Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 124: Compression Pants, Sissy Squats, Back to the Future & More...

Episode Date: August 3, 2015

Pump Head questions answered here! Sal, Adam & Justin cover your questions about giving nutritional advice to beginners, the value of compression pants, the dangers of sissy squats, going back in time... and using 1/2 squats to help with max squats.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Breathe the pressure! Dumbarday, nuff gets jacked! I don't know what he says there, I just meant. I can't remember how it started, it's got a great beginning. Psychosomatic, addict insane. It's got a great beginning cycle. So I got a insane
Starting point is 00:00:26 That's such a bad ass song. Yeah, it's a great song. I love prodigy. Yeah, probably she's a good one I was I was jamming out to see there though this week this week was that's what been what's been on my playlist I was you know, that's what I love about Pandora's that it cycles everyone's small cycles through new stuff I'm like oh shit. They came out of the new new album. I didn't even know yeah, that's the one good part about like They came out of the new new album. I don't even know yeah, that's the one good part about like streaming music You get I mean every now and then you run into like songs you wouldn't normally. Oh, yeah, little sprinkles of magic Bro, do you guys pay do you guys pay for the the Pandora's? I do no you don't have to I know I know I don't I don't yeah I do oh I'll take a couple commercials. I don't like commercials because I sometimes use it for like OTF and I'm teaching a class and like yeah you know what I'm saying let's go you guys it's like so today you've
Starting point is 00:01:08 Coca-Cola for five night shit minions is out this right the one I always hear is rhino paint rhino paint that's the one always fucking comes on rhino paint I also so I don't know they must have picked me as a target for rhino paint for fucking some reason when you're remarketing when you're on when you're on a non-paid also, it doesn't allow you to, you can only skip, I think, two songs in a row. Four, so when you're on this.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah. When you're on paid, yeah, when you're on paid, see, like, exactly, sometimes it's like, for your, like, when you're paid, you can just keep going. So I like that. I like if I hit, you know, because it's not that worse,
Starting point is 00:01:42 you're about to go hit some heavy dead. And it's like, what, why did it go to this category? Well, no, I picked the category. I picked, so I'll put like, Sepul Turra. And it's like, I know every fucking group that they put on there is gonna be pretty nasty. That's what I want when I lift heavy.
Starting point is 00:01:57 So yeah, or I'll put, you know, Lamb of God. When I'm lifting in general, so I lift, so my Pandora is on tool, normally on tool, normally, a tool arranged against the machine, which gives a pretty good array of everything I want to hear. But for some, when I'm doing a lift and I'm like up in the upper side or closer to my max area, or I'm really trying to get after it, I like to have a song that I know like really well. So it can't just be like a good, like a rhythm.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Oh fuck. Yeah, like that's kind of interesting. When I'm gripping into the bar and stuff like that, I'm getting in, it's like I'm like, I'm finding my rhythm because it's a song I know. I fuck you, I won't do what you tell me. Oh, fuck you, I won't do what you know what I'm saying. I'm like, there's an engineer right there.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Oh yeah, I'm like, I'm getting, I'm getting, I'm getting my form all in. You know what I'm saying? That's so funny I do that and I'm even like, like, realize that. Right, don't you? That's why I find my song. I gotta have, I gotta skip to a song, I know really well.
Starting point is 00:02:46 You know, some good corn song with that, that I'm getting all strapped in before I get to pull. No, if I'm just working out and it's a set, normal set, whatever, then yeah, I can listen to different music. That's normally what happens, I just let it play, but what I'm about to hit it, it's gotta be something. I time it like perfectly for when it hits the breakdown. Yes, I'm song.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Yeah, it's like all I grab the bar and I'm waiting. Wait, actually wait an extra couple seconds, and then it's just breakdown, you have some songs, you know, it's like, I'll grab the bar and I'm waiting. Wait, actually wait an extra couple seconds and then it's just like, boom! Yeah. I started working out to dubstep a little bit the other day. Like a dago. Yeah, there they go.
Starting point is 00:03:15 It's not bad. You know what, if I'm doing a core, like if I'm working like boring body parts, then I'll listen to like a electronic or dubstep. I like, I don't know, I have this like picture of you like alternating curls and like roller skates or something. I mean, just stop fantasizing about midgen justice. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I don't I gotta. I mean, it's interesting. I can listen to different stuff during cardio, but if I'm if I'm if it's if I got ironed in my hand, bro
Starting point is 00:03:45 It's gotta be it's gotta be angry white guy music. Yeah, that's just it. That's the genre. I gotta be under dude It's just can't I can't do it to me. Well, same for me same thing, but there is one cat It's not even a category. It's very specific of music that I save I say it's like my special music And I only put it on when I'm gonna when I'm gonna get really fucking crazy and I haven't used it's like my special music and I only put it on when I'm gonna get when I'm gonna get really fucking crazy And I haven't used it a long time. I say in your back pocket Is there I would be I've earned my 600-pound deadlift song. I've injured myself to this to this particular soundtrack And it's the Rocky IV soundtrack It's I have hurt myself to that to that soundtrack because that, I start picturing Rocky training and shit.
Starting point is 00:04:25 And then it just gets ugly. I just love the sound. I didn't care. I didn't care. I didn't care because Rocky almost died fighting that Russian. You know what I'm saying? I love how, like, and if you could do it, and I can do it, we all can do it.
Starting point is 00:04:37 That part in the Russian, where he's in Russia, he's high-fiving everybody on his way out the stairs. Dude, the truck, dude. Freedom and capitalism, what? The whole neighborhood. The whole neighborhood. Oh, God. You Dude, freedom and capitalism. The whole neighborhood's behind him. Oh, God. You know, you know what would be great if you could walk in the gym and like a bubble
Starting point is 00:04:51 was above everyone's head and you could see what everyone's listening to. Other doing stuff. That would be hilarious. Walked by some dude doing like heavy squats, like Taylor Swift, you know what I mean? Like really broke. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:02 He's like, damn it. I'm caught. Are we, are we supposed to be doing a Q&A? Are we live? Yeah. Like really broke Are we are we supposed to be doing a Q&A are we live? Yeah, we're live fucking news this All right ladies and gentlemen You now you now know man Most people like some people will fast forward 10 minutes Yeah, you know what they'll fuck other people just listen to the first No, no fuck that because you know why the most shitty podcast the first 10 minutes is fucking commercials trying to sell you shit We don't do that. We don't at least we don't do that. We don't and that being said
Starting point is 00:05:28 That's easy You still That for me so bad right now is gonna fucking do a plug right there buy some shit That being say good at W. I'm on pump radio com quick the big yellow No, we got the occlusion Oh, we did that's really you know on a real note We do what is the button color now for that one Doug? Green no blue all blue for the occlusion guy no wonder we can't sell shit We don't even have the right colors that we're telling people to go to click the green button. It's blue
Starting point is 00:05:55 Click on the blue button blue like Doug's eye. It's right for the if you have not got your occlusion your BFR guy Get on it. Don't be a weiner, do it now. All right, so first question, this is from PR underscores sway. The question is as personal trainers, how do you tackle giving nutrition advice to beginners? Oh, good question. Two beginners. Yes, so why don't, you want me to start?
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah, you always have the most boring answers. We'll go first. All right, we'll start. What do you say? I always have the most boring answer. Oh. This is what I, I used to back in the day when I first became a trainer, I'd go nuts and tell them everything, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:36 as soon as we started training. And that never worked because it's a process, you know, when you get in, when you start eating right, it's a big process. And let's be honest here, the workout aspect of health and fitness Is the easy part the nutrition aspect is the hard part right? I know when you're at the gym with me You're gonna get a good workout and I know I'm good and I know you're gonna want to show up and work out with me
Starting point is 00:06:54 But I'm not gonna be with you the other you know 23 hours of the day or whatever So the nutrition parts hard the way I found to be the most successful is to do it in a very slow phased Process so typically the first thing I'll do is I'll tell them to You know it depends on the individual, but I'll say okay. I want you to eat at least one serving of vegetables every day And if they can get that down Then we can move on and through this process of slowly adding things on I've had much greater success Yeah, you know one of the next things might be, okay, I want you to stop drinking soda,
Starting point is 00:07:28 you know, if they drink soda, or I want you to stop drinking juice, if they drink juice, or, you know, I want to make sure you eat, you know, at least, you know, let's make sure you hit at least 100 grams of protein a day, or whatever. Just one simple thing at a time, and then over time it turns out
Starting point is 00:07:41 to be much more successful than giving them the full blast of information. So, yeah, I would totally echo that. And as you're saying that, that's almost exactly how I've approached it over the years of just realizing that you almost want people to have the same information you do, and you want them to know the whole progression of how to get there, but you really have to pull back and keep it really simple. And so what I tend to do is I'll focus on
Starting point is 00:08:15 asking more questions about exactly what they're eating and what their typical day looks like. And so I try to get a good picture of like a week. And so the only way really to do that is to either A, me to go over to their house and then I'll look through their covers, I'll look through their refrigerator, we'll go shopping together.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And it's that extra personal time where we can actually just talk about it. And it's not that people try to hide things from you. It's just more that like, a lot of times they're not even aware. Yeah, they're not aware. And I think that's the main issue is that they're blissfully ignorant to the fact that,
Starting point is 00:08:53 some of these things are contributing to their weight gain. Yeah, you know what's funny? I even, I totally forgot. I typically, just because I've had clients for so long now, people have worked with me for so long. You know what I always tell people? I always tell people to work out with me for a month and then we'll talk about nutrition.
Starting point is 00:09:08 We're not even gonna discuss that right now. Just keep doing what you're doing and we're just gonna work out and disgate you consistent for about a month and then I start throwing the things in. Yeah, that's usually what I do. That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:19 All right Adam, give us the exciting answer. Yeah, well, I actually really liked this question because I knew I would be quite different than the two of these guys. And, but I knew they would have great answers because obviously they're fucking bad ass trainers. I've just had to, I've had to get very creative because I've moved a lot of my business virtually.
Starting point is 00:09:39 So I only train a handful of private clients. These guys train more private clients than I train and most of my business is done virtually. So that's a little bit of a little challenge when you don't get to see your person. You don't get to train them for a one hour or you're working out and you can ask the questions, like, would you eat yesterday and would you eat this morning?
Starting point is 00:09:56 And this is- But I'm assuming the kind of the virtual clients you get, they're probably more serious in the average personal client. Yes and no. Like, because they seek you out through- Well, yeah. Well, they have a schedule of like a goal, because they seek you out through. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Well, they have a schedule of like a goal, right? So usually it's like something very specific. I want to get on stage or do something like that. Can Pete? No, actually, I'm 50-50 with competitors. What I will say is this, though. I've filtered out non-serious people. I don't even, I refer you to somebody else. If you're, if you just
Starting point is 00:10:26 want to buy a training to say you have a personal trainer, then I've got plenty of trainers that work for me that are great trainers that need to build their business and you can go deal with them. I specifically want somebody who is needs help, who really wants it, is really willing to do whatever it takes to get to their goals and they just, they want to learn. And then I get, I find that out in my first hour consultation. So, and that one hour consultation, I spend with people virtually or in person. So, even if I'm I have now I had to formulate this virtually and then it's now I've transferred this this method to even my one-on-one. So, even when I take a personal and person client. And so, when I'm sitting down with you and I'm asking very similar questions
Starting point is 00:11:05 that these guys are kind of mentioning right now, but I actually put them on what I call a 14 day challenge. And in those 14 days, I want them to be, I hold them accountable to list everything they consume. I want to know everything that goes in their mouth for 14 days. And the reason why I say 14 days is because there's a couple of things that I end up teaching them about, about being consistent and just like, Justin's at a great point. Most people don't even know. They don't even realize, they don't even realize how inconsistent they are, how poorly they eat because every, almost not everybody, 90% of people that sit in front of you go, well,
Starting point is 00:11:41 I eat really good. They have no idea. Yeah, they have no idea. And they've never tracked and they've never idea. Yeah, and they have no idea. And they've never tracked and they've never paid attention to labels and they've never really looked at their foods, that they're pairing together. But when I tell them in these 14 days, I don't give them a meal plan. I don't say, I want you to eat this way.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I don't say, take this out. I don't say, I say, I want you to eat how you normally eat. You know, if you think you eat good or you think you eat bad, even if you eat bad, eat bad. I don't care right now. The first 14 days is about learning and I want to learn about your body and your metabolism. It's pretty much the same thing we're talking about. You're just putting a timeline on it. Well, I would say this, you have to be very clear about this now.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Adam's taking very serious people who are, like you said, you field out the very serious ones. If you're a new trainer or you're working in a gym, I hate to break it to you. Most of your clients are not, are not going to be like that. Most of them are not going to be in this serious category. Well, you and me in business for very long if everybody was that serious. No, you know what I mean? So, yeah, and even if you, even if you don't have somebody serious, I'm still going to, I'm still going to tell these people to do this. I'm probably just going to be more flexible. Like right now I would fire you as a client.
Starting point is 00:12:44 If you're not, you know what I'm saying? Where, if I was probably just going to be more flexed. Like right now I would fire you as a client. If you're not right. You know what I'm saying? If I was a trainer trying to build my business, I would still use my same approach. I just would not fire you over. You know, when you come back and you say, Oh, I forgot to feel it out. Oh, I forgot to because that's going to happen, right? But that's I would use that as a teaching process that. So this is why you're having a hard time figuring out why you're a loot. You're not gaining. You're not losing. You're staying the same as because you haven't even been able to string seven days together of paying attention to what you're doing. And if you're not paying attention to what you're intaking and what we're expending, then
Starting point is 00:13:14 how can we figure it out? Or get, we're just together, we're guessing. So basically the first thing you asked for is just, I want to know. I want to know. I want to know. And then what this will tell me a lot about in South Touchdown, the vegetable things and so does like I want to see are they somebody who does do they get are they eating balanced? Are they are they skipping certain macronutrients and meals are they drinking a lot of their calories are they? Are they underreporting are they telling me they're only eating 700 calories and that's because they obviously don't know how to
Starting point is 00:13:42 Reelable and so that I know how to I need to coach there. So for me, the first week to two weeks is gathering information. And that's all I want to do. And then from there, you know, back to what these guys do really well, which is, you know, I'm going to give them baby steps. I'm not going to give them this meal plan of follow this is going to get you results. It's I'm going to give you little things I want to focus. And I pick certain things kind of like what South said, okay, let's say soda is going to be
Starting point is 00:14:04 the soda and like getting rid of vegetables. And that's I'm going to drill that home. And I'm going things kind of like what Sal said, okay, let's say soda is gonna be the soda and like getting rid of vegetables And that's I'm gonna drill that home and I'm gonna educate them all about why it's so bad, you know It's not just the sugar. It's not just the guys. What's going on? I'm gonna break the science down at what's happening inside their body when they do that and when you start to educate somebody Who thinks that they're eating so good and they and they and they or alcohol, which is probably one of the biggest ones one of the biggest ones I get is clients, they love wine, they love drinking, they love doing something like that,
Starting point is 00:14:28 is educating them on what happens with our body when it talks about blood sugar and insulin and things like that with, and I explain that to them in detail, and I pretty much do that with every type of food or issue that they have going on with their meal plan, and then I slowly start to form it. And I think probably one of the biggest things you see
Starting point is 00:14:46 is under reporting on all that, right? Like alcohol. How many times have we talked to clients? And they say, oh, I drink some wine every night. How much? I don't know, one to two glasses maybe. And then you go hang out with them and you see how they drink.
Starting point is 00:14:58 That's not one to two glasses, bro. That's two thirds of a bottle. Yeah. Of wine every night. And that's the size of the glass, and typically the pour should be like, you know, barely. Four ounces, most people drink half a bottle or more,
Starting point is 00:15:12 and the regular drinkers of wine. And this is a great point because, okay, so, and that same person is normally the person too, who claims to eat really well, because they ate three other meals earlier that day, or two other meals that day, that consisted of chicken salad, and you know, a bagelel want half a bagel with some cream cheese on it and you know maybe something maybe like a You know one of those fucking you know lean cuisines or something, so it's like I ate really good
Starting point is 00:15:37 So a lot of them just don't understand that they're they're macronutrient They're what they're consuming is way off too. So, okay, so yeah, maybe from a calories standpoint, you only consumed 600 calories total in the day and then fucking 900 it ended up being wine later at the end of the night. But the real problem is we're consuming 90% carbohydrates out of those 90% 60% of that is fucking sugar. And then on top of that, you're only getting maybe 50% of what your protein intake that you should be getting. And you got no, and none of the meals. So breaking that down like that.
Starting point is 00:16:11 So for me, I'm dissecting what they're doing. And I'm giving them small goals. If I look at somebody there, fucked up everywhere, it's like, okay, one thing at a time. What can I have? You got a nail, one thing down. When that gets nailed down, then you can move on to the next thing.
Starting point is 00:16:26 And when you do that, you find yourself having, more success in the long term. Cause I've done it both ways. The beginning, like I said, it was much more strict than give people meal plans and tell them exactly what to eat. And it was like, it was like crash course. Oh, that's exactly what I used to do to train.
Starting point is 00:16:39 The trainer was like, give a meal plan. It was like follow this meal plan. And it was like, and that was a nightmare always. It would never happen Yeah, I mean it's it's interesting isn't it? You know in today's day and age You just people just don't pay attention to what they're eating. Yeah, it's food is so readily available That if they want to taste something sweet or taste something salty or have something Well the gadget it's there
Starting point is 00:16:59 It's there and they'll gauge it a lot of times based off of their hunger right you know, and so it well I didn't really eat all of this. So, I stopped before I was so full. And meanwhile, they've already consumed like 2,500 calories for the day. And the day's not even over yet. Right. Don't be afraid too.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I mean, I don't know. I feel like, I wish I would have done this earlier on in my career. And I know Sal brings up a great point. Like when you first start off, you work in a big gym, you are going to get a lot of these shit clients, and that's part of the job. It's just part of it.
Starting point is 00:17:31 I'm just keeping it real. You know what I'm saying? And by shit clients, I mean, clients that either got fucking training with their members, she could have free or they're rich, and they just want to say they have a personal trainer. They're not people that are really, really trying to make a change in their life. It's just it's cool to say they have a personal trainer. They're not people that are really, really trying to make a change in their life.
Starting point is 00:17:45 It's just it's cool to say they have a personal trainer. And I'm in the business of wanting to help somebody and change your life. That's what I like to do. And that's what gets my rocks off is taking somebody who really, really has struggled their whole life. They really, really looking at me,
Starting point is 00:17:59 either tears in their eyes or just like, Adam, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get wherever I need to be. I love to educate those people. And the stricter I am and the more are just like, Adam, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get wherever I need to be. I love to educate those people. And, you know, the stricter I am and the more detailed I am, the more respect I think they give me. And then you have that reputation that way. Like, just people know that now. I'm known as somebody who's like, if you, if you want serious, if you want someone to be serious with you, you fucking higher at him. And I tell you right now, like he's going to, he's no bullshit. He he's gonna hold you. And I put a lot of responsibility back on the client,
Starting point is 00:18:27 whereas I used to hold a lot of responsibility myself as a trainer creating all these programs, they would complain about this, they would complain about that. So I'd write them more meal plans and give them more of this and keep every time they have a fuss and be more of this. And it's like, no, not like that no more. Now for me, it's like, listen.
Starting point is 00:18:41 That's experience. Yeah, and a lot of that is learning to, and that's why I was such a great question because he's at the very beginning, is you've got to lay this foundation when you first start off with a client is explaining to them that, letting them know that. That here, here's it, and don't be afraid to say,
Starting point is 00:18:55 this is how most, you're talking it, and here's, I always like to talk to people, clients, and as an overgeneralization to them, but I'm really talking about them. You know, I'm saying Right. So I'm talking to you right now. I know you're this person, but I'm the way I'm wording is like so most clients That that hire me they they want to whine about the food they want to talk about they don't want you and I'm talking about them I know I'm talking about you're being direct but you're you're being indirect directly I'm also
Starting point is 00:19:22 Directly indirect and what I'm doing is I'm making them feel okay that they're not alone, that they're not the only people that feel this way, but at the same time too, I'm gonna be real hard. I'm gonna explain what, here's the deal. If you really care about your results, you really wanna learn, you really wanna change your physique, then it's gonna take work just like in real life.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Most clients don't do these things seriously, and I consider them shit clients. You look at them right in the face. And I don't train shit clients. I take them to their face. Do you know what I mean? You're shit. Yeah, I'm crazy I'm great I just tell people and you know what you do that and you set the tone For how they because they don't want to be that person. They don't want to be the person who doesn't report to you Like I said, oh wow, people do that. Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:02 They shine in like well, I would never do that right and they leave and they're going fuck I got to make sure I check in with that. Yeah, I'll never do that. They say, man, like, oh, I would never do that. Right, and they leave and they're going, fuck, I got to make sure I check in with that. And he said, I do this, I do that. So they're like, they're one of them on their PC. It feels pressure. Yeah, absolutely. So, you know, don't be afraid to set the tone early,
Starting point is 00:20:16 but I agree with the boys 100%. Well, I think you have to be real too with your personality. Like, if you're the type of personality, there's a lot of different types of trainers. I think each type of personality, say if I'm more assertive and I'm more aggressive as far as like, look, this is what I demand out of you. This is what the parameters are.
Starting point is 00:20:40 You set boundaries. It's very clear. Really, it's all just about clarity. If that's how you want to manage this person through the whole process, then God bless you, you're that type of trainer. You want to kind of hammer them about certain things. And some people, they need that.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Like that's why military school exists, right? Some people like to discipline, somebody to discipline them or to provide discipline because they can't find it internally. Me as a trainer, I have a different personality. I'm trying to bring out their own self-discipline. I'm trying to teach them how to respond to adversity themselves and to be quiet and then guide a guide. I'm here when you have any sort of question, I'm here every single day, I'm consistent,
Starting point is 00:21:28 I'm supporting you, I'm motivating you, but you're not gonna get, I'm not gonna be hammering you through the process, I'm gonna make it as fun and as engaging as possible. So you feel bad for not showing up because you're the one that made that decision. So, but I feel like everybody has, feel bad for not showing up because you're the one that made that decision. Yeah. But I feel like everybody has their own unique kind of spin to that process and I feel like
Starting point is 00:21:51 it's important that it reflects who you are. Well, I'm the kind of trainer I just slipped steroids in their water and then they start getting rid of it. Nobody knows. Damn, that's effective. Yeah. Well, I think, I think, you know, and piggybacking more off what you said just because I think it's so important of laying that all out at the beginning and that's a fact. Well, I think, and piggybacking more on what you said just because I think it's so important
Starting point is 00:22:06 of laying that all out at the beginning. That's something I think that I evolved that way later. It was later on through trial and error of learning, like, you know what, I need to really learn. Even if you have a client like he said, maybe you're not somebody who wants that military process or you don't want someone to be really riding your ass, that's great. But you still explain that at the beginning that like, so this is how I'm gonna be with you. I'm not gonna be checking in with you every single day
Starting point is 00:22:31 and asking you, did you do this? Did you do that? I expect you to do this to that. If you're not telling me or you're not asking me questions, I'm assuming that you're doing what you're supposed to. And you have to say that because they're gonna come back later like, hey, this isn't working. Like what we're doing. You know, but you're like, listen, okay, show me what you've been doing.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Exactly. We did. We brought this up. I took you through this. So now all of a sudden you're putting, putting it back on me. Like what your, your lack of effort is my fault. Exactly. And that's why the beginning, like you said, I think is so key.
Starting point is 00:23:01 So whether, no matter what your style is, if you're more sad, more just some more Adam or whatever, your own individual style, you know, I think is so key. So whether, no matter what your style is, if you're more sour, more just and more atom or whatever your own individual style, you know, bringing that out at the very beginning and being as thorough as you possibly can of what your plan is for them is, is so important. Lay it out for them. Absolutely. Excellent. All right. Next question. This is from Special K underscore fit. What's the deal with guys wearing compression pants? I think they're, they're jealous of all the yoga pants girls.
Starting point is 00:23:27 I don't know, I mean. Dude, can we please use now that this is a question on our Q&A? Lots more mammal toe. Can you, can you please, can you call it? Mammal toe. Mammal toe? Yeah. I thought it was moose knuckle.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Moose knuckle. Can you please use the, same thing. The Joey Swole and the Devon physique picture ice engine you guys. You guys have both of them in compression. Yes. Can you please? Are those spandex pants or those? Is it so fashionable?
Starting point is 00:23:49 It's so fashionable. But is there a difference between compression pants and just regular pants? I don't think so. Well, it's the same principle. They're all compression pants, but I mean, those Nike's are considered compressions, but there is a difference between spandex, yoga pants and compression pants are different. Right, right, right. Compressions are a lot more fitted and tighter than anything.
Starting point is 00:24:06 That's what I was thinking. You're even more tight. So let's explain what they look like. They basically look like really tight fucking spanned X-Fans. They're basically tights for men. Now, why are people wearing them? What are they being sold to do? The sell on this is speed up recovery.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Reduce inflammation. Reduce inflammation. Why are you working out what increased the ability of the joints? They look fucking really cool with high top shoes. Help you warm up faster, never psychosomatic. Anakin saying. Right, bullshit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I look, yeah, what's your guys' take on? Here's a deal. I'm gonna get a pair by the way. Here's a deal. Okay, here's a deal with compression. I'm gonna put it right up there with elevation masks and other stuff. If you are at your absolute peak,
Starting point is 00:24:51 if you are a fucking peak athlete, if you're like, you're a champion. You're a George St. Pierre. Yeah. You're a world champion. You can wear compression. Where you can win or lose by 0.1% of performance.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Then I'd say use compression pants because they might maybe give you that. For everybody else, it is a massive waste of your money. That's just the bottom line. It is not going to contribute. If you're average person trying to get better shape, you want to build muscle, lose body fat. It is not going to contribute anything to you visibly that you're going to notice. You're just going to notice that you have compression.
Starting point is 00:25:22 It looks like an asshole. Yeah. Honestly, yeah. I don't want to see any more of it in the gym. Yeah. So I'm going to, I'm going to echo. You have compression. You look like an asshole. Yeah, honestly, yeah, and you don't want to see any more of it in the jam. Yeah. So I'm going to I'm going to echo you lose knuckles in your I'm going to echo it. So except if you look really cool on them, okay?
Starting point is 00:25:35 If you look really cool on them and you have matching high tops and you do have a stringer shirt to go with it and sunglasses, then I think you should wear them. I think you should wear them. I think you should, if you know what? You should, you should let it be known that you're that guy, right? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I mean, just all the way from a fashion sense. You're speaking from a string. Don't pretend to be a cool guy. Exactly. Like go 100% that guy. All the way that guy. Yeah, I agree. Exactly. So if you're going to get in, if you're going to go in,
Starting point is 00:26:01 I say, because I almost bought a pair of thought about it. I thought, you know what? These are these, this could be blue lemon has, I thought about it. I thought, you know what, these are, these, this can be, Lou Lemon has changed the world for women. This is what every girl does, even if she doesn't do yoga. Now, would you wear shorts? She doesn't do yoga.
Starting point is 00:26:12 When you know what it has done, it's helped my Verico's veins. Yeah, by the way. Yep, yeah. So, let me ask you this, though. Would you wear shorts over, of your over-compression pants? I would.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I would. Yes, I could not, that's the thing. I could not wear straight tight compression pants with no shorts over it because then your dick is right there. Well, yeah, unlike Joey Swann wrapped on the, unlike Joey Swann and Devin Fizik, I happen to have a huge cock and you would definitely see it when I make the best of it. You would be a dead giveaway. I mean, I would be like, wow, he's got, what's that third leg there?
Starting point is 00:26:43 My girl gives me a hard time if I wear, my fire wear boxer briefs with sweats because it kind of gives it away. So if I was wearing compression pants, it would be pretty much announcing it. Yep, it's a big cock under there. Yeah, I mean, I just want to want my dick showing like that. And then you're squatting and you're dead lifting
Starting point is 00:26:57 and you're doing it. Sometimes you get excited when you're lifting heavy and you're like, oh my God, I'm so, I mean, I'm like, like I said, I'm not gonna lie, I thought about getting these things because for me, so I'm a very tall, long guy, right? So I have a long origin insertion. So this goes back to my...
Starting point is 00:27:11 I'm still talking about it. No, I'm not. He hasn't got over it yet. No, I'm not talking about my dick right now. I am talking about my body type. And being a six foot three guy, so like when I wear, just like when I wear long t-shirts that come all the way down to my elbow
Starting point is 00:27:22 or wear shorts to kind of my knee, I look like a guy who has skinny arms and has no legs. So people think that. Well some people would say build your calves in your forearms. Or well no you still, I still look at it. I still, I still look like that. Even with even with calves that are good three, four inches bigger than yours I still have.
Starting point is 00:27:39 I look like I have. Here we go again. I still look like I have small legs, but. B2. If I if you hit my destroyer I was thinking if I wore some if I wore an underarm her shirt and I wore some Compretten Nike compression pants that it would you be obvious you'd be able to see I've got quads And I actually have some biceps. We're some short ass shorts under it. No over at them. No just off got quads and I actually have some biceps. Do you wear some short ass shorts under it? Over at them? No, just off your quads?
Starting point is 00:28:06 No, I would, yeah, just no shorts in that case. That's when I said I was thinking about doing compression pants. So you wear compression pants? No shorts over them. I was saying I thought about it, I didn't do it. I thought about it so I could show off my quads. You're totally missing the joke though.
Starting point is 00:28:18 It's going completely over your sick head right now. Okay, okay. He's lost in your cocked description. I would not wear these things, bro. Okay. That have my life depended on it.. Okay, okay. He's lost in your cock discussion. I don't know. I would not wear these things, bro. Okay. Not if my life depended on it. All right, thank you.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I'm trying to, and you're still part of the team. I'm trying to back up some of these guys, these poor guys that do it all the time. I have buddies that rock them in the, do you have buddies that do really dumb crazy shit? I do. And it's silly. The problem is I just have a lot,
Starting point is 00:28:40 the problem is I have a lot of buddies. That's my problem. Yeah. You got way more friends than us. I got a narrow way. He tells us that all the time. You guys are on Mike my 10th group, you know, text list. No, stop. You guys are, you guys are part of my favorite five. Okay. You mean the fact that when, when was that T-Mobile days? Yeah. No, you can't, you definitely won't make my fab five wearing compression bands. That's for them. That's good. So, so I guess the, I guess the, the final
Starting point is 00:29:06 answer is it doesn't really do much. It's splitting hairs. That's the budget. I think you gave a great analogy with the elevation mask and things like that. Does it have some sort of just feel like I feel like there's one thing like as far as like bringing that up that that stands out to me like who even wears them. It's CrossFit people. Am I right? Yeah. I mean, that's who made it fashionable. But they are, yeah, like the other ladies mentioned.
Starting point is 00:29:30 But they seem to be super trendy. Like they were the ones wearing the frickin' finger shoes first. Right, then the rock tape, everything up there, yeah, then the frickin' compression. Anything that wraps around their joints, they're gonna buy because their joints are fucking destroyed. Anything that helps them, yeah, feel like they have some kind of security in their life, they're gonna buy it. Because they're fucking destroying their joints.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Maybe we should back up and say this then. Can I say something else? Because they're destroying their joints. The end. So can we say this then? So if you are a cross fitter, it is okay for you to do compression pants, rock tape, straps, knee wraps, and elevation mask. Elevation mask.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Because all those things are open. It's absolutely okay. Yeah. Please. No. And if you do cross fit and cryo therapy and you don't compete in cross fit, you have to wear all of those things. It take every product.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Have once. Regularly. You have to. Next question. It's part of the religion. This is from John underscore Wayne under last one we're doing. Which one we're doing?
Starting point is 00:30:30 No, no, no, okay. So I got it. He did two questions. This is from John underscore Wayne underscore, underscore cowboy. The question is about Sissy Squats and every time he does him in the gym, he's being told it is bad for his knees.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Okay, let's break down the Sissy Squat real quick. Sissy Squat is a heavy, is a knee extension with resistance. That's all. You know what else is a knee extension with resistance? Leg extension. There's really no difference except one is an open chain exercise and one is a closed chain exercise. And that you're, when you're doing a Cicci squat, you're probably lifting more weight because leg extension machine. You're using your whole body which is scientifically is way better for you. It tends to be a lot better for you. So in my, in our experience, Cicisquats build better muscles. Can they be bad for your knees? Yeah, they can be bad for your knees,
Starting point is 00:31:13 just like leg extensions can be bad for your knees. Or like running. It depends on your, yeah, and the range of motion that you've acquired, like what's your limitations? Yeah, you have to have a certain amount of strength to be able to do a CC squat and you have to be have relatively healthy knees. That's all. If you have those two things and they're just as safe as any other exercise with the same kind of resistance.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Well, let's back up to what's your recommendation that on someone doing them, are you adding weight on your back? Are you doing this completely just your own body weight? I always recommend body weight. Very few people can do a full body weight sissy squat, you know, with ease to where they would have to add weight. Most people, they do sissy squat in the reps or low. It's very difficult. It's a hard exercise for a lot of people. So if you can do them with good form, I recommend them. If you can't, then like a lot of people
Starting point is 00:32:03 can't, then don't. Yeah. Because it's a hard exercise. It's not easy. Yeah. Yeah. It's hard form wise, for sure. Oh, dude, I do full CC squats and they hurt me and I got pretty strong quads. So, you know, the most I might hold is a 45 pound plate. I've never gotten over anything like that. Now, how are you doing that? Are you locking yourself in one of those? No, no, no, I'm doing the real, I've have to be honest, I've never done my life. No, I'm doing the real sissy squats. Not the one that you're talking about, which is where you have your, your ankles locked in with the pad behind your.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's not really a sissy squat. That's below me. The real sissy squat, you're slightly elevated on your toes. You lean back and you bend down with your knees forward and it's mostly knee extension. Yeah, so that's what I'm saying. How you hold a play? I always have to hold on to something to balance my...
Starting point is 00:32:49 I hold a 45 with one hand and I hold something with my hands. Okay, so you are home. I am. Because I always have to do by a machine or by a rack where I'm holding on to something and then I come down. No, no, you hold on to something. I'm doing it with just pure balance. I love to use... I mean, I probably don't do Sissy squats like Sal does in trying to progress. I mean, because
Starting point is 00:33:07 I, because it is something that is in that gray area, right? Just because, you know, if you don't have good form, you probably shouldn't be I don't try and increase the weight on it. It's, no, it's mostly a form and squeeze exercise. It's something that I do like to warm up before squats or maybe cool down to very in like I'll do them like before I start I'll really get my quads all fired up before I get into the squat rack or something, and that's what I'll do.
Starting point is 00:33:27 It's a great pre-exhaust of squats. I'll tell you that much right now. Yeah, that's right. That's what I like, especially since I'm so glute dominant and I'm trying to build my quads, it's a great one for me to pre-exhaust before I do. Oh, man, you are. So glute dominant.
Starting point is 00:33:38 This game will win. Thank you. Next question, this is from Zach Haynes. If you can go back in time, when and why, and what would you change? Okay. Is this what the world or our personal? That's a pretty, you know, here's a deal.
Starting point is 00:33:53 We can't get serious with this, because if we get serious, you're gonna sound like either you're an asshole, if you don't say you go back in time, and kill Hitler. You know what I'm saying? So, but why would you do that? Cause in the whole, yeah, and, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:04 The butterfly. Exactly, like there's true up screw up reality as we know I took this so let's make it a fun question I took it all more as personal you did yeah, you think he means like what we change in the world No, we're not trying to get So I don't want to go there. I don't go there. It's so fucking that would be like a long-ass one Yeah, let's talk about ourselves. Yeah, I think so too. Okay, okay. All right, what would you change? Who's first?
Starting point is 00:34:27 How about this? If as far as an error that I think like kind of defines me, I feel like I would have done well in the 50s. Oh, so you wanna go back into the 50s? Yeah. I wanna go back into the 50s. And you know, just, I don't't know something about like the values and just like I don't know like the vibe of it like the music everything like I was totally like I felt like that was like my era
Starting point is 00:34:55 Interesting. Yeah, I I'm a seven-year guy I'd go back to the 70s. Yeah, yeah, this go The you know the music, the cars, a free love. No, the late, like early 70s, where it was very too much was time, lots of protests, lots of big movements going on in the US, the women's movement was huge, civil rights movement was huge.
Starting point is 00:35:22 You had huge protests over the Vietnam War, you know, I just stopped it. It's just, it was a, it's just a time that kind of pulls to me. The music really pulls to me from, especially 60s and 70s. Yeah, all the music was cool. Yeah, that's music.
Starting point is 00:35:35 What about you Adam? Well, I don't know. Okay, so I'm like confused. So am I, so I know I'm just, I just missed it all. Yeah, Justin, because I'm thinking like my personal life, like, you know, it's something I could have done a different direction. Maybe, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:46 or maybe I worked too long for a company and should have left earlier things. I'm thinking more along those lines. Like I'm not thinking about it. Like to be honest with you, as cool as the 50s are and the 70s are, I really don't know shit about it because I wasn't alive. So I know what I've read in a history book and I know about what I watch in movies. But, you know, there's a lot of things that I think we take for granted that are going on in our generation. Oh yeah. Now that we just, you know, that's the best time.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Yeah, that's the truth. Yeah, it is. It really is. You know, we as much as, you know, the our generation, bitches about, you know, who we are, what's going on with America, this is not, dude, I mean, we're pretty lucky that I mean, the fact that I can pick up my phone and fucking find anything I want or answer any question I have. Yeah, technology is rad. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I mean, technology is like, I mean, people, I bet you people in the 50s if they knew that we now would be like, you fucking kidding me, get me out of this shit hole, I want to be there. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Well, the truth with your violence says that all time lows. But it's a really good time to be alive, that's true. So, all right Adam, thanks for crapping everybody around. No. Thanks a lot for what are you? Yeah. Give me your cool. No, I don't have it. You know, I don't I have a sad one, dude. I have one that I don't want to hear it. I don't want
Starting point is 00:36:53 to hear sad. I don't have to go there. I get well. Yeah. No, you can go. I'm sorry. I don't want to get I don't want to get. I don't want to get deep and dark. I want to get deep and dark. Come here. We go. Here's real. So my father killed himself when I was seven. So if I could go back and change the end of my life, it would be the ability to say something to my dad before he took his own life. So that would be, I mean, that's heavy. I know it's heavy.
Starting point is 00:37:13 That's good though. But I mean, I see that question. And I think that like, you know, something that would alter. Is that something, I would think that's something you probably think about, or I've thought about a lot. Well, I think, so I'm actually at the age right now that he took his life, which is pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:26 So that's, and when I got into my 30s, this became something that I probably thought more about, you know, I was very numb when it happened, when I was a kid, when I was a kid, shit, I don't even remember crying when it first happened. It was just so, what's shocking? Yeah, it was so, seven years old, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:42 you're, you know, even though you're, you're not really processed things, you do, you don't really process things exactly, you know, smart enough to understand, but it's still, you know, confused in a sense, you know, I'm saying of like, what's happening and how big of a deal this is to you. So, and then even into my teenagers, it wasn't until I got into adulthood, do I, did I feel like I really missed that, that bond and that relationship? So, and I also think it's kind of what's made me so, you know, manic as an adult now of why I'm so hesitant to have a kid yet. And I want to have everything all perfect, you know, because I want to have that father
Starting point is 00:38:15 son relationship with my son that I never got to have with my dad. And I had a stepfather, but my relationship with my stepfather developed when we were adults. We actually didn't have a very healthy relationship as kids, so I had more relationship with him older. So I really didn't have that father figure in my life growing up. So I missed that and if I could have, and I feel like I think about where I'm at in my life and what I've learned on my lot of what I've gotten is self-taught. My family was also, so to even get more sad. That's fun. To get even more sad.
Starting point is 00:38:55 My mom disconnected herself from pretty much every, I mean, going through something like that, suicide, the family, you could imagine that tour the family apart, people blame my, my dad left no note, so it tore the family apart in different distances. So I didn't really even grow up around my cousins and uncles and aunts and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:39:13 So those relationships weren't there for me. So I really missed all of that shit. And it's, talk about awkward and weird now for me as an adult, like in being in a relationship with a woman, like, and being around family and being around all this stuff. I have to even be a grown-ass man. I have to re-teach myself how to function
Starting point is 00:39:34 in that environment. So, you know, there's things that I wish I would have had that man to look up to and progress me. I mean, I got where I was at all in my own. I just think back, I think, fuck, man, what if I had me as my dad telling me like what to look for? You know what though, but you know what's interesting?
Starting point is 00:39:52 Cause you are the oldest of how many siblings? Five. So with something like that happening, something major like that happening, you took on the role of the man of the house. And you didn't just take it on because you were the man of the house. And you didn't just take it on because you were the man of the house, you embraced it if I'm not mistaken.
Starting point is 00:40:10 But I know of you. Yeah, absolutely. So a lot of that molded who you are now. I mean, you always talk about leaders. You're very self-aware. Yeah, you talk to, you know, like, all these things like, you know, like that define you, like you're very aware of it.
Starting point is 00:40:25 And I feel like a lot of that comes from being so forced to be an adult so early. Like a lot of that, like thrown at you, you're able to overcome a lot of adversity. I don't think. Well, you feel comfortable in leadership role because you took that on very young at a very early age. So a lot of it molded, I think, who you are. Well, that's why I don't really, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:49 a lot of people, um, it's funny that this came. This is why I think the reason why I was even thinking about this was on this was Sunday. I went wine tasting and I was with, uh, my, um, cousins, and it's my cousins from Kansas City, who I've actually never even really met until now. And I'm meeting her husband for the first time. He's probably listened to this now. And it's my cousins from Kansas City who I've actually never even really met till now. And I'm meeting her husband for the first time. He's probably listened to this now. And he's asked me a lot of these questions about my childhood as that. And we hit it off really big. And it was really cool.
Starting point is 00:41:14 This guy's 39 years old. He's a teacher, very intelligent dude. And it tells me straight forward like, his impression of me when he first sees me. We climb out of the limo. I get out big dude tattooed sunglasses hat, you know, like him. And right away, he's, he told me like, you know, like, no, great, you know, who's this guy this and that. And he's like, I'm just, I continue to listen to you talk and us get to know
Starting point is 00:41:37 each other this time. And I'm just floored by who you are, you know, and, and I hadn't, he doesn't know anything about my past yet. And then we start, I start to share all this. And I'm like, you know, it's just not something that I go around and now it's because I'm not the, I don't feel sorry for my situation and what I grew up. And you know, I had, I had a rough upbringing as a child and so with that, but it, like you said, I believe it's molded me and I, and you molded me into the man that I am
Starting point is 00:41:59 today. So absolutely, I don't look back and say, poor me at all. I'm like, if it, I mean, I could have been the other way where I was spoiled and had a parents live together and then I turn to this rotten little flock who doesn't get shit done at this age, you know what I'm saying? So I definitely appreciate what it's done to my character and stuff. What there's, I mean, going back and, of course.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Oh yeah, no, I think it's good that you can say that. You know what I mean? That's important. Well, he mentioned something to me that I thought, and that's why I think I kind of, why it was fresh, my brain, I brought it up. I feel like a lot of people, especially if you're, if you're tuning in, you're just now listening to my impomp,
Starting point is 00:42:33 or you found me on Instagram or like that, like people have this image of me, and I, and we even talk about it on the ego, you know, like on this cocky, fucking confident, this and dude, and like absolutely I have a lot of self confidence in myself because of I had to do a lot of shit myself But that's it. You know a lot of people don't know my story and don't know how I grew up in the adversity that I came up over came And I don't go around saying that or talking about it So, you know, he says you know, you should really share some of that more often because you because people probably judge you a lot when they first meet you.
Starting point is 00:43:06 And I'm like, yeah, no, it's probably a fucking problem. I get a lot. People meet me until you get to know me. You don't really realize how deep I am as a dude. Yeah, I would agree with him because I feel like we know you. We really know you on a different level than the listeners know you. And like even still we kind of play into these roles, like we are on the show. And it's just like people need to realize that dude.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Like you're like a really good dude. It's not that you're like this boisterous persona all the time talking about his cock, even though you are. You know, you actually like a really good dude. And like, you know, you're giving guy, like anybody asks for help, like you're always helping people. And, you know, like you might,
Starting point is 00:43:52 like we might bring up charities, and you might, I'm spending it on, you know, a mazerotti or whatever, but it's like, dude, the heart has always been there. You know, we know that. We mean, the reality is, we all know that, you know, Justin's the ecotistic glass hole. You know, so reality is we all know that, you know, Justin's the egotistical asshole.
Starting point is 00:44:05 You know, so he's the one that, that's that kind of person. So I love to throw this different person out on, yeah. Just kind of clear. Or they just in such a nice guy. I mean, Adam, like, oh my god, I'm feeling you. This is really a PR move. I appreciate that. But, you know, the listeners don't know this either,
Starting point is 00:44:22 but, you know, I had an opportunity to talk to the producer of Fox Sports and, you know, who they purchased these podcasts and they were inquiring about us about a month ago, whatever, and great dude. And one of the things that he just straight up said, he says, man, I'd love to hear more of who you guys are in your personal story. And it kind of resonated with me. And the more that this has grown and gotten crazy, I realized that I get why that's important because it can get misconstrued. And just like you said, we play into that. It's like we almost play into all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Like now Sal isn't really that is not very nerdy at all. You know, he's actually, you know, very suave, very cool dude. You know what I'm saying? The furthest thing from a book nerd, you probably would ever see. You know what I'm saying? So like everybody has these personalities that I feel like the furthest thing from a book nerd, you probably would ever see. You know, I'm saying so like everybody has these personalities that I feel like it gets portrayed on the radio and they don't realize the in-depth part
Starting point is 00:45:12 that all of us have which. Well, I think we just, I mean, the truth is we embrace, you know, we embrace, when people assume something about me, I tend to embrace it and play with it. 100% I agree. So, you know, I don't care. Call me the dick, call me the ego, I tend to embrace it and play with it 100% I agree. So, you know, I don't care. Yeah, call me the dick, call me the ego, I'll run with it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:45:29 I'm not going to fight you. Exactly. I'll be the surfer, you know, slow guy. The other guy. The other guy, right? I love the other guy. Whatever the fuck you want, call me there. Well, that's, and that's what I love about all the dynamic that we all, and even like Doug,
Starting point is 00:45:44 you know, Doug is, you know, the humility that everybody really has, you know, even though we're out in the front, we're out in the limelight of all so that the amount of humility it takes for this dynamic to work is so fucking special, you know, for Doug to do all the work that he does and then not to get to say anything really on the radio doing this and it doesn't get all the limelight attention like the three of us, but he's gonna get a lot of ladle ups. Very good point. And the same thing goes for Justin, like very few people don't know that Justin pretty much writes a majority of fucking our guides, you know, I'm saying all that content that gets squeezed out written out like that's not like 20 minutes of sitting down and like ripping something out, you know, just because we're all combined all this wealth and knowledge, somebody's got to fucking put the hardass work and they're doing all this stuff. And that motherfucker busts ass on that all the time. And you know, he, a lot of times people ask me like, well, what is Justin? What's his, I don't get what his role is in stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Like, oh, see, that's crazy because you have no idea. Like, shit just wouldn't happen if he wasn't here. You know, so I think it's important that, that, you know, every time, every now and then that, especially when we get a question like this, you know, that we have an opportunity to share more in depth of who we are because, you know, Salis and every now and then, that especially when we get a question like this, you know, that we have an opportunity to share more in depth of who we are because, you know, Salis and that nerdy, Justin isn't just the other guy, and Doug does a hell of a lot more than just speak up
Starting point is 00:46:52 every once in a while, gets the bang chicks that are gonna be on e-harmony that you guys will be listening to. Yeah, and for now, I can't wait. Pretty much, and I'd go back to the 70s. So the last question from Cletus Van Dam, are half squats helped with max squats? No. Visit us at www.minepompradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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