Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1202: Why New Year's Resolutions Don’t Work (& What to Do About It)

Episode Date: January 9, 2020

In this episode, Sal, Adam and Justin talk about New Year's resolutions and the many reasons they do not work and what you can do to achieve your goals in 2020. How Vuori has saved the podcast + bran...ds that are making a comeback. (3:53) The New Year’s rush is here! (7:01) Why New Year’s resolutions DON’T work. (10:36) Top Reason’s why New Year’s Resolutions are NOT Successful (& the Solutions to Them). Your goals are too BIG and general. (14:25) Not enhancing your current habits and behaviors. (21:00) Making things too HARD on yourself. (29:00) Focusing on behaviors rather than goals. (34:08) Failing to change your environment. (42:26) Using the wrong metrics to gauge your success. (49:37) Related Links/Products Mentioned January Promotion: MAPS HIIT ½ off! **Code “HIIT50” at checkout** Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! The Rise and Fall of New Year’s Fitness Resolutions, in 5 Charts 6 Years after The Biggest Loser, Metabolism Is Slower and Weight Is Back Up Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump, we talk about why New Year's resolutions simply don't work. Now, we worked in the gym industry for over two decades and every single year in January, we would see a 50% increase in traffic. People would just come in to sign up to want to improve their health and fitness. The problem with that was the vast majority of them, something like 92% of them would drop out within a few months. So if you're listening to this
Starting point is 00:00:44 podcast and you're thinking, hey, I'm going to get back into the fitness and health lifestyle, or I'm going to start working out, or I want to lose weight, we don't want you to be one of those bad statistics. We want to make sure that you can stick with it. So we talk about all the reasons why they typically don't work and what you can do about it. So we talk about setting goals, how to do that properly.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Most people don't set goals the right way. They tend to make the goals too big or too general. We actually talk about how to create new habits and behaviors. There are strategies to creating new habits like working out and eating right that will increase the likelihood of your success. We talk about how hard it is what you're trying to accomplish and how to make it much easier. We also talk about how you focus on behaviors rather're trying to accomplish and how to make it much easier. We also talk about how you focus on behaviors rather than goals because of course, behaviors will cause the results to happen in the first place.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Talk about changing your environment. That's a very important thing that can make you successful. And we also talk about using the wrong metrics, the ways that you tend to gauge your success. We talk about the things you should be using to gauge your success that will lead to more long-term success. Now this episode is brought to you by Viori. Now Viori is our favorite leisurewear company. Now they make clothes for lifestyle and fashion, for outdoor use, yoga, sports, and fitness, and even surf.
Starting point is 00:02:05 They have amazing clothes. We love the way they feel. They have a lifetime happiness guarantee, what this means, and this is insane now. You could buy some of their clothes, and within the lifetime of owning them, if you don't want that pair of clothes anymore, if there's a hole in it, it doesn't work for anymore, you can return it. That's insane guarantee, but if you already can do this because they are super high quality. Again, this is one of our favorite companies that we work with and we have a mind pump
Starting point is 00:02:32 discount for you. All you got to do is go to Viori clothing. So that's V-U-O-R-I clothing.com, forward slash mind pump and use the code that's listed on the page for 25% off. Also one more thing I'd like to mention, January of course a lot of people getting into working out, you may be one of these people, the number one goal is fat loss. Everybody wants to burn body fat and get leaner. Now one of the most effective ways to do this in a short period of time is through high
Starting point is 00:03:02 intensity interval training. This is a fact. Now the problem is a lot of people do this the wrong way. They lose the weight quickly and then they gain it back. And part of the reason for this happening is their high-intensity interval training program is all wrong. It's not programmed properly. Now hours is, we have a program called Maps Hit.
Starting point is 00:03:21 It does take advantage of the science of high-intensity interval training, but it also does so in a way that corrects muscle imbalances, works on strength. Basically, we do this the right way. So you get fast, effective, long term results. Now that program is 50% off. Here's how you get that massive discount. Go to maps, hit.com. That's M-A-P-S-H-I-I-T.com and use the code hit 50. That's H-I-I-T-5 zero, no space for the discount. I would say have all the sponsors we mess with, probably we rock, use the Ori and rock the Ori.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I was providing my whole new wardrobe. I don't need to buy in clothes. It's great for me. It's been a good for us that you have something to let it rest. You know what I mean, signing with the Ori. It's been a good for us that you have something to let ever since. You know what I mean signing with you. I could look for us.
Starting point is 00:04:07 It's probably why we're as big as we are now. Yeah. That was the one thing. Yeah. It's like everyone's like, I really like these guys. He's perfect. But there's something missing. So last night my buddy sends over my three best friends.
Starting point is 00:04:20 We're on a thread and my three best friends. They're my three best friends. Okay. They send me over a picture of champion. And my buddy's like, I, my buddy, you're like, oh, you're like, oh yeah. No, my buddy know this. My buddy prefaces it with, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:33 I'm sure Adam, you already know that champion. He's all but this is just coming across my desk for the first time. He's a high school principal and he's totally out of style. He's been out of style for the last two decades. He's a good friend of mine. And he sends over the champion sweaters. And he's like, dude, you guys know that these things are way,
Starting point is 00:04:50 I was like, yeah, dude, I showed him, I have a bunch of my closet and I was showing them that. And I was telling him, I love it because it's, I love watching companies that make real come back. Yeah, come back some brilliant pivots. And I was, I was sharing all these other brands that are like, that have came back No fear no
Starting point is 00:05:14 Like you see stewsie is yes, no really bro. Yeah, no stewsie had one of their best banner years just a couple years ago Wow, yeah, no, it's so that made a huge and they're I'll tell you why so they had a huge come about you in another brand That will trip you guys will trip on that you you should know because and maybe you too because your your dad was in construction So you're a janko guy car car heart So car heart has been around since like 1890 and it's and if you're in the construction world You're for sure your dad's yeah have like their gear or whatever But they are now popular with like the young generation that's coming up right now Hmm, and so I was telling my and my fuel manly, but not actually be man. So my two best friends who were completely out of style,
Starting point is 00:05:47 like, oh my God, you know, I got a helicopter heart stuff. I use it when I'm fishing all the time, and then my other, and I was telling them about Patagonia, making the huge comeback also, which they also wear that. And I said,
Starting point is 00:05:56 you know it's so funny, you've been out of style for so long that it's gone away, cycled back around that you're back in style. What's that saying? It's perfect. What's that saying? It's perfect. What's that saying, a broken clock is right twice a day. Yeah, twice a day.
Starting point is 00:06:09 You guys, you've seen this, you've seen this, right? Yeah, I have. See, we were gangster, dude. We didn't buy anything. I was wearing dicks and carhards and all that. No, my dad wore whatever he wore into the point where he would wear jeans until they were basically disintegrated. Then what he would do is he would cut them so that they became shorts for the summer
Starting point is 00:06:24 when he were in summer, except... That's great. Growing up in Sicily in those days, I guess they grow our short ass shorts. So he wears short ass jeans shorts. And the booty shorts. Bro, and they were afraid at the bottom. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:37 What's that? That's an style, that would do on style. Just go. That was like, Dad, you can't wear that. It's back, it's back, you know? That's the greatest of cellular life. Yeah, you can't mend down and grab your tools. And, you know? That the guy is the only one. You can't mend down and grab your tools and, you know. So, you know, watch out.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Pointing me sharing that is I think that Viori has saved the podcast. I really do. I think that getting you in style has helped us. They have. I think thank the Lord. Yeah, love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Anyway, it will be presentable. Well, we're dealing with the new year rush that we've all dealt with for, I don't know, how many years have you guys dealt with that? It never goes away. Yeah, like, do you guys remember, okay, this is a good one. Do you remember the first time you experienced
Starting point is 00:07:13 the New Year rush in the gym? Oh, yeah. You remember that? January, very early. January had worked in a gym. But it's really the cardio machines. 2001. 2001?
Starting point is 00:07:23 Yeah, because I got hired in 2000, but I got hired in, I think it was like August. So it wasn't until 2000, until the year came around. And I remember getting hired and everyone telling me, like, oh, just wait, because August, September, October, November, if you're in fitness and you're working for a big company, those are like the down months, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Which was probably the very slow. It was actually November and December. Which was probably one of the best things that happened for me because I was a new guy coming in and I didn't know any better. And so I was working to try and drum up business. And everybody else is probably checking out. You know, all the other trainers that have been around for decades are just like, fuck, I guess I don't come back.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Yeah, yeah, this is where we take vacation. They don't give a shit. And I'm over here like hustling, like trying to build my business. And I think that August, September, October, November, December, working like that. And really trying to like my business. And I think that August, September, October, November, December, working like that and really trying to learn the ropes was probably what set the table for a lot of the six success that I had because then you hit January
Starting point is 00:08:13 and January, you could be blind and hit it out the part. You know what I'm saying? And the people walk in like, I need a trainer. I need to trip it over each other. Especially back in 2000, before the big craft. Yeah, so I don't trip it over each other. Especially back in 2000. I'm a crack. I'm a crack. Before the big crack. Yeah, so I don't remember exactly when I started.
Starting point is 00:08:27 I think I started in, is 97, maybe towards the middle of 97, because that's when I turned 18. So when I was 18, I went and got a job at the gym. And everybody would talk about January how crazy it was. Now nobody told me that the first week of January is basically an extension of December. Right, right. So nobody told me that. So everybody's like, oh my god,
Starting point is 00:08:45 January's crazy. I remember this too. Where is it? Now, statistically speaking, Jim's will see about a 40 to 50, sometimes 60% increase in traffic and revenue. And that's pretty consistent. That's what I would experience
Starting point is 00:09:00 in all the gyms that I ran. You would see a 50% jump over what your normal sales would be, which is massive, that's huge, right? So everybody's like, January's crazy, January's crazy, December slow, so January 1st comes in, I come into the, I'm a kid, right? So I don't know, I'm better. I show up and it's dead.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Yeah. Second, dead, third dead. Yeah, do you remember, okay, so it's dead, but then, the falling week, the first sign was, I go to get my normal parking spot, I had third dead. Yeah, but do you remember, okay, so it's dead, but then, you know, the falling week. The first sign was, I go to get my normal parking spot and I get there at the same time every time. There is not a parking space to be had.
Starting point is 00:09:33 No. Not only that, everybody's fighting each other for it and they're all fighting their way through to the front and then you see lines waiting for the treadmill. That's, I'm like, what's happening? Yes, I remember I would walk, I would walk through the gym and there were point, especially prime time, which is busy anyway, but prime time in mid-January
Starting point is 00:09:53 when it's starting to kick into high gear, I'm walking through certain portions of the gym, the same way you walk through a nightclub. Yeah. You know how you walk through a nightclub where you got to walk sideways and kind of squeeze through people. Yeah, you kind of just shimmy through everybody. And I was like, wow, this is exciting.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Or shoulder them, right, Justin? Yeah, shoulder. That's usually what I did. Yeah. But I remember thinking this is newb. This is really exciting. February, also pretty busy. A little bit of it.
Starting point is 00:10:17 It goes down a little bit, but still pretty busy. February, all the way to March, actually. And then all of a sudden in April, you see this, it really starts to slow down. And it's a pretty dramatic slow down. By the time you get to summer, most of the crowd that you saw in January was gone, was totally gone. Now as a new trainer, I experienced this as well.
Starting point is 00:10:37 And I always did well getting new clients, but I remember how easy it was in January. People would walk in with their wallets in their hands, please train me. I want to get in shape right away. I want to lose 30 pounds or 40 pounds. I want to get in January. People would walk in with their wallets in their hands. Please train me. I want to get in shape right away. I want to lose 30 pounds or 40 pounds. I want to get in shape. And you would just sign them up and you do your typical, well, if you buy 40 sessions, you get,
Starting point is 00:10:52 I'll buy 40 sessions, whatever. But then you would see in the summer, you have to start working again. Now I had to go through probably, I'd say three or four years of that cycle to start to realize that I was a shitty trainer. I'd sign all these. You're just a piranha, I'm praying off these people.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I would just sign up so many people, and then they'd all stop. I'd sign them and they'd stop, and I'd sign them up and they'd stop, and I'm like, wait a minute, I'm not helping anybody at all. That's because New Year's resolutions don't work. Statistically speaking, less than 10%. It was like 8%. Yeah, actually stick with a New Year's resolutions don't work. You know, statistically speaking, less than 10%.
Starting point is 00:11:25 It was like 8%. Yeah. Actually stick with the New Year's resolution. That's crazy. So more than 90% of what everybody is saying right now that they're going to do in 2020 doesn't happen whatsoever. And I think there's reasons behind that. 100% and it took me a long time to really put that all together
Starting point is 00:11:42 to realize that that's just not because when I first was training for the first five years or so, that was what I thought got people in shape. I thought it was all about making a big goal, getting motivated, getting inspired, coming in, getting crazy, making a big decision, and let's change everything today. You know, that's the way I thought about. Now, part of the reason why I thought about that,
Starting point is 00:12:03 thought things were that way was because fitness came easy to me because I loved it so much. So for me, it was like, of course, that's just what you gotta do. You just gotta change everything. Yeah, but don't you think it's fun? Don't you think that's one of the biggest problems in our space is that so many trainers approach
Starting point is 00:12:18 the way they train clients and the way they speak to clients the same way they think. 100%. And you're into it. Like you, you, you, you fell into it as a career. Therefore, you like this shit. And the reality is that the majority of people, especially in January time
Starting point is 00:12:33 that are coming in to hire a personal trainer or workout, don't really fucking want to be there. No, and the reason why I'm out. It's like punishment. Right, and the reason why they hire you is because they don't want to think about anymore. It's like, I did the hardest part. I got here.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I got here. I know I need to make change in my life. It's my new year's resolution. Here I'm going to hire my personal trainer. And then the trainer goes about their approach in a similar fashion that they probably taught themselves on how to get fit. That's right. They're there because it's like, I feel like I'm supposed to be here.
Starting point is 00:13:03 You know, it's like, everybody tells me I need to change this. And a lot of times it's not even their own idea. It's like, they fall into this. Well, I probably should do this. I should sign up. But they haven't really owned that specific goal that they're trying to achieve. I remember there was a moment where some of this really started to click to me because I would, and if you're a trainer listening right now, this is how you know that you're not approaching this
Starting point is 00:13:28 the right way with your clients. If it just doesn't make any sense, okay? And here's, let me explain what I mean. I would talk to people who come in, who would need to lose, you know, 40 pounds of body fat or who had terrible movement patterns or had poor health. And I would think to myself, how? This doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:13:47 How can you not do this? How can you allow yourself to get to this poor health? And to me, it was just insane. It made no sense whatsoever. And at one point I thought to myself and I said, hold on a second, this is most people. I need to figure this out. I need to figure out why this is so hard.
Starting point is 00:14:02 I need to figure out, I need to get in their mind rather than trying to get them into my mind. I need to figure out why this is so hard. I need to figure out, I need to get in their mind rather than trying to get them into my mind. I need to understand the behaviors and the psychology around what's going on. Otherwise, I'm never going to be able to help these people in a real way. So, let's list the top reasons why New Year's resolutions are not successful and then let's give the solution to those. Okay. Number one, 100% is your goals are too damn big and too damn general.
Starting point is 00:14:29 We talk about this on the show a lot. A lot, we do. We do a lot. You need to be talked about a lot. Now, now, first thought, before we get into why that doesn't work, let's talk about why that happens in the first place. If you're in a motivated, inspired state of mind, the goals you're going to set tend to be lofty, big goals.
Starting point is 00:14:46 So it's like if you watch this motivational film on business or you go to this business summit, you're gonna set some big ass goals right when you get home. That's it, I'm gonna become a millionaire by the end of the year, I'm gonna work 80 hours a week, that's the worst, what you have to do is judge the goals based off of your lowest amount of motivation and inspiration. So we have to be honest with yourself. Am I super motivated and inspired right now? Yes, okay.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I'm going to put myself in the mindset of how I can be, which is very low motivation. Now let me set a goal based off of that. Not only Jit and not only that, but they're also too general. So they're lofty and they're vague. Yeah. People don't realize, yeah, getting shape or eat healthy is not, is not specific enough. It's too vague, too big, too general of a goal
Starting point is 00:15:34 for you to have a logical guess. And that's not to say, because there's about 8% people that it does work for. But the 92% of you, that's a problem. And you gotta figure out how to be more specific about exactly what your goal is. Right, right. So setting, and in fact, as a trainer,
Starting point is 00:15:49 when people would come to me and say, and I'd ask them, what's your goal? What are your fitness goals? And they would say things like, oh, I want to get in better shape. I would have to ask a lot more questions. I would never let that slide. In fact, one of the funny things I used to do
Starting point is 00:16:02 to kind of loosen people up as they'd say, I want to get in shape and say, well, a circle is a shape. Does that what do you mean by that? It would even you want to get in shape. And the meat is a shape. And we would start to go, okay, how does that, what do you, how does that, you recite a lot of clients like that?
Starting point is 00:16:16 Yeah, totally. How does that look for you? What exactly does that mean? Does that mean you want to lose weight? Does that mean you want to be stronger? Does it mean, now let's prioritize all Does that mean you want to be stronger? Does it mean now let's prioritize all of those goals. I will go even further.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Why? Right. I think understanding the motivation behind your general vague goal is even more important than first figuring out this. If you dig deep enough, you can figure out why their motivation is what it is and why they're there, which I think is important
Starting point is 00:16:47 that you unpack that all the way down to your deepest in securities. Then from there, once you first recognize that, which I think is extremely important, then you set very specific, small, obtainable goals to build momentum. Absolutely. So before you can lose 30 pounds, you lose five pounds.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Why don't we set that as your first goal? Before you can jog on the treadmill for 30 minutes, you need to be able to jog on it for five minutes. Why not set that as your first goal? Set very small, very, very realistic, you have to be honest with yourself, goals, and start there. Now why is that more effective?
Starting point is 00:17:22 It's more effective because it builds confidence. It builds a lot of confidence. I mean, I even like to distill it even further than like a pounds on the scale thing and say things like, Hey, I just came off of at least most people right now that are rushing into the gym bare minimum have been off for a minimum of one to three months. The holidays, right? Bare minimum, or long, most of the years, right? Right, right, right, exactly. So I even like to start with, let's forget about the total weight loss goal that you want or the muscle or speed
Starting point is 00:17:55 or whatever you're chasing. How about just like, set a goal that, what I'm gonna do is every week, I'm gonna dedicate one to three hours of fitness, whatever that is. And it can encompass the gym, it can encompass a hike, it could be taking a class, it could be anything, but set it so realistic that you're keeping in mind that this is something that I could do forever for the rest of my life. And if three to five times a week, you say to yourself, well, I've never in my life
Starting point is 00:18:27 consistently worked out in a gym three to five times. Why would you start there? That's the worst thing you could do. If you already know your own patterns and behaviors, then distill it even further down and start with something as a place. It has to be somewhat familiar. It has to be something that's not too foreign.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Like, I mean, if you are trying to press yourself out, you know, like do it really slowly, really gradually. So that way, you know, you're really finding yourself, you know, more inclined to go in that direction. I think like, if you're trying to do something completely different, you have to approach it as, you know, like, I mean, enough have to approach it as, you know, I mean, enough time to really understand
Starting point is 00:19:08 like what that looks like in my new lifestyle. Nobody makes, it's actually quite rare to make massive, fundamental, long-lasting, lifelong changes in who you are in a very short period of time. The only time is that that tends to happen. When you actually look at the literature, is either a spiritual, people have a spiritual experience,
Starting point is 00:19:27 or they have a life altering, you know, traumatic type of an experience. So it's like the person who's 40 pounds overweight has a heart attack. That may actually serve, by the way, I've met a lot of people who that's happened to and it still didn't work. But that may for some people be the impetus for dramatic lifestyle change.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Other than those types of things, the spiritual, oh my gosh, I saw God or oh crap, I almost died or almost killed someone or whatever, changes happen gradually over time. Transformation's happen. When you see a catapult turned into a butterfly, goes into cocoon, there are gradual changes that happen. You, at the end, you see the emerging of the butterfly, but what you don't see is the gradual changes
Starting point is 00:20:14 inside the cocoon. And that's how most changes happen. Adam, you talked about changing the types of goals. You know, I call that pressing behaviors. Rather than looking at the result and pushing the result, why don't we push the behaviors that lead to the result?
Starting point is 00:20:29 That's a far, by the way, that's a very effective strategy, regardless of what your goal is. I don't care what your goal is. If you press the behaviors or far more likely to achieve the goal than if you just press the goal. So rather than saying,
Starting point is 00:20:42 I want my goal is to lose 30 pounds, you say my goal is to make it to the gym twice a week a week, every single week. Or my goal is to eat vegetables twice a day, rather than once every other day, like I normally do. Rather than saying, I'm just gonna need healthier or I'm just gonna change my whole diet. Another mistake that I see is people not attaching this to another current habit. And I love to teach this because it reminds me of the mistake that I see is people not attaching this to another current habit. And I love to teach this because it reminds me the mistake that I see people making business. A lot of times people make these massive pivots
Starting point is 00:21:12 from a type of business they're running to doing something completely opposite or different than what they're currently in. And when I see people that are doing this, I recommend to them a lot that listen, if you're thinking about making a shift from your current industry, try and make a pivot that allows you to still do kind of what you're doing and build off of that, that way it kind of protects you. And the similar psychology applies to when we're trying to lose weight or build muscle. Instead of just trying to create something
Starting point is 00:21:42 that's a brand new habit that you've never done, trying to build upon something that you've already currently done. For example, let's say you're a business person and you're really good about getting up an hour and a half early every day to have your coffee and read the newspaper, when nobody reads the newspaper anymore, read your favorite article, right,
Starting point is 00:22:00 that was a terrible analogy. Read your, you know, right, read your Brontosaurus. Okay. Yes, I'm was a terrible analogy. Read your, you know, right, right, you're brought to the source. Yeah. Yes, it's terrible, sorry, terrible analogy. But for me, like I get up some sticks, and I get out of fire. You know, when I'm on fire, right,
Starting point is 00:22:13 I feel like I get up a good hour and a half, two hours before I had to be at work, and I read, I meditate, I do these things that enhance the current business, the current thing that I do, that has nothing to do with my fitness, has everything to do with, you do with being better at my job and making more money at which some people
Starting point is 00:22:28 have already created good habits and that. So look into the things that you've done really well and you've created good habits like that and now start to attach something that's going to benefit you in the health and fitness world. So for example, if maybe I'm somebody who wasn't very fit but I've been really good about getting up early in the morning and doing this, you know, meditating or reading or preparing my work day, maybe now what I'm going to do is I'm going to do those, those
Starting point is 00:22:53 same similar things, but with a half hour or an hour walk. So now I'm going to put in my ears and audio book, or maybe listen to the Wall Street Journal instead of reading it on my phone. I'm going to put it in my ears and I'm going to go take a walk for half hour. What's beautiful about that is you've already created a habit that you were doing already consistently. It's become a behavior. You just attached it to it. You've now attached something that's related to health and finance or just attached an additional
Starting point is 00:23:20 10 to 15 or 30 minutes to that already time that you've already started to schedule out for yourself, you'll have so much more success. It's another example would be like, if you walk your dog, you know, every day, maybe go an extra 10 or 15 minutes every single day. Exactly. Just adding to, you know, you brush your teeth before you go to bed. Maybe, you know, when you brush your teeth,
Starting point is 00:23:40 right after you brush your teeth, you do some push-ups and some crunches. You know,eters actually have identified that this is a very powerful strategy. This is one of the... Yeah, they call this cues too. It's a part of creating and establishing those better rituals.
Starting point is 00:23:54 So it is like, yeah, if this, if I'm doing this in this specific environment, in this place, I'm gonna do this many push-ups. And it's like finding those opportunities in your house and seeing, I'm in this room, so therefore I'm gonna do this many pushups. You know, and it's like finding those opportunities in your house and like seeing, I mean, this room, so therefore I'm gonna do this specific thing every time I pass this room. This is a very common tool that I,
Starting point is 00:24:13 along the lines of what your talking about Justin, that I had a lot of success with is I used to go to like staples and buy a bunch of circle stickers and they have, I'm pretty sure they still have these. They're just like colored circle stickers, red, blue, green, like all these different circles. And each one of them, I would, and for the client, depending on who they are and what I want them to focus on, I would make a color sticker stand for something. So like, you know, blue for them would be a one minute plank.
Starting point is 00:24:38 You know, a red sticker would be 10 squats. And I'd have these things that I want that client to do that are very simple. Only take them maybe a minute or two to do. Then I would have them strategically place it throughout their house, especially if I had a client who worked from home or in their office. You have them, oh, the refrigerator. Every time you walk by that and you make eye contact with that dot, I want you to do 10 squats.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Simple things like that because these are habits habits, behaviors you've already created, you do all the time, or your computer screen, every time you log into a certain page or whatever, you make sure that you do whatever exercise or movement pattern. A lot of times I love to address correctional stuff with this, if I have a client that has a procrastinem, and I'm trying to work on their posture,
Starting point is 00:25:23 and maybe ban pull apart, this is something I'm trying to get them in the habit of doing multiple times per day. I have them put these stickers throughout places I know that they're going to be traveling and seeing multiple times a day and that just makes them do that. It's especially effective I've had clients do that when they're waiting for the shower to warm up and they're just doing like a wall test and like simple mobility things with their shoulders just to get them prepped for then, you know, promoting them to do activities and exercises as a result of, you know, after going through their morning ritual. Yeah, some of the greatest success I've had with friends and family members was doing
Starting point is 00:25:58 what you guys are saying and what that led to was them eventually going to a gym. Right. So, what we're talking about are behaviors that you can attach to current behaviors. And most of these don't involve you going to the gym. So if you're just getting started, if you're not working out at all, you do these, if you tend to watch TV at night, for example, it's every night I like to watch an hour worth of TV.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Well, while you're sitting there, why not do some foam roll or something? Foam roll or do some stretches or do some exercises? Yeah, it's super effective. While you're brushing your teeth, why not do some- Phone roll or something. Phone roll or do some stretches or do some exercises. Yeah, it's super effective. While you're brushing your teeth, why not do some squats or attach, and this is scientifically proven, by the way. This is a very proven way to create new habits.
Starting point is 00:26:33 And you think to yourself, now, here's what may be happening. You may be listening to this podcast and maybe thinking, well, that's not a lot. That's not enough. I'm not doing anything. Bullshit. Yeah, first off, it's way more than what you're doing now. So it's more than you're doing now.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Number two, this is how you lead yourself to the point where you are doing more. It keeps adding up. It keeps adding up. Now what'll end up happening is at some point, if you're consistent with these behaviors, at some point, you're gonna wanna go to a gym because you're like, I think I wanna do more. It's funny, you know, that back half of my training career
Starting point is 00:27:02 when I would train clients, I would talk them into only coming to see me once a week if they'd never worked out. That was often, that was a conversation we'd have. And then I'd wait, I'd train them once a week, and I'd wait for them to tell me, they'd want to come in more. And inevitably after five or six months of that consistent once a week,
Starting point is 00:27:17 they'd say, I think I can do one more day a week. Well, when you think about the number, one of the number one objections that people have to get in fit is time. And making time separate from what their busy life are this. when you think about the number one of the number one objections that people have to getting fit is time. And making time separate from what their busy life are. Yeah, it's adding more. So a really good trainer figures this out.
Starting point is 00:27:33 That's a number one objection, and I'm constantly seeing it all time. And if I'm constantly arguing with those people, like some young trainers do, like, you can make time. Okay, well, that's not the approach. And you see that. You always can tell a really young trainer when they do something like that, when it's like, you know, they mathematically figure out the time
Starting point is 00:27:50 and they say, oh, you can make the time. The better approach is, how can I look at your current lifestyle? What are you doing right now that you already have habits? And how can I start to attach little bits of health and fitness and things that will make a positive impact on your overall big goal that you set for yourself and then build upon it because what will happen is exactly what south was alluding to which is you know I know they said when they first came to me all i want to go five days a week or whatever but you're like no let's let's start with something slow one two days whatever and eventually they come to you like because they're on fire they They've been going for the last three, four weeks consistently. They're seeing progress, they feel great.
Starting point is 00:28:29 They want more. All, all skill. By the way, working out consistently, regularly, having a healthy diet, think of it as any other behavior or skill. If you've never ridden a bike before, you're not gonna jump on a mountain bike and go downhill. You're just not. You start with training wheels, right?
Starting point is 00:28:47 That's the that's the only way to progress to the point where you can do the downhill, you know mountain bike You know riding same thing with fitness. You got to start very very slow Which takes me to the next difficult thing or challenge? Which is people pick the most difficult things to do, the most difficult goals. It's like, okay, you know, you haven't worked out for 10 years and your goal is to lose 50 pounds. Okay, that's really freaking hard. Why don't we start with something really easy? Fast and quick results, it's just so attractive.
Starting point is 00:29:17 You know, like everybody wants to get there the fastest way possible and that's like just a condition that your average person has. And this is a very hard mentality to break. That's one of the first disciplines. Now here's the deal. Theoretically, you could get fast results and then keep those results theoretically.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Behaviorally speaking, you just never works. Almost, I can't, honestly, off the top of my head, I can't think of a single client among the hundreds that I've trained in the thousands of time I've worked. 90% don't. Yeah, it's already there. It's already there. It's already there.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Yes, there is a 8% or so that actually do, that figure it out for themselves for whatever reasons, but the other 90% plus percent don't. I would bet that those 8% are the epiphanies that I talked about earlier. The people that came in with the health scares, the big things, or they had kids. Real life changing events, or something, that had changed the course. Exactly, exactly. So it's that slow and steady approach
Starting point is 00:30:12 and start really, really easy in order to make that happen. Oh, what's that say, dug up there? Oh yeah, look at that. That article six years after the biggest loser, the people on the biggest loser's metabolism is slower, and their weight is back up. I'm glad you brought that up, Doug, because that brings me to another part of this, which is, and not to scare you, okay, I don't want to frighten you, but if you're in the lose
Starting point is 00:30:35 weight fast and then gain it back, which is what happens to most people when they do it real quick, here's what happens to your body. When you lose weight fast, you lost the body fat. Your metabolism adjusts, it starts to adjust, right? And it's called metabolic adaptations. Your metabolism will slow down a little bit. There's not a problem. If you're lifting weights, this is very minimal. Sometimes you may even speed it up.
Starting point is 00:30:57 But now let's say you go off your nutrition, you go off that diet that you were on, you stop working out and you start gaining weight back. Each time you do that, your body actually captures, starts to create more fat cells, makes it more difficult each time you do this. Now the reason why your body is adding fat cells, theorette the theory is, is that it's trying to figure out
Starting point is 00:31:15 how to capture all those calories, starting to become more efficient at gaining the weight back. Each time you do that, because more... Oh no, we're in a state of famine. Let's like make sure we keep all this energy. They're going to start themselves again. So your body attempts to capture more and more calories or actually becomes better at getting fat.
Starting point is 00:31:34 So not only are the odds that you'll gain the weight back higher if you do this super fast, crazy, all-out approach, but you'll actually make it, if you, when you gain the way back, as, as like we said, 90% of you will, you'll gain the way back and each time you do that, your body gets better at getting fat and it gets worse at getting lean. And this is the biggest bone that I have to pick with the high intensity group classes, is they attract these people that want something hard because hard they equate
Starting point is 00:32:08 to faster results and they gravitate towards the orange theory, the F-45, the CrossFit classes. Does that mean that there's a small percentage of people that could have success with that? No, of course, there are some people. Those anomalies that it ends up being beautiful for them in a lifestyle and for years there. Those are the people that end up drinking the cool aid and then preaching about it to everybody else. Why, it's so great because it worked for them. The problem is, they're the fucking minority.
Starting point is 00:32:34 The majority of people, it's an awful way to start your fitness school, to go into some intense class where you sweat like crazy and you push really, really hard because you feel like that's what you need to do. And it's this punishment thing that I think a lot of clients fall into when they feel guilty for all the way that they put on over the holidays or not working out for the last couple of years.
Starting point is 00:32:55 And so they gravitate towards these classes. And it's like this, it's like a misery loves company. We're all suffering together to go after this goal. And the reality of it is, you know, even if you see pretty good results for the first few weeks, it's not a good strategy for long-term results. No, it's funny, in fact, if you run classes or you have a gym and January comes around,
Starting point is 00:33:18 what you tend to do is increase the amount of, so here's what you think you would do, right? You think, knowing you're gonna get a bunch of new people in, you're gonna boost the amount of, so here's what you think you would do, right? You think, knowing you're gonna get a bunch of new people in, you're gonna boost the amount of beginners classes, and you're gonna boost the amount of, you know, trainers working with, you know, doing like, kind of low intensity, getting people started. One or ones.
Starting point is 00:33:35 The opposite actually happens. Jim's actually boosts the amount of high intensity classes, and the trainers who are advertising the hardest workouts are the ones that tend to gather the most attention. Because the attitude is, I'm inspired, I'm motivated, I'm sick of myself, I need this to happen tomorrow. So really what we're talking about is a change in mindset. Because if your mindset is going in the way that we're talking about, your chances of success are actually very, very low.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Me, in the opposite, that means you're just going to get, you're going to fail. So you want to start off very, very low. Meet in the opposite. That means you're just going to get, you're going to fail. So you want to start off very, very slow. I want to go back to focusing on behaviors rather than goals. I think that's such an important, that is such a key thing to learn to do to achieve long-term success with fitness and health, really. Rather than saying I'm going to, you know, bench press, press 300 pounds, it's better to say I'm going to practice bench pressing twice a week. Rather than saying I'm going to lose 30 pounds of body fat, I'm going to say I'm going
Starting point is 00:34:35 to eat one fourth less food. I'm going to keep my food. That was a great strategy I had with clients. In fact, I would not have them change their diet. Once we were at the point where we could start to cut calories, I would say, hey, we're not going to change your diet at all. I just want you to eat one fourth less. Let's just start with that and see what happens. Because I felt like that was an easier way for people to reduce calories. And that was a behavior. It wasn't, hey, we're going to get you to lose weight. It was, hey, let's rather than eating to your
Starting point is 00:34:59 full, why don't you eat until you're just satisfied which usually resulted in about a quarter less intake those behaviors of what caused the results and The goals focusing on the goals does not change necessarily the behaviors. Well along those lines This is where I really like this is and this took me at least a decade before this really came together And I've set it on the show multiple times is I even like when when looking at the nutrition is Instead of restricting or taking away, it's like just a goal of adding something. So much easier. Everybody, everybody I've ever, natural replaces things that way.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Had them track for a week or two and assessed their current eating habits. Everybody is missing somewhere. Like when you eat a lot of processed foods or eat bad food or drink alcohol or do these, what we call empty calories, you're going to be missing somewhere else that you need something nutritionally. Yeah, most people don't drink a lot of alcohol and drink a lot of water. Right, right. A lot of, a lot of hoes and a lot of vegetables. Right, right, or get a ton of fiber while they're eating all this other, so that's mastery level. So you look at the, as a good trainer,
Starting point is 00:36:03 can look at a diet or look at the way somebody is consuming and see where they're missing nutrients. Not where they're over, it's very easy, they know they're over, they already know they're over consuming. They're eating fucking alcohol or drinking alcohol at time or they're eating fast food all the time. They know they're overeating.
Starting point is 00:36:17 That's not, you're not going to enlighten them by doing that. A good trainer can look at their diet and see where they're lacking nutrients, maybe it's fiber, maybe they're not getting a healthy protein, maybe they're not getting a healthy fat, and then go, okay, let me pick a meal or pick a food group that this person's not getting enough of, and I'm going to give them a goal of inserting that daily. And what's beautiful is that when you do that, instead of taking away or restricting them, what ends up happening is it does replace something. You tell somebody who never, never drinks water and only drinks coax juices and alcohol,
Starting point is 00:36:53 that hey, you got to drink a gallon of water a day, but I'm not going to tell you anything else. Like, before you know it, they can't consume another fluid. Because I mean, yeah, it's just like protein and fats. Like, it's more satiating. So, like, if I focused more on like going out to make sure that I'm rotating these different types of meats and things in my diet, a lot of times that's gonna take up,
Starting point is 00:37:12 a lot of the calories just because they're so satiating. Oh, just tell people to hit their protein targets and watch them naturally, because eating, you know, adequate protein for muscle building which tends to be about half a gram to a gram per pound of body weight and average weight individuals. You just, it's more food, it's a lot more food. It has to be able to eat as much of the other stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Now I'm sure there are all the occasional people who like, I'll do it all, but typically from our experience, it changes that. Then there's also these types of behaviors. I like to go even a little bit deeper and I'll say things like Don't watch TV while you eat. That's all. Let's just let's just start with that Don't watch TV while you eat or don't be on your phone. That's that mindless eating. That's it while you eat or Sit down
Starting point is 00:37:55 chew your food very very well put your fork down in between bites and just do that. Oh, I love I love the after you eat make your 10 minute walk I love I love the mean. See, there's attaching, there's attaching a habit to another habit. Right, you, you, you habitually obviously we all eat on a regular basis and most people have a specific dinner time, give or take 30 minutes to an hour, they always eat dinner. You've already created, that's already a created habit
Starting point is 00:38:19 in your lifestyle. Now, instead of the, the current thing that you probably do with the dinner, which is lay on the couch and click the clicker and look at TV or whatever it is that you do or lay down and take a nap or whatever afterwards. Instead of that, now attach a nice 10 minute walk and start there. And maybe that 10 minute walk eventually turns into a 30 minute walk, maybe an hour minute walk or maybe that ends up going to a gym or doing something else down the road, but start by attaching to already a behavior
Starting point is 00:38:46 of eating dinner every single night, some sort of health and fitness thing. Well, along those lines, too, I found myself, I created this own goal for myself to not try to wash down every bite with something water, beverage, something like that while I was eating. And that just forced me, naturally forced me to chew my food down to its bits.
Starting point is 00:39:08 So that way, I could get it down because I had a problem where it would choke and I would really shovel it down fast. I know I'm not alone. I know there's a lot of people that will have that mentality when they go to eat, they're just kind of shoveling it in. And that was huge for my digestion. I mean, at night, I had a whole lot less, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:28 gastrointestinal issues, like it just helped things move along much better. That reminds me of the switch hand method that I used to have clients do for that exact reason. And really what this is, is just becoming more self-aware. The stranger. Yeah, not that. Not that.
Starting point is 00:39:43 For eating. Yes, for eating. the stranger back to you. Right. You eat with your right hand, then the next time you eat with your left hand, so every time you shovel food into your mouth. You know it's funny. People, I guarantee you people listening right now like that's silly. It is proven.
Starting point is 00:39:58 It is a proven strategy and it's a behavior. And here's why, because most people are mindlessly eating and so unaware of how they eat and just just pay attention the next time you eat how often you're already got the next bite ready while you're still chewing the last bite. Oh, that's that's the that's the hallmark of of mindless eating. That's the hallmark of even binging is it's not about the food that you're enjoying. It's about the next bite, it's always about the next bite. So think about that, right now, think about the last time you ate too much of a meal. Think about the last time you ate too fast,
Starting point is 00:40:32 or you over ate. Now think about that, you weren't enjoying the food as you were chewing it. You had the food in your mouth, and you were like, I need to get the next one in. And so it was about how fast I can get this bite down, which is what Justin said, wash it down so I can get the next one.
Starting point is 00:40:47 So it's really not about enjoying food. It's really about this impulsive behavior for getting more and more. Slowing yourself down by switching hands, placing the fork down, not drinking. That was a big one for me, Justin. I don't drink water when I get out, which forces me to chew.
Starting point is 00:41:03 It's tough, man. It actually causes you to be more mindful, and here's the side effect of that. You enjoy your food more. Or you actually pay attention to it. And you're less likely to overeat. Totally, 100%. And these are the types of ways that you,
Starting point is 00:41:14 these goals, these are so much more obtainable and realistic. And the beauty of it is you become more aware, you start to attach it to other things, and this becomes a lifelong thing that you do that ends up adding. It made it seem so silly to somebody who's super motivated right now to go to the gym and crush it. Oh gosh, I'm gonna switch hands when I eat
Starting point is 00:41:33 or I'm gonna stop drinking water. That's stupid. Nobody's ever touched. How many calories does that actually burn? And how much muscle is that actually going to build? You know, I find that so funny. It's like, you know, imagine if you're a 25 year old, 35 year old who's never done, you know, karate before
Starting point is 00:41:47 and you walk into a karate school, are you an idiot because you have to practice the very basic moves before you can move up to the next moves? Of course not, that's the way everybody progresses. So don't compare yourself to fitness fanatics or to your fitness ideal. That's a, you're not being fair to yourself. It would be like me going to a karate gym
Starting point is 00:42:07 and I'm like, I'm gonna be Chuck Norris tomorrow. Not gonna, it's not fair. It's a slow process and doing these small things that we're talking about, a silly as a sound. And I'm gonna say this right now, trust us and try of training people for over two decades. This is what leads to long-term success, which actually leads me to another thing that, again,
Starting point is 00:42:27 this took me a long time to put together, which is change your environment. One of the biggest hard ones. One of the biggest mistakes people make with these New Year's resolution goals that fail, is that they fail to change their environment. So what does that mean? Well, that means a lot of different things.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Here's one of them. If your environment involves you being around a lot of heavily processed, highly palatable, you know, foods and wrappers and bags, good luck. Good luck making those changes. It's gonna be very, very difficult. Yeah, it's like those meetings, yeah, they get locked into and everybody's got the donuts
Starting point is 00:43:01 and all this like shit. Oh, it's like the alcoholic who's gonna be a bartender. Yeah, I'm not gonna drink anymore. Yeah, that's not a good idea. But I'm still gonna go to the bar. No, you gotta change your environment. Get those foods out of your house. Don't let them be there.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Now, if you have family members or roommates that like to eat those foods, and hopefully these people are cool with you, you talk to them and you say, look, I'm trying to change my eating behaviors. If you wouldn't mind, can you keep those foods away from me and just keep them in different cupboards or whatever so that I'm not exposed? And it's not a sign of weakness, okay?
Starting point is 00:43:32 Again, you have to change your environment so that you can create these new behaviors. At some point, eventually, you'll be in a point where you can be around those foods and make better decisions. Yeah, making like an extra step for you to have to go out seeking those foods is a really big bonus. So that way, it's like, you know, I will still have cravings. I will still have these things I'm kind of working through in terms of like, palpable food like that,
Starting point is 00:43:57 where I'm just like, middle of the night, I'm like, oh my God, I really want some cookies, but I have to actually drive to the store. I don't keep them in there readily at hand. I'm glad you waited this long to bring this one up because I also think it's one of the most challenging and it also includes the people you surround yourself with. And this is a hard one to really to own up on, to make change with, and you really have to ask yourself how important these goals are for you or how
Starting point is 00:44:28 important it is that you make this healthy lifestyle change. Is it as important that you may have to change the circle or the network of people that you have around you? That's fucking really tough. It is and it sounds tough because I think what people here right now is that you have to get rid of your friends and family to change your environment. No, it's not true. Your real friends, the people who really care about you and your family members, will be a part of this. They'll help you with this. If you have friends that connect with you over eating junk food, and that's all you guys have a connection over, you're probably going to have to change it. Well, a harder one, and I like, because a few people meet up to eat junk food, right?
Starting point is 00:45:05 Yeah. But alcohol. This is a roommates and college. Alcohol is a hard one. How many clients have you dealt with that have built relationships around parting and social drinking and to try and tell them that you know, it's not serving you
Starting point is 00:45:20 for you this ultimate goal. And it's always one of the hardest things as a trainer to tackle is the client who walks in and they're like, like, here's all the goals I want. I want to look like this. I want to do this. I want to lose this. I want to gain that. I want to do this. But I don't want to give up Sunday, fun day with my girls. You know, I don't want to stop my I don't you I want to give up my wine at nine days in mimosas. I mean, and it's not that you can't have balance and you can't have alcohol in your life. That's not true whatsoever. We we drink over this the holidays alcohol is definitely in our lives, but I think that when you
Starting point is 00:45:53 when you've solidified these relationships and these behaviors that don't serve the goal and then you're attached to them so much, it really conflicts with what you're trying to do. Especially if that's, I remember having friends in high school that we connected over immature things, like we'd go out and we'd try and start fights or whatever. And at some point I grew up and I'm like, well, I don't wanna do that anymore. And I tell them, I don't wanna do that anymore. And then I realize that's the only thing
Starting point is 00:46:21 that we have in common is that we do those things together. So I've outgrown you. This may happen. You may have friends that the only thing that we have in common is that we do those things together. So I've outgrown you. This may happen. You may have friends that the only way you connect with them is to go out and eat pizza or go out and drink. And that's the only way you connect with them. Those are the people you might have to change out of your life. But here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:46:39 A lot of your real friends and family are going to be totally fine with you saying to them, hey, I know every once in a while we go to if they're not, they're not real friends. family are gonna be totally fine. With you saying to them, hey, I know every once in a while we go to, if they're not, they're not real friends. That's right. So I know you say, I know I'm gonna come over for dinner tomorrow night and you like to make me that big lasagna dish or whatever, but you know, I'm really trying, I'm changing my life.
Starting point is 00:46:57 And say this to your friends, just because as a trainer, I had to learn how to communicate really well to clients. But then later on, I had to learn how to teach my clients how to communicate to their family and friends better as well. So this is the ineffective, and then there's an effective way of doing this. So here's an ineffective way of doing it. Hey, look, tomorrow night, I'm not coming over for LaZonga, but can you make something different because I'm on a diet?
Starting point is 00:47:19 Not effective. It's not effective. Diet is temporary. Your friend may do it once or twice, but eventually they're going to get annoyed with you and be like, I get off your diet already. One time is not going to hurt you. Instead say this, hey, I'm changing my life. My lifestyle is going to be totally different now. So please, can we, let's have something else together.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I love to, let me bring some food this time. Much better approach. As I say, I would go about the, do you mind if I bring something because what I'm trying to do right now is this or what I'm going to do is this. So I think that's a better approach. Totally. And what you're doing is you're communicating a little bit more effectively to them. Now your real friends and family are not going to have a problem with this.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Now here's the other thing. Don't push your new goals onto them. Allow them to be themselves. Here's what's going to happen. If you're strong and what you're doing, there are actually many times come around. I've influenced quite a few of my friends and family, not by pushing it on them, but by being consistent with myself,
Starting point is 00:48:11 asking for their help. Eventually they see what's happening with me and they say, hey, you know what, I wanna do a little bit of what. Yeah, it's interesting, because a lot of times you get really excited about these goals and you wanna tell everybody about it. You wanna build this whole accountability for yourself, but you're really then creating this environment
Starting point is 00:48:28 where you're depending on people. This needs to be about you and your intentions and how you want to carry yourself from there on forward and that needs to be the nexus of what you need to focus on and not focus on how everybody else is going to be affected around. Here's another example of changing your environment. I had a client who every morning would drive to Starbucks for coffee and she would go there
Starting point is 00:48:52 and she would get a, I don't remember what coffee it was, but it was a- With a frappuccino. Yeah, it was like a high calorie coffee plus she would get- Me and a corner of frapp. Plus she would get like a breakfast sandwich. So I said, okay, you can have your coffee in the morning
Starting point is 00:49:04 but why don't you order it ahead of time, make sure it's black or whatever, go pick it up, or make it at home, change the environment. You know, get rid of the foods in your house that you know aren't gonna be conducive to your goal. Park further from your job. That's your environment, change it so you have to walk. How about you take your chair at work
Starting point is 00:49:21 when you're singing a friend of your desk, take it out of your cubicle or whatever, move it to the side, now you have to stand. Change the environment around you because if you don't, it's going to be very difficult to make long-lasting permanent changes. Now one more thing, and this one's a big one for me. This is people who focus on one metric or one measurement in order to gauge their success. Usually it's the scale. Yep, wait. All they care about is how much weight I've lost, and if I lost weight, if I'm losing weight,
Starting point is 00:49:55 I'm succeeding, if I'm not losing weight, I'm failing. This was one of my favorite ones to tackle with clients, because people would come to me. Of course, I'm a trainer. I know what I'm doing, I'm training them properly, and they wouldn't lose weight initially because like we're talking about in this podcast, it's a slow process and they'd say to me, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:50:13 I've been working out with you for six weeks and the scale's only gone down one pound. Why am I not losing weight? And I'd say, okay, well, that's one thing that we're gonna measure as a scale, but let's talk about some other stuff. How do you close fit? They fit a little bit looser. Okay, that's one thing that we're gonna measure as a scale, but let's talk about some other stuff. How do you close fit? Oh, they fit a little bit looser.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Okay, that's a good thing. How's your sleep been? I think I'm sleeping a little bit better. Great. How's your strength? Yeah, I know you're stronger, because I'm training you, you're lifting more weight. How's your digestion?
Starting point is 00:50:37 Actually, it's a lot better. Phenomenal, how's your mood? It's great, and I'd make a checklist, and I'd show them, and I'd say, look at all these phenomenal improvements you you made in the last six weeks. So focusing on all of the beneficial effects of positively changing your lifestyle, not just on the aesthetic or not just on the scale because oftentimes the scale will start to reflect all those other things. to reflect all those other things. Well, not to mention it's an actual terrible way to measure success.
Starting point is 00:51:06 I mean, when a client comes into me and they say, I want to lose 50 pounds on the scale, that is my goal. I want to lose 50 pounds at them. I don't want to see five to 10 pounds go off on the scale, especially for the first month or two. My goal is actually to see if I can kind of maintain their weight.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Can I introduce weight training and start to manipulate their diet to where their weight stays exactly the same. And in a month's time, I haven't seen the scale move at all. And that is a mind fuck for somebody who walks in or started their New Year's resolution without wanna lose a number off the scale. Because what I know is that that person to make their journey much easier to getting to their ultimate goal of 50 pounds,
Starting point is 00:51:53 speeding their metabolism up is the number one focus that I want to do, which what I know about that is building muscle is going to do that for them. So I don't want to see a bunch of weight come off the scale. Now what's awesome, and it would take a lot of convincing for these people to just trust the process and trust what I'm doing with them is after a month's time, the scale may not move at all, but they feel different.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Yes. You know, and to your point of all the different markers of energy level, sleeping better, hair, stool, skin, all these things mood, you know, relationships, all these things are positively affected. And then on top of that, they've maintained their weight and maybe even seen strength go up in the gym. What I know is a trainer that even though their ultimate goal was to lose 50 pounds on the scale, we're flying.
Starting point is 00:52:42 We're heading in the right direction, although it doesn't seem like that because it hasn't changed in the direction that they thought they need to go. I hate the scale, we're flying. We're heading in the right direction, although it doesn't seem like that because it hasn't changed in the direction that they thought they need to go. I hate the scale as a metric for success. I really don't like it. In fact, I would tell clients to take their scales at home, put it in the closet. Yeah, don't weigh yourself. We're not going to weigh, I'm not going to let you weigh yourself for the next 60 days. If you had to pick just one metric, if you had to pick just one measurement for success, I would go by strength, strength in the gym.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Because now it's not perfect, okay? You wanna look at everything, but if you had to pick one, here's why I like strength. You can't do things wrong, you get stronger. You can't have poor health and get stronger. You can't have a shitty, terrible sleeping pattern and get stronger. Getting stronger usually means a shitty, terrible sleeping pattern and get stronger. Getting stronger usually means you're doing a lot of things right. Maybe not everything right.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Well, not only that, but it also carries over to like all goals. If you have a performance goal, if you have a fat loss goal, and obviously if you have a muscle building goal, strength is the foundation of all three of those. It's protective. I mean, it's protecting you from like potential diseases and different things down the road to Strength is is the pinnacle for you to focus on. Yeah, yeah So when you get started in the gym for your New Year's resolution One of the best things you could do is say okay, my goal Yo, I'm gonna put these are the behaviors. I'm gonna push. I'm gonna try it. I'm gonna go to the gym
Starting point is 00:54:02 Once a week. I'm going to before going to bed or when I brush my teeth. I'm gonna push, I'm gonna go to the gym once a week, I'm going to, before going to bed, or when I brush my teeth, I'm gonna do 10 squats, I'm gonna add an extra 10 minutes to, you know, walking my dog or whatever, and then here's the goal, here's the goal for the next couple of months. I wanna get stronger. I wanna be able to lift 10 more pounds
Starting point is 00:54:17 on this exercise, five more pounds in that one. Even if you wanna lose 50 pounds. Especially if you wanna lose 50 pounds, because that muscle contributes to a faster, hotter burning metabolism. And nothing makes fat loss easier than having a fast metabolism. Obviously, think of that one friend that you have who seems to be able to eat whatever they want, doesn't gain a single pound.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Wouldn't that be wonderful, right? Wouldn't that be great if you could automatically burn more calories? Well, strength is a great way to measure whether or not that's happening. If it goes up, tends to mean your metabolism is probably getting faster. If it goes down, it might mean that your metabolism is actually slowing down. So now you go to the gym and you're just getting stronger. And this is what I would tell clients. When they'd come hire me, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:55:00 I know you have a weight loss goal, but we're not going to focus on that first. What I want to do first is get you strong. Now, this conversation will be a little longer. Sometimes I'd have to really convince people. But once I got them to focus on getting stronger, the success that I would have with these people was so much, so much higher. And with that, go to mindpumpfree.com,
Starting point is 00:55:19 check out all of our guides and resources. They're all totally free. You can also find the three of us on Instagram. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. Me at Mind Pump Salon, Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 00:55:36 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance and maps aesthetic, 9 months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam & Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs.
Starting point is 00:56:00 With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal and I'm in Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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