:27:31 hit stage in November. So to maintain what I had, and that's where I don't think a lot of people realize like to maintain the physique that I have right now, it just takes ridiculous consistency. It just how I have to be consistent to do that. Now, I can be in good shape and be an average in shape guy and kind of come and go and be normal. Like, I used to be as a trainer, but if you want to maintain that, and I think that's the perception
Starting point is 00:27:54 that people don't realize is that, not only do you got to have the genetics, but then you have to put the time and serious consistency to continue to build to the size of the level. Obsessive consistency. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely obsessed. Yeah, no, I've had size of the obsessive consistency. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, no, I've had to be completely obsessive about it. I've never been this way before.
Starting point is 00:28:09 So this has definitely been the craziest I've ever been when it comes to that. And, you know, and it was such an eye opener to see what happened when I laid off. And I thought, wow, if I'm going to continue this whole pro men's physique thing, I can't do that right now. Now, if I'm going to show these judges a better physique every time. I think we could safely say for the average person, if they focus on the big freeway, barbell, dumbbell movements, and just get really good at those, they'll get 90% of the way there. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:37 So that's that was really where I was coming out. It's really just to keep it simple. Yeah, that's just. Keep it simple and get really good at school, know, those movements get really good in debt. Really good as well. Yeah, years and years and years like Adam, you can do. And I'm still getting better at those big less
Starting point is 00:28:51 and I've been doing them for a long time, so. Well, even things like my buys and tries, like I never, people always ask, what's your arm workout? It's like, oh, you'd be pissed if you saw my arm workout because it's Sissy, I rarely ever do it. And when I do do it, it's because I've already done all the other stuff and it's like,
Starting point is 00:29:04 look, I've just got an onboard. I'm bored, I'm gonna do some, yeah, I do do it, it's because I've already done all the other stuff and it's like, look, I've just got an onboard. I'm bored, I'm gonna do so. Yeah, I'm in the gym every day. I totally understand that. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? I've been in this industry for so long. You almost just want something new to come out. Yeah, cool.
Starting point is 00:29:17 I can do something else for a minute. Yeah, so that's literally like my arm workouts are like that. You know, it's like, okay, well, I'm gonna touch those because I haven't really touched those. And while I'm still busy working calves and working things that are like, I've workouts are like that. It's like, okay, well, I'm gonna touch those because I haven't really touched those in a while. I'm so busy working calves and working things that are like, I've got to bring up. So those get so much attention in comparison to everything else, and doing big movements,
Starting point is 00:29:33 like squats and dead lifts. All that stuff takes up a lot of time during the week for me to try and keep the physique up. And then on top of that, the only way what something like that gets thrown in there is if I just happen to somehow have extra time. So, crazy.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Until next time, this is MindPomp.

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