Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1148: The Muscle & Strength Benefits of the Pump, Grass Fed Beef vs. Wild Game Meat, the Effect of Resistance Training on Type 1 Diabetics & MORE

Episode Date: October 25, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the difference between grass-fed meat and wild game meat, whether the pump promotes more strength or muscle growth ...long-term, the effect of consistent resistance training on type 1 diabetics, and whether humans are hardwired to be competitive. How Mind Pump has impacted and changed lives. (4:27) Quentin Tarantino gives China the middle finger. (10:33) Sal recaps his trip to LA to hang and podcast with Max Lugavere. (14:09) The reason why the guys like to challenge the PhD’s they have on their show. (18:03) The 5 natural cannabinoids your body produces and why we have them. (20:34) Will utilizing too much THC cause estrogenic and testosterone effects? (27:47) The evolution of marijuana strains and how they have changed over the years. (29:14) Why being strong can reduce all-cause mortality. (32:17) Justin touches base on his rat infestation. (36:22) Arachnophobia is real people! (40:28) Mind Pump recommends The Righteous Gemstones on HBO. (42:08) #Quah question #1 – What's the difference between grass-fed meat and wild game meat? (44:26) #Quah question #2 – What's the point of chasing a pump? Does it promote more strength or muscle growth long-term? (56:12) #Quah question #3 - What effect does consistent resistance training have on type 1 diabetics? (1:04:25) #Quah question #4 – Are humans hardwired to be competitive? (1:08:43) People Mentioned Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere)  Instagram Christina Rice, NTP (@christinaricewellness)  Instagram Bret "Glute Guy" Contreras Ph.D. (@bretcontreras1)  Instagram Dr. Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc)  Instagram Related Links/Products Mentioned October Promotion: MAPS Anabolic ½ off!! **Code “RED50” at checkout** Improvised first aid techniques for terrorist attacks Quentin Tarantino won't recut 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' after film is pulled in China Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Evidence-based Approach to Cannabinoid Science | Cannabinoid Clinical Review of the neurological benefits of phytocannabinoids Associations of Muscle Mass and Strength with All-Cause Mortality among US Older Adults. Mind Pump 1147: Eight Sure-Fire Ways to Build Strength The Righteous Gemstones - HBO Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! MAPS Fitness Products I Am a Pencil: A Teacher, His Kids, and Their World of Stories - Book by Sam Swope Milton Friedman - I, Pencil Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, UP with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump, so for the first 42 minutes we do what's known as our introductory conversation. This is what we talk about, current events, our lives, and a lot of fun stuff. And then after that, we get into the fitness portion of the episode where we answer questions that are asked by our audience on our official
Starting point is 00:00:33 Mind Pump media Instagram page. So if you want to ask us a question, just go there, go underneath the quaw, meme, ask us a question if we like it, and we pick it, we will answer it in an episode like this one. All right, so here's what we talked about in the first 42 minutes of this episode. We talked about impactful listener messages.
Starting point is 00:00:52 We got a message from one of our listeners and apparently Adam's bad attitude saved his soldier's life. Talking shit saves lives. I am not making this up, it's a true story. Then I talked about how Quentin Tarantino is not gonna be changing or it's a true story. Then I talked about how Quentin Tarantino is not gonna be changing or editing his movie for China. It's a big middle finger to one of the biggest
Starting point is 00:01:11 markets in the world. Stand up to the man. Kind of cool. I talked about visiting my good friend Max Lugavir over in LA to do a podcast with him. We talked about Brett Contreras. He was just in recently to do a podcast with us, and we really liked the guy.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Glute Master. I brought up the natural endocannabinoid system in the body. So I talked about how it operated, what it did for you, all of the natural endocannabinoids, and of course that turned into a conversation regarding phyto cannabinoids and their potential benefit. Phyto cannabinoids are things like THC. You might know that from marijuana,
Starting point is 00:01:48 but there's also lots of other cannabinoids, and a lot of them have potential health benefits. Now, one of our favorite products, that's THC free or extremely low in THC, so it's a legal product that's based off of hemp, and it's full spectrums, or provides lots of cannabinoids, not just CBD, but others, is Ned.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Ned is the maker of high quality hemp oil extracts and we have a discount for you. If you go to helloned.com.com. My pump, you'll get 15% off your first purchase. Then I talked about another paper on the longevity benefits of strength of being stronger. Adam talked about how this is his absolute favorite time of the year, Justin talked about his rap problem at home and how they're eating all of his pumpkins.
Starting point is 00:02:35 And then I mentioned how Doug is the expert mouse killer. I talked about how Jessica freaked out because it was a spider in the bathroom. We talked about the show, Righteous Gemstones. It's absolutely hilarious. And then we got into the fitness portion of this episode. Here's the first question. This person wants to know what the difference is between grass-fed meat and wild game meat.
Starting point is 00:02:59 So what are the differences? What are the health benefits? And this turned into a conversation about the benefits of grass-fed meats versus grain-fed meats. Now one of our favorite companies to work with is butcher-box. And what they do is they deliver to your door grass-fed, high-quality meats at excellent prices. And through MindPump, they have an incredible promotion right now.
Starting point is 00:03:21 If you go to butcherbox.ox.com forward slash mine pump, with your order, you'll get a free 10 to 14 pound turkey and 20 dollars off your first box. Hello Thanksgiving. Meats. Here's the next question. This person says, what's the point of getting a pump? Like does it promote more strength or muscle growth?
Starting point is 00:03:39 So this is when you work out in the gym, lifting weights, your muscles get filled with blood and they feel real tight. You're shwirling. Is that just something that looks good or is there actual benefit to it? The next question, this person wants to know what effect it does, because consistent resistance training have on type one diabetes. And the final question, are humans hardwired to be competitive? Also, this month, this is the only time we do this promotion all your long,
Starting point is 00:04:05 our most popular muscle building and metabolism boosting program, maps and a ball, because the one that we've sold the most of, is 50% off only in this month of October. Here's how you get the discount. Go to mapsred.com and use the code red50, RED50, no space for the discount. So yesterday, well, first I got an email from Ann and every once in a while she'll send over, she goes through all the customer service stuff that we get, right? So every once in a while we get somebody
Starting point is 00:04:37 who just sends in a really nice letter. And yesterday we had got one that she'd sent over and I was reading it and I have a hard time with reading music. They give me emotional, dude, because some of the things that people say, like this guy had a daughter who's committed suicide at 14 years old and put him on that path, the same thing. And he said two years ago, he had just kind of stumbled across our podcast.
Starting point is 00:05:05 And, you know, after two years of listening started to put into practice a lot of things that we talk about on the show and, you know, was basically thinking of us and saying that we saved his life. That's the one that we've read. Yeah, that's crazy. Super powerful. That's super crazy. So I'm like, literally just, I was sharing that with Katrina. Same time I'm going through and like my DMs and answering questions and stuff, trying to get to as many as I can. I get this other one, like same day.
Starting point is 00:05:31 And this one's like powerful and funny at the same time, I thought I had to share this. And it says, Hey, brother, this is pretty random. I don't know when you're going to get time to read this, but you've saved lives. He says, we took some pretty rough fire today. And one of my best friends got hit by an AK-47 round to the chest.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Oh, so this is a soldier of... Damn. Yeah. Wow. While I was tending to him and then pulling him out of the kill zone, he said he was scared, but he then told me that he had to hear you roast sal for being a nerd one more time.
Starting point is 00:05:59 No! Shut up! That's right, bro. Save lives talking shit about you. Bro! It's all, hey. Save lives, talkin' shit about you. Bro, it's all, hey. Bro, there's a reason for every way. I was just thinking to myself the other day, like, what could the possible reason be
Starting point is 00:06:12 for Adam's asshole attitude? Like, what's the good? Save lives, dog. You just saved his fuckin' life. Save the line, you know what I'm saying? You're like, bad ass soldier. I believe the only reason he's alive is because he's too fucking petty
Starting point is 00:06:22 to not hear you at least one more time, talk shit. So, and he says, I know you understand that you're doing for the fitness community, but on a personal level, you've reached out to my troops and you sound just and have impacted all of us on another level. Thank you. That was really fun. To be powerful. To be thanked by men and women who are going out there and putting their lives on the line is just, I don't feel worthy to even be thinking about this.
Starting point is 00:06:45 It's a special place for me, for anybody serving for us. That's fucking awesome. So, shout out to Sergeant Roda. How do I say? Roda, yeah. Roda, yeah. Roda, you did fuck it up. I knew I would fuck it up.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I'm tearing out all the things. So, shout out to my dude. That just goes to show you like, you know, how tough these people are. Like, you just got shot and you wanna be, you want you send out some humor. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:10 Because you know, you're looking at your friend and you're probably like, oh, scared for me. Oh, we were messaging back and forth. I was like, I almost missed it. So that was a message sent, I think like a week ago, and he had just shared like a squat and scroll. And every time I see the squat and scrolls, I try and throw them up as soon as I see them and give love to everybody that's spreading the message.
Starting point is 00:07:29 And I clicked on it, shared it, it pops back up in my inbox, and then above, I see that he has messaged me like two other times, and here's this message. I think it's like a week old. I'm like, oh my fucking God, bro. Somebody sent me this and I didn't even see it. Which, man, I tell you what, anybody who's message me anything, I haven't got back to, it's impossible. It's 100% impossible and I do my best to try and get to as many people as I can. And it's kind of a sad end good at the same time. Right, obviously it's good for business reasons
Starting point is 00:08:03 that we've scaled to that level to where we are getting that many emails per day, that many DMs per person. But it's also a sad day for me because one of the things I think that we all prided ourselves on when we were building this thing was that we connected to all of our people. I mean, we were able to talk to every single person at one point.
Starting point is 00:08:23 You can just do your best. You can do as good as you can if it gets at a hand and it's impossible, but you just do your absolute best. But man, I mean, we appreciate it. We appreciate the hell out of it. You know what else is speaking of soldiers? I learned this a long time ago. So I don't know if this is true,
Starting point is 00:08:38 but I think I read this in an article that some soldiers were using tampons for bullet holes so they'd get shot, they'd have a bullet hole and apparently a tampon is an incredible way to stop the bleeding real quick. The stuff in the hole, have you guys heard of this? I have not. Maybe it makes sense, but yeah, that's a-
Starting point is 00:08:58 I don't know if it's resourceful. I don't know if this is like, I read an article a long time ago and the way my memory works is, I remember the reading it, I don't know if this is like I read an article a long time ago and the way my memory works is I remember the reading it I don't know if it's true. I feel like you're doing a commercial right now for like you know, we've got tampex By the way, we're sponsored by yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah But maybe Doug can look it up, but I remember reading that and thinking that's CVS near you. That's brilliant, right? Because it's the way it's
Starting point is 00:09:23 You know it's perfect sense. It's brilliant, right? Cause it's the way it's shaped. You know? It's perfect sense. And it's kind of designed to do. To kind of do that. To go in a hole. Yeah, wow. Let me see. No, that's not what it says, Doug. Yeah, I think he's making this one up.
Starting point is 00:09:33 No, dude. For gunshot, when click on that, tampons are not sterilized, not really a knee for them, clean and free for breeze, yes. But when using, it's obvious that a tampon doesn't come close to free. Well, I know they used like super glue for cuts and like, really stuff like that. Sounds like something you saw on a movie
Starting point is 00:09:50 and then thought it was an interest. Oh, here you go, snopes. Let's see, snopes. See, numerous soldiers have told us that, yes, tampons are indeed carried in medical kits and are used on bullet wounds in the field. That makes me feel better when I have to go buy my wife tampons. Yeah, you know, I guess.
Starting point is 00:10:07 This is for the bullet holes. Yeah. You never know what's out there. Yeah, you kill your snipers and your wishes. You're all embarrassed. Yeah, where you can't go ahead. I may save your life one of these days. The guys look at that.
Starting point is 00:10:19 You know what? Oh, these are for the gunfire. Yeah, I'm gonna be under later. Yeah. You know what I mean? All those bullet holes. Yeah, it's not. I'll use this up tonight. That'sfire. I'm gonna be under later. You know what I mean? All those bullet holes. Yeah, it's not. I'll use this up tonight.
Starting point is 00:10:27 That's how crazy it's gonna be. I'm not doing errands for my wife. 12 bullet holes, you know what I mean? Anyway, dude, I was, did you guys read what's happened with Quentin Tarantino? No. So I did not know this. Makes obvious sense.
Starting point is 00:10:40 It's logical, but a lot of movies and entertainment in the US has to be modified and changed. Like entire scenes of a movie have to be changed in order for it to be distributed in a country like China. Because China, as you guys know, is calm enough so they control a lot of things, they really try to control what their population sees and whatnot more so than most countries. And so what they'll do is they'll screen a movie and then they'll say, this part has to go this way.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And in replace this, for example, there was a scene in the Avengers, I don't remember what the scene was, but in order for the Chinese government to approve the Avengers to be released in China, and that's a huge mark at China's the second one. They just like deleted Captain America. Yeah, Captain China.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Yeah, exactly. It turns into Captain China. No, they had, there was just like deleted Captain America. Yeah, Captain China. Yeah, exactly. It turns into Captain China. No, they had, there was a scene in Captain America, and excuse me, and the Avengers were, they had to add, they shot an entire scene where there was a Chinese doctor helping some of the people, and that's the only way that they would approve it. So they had to make a whole scene with this Chinese doctor that was, what? Yes. And I think it replaced another scene.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Anyway, Quentin Tarantino, his movie, once upon a time in Hollywood, I think it was. I never saw that one. Yeah, so I saw I was boring. I think that's the movie that they're talking about. China asked him to change a bunch of stuff, and Quentin Tarantino said, fuck you. And so he's not changing any of his movies
Starting point is 00:12:05 to be viewed, to be shown in chat. That's a lot of money he's gonna lose too. No. Yeah, more filmmakers need to be like that. Well, I mean, think about it this way. It's easy to say that, that's hard to find. It is easy to say that, but I mean, that's the true artist and the true,
Starting point is 00:12:21 if you wanna put it out there, I just love to see like real art out there, not just like the commercialized shit that, you know, they're literally doing it because those, that's a huge market, they have to play those games. Well, huge market. You tell me like doubling your income, at least. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Not more, some movies gross more in China. Right, so that would be tough, man. You make this blockbuster movie, plus you're making a product. You hit a home run here in the States, and you know all you have to do is switch a few things out. Things out. For me it would depend on what they ask me to change because I get that it's a product and you have to change the product for different markets.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Like I have no problem obviously producing something in a different language or you know you have to change certain things just to get the right rating if you want to be PG-13 or rated R So I get it, but it depends like if they said to me like Yeah, we'll do your movie, but let's take all the American flags out You know, then I'll be like do you guys prefer having subtitles or having them like Just dubbed over subtitles. Yeah, I hate I don't know how you can watch a movie like that when it doesn't line up I watch it crazy. you can watch a movie like that when it doesn't line up. I wasn't crazy
Starting point is 00:13:25 I did watch one like that What's the show it's actually the second season came back out? Um, I think I think I think I think I got you guys watching this and I thought for sure Yes, I know what your terminal to yes the dark one dark dark. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't like dubbed The only time I liked dubbed is in probably because I was raised watching them dubbed Our samurai old Comfort movies. Yeah old kung fu movies. Yeah, those are fun. Well cuz you add your own Dialogue. Yeah, it's just the fake the fake
Starting point is 00:13:54 Sounds of punches and you just gotta add it yourself. You'll see the punch fun the punch hits and then like a split second later That hits with so fast Yeah, that hits with so fast with faster this beat of light. How is your visit with our boy Max? You went saw Max yesterday. Oh, bro I love that guy so much. He's such a he's a champion bro. He's like You ever meet someone and you're like wow, we're very much alike in very weird ways Well, didn't we agree that if you were to die that that's who we would use. Hey, I'm telling you dude I Well, didn't make me that if you were to die that that's who we would use. Hey, I'm telling you do Isn't that the you sign that contract third of me going to be him and I have a really good chemistry like anytime we're on Video or you know audio together. We flow very very well like I did that one Live where you got a bunk bed for you
Starting point is 00:14:40 He's such a bad on there. He's such a bachelor too. And you see the way he the way he lives and stuff like that I mean such a bitch down there. He's such a bachelor too. And he's the way he lives and stuff like that. I guess such a, yeah. But anyway, great chemistry with that guy. And we always do a good job together when we talk about a particular topic. So I was on his podcast. And we talked about like the value and non-value of counting calories and macros
Starting point is 00:14:58 and that got real deep. Then we talked about game changers of documentary because right now it's going crazy. Oh yeah. And he's getting hammered by the super, you know, zealot vegan crowd. And he doesn't understand it. He thinks it's, you know, he thinks it's absolutely crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:13 So we talked about that for a while. But it's funny because I posted a couple Instagram stories. I'm here with Max or whatever. Bro, at least. 5,000 girls are like, oh my God, could you like, I don't know Max or whatever. Bro, at least. 5,000 girls. At least. Oh my God, could you like, I don't know, can you act us? It was like, I think he's America's number one health
Starting point is 00:15:31 and fitness bachelor. Oh yeah, when you say that. I'm telling you, it was like 15 or 20 women, you know, girl, you know, commenting. I love him. Oh, he's great. Oh my God, I love him so much. Heart, you know, heart eyes with heart, whatever.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Like, oh my God. Is this Martin Cuten, Austin? Oh my God. Yeah, dude, it's great. It cracks. Yeah, I love him so much. Heart, you know, heart eyes with heart, whatever. Like, oh my God. Is this smart and cute and awesome? And oh my God. Yeah, dude, it's great. It cracks. Yeah, I get it, dude. We're funny, but we don't even know who someone is and they're like, they get so fanatic like that.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Yeah, but you know what it is. It kicks like small puppies and they don't even know that. He kicks puppies. Wow, that would be terrible. You know what I mean? Why, Max? Why? You're hanging out with him, you know.
Starting point is 00:16:01 And you know, it's just kicks. Yeah, dude, so many good things. They can do one dark thing. You know, they just have this one thing. It's like, what dude was that for? It's just, I keep puppies. He's like, yeah, I got something to tell. I got this hobby. You know, I know we're close Yeah, I like to kick small, but I'm never supposed to get out, but I kick puppies reversal of all the things I thought about you. No, he's a he's a I'll tell you what right now, man I understand it if I had a sister that was available,
Starting point is 00:16:25 I would for sure fucking, we're gonna bust them down. I would close him on being in my family. Cause he's such a good guy. We'd be competitive with that. I'd wanna get the rose. Yeah. Yeah. We're gonna compete.
Starting point is 00:16:37 He took me to Erwan. Have you guys ever been to Erwan? Yeah. You know, yes, Verstina just like reigns about it. It's overrated. No, no, hold on a second. It's like it's never been there. Yes We have it's like whole food. We don't go there. I've been there. Yeah, yeah, I've never been there It's like the it's the I guess there's even even more posh version of whole food
Starting point is 00:16:55 You know, whole food is already called food was more expensive. Yeah, so wait for it So we go there and he's telling me about it first off. They are fucking rad. They have a juice bar we go there and he's telling me about it. First off, they are fucking rad. They have a juice bar where you could get drinks that are like with all these crazy herbs and plants and shit. Yeah, but some of the whole foods are like that too. No, no, whole foods does not have fucking deer velvet antler and shishandra and, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:17 cordiceps that they'll put in your, they don't have all that. This place did and so I bought a drink. That is exotic. I bought a drink called Jean Booster or something like that. Gin booster. And I looked at all the ingredients and it was definitely designed to give you the boner power. Hey. Is that what it's for?
Starting point is 00:17:30 Yeah, for sure. So I full, full salute. I had a cup of that. So that's interesting you wouldn't have that before you and Max podcast. No, no, it was the only podcast. I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was,
Starting point is 00:17:40 I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I was, I choice of drinks there. It was after. Hey, give me the boat or drink. I'm about to go hang out with my buddy. I want to be exciting, but like, not just exciting really. Yeah, I want to be able to move.
Starting point is 00:17:50 I want to move to you, Gavin. Without my hands. No, no, no, it was after we podcasted. Okay. For the record, I don't need Jing Booster before I meet with Matt. You know what I'm saying? It's just not something.
Starting point is 00:18:01 It's just a national thing. Hey, speaking of cool people, the podcast we do with Brett, which is gonna be released later on. I really like Brett. I really like Brett. You know what a guy, you know what I like about him? I forgot that you were a dick to him.
Starting point is 00:18:13 The glute man. Yeah, a long time ago. I forgot. He totally, I felt like he was a little nervous at first and I thought, I wonder why he feels that way right now. Like, I think for the sales fall, I guess. And then I remembered like, oh, that's right. It's how I was a dick to him on Instagram. I wasn't a dick, bro. I was, the sales fall, I guess. And then I remembered like, oh, that's right, it's I was a dick to him on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I wasn't a dick, bro. I was, I think you challenged him. You and shallow got after him on time. I challenged him. I wish I remember what it was over though. I don't know. We were trying to figure that out. So he, I think he came into the studio
Starting point is 00:18:36 thinking that we didn't like him. No, but I must have been like, like, hip thrust versus squat, like, which one was like, in terms of like athletic performance, I think that's what it was. I think it was, and all I did was challenge him, and if you guys recall, Brett came back extremely intelligently with lots of integrity, provided studies, him and I went back and forth
Starting point is 00:18:56 with a good debate, and then I thought to myself, I like him, and look, when I go out, he's very measured. Yeah, when I want to debate someone on social media, it's not because I honestly want to be an asshole. Yeah, I'm busing your balls. I think there are the approach that we have, and I told him straight up, I said, you know, one of the things we like to go challenge
Starting point is 00:19:14 a lot of the PhDs and not because we were trying to be a dick, but because it ends up having for the most part a really good intelligent conversation. And that's what he does. Here's what I like most about, I was just talking to Jessica about this. The thing about Brett Contreras that I really appreciate and we learned this through the podcast is
Starting point is 00:19:30 he's been a personal trainer for a very long time. Yeah. So he... Well, you can tell by the way he answers. That's it. That's 100%. Yeah, you can tell by the way he answers every single thing that we talk about
Starting point is 00:19:39 on the episode that's coming up with him. And even the way he posts, like you... I felt that from him when we were talking about stuff, he would reference a study, but then he always talks, like, well, in this case, or there's always exceptions to the rule, like he's really careful to, and you know that, because what do you say he is? His three goes,
Starting point is 00:19:58 he goes, I'm a personal trainer first, a lifter first, a lifter first, personal trainer second, and then third, a scientist. That's right. And I like that because there aren't a lot of great studies done around exercise. Is the sample sizes are typically not big or biased. And until this day, the most you'll ever learn
Starting point is 00:20:18 about fitness is if you go out and train people for 15 or 20 years. Yeah, there's just not a lot of money and research in like fitness in general because it's just like, I mean, there's no, they wanna create the pill. They wanna create the pill to get you all the results. I don't wanna study it. Speaking of fitness space and the pill and like, man,
Starting point is 00:20:38 I think, I don't think I've ever seen so much CBD stuff hitting like, I mean, my threat is just flooded of everybody pushing and moving CBD. Or now you guys seeing this right now? Oh yeah, dude. It's everywhere. It's so stupid. It can't avoid it.
Starting point is 00:20:54 It's so overplayed and they're promoting it for things that it has no evidence that it benefits. It's just a cool, you know, actually you remind me, I was, you know, because I was in LA, you know, being on Max's on Max's podcast also on Mike catharwood's new podcast. Oh, what was that? He's a cool guy super super cool guy. Did you talk to him about training with Josiah at all? No, no We sat down podcasted and then he had a podcast right after me So I just I talked to him for a little bit and then I had to take off but very very cool guy nice dude You know, he's been working out for a long time as well.
Starting point is 00:21:25 But anyway, because I was there, I had these gaps in between the two podcasts. So I actually sat down, had lunch, and had like two and a half, three hours to myself. So I thought, I'm gonna learn more about the endocannabinoid system of the body. That's totally normal. Yeah, it's a lot of time.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Yeah, light reading. So the endocannabinoid system is the body's natural system that utilizes what are known as endocannabinoids. And the only reason why we ever discovered these in the first place was because scientists were trying to figure out how the hell THC makes people high. So way back when we discovered THC, you were not discovered, but yeah, discovered THC, we were trying to figure out how the hell does this make people feel
Starting point is 00:22:08 high. We can't figure out the mechanisms through the process of studying it. We discovered receptors in the body that THC attaches to. I don't know if it was the CB1 or CB2 receptor we discovered first, but it was one of those. And then from there, we're like, okay, if these receptors are here, there has to be a natural chemical in the body that attaches to these receptors. And so they looked and looked and looked. And for a while, it was like, you know, theorized that we had it, but they couldn't figure it out. Anyway, eventually, they discovered these natural endocannabinoids that are in the body. There's five, I believe, that we've identified. I actually have her written down. And then to my, that's the first one that I think I bring that one up quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:22:48 There's something called two AG, AG stands for Iraqi Donald Glisserol. There's Virat Hamid, there's NADA, and then there's one called Nolatin Ether. So these are all the natural cannabinoids, your body produces, that work throughout the body. These are the things that we really fully understand that the impact in the human body. Because you think, well, what are these things for? Why do we have them? How do they regulate the body? They work through the body's pain and inflammation system.
Starting point is 00:23:20 So it's an important part of our body's ability to Modulate pain and inflammation so that it's appropriate because remember Inflammation isn't good or bad. It's if it's appropriate and it's then it's good You need inflammation to signal the body too much inflammation can can wreak can wreak havoc on the body right feeding an energy regulation so Hunger appetite, but also that's Also, how your body regulates energy. So cannabinoids can actually tell the body to burn more calories or burn less calories. Yeah, this may be why people who use phyto cannabinoids,
Starting point is 00:23:59 phyto cannabinoids are cannabinoids found in plants. So phyto, right? Phyto cannabinoids, whether it's hemp or marijuana, people who use phyto cannabinoids theoretically eat more food, it stimulates appetite, and when we do studies, the small studies that we do have show that they do eat more food, but we also find that they're not fatter,
Starting point is 00:24:21 and we also find that they have less instances of diabetes. So there may be some weight loss, subtle weight loss effects that come from which is gonna get exaggerated by companies, I'm sure. Of course, of course, because of the energy regulation, learning and memory, this is a big one. Your brain's ability to forget is an important part
Starting point is 00:24:44 of your brain's ability to remember. If your brain doesn't forget really well, it actually makes it difficult for you to remember important things. And so this system, this is why if you do too much, like THC, it affects short-term memory. So if you smoke a shit ton of weed, and this is a fact, so, you know, I'll find out the pot heads are like, this is gonna affect my memory. Shut up. Yes, it does. It studies are pretty conc this is gonna affect my memory. Shut up. Yes, it does. Studies are pretty conclusive.
Starting point is 00:25:07 You start to talk about it. Yeah, actually, would you say? It does affect short-term memory, but this is an important thing that the brain does. Other cannabinoids actually help the brain utilize, or helps the brain utilize its own natural cannabinoids better though. So THC, not so much, CBD, CBG, CBC, some of the other cannabinoids found in hemp, especially in hemp, help the brain, utilize its own natural cannabinoids a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:25:40 This is why studies show that when people use a lot of THC but also combine it with a lot of CBD or other phyto cannabinoids, the memory loss effects aren't nearly as profound. In fact, there was one study that shows that there were almost no memory loss effects. And it's because those cannabinoids help your body use its own cannabinoids. It didn't cause the same types of problems. Emotion regulation, that's another one. Your cannabinoids help you regulate things like happiness, motivation. This is also why if you overdo it on certain phyto cannabinoids like THC, eventually you lose motivation, but initially you may actually gain it. You're here stoner say, oh if I, you know, have some weed or whatever,
Starting point is 00:26:25 it motivates me or whatever. I get this from using Zeta. No, I actually get this consistently from using hemp oil, full spectrum of hemp oil extract like from net. So if I use that, I find I actually feel a more motivation. Whereas with I use cannabis,
Starting point is 00:26:42 I think THC is the one that can really cause problems if you over, over do it. So it's pretty interesting stuff when you learn about this, that this is a very complex system, and the way it works in the brain and in the body is it acts like a regulator. So if your body is using its natural cannabinoids optimally, then you're going to get the right amount of forgetting or remembering. You're going to get the right amount of pain regulation, energy regulation. You get the right amount of motivation and mood. You're going to get the right amount of inflammation, all those things. So, you know, word of caution for people utilizing
Starting point is 00:27:26 a lot of THC, which has its own benefits, can actually cause problems, but using some of the other cannabinoids may actually help your, enhance your body's ability to regulate and use these things. Sounds like you need to use, you know, a whole host of these cannabinoids, not just the focus on the one. Totally. Now, the THC does also have estrogenic effects, like if you use chronic use. There may be an animal studies too much.
Starting point is 00:27:55 I 100% believe this. I think so. I mean, that's just my aspect. When I was going through the, you know, coming off of testosterone, and I could feel how sensitive like my hormone levels were and I could feel how high my estrogen was, my gyno was constantly flaring up.
Starting point is 00:28:11 I would notice whenever I had like four days in a row of like smoking, especially if I did like a weekend where I was just we were out doing something and I smoked all day. It was a day off somewhere or whatever. I would notice that it would flare up my gyno really bad. And then I would notice if I would stay away from it for a week or longer, it would completely suppress it. Dude, so studies are mixed on this.
Starting point is 00:28:35 I did a lot of research on this and studies are mixed. Some studies show lowering of testosterone effects and possible estrogenic effects in humans. Other studies show there is no effects. Animal studies are consistent. Animal studies show that utilizing too much THC has estrogenic effects and testosterone lowering effects in animals.
Starting point is 00:28:57 I notice the same thing, Adam, if I go deep on cannabis, I feel estrogenic side effects. I don't get that from, again, the non-psychoactive cannabinoids. Like, if I use lots of hemp extract, it's only THC. Yeah, it's only when I smoke. So even my stoner friends could benefit from, you know, adding in like the full spectrum. Probably because cannabis has been bred to be... Well, you're the one that got me to start doing like the one-to-one ratio. Yes. Yes. Because what happens with the plant, the one that got me to start doing like the one to one ratio. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Yes. Because what happens with the plant, the marijuana plant is, it's not like you could boost THC and it not affect the other, the other cannabinoids. The more THC a marijuana plant has, the less the, of the other cannabinoids it has. It's like you're, it's like you're pulling from, you're isolating it. Well, it's like you're pulling from a bucket, a number of a hundred. So you got to allocate some of it here and there. And the more you allocate to TFC,
Starting point is 00:29:47 the less you get of the other stuff. So because people like to smoke weed that makes them high and breeders have been breeding, you know, now when you go to the dispensary, every single strain is over 20%. Five years ago when I went to the dispensary, there would be like one strain that was over 20%. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:03 They're squeezing the shit out of them. And now they have less of these other cannabinoids. And I think that's a big mistake. And I think that therapeutic long-term kind of benefits for people just wanting to improve certain aspects of the health. They're going to get it from the non-psychoactive because they don't get the side effects, right? They're going to get it from the, that's why I think the future of cannabinoid for health is not gonna be CBD extract,
Starting point is 00:30:28 it's gonna be full spectrum, you know, cannabinoid type extracts with no, or very, very low THC. And so funny, because if you were to find it in nature a hundred years ago, it wouldn't look like the way it looks today. No. It would be way more balanced.
Starting point is 00:30:41 It's very naturally balanced. It would be way more balanced than you would see levels of like nine to 12% to use. And the way people used it, so the way people smoked marijuana back then was they smoked the whole plant. So you get your weed, it would have the stem, it would have the fucking, everything in there,
Starting point is 00:30:58 the leaves and the bud. So when you're smoking it, it's like 9% to use. It's funny, because anecdotally, I've listened to like some of these old guys from the 70s and they're like this, this is nothing like what we used to smoke back in the day. Yeah, you know. When they say that they're ridiculous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Yeah. They've got that stuff back in the days was nowhere near us. It's like nothing in it. If you're comparing the high, that is. Right, right. Like if you're comparing like the feeling of how strong it is, which is what most stoners or weed smokers are talking about when they talk about how amazing weed is. Well, if it doesn't get stronger than what it is today.
Starting point is 00:31:28 No. What it is today is. Not consistently. I'm sure there were strains back then that you could find that were high, but they were rare. And again, the way people smoked weed for thousands of years, you go back to China, you go to the Middle East, they didn't just smoke the bud, they smoked everything. And when you do that,
Starting point is 00:31:45 the stamina. Yeah, because the rest of the plant has, is higher in other cannabinoids and lower in THC. Most of THC, the highest concentrations in the bud. So what do we do now, right? We've breed the shit out of it to make it squeeze out hell at THC, and then we throw the leaves and the stems out and only smoke the bud, because that's what everybody wants, they want to get high now. Now, I think that the future of therapeutic use is this full spectrum the leaves and the stems out and only smoke the bud because that's what everybody wants. I want to get high now. Now, I think that the future of therapeutic use is this full spectrum kind of use, unless
Starting point is 00:32:09 you're trying to do like specific, you know, very, very pointy use. High use. High use. Yeah, I have full spectrum. Anyway, another thing I read too was another, it was a great article on lifting weights, muscle and longevity. I took actually took down some notes because I wanna not miss any of this,
Starting point is 00:32:28 but this article was really, really, it was interesting and it was a little different than what I've read before. So this was published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. And they found that people with low muscle strength were more than twice as likely to have died during a follow-up period of the study than those with normal muscle strength.
Starting point is 00:32:46 So they did this long study. They analyzed, you know, hundreds of thousands of people controlled a lot of different factors. And people with low muscle strength double the rate of all cause mortality, double. They also found in this study that although muscle mass has a protective effect if you're sick, let's say you're in the hospital and you know you can't eat or whatever, having a lot of muscle mass kind of just gives you a little bit of a you know there's more of it to lose because when you're bed ridden you lose a lot of muscle. So yeah, muscle can protect you in that way. But what they found in these studies was that most of the health benefits that came from
Starting point is 00:33:27 Muscle wasn't from the mass of the muscle. It was all about the strength. It's all about being stronger So they're interesting so they control for body weight muscle mass all that stuff and And they said oh, it's mostly the strength. It's mostly the strength that gives and if you think about it That's the functional aspect of you know And this one, they found that there was a study done in Australia, they analyzed data from 80,000 adults in England and Scotland, and they found that those who reported doing any strength training at all, so even like a little bit, were 23% less likely to die
Starting point is 00:34:01 during the study period, and 31% less to die of cancer. So, I mean, did they follow these people for 60 years or something like that? Long time. Wow. Yeah, long time. Oh, that's interesting. Now, these are surveys, so it's hard to tease out and control, you know, because they're not super controlled.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Right. But this one just mirrors every other damn study that right now is coming out on strength ring. The cancer risk drop, I think is phenomenal. Well, it just, I mean, it makes logical sense in terms of fragility. If I'm like a super weak and like, it just feels like, you know, my immune system,
Starting point is 00:34:40 everything else is like suppressed, where I'm more susceptible to anything that sort of comes my way versus like strong, healthy, like everything, all the systems are working a lot better. Well, yeah, to your point, Justin, I think we always, we look at like, you know, the muscular system when we talk about strength training, but it's affecting a lot of other systems in the body. Every time.
Starting point is 00:35:03 One systems down, and you know, it pulls on the other. Right. So I think we tend to think, oh, lift weights, and we think just the aesthetics or the body, the outside, but there's so much that's happening on the inside that you're doing by training that way, just by pushing the heart rate like that,
Starting point is 00:35:17 just by building muscle like that, speeding your metabolism. There's so many different positive things that you're doing internally that I'm sure it helps. When you get stronger appropriately, and what I mean by appropriately is not, pushing your strength through anabolic steroid use or through unhealthy practices,
Starting point is 00:35:34 but when you get stronger, physically stronger appropriately, your body becomes stronger generally. You know what I'm saying? Or resilient. When you become weaker physically, you become weaker generally, weaker immune system, weaker emotionally. You know many times I would train female clients and the thing that they would comment about their strength training that they liked the most was they just felt more solid.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And I don't mean physically solid, they just felt- Confidence-wise. Confidence and just more solid or men- That's a lot. Or the male clients that I would train and how they would feel more Balanced and solid in their emotional states. It's a general effect that you get so strength Physical strength contributes to general overall strength in all aspects and in vice versa So yeah, and that's what these studies are are kind of showing. So right right anyway
Starting point is 00:36:21 Justin what's going on with your rat infestation? We had going on? I mean, we haven't touched bases on that in a while. I've never heard you say anything. First of all, that whole experiment with the cat thing kind of foiled. Oh, yeah, which words you're cat? God, dude.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Hit the road, man. Like, he just took off on us. Oh, really? Yeah, I was kind of bummed about it because I thought it was a cool idea. Well, I knew nothing about it Me as a feral cat. He's like his status and we'd get too close You know, I mean like it wasn't like a pet or you can't seem to hold on to pussy. Oh
Starting point is 00:36:56 Man such is life, right? It just shows it in so many levels Salt to the mix there Adam. I feel like Adam would have kept that Yeah, I don't know these days. They're going these these these cats going over. They're slipping through the cracks right for your eyes, bro That can't be brought. Wait that can't we're about more cats over I don't know what is I got one push so weird The whole colony now like meowing at me. So you lost your pussy. I lost my pussy. That sounds weird, but it's true.
Starting point is 00:37:30 And so they're just, they're still there. The rats are still all over the place. You put the secret in your house, bro. I mean, I've had measures where, like I wasn't gonna talk about this because of the potential pita people, but, hey, tough. Like, I mean, I'm shooting them now. I'm going talk about this because of, you know, the potential pita people, but, hey, tough. Like, I mean, I'm shooting them now. You know, I'm going after what?
Starting point is 00:37:49 What are you shooting at with? Because they won't die from the traps. Dude, I got like this BB gun, and I'm like, I'm taking a gun gun. No, no, no, no. I think my neighbors would have a problem with that. But, yeah, so, I mean, I'm taking extreme measures here because there's just, I mean, they're all over the place and so like
Starting point is 00:38:08 What we found was we were we were trying to feed this cat to come back They thought that we were feeding them so they were like all kind of you know gathering together every time Like I'd walk out of my house. They're all coming to see what they have for dinner tonight You know little pets so I stopped I stopped putting food there and all. And so I went and we just went to get pumpkins with the kids. And so the first time my youngest, he went on this like field trip and got a pumpkin brought it back, the rats ate it. They ate his pumpkin. What?
Starting point is 00:38:39 Yeah. Like you got excited just to like, or chewed through the entire thing and it rot like in front. So we just went again and so that both my kids got like the big size pumpkin, I got like kind of a smaller one. And of course, like I go out and mine's one that they attacked and they burrowed through chewed through the whole thing. And so anyways, like that was just a little more insult to the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:39:01 You can make it a close-up. I just, I'm gonna do something to you. I just sent a link over to the group thread. And I don't, you gotta go get one of these, man, because why not? It's a fully automatic CO2 BB gun. So it's like, you know, you get the full, yeah, I had the pump one because I was like,
Starting point is 00:39:20 trying to also, the whole safety thing to do. And I was like, hey, you know, I was like, showing them how to do it, but like, yeah, you know, I was like showing them how to do it. But like, yeah, I'm ready to go show more time. I'm gonna, you see the link that, yeah, I said just sent it over to you guys. Bro, so I'm gonna go country on these. No, here's what I think you need to do.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Listen, look at this. Oh, yeah, look at that. The top left. Yeah, here we go. Oh, sick. Oh, fuck yeah. How much is that one, Doug? What does that say there?
Starting point is 00:39:41 This is $149. That's it, bro. You got that, Justin. You know what we should do? Or that shit now. I get that I'm gonna post up in my backyard right? Yeah, you got to get yourself a Doug is what you need to do I yeah, it's good because we got a ham out here We have a mouse problem in here every once in a while and Doug has
Starting point is 00:40:00 Killed I don't know 12 15. Yeah, probably about 15. Yeah happy happily by the way happily. I'm not happy Because yeah, I tell you what man, they do not like you Doug. They are scared of the Doug You should like peanut butter. Oh, yeah peanut butter, right? You should get a couple of them and stuff them like a scarecrow You know and sin and plot them around the house a part of our studio around the bottom of the studio. I'm joking, I'm joking like that. Let's not do that. Dude, speaking of scared of shit this morning, Jessica, no, no, this was last night. I'm laying in bed and we're getting ready to watch a little TV before going to bed.
Starting point is 00:40:37 And Jessica walks into the bathroom and fucking screams and runs away. Runs away out of the bathroom. And so I'm like, is there a burglar in the shower? Like what the hell is going on? And she's like a spider. Oh my God, dude. What did this spider look like? Was it big enough to scream?
Starting point is 00:40:56 I mean, I'll be honest with you. It was a decent sized spider, let that big. But I'm like, what are you reading away for? Yeah, it's a good deal. Dude, that's ironic. Cause that literally happened. I was sitting taking a shit and then I got up and I'm like, you know, doing my thing.
Starting point is 00:41:11 This is really graphic. But like, so I look over at the shower curtains right next to me, right? And I'm kind of brush into it. And there's this huge spot on it. And I look up and it was like one of those wolf spiders that was like cute. Yeah, it was like a couple inches big. And I just feel like, whoa, you know, and Gordon is like one of those wolf spiders that was like cute. Yeah, it was like a couple inches big.
Starting point is 00:41:25 And I just feel like, whoa, you know, and Corn is like, what, what, what, what, like she freaks out because I don't follow that up with like, oh my God, I'm just like looking at it, you know, and like processing it. And she comes in like she freaks out. And so I had to like smash the hell out of that, but it was like right next to my arm.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Hold on a second. You took a shit. Yeah. So you sat in there, I was sitting in but it was like right next to my Arnold took. Hold on a second, you took a shit. Yeah. So you sat in there, sitting in there, and it was right next to me. Made the bathroom toxic, like you do. It didn't die. And then you, yeah, it didn't die.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Then you yell and Courtney will runs in there. She does. She does. This is just a regular crunch. She's like, oh, oh, no, you don't want. Oh, yeah. I can see why you said that. Oh, okay, all right, you got to handle.
Starting point is 00:42:05 I'm out here. It's whatever. Yeah. Dude, you guys got me on that show that series on HBO, right? Right, just gemstones. Oh, finally, you all, finally we're all in the same show. Dude, it's so good. Right?
Starting point is 00:42:18 Isn't that the best? Like such good satire. It's so not funny. It's so not, but it's so is. It's so fun. It's my favorite show to watch. It's so ridiculous. Yeah, it's over the top. It's over not fun. It's so not, but it's so is. Like it's so fun. It's my favorite show to watch. It's so ridiculous. Yeah, it's over the top. It's over the top.
Starting point is 00:42:27 It's not like, it's not incredibly written or amazing storyline behind it or what that. No, it's just fun. I just don't think there's anything been, that there's nothing like it. No. Nobody has done something like this. And so, and I was like, oh wow, I can't believe
Starting point is 00:42:41 they're doing something. I just like that they make fun of these, like, you know, that's a whole branch of that, that was like waiting to get made fun of, you know, the televanjolists and then also the Joel Steens of the world and all these people that are like, the mega church thing, like it's, it nails it, dude. HBO's got the best writers. Cause I don't know how they make these people such
Starting point is 00:43:01 despicable people that are likable. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like you like them. You want them to do, you want them to win even though they're bad. They're not good. HBO does a great job with that. I'm on like the fifth episode or whatever. I told you guys that I've been going to...
Starting point is 00:43:14 Parents definitely would not like that show. Yeah, I don't think my parents would like that show either. The HBO and Showtime I've been on that kick for a minute, man. Speaking of TV, this is my literally right now favorite time of the year NBA started yesterday. You've got the world series going on right now. You got hockey going on You're right now and you've got NFL going right now. It's a lot of work. Best Time to bring you to triangle of awesome. Oh, it's the best time to watch time with you on that Triangle has three points you named for well fine. It's a
Starting point is 00:43:40 Tom with you on that out of try trying last three points you name for well fine. It's a I'm with you on that out of try trying last three points. You name four well fine. It's a cabroutus square. Yeah, technically. Yeah. It's a parallelogram me. I did. Yeah. Today's calls brought to you by Max and a boy. If you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength, Max and Obolic is the perfect place to start. With a full 30-day money back guarantee, there is absolutely zero risk. So what is your waiting for? Go to mindpromidia.com and get started today! It's the motherfucking call!
Starting point is 00:44:20 An eagulous landage! Quee-qua-w. First question is from Pure Warrior 247. What's the difference between grass-fed meat and wild game meat? Nothing. Well, thanks. Well, I mean, there's a lot different,
Starting point is 00:44:36 there's a big difference between grass-fed and grain or wild and grain, but grass-fed and wild is pretty much the same thing. Well, here's the reason why it's different. They move a lot. Well, because grass fed meat that you buy, that you, like, for example, butcher box delivers your door, it's grass fed beef.
Starting point is 00:44:53 There isn't wild, is there wild cows? That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. They can eat and buy wolves, I would think. You imagine a cow in the wild. That's terrible. What a terrible animal. The name is single, name one animal that you could buy
Starting point is 00:45:07 Grass fed or you could buy wild pig Yeah, yeah, okay, that's a good point. Yeah, did you guys know if you take turns into a hairy hog it does You know that did you know if you took a and they're crazy right now in Texas you guys know this you can actually like fly A helicopter and shoot them with assault rifles. It's legal. You can also do it out of a hot air balloon. They let you do it out of a hot air balloon now. Is this all real?
Starting point is 00:45:32 The true story. Yeah, dude. Because they have so many feral hogs. So why haven't we done this? I don't know. It sounds like an adventure to me. Why haven't we done this? Yeah, would you not want to do that?
Starting point is 00:45:40 Have you ever gone hunting? I have. I have. But not like with a semi-automatic gun, and after pigs. I mean, it's a little, that sounds a lot of fun. A little crazy, but maybe we start with the rats first. Yeah, start with the,
Starting point is 00:45:52 start small, we'll get the, yeah. And we'll go yeah. No, yeah, if you take a, if you take a domestic pig and you put it out in the wild, it turns feral. Like the switch turns on, and it actually becomes a crazy fucking, like a bore almost.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Okay, so besides the hog, what else animal could be grass fed or wild? Oh, that we eat both? Yeah, that we eat both. We don't really. It's normally comparing grass fed to grain or wild to grain, right? Yeah, so here's the thing with wild game meat. And I guess bison would be the closest to beef, right?
Starting point is 00:46:30 Bison is wild. Yeah. And that would be, you know, that would be about as close as you can get to cow at least. In fact, if you eat bison, it almost tastes the same. But wild meat is just got a healthier fatty acid profile. meat is just got a healthier fatty acid profile. It's more nutrient dense flavor wise. If you guys have heard the term something taste game. Yeah. There's a flavor that natural, I'm using the word natural, but I think you guys know I'm talking about there's a flavor
Starting point is 00:47:00 that natural wild meat has that domesticated grain-fed meat doesn't have. Oh, there's a clear distinction between grain and wild or grain and grass. And maybe there is, again, I don't have an example of a meat that I've had that is, I've had wild and I've also had only grass fed. Because I think grass fed has a different taste and comparison to grain fed. I mean, it's a little bit, it's like between, it's not straight, it's not gaming.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Like you're eating venison, but it's not a purely like the grain fed beef. It's just a hint of the gaming. You're like venison and elk, like I've had that before. And I like the tastes of definitely way different than like any kind of a livestock animal. It's got a little bit of that, tiny bit of that. Well, you had to explain for people to say they understand
Starting point is 00:47:50 because this was like, I remember the first time I fully understood this and it's, I didn't, this was until maybe six years ago, maybe five, six years ago when I started looking for more grass fed, is I didn't understand what that meant that it changed the fatty acid profile and why that was important to you because when you talk about somebody who is trying not to, you know, is fighting inflammation or you're trying to get healthier fats in your diet, it's kind of canceled out when you go and you get like grain fed beef.
Starting point is 00:48:22 A little bit, like if you, if you don't, if you eat meat every once in a great while, it's not gonna make a difference. You know what I mean? If you eat like, if you eat one steak or burger patty or whatever, once a week or less, it's probably not gonna make that huge of a difference. Now, there's an argument that says that you will see a difference over time.
Starting point is 00:48:43 So let's say you eat red meat once a week, but you do it for 20 years or 30 years, then yeah, there may be this kind of cumulative effect, but especially if you eat a lot of meat. Like if you're like me, I eat red meat five to seven days a week, at least five to seven days a week. Some week, I go for weeks on end for seven days a week. And natural meats or wild or grass fed meat,
Starting point is 00:49:06 it's supposed to have a balanced fatty acid profile of six, three and nine. It's got a better, much better, much more balanced fatty acid profile. And it makes a difference when, it makes a big difference when you're consuming a lot of it. It's higher in CLA, CLA is a fatty acid that, I mean, bodybuilders have supplemented with CLA
Starting point is 00:49:28 for like two decades. CLA is what they would refer to as the fat burning fat. And they find that diets that are higher in it when the calories are equal, that they tend to be leaner and have more muscle. So this is why bodybuilders were supplemented. It didn't work that way though. You don't just add CLA to your diet and get the effects.
Starting point is 00:49:44 You have to replace other fatty acids with it. Well, I told you I remember reading an article a few years back that they actually compete with each other in the cell. So if, you know, and I'll just use round numbers for the average person to kind of get this concept that if your cell could only hold 100 fatty acid profiles in it, right?
Starting point is 00:50:05 And they're made up of 6, 3, and 9 are getting in there. And you can't just throw more of something else on it. Right. And actually, 6 and 9 will out-do or outperform the three. So if you're getting 75 and 75, you'll get all 75 of the 6 and 9. And then you'll only get... Step 15 or what? Right, 25.
Starting point is 00:50:24 25 of the three. I and then you'll get right right 25 25 of the three field map So I know that's not the I know that's not the most science scientific way to explain it But for the average listener to to get an idea of the importance of that and we know how important omega-3s are And that is something that we're always trying to search for most people almost the Almost everybody gets recommended that supplement. It's just, it's rare that people are getting enough omega-3 in their diet. And so when you're eating a meat
Starting point is 00:50:50 that should already naturally have it in that. Yeah, that would be great, except for if you're always eating meat that is grain fed all the time, you're actually, it's, the profiles change, it's higher on the six and nine, it's lower on the threes. So you're getting an abundance of the six and nine's, which are not ideal, and you're getting less of the threes, which is more ideal.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Balance is ideal. It's too much of one, not enough of another, is not a good idea, especially when you talk about six and nine's. And some people, there are segments of the population that are very sensitive to this. So if they eat a lot of red meat, that's green fed, they'll see that their lipid profiles go crazy. And this is why when they reduce their red meat consumption, their lipid profiles look better. I would surmise that a lot of these people
Starting point is 00:51:33 rather than having to eliminate red meat. Switch to grass fed. Switch to grass fed. And I've seen this in clients before. Have you? Yes. And they'll get a better, fatty acid, they'll get a better lipid profile. Same thing for people that feel like, you know, inflammation or they feel bloated from eating meat a lot of times and I find out that they're eating
Starting point is 00:51:50 all grain fed meat and then have them try grass fed, you know, or switch over to like a bison or something, I notice a big difference. That's my, that's for me. So if I eat a lot of grain fed beef, let's say I'm trying to gain size and so I'm adding a lot of meat into my diet because of the calories and lot of stuff. I do notice an increase in inflammation when it's grass fed, I don't.
Starting point is 00:52:12 This is my own personal experience. And that inflammation contributes to worse gut health for me at least. So I digest grass fed meat better when I'm eating high quantities. They're also higher in key micronutrients. Now again, it's not this dramatic massive difference, but it's enough of a difference to where, again, if you consume a lot of red meat,
Starting point is 00:52:36 if you consume it all the time, it will definitely make a difference for you to consume that meat as a high quality grass fed. Yeah, I assume that like even just having the chickens graze around my property and everything and in terms of like the color and what the yolk looks like and how rich it feels like the micronutrients are in comparison to something that was store bought. To me, it just, I mean, there's little things like that
Starting point is 00:53:04 that if you start to kind of like put two and two together with like an animal that's out there, like working for their food and getting it from like so many varied sources, like how much more diverse that would be nutrients. Now eating, always eating wild game meat is probably, for everybody's probably not possible. Yeah, it's not realistic.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Because there's too many people and we would make animals instinctive. Yeah, we can't all like, yeah. If we wanted to move in that direction, that wouldn't work out very well. No, we just have too many people. But factory farming with feeding these animals grain all the time is not awesome. It's like the processed version of beef, like these animals are cramped. They're standing in their own poop, they're just eating grain.
Starting point is 00:53:46 And when you have an unhealthy animal, the meat is just not as healthy. So it makes sense that you're not gonna be as healthy eating that kind of meat. Grass fed, that don't get me wrong, you could probably construct a factory farming model that looks identical to the grain fed model, and throw grass at these animals.
Starting point is 00:54:04 But oftentimes the way that they feed these cows is they roam, they eat foods that's more natural to their body. Right, right. And so it's also more humane. It's also better for the environment. And there's the environment. They produce...
Starting point is 00:54:17 It's on ecology. They produce less methane when they eat grass versus when they eat. I think that's the gas that cows produce. Yeah. Then when they produce, when they eat grain, so it's like if you eat a particular type of food that makes you gassy, grain-fed beef is more gassy,
Starting point is 00:54:33 so they produce more of those, you know, those byproducts. It's also better for the environment in terms of the ecology and the way that they're, you know, they have to take care of the land, so that it's producing quality grass that the animals, can it, it's just better all the way around. And it is more expensive if you go to the store, you know, but, you know, we live in a pretty wealthy society,
Starting point is 00:54:54 and I don't know of a better place to invest money than in your health. I really don't, you're gonna, there's almost nothing you'll get better return on. It's really not that more expensive when you go through someone like Butcherboss. That's one of the reasons why. And I know you referenced them
Starting point is 00:55:07 that I think it's amazing what they do because when you look at what you're getting by having it shipped to your house and I know that grass fed is typically more expensive, it's really not that more expensive than me going down to the butcher and actually getting the meat. Oh yeah, well, I mean,
Starting point is 00:55:21 we'll probably cover this in more detail down the road but like how they got started was what I basically was doing with my wife, we would go in on a cow together with a couple families, and by, you know, straight from the source or like from a 4-H, you know, group that they raised it all humanely and went through that whole process, and it was great. Especially when you guys factor in the things
Starting point is 00:55:42 that they always did, you see what they're doing this month, what they're giving away? No. You know how every month they always have some cool, like, special for someone who gets on their subscription base. Right. This month is a turkey, dude. A whole turkey?
Starting point is 00:55:53 Right. It's a whole turkey, right? I'm so doing this. Yeah. Yeah. 10 to 14 pound turkey. Free. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Free with your, when you sign up with them. Yes. Oh, well, thanks. Giving someone up. That makes sense. No, no, no, it's not cool. Wow, that's a great, yeah, that's it. If you factor in all the free shit that they give away every month, you're actually saving money with someone like them. Next question is from Tara Rickner.
Starting point is 00:56:14 What's the point of chasing a pump? Does it promote more strength or muscle growth long-term? You know what's funny is I love that some bodybuilding wisdom is bullshit, but a lot of it is got some truth now the way they explain it Maybe not maybe the way they explain it isn't accurate But the the gist of it comes out to be true and for a long time Bodybuilders before any science supported what they said for a long time bodybuilders talked about how the pump was an important part of building muscle. Arnold talked about it famously in pumping iron. He says barely coming. He compared it to coming. And I remember the first time I saw that, I was like 13 years old and I was like, whoa, what does he mean? What the fuck is going on here?
Starting point is 00:57:00 I've never had that kind of a workout. But anyway, but bodybuilders a long time have talked about the pump. Now, there's two mech, and here's the thing, science is supporting this, okay? There's two reasons why the pump contributes to muscle growth and strength. One is the conditions that produce the best pump also produce more muscle and more strength. So what I mean by that is, if you're well rested,
Starting point is 00:57:26 well hydrated, and you have good programming and a good diet, you're gonna get better pumps in the gym. This is a fact, hydration alone. Like if you make sure you drink a lot of water throughout the day before your workout. I would argue that's one of the biggest things. Makes a huge difference. Diet is another one.
Starting point is 00:57:43 If your carbohydrates are nil, or your diet is just too low in calories, your pump suffers. I used to teach this all the time to people that were taking all these N-O-2 and all the pump supplements out there. I'm like, try loading up more carbs. So if you first get to know where you're at, right?
Starting point is 00:57:58 So everybody needs to find a baseline first of where your typical carb day looks like, like how many grams of carbs you're eating in a day, and about how many you have normally consumed before your workout, and then the same thing goes for water. Double that one day before you go workout. And watch what happens. Double your water, double your carbs, go get your workout. You'll have the most massive pump you've ever had in your life.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Yeah. It'll shoot on any supplement you've ever done. The pump boosting supplements are almost all waste of money. It's like the argonine, you know, a member of people take tablets to argonine throughout the day, they call it anno-booster or whatever. Well, 70% of your muscle belly is made up of water. It's made up of non-muscle fiber structures.
Starting point is 00:58:36 There's all kinds of things in the muscle that make up the size of your muscle. They refer to that as the circle plasm within muscle. And there's a debate about this, but I think the science supports the fact that the circle plasm in the muscle can actually increase through training the pump. So the more you can give your body a pump, the more circle plasm you have within a muscle, the larger the volume of it is. See, I feel my theory is that the more you train the pump
Starting point is 00:59:05 like that, the more the body adapts to get a bigger pump. Yeah, because more circle plasma. Right, I don't know if that's the reason why it is or not, but for sure, I think there's value to it. But there's also some detriment to training this way all the time because, and this is what we talked a little bit with Brett Contreras the other day about this, I was saying that, man, I remember I used to train
Starting point is 00:59:24 always chasing the pump and I never strength trained. And one of the things I noticed is, I definitely got to a point where I trained my body to be able to get these great pumps. I mean, I would feel like I could air up in the gym and look like a total different human being. Now mind you, I'm six, three, two hundred, something pound, so I'm a lot longer taller and overall surface mass that I have in comparison
Starting point is 00:59:47 to probably somebody who's five, six, or five, eight, so air me all the way up, and of course, I'm gonna look a lot bigger, but I would deflate all the way down, and I feel like, oh my God, I would look like somebody who didn't even really work out, and then I get in the gym and look like a monster. Then I started strength training,
Starting point is 01:00:02 and by strength training, I'm talking lifting three to five reps. I never did that before, or even singles or doubles. I just didn't exist to the first decade of training for me. And I started to build a different looking type of muscle on my body. And it's so hard for me to put words to it. But the best way that I can explain it is, when I'm not in the gym and I'm not lifting,
Starting point is 01:00:23 I look more muscular now because I strength trained and I may not have as massive of the pumps as I was having before because I have a nice even balance. But before I get these great pumps, I look amazing in the gym, but then I would get really flat looking and I wouldn't look very muscular where when I started to incorporate strength training,
Starting point is 01:00:42 now I had this denser kind of look to me. Yeah, there's, the pump contributes to muscle growth, just like training for strength, which doesn't produce a good pump, contributes to muscle growth. If you focus only on one, you're missing out on one of the factors. And I think that's what you're communicating. If all you ever do is chase the pump, you're missing out on the type of training that doesn't typically produce a great pump, which is the one to five reps, long rest period, powerlifting style training. I would argue there's a lot of individual variants too here.
Starting point is 01:01:10 There's probably, there's a genetic variant. There's probably people that, and I think this is also part of the problem is somebody does one or the other, they respond really well and then they kind of neglect the other one. You have somebody who's heavy into strength training and that's built lots of muscle for them and they look great and so they're like, oh, this is the answer for me, I always train this way. Or you have, you know, the bodybuilder type who follow the bodybuilder routine,
Starting point is 01:01:33 gets the pumps, feels amazing, built muscle doing that. And so they neglect the other. And the truth is both of them have to be in the team. I used to hate when my muscles get like too big and tight and I feel like like I was incapable of doing all these athletic moves. It was inhibiting my performance.
Starting point is 01:01:50 And so I avoided a lot of those rep ranges and supersatting and things like that because it was just like, ah, it felt like it was deterring me from success. You're 100% right. I trained rock climbers and motorcycle, we do they call motocross racers? Oh yeah. And both of them, when they would hire me, I've trained several of them.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Both categories, when they come and hire me, one of the things that they would say is, I want to get stronger, but I want to reduce how easily I get a pump. Because if you're rock climbing and your forearms get a pump, you're fucked. Yeah, you're done. If you're motocross racing and your forearms get a pump, you're fucked. Yeah, you're done. If you're motor cost racing and your forearms get a pump, you're fucked. So you're absolutely right. So training for a pump all the time may not be great
Starting point is 01:02:35 for certain, I noticed this in Jiu-Jitsu and Judo. My hands start, because you're gripping a lot. My forearms get pumped because that's it. But in the gym, I freaking loved it. Oh yeah, you're looking at the mirror. Whoa, that's crazy. But there's but in the gym, I freaking loved it. Oh yeah, you look at the mirror like, well, that's crazy looking. But there's other reasons why the pump builds muscle.
Starting point is 01:02:48 I mentioned the earlier one, that it's a signal that, because the environment is right for a great pump, that environment is the same environment that you build better muscle. But there's also a second reason that the pump builds muscle. As the muscle becomes pumped and swells, it actually sends a signal to the body to build more muscle. It actually spikes protein synthesis within the muscle.
Starting point is 01:03:10 The pump is definitely a great thing to look for and to pay attention to. I know when I'm getting a great pump, among other things, there's a lot of factors, but I know when I get a great pump, that means that the workout was probably good. It means my sleep was probably good. That means that things are probably working well. I know when my pump isn't good, actually in fact, having a tough time getting a pump is a better signal or more accurate signal
Starting point is 01:03:36 than getting a pump. If I'm lifting weights and I'm not getting a great pump and I think everything's on point, I know like, okay, something's off. Something's not right, it's not working for me. Well, all of our programs, too, are phased this way, right? So you have a phase in every program, like the first phase is focused on strength. You're not really chasing the pump. It's, you know, you're lifting low reps, heavy load, and that you're in that phase for three
Starting point is 01:04:00 or four weeks. Well, eventually you make it to phase three, which 100% in like like all the programs you're chasing a pump at that point. There's a lot of supersets in there. There's a lot of high reps and this is all going to cause that. So absolutely value to it. It's something that you, I think we would encourage somebody to do, but there's don't live there. Yeah, don't live there. Phase phase in and out of it. Just like we recommend a phase in and out of any sort of training modality. Next question is from S. Miller, UK 24. What effect does consistent resistance training have on type one diabetics? Resistance training besides diet, when you compare to other forms of exercise,
Starting point is 01:04:39 regulates insulin, right? Resistance training is the best form of exercise to positively impact type one and type two diabetes because muscle is a very insulin sensitive tissue. I mean, the main way your body stores glycogen for example is in the liver, the other way is in your muscle. And when you lift weights, you become far more sensitive to insulin
Starting point is 01:05:02 and you become better at utilizing carbohydrates. It's way better than cardio. In fact, now cardio does a good, all exercise has a positive effect, but resistance training because of the increase in muscle mass has the best effect in my experience on both of these. So here's what happens with type one diabetics in my experience. And I'm not a doctor. This is just based off of my experienced training clients who type one diabetics and working
Starting point is 01:05:24 with their doctors. Now type one diabetics and working with their doctors. Now type one diabetics are people who don't make insulin. So they're the ones that have to inject insulin to the body when they eat carbohydrates or whatever, and they have to monitor their blood sugar. Typically they have to end up using less insulin is what ends up happening. Because their body becomes so much more sensitive to insulin,
Starting point is 01:05:42 that less insulin is needed to produce the same result. Now with type two diabetics, their blood sugar is just regulated amazingly with appropriate and proper resistance training. I don't know why resistance training is not the number one recommended form of exercise for all people with issues with insulin or blood sugar. It should be.
Starting point is 01:06:04 I'm gonna tell you how I used to explain it, and I probably used to do it really bad, so you could probably help me out. But I used to try to explain it, and if you thought of your muscles as like these sponges, and the bigger the sponge, the more we're gonna capture like carbohydrates, and any sort of spillage or over that we do out of the sponge,
Starting point is 01:06:23 could throw our insulin levels off and make us have to take insulin or whatever. So if I could build more muscle or more sponges in my body, it gives me more flexibility and less likely of over spillage into my body that would cause me to have to take my insulin. Yeah, that's a fair way to, I would say, explain it. It's obviously going to be a lot more complicated than that. Right. And that's a fair way. But no, studies show that more muscle mass is far,
Starting point is 01:06:49 but it just improves insulin sensitivity quite a bit. You're insulin is, by the way, one of the number one, anabolic hormones in the body, a lot of people don't realize that. It's extremely anabolic in the body. So it's like, you. So it can be used to build muscle in the right context and all that stuff. But no, muscle is very insulin-sensitive. Because the tissues of your body kind of, they are sensitive to specific hormones, more so than others.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Like, for example, fat is an estrogen-sensitive tissue. So lots and lots and lots of fat on your body, actually causes the body to utilize its estrogen a little differently, can even raise estrogen. So like if you look at like young girls who are overweight, they get their periods much earlier, then girls who are normal weight, men with lots and lots of body fat, you'll see higher estrogen levels.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Well, when it comes to muscle, you build muscle and you do it the right way, you're healthy with a good diet and not taking anabolic steroids and all that stuff, you're just, you're gonna notice that you need less insulin. So if you're type one and here's something you wanna pay attention to because this is important now and work with your doctor on this.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Tell your doctor, hey, I'm gonna start lifting weights. And the reason why this is important because your right amount of insulin will likely change. And you need to know this because too much insulin is not a good thing either. So whatever your normal amount is as you're lifting weights could very well become too much. So you want to pay attention to that and see, you know, what's happening with your body. So type two, just to go over that one in terms of like the difference between type one and type two, I know type two, so you lose sensitivity to insulin. Yeah, so your your your body's making insulin, but your body's not responding to it. So which all the
Starting point is 01:08:35 more like reason to exercise, both cases, resistance training is a is a phenomenal benefit. Yeah. Next question is from farmer pair. Are humans hardwired to be competitive? I definitely think so. What is so, what is so, just to survive? It's so, all living beings are. It's so silly that people, you know why the people are asking this question?
Starting point is 01:08:56 Because competition has been portrayed in every... Demonized, yeah. Yeah, look, every decision you make in life, if so if anyone's arguing this, oh, humans are competitive, this is bad for us. No, every decision that you make in life is based off of a hierarchy. So if you go right or left,
Starting point is 01:09:16 when you're driving your car, it's because right is better than left. You pick a shirt out of your drawer, it's because that shirt has a hierarchy. It's higher on the hierarchy than another shirt that you pick. Every time you eat, the names you gave your kids, you know, how you wipe your ass. I don't care what you do.
Starting point is 01:09:34 You're making a decision and that decision is based off of a hierarchy of things. And that means it's competitive. That means that some things are more valued than other things, just life. It's just the way it is. So because we value some things over other things, we are going to naturally be competitive. We're always trying to do things that we've deemed more valuable, and we're also trying to become more valuable to the things that we deemed important.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Now, the bad side is when you're people are competitive to a fault when it's pathological. That of course is a problem. When you identify with it and you can't handle, I think the problem with competitiveness becomes when you have an issue with losing. I think that's where the problem is. You're so against losing that you cheat.
Starting point is 01:10:20 I thought you were gonna go the Darwinism way and talk about survival. That's it. That's true. Absolutely. Because that's what it came to my mind when I read this question is, I mean, yeah, I mean, at one point, you, the better fisherman, the better, the better hunter, you know, the better runner, the better all these things was the more likely to survive. And so I think that was, we naturally evolved in that, in that place.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Now, we're in a place. Now we're at a place now where everything seems to be plentiful and it's different. And so, but there's still, I mean, the same way that we probably chased after animals to get it to survive is the same way that I feel man does today for money and for security. I mean, it's the same, it really is a very similar thing. It's just that it's as paper,
Starting point is 01:11:05 this paper monetary thing that we can use to go purchase food and purchase things like that. But the same competitive drive that drives us to be more successful and have more of it is probably the same drive that we've had in essence the beginning of time. When you make a product, you're competing with other people
Starting point is 01:11:23 to provide more value to your consumer. Every time you, and that's, people who think that's a bad thing are idiots because the reason why you have such amazing products is because a lot of people were competing to bring you the best. And you picked whichever one you picked, so you actually rewarded the best competitor. Every time you buy something, every time you make a choice, you're rewarding the person who did the best job. There's nothing wrong with that. Can it be pathological?
Starting point is 01:11:49 Absolutely. But yeah, we're absolutely, everything is hardwired to be competitive. Everything's competing for, you know, now there's an argument that says that, you know, working together makes this more successful. Absolutely. Competition does that too. If you want to build a business, good luck makes this more successful. Absolutely. Competition does that too.
Starting point is 01:12:05 If you want to build a business, good luck doing it by yourself, you're gonna need to work with a lot of people to cooperate so that you can compete with other groups of people who are cooperating. I mean, this is why I love free markets so much. People don't realize this, but free markets, they combine the efforts of millions
Starting point is 01:12:25 of people working together without even knowing each other, people from across the world, different religions, different belief systems, they don't even know each other, they're just working together without realizing it to produce the best goods and services and products. It's like that, that one book, I Am Pencil, or the video by Milton Friedman about a pencil. You know, you look at a pencil and you break it down like there's not one single person on earth that makes a pencil. There's farmers that grow the, you know, the rubber that makes the eraser or whatever. There's the graphite, there's the lead, there's the people who make the paint, and there's the people that produce the components that
Starting point is 01:13:02 make the paint. All these people, if you really sat down and added up, will probably account to a million people. They don't know each other, but yet they've cooperated together to become competitive to produce the best products. And we're 100%. We're hardwired to be competitive because it works. It's always been there. Always will be. Do you think it's dangerous and unhealthy, the direction that we, I felt like I don't know, I haven't heard much of it as much as I did five
Starting point is 01:13:25 10 years ago of the every kid gets a trophy and there's no yeah is that still happening I mean you guys are still there your kids and I'm not definitely not in my does it feel like it cool off yeah well mainly because yeah I mean there's some of it with the parents that like if it's the first time the kids ever play the sport or whatever and it it's like, but the kids themselves, they keep track. Of course. They keep track of how many goals were scored. They keep track if they won or lost, regardless of if you wanna make sure everybody's feelings
Starting point is 01:13:53 are accounted for, this is a display of adversity. And how you deal with that adversity is the whole lesson. And so to extract that and be like, everybody did well is bullshit. Oh, it's ridiculous. You know how many wonderful lessons are to teach your kids when they lose? Yeah, that's like, you need to lose.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Yeah, dude. As your psychopath. There's some lessons to learn from winning to, like to be humble and to all that stuff, but there's more lessons, in my opinion, to learn from losing. You come back from a game with your kid, and they get their asses kicked. You know, I would do this with my kids
Starting point is 01:14:29 when they would compete, whether it be sports or other types of competitions, and they'd lose. I would think to myself like, okay, this is a wonderful opportunity to communicate and help with the lessons that you learn from losing because you're going life, this is the way life is. Again, people make choices better on what's better than something else, and you're going to not always win 100%.
Starting point is 01:14:51 And if you don't learn that as a kid, you can have to learn it as an, you know what it is? Okay. When a little kid first starts competing, and they try the hardest and they lose, it's not uncommon for the kid to cry and scream and be pissed and throw a tantrum, right? So then they learn through time as a kid how to deal with losing you can't keep doing that when you're 40 years old
Starting point is 01:15:13 You know how you imagine if you never taught that to a kid if they never went through that and now they're of an adult And then they go on the business world and they don't get hired some people like that There's some adults up there They never just lose their shit. They never learn to lose. You know what I mean? And with that, go to mimepumpfree.com and download our guides.
Starting point is 01:15:31 They are all absolutely free. You can also find all of us on Instagram. You can find Justin at Mime Pump Justin. You can find me at Mime Pump Sal and Adam at Mime Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mime Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at MindPump
Starting point is 01:15:53 Media dot com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee and you can get it now Plus other valuable free resources at mine pump media dot com
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