Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1309: The Truth About Finishing Exercises for Building Muscle, the Importance of a Lower Back Arch When Benching, the Right Balance of Cardio, Resistance Training & Mobility Training for Athletes & More

Episode Date: June 6, 2020

Books and family dinner time. (4:09) Mind Pump Recommends, Parasite. (12:19) Some weird news from Sal. (14:30) More businesses that are thriving amid the pandemic. (16:48) NBA is back! (17:54) How Or...ganifi’s planet protein is much easier to digest than the competition. (20:21) Fun Facts with Justin. (24:19) In more strange news with Sal. (26:45) The market is exploding for athleisure wear. (28:52) Mind Pump on the current state of the housing market. (32:02) Say less and DO more. (34:00) #Quah question #1 – What is your opinion on finishers? Are they necessary or helpful to build strength? (46:56) #Quah question #2 – How important is having a chest arch when bench pressing? Are there ways to improve having a better arch? (50:41) #Quah question #3 – For athletes, what is a good balance between cardio, resistance training, and mobility training? (53:18) #Quah question #4 – What was each one of your client's pet peeves when you all were training? (57:12) Related Links/Products Mentioned June Promotion: MAPS HIIT ½ off! **Promo code “HIIT50” at checkout** Your Baby's First Word Will Be DADA – Book by Jimmy Fallon Parasite (2019) - IMDb Spanish Porn Star Charged With Manslaughter in Connection With Toad Venom Ritual Soaring demand for Campbell Soup products drove blowout earnings but also created inventory shortages Pool and trampoline retailers see sales increase while outdoor venues remain closed Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Experts Explain Why Smelling Your Partner's Farts Will Make You Live Longer Pennsylvania woman allegedly kept grandma's corpse in freezer for 15 years, collected Social Security checks: reports Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Center for Policing Equity How to Bench Press with Proper Form (AVOID MISTAKES!) - Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Podcast - YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Saldas Defano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump, the world's top fitness health and entertainment podcast, sometimes comedy. We're a wide world wide. We answer questions asked by listeners like you. And we also do an introductory portion when we talk about our lives, current events. We mention our sponsors.
Starting point is 00:00:31 So let me give you a rundown of this whole episode. So in the beginning, the intro portion, which is 45 minutes long, we start out by talking about books and family dinner time. We're all fathers. We all value being fathers. So we were sharing stories about things we like to do with our kids before bed. Then we talked about the movie Parasite. That movie was awesome, but...
Starting point is 00:00:51 Took a hard left turn. It gets dark real fast. It's kind of hard to, a hard dark one. Then we talk about how soup, the demand for soup is up 140%. No, soup for you. So Campbell's making more money right now with everything that's going on.
Starting point is 00:01:04 We talk about the explosion sales of pools and trampolines, probably because people are at home more. We talk about how the NBA is returning. We're going to start seeing some games there with the basketball sport game. Yeah, more splurts, right? Right, right. So I talked about how easily it is to digest, organize, plant protein. I love their protein. I have a sensitive gut. Protein powder tend to bother it. Organifies protein does not. Easy to digest, it's dairy free.
Starting point is 00:01:35 There's enzymes added to help with digestion. Of course, it's all organic. The company Organify only has organic products. If you wanna use the Mind Pump discount for any Organify products or supplements, go to organifi.com, that's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com, and use the code, oh, excuse me, forward slash MindPump, and then use the code MindPump for 20% off.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Then Justin brought up a scientific study. This was fascinating. Yes, I did. Has to do with Farts. Oh, yeah. I talked about how somebody put their dead grandmother in a freezer for 15 years. We talked about how the market is exploding
Starting point is 00:02:11 for ATHLEASURE Wear and how VORI in Indie brand is crushing right now. Now VORI is a company that we're sponsored by. They make the best ATHLEASURE Wear. It looks good, it's comfortable, it lasts a long time. They have a lifetime guarantee for all of the products. And because you listen to MindPump, you get 25% off. Here's how you get that discount.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Go to VioriClothing.com.com. forward slash MindPump. Use the code listed on the page for 25% off. And then we talk a little bit about the current events and our thoughts around them. Then we got into the questions. The first question, there's personal wants to know what we think of finishers.
Starting point is 00:02:51 These are exercises people do at the end of the workouts to finish off, I don't know. The next question, this person wants to know how important it is to have a low back arch when you're chest pressing. So we talk about the value of the arch. The next question, this person says, hey, for athletes, what's the best balance between cardio, resistance training and mobility training?
Starting point is 00:03:11 And then the final question that we answer, this person wants to know what our biggest client pep peeps were when we were training clients. Also, this month, all month long, our high intensityintensity interval training program, Maps Hit, is 50% off. This is a very effective fat burning program in the short term. In other words, you will burn more fat in a short period of time following Maps Hit than you will with any other program. It's intense, so make sure it's appropriate for you.
Starting point is 00:03:41 But of course, it's summertime. Everybody wants a burn body fat. That's why we put this one on sale. Now of course, don't forget the program includes videos and demos and things you could do, you basically follow the whole program by logging in. So here's how you get your discount. Go to mapshit.com that's MAPS H-I-I-T dot com and use the code hit 50 that's h i it five zero no space for the discount. Do you know what I like to see?
Starting point is 00:04:09 What? Not the, I mean, just heartwarming. Every night when we're working at a town, you call your son, read a story to him. Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah, I like to make, well that's been, it's cute. That's nice, dude. Well, I don't know, I mean, I guess this is my first cute that's nice dude well I don't know I mean I guess uh this is my first go around as a dad and I don't know if that's a thing for other fathers but for me
Starting point is 00:04:31 personally it's been my favorite time just to read to him not t-shirt time oh yeah yeah that's the t-shirt time story time but we do say that about about time it's bad time it's your favorite time they know yeah yeah so we do that in about about time. It's about time, it's your favorite time that you do. No way really. Yeah, so we do that in my own story. Oh, it's not easy. Is he like really paying attention to the stories? Yeah, yeah, so I mean, I even like, well, so I read him about, I don't know, there's seven or 10 books a night
Starting point is 00:04:54 and I'll lay him out on the bed and let him go grab his favorite. So he picks one? Yeah, so he'll pick one and he's starting to get. Does he pick like a favorite? Yeah, Katrina hates it. He likes all the daddy ones. Does he really? Yeah, I love my daddy. The Jimmy Fallon data book is hilarious to get. Does he pick like a favorite? Yeah, Katrina hates it. He likes all the daddy ones. Does he really?
Starting point is 00:05:05 I love my daddy. Dad, did Jimmy Fallon data book is hilarious to me? I think I brought it up before in the show. It's like literally, all it says, you know, it's an animal. And with the animal noise it makes. And then it says, Dad, I like the whole book is that,
Starting point is 00:05:18 but he loves that. And then at the very end of the book, it says, you know, and now together we say it one more time. And then the, you turn it open, it says, you know, now together we say it one more time, and then the attorney opens his data real big, and he's figured that out. And so then before I open that last page, it's all excited.
Starting point is 00:05:33 It's all excited and he says data. So it's pretty awesome. Yeah, no, it's actually something that, I don't know, who knows how long, you know, I'm gonna try and make this commitment that I forever read with him at night and when he gets to the age when he's probably not interested in reading dad ad books anymore
Starting point is 00:05:51 and he wants to read other books that as a family will sit and read, Katrina can read what she wants to read, he'll read. Oh, just quiet time. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, so I'm gonna try and continue that. Like in part of that, if I'm committed to doing that right now, then it starts, I think first with me staying committed to reading to him now, even when I'm at a town.
Starting point is 00:06:13 So Katrina will normally FaceTime me when he's, and there's been a couple times where, you know, it just didn't line up because we were working or something. And so I've missed out on him, but very, very, I think I can definitely count on one hand since he's been born. I have not read to him at 6.30. Oh, yeah, if you're consistent, it'll remain. That's what I hope. Yeah, it's like my daughter, she's 10 and still,
Starting point is 00:06:36 she doesn't go to bed unless I go to a room and give her a kiss. She still won't go to bed. So she'll get ready, be in bed, and she'll wait there with her light on and if I take too long She'll call me bye I'm like going there and I give her a hug in the kiss and yeah, I hope that never changes I know me too. I and that's kind of what I'm hoping and I obviously I realize that one day
Starting point is 00:06:56 He'll get tired of reading the those types of books But then I would think that it would evolve to other types of books, right? And it all continued to read you know to him or with him As much as I can I just think that it would evolve to other types of books, right? And it all continued to read, you know, to him or with him, as much as I can. I just think that, you know, it wasn't something that we did too much. You know, my mom, I remember a few times, like, you know, we did evening devotions as a family for a while, which obviously was probably good for us.
Starting point is 00:07:21 But I remember as a kid, when we were implementing that, it was later in my, you know, young, early adulthood or whatever, and I was like a little resistant of it, just because it wasn't something that was already implemented in real life. So I'm hoping that I can implement that early, and it's something he looked forward to, and he wants to do, and I can just stay consistent with that, because I wish I did read more when I was younger. That didn't really kick off for me until my 20s.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Yeah, these are the things that you're consistent with. They tend to become a part of your family culture. Like in my family, it was very important that we all ate dinner together. We never ate dinner separately. And this isn't judging other families at it, but just I know, and I didn't know any different as a kid, everybody waited. You know, the dinner was the table would be set
Starting point is 00:08:09 and we'd sit and wait for everybody to sit down. Yeah. Before we start eating. And so we do that now with, you know, so my kids grew up that way. Yeah, we do the same thing. Yeah, so they don't know. So we just transitioned to that right now, right? So he's, he's finally like able to like kind of feed him kind of feed himself. He's making a thought. Yeah, yeah. So we're there now, right? And that was something that Katrina and I agreed on. She was raised that way. I was raised. I was another thing that I think my mom did really good was we always had dinner at the dinner table. And you couldn't watch TV at the same time. He's in a different room. And it was, you know, and the kid we as kids set the table and we had our dish and I had everything.
Starting point is 00:08:46 So yeah, it's funny because you actually see he behaves better and actually eats better when we all do it together. Yeah. So we've even picked up on those patterns when, you know, maybe there was a time where, because when it took a little while for her to kind of like figure the timing out of like
Starting point is 00:09:05 when he's eating and when we were going to make our dinner, for when we first were transitioning into feeding him whole foods, you know, we were actually eating at different times. And when it got to a point where he was being a little more at more aware and eating himself with his hands, like, you know, we made that transition. And instantly when we made that transition to just feeding him by himself, like in the diet near kitchen area on his high chair to all of us at the table and eating, he does wait. Well, you find especially when the kids get older, there's not a lot of time where everybody's together
Starting point is 00:09:37 at the same time. So it's like you have to designate and why not have it make, you know, be dinner? Yeah, it's important. It's important to have family time like that. Going back to like reading stories and all that, like we just got a bunch of those really cool, illustrated, kind of sciencey books.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Have you heard of like Anomalium or what's the other, it's a Kistoryum or? No, I haven't. Yeah, they're kind of like Encyclopedias, but they give you a lot of real detailed information about, you know, plants or about like animals. Is that kind of like a member of World Books version of that child guy, what was it called?
Starting point is 00:10:14 Did you guys ever have World Book growing up? Oh, you guys didn't have the Encyclopedias that were all? Yeah, it was a lot like that, like the Britannicus and all that. Why can't I think of that? That's not driving crazy. Anyway, in Wagnals, that's what I mean. I mean, I was the name of the Incyclopathy.
Starting point is 00:10:25 What is that the name of it? Funk in Waggnolls. I think it was like the chaperone. It was the cheaper version of Incyclopathy, Britannica. Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. It's like my mom buying the multiple meal version. The knockoff version, the multiple meal.
Starting point is 00:10:36 That's it. Yeah, so I was reading the boys, you know, I was trying it out. I was trying to go a little bit more detailed information because I always read them like silly stories and try and add lib and do all this kind of stuff. And they were getting into it because it's really interesting and fascinating
Starting point is 00:10:55 to see all this stuff. And I'm reading, it's a very like descriptive type of content. And as I'm reading and kind of really trying to get through this Ever it kind of looks up to me and like stops me and he puts his hand over his mouth and goes This board Siky little shit. I was laughing so hard though because it was like so out of left field You know, and I was like oh my god. I was like one of his first like best jokes. You've ever done
Starting point is 00:11:24 Oh, yeah, maybe it made me proud. That's adorable I was like, oh my God, that was like, one of his first best jokes you've ever done. Oh yeah. It made me proud. That's adorable. Dude Jessica sent me videos the other day of her belly moving. You can see. That's certain half of now. Yeah, it's like overnight.
Starting point is 00:11:34 It went from, it couldn't be. Isn't that trippy to watch? Like, yeah, you can just see the little, you know, like a bump kind of move around. Yeah, right now it looks like little flutters or little whatever. So, like Katrina was hardcore into like around. Yeah, right now it looks like little flutters or little whatever. So she, like Katrina was hardcore and like all the apps that talk about like each stage
Starting point is 00:11:49 of development where they had like when they could start actually hearing things outside the belly, like phase that is, are you she following all that? Oh yeah, both of us, I mean I love that stuff. And I'm talking a lot to the baby now that, you know, I'll go down like belly level and have a little conversation with my kid and I'll say things indirectly to Jessica.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I'll be like, your mom is acting crazy right now. No, I don't do that. Just passive aggressive. You little cutie. I'm sorry you're in this person. Not a judge. I can't see. No, it's adorable.
Starting point is 00:12:16 I absolutely love it. I'm loving the whole thing. Dude, you missed last night. A fucked up movie. What did you guys watch? Oh, that's right. You weren't there, Adam. You guys didn't make weird choices. Bro, no, no, no that movie. What did you guys want? Oh, that's right. You weren't there, Adam.
Starting point is 00:12:25 You guys didn't make weird choices, Adam. Bro, no, no, no. We had talked about watching this though a while ago. Remember, parasite? Oh, yeah, I see it. You saw me, I see it. Oh, yeah, I see it. That's a good movie.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You liked it? It was crazy. Great movie. Bro, that twist, I was like, what's happening? Yeah, but it was so good though. How did this, what? It was such a good movie. Dude, it went got dark right away.
Starting point is 00:12:45 It was like light fun, light fun, dark. Oh, I thought it was well written. So I thought it was too, but I was not expecting it to do. Yeah, there was nothing like what I thought either. Very thought provoking for sure. I mean, it was interesting, because I didn't, in the beginning, it felt like kind of a comedy.
Starting point is 00:13:01 You know, like the way that they're portraying, you know, the characters and like how, you know, they the way that they're portraying, you know, the characters, the characters and like how, you know, they're kind of con artists and all this stuff. And then all of a sudden, yeah, like, you got dark, like this guy comes out and stab it. Justin and I were sitting there like, what shit, like whoa, where this cup is? I don't like this roller coaster of feelings. You guys didn't like, I loved it. I thought it was a great one. I liked it. I thought it was, it was, it was it was took me off guard. I yes, you know, I don't know if I like the feeling of and I can appreciate it, but I don't mind
Starting point is 00:13:32 emotional roller coaster movies. I actually appreciate that, but I don't like it when I go from happy fun to oh shit to real dark. Yeah, like to me, that's a sign of a really well-written movie. If it can invoke emotion, and especially when it can invoke really opposing emotions, like to me, that's a sign of a really well-written movie. If it can invoke emotion, and especially when it can invoke really opposing emotions, like happy, then I'll send you really sad, then you're scared, then you're like, like a good movie can take you all over the place. And what I loved about that is like, it's not predictable. So if it can emotionally move, original directions,
Starting point is 00:14:03 it's not predictable. Well written movie, I thought it was a great. It was definitely original. JoJo Rabbit did that to me when it got dark in that movie too. I was like so mad. I'm like, why? You know, but it was I mean it was also yeah, it's not really really good. Didn't it win awards parasite? Both did. Yeah, both. Yeah, both those movies. Yeah, really interesting. I've never watched a Korean film before, but I appreciate it. They're the humor was oh that yeah It was really funny. I was I was dying. There's a first part you guys might hear some crazy news I look at crazy news today. There's all kinds of weird news all the news is crazy right now So I looked up alternative
Starting point is 00:14:37 What side of the crazy are we gonna expose alternative crazy news so apparently a Spain of a porn star in Spain is going to get charged with murder or manslaughter because she did one of those mystic rituals with this man where they inhale psychedelic toad venom and apparently killed the man. So she's now gonna be in charge. Really, she's the prostitute and she didn't. Orn's a star. Oh, she's a porceteer. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Yeah, porceteers don't get filmed. So she didn't have an active shaman license. No, so exactly. So they're doing like a mystic ritual. And why is she the one hell of the countable for it? Because I think she gave it to him. She gave it to him and then he died. Wow.
Starting point is 00:15:24 No, dude. Damn. I think she gave it to him. She gave it to him and then he died. I didn't think you you inhaled the the frog venom or I thought they just like Poke with it dude. I had a friend that did actually she she rented space in my studio back when I had a studio So she was all into that kind of stuff and She came into work one day just to grab some stuff. She had taken the day off. She was a massage therapist. And her face looked like... Oh, swollen. Yeah, it looked swollen. It had frog shit, right?
Starting point is 00:15:50 It looked swollen like somebody, like, you know, beat her up or whatever. I'm like, what happened to you? Oh, I'm cleansing my body. I'm like, what? So she shows me her arm. Oh, you feel great after your death. Yeah, and she has like these marks on her arm
Starting point is 00:16:02 from this frog poison or whatever. And she's explaining it to me. She's like, it's cleansing my on her arm from this this you know frog poison or whatever and she's Explaining to me. She's like it's cleansing my body and like well what happened? She's like well my face is swelling has gone down I looked at her like It was like before as it's better right now. Oh, no, and she's like she threw up and shit herself And she's like but now I'm starting to feel amazing like well the logic to that contrast probably I know that's what the logic behind that seems very similar to someone being like, oh my God, my, my right arm hurts so bad. And then grabbing their left arm and breaking it.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I was like, how bad you right arm feel now? That's so bad. I guess my left arm's fucking broken. I think you had a contrast. Oh, I feel cleansed now. Well, yeah, because you threw up and shit everything and you'd be here for your life. Anything's going to feel better after that. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:16:46 So, in other news, I think I brought up the, we were talking about all the different markets that are up the Campbell soup with 140%. So that's been like skyrocketing as everybody. Really? The one with my canned foods. Here's one that tripped me out though. I was reading this.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Above ground pools are like impossible to get right now. Yeah, I was telling you guys, like, uh, I remember my brother, uh, telling me about that. Like he was, uh, he just got something that he got like one of the last ones, but it's like, you can't find him anywhere now. Now where? Is that because people are at home? Yeah. So trampolines was the other one. Yeah. If you brought that up, Justin is, so people are trying to find ways, obviously, one to stay cool and, and play or entertain their kids and public places to go do a lot of the stuff is
Starting point is 00:17:26 still shut down and will be shut down. And so yeah, so pools, even like the sand to try and level the ground out to put a pool on it. It's just like impossible right now to get a hold of. What an interesting market to get into. Weird huh? Do you know they used to call trampolines jumpolines and then your mom got on one Sorry, I've been holding I've been holding that one for a long time. I got enough. I am being back dude. Oh, yeah, yeah, so they did they're doing 22 teams so they're just for does that again. Yeah, that's okay So that not all teams are back So unfortunately the lawyers won't be playing. How come? Didn't have a good enough record. So they took basically the 22 teams with the best record because we should have already had
Starting point is 00:18:15 Playoffs and everything pretending like they're continuing from a season that Yes, it's gonna be an eight game season and then it'll move into like a single than double elimination playoff And it'll all be played in Orlando, Florida. So it's all being played at some, I think, Disney's, you know, Orlando, Florida's convention or some shit at somewhere over there. But yeah, 22 teams will be a lot of play. They'll play eight, like what they consider season games and then they'll move into a tournament style for playoff. So it sounds like we're starting to see that though now.
Starting point is 00:18:44 It looks like sports are coming back. I know. I bet you the viewership's probably gonna be through the roof. Yeah. You know what everybody just, Oh yeah. I mean, we were just walking last night, right? When we were walking and it was dark, right?
Starting point is 00:18:55 So as we're walking the neighborhood over here and all these houses have big picture windows and stuff and you can see TV. Like, so many people are watching replay games. Oh yeah. I know. I'm like a die hard classic. I am a die hard sports fan, but even I'm not like that thirsty to where it's like I'm watching like games that were five years old and stuff like that. Oh yeah. Well Santa Clara County starting to open up stores and shops now. Yeah, I just got a text from from Courtney that my barber just opened back up with appointments only so I was like, oh, yes
Starting point is 00:19:29 I know Hey, it's not bad right? My head is open. What is super cuts open? I hope I don't know if you have to Google that for you Yeah, super cuts in San Jose Hey, come on. The hair doesn't look better right now. I figured out a way I kind of combed it slick a little bit. I gave you some my palm. You're good. Somebody said I look like the guy. What's that beer guy? His name? Interesting man in the world. Of course you would have what a great yeah to say. Of course you would connect to that. Weird. Yeah. How would I share the other story? We too every like week or so marketing team will message
Starting point is 00:20:01 over to us especially so August Salga, most of these. Hey, I need a promo video for this. We're running an ad for this or whatever. And so Sal does it and then I get a message, why does Salga look like a homeless person? No, he does. Oh my God, so stupid. Dude, the other day, the other night, I ran out of protein, so I went and got another plant protein over at the grocery store.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I forgot how easy the organifies the digest versus the other. I don't know how you forget that. You bring it up every time. Every time you decide to go a different direction. You know what I mean by forget? You just kind of, because you get used to something, and then you use something else and you can tell. And so I was trying to figure out why I digest it so much better.
Starting point is 00:20:46 They add enzymes. They actually add digestive enzymes to their protein. I did something I never really didn't know. Is that normal? Some proteins will do this. I've seen some way proteins do this as well. Well, they'll include like proteins in there, which is the enzyme that breaks down protein.
Starting point is 00:21:00 And that can help with breaking it down with assimilation. This is the first trip that I'd have to say that I used the least amount of Organifi green juice. I only used it one time this time that we're together because we stocked up. We were so bad normally. Well, we actually prepared this time.
Starting point is 00:21:15 We brought our own food up. Yeah. Yeah. Which helped a lot. And Doug doubled down because Doug didn't grow tree shopping for us and Doug made a list. But then maybe he didn't trust that I was going to get enough greens because I think I got like four or five of those massive heads of broccoli plus the
Starting point is 00:21:28 sparigus and then I saw it would dug me up with us like, oh man, all that is sparigus has really been doing a number on my pee, man. Oh yeah, you know, that's a, you know, that's a genetic thing, right? Is it? Yeah, so some people really don't make that smell. No, yeah, I thought that was universal. I thought so too. I've never met somebody that happened to you,
Starting point is 00:21:48 but that's what I've read. I've smelled a lot of pee. Really, I thought that was just a universal thing that everybody is. No, some people's pee does not smell when they eat. Sparrow gets. Now that's interesting to me. What is it inside their body that doesn't cause it
Starting point is 00:22:02 to make it smell like that? I have, I think, I actually don't know. I think it has to do with the way we whatever the compound whatever the waste is Is to use somehow I don't know. Mark it down. Yeah, Mark it down. I'm using an heaven answer. Now I ate some of those protein balls at them.
Starting point is 00:22:17 How you like those? They're really good. Now that was way protein. That wasn't have you ever used the organifier? Yeah protein. You know and complete transparency. Have you ever used the organify protein? Yeah, protein. You know, and complete transparency. This is why I keep both. And this is why too, why part of the motivation personally for me of us working with both organify and legion is I use organify when I'm just making a shake. And that's it. And if I'm using
Starting point is 00:22:42 a fruit shake, so I notice like when I do like blueberry, strawberries, banana type stuff, it pairs really well with organifi stuff. If I do something more savory, peanut butter, peanut butter balls, chocolate, Nutella, and I make a shake or a dessert that's like got protein in it, I find way goes much better. Yeah, but I've tried both. Like I've used protein in it, I find way goes much better. But I've tried both.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Like I've used both in pancakes. When I make pancakes, I prefer the way, although I have made them with the organify. So I keep both inside my cupboard. And I do notice that I do feel better from organifies protein powder than I do the way. So that's why I try and minimize you know minimize how much of the way I am in comparison
Starting point is 00:23:26 I notice I'm less gassy is what I notice because the way protein man that still has that effect You know the old the old protein fart adage right? I only notice it if I'm doing it a lot like if I had like a Some weird reason a shake and a bar in a day or something to products though Granite fight doesn't do that to me. Yeah, it just very easy to digest. It is. I just found out about the asparagus pee right now. Oh, okay, I gotta fall up to the protein fart after that.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Okay, so I was wrong. Actually, it's not that some people's pee doesn't smell. It's that some people can't smell that odor. Ah, so that is more scary. It's there, it exists. 40% of study participants, there's a study where they did this and 40% of them said they could smell, they could sell, smell their urine after eating asparagus,
Starting point is 00:24:10 60% said they could not. So there's something in the odor itself, some people can't detect. Well, that's similar to, you know, you just in transition for you, I'll help you out here, it's like farts, you know, some people think their farts don't stink. Here's shit.
Starting point is 00:24:23 They just smell broke. It smells. Well, I brought that up because there's actually a legit study that, okay, it said, this study reveals that smelling your partner's farts is the secret to a longer life. Wow. I was like, yes. I call bullshit. This is validation.
Starting point is 00:24:39 For this from the Journal of medicinal chemistry communications it sounds legit to turn around 10 years going strong you what a terrible husband you want your wife to die early for long her life can't you as all these like yeah protective qualities to I'm like it's time to start hot boxing again yeah let me take Courtney and Josh are gonna live a long time yes for sure you for sure. You need to start blasting your voice. See, you're depriving your poor. We'll see what she thinks.
Starting point is 00:25:09 That's what she's listening to. She still hasn't heard you fart ever? No. She hasn't heard you fart? Yep. What? Still, 10 years, dude. Why?
Starting point is 00:25:17 10 years. And you know it's funny, people listening that are like tripping on that. It hasn't been hard. Really? Yeah, it's not a hard thing to do. To just prevent. And maybe that's maybe.
Starting point is 00:25:27 You're just not being yourself? Well, maybe because we started dating after I really honed in my nutrition, right? So if you... Well, don't make that bullshit. You bust out some of us all the time. Oh, yeah, you guys. Yeah, but no, it's like because your nutrition's great all of a sudden. You still hardly create your own. My my point of the saying that is,
Starting point is 00:25:46 it was probably a lot more righteous parts here. Uncontrollable in my 20s when I was eating a lot of, when my diet was off, my digestion was off. And so probably back then, there's no way I could probably contain it. But now, you know, my, the amount of farts that I have in a day are so minimal that I just make an effort to leave the room when,
Starting point is 00:26:06 my, my, my room. Let's leave the room all the time. When we're recording, you're busting ass all the time in the studio, bro. It is not that often. It's not of the three of us. I am the least. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:16 It's pretty frequent now. Yeah. I'm chime in here. Chime in, Doug. I don't know. I haven't taken a survey. No, no. Oh, honestly, I try not to take it. Oh, honestly, I try not to pick.
Starting point is 00:26:25 We got Switzerland over here, whatever, Doug. I'm just like, fart elitism here. Yeah, I know that's the hell. Hey, don't be fucking mad just because I can do that for my girl, that's it. I paint toilets, I'll admit that. I do paint toilets. This guy's the worst, come on over here.
Starting point is 00:26:42 That's the way I'm adding the worst. Dude, you wanna hear another crazy story? I love looking up weird news sometimes. So a Pennsylvania woman was arrested Wednesday for allegedly keeping her dead grandmother in a freezer for 15 years. What? While the family collected her social security checks.
Starting point is 00:27:00 She said, oh my God. She said that they're poor, that they needed the social security check so they just kept them somewhere. Oh, god. She said that they're poor, that they needed the social security check so they just kept their thumbs from the died. So they just put her in the freezer. No, okay. You're going to hell. Well, what happens?
Starting point is 00:27:12 Like, what's the charge? I don't know. If they can prove it. It didn't murder her. Oh, well, I guess fraud, right? It may be fraud. Yeah, yeah. And what do they get them for?
Starting point is 00:27:21 Do you get male fraud for that too? Like, how many things do you get? That sounds like a week in a Bernie's kind of a movie in the making that's that's crazy though 15 years so imagine collecting 15 years of social security What's crazy to me is that as as old as we are and as long and then crazy news that we all read see I've never heard something like that before mm-hmm Like the thing the thought like that crossed someone's mind like grandma dies and the first thing you think of is oh my god We can't tell anybody that's put in the freezer
Starting point is 00:27:46 because our social security checks are gonna end. Yeah, imagine how you get in there. It's almost like they just find out she's in there, they're all depressed about, and all of a sudden a male man comes by and drops off and it's gonna happen like that. That's a wait a minute, click. That's the only way they had to happen, right?
Starting point is 00:28:00 Yeah, are you guys familiar with how, who was that one hitman for the mafia? Was it the, I, they call him the ice man I think it was. He used to freeze, he'd kill someone, freeze the body, then he would let it defrost, and then he would dump the body somewhere, and what it would do is it would hide the time of death, because he'd freeze them right when they're dead,
Starting point is 00:28:20 then like he'd wait like six months. Does that really throw that off? Or do we have, are we for the wrong, or are we for forensics now? That's what he used to do and apparently it worked. I don't know, that's a good question. I think he got caught because someone didn't fully defrost and they saw ice crystals.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And so then they pieced it together. But before that happened, they couldn't identify the time of death. Wow, that's crazy. Yeah, I'm just curious about that. That's really crazy. He's the same guy that would put them in hand. Yeah, and he would also put them in a vat of acid to boil off the whole. That's gruesome. That's really he's the same guy that would I'm a man. Yeah, and they would also put them in a vat of acid to
Starting point is 00:28:46 Boyle off the whole whatever gruesome. That's disgusting That is dude Are you are you keeping up with the at leisure wear wars right now? Yeah, no, there's actually just a great. Yeah, no, there was a funny you're just actually true There's like a lot going on right now with well There's this huge spike in Athlete's your where because so many people are either one, not working at all at home, or two, can work from home
Starting point is 00:29:08 now. That weren't able to work. So they actually just had this article with you, talking about Viori and labeling them as like an indie brand in comparison to like champion and Nike and all those. And they're like kicking ass. I mean, Viori had 1100% increase year over year in sales. It was the women's joggers. Yeah, the woman's joggers like the most popular. It's like they're $80.
Starting point is 00:29:30 It's like the, it feels like they're getting threatened, you know, by their market share. No, it's good news. They're making waves. No, I mean, the big brands are getting threatened by the, it's not coming right up. A lot of it too is, I just think it's the future of how business is done. And what I mean by that is, you know, Viori started as a direct consumer first,
Starting point is 00:29:47 then moved to brick and mortar. And so they have already established how to scale and grow a business without a brick and mortar at all. So then in a situation where all brick and mortar is closed, it was a very natural pivot for them. And they already established a very good community online. And then you have brands like that are older, Nike, Champion, etc. that started back
Starting point is 00:30:10 when. And so they started brick and mortar. It was a more of a challenging pivot for these massive companies to switch over to that. Plus, imagine how much they're all getting hit by having stores that are sitting still and they're still going to pay leases. They're in a very good position. Yeah, they make clothes that are comfortable but look good. So, perfect. You can wear them at home, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:32 They're positioned themselves well with their online sales. Yeah, and even the handful of, because they do now have some brick and mortar, they're very small space, right? It's literally like a showroom. They don't keep a lot of stock inside there. It's literally so pretty. Which I think is smart to kind of keep that. So that way you could go in because close, it's such an experience of like how it feels, how it fits, how it's tailored to you. So yeah, and that's the thing about Viori is just how much better it feels in comparison. Well, I think this is what we're going to see with many businesses going for. I think a lot of people are rethinking the way to start up. In fact, I always, I think it's interesting when I see someone who doesn't think this way and they like want to open
Starting point is 00:31:08 up a facility. Even though our audience, right, we have a lot of, you know, entrepreneurs, we have a lot of people that like open gyms or want to open a gym. And, you know, I just, I wouldn't advise that be the place you go first. I would build a community online first. That is, that has the similar values, has similar things that you have in common and that's fitness related. And then you, then from there, I take that community and then I would consider building a brick and mortar.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Versus, I really wanna have a gym, I wanna start my own gym and then you don't have much of a Following on online and then you go straight into trying to just really hard not to say it's impossible But it's I think that's the move. Yeah, I do think that's the move. It's an interesting Economy right now, too. You're seeing like mixed reports of success in some areas and Damage and others the stock market definitely is not reflecting stock market makes no sense
Starting point is 00:32:06 Dude, okay, so you have tons of people who filed for unemployment and hopefully a lot of that change is now that things start to reopen I'm sure there's some permanent damage, but there's I'm sure a lot of it will get reversed But even with all this unemployment stuff new home Applications from mortgages for new homes is up 17.5% compared to a year ago. So with all this stuff going on, and I think it has the interest rates are low. And also, I read the article and it said how there are lots of households that didn't get affected because they work in tech or and what they're doing because they save their money as they see opportunities to get houses that are maybe a little cheaper right now,
Starting point is 00:32:46 with good interest rates. So houses sales have gone up, which I did not anticipate at all. No, it's not. What I wonder though, if that's just the initial, right? And we are, remember too, we are right now, in year over year, this is the hottest time
Starting point is 00:33:01 to buy houses period. Yeah, this is when everybody moves, this is when everybody makes it. So when you get into June, July, August, months, they're the most popular months for the, for housing to, to climb anyways. So what I'm, and so, and then you add in all the opportunities that are jumping in right now because of interest rates. So the question will be what happens at the end of this year going into next year, if we eventually see some sort of a decline. I just can't imagine that it continues to move this direction. No, I don't think so, especially in the Bay Area, it's always in the Nigma though, because
Starting point is 00:33:31 it's so expensive, where we live, I'm always thinking, they can't get more expensive. Well, the reason why that does is just because you can't build anymore. There's just as many people trying to get jobs over here and you have all these startups and tech and there's no more places to move into. So that's what drives that. Right, right, right. So you just low inventory and a lot of restrictions on building a whatnot.
Starting point is 00:33:54 So it makes it much more, I guess, much more difficult. So Adam, I really liked the, you said, I think it was in the forum about how, if everybody who posted that black tile on Instagram, if everybody did that, they just donated. I thought that was such a good point. Well, and I don't want to come off like, somebody who put a black square up, I don't want to invalidate what they did, right? Or I don't know what they did outside of that, right? You could have put a black square up and you could have been part of the marching and you could be
Starting point is 00:34:29 doing things that you're dinner table with your family and having really important conversations and that was one of your ways of expressing and showing that. I just know that and we've talked about on this show before that, you know, two of the, I think most powerful things that we can actually do to make great shift and change is to vote and to vote with our dollars. And since right now, like, there's no voting going on in California for us, there's not something that we can go out and do right away voting. But we can vote with our money and we can put it towards organizations that are trying to make a good. And I was just making an observation that, you know, there was 28.9 million black squares
Starting point is 00:35:07 that were posted. And imagine if all those same people just donated one dollar towards a cause that actually is taking action to change these inequalities. And so it wasn't to belittle or devalue or to say that, oh, you're this because you put a black square up It was because people didn't understand why I didn't you know and and that went because we had already had a conversation around
Starting point is 00:35:33 What what we were doing well before the black square thing even happened and felt good about it and I felt that I saw a lot of people Not everybody but a lot of people, especially people with big voices like ourself and our space that we know of, that it came off more like virtue signaling. Like, look at me, I too, you know, and instead of taking action and doing some. So for me, that was what I was trying to explain was, imagine how powerful that would have been if, you know, and say, and by the way, a lot of the black square thing ended up hijacking, you know, black lives matter content.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Did you hear about that? Because people were, or I kind of wonder if that was like, a way to get to kind of prevent the protest from happening because they needed to kind of shut down social media. Because what you did is you'd go to the hashtag black lives matter And then you just see a bunch of black tie which by the way was was posting videos of cops hitting people and doing things that People should be aware of sure should see and and promoting where people were organizing and getting I mean That's a that's a powerful hashtag for people to be able to use as a resource and a tool. And now it was flooded with these black tiles because what
Starting point is 00:36:46 happened was every some, you know, you know, artist and because it started with music industry, you know, put it out there and then everybody just followed suit really quick without really paying attention or really thinking about what they possibly were doing. And, you know, and I felt like I got shamed because we had actually thought about it before it even came out on things that we wanted to do to take action. And well one of the organizations that we're donating to is the Center for Policing Equity
Starting point is 00:37:14 and they use real data to change discriminatory practices. This is important because these days there are no, I can't think of any explicitly racist legislation, meaning it's not in the actual law, like the old Jim Crow laws or whatnot in the past. So these days it's much more underground. You have to pay attention to the numbers and the data to see if racism is being used within the system. And that's what they do.
Starting point is 00:37:45 They look at the data, and if things look at a balance, then they do an investigation, and then they put safeguards to change that, because unfortunately we're in a situation where we're trying to change the hearts of people. In doing that, it can be very difficult. I think forcing them doesn't work. I think we have to find other ways. When it comes to policing, I mean, and I want to say this too,
Starting point is 00:38:06 I have family members that are cops and friends, that are cops, and they're very good people, very, very good people. They're not racist. They have lots of integrity. And like my brother-in-law right now, he's going out to work in San Jose and he's asking for family members to pray for his safety
Starting point is 00:38:24 and then he comes home and 2am,am he checks in with the family hey I made it home family members are waiting for that text middle of night so they could reply back thank you you know I'm so happy you're safe and so there are good police out there and I think that you know that that organization I just mentioned helps work within that because you're going to get some people it's some I don't know if it's because you're going to get some people. I don't know if it's ever possible to get all the bad people out of any position. There's always going to be some that are just shit, especially positions of power. So look at the hard data.
Starting point is 00:38:57 I think that's very important. So what we wanted to do is just act, not talk a lot. Look, I know voices and talking and that stuff, it can also have an impact. In fact, right now, you're seeing more fundraising for this movement than ever before because it's on everybody's mind. So that's a very good thing. Politicians, of course, are going to start talking about it, hopefully, past legislation or eliminate legislation that contributes to racist outcomes, for example-to-st outcomes, for example. So I think that's very important, but, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:28 we wanted to promote peace unity, because there's a lot of anger and hatred going on right now, a lot of innocent people getting hurt, and so we thought, okay, let's talk about that, and then besides talking a lot, let's put our money where I'm out there. So let's donate to an organization that's actually doing, where I'm out there. So let's donate to an organization that's actually doing good work.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Well, the idea was to say less and do more. That's it. That was really the message behind all of it. I mean, all of us feel very, very confident in who we are as individuals. I don't feel I need to post a black square to prove to people that I'm not racist. Like, I know where my heart is, I know where all of your guys is hardest and the best thing for us to do was to do something. I just, I'm frustrated with the fact that what I see is more division happening and that breaks my heart.
Starting point is 00:40:19 It's, I feel like we have come a long way. It's a lot of pent up. It's a lot of pent up. It's a lot of pent up. Fair. Anger. And I think it has to do with because these days, it's not explicitly blatant in the term, like it was in the, let's say,
Starting point is 00:40:36 during the civil rights movement. There were actual laws that said, black people, you have this water fountain, white people, you have this water fountain, you can't go to school together, you can't, and that's like a very clear target. What we're dealing with now is racism in people's hearts, and that's a very difficult thing to tackle.
Starting point is 00:40:54 It's much more difficult, it's much more insidious, but I think it's important to talk about and bring, and then on the other side, you know, a lot of really, really good, honest, law enforcement are fearing for their lives. I have a friend who's, he used to work with me at the gym. He became a, you know, police officer. And so we're still friends on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:41:17 He's got teenage kids. His teenage kids were getting threatened. But here's to other people. Here's the problem with what you're saying right now. And this is where you get eaten alive, is because you're sharing a story right now from a police officer's perspective. And because you can't share a story with me right now
Starting point is 00:41:32 where somebody's been discriminated against because of color. So that's why you have to be careful about how we voice our opinions on here because of that right there. Right. So that's the thing that you, why we wanted to say less is because,
Starting point is 00:41:46 even though I understand where your heart is coming from and you're sharing a very real story, but there's people that are now listening that are what about the person of color that was discriminated against? It doesn't discredit any of that. I know, but it does for somebody else. I know.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Well, I think too that people are just going through a lot of the different stages of emotion with how to really, you know, and like, like deal with it. And I think that we're seeing this in a lot of different directions and how people, you know, decided to act upon, you know, these emotions that got stirred up. And and that's why it's difficult, because it, and that's why I think that, you know, kind of, you know, less is more right now just, you know, for us is a good strategy and where I think we're just going to have a more deeper conversation about it a little bit later on when it's not so charged and when people kind of come back to understanding, you know, what they, what they really, what their core values are and, youically, they wanna present out there. Well, I think if this sparks a better conversation,
Starting point is 00:42:49 I think if it wakes people up, I think it's gonna be a good thing. I think if it raises money and actually changes things in effective objective ways, it'll be worth it. If it causes division and more hate and violence, that's not gonna help anybody. And so that's what I call for. Yeah, what's really interesting to me is like,
Starting point is 00:43:15 there is nobody that supports any of the four cops that did with the two. No, that was so blatant and obvious and terrible. Absolutely terrible. Thank God all of them got indicted. And that's why too, I find it really interesting with the retaliation of violence and that's happening in response to that
Starting point is 00:43:32 because I think everybody agrees. Well, it's really weird that we're dividing each other right now and we're fighting when we all look at and go, like, holy shit, this is wrong and I have something needs to happen. Nobody's not saying that. Everybody's been cooped up too. I mean, we forgot about the last few months
Starting point is 00:43:48 of being inside, not ever being around other people. There's just so much tension even prior to this. So I think it's just like an eruption. And this is something that's like, it's difficult because the emotional outburst of this one incident is so powerful that it brought back all these feelings. Well, I have a lot of friends and family that were marching with the Black Lives Matter protesters and they were saying how peaceful they were. And there are reports that a lot of the violence
Starting point is 00:44:19 and the rioting and the looting is being instigated by outside forces, outside and if various forces. This is something that's happening. There are people on both extreme sides who they look at this as an opportunity to cause massive instability. Don't think for a second there are extreme right white supremacist groups who don't enter into these protests where people are definitely angry, civil disobedient, not being violent, not breaking things, and then they'll start it. They'll start it off. They'll throw the first brick or they'll chant the wrong thing or whatever to get people to do
Starting point is 00:44:56 things that discredits their movement because it's lots of instability. There's extreme left movements. There are outside China, Russia, other countries are constantly looking for opportunities to cause instability. Don't think for a second, they're not looking at peaceful yet, but angry intense protests and saying, this is going to be something we can manipulate. So we have to be very careful how we paint this whole thing. In my experience from the people I know, the Black Lives Matter movement, largely, if not all, peaceful. But there are elements that are moving in,
Starting point is 00:45:31 that are causing some serious problems in division, which is why I say, I want to call for peace. Civil disobedience is a big part of this country. It's a good part of this country. We're free to protest, and I love that. It's the right every American chair. And I love that. I love it. It's caused incredible changing growth in this country for many times, whether we were we were protesting for for women's suffrage, the civil rights movement, gay marriage, ending, you know, the draft.
Starting point is 00:45:58 This is all very important, but violence and hatred doesn't unite very very well. So pay attention if you're a Police officer stay calm Stay smart if you're on the other side protesting pay attention look around who are the instigators? Who are the ones trying to make you look bad? Because they're starting a bunch of damage or they're looting or they're being violent because that's gonna misrepresent you too So stay that's why I say peace love love, and unity and let's all do this together This quas brought to you by Organify For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition
Starting point is 00:46:34 Organify fills the gap with laboratory tested certified organic super foods to help give your health the performance the added edge Try organic. I totally risk free for 60 days by going to Organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com and use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. First question is from Katie G. Hart. What is your opinion on finishers? Are they necessary or helpful to build strength? Ah yes, the happy ending of fitness programs. The, the, the finisher. I don't feel satisfied, I need to be finished. So, finishers refers to exercises that people do
Starting point is 00:47:15 at the end of their workout. These are made up. And, right. Why are you validating? Well, I'm just explaining, right? Their isolation movements, they're designed to add more volume, give you a better pump, that kind of stuff. I get, you know, why people do it, they want to get, they want to squeeze in more sets without creating
Starting point is 00:47:33 much more damage, but there is a much better way of increasing volume over time with your workouts. That's just it. If you were to take, that's right, glad this question feels like deja vu for some reason. Yeah, no. Yeah, weird. If you were to take your workout programming, whatever it is, whatever you're following, if you're not following maps, and you actually just measured the total volume, sets, reps, weight, you multiply all three of those, right, and you get your total
Starting point is 00:47:57 volume. So let's say it's chest day, and you multiply that out, and you've got 15,000 or 10,000 pounds of total volume. It's probably some totally inflated number, but let's just say for arguments, like 10,000 pounds of volume that you're moving of weight on your chest. And you saw, you know, Joey Swole's Instagram and he's talking about the latest, greatest finisher exercise that you should do. Best content for chest day, right? And it's, you know, and normally finisher, quote unquote exercises are, you know, cable like cells alluding to
Starting point is 00:48:29 isolation type exercises to kind of get the pump off or finish your workout. Okay, if you take that the same scenario, and instead of doing a finisher of, you know, three to five sets of these pumping exercises, and you added one more set of your incline barbell press that day, and one more set of your dumbbell chest press exercise that day, you will get way more bang for you. You'll get more gains from that than just adding a finisher exercise. And even if you're listening to me right now,
Starting point is 00:49:02 and you're like, oh, that's bullshit, I follow Joey, and I did his finisher thing. And it totally helped my chest. What? For two weeks. And then your body got adapted to that because all you did was add volume to a workout. The body responded, changed, grew, got stronger, whatever adapted. And then now it's plateaued again. Like until you figure out what you're actually doing that's causing the gains or not, it's silly to me. And I don't like validating these things because I think it just confuses people on how to program design. Well, let's look at the value, right? The value is more volume less damage. If that's what you're looking for, there's a better way to add finishers.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Matt, at the end of your workout, do them on the days off in between. That's when I see lots of value of doing these isolation movements and getting the pump on the days. What we call frequency builders. Exactly. So like trigger sessions or focus sessions, right? Those are found in maps and a ballroom maps aesthetic. Those are frequency builders. They add volume. They're lower intensity. And the exercises that make up those workouts would be considered finishers if you did them at the end of your normal
Starting point is 00:50:11 long workout. So the way I like to do it is do your normal regular heavy workout, then on the days in between when you're off, when you're not training that body part, throw in a few sets of some of these finishing exercises. Do it that way and watch what happens. Now, if you wanna add something to the end of your workout, add, excuse me, isometric movements. Squeeze the muscle really hard at the end of the workout. Do that for 10, 15 seconds. Hold the squeeze, rest for 30 seconds to a minute. Repeat, try that five times and watch what happens.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Next question is from Emotino 10. How important is having a lower back arch when chest pressing? Are there ways to improve having a stronger arch? Well, since Justin has the best. Justin's always working on his arch. Since he has the best one, we should ask him. It helps with booty picks more than anything else. No, so when you lay on your back flat, you'll have this natural arch and you low back. Don't try to flatten that down. You want to bring it up just a little bit, tighten your body. Now, what that does is it allows you to bring or helps you bring your shoulder blades down and back and stabilize them so that you compress heavy weight. It actually
Starting point is 00:51:17 is safer for your shoulders to press this way. It works the chest better as well. So, this is that arch and your bench press is an important part of the form. Now power lifters will exaggerate that to shorten the range of motion or maximize leverage. If you're a power lifter totally fine, but if you're a regular lifter, just do the natural arch brace yourself, bring the shoulders down and back and stabilize the shoulders. That is part of form. I actually don't like queuing this at all. I queue the shoulder blades. That creates the natural arch. If you tell people about the arch, they think about their low back.
Starting point is 00:51:51 More than they think about what you really should be thinking about. This isn't about your low back. This is about your pulling your shoulder blades back and down. When you pull your shoulder blades, anybody listening right now can do it in your car or sitting in a chair or whatever, you're out of your mind. Yeah, pull and squeeze your shoulder blades back anybody listening right now can do it in your car or sitting in a chair, whatever you're out of your mouth. Yeah, pull and squeeze your shoulder blades back and down.
Starting point is 00:52:10 And when you do that, you'll feel that your low back naturally arches. Don't think just about arching the low back. That's a bad cue. And I think it's a bad way to teach somebody this. Your natural, everybody has a natural archer. Yeah, way flat on the floor. Yeah, you'll naturally have it. Yeah, and some more than others, okay? Trust him.
Starting point is 00:52:28 But, yeah. But by you, It's so jealous. Cuing the shoulder blades back and down, it's gonna put a perfect arch in your back that you don't need to be focused on it anymore in that. And the only reason to focus on getting a more extreme one is if you are in the sport of powerlifting,
Starting point is 00:52:45 and so you're trying to create more leverage, it will give you more leverage to get an excessive arch, but that doesn't compute to more gains. More leverage, definitely everything you said, but also don't forget the leg drive, and that's just to be more effective with your distribution of force, and to be able to generate more force,
Starting point is 00:53:01 and the more stable your body feels in that position. Yes, you're going to have a natural arch because of exactly what Adam said with, you know, bringing those shoulder blades back and down, but also too, you want to be able to support everything by adding in your legs as another component. All right. Next question is from Con Nielsen. For athletes, what is a good balance between cardio, resistance training, and mobility training? Just depends on the sport.
Starting point is 00:53:26 It does, right? If you're whatever sport you're doing, that most of your training should be practicing that sport, playing that sport, doing scrimmages. The Lord. Yeah, I said that word. I caught that. That's because that's the bad word.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Sorry, that was the word. So foreign. No, I've trained athletes, shut up. Yeah. Practice your sport most often. That's where most of your workouts should be placed. Now, as far as strength training is concerned, depends on what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:53:56 If it depends on what your season looks like. If you're doing lots and lots of practice, I strength train with athletes once a week sometimes, because they're doing so much other work. Mobility work daily. And not intense daily. Some days are intense, some days are easier. But every single day we'd be working on mobility because mobility done properly really attacks the main reason why athletes performance may decline, which has to do with just poor movement patterns and injury.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Dude, 100%. This is, if I could go back and redo my entire programming of my athletic career, I would place way more emphasis on strength and movement. And in terms of building a solid basis, I mean, it's really important to build that foundational strength. And so that has to be what you really focus on in the very beginning, but also,
Starting point is 00:54:48 you know, once you get to that point, it's about how well, how effectively you can move, how explosive you can move, and how quickly you can stabilize on command. You have to have, you know, an even higher level of command over your body and healthy joints to be able to pull that off. And nothing addresses that better than quality mobility practices and really focusing on strengthening your range of motion. This is one of those questions. This is really hard to answer
Starting point is 00:55:14 because there's such an individual variance like many questions that we have to try and answer. And you do, you have to really look at where your shortcomings are as an athlete. Because if you have a weak gas tank, then I would have you do more cardio. Let's say you're carrying an extra 15-20 pounds that is not helping us out in your sport. Your sport is not a sport, use like with leverage, like maybe wrestling or something like that. And then you being an extra 15-20 pounds overweight, I might have you on the treadmill
Starting point is 00:55:45 doing more work to burn calories and burn body fat to get you leaner and lighter and work on your endurance because you lack there. If you're somebody who doesn't lack there so much, then it's going to be less emphasis there. I agree, I think, with both you on the mobility thing, I don't think anybody can do too much of that. I think that's something that we can all be better at. And I think it's an area that a lot of athletes neglect. But again, still, it really depends on how much of a limiting factor that is in your performance
Starting point is 00:56:15 of your sport. And every sport is very different. So it's a tough one to answer. Now, if you're just a person who considers themselves athletic because they like to go pick a ball up every once in a while and play a sport, or they do athletic things, but then I also want to build muscle, then I also have, you know, different advice for you. Like, you have to understand there's going to be a give and take and everything. If you're, my sport is the number one focus, then like, Sal alluded to, I might be only training you one day a week in weight training,
Starting point is 00:56:44 because most of the times it'd be geared around getting you better at your sport and your skill. But if you're somebody who's just like, hey, I want to be an athletic person, but I also want to build a physique. Well, then I might have you training two to three days a week when weightlifting with, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:58 intermittently using cardio and using different drills to keep you athletic and mobile. And mobility is the one thing probably that we all would say in common of that just needs to be in there on a regular basis for sports. Next question is from Tanner Sorrels. What was each of your biggest client peeps when you all were trained? Oh, yeah, it was a good one. Yeah, I got one off the top of my head. I used to hate having to explain or debate fads,
Starting point is 00:57:30 fitness and health fads constantly. I'd be training a client for a year, two years, three years, they've learned a lot, we've gotten real far, they've gotten great progress. And then they'd come in and be like, hey, my friend just lost 30 pounds. She did this HCG diet. Yeah, have you heard of it?
Starting point is 00:57:49 And I'm like, oh, okay, let me look it up. And I look it up and I'm like, all right, here's why it's not good. But she looks really good. How did she lose that weight? I'm like, well, it's, you know, 400 calories a day. It's not has nothing to do with this HCG that they're injecting.
Starting point is 00:58:02 And then I have to have these discussions and debates. And I would get annoyed because that almost because it's almost like you're, you wanna tell your client like, you should know better. Yeah. You know what I mean? I've been talking to you about this for three years that you're coming to Brumley,
Starting point is 00:58:13 but that was one of my pet peeves, but I always try to stay patient and calm because there's so much bad information out there that a big part of your job as a trainer is just helping them sift through the crap and find the good stuff. Lying to me. That was like my number one puffy.
Starting point is 00:58:29 You want me to clean on clients lie? They told you you're a good trainer. That's the biggest lie for sure. You lie. No, I mean they do. Even when they attract their food and stuff. Yeah, food tracking or telling you that, like if I, you know, you know, ones where I try to get somebody
Starting point is 00:58:49 to stop doing cardio and, you know, I just sneak around your body. Oh, yeah, they would. I catch them, you know what I'm saying? I catch them doing things. I'd be like, what did I tell you, you know? And then we wonder why things aren't going to according to plan.
Starting point is 00:59:00 The other pet peeve of mine too, and this is my own shit that I struggle with is because unfortunately, I just don't have this thing. This is one of the attributes that Sal has that I wish I had, is that- Large penis? Oh my God, you're just hitting out the parts today. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:17 We would notice, because you're wearing shorts. I'm bad at it. Yeah, sorry. No pants today. No, I don't have a photographic memory, and I am the worst. Like, I will read a study two or three times, and it will take me at least four or five times
Starting point is 00:59:34 trying to explain it before. I think I can explain it really well. And so when I would get challenged in something that I know I know I'm right, like I know that I have the right information, but that I couldn't articulate it really well. And I know that you, Sal, can't relate to this because he doesn't, he is the opposite, right?
Starting point is 00:59:51 He's really good at this. Probably made him really good as a trainer is that you could probably, someone could question him on what he's doing and then he could break down the study to support it. I, on their hand, read the same studies but couldn't regurgitate it. So it was more like, just trust me, God,
Starting point is 01:00:04 I knew I knew I was in the fight. Yeah. So that was more like, just trust me, God, I knew I didn't apply it. So that was a pet peeve, it would frustrate me when you would hire me as a professional. And then I lacked the ability to, again, again, I know it's my own shit, right? It's not like I'm, it's a matter to the client, but it was a frustration, right? Or a pet peeve of mine, of like having to like prove
Starting point is 01:00:24 that I knew that I was talking about it. It's like I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be doing to like prove that I knew that I was talking about. It's like I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't know what I was talking about. So that would drove me crazy. But that's how I'm doing that. One of my biggest pet peeves was when I would take all of the time in the world to explain like exactly why I was programming the way I was programming
Starting point is 01:00:41 and going through all these steps and you know, trust the process and all that stuff. And I find out later like they signed up for all these extra classes that they were doing besides our sessions. And it was just like, it was always never enough, which is a battle that I was constantly having with clients. And then inevitably we get to a point where they realize they're just spinning their wheels because I would have other people listen that would get gain progress. And then we'd have that conversation again and come up. But yeah, they used to just be so frustrating to me because it's...
Starting point is 01:01:15 I mean, it just feels like doing more is always going to push you forward. But it's always better. It's just always better. And that's a hard argument to unravel and show somebody that they're wrong. So here's another one when I would go out to eat with the client, which wasn't super common. I did maintain a professional line. But after you train people five, six, seven years, they'd ask you to go to lunch or come
Starting point is 01:01:43 over with my family family and you do it And you would see them change their their like eating behaviors, but just because you're there You know like oh, I'll make sure we go somewhere healthy and I'm like man I'm just a regular person like you are and I train I've been training for years like that's not a big deal You eat milk shake. Yeah, you can have like you can have like milkshakes like glass of wine And we can have pizza not or you ever run to a client at the grocery store It's happened. It's happening a couple times where I see a client with their with their cart and then they see me Don't know that I saw that they saw me and then they turn around real quick
Starting point is 01:02:14 It's all like frozen food I don't know who's this was so weird but it was much Joe linear off the racks but I mean you know, I mean, trainers are regular people too, and you're more effective when you, the person is honest with you, and then you can work together. And I think sometimes as a trainer, I might have made people feel like they couldn't be totally honest. That was, that's on me.
Starting point is 01:02:37 It's like, you know, following along your lines, Adam. That was on me pretty much. I mean, I think that's important to note, right? With any pet peeze frustrations, we're sharing them and having fun with them, but I'm also a person who totally believes that it's a mere of ourselves, right? So if I'm frustrated with anybody,
Starting point is 01:02:54 I stand by that, if I'm mad at another person or frustrated, and if I'm emotionally charged or irritated about anything that really isn't about the other person, it's really a reflection of myself. So, yeah, we're having fun with these pet peeves and all, but... Oh, yeah. Like, I could have communicated way better and would have absolved all of that. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Now, look, MindPump is recorded on video as well as audio, so you can actually watch and listen to MindPump also on YouTube. So, it's the MindPump podcast. Go check it out. On there, we actually break up the episode with questions, so you don't have to listen to the whole thing, and they're easy to share, of course. You can check us out there as well.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Also, if you want to find us and talk to us, you can find us on Instagram. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love
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