Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 120: Macros, Ketosis, Spirit Animals & More...

Episode Date: July 27, 2015

Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about on the job learning, forsaking entrepreneurship for the corporate life, spirit animals, macros and ketosis....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You hear that? That's the sound of the Mind Pump Studio on a Sunday afternoon. Yeah, well, so I'm adjusting around, fooling around. I'm in here, slaving away. But for good cause because we have men's Mind Pump Teasant Tanks on sale for only three days. Time is of the essence. Go to MindPumpRadio.com Three days, time is of the essence. Go to mindpumpradio.com, click the big black button at the top of the page and order your teas and tanks now.
Starting point is 00:00:30 All right, guys, so this is a commercial, okay? This is a commercial. You're so honest. This is a commercial to sell our occlusion training guide. But a lot of people don't know what that is. It's also known as blood flow restriction. To give you an idea what that's like, it's kind of like don't know what that is. It's also known as blood flow restriction. To give you an idea what that's like, it's kind of like a cock pump for your muscles. So this is what we're talking about. Tell me more. And it's a guide on how to use it. So obviously you would not buy a cock pump,
Starting point is 00:00:54 put it on your cock and start pumping away without a guide on how to do that. No, no, no, no, no, no, that's your twig and berries. Exactly. The same thing applies with the occlusion training guide. You don't want to just start tying off limbs and going on on your own not knowing what you're doing By the way, we're not selling you a pump way you just use knee wraps to do this But the signs behind it's the same. Yeah, that's what's great. You don't have to go to a penis pump It only cost you like a hundred and twenty bucks the guy does how much is a guy gonna be dug? $27 27 $27 for this guide and for muscle erections exactly
Starting point is 00:01:24 It's just it's like a penis pump $27 for this guide and for muscle erections. Exactly. It's like a penis pump. It's like a penis pump for your guys' muscles, but it's a guide for that. And all you need is some straps. And what color are we gonna do the button? Let's do a color that does not test well marketing ones. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:01:38 If orange or yellow, I want a big flesh colored one. Flesh colored. I want to, can we do that Flesh colored. I want it. I want it. Can we do that possible, Doug? Blue. Blue must do blue. All right.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Let's do blue for blue balls. Blue balls. Blue for blue balls. Yes. Click on the blue button, mindpumpradio.com. Real quick, occlusion is a type of training that maximizes circle plasma hypertrophy and muscle fibrohypertrophy.
Starting point is 00:02:04 It's one of the newest, most cutting-edge forms of training. It's extremely effective. I have personally gained size on my calves, which is a notorious area. Doesn't want to grow. Adam's tiny ass calves are now less tiny as a result of using the occlusion. If you do it wrong, you fuck yourself up.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Get the guy. You need a guy. Learn how to do it right. Do it. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, fuck yourself up. Get the guy. Yeah, I need a guy. Learn how to do it right. Do it. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Gussian, find me on Periscope that we love to hate Adam where I smoke weed at the end of the night and I talk about shit that I shouldn't talk about Do you really do that? I do you pair of skill back to your place. Oh, bro I did you know it's great to because I did to the day I got I got I got lit my girl recorded me and she's like I had a I had a frustrating day and she so I went on this tangent about leadership And then my tangent was like I fucking hate people that are in leadership roles with no leadership skills.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Just because you have a fucking M next to your name does not classify, just because you're a manager, does not make you a leader. And so I went on this whole red, the hell fucking poor leadership and stuff. I watched that one. Did you watch all the way through? Did you like, oh my god,
Starting point is 00:03:22 or did you go, I fucking heard this a billion times? No, I heard that one. You mean you actually periscope that? Did you go over? Or did you go, I fucking heard this a billion times. No, I heard that a lot. You mean you actually periscoped that? Yeah. Oh that's hilarious. Oh yeah, I periscoped the whole thing blazed and everything, my girl, my girl recorded it. She's like, so this is trying to put Joe Ideas.
Starting point is 00:03:34 That's, you know that comedian? Like, yeah, he's, dude. He does like, it's like eight o'clock in the morning. I think I just started watching. He does this periscope and he does like, the funniest fucking motivational like Does he smoke in a joint, you know, he just kind of throws it out there? Oh, it's hilarious I'm gonna start I'm gonna start doing it because it's like fuck it. Whatever. It's my periscope. I do whatever I want
Starting point is 00:03:55 I can be totally immature. Did you guys see did you guys see that she what's his name? She a Leboe, Flabois or whatever His shy It's Yeah the bow of or whatever. Shia, Shilam. It's, ah, you're man. Yeah, Shia. It's like me saying to me, me, me, me, me. You make him sound like Shia, la, cuife. Hey, did you see it?
Starting point is 00:04:13 Did you see it? Did you see his little motivational video you made? No, he's like, just do it. Fucking do it. It's like, like, he said the whole time. He's like, get it all crazy. Did you guys watch the one that was on our forum? Okay, our forum is so insane right now.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Dude, can we talk about that? Kill in it now. Let's talk about our forum for a second. So we've got the private, we got a, we're recording, right? Yeah, let's put this on. So we've got a private forum if you enroll in our bundle package, which includes all the programs that we offer. You get access right now.
Starting point is 00:04:40 It's for free, but it's can't be free. It's not going to be free. It's not going to be free. No. Because it's going to become a full I'm right now because it's gonna become a full-time job. But we got people on there and it's insane like people are trading like fitness tips we got trainers on there we have recipes before and after pictures are now going up I mean it's just I'm on there all the time because I freaking love it people are doing jokes talking to each other people are hooking up and saying, hey, let's meet up and go, do it out.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Who didn't use so many hilarious people follow us? I was obviously like, yeah. It's, you know, it is great though, how we, you know, people alike, right? You know, you buy from people like you already like and you naturally just gravitate towards it. So it's, to me, it's just an example of that. So they're all, that's why they're cool. They are pretty cool. They are pretty cool. They're definitely, but it is. It's just an example of that. So that's why they're cool. They are pretty cool. They are pretty cool. They're definitely, but it is.
Starting point is 00:05:27 It's gotten so out of control that I, like I'll fuck. I work for like four or five hours. Then I get back on it and I'm like, so. Like 70 fucking. Oh yeah, my girl gets all mad at me. She's like, are you gonna put that down on my fuck babe? I'm trying to catch up. I haven't been on here for four hours.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And it's there's no, I don't tell her. I'm here. I haven't been on this. She's like, why don't you get on that before I get home from work so we can spend time together. And I'm her, I haven't been on this. She's like, why don't you get on that before I get home from work so we can spend time together. And I'm like, I've already been on it three times. You go away from it for like 15 minutes and it's got this huge thread.
Starting point is 00:05:52 So I don't think you guys saw this. Somebody posted, God, what was it? You wish I remember who it was. So my bad for not giving you a shout. It was a lady, I think it was a girl who posted this. Maybe you guys remember. It was a trainer who went on like a 12 minute rant about fat people. GSC.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Oh, yeah, I don't know who posted it. That dude. Yeah, that video that I do going to rant. Yeah, I haven't seen it yet. So he goes on this rant for like 12 minutes about, you know, just, you know, obesity and being fat and being disgusted and people like that and be like, you know what, I'm so tired of people sure coating it and, you know, giving it, you know, being, giving people excuses for why they're this way or all this blah, blah, blah. And he's like, you know, I get it,
Starting point is 00:06:38 you have a thyroid condition, I get it, you have all stuff like that. You still make all these fucking poured it. And he just goes on for like 12 minutes. It's pretty cool. It's a little over the top. He used the F-word more than I do, which is that's kind of rare. That's a lot. Yeah, it is a lot. Like, you know, at that point, I think I already abused it too much. You know my favorite, you know what my favorite thing on the forum is? Two things. Number one the before and after is people are posting. Yes, I love that motivates the shit. And dude, by the way, by the way, I'm not just saying this because it's it's our programs, but the feedback we're getting is actually blowing me away a little bit because the the craziest feedback is coming from people who are experienced, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:17 people who've been working out for a long time. That's why it's awesome. Yeah, because these people, you don't expect them to really change much because they were already fanatics and all of us are saying, oh, this changed my life. I've completely changed the way I eat or I completely changed that way. I'll work out. So there's that. And then the second part, which I love is that we've got this dedicated group of people. You know, these are the people that we're most loyal to because we're talking to them on a constant basis. They were the first ones. They were the first ones to trust us with, you know, investing in us and buying our programs
Starting point is 00:07:45 and listening, and we wanna pay them back. So what we do also on the forum is we test ideas on them. So I might say to them, hey guys, I'm testing out this new idea on, you know, this new concept on muscle adaptation, you know, this I've been trying it out, this is what I found, and then getting feedback and soon what we're gonna do is we're gonna start testing these ideas out
Starting point is 00:08:02 because it's always smart to test it on a group Before you really put things out there and they get to see they get to see things first they get the cutting edge Which is really cool. I can't help but this looks like South doctor Sal over here in his lab rats It's a great idea. This is what we're gonna do you guys were to get you all this shit made you all this supplement And if if 90% of you survive and live it's probably a good idea Yeah, that's what we're gonna do you guys were to get you all this shit made you all this supplement and if 90% of you survive and live it's probably a good idea You knew cardio you don't do cardio. We're gonna feed you all this shit. This is what you're gonna get Hey, how come you guys do my voice you make it sound nerdy? Just naturally
Starting point is 00:08:41 Yeah, I'll tell you my favorite part of the forum is the lady would. Can I just say that that's my favorite word ever? They said yes. They started, I don't know how this trend started, but they started saying. Was it Ali? I don't know. I think, um, one of the ladies, one of our mind pump ladies, and they said, mind pump gives me lady wood.
Starting point is 00:09:04 And they started hashtagging it it and so that's a thing Everybody start hashtagging it, you know, well, you know, not just to be my it's great just to be myself When a woman is aroused the Clitoris that's a wreck like so they do get a lady would you want to think of it like a small word? I you know the other thing I did my I didn't get a chance to The other thing, I didn't get a chance to do this on a, I didn't get a chance to do this on the forum. I did do this on my personal periscope and brought it up and people loved it.
Starting point is 00:09:31 So I should post it on the forum. I'd be getting so many people that want us to go after shreds. And still, yes, still. Who? So, I mean, right. So this is what I said, I said, listening, guys, we've already beat them up, we beat cross it up enough. But if you guys, because there's such a large amount of you guys, and this is me talking to all our listeners right now, too, if you guys really want to see us,
Starting point is 00:09:53 get after Arvin or Joey Swoll or Devon for Zeke or physique and or interview one of their main athletes, we'll go get on their page and post. Tell them to come do an interview with us. Flood their page with tagging mind pump like crazy. Tag the shit out of us on there and tell them. Thank you for the bro science mind pump. Yeah, right? Or tell them, hey, you guys should go interview with mind pump. Mind pump, mind pump, mind pump, mind pump.
Starting point is 00:10:18 And you guys tag the hell of us. And then maybe they'll be so annoyed by all the mind pump tags that they'll finally have to look into us and maybe they'll come our way. So, and if not, then they look like a bunch of pussies. So either way, it's a win-win for us. You know what, you know what, it's crazy. I don't, who was it that said this on the forum?
Starting point is 00:10:35 Oh, what was her name? As, Asa? Asa, I don't remember. I was amazing. I was amazing. I was, I was amazing. She said that she heard about mind on cross on a crossfit podcast Yeah, I guess they were saying how much they liked our show and I'm like they must have missed that episode
Starting point is 00:10:54 You know what though I actually I don't know. Maybe they thought of it is like yeah like it was I ironically I listen to that I'm looking for Come to me. I felt like so I listen that that. What's the word I'm looking for? Ah, it come to me. I felt like, so I listened that episode not to our own me. And, you know, the only way I think you're really offended is if maybe if you're a CrossFit owner and you're trying to promote your business and get more members wrote that, maybe that was, but for even like a lot of CrossFit people
Starting point is 00:11:18 that I know that listen to it, they're like, you know, I felt like you guys took a very, this constructive criticism. That's what I was looking for. And we kind of roast it a little bit, but I felt like, guys took a very constructive criticism. That's what I was looking for. And we kind of roast it a little bit, but I felt like, we gave them kudos and all the things that they did great, right?
Starting point is 00:11:32 Like, I think there's just some things that we disagree with and we point that out, but does it mean that as a whole that we think it's a shitty thing? And I might do it. And it's like, let's be clear, we don't hate them. We don't hate it. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:11:46 We, we're just pointing out some of the stuff that we feel like we need to point out so that people don't. We're trying to educate the public. I mean, it's just, and I feel like. And I feel like, yeah, I don't know. I just don't like it when something gets really big and people don't understand it fully.
Starting point is 00:12:02 And then, especially like we keep, I don't know, I feel like I've broken record, but basically like what irritates me the most are that they're not addressing problems that are very clear to professionals in the industry that see it and that irritates me to no end. And so I feel like, you know, like we need, like you need to be checked. Yeah. Well, you said the other day when, you know, you kind of refer to them being so big that
Starting point is 00:12:30 they just kind of mow over it, you know, they've turned into that like that, like that huge company who, you know, they're not afraid of, you know, some small guy pointing out what they're doing wrong or cheating the system wrote that because they just know they can sue the shit out of you and you bury you in lawyers and fees and shit that you cannot handle so They've turned in right. What's the Scientology of fitness? Yeah, there is a little bird there. Hey, what is aren't we supposed to be doing something? Oh, yeah, I felt like Q&A Q&A. All right, let's move into some questions. We really gotta stop these. We're gonna throw that in this episode. We have time. So we're the driver that needs to go down the road to the grocery store and we drive.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Do we miss like five lefts? You know, off already that. You know, off it. Well, I know we were all just driving together. I can't drive in a car with just me and you. You know that. Yeah, just the bus. We're gonna end up in Mexico many times.
Starting point is 00:13:20 But I mean, well, we were all together on the way to that party other day. And I remember we had to keep Katrina on the way to that party other day and I remember We're if we had to keep Katrina on me to make sure she was telling me where I need to go. Well, you can't count on me Yeah, I know you're I have a sense of direction of a fucking I don't know Brains or elsewhere do ironically though I I used to pride myself on that ability of like knowing all the streets and backways and shortcuts and all the stuff like that get anywhere
Starting point is 00:13:46 But I really blame all that shit on fucking technology Because as soon as like as soon as all the Navi dude, I had all the cool Navis as soon as they first came out So I had all the Tom Tom's and shit when they first came and I just became so dependent on that that like well It's like remembering phone numbers. Can you tell me can you tell me my phone number right now? No, I know one phone number It's my girls and it's only because she told me We've been together for three years and you still can't tell me my phone number right now? No, I know one phone number. It's my girls and it's only because she told me, we've been together for three years and you still can't tell me myself phone number. What if you're stranded somewhere
Starting point is 00:14:10 and we need a new unit to call you? So that I'm like, oh, shh. I don't know my home number. I don't know my home number is. You don't know your home number. I don't know my home number is a swear to god. That's a lie. I know my wife's cell number,
Starting point is 00:14:20 but I don't know my home number. I only know, yeah, I know my, I know my girls, I do know now. I know my parents phone number because I had to know that when I was a kid. And I know my home number. I know my girls. I do know now. I know my parents phone number because I had to know that when I was a kid. And I know I know I know I know I remember. Yeah, I memorized everybody. Oh, I used to speak that's the other thing. I used to be crazy. Don't do it anymore. And I know I still know my we're not getting to the Q&A dog. Dog is trying to point to the board right now and tell us that we're
Starting point is 00:14:42 doing okay. We're like, fuck that. We're still. you don't have you don't have to play charades you can get Just cuz you're the producer don't you can get on the mic and bus are chopped a little bit here All right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right, let's go on the Q&A. Let's start So anyway, let me take guys what happened yesterday. Yeah, yeah All right, so this is from Lisa underscore T.E. I see it. Don't think it's pronounced like that T-E-I-C-H. I don't think it's pronounced like that. I don't think it's similar to that one either. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:15:06 So it was a harsh, even though. So what are some things that we've learned on the job? On the job. On the job as trainers, that we didn't get from our certification, not sales-related, because that we said, the first place we'll go is we'd learn about sales. Yeah. But what are some things we learned as trainers
Starting point is 00:15:23 that we never got from educating ourselves through our certifications? I'll tell you one and this I believe this kind of piggybacks off of something I mentioned last week One of the things I I prided myself on that I thought was very unique and different than a lot of trainers was early on when I was new and just getting my certifications just starting and It was just a young pup and I knew I wasn't the best trainer and I knew I was surrounded by all these other other trainers around me who are a lot more experienced and some of them more educated and I would put my pride in my ego aside and I would learn from all of them. And you know, that sounds so simple and basic, but hey, tell you what, trainers have this ability to get, and especially when you start to get good, so that doesn't stop just because you learn, maybe I even when I became the best trainer,
Starting point is 00:16:14 revenue wise, success wise, client schedule wise, when I became the top guy, because it wasn't very long until I was, I'd never stop that. Still to this day, I learned from other trainers and still techniques. That's applied knowledge. Yeah, I mean, I'd never stopped that. Still to this day, I learned from other trainers and still techniques. That's applied knowledge. Yeah, I mean, it's so much different.
Starting point is 00:16:31 It is. And I mean, everything makes sense to you when you read it in the book and you hope that it all kind of works out that way. But like, I mean, just going through client after client after client, you see so many different variables. You see so many different variables, you see so many different things. You can't replace experience. You just like have to see it and you got to work your
Starting point is 00:16:49 way through each. You got to troubleshoot your way through all kinds of stuff you didn't even think about, you know, as you're reading your certification textbook. One thing that I wanted to bring up was the fact that I had to get a lot better at small talk. Right? Yeah, it's in between sets, you're like, God, you just, you gotta be like, Hey, super energetic and talking about like pop culture and what, you gotta make it enjoyable.
Starting point is 00:17:18 God, what a great point coming from you right there. What a great perspective that is for him. That's awesome. It's something I feel like, naturally, I wouldn't even think about that for me because I have to shut up like Sal, but that's cool because that's great to hear you right there. What a great perspective that is. That's awesome. That's something I feel like, naturally, I wouldn't even think about that for me because I have to shut up like Sal, but that's cool because that's great to hear you say that. I wouldn't even have thought that, bro. Yeah, well, it's such a great point, though. I mean, it's something I had to work. I mean, I was a bartender for a while and like a server and stuff, and so I had a little bit of that,
Starting point is 00:17:40 but it was just like, oh my, it was overwhelmed because I wanted to be a really good trainer, you know, and I wanted to cram them with all this knowledge and wow them with terms and, you know, make sure that they knew I had a lot of value that I was bringing in, and really it amounted to, dude, I have to be like a fun guy. Well, the first, one of the first things that I learned, it's kind of close to that. Small talk was not hard for me, but one thing that I kind of learned was that, in the beginning, this person's paying to see me,
Starting point is 00:18:18 first of all, this person doesn't like to work out. One thing I learned right away was that the only people that really like to work out are people who work in gyms Nobody really loves to work out like people who work in gyms is true. I mean, I love working out And so I work in the fitness industry. So these people come in they pay me to train them They don't like to work out. They need help working out But over time They come to see me and so it's got to be enjoyable for them.
Starting point is 00:18:45 What does that mean? Does that mean I make my workouts easy? No, it means I always provide them with an enjoyable experience. They're showing up. They might have a shitty day, but they're going to come in. They're going to have a great time with me. And so that was something that I learned right away is I'm going to make this a fucking good time with the client, whatever that means, you know, at that particular moment for that particular client.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And when ends up happening is they end up paying because they know that they're gonna come in and have a great time and oh, by the way, I get to work out also I get this kind of side effect, you know, of working out. There's that, that's number one, but the thing I wanna touch on with Adam, what Adam was saying about learning from other trainers,
Starting point is 00:19:21 that never stops. I learned a shitload recently. Let's see, I haven't worked with this individual now for three or four years, but she was a physical therapist that worked in my gym. She rented space for me and she trained her clients. Now, she had very little personal training experience, but she had lots of physical therapy experience.
Starting point is 00:19:44 And I learned correctional exercise from her like a mother fucker. Like, and I didn't even, I didn't ask her. Yeah, you just were watching. I just watched and learned, and I learned, I mean, pretty much any rather common issue that someone might have from different types of shoulder pain and knee pain, hip pain, ankle pain, and a back pain. I can now assess on a completely different level just because I watched and listened to her.
Starting point is 00:20:09 And you know what that requires? That requires that you check your ego at the door. Well, I wanna piggyback what you're saying right now too and take that so it give you more kudos. So if I were to compare myself who probably has more corrective exercise knowledge, me or Sal, I would say Sal by far, and ironically, I carry the certification.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I carry the corrective exercise specialist certification that he does not carry, but I would attribute to him, being I would come to him probably to have a problem, if I had a problem with something that I couldn't figure out, I'd probably not Sal, but yet, I hold a higher education in that field than he does. Which just goes to show you how important that is to use that with, you know, learn from your peers that are around you. I was going to say, and also like placing yourself into environments that challenge you
Starting point is 00:21:00 even more. So like as an individual trainer, you know, I was in a, I was fortunate to work with a lot of smart people, but then again, doing it on my own, it's like you become your own sort of person and you have to like run through your own programming and how you do things your way and all that. And then I got to a point where I want to learn more. And so I just kept surrounding myself. I go to different gyms where I knew the quality was like, you know, superior. And in the experience, not only matched mind it exceeded mind. So to where I'm working on like every other business thing under the sun, some trainers, all they do is go to these conventions and they learn about the latest techniques as far as
Starting point is 00:21:47 You know what's out there and in the best way to do correctional work the best way for performance and To train athletes and you know whatever the case may be These are the types of people I want to be around because I know that just watching them and how they interact and how they program for their clients, I'm going to pick up on that. Well, there's a huge value. As a personal trainer, one of the most valuable things you can have, aside from other stuff we've talked about like being like a bull and being, one of the most valuable things you can have is this right here. If a client is injured, whether on their own
Starting point is 00:22:27 or whether with you or whatever, if they're likely to call you to help them with their injury, you have given them a tremendous amount of value versus calling you and saying, hey, I can't work out today. I pulled my back, I can't come in to work out. There's a big difference, because my clients will call me
Starting point is 00:22:45 during the week. They ask you what they should do. On their off dates, South, can I come in? My knee really hurts, I trip down the stairs, whatever. Versus, I have other trainers that have worked for me where why aren't you training so-and-so, I haven't been in here, oh, they've hurt their shoulder, they can't work out.
Starting point is 00:22:59 That is huge, because if you train someone long enough, they're gonna have some kind of nagging issue. And if you don't know how to fix that, you're gonna lose a client. They'll stop that momentum and lose that client. Absolutely. Something that, this is such a good question. We almost didn't take this question.
Starting point is 00:23:14 I know. I'm glad we did take this question because I knew this would happen as soon as we started talking, it would spark all this shit. So. You did know this? Yeah, Lisa or whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:22 He's a wizard sometimes, Justin. Great question. And something that I did too, and I'm sure these guys maybe can attest to this. I am extremely competitive with myself. So I'm always, I really, really want to be better me, better me every day. And although I didn't have to try probably as hard
Starting point is 00:23:42 as Justin did for the small talk, I still did try and sharpen my skills. And what I mean by that is I took a lot of pride in being a chameleon is to be able to have I can have somebody who is come in one hour and they're atheist and followed by a preacher the next hour followed by a stockbroker followed by an athlete followed by a stock broker, followed by an athlete, followed by a teenager. And I would be able to completely change my conversation
Starting point is 00:24:11 with each one of them. And sometimes that took a little bit of research. Sometimes it came natural. Obviously talking to a young athlete or some of that, oh yeah, easy, I don't have to do no homework for that, that's just natural conversation for me. But maybe when I was 23 years old, I didn't know dick about stocks.
Starting point is 00:24:27 So, you know, maybe I would go and do a little bit of homework and stuff like that. And then I'd have good questions. That's one of the things you'll learn real fast. Oh, you learn from your clients? Yes, you learn. And people love to talk about themselves. So I actually spent ironically
Starting point is 00:24:39 talking, asking a lot of questions during my down minutes behind resting here and there. You think about it. it's like free education and to subject that, and you're learning from someone who does it. Exactly. While you're trying to, like I said, people like to talk about themselves and share
Starting point is 00:24:53 what they like to help other people too. What's the type of client you guys find the hardest to connect to? The hardest to connect to. Yeah, like what's the kind of, like the explain the kind of person that comes in there, you're like, oh, this could be a tough one. Just the negative Nancy's. Yeah, the ones that come in already like, you know, the cloud surrounding them like the Charlie Brown syndrome. So I like, I agree too, even though that's
Starting point is 00:25:17 I told you I mean, I shared the story of my client I had for eight years that was like that that I still took that Client on as a challenge is like I like, I don't think this person happy. I'll find a way to make this. Yeah. So those are... Trust me, I had a lot of those. Yeah, I think, and for me, I guess it was like, you hated it, but you liked it at the same time, right?
Starting point is 00:25:39 That's the challenging. Exactly, I feel the three of us embrace a challenging situation like that and don't run from it We go like okay, all right, you're not gonna be as you you you and all the sales guys used to give me the most challenging people ever Well, remember that I was I before Before you and I when I was a trainer before I was a manager and stuff Do this thing? That was me and I the way I look at that. That's always a sign of respect from your boss or your leader because he sees you or she sees you as somebody
Starting point is 00:26:10 who can handle all that. All the hot. No, that's how I took it, but it was always like, oh, that was me. I was always wanting to just give you the evil life from the corner. All the really hot, like you literally gifted chicks, went to someone else.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Exactly, exactly. Justin got them, you know. You gave me the one that's What's rubber another word for rubber rubber another word for ever yeah latex latex the latex intolerant lady We had balloons for close out. Oh my god. How could you now dare you have these here? Thank you, thank you for giving me I had no idea you were gonna go there I don't use it word for rubber. Oh, I was I was like oh boy. We can set up right we're gonna set up right now I love the three guys off the late-text
Starting point is 00:26:56 I just I just think that she was like a Paul And I've comtered now and I sold her training that same day. You rubbed a balloon. Oh, yeah. Rubbed a balloon on her face. Oh, God. Oh, God. Yeah, the rock out in hives and cut a check. Like the condom at her chops. I know that I know that she asked stuff that helped us that was not,
Starting point is 00:27:19 not regarding to sales, but I really feel like all this stuff we're talking about ultimately leads to you selling this person on more training and continue on. I know that, and I know the trainers that want to avoid sales and not talk about sales want to be like, well, if you're just a really good trainer and you give your clients great results, then you'll sell lots of training. That's a crocker shit whoever's telling you that. So, ultimately, I was always thinking desired outcome. And I was already, and I know I'm gonna try and stay away from the sales as much as I can,
Starting point is 00:27:53 but I mean, in my mind, when you buy five sessions or 10 sessions, whatever it is, in session one or two, I'm already thinking about sessions 15, 20, and 30, and how I'm going to set that up. And if you're really good, a lot of that small talk are little subtle seeds leading up to that about where your program is going, what you're going to be doing.
Starting point is 00:28:14 I'm very first. I'm very first. I'm going it out. Well, the thing is, people who, trainers who say, oh, I just got to be a really good trainer and then it'll all work out. Look, it's, of course, you better be a good trainer. That's like, if you're not a good trainer, you're bone structure. If you're not really good trainer and then it'll all work out. Look, it's, of course, you better be a good trainer. That's like, if you're not a good trainer,
Starting point is 00:28:27 if you're a bone structure. If you're not a good trainer and you really care about people, you don't want to help them, then get the fuck out of the industry. You have to have that in order to be successful. You have to have that. But then on top of that, like what Adam and Justin are saying, you have to have those communication skills
Starting point is 00:28:41 to be able to explain how indispensable, you know, what you do is. Yeah. And look, after a few years, yeah, then you don't have to have those communication skills to be able to explain how indispensable, you know, what you do is. Yeah. And look, after a few years, yeah, then you don't have to sell shit anymore. You know, I have clients who've been for a long time. I don't need to explain to them, you know, how indispensable the exercise has been for them with nutrition. They know.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Yeah. And that's why they keep coming. It's not something I have to, it becomes a, hey, aren't my sessions coming up next week? I'll be like, yeah, they are. You could just come in and go, okay, boom, and it's done. So, but in the beginning, yeah, you get the first 10 sessions. You're still gonna have to sell them on why.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And they need to be with you for a few months. And I only bring it up even though, because I know she specifically asked other thing, but sales, and she probably doesn't want to hear that, because I had trainers who worked for me that were so anti the sales, like almost like they took it on as a mission for them to prove that they could become this great trainer without that piece.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Right. And I'll tell you right now, they were never great. They were good trainers. And I'm talking about guys that had their masters in kinesiology. It was always those guys. It was always those guys. Yeah, because they had so much education. That's just ego.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Exactly. It was ego getting the way. It was there. They were so intelligent, so smart. And they had all the answers to help somebody out, but then they had their communication skills like Salisane were so poor because they felt that they didn't need to worry about sales
Starting point is 00:29:51 and all these trainers that were great in sales, oh, they're not really good trainers, they're just good at gift-a-gab, or they're just that like, sorry, if you don't accept that that's a majority of the business and a big part of your success as becoming a personal trainer is learning to sell yourself or communicate how the fuck you want to look at it.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And in the day, that right there will take you 10 times further than, you know, 20 certifications, like I was just saying with south, I mean, I would come to south for help and something that I have a certification that he doesn't even have. So, perfect example that. All right, let's go to next question. This is from Tess underscore Christie. What would
Starting point is 00:30:28 are, okay, so you shortened the question here, Doug, but basically the question was, what kind of job would we could we get pulled to away from being an entrepreneur like, what would they have to offer us? What would it have to be in? What kind of field? What would it have to be where we could work for someone else? What would pull us to work for someone else? Yeah, if we were to work in corporate America, and we had to, what would it take? What would that job look like? Yeah, what would that job look like?
Starting point is 00:30:52 And what would it entail in order to convince us to do that? Well, corporate. I'll just say the first right out the gate, so I mean, sorry, it would be a shitload of money. Yeah. Yeah. It would be because of every day when I go home and I'm like, this fucking job sucks.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Damn, my paycheck was big as fuck this Friday. So it would have to be first of all, I'd have to be paid very handsomely to justify putting up with somebody else's bullshit. And then I would have to be in some sort of a leadership role where I get to develop people under me. My favorite part of working for a big company in a leadership role was developing other minds.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I love watch, I still, I mean, I don't get paid for this. And some of our listeners are probably old trainers of mine that I hired a long time ago. And I still, even as crazy as my schedule is, fine time to still mentor trainers from years ago. Because I just, I have a passion for that. I have a passion for, because I felt like, I didn't get a lot of it.
Starting point is 00:32:01 I didn't have a lot of mentors for me. And I kind of found my way, and I feel like if I had a person like me who kind of helped me and showed me the way, so with that I would have developed even faster and would have been even better at what I did. So whenever I meet those that are hungry like that, I love pouring myself into them.
Starting point is 00:32:19 So a joke about the money thing, but in reality, that would be the number one. I would have to be in a position where I'm in a position to where I have to. Or you could build something. Yeah, I could. I could build and mentor people. And I'm competitive. So I do like jobs that are highly sales-motivated, where I'm competing against not only myself and my own numbers
Starting point is 00:32:45 that I produce, but others in the company. And that's just a competitive side of me. So to somewhere where there is opportunity for growth, even though I don't see any of us ever doing that, but if we were to, that's kind of my non-negotiables. I mean, almost identical for me. Same thing. It would obviously have to pay well. But I'd have to be in a position, like just like what
Starting point is 00:33:12 you said, Adam, where I could train and develop people and build something. And I'll add one more thing. I'd have to feel like it was for a cause that I believed in. So if it was something that I firmly believed in and I wanted to get behind, then I could justify working for an organization that was already big with a lot of power already,
Starting point is 00:33:36 where I could jump into versus doing it on my own, where I'd have to build that up in order to make that happen. So, you know, like in the future, I mean, one of my dreams is to have a nonprofit or work for a large nonprofit, or you know, use some of my abilities to, you know, to do certain things that, you know, that I believe in.
Starting point is 00:33:52 So, you know, that would be part of it. But definitely, be able to train, develop people under me, and motivate and inspire, because that's what I truly enjoy doing that. So, but I really have anything else to add to that. Yeah, I mean, for me too, it's still very similar to you guys. I just, I think they'd take a lot to bring me back
Starting point is 00:34:13 to the corporate side of things, so just the mentality of it is not there anymore. And I was trying to think of the only way that it might be appealing besides, you know, a nice handsome paycheck would have to be something that challenged me mentally that was totally different than fitness and things that I've been a part of, but sounded really frickin' fun. You know, like something that I could see not feeling like a job where I'm like, oh,
Starting point is 00:34:41 dude, this is awesome. And I'm getting paid for this. Like, you know, I know the jobs like that exist. I can't really say what it is, but it would definitely have to be something that utilize a different part of my brain and personality and challenge that part of me. So you're saying something like a shreds athlete
Starting point is 00:34:58 or something like that? I mean, exactly. Like that. You know what? Let's be, let's be. So I could take pics and model, you know, this whatever the fake ass shit. I eat.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Let's let you know what, let's be clear though. Let's be clear. Right now, I can speak for myself. I'm pretty sure you guys do the same thing. Right now, I could go get a job and make more money than I'm making now, working for someone else. Right away. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:35:24 For sure. Actually, I probably try, people try to recruit me once or twice a year and they're offering me high paying jobs. And so part of the reason why, I mean, we talk about getting paid, you know, getting paid as all, but that's not that big of a part of it because I could do that right now. I just can't, you know, I think when you're an entrepreneur, they're just something about you that you just... It's also our... You're just a little crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:48 You're rewarding creating something for me. It's also our... It's also our age too. We're in our 30s now. All of us have been at a point where we've made a good amount of money, where we've been able to do the things we want to do, or pay for the things that we want to do or pay for the things that we want to pay for and realize that there's more to it.
Starting point is 00:36:08 That's it. I mean, like there's... Well, you see the ceiling too, right, from the corporate side. Like, we've all been in the corporate side. Like, we understand the progression of how things work and how far you can get. The politics. That's a good one. When I leave you here, oh no, I'm going to take it back.
Starting point is 00:36:25 When I finally decided to leave that situation was when I exactly, that's a perfect example, Justin, is when I realized that in order for me to make the kind of money I want to make right now, I need to be three positions higher than I am. And in this entire company, I've never seen somebody move up the three of those positions within five to seven years in their career time. So I was looking at myself, here I'm coming up on my 10 year and that means I got in there five years plus to even think I'm going to get to that position and really that position isn't that much money.
Starting point is 00:37:00 It's just the amount of money I want to be making right now. So that's what made me leave. And I left and I made triple that money working for myself instead of that. So to me, that's, and then once you kind of get that, I feel like once I reach that point and kind of looked around and realized that like, you know, even having that kind of financial freedom, like, there was, there, I wasn't happy doing what I was doing. And I wanted to do something else and I missed, I missed't happy doing what I was doing and I wanted to do something else and I missed, I missed doing this what we're doing right now.
Starting point is 00:37:28 And I have to say that I'm probably the tightest financially and broker that I've been in fucking 10 years actually right now. But I'm doing something that I believe in that I truly love and I'm excited about, you know, like, I mean, we talk about this all the time that I don't want to do anything but get on here and record not because I'm not narcissistic because I am extremely narcissistic and I like to listen to myself, but more so because I believe that we don't even worry about it. I believe we are a part of or we're creating a movement that is unique.
Starting point is 00:38:05 It's original, it's a needed in the fitness industry and it's very exciting watching it grow as rapidly as it's grown already and it's just a confirmation of what we're doing is right, man. And to me, that's more rewarding and valuable to me than a paycheck that we all could go walk out and get a lot more money for. So, you know, that being said,
Starting point is 00:38:27 in time of how broke, if you guys go to www.and donate to the Adam Schaefer Fund, I'm almost broke from donating. I help my boy out, so. So now I'm in the same position. So mine's at www.justinitshit2. What's the next question? So the next one is from Mofo Lolo.
Starting point is 00:38:51 You know what I mean? We picked this one, we actually picked this one. Mofo Lolo. This shouldn't be a very long one. Come on, this is a good question. Mofo Lolo. Of course it is for you, good Mr. Ayolacrige. I feel like there's a song in there somewhere.
Starting point is 00:39:01 No, so the question is, what is our... Hey, Mofo Lolo. The question is, what is your animal spirit and why? What is your name? I love this. Are we gonna be funny or anything? No, we really see ourselves. So I don't really know much about spirit animals.
Starting point is 00:39:15 I don't know. That's not gonna make this hilarious. The truth is that there's a whole thing behind this word. Certain animals represent certain characteristics and stuff. I think we need to name each other. We don't know that. Yeah, we don't know that. I name each other's animals.
Starting point is 00:39:32 So we're gonna make, we're gonna make shit up. We name each other's animals and I already know some dick ass answers. Sounds like a porpoise. I'm naming myself. That's what I'm thinking. Yeah, I know. It's just like oozing out of you.
Starting point is 00:39:48 A porpoise? Yeah. That's the smartest fish in the sea. It's the one that always like, I don't know. Who is the first to lose? Who is the first to lose? Who is the first to lose? You guys take my blow, or a porpoise.
Starting point is 00:40:00 You want to this style. You better have an animal ready to go. I love it below. What's your animal? For me? Yes. Oh, fuck. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I can tell you my favorite animal in the world is. That's the question. In hard bark. That is not the question. Okay, okay. You got to pick us. Okay, let's do this since we don't know much about spirit animals. I'm thinking right now with my wheels are spinning.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I'm trying to think of an animal that encompasses traits about myself that I find in the animal. That's what I'm thinking. But no, but no, Bono monkey. That's a cover. So tell me. I'm very interested. That's for you. Oh, fuck off. See, that's what you can't. You're not picking my eye. I have a way cooler idea for myself. What is your, Bono? What is your end? But no, boom. Yeah, those things are freaks. Frick, that's why I said that. Yeah, they bang everything. Boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Throw my semen on you. What the hell? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, for myself a bear. A big, blundering bear. Yeah, because what is it in body? Up because, let's see, when I think of a bear, I think of a bear as being courageous, consistent, loved can be loved and respected, but can also be also be feared Has claws but looks cuddly But you did put there also Canables do they oh yeah They eat other bears. Yeah, they eat other cubs and stuff. I don't know assholes
Starting point is 00:41:37 Sal has it so I do fuck that up What you're I gotta keep it real Justin what yours? Yeah I'm sorry, I gotta keep it real. Justin, what's yours? That's it. Yeah. Mmm. I know, I know, I know. I say now I'm gonna get like science. I know, Discovery Channel's gonna come after me.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I know, Discovery Channel's gonna go out for a deal. Like Irrino. Irrino. Yeah, Irrino. Yeah, Irrino. Irrino, Bino, Irrino. Yeah, if I would say Irrino. It's a complimentary animal.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Not like, say you fuckers, you get it. I think you say a rhino. It's a complimentary animal. I'm not like say you fuckers. I think they have like a bamboo. They got a peanut size brain though. Oh, yeah, that's kind of like a tiny brain. There's not too many animals that have a human brain, bro. So no matter what, we're taking a, we're not a great, we're down great. Oh, no, what is it, the whale?
Starting point is 00:42:22 The, uh, What's your whale? Yeah, a narwhale? I do you know whale totally a whale? You're nor whale. I don't know. I don't think we're doing so good. No, I'm not a whale. Come on I was gonna say honey badger just because I don't okay So here I just I just looked this up the meaning of the bear Let's see if let's see if I was accurate. Oh, okay, it's good. We'll do that. Oh, yeah Let's do it when you listen off like we seriously have no reference?
Starting point is 00:42:45 No, no, no, it's all due one and then we'll look them up and now look it up because if I list them off It's like a trillion. I'm gonna listen. I've ever was okay. The bear has several meanings that will inspire those who have this animal as their Totem or spare animal the primary meaning of the bear spirit animal a strength and confidence Okay, stamey against adversity, taking action and leadership. The spirit of the bear indicates it's time for healing or using healing abilities to help self or others. Bear medicine emphasizes the importance of solitude, quiet time and rest. That's not so much. The spirit of the bear provides strong and grounding forces. So there a bit. Okay, so look at mine. I think I think I think I'm a hawk. Do I stick with whale? You want okay pick one I'll look it up. Yeah, what do you mean? I feel like I'm a bird
Starting point is 00:43:35 Yeah, but pick a bird dude. He's like a million birds out there. Yeah, I'm a bald eagle. You're okay eagle You're a spread eagle Let's take up the spread eagle. Okay, so the eagle power of course you pit eagle because Eagles are fucking awesome Eagle medicine, let's see here swiftness strength courage wisdom Keen site illumination of spirit. I know this. Healing, Creation, Knowledge of Magic. Not very much though. You're not very magical. The Gathering, I'm very good at that.
Starting point is 00:44:10 When the lights go out, you're pretty magical. Ability to see hidden spiritual truths, not really. That's not really your own at all. Yeah, dude, I'm the only one here, C's Ghosts. Hello. Uh, Connection to Spirit Guides and Teachers. No, you make fun of those kind of people. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Great power and balance, that's true. Dignity with grace. I like this one a lot. Intuitive and creative spirit, respect for the boundaries of the regions. Grace achieved through knowledge and hard work. Yeah, you are an eagle. See?
Starting point is 00:44:40 How did that work out? All right. You know what, though, I could have read it. You're totally a bear too. I know. I could have read it. It's totally a bear too. I could have read it. It's just like a horoscope. Yeah, exactly. So I think my spirit animal is a cougar.
Starting point is 00:44:49 This guy. I have a cougar, bro. Well, let me look. I feel very cougarish. I'm not going to Google that cougar because I know something else will come up. I know. So let's see what the cougar spirit animal totem. Let's see here. Cougar. Let's wait for this upload
Starting point is 00:45:08 Let's see what's this fucking Wi-Fi? I don't know how we got that stuff. It's okay. Okay, if you're if that's your animal then you're most At least you have I'm gonna punch you right now to be like yeah, Tony. Yeah, yeah, you're most likely a natural leader Right out the gates, bro. You're right out the gates. You walk your talk and lead by example. Oh, good. Dude, you just stop right there.
Starting point is 00:45:30 I'm finished. On to the next question. No, no, no, no, no. You know how to set your boundaries and are very clear when someone crosses them. Dude. When you're happy and satisfied, your perk can be heard by all those around you.
Starting point is 00:45:43 What the fuck? Tell me this is a my ride on my spirit animal or what you also have the ability to be seen or not seen as you are the master of camouflage Dude, he totally is he's captain miss theory oh all the time We always talk about did I not know my spirit animal or what bro? You're the cougar with crazy. Oh, oh cougar That's our new name is it wasn't wizard cougar or crazy. Oh Cougar. That's our new nickname is either wizard Cougar or Cougar wizard Cougar wizard. I'm for sure I want to get you a Cougar hat like head that you could wear over your head I have to say I have to say I'm excited. I'm very I thought this was a stupid question at first What's dog? We gotta get him actually. That's good. What's your spirit? Yeah, yeah, what do you think Doug? I called him a chimp once
Starting point is 00:46:24 Remember that I said, a chimp. An art vark. No, no. No, no does salamander. No. No, no. Doug, what's your spirit animal? A lizard.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Well, let's just say one time I looked in the mirror in a compromised state and I was looking into the eyes of an eagle. Oh, so you were an eagle? Yeah, I don't know. I don't want to take justice. Yeah eagle. Yeah, I don't know. I don't want to take just real original Let's just say I was gonna compromise stage. Yeah, you know what you know what though? That's okay. He actually saw I actually saw where it we're like you you just you just made it up just both
Starting point is 00:46:59 He literally saw himself as an eagle in the mirror. He's told me the story before. That's crazy Can I just tell Moful I'm getting a cougar tattoo now, just so you know, that's how much I like my spirit animal so much I'm getting a Cougar tattoo now. Okay, hold on a second. Let's just think about this for a second. A bear, a Cougar, and two eagles. You know what that sounds like? God, I said like a bad ass.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Sounds like a bad ass fucking cartoon, doesn't it? We're fucking some people up. Yeah. Bro, it sounds awesome. All predators. Pretty sure we're running this forest. And I feel like if we were robots, we could all combine and form one magic.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Yeah, I didn't say Tune them robot. Yeah, I did say Tune them robot. Yeah. Combining our powers. We could. I think I would be dear. All right. I'll do our last one here.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Let's do it. Do we want to go into those? Yeah, I think we should just do a little short touch up on this one right now. All right, so here's a deal. So we get a lot of questions on what should my macros be if I'm trying to do this or trying to do that? Here's a deal.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Cytosis is what everyone keeps asking. Well, that too, but there's also macros. People are saying, oh yeah, we're doubling up here. Yeah, so real quick, look, the reason why we don't like answering that question is because it's super individual. So I could tell you what my macros are, Adam could tell you what his are, Justin could tell you what his are. They're all pretty different.
Starting point is 00:48:11 To lose weight, you need to be at a deficit, to gain weight, you need to eat more than normal carbs you can play with them. It's very, it's very individual. So that's why we don't answer those questions on it. So we have a guide, yeah, and we don't have a prescribed guide. Good, that's great. Yes, because we have a guide that breaks it down and helps you figure it out for yourself.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Is that's really how you can do that? And that's, and exactly. And, you know, I'm just this last week, bro. Here's, here's a little one for you. 3200 calories to 50, 400 calories was my caloric expenditure. I thought we said we were moving on and not talking about macros. No, I wanted to explain.
Starting point is 00:48:49 But that's how that's how diverse my week is. Yeah. That I expend a difference of 2000 calories in a day that if you, if you don't learn to adjust your, your eating habits according to your own metabolism and your body, what you need, my macros mean nothing to somebody else, you know what I'm saying? So it's pointless to talk about that. The other one was ketosis, which has become like the fucking hot question. Yeah, everybody's asking us about ketosis, but you guys made a good point when we talked about
Starting point is 00:49:18 the software. There's the clinical ketosis diet, and then there's the question when athletes ask us about ketosis. A real ketosis diet, a then there's the question what athletes ask us about ketosis. A real ketosis diet, a real one that you get from a doctor, and you're eating a particular way, because either you have epilepsy or some other condition that requires it, is a high fat, yes, no carbs. Zero, like every little thing, like, no carbs. Toothpaste. Sorry, it has carbs in it.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Yeah, and it's even low protein. And sorry, has carbs in it. Yeah. And it's even low protein. It's even relatively low protein. It's mostly fat. It's, yeah, very fat. And that's really the only, that's a true ketosis diet. Everybody else that goes low carbon raises their fat,
Starting point is 00:49:58 you're going in and out of ketosis typically while you're working out. And it looks a lot more like atkins. I mean, let's be honest. Atkins is a true brand. This is a classic rebrand. Thank you, Justin. Come on, people.
Starting point is 00:50:11 See through the bullshit. It's the same thing with weight watchers and all these things. All they're doing is fluctuating your numbers as far as calories are concerned. Or there's really not a whole lot you can do Mm-hmm, and here and go ahead and here's here's what I would tell somebody on atkins fucking 10 years ago The same thing. I'll tell somebody on the ketosis diet now or ketosis diet now is If you feel comfortable with doing that for the rest of your fucking life then do it if you don't feel like having carbs
Starting point is 00:50:40 Hardly ever again then fucking do it That's your if that's what you want to do But just remember what you're doing what you're setting yourself yourself up for. You're setting yourself for your body to adapt to that, to get adapted to not getting used to having hardly any carbohydrates ever. So it's not a great idea if it's something you're trying to do just to get yourself in shape for the summer vacation or whatever, because guess what happens when you decide to switch back to eating like a normal human being. Yeah. Well, it's probably one of the reasons why we see a lot of people do a
Starting point is 00:51:08 carb cycling now is because staying low carb all the time every day, every day. You start to get stressful. Well, you start to get catabolic effects. You start to lose performance, athletic performance. I go relatively low carb all the time. But when I say use the word relatively, it's because I have times when I heat more carbs and times when I load lower carbs, but I don't go. No, far all the time. But when I say use the word relatively, it's because I have times when I heat more carbs and times when I heat lower carbs, but I don't go in no part all the time.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Yeah, but you're fluctuating now. I think that's the difference why I have like an issues because, you know, I'm going intermittently between, you know, that mentality. I definitely I'll do high fat and, and it's, and stay in that for a bit, but I'm, I'm coming right back, you know, I'm coming right back. You know, I'm eating carbohydrates, you know, the body guessing. My brain needs to function too at its highest ability. And guess what, if you're starving yourself
Starting point is 00:51:54 from carbohydrates, you're not gonna be on that level. And so, keep that considered that. Ketosis is not a new word. It is not new. So that's one of the oldest, oldest, oldest, stiotic. Yeah, is been around forever. It's not new. It's one of the oldest, that's one of the oldest diodes. Yeah, is been around forever. And it's not new.
Starting point is 00:52:06 It's just like just instead of perfect. It's just, you know what I'm saying? If you put a pig on a dress, it's still fucking pig. A dress. I put a dress on a pig. It's still a pig. No matter how you dress it up. We were trying to catch a greased pig.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Is that what you call it now? We used to do it. We used to do it to rodeos when we were kids. They went all the little baby, baby pigs out in a truck. Yeah, it's tough, man. It's very tough. It's catch those little fuckers. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Until next time, this is Mind Pump. MindPumpRadio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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