Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1198: Mixing Rep Ranges In a Workout, Relieving Back & Neck Pain, The Post Workout Cool Down & MORE

Episode Date: January 3, 2020

1198: Mixing Rep Ranges in a Workout, Relieving Back & Neck Pain, The Post Workout Cool Down & MORE The meaning of the terms Rock N’ Roll, batwing & MORE. (4:28) Are we able to identify if someone ...is sick by simply looking at their face? (9:00) Adam continuing to ruffle feathers with the ‘health at every size’ movement posts. (12:19) What is the secret to longevity? (24:06) Mind Pump making the case for mutual combat. (27:32) A professional bodybuilder decides to marry his sex doll. What’s next?! (30:13) The differences between ‘Heritage Pork’ and regular pork? (33:24) How to use Rhodiola if trying to ween off caffeine. (37:00) Should we replace mental health meds with exercise? (39:10) #Quah question #1 – Is it counterproductive to do low reps and high reps in the same workout in terms of strength and hypertrophy? (43:28) #Quah question #2 – You talk about warm-up's, but what about warm-downs? (47:34) #Quah question #3 – I have a persistent knot on my left side of my neck and a knot on the right side of my back. I get relief when I work out, but the pain returns when I finish exercising. How can I better target these areas to relieve pressured stress? (52:06) #Quah question #4 – I have heard that pronation distortion can be caused by not doing enough ab work. I have severe pronation distortion, but I train my abs 2-3 times a week and have a 6-pack. Are there any other causes of this distortion? Are there any other ab exercises that correct it? (55:54) People Mentioned  Margo Party (@margo_party)  Instagram   Related Links/Products Mentioned January Promotion: MAPS HIIT ½ off! **Code “HIIT50” at checkout** Identification of acutely sick people and facial cues of sickness Health At Every Size 104-Year-Old Woman Says Diet Coke Is Key to Long Life Viewpoint: Duke it out: Mutual combat duels still allowed in Texas Bodybuilder proposes to sex doll after getting it plastic surgery Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Visit Four Sigmatic for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** New study asks: Should we replace mental health meds with exercise? MAPS Fitness Prime – Mind Pump How to Fix Rounded Shoulders (GONE IN 4 STEPS!) | MIND PUMP Do You Have Back Or Shoulder Pain? YOU NEED TO TRY THIS! | Mind Pump Do you have pronation distortion syndrome? How To Improve Your Squat Depth - FREE Squat Like A Pro Guide – Mind Pump How to Perform a 90/90 Hip Stretch (HIP FLEXOR STRETCH) - Mind Pump MAPS Fitness Prime Pro – Mind Pump  Mind Pump Free Resources  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump, we answer questions asked by listeners like you. So we answer four fitness and health questions, but then the way we open the episode up, as we talk about current events, things that are in the news, we talk about our lives, we also mention our sponsors. So here's what we talked about in this episode. We started by talking about the meaning of rock and roll. Justin told us what rock and roll means and he was right. I can't believe you guys didn't know that. Yeah, we were wrong.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Episode 1198 finally Justin said something. I can't hear it though, it's dramatic. I don't know. Nonsense. Then I talked about a study that showed that people can predict when other people are sick, just by looking at their face, that seems kind of obvious. Yes, really.
Starting point is 00:00:57 It's truly a sick face, bro. Yeah, we talked about the health at any size movement, Adam's pissing people off again. Yeah. I mentioned the key to a long life. We talked about a Texas law in which you can actually fight somebody and not get in trouble. Where do you go, Texas?
Starting point is 00:01:14 Justin brought up a bodybuilder who married his sex doll. That's kind of weird. I talked about the difference between heritage pork and a regular pork. Now heritage pork tastes a regular pork. Now heritage pork tastes better. It's got better marbling. It's also raised more humanely.
Starting point is 00:01:31 And some of our favorite, excuse me, sources of heritage pork come from butcher box. Now this is a company that delivers heritage pork and grass fed beef to your door. They also have salmon, sockeye salmon. They'll deliver that to your door. It's high quality, great prices, and we have a discount for you. If you go to butcherbox.com, for a sash mine pump, you will get two pounds of wild elask and salmon
Starting point is 00:01:54 for free and $20 off. Oh, that's right. Then we talked about how you could use Rodeola in place of caffeine. So if you're going on a caffeine fast, you wanna rebuild your sensitivity to caffeine. So it feels amazing again, but it sucks to go off caffeine. Rhodiola. You feel tired. Try Rhodiola.
Starting point is 00:02:13 It's a great herb. It's adaptogenic. It's got stimulating properties. It's also found in Organifies Red Juice. Now, Organify makes organic supplements and products like protein powders, green juices, and the Red Juice that I talked about that contains Rhodiola.
Starting point is 00:02:29 We have a discount for you if you go to organifi.com, forward slash mine pump, and use the code mine pump, you'll get 20% off. And then I talked about how health professionals are making a strong call for making exercise the first prescription for mental health before any psychiatric drugs.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Then we got into answering the questions. The first question was, is it counterproductive to do low reps and high reps in the same workout? The next question, you talk a lot about warmups, but what about warm downs? So what do you do at the end of your workout to enhance the productivity?
Starting point is 00:03:02 So I'm gonna warm me down. Of your workout. The third question, this person says they have a persistent knot on the left side of their neck and on the right side of their back. And it feels better when they work out, but then it comes back like what the hell is going on? And the final question, this person has pronation distortion
Starting point is 00:03:17 meaning their foot flattens out and turns out so they have no arch. And they thought they've heard that it's been caused by a weakness in their abs. How can they fix it? Like what's going on? So we talk all about how to deal with pronation distortion, which if you're listening to this podcast, about 68% of you have to some degree. Now, before the episode starts, remember this. Maps hit is 50% off. This is huge. Our Maps Hit program is a high intensityintensity interval training program
Starting point is 00:03:47 So this is a fat burning program. It's designed specifically to burn the most amount of body fat and Preserve the most amount of muscle. It's hit training done the right way your exercises and workouts are all mapped out for you You have exercise demos and videos you can watch watch the form, see what you're doing. There's three levels to maps hit, so you can start a beginner, move to intermediate and advance. It's a short, but super effective fat burning workout. It's 50% off here. Say you get the discount.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Go to mapshit.com. That's M-A-P-S-H-I-T.com and use the code hit 50. H-I-T50. No space for the discount. Where does that come from, by the way? Rock and roll. It's a term for sex. What?
Starting point is 00:04:33 Is it really? Rock and roll, yeah. Whoa. I mean, do I have to act it out? You roll when you have sex? Apparently, yeah. Is that like in before the 50s, I think? Is that really, is that really where the term came from?
Starting point is 00:04:46 I'm pretty sure it's not okay. Look it up Google that shit Douglas get him's just and get him look at a South's been losing a lot lately. Let's give you a good yeah, the last time I lost Rock and roll That episode yesterday Yeah, so rocking one I mean it could very well be but I mean rolling who the hell's rolling? I know I don't know apparently that's how they did it back then. Maybe I don't know. I roll, I roll everyone's so well.
Starting point is 00:05:08 They don't do the rolling. They're like, you're hitting, and they just, yeah, yeah. No, definitely. It's doing a couple of rolls of origin of rock and roll. That's kind of weird. Passionate and out of control. It's like rolling around or it's rolling.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Just sucks when you're gonna. Okay, from rock, move back and forth and roll, originally a verb phrase, common among African-Americans, meaning to have sexual intercourse. Thank you. Wow, Justin wins. Hold on a second, technically.
Starting point is 00:05:30 What? You finished them. That was right. He is right. Wow. He is right. I did not know that. Wow.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Wow, so it means to bang. Yeah. To have sex. To have sex. To have sex. Of course it does. Wow. Lots of, yeah, I don't know. That's why I think everybody was so offended,
Starting point is 00:05:45 you know, with like the gyrating of the hips and all these different movements and that style of music was like, because all the puritons, you know, back in the day, like at the... Yeah, no wonder Elvis was such a bad guy. Well, dude, because he's used thrust in the hips and he's right in the face with it, and playing rock and roll.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Yeah. You know, it's funny, is that you can't shock anybody anymore. Can you? Yeah? No, you can't get on stage And I mean I get you have to like take a shit or something They have people to say what is that one where they do penis puppets? There's like a whole show where like these guys get up on stage and they they fold it into puppets Yeah, yeah, huh? See I'm just dropping all kinds of new things That's it. That's it. That's it. That was a it's like a play right?
Starting point is 00:06:25 Yeah, it's a play. What are you talking about? So guys go on stage and they use like that They use a flashlight and they do where shit and they you know like they get their scrotum like the bat wing And you know all those like tricks the thing that we did is kids, you know No, it's with your wing and balls. No, come on That was just you and your friends. That's what you're talking about your wing and balls. No. Come on. That was just you and your friends.
Starting point is 00:06:43 That's what you're talking about. You're alone. Every boy did that. No, just you and your friends did. I was like shown it to everybody. So I was definitely figuring it out. Wait a second. So this is the bad wing.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Yeah, man. So this is the bad wing. So you pull it all. I don't want to talk about it. Google Google it. It's something to your scrotum Wait, wait, so this is like a Like full-on production the this is they travel around yeah, do puppets with their their their junk They make like different. They don't they don't do it. They don't play music or anything else I just do that. I think it is it's like it's kind of comedy and it's like anyways
Starting point is 00:07:23 Yeah, they try and make it like it's like carnival act kind of Yeah, it's like you know ant eater or Dead dog is over there nodding his head like he's been to a few of them already Is this true Doug? Is that you've been there? They're amazing really That wing Yeah, not the ant eater, one time I saw these monks who, you know how sometimes you see those Chinese monks and they'll demonstrate their strength,
Starting point is 00:07:53 they'll do weird shit like kick in the balls or hit the chest with a hammer or some weird shit. Yeah. Which I don't get that, but anyway. There were some that works that would literally, maybe they were Indian, they took a stick and they they wrapped Their penis around the stick and stretched it and then picked up and then picked up like heavy objects hanging off their Wang yeah, and then just to show their I mean they got they got Wang strength
Starting point is 00:08:21 I've seen that if you think about it. Let's say you're let's say that's your opponent. Let's say you're gonna get fight Here we're intimidating. Yeah, I'm not fucking with that. He can take his he can pick up heavy shit with it I'm not touching that guy. No, what's gonna happen to me? You'll kick my ass for sure fighting this guy new maps program Yeah That's that way Justin's gonna be the model on this one. Hey, I got this guy. So disgusting. It worked my whole life for this moment. You were doing it.
Starting point is 00:08:48 You were doing your buddies. Yeah. It's so terrible. You mean my buddies. Hey, check this one out. Hey, you're doing it wrong. Let me help you. Yeah, that's gross.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Anyway, hey, so you study here's some cool science. Yeah, let's see. Let's transition out of this. There was this study that was done on on people and they were trying to see how Effective we are at identifying whether or not someone sick just by looking at their face So just by looking at a picture of someone's face. Yeah, I actually a extreme case is I'm sure you could tell right Well some obvious signs so check out the study right so this was published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society. So what they did is they injected people with this,
Starting point is 00:09:30 what are they injecting with? They injected them with something that activates the immune system. Sipolis. No, it wasn't something terrible. It's just, because how do you mean? It's a reflective test group. But they, okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Oh, by the way, you have herpes now. Oh, man, no. We can tell. No, by the way, you have herpes now. Oh man, no. We can tell. No, they administered it injected of a lipopolysaccharide, which is a molecule found on some pathogenic bacteria that provokes a strong immune response. So, didn't necessarily make them sick,
Starting point is 00:09:58 but activated the immune response so they kind of, you know, would look like they were. Felt sick. And so they took a picture of the person when they were healthy and a picture of them after they got this injection. So they look like clammy, pale, like like, dark circles.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah. Well, it's the, so 62 people looked at the pictures and with 80 over 81% accuracy, we're able to tell which one was sick. Yeah. And it supports the notion that humans have the ability to detect signs of early signs of illness After exposure to infectious stimuli. Isn't that kind of cool?
Starting point is 00:10:30 It is but those are one of those studies that like a last week like Johnny Depp like he always looks sick He does a little bit doesn't I mean you might be you might be wrong. I don't like girls like that Well, that's probably why it's 81% not a hundred percent accurate Because I believe that everybody will have sick face Yeah, he's got a resting sick face. Yeah, resting sick face. So the biggest giveaways were pale skin, hanging eyelids, pale lips and red eyes.
Starting point is 00:10:52 That's what they were able to, yeah. I mean, if you think about evolutionarily speaking to make sense, you don't want to tell if somebody's sick by looking at them, right? Yeah. I feel like it's kind of obvious though too. Like when you don't feel well, you're not smiling and laughing.
Starting point is 00:11:06 You know, you don't have like this joyful looking face. You have this like borderline depressed and I feel like shit. Well, so I'm looking at the pictures because they actually have pictures of the people. And in both sets of pictures, they were told to look neutral. So it's like one of the-
Starting point is 00:11:20 They're trying to just kind of like- That'd be too obvious, Adam. Well, that's what I mean. Which one is sick? The one who's like, the other guy smiling at the bulls, like, wipe his nose. But I mean, don't you feel like that?
Starting point is 00:11:29 I mean, to me, that's the obvious sign. Like, when somebody is normally happy, go lucky person, and then all of a sudden, they're under the weather. You ever meet someone like that, though? That's not, they don't have any of the classic signs of poor health, like, they're not obese, they're not whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:43 But you look at them and you're just like, they kinda look, like, just doesn't look, or that kind of doesn't look, something doesn't look healthy about them, you know what I mean? We're real good at finding inconsistencies, like like, like, especially kids of being out with kids, they're so brutally honest about those things.
Starting point is 00:11:56 But you know where I see this a lot? I'll see this a lot sometimes in people in the muscle building, body building space who are on a ton of steroids and overfeeding themselves and they have, you know I'm talking about that steroids look, whether their skin is kind of red, bloated and you know, you know, that guy doesn't look too healthy. Veins dropping. You know that's funny you bring that up because that brings me up to a hot topic that's been
Starting point is 00:12:22 going around in my DMs because since that last episode that we did a couple weeks ago, we talked about the health at any size, and I totally offended at least one or two people that responded to that and felt where they were pissed off. What were they pissed off about? They just, they felt that I shit all over the idea, and they singled me out personally, that I guess whatever rant that I went on,
Starting point is 00:12:45 I don't know how much more I must have been more aggressive about how I felt about it in comparison to you two. And I went on some sort of a rant about it. And then I posted a poll the other day about the study we talked about with the projection of over 50% of the country being obese by 2030. 20, 30. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:06 That's according, that is if we stay on the current, right, trajectory, because we don't know if it changes. Right. And so I did a poll, obviously, to start the pot a little bit, that just said, do you think that health at any size helps this issue or makes it worse? And I think 98% people thought it would be worse, but there was the 4% and 4% of the following that I have is still, you know, I think you've almost
Starting point is 00:13:30 1,000 people voted the other way, which so I've got 1,000 people that are irritated at me right now. And, you know, I had somebody DM me and they were saying, well, you know, I think this is, I think it's bullshit because you can be healthy, adding a size. I'm, for example, I run marathons, I do tough mutters, I do this, I do that, I lift weights, and when I do my skin fold measurements, I'm still considered obese on the chart. And I said, well, just because somebody can do a tough mutter, run a marathon and do all this stuff doesn't necessarily make them healthy either to your point that you're making right now
Starting point is 00:14:06 about bodybuilders, just because somebody has a ton of muscle on their body. And low body fat. Right, and low body fat doesn't mean they're healthy. Yeah, the healthiest version of themselves. Also, they're missing the point. The point is that, let's say you, let's say you do have a lot of body fat on you.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Let's say you do have what would be considered an obese body fat percentage, but you do exercise on a regular basis. You do have good stress management. You do get good sleep. And although you eat more than you need to, the food that you do is healthy. Okay, can you still be healthy?
Starting point is 00:14:40 Yes. Could, are you as healthy as you could be if your body fat was lower? No. So in other words, what that means is that some point high body fat takes away from your health. Now that doesn't mean that you're necessarily unhealthy, it just means that it's a detriment to your health.
Starting point is 00:14:56 You could also have somebody who eats not as good but because they exercise and do other things and offset it, doesn't mean they're as healthy as they could be. At some point, high body fat percentage will be a detriment to your health, regardless of anything else. That doesn't mean you're necessarily unhealthy. It just means it's now taking away from.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I definitely think you can have somebody like that that it exists, but it's such a small group of number. Like in terms of like, if you're gonna judge a movement, you know, of steering people in the right direction, I just don't see it. I don't see it. I see a massive crutch that's sort of waving a flag of like, well, you know, I'm gonna go, well, any size,
Starting point is 00:15:40 I could be healthy, so like I'm gonna accept this of who I am versus like, you know, that person that is, you know, making healthy choices, eating just eating a lot of healthy food. Like I just don't see that happen. Well, that's where somebody got it. Somebody was offended because it was somebody who the website that's dedicated to what's the acronym on the remember with the acronym was? Health at any healthy at any size. Yes. Is it yes? Health at any healthy at any size. Yes, or is it yes? Yes, it's something like that though.
Starting point is 00:16:06 You remember what it is, Doug? Yeah, it's healthy at any size, right? It's not the acronym. It's not the acronym. It's not the acronym. I think it is, I think Justin's right. I think it's HAAS. It's something like that, right?
Starting point is 00:16:19 I don't remember what the fucking acronym is. But anyways, the website that's dedicated to that, the person that people were pissed off because they felt that we didn't do enough research on exactly the message that they're presenting in there. Oh, hey, there it is. And they are saying that this, the message was received by this person
Starting point is 00:16:40 and it's changed their life. And that they, you know, it's what's helped them get back into shape. Well, here's the message. The message is you should always love yourself. That's number one. Right. And take care of yourself like you love yourself.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Now, there's a misconception out there that if you just care about yourself, you're gonna be overweight, that's not true. If you truly care about yourself, you won't be overweight. Your body doesn't wanna be overweight just like it doesn't want to be underweight. Being overweight isn't necessarily typically not as healthy
Starting point is 00:17:10 as being an appropriate weight, just like being underweight is. So if you're 60 pounds overweight and you're thinking, I'm just gonna accept myself, because this is me being healthy. I mean, and of course, there's individual variances, maybe based on your current condition and standards and the context of your life, that is the healthiest that you
Starting point is 00:17:30 can accomplish. But you can also be honest with yourself and say, okay, I'm not optimal. This is an optimal. It's very simple. You, it is, be honest. Exactly. It's very simple. You measure your body, Fabricence, and it reads your obese. Okay. That doesn't mean you are fat. It means you have lots of fucking fat on your body that percentage and it reads your obese, okay? That doesn't mean you are fat. It means you have lots of fucking fat on your body that doesn't belong there and you don't need. Bottom line, you don't need to,
Starting point is 00:17:51 you don't have to identify with, you're not locked into that. You are not fat, you have lots of fat on your body which is unhealthy for your body. That's a fact and if you're reading that high, it is a fact, it is unhealthy for your body to have that high of a body fat percentage. It doesn't mean you are fat.
Starting point is 00:18:08 You don't have to identify that. It's a reflection of the choices that you make, which may be over-consuming food, which is most likely, and or or both, not moving or exercising enough. And maybe you are somebody who does exercising, can run and do those things. But if you are reading obese, you are still, it always comes back to law of the dynamics here. You're obviously eating more than you're exercising
Starting point is 00:18:32 and you're putting on body fat. It would be like if someone came up to me, let's say I'm at the bar with you guys we're hanging out, we're drinking someone goes, oh my God, Sal, mind pump, you're drinking alcohol, that's unhealthy and I'm like, actually, you know, it's healthy when you're, nah, I'm like, yeah, you're right, I'm having a good time, you know, it's healthy. When you're, no, I'm like, yeah, you're right. I'm having a good time.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Right. You know, like, it's okay to be honest with certain things, but that doesn't mean you need to hate yourself. And it doesn't give anybody the excuse to belittle you or make you feel like you're less than human. Right. Because nobody is perfect and nobody treats themselves. Definitely, exactly.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Perfectly. You know, so the problem with being overweight is it's a very visual representation of maybe something you're not perfect with. You can't look at someone and see that they have a credit score of 500 or that, you know, that they're terrible with their friends and stuff like that, but sometimes you can look,
Starting point is 00:19:15 oftentimes you can look at someone and say, they're overweight and unfortunately that makes them targets for a lot of people. And I know, I think that's where this movement came from. You don't have the right to treat someone Like shit just because of whatever unless they did something terrible to you You know go up just because I see a lot of fitness people like that it makes them feel righteous They walk up to fat people like you're unhealthy. You're fat. You know, they're for them better than you right
Starting point is 00:19:36 Or like the message you brought up the other day about correcting one of the trainers That we know which is the oh there's more enough time the day You can do this this and that message of pointing that out to them, like, oh, you're lazy or this. It's not that. I can totally have empathy for that person, and I don't think that I'm judging that person, but it's a fact.
Starting point is 00:19:57 If you measure at 40% body fat, it means you have enough body fat on your body. It is detrimental to you. It is not maintained, we need to maintain some standardization. I mean, we just need something out there that people can try and achieve and acquire a better version of health. And if that's a metric that maybe has some wiggle room
Starting point is 00:20:19 and there's some outliers out there that can be healthy at a higher range, that exists. But we're talking about the majority of people out there. Yeah, and look, at the end of the day, your body fat percentage is a side effect of your state of health. It's not necessarily, but it would also contribute to your health. So what I mean by that is, if you're overweight,
Starting point is 00:20:44 it's because it's a side effect of a lifestyle. That lifestyle's a side effect of your state of mental health and psychological health. And if you're eating too much, it's not good for you. And the reason why you're eating too much is probably because you're not at the most healthy state of mind. When I would work, I've worked with a lot of clients who struggled with weight a lot. It was one of my favorite categories of I would work with a lot of clients who struggled with weight a lot
Starting point is 00:21:05 It was one of my favorite categories of people to work with people who are in the severe obese category and I eventually became very successful trained these people but it wasn't because it was because I realized getting them to lose weight Wasn't gonna make them happy I had to get them to learn how to be happy first. Yeah, then they would start to lose weight It was always that I have never met somebody who was, and I have trained hundreds, I also love this category, if somebody who was more budli obese and they're trying to change their life and they come to me,
Starting point is 00:21:34 and what I always figured out, it wasn't this, they didn't understand the science of nutrition, they didn't understand the science of exercise. They were, there was something else that was underlining that they weren't addressing, and a lot of times it waslining that they weren't addressing, and a lot of times it was something that they were unhappy with, and they were coping with it through food
Starting point is 00:21:50 and the lack of exercise, and it wasn't until I addressed that and helped that out, did all the weight come off and stay off the rest of life, it was always that. It was never like, oh, I just didn't know what I was doing, and I got to this point, it's no, I was mindlessly eating for so many years and got to this point. It's no, I was mindlessly eating for so many years and trying to bury something. Well, that's why it's different because it is,
Starting point is 00:22:09 like the message is love yourself. Like that is where you need to be in the state of mind because it is so psychological coming in. Like a lot of times where, you know, people are find themselves like overweight, no beast. Like, you know, their state of mind is a major contributor to that. And so finding that you know way to to to to to love yourself again and to to want to
Starting point is 00:22:32 improve yourself is everything not to just you know become love yourself and become placing in that but not work on yourself. Yeah it's just you know and it's funny it's I think I feel like modern life is just a whole series of figuring out how to medicate yourself in one way or another. You know what I mean? You go to family parties and you see the people drinking the alcohol, why? Because they need to loosen up so they can hang out around with people or people to smoke in the cigarettes, or I got to have my coffee every single day, or I got to use food.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I got to use food to medicate. So it's, it's, look, it're, if you're listening and you're obese and this is your issue, that's fine, you know, work on it. But it doesn't make you worse than everybody else. You're not a piece of shit. Everybody listening has got to deal with something that they're working through, but it doesn't help to not be honest about it.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And, and, and what some people do with the health is, the health at any size movement, is they interpret that as it doesn't matter and I'm healthy and it doesn't affect me in any negative way, no matter how overweight I get, which is just plain. Not true and I think. And that can be hurtful, although I don't think that's the movement itself, that's how some people interpret it. That's where we get some of the issues. And of course, there's a lot of individual variants. One person can be obese and have far better health
Starting point is 00:23:51 than someone else who's at a normal body weight. There's so many factors that play into that. But at the end of the day, if you, your optimal health is probably not obese, regardless of your fitness level and all that stuff. I mean, speaking of anecdotes, there was an article of this woman who was talking about her secret to longevity. She's 104 years old, so she got interviewed to, she got interviewed by a news network.
Starting point is 00:24:18 What's your secret to living? Oh, the people that make those are always like cigarettes and bacon. I know it's always crazy. Yeah. Yeah. If they make the news, yeah, yeah, that's funny. You said that. So I'm going to read from the article. If you're going to live to 104, you might as well do it in style. Teresa Raleigh of Grand Rapids, Michigan, just celebrated another birthday on January
Starting point is 00:24:38 1st. She's 104 years old. Her secret to longevity drinking lots of diet coke. Every single day should drink some wine. She's been drinking diet coke for decades every single day and she says that that's the secret to her. There's people that are like that, right? I think that they're just, it's like we talk about this with bodybuilding. Genetic, this just shows you how genetics, I was just talking to my brother-in-law
Starting point is 00:25:07 about marijuana strains like this. You know, I'm gonna take you left, but I'll bring it back here. When you do, like when you grow marijuana, there's all these, you know, teas and recipes and measuring the water, PPI, you could do all this stuff to try and get this flower to be amazing. And you can, you could do all this stuff to try and get this flower to be amazing.
Starting point is 00:25:25 And you can, you can really manipulate it to make it super high potent, make it smell super strong, look frosty and amazing. But at the end of the day, nothing is more impactful than getting incredible genetics. If you get like the original cut of of a plant and it was taken well care of and it's got good genes, sometimes you could just give that sucker water and it will end out producing the thing that you spent thousands of dollars on all these formulas to try and get it to produce.
Starting point is 00:25:57 So the same thing is with this. And I totally lost my train of thought how I was gonna take it from marijuana. Over the years. Oh, about people living a long time. Yeah, exactly. There's some people that are so- Speaking of marijuana, I forgot.
Starting point is 00:26:07 What? Some people are so resilient that it doesn't matter if they did have bacon and fucking cigarettes every single day, they were in the list. Well, it's genetics, but it's also other factors in their life. It's fun. Maybe this woman has amazing relationships
Starting point is 00:26:22 with the people around her, which that has a huge impact. Maybe her rest of her diet's healthy. Yeah, but even those things, I would still make the case that genetics still play a larger role than it is. My great grandfather, bro, since he was 12 or 13, so right around there, started smoking cigarettes. And this is back in system, there's no filter, so he'd roll them up in paper. And as a matter of fact, as he got older, he would buy rolled cigarettes and he is back insisted. There's no filter so he'd roll them up in paper and the matter
Starting point is 00:26:45 Fact as he got older he would buy rolled cigarettes and he cut the filter off because he hated the filter He's he changed smoked you know what that means that means as one is going out He lights it with another one so from morning till bedtime Yeah, my grandma's like this the only time he stopped smoking is when he would sleep or eat or eat when he would eat He put the cigarette next to him on the ashes and walking cloud. And it just constantly, he was 94 years old when he finally died. The guy was just, he lit his bed on fire a couple of times. He go to sleep with the cigarette and his mouth.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Are you serious? Yeah, I know it would fall and like the sheets on fire. My great grandma would like put it on, get pissed off. I'll crazy that 93 die from like fire in your bed sheets before you die. But you're told, but you're right, the genetics plays such a huge role. Anyways, I wanna tell you guys about something cool that I just read about Texas. Texas is kind of an interesting state, isn't it? It's, yeah, they have a lot going on.
Starting point is 00:27:38 It's much different than California, that's for sure. So in Texas, you can actually, so here's, there's a law in Texas that states that any two individuals who feel the need to fight can agree to mutual combat through assigned for or even just verbal or implied community. We talked about this a long time ago. What's that in Canada, those four?
Starting point is 00:27:57 There's another place that has to sit. There's a term for it, right? Isn't there like a dual, a virtual combat? I think it's all the same. Now, as long as no serious bodily injury occurs and both participants know what degree of risk they're taking, it's a defense for a criminal or civil suit. So you beat the shit out of somebody
Starting point is 00:28:14 and then they take you to court or you're gonna go to jail, you could say, no, no, no, no, no. He walked into it. We agreed. We agreed to a fight. I love this. So do I. I love it.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I love this. Not because I love fighting, I think people should fight, but because I love this. So do I. I love it. I love this. Not because I love fighting. I think people should fight. But because I feel like there should be consequences. If you're going to start shit with someone, they should be able to be like fine. Let's go outside. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:28:35 Run and get dad to come help you with your own fights. You know, like handle your business. See, I feel like in a place like this, if you're in a bar and a do the, and you go, okay, let's go outside. Let's agree to this and let's go outside. Some record agree to this in the squat, let's go outside, some recorded. And you'll see who the real tough guy is. Hey, if you've been around, I've been around situations,
Starting point is 00:28:50 I've been in part of situations like that where that happens. And you know, it's funny afterwards, a lot of times, like guys hug it out, they're hanging out of us, a respect for it. If it peaked, we're mad, we're so angry, each other, we want to do it out, we agree, you know, all right, fuck it,
Starting point is 00:29:01 let's go see who is tougher. And it rolling around for it. I don't understand that. I think that we've gotten do get out, we agree, you know? All right, fuck it, let's go see who is tougher. And rollin' around for it. I don't understand that. I think that we've gotten away from that. And like, oh, like everybody gets so scared and like, oh my God, I can't believe that they would like resort to violence. But it's like, dude, sometimes you just have to get it out.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Like you got, like that energy like exists within, and if you believe we're animals, I mean, that's the natural animal. There's different instinct. I mean, there's healthier outlets for it for sure. I mean, there's different times too. There's like sucker punching someone or you and your friends beat someone up or you use a bottle or you hit them or their versus, okay, let's go outside.
Starting point is 00:29:36 This guy over here is going to record it so we can say we're both going to fight. And if I hit, if you knock it down, I'm not going to go jump on your head or beat, and I'm not going gonna try and kill you. And let's do this, those are the rules, no one's gonna jump in and then let's do it. Now, is it violent? Sure, there's still somebody's gonna get hurt, but way more civil.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Way more civil than what happens at bars, where guys looking one way and someone hits in the back of the head or people jump in. That's one terrible, but I find that hilarious how that's in Texas, not in California. No. California, the winner goes to jail. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:30:06 We both agreed, but I won, I'm going to jail. Yeah, that's a bunch of bullshit. Yeah, that's stupid. Dude, you guys hear about that body builder that was trying to marry his sex doll? What? Yeah, I think Jackie posted this in our thread where every now and then she sends like an article
Starting point is 00:30:22 on this. I knew this was coming, bro. And it was like, so in Kazakhstan, I think is where it was, this bodybuilder guy. I mean, he's a fit, you know, good looking guy, whatever. And I guess, you know, bought a sex doll and then has created this persona for her as an Instagram account for her. Like, really got into her, got cosmetic surgery for her,
Starting point is 00:30:42 and then decided, well, let's make this official, and now I was marrying. Did you just make that up about her having an Instagram counter? She really having a serious. Doug, please. Oh my God, you found it. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:30:53 You found it. Please give me the Instagram, I want to see. I mean, this guy looks like a normal guy too, you know? It's like, obviously he's not. Obviously not. He's got obviously not. Yeah, he did have sick face. So here's the part that I think is crazy
Starting point is 00:31:05 Well, okay, let's the Instagram account. I'm trying to you just what is it? You have that say Doug? I mean what Margo party Margo underscore. Yes, Margo underscore party. Oh, probably a bunch of ass shots So here's the part that I mean she's hot so he's he's having, she looks like a, she's got like a hardcore valencia. Adam's like, give it the five years. She got a hardcore valencia filter going on here. It's hot. I don't think you can refer to it that way. Yeah, really?
Starting point is 00:31:34 So it's a doll, bro. She does. I mean, he does. So he gets a sex doll, has sex with it, fine, weird enough, but whatever. Yeah. Then he decides I'm going to marry it. It's a doll. Why are you the marry? You can get as many as you want marry it. It's a doll. Why you get a marry?
Starting point is 00:31:45 You can get as many as you want right makes it was she's not going anywhere. They're limiting yourself put her in the closet Done get home from work now is is is Margot supposed to be her or it and He's someone else is his name Margot Wow, you guys got to go through his pages. I literally have no idea He's actually like a good-looking dude. That's what I'm saying. How many followers is he have? Well, Margot, if Margot is him or her, I don't know. She's got, he or what, I don't know. I'm pretty sure it's the real thing.
Starting point is 00:32:12 He's got a fucking color, a her. Oh, okay. It is got almost 80,000 followers. Or way more than I do. I know. The hell's the world coming to? Yeah, who takes a picture like that? Which we had a sex doll for a couple of boobs.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Yeah. I don't like the way he treats her though. He's not very nice. He's too aggressive. Yeah, she's never taken her out in public. What does that say about us though, as a society that 80,000 people find a need to follow this person? It's like 80,000 people are following a sex doll's account.
Starting point is 00:32:40 People are just like, what the hell? Let's see what's next. You know, really though? Like you follow this account, like 80,000 people are just like, what the hell? You know, like let's see what's next, you know? Like really though, like you follow this account, like 80,000 people are like watching what just all these photos of a sex doll? Oh man, you know what's gonna get really weird when these, obviously they're gonna take over the IG in the model scene.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Well these sex dolls are getting really, I mean, it looks like a dead person is what it looks like but it's gonna get weird when they look like you can't distinguish them between, you know, humans. I don't think we're that far off from that. That's gonna be weird, man. It's that Westworld, so I can't wait till that second season comes out. Wait, is it? It comes out early or soon, doesn't it? I hope so. You know what started that I haven't watched yet is you. That just dropped.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Oh, that's today. Yeah, I'm gonna go watch that. Yeah, yeah, that's gonna be really good. I know I'm excited. Dude, I want to tell you guys, I had some pork over the holiday season, some pork chops or whatever. I thought you were gonna transition that when I brought up the bacon and cigarettes. I thought that was a perfect segue for you. No, no, no. I tried to assist you and you just missed it.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Yeah, whatever. So I had a piece of pork. No, this is good though. And you're- Six-dolls pork. Yeah, I'm with you. Porky, thanks Justin. Yes, I got you, so.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Pork can be dry sometimes, you know, like pork chops or whatever, call the white meat, whatever. Yeah, it is dry. This was marbled, it was delicious or whatever, I asked my aunt where they got it. It's heritage pork. You know, heritage, so you know heritage pork. I never heard of that until recently,
Starting point is 00:34:03 when you did a butcher box commercial and you brought that up, I didn't even know that was a thing. Yes. So Heritage Pork is more marble. It's got more of a creamy texture to it because they let the pigs roam around. They eat all over the land and they gain more body fat in the meat to withstand the temperature changes and stuff that are out in the farm versus keeping pigs contained. In some pigs are supposed to have. Control in the climate and everything inside. They're supposed to have a certain level of fat on their body.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Now that's seen. That's different the grass fed me. Right. That's different. That's different. That's different the grass fed me. That's funny that that that that that way that works that way for pigs because it's the opposite with grass fed beef. Grass fed beef is leaner because it grazes all over the place and they're not getting pumped full of grain. No, they regulate their body temperature
Starting point is 00:34:45 through colder climates with more fat. And then of course they're treated better because they roam around and rubbed through land or whatever, versus, because what happened with PIG with pork, remember when that hole, like the other white meat, remember that whole campaign? Oh, yeah, remember that. That's when everybody was demonizing red meat.
Starting point is 00:35:03 So the pork industry was like, oh, white meat, we can make it leaner and it's white. And the way they did that is they kept the pigs confined. And so you get that dry pork chop or whatever. Heritage pork, obviously, you need more land and stuff for it, but it's more humane. And the meat tastes so much better. So I heard, I don't know if this is accurate or not,
Starting point is 00:35:24 but that like Christopher Columbus was responsible for bringing over like the, for town. Yeah, wild pigs in North America. Well, I know that they brought them to Hawaii and they, they're so many of them over there. Yeah, well that's definitely, yeah. That, that totally changed the whole thing. Did you know what's, I think it's legal in Hawaii
Starting point is 00:35:42 for you to kill like one or two pigs every day? Hmm. Anybody. Isn't Texas like that too? I don't know. The Texas is where you can shoot a machine gun out of a califaster, right? Exactly. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:54 That's a little too much. Really? You wouldn't want to do that? Just in a helicopter, just machine gun. I'm going to remember that when I put a truck in a truck, kind of save me money. I got to get three. Doug, you want wanna go, right? No.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Come in. Yeah. That's it. No, the original father of the American pork industry is Hernando de Soto. He brought the world America's first 13 pigs to Tampa Bay, Florida in 1539. Wow.
Starting point is 00:36:20 That's interesting that we have that document. Like somebody's like, you know what? Hey, make sure you write this down first 13 pigs coming over here. Mm-hmm. Like what I thought to do that. Yeah, I know. Is that true? Right. That's why I that's why I'm saying that like is that even true where they were already fucking here. Yeah, no Maybe Justin Sterey's right. What that I would came over with Columbus with Columbus. Yeah, well, yeah Who was he part of that whole voyage? No, I think Columbus was before. What's the song?
Starting point is 00:36:46 Something something 1492. Is that it? Okay, so he came before. Good job, Justin. You remembering stuff today. I think. Thanks. A little less head trauma.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Yes, as a plate. Anyway, here's another thing. Do you guys get messages from people who are looking for alternatives to caffeine for energy? Like when they're trying to wean themselves off caffeine. Oh, yeah. All the time, because we talk about that. Yeah, so rodeola.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Rodeola's gotta be, it's that some people don't like rodeola, but most people do, and rodeola's one of the only non-stimulant type of herbs or plants or whatever, that has performance enhancing qualities like caffeine. So in replace of or you say in replace of okay so let's say you're going off caffeine. Yeah you can kind of wean off a little bit. Yes and because caffeine is a caffeine.
Starting point is 00:37:33 It's a monster good. It feels so good when your body sensitive to it when you're when you're desensitized because you're having it so often. It just keeps you normal. It just makes you yeah or you can even start to feel like shit but you know how's it feel when you go off caffeine you go back on. Yeah it's like, yeah, or you can even start to feel like shit, but you know, how's it feel when you go off caffeine and you go back on? Yeah, I mean, it's like a magic drug or whatever. Yeah, yeah. So going off, going off of it, I think, is very, very important. But the problem is when you go off with draw symptoms, you feel like shit, you feel
Starting point is 00:37:54 unmotivated, sometimes depressed, because your body had gotten so used to caffeine. So rodeola is something you can take in the interim. So go off caffeine, go on rodeola, you rodeola, it'll give you energizing effects, could help with your mood. The Soviets did a lot of experimentation. Is that rodeo? Is that in the Red Juice? What's that in?
Starting point is 00:38:13 That's in the, yes it is, it's in Organifies Red Juice. They have beetroot powder in there too, which is good for performance, rodeola, and they also have cordyceps in there. So that's probably a really good alternative for somebody who is trying to come off of caffeine but still wants some sort of performance. Totally.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Yeah, okay. That's 100%. And it's also has, it's an adaptogenic qualities as well. So it's really good for stress. Now some people taking too much rodeola makes them not feel so good. So you have to test it out for yourself. But most people seem to have a good response from rodeola. And again, it's one of the more studied
Starting point is 00:38:46 adaptogenic compounds out there that has actual clinical proven positive effects on the floor. Is that considered a mushroom or no? No, it's not. No, no, no, no. Okay, because the, doesn't the four-signantic guys have that too or no? Do they put Orodiala in their stuff?
Starting point is 00:39:01 Yes, I think they might put some Orodiala in their stuff as well. Oh, yeah, I was wondering the impression that it was a mushroom because of that. No, no, but it's, that's not it. Along those lines of, you just kind of cognitive function, that kind of stuff, there was this big article I read on mental health and experts, I'm gonna pull it up
Starting point is 00:39:19 because I want to read to you guys what they were saying. Experts are really making the case that we should make exercise the first prescription for people with mental health issues like anxiety and depression. This is starting to go like big time mainstream. This recent? Yeah, this is main, I'm gonna try and pull it up
Starting point is 00:39:40 because I thought it was really interesting. Do you remember where you read it out? I'm gonna try and find it right now. Well, that's a big angle. I mean, addressing mental health in general. I mean, everybody's sort of fixated on that right now just because you could see just, you know, the anxiety is just rampant among the other populations. Here's what it said in the article.
Starting point is 00:39:57 It said, researchers at the University of Vermont believe exercise should be prescribed to patients with mental health issues before psychiatric drugs. And then in a study of roughly 100 volunteers, 95% of patients reported feeling better, while 63% reported feeling happy or very happy. And the researchers suggest that mental health facilities should be built with gyms moving forward. Gentlemen, I swore to God in the next two or three decades, yes. Do you think we'll see God in the next two or three decades. Yes, we're totally getting there. Do you think we'll see that in our time? We're like hospitals actually have like on floor 13
Starting point is 00:40:29 is like your whole fitness center. And then there's like a training staff and everything. And that's part of. As medicine gets more expensive, as it becomes much more unsustainable, it's a cheap and it's super effective. Actually, more effective alternative to psychiatric drugs for a lot of people
Starting point is 00:40:44 because it didn't have any negative side effects. You exercise properly, it's all plus from there. And so what they're saying, they're trying to make an argument, this is a mainstream argument that if you go to the doctor with mental health issues, and that's the thing that they prescribe, and that they have a gym built into their facility.
Starting point is 00:41:00 That's so cool. I mean, I saw a many example of that when I was in Chicago and I was doing an internship at the, I think it was Condale Medical Center, but they had like an indoor track. They had a physical therapist. They had, you know, all the cardiologists. They had like every, you know, specialty on staff
Starting point is 00:41:18 in these offices all the way around the complex. And so you can make appointments at any of those and then you'd have like the personal trainer down there working everybody out. It was like all in-house in one facility. It was pretty cool. Well, I don't know about you guys, but when I would train clients,
Starting point is 00:41:34 the biggest changes I would see would be in their mental state, way bigger than the physical. And in fact, that was what they would report to me. They'd report to me that they're state of well-being and how they work and how they were, I had one Isotrain one guy who, I don't wanna give too much detail because it'll give him away
Starting point is 00:41:50 and a lot of people around here know him. But Isotrain one guy who he was well known for being a bit of an asshole in his field. Anytime I'd bring his name up, other people who worked in that same space would tell me, oh, so and so, my gosh, she's an asshole. What a jerk. We're an asshole.
Starting point is 00:42:07 This is probably not rigged. No, it's not rigged. But anyway, and he was even an asshole to me, but it doesn't phase me at all. I've been training clients forever. In fact, I've trained less assholes. Yeah, if someone's kind of, I laugh it off, and sometimes I'll give it back to them a little bit,
Starting point is 00:42:22 whatever, and I have fun with it. So it kind of made my day interesting. So I trained this guy for years. Well anyway, later on, people will come up to him and be like, what have you done with so-and-so? Like what do you mean? We're just working out. He's a totally different person.
Starting point is 00:42:36 He tells jokes that work now. He's giving people hugs. He's like a completely different, transformed person. And what's funny is that experience right there brought me more referrals, anything else. Cause people saw him go from asshole to like cool guy. True transformation. And everybody started referring,
Starting point is 00:42:50 people started getting referred to me left to the right. It's like, person, I'll be changed. What's happening? That was cool. Shhh. Shhh. Quick call. Quick call.
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Starting point is 00:43:21 It's the BOLO FUCKING QUA The EGULEST LAND IS Qui-Qua Today is the motherfucking world. An English landed. Quiqueau. First question is from Felix Flex 89. Is it counterproductive to do low reps and high reps in the same workout in terms of strength and hypertrophy? You know what's, when they do studies on this,
Starting point is 00:43:40 typically the studies are in the same week, but I'm not too familiar with this, these different rep ranges being in the same workout. I've read studies on it, and it's actually, they're almost the same as somebody who is actually phasing. And this is kind of what we've talked about this before. So it's like doing, you know, like some exercises, you know, under five reps, other exercises, 15 reps or 12 reps. And each one has it kind of, you know, under five reps, other exercises, 15 reps or 12 reps. And each one has a kind of, you know, there's a different type of adaptation on the body.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Yep, and there's lots of benefits to doing this. Now, the drawback, the main drawback of training this way is how tough it is to try and measure feedback or measure what's working well for you or what's not working well for you. Because you have so many variables in one workout, it's hard to say, oh wow, is it the hypertrophy type sets that I'm doing that I'm getting this great performance or this great strength gains or this great muscle that's being added in my body or is it the low reps
Starting point is 00:44:42 and strength training exercises that I'm doing that's doing that. So when you compare and studies, totally fine if you were to do it this way, I'm not a fan of teaching it that way, nor training clients this way, because as a coach or a trainer, I'm always trying to measure and pay attention to, oh, in this block of training for the next four weeks,
Starting point is 00:45:04 we're gonna be following these protocols, and I'm looking at feedback. Are they gaining weight? Are they losing weight? They're building muscles. So an application, it's just, it doesn't, and I experience the same thing. An application with clients and with myself,
Starting point is 00:45:17 it works better to stick with a particular rep range and style of training for a period of anywhere between two to maybe five weeks. And here's the other part that nobody ever talks about. There's a different mental state. Oh, good point. When you go into training low reps, then when you go into training high reps, there just is.
Starting point is 00:45:36 When you're low rep training, it's typically longer rest periods. I'm trying to focus in. Focus in on the exertion with high reps. I'm trying to withstand the stamina. I'm trying to withstand the stamina. I'm trying to withstand the burn and the pump. It's a totally different mentality. And do you think that your mental state can contribute to your performance and your progress?
Starting point is 00:45:55 I mean, absolutely. Yeah, it's a huge part. Absolutely. I don't like to necessarily do this too much. Now, that being said, some body parts and some exercises just work better with higher reps. So if I'm doing a low rep workout and I'm also going to throw in like rear flies for my rear deltoids, I'm not going to do low reps for my rear deltoids. That's
Starting point is 00:46:14 always going to probably be in the higher rep range in comparison. And when you're talking to somebody who is an advanced lifter, they've been lifting for a long time and they already understand how to phase their workouts and manipulate rep ranges and tempos and exercises. Then having a day where you like decide to lift this way is not bad at all. Completely okay and you're not taking steps back or you're not maximizing your gains with it. Completely fine.
Starting point is 00:46:43 I do it occasionally all the time, but it's not, I don't think it's an ideal way when programming because it's difficult to measure and get good feedback if you're kind of throwing the whole kitchen sink at your body, knowing like, oh, what is really working right now? Yeah, I've actually steered away. I used to do that a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I'd be guilty of doing, I'll do bench press, for instance, and then later on, I'll get a nice arm pump or something, just because I'm just, at that point, more conscious of what I want to look like and leaving the gym. I'll just do a nice arm pump or something like that. Now, what's the point? Like just stick, stick with what my goal is and like stick to the plan and, you know, and so I'll be more likely to stick in the rep range
Starting point is 00:47:31 that I'm doing for that entire workout. Next question is from Dave Kret. You talk about warm-ups, but what about warm downs? Oh, is it warm downs or cool downs? You get a warm-down, so. So a warm-up or what we like to call priming is preparing your body for your workout. There's an optimal way to do it.
Starting point is 00:47:49 It's by activating muscles, quote unquote, activating muscles that need to be activated by getting your body to move better by improving mobility so that when you go into your workout it's more effective. But then you're done with your workout. Should you just stop your workout? Now you can, you can just stop your workout. Should you just stop your workout? Now, you can, you can just stop your workout.
Starting point is 00:48:05 And it's not going to really be too detrimental. But it's also not optimal. Post workout, you can get some of the best deep stretching, some of the best foam rolling that you'll get ever, because your muscles are pumped, they're warm. You just had a hard workout. Some deep stretching, if you do it right and breathe properly, can also bring your heart rate down,
Starting point is 00:48:29 get you more in a parasympathetic state. Well, that's really the angle I would go the most, in terms of the post workout mentality, is really trying to get into that calm state and how you get there is, there's various methods, but I know in prime, we had it where, you know, we're trying to solidify like certain positions and so like going into static stretching
Starting point is 00:48:51 or things like that, but the breathing is really important with that to, you know, calm, you know, the nervous system down to get you to that state where now we can actually start the recovery process. Well, there's a lot of benefit for just that reason right there for someone who's trying to optimize recovery and get their body into that Say, especially if you know what kind of workout. So I don't know. I'm probably one out of every
Starting point is 00:49:14 10 to 15 workouts to I probably put some energy and focus in this area For me, it's normally when I really get after it. So if I know I fucking went all out and I stretched myself and I went crazy on my workout, which is rare, but when I do, this is the time where I see a lot more value and getting into that parasympathetic state because if I'm gonna go eat and recover from that
Starting point is 00:49:40 and I know how hard I push myself, the harder you push and the more extreme you go, the longer it's going to take for you to get to that other state. So doing something that's recuperative or calming or relaxing like sauna or foam rolling or static stretching will help promote that, like get you there faster.
Starting point is 00:49:58 And then that's a more optimal time for you to be, you know, eating a balanced meal afterwards, versus hammering the fuck out of the gym, like crazy, a beast mode workout and then pounding a shake right away, not an ideal situation. I personally love the post workout, if I have time for it, deep static stretches.
Starting point is 00:50:15 This is when I see value in static stretching. I'm not gonna work out again. So static stretching can cause you to lose some temporary strength and all that because you're getting loose for whatever. Post workout when I have a really good pump and I hold stretches for 30, 40 seconds, long stretches and I do this throughout the whole body. Boyd is it feel phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:50:36 I seem to get a better pump through that stretching process. I feel like I recover better and I just feel better. It does put me in that kind of relaxed state. Now, we recommend these post workout, what we call post priming sessions or cool down sessions in our program maps prime. I think they're overlooked. I think people look at our program and do the pre priming and forget the post priming stuff,
Starting point is 00:51:00 especially when it comes to correcting recruitment pattern type issues. Foam rolling is very effective post workout when you're already pumped and whatever, go through and foam roll the muscles that tend to be tight or whatever, and then see how you move, see how it affects the following workout. That's really the gauge in my opinion is how much better are your following workouts because you did that. I also feel that, and it's hard because it's hard to measure this,
Starting point is 00:51:23 but I also feel like it mitigates how sore I get, too. It does. So, that's why I used to love getting a deep tissue massage right after a hard leg day. And if I can get a massage from Katrina, the day that I trained really hard versus a day or two later, like if she hits me after a really hard leg day, two days later, I'm at the peak of how sore I am and I'm sensitive to touch.
Starting point is 00:51:47 So she can't get in there and really work me versus the day of or right after workout, which is ideal, right? And getting a deep tissue, I noticed that I don't get nowhere near as sore as I would have if I wouldn't have done anything. I feel the same way about a good phone rolling session post hard workout like that too. Next question is from Ronert Nacho. I have a persistent knot on my left side of my neck and a knot on the right side of my back.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I get relief when I work out, but the pain returns when I finish exercising. How can I better target these areas to relieve the pressured stress? All right, so these knots, we don't really 100% know what they are. We kind of know why we get them, but we don't know really what they are. But the prevailing theory is that there's a segment of your muscle that's under a low level of flexing. So it's like imagine you flexing your bicep, right? So that's a full flex.
Starting point is 00:52:43 But now imagine your bicep is just kind of tense a little bit, but it's like that a lot all day long. That's gonna cause pain. It's gonna make it feel like a nut. Now why does it go away when you work out or why does it go away when someone pushes on it, like a massage therapist? Because when you work it out, the CNS relaxes a little bit.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Things warm up, you get inflammation out, you're working out other parts of your body, or when someone's pressing on it, like a little bit, things warm up, you get inflammation out, you're working out other parts of your body, or when someone's pressing on it, like a massage therapist, that is telling the CNS to relax as well. And then it goes away. The reason why it's temporary, is because you never fix what's causing it
Starting point is 00:53:14 in the first place. If you don't fix the cause, the root cause of that issue, it'll only ever get temporarily better. It'll never get permanently better. So I would suggest if it's in your neck and your upper back, I would look at your mobility and your shoulders, I would look at mobility and your thoracic spine and see if there's any muscle imbalances because your body's holding itself in a way that's sub-optimal and that's what's causing the
Starting point is 00:53:40 the nots and the sub the the reason why it's suboptimal is you're not moving into the best ways possible, the ways that use your muscles, utilize them in the best ways. This reminds me of a question that we recently got about if they're suffering from upper cross syndrome. Here's an example of somebody that would be considered probably suffering and I'm speculating, I don't know for sure, without seeing this person, but more than likely, suffering from a per-cross syndrome. And what can cause that?
Starting point is 00:54:08 This is really common in somebody who has forward head and rounded shoulders. So addressing the shoulder mobility and thoracic mobility, that's areas that you address when you have a per-cross syndrome. And it's that being in that state all day long, whether you're sitting at a desk or working on computers or you drive somewhere and that sitting in that state all day long, whether you're sitting at a desk or working on computers or you drive somewhere and that sitting in that position that long tends to lock up or cause these knots and that's where you get that chronic pain feeling and until you relax the CNS or work on that, that gives you that temporary relief.
Starting point is 00:54:38 But if you don't fix the posture and work on start working to address that, it'll just be a bandaid. You're constantly just putting a bandaid over it and keep reopening the wound. So the zone one in maps prime, that's what addresses this. We have you go through a zone one test, it's past or fail more than likely you fail.
Starting point is 00:54:57 From there, it tells you what movements that you should be doing to help correct this and prevent it from happening versus just fix it. You could fix it by getting the deep tissue massage or working out, but you wanna start working towards preventing it happening. Yeah, and I know our wheelhouse is more of like the exterior, like muscle, like the major muscle groups
Starting point is 00:55:18 versus like facial tissue, but I know like books like anatomy trains that kind of like map out and highlight a lot of these facial lines that really like puts you in a lot of these fixed positions that you reinforce you know from your daily patterns over and over again. And so it is one of those things that this has to become like a ritual of being able to to to to to wind that back and to come back to optimal posture, it takes a lot of like a little frequent attempts of putting yourself in those type of positions as much as you can.
Starting point is 00:55:53 All right, next question is from Amanda Cat31. I have heard that pronation distortion can be caused by not doing enough ab work. I have severe pronation distortion, but I train my abs two, three times a week and have a six pack. Are there any other causes of this distortion? Are there any ab exercises that correct it? I've actually not heard someone use this term before. Yeah, so pronation distortion is when your foot pronates strongly, right? So it flattens
Starting point is 00:56:24 out. Okay, she's referring to your abs. I know, which is kind of strange. Okay, that's what threw me off. Okay, I've never heard someone refer to their abdominal region to be causing it. Well, we can discuss it a little bit in speculate because I haven't either, but technically maybe. So again, pronates the distortion,
Starting point is 00:56:40 the your foot flattens out so that your arch is kind of collapsed and your foot tends to turn out a little bit, causing your leg to turn out a little bit. So sometimes you can see this in people when they'll wear tennis shoes and the inside of their shoe is super worn out. Looks like their foot is pushed to the inside and they, so that's pronation distortion. Something like 60 to 80% of people have some degree of this, but it can get pretty extreme. It can cause problems, it can cause pain in the knee, pain in the foot, in the ankle, in the back.
Starting point is 00:57:12 It's really common. It's really now, now ab work and core work, can this contribute to it, maybe, with poor core stability? More likely, it's a weakness of the ankle and foot. And not just weakness, but an imbalance. Well, I get where this could be, whoever told her this could be coming.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Because if you have poor control, the LUMBO pelvic hip region, right? So if you have very poor control of that and because you have no core strength, that could cause your femur to internally rotate, which then causes the feet to pronate down below. So I could see how that could contribute to this problem, although I would work my way backwards, right?
Starting point is 00:57:51 So I would actually address my connection to my feet, my ankle mobility, then work my way up to my head. At least this is what I did for me. So I have this, right? So I had, you know, my foot, especially on one side, excessively pronated, and it was really obvious when I squatted deep. And it would also cause pain to run all the way up to my hip. So I had to relieve that by like foam rolling, like my IT area. And so that to give me relief. But then I had to do exercises for my feet.
Starting point is 00:58:22 So a lot of my barefoot work that I would be doing and start working on better control there. So I could keep my feet from flattening out. Some of that was ankle mobility and feet strengthening type exercises like tippy toe squats or just being able to hold your feet in a calf raise and in your ankles in a neutral position. That was some of the work that I did for my feet. And then I worked my way up to my hips, my 90-90, and then, of course, to reinforce that and keep me in a good, stable place, having strong abs. But where you're having an issue with, oh, I have a six-packet, you can have a really strong abdominal region, but not holding your hips in the most optimal place, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:59:03 You could be very, you can have very developed muscles, you can be lean and they can look strong, and they might even be strong, but your recruitment pattern may be totally off. Look at probioty builders, doesn't it? Well, some of the most developed athletes in the world, and oftentimes you'll find poor movement patterns
Starting point is 00:59:20 with those muscles. A movement pattern is just how your muscles fire and how they fire together. So think of when you walk. Now imagine when you walk naturally, when your right foot steps forward, you left arm also swings forward. So it's this counterbalance.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Try walking where your right arm and your right leg move forward at the same time. Try walking that way. It feels really weird. Now imagine if that was your recruitment pattern. Imagine if that's how you learn walking. It would take you a second to learn how to walk the right way, but then when you did, you feel a massive difference and you feel far more comfortable. So you have, if you have a poor recruitment pattern,
Starting point is 00:59:54 it doesn't matter how big the muscle is a strong. In fact, I would say this, big, strong muscles with poor recruitment patterns can sometimes be more difficult to work with, right? Because they're so big and they're so strong, and because they're so set in their ways, if you will. Now, in my, I have never worked with anybody who's had this issue because of core problems. Usually the root cause is coming from the foot and the ankle and then maybe the hip. Now, the hip of course goes up to the core,
Starting point is 01:00:22 so the core could also, I'm not saying that's impossible. It's just rare that I've seen this. So this person's saying, I've heard that this comes from the ab work, unless a movement specialist is the one that told you this, I highly doubt it. I highly doubt it. Yeah, unless, I mean, it's obvious that you're not able to gain stability
Starting point is 01:00:42 and you're kind of using that outward kind of push with your feet, to regain that sort of stability. And you created like a pattern that solidified that. But yeah, I would definitely agree with the guys. It's really, it's a re-patterning issue. We need to start really using as an exercise to walk a specific way to then start forming those new patterns to go on from there. Well, if you lack good control internally and externally with the hips, which...
Starting point is 01:01:11 Meaning you can't turn your leg in or out? Yeah, if you lack good control there externally and internally rotating the hips both really well. And that also will be worse if you don't have good control of your core, right? Because it's all connected. It could make the issue worse. So I could see potentially whoever told her this. I'm not going to come out and argue and say they're wrong, especially if there's somebody who's actually assessing you and seeing you. Maybe they see that you have an extremely weak core and that's and maybe they notice a breakdown when you get down in a deep squat with loaded barbell, and then that's where all this breakdown happens.
Starting point is 01:01:48 The femur rotates in, and the knees collapse in, and then the feet flatten out, and that could all be starting from you just having a really weak core, and being able to hold your hips in the right position when you get deep into a squat. I don't know. So I could see where it could be a part of the problem, but just getting a strong core, like what Sal was saying, like you could get a strong core and it not have the optimal recruitment pattern and that not help the issue. No, I mean, I've worked with clients who've got phenomenal, who do tons of crunches and sit-ups and all that stuff and they'd have back pain and I'd have to go in and change their recruitment pattern the back pain would be gone
Starting point is 01:02:27 But now I doubt this is caused by your abs unless again a specialist examined you and said this is coming from your core I highly doubted my guess my good my strong guess would be that it's coming from your ankle your foot or your hip Those are the places that I would look maps prime pro would be a good program for you to take a look at and see if you can figure that out. And with that, go to mindpumpfree.com and download our guides. They are all absolutely free. They cost nothing. You can also find the three of us on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:02:56 You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbumble at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbumble includes maps and a ballac,
Starting point is 01:03:17 maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming, designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources
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Starting point is 01:04:06 and until next time, this is Mindbump.

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