Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1364: How Low Carb Diets Affect Hormones, Steps Needed to Battle the Obesity Epidemic, Why Old Man Strength Is Real & More

Episode Date: August 22, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the effects of low carb diets on hormones, science that proves “old man strength,” branding and marketing in or...der to appeal to both men and women, and how to tackle the obesity epidemic. Mind Pump Kitchen: “No-Bake” Organifi protein balls. (5:39) Mind Pump, BIG gaming guys. (7:07) Mind Pump Recommends, Mythic Quest on Apple+. (9:35) Parents are guard dogs. (11:00) Fun Facts with Justin. (13:45) Beware of things that are too good to be true. (15:24) Introducing Mind Pump’s newest sponsor, Oli Pop. (24:15) Get your tin foil hats on! 750 million GMO mosquitoes to be released in Florida. (30:19) The benefits of slowing down your reps to get better results. (35:11) Another case for the benefits of priming. (38:25) Want to be Bud Light’s Chief ‘Meme’ Officer?! (40:15) The social justice warriors are foaming at the mouth! The latest victim of cancel culture. (42:24) #Quah question #1 – What are the effects of low carb diets on hormones? (48:21) #Quah question #2 – Is there any science that proves “old man strength” is really a thing? (53:32) #Quah question #3 – How much do you think about your branding and marketing in order to appeal to both men and women? (57:23) #Quah question #4 – Here's the scenario, the President appoints Mind Pump Media to address the country's obesity epidemic. What’s the first issue you tackle and how do you approach it? (1:08:25) Related Links/Products Mentioned August Promotion: MAPS Performance ½ off!! **Promo code “GREEN50” at checkout** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** NO BAKE CHOCOLATE ALMOND BUTTER COCONUT BALLS Parent Alert: Is Roblox Safe for Kids? Watch Out for These 4 Dangers Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet on Apple TV+ Visit Oli Pop for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for 15% off your first order** Florida mosquitoes: 750 million genetically modified insects to be released The Use of Acute Exercise Interventions as Game Day Priming Strategies to Improve Physical Performance and Athlete Readiness in Team-Sport Athletes: A Systematic Review Attention job seekers: Bud Light will pay $5,000 a month for 'chief meme officer' Reds players speak out against announcer Thom Brennaman's homophobic slur Mind Pump Podcast - YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Saldas Defano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of Mind Pump, the world's number one ranked fitness health and entertainment podcast, where the only one that combines all three, we answer some questions asked by listeners and viewers just like you. And the way we open the episode was you do an introductory portion. This is where we talk about current events. We talk about our sponsors. We talk about our workouts and fun stuff like that. After that, we get into answering the questions. By the way,
Starting point is 00:00:38 if you want to see a timestamp of all of the topics that we cover in this episode and fast forward to your favorite part, go to MindPumpPodcast.com. So let me give you a breakdown of this episode. The intro was 42 minutes. We start out by talking about our brand new Organify Balls. Adam shares his balls with Justin. Delicious. Doug and I walked in on that.
Starting point is 00:00:59 We're like, what's going on? These are Organify Balls made with protein, coconut oil. They taste really really good. Now, Organify is a company that makes organic plant-based supplements, including protein powders, but they also have a green juice and a red juice and a green juice, very, very popular supplement company. And because you listen to Mind Pump,
Starting point is 00:01:17 you get a full 20% off, okay? So that's a hundred dollar purchase, you get $20 off, it's only 80 bucks. Look, I just did the math for you. Here's how you get the 20% off. Go to organifi.com, that's ORGANIFI.com, forward slash mine pump, use the code mine pump at checkout. Then we talked about roblox making almost half a billion dollars
Starting point is 00:01:40 in its first six months of 2020. It's also a place that I don't let my kids go because they got some weird stuff on that. It's scary. It's wrong with you guys. Then Justin brought up something called Mythic Quest. I believe this is a show. What's the show on?
Starting point is 00:01:53 It's on Apple TV. Apple TV. I don't know much about it. Then I talked about my son getting scammed on one of his video games you bastard. I know I'm gonna find you. We're gonna find you. Who you are.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Then we talked about our newest partner, Oli Pop. Okay, so trip off this, right? They make a soda, no joke. This is a soda with almost no sugar, fiber in the soda and the ingredients are for gut health. This is a gut health soda. So it's got things like marshmallow root and slippery elm bark and other things
Starting point is 00:02:23 that heal and repair the gut. But the flavors are what's incredible. I'm holding in my hand right now, cherry vanilla, literally tastes like cherry pie. I'm not exaggerating by this, try it out. If you don't like it. She's my cherry pie. I'm telling the truth.
Starting point is 00:02:38 It's a, it's in a class all by itself. These are gut health supporting low or no sugar paleo friendly sodas. No joke. Go try them out. They'll blow your mind. And of course, because you listen to Mind Pump, you get a hook up. Here's what you do. Go to drinkaulipop.com.
Starting point is 00:02:58 That's the word drink, then olipop.com. And then use the code, mind pump, you'll get 15% off your first order. Oh, I forgot to say this prebiotics and there's as well to feed your healthy bacteria. Then we talk about GMO mosquitoes in Florida, they're releasing 750 million. Get out your tinfoil hats.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Laboratory made mosquitoes. What could go wrong? It's 2020. Nothing's going wrong this year. You've thrown stuff in there. Then I talk about slowing down your reps or doing the negatives real slow to get better results. Then we talk about a study on priming
Starting point is 00:03:35 and how effective it is at improving your strength. Yeah. And then we talk about Bud Light looking for a new CMO. Anybody can apply the M stands for meme, by the way, memes. Then we got into the questions. The first one was, what are the effects of low-carb diets on hormones? The next question, is there any science that proves old man's strength is a real thing? There's also old woman's strength, by the way. That's a real thing. My mom, let me tell you, she's to beat me down. The next question, what
Starting point is 00:04:04 do we think about marketing and branding our products to appeal to both men and women? So we talk about fitness marketing, like this is just for women, this is just for men. And the final question, a hypothetical one. Let's just say the president appointed mind pump media in charge of the country's obesity epidemic. What would we do to help fix that?
Starting point is 00:04:23 Because we are in an epidemic of obesity, fixed effect. Also, this month, maps performance is 50% off. This is a full body workout program that includes traditional exercises and non-traditional functional exercises. So this is a workout that makes you look good, but also makes you perform and move good. So if you're somebody that likes to look good,
Starting point is 00:04:46 but you also want to perform, it's like, you know, why would you have a Ferrari with a Civic engine? You know what I mean? You want to look good, but you also want to be able to perform. That's MAP's performance. It's athletic training combined with bodybuilding training to give you the best looking and best moving physique. There's a special emphasis on mobility.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Oh, by the way, if all you have are dumbbells at home, you can still follow the whole program. the best looking and best moving physique. There's a special emphasis on mobility. Oh, by the way, if all you have are dumbbells at home, you can still follow the whole program. We have a mod in there for just dumbbells. So you don't need barbells. You don't need any other equipment, just dumbbells and a bench, and you got everything you need to follow this program.
Starting point is 00:05:17 If you have a full gym, you can still follow the program, because then you can follow it as we originally designed it. Now, this program is 50% off. Here's how you get the discount. Go to mapsgreen.com, that's MAPS-G-R-E-N.com and then use the code green50, that's green50 with no space for 50% off. Did you guys like my balls?
Starting point is 00:05:40 Well. Yeah, let me tell you. I feel wrong saying that, but I do. Yeah, they're really good, dude. Amazing. Yeah. Yeah, they're really, really good, tasty. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Let's explain what they are. They were cold and chilled. Yeah. You talk about the protein balls. Amazing, right? Oh, yeah. The no big bites. So this is one of my favorite things that organic, so if you, I know we obviously have a lot of people
Starting point is 00:06:06 that listen and use a lot of organified products, but they're always constantly putting out great recipes and we're always playing with them. And now Jerry brought us on Monday, these bites that are absolutely amazing. And they're a cookie dough, no bake bites, protein bites. Here it is, there's little difference between just eating cookie dough and that. Dude, they're legit, dough, no bake bites, protein bites. Here it is, there's little difference between just eating cookie dough and that.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Dude, they're legit, here's the ingredients. It's a cup of almond flour, quarter cup of organified protein vanilla, then you put a tablespoon of vanilla extract, quarter tablespoon maple syrup, quarter tablespoon coconut oil, eighth of a teaspoon of sea salt, and then three quarters of a cup of chocolate chips.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Ingredients are legit, and you basically mix them all together, and then you chill in the freezer, and then you roll them into balls and sprinkle a little sea salt, and you're done. You don't need a bacon or anything. But then balls in your mouth. There's enough. That's enough.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Why? That's not wrong. That's really good. Amazing. The macros are probably pretty good too, just what you got to cook in it oil, and a little bit of maple syrup in that. Delicious.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Hey, I wanted to ask you something south. So we talked about this, I don't know, I think it was a few months ago. Remember when I brought, I was unfamiliar with it. I said that I brought up something about them, statistically like revenue wise I think it was, and that was the game. Is it row box?
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah, it's just, oh my god. And do both of you guys just kids play this? My daughter sometimes won't. They won't shut up about it. Okay, now do you guys follow anything on them? Yeah. Well, in terms of business, I mean, I just make sure that like, nobody talks to them.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Exactly. Well, I'm creating a wall from creeps. Yeah, so they're massive, right? Like, I mean, they're one of the most popular games played by young teens and under teen, right? And I think they did like half a billion dollars in the first part of the year of 2020. They're smart.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I mean, they have like little side games that you can kind of create. So this is what I was reading about. And I didn't fully grasp like how it works. And I guess Fortnite's a little bit like this. I'm so disconnected from the gaming world now. Yeah, no, it is a bunch of old dudes, right? But I used to love all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:06 And I guess the biggest feature is that it allows the kids to almost create their own worlds and own gaming communities, which is awesome and it's ever evolving and changing. It's cool and creative for sure. But here's what they're having problems with. So there's like pornography has made its way into this. Yeah, dude, that's the Lord have mercy.
Starting point is 00:08:26 That's the thing, man. You gotta be careful. A lot of people, apparently people pose as children, go on there, start talking to your kids and whatever. Now, how's the pornography? What did they do? So, okay, because you can create your own avatar. And because it allows kids to create their own worlds
Starting point is 00:08:43 and don't everything people have made, and they do it, they do it smart because obviously they have Algorithms and AI in there to try and pick up on Profanity and as much as they possibly can but when you have something like that, you know It's like the like the uber free market thing. It's just it grows so fast. You can't control it Mm-hmm, and you know clever kids, you know different like, oh, the apartment get away or something like that. I forget like the name that I read in the article, but it's not like, you know, triple X, whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:09 It's not obvious. And then you enter that room and the characters, you know, are all naked and do and do it having sex and that they're able to talk to each other, however. So this is now, has now infiltrated this game and has become become extremely and it's a challenge for them to try and combat it and yet another reason why I got a steer away from that right. Yeah. Well, if you guys ever watch that show an apple called mythic quest. Oh, yeah, you got me to watch a few There's no, it is a it's great. You got office meets. They like create video games. And so like the CEOs, this like real creative guy comes up with all these concepts for video games.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Anyways, they had somebody on there that was in their game. And it's kind of more like world of warcraft where everybody has like their character and they're all like interacting and all that stuff was creating like big structures like throughout the game that were just like cocks, you know, like all over the place. They just like build these things within the game.
Starting point is 00:10:09 And so it's like, there's things like that. I'm sure that happen all the time where kids are just like, oh, like how can I get away with, you know, things like that. But in terms of like just straight pornography, like yikes. Yeah, I'm not a violent person, but I'll tell you what, I definitely would kill those people. You know what I mean? Yeah, I'm not a violent person, but I'll tell you what, I definitely would kill those people. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:10:27 Yeah. Definitely strangle them. They're hiding behind free masks. I mean, how do you manage that though? I mean, it's, you tell you just take your, tell your kid can't play. Really? Yeah, I mean, that's what I've been doing. I mean, yeah, that's what you have to do.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Yeah, I mean, there's, there's ways you can invite people in where you have it private. I believe because we've gone through that. And so that's one wall, but again, like who knows, they might think it's their friend and it's a different handle. And so like, not only that, but I also remember being a young teenage boy too. And this is the stuff you're interested in.
Starting point is 00:10:57 And even if you, like I could see like, you sell your son, he's such a smart kid, but there's still a major innocence to him, right? We've talked about this before. You know, it's more like a giggling with your friends, like, check out what I hacked into or found or created. I'm less worried about my 15-year-old and more worried about my 10-year-old. Yeah, he should play the game. Yeah, he doesn't play Roblox, she does. Oh, oh. Okay. So, I'm not worried. If you're, when you're 15, you got a little bit more wisdom, still not like, you know, go out there and do whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:26 But it's the little kids, eight year old, seven year old, nine year olds that play the game. Those are the ones I'm more worried about. You gotta shield them a bit. Yeah, that's the one I'd be a little worried. Oh, I thought maybe it was your son that played the game more. So it's actually your daughter who's in the game.
Starting point is 00:11:38 It's little kids, dude. It's not like. Yeah, they did say like a, they in fact they wouldn't even disclose the what percentage was a young age, but you could tell by the way the article was written and what they have, what they have, at least.
Starting point is 00:11:50 It's elementary kids. It is young kids, 100%. But it goes all the way up to teens and preteens and so at that, but I guess it is that young. Wow. It is. So it's something you gotta pay attention to as a parent. You gotta, you know, and just like anything,
Starting point is 00:12:01 you also have to monitor it and it takes time and effort and that kind of stuff, but that's what you signed up for when you became a parent. I know, yeah. I mean, that's just the watchdog. Yeah, you are, you have to, you know, it's like I remember growing, you know, when we grew up in the 90s, right?
Starting point is 00:12:15 You know, 80s and 90s, and that's when process food just exploded. And I had friends like that where the house was full of just full of garbage food and there was just free reign. There was no, the parents didn't really organize or monitor it. So the kids just whenever they wanted to eat whatever, go in the freezer, go in the cupboard and just eat or drink soda to their delight. And you know, that was a big mistake because you had a lot of problems from that. And when I was a kid, I had processed food access,
Starting point is 00:12:46 but my mom definitely had, she definitely controlled it a little bit, right? She would be like, no, no, no, you're not gonna take that whole bag and sit on the couch, grab a few, put it in the bowl, you know, that type of thing. Well, in terms of the games too, like I, sometimes I'll, you know, not realize that they're playing a new game and then I'll find out.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And my son, I'm always having him explain everything about it, but I actually will go in and play it with him. At least one day, I try and make a point of that just to see where the opportunities are, where they interact with people, what the game looks like, what kind of things are happening inside that. Because if you don't actually sit there and like look
Starting point is 00:13:26 at what's what they're actually really vested in, because they're seriously hooked, you know, they're hooked by what they're playing, and that's what they talk about, you know, they're outside jumping on trampoline, they're talking about their character, and how they're upgrading them, and all this stuff. If you're not on the end with that stuff,
Starting point is 00:13:43 it could get away from you really fast. Dude, some of these games are so crazy. So I was talking to my son and in some of these games, you can get like a skin, which is essentially changing the way your character looks or stuff like that, right? There are some skins or items in the games that are so rare and so valued that people will pay tens of thousands of dollars or more.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Just to get them. I'm crazy brought that up because I had on my notes actually to bring up like a sweatshop that they have for these upgrade character sweatshops. So just like you have other miners or whatever. Yeah, you have other social media things like where they're actually doing all the likes and stuff
Starting point is 00:14:23 and we've seen this all get exposed with how people get like all these followers all of a sudden you're like how that happened. Well, there's there's actually people like a whole factory of people like doing that for them. You can pay for this. Like you can pay you know a service to basically like play your character and get all the upgrades and all these things that are super valuable. And then you can like, you can even sell off your character once you get them up to a certain amount. Like, as some people care that much, I read this in this article that they, I mean, how smart is this as a business, too? They make like certain things limited. So it's like, if you have like a hat, you could pay like a thousand dollars for, and you know, only a total of 500 people
Starting point is 00:15:06 could have ever bought the hat. So if you're rocking that hat on your avatar inside the game, you know that person is a total status symbol. It's just like Ready Player One. Remember how that one company was in there trying to find all the secret pieces or whatever? That's why that movie is so brilliant. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:22 So my son, what a great lesson my son learned a while ago. So he obviously loves playing video games a gamer. And he got ripped off. He got scammed on the game. And he was really upset about it. Oh, man. Because it was his first experience with somebody that was dishonest.
Starting point is 00:15:38 And so he had an item in the game that was worth, on the market, I think it was worth $200. Just something like that, which to it, was worth, on the market, I think it was worth $200, something like that, which to it, at the time when we think how old was he, 12? That's big money, huge money, right? He earned it though, he found it, he earned it, I never give him, we never buy stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I was telling him like, I'm not, no, you're not gonna buy. Virtual, that's virtual, stop it. You can go ahead and earn it, whatever, but you're not gonna buy. So he had this item and some dude wanted to trade him another item and give him some money on top of it. My brother, my son's like, oh, you know, and this is after I found out, right? Anyway, it was a too good to be true deal. That was the lesson. So, he went and did the trade, he got scammed, lost his item and got nothing in return. And I remember I was downstairs working
Starting point is 00:16:27 and he comes downstairs and he's got tears, you know? And I'm like, what's the matter, dude? He's like, somebody, he was like, so he was like clenching his fist, somebody ripped me off. And I'm like, well, what happened? And he told me and I said, did it feel like a deal that was too good to be true?
Starting point is 00:16:42 And he says, what do you mean? And I said, was it like, did you, you ready to jump on it? Because it was such a good deal. And he goes, yeah, and I said, you got to look out for that stuff. And the real world people make offers to you that are too good to be true. You have to be very skeptical. This is how the world works. And now that you've lost that item, next time, you can be a little bit more careful. And he's, and he's like, can you give me the money for the item? I can't I'm like I can't give you the max rings up. Did you guys get hustled like that when you're a kid like I can remember one
Starting point is 00:17:12 Instance for that it was a speaker that this guy was like selling like I just bought it like Pretended that he just bought it like outside this that happened in my 20s. That wasn't a Yeah, it was like when I was 15. 16. Do you buy the fake Cologne or what? Well, no, that's so, that's so. So, this is all so when I worked Kavanaugh McKee on the East side,
Starting point is 00:17:32 a lot, all those hustles are going on and I ran out of gas, helped me fill up for five bucks. Oh, yeah. All that shit. And the actual speaker and ample, it was an amp in a speed. And at this time, I had a stereo system in my car. So I was into that stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:45 This one, they would pull up in the parking lot and open the back of the rev counter, whatever. Do you want this? Yeah, show you the setup, and they even have a printout of the retail value of all of it. I mean, it just seems like, and it seems so good to be true. Now, did they test it for you right there?
Starting point is 00:17:57 No, no. That's how they get you, right? Because they don't do it. What they do is, oh, the way I got caught was they said, I ordered one of these and they gave me two. Yeah. And so I'm trying to sell the other one.
Starting point is 00:18:10 This is the retail value of this net. And I'm like, oh, I guess I could have that. This is a quarter of the price. Yeah, company would ship two maybe, I don't know. Like, and it looks pristine and they have the printout of the value of all of it. And then they're offering it to you for, and I don't remember what I paid.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I paid a few hundred bucks for something that should have been like $2,000 and something dollars and I'm like, oh my God, no brainer. Would have steel. I'm going to play that same thing. When I went to France years ago with Jason, our mutual friend, and we were in line to buy ticket, I don't remember what the tickets were for,
Starting point is 00:18:44 I don't know if it was a train or something, right? And it's a long line. So a lot of people behind us. And in this particular part where we were, they didn't, they didn't try to speak English to you. So it was kind of hard to translate or whatever. So Jason gives the guy, I don't remember how much money he gave him, but let's just say it was 50 year old. And the guy was supposed to pay him back 30 year old and change, but he gives him three year old and change. So, so Jason, and I love Jason, he doesn't care. Like he didn't give a fuck. He made the biggest deal in front of everybody,
Starting point is 00:19:18 walking up and down the line. Can you translate for me? He just stole my money. Do you think this is okay? Do you think I'm embarrassed? And I know that's what they're playing on. They're playing on the fact that you're embarrassed. There He just stole my money. Do you think this is okay? Do you think I'm embarrassed? And I know that's what they're playing on. They're playing on the fact that you're embarrassed. There's a lot of people, they don't speak your language.
Starting point is 00:19:30 So you're probably just gonna be like whatever, you know, not Jason. We stayed there for 30 minutes. And he was back and forth making a big old fuss or whatever and he got us, he ended up getting his money. So I got, we got had when we were 18, 17, 18, we were on our senior trip in high school or after high school, we graduated, we went to Hawaii,
Starting point is 00:19:49 we did the whole fake ID thing when we first got there. And my buddies, now at this time, I'm not, I have not even tried marijuana before, but I had two friends that were with me in Hawaii that smoked weed and we were in Hawaii for a time. You didn't buy a regular listen listen Okay, you're like think about a thing about a wheat smoking kid in high school back when we what was like Maui wawi was like this like everyone talked about it. It was just the name if you were in California
Starting point is 00:20:17 And you and everybody would always talk about like oh Maui wawi wait till you have Hawaii's Maui wawi And so we get there as teenagers, you know. And it's like my two buddies this morning, we have to get Maui Wally. So we all, and I even put some money on it, even though I wasn't gonna smoke because I didn't, but we were all together and agreed, like, got to get this so everybody threw their 20 bucks in or whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:38 And I think they were trying to buy it out. And got found a guy on the street that set in, meet him in a corner, he rolled it up, he showed it to him, you know, checked his house, smell it, you smell it, and then he did, he must have did some sort of a switcheroo with the magazine because he had it rolled in a magazine and then handed it to him, we gave him the money,
Starting point is 00:20:56 of course you're scared as a kid, you just put it in your pocket real quick, we're just fucking run to the hotel room which is blocks away, he goes his opposite direction, we get all the way up the elevator and then you don't even pull it out of your pocket until you get up there, we pull it out, open it. This smells different, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:09 But it still looks like it, because they use like fucking oregano and shit. Go to light it and burn it, it's like not burning right at all. No, you actually tried to smell it. I did it, my buddies did it. This terrible. Yeah, so. And then you know, back then, each of us all
Starting point is 00:21:23 put in our 20 bucks together, that's a lot of money for us. No, hey. I'll tell you what, I know I got ripped then you know, back then, each of us all putting our 20 bucks together. That's a lot of money for us. Yeah. I'll tell you what, I know I got ripped off more than you guys did because I used to buy every supplement in any advertisement in any magazine. That's like one of the biggest hustles. I probably have been hustled out of, you know, I don't know, $50,000. If I added up my whole, oh, dude, there was one, it was, and the way they would do it is
Starting point is 00:21:44 they put an ad. So you had to like the big ads in the magazines, right? So you're going through Flex magazine, big ad, you know, it's like Mega Mass, tooth out whatever. But then you go to the back of the magazine and I used to read those things. The ones that look like the syringes, the stuff that looks the most, the, yes. So I used to read the magazines from front to back and I'd scan it. And in the back, they had these little ads. And of course, they made them look like they were sketchy. They're like, oh, this is gonna work. That means it's legit. Yeah, and there was this one product,
Starting point is 00:22:10 and it was like muscle mix or something like that. And it was like a vial. And it was like band and so many countries and whatever. I'm like, that's it, right? It was great marketing. And this is how you took it, you bought, I got this vial of whatever. I don't know what the hell it was.
Starting point is 00:22:24 And you put four drops under your tongue every day and your testosterone levels are gonna go through the roof. I spent like 50 bucks, nothing. Then at the time I bought this supplement stack that was 12 bottles of pills, it cost me $160. I'm like a $1, 160, so a 15 year old kid is a million dollars. Two things I can remember, offhand.
Starting point is 00:22:45 One, I've already kind of explained on the show, I think, but I'll bring it up again. The first one though, like, is totally obvious for anybody now that they go to like Tijuana or anywhere in Mexico where they're selling things and, you know, in the streets. And like, I was really into sunglasses and like the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Dude, I bought some folkleys. Yeah, yeah, I've never been. And the thing is, it was painted, like everything looked exactly authentic. And then the paint started to like smear away, run away. I'm like, what the hell is this? You know, oh, these, these, like, these really good, these real things.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I'm like, oh cool, awesome. Yeah, I got it for like literally like maybe $10 less than their actual price, which is like 200 bucks. I got it for like probably like 170 bucks or something. Instead of blocking the rates and magnifies them, I don't mind, yeah. Kaiser Bernie. How's it going on?
Starting point is 00:23:38 I that happened to me in Mexico. I went there and bought this woman was selling these hand carved sculptures. You know, this old woman and she's an old Mexican woman on the scene. And she's carrying on like, this is authentic. Like, I'm going to get this. And she starts out real high. Like, I'm like, how much? Like, $50.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I'm like, so I work her down to, you know, like, $30 or something like that. And I buy them. Like, this is so great. And I literally walk two blocks. There's another lady selling the exact same sculptures. I'm like, this is so great. And I literally walk two blocks. There's another lady saying, it's not the exact same sculpture. I'm like, wait a minute, she didn't do it. Oh, it's so bad. It's manufactured.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Yeah, I just bought garbage. Yeah. Anyway, it's plastic. Adam, I gotta give you kudos, bro. You can find the best partners. This right here. I know. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:24:21 So, we're gonna be fighting over those. Brand new partner. Brand new partner, it's a company called Allie Pop. And I, this is the first and only product I'm aware of in this category in the market. I've never seen anything like this. And when we got them, remember how skeptical I was when you showed them.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I know. So these are sodas. And the can, the flavors are like cherry vanilla and like root beer and classic cola. I'm drinking a classic root beer right now. Yes, it's stuff like that, right? And I'm like, oh god, what is this? So okay, what is this?
Starting point is 00:24:55 Artificially flavored soda. I would just consider it, what's the line here? You look at the back and it's a soda, right? So it's got, you know, it's got five grams of sugar for the whole can, 45 calories. it's got five grams of sugar for the whole can, 45 calories. It's got nine grams of fiber. I'm like, what the hell is this? It's a gut health soda.
Starting point is 00:25:13 And if you look at the ingredients on the back, it's got things like marshmallow root. It's got slippery, elm bark, artichoke, inulin. It's got all these prebiotics and gut healing compounds. Like marshmallow root, for example, is known to help protect the gut wall. Like these are classic gut health ingredients. So then I looked at the ingredients
Starting point is 00:25:36 and I was like, really interested. And I'm like, but I guarantee this can taste like dog shit. There's no way. Right, it can't be good. It's the best, this is not an exaggeration. It's the best tasting like no sugar soda I've ever had. They're literally the magic spoon of sodas. Like I was so, like my mind was blown
Starting point is 00:25:53 that they turned the whole soda industry like on its head. You know who he introduced us to? You remember Jordy? Your guy. Oh, Jordy did. Yeah, Jordy. Jordy hit me up like, I don't know how long ago it was now. It was a while back.
Starting point is 00:26:04 He hit me up and he says, Hey man, I'm working with this company. I think you'll absolutely love it. Can I sense the two? And for some weird reason, I thought it was something else. And I'm always quick to be like, yeah, yeah, send me a free shit. I'll try to look at it, right? So he's tried a few of them.
Starting point is 00:26:16 So this one actually stuck to me. I just agreed. I didn't say anything to you guys because I wasn't that excited originally about it. I just, he kind of went over it. I was multitasking when he called me. And I was like, yeah, send it over to me. I'll check it out, right?
Starting point is 00:26:28 And it shows it to my house. And at first, I'm like, who sent me a fucking case of soda? What is this, right? And so I look at it. Same thing, I read it. I'm on the sales interest. I'll try it. So I put it in my fridgeters and I crack it open.
Starting point is 00:26:40 And right now, I'm on the, I think I shared this before too, that I switched over. Like I've eliminated Diet Coke. Like it's once in a very, very, like I'm at to crack it open. And right now I'm on the, I think I shared this before too, that I switched over. Like I've eliminated Diet Coke. Like it's once in a very, very, like I'm at a place, I'm craving some sort of drink and that's my only option. That's a big deal, by the way, for the audience. Like he had a legit addiction to Diet Coke. Yeah, I've admitted this on the show, right?
Starting point is 00:26:57 I've talked about the, I've always drank on my drink. I used to drink a lot of them, especially when I was competing. I was drinking a lot of them. And so I've been trying to wing myself off. Well, and you said something on the podcast, Sal, maybe I don't know, a year or two ago, about, you know, honestly, having a soda with just the real sugar in there, you're probably better off with, because especially somebody who's counted calories and recognizes like, oh, if I have this soda, this is 180 calories, so I need to account for it, I'm less likely
Starting point is 00:27:23 to drink two, three, or four, which is what I could get in the habit of doing when you drink a diet soda, you're like, oh, it's zero calories. So one on a second one, one on a third one, and you just watch yourself ramp up. It's the perception of no barrier, no consequence.
Starting point is 00:27:35 So a while back, this is like a year ago or so, I switched over to starting to drink the Hansen cane sugar root pierce, and so that's, I've been that. And I'm good about it. Like, I, because I know it's got sugar in it, maybe I have one every other day or so. And when I'm having a certain meal that I like to have the sweet drink,
Starting point is 00:27:52 and it's perfect. And it manages me from going crazy like I was with diet sodas. And then he sends me this. And same thing like you, I'm skeptical about the taste. He tells me it's like some prebiotic drink. And I'm like, and all I'm thinking is like kombucha with soda, like like sour.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Yeah, I'm thinking like whatever. And it sat in my refrigerator for a while, finally I was out of my other drinks, I cracked it open and with Katrina, I'm like, holy shit, this is really good. And then I called him back after that and said, hey, let's start talking about this. And then I finally introduced to you guys. And then of course, I always send Sal over to talk to, you know, whoever's in charge of the formulation and the
Starting point is 00:28:29 science behind. Oh, no, no, so gut health is a thing for me. I've been into it and studying it for years now, mainly because I had my own gut health issues. So when they, when you showed me, and it says it's a gut health, you know, drink or whatever, I'm like, let's see what the ingredients are because sometimes they sprinkle things in that are supposed, but I know what's really good. The ingredients are legit.
Starting point is 00:28:49 These are things you would take to improve your gut health if you want good gut health. Anyway, there's really, really good stuff, but the taste is incredible. And here's a thing normally with sodas. The market with sodas is taste or zero calories in taste good. There is no like, this is a healthy soda or this is especially for gut health. Gut health drinks are disgusting.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Always. They're never, it's never something that's good. But even kombucha and teas and fermented drinks like that have sugar in them. Yeah, and it's also an acquired taste. Yeah. Kombucha's aren't, and I enjoy them. There's some slimy film to it. Yeah, it's like, yeah's like it used to it.
Starting point is 00:29:25 But it's a choir. If I give a Cumbucha to my kids, they're gonna spit it out. Oh, I mean, Courtney hates them. Yeah, if I give my kid an olive pop, they're gonna love it. Anyway, I talked to the CEO and their sales went up, I think the introduced to the market. I think this year, last year, 900%. Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Like, big time exploding exploding they've created a new Market. Yeah, it's a brand new market. There is no other product that I'm aware of that's like that So I'm excited. I'm run. We are I believe the very first podcast to introduce them to Which is cool number one, and I had I had alluded to them in my questions the other day Like someone was asking about partners, and I said we had some new ones coming up and I named drop them in my questions and I had a bunch of DMs of people like pictures of them in their refrigerator already drinking them and all excited, like, oh my God, I love that product. I'm so glad you guys have partnered up.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Oh wow, so very cool. Hey, I got some, some 2020 news. Maybe, wait, wait, do I wanna hear it? Cause I'm just too much. You have to, do you have to hear it? Because I'm just too much. You have to. You have to hear it. Because I'm going to say it's fine. So in the Florida Keys, they're about to release 750 million genetically modified mosquitoes.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Why? So it's my question. What? Yeah, so they explain this. So they got, they got some mosquitoes. And first of all, they made them all male. So male mosquitoes don't drink your blood. And, you know, so the more aggressive ones, they don't, they don't, they don't do that. And then they genetically modified them so that when they, they made it with female mosquitoes, they would only, I think
Starting point is 00:31:01 they wouldn't be able to produce offspring or something like that. So essentially releasing these 700. The nature finds a way. Yeah. Do you want Jurassic Park? I know. So in any way, so in other words, releasing these mosquitoes, 750 million of them supposedly will collapse the mosquito population there because they're having like dengue fever, I guess, is spreading over there.
Starting point is 00:31:24 This is a classic example of what you always say, sound like science that always asks, can we instead of should we? Yes, should we? Like, I know, I got an answer to that. Yeah, so this is, of course, this is a company that owns it. So it's a company called Oxatec,
Starting point is 00:31:39 which geez, I wonder if they're publicly traded. See what happens there. So Oxatec's mosquito known as OX5034 is a genetically modified version of the 80s, a gypty, a type of mosquito that carries diseases like the Zika virus and dengue. Now, they're all male, so that's the first thing. And they're gonna breed with female mosquitoes
Starting point is 00:32:01 which do rely on blood for their eggs. The hope, this is my favorite part, by the way. This is in the article, the hope, the company claims. Yeah, we don't get tronosaurus rex. Yeah, I like how they just like put that out. The hope. We'll be that it will cause the temporary collapse of a wild population of female mosquitoes.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Yeah, hope to got it as it seems. Sign effects might be next plague. Yeah. Like, like, seriously, we're a sign of fix. It might be next plague. Yeah. Like seriously, we're getting so many things thrown at us at once. Like what else? Well, so there's a petition opposing it right now. It's got 240,000 signatures. So it's not working.
Starting point is 00:32:36 They're still doing it right. Well, the thing is this is that it might very well work, but there's so many, you know, nature is so complex and there's so many factors that you have to consider. You can't possibly, there's no way to test it to know for sure unless you actually put it out, right? Just one little mutation. Well, what I'm not familiar, I am definitely not familiar
Starting point is 00:32:56 with mosquitoes and do they bring any value to the world? Yeah, that's why they exist. Yeah, I mean, they feed some animals. That's what I'm wondering, like, like, like all mosquito bites, yeah, yeah, that's why they exist. Yeah, I mean, they feed some animals. That's what I'm wondering. Like, it's like all mosquito bites. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. What's the, I don't know, maybe frogs will die next and who knows?
Starting point is 00:33:12 I mean, I look, look, trust me, I hate mosquitoes. I often think to myself, what happens when, yeah, the animals eat them. Yeah, yeah, that's the thing, right? Yeah, what happens then? But who knows? Who knows, because sometimes, what happens there? But who knows? Who knows? Because sometimes what happens when animals breed is you get like three or four or five generations down,
Starting point is 00:33:30 you start to see weird things happen. And then nature, nature has a weird way of figuring out ways around reproductive issues. For example, there's species of frogs, for example, where if there's no females, one of them will turn female or one of them, they'll still change, right? So what if that happens? What if all these weird parts? So yeah, no, like my, I'm not, I'm not gonna go crazy conspiracy with this, but I want you guys to place yourself with the tinfoil hat and go to the most crazy extreme version of like what somebody like that would probably think
Starting point is 00:34:09 maybe that they put in these mosquitoes. Let's see, a new virus that they have in vaccine 4. There's one. Very likely scenario. What else? What else tell we out here? Let's see the company what political party what political parties the company belong to maybe you Get one of these mosquitoes and it makes you more conservative
Starting point is 00:34:35 They can control my satellites Direct on certain people. Yeah, new study finds if you get bit by the new you know genetically modified mosquito you vote for this person New study finds if you get bit by the new you know genetically modified mosquito you vote for this person Or you buy this You some how I don't know man like it's fair game. Oh, that's true What if it would like they find out my Alex Jones That's in hell what if they find a way to like become female or whatever they may and then those mosquitoes bite humans and then we become sterile wins again Bill Gates He again. Bill Gates. He's always trying to do this crap for us.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Too much. That's enough. I don't know how to get that out. All right, I'm gonna go to fitness real quick because that's kinda show we are. Yeah. We are a fitness show. You know what I did in my workout yesterday
Starting point is 00:35:19 that I wanna bring up, that when I do it, I'm always, there's different things you can change in your workout and sometimes you don't do them for a while, especially if you've been working out for a long time, then you throw it back in and you always ask yourself, why don't I do this more often, right? So really slow negatives, really, really slow negatives, what a great feeling. And here's what happens, I'll take a weight that I can do 15 or 20 reps with, and then I'll make the negatives slow enough
Starting point is 00:35:48 so that I can only do 10. So that's how I judge the speed. Oh, I'm at five, I need to slow it down more because I think I'm gonna be able to get past 10. Oh my God, and if you haven't done that in a while, that's a good guarantee you're gonna get sore or stiff. Oh, dude, it works. Some of the best slow negative exercises
Starting point is 00:36:06 are isolation movements. Do you like a lateral? You know, you do your lateral, you come up right, then hold it at the top and then go down real slow. You're using eight pound dumbbells. You're not going very heavy when you do that and the pump you get, it's crazy. Oh, it's insane.
Starting point is 00:36:19 You know, so I did it with biceps and triceps and shoulders and I got a great workout. And what's cool about it is you don't have to add weight. You don't have to change any of that stuff. It's just, it's a technique to increase the intensity without- So when you bring that though, because I was doing that, but also like doing the pot.
Starting point is 00:36:34 So lots of pots, pot squats, and like really taking like a real slow tempo to all my lifts, and that was just something like, I think after a while you just sort of, like what haven't I done in a while that I could do, that's not like super drastic, but makes a massive change. That's definitely one of those things.
Starting point is 00:36:52 It's a great way to progressively overload in a time when people are weights or scares. Totally. So many people are having a hard time getting plates or getting weights. It's like, we always, I think that's like the default. And that's, trainers are just as guilty. I am too. Like when I first started training, you always just think like more reps, we always, I think that's like the default and that's in trainers or just as guilty. I am too.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Like when I first started trainingly, you always just think like more reps, more sets are more ways. Like this is how, like we're gonna get better, we're gonna keep changing, we're gonna progressively overload, I gotta go more sets, more reps or more weight. There's other ways to overload the body, to see change and keep moving that way.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Not only that, but I mean, when you're talking about limited weights, that's one strategy right now, but it's also my go-to as a trainer with clients, because it's a safer way. It's a smarter way. I mean, when you start adding more reps, more sets, and more load, you're more likely to fatigue, form, break down, and then they're going to look terrible doing the exercise. Versus, telling them to slow it down and even perfect the form even more and concentrate on technique. And so what ends up happening as a side effect
Starting point is 00:37:50 is their form looks even better and you found a way to overload them without adding any more load. Dude, as a kid, well, I want to say a kid. As a kid and most of my adult life, my go-to was wait. Add weight, if I did a set, the question I would ask myself is,
Starting point is 00:38:07 I think I could add more weight. I think I can do a little bit more weight. It's resulted in some injuries and it doesn't get you better results. It really doesn't. It's a good thing you can change and you should throw it in the mix, but the other things you can change, like rep speed, also produce amazing results. Speaking of results and fitness, I love it when things that we've experienced as trainers gets confirmed with studies. And some study came out, I had it sent to me by lots of trainers, I had actually professor send it to me as well, because this is something that we've been preaching for a long time.
Starting point is 00:38:45 There was a study done on priming your body. So exciting. Priming your body before exercise or before athletic endeavors produces greater force and greater performance. The priming actually lasts longer than a lot of people think. Some like 40 minutes. Yeah. Two an hour.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Oh, that's great. I didn't notice that in the study. They said that. Yeah. I read that study. I posted it a few days ago. So that's actually really cool because that's a question we get asked to. I thought it was only like 10 to 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Right. People ask all the time, like, hey, can I prime at home and then go to the gym and we always tell them, like, yeah, you can. And it's definitely not going to hurt you. Ideally, you would do it right before you get in your workout, but if they actually have research to prove that it lasts for a solid 40 minutes before. So that's not bad at all.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Yep, yep. Yeah, no, so you're... That's really cool. Here, the conclusion is that this, that priming this way, and by the way, it's the word that they use, which I thought was really cool. It leads to greater physiological and performance response. So you're going to get, you're going to perform better.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Priming does that. Warming up does not. Warming up the goal of, so not hurt yourself. Here's the other benefit of priming. Do it right. You don't just perform better. You also reduce your risk of injury. And then from a body sculpting or body building standpoint,
Starting point is 00:40:04 you're more likely to activate your weaker body parts, so the areas that you really want to focus on. Yeah, they're going to respond more likely. Oh, it's an exciting study when you read, you know, something like that. Hey, did you guys see what Bud Light is doing? Wow. Bud Light is having a contest to find a C, what do they, let me see how they called it. I wrote it down up here. It was a chief, it was a C, what do they, let me see how they called it. I wrote it down up here.
Starting point is 00:40:25 It was a chief, it was a CMO, chief meme officer. Oh, meme officer. Oh, you're not working. Yeah, meme officer. I did see this. So they wanna bring, they're put out this big, you know, call to find somebody who's going to run the memes that they produce and put out on social media.
Starting point is 00:40:44 It's gotten, I mean, we see things like, what is it, fuck Jerry and some of these barstile sports is notorious for this now. Like, you know, they're, and you, Sal, you're like Mr. meme guy himself. Like the, it is like, it is like the political cartoon now. It's the most powerful form of communication. It is huge the way they get shared now.
Starting point is 00:41:02 It's crazy and now it's become such a powerful tool to drive traffic to your business that I totally see this as being a future position for almost all companies. I wish we had it. I wish we had somebody that was their job. All they did was find funny memes and create them for us and so we could post them.
Starting point is 00:41:20 I mean, that would be great. There's the most powerful form of communication. Nothing goes viral faster, and nothing communicates an idea better, because it's either done through humor, or it's done in a short bite. People like to share them, like crazy. It's insane. It's a very, very powerful tool, and politicians use it now quite a bit. Political parties use them quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:41:44 In fact, memes played a major role in the last election. People now identify that. It's really cool. Well, I don't only make sense. I started to see a trend in corporations that were on Twitter and how they decided to address a lot of complaints and people talking trash about them with really harsh, sarcastic responses. And that was getting them a lot harsh sarcastic responses. And that was getting them a lot of love and traction.
Starting point is 00:42:09 And so it's like, to big companies, it's interesting to see how now they can sort of use all that attention, even if it's negative and kind of turn it back into something where it's actually gonna benefit their company. Oh yeah, I have some news for you guys that's breaking news, right? This is in the last, last, like, 12 hours or last night it happened.
Starting point is 00:42:28 So as a recording of the show, last night, Tom Brennan, who is a really, really famous sports caster. He's a Fox. He does a lot of the big events. He's does the Cincinnati Reds baseball, so that he does their announcing. And last night he got caught on a hot mic. And he, yeah, he did a homophobic slur off off. Well, he thought he was off air, but the mic was hot between commercial breaks and came
Starting point is 00:42:59 back. And I sent over a video of his apology afterwards. I mean, you can just see it in his face how devastating. And the reason why I'm bringing up now is more so to like, I'm very curious to what happens. You're talking about somebody, it's not like just some new guy in the first couple of years. Like he's a major name, a major voice.
Starting point is 00:43:17 If you can hear even Sal, who's not even related to sports, I bet if you hear his voice, you'll recognize his voice. And he at this time, this could not be though. Oh, the cancel mob is foaming at the mountain. Oh my God. I mean, the social justice lawyers are going to rip this, yeah, his job is done. That's why immediately, okay,
Starting point is 00:43:38 before his announcing was even done, they literally ripped hook him off air. He did his apology and said, so and so we'll be taking over the rest rest of the game and immediately suspended him with, I'm sure followed by your done. And I don't know anybody that will pick him up afterwards like that. And I think he's got a 20, 25 year career that he's been doing that for. Well, here's so here's my So here's my two cents on the whole thing. He was at work, he had a mic on him. He's a professional.
Starting point is 00:44:12 I don't, first off, just because someone sent something doesn't necessarily mean that's how they are or feel in their life. It can mean that, doesn't necessarily mean that though. Okay, and the reason why I say that is there are a lot of jokes and ways people talk to each other that if you were a fly on the wall, you know, there's things that women say about men,
Starting point is 00:44:31 advice, verse, or jokes that people make. Do you know what nobody is perfect when they don't know that they're, you know, being, you know, addressing this to the public. You obviously didn't know, he was like, his mic was on, so I'm just playing Devils Advocate, not saying what he said was good or anything like that. Like I definitely not something that I would promote,
Starting point is 00:44:52 but just to think about that being a scenario in your own job, like say somebody was listening to a conversation he had in the bathroom and now they're reporting it to HR and now your job's on the line. It's just like how far is this gonna go to where you just get canceled for something
Starting point is 00:45:08 that you're like, I'm so sorry. Like, do you even accept the apology? Well, here's the thing too. He's that comfortable saying it while he's working with cameras around him. Yeah. That's a bad on his, I mean. Well, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:45:21 So I'm gonna say, why 100% get both sides? I for sure understand why people are enraged. I mean, even, for sure. That's a big mistake. I, why 100% get both sides. I for sure understand why people are enraged. I mean, even the way he said it, it didn't sound very good. Yeah, it's really bad. Yeah, and there's like, there's ways to say things like in a humorous way where you're trying to be playful and funny and the way he said it was like,
Starting point is 00:45:40 I had some stank on it. Yeah, I had some stank on it. It was definitely cringey. And I have a very dark sense of humor, and I definitely am guilty of being my friends and doing racial jokes and sexist jokes, like for sure. I 100% have done that with friends of mine
Starting point is 00:45:56 in a playful manner, and that did not come off that way. It came off a little cringy. So I ended it. But then there's another side of me and this is a more recent only being five years into this business side of understanding and have been a little empathetic to him. Like I just admitted to you that 100% I've been with my friends
Starting point is 00:46:16 before and said jokes like that. Like that's, I have a dark sense of humor. We are like that. None of us are racist, none of us are sexist. We do do that stuff and we think that it's, and I also find that pushing the envelope with jokes like that. None of us are racist, none of us are sexist. We do do that stuff and we think that it's, and I also find that pushing the envelope with jokes like that right now, I find it more comical because of people
Starting point is 00:46:31 that get so fucking sensitive. It's so taboo. Because it is so taboo. Oh dude, my friends that are of different races, right? Like, I have some Hispanic friends and Black friends and Asian friends. The jokes we tell each other are always, almost always racist.
Starting point is 00:46:46 And what I mean by that is they'll tell me, they'll talk about me being Italian. I'll give it right back to them. We love it. We think it's hilarious. But if you were, if you caught one side of that, and it was at a context, it would, I'm sure it would,
Starting point is 00:46:59 and that's the, so here's the empathetic part that I actually have for him in this, right? And again, not defending it. It's just that we're on radio now. And that was a stew. It was a dumb. You are a professional.
Starting point is 00:47:10 You're at work. What the hell are you thinking? Yeah, that's not. And it didn't sound like a joke. Yeah. You know what I mean? It wasn't like him and his friend were and they're cool or whatever. And, you know, no, it was.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I'm sure there's other production people in the room and everything else. So come on, guys. So I'm really curious to see how this unfolds. That's what happens. They're gonna make an example out of them. That's what I think. That's what happens when your ego gets really big and it's like when the boss, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:34 of a big company makes it sexist joke to a woman and in the office, you know, in front of other people and he's like, well, I'm the boss and I've been doing this for a long time and you get that cocky ego. It's like, no, do you can't do that? Yeah, like that's not cool, man You're above it all. Yeah, it's not gonna happen. Yeah, no, you gotta be you gotta be different This quaz brought to you by organify For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition
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Starting point is 00:48:37 in better ways, right? Poor health leads to hormone imbalances. And then the hormone imbalances also lead to worse health. So it's kind of like it keeps getting worse. Good health typically leads to better, more balanced hormones. Okay, now that being said, let's say the low carb diet has nothing to do
Starting point is 00:48:55 with improving your health. You're just doing it because you're trying to get leaner. You think it might get you leaner faster or you want to try this new diet and you're just pushing it and you're ignoring your body's signals. Here's what it can actually do for you.
Starting point is 00:49:08 In men, really low diets for long periods of time can cause lower levels of testosterone. In women, sometimes you see thyroid issues from really, really low levels of carbohydrates over long periods of time. I think that's because the low diets for them started to produce worse health. And then the side effect of that was hormone. So that's, that's an example just talking about low diet, low calories and carbs. I, I would actually make the case though, and wouldn't you agree that a low fat or a low protein diet is even more risky for hormonal issues. Well fat and protein essential. Yeah. Because they're essential. So, yeah,
Starting point is 00:49:43 I mean, yes, low carb diet can cause hormone issues, any low calorie diet for a long period of time. I don't care what it is. Like being, here's a, here's, I remember I read some study a long time ago that talked about like, you know, the average female, what she, what she gains weight on today, and then what the average female would need to actually hit the nutrient, nutrient levels on a daily basis. And it's like completely lopsided. The average female gain, and then this is, don't quote me on this because I don't remember the exact numbers, but it's somewhere around here.
Starting point is 00:50:13 The average female gains weight, I think, on like 1800 or 1900 calories, something like that. And the average female in order to hit all of her macronutrient targets needs like 2000. So if you if you gain weight on that and you're trying to lose weight and you're running a 1300 to 1500 calorie diet for a long period of time, I mind you, there's all kinds of variables your age, your weight, your muscle mass. So I'm giving generic numbers to get my point across. But if you are running in a low calorie diet for an extended period of time, there's a very good chance that you're not hitting your RDA
Starting point is 00:50:49 for a lot of different nutrients, and over a period of time, that will affect health, which then in turn can affect hormones. And yes, so yes, low carb can do that, but also low fat or low protein, you're at risk of that too. In my experience, I've helped people solve hormone issues, with there's a lot of things that we would do, but I've had more success by raising people's fat and take
Starting point is 00:51:14 and cutting their carbs in the reverse. So, I've only ever, I'm trying to think throughout my whole career. Off the top of my head, I can think of two people that were following low carb for too long, that we had to bump their carbs a little bit and then their hormones balanced out. But the vast majority were the opposite.
Starting point is 00:51:30 The vast majority, I looked at their diet and we said, we need to increase your healthy fats, we need to increase your proteins, and then they had better outcomes. Like I actually had a guy who's testosterone levels, like went up 30% or something like that by cutting his carbs a little bit and raising his fat.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Well, when intermittent fasting kind of made its way back to the scene, I had issues with this actually with a few clients because it became sort of an addiction to where they would stay so low calorie more than anything, like not obviously low carbohydrate, but overall low calories, you know, at the end of the week to where it would start affecting all these visible signs in their skin, their, you know, their performance in the gym, they looked a bit gond, like there was just like a lot of physical symptoms and signs that were very visible to me with that. And so that was just something that I noticed because it was being promoted so hard that
Starting point is 00:52:23 this is the healthy way to diet right now. And so they wanted to stay within that as long as they possibly could. So I had to address that a few times. Yeah, I think anything that, I mean, here's the key takeaway here. Anything that is reducing your overall health will probably cause hormone issues.
Starting point is 00:52:41 So really doesn't matter what diet it is. If the diet itself is not making, is it making your health worse? And usually this happens because people ignore the signals that their body's telling them and they stick to a diet because they've been convinced that this is the solution to all their problems, either because they keep reading about it
Starting point is 00:53:01 or some Instagram influencer tells them, this is the way you need to eat. And so they're ignoring the fact that their hair is falling out, that their nails are more brittle, that their sleep is off, that their digestion is off. And oh no, but I read that this is the way to do it. This is the healthy way. This is the detox period. I hate it when I hear that, right?
Starting point is 00:53:18 Oh, I feel like garbage, but it's because I'm detoxing. That's the reason why I'm doing this. Your hair falling out is not really a sign of detoxing. I think you're nutrient deficient, you know what I mean? If you're health declines, then you are going to notice negative hormone effects. Next question is from S Miller UK 24. Is there any science that proves old man's strength is really a thing?
Starting point is 00:53:40 A cool question. It is a real thing. So we've all seen it. Any teenage boy who's ever wrestled with his dad or his uncle will attest. I remember my grandpa, man, I got to grip on him. I remember this as a kid. I'm 17. You're starting to feel like you're all full of yourself. Testosterone's at all time highs and I'm lifting weights already. And I know I can outlift my uncle or whatever. And then we start wrestling and I'm like, holy cow,
Starting point is 00:54:06 like where does this strength come from? I know I could lift more than you. I know I could beat you in arm wrestling, but then when we tussle, it's like you're kicking my ass, or you go do some, you know, some blue collar work with when you're older male relatives and they just put you to shame. There's something that we don't consider
Starting point is 00:54:22 when we're thinking about strength. Oftentimes, strength definitely, there's a big component of it. It's your muscles, how big they are, and how hard they can contract. That's true. But a lot of strength is also skill. A lot of strength is skill. What I mean by skill is there's a learned way that you can apply force that makes it generate more force. The most effective, most efficient way of doing very specific movements and very specific tasks, which over time, think about how long they've lived in that body
Starting point is 00:54:56 and how long they've known how to move very specific ways without losing energy without fatiguing, but being real comfortable with the way that they're applying this force towards you, it's like they're masters of it. CNS. I mean, they've invested 60 years of their life into their amplifier.
Starting point is 00:55:16 They may have been off, maybe they spend a little time buying speakers or upgrading that, but at the end of the day, they are so in tune with their body and connected because they've got so many years on you that they are so efficient at whatever it is that they do. And then if you add in that they were physical at all, maybe they had, they were contractors
Starting point is 00:55:36 and they had a grip and do things like that or they did have bouts in their life where they lifted weights for five years consistently, then fell off for 10 years and lifted again for two years. I mean, you got to add all that up. They're putting money in the CNS bank every time they were doing things like that, and they've just got so many more years on you. And I remember that this never made sense to me, right? I remember being like a 25-year-old kid who already had at this point, you know, a good amount of years of lifting weights consistently, and like my dad didn't lift at all, but then we would wrestle around and he could still grab me, hold me, and pin me down.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Would piss me off, because I'm just like, I don't know, this doesn't make sense to me why he can do that. No, this is, there's definitely science to support that. If you've ever seen, like a big dog breed, and you've seen, and you've ever raised the big dog breed, you know that they grow real fast at first. And they reach almost full size quite early, but they're clumsy. They're goofy.
Starting point is 00:56:33 And they're goofy. They don't really know, because they're not used to their bodies. You know what I mean? They don't know how to move around. This is what happens to us too. Like right now, if you were to take me, okay, now I'm, you know, 40 and I've
Starting point is 00:56:47 been in my body for a while and you just added two inches of height to my body. I would be taller and bigger, but I would lose some of my strength skill. I'm not used to this new body that I have. It's two inches bigger than I've been, you know, for the longest time, right? So these older men, they've been on their body for so long, they're very used to the body. When you're a young guy, you just got big. So you're gonna need some years to get used, you're that clumsy puppy, you're that clumsy big dog.
Starting point is 00:57:15 And yeah, you got the size, but you're moving all over the place and you don't know how to use it. And the old guy's gonna wipe the floor with you. Oh yeah. Next question is from Anna Schott. How much do you think about your branding or marketing in order to appeal to both men and women?
Starting point is 00:57:32 Oh, this is a fun one that we wrestle with our marketing team and how do you wrestle? We have for what, three years now, this was a really hard thing for us to accept. And what I mean by that is, you is, when we hired our marketing team, this was one of the first things they wanted to do was, okay, we have to market the maps program to women, then we need to market it to men.
Starting point is 00:57:56 And so let's change the colors of it, let's do this, and we're like, oh, it was like nails on the chalkboard for us. And I've come full circle on this and we're like, oh, it was like nails on the chalkboard for us. And I've come full circle on this and have a greater understanding of what this is like. And let me explain how it makes sense to me now and why I'm a little more receptive and accepting to allowing our market team to go after and target like women specifically, even though I know that,
Starting point is 00:58:21 okay, that program would also work for a man. Same workout. Same workout for a man. Same workout. Same workout for a man. It reminds me of when you, and I know you guys can relate to this. When you got the client, and they come in, they spend a lot of, they invest in you for six months plus, and they come in, and they tell you what they want.
Starting point is 00:58:38 I want you to train me six days a week, Adam. I don't wanna do any of these exercises. I'm gonna keep my news. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, I don't want to do any of these exercises. I'm going to keep my news Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, I don't want to cut out this and you know, I don't want to do any gimmicky and they give you like all these things. And in your head as a trainer, you know, if you're you're veteran at all and you've done this enough times, you're going like, okay, yeah, I'm changing all that shit for sure. You know, you know, eventually I'm going to get rid of that. Eventually, I'm not going to allow him to train
Starting point is 00:59:04 that much eventually. But I also know that eventually I'm going to get rid of that. Eventually I'm not going to allow them to train that much. But I also know that I'm in a service business. This person just met me. This is what they're here for. This is what they're spending their money. So I got to kind of give them what they want and say, okay, and then after I've got their commitment, now I have to build trust with them with my knowledge and experience and value. And then eventually be able to unpack and unravel all these myths that they believe to be true.
Starting point is 00:59:28 But I first have to grab their attention or first agree with them just to get them. And then I can start to influence them and explain to them, listen, the same program for you is the same program that I'm going to do for the girl who wants to do this. So it's not, it's not a different, but when you search on Google, you know, when a, you know, a girl across the world who's never heard of Mind Pump gets online and wants to find the perfect workout or the perfect exercise for her to be, she types it in that way.
Starting point is 00:59:58 She types it in as, you know, best ab workout for women or, you know, best but exercise for women. Like she searches that way. And if we refuse to find a way to mold to market to them like that, we'll never get that person. I'll never be able to influence her and educate her on how it really works. And so over the last three years,
Starting point is 01:00:18 we've had to think a lot about this and find ways that how can we market outside of mind pump very specific to the person that's probably searching a topic all the way down to their sex to what they wanna do as far as their goals and appeal to them to get their attention, to then get them hopefully to listen to the show and allow us to educate them on how it really works.
Starting point is 01:00:40 It's all about communication. When I was a young trainer, if a client came to me and said, I'm not taking this food out, I'm not doing that, I'm not doing this, I'm not young trainer, if a client came to me and said, I'm not taking this food out, I'm not doing that, I'm not doing this, I'm not gonna squat, I'm not gonna deadlift, I'm not gonna overhead press, not doing those movements. Old trainer, or excuse me, young sal,
Starting point is 01:00:54 where I first started would have been like, well, I'm sorry, we have to do those things. Here's why, squat to the best. Now you gotta cut that food out, because this is how, what? Older, more wiser, wiser sal says this. Look, we don't have to do anything you don't want to do. That's it. We don't got to do anything you don't want to do. Now I know my goal is to get you to the point where you want to do those things. That's what a real trainer does because the
Starting point is 01:01:16 young, novice, not wise, Sal would lose 20 or 50% of the people. And now I can't help them at all. Now they're doing nothing. They're not doing anything at all. So here's the struggle. The struggle that's marketing team says, if you market this program to just women and make it look like it's for just women, you'll sell more programs.
Starting point is 01:01:35 That's not gonna work on me. That doesn't work on us, because we're gonna look at them and be like, sorry, we're not gonna compromise our integrity just to sell more programs. And then we all sat down and it took us a while and we thought about, wait a minute, let's take a step back.
Starting point is 01:01:47 There's a lot of people, now they're gonna go, these people that we're not, you know, marketing to the way that they like to be marketed to are gonna go buy some crappy workout programs. That's right, I'll go find some. What else is? That's not gonna work, it's not gonna be effective. They're gonna either hurt themselves
Starting point is 01:01:59 or they're gonna slow their metabolism down or all the pitfalls and what's our overarching goal or overarching goal is to truly help people. So why don't we talk to them the way that they wanna be talked to, then when they come in, we train them the right way. So really that's what it boils down to is marketing to specific people is less about,
Starting point is 01:02:19 in our case it's not about fooling people, it's all about come over here, we'll train you the right way, fine. You want something that says it's just for you? That's what it says, but it's also for these other people. One of the numbers actually tell us of who's responding. You know, it's like, let's look at that. Like, look, there was a big gap that we had to face
Starting point is 01:02:38 that people we weren't reaching like you're looting to. It's, and that's troubling to us, because that's really our mission is to be able to, start that conversation at least. And if I can't start that conversation, then what kind of breakthroughs are ever gonna happen? And it's so frustrating because we know the big leaders in our space and the gimmicks
Starting point is 01:03:01 and all these different tactics that they use that are just so dishonest and are just really just promising the world and not delivering any of the results. And we know that our greatest values that if you actually go through the content and you go through what we actually have put together, like this is what actually is gonna produce the results.
Starting point is 01:03:23 But how do we do this? And so it's, we've had to get really creative, and we still do have standards. I mean, there's things we don't use. Like, we don't use the whole, you know, switch it out with, you know, the transformation picks and this and that and the other, which are very, very powerful tools.
Starting point is 01:03:42 So there's other ways to do it with reviews and there's other ways to do it with reviews and there's other ways to do it with testimonials where people are like really honestly talking about what we're promoting. So I think that, again, we can use help with this from everybody that listens in terms of just spreading the word more than anything. It's a fine dance that we've had to do as far as keeping our
Starting point is 01:04:07 integrity and what's important to us, but then also recognizing that what we're scaling is much bigger than just ourselves and recognizing that not everybody who buys a program from Mind Pump listens to Mind Pump. In fact, there's a large percentage of people now that don't even listen to the show, that own programs as far as, and don't know who the fuck South Justin and Adam are.
Starting point is 01:04:29 And in like to South's point, if we don't find a way to market or get to those people, then somebody else will. Somebody else who will appeal to what they want to, and who most likely won't have the knowledge that we have, and we'll give them some shit product that probably won't work for them and they'll stay in that cycle. So, okay, we'll speak to you the way you want
Starting point is 01:04:50 to hear information right now, to get your attention. And it does, it reminds me exactly what I had to do. And that's what got me with our marketing team to finally kind of go like, okay, I understand this because I do remember this was a challenge for me in my early 20s and when I finally overcame it was exactly what South said. I learned to agree.
Starting point is 01:05:06 You know, that's like the first rule of overcoming these objections is to agree with them. Like, yeah, yeah, no, if you don't want to do that, we don't have to do any of those things. We only do what you want to do. Right. But deep down inside, I know that if I'm going to really change this person's life, I've got to get them to do all those things. But the way to do it is not to argue with them. The first interaction that you have with them is to slowly convince them.
Starting point is 01:05:29 And that's what the podcast, the email dripping, the YouTube channel, the blogs that we write, like crazy, that's the idea is like, we'll use whatever net we can to get them into the circle. And then let's start to inundate them with all the really good information and slowly start to convince them to make them want to go, oh, okay. Look, here's the deal. The light bulb has to come on in their own head. Yeah, here's the deal.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Okay, this is what we're fighting against. Here on one side, the fitness industry monster that says, take this pill and lose 30 pounds in 30 days or follow this workout and in two weeks look like this, right? That's what they're saying. And on this side we're saying, hey, you're gonna have to make some long-term fundamental changes with your habits, with diet. You're gonna have to work out for a long time
Starting point is 01:06:16 and it's a slow process. You're gonna fix imbalances and work on stability and slowly build strength and then over time, train your body. How in the hell are we gonna sell that over the other guy? How are we gonna beat them? People want the easy lie. They don't want the hard truth, right?
Starting point is 01:06:32 So how do we beat them? We have to outsell them. That's the first step. We gotta do a better job at getting people's attention and selling the truth better than they can sell a lie. You know how hard that is? Yeah. That is a hard thing.
Starting point is 01:06:45 I'll give you, look, I'll give you an example of how, and this is what, by the way, we developed this over years of training clients. This is what you learn as a trainer. If you do this for decades, eventually you learn how to sell the truth better than the other guy can sell the lie. Is if you'll have to learn that,
Starting point is 01:06:59 otherwise you'll always fail over and over and over again. At some point you realize, I gotta change the way I'm saying what I'm saying because I'm losing. I'm not winning this battle. I'll give you a good example, okay? Eating in a way to benefit you, that makes you healthy, truly healthy,
Starting point is 01:07:16 developing a good relationship with food gives you better health. Okay, that's great, sounds real nice. Am I gonna reach the person who's listening right now that just like, I just want to look good. I want to look good and I want to get there fast. I really don't care about that of the stuff right now. I'm, you know, big deal. No, I'll worry about that later. I just want to look good. No, I'm not going to get that person. So how do I get that person? I say this instead, which is also true. By the way, we're not lying. We're always telling the truth. We're just doing it a way that's going to sell a little bit more effectively.
Starting point is 01:07:47 So here's my example. If you train and eat in a way that is truly making you healthy, the side effect of that is you're going to look really good. If all you do is eat and train to make yourself look good eventually your health suffers and so do your looks. So now the person who's listening and all they care about is how they look. Now their ears perk up. Oh wait a minute So if I do the healthy thing, I'm gonna look better. Let me let me listen to this with this guy It has to say now I gotcha now I can start to teach you how to do this properly and I've helped you Otherwise, we're totally screwed and the fitness industry will remain to be a problem of health not a solution for health
Starting point is 01:08:22 We'll keep vision Next question is from Ty Finicum. Here's a scenario. The president appoints Mind Pump Media to address the country's obesity epidemic. What's the first issue you tackle and how do you approach it? Oh, geez. Presidential orders.
Starting point is 01:08:38 I know these questions are so funny because it's like, you are the, you know, you make all the decisions. You can pass a law that will fix everything. It's good though because I already know how I think you guys are gonna answer too, because I'm sure a lot of people think about this, and I think a lot of people, you know, okay, we have this huge problem.
Starting point is 01:08:54 So let's get in there and start making these rules. Let's get rid of sodas or let's start taxing it this way. Or so, and what I know that both these guys are gonna say is they're probably very similar to me, which is I probably do close to nothing To be honest with you and and that's the example And here's what I here's what I might do, right? I would if I could think of something that's not going to take anybody's rights or liberties or way or freedoms away
Starting point is 01:09:18 I would now make part of every high school health curriculum mind pump is part of it. So all of the little crony capitals. Yeah. Self-serving. Well, madam's president. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Well, let's pretend, okay. And then at that point, because I'm a president and I have all kinds of other pool, I'm not really worried about mind pump making money. So then I make it a non-profit, right? So then, so there's no pro, so you can take the crony caper. So you can take the crony capitalism out because I'm no longer profiting. I think a good politician. Yeah, like that. So we're non-profit at this point because we're now the president. So yes, you have to it's a mandatory part of all health curriculum
Starting point is 01:09:59 is listening to the show mind pump and and and you do and getting some of that information. Other than that, I'm not going to put any sort of regulation or laws or taxes on anything to try and fight obesity. I think it's a terrible way. It never works. So I know exactly what I would do and it's not about what I would do, it's what I would undo. I would eliminate subsidies.
Starting point is 01:10:18 I would eliminate subsidies for food and food products. I mean, give you an example of how subsidies have caused problems. Corn is one of the most highly subsidized foods in America. So at some point, the government convinced people that it was in our best interest to take tax money and automatically fund farmers to grow corn. We need corn. It's a good idea, it's a good crop, let's take tax dollars and put it towards corn. So what was the result of that? Well corn became extremely inexpensive,
Starting point is 01:10:55 even though we are paying for it, but we're forced to pay for it. Farmers grew corn more than anything else, sugarcane went at a business, and the way we sweetened all of our foods with high fructose corn syrup. In fact, corn subsidies got so bad, we started talking about making corn into fuel,
Starting point is 01:11:11 which is interesting. Let's take food and turn it into gas. That's a very strange proposition. We have subsidies for wheat, we have subsidies for dairy, we have subsidies for all kinds of, eliminate the subsidies, because those cause ripple effects in the market that skew the food and what it's really valued at
Starting point is 01:11:30 and what we eat a lot of. One of the main reasons why wheat, corn, and soy is in almost every processed food that there is is because those are subsidized crops. And so now we have food that has all of those things in them. So I would do, it would be less about what I would do, like add, it's more about what I would take away. And then the second thing, I would just talk a lot
Starting point is 01:11:52 about health and fitness as the president, you know? Yeah, well, honestly, when I think about these types of issues, I go all the way back down to childhood. So my thoughts start gathering around education, around what kids are exposed to through, you know, their school, through their extracurricular activities, and just to create more opportunities for them to get exposed to better information,
Starting point is 01:12:18 and to have these opportunities to move a lot more throughout the day as they're learning, and have like those, you have those types of curriculums incorporated somehow within the structure. So to really evaluate how the entire school system, I guess if we're still going to stick with it and it's not going to still be all online forever, if this is something that is still sort of standardized to kind of reevaluate that in terms of like updating everything to the latest, you know, information and also
Starting point is 01:12:52 get kids to really understand their body and pay attention to their body and, you know, have professionals come in and do talks and, you know, those types of things just so that at least, you know, not to say that they're gonna follow all these things but at least they've been exposed to it to know a good example because I think the biggest issue is, you know, the parents usually are the biggest example and I think a lot of parents out there are just, you know, not cutting it.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Well, I'll tell you what, you know, I can only think of one, I can think of one government thing that has improved our health and that was the campaign against tobacco. And I mean, you know, a broken clock, you know, we'll be right twice a day, right? So they did have success with that. It did, I think, play a role in the reduction in tobacco use. But everything else that they've done to improve our health has actually made our health worse. Creating the food pyramid made it worse, demonizing fat,
Starting point is 01:13:51 and that was a big government production, right? That caused a lot of worse health, subsidizing crops that we thought were a good idea. That there's a reason why- That is in cholesterol, right? There's a reason why corn fed beef is so cheap, it's because the corn is subsidized, and so now it's cheaper. Now, how do you compete that with grass fed meat, for example? So, I think one of the best things you could ever do is if you were a leader like that,
Starting point is 01:14:16 is to lead by example, talk and persuade, and then get out of the way, like get out of the way and get rid of all these programs that have really only caused unintended consequences, which has resulted, and I can make this argument pretty sound have resulted in worst health, not in better health, and with that, mine pump is recorded on video as well as audio, come check us out on YouTube. You can also find all of us on Instagram, even Doug. So here's what you do, go to Instagram, go find Mind Pump Doug, give him a follow. Then you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, Sal at Mind Pump Sal, Adam at Mind Pump Atom, give us all a follow, follow, we do different posts and we like to answer questions. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 01:15:02 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having sound, and the best way to do it is to have your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus
Starting point is 01:15:43 other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. This is Mindbomb.

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