Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1254: How to Use Rest-Pause Sets, Tips for Overcoming Sugar Addiction, Introducing Weightlifting to Teens & MORE

Episode Date: March 21, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about rest-pause sets and how can they be used in a workout, “curing” a sugar addiction, teaching a weightlifting cla...ss to middle schoolers, and tips and strategies to help with forward shoulder. Does ibuprofen make the coronavirus worse? (5:45) Should we take elderberry if we have the virus? (8:17) Why Italy has a high infection and death rate. (11:02) Time to invest in Facebook ads. (13:34) Florida did not get the memo about the coronavirus. (15:02) Are we downplaying the numbers and impact of the virus? (16:20) The different methods scientists are taking to tackle this outbreak head-on. (19:11) Shout out to Mind Pump sponsors! (25:10) Why you should be optimizing your home while stuck at home. (27:15) Making light of this hysteria with memes. (33:07) Weird Facts with Sal. (34:00) The game-changing benefits of blue-blocking glasses for Justin. (37:20) Justin’s cheese addiction is getting out of hand. (38:32) #MindPumpKitchen, Tahoe #staycation edition. (40:30) #Quah question #1 – What are rest-pause sets and how can they be used in a workout? (45:13) #Quah question #2 – How would you go about “curing” a sugar addiction? (54:00) #Quah question #3 – I’m a middle school PE teacher and am passionate about lifting. How would you teach a weightlifting class if you were the teacher? Do you start bodyweight and then teach the lifts? Any ideas on programming would be great. (1:02:18) #Quah question #4 – I have been addressing ‘forward shoulder’ for about a year and have made good progress with my posture, but my neck still shoots forward. Any tips or strategies to help with this? (1:09:02) Related Links/Products Mentioned March Promotion: MAPS Powerlift ½ off! **Code “POWER50” at checkout** Special Promotion: MAPS Anywhere ½ off!! **Code “WHITE50” at checkout** MAPS Prime, Prime Pro, AND Prime Bundle are half off! (ends Saturday night-March 21st, 2020) **Code “PRIME50” at checkout.** Does Ibuprofen Make Coronavirus Worse? Experts Discuss Link Between Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and COVID-19 Backyard Reflections – elderberry musings 3 Things You Can Take NOW That May Help Prevent Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Mind Pump Blog Relatives watch as covid-19 tears through Seattle-area senior homes. ‘It’s a very helpless feeling.’ Japanese flu drug appears ‘effective’ in coronavirus treatment in Chinese clinical trials Coronavirus Vaccine Trial Begins in Seattle, and a Startup Employee Gets the First Shot Trump deploying hospital ships to coronavirus hot zones Mind Pump Partners Visit ChiliPad for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Ancient shell shows days were half-hour shorter 70 million years ago Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Whole30 Adam Schafer's DEEP Squat Mobility Secrets | Behind The Scenes at Mind Pump Do You Have Back Or Shoulder Pain? YOU NEED TO TRY THIS! | Mind Pump Best Mobility Exercises To Do BEFORE Your Workout | Mind Pump Correcting Upper Cross Syndrome to Improve Posture & Health-- Prone Cobra – Mind Pump TV How To Hip Hinge Properly (Fix THIS!) - Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Layne Norton, PhD (@biolayne) Instagram Jim Stoppani, PhD (@jimstoppani)  Instagram Jason Phillips (@jasonphillipsisnutrition)  Instagram Holly Baxter Norton (@hollytbaxter)  Instagram Dr. Ben Pollack, PhD (@phdeadlift)  Instagram John Meadows (@mountaindog1)  Instagram Dr. Jordan Shallow D.C (@the_muscle_doc)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind up, mind up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump, we answer fitness and health questions asked by listeners like you. But we open up the episode by talking about current events. We mention our sponsors. We have a lot of fun talking in the first part of this episode. Notice the intro portion of the episode. That lasted 40 minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Here's what went down in today's episode. We start out by talking about elderberry and ibuprofen. You might not want to use those if you have the coronavirus. There's then some warnings around their use in particular i'd be profan uh... then we talked about white italy has that such a high high infection rate and death rate with the current coronavirus has lots to do with their
Starting point is 00:00:53 warm culture uh... with a friend yeah people love it love that culture but it might be one of the weaknesses then we talked about florida oh yeah you know the state that does a lot of crazy stuff. Well, they're having spring break parties right now. We'll see what that turns out to. Yeah, really.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Then we talked about the Japanese flu drug and how it may actually be an effective treatment for coronavirus. We talked about how there's a phase one vaccine under trial at the moment, which is really, really fast, kind of cool. Then we talked about optimizing your house. Look, you're at home, you're stuck there anyway. Why not optimize your home, make it as awesome as possible.
Starting point is 00:01:34 One of the most important things you could do for your health is sleep great. And one of the ways you can optimize your sleep is by optimizing the temperature of your bed. There's something called a chili pad that goes right on your bed and it literally controls the temperature of your bed. You set the temperature, 50 degrees, 60 degrees, whatever you want, and it keeps it that way to give you amazing sleep. Now we work with this company, so we have a discount for you.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Here's how you get the discount. Go to Chili Technology, that CHILI Technology.com forward slash Mind Pump, and you'll get either 25% off the chili pad or 15% off the uler. There's a code on the page for those discounts. Then we talked about how during the time of the dinosaurs, days were much shorter. By studying snail shells, They were able to determine that there were 372 days in a year. Adam refuted that. It doesn't believe in snail shells science, apparently. Then we talked about Justin's visual impairment and how using blue light blocking glasses from
Starting point is 00:02:38 Felix Gray is helping him out. Now Felix Gray makes stylish blue light blocking glasses. Now, you're probably looking at electronics a lot these days, especially since you're stuck at home, so you're watching TV, you're on your computer all day long. Maybe even more than you were before, well, blue light can cause problems, it can cause eye strain, it can give people headaches. If you're exposed to blue light right before you go to bed,
Starting point is 00:03:03 it could prevent you from having a good night's sleep. So blue light blocking glass is very inexpensive investment that can improve your health. Felix Ray, of course, our favorite company for blue light blocking glasses. Make sure you go check them out. Go to Felix Gray that's F-E-L-I-X-G-R-A-Y glasses.com Florida Stash Mind Pump and you'll get hooked up with free shipping and free returns. And then we talked about Justin's cheese addiction. Please everybody DM him for him support.
Starting point is 00:03:32 He's trying to... Did. This is a problem. Come on, it's not even a problem. It's normal. Oh, it's a problem. Then we got into the fitness questions. Here's the first one.
Starting point is 00:03:42 What are rest pause sets and how can they be used in a workout? The next question, how would you go about curing a sugar addiction? You may have heard certain fitness personalities on Instagram say that there is no such thing as a sugar addiction. And yes, it's true many of these people have zero experience and don't know what they're talking about. But nonetheless, we wanted to make sure we talked about what that looks like and how you can work around that. The next question, this person's a middle school PE teacher,
Starting point is 00:04:12 very passionate about lifting. They don't want to know how we would go about teaching a weightlifting class if we were the teacher. So we talk about how to train kids in that part of the episode. And then the final question, this person's been addressing forward shoulder for about a year.
Starting point is 00:04:25 They've made great progress, but they still have forward head. In other words, their head still jets forward, so they want strategies on how to work on that. Also, this month, look, we know you guys are at home, you're stuck at home, but you still want to work out. You might not have equipment at home, and so you're thinking yourself, what can I do besides, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:47 push-ups, squats and lunges? Well, here's what you could do. You could try maps anywhere. Now, maps anywhere is a program that we design, specifically for people to work out without equipment. Oh, you need our bands and your body weight, but we designed it to be an effective, muscle building, that burning workout. That was
Starting point is 00:05:06 the goal. When we wrote the program, we said, we don't want just a at home workout program that just, you know, burns some calories, get a little fit. We want it to be very effective as if you were going to the gym. So maps anywhere very effective, but because of what's going on right now, we decided to make it 50% off. That way everybody gets access to the program for far less of an investment. So it's half off, 50% off. Here's what you do for the discount. Go to mapswhite.com.
Starting point is 00:05:33 That's MAPSWHITE.com and use the code white50. That's WHITE50, five zero, no space for the discount. I saw this article came out of France and now it's kind of making its rounds. Did you guys hear this about how in France, they saw people who had the coronavirus who were using ibuprofen, how they were getting terrible. I did read an article around this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Saying that it's making it worse, right? Yeah, so apparently and this isn't like a hundred percent confirmed yet, but It's a warning coming from some of the doctors over there and they're saying that some of the worst out was they're seeing are from patients who were using NSAIDs, no neuronal anti-inflammatories at high doses during infection.
Starting point is 00:06:26 And I think that the, you know, the way the NSAIDs work, where if they stop, they block inflammation through. Yeah, what are the most popular ones that fall into that? IB Profit, what else? Aspirin, the proxam. Yeah, so like brand names would be like, Advil, Alive, and then Asperin.
Starting point is 00:06:46 So, and so, yeah, and they're saying that that makes it worse. So, they're saying, if you have like the, you know, the cough and the fever and you want to be preclosious, use paracetamol or acetaminophen in a tight load all the way. Is the theory behind that because the inflammation is part of the process of you trying to your body to ward off the virus and you don't want to dampen that is that the is that the theory. Well, so so I did some deeper reading believe it or not, I'd be I'd be profan might actually reduce or prolong any viral infection. So if you have the flu and you take ibuprofen, it does two things. One, it increases what's called viral shedding. So you actually are more contagious
Starting point is 00:07:34 when you're on ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory, instead. And number two, the inflammatory reaction or response helps I guess your body fight the virus. And so that's one thing, but the other thing they said about the NSA is they think that they block an enzyme that is crucial in your body's ability to fight a coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:08:00 So I guess it slows down healing from most viruses, but with the coronavirus, there's something specific about it that they say avoid ibuprofen. If you think you have the symptoms of coronavirus, which I thought was really interesting. And then there's another thing that I read. So elderberry is antiviral. It's well known anti-viral and through this whole thing that's going on, it's been flying off the shelves, like literally people are buying them up all over Amazon or whatever. And there's been some articles where some scientists are warning people and saying that they could cause something called a cytokine storm. So cytokines are, they get released and they're like inflammatory signals in the body and elderberry raises them a little bit, which is one of the reasons why it
Starting point is 00:08:53 plants viruses, but apparently in some cases with people with coronavirus, that's what kills them is this massive release of cytokines. And if you throw elderberry on top of it, it could make a lot worse. Although it's so powerful when I've read, it's a small chance. So was any of this related to why it spreads so fast in Italy? I was like, you know, why would they have to do with Italy? What, there's a lot of berries in Italy. Why would you say that?
Starting point is 00:09:22 No, I'm just wondering like, and because that was the country that where it spread the fastest. I know what I think. No, let's not have to do with it. It has nothing to do with that. What are you talking about? They're finding out why, like,
Starting point is 00:09:34 I don't know. Yep. I don't know. I don't know. Ha ha ha. That's all. It's going on over there. Squinty guy.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Huh? You and your squinty eyes. Huh? What's going on over there? squinty guy. You and your squinty eyes, huh? What's going on over there? I'm fine. No, no, so first off with the elderberry, this is just kind of speculative. So, and there's just highlights that we don't know
Starting point is 00:09:55 a whole lot about this virus. So that's basically what that's highlighting. So, most experts are saying probably not an issue. Some of them are saying, hey, don't overdose on elderberry if you have coronavirus. So what do you think of? I mean, it sounds like it will be a good idea as preventative, but then if you find out you have it, probably not a good idea to take it. Am I hearing that correctly?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Possibly. Yeah, that's possible. That's how I would interpret it, but I would. Because you wrote a blog about the, that it's probably a good idea that you take it right? Yeah, well elderberries just it's just an antiviral just general antiviral. So that's always been the recommendation from any herbalist or you know any health practitioner who who uses natural remedies. They'll recommend elderberry, but you know it's again I want to again, I want to be clear with the caution because this is a new virus, it's novel. One of the reasons why it's so, everybody's
Starting point is 00:10:50 so scared of it is unlike the flu that's been killing humans for a thousand years, this type of coronavirus is just brand new. So they don't really know 100% but back to Italy Justin, that's a good question because Italy's death rate and and infection rate is like insane right there I think they're there about to surpass China didn't it wasn't smoking uh I don't know if like I mean there's a big smokers in Italy correct not more than China though are they uh no but they're up there dude a. A lot of Italian smoke, like crazy, but it's also their lifestyle. It's Italians are, first off, extremely, the culture of Italy's extremely social. There's lots of touching. So it's kissing, it's handshakes, it's hugs, and then of a lot of cultures, Italians in particular, you have multi-generations uh... living together and visiting a lot so
Starting point is 00:11:47 grandparents living with grandchildren and and and their children and right in china you got all close proximity like you're on buses trains and just like everybody's like you know barely has any like room for themselves so that that that you know might be part of it too yeah so like what makes uh... att-in culture so attractive and so warm for a lot of people is what is this weakness with this virus. It's like, you know, one person gets it, then it kiss this person over here, just say hi to them.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Yeah. That person and it just spreads and then everybody's visiting nonna and non-no. And everybody lives with their, you know, parents and then people are smoking. And so it just, it just went, it just exploded. And so they think that's one of the reasons why. Oh, fire, yeah. Yeah, you know, are you watching, are you watching Lane Blast everybody right now?
Starting point is 00:12:32 He was, he was ripping our favorite guy, Dr. Integrity, this morning. Oh, no, it wasn't. Yeah, yeah, you have to go on. I just saw him, he, I saw him do a tweet. I think it was this morning, it was a popped up in my feed this morning. Yeah, Stupani did a, you know, has like a stack of like supplements
Starting point is 00:12:52 for, you know, boosting immunity and all that. And he's like, you know, he's marketing it and selling it on Facebook ads right now. Yeah, Lane's going hard right now on some of these guys. And like some of the diet plans out there that are trying to say that there's his best for you know preventing coronavirus and all this kind of stuff. So he's going hard on all these guys. Well, hey, let's, let's, okay, I mean, I get it. I get what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I get what he's doing. He's not, isn't Lane doing the same thing though? Yeah, totally. You know, he's like, oh, you know, he's kind of doing the same thing, getting attention from this whole thing. I mean, I tell everybody is. Yeah, I do. That's all. And I think a lot of people are scrambling. A lot of people, I mean, for the most part, I think most businesses over the last week and a half or so have felt a screeching halt of spending.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Unless you are a shaman or a cut now, you have probably felt somewhat of a halt in sales because people are just holding on their money. And so, you're getting your starting to get peels. You know, I was talking to Jason Phillips this morning, though, you know what, he told me, Facebook ads are the lowest price ever. I forgot to tell you this, Doug. We got to, I didn't even know this. I guess that
Starting point is 00:14:07 because of a lot of like the shisters and everybody that's on Facebook, they're holding on to their money, afraid to even spend it or invest it on ads. And because of that, ads per click right now on Facebook are cheaper than they've ever been. Yeah, well, I wonder if they're not converting like they normally are. Well, yeah, right. That, well, I wonder if they're not converting like they normally are. Well, yeah, right. That's exactly what I mean. That's exactly if you're just running, people aren't buying all the normal bullshit, right?
Starting point is 00:14:32 Nobody's, nobody's buying the fucking, you know, jaws are size right now. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's just, like, dude, amongst all this, like, you're not like, hey, I gotta work on that jawline. You know what I'm saying? That's not what, no one's going to buy in that off of Facebook ads right now. Well, you're wondering if you're gonna get a hey, I gotta work on that jawline. You know what I'm saying? That's not what no one's going to buy in that off of Facebook ads right now.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Why you're wondering if you're gonna get a paycheck in two weeks. Maybe you know what I'm saying? So I think that that's probably all right. Just a lot of people left advertising, and then so Facebook drops some of their ad rates. Well dude, did you guys, not everybody is getting the memo. Did you guys see the videos from South Florida?
Starting point is 00:15:06 Yes, the beaches and stuff. What? That's so maddening. It's some damn millennials. You know, I know. It sounds like a bunch of boomers. Hey, it's like, come on. And all you millennials, they're listening.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Fucking call your friends. What's up, dude? Get not going out on the beach and stuff like that. Come on. Be an asshole. Oh my God, the beaches are packed. And people are part of these kids are part of the worst state. I'm going to tell you something right now. The worst state in America for a coronavirus outbreak is Florida.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Because the temperature, right? The whole temperature, right? Yeah. Oh, no, I'm just saying, just old people. Right, that's how their bag is retired. They have more old people in Florida than any other state. If there's a coronavirus outbreak over there, oh my gosh, they're fucked. And you've got all these kids on the beach, you know, and spring break is not like, you know, we're just going to go to the beach. These kids are freaking, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:58 they're drinking their black and out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Now the leading, now the leading order right now is this, right? If I, if I, if I remember reading it correctly, it goes New York, Seattle, and then us, is that right? Oh, for total cases. Yeah, total cases. Total cases, I believe that New York is number one right now. Washington.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Now here's, here's, here's some, so I heard some stats on this. So if you look at the death rate or the percentage, the ratio from Seattle in comparison to New York, it's extremely higher. So Seattle has way more deaths than New York and New York actually has more people that have caught the virus. And somebody told me, I don't know if this is true,
Starting point is 00:16:42 this is here safe for me. So you have to fact check me. Is that part of the reason why Seattle so high is because it went through in a retirement home. Yes So is that true? Yeah, yeah, it went through a retirement That just goes to show you how someone these a lot of these numbers can be so skewed I mean that that makes a huge difference if Virus drops into a city and it comes and it gets it hits somebody who's twenty five or thirty and we know already the percentages and how uh you know how bad
Starting point is 00:17:11 it is or detrimental to somebody that age versus uh the first person to get it in another city and they're in a retirement home around other sixty seventy eighty year olds. I mean of course the death percentage is going to be extremely higher in that town than somewhere else well the problem is this the problem is that there's information that they're getting it that if you're young you barely feel any symptoms or that some people don't get me some of that maybe that the second part may be true but the majority of people who get
Starting point is 00:17:40 uh... the coronavirus they might not have to get hospitalized, but you're on your ass. You're fucking out. So if you're a 20-something-year-old kid and you think it's no big deal, it's like having the flu, like you're fucked for a good two weeks where you have a fever, a hundred and two, a hundred and three, like if you've ever had an actual flu virus, that's not fun. You don't want that. So they think it's like whatever, no big deal. But, you know, I have a cousin in Italy who's brand is in their 20s and had it.
Starting point is 00:18:09 And they're like, yeah, I didn't go to the hospital, but it wasn't a freaking cakewalk. He's like, it's the sickest he's ever been in his life. He was at home just in bed for two weeks with a fever and a couldn't sleep because he was coughing his ass off. So he's like, yeah, sure, I have to go to the hospital, but it wasn't like super awesome fun. But that was the thing that I was wondering is that, you know, at one point, you know, if we stay locked down at what point do people start looting and doing weird shit? Like our- You know what? That's a good question, but you know what? In countries like Italy,
Starting point is 00:18:41 and I don't know, it's a different culture. People are banding together and working together. People are home, so people are less likely to break into a house that somebody's home. And let's also not forget this. America's got the second amendment. We're the most armed country in the world. I don't know. I don't think it would be a good idea for people to try to loot people's houses while they're home, right now. You know, might not be a great idea. And that worked out so well for you. Did you guys hear about the, that they found a Japanese flu drug
Starting point is 00:19:17 seems to be very effective at fighting the coronavirus? Well, see, I don't know what to believe with all these. I keep hearing, every day I hear a different drug that they're testing right now. They're vaccine somewhere that they're coming out with. The last we were talking about, I think it was the arthritis drug that was supposed to be helping. And I know up in Washington there, there's a couple human trials going on right now where somebody's there's already been like 30 or 60 patients that have taken their first round of injections. So cool. Well, there's an anti-viral flu drug from Japan called Favipirivir, I think it's called.
Starting point is 00:19:57 And it's for the flu, but they did a trial in Shenzhen. So they had a bunch of people with coronavirus there and they gave half of them this drug, the other half of them they left whatever and they got out of the virus or at least they turned negative for the virus after four days compared to 11 days for the people who didn't get the drug. So let's thank you for this. I'm not saying yeah, that's great. Yeah, because it's a treatment. You know what I mean? It's not just just a vaccine. Although the vaccine is phase one under trial.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Did you guys hear, is that what you were talking about Adam? Yeah, I think so, right? It's up in Washington right now. And they've already done it on, I think, like 60 patients. Is that right? I think I read it. Yeah, it's at a Kaiser and they're testing it out. And it's like the fastest, this will be the fastest vaccine
Starting point is 00:20:45 to move through the process ever in history. They're not even doing animal trials. They're going straight to humans. Yeah, yeah, no. They already did the shots on some of them, I think. I think that we, I think it still is gonna take time though, right? I thought I heard that the series of shots
Starting point is 00:21:00 are over the course of a few weeks. If you've noticed that right. Yeah, I've heard that. Yeah, it would take like a year or a year and a half, but that's like 10 years faster than it normally takes, which is insane. But I think that's, God bless the people volunteering for that dude, there's no trials. Here you go, you can shot, see what happens. I mean, it's still, it's gonna take, because I know that's the other big concern, right, is that even if we slow things down right now, if we don't have a vaccine for it or we don't know for sure if the vaccine works until six months or a year or whatever, by the next winter, this will still be coming
Starting point is 00:21:42 back around anyway. So we may slow it down now, but it's kind of inevitable that the rumor is that when people start to go back to their normal lives, we'll see a spike again. That's what I've heard. Yeah, we may be in a situation where we're going to just have to say, OK, well, we can't keep everything shut down forever and enough people have had it now where let's just go out in the real world and And you know kind of see what happened. I mean we've had outbreaks in the past
Starting point is 00:22:11 you know Terrible ones and you know we end up building communities so well now we were sending out we're sending I know that one is going up to New York. I don't I think the last Press conference I heard they didn't say where the second one's going, I would assume it's going up towards Washington or the Bay Area since those are the two highest on the West Coast. There, I guess there's two huge cruise liners that's like basically hospitals on water. That's all they are is like, I forget the names of the two boats, but they're just massive.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Yeah. Something like that. And they're two massive cruise ships that just are basically hospital rooms. And really? Yeah, yeah, it's kind of, I didn't even know we had this. And what do they do? They ship you out there if you're sick? So well, no, I think they're a treatment.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Yeah, one of them's going up to New York, right? So to help support New York for the overflow in the hospitals. So. And then the other one is them's going up to new york right so to help support new york for the overflow in the hospitals so and then the other one is gonna go up i'm assuming it's gonna go to washington or to the bay area since those are the two highest areas on the west coast wow that's really cool i know right i don't know we had that so there's some that there's and i know that they're doing some other things to with opening up facilities i mean that's the biggest concern right now is that most hospitals are only equipped with about 40, where they respirators, right, that they, and that's because in most people
Starting point is 00:23:33 that have the coronavirus need to be put on that. Or the real critically, the real critical ones, right, at least. So, you know, if you get, you know, over, and at all times, during a normal flu season, we may be used 12 to 15 at a time in a hospital ever at the worst time. So, most hospitals are over-equipped for that
Starting point is 00:23:55 until this came around, and that's where all this panic is happening is, you know, you've had some of these hospitals hit with 45 or 50 people coming in, and it's like, my buddy just told me a story. So, my best friend's wife is a respiratory therapist. And so she's obviously on the front line of all this, and they had their first death in the hospital today.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And it was a 70-year-old lady, and they didn't have enough respirators for everybody and she chose to not use it and give it to somebody young. Oh, I know, right? That's hard for you. Crazy, right? What a hero. I know though, right? That's what I just, it's sad, but what an amazing story at the same time too, right?
Starting point is 00:24:41 Definitely. Yeah. You know, it's crazy. What, the human spirit never ceases to maze me you know when we have the hardest most difficult things that happen it just opens up opportunities for just acts of just selfless courage like you know like that like the lady you just said you know that she's there dying and she says give it to somebody else. I mean, incredible. I mean, it's just wonderful.
Starting point is 00:25:09 So, hey, I wanted to ask you guys, what are you guys doing to pass the time right now? Because I know you're not leaving the house right now. Well, we stay in busy, dude. Yeah, we worked out. We actually just worked out a little bit, Justin and I did. Doug's been doing a lot of business work, trying to get all, I mean, obviously with this is a challenge with us having to record remotely
Starting point is 00:25:32 and piece episodes together and so with that. So he's been kind of working around the clock on stuff like that. I mean, I've been talking to all of our staff independently and still holding like our normal meetings and partnership stuff. And you know, at first I was really, I was really scared. I mean, I told, I kind of told everybody that I don't know what to expect with all of our partners. Obviously, a big part of our business now is our partnerships that we have and sponsors. And one of my big concerns was obviously if they
Starting point is 00:26:03 all take a massive hit and they can't afford to pay for advertising and you know that happens to multiple companies we could suffer big time and so we've been trying to just be smart and proactive on things that we can do to help support them and but the consensus right now is not that at all and I don't know if you saw the post, I just did maybe 15, 20 minutes ago before we got on here. Just, I'm just so grateful for the partners that we've chose to work with, because like more than, literally almost all of them are direct to consumer brands.
Starting point is 00:26:39 And a majority of their clients, only a few of our partners have some brick and mortar facilities. Most of them have been direct to consumer businesses and are doing phenomenal supporting people right now. I mean, you go to a grocery store right now, you are not getting a bag of chicken. You are not going to get any ground beef or steaks. There's no meat, there's no vegetables. Our partners are doing a really good job of being able to, so they're all seeing a tremendous spike in traffic right now and are shipping out to all these people, which I think is freaking phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:27:16 If you're a health fanatic, I'll tell you what, if you're like a health and fitness fanatics, you're at home, like, have fun optimizing your environment right now. No joke, like, make your home as awesome as you possibly can. Like, I was talking to my, one of my other cousins who is very hard headed and I've been, forever been trying to talk him into getting the chili pad. My brother's been talking to him as well. I was like, you gotta get it. So awesome. Well, now he's stuck at home.
Starting point is 00:27:46 He's stuck at home. He can't go anywhere. So of course now he's getting himself. Did I tell you? Did I tell you a fucking Doug? So Doug ruined this for me. Speaking of the chili pad, you just reminded me that. So we don't have them yet at the Tahoe House until now, right? I'm ordered. I ordered. Last night, so we, so when. So when we got this place, we got, you came with all these bed heaters. And I was like super pumped, I keep my, you know me,
Starting point is 00:28:13 I like the room freezing, so my room's like ice cold. And I had went in there and I turned like the, you know, bed warmer sheets on. So it's like cranked all the way up. And that was gonna crawl into it. And Doug's room was cold. he was like oh, you know
Starting point is 00:28:27 I think I'm gonna turn the fire place on my dog just turn on your your human He's like you think that's really good for you the EMF all night long And I and so I was like fuck Doug and I went to bed right and I'm laying there all night long All I'm thinking about is fucking like I am I feel am I feeling? EMF running through my body right now I'm thinking about is fucking like I am I feel am I feeling EmF running through my body right now I'm so pissed It's like we're ruined that shit for me right now I wasn't even on my radar that I cared about that was sense it right now
Starting point is 00:28:53 Yeah, it's penetrating. I got terrible sleep because all I was thinking about was EmF running through my body and every time I moved and I felt like an electric shock or something I'm like oh my god, I'm like fucking Doug Oh yeah, killing me dude killing your sperm I moved and they felt like an electric shock or something. I'm like, oh my god, I'm like, fuck a dog. Just killing you. Oh, yeah, just killing me. Just killing me. Killing your sperm. Oh, dude, I'm first seeing the morning.
Starting point is 00:29:10 I'm up ordering a chili pad over here. I'm like, this guy, just ruined this for me. So yeah, that's fucking gross. Yeah, well, I mean, the audience probably confused now. So the chili pad is water. It goes through the pad. So it's not. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:23 No, we have enough. Yeah, there's no EMF coming through the pad so it's not. Yes. No, we have. Yeah, there's no EMF coming through the pad. The unit itself that is plugged into the wall is away from you. So you're not sleeping on an electric device. But yeah, my cousin now he's like optimizing his whole house. So he's got, you know, he's got exercise. Everything. He's got bands now set up. He's got, you know, you know, he's all set up and everything. Yeah. He's got bands now set up.
Starting point is 00:29:45 He's got, you know, you know, he's all set up when I was with his chili pad so we can sleep all perfect. He's got the, dude, why not? I mean, think about how good you feel when you're like super refreshed at like the best night's sleep ever. Like I feel like if you're not getting the best night's sleep ever, all these different things that we've come across, like you got to try it at least
Starting point is 00:30:06 and see if it makes any kind of a difference. I mean, it'll affect the way that you work, the way you interact with people, your family, it's crazy when you get a good night's sleep. No, I do, everybody, everybody. Everybody ran out on this, dude. Everybody I've got on this is absolutely rants and raves about it.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Once you do that and you see, it reminds me of reminds me of and I think I don't think I've Share this in the pocket. I know I show this with you guys off hair When I was a kid, right? We had like that the hand me down bed like it was like literally like a taco like cuz it's been like So many generations had fucking slept on it The best you just like rolled to the middle of the time at night. You know, and for my entire life as a kid, I just assume that, you know, I, everybody just is restless through the night.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I didn't know that like you just fall asleep and you see, I literally, I literally as a kid believe this like because my whole life growing up, I just tossed and turned forever. And it wasn't until I got like a really nice mattress. I had the greatest nights sleepovers. Oh my God. So my point of bringing that up is that that's the experience I get when I get like a client or a friend
Starting point is 00:31:08 and I introduce them to a chili pad is they just like, oh my god. I didn't realize I wasn't sleeping great until I actually manage my temperature all night long. Still the perfect temperature. Yeah. It's true. Yeah. You know how many of your purchasing habits, Adam, or because of your childhood trauma to have? You keep your A.D.I. 20-hrower today. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Because you guys never had AC. And then because you slept on a taco bed. Yeah. I got a million dollar mattress and chili pad pad on the new. Yeah. I think you told me that once. That was like the first big purchase. Did this whole thing hysteria bring back flashbacks remember like because you not having toilet paper was your personal fear. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:31:52 No, my god That why do you think I keep throwing like all the memes out of that? It's like it's it pisses me off like seeing all these people I think because I actually feel threatened there a little bit You said like I'm normally, what, you know, what, there you heard on my stats. I'm always stocked up for months, bro. I'm always stocked up for months. So that's like, in this case, I've, when everybody was racing there bit worse as it gets and they're all a sudden there's a toilet paper shortage.
Starting point is 00:32:26 And it's like, oh shit. It was that all along. It's a whole time. It's really ironic though that that's the thing that everybody is buying. I just find that really funny. Like of all the things, you know. And if everybody was just normal about it,
Starting point is 00:32:40 there would be no, it wouldn't be sold out. No. If everybody just bought their toilet paper, every time they go to the grocery store Between now and whenever the fuck this thing ends. Yeah, we'd all be fine. There's no Reason why there should be a shortage of toilet paper because there's no reason why all said we should be shooting more as Americans Then we were just like it's not a fucking diarrhea virus if it was a diarrhea virus. This would make total sense Oh, yeah, it's nothing to do. And I'm on board, 100%.
Starting point is 00:33:05 So memes are like, by far, the most powerful form of communication today. They spread so quickly. And they're doing it. Whoever makes these means is doing such a phenomenal job at keeping people's stress levels low. I read one today that one. I thought was hilarious. It said, I used to, I used to cough to hide my fart.
Starting point is 00:33:23 But now I fart. I hide my cough. Yeah, now my favorite one was the truth. Did you see the one I shared, the toilet paper all over the house? Oh, I had that. Yeah, so you didn't see that one? I thought I'd send it over to the main thread. Did somebody at T.P. this house?
Starting point is 00:33:40 Yeah, somebody at T.P. the house says, Oh, it's on Zillow. Yeah, it's crazy. His neighbor's house got T.P. last night, and now it's listed on Zillow for 12.5 million I'm doing some you know because I'm you know, I'm self-quarantine and you know because I'm sick But also because you know the whole deal or whatever. I'm just I'm reading a lot of weird stuff And I came across something really interesting, a weird fact, and I know Justin will probably appreciate
Starting point is 00:34:09 that he likes these weird things. So, did you know that, okay, at the time of the dinosaurs, okay, so let me back up a little bit. Scientists studied fossils of mollusk shells, so these are shells from ancient like snails. And these ancient mollusks, the way that they grow is they lay down a daily growth ring. So it literally matches the day. So they could tell by these growth rings how many days in the year they were, how long the days were back then. That's like trees too, right?
Starting point is 00:34:47 Three, yeah, I think trees something different, right? So they studied these and they calculated that back about 4.5 or excuse me, not 4.5. But anyway, long time ago when there was dinosaurs around that days were shorter and there were 372 days in a year, rather than 365. How the fuck do we come up with something like that? How is it? Off of living in a shell, we put this together? Yes, that's what they said. They said Earth turned faster at the end of the time of the dinosaurs that it does today.
Starting point is 00:35:22 So it's still in the same distance in orbit. It just because the earth was rotating a little faster. And because it was rotating faster, that added extra days to the year before it made a full rotation around the sun or whatever, so or whatever. So there's 372 days in the year versus 365. And that weird. So with this explain why we didn't actually live for that many years before, but maybe it was. Maybe the years were a lot longer. So when we speculate that what they say, what, hundreds or thousands of years ago, the humans didn't live longer than about 45 years old,
Starting point is 00:35:56 maybe that 45 is more like our 95. Yeah, no, it's back in the dinosaur. It's way before. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Dude, I don't know. I don't know if I, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:05 I don't know if I get, whenever I hear science like that, I have such a hard time like grasping. How, how can we be so certain off of, off of some rings from a, from a shell? That's so weird to me. Yeah, I know, and that's funny. It is.
Starting point is 00:36:20 It's just weird to me that we just try and find some common ground of what you see in nature right now. And then you try and create this, it doesn't always work out. I feel like the same people that believe in that, they're the same people that scoff at religions and believing in some God that we can't see. It's like, how is that any crazier?
Starting point is 00:36:39 I mean, are not crazier. It's crazier. It's just like, a lot of it's up for interpretation, based off of what evidence you see. And evidence, you know how it goes in trial and court with like a murder case? Yeah, yeah, how much like you have all the evidence, but now how do you create the story of what actually happened? Right. Yeah, at some point you just have to say, okay, believe in a narrative, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. 100 or I don't.. But I mean, the rotation of the earth, it does change, right? Because the way that the earth travels through space and how close we are to the sun, that
Starting point is 00:37:12 for sure changes, which is why there's a wobble to the earth. So the climate changes over time. We've had ice ages and stuff. So it's not hard to believe that days were a half hour shorter. Instead of 24 hours, there were 23 and a half hours for whatever. I've noticed I've been on my phone a lot more though, trying to handle things and emails and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:37:35 I've been trying my best to put my glasses on. I was remembering when I didn't have prescription glasses, it was such a problem for me, squinting-wise, and like, I wouldn't get really bad headaches, but then, you know, later on, I'd realize I was in front of a screen for long enough, I would get really bad headaches, just looking at the screen,
Starting point is 00:37:57 and so, you know, it was more than just like, I don't know if it's a stigmatism or if it's just that I'm like, nearsight or whatever, but, like, I had to add in that blue blocking element to it and it's just been like no more strain, no more headaches as a result of that. So that was like a huge thing for me. Oh yeah, so it's such a avoid headaches you've been wearing the blue, the feelings raised more often. Yeah, I've been wearing those in combination with the prescription. So like as I'm leading things on, yeah,
Starting point is 00:38:27 cause I'm freaking blind dude. I'm actually, hey, we'll speak, since we're, since Justin's picking on himself, I'm gonna pile on him, why he's going anyways. This guy, this has a, he has a,
Starting point is 00:38:38 a worse cheese addiction than like we talked to him. We weren't gonna talk about this. No, I am talking about this dude, because you have to talk about this. I do have to talk about this, dude, because you have to talk about this. I do have to talk about this. He's on another level than I actually thought. I know we tease him on the show a lot of that's exaggerated. It's only because of circumstance.
Starting point is 00:38:52 No, no, no, this is the style, okay? So we go to the grocery store yesterday, and we divide and conquer it, there's nothing. So you're just like, I think each of us are going down the aisle like you're trying to grab, they put stuff together or whatever. And of course Justin, you know, grabs cheese, you know, I expect that, right?
Starting point is 00:39:13 There wasn't even any blocks though. There was just like all these like random little, like versions of it all over the place. There's literally, there's literally 13 different types of cheeses in our refrigerator right now. And the rest is, he buys, I didn't even know they make these. There's literally 13 different types of cheeses in our refrigerator right now. No, the cheeses. He buys, I didn't even know they make these.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Do you know that you remember the chocolate mints is it Andes? I think the chocolate mint brand that's, is thinking, oh yeah. Okay, do you know they make bags of cheese like that? They're like cracker barrel, like little, that you package like, they're into, yes, they're like individual little things.
Starting point is 00:39:43 And this guy eats them, like, people like fat people eat And end of guests. They're like individual little things. And this guy eats them like people, like fat people eat Andy's candy, bro. Lisa. He sits down like you know, like you, you know what I'm saying? Like you're cousin that freaking eats a pound of chocolate that person.
Starting point is 00:39:53 He sits down with like these handfuls of these cheese wrappers and just eats them like Andy's, Andy's mints. Yeah. Oh my God. You know, what do they say about addictions? Like, you know, your friend, they just see the tip of the iceberg. Yeah. Oh my god. You know, what do they say about addictions like, you know, your friend they just see the tip of the iceberg. Yeah. I feel like, Hey, I feel like he relieved a ton of it. Or I was looking for a meal. He revealed a ton of it this weekend, dude. No, I was looking for a meat and listen, there was like no ground meat. There's no like jerky or anything like. So I had to grab like what I could and that's cheese.
Starting point is 00:40:27 What do you guys feel good? It helps me and it times a parent. We're not, we're probably, well, we're not that bad though either, right? I wouldn't say we're, Doug made us, Doug made us, we got the air fryer up here and Doug made some incredible, you know, frozen green bean because you can't get any fresh vegetables
Starting point is 00:40:44 because everybody ran sighted. So he made, he did make, made us some air frozen green bean, because you can't get any fresh vegetables because everybody ran sighted. So he did make made us some air fried green beans, which were phenomenal. We had a bowl of that. The place right here, so the bar and grill that's inside our community center thing or whatever, they're actually encouraging people not
Starting point is 00:41:01 to come to the restaurant and eat there. And so they're actually doing a dinout thing where. Yeah, we just called down there and we so yesterday I had Mahi tacos. I think just just an in Doug had like a chicken sandwich Yeah, and we're gonna order from there next right now. We'll order from there So we're trying to get salad. We're we have when we got some I mean there really wasn't anything to put together I think we had a quesadilla the first night we got here. I think that we, of course, we had cheese, right? We have cheese.
Starting point is 00:41:26 We have a lot of cheese. Well, that's just hard to do, right? There it is. Like, how am I going to get real? Let's cheese now. I made them one of my childhood white trash meals that I love. Yeah. What do you call that?
Starting point is 00:41:37 I introduced them to something both of them never have before. It's pretty amazing. I don't know if I want to share with you. I kind of want to surprise you, I think. Actually, I want to make you. What are you able to tell? Oh, you would have three. You can't eat it. Oh, you can't eat it.
Starting point is 00:41:50 So, okay, I guess I can't tell. These slathers cream cheese over these, like, real thin bread sticks. No, that's supposed to be thin. They're supposed to be the thick ones. We had to deal with what we had. You know the hard bread sticks, what do they call? I don't know what you call them.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Is there an Italian name for it? Is it a dog? Breadstick. No, shut up. I think so, yeah. Is it just a bread, okay, so like the big round breadsticks, you take those and you get some of the, and not the creamy but the kind of whipped cottage cheese.
Starting point is 00:42:19 Cream cheese. Cream cheese, sorry, cream cheese. And you smear it all over this breadstick and then you wrap, you wrap sal breadstick, and then you wrap salami around it, and then you eat it. The worst part was Adam watching me eat it. You know what they do in Italy, they use the breadstick, and then they put like, like prosciutto around it with like a sprinkle parmesan.
Starting point is 00:42:42 So you literally made a gangster version of that. Oh, dude, it's the white trash version. It is. It is. That was like one of the go-to meals as a kid. I remember. It was like, what is it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:54 I remember being a kid like crying for food. My, my, my, we need some food and her like going to the, I think it's nothing in the car. As far as I know, she invented it. I don't know. I've never seen any other kids get served it. I don't know, I don't know anybody else that's had it before but I tell you what though. It was good Oh, yeah, it was good. That was a kind of good. It was like no it was good. Did I?
Starting point is 00:43:11 I enjoyed it. Yeah, definitely What do you think? I liked it. I felt my heart getting clogged up Adam, did you ever eat cereal with water because you guys didn't have milk? Oh, of course I did. Oh, of course I had to, dude. Yeah, no, that's for sure. You know, or you know, you want to know something, you want to talk about childhood stuff, like we talk about my spending, because so I have a thing at my house, right?
Starting point is 00:43:37 Katrina always gets mad at me. Like, if something hits the date, it's trash. I throw it away. Right. Like, there's one day beyond, I'm freaking out. Like so. What's with you guys, it's trash. I throw it away. There's one day beyond, I'm freaking out. I told you guys my whole thing. And she grew up where, yeah, you just tear the mold off.
Starting point is 00:43:52 We just eat that shit, you know what I'm saying? And I'm so, because I had that all the time and that was, I've been sick before from eating something that was for her, for her expired. I'm so super paranoid on something like that. Even if it's something that a meal she just made, if it's sat in the refrigerator for like two days, I'm like, let's drink like two, two month old milk
Starting point is 00:44:11 at my parents house and then forever it was just like, and I know that whatever is presented in front of me, I'm like, this is past expiration date. That's just how they roll. They don't care, it's like, I'm like, look, it's written on the box here, you're not supposed to eat the sea more, it's done. Oh don't care. I'm like, look, it's written on the box here. You're not supposed to eat the sea more. It's done. So angry. That's hilarious. I miss you guys. Yeah, we miss you too, man. But
Starting point is 00:44:32 at least we I'm so glad that we were able to make it work like this. So at least we can communicate. It was a lot better not having you at all. So for sure. So yeah, good deal, boys. This quads brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition, Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance-the-edit edge. Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com. And use a coupon code minepump for 20% off at checkout. My first question is from CDChamp17. What are rest posets and how can they be used
Starting point is 00:45:17 in a workout? Who's big on rest posets recently? Those kind of came back. Someone was talking about it. Lane was just training him with Paulie. I saw on his Instagrams. They've been around for a long time. Yeah, no, of course. I feel like somebody was making a deal about it that we interviewed recently. Ben Pollock uses them a lot.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I don't know how often I see shallow use them, but... Oh, you know who it was? Remember the dude we can't remember his name shaved head like Overly jacked You know I'm talking about yeah mountain dog was it mountain dog is a mountain dog or Yeah, the other like Well scientists people are talking about rest posets now more than I've heard in a long time
Starting point is 00:46:01 But they've been they've been around for a very, very long time. Bodybuilders have used rest pause sets since, geez, since the 70s, maybe your 80s. So essentially what they are is you, rather than, so typically a normal workout set looks like this, right? You do your 10 reps, then you rest for one to three minutes, then you do another 10, you know, set of 10 reps and so on. What a rest pause set looks like is you do 10 reps, then you wait maybe 15, 20 seconds, then you do many as you can again, then you wait another 15, 20 seconds, then you do as many as you can again, and then you're done.
Starting point is 00:46:37 Something along those lines. It's like a cluster set. Kind of like a cluster set, exactly. Do they have value? Yeah. Do they have value? Yeah. It's an advanced intensity building technique. It's a way to squeeze more volume and work and intensity into your workout. And a shorter period of time. And a shorter period of time. It's not the BL end all. So it's not like, you know, do those and then that's it. You just do those and you get all
Starting point is 00:47:02 the results you ever wanted. But especially if you're advanced, and I say advanced because if you're not advanced, if you've been working out for less than two or three years, consistently, then your best bet is to stick to the basics. Get good at the basics, get good at your form, get good at your traditional sets, get good at your controlled negatives, the squeeze, the feel, focus on that. That's where you're going to get the most results. But after you've been training for a while and you've been doing consistently and you know what you're doing and your form is great and you've got great connection, then you can
Starting point is 00:47:34 start to implement different types of techniques. What I would do with something like this is I would implement this in phases and I would do it for a phase of one to three weeks. So I'd say to myself, okay, for the next three weeks, I'm gonna make sure my sleep is good, my nutrition's good, but working out for a while, I'm gonna use rest, pause sets for my chest, or maybe just for an exercise. I'm gonna do it just for squats, and that's it,
Starting point is 00:48:00 and take it from there. I like them for like isolation exercises. Like I like it for arms. It's a cool thing to do. Some shoulder stuff. I like to do it with shoulders. It's a really good pump pump. Yeah, no, it's a great way to chase a pump.
Starting point is 00:48:12 You know, whenever we get questions that are like specific to tools like this in training, it just reminds me of like training for a sport and any sport. Every sport has like its foundational movements or things that you should get really, really good at before you try something fancy. You know, and I relate to basketball the most because what I played the most. And I think of like how important the fundamentals of learning to dribble the basketball with
Starting point is 00:48:40 your right hand, learning to dribble the basketball with your left hand, rocker step, jab step, jump stop, like, you know, bounce past. These are all like fundamental things that you, as, when you're learning to play the game, back more shots. Yeah, you just, you drill in style. You drill these home like crazy. And, you know, every, every great player ever has mastered those. And then as they've progressed and they've been doing it for years, they add the between the legs crossover, the behind the back pass, the donk.
Starting point is 00:49:15 These are all things that are also extremely valuable and make you great, but you don't need that necessarily at the beginning to get good at the game, right? You know what it reminds me of? You're not always waiting for your spoiler on a car analogy, because that would go perfect here. You know what it reminds me of. So, in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has become very, very popular over the last few decades. I mean, when it first entered into the fray,
Starting point is 00:49:46 it was the first ultimate fighting championship. And Hoistgrase, he comes out, skinny Brazilian dude, doesn't look like he could beat up anybody. And he beats everybody, including Ken Shamrock, who looked like a cartoon character at the time. Chokes him out, right? So everybody's like, oh my God, I gotta learn this,
Starting point is 00:50:01 this new martial arts. Since then, it's changed and been modified so much. There's so many of these highly technical moves and spin moves and rolling off if you're back and things like the Brem below and 50-50, all these different positions. And what's happened with a lot of Jiu-Jitsu guys, they go right into these very technical moves.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Meanwhile, the real champions are saying, you need to focus on the basics. And a great example of that would be like, Hicks and Gracie's son. His son competes in these tournaments against high level black belts who are doing all these flashy moves. And literally will beat them with the most basic rudimentary Jiu-jitsu, but so perfect.
Starting point is 00:50:45 It's the basics that do most of everything. And it's true for any sport, it's true for any endeavor, it's true for business, it's true for being a good personal trainer, and it's true for your workouts. There's the fundamentals that will give you 95% of your results.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Then there's all the other stuff that'll squeeze out that extra 5%. If you're not good at the fundamentals, it's almost wasting your time. That's fun. You know, like the appeal of it is, wow, this is like new, it's exciting, it's like producing something, it's fun.
Starting point is 00:51:15 But again, it's not part of like the meat and potatoes of what you need to focus on, you know, for the rest of the workout. Well, you gotta be careful. You become very detrimental for people chasing all the flash ideas, because then you're chasing all these things that are cool, that you heard about, that somebody used clickbait
Starting point is 00:51:31 to get your attention of try this new thing, and you're doing all those things, and you're not getting the time under practicing the stuff that really, like you said, is the 95%. So it can really kill your gains by chasing all that. I think that's when we talk about topics like this, I think we're always trying to think about the average person. I know there's some asshole who's listening right now.
Starting point is 00:51:56 What would love to argue like how incredible it would've been for that person, that single person who's been training for 15 years of their life, and how valuable it's been of a tool for them. That's not who I think we're trying to communicate to. I think we're trying to communicate to the average person who struggles just to be consistent for two years in a row of training. I mean, that would be a year in a row of training would be a fucking accomplishment in itself. So if you're that person and you have them squatting and deadlifting overhead pressing
Starting point is 00:52:24 and really good at those movements for a long time, then you're gonna get so much more value and spending more time working towards that than trying all these different variables. Yeah, I would put rest posets up there with force traps, force negatives or negative reps, partial reps, drop sets, negative reps, partial reps, drop sets, you know, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:52:47 And we put them in some of our programs. They tend to be a phase and they tend to be later on in the program when somebody's already done six to eight weeks of training consistently in one of our programs and we know it's done really well. So there's definitely value to rest pausets. But if you're not advanced or you don't have a lot of consistency under your belt,
Starting point is 00:53:07 I would stay away from them. Now, if you are consistent, you've been training for a while. Now there's lots of value. Give it a shot, try them out, because you know your body, you know how you move, you already know the fundamentals, you've been doing them for a while. Now, a technique like rest posets can provide you value.
Starting point is 00:53:23 So, and again, you know, the second part of the question is how do I use this in a workout? Okay, here's one of the big mistakes you can make if you're advanced and rest posets work for you. You do them in the whole workout. Now every exercise, every set, like I'm gonna do rest posets throughout the whole workout. Way too much for most people.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Pick one exercise or one body part, and that one body part, typically I wouldn't do rest pos sets for more than maybe two or three sets in that entire workout because it is very, very intense. So it's not something you apply to the whole workout, it's something you throw in as an extra set to maybe three sets for a particular body part or exercise. Next question is from Frinds Demamos. How would you go about curing a sugar addiction? Oh boy. Oh boy. So there's two parts to this.
Starting point is 00:54:09 One part is the physiological response that you have to sugar. And sugar is part of the sugar salt fat mix that creates hyper-paladibility. There's a lot of things that create hyper-paladibility. And that refers to just the hedonistic value of food, the pleasure of eating food. And sugar's a part of that, right?
Starting point is 00:54:33 So the physiological effects are you eat it, you enjoy it, makes you feel good, probably causes you to want more, just like anything you enjoy. By the way, this applies to anything that you have a lot of enjoyment over. It can be sex, it can be gambling, it can be drugs, and it can also be, I'm sugar.
Starting point is 00:54:50 So there's the physiological effects. And when your body's used to something all the time, physiologically, when you remove it, you may notice some withdrawal. Now, sugar withdrawal, physiologically speaking. I'm gonna talk about the psychological piece too in a second. But physiologically speaking, it's not like alcohol withdrawal or, you know, other drug withdrawal where you get this pronoun, even caffeine withdrawal,
Starting point is 00:55:12 far worse, physiologically speaking, but you may notice that food just tastes more bland, that's the withdrawal physiologically. Your brain was used to sweetness, now you eliminate it, and now food just doesn't taste as good. That'll take you about a week to get rid of. And that's not really the big problem, though. That part right there is not that big of an issue. The bigger issues is the psychological piece. If you're using sugar as a way to make yourself feel better or to comfort yourself or as a way
Starting point is 00:55:38 to distract yourself, when you remove that, you've lost your way of comforting yourself, you've lost your way of distracting yourself. you've lost your way of distracting yourself, now you have to deal with whatever it was that you were trying to numb or whatever. This is true for anything that you use. Well, it wasn't the first part of that figuring out what those triggers are. When you feel the urge, what time it is during the day, what sparked that in terms of what kind of feeling you have, if you've been depressed all day,
Starting point is 00:56:06 like is certain things stressing you out, like are you prone to then going and getting this sugar to kind of cope with that thing? But yeah, you have to find something else to replace that with and to be able to create a new healthier habit and then create barriers sort of around what you know, what's your go-to is. So I like talking about this because this has been a lifelong struggle for myself.
Starting point is 00:56:34 You're recovering? Yeah, I've been a long time. So any mycanics? Recovering, sugar addict, for sure. And there's, and this may or may not work for you, but I'll give you some things that I have pieced together over decades of working on this myself and attempting and failing, attempting and failing and getting better and better and better at it. One thing I noticed for sure was, once I started to avoid processed foods, and this includes the
Starting point is 00:57:03 healthy processed foods like protein bars. If it's got sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners in it, those are, what is it? I think it's 100 or 1000 times sweeter than regular sugar. It's still giving that perception of sweet. So yeah, it's, it gives you that perception even more. Like that, this was even why it was so hard for me to get where like diet coax was like, that was like the kind of the last straw for me was limiting that because it still was giving that feeling of getting that much sugar, even though I wasn't getting real sugar.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Getting rid of all of that, and I would say, South set a week, it took me a little bit longer than a week. I'd say it took me about a solid month before the taste of fruit came back. Literally, I could eat a strawberry, blueberries, a banana, and they tasted nothing. They tasted bland for me for many, many years. I never even really cared for fruit because of that. And it wasn't until I eliminated all the processed sugars and artificial sweeteners out of the diet and consistently did that, like really, really good for at least a solid month.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And then when I would start to have things like strawberries and bananas and blueberries, I was so blown away by how amazing they tasted, but they never tasted like that for me because of how much I was constantly eating sugar. So, that was one thing that really helped. The second thing that helped a lot was actually doing like a ketogenic diet, a higher fat diet, lower carbohydrate. I noticed when, and so, you know, keto would work probably well for this carnivore would
Starting point is 00:58:40 work really well for this. I've recommended like Whole 30 to people before to get them going on this for a while, help with the whole foods. But a higher fat, lower carbohydrate intake, seem to kick some of the crazy cravings that I would get. What I would find if I had, let's say something that wasn't even like lots of sugar,
Starting point is 00:59:01 just like a major car, a quick carb, like an oatmeal for breakfast. I a major car, a quick carb, like an oatmeal for breakfast. I'd have oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast, and Matt, two hours later, I would just be craving food more. And if I let that go longer than two or three hours, then the sweet and the bad would start to crave even harder. So switching to a breakfast like eggs and bacon and maybe a fatty meat or butter in their avocado.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Having that for breakfast, I noticed not only satiated me, but it also eliminated a lot of the cravings that I was having for the sweet. Those are just a couple things that, and like anything else, I would wing myself off. If you're, you know, first evaluate how bad your sugar addiction is, are you eating, you know, 150 grams a day, 200, 300 grams a day, like figure out where you're at and slowly start to scale out. And the way I would scale out is by first eliminating the process foods, eliminating, because sugar fruit,
Starting point is 01:00:04 not bad. I mean, that's, and for me, that's because sugar fruit, not bad. I mean, that's, and for me, that's what I'm always looking for. I'm looking for, you know, 90% or all of my sugar is coming from fruit now, and then the rest of it is not found in my foods or other bullshit. We've seen products be developed around this
Starting point is 01:00:20 where they try to change the actual flavor of sweet and turn it into like a sour or a bitter. Yeah, and so I was, it's interesting that I would love to see the success right with that, but obviously, you know, that's something that you already have to agree to want to put in before then you grab your normal like snicker bar or whatever to kind of cope with. It's like, it eliminates the pleasure of it. Are you really going gonna do that? Yeah, it requires you to stop, be aware enough to do something to then make the thing that is pleasurable to you, not be pleasurable anymore.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Which may work if it is a type of barrier. Yeah, if it's a barrier for you and you take that extra step. You know, you have to address both. You have to address the physiological aspect of it, like we're talking about where food tastes bland. That one's not that hard to deal with when you take out the psychological piece. The psychological piece is the hard part. Why, what is it that this food is providing? Typically, it's pleasure, it feels good. Okay,
Starting point is 01:01:21 why am I seeking this pleasure? And perhaps you're addicted to good feelings, which is very, very common. All of us have dealt with this or most people have dealt with this. Or maybe you're just feeling bad about something and that's your way of distracting yourself. And so it does require a certain level of willingness to increase or improve that self-awareness. It's sometimes people try to fix a problem by still remaining unaware and just going on a strict diet
Starting point is 01:01:55 of some type. And what that tends to lead to is you restrict binge type model, which just doesn't work. So that self-awareness piece is such an important part of working on any type of, you know, I hate to use the word addiction because that's a clinical term, but anything that you feel has power over you,
Starting point is 01:02:15 that you wish didn't have that much power over you. Next question is from Fit Nikki. I'm a middle school PE teacher and I'm passionate about lifting. How would you teach a weightlifting class if you were the teacher? Would you start body weight and then teach them lifts? Any ideas on programming would be great.
Starting point is 01:02:31 Oh yeah, that'd be awesome. I'd start with prime. Yeah, I mean correctional exercises would be phenomenal. Basic exercises that are really good that you can teach, because this is a group. So you're a little bit of a challenge, right? You're teaching a group of kids. So it's hard to be, you can, because this is a group. So you're a little bit of a challenge, right? You're teaching a group of kids. So it's hard to be, you know, individualized,
Starting point is 01:02:47 but I would teach a standard lunch. It's easier for somebody to do that than it is for them to do a squat with decent mechanics. You could try push-ups. Push-ups, you know, I know they do those in school, but if you've ever watched kids do push-ups, it's usually pretty terrible, the way that they tend to do them.
Starting point is 01:03:08 So you could start with just the plank where the kids are just holding themselves up by their arms and you're timing them for 10 seconds or whatever. And then you could do play drills. Because here's the thing as a teacher, we can all remember the few teachers that we had that we really enjoyed, right?
Starting point is 01:03:24 The ones that really made an impact. And the reason why we remembered them is they made learning really fun. So I think when you're working with kids, because I've trained a lot of kids, it's, when I'm training adults, it tends to be more about making sure everything I'm doing is right for them.
Starting point is 01:03:40 When I'm teaching kids, I want to make sure that the experience is right. Does that make sense? Yeah, I think to the middle school wanna make sure that the experience is right. Does that make sense? Yeah, I think to the middle school is a little bit of an older kid. I think that you can go a little bit further, not much further than that.
Starting point is 01:03:54 You know, it's sort of on the cusp of, I took a weight, a legit weight training class like in high school and I totally benefited from it. Like all the mechanics of it, the levers, the technique, and I loved it. And that's something that I was glad to have, and I know it's not offered at every school, and I wish it was.
Starting point is 01:04:12 In terms of the middle school, I think it's definitely teaching the movements. So if you do want to go like the body weight route, I think that's smart. I think it's slowing the whole class down and it's really being able to articulate where they are in space. So they're very aware that their knees
Starting point is 01:04:31 traveling a certain distance, they're holding their body, like having like frees, like at a certain part of the movement and everybody freezes and you kind of are more aware of this. The reason why I brought up prime is just to have them go through those three movements
Starting point is 01:04:46 so they can see, you know, oh wow, my arms can't stay touch to the wall, you know, for the wall press. Oh no, I can't twist my body like that, you know, with my upper back, you know, to be able to produce a windmill, you know, I can't squat with it touching all points. It's just, it's really raising that awareness.
Starting point is 01:05:09 And then, you know, I would think that really focusing the attention on the body weight, exercise like said, lunge, pushups, squats, air squats, you know, basic things, but really like, you know, taking your time with it. I'll give you an example of a way to make it kind of fun, because just a couple things I should do with kids. One thing I would do is to work on balance and strength. I would have a kid balance on one foot
Starting point is 01:05:31 and then I'd drop either jacks or pencils or something on the ground around them and it's okay. How many can you pick up without putting your other foot down? And it would be a game like, oh, you got five or you got six and they're just bending over picking up all the stand on one foot. Games are super effective.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Yeah, another one that I would do is I would have them stand on one foot and we would hit a balloon back and forth. And the goal was for them to miss the balloon, but stay on that one foot. So I'd hit it to them and then they'd hit it back and we'd go back and forth. Making the things fun is just as important
Starting point is 01:06:01 as doing the right things with kids because you want to create a good association with exercise. A lot of kids have a bad association with PE. You know, like, oh, my teacher made me run the mile. Oh, it sucked, everything sucked, and they don't wanna do. Then the second they don't have to be active, they're done. One of the best things you could do
Starting point is 01:06:18 is create a good association so they can think back and be like, oh, wow, Mrs. Johnson, she was, that class was great. We did these wonderful stretches. We did these fun games. You know, I really enjoyed it. Now you've potentially created kind of this lifelong associate, a positive association with exercise.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Yeah, I love the, I love the prime idea that Justin's saying with the assessment tool in there, I think that's a valuable thing. I think that maps anywhere a protocol, I think is phenomenal. There's a lot of. I think that maps anywhere a protocol, I think is phenomenal. There's a lot of great core body weight stuff that's in there that I think you could teach to middle school kids and then to piggyback off of what's out saying, you know, I remember teaching like my boot camp classes where I had all the kids come and you know, we do fun
Starting point is 01:07:00 things like that where we would do sprints on the lawn and we try and make games out of it. I know you can't steal the bacon. It's not something we can do anymore in school these days, which is unfortunate, but you can't steal the bacon. No, you can't do red rover. I thought steal the bacon is gone too. Is it stealing wine?
Starting point is 01:07:15 Was it steal the broccoli or something? No, shit. But I mean, I would get them in a line too and do like walking lunges. And then I would blow a whistle and they'd have to stop where they're at and stabilize or balance. So they do like walking lunges and align all of them together in a group and then have them pause at the top by their balancing on one leg.
Starting point is 01:07:35 So there's a lot of things like that that you'd like green light. Yeah, you can get creative like that. And I think that's true. I think Sal's right. I think you can't over complicate the programming to where you're just, you're at that age, you're trying to introduce them to exercise. You're trying to make it fun. You want to, you want to encourage good movement, but then same time too, you don't want to over complicate it so much that because teaching someone a squat mechanic is is is extremely difficult,
Starting point is 01:08:06 you know, teaching them how to deadlift is at that age, it's really, really, and then in a group setting, you're talking about, and then also fun. I mean, that's to do it well, you'd have to stop the class every, every minute and break everything down. So. And kids nowadays are so much less active that you're, yeah, I mean, I'm serious. It would be, like, and by the time they're in middle school, so you're dealing with what, 12 year old kid, any movement is great. Yeah, 12, 13 year old, they don't want to sweat,
Starting point is 01:08:31 you know, they're looking at the girl over there, the girl's like, I don't want to mess up my hair, and then none of them are active because nobody's active anymore. So keep it basic and fun would be the main pieces of advice I could give. And then if you're doing the correctional exercise stuff with that, then you can start to move from kid to kid
Starting point is 01:08:47 and help them out. All right, we're all gonna get in the floor. We're gonna get in a position called 90, 90. Here's what I want you guys to do. Then stand up and walk around, tell jokes, have fun with them, show them what they can do with their leg or whatever, and try and make it kind of a more positive experience.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Next question is from Maxi Smith. I've been addressing forward shoulder for about a year and have made good progress with my posture, but my next still shoots forward. Any tips or strategies to help with this? Yeah, those are two separate things there. Yeah. So when your shoulders roll forward,
Starting point is 01:09:18 usually it's also accompanied by the head forward position where the head kind of jets forward. But that doesn't mean if you fix one, you fix the other one. You have to work on them a little bit separately. Now, we tend to talk a lot about working on the forward shoulder position. We've only talked maybe a few times on the podcast about the actual neck positioning. But with your neck positioning, here's a great way you can kind of work on that. Stand up against the wall so that your shoulders but your heels and the back of your head
Starting point is 01:09:49 is touching the wall. And then what you wanna do is you wanna give yourself a little bit of a double chin and see if you can make your neck longer. And you wanna push your head into the wall while giving yourself a double chin and simultaneously trying to make your neck longer. So if that makes sense, so can I put it in there?
Starting point is 01:10:04 There's a little nodule like in the back of your head that you can feel. It comes to kind of a point and that's what we're trying to shoot to get back to the wall. So really kind of like tucking that chin back and pulling it back like a mamos like tirtling myself back to the wall is a great trail and also a net car. So this is something we have in Prime Pro where it actually shows you how to safely control and articulate your neck in different directions. So you gain access to that.
Starting point is 01:10:35 So it's not just your go-to isn't always under stress. I'm sticking my head forward. It's called the Asipital. That's the bone. Yeah, right in the back of the head. Yeah, I mean, the Zone one test is phenomenal for this. I mean, that's a staple go-to of I did a video recently where I talked about squat priming and addressing my forward head
Starting point is 01:10:57 is one of my go-to things I have to do every time because I do still have that. So I still battle up across syndrome, which is the rounded shoulders in the forward head and more so forward head than I have round do every time, because I do still have that. So I still battle up across syndrome, which is the rounded shoulders in the forward head and more so forward head than I have round the shoulders so I can totally relate to this question. So it's literally just practicing zone one in prime is phenomenal.
Starting point is 01:11:16 As far as an exercise that's good for that too, Prone Cobra. Prone Cobra can be a great exercise for that movement and you can do it on the ground or do it on a stability ball. But you really gotta focus on the neck part. If you just look up and bring your head back, you're not gonna fix that part. No, no, and that's just stated.
Starting point is 01:11:34 That's why the zone one first, you need to be aware of what that feels like to set your head back, right? Because if you just cue somebody to bring your head back, a lot of times people actually can't even articulate that. That's why I say double chin. I think everybody can know what that feels like. I look up and they almost say,
Starting point is 01:11:52 have lift their chin up to get back. No. Instead of pulling it back. No, you're sliding the head back as if it were on a track. You're not trying to look back. Somebody's poking with their finger right at your chin and it's pushing you directly back.
Starting point is 01:12:06 Exactly. And this is why zone one is so good. So we're using in the zone one maps prime, we're using a wall to give you feedback. The wall is not necessary for you to prime all these things. It's just there so you can feel it, right? So when you see us address it and then you try and emulate it, and you can feel your head go back and then hit the wall, you're like, okay, I get what I'm doing.
Starting point is 01:12:31 The next step is understanding what that feels like. Then, learning to incorporate that on all movements, because when you lay down and you probably do a bench press, you don't even think because you're thinking about your chest and bench pressing, you let your head probably creep forward. When you're doing bicep curls, and you're thinking about just squeezing your biceps, you let your head creep forward. And so once you understand what you need to articulate in your neck,
Starting point is 01:12:56 because you've done like a zone one test in Maps Prime, then you learn to apply that all the time. Like I'm constantly thinking about that, when I'm on the computer, am I sitting at dinner? Like I'll just do that movement and trying to do that as often as possible. Yeah, I have another drill too that once you get that mechanism
Starting point is 01:13:13 where you're pulling back and you're able to understand what that feels like. We actually have this too in a test of, if you're squatting, which I actually recommend you probably do this more when you're hip-hinging. So you get a long enough stick where it goes all the way to the top of your head down to your tailbone. And I'm holding the stick behind my head,
Starting point is 01:13:32 but now I'm pulling my neck and my chin back to touch the stick. And now I'm gonna fold my body down as I'm looking down. Cause I know a lot of times as you look down is when you're tendency to stick your head forward, because I know a lot of times as you look down is when you're tendency to stick your head forward, that's definitely a common thing. So this would help you to be able to kind of start looking down but also be conscious of keeping that chin tucked back in place.
Starting point is 01:13:56 Now I do this when I fly an airplane. So I use a neck pillow when I fly in a plane because I tend to like to fall asleep. And sometimes when I wake up my neck is a little bit stiff. So what I'll do is while I'm sitting in the chair, I'll into the plank, so I tend to like to fall asleep. And sometimes when I wake up, my neck is a little bit stiff. So what I'll do is while I'm sitting in the chair, I'll drop my shoulders, I'll give myself a double chin, and then I'll consciously try to make my neck longer while I'm holding that position, almost like I'm creating traction. I'm separating the vertebrae in my neck with that straight position.
Starting point is 01:14:20 It alleviates a lot of pressure. Now, here's the key with all this. You gotta do it all the time. If you just do this like a workout, like when you squat, you know, two days a week or three days a week, it's not gonna work. You have to do this throughout the entire day. So when you're in the car, use the headrest as feedback. When you're at work, every hour, practice it.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Every time you're conscious of it, practice it if you're standing in line, practice it because you're trying to change a normal, natural, default recruitment pattern that you've had for probably a long time. And the only way you're going to change it is if you create a new one, and the only way the new one gets created is if it overrides the old one, which means you got to do it more. You have to get to the point where that is done more than the old way. Then your neck positioning will start to change.
Starting point is 01:15:05 And at first it's gonna be tiring and annoying and you might get sore and you gotta do it over and over. But eventually if you do it long enough, it starts to become a natural thing. I mean, good examples. I'm working with my daughter right now on her foot. She's got really flat feet, where the arch is almost collapsed.
Starting point is 01:15:24 I'm doing foot exercise with her. And we do them two times a day as much as I can remind her to do. And then I tell her to practice as much as possible. What I'm noticing now is that just standing normally, it's a little bit better for her now. It's become more natural. This is how you do any type of correctional movement.
Starting point is 01:15:39 It has to become more natural because you could consciously think of putting your neck in a better position, but you're not going to stay conscious of your neck position all day long. That would be, you know, neurotic. It would be a terrible way to live. You want it to be natural. The only way it's going to happen is to practice it frequently, I'd say, as much as you can remember, not super in high intensity, but just perfect, perfect for each time. And with that, go to mindpumpfree.com and download all of our guides and books and resources. They're all totally free.
Starting point is 01:16:08 You can also find the three of us on Instagram. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs.
Starting point is 01:16:45 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundles like having sour, animal, and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Super Bundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump.
Starting point is 01:17:18 This is Mindbump.

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