Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1193: Ways to Get Rid of Lower Belly Pooch, The Wisdom of Food As Medicine, Training Differences Between Men & Women & MORE

Episode Date: December 27, 2019

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about getting rid of bottom belly pooch, whether men and women can follow the same strength and muscle building programs,... the “food is medicine” notion, and advice on how to balance being a husband, father, and trainer while keeping own fitness up. Are influencers losing their power? (4:27) How can the fitness community ‘influence’ the unreachable people? (9:07) How Felix Gray glasses provide the benefits yet don’t change the world around you. (13:21) Magic Spoon, providing a healthier option for the non-fitness person. (15:10) Justin’s first take on the new Star Wars movie. (19:14) Mind Pump talks about politics and the latest impeachment proceedings. (24:55) The ground-breaking effects of curcumin on Alzheimer's disease. (33:40) Exercise and its positive effects on the brain. (36:58) The impact of exercise priority on the body. (41:16) #Quah question #1 – How do I get rid of that bottom belly pooch because it is really annoying? (42:36) #Quah question #2 – Can men and women follow the same strength and muscle building programs or should different approaches be taken? (50:57) #Quah question #3 – What’s your guy’s opinion on the “food is medicine” notion? (53:52) #Quah question #4 – I am a new parent and also trainer. Do you have any advice on how to balance being a husband, father, and trainer while keeping my own fitness up? (1:02:48) People Mentioned  Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere)  Instagram   Related Links/Products Mentioned December Promotion: MAPS Aesthetic ½ off! **Code “BLACK50” at checkout** Reality TV stars auditioned to 'promote' poison diet drink on Instagram Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Magic Spoon for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Promising Alzheimer’s Drug, J147, Made From Curcumin Appears to Make Cells Younger Effects of Physical Exercise on Cognitive Functioning and Wellbeing: Biological and Psychological Benefits Exercise is good for the aging brain Shrink Your Waist with Stomach Vacuums | MIND PUMP Lower Belly Pooch Flattener Series- Health vs. Aesthetics (Video 1 of 5) Watch Pumping Iron | Prime Video - Amazon.com Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump, we answer awesome fitness questions asked by listeners like you. We also talk about current events. We talk about our lives. We mention our sponsors. We have a lot of fun in this episode. We always do. The introductory portion was 40 minutes long.
Starting point is 00:00:30 That's where we talked about those things. And then after that, we got on the questions. Here's how the episode went. We start out by talking about hydrogen cyanide. That's the stuff that'll kill you. But a company convinced influencers to sell it as a joke and they did. That just shows you how.
Starting point is 00:00:46 You idiots. Yeah, exactly. Then we talked about influencing the uninterested. The one of the number one goals of fitness evangelization is to reach the people that are not interested in fitness. We talk about how we do that. Can we get Gary in the gym? Then I talked about the annoying effects of orange
Starting point is 00:01:04 or red blue blocking glasses. You know, you put these on, they block blue light, but it makes everything look weird. But not Felix Ray blue blocking glasses. These glasses don't change the color of the world around you and they still block blue light. That's why we work with them. They're like a doork. Look, we have a hook up for you. Go to Felix Gray glasses. That's F-E-L-I-X. Gray is spelled G-R-A-Y. Glasses.com.com.com. And you'll get free shipping and free returns.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Then we talked about Christmas shopping. Justin brought up the stocking stuffers. I totally forgot to get stocking stuffers. Now, you're welcome. Freakin' out. Adam talked about how he's giving magic spoon, high protein, amazing macro content, cereal to his friends and family. Now, this is a company that we work with. They
Starting point is 00:01:51 make cereal that, this, like, harps back to children's cereal. So like, like, like fruit loops and cinemas toast crunch or whatever. Anyway, the flavors are amazing. The ingredients are even better. A serving convenience, we're between 20 to almost 40 grams of protein, of high quality dairy protein. And that's not even including the milk, but we do have a hook up for you. Go to magicspoon.com forward slash mind pump. You'll get an automatic discount to your product. Then Justin talked about Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:02:21 He went to the premiere of Star Wars yesterday. Don't worry, no spoilers. He just talked about how excited he was. I wouldn't do that to you guys. Then we talked about the impeachment that's going on and how politics is quite entertaining when you forget how dangerous politicians are. I talked about studies on a synthesized version of Cuman
Starting point is 00:02:38 and how it reversed Alzheimer's in rats. And then I brought up exercises effects on the brain. Then we got on the brain. Then we got into the questions. The first question was, how do I read, yet rid of bottom belly pooch? This is where the lower part of your abs kind of stick out a little bit. Maybe some excess body fat there, so we talk about strategies. The next question, this person wants to know what men and women should work out differently.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Are there differences with men and women in terms of how they should use resistance training? The third question was, this person wants to know what our opinion was on the following. Food is medicine, that's an old quote, I believe, Hopocrity said that first. So we talk about that. And then the last question, this person's a brand new parent and a personal trainer
Starting point is 00:03:23 and wanted to know if we had any advice on how to stay consistent with fitness during these difficult stressful times. Yes, of luck. Also, this month, of course, all month, maps aesthetic, one of our most popular workout programs has been 50% off. As of the time we air this episode,
Starting point is 00:03:40 there's only five days left. So you have five days to take advantage of this 50% off sale. That's a massive discount. And this program is extremely effective. First off, it's all detailed and planned out for you. But then there's a component that allows you to inject body parts that you would like to focus especially on.
Starting point is 00:03:57 So if you're saying, hey, look, I want to work out my whole body, but I really want to make a special emphasis to train my glutes or I really want to work on my back or my shoulders. There's a component in Maps aesthetic that allows you to do that. You put that in your focus sessions. By the way, focus sessions can only be found in Maps aesthetic. So here's how you get the 50% off. Go to mapsblack.com and use the code black50, B-L-A-C-K-5 zero50 no space for the discount. Did you guys watch that the BBC thing that I sent
Starting point is 00:04:29 over to you about the influencers promoting cyanide every time I hear by the way hilarious. Before we get into that every time I hear BBC what does it remind you of? The television BBC BBC. Yeah, it goes family. Yeah, it's a mean. What was that hip-hop song of the night. Yeah, boys, the men. It's a emy seat, be me, me, me, me, me. Yeah, that's it. Anyway, I did watch it. That are your porn search. I did. Stop.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Yeah. I went there. I went there. I did see it. And so what it is basically is they took influencers with half a million to two million followers, brought them in and had them all audition to sell a new product.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Right. That the main ingredient is... It's clearly labeled cyanide. Hydrogen cyanide. Like what they used to kill people with in World War I, right? And these idiots are just like, yeah, it's the greatest thing for fat loss. It totally works and it's great.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And they're like, oh my God. Do you, is this gonna come to a screeching halt at one point? Like, it's getting out of control, like the influencers that just promote whatever. Like, half of them don't use it. And that was what that was highlighting. Was that, it's getting to a point now where... They're already losing their power.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Right, I feel the same way too. Like, when I, when I, well, the pages that I follow that have big, big fallings like that, the engagement that they're getting. And especially when they post, post something that's an ad, you see no comments, nothing on it whatsoever. It's like, I can't imagine that's doing that well for the companies.
Starting point is 00:05:51 No, I don't think, and that's why they're losing money. They're losing money because companies are working with them and realizing, this is a waste of money. Very few of them really have power and influence and a lot of them are bullshit artists. You know what I mean? They'll do anything for a dollar.
Starting point is 00:06:07 You tell them to sell anything and you pay them and they're gonna sell cyanide. Which highlights two things, by the way. It highlights two things. So disturbing. Highlights thing number one is that they will do anything for a dollar and thing number two that they're idiots who doesn't know that cyanide
Starting point is 00:06:23 is what? You know you read. You know what I'm saying you know say yeah cyanide hydrogen cyanide that sounds tastes sounds like can the call that sounds yeah that's science yeah yeah they made in a lab it D it's well and that's an that's an extreme right so that's the that's one in this pet room where it's like over the top ridiculous and I know that but there's there's a lot of stuff even in the middle that I and I try and tell kids that are trying to build their social following
Starting point is 00:06:47 so that they can become, quote unquote, influencers. And you gotta be really careful, just because you start to get your first offers, which I think when you've been trying so hard to get a following and you've been hustling and taking all the great angles for the last year to two years and consistently posting. And you start getting some traction, right?
Starting point is 00:07:07 Photos from all the angles. Right. And then companies start reaching out to you. And of course, I bet you're really tempted to want to just start taking money right away because you've been working for the last year or whatever to get that attention. But you don't realize how much that can backfire by just accepting some random company. Because these companies, especially supplement companies, they're really smart because they're
Starting point is 00:07:30 the margins and they do like a commission based deal. So it's like it's, it's when, when, when for them, if you're terrible, you don't influence a lot of people, you only sell five bottles, no skin off their back, they're paying you 10 or 20% commission. But then what does that look for you as a brand? One, if the product is crap or has things like cyanide and it can't be good, or what if it just simply goes out of business, it's some small brand
Starting point is 00:07:53 that's trying to take off and they don't go anywhere and now they're gone. And then you switch, as you continue to switch partners and switch partners, it just makes you look fake. Yeah. It's, you know, look, if you're gonna be an influencer in a subject, my advice is this, know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:08:09 So actually be knowledgeable on your subject. You don't have to be an expert so long as you stay in your lane. You know what I'm saying? But be very educated. Well, that's what I mean. That's what I mean. So let's say you're a fitness influencer,
Starting point is 00:08:21 but you haven't trained a lot of people. You only kind of trained yourself. And, you know, you know, but you haven't trained a lot of people, you only kind of trained yourself, and you know some stuff, but not a lot. That's okay so long as you stay in your lane. If you stay in your lane, you're fine. In fact, you'll probably be more effective that way. It's when they don't, is when they move out of their lane and act like their experts are super knowledgeable
Starting point is 00:08:39 about subjects and not, that it hurts them. I mean, the consumer gets hurt, but you know what's happening is the consumers are getting a little wise to it? Yeah. And they're starting to see that these, and they're starting to get parity. That's how you know the end is coming. That the influencer, influencer is becoming a bad word.
Starting point is 00:08:56 It used to be a good word. I mean, I'm an influencer. Oh, that's cool. Now I'm an influencer. Yeah, I went from entrepreneur to influencer. Yeah, that was the next year. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's six. year. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah, it's it's it's stuff. It brings me to another, another point I was thinking about this yesterday last night was doing some deep thinking. And I was thinking about how we could possibly influence the people that are considered unreachable. And really, you can break down, and when it comes to fitness and health, right, you could break down the population
Starting point is 00:09:28 into two different categories. It's the interested and the non-interested. Now, the interested, it doesn't mean that they're doing the right things, it doesn't mean that they're consistent, but what it does mean is they're seeking out information on trying to get better shape, trying to improve their health, trying to burn body fat, work on the nutrition, whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Those are the people that I see the fitness space, just constantly targeting, is the people who are interested. And that's easy. That's an easy target, because you can sell them with... Yes, you can sell them with... Make them feel insecure. That's number one, what do they call it? Pain points? You're fat, you're ugly, you could sell them with, make them feel insecure. It's number one, really called pain points, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:05 you're fat, you're ugly, you're whatever. You can sell them with motivation and inspiration. This is the day you're in control, you're in the driver's seat. You're never gonna do enough. Yeah, make a decision, right? That's the message. And then what ends up happening is you end up,
Starting point is 00:10:19 you know, these people end up getting, starting and stopping, starting and stopping, which is a big issue with them. So that's the interest it. Then there's the non-interested. These are the people that are unreachable by the current players in the fitness space. How do you reach the people that don't, that don't even know or don't even really care to know
Starting point is 00:10:37 or don't really think about improving their health and fitness, those are the people that make up the majority. Majority of people out there who are just going about their lives and don't realize, they truly don't realize the incredible life-changing benefits that health and fitness can provide. So what are the techniques that came to mind when you're thinking about that?
Starting point is 00:10:58 You gotta bring them in without hammering them about fitness and health. But picks. So that's part of it. That's one way. Hey, look at my butt. By the way, protein has four calories per gram. I wish you would go on like a cake like that for a while
Starting point is 00:11:11 or you just do some like ironic post like that. Oh, okay. I'm not gonna post a button. Yeah. Like a real sexy thing. I thought you dropped some heavy snacks. It would work so well. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Yeah. For use anybody's butt, you know, help ease. We'll go back to help ease. Justins, but the best one. No, it's, you know, really it's, I think it's about being the example and then communicating to things that we tend to think are silly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:37 And the fitness space, you know, the things stuff that we think is like, you know, trivial. Well, it's, you know, I'm part of that too. It's just, you gotta calm down, you know, like, like the, like the fitness community is so, like, obsessed and crazy, you know, like, like, looking in from the outside, it just looks like, all right, dude, like, get away from me, you know, like, it's just too much, you know, like, be relatable, you know, like, like, don't just try and put yourself out there that you're, you're kicking so much ass,
Starting point is 00:12:04 like 24-7, you know, like, everything is so and put yourself out there that you're kicking so much ass like 24-7. You know, like everything is so great because I've all of a sudden converted my entire life towards this. So you guys remember the first time when your clients saw you like drink a beer or like have a burger and how powerful and impactful that was for your client?
Starting point is 00:12:22 Yes. As an early trainer, I thought to myself, if a client sees me drinking a beer or eating a burger or a french fry, that's gonna be terrible. I have to be perfect, especially in front of them. Then later on, I realize, like, wait, that's way less effective.
Starting point is 00:12:35 What's more effective is to show them that I'm real person just like they are. And the first time they saw me do that, you could see them open up more and be like, wow, this is somebody I could listen to. He understands me. He's not just a fitness zealot. And you can have fun with it, man.
Starting point is 00:12:51 It's like I could go work out and have a really fun workout. And that fuels me to go do other fun things. It's not that I'm going, it's just so much punishment like surrounding going to the gym and bettering yourself because you're so worthless. You know, it's like, come on. Here's a great example of what I'm talking about. Okay, so we've been talking about on the show
Starting point is 00:13:12 and it's starting to be go mainstream a little bit. And the fitness space it's been mainstream now for about a year or two is the potential benefits of reducing blue light exposure at night in terms of sleep quality, right? So, oh, that's like becoming trending. Yeah, it's becoming a thing now, like studies are showing, studies are showing that reducing just light exposure
Starting point is 00:13:32 in general, but more specifically, blue light and also green light, reducing the exposure about an hour or two before bed, increases in the autonofroduction, improves sleep quality, it's got all these far reaching potential health benefits. Now here's what the health and fitness space does. They create glasses that are orange or dark red. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:52 How many average people, are you gonna reach with orange or dark red glasses? You know what I'm saying? About as many people as showed up to the Star Wars movie. It's just like me. Yeah, we've very small sessions with this. They tried it in the 80s. That's right.
Starting point is 00:14:09 We were blocking black glasses. We're out in the 80s. And if I show my parents and I'm like, hey, where are these at night? It helps with sleep or whatever. And my mom's going to put on these dark gray. They're like, what? I'm not going to wear this. So that's why I accompanied, because I was actually having this discussion with someone
Starting point is 00:14:24 and they were trying to argue the effectiveness of the red amber glasses versus the more clear glasses, like Felix Ray glasses don't really change the tint of the world around you. They're trying to say, wait, it's more effective if they're super dark, it's gonna be, I'm like, you know, I mean, so would a blindfold.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah, exactly. You wanna be really effective when you walk around with a fucking blindfolded hard enough, bro Yeah, exactly, but who's how many average people are gonna use that nobody is so then you got a company like Felix Gray They're stylish. They don't change the color of everything around you and they still do a good enough job Or you're gonna get really good effects. That's what I'm talking about. I work with your lifestyle You're not like changing everything to conform to that totally. That's how you reach with your lifestyle. You're not like changing everything to conform to that. Totally. That's how you reach the unreachable. Now speaking of that, I actually did that
Starting point is 00:15:09 for Christmas gifts. Have you guys done all your Christmas shopping yet? Yeah, yeah, I finally got finished all of it. The hardest part was like trying to find all the Nicknack stuff you know, for the like the stocking stuff or something like that. Shit, I didn't do that. Yeah, I know, that's all like always the last minute stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:24 And so that's easy though, isn't it? I mean, you think so, but it's just like, it's a toy. I'm gonna buy this, it's just like junk stuff. It's like little mini toys and like, as you're saying, you guys have like, so a lot of families have like different traditions of what they do inside the stocking.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Like what's inside your kid's stocking, what's inside your kid's stocking? Typically. Well, typically it's just little knickknack stuff. Like, what the fuck is that man? Exactly. What does that mean? Little toys, toys, and like, little decks of cards.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Like, little decks of cards, and you know, like, like, little art, you know, packs of like, things for them to sketch on or whatever, dude. Like, Rubik's Cube or, you know, some bullshit. They'll take it out. I'll be like, wow, that's cool. Yeah, me sure. I'm throwing away.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Art was always candy and then gift cards. It was a bunch of different candy, like a random candy, and then it was gift cards to, you know, Barnes and Noble and you know, iTunes and just all your different. That's a good way to do it. That was kind of like what our stocking used to be, at least that my best friend's house right now. That's not a bad idea actually.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I think I'm gonna buy a gift card for the movies for. Yeah, it was like that movie. Yeah. Because then my duck, because I take them the movies all the time, so it'll be saving me money. Yeah, I'm gonna buy a gift card for the movies for... Yeah, it was like that movie. Because I take them in the movies all the time, so it'll be saving me money. I'm actually trying to do a new thing, like an experiment with one of our partners being a magic spoon.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I was like gonna try and see how some of the other kids and some of the other people in my other side of the family like like it. I'm gonna kinda do that as their stocking stuff or to just test the waters and see. Put a whole big box of cereal in the bucket. Well, not like inside it, but like to adjacent to it. Now I didn't do that for Christmas, but I did.
Starting point is 00:16:53 So I actually, one, two, three, four, five. Five comes back. Yeah, just two. I'm just trying to see if I did five. Five different family members. And who I, I sent it to my family members that don't listen to podcast, don't eat really, really healthy to try and encourage them a healthier,
Starting point is 00:17:13 healthier alternative. You're some protein. Well, yeah, I mean, if they were, they're feeding their kids cereal or like regular cereal, and they get a taste of this, it's a much better alternative than that. And I'm actually really curious and interested. Like no doubt in my mind, we talked
Starting point is 00:17:29 when we first talked about Magispoon. Like we were excited about it. It's amazing. We love it. I know all of my bodybuilder friends are gonna love it. But I'm most interested in like my family and friends that you know, yeah, they wanna make better choices but they're not making a real hard effort to it.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Like a product like this, I see them. They'll get sold on the taste. Yeah, that's what I mean. Well, I wanna see that though, you know. It is an experiment, like at the end of the day, like I don't know, like, that side of the family too is a lot like what you're describing. Like they're not really that involved in fitness
Starting point is 00:18:02 or like going to the gym and there. Yeah, I'm not getting them to wear blue blockers. Like that's too big of a step right now. It're like, yeah, I'm not getting them to wear blue blockers. Like that's too big of a step right now. It's like, here's some cereal. Yeah, exactly, cereal. People like cereal, right? They might think something's up though.
Starting point is 00:18:11 They might be like, look at him be like, cereal, wait a minute. You're freaking me. You were smiling. Except they don't know how to read the label. They don't know how to read the label. So they'll look at him be like, what? I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Dude, it blows my mind. I mean, 30 something grams in a little bowl, dude, is a lot. Oh, that's a point, God, dude. Especially for macro counters. If you're like a competitor, and you're trying to get your protein in, and you're dealing with hardcore restriction, I could see it become. Well, I had a school, some goofball who made a comment on how expensive it was on the forum. And I'm like, when you do the map, okay, if you take,
Starting point is 00:18:43 protein is expensive. Right, if you take protein bars or shakes and you break down what A bar per box cost you, you know, three to five dollars per bar because you're getting 20 to 40 grams of protein in it. That's what you're paying for. What they're doing is they're comparing shitty cereal to high protein. Yeah. Yeah. No, like absolutely no shit. It'd be like comparing your protein powder to like Nestle Quick. Yes. I'm not gonna buy this protein powder I got this chocolate Nestle quick The way cheaper and it tastes bitter. Yeah, it defeats the whole
Starting point is 00:19:11 Whatever bro defeats the whole purpose anyway. I was I was I was a little worried yesterday And then I I was like what? Just in yesterday during the podcast was poor kid. He was sick. Oh sick. And he said oh guys I gotta go home. I don't feel good. I left work early headache He's terrible energy. I apologize Yeah, barely talking and then you know, say, God, what's wrong poor Justin? I always check on him when I when I check on a story You see how he's feeling when I see that yeah, so I look at the story
Starting point is 00:19:37 I'm like poor I want to hope he's okay and Big old smiley happy energetic face at the like what is it the nine o'clock showing of Star Wars? Yeah, because it's Star Wars dude What do you want from me bro? We're 40 we haven't grown out of line to get out of Oh, I went home. I took a little nap. He's like you know, say it I think I need to go home early guys Three hours later fucking popcorn in his face watching fucking Star Wars. Yeah, he's all flexing in the picture hours later fucking popcorn in his face watching fucking Star Wars. Yeah, he's all flexing in the picture. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:05 I'm here. It's like the healthiest picture I've ever seen of him. It's like game day, you know what I'm saying? It's all in your mind here. I didn't have that there. I had it. So, how was it? Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:20:17 No spoilers, please. Yeah, no, I'm not going to do that. You know, I definitely respect, you know, my fellow Star Wars fans. What are the critics saying? Are they? I read a bad review. Oh, well, I read a review that said it was pointless that it was all over the place. Well, you know, my fellow Star Wars fans. What are the critics saying? Are they, you know, I read a bad review. Oh, well, I read a review that said it was pointless, that it was all over the place.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Well, you know, I don't know. That guy is just, just hates life. You know, so he's just an angry person. He was just like, wants to shit on anything that's good. You know, and that's what I'm starting to realize. Like, there's certain people I just are fixed. Yeah. And like, so it turns to the stories, yeah, they're just negative to begin with. And like, I's certain people I just are fixed. Yeah. And so, in terms of the stories,
Starting point is 00:20:46 yeah, they're just negative to begin with. And like, I've talked to family members and, you know, friends that like are already have this preconceived idea that it's gonna suck so bad, not because of all this and the other. I'm like, yeah, well it is. Because you came in there with that energy. Because you suck.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Yeah, you suck. When you suck, if it turns out, like, right back on you. Well, I think that's it, right? It's people that come in that they want it to be a certain storyline or tell what they want and then it doesn't play out. How frustrating is that? Well, here's the thing too,
Starting point is 00:21:14 like I guess, I'm kind of guilty of that, but I was like looking at all the theories and where it could go and all this stuff and like it fucking came through for me, you know, like everything I wanted to happen like did so I was like so happy. I loved it. Yeah, I can share some of that without spoiling it. I don't want to be Yeah, yeah, who wins in the end? Let's just say yeah, let's just say yeah, everything worked out now Was this supposed to close the book or is this opening it up for many other legs? Yeah, so I think that they're gonna
Starting point is 00:21:43 They're gonna stop, you know, with that side of the story for years. And going the other way, yeah. They're just gonna, you know, mandalore and they're gonna do these side, you know, storylines and this, that and the other. But in terms of the Skywalker saga, like this was sort of the close out of that, but then they still left it
Starting point is 00:22:01 and opened ending to it, you know, at the end. So that's like the old doors. I could describe, but then they still left it in open ending to it, you know, at the end. So that's like the old guys I could, could, could describe, but there was lots of introduction of old past characters and things that they brought in. That's enough. That's a really fucking cool way, and I just, I appreciate it. That's all I got. Don't ruin it, I can't wait to watch. But you're right about negative people. You reminded me of this. Yeah, man. This one client I had that was the most negative person ever. I've ever met my entire life.
Starting point is 00:22:26 She went on vacation to Italy, okay. Italy. Italy is known for having the best food in the world. Everybody knows it, it's a fact, scientific fact. She comes back and I'm like, oh my God, how was your trip to Italy? She's like, eh, you know, the food was okay. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:22:42 The food was okay. She's like, yeah, you know, she's like, you know, the ice cream wasn't that good and the food wasn't that good. She's like, I found a pizza hut in the McDonald's near the hotel. So that's where I ate most of the time. Oh my God. And I remember, yeah, dude, and I remember sitting there,
Starting point is 00:22:55 like, how do I not take this personally? I feel like it was a salt on my soul, you know. And then I realized, oh, she's just the darkest person in the world. There's no possible. That's the only reason why she wasn't that, she's just the darkest person in the world. There's no possible. That's the only reason why she wasn't that excited. You just have like evil tar. Those are like the complaints I told you we get on here.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Like I was talking about the other day at work, because you know, I'll be talking to Cassie and she'll tell me like, you know, oh, I have, she sends me any complaints I want to see, right? And she'll send it to me. And what we can see now with HubSpot is, we can track everything that they've done, right? So I can see, oh, this person came in can track everything that they've done right so I can see
Starting point is 00:23:25 Oh this person came in on this free blog that sour wrote that took him five hours Oh, and then they downloaded this free guide that he also wrote that took another four hours and then oh They watched these YouTube videos that took us X amount of hours and our editing team cost us money to put and then they did And then they get here's the complaint. Yeah, this shit doesn't work. I don't know why why would I buy any of your guys's programs Like somebody who's got all this free content, it's always the person that the bitch is about something in complaints. It's never the person that's bought two or three things
Starting point is 00:23:52 or uses the stuff. It's somebody who's gone through all the free channels. It's the worst because you walk away from it and you're like, oh, it affects you. And then you realize like, oh, that was them, not me. Yeah, but it was great because I was at that movie, like I was there with amongst my people. You know what I mean? Like it was like Courtney Dressa.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Courtney was uncomfortable. Yeah, so we're sitting there like me and Courtney and the boys and we got there kind of early. And so this guy shows up late by himself, you know, mind you. He's in this like black robe. He like hood and everything over his face. He just like walks right past us and I'm like whoa Look like the grim reaper he like sits down and like like well you in all out He's like you start eating his popcorn. He's like I'm really excited
Starting point is 00:24:39 Like put turn to court and I'm like watch out for this guy. Yeah, but he was a fan. I bet he gets, he was a real fan. I bet he gets, he's a hella girl. Dude, there was a guy that Yoda masked that towards the front, people were cheering. Just a fucking great, beautiful a virgin. You know what I was watching last night. So, and I know on the show, I've talked about this before. I am not out of the three of us on the least political.
Starting point is 00:25:04 I don't care to watch this, but we are in a very, this is historical. I mean, Trump is the third president ever to be impeached. So it's peaked. My interest enough to start watching and reading more. And just I'm curious like, because again, because it's, oh, that sounds way more fun. Right. It's historic. So I'm interested in everything that's happening right now. And so last night I caught myself watching, I think it's the final, uh, democratic debates. Is it the final one of the air? Yeah. And ironically, right after Trump gets impeached
Starting point is 00:25:37 then the, I don't know what the, I don't know what the fuck the Democrats are doing because they literally, uh, are just all blasting each other. Yeah, well, that's because that's what they do. Well, I get that right to a point, but they're all doing it, like comparing how each one is more like Trump. They're using like Trump's name came up the entire time, right? Which I feel like it's like rule number one, you don't do that, right? You want to take the mind, everyone's mind off of No, no, no, it's an effective strategy.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Well, what they end up doing is they all end up drawing parallels to how each one of the candidates are like him in an area. And then it just makes them all get lumped in the same category. So, so it's like if you're trying to really draw a line and say, you're, he's this evil, awful person, then you, I think you have to, you should all stick to that narrative and we're all way different, right? But what ends up happening is they all get into these debates and they start calling each other out on how they got fucking big money in their pockets and they're more Trump than me.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yeah, the whole thing was like that. I'm like, at the end of watching it, being somebody who like doesn't pay attention to this, all I looked at is like, Jesus, they're all the fucking, they're all the same. You know what I'm saying? We're just gonna get somebody else just like him in their base stuff, what are these,
Starting point is 00:26:47 are you guys are gonna point now? No, what you have to, with the thing about, you have to realize about these debates where the Democrats are fighting over who gets the nomination to run against Trump, is that they are speaking to the strong Democrat base. So those, who's watching that, who cares about that, or Democrats, hardcore Democrats. So what they say in those debates is different than what they're going to say
Starting point is 00:27:12 when they're debating and trying to sway voters. I can't, but I feel like if you're, because again, I'm not biased coming into it. I'm just watching more for entertainment. And I'm trying to put myself in those shoes. I understand what it is. I understand who's probably watching this debate. But I feel like if I'm a, if I'm, if I normally vote Democrat and I'm watching this, I'm like, I don't know who to pick out of these assholes. No, well, you know, saying like, I'm like, you know, and so I could easily be persuaded over to the other direction, just simply based off of the, where the economy right now. And I'm like, well, you know, fuck, our tax return was better this year.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Things are, you know, as far as the stocks are going, I'm doing okay. Well, you're more independent, that's why. So we have to understand is for the base, Democrat base, Trump is literally Satan, right? They literally cannot stand them, they hate him. So it's comparing other candidates to him as an effective way of shutting down your opponents. And they're fighting each other with just what they're
Starting point is 00:28:09 supposed to do. They're fighting over the nomination. But what's funny to me is when you look at these, these when you watch the Republican debates against each other fighting for the nomination of the Democrat debates or the fighting for each other, you see more of the extremes. Like with the Democrats, it's who can give away more free stuff? I'm gonna give away this much free stuff. Oh yeah, well, I'm gonna give away more free stuff. And I'm with the Republicans, it's like who's more American? I'm so American, I do this.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I'm way more American than you are. I believe in God way more than you do. It's absolutely hilarious. But my opinion, and I consider myself independent, my opinion is that the Democrats are fucked. They have terrible candidates. Biden is their best option. Biden sucks.
Starting point is 00:28:51 They have nobody. The economy's crushing. The impeachment happened, and you know what? Do you hear what happened? They don't want to bring the earth. They don't want to bring it because they know it's not going to get past the Senate, so they're trying to stall it.
Starting point is 00:29:02 They're trying to stretch it out because they know it's a strategy to attack his character, so they're trying to stall it. They're trying to stretch it out because they know it's a strategy to attack his character and they want that strategy to be around for the whole election. Now they're saying it's because they want to wait and see how the Senate's gonna approach the trial and all that stuff,
Starting point is 00:29:16 but really they just want to stretch it out. And they know if they bring it to the Senate, they're gonna lose because it's completely on party lines. This is how you know it's a partisan issue. He got impeached almost 100% on the fact that it was all the Democrats that voted yes and almost every single Republican voter knows. Totally partisan. When it goes to the Senate, it's going to be same thing. There's more Republicans in the Senate than there are Democrats. So it's not going to go anywhere. But here's the thing. If
Starting point is 00:29:40 they wait and stall it out, A, it's their Hail Mary attempt at beating him because they know economy is crushing or candidates are weak, we need this strategy. And number two, maybe what they're hoping for, if they can install it long enough, is that the Senate loses enough Republican seats that when they do have a majority in the Senate, then they'll bring it to the Senate, knowing that they can actually make it happen because they'll think he'll win. So if he wins, we can stall this, but maybe we'll win enough seats in the Senate, then we'll bring it there,
Starting point is 00:30:10 then as soon as he wins, we'll kick him out, and then we'll start. So it is a smart strategy, in my opinion, looking at what they're working with. I can't blame them for doing this, but here's the dual side of it. It could backfire bad. I think it already is.
Starting point is 00:30:25 I think the way everyone's rallying behind it is it's smells fucking fishy. Oh, dude. It smells way too fishy. Anybody that has half a brain that's paying attention to it, it's just like, oh, this is fucking... And Pelosi looks, have you seen her talk about like, she's being interviewed by reporters? Yeah, it's not comfortable. It's not comfortable.
Starting point is 00:30:42 I almost, a couple times I'm watching, she's having a stroke. Oh no, she's just... I know. Doesn't know what's been over words. Yeah, these are the rough. It's not comfortable. I almost, a couple of times I'm watching, she's having a stroke. Oh no, she's just. I know. Doesn't nobody spin over words. Yeah, these are the rough. It's an interesting thing. It's really fun. Well, it's got, it's actually got me,
Starting point is 00:30:51 it actually has me watching and reading some stuff. So that's why I had to bring it up. I know Doug cringes a little bit when we, when we go down the political rabbit hole. But I, I feel like this is, we have to talk about this. You absolutely love and follow everything like crazy. It's even peaked my interest.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I gotta think that a big portion of our listeners have to be paying attention or curious about it. And I'm paying attention to the galactic empire. And I do like to think, by the way, I do like to hear your opinion on these things because I do know that you're independent. I do know that you're non-biased with that. I mean, I openly probably have leaned more conservative
Starting point is 00:31:27 in the past, but I still, I don't, the reason why I don't vote. I don't know enough so I stay away from that stuff, but I'm finding myself paying attention more than I ever had because it's like, you're on into the circus. So after Trump got impeached, right? So this is a big event, third time in ever.
Starting point is 00:31:42 After we got impeached, stock market hit record highs. And he, he, I think he generated, I don't remember how many millions of dollars in campaign funds from, so he got impeached, I don't know if you guys noticed ads in Facebook and Instagram. Immediately after the impeachment went through, there were ads with Trump,
Starting point is 00:32:00 support me in fighting the switch on or whatever. So he's spinning it to generate. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I meant to tell you too that I agree with something that you had brought up before. I just confirmed it for me. I think you made a point that you think that when Trump is done regardless of it's this year
Starting point is 00:32:15 or the four later that he's gonna start a media company. I totally think so. He pretty much said that. Like he, he's setting himself up. Yes. Like he was talking shit he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, sure, you're saying, you know, all fake news, this whole thing has been for him to set his business table up, probably. He's just like, I'm a run for president, fuck it, make a big ass loud noise about things, make the media look like evil and bad,
Starting point is 00:32:53 and then I'm gonna come out with this awesome media company afterwards. Well dude, Fox News gets more viewers and attention, all the other mainstream news networks combined. And the really the only show in terms of who's getting, in terms of getting press and stuff mainstream for the conservative side. I see him coming out with a media company
Starting point is 00:33:13 that is gonna compete and maybe take away from Fox because of all the, because of what he's done this whole time, painted the picture of the fake news and all that. For sure that's gonna happen, 100%. He's gonna get out and he's gonna make billions with a new media company and it's gonna be hilarious. And, you know, I wish people would look at it from that way. You know, step back a little bit,
Starting point is 00:33:31 look at the games and the shirades and you start to see that. These people are good. They're just setting themselves up. Oh, no, no, no, man. Dude, I read a very interesting study. There's a pharmaceutical company that came out, this is a, I tried, not a approved drug, but they came out with a, a drug that's based off of the curcumin molecule. So you guys know curcumin is found in, what's it called? Not ginger,
Starting point is 00:33:56 what's the other one? Um, turmeric. turmeric, thank you very much. I forgot for a second there. It's actually in turmeric. curcumin is, is, is, is, that's where you get it. That's where you get it from. And it has, we know this, Cricumin's got, and turmeric is got anti-inflammatory process. I thought turmeric was a root in itself. So it's, where you, is it a part of the root? In, in, one of the compound in turmeric that is largely responsible for its anti-inflammatory
Starting point is 00:34:20 effect. Oh, it's an isolated, it's the rest that, okay, yeah. Cricumin's in turmeric. So, it's got all these, you know, beneficial health effects that we've been reading about for a long time. Oh, it's an isolated. It's right. Okay. Yeah. Crocumins in turmeric. So it's got all these, you know, beneficial health effects that we've been reading here, you know, about for a long time. So pharmaceutical company took, took curcumin, modified it, you know, synthesize it, modified it, and made a drug based off of curcumin, used it on mice and reversed Alzheimer's in the mice. No, reversed. No, it's animal trial.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Wow, it's interesting. So, you know, that's, you gotta take it with a grain of salt. But, holy shit, you know, because we have yet to find anything that could do that. Have you been texting Max over this at all? No, actually it's a good question. Absolutely, shit. He's probably one of the most researched in that area
Starting point is 00:35:02 that I know as far as, I mean, that was like, most of what his readings are around. So he'd be a fun person to have that discussion with. Yes, yes. I think that's probably one of the most researched in that area that I know as far as I mean That was like most of what his readings are around so he'd be a fun person to have that discussion with Yes, yes, I think that's a good idea I'm gonna ask him and see what he thinks about it because he's so on the up and out But that's fascinating because Alzheimer's and dementia are I mean, that's like one of the big You know three or four chronic illnesses that we're gonna have to really deal with is this like addressing the is that we're gonna have to really deal with. Is this addressing the inflammation in the brain on some level?
Starting point is 00:35:26 Is that part of the Alzheimer's or fine or what? Well, there's that, it's reducing the emyloid plaques that build up on the brain. And I haven't looked into it deep enough to know exactly how it works. All I know is that this preliminary research came out and it's kind of making waves because, and now here's the thing,
Starting point is 00:35:43 Cucumin itself has been shown to have lots of brain health effects, which is why they went and studied that molecule. No, not to shit on your study, but what's the percentage of actual animal studies that translate? That translate? Yes. It's not super good. Yeah, you have a number for me.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I don't, but it's not super good. Like less than 50 or more than 50%. Yeah, no, it's gonna be less. It's gonna be less. But it's the first step. And Alzheimer's, we have yet to really find anything that we have drugs that we've tested on animals that slowed the progression, that maybe stopped the progression. But I don't think there's anything that's been shown in a study to reverse
Starting point is 00:36:25 Alzheimer's and animals. So who knows where this is going to go, but this is kind of a first and it's pretty exciting. Very interesting. Yeah, it's a little depressing though, that it's less than half. I knew it wasn't great, but I didn't realize it was that bad. It's a first step though, you know what I'm saying? Like if you don't pass that first step. It's interesting, nonetheless.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I mean, it's great to, I think it makes for great conversation and it's intriguing, right? To pay attention and watch that. Yeah. Because beforehand they had ideas of how to prevent it, but there was never any treatment of conversing. That's exciting. So here's another brain article that I read. I forgot where I read this, but it was about exercise and its effect on the brain.
Starting point is 00:37:04 So we've known now, we've now known for a while that being active isn't just good for your body, it's also very, very good for the brain. Not just physically by making your brain healthier, but they're finding very consistent results that show that cognitive, that there's cognitive improvements. People think better, they think sharper, maintains IQ. This seems so obvious to me.
Starting point is 00:37:25 It does, but check this out, right? So that's what we know. We know exercise, good for the brain, makes you smarter, keeps your brain healthy, we know all that stuff. But now there's studies showing that some exercise is much better than others. You guys might take a guess that what kind of exercise is better? For sure, anything that is actually going to change or challenge you, like I would think things like stability, hand eye coordination, things that the more mentally challenging it would be, would make sense that it's better for the brain, right? Versus something that we can all pound exercises that you'd like more muscles versus, yeah. Right. So I think the more difficult it is, both I I think, not just physically, but then also like
Starting point is 00:38:06 proprioception, too. Yeah, so reactive. Yeah, reactive, stability, things like that that are going to throw you off those type of movements, I think, would probably exercise and train the brain the most in comparison. You guys are 100% right. So what they found in the studies that were that cognitively challenging exercises were far more effective than exercise that was not cognitively challenging exercises were far more effective than exercise that was not cognitively challenging.
Starting point is 00:38:26 So here's a good example of what would fall under each of those categories, right? Exercises that are not challenging cognitively would be walking, would be riding a stationary bike, repetitive motion where you get lost in your thought and you're just moving over. Now, as I said that they're not good, they have tremendous health benefits for the brain.
Starting point is 00:38:45 But exercises that require thinking and concentration and focus. Problem solving. Like resistance training. Resistance training because of the complexity of the movements, because there's such a wide variety of things that you can do. And because resistance training is all the way, if you do it right, resistance training should always change.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Like if you're a runner or a cyclist, only thing that changes is you go farther, go harder. With resistance training, exercises change, movement changes, as you get better, things are constantly challenging. Resistance training is in that category, and although the study felt short, excuse me, the article felt short
Starting point is 00:39:20 of saying resistance training is the best, they kind of laid out the parameters, and I think we're five to 10 years away from scientists saying the best form of exercise for your brain is resistance training is the best, they kind of laid out the parameters. And I think we're five to 10 years away from scientists saying, the best form of exercise for your brain is resistance training. Now, is someone sharing this with you or is this something because you're researching for your book, you're coming across stuff like this?
Starting point is 00:39:34 No, no, no, no, no. I belonged a lot of groups on Facebook. Sounds so funny when you say that. What do you mean? I belonged to a lot of groups. Like on the dork. Yeah, the high school kid that belonged to all the fucking after- Jazz club?
Starting point is 00:39:47 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, the Chis Club. The community service. My crochet. Hey, this is a hammock. This is a hack. I'm telling you right now, this is a hack. I get asked all the time, and we see in the,
Starting point is 00:39:58 in the, in the, in the, in the, in the, in the Kwame, all the time, well, people are like, where does Sal get his studies? Where does he do his research? Here's the best place. Go on Facebook and find groups in categories that you're interested in. So if you're interested in economics, type in economics and follow a bunch of groups if you're interested in neuroscience or nutrition or resistance training, follow these groups.
Starting point is 00:40:21 And then when ends up happening, some of them have to approve you, some of them just let anybody join. But once you're in, people in those groups are fanatical. And they'll post articles and studies as soon as they pop up. And some of them are obscure. But here's why it's amazing. It's a massive debate. That's it. Then in the comments, I go in the comments. And so there's just one neuroscience group that I belong to. So they'll post an article on some new drug or, you know, new breakthrough in neuroscience. I'll read the article and I'll understand some of it, but I'm not a neuroscientist. So I'm like, okay, well, that kind of is interesting. Then I'll go in the comments and you have a bunch of neuroscience fanatics and nerds discussing
Starting point is 00:41:01 it and then you learn everything through the discussion. That's smart. It's funny because I just go through my Facebook feed and I just scroll through it. There's an article. There's a study. I click in the comments and I read, and it's a total hack. Total hack, it's very, very effective. Anyway, along those lines, another study came out that tested the effectiveness or the impact of exercise priority.
Starting point is 00:41:26 So these groups went in and trained full body. Some of them started with leg exercise, some of them started with a check-stash exercise. We're gonna talk about this. We did, we talked about it on an old episode. The studies showed that most of the strength gains were go to the first exercises in the workout. So it's funny, it's an old bodybuilding principle, right?
Starting point is 00:41:47 You know, prioritize what you want to work on. So for those of you who do full body workouts, for most of you, we recommend starting with the big muscle groups, just most bang for your buck. But if you've been training for a while, and there's a specific thing you want to focus on, start your workout with that, and then move into the rest of the exercises
Starting point is 00:42:16 Today's calls brought to you by Max and Obolic if you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength Max and Obolic is the perfect place to start with a full 30-day money back guarantee There is absolutely zero risk. So what is your waiting for? Go to mind from media.com and get started today! It's the motherfucking f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f***ing f*** belly pooch because it is really annoying. This was a common complaint or request. I would get from clients back in the day, especially women. Pooch. Yeah, and I'm going to assume this is a woman just from the Verbige. I don't know, my dudes, it's in my page.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Yeah, bottom belly pooch. So, okay, a couple of things. One, if you're a store, if it's body fat that you're referring to, you've got to get leaner. If you're stored, if it's body fat that you're referring to, you gotta get leaner. If you're talking about having excess body fat in the lower abdominal region, you just gotta get leaner. And if that's a place you tend to store, body fat, it's gonna take longer.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Last place to go. To get rid of it, which means you just gotta keep getting leaner. So it may be a stubborn area for you because you're predisposed to store there. Now, there are some studies that suggest, and this is far from conclusive, but some study suggests that if you're a high stress individual, for women in particular, you're more likely to store body fat in the midsection. So hormones and stress can kind of change a little bit according to somebody's studies on how you store body fat. Again, they're not conclusive. My opinion is that's probably, unless it's extreme,
Starting point is 00:43:49 that's probably a minor effect. I think it's largely determined by genetics. Now, if it's not body fat, that can be frustrating. If you're lean, I've had clients like this, where they're lean, and they don't have a lot of body fat in their stomach, but the lower abdominal region kind of sticks out a me, let's take that a little bit. Blue my mind. Yeah. And so here's what you need to consider. First and foremost, we're standing, gravity's pushing things down, they're organs in your
Starting point is 00:44:13 abdominal cavity, and they're going to push out the lower abs or lower abdominal area more than the upper, just because of gravity. So that's number one. Number two, there are muscles in your core that actually are responsible for keeping things tight. And one in particular is the TVA, the transverse abdominis. If you train just your abs and your obliques and you train your core all the time
Starting point is 00:44:38 but you don't do specific TVA exercises, especially after having a child. Because when you have a child, the TVA stretches in atrophies, it has to. It's making room for the baby, it can't keep everything in tight. After you have the baby, that muscle will remain disconnected and not strong,
Starting point is 00:44:57 and you could, it could leave you with where your internal organs push out a little more than they did before, because you didn't strengthen those muscles. And we actually did a video, so we'll put it, we'll make sure it's in the show notes. Do we do a video on this? We did stomach vacuum video. That's correct, yeah. It's one of our popular videos.
Starting point is 00:45:12 That's right. Where I demonstrate and exercise that targets the TVA, it's not going to be effective forever, but if your pooch is due to a weak TVA, especially after having a kid, it's an excellent exercise to practice and I would say do that You know five minutes every day or every other day and you should notice some. Oh, I would say that's I think that's one and two one is is Just absolutely Dying to where you can lose the body fat and I can definitely I can totally understand where this person is coming from
Starting point is 00:45:44 because when I competed, the first show that I got ready for, I remember being down, four or five percent body fat, and I still had this, I mean, I was lean shredded everywhere, but then I had this little tiny pooch that was left over still there, and it was really weird to me that that had happened. And it took three weird to me that that had happened and it took three cycles of me leaning out as lean as I could possibly get getting down to that single
Starting point is 00:46:12 digit body fat, going back to training, adding calories, building more muscle, then cutting again, and it took three full cycles like that of shredding as lean as I've ever been in my life, to building, going back to building for a few months, to shredding to as lean as I possibly could. And then the third time was when it finally was eliminated. So it could be a very stubborn area. And you could, and if it's like the first time you got all the way down to the lowest body fat percentage,
Starting point is 00:46:41 there, especially if you were carrying that body fat there for most of your life for a very long time And you're now the leanest you've ever been, but yet it's still there My advice is to then reverse diet and go the other direction to you know focus on building muscle and adding calories back In the diet for a while and then we'll come right back down and don't let yourself and the the goal in this case is And I think this is where it's probably hard for a lot of people is the consistency factor, right? So if you go back and you fall off the wagon again,
Starting point is 00:47:12 you're just gonna end up adding it to that stubborn place again, and you're just in the same, you're on a hamster wheel, just doing the same thing over. So you've gotta get to the point where you lean down as much as you've ever been, then reverse out. So you're adding calories back in, but you're doing it methodically and you're trying to the point where you lean down as much as you've ever been, then reverse out, so you're adding calories back in, but you're doing it methodically and you're trying
Starting point is 00:47:28 to build muscle and use that to your advantage to help speed your metabolism up, and then come back down again to shred that off. I had to get down to, I don't know what I got down to. What would you say my body fat was in my pictures, my Maps and Abolic photos? Oh, you're between three and five? Yeah, so I got really shredded,
Starting point is 00:47:48 and it took me to get that lean for that totally to go away. And I remember when it first happened, I was laying down in bed, and it was hot summer, so I'm a shirt off, and I looked down, and I see that there's no more of that extra body fat on my belly button. I had to get super shredded to get there.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Yeah. Now, here's your even about that. Like you were shredded, but that I was shredded. That you could see you're winky. No, you just described. Yeah, that was, yeah, anyways. Yeah, that was a bit of joke that went wrong. We should let Justin just, you're fat. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Thanks for turning that around. I appreciate that. That was trying to say I was like fantasizing about that. I'm a new ruined. Yeah, though, I remember looking down and seeing that it was finally gone. But here's the thing to take away from that. It's not necessarily to get super shredded because I did get super shredded. It was an unhealthy lean.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Honestly, because I was doing photos and I knew that I had to look a certain way to get any attention to sell MAP Santa Ball. This was, of course, before mind pump. I got myself to an unhealthy body fat percentage. In real life, had you met me, I wouldn't have looked impressive. I actually looked a little gaunt. I mean, if I took my shirt off and you looked at my abs, you'd be like, wow, but I wasn't healthy.
Starting point is 00:49:03 So, if you get lean, and if you're a woman and you're like down to 15% my abs, you'd be like, wow, but I wasn't healthy. So if you get lean and, you know, if you're a woman and you're like down to like 15% body fat and you're like, I still got this lower ab putch, but you're fine. You're okay, like getting any leaner, yeah, you might get rid of it, but you're gonna be compromising your health and your metabolism and it's funny
Starting point is 00:49:18 because when I came out of that shredded state, I remember, I came out of it, I did everything wrong, I binged or whatever, I got sick for like, I remember, I came out of it, I did everything wrong, I binged or whatever, I got sick for like, you know, two or three days, gained body fat, my metabolism was much slower, I remember I was like, wow, I'm gaining body fat on way less calories than before, and it took me a little while to get myself back to normal.
Starting point is 00:49:40 But, you know, here's the other side, of course, is the exercise. Now I talked about the vacuum exercise, great exercise. Here's the other thing you of course, is the exercise. Now, I talked about the vacuum exercise, great exercise. Here's the other thing you can do. When you work your abs, you can also change your exercises so that you do focus on activating the TVA, and this is how you do it. Let's say you're doing a crunch, rather than doing your crunch slowly coming up and squeezing
Starting point is 00:49:58 the abs, which is still fine. It's great form. As you're coming up, simultaneously suck your belly button down to your spine. So why you're coming up and squeezing, also suck in your stomach, like you're trying to get your belly button all the way down to your spine. And what you'll find is A,
Starting point is 00:50:14 you're not gonna be able to do nearly as many reps, very, very difficult. And B, you're gonna be activating your TVA, so it's gonna feel very different. And what that does is it simultaneously works the abs, but also starts to teach the TVA how to activate. But if this is your post pregnancy, just doing a standing vacuum is going to be hard
Starting point is 00:50:33 because you've completely lost connection to that much. Yeah, a lot of my clients, I think that was a very common thing of just posture. You know, like where, you know, it looked like their stomach was a bit more distended than, you know, normally if they had, you know, proper Bracing techniques and they were like applying that and connected to the TVA like it really does make a big difference in terms of like even just sitting down and Standing up like what you present next question is from Tyler Row
Starting point is 00:50:58 Can men and women follow the same strength and muscle building programs or should different approaches be taken? Can they? They should. This is one of the worst things the fitness space ever did. Ever was convince women that they need to train differently for men. The only good thing about CrossFit is that they did such a good job of that, right? We've been given them way too much praise lately.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Yeah, I can't stand it. But it's so true. It's one of the worst things that they get, that they now, why did they do it? It's an effective marketing approach. Of course. Yeah, early days of resistance training and gins. Because no woman ever showed up to the gym and said,
Starting point is 00:51:35 hey, I want to look like my husband. Yeah, no, that isn't happening. Or some do, but it's very few. It's back when resistance training became a thing and gyms had weights, it was mostly men that were lifting weights. And the gyms in the fitness space said, how are we gonna attract women?
Starting point is 00:51:51 And at the time the spokespeople for resistance training were bodybuilders. Remember Arnold Schwarzenegger and the documentary Pumping Iron went mainstream. It went mainstream. It was the first time the American public at large was exposed to bodybuilders and lifting weights. And so it got tied to Arnold.
Starting point is 00:52:10 So it's like lift weights look like a bodybuilder. Men were doing it when we're like, I am not touching weights with a 10 foot pole. I don't wanna look like that. So the fitness industry responded by saying, oh no, this is how you should lift weights. High reps, don't use free weights, use machines, feel the burn, small movements, don't use weights at all.
Starting point is 00:52:29 I mean, one of the first gyms that I ever worked in, in 1997, had a women's area. So it was like a general weight area with machines and weights. So it disrespected, was all purple and pink. No, it's funny. I went in there, and first of all, the women's area, no free weights. Actually, no, there were a few free rates,
Starting point is 00:52:49 there were the pink, small dumbbells, rubber coated dumbbells. Didn't go above 10 pounds, and the machines were the same as the machines out in the other floor, except the upholstery on them was purple or pink. That was the difference. And they had pictures, instead of pictures of like a male anatomy, you know, chart or
Starting point is 00:53:07 whatever, it had pictures of female anatomy chart. And then the female one was posed kind of like, oh, thanks. Yeah, and I remember walking in there being like, this is hilarious, you know. And I wasn't allowed in there because I was a guy. It's a hot man. It's so stupid. Yeah. No, it's so dumb.
Starting point is 00:53:21 The rules that make resistance training effective apply to both men and women. Now, there's differences in the individual. That's the difference as you wanna look at, not because you're a woman or a man, but because you're an individual. So you may wanna work on different things, you may have a different level of experience. You may wanna train in a certain intensity
Starting point is 00:53:40 versus a different intensity, but no, don't go to the gym thinking, I'm a woman therefore I should train this way, or I'm a man before I, therefore now, stupid. Everybody should work out with weights generally the same in terms of effectiveness. Next question is from Dene, Jor, what's your guys' opinion on the food is medicine notion?
Starting point is 00:53:59 I love that. Yeah. Who is that, one of the first people say that, Doug, is that? Hypocrite. Hypocrite is, yeah. Hypocrite is a Pocrite is It's funny because people don't truly think you know what you are what you eat you know that saying it's true What you eat goes in your bot goes in your office your mouth and then your body assimilates it and it becomes
Starting point is 00:54:21 a party verb body. I can't think of a more clear, easy way of understanding that your food completely affects your health, 100%. And how you eat is probably, it's gotta be one of the top three things that'll affect your overall health. I can't think of too many things that is above that. Well, I mean, I feel like it's so obvious too. We have all these different macro and micro nutrients
Starting point is 00:54:47 that do specific things in the body and make it run efficiently. And yes, we are incredibly resilient that if we don't have some of these things, we don't die the next day, we can get by. Just like if you don't change your oil in your car for a long period of time, it doesn't just die out of nowhere because those are in the oil ran dry.
Starting point is 00:55:07 It'll keep running for a while, just not very effectively. And I feel the body is very similar. Like if we lack nutrients and we don't feed the body what it needs, it doesn't, we don't die the next day, but it starts to run less optimally and less and less and less.
Starting point is 00:55:23 And then that makes you susceptible for disease and other things because you're not feeding at the way you should. So I think absolutely I like that notion and I think that more people should look at it like that. I think right now, majority of the population, we look at eating is like a pleasure thing because we're there, right?
Starting point is 00:55:43 We live in a time now where nobody is worried about dying from starvation. And you can be so choosy, right? Yeah, it's all about pleasure. Oh, I don't feel like that. You know, I want that. This sounds better. You know, when we sit here and we go back and forth and argue over what we're going to have to deliver.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Well, it's such convenience now. Yeah. Yeah. Like, that's the thing. It's like, we just have so much of it now that we've, I think we've lost track of the fact that like, you know, what we're actually consuming in of it now that we've, I think we've lost track of the fact that like, you know, what we're actually consuming in our body, that's the, that's the raw materials, that's the building blocks for all the cells in your body. It's like, of course, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:13 that's, that's part of you. So, you know, in terms of like looking for quality, I've always thought that, yeah, that's, that's the way we should go. And, you know, it is going to affect you, and your body is going to be made up of be made up of what you put in it. So why not try to your best to always kind of look for adding in the best stuff. And training, this was like one of the things I really enjoyed about training in bodybuilding, right? Because I had to measure and track
Starting point is 00:56:42 and pay really closer attention than I ever have in my entire life. It really gives you an idea of like wow how powerful. You know eating certain foods are and how it can affect the body. I mean it really does highlight that when. You can manipulate your fiber and just the slightest bit and when you are so detailed like that. It's like instantly I know it's a difference in my stool. Or if I inject an extra 100 grams of carbohydrates that day, like holy crap, I'll say my workout, it feels like it's 10 times better.
Starting point is 00:57:12 And when you're really dialed in like that, you can really start to tell the difference of all these micro-macro-nutrients that you're either giving to the body or taking away from the body. And I think that just highlights like how powerful that really is. I just think that for the most part, most people are over consuming so much stuff
Starting point is 00:57:30 that you're kind of numb to how much food can be medicine to our body. We don't value it because it's everywhere. When we were in Arizona, Adam, I took a Uber, when we were going to the dinner or whatever, when I came and picked you up. And the driver was, he was obviously foreign and I love it when I meet somebody, you know, especially an Uber driver when they're foreign.
Starting point is 00:57:51 I like to ask him where they're from and we'll brought you here and all that sort of stuff. Anyway, the man was Ethiopian and he came here. He was older. He came here in the late 80s as a refugee. So he's actually part of a refugee program that brought him over. Anyway, it's five kids and, you know, he's talking about his kids going to college and that. So then I asked him, I said, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:09 because I'm the product of immigrants, I said, what shocked you the most or surprised you the most about America? And he goes, you guys have so much food that you throw food away. Because I couldn't believe how people is like, we have so much we just throw it away. Because it took me so long to get used to the fact
Starting point is 00:58:29 that you guys are so much, and that's just the position in the state that we're in. Now, as far as food is medicine is concerned, look, I'll give you a very specific example. If you, and we identified this a long time ago, for certain types of epilepsy, you could change your diet and stop having seizures. For certain types, you can go on a ketogenic diet and we've been treating epilepsy this
Starting point is 00:58:51 way way before we had drugs, change your diet. Wow, look, the kid doesn't have seizures anymore. I've had clients, female clients who weren't getting their period and had hormone imbalances and by working with their nutritionists, they bump their protein, bump their fat, all sudden they freaking food. Boom. And they conceive, you know what I mean? I know that food, their studies that show that food can, eating a certain way can reduce
Starting point is 00:59:16 your susceptibility to viruses or bacterial infection. Look at your digestion. If you have poor digestion, does that affect the rest of your body? Absolutely. Does changing your nutrition potentially improve your digestion? Yes, it does. So there are both acute effects from food where it's almost like Western medicine, like taking a pill, and then of course there's long-stream, downstream effect.
Starting point is 00:59:40 So the best medicine is food. That's the best medicine is general. And you do it every single day. You put in your mouth and eat it every single day. Well, and I think to like why we've gone away from it is because it's interesting because we just consume food, but we don't pay attention to how we react afterwards as well. Like we've talked to this about this ad nauseam, like where, you know, I will eat something, be affected by it, won't trace back that, you know, the food had anything to do with that. Meanwhile, if we're taking medicine, like in concentrated form, like we're expecting to feel something. That's all we're focused on. Don't you guys really think
Starting point is 01:00:16 this has a lot to do with it because we over consume so much that we get away with a lot of bullshit? Like, if we lived in a time where like food was really scarce, we would value it totally different. And it was like you needed the calories every time you ate because you were all most of the time you were depleted. And then if you were also making poor choices nutritionally, your body would let you know right away. Like if you only could get to 1500 calories, yeah, 1500 calories and back then, right?
Starting point is 01:00:43 That's all you could ever get to. And then you made the choice of it's always lemon heads. You know, if your body would fucking let you know really quick, that's not nourishing the body at all. But because we have so much shit and it's all fortified with different things and you're getting, at least you're getting some fuel in there, we're fine, we're okay.
Starting point is 01:01:00 And we Medicaid ourselves with drugs and, you know, medicines and ibuprofen and alcohol. And then we start to believe that our condition is just a part of who we are. I'm just having somnia. I just have porcelain all the time. Or, yeah, I always take a laxative because I just have bad digestion. Or I always have heartburn. So I have to pop role aids all the time.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Or whatever. Not realizing that your food can fix you. Right. Sailors in the past would use lemons and oranges to cure scurvy, which was a disease. So absolutely 100%, it is food as medicine. And we should definitely, you know, it's funny. When you look at modern hunter-gatherers,
Starting point is 01:01:42 so what percentage of Americans would you say eat organ meats? Oh myers. So, you know, what percentage of Americans would you say, eat organ meats? Oh my God. Let's say less than one percent. Nobody eats organ meats, right? Nobody eats liver. Back in the day, they used to, moms were encouraged. That was the first thing they wanted.
Starting point is 01:01:55 They wanted hot dogs. Wasn't that like the most prized stuff for the, and that would you go after first? Well, 60, 70 years ago, moms were encouraged by their doctor, hey, make liver for your kid. Yeah. Or here, give them cod liver oil. You ever watched the cartoons where the mom is feeding
Starting point is 01:02:09 the kids, something to spoon, the kids at gagging or whatever? That's cod liver oil. And they knew that because back then, kids had vitamin D deficiency. It showed up as certain diseases like rickets. And they didn't have synthesized vitamin D. They would give them cod liver oil as a way to solve it. Now, as far as 100 gathers are concerned,
Starting point is 01:02:28 you, when they make a hunt, if you are visiting with the tribe and they kill an animal, they offer the heart or the liver or the kidneys to you first. Because it's the prized, liver is most mineral dense. It's super, super nutrient dense. We just, we just have so much of it
Starting point is 01:02:44 that we just, we don't mean it. like that driver said, we just throw away. Yeah. Next question is from Force Fitness Kyle. I'm a new parent and also a trainer. Do you have any advice on how to balance being a husband, father and trainer while keeping my own fitness up? You know, use fitness as a tool. And that tool can be wielded in many, many different ways.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Use the force Kyle. You're still in that space. It's in his name. Yeah. Years ago, I went through a very, very difficult time. Somebody very close to me was diagnosed with a disease that was going to take their life and my whole family was affected very, very terribly and I didn't stop exercising.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Now it's not because I'm a fitness fanatic in Zella and I'm not gonna miss my workouts for anything type of deal. No, no, no, that's not what it was. I changed my workouts. I didn't work out as often, but I stopped training to get stronger, build muscle and burn body fat. I started training to keep myself healthy
Starting point is 01:03:45 enough to help my family during this difficult time. So really it was changing the focus. Fitness is an amazing tool. So if you're super busy, exercise can be an incredible stress relief, make you fit and healthy so you can handle more stress, modify it. It becomes a different tool. It's a tool that can be modified to your lifestyle. I think this is a really good question
Starting point is 01:04:07 because I do know it's challenging as a trainer, right? Because you are your own billboard, right? So there's a part of you that feels like shit, I can't just look kind of healthy. I need to look a certain way to attract clients and it's part of my brand. And so I can understand how that can be a little bit more challenging because personally, my fitness has changed right now. And it's right in
Starting point is 01:04:33 line with what you just said. So I was, you know, I'm less worried about PRs, I'm less worried about what my abs or my biceps look like. And it's more like about getting movement and staying mobile and making sure that I don't get chronic pain and getting my steps in. And, you know, I'm talking about father, husband, and fitness all wrapped into one. Like, I do things now, and I'm very conscious of making this choice is, you know, I won't just go work out sometimes for an hour, but I'll make sure, hey, I'll strap the baby on my chest. I'll grab Katrina, and we'll go for a walk for an hour, but I'll make sure, hey, I'll strap the baby on my chest. I'll grab Katrina, and we'll go for a walk
Starting point is 01:05:08 for an hour, hour and a half. So he falls asleep, I get one on one time with her, I'm getting a bunch of steps in, so I'm burning calories. So I do a lot more stuff like that now, and I feel really good about it. Yeah, it's not making my physique look impressive by doing that, but it keeps me healthy. It helps me work on my relationship with my partner.
Starting point is 01:05:29 It gives me quality time with my son. I feel like I kind of knock out all those things that are what you just listed that are extremely important. You just gotta shift your goals a little bit this time and be okay with that. And right now, I'm really happy if I get in the gym three days a week.
Starting point is 01:05:42 If I get three good lifts in a week, that's solid for me. That's enough that I know that I'm not gonna like completely spiral out of control or a grass way back or put on a ton of body fat. That keeps me in a relatively comfortable body fat percentage, keeps me relatively strong and a physique that looks like I work out.
Starting point is 01:05:59 I just don't look impressive right now, but more importantly, the higher priority things, my time with my son, my time with Katrina, those things are way more important to me right now. And so I prioritize them first and find ways to fit fitness into that. I think that's great advice. I think that's that that was the direction. I can't even speak the direction I was going to go. Being more inclusive in like
Starting point is 01:06:23 like having, you know having your partner in ways that you can incorporate the family involved in movement and being able to exercise. And for me, obviously, we've talked about having a home gym and that wasn't as appealing for me when I was just focused on myself and then my own self-improvement, but that was a game changer for you know being able to have access to that and then
Starting point is 01:06:48 also like building the environment around me outside having things available to then go climb on do pull-ups do whatever it's just like you got to you have less moments less long moments to yourself right so you'll have short moments to yourself. You just figure out how to maximize those moments and also include people in your process. Yeah, you know, fitness long-term fitness success is based on the following. Use it to improve and supplement the quality of your life.
Starting point is 01:07:18 That's it. That's supposed to replace life. So if you have your mindset stuck on the, I work out six days a week, I'm shredded, I'm going to always maximize my performance. I'm going to have this six pack abs. I'm going to look super buffed and then you become a father and a husband and you have a business or you're working and you think, no, I'm not doing all those things because I need to, I'm obsessed over. Fitness now is is gonna be detrimental to your health.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Instead, look at it and say to yourself, how can fitness supplement and improve or contribute to the quality of the most important things of my life? And so that means that your fitness routine is gonna look different. That's all. It's just gonna look different. Sometimes you're gonna work out five days a week.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Sometimes you're gonna work out two or three days a week. Sometimes your lifts are gonna be heavy and hard and sometimes they're gonna be more mobile mobility focused and full range of motion and, you know, just trying to feel good and maintain your health. That's all, and if you do that, cause here's a deal, life changes. Life is, look, 100% if you think life's gonna stay the same,
Starting point is 01:08:24 you're in for a rude awakening. It's going to change. So allow your fitness to change along with your life and you will develop a lifelong healthy relationship with fitness and you'll find that you'll never get into those situations where I stopped fitness for six months because I can't do it the way I want to. That's when it becomes a problem.
Starting point is 01:08:46 And with that, I want to remind everybody, look, there's only five days left for the 50% off Maps aesthetic sale. This is one of our most popular workout programs. It is a body sculpting, body building, and bikini inspired workout program. It's half off. You only have five days left.
Starting point is 01:09:05 So do this right now. Go to mapsblack.com and use the code black50black50. There's no space there. Use that for the discount. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance,
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Starting point is 01:10:05 MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. This is MindFunk.

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