Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1298: The Ideal Caloric Surplus to Put on Muscle & Weight, Joint Pain Remedies, Must Have At-home Exercise Equipment & More

Episode Date: May 22, 2020

The Mind Pump Truckee garage workout. (6:25) The latest updates on gyms reopening. (12:48) Joe Rogan x Spotify. What this means for the podcast medium. (14:07) The big news over at TikTok. (20:23) Fu...n Facts with Justin. (23:35) Weird Science with Sal. (24:55) The mental component of self-isolation and sudden changes. (26:34) How change can drive innovation, the drawbacks of working from home & MORE. (29:33) Cannabis and the coronavirus. (34:57) Mind Pump Shout Out’s. (36:21) #Quah question #1 - What is the best supplement or remedy for joint pain? I have been running a lot more on the street and have been experiencing some knee pain. (42:11) #Quah question #2 – With all the uncertainty around gyms reopening, everyone is investing in at-home gyms to progress their fitness during these challenging times. What, in your opinion, are the must-have pieces of equipment for an at-home gym? What should someone expect to spend? (47:37) #Quah question #3 – In your experience, what’s the most effective weekly caloric surplus when trying to put on weight and muscle? (53:57) #Quah question #4 – What's your take on doing a weekly 24-hour fast? I like to do a monthly 48-hour fast as it is, but I’d like to consider doing a 24-hour weekly fast to reset and get things flowing better for the rest of the week. (57:47) Related Links/Products Mentioned May Promotion: MAPS Starter ½ off! **Promo code “STARTER50” at checkout** Special Promotion: MAPS Anywhere ½ off!! **Code “WHITE50” at checkout** Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Mind Pump #1280: COVID-19 – The Death of the Gym Industry? Spotify’s Deal With Joe Rogan Accelerates A New Era For Podcasting TikTok surpasses 2 billion downloads and sets a record for app installs in a single quarter Meet TikTok's new CEO Kevin Mayer, the former Disney executive who's behind the explosive growth of Disney Plus and has the nickname 'Buzz Lightyear' Siberian Princess reveals her 2,500 year old tattoos Antibody found in SARS patients can also block the novel coronavirus Unemployment, isolation: COVID-19's mental health impact 60% Of America’s CFOs Don’t Expect A Return To Normal Until At Least 2021 Canadian scientists are testing whether compounds in marijuana can prevent coronavirus from 'hijacking' human cells Mind Pump TV – YouTube The #1 Movement Pre-Requisite To Building Six-Pack Abs – Mind Pump TV MAPS Prime Webinar Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Why The Scale Is Not Always The Best Way To Measure Progress – Mind Pump Blog Is Fasting Effective? - Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Joe Rogan (@joerogan) Instagram Serene Wilken (@mindful_axis)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump, your favorite fitness health and entertainment podcast, we answer fitness and health questions asked by listeners like you. Now, in the beginning of the episode, the first 30 or 40 minutes or so, we do introductory portion. This is where we talk about current events.
Starting point is 00:00:28 We talk about our lives, we mentioned studies, we talk about exercise, and then we get into the question portion where we answer questions. So I'm gonna go through and give you the breakdown of the whole episode. We started by talking about gyms reopening. So we talk about how there, some places it seems like some gyms are reopening and it looks not that different than the way they did before
Starting point is 00:00:49 and how other areas gyms reopen. You can't stop the gain train and it's very, very, very different. Then we talked about the workout we did up here in Truckee. We had a great workout at Altitude, so we all had to rest extra long in between sets. I needed a mask. But we did use the PRX equipment. This equipment is the best gym equipment you can get
Starting point is 00:01:10 for your home. They have squat racks that fold into the wall, great plates and bars, and lots and lots of equipment you can use at home. And we think that it's probably a better option to work out at home than go back to gyms at the moment. And they do have payment plans on their gym equipment. Anyway, you get a discount because you listen to MindPump.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Just go to PRXPerformance.com forward slash MindPump, use the promo code MindPump and get 5% off plus a free maps prime program. PRX, it's Dino Might. Then we talked about Joe Rogan going exclusive to Spotify. Probably a lot of money there. We talked about how TikTok tops two billion downloads in quarter one. That's Huge we talked about somebody leaving Disney to go to TikTok Kevin mayor. That's his name Justin brought up a Mummy that got found in Siberia. I believe with tattoos a cool mummy
Starting point is 00:02:03 Know that that they did tattoos back then. Yeah. I talked about how they identified a human antibody that could be used to treat the coronavirus. We talked about the mental health of people right now being stuck at home. We also talked about how 60% of CFOs don't expect business to return to normal until at least 2021. And then we gave you some good news. It seems that cannabis may actually help prevent
Starting point is 00:02:28 coronavirus. Now don't take my report. Go read. I read it on the internet so it could be true, probably not. And then we mentioned Serine, one of our YouTube fitness experts who she did an amazing video on how to really activate your abs.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Make sure you go check that out at Mind Pump TV. Then we got into the fitness questions. The first question, what is the best supplement or remedy for joint pain? So this person's got joint pain. They want to know what they can take to help their joints feel better. I did mention Organifies Move Product, which is really good, but really at the end of the day, joint pain comes from bad movement patterns. By the way, if you want to learn how to move better and learn how to prime your body properly,
Starting point is 00:03:08 we have extended our maps prime webinars. This is a free class where Justin teaches you how to prime your body before your workouts. He takes you through some assessments. We did all of the classes already, but because they were so popular, we had so many people that wanted to attend them again. We did one more. It's happening Saturday, May 30th. You can sign up at mapsprimewebinar.com.
Starting point is 00:03:30 By the way, even if you don't make it to that day, you get a free replay. You got to feel it to believe it. Try it out. The next fitness question, this person wants to know, look, when with Jim's reopening, everyone is investing in at-home Jim equipment. Like what is the best pieces of equipment I should get for my workouts at home? So we talk about the essentials of what can give you good workouts at home.
Starting point is 00:03:50 The next question, this person wants to know, look, in your experience, what's the most effective weekly caloric surplus when you're trying to gain weight and muscle? So how much over how many calories you burn should you eat to make that happen while minimizing fat gain? and then the final question This person wants to know what we think about a weekly 24 hour fast like what's the value is their value in doing that? also this month Maps starter our great beginner workout program at home where you all you need is a fizzial ball and dumbbells is
Starting point is 00:04:23 50% off. Now it's also valuable for those of you who have experience. It helps you relearn perfect technique because you are training on a fizzial ball. But again, it's ideal for the person wanting to get into resistance training. These are people who don't have tons of experience, but they want to reap the metabolism boosting body sculpting effects of the most effective form of exercise that exists, which we know is resistance training. Anyway, look, it's half off. Here's how you get the discount.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Go to mapsstarter.com. That's M-A-P-S-S-T-A-R-T-E-R.com and use the code starter50. That's S-T-A-R-T-E-R-5-0. No space for the discount. How excited are you guys for Justin's fan's only page? It's a little bit of weights and cakes. Oh my God. It's still a project under taking. This is what's gonna get us out of COVID, man.
Starting point is 00:05:20 It's another free webinar. You've been pushing this idea for a long time, and now it's like, oh, yeah, a pandemic. Don't find it. It's happy a team player. I'm just saying. Anyway, I was, uh, there's other ways to make money. And then today I get dressed and, uh, Adam points out that I match perfectly again.
Starting point is 00:05:37 You're lucky. Yeah. Okay. You can wear gray on gray. It's just you can't wear that gray on gray. It's the exact same. Yeah. It's, I don't really is the same. You know what I don't even think about it I just put it on saying like it matches. Do you ever think about what you put on? I think you just wear it's so simple
Starting point is 00:05:55 It's one When I go to weddings and stuff I think about it Why is it ready for the day, but you know, relax. Dude, I am embracing the like scrub look. I know we did the webinar. I announced to our audience that Justin and I, we didn't have Sal today. We brought our bum friend here,
Starting point is 00:06:15 our homeless guy that we took in. That's cool, right? Yeah, out of it's homeless. Yeah. You can't see that. Yeah, I don't think that works anymore. Dude, great workout with you guys the other morning. Yeah, that's like workout.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Yeah, had fun. Hold on, in five years, how many times total have we worked out together? Well, we've actually worked out like three times. Is that, would you say that's about maybe a little more than that? Yeah. Under 10.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I remember. NorCal, and then it was like two other gyms. Yes, I remember the NorCal workout because you guys couldn't lift as much as me. That's fine. That's not true. I didn't do it all that time. We were back in my body,
Starting point is 00:06:50 we were doing a lot of farmer carries. We did NorCal, we did club sport a few times and then maybe a couple of times in our own studio. And now here, you know? Now this was big tech. So Justin and I have already experienced this. Now this is your first time working out with the whole PRX setup, right? Yeah, it's really stable, it's really good.
Starting point is 00:07:10 You know, it's crazy how they make us something that comes off the wall feel more stable than your traditional cage. It's anchored at the wall. Well, I remember when Justin was first putting it together. And my big concern about putting it on that side was it would eliminate the space to be able to back his truck or my truck in because they're pretty long. And I remember him showing me with his hands like, yeah, it's only about,
Starting point is 00:07:34 I mean, what'd you say? How much would you say it is often mean? Maybe, right? Like a foot. Yeah, like one foot off. I was gonna insert dick joke, but I held back. He's a halfway the distance between, yeah. Yeah, so it doesn't take up much space at all, but it was all.
Starting point is 00:07:48 No, but it was great. Great work out and you guys are thinking about putting another some kind of cable equipment or something on the side over here. We'll see how we'll see all that plays out. We're just thinking about, you know, especially racking the dumbbells and everything and getting everything organized. That's like the last piece. Well, it's almost like a $5,000 purchase, so we need Justin's fan page to do it.
Starting point is 00:08:06 We do need to kick that on. Get you guys over there, get you pain, you know, put out some good content for you. So you're, so hot. We're gonna have some moves. So what happened to your shoulder, wasn't we? We were working out, we were working a little bit. Oh, no, I just, I mean, I aggravated it again,
Starting point is 00:08:19 but I don't know. I feel like every time you try to lift as much as Justin, remember the squats? Squats did it. I mean, the shoulders. Yeah, it's difficult. I wasn't even trying I feel like every time you try to lift as much as Justin, remember the squats? Squats did it. I mean, the shoulders. Yeah, it's difficult. I wasn't even trying to go heavy, man. I tell you.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I, you know, back to the talking about how awesome of the PRX setup, I'm really, the pull-up bar is the best part about it. Yeah, so what I did with Doug, so Doug is doing maps and a ballic phase one. I'm just following whatever. I'm not really following a specific program. I felt like doing a lot of volume that day. So he was doing maps and a ballac phase one. I'm just following whatever. I'm not really following a specific program. I felt like doing a lot of volume that day.
Starting point is 00:08:48 So he was doing deadlifts. You're mostly copying me. Mostly, mostly. So he was doing deadlifts. I did some walking lunges or whatever than I did some presses with Justin. Yeah. Then Doug and I got ready to do another back exercise.
Starting point is 00:09:00 The mean Adam left. Yeah, you guys liked it. Right, then we were talking whatever. And then also we look outside and you're still working out The mean Adam left. Yeah, you guys like it. Right. And we were talking whatever. And then also we look outside and you're still working out. It kind of. You know what that just reminded me of is jabbing you about copying workouts. Do you remember being a trainer and like, you know, your members that knew you were a
Starting point is 00:09:15 trainer in the gym and then they you would be on your workout time and then they would be like totally following the workout. Yes, you catch. So you want to know what you catch a glance. We used to go into the trailer quick. We used to fuck her out with clients, so we got to that. Oh, so here's what I did.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I wonder if you guys, I would jump in Jack Burpee. Shit, like that. I would do some exercise that just invented. Yes. And I'd wait and see other people doing it. We'll wait the next day. Sing a pistol squat jumps.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Yeah, like a curl side lateral. Yeah. Yeah. I knew you were copying me. Oh, stop it. Yeah, no way. I like, I knew you were copying me. Oh, stop it. Yeah, no way. I was, I did, we did the workout, Doug and I did. How many sets of pullups did we do?
Starting point is 00:09:51 10. At least eight. It was, yeah, what we did is we did the very narrow grips because the pullup bar has got all these different grips. So we did a set on every single grip. I'm not telling you, that's my favorite part. Yeah. I love those grips.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Yeah, and then we worked all the way back in and then we did a bunch of other stuff, and then I got to do some exercise. This has always been a dream of mine, by the way. It was snowing, and I got to go outside and do cool. This is all Rocky Ford, right? This is all Rocky Ford. So this was yesterday morning, right?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Yesterday morning, we planned this workout together, and we all kind of get our workout done. And Justin and I head back into all kind of get our workout done and Justin and I head back into the house to like get around get ready. I decided to be a nice guy. I'm gonna cook everybody breakfast So I'm whipping up breakfast. It was delicious and it's like you know, I'm 20 minutes into making breakfast And I thought we were done with our workout and I see I see Sal down to the wife beater And he's out in the snow and he's flagging Doug over to take photos of him. No, he didn't pull out the Python's for us. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Yeah, Justin yelled out the window. Yo, Jeremy, what the hell were you doing? No, no, no. I was working out Doug came outside. Just casually with the fucking camera. Wait a minute. This is something to take a picture of. it This angle right here with the snow my god The snowflakes
Starting point is 00:11:07 My shoulders Like steam My Ripley biceps now what I did was I first Doug comes out and he goes hey Did you want me to do photos with you outside and I said give give say come back in 10 minutes. I had to do a collision I swear to God dude So I did a collision of our Dude, I do that dude. You just ballooned out with fans of me this thing. I know. They're like man
Starting point is 00:11:32 You like whole kiss there for like a second. Yeah, that's your gonna be so much bigger person That's fully pumped. Yeah, when you see me in person. It's not Yes, we're just doing push-ups constantly. Oh, hey What's up? What are you sweating? You guys, you guys sent flaccid dick pics going. Exactly. No, why would you do that? It's always, it's always got to be a pump.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Although you're throwing a range out there early, right? But you know what, I will say this. I always forget when I work out at altitude. Oh, is that make a difference? Yeah. That sucks. Man, it really gets your lungs. Yeah, I feel like I have the rest
Starting point is 00:12:10 At least two and a half minutes before I can do my next set whereas normally I'm resting like a minute or whatever But yeah, it'll definitely take a while to get adapted now I wonder if because the adaptation when you train it altitude eventually your body adapts Yeah, yeah, and then you actually perform a little bit better. Yeah, like towards sea level It's exactly then you go back to sea level and then you have better training. Boxers just do that. Although I think the Lampians do it, yeah, any serious athlete knows that. Yeah, I think the effect only lasts like 24 or 48 hours
Starting point is 00:12:33 if I'm not true. Yeah, I don't think it lasts too long. So like if you train it altitude, and I think the longer you train it altitude, the longer it lasts, but typically it's like 24 48 hours. The body starts to adapt. Interesting. In the other way. Yeah, so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Anyway. Do you guys know what the latest is on states and gyms reopening? I'm starting to hear more, but more and more of them open. Well, I've heard definitely Florida, right? Yeah, so I got, actually, I've had some DMs from... I thought Texas too. Texas. If I'm not mistaken, I know overseas in some countries they've opened up gyms.
Starting point is 00:13:04 So here's what's interesting. We did that whole episode on the future of the gym industry. And it's going to be challenging. I don't think anybody can disagree. It's going to be challenging. However, I've been getting deems from people that really highlights the difference in locality, local governments, and the difference between how some handle them and others. I got some deems from some people and I forgot where they were at but they were telling me, you know, the gyms
Starting point is 00:13:27 are a little slower. Everybody is, you know, encouraged to distance each other or to be distance, excuse me. There's more people cleaning, but otherwise it seems not too bad. And then I have other people who say, oh, it's way different experience. Like I walk in, they take my temperature. There's one gym that takes people's temperature. If you're above 100.4, they won't let you in. They're only operating at like 40% I think capacity. And then you have to get the sign up to work out. Then every hour, if I'm not mistaken, 24 fitness did this too, every hour,
Starting point is 00:13:57 they shut the place down, and they would do like a 20 minute, deep clean of the whole gym. That's gotta be a tough situation to operate, you know? you know in that you guys see the news with uh Joe Rogan oh yeah about Spotify bro that is exciting so explain this to me what exactly is going on he said he sold he licensed to show or sold licensing the rights for a few years it's the rights okay for it's well over a hundred million we don't know exactly what it is I believe it's that ties him up for three years He's giving up the rights now that means in the way it works is September the transfer begins
Starting point is 00:14:32 So he will be on Spotify by September by 2021 Everything will be off other platforms. So he has to also take stuff off Yes, no more no more on iTunes YouTube, which is yeah, I don't think people realize this reach on YouTube. It's almost just a big. And the reason why you were asking earlier about, you know, how does something like, how do you value something like that?
Starting point is 00:14:53 And the reason is because he's giving up all his rights, which means you're not gonna hear him sell ads like he does right now in a show. Now, I imagine Joe makes a few million dollars at least a year just in ad revenue. So it's gotta be more than that. Oh, I mean, I'm just sure. Yeah, maybe 10 million, right?
Starting point is 00:15:11 So say 10 million dollars a year that he probably makes on ad revenue at least. So they got a factor that in because he's gonna give that up to Spotify. And Spotify wants all of his listeners. Obviously, one to start streaming from Spotify and hopefully wants all of his listeners. Obviously, one, to start streaming from Spotify and hopefully get a membership there. But more importantly, if Spotify owns three or five
Starting point is 00:15:31 of the best and biggest podcasts and they take them from iTunes, that gives them more advertising power. So that allows them to go over to companies like Coca-Cola or Charm and so forth. So you think they're gonna, so he's not gonna do what he does now, right? Where he starts the show when he does a read
Starting point is 00:15:46 Sponsors or whatever I wouldn't think so. Yeah, I think that whole section would probably be eliminated Well, and get right into the show and even if he does it won't be his anymore It'll be that'll be through You don't think this is just one of those pure plays at some of these tech companies do where they just want to suck all the users away So everybody just jumps on that platform. Yeah. I mean, there's exclusivity in it. That's obviously like a part of the incentive for it,
Starting point is 00:16:11 but I do think that, yeah, his ad revenue that he was already produced, that's gotta be factored. Yeah, it wouldn't make sense for that to happen. You figure, you know, guesstimate that Joe has, you know, roughly 10 million listeners, let's just say, you know, for arguments sake, of roughly 10 million listeners, let's just say, you know, for argument's sake, of those 10 million listeners, I would say 50% based off of our statistics knowing our listenership, 50% of those people will have Spotify, the other 50% do not.
Starting point is 00:16:35 So five million, you know, you have five million potential listeners to come over to Spotify. Well, five, five million times nine dollars a month is still not enough to warrant that much of a contract deal. But see, there's another part though. I don't think it's necessarily there's that, but I think it's also that the Rogan podcast is really, really effective at bringing in the occasional like non-regular listener. So like the Elon Musk episode, for example, I think on YouTube alone had 15 million views. So I mean, there's a lot of power on that too where where they're going to get more people just coming to their platform to hear that one, you know, interview or whatever that he did, not necessarily regular. Sure.
Starting point is 00:17:14 It's got to be a lot. Yeah, yeah. No, sure, but you would have to be giving up some of your rights to monetize yourself or else it wouldn't be, it would also be a win all the way around for Joe, be it just a huge payday and then nothing changes. Yeah, other than you just put it all in one platform. Now, you're giving up some of your rights, which I mean, let's be honest. Here, 100, 200 million dollars, I think any of us would most certainly have that conversation. Now, well, what's interesting too, so that means Spotify is going to be beefing up a lot more of their video option part of it, which I didn't even consider.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Like, I haven't used Spotify much for podcasts, but the time I did use it like video was a little bit minimal, but the actual user experience was so much better. It was just like, I could search for things not easier. I know a lot of people I've talked to really enjoy. Well, you guys know me, right? Since almost the beginning of this podcast, I've been repping Spotify for a long time, believe that they were going to dominate the space. And I think there have been a great company to watch. And yeah, you're right. If they, I mean, they're already dominating the audio space, streaming space, if they start
Starting point is 00:18:18 jumping into video and start taking part of the market from YouTube, this is going to get interesting really fast. It is, it's really interesting that how these companies are starting to compete with each other. Rogan has got so much, it's incredible how much, it's crazy. How much influence he has over the culture.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Over a short period of time too. He just really just took off. This is a very exciting time too for anybody that's in business and digital streaming, whether you're a YouTuber, you're a podcaster, I mean, if you are into that space, any of these spaces and making, you know, acquiring real estate and doing well for yourself, there is a very good opportunity that in the next, you know, 10 years, we're going to start seeing all these platforms start and fight over each other, just much like athletes, you know, and you'll see Spotify offering
Starting point is 00:19:04 certain people. Well, back in exclusivity, you'll have YouTube probably starting to do it, and eventually, you will see iTunes unless, and somebody was talking to me, via DM about this when it came out. And I thought, well, that's a possibility. You look at a company that's as powerful as Apple. Does Apple sit back and let Spotify do all this shit
Starting point is 00:19:22 and then just acquire them? Mm, that's it, that's it. You know, you talk about one of the most cash rich companies Apple sit back and let Spotify do all this shit and then just acquire them. That's a bad idea. You talk about one of the most cash rich companies that are out there. That's not a problem. It'd be interesting because acquisitions rarely work. And the thing with the beats acquisition, I think they might be hesitant
Starting point is 00:19:39 because I don't think that went completely the way they wanted it to. Really? Yeah, I don't think they made a lot of money off that transaction. Wow, that's, I mean, Rogan's just, his influence is incredible. He's like the, I mean, you said earlier,
Starting point is 00:19:50 like how it's turned of today. I would agree with that. I think the things that he says, now so many people listen, he's got crazy, you know, very, very popular guests on the show. It's pretty crazy too, because he's the way that the podcast medium works. It's long form I mean really if you went back 10 years and you told people that one of the most popular interviewers
Starting point is 00:20:10 In the in the next 10 years and be someone that does three hour shows. Yeah, nobody would believe you Yeah, it's like hard to trust anything that's real short anymore Yeah, yeah talking about you know cool tech companies right now I don't know if you guys saw this or not but TikTok and Q1 just reported over two billion Downloads which broke the record of any app in wow so and then Kevin mayor I believe his name he was one of the executives with Disney is left to become the CEO For for TikTok really yeah, so now is Tik an American company, or is it a Chinese company? I'm pretty sure it's a Chinese company.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Yeah, if everybody confirmed that for me last time. That's interesting. I wonder if that's going to work against them. Is this this whole thing, you know, where's on or what? I just think that's even interesting that someone like that would, now I heard that he got snubbed because he was next in line to go behind Iger. So when he, when he got, he was supposed to be the next CEO, they didn't give to him. And then, then he got an opportunity with TikTok and took it
Starting point is 00:21:08 So he bounced with it. He was in charge of like running all their he launched Disney plus and in charge of all their streaming now TikTok super popular. I just don't get it, you know, and I think this is 100% age thing. Yes It's 100% the old thing. Well, here's a thing. Kids are going crazy with that. I just don't get attention today is a commodity. I mean, so if you have, if you have that many people's attention, even if we think it's stupid and it's weird and we haven't figured out a good way to utilize it to monetize, doesn't mean that it doesn't have the attention
Starting point is 00:21:40 of billions of people and the opportunity for that for advertising or whatever. So I think what they did really well is they allowed people like just enough to follow something. Like, you know, when you're going to post something or you're going to do something on one of these platforms or social, it's like you gotta just drum up whatever it is.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And they like have just all these dances, all these different like challenges and all these things. It's like you just like jump, it's like the fucking macarena. It's the macarena of all the social media. Well, what I haven't seen yet, and I remember when Snapchat was exploding, and I had a hard time seeing how, how would I use this to be a really useful tool for business? And I dabbled in it for a little bit and I just didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:22:28 And we had friends in the space that used it and actually had some success with it. I just don't see the application for TikTok for things that we do. And I've seen people in our space already do it. And it's not for me and what I know of all the platforms because we're providing information and it's long form conversation and education and entertainment. It's that these short sound bites and clippy. It just doesn't work as well on something like that.
Starting point is 00:22:57 And I know there's somebody listening right now, I'm like, oh my god, you're missing out because there's a whole different way of communicating. Yeah, there's all kinds of opportunity on TikTok. I'm not denying that there's an opportunity. There's an opportunity in Snapchat. I mean, there's opportunity in Twitter and we don't maximize that. What I know that we've done as a company is we've honed in on the platforms that work best with what we are doing, right?
Starting point is 00:23:19 And so we put it's like an 80-20 rule. Yes, we have real estate over in Twitter. Yes, we have some stuff in Spotify. Yes, we have all these over in Twitter. Yes, we have some stuff in spot-up. Yes, we have all these other things that we've acquired stuff in, but a lot of the energy and focus goes on the mediums that as long as they have business value there. Then we'll explore that.
Starting point is 00:23:35 But speaking of trends, one trend that has not died is tattoos. What do you mean? Because, okay, so do you know, in 1993, they found this mummy in Siberia that actually had tattoos still. Oh wow. Yeah, 2,500 year old mummy that had tattoos all over.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Like really intricate ones too, like, because I think there was, there was mummies preceding that even that just had like, you know, just like lines and scribbles, but this was like deer antlers, griffin and like mountain sheep and all this, like really well done, like crafted designs on this lady's arm.
Starting point is 00:24:18 That's very cool. Yeah, I was like, that's so crazy. I didn't know, was that? Oh, have you guys seen the way that they do, the Polynesian, I think they are tattooed with the tapping brutal. Yeah, that's a very old tattoo technique apparently supposed to be super, super painful. Yeah, so the tattoos we get now they hurt,
Starting point is 00:24:33 not like they did. No, no, no, they did back then. Are people using more of these platforms now because they're stuck at home and stuff? Do you know anything like about that at them? Oh, it's far more than I imagined. Like Instagram and YouTube, is it new? Oh yeah, the usage on all that stuff is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:24:48 I think that a stat, I think it was 60% or something. I don't remember what it was up, but it was up dramatically. Well, there's some good news that, so they found a human antibody. I honestly found somebody who had recovered from the SARS virus back in 2003, and through their blood, they found an antibody that neutralizes, because you know the SARS virus back in 2003. And through their blood, they found an antibody
Starting point is 00:25:06 that neutralizes, because you know the SARS virus is also a COVID, excuse me, a coronavirus, right? This particular antibody neutralizes the coronavirus, the COVID-19 virus. So they are getting fast-track to produce this antibody's potential treatment for people who get infected, which is fascinating, interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:27 So you get sick, they give you this antibody, and it acts like medicine to make you better. Oh, interesting. Yeah, I like that a lot because the vaccine, I can already see people pushing back on the vaccine, the problem with vaccines, and I'm not saying whether they are good or bad or that's not, I'm's not gonna get in that conversation. But the problem with them is they're preventative and anything that's preventative, people, they'll be a debate.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Rather than, I'm already sick, give me something. Yeah, and it makes me better. Yeah, I just have reserves about them trying so hard to push it through fast. Like, we have a lot of the checks and balances for reasons, you know, like sometimes like, oh no, like, we actually injected cultures that we're still getting people sick.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Dude, that is not a bad point. This is a speed record at how fast we are getting a vaccine to go through the market. I think that might not be a good thing. Well, yeah, I mean, it does increase the risk of potential problems and issues. And boy, if it causes some of those, people are gonna be like, I'm not doing any ever now.
Starting point is 00:26:28 You know what I mean? This is kind of an interesting point. But I want it to work, you know. Of course. You know, I'm definitely for vaccines. Of course, there was another article that I read about mental health right now, and how mental health issues are spiking.
Starting point is 00:26:42 And some doctors, mental health doctors are saying, this is a matter. Now we're starting to weigh out. The risks are starting to change now and forcing people to stay home might be causing a lot of people a lot of problems because of the fact that they're not out, they're not around. I noticed it myself. How are you? I know your wife's at home, Jessica's at home mainly and she's starting to tell me that it's starting to affect her a little bit. Yeah, we had a moment and we were driving. This is another time where we kind of had a moment to just ourselves and not the kids. And we were just trying to have a good time picking up dinner and then just driving and we're going up. And she just had this moment where all this tension just kept building up and just started crying, you know, and was just like
Starting point is 00:27:25 It's just because she can't she couldn't even hang out with her friend. She just oh, I know it was sparked it She just had like a zoom like happy-arming kind of like we did You know, but she did it with her friends that she normally sees all the time because the kids Parents, you know, they're the parents of of you know, the kids that are friends with our kids, and they became good friends. She hasn't seen them at all and has been really isolated with their by herself. I can't go anywhere. It just builds up and I totally understood. I'm like, oh my God, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Especially someone like Courtney, I have another friend too that, you know, if you were like a woman that has, you know, chose kind of the career path and busted your ass to get to a certain level of success financially on your own, independent, working long hours, like she has for a very long time, and she was able to manage that even while raising kids, and then to be at home,
Starting point is 00:28:21 that's already a crazy transition, right? Taking that person and saying like, okay, now you're this stay at home mom, that's already a crazy transition, taking that person and saying, okay, now you're this stay-at-home mom, that's already challenging for that person, to go in that transition. Then you slap on, oh, by the way, now you're gonna become a teacher. You weren't planning on doing it. Talk about a complete...
Starting point is 00:28:38 Never in your plans, by the way. Yeah, exactly. I totally feel... And you can't see your friends, you can't go to the soul, or whatever, just to relax, or or walk or hang out with people. I gotta think that people similar to to Courtney as far as that type of a situation have to have some of the biggest shocks. So that mean that would do.
Starting point is 00:28:54 I tell you what if I didn't see you guys because obviously we are all of our employees are still at home. And I know I'm lucky because if I didn't come and see you guys and you know, it be able to record these podcasts. I mean, it would be rough. Yeah. It'd be really, it is definitely great to get out, hang out, talk, do this, you know, podcasting, then go home. But if you're just at home and then on top of it,
Starting point is 00:29:15 you're doing schooling and all that stuff. This is a very, very challenging time. I hope and I think we're going to come out of it with a higher level of gratitude. I already have, yeah, I'm already self-aware of the things that I took for granted without even realizing, like being able to go over someone's house and you know, it'll be interesting if the other thing's around. I just actually just read an article in Forbes today that was saying that 60% they surveyed all the big, major Fortune 500 companies and they said 60% of the CFOs protect that we will not get back to normalcy with business
Starting point is 00:29:46 for beyond 2021. So, they're saying that this is going to be something that actually takes a while before we even get to some good news on that. I think that's probably true. I would agree this has been a pretty big hit and consumer behaviors are probably going to be, here's the thing too, there's the damage from the forced shutdowns economically, but I think there's also the damage
Starting point is 00:30:09 from consumer behaviors. We already saw changes in consumer behaviors before any of these shelter in places happen, just from people changing their behaviors. So there's definitely going to shift some changes, but that also drives innovation. So it's going to be interesting to see what is invented and created, how businesses find new ways of reaching people, how they're going to deliver their products
Starting point is 00:30:29 and service this differently, maybe how they change the way that they spend their money. That's going to be interesting. Are you guys getting a lot of family and friends that don't have to return to work? I thought I might have a brother-in-law that hasn't, I heard that Facebook is contemplating right now. I heard Twitter is already announced it, that you don't, that now that they've gotten through this time without everybody having to come into work, they're realizing like, oh, maybe not, you just don't ever have to come in. My ex-wife doesn't have to go back.
Starting point is 00:30:54 She can work forever now, for home. That's cool. My sister is also gonna get the opportunity now to work at home all the time. And I think the reason is the company saw that productivity was still good. Now how weird is this gonna be? Like, I'm sure all those people that now have that option are excited right that sounds cool like I don't have to go back into work anymore. Now how many people
Starting point is 00:31:12 are going to start to yearn to go back to work though. Oh yeah. Like just to you it will make you start to like you said appreciate those things you know of you know instead of dreading going into the job every single day you sort of realize, wow, actually going in and interacting with other humans, even if it's at this, you know, boring office, it's still a lot better than I thought. Well, it's kind of how I feel with the home gym thing, too, you know, like I love it. And I love the convenience and the accessibility of it. And, uh, you know, I can do everything I need to do. But at the same time, I like the gym environment. I like being around other people, lifting weights, and there is something to that.
Starting point is 00:31:51 These days, it's more of the spa. No, man, we're social creatures. We are social creatures. You wanna be around other people. I personally think, here's the drawbacks from now being able to work from home all the time. The drawbacks are, you don't get to see the B&B around people like you were before,
Starting point is 00:32:06 believe it or not, that's gonna be challenging for a lot of people. Here's the other one. Now, when does work turn off? If you're always at home, your office is there anyway, you start to blend two spaces. Like, what do they say about, like, not watching TV and bed, right?
Starting point is 00:32:19 If you have sleep issues, what do they always say? Don't watch TV and bed. The bed is only for sleep, watch TV in other places. Oh, this was the conversation my brother and I were having when he was sharing with me that he's not gonna have to go back and he's like, you know, I'm really having a hard time with my routine and that was one of the things I was saying was blending my home life with my work life.
Starting point is 00:32:40 He goes, you know, when I had my schedule, I had this, you know, I get up at five o'clock, I do this, this, this, this, before I leave to work and then I'm at work and then I'm done by this time and then I shut down, I'm done with work. Where now he goes, you know, sometimes I, kind of take my time, you know, for a couple hours in the morning and then if I want to break,
Starting point is 00:32:56 I'm thinking about one of my hobbies that might go do my hobby for like a lot more distractions. It is. I mean, but as an entrepreneur, I think I can, that's something I think we can relate to. That's, uh, I've been used to that, right? I'm, I'm used to learning to set boundaries with my home life and being with family or friends and separating the two because it's a learning curve. You're right. Yeah. It just takes time to do. I, I think there's lots of perks to it. I love the person. I guess it's per person. Some people love structure.
Starting point is 00:33:26 They want to be told, this is your time, this is when you break, they do well in that situation. Other people like the freedom and the flexibility. I personally like the freedom and flexibility. I like the ability for me to say, you know what, tonight I do feel like I'm gonna stay up late, I'm gonna grind all night long, and then maybe tomorrow I'm gonna cruise.
Starting point is 00:33:43 I like that. Well, you're also an entrepreneur. And people who own their own businesses, what do they say about entrepreneurs? Are the only people in the world that'll work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week? We value our freedom so much. Yeah, autonomy.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Our autonomy so much that that's what we value above all else. I like to be creative, I like to do what I want. A lot of people aren't like that, and that's totally fine. And that blending of both can be, I think there's gonna be a learning curve. I think it's gonna be a challenge. I personally think the most for most people,
Starting point is 00:34:15 because of course everybody's different. I think it's gonna be a little bit of a balance. Honestly, I think it probably will be something like, you go to work two or three days a week, and then the rest of the week, you're at home, but you show up there, you have your meetings, you see your coworkers, you do your thing, I think that's still going to be important. I mean, think about like the team atmosphere. How many companies do well because of the people working and collaborating and being around each other, the creativity that comes from that. Like when you're at home, by yourself and your Zoom call in,
Starting point is 00:34:43 I mean, is that going to be the same thing? think yeah, partial, you know, partial meetings per week. I think that's pretty reasonable. You have to keep that kind of dynamic and also just to inform everybody what you've been doing. Mm-hmm. Did you guys see the article on marijuana and coronavirus? Oh, I did see it pop up in our form. Did I didn't get a chance to read it though?
Starting point is 00:35:03 So, okay. So this is why headlines are kind of crazy. It's like, you know, it pop up in our form. Did I get a chance to read that? Did you? So, okay. So this is why headlines are kind of crazy. It's like, you know, compound in marijuana may prevent coronavirus. That's kind of true. But not don't go smoke weed. And then think you're not going to get the coronavirus. But anyway, there was a study that shows, so there's this, there's this, this protein that acts as the primary gateway that the coronavirus
Starting point is 00:35:24 gets into the body. It's called the ACE2. It's an ACE2 receptor, if you will. The ACE2. Yeah. It's not the ACE2. ACE2. Now, apparently a combination of THC and CBD lowers the gene expression that produces and regulates this ACE2 protein or this receptor.
Starting point is 00:35:43 So in other words, using THC and CBD may actually reduce this receptor which prevents the virus from getting into your body. So it could help potentially. That's what they saw in one study and they're theorizing that. So what's so funny about that? I just think it's like reaching, you know. I mean, I'm so pro marijuana and I think that's reaching. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wouldn't that be funny though? Oh, there's a that we felt we felt everybody starts smoking weed right now. Yeah, you won't get All right
Starting point is 00:36:14 People would forget they forget to do it They forget about what's going on. Anyway, dude. I wanted to give a shout out to Serene She did an excellent. video, did very well. Her last YouTube video. She's been killing it. It's going viral right now. Really, really good. I think it was titled, like the prerequisites
Starting point is 00:36:33 to be forgetting six pack abs or something. Yeah, it's a really good, basically, for core. Yeah, it's so good. And I'm not sure that we did a demo like this on YouTube before, and I know we've talked about on the podcast several times about teaching a perfect setup, right? And I know we've talked about a perfect setup. And I believe we had Stephanie on there a long time ago who taught, taught one. But what I liked that Serene did is the perfect setup is damn near impossible for like 80%
Starting point is 00:37:04 of the clients that I have returned. Yeah. To do it really, to do it right. Right. So she teaches the regression of it and how to teach someone to be able to do it with the band. And so that I think is extremely valuable. So if you haven't gone on there and you know you're looking for good ab training, I really think that that video, what she gets into probably really encompasses what everybody should start with and Really get that the ability to like articulate the hips and the spine really really well So you can get full contraction and control of your abs, which most people lack and don't even realize Yeah, the name of the video is the number one movement prerequisite to building six pack abs
Starting point is 00:37:42 So with the with the perfect, when you're doing that, what you're really doing is you're really getting the abs to lift your body up off the floor, so you do a sit-up. One of the biggest problems with the way people train their core is that they confuse this, you know, lumbar spine flexion with hip flexion. And so they do a lot of hip flexors, or the abs just stabilize what they do, what looks like a good ab or core exercise. So this particular movement that she shows in this video, she shows you regressions because it perfect sit up.
Starting point is 00:38:14 If you have poor connection, you know, I know we use that word loosely or that term loosely, but in other words, if you have trouble really fully working and contracting the abs in a full range of motion, doing a perfect sit up can be really, really hard for a lot of people, especially when you do it really, really slow. So she shows you ways to scale it back, feel the movement move through. This was a game changer for me, not this particular movement, but what she's addressing was a game changer. When I finally realized this, my abs went from, you know, you couldn't really see them
Starting point is 00:38:44 unless I was shredded to, wow, you could see them even when my body fat percentage is up. Oh, this was a game changer. This was a game changer for me, for sure. I mean, because after you really understand how to do a perfect setup, you apply that form to every other ab exercise. Now you can recruit that every time you do something. Oh, even when we do what's your favorite one that you do on the decline bench that you
Starting point is 00:39:03 love to do all the, the one that you do on the decline bench that you love to do all the The sit-ups that you always like yeah, and that understanding how to keep your chin and your spine rolled as you open up and roll out versus just flat flapping back and up Because like you said a lot of times people they feel it in their abs because their abs are tensing It's like it's like a mental I said cold. Yeah, it's like an isometric hold, yeah. It's like an isometric exercise. They're tensing like crazy. If you have somebody on a decline sit-up bench and like say they're holding a weight or whatever and they go back, pay attention. Most people have like a straight back and go all the way down and they come back up and
Starting point is 00:39:35 yeah they fill it in their abs because their isometric can contract it and they're holding weight. So it's hard, but they're actually not doing that moving around. In fact, when you are in that position, you should be in this crunched over rolled position, and then you should unroll yourself and roll back. And it was the perfect setup and learning to train that first that just like completely changed how I did all exercises.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Yeah, once you kind of figure out what the full action of a muscle is, then when you train that muscle in an exercise, you can really maximize the benefit of that exercise. But first you have to know what that muscle does and it's full action. Now, the way you learn that is not by going on the internet and looking up, you know, what is the function of the bicep,
Starting point is 00:40:19 what is the function of the quadricep, what is the function of the abs. That'll give you a clue, but the problem is if you don't know what it feels like, you can't access it, right? You can't access it until you can feel it. So when you do these movements properly and you start to feel, oh, that's what it's supposed to feel like. Now you understand the difference between one of my abs or just tense and when I'm moving it through a full range of motion. I remember when we talk about videos like this, like Jackie puts the link in the show notes.
Starting point is 00:40:48 So what is it, at our mindpodcast.com, right, Doug? That's it, correct. Right, so you go to mindpodcast.com on this episode and there'll be a show link for the videos anytime we talk about stuff about this. Yeah, by the way, this is why, this is one of the ways that priming really benefits the body. One of the big reasons why you may have a body part
Starting point is 00:41:07 that's just not responding like your abs or let's say your glutes or something else is because you don't really fully understand what it feels like to move it through a full range of motion to really connect to it. You just don't know because you haven't been doing it. You don't know what that feels like. So how can you possibly access it?
Starting point is 00:41:24 Well, when you prime properly before your workouts, then you do that. Then you get into the extra like, I know what I know what to aim for. I mean, I know what I'm supposed to feel. And now I can adjust the exercise and cause it to feel that way. And then you get exceptional results. Quiiiiee, Claw! I'm going to play a bit more. Max, Claw! Today's Claw is brought to you by Max and Obolic! If you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength, Max and Obolic is the perfect place to start! With a full 30-day money back guarantee, there is absolutely zero risk!
Starting point is 00:41:58 So, what is your waiting for? Go to mindpromedia.com and get started today! It's the motherfucking world! English Landed! Quiqueau. First question is from Kyle Fenley. What is the best supplement for, or remedy for joint pain? I've been running a lot more on the street and have been experiencing some knee pain.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Let's fix the question first. Because usually, I mean, this is common, right? The first place people look some knee pain. Let's fix the question first. Cause usually, I mean, this is common, right? The first place people look, when they have a problem, is let me take something to fix that. Now, are there supplements that can help with inflammation that can help with this kind of stuff?
Starting point is 00:42:37 Yes. Are those things gonna fix the root cause of the pain? Probably not. Your knee hurts probably not because you're not taking a supplement. It's probably because you're not moving in a way that is optimal for your knee. Now more often than not, knee pain in my experience, training people comes from either you go up and down, it's either the hips or more commonly it's coming from the feet and the ankles.
Starting point is 00:43:05 And so I'd say work on mobility on those and then see what happens. Well, this was exciting about the prime webinar that Justin just did because this is, this and if you, if you have questions like this, if you're listening right now and you're trying to get to the bottom of your knee or your hip or your neck or your shoulder or low back and you've got pain issues and you're not sure what it is, you should be in this webinar. It's free. Like, absolutely. I don't, I don't think I've ever had a client that it wasn't due to those things.
Starting point is 00:43:34 So unless it was an acute injury, right? Unless somebody broke something, you broke something or tore something. Yeah, it'd be very obvious is how it happened. Right. or to be very obvious is how it happened at the point. If you're not sure of it, it's always, in my opinion, a movement issue. You're not moving properly and then it's stressing a joint, right, or a ligament. So look into that and that's why we created Brian.
Starting point is 00:43:58 That's why we also did this webinar for free is to help people assess themselves and get to the bottom of it. And something like that, it's not just one time quick fix. There's work to be done there. And you've got to correct those patterns, which means it's going to take some time and some effort. But the beauty is, man, I tell you, when you do, it's amazing. I mean, I battled with low back pain and brositis as a trainer, as somebody working
Starting point is 00:44:24 out and has abs and looked all great and you know, think everything on the outside looking in, everybody thought it must be in perfect shape, but not inside. I still had movement issues that I wasn't moving properly and so I was still battling with the brisidus in my hips and the low back.
Starting point is 00:44:41 It wasn't until I addressed all that, which took some work, but once I did, it completely eliminated that. So you gotta get to the bottom, you gotta get to the root cause, make sure you're in the webinar. Well, and I also think a lot of people just aren't really aware of, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:57 what good proper movement and technique really looks like. You know, I think that people assume that if they can get into certain positions, that that's everything. I can get into this position, but now, if I feel pain, how do I remedy this pain? Where is the movement dysfunction? Where is that occurring? You have to go through some bit of investigative work for that. That's why we tried to simplify it as much as we could to really pinpoint, okay, if you can't move your ankle this way, or your knee doesn't have this full range of motion,
Starting point is 00:45:30 because there's restriction in the hip or there's restriction based off of your feet stabilizing properly, these are all things that are gonna contribute to pulling your knees into an unfavorable position. Yeah, look, this is a very, this is an analogy and it sounds silly, but it's very similar. It's like somebody banging their head against the wall
Starting point is 00:45:52 and they're like, man, my head hurts. Like, do you have any medicine I can take to help me with my head hurting? Or do you have a helmet I can wear? So that my head doesn't hurt and you're just like, just don't bang your head against the wall. When you're having these kind of chronic problems,
Starting point is 00:46:07 find the root and fix it because no supplement, no medicine, is gonna fix that. In fact, we know this. Look, the most powerful pain relieving over the counter things you could take are non-starotol anti-inflammatories. I'd be profan, is one of them, nuproxan is another one. Studies actually show that using those regularly
Starting point is 00:46:25 contributes to more problems, partially because it blunts the pain, the inflammatory signal, which is part of the healing process. And the other one is probably because people don't fix the root cause, is, oh, I take this pill, I don't hurt anymore, so I'm just gonna keep hammering myself. Here's the proper way to use supplements, in this case.
Starting point is 00:46:44 If your pain is preventing you from doing good mobility movements I would say look at some supplements that can help balance out the inflammatory process. Don't block the inflammatory process with drugs But see how you can balance them out. So fish oil if your diet is lacking in omega-3s can actually reduce inflammation is lacking in omega-3s can actually reduce inflammation. Tumoric is another one that can actually reduce inflammation. Organifi makes a supplement called move that contains some, you know, holy basil and some other components that have been shown to balance out the inflammatory process in the body.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Taking that supplement, you'll notice general less stiffness, but again, I'm gonna stress this. If your knee pain goes away because of a supplement that doesn't mean you fixed why your knee was hurting in the first place. Look at your mobility, look at your hips, if it's your knee, look at your hips, ankles and feet, the odds are that's
Starting point is 00:47:35 where the problem's coming from. Next question is from Russell Gerwer. With all the uncertainty around gyms reopening, everyone is investing in at-home gyms to progress their fitness during these challenging times. What in your opinion are the must-have pieces of equipment for an at-home gym? What should someone expect to spend?
Starting point is 00:47:57 Now, first off, you don't need any equipment to work out. Okay, that's true. Now equipment makes it a lot easier and it gives you much more variety, novelty, gives you a lot more options, but you really don't necessarily need equipment or much equipment at all to have a good workout. I mean, we create a program called Maps Anywhere
Starting point is 00:48:17 where all you need is a stick. So you can use a broomstick and resistance bands very, very minimally. Now that being said, if somebody says, I wanna buy equipment so I can work out, the first piece of equipment that I would recommend you buy is dumbbells. Dumbbells are the most versatile piece of equipment
Starting point is 00:48:35 that exists. I could train any body part with a pair of just adjustable dumbbells. So I'll say I'll start right there. Well, I think that, I mean, we love our PRX setup. I mean, that's, we, we built it at this place. We were getting it done in the studio, Justin has one as house. So I love how functional it is. I love how you can tuck it away on the wall and still use your garage for parking your car. So I think that's, I think the question that you have to first ask yourself though is, is this going to be a
Starting point is 00:49:07 potential long-term solution for you? Or do you have plans to as soon as the gyms open back up, you're done utilizing these tools and you're going back in? If that's the case, I actually wouldn't invest very much at all. In fact, I would just say, hey, here's a great time for me to do training like I would never do it before to your original point, which is, you know, doing like a maps anywhere, type of program, which doesn't require any equipment whatsoever. And you know, I know that's hard for some of us guys that have been used to lifting in the gym all the time, but one of the best things sometimes for that client that's training all the time, that would be like a two month hiatus away from the gym and doing
Starting point is 00:49:42 something that's more body weight focused. You'll have great, You may not see the same gains that you were getting when you were lifting heavy weight inside the gym, but you'll see when you come back, a lot of times the gains accelerate. So, you know, one of the best things for someone that is thinking that this is just for this temporary time while we're all in shelter in place. You know, I don't know if I go out and invest thousands of dollars or even hundreds of dollars to try and get some equipment just to kind of hold me over until I'm going to go back in the gym. If my plan is to go back in the gym, I'm going to follow a program that maybe doesn't require
Starting point is 00:50:16 hardly anything and train areas or do mobility like we've talked about before and focus on areas that I'm probably not addressing as much when I go inside the gym and do meet head style lifting, then I would do that. But if you think that this may be a potential change forever, like, okay, I'm kind of digging this being at home or you know what, I'm going to invest at home who knows when these gyms are open and maybe that's going to be my new place that I work out. Well then, yeah, I I mean, PRX I think is the best at this. I love working at home. It's always been my favorite in all I need for me to do all my workouts are dumbbells, barbell,
Starting point is 00:50:53 and some kind of a rack, PRX racks, my favorite. It's so low profile, it's very, very sturdy, literally folds up in the wall, but some kind of a rack so you can squat off of it, you can bench off of it, and then the adjustable bench. Dumbbells, barbell, squat rack, adjustable bench, I can do everything. I can do everything with that. I really don't need anything else.
Starting point is 00:51:12 You could throw resistance bands in it, you could throw a couple of things, but that's all I would say you need. Now a rack, dumbbells, a barbell, adjustable bench, you could get for, and now here's a problem. Unfortunately, as of the recording of this podcast, equipment is hard to come by. So the price of everything has gone up quite a bit. Before all this went down, I would say you could get all of that for anywhere between a thousand to $2,000 for good quality,
Starting point is 00:51:38 you know, pretty sturdy equipment. Not tons and tons of weight, but enough for most people. Three is that now. Yeah, now it's gonna be kind of tough to find stuff. Things are the markup on them is just. Well, I know I talked a bit to the guys over at PRX and I know that their racks are still available and they're shipping those out pretty good time wise,
Starting point is 00:51:58 but the plates are really hard to come by now. You know, dumbbells, obviously, those types of things. If you're going for the long term strategy, really hard to come by now, you know, dumbbells, obviously, those types of things. If you're going for the long-term strategy, I do think that, you know, a good rack is definitely a good investment, you know, wherever you could find one, or even if you're a do-it-yourself, you know, kind of a person, you're handy, and you can build. We've seen a few examples of that on the forum, and people get creative, but I do find that to be very useful, and, you know, an adjustable
Starting point is 00:52:25 bench and like you said, but I also really like kettlebells and I just like them for the short-term strategy for the versatility. They provide for the different stimulus they provide. You can have a lot of workouts that are similar to dumbbell workouts, but now it's just loaded different. It provides a little different type of range of motion. And I just, I tend to gravitate towards that for outdoor workouts and things like that for a nice change of pace. Along those lines, Justin, I mean, I like suspension trainers. Yes, of course, you know, you can get those for a very reasonable online. They still, they're still available. And you could strap one of those up to almost anywhere, tree outside, and get a phenomenal work.
Starting point is 00:53:07 And a lot of people don't know this. In our Maps Anywhere program, we actually have a suspension trainer mod. There's a whole series of exercises that Justin and I shot well before we got together with Sal and Doug and created Mind Pump. We had built out some programming that was around the suspension
Starting point is 00:53:25 trainer. So if you have the Maps Anywhere program, you actually have access that's already, and that's a very reasonably priced piece of equipment that you can do anything on. You can. And while all of this stuff is going on, while all this uncertainty is going on, we're going to keep Maps Anywhere half off. What's the code for that again? Is it white?
Starting point is 00:53:44 Is it white 50 for Maps Anywhere? Yes, white off. What's the code for that again? Is it white? Is it white 50 for maps anywhere? Yes, white 50. White 50, so you could use that code and get half off, and that's a great, almost equipment free workout. You need your bands and a stick. Next question is from Adam Kotsmeyer. In your experience, what's the most effective weekly caloric surplus when trying to put on weight and muscle?
Starting point is 00:54:06 Weekly caloric surplus, not very much. Yeah, wow, you know what? It depends, right? It depends along the person, but I think Adam's 100% right. I used to think it was a huge surplus. Yeah. First off, it depends on the person, okay? So if you're somebody with a really fast metabolism,
Starting point is 00:54:20 you burn a lot of calories. You're going to need to eat a lot more calories to get a surplus than other people. But I would say, if you want to make sure that it's lean body mass, I wouldn't go above, I mean, 500 calories over your daily requirements is a pretty decent surplus. It's still pretty big. That'll ensure that you're gaining a decent amount of muscle with a good program, but you can even do it with like 200 calories. Yeah, I love the 250 to 500 range. The thing that comes with that though, is the mental fuck.
Starting point is 00:54:50 You just gotta be ready for that, because when you, if you do it just right and you're hitting the sweet spot, you don't see a huge jump on the scale. So, and that's the hard part of muscle. Muscle doesn't pile on super fast. No, and if you got good programming, there's a good chance you're also leaning out,
Starting point is 00:55:04 so you could be losing body fat. So, you know, don't use the scale as your main guide of you're doing a good job of gaining muscle. You could be doing a great job of gaining muscle, but not really moving. In fact, that's my, if I know I'm on a new program, right, that's one of my favorite things. I switched a client that was just leaning out, now we're switching over to a muscle building. When I switched to muscle building, I like to switch to stimulus, so I want a client that was just leaning out. Now we're switching over to a muscle building. When I switched to muscle building, I like to switch to stimulus. So I want a whole new program. Whatever it was, it doesn't matter what we were following
Starting point is 00:55:29 before, we're following something new. So it's a new stimulus. And now, in addition to that, I'm gonna bump 200 to 500 calories to their diet and just let the programming and the good consistency of the diet do its work. And I'm not gonna stress about the scale. Now, if I see the scale going down,
Starting point is 00:55:46 that's an indicator I could definitely probably pump a few more calories in there. But if I stay about the same, or see just a little bit of an increase on the scale, I know I'm probably riding that sweet spot. And I've found that falls somewhere around that 250, 500 to hit the sweet spot, also like Sal said, depending on the person,
Starting point is 00:56:02 where I start to get in trouble myself and anytime I've done this with clients, is when I start pushing a thousand calories and beyond. And the problem with that is that helps you mentally because when you're pushing a thousand calories, you're going to put weight on. I mean, the extra carbs and calories, the water weight you're going to add, the probably the body fat that's going to come on with it, that's a little more motivating because you're going to get on the scale every week.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Oh, I'm up two more pounds. Oh, I'm up two more pounds. Oh, I'm up two more pounds. And so you think you're having great progress, but in reality, kind of like we talked about before, you're starting to add body fat at just as high as a rate as you're putting muscle on and in fact, you'll end up having a higher body fat. Yeah, now how do you figure this out for yourself?
Starting point is 00:56:39 I would suggest you get yourself a food tracking app, track your food intake for the next couple of weeks. Don't change anything at all, and then just go 250 to 500 calories above that. Make sure your protein intake is high, so you wanna aim for around one gram of protein per pound of body weight, so make sure that that's there first.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Then when you add the extra calories, you can do it in the form of fat or carbohydrates, that's totally up to you, some people do better with a higher fat diet. Some people do better with a higher fat diet Some people do better with a higher carbohydrate diet. I gain more muscle when they're rough generally balanced If I go low carb I tend to not get as great of performance than with I have a decent amount of carbs Not super high for me that tends to bother my gut But 250 to 500 a day. By the way, this is an average. One thing we didn't say was,
Starting point is 00:57:25 it doesn't have to be 250 to 500 surplus every day. In fact, I think it's better where some days are higher and other days are lower. So maybe you have a 100 calories surplus one day, the next day it's 600 calories surplus, the next day it's 400 calories. But overall, for the whole week, you're averaging 250 to 500 more calories a day than you were eating before. Next question is from Randy Weezy 22. What's your take on doing a weekly 24 hour fast? I'd like to do a monthly 48 hour fast as it is, but I'd like to consider doing a 24 hour weekly fast
Starting point is 00:58:01 to reset and get things flowing better for the rest of the week. I like both of those. I do. I do. Just make sure they're for the right reasons, right? That's it. I mean, I like both of them, but it does.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I mean, don't use it for a weight loss strategy. That's what I tend to see. Like, people think it's a good weight loss strategy. I don't think it's that. That's the reason why I prefer the 48 to 72 once a month over the every single week, but I think the right person in the right mindset that isn't using it as a way for you to restrict calories and just to lose weight. I think if you're doing it for all the other reasons, I think it's a very valuable tool.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Now, fast thing when it's used as a way of detaching, as a way of meditation, as a spiritual practice, as a way to reset your, how you're craving food, reset your relationship to food in a healthy way. Great. It's a wonderful tool. If you start to fast because you're trying to lose weight, that's called starving yourself. That turns into a bad relationship to food. Never really works out well if anything.
Starting point is 00:59:05 It actually contributes to, here's how you know if you're fasting, if fasting is working for you, do you find yourself binging afterwards? If you find yourself binging afterwards, then you're probably not doing fasting for the right reasons. If you fast the right way, when you're done, you ease into eating and you find that your relationship to food and your eating habits are just healthier. And I don't mean healthier by the food you're eating. That's part of it. But I mean healthy in the sense of how you feel. You feel comfortable moving forward. Now I prefer
Starting point is 00:59:35 longer fast, less frequently than shorter fast, more frequently personally. Yeah, that was kind of my thought. And I went through a period where I was trying to do a fast a lot more frequently. Like it was like every other week I would do one 24 hour fast. And you know, I loved it for the digestive benefits. So just to allow my body to really reset and I have like certain issues already I'm working on, you know, with my digestive tract. So this allowed me to just be able to come back fresh
Starting point is 01:00:10 and feel like I had enough adequate time to be able to benefit from that and perform better in terms of my eating. But I started to do it so frequently to where it was affecting my energy levels. And this is something I did, it was very subtle, but it really added up after a while where I would feel that effect in the gym and just, you know, having a hard time putting food down and really, like, you know, having that hunger.
Starting point is 01:00:40 That hunger was so suppressed at a certain point that I had to start really working on adding breakfast back in and adding more frequency of eating. So you just got to be conscious of what that balance is for you specifically. Fasting done for the wrong reasons for the wrong people applied improperly can cause hormone issues and cause performance issues. And of course it could contribute to a bad relationship to food that looks like starving and binging. So, if you're going to fast, don't do it for body composition goals.
Starting point is 01:01:14 If that's your reason, then you're doing it the wrong way. And with that, go to minepumpfree.com. You can download all of our guides, resources, and books. You can also find all of us on Instagram, including the producer Doug. You can find Doug at Mind Pump Doug, you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, Adam at Mind Pump Atom, and me at Mind Pump South. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
Starting point is 01:01:35 If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having
Starting point is 01:02:08 Sal and the Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump. you

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