Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1379: How to Develop the Upper Chest, the Dangers of Undereating Fat, the Negative Impact of Marijuana on Muscle Growth & More

Episode Date: September 12, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how to develop the upper chest, the consequences of eating below the minimum daily requirement of fat,  whether ru...nning with a plastic bag over the upper body helps burn more calories, and how smoking weed impacts gains. TV from back in the day. (4:27) Adam’s insecure moment. (6:54) California looks like Mars. (10:55) The controversial business of private firefighting. (13:07) Courteney Andrews is on a mission. (17:15) Mind Pump Reviews Mulan on Disney+. (19:42) Mind Pump’s favorite Disney films. (22:05) We are living in the greatest time alive for conspiracy theories. (23:15) Facebook backlash. (24:48) The Madden 2021 controversy. (29:41) Unconscious learning underlies belief in God, study suggests. (32:49) Fun Facts with Justin. (37:11) How the Pluto Pillow eliminated Sal’s neck pain. (40:34) #Quah question #1 - How do you develop the upper chest? (43:09) #Quah question #2 – What are the consequences of eating below the minimum daily requirement of fat? (50:39) #Quah question #3 – Does running with a plastic bag over the upper body help burn more calories? (54:48) #Quah question #4 - Can smoking weed impact gains? (58:08) Related Links/Products Mentioned Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! The controversial business of private firefighting MAPS Fitness Products Watch Mulan | Full Movie | Disney+ An independent report on Facebook’s alleged liberal bias tells us nothing Colin Kaepernick added to 'Madden 21' in game's latest update, is rated higher than Cam Newton and other QBs Unconscious learning underlies belief in God, study suggests LiDAR is driving a revolution in archelogy  Visit Pluto Pillow for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MINDPUMP” at checkout for 10% off** How To Do Chest Dips For A BIG Chest! How To Incline Dumbbell Press - The Right Way! (GROW YOUR CHEST) Mind Pump #1320: How To Eat To Build Muscle & Burn Fat Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump Podcast - YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. In this episode of the World's Top Fitness Health and Entertainment Podcast, Mind Pump, we answer fitness and health questions for of them, but the way we open the episode is with some introductory conversation. We talk about studies and current events. We have a lot of fun. By the way, if you wanna just fast forward
Starting point is 00:00:30 to your favorite part, go to minepodcast.com. The whole podcast is timestamped. Otherwise, do what we recommend. Start from the beginning and come on the journey. So I'm gonna give you a breakdown of what happened in today's episode. We started by talking about TV back in the day. When we go back in the day,
Starting point is 00:00:46 we're talking about when Doug was a kid. Way back. Yeah, it's at the turn of the century, a long time ago. Antenna's in all. Then I talked about how Adam had an insecure moment yesterday, asking one of our staff members if he looked fat. Although he looked amazing, in my opinion,
Starting point is 00:01:00 especially because he was wearing Viori clothing. Viori is at the leisure wear that makes it look good, even if you're fat, right? Adam? By the way, Viori is one of our sponsors, so you do get a discount if you go check out their clothes and use our code. Here's what you do. Go to VioriClothing.com, that's V-U-O-R-I clothing.com, Ford slash Mind Pump, and get 25% off your entire order.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Then we talked about the red sky outside here in the Bay Area. It looks like Mars. Yeah. That led us to talk about private firefighters and their role in fighting fires. I talked about Justin's wife looking really good. She's looking real fit because she's following maps strong. A little worried about you. That's one of our workout programs.
Starting point is 00:01:44 It's actually one of our more popular workout programs among women, but we have a lot of different maps workout programs and bundles. If you want to follow a workout that's designed by trainers with 20 years of experience, in other words, workouts that actually work to speed up your metabolism, burn body fat, build muscle, go to mapsfitnisproducts.com and go check them out. Then I talked about the movie adaptation of the Disney cartoon Mulan and my disappointment. We talk about face-drag-in and Facebook's backlash that's happening a little bit right now. Adam brought up Madden 2021 and their new character with a special move he can kneel when
Starting point is 00:02:22 you push any button. Super cool. I talked about a study showing that people who can subconsciously pick up patterns tend to also believe in God. That's kind of weird. That led just into talking about hidden Mayan cities that were finding with Lidar. That's a real thing, by the way, Lidar.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I talked about how my neck is no longer sore because I am using a customized, individualized pillow from Pluto pillow This is a company where you go on their website and you lit they literally designed a pillow for you If you've never had an individualized pillow you got to try this out it makes a huge difference It's a game James in your sleep and because you listen to mine pump you're gonna get 10% off Here's what you do go to Pluto pillow. off. Here's what you do. Go to pludopillo.com. That's plutopillo.com-mindpump.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Use the code Mind Pump for 10% off. That was the beginning of this podcast about 40 minutes, and then we got into the questions. Here's the first one. How do you develop your upper chest? So we talk about our favorite upper chest exercises. The next question, what are the consequences and symptoms of eating too little fat? The next question, does running with a plastic bag
Starting point is 00:03:31 over your body help your body burn more calories? And the final question, can smoking weed impact your gains in that portion of the episode? We recommend a hemp oil extracts instead of weed because hemp oil has way less THC but is higher in the other beneficial cannabinoids for things like inflammation, helping you sleep, reducing anxiety, our favorite hemp oil company is Ned and because you listen to Mind Pump, you get a discount. Notice the theme here. We give you discounts on everything. Just go to hellonet.com. That's H-E-L-L-O-N-E-D.com forward slash
Starting point is 00:04:08 mind pump. Use the code mind pump. Get 15% off your first purchase and one more time. If you want to check out our workout programs, if you're serious about getting in shape, if you want to follow workout programs designed by trainers, not by marketers, go to mapsfitinistproducts.com. Do you guys remember when remote controls had two buttons? Do you remember that? When TV remote controls had two. A, B, A, B, select start.
Starting point is 00:04:33 No, that's right. A, B, A, B, select start. A, B, A, B, select start. A, B, A, B, A, B, select start. No, I'm telling my remote controls for TV, dude. Wow. Where you would just, it was just up and down. That's how you could do.
Starting point is 00:04:42 And then if you had to go to the other one, which was A or B, remember you had to click A or B to get another set of channels. Yeah, you have to get up and walk over the TV. So my dad always had remote controls, because he had kids. So he'd be like, ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch Wait till they vent something. What was A and B? Was it UHF, VHF? Was that how it ran?
Starting point is 00:05:06 I don't even know. Do you know how that breaks out? Doug, you should know you were around before. No idea. Really? I didn't have TV growing up. At all? No.
Starting point is 00:05:15 No TV at all growing up. I had no TV growing up. Green was your first TV. Doug, you, Doug said. After I moved out. Then your family used like a chisel and a wagons. In a rock? Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Ten commandments. No, a real thing. That was it. So as a child, you had zero television. If I went to a friend's house, I had television. Okay. But at my own home, no television. So was it, but now it was at a common thing
Starting point is 00:05:38 then you go to kids house and watch TV or did you? Oh yeah. I was hungry for it. I need some Killigain Island and Batman, you know back in the day the pal That one. Yeah, you know one of course. It just goes to show you so people like Mary Ann Yeah, so people like what would happen if we didn't have like lots of TV or media or whatever We talk to each other look what a good guy yet. He's like the best person I've ever met a lot better That's because of no TV probably absolutely. It probably a testament to it
Starting point is 00:06:05 He's such a great guy. I don't know. I have a theory that he's probably a TV junkie now No, I was when I got my own place. Yeah, absolutely. I was bingeing it. You had to experience it Yeah, but then now it's like most of it is garbage What how old were you when you saw your first playboy? when you saw your first playboy, because that was a big deal. Oh, that's a pivotal man. Yeah, actually I had a friend that whose dad had some in his basement
Starting point is 00:06:29 and we discovered him. Wow. I was fairly young. Yes, yes. Marilyn Monroe, right? I wanna go to his house too. He had a TV and playboy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:06:39 That's the thing. Now, that kid turned out. Where is he at life today? I think he's in San Quentin. But honestly, I have no idea where he's at. Too much. Yesterday, I forgot about this. Maybe last so hard, I forgot,
Starting point is 00:06:55 but I wrote it down because I'm like, I gotta bring this up on the show. So Adam walks in the studio and says, the most non-manally thing I've ever done to say. You walked in and I think it was to Andrew. You're like, Andrew, nobody else answered this. Hey, Andrew. Yeah. Did do I look fat?
Starting point is 00:07:11 This is, just to make me look fat. I'm like, though. You guys can't answer this. I know what you're gonna say. No, but it's, you don't sound like you're fat. I wanted a true answer, you know what I'm saying? I knew I would give you a new answer. I knew I would give you a new answer. Yeah, not like it. First, what do you mean you don't think we're gonna tell you like you're fat. I wanted a true answer, you know what I'm saying? I knew it would give you some of your activity.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Yeah, not like it. First, what do you mean you don't think we're gonna tell you if you're fat? You know we're gonna tell you if you're fat. That's the problem, I say, I don't want that. I want like someone like an honest opinion. You want to come first? Yeah, I ask you.
Starting point is 00:07:36 That's the way. Somebody who I could fire, that's who I want. You look gorgeous at him. Actually, you look perfect. He's on what about now, I turn around. Yeah, yeah. What about now? So why'd you ask that? Why. I turn around. I'm going to be up. What about now?
Starting point is 00:07:45 So why'd you ask that? Why was the deal? You were in close. I'm not fucking immune to feeling insecure every once in a while. I felt a little scared for him. Oh, that was a real deal? Yeah, it was a moment. Really?
Starting point is 00:07:55 I'm not allowed to have those. Oh, you're handsome, too. You're handsome. You look good. I don't want to be getting you guys to give him some more. No, I don't. I look all right.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I feel good. I think you look great. I feel good, but I have, I really haven't. The show turned into the view all of a sudden. Yeah, right. I'm like, let me just pour my heart out and I feel like you said, I feel about myself right. No, I just, I have it. You know, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:08:17 It's funny that we started with this television talk because ironically, this was the conversation with Katrina. I feel like we've been watching too much TV. So we'd literally this week, there's been no television after Mexico's a bed. It's been like back to reading or growing, doing like her and I are working on stuff with real estate right now.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And so I think a lot of that, like I think I can get caught in these like lulls of working all day busy all the night and get my time with my son, and then, oh, I want a veg. So you just haven't been active? Yeah, I just haven't been my normal active self. And so I've felt myself in a bit of rut.
Starting point is 00:08:54 And I always know because when I try and kickstart myself with some consistency, it doesn't happen. And I fall back in that, oh, it's just relaxed, we'll watch a couple shows, or what do I thought. And I really think that it stems from that because whenever I have like a really productive evening where I read or I'm learning something
Starting point is 00:09:12 that has nothing to do with watching television and just melting my brain, I also tend to wake up the next day, motivated to eat, write, train, well, do all those things, it's like a momentum. Growth mode. It is. It's growth mode.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Yeah, it is. And when I'm not feeling that way, I'm down on myself a little bit. So, yeah. I thought you were gonna say like watching TV, maybe feeling secure because of the fit bodies. That's too good. No, not like that.
Starting point is 00:09:35 You look good, bro. First of all, out of all of us, when we're modeling our sponsor, Viori's clothes, you look the best. I do, you got the great proportion. Fishing the best. You do, you got the face and everything I wouldn't feel bad if I were you yeah you were going all right there to you said the face thing we know I had the
Starting point is 00:09:51 fat face no no I didn't say fat face you got the handsome face dude well they're all now the the new fall stuff man I'm excited like dude I put out a request for a flannel like a long time ago I should probably like hit them up again see if they're gonna make that happen. Are you gonna just do the top button like you always do? Yeah, there's such a mountain. Joe actually DM me yesterday, I forgot to tell you guys that,
Starting point is 00:10:11 he wants to link up again, so we'll have him come back out here. Dude, they're crushing, yeah. Vuri is crushing, they're becoming mainstream brand. Yeah, yeah, no, it's becoming a household name. It was definitely one of those brands when we first started working with them. That was like, like only the cool kids knew. It's kind of like, oh, it's cool. You haven't
Starting point is 00:10:27 heard of them. You got to check them out. It's like going full on mainstream now. Yeah. Well, I was like, I was grabbing just my clothes, you know, through the whole thing of like evacuating. And I noticed like, I just grabbed a lot of like the, the new stuff that I had ordered, you know, and just because like it's new, and it's like, I'm just like, okay, with like getting rid of the old stuff, but like redoing my whole wardrobe is so easy, like they have like stuff for whatever I want to wear. Yeah, dude, speaking of evacuating stuff,
Starting point is 00:10:55 so wake up this morning, you know, here in San Jose, go outside and it looks like Mars. Yeah, it looks like it's like, yellowy orange, it's kind of weird. The whole, okay, so I just watched Total Recall with my son the other day and in they and he travels to Mars and everything's red That's what it looks like right now. It's like you're gonna walk outside. I don't see your eyes are gonna pop out of your head Get to the chopper. Yeah, no, it's it's all red outside the sun It looks like the the sun in Star Wars. Remember when Luke Skywalker's standing outside?
Starting point is 00:11:26 Oh, I don't remember that part. His uncle's, of course you do. And there's the sun behind it's like the red glowing, special sun. It looked like that. But it didn't really smell too much like smoke. And I read up on this, I'm like, why does it look so bad, but I don't smell the smoke?
Starting point is 00:11:38 Apparently, the smoke is so high in the atmosphere that it's not necessarily mixing with the breathing air. So the air quality in some parts of the bay area are not that bad. Really? But when you look up in some parts, some parts according to Apple, it's terrible in some areas. So I never even seen that. I didn't know that was a feature on the Apple phone until like recently. Oh, they have air quality is like part of the weather.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Yeah, it's like when you get when you look at the weather and you look at the temperature normally, it just you know, 78. But now like the screen is gray and says like air quality, poor, unhealthy, don't go outside. Fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, it's COVID, may die. Yes. But it is weird to see that, right? So my in-laws live in Vegas,
Starting point is 00:12:15 and I guess they were having really high winds. And so all the smoke was getting like hard core blown and super hot, it's also super hot over there, right? 110, 115. And their air quality reached such a bad point. I think it was yesterday that they were literally, like they said, do not go outside, do not open windows. The worst air quality, like rating you could get,
Starting point is 00:12:39 whatever it is red or whatever, they had yesterday. To the point where they were literally telling people, do not go outside. So is this all the central valley fire, like the smoke coming from there, you think? This is more the valley, I think. Because when I was there this week and the valley was worse than in the Bay West.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Yeah, yeah. So what it looks like today for us was like what it looked like for them just the other day. So I think it's coming from that direction, right? Oh man. What would they say? The gender reveal party started it? I know we should.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yeah. What are they doing? You know, it's been parties. know we should. That's going well. What are they doing with these stupid parties? It's enough. Speaking of the fires, like what was done. I read, like just after, right after that episode where we talked about the private firefighters, Justin, if it was like a show thing or something. Like the next day I'm reading, like,
Starting point is 00:13:19 I don't know, it was one of my newsletters hustle or something like that. And the up in that in it is they talk about private firefighters. And so the average is $300 to $5,000 an hour to hire a private team to get the process. What do you require to do to become a private firefighter? I'm assuming that you have to go through similar training and stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:40 As anybody knows. Yeah, and of course you would have to. I mean, do they normally work for like the regular fire department, but then they do that on the side or is this its own company, you know, that just tires these guys, I would think it, maybe Doug can research this for us. I mean, I don't know what the hell you would research here, but it's, I would imagine it's firefighters either want, you have to, like bad asses, right? Like, yeah, either firefighters that are retired, right? They just retired and no longer serving anymore, right? Or it's like, their shifts are always like crazy, right? Like, either firefighters that are retired, right? They're just retired and no longer serving anymore, right?
Starting point is 00:14:06 Or it's like, their shifts are always like crazy, right? They do like three on and then they have like four or five off, right? And then they're like three full days. So maybe they have the option on one of those days to go out there and fight fires. It's one of those jobs where it's like, you either doing nothing or you're doing the most difficult thing of all time.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Like, that's the two speeds that they're in. Either there's nothing going on or oh shit, and it's back breaking labor when there's fires like this. A lot of what they have to do is jump in and dig and create space and it's just you're working and working and working. So it makes sense that they'd get paid that much to come in and help out. Well, isn't like 75% of the job like accidents and stuff like that, isn't that what most like firefighters are having to deal with?
Starting point is 00:14:48 Oh yeah, like EMT stuff. Yeah, like most of their most of this stuff is rolling up on accidents. So it makes up 4.3% of the nation's total firefighters, but it's growing because of a growing trend towards privatization. So I'm assuming the way it would work is the state has its firefighters and then when it exceeds their capacity, then they go and fire a private. And this is interesting because it's the logistics and sort of the politics behind like how they have to really assess, do we have enough manpower to control, you know, the fire where it's at and how fast it's
Starting point is 00:15:29 coming, you know, for this particular area, or should we just kind of let it go through this area and now really like get ahead of it and, you know, like start repositioning and fortify, you know, and just let it burn through this part of the town. And so it's like, they have to make those tough decisions into then kind of, you know, and just let it burn through this part of the town. And so it's like, they have to make those tough decisions and to then kind of, you know, maybe you're in a position where you're in that area where that they're just kind of mowing through and you want to hire maybe, if I had a $10 million plus house, I would do it in heartbeat.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Oh, yeah. Do it for the whole thing. Yeah, if you, if you have a house that's worth that, which I'm sure there's a bunch of people listening right now that think it's like some maledis bullshit that it's just like, oh, I can't, that's terrible bunch of people listening right now that think it's like some elitist bullshit that it's just like, oh, I can't, that's terrible. Those people should be helping with everybody else.
Starting point is 00:16:08 But it's like, if you have a house, they're paying for it, it's their business. Well, that's how I feel. I mean, it's like, if you have the money to do that and you have a house that that expensive and like to your point, Justin, maybe the team goes, hey, it's too late for us to try and save this whole town. We gotta start planning for the next town.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I would hope that I'm in a position that I can afford to do. So does just pulled up an article. This is interesting that, okay, so here's what I think is happening. I think a lot of these private firefighters are employed by insurance companies. And they're deployed by insurance companies to save. So if an insurance company is covering these properties, it could cost them more money in paying out the damages than it would to pay firefighters. Oh wow, that makes a lot of sense. So that makes that makes a ton of sense right there. Yeah, right. No, if you're
Starting point is 00:16:55 ensuring a $10 million house, you're like, go spend the tens of thousands of dollars to save that house. We're going to be caching this. Exactly. It's just that them saving money. Very interesting. I didn't realize that's how it worked. I thought it was more like you call them because you want your house saved versus like an insurance company taking care of it for you.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Interesting. Justin, I wanted to make a comment, give your wife a compliment. Her, she's looking pretty fit and strong. You hit on my wife. These, huh? Well, I did text her the other day and I you look good. Well, I didn't do that Yeah, but she's you she's looking very
Starting point is 00:17:28 Salami she's looking very yeah, she has my name under salami Yeah, I know you are long legs. Yeah Long legs, no that short leg energy Come on man Short legs Like the worst cut. I was like the last V-Ori commercial, wasn't it? You got good, you got good turn over though man.
Starting point is 00:17:49 I want to see you run. Oh yeah. No, no, no, no, no. All serious this. She's been working really hard at it. So, you know, I'm sure she'll appreciate that. That's what she said. She said she's following a lot of the programs to the T.
Starting point is 00:18:00 She's running strong right now. She's running a math strong right now. And kind of a funny story. So she was here at the studio when we were like still evacuated and everything. And we were just trying to kill time and she was out there working out and she was doing the part of the program where basically you know, you have cheat curls.
Starting point is 00:18:17 So like she's able to kind of like add some English to the lift and whatnot. And she takes a lot of pride in her form and technique. And like, I've really helped kind of hone in a lot of these mechanics and things for her. And I guess Adam like walked by and like kind of looked over and kept walking. And court was like, oh my God, I hope he knows I can actually do a real curl. You know, I heard you. He noticed, you know, she was so self conscious about it. That's so great. Could you do the same way, though? You know, she's like, so, but I'm like, I love that were very famous. You noticed, you know, she was so self-conscious about it. That's so great.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Katrina is the same way, though. She's like, so, but I love that, too, though. Like, that's like, to me, one of the most attractive qualities is to see, like, good form. Of course. Yeah, because I don't know if that's a trainer thing or what, but like, when you see somebody that just has beautiful technique. I'm sure that was part of my whole, you know, attraction.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Oh, no, no, no. Well, Jessica's a trainer, so she's always telling me how my form is off. Oh, that's good. Your left arm is lag's a trainer, so she's always telling me how my form is off. Oh, that's a tough one. That's good. Your left arm is lagging a little bit. Turn your left foot forward. Can you, yeah, maybe pull one.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Oh, I know it drive you crazy. Oh, no. Ha, ha, ha. It definitely can, but to her, on her side. She had to turn the in-your-up, dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Is the in-your-not-loud enough one here, loving cranking up for you.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Yeah, yeah. Nope, we haven't, she hasn't picked a radio station a long time. Oh, yeah Now it's always it's always me that picks it, but yeah, she does that So turn your right foot a little bit maybe you push a little bit left foot. I'm like oh my god Yeah, and it's like you do that to me like I guess you're right. I gotta take I gotta take your Yeah, I guess do we watched a man, the new movie adaptation of the... That's right, they went right to the streaming so you could get it through Disney Plus, right?
Starting point is 00:19:49 I was so excited to watch it. You guys haven't seen it, right? No, I haven't seen it. I was so excited to watch it and I was left disappointed. Really? Yeah, the kids, I heard otherwise. Who now, who told you it was good?
Starting point is 00:20:01 Do you have friends that watched it? Katrina's brother, actually, just, we're talking about this weekend, so it was so good that he would watch it the second time with us. Really? Is he reliable? No, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Not at all. Not at all. But either a sal. I'm glad I was saying. So, I need to one of these. Nobody's winning. I gotta watch it for myself. I'm like, this doesn't do me any good right here.
Starting point is 00:20:19 I've got Larry on one side telling me I gotta watch it. I got Sal saying it sucks. Well, both of them, I feel like I'm gonna wait this out. Well, so far the movie adaptations that they've done are like what, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, I think they did Cinderella, if I'm not mistaken. Lion King, Jungle Bull, they've done fun.
Starting point is 00:20:36 All of them have been great because they've definitely gone back to the original and haven't changed so much that it's kind of different. It gives you the old feels. Mulan took out some of the characters that kids love growing up watching, they've added some new characters in there that they didn't really develop very well. There's no little dragon guy.
Starting point is 00:20:55 No, Moushius not in there. Spoiler alert, they completely eliminated Moushius. My daughter was pissed. Yeah, like how would they do that? She was waiting for Moushio to show up to the very end and then we turn it off and she's like, mm, she's like, go to the Moushio. Yeah, it goes up to bed and I'm like, what's the matter?
Starting point is 00:21:11 Honey, she's like, no Moushio, I hated it. I'm like, all right, so. But it wasn't, I didn't like it that much. I really didn't think it was that much. So I wonder, so I haven't seen the cartoon version yet. You've never seen the cartoon? No, I didn't. Oh, it was great.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Yeah, that's a good cartoon, dude. Yeah, so I haven't watched the cartoon, so I'm wondering if I just go straight to the movie, like maybe I won't care. Yeah, probably. Because if that's true. If that's the reviews, because the Rotten Tomatoes gave it a decent review. Anything over 60 and Rotten Tomatoes is worthwhile to like pay attention to, right?
Starting point is 00:21:37 But I know viewers didn't view it as high. I think that's what you were talking about, so. Yeah, 50-something percent. Right. So, and a lot of times that happens when people don't stay true to like the original story. Because you have expectations. Yeah, exactly. That was what ruined it for me.
Starting point is 00:21:50 I had certain expectations like, beauty in the beast, the beast hit that out of the park. Yeah. I liked the Lion King. They did great. Except for the bad guy. It wasn't like quite as sinister as true. That's true. But that was not only criticism, but I liked it overall.
Starting point is 00:22:03 That's true. What's your guys favorite Disney movie or cartoon? Do you guys have favorites? Yeah. Sort of a stone. Oh, that's a good one. Oh, yeah, that's a good one. That one I think is just because that's the one I watched when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:22:15 When I was a kid, I watched that one over. And I watched the Robin Hood, the cartoon one, you know, or he's like the, yeah, he's like a, that's a great one too. Fox or whatever. Yeah, I like that one. There was, there was the Fox in the Hound. Did you guys ever watch that? I just watched it the other day. I love that.
Starting point is 00:22:31 It wasn't that popular. I like that one. And of course, Lating the Tramp watched that one a million times. They have some good, Pinocchio was pretty good. Although now there's like, conspiracy theories around Pinocchio. Yeah, well, yeah, definitely if you go in the ride at Disneyland,
Starting point is 00:22:45 like it takes you towards like the, was it pleasure island or whatever, like that whole thing got real creepy real fast. I was like, what is this? Don't remember this part. There's a conspiracy theory on it. Yeah, dude, that it's like about like abducting kids and it's about human trafficking.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Yeah, dude. Yeah, if you take it just in little clips of like what they say, it like you could make like a little crazy conspiracy. Like they're kidnapping kids and bringing them to pleasure. Yeah, it's a pleasure, I like it. It's like, it's like some way back then, you know, I feel like we live in like the like most amazing time for conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Oh, you kidding me? Because there's so much content. Well, there's so much misinformation out there. And this readily available that it's not hard to mix enough things to align. You know, like those videos, they make all the numbers all line. So many of you to check on Alex Jones.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Yeah, let's see how he's doing. Well, he's probably dead now. Well, I mean, okay. Too much information. Conspiracy theories sometimes are true. Oftentimes, they're not true, but why do people come up with them in the first place? To make sense of stuff that is hard to make sense out of. So when things happen that just seem remember September 11th when that happened.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Yeah, it just seems so crazy. It seems so surreal to watch the buildings fall inside their own So I know where yeah, and then the way that they fell on their own footprint and what happened and how could this be possible? And that spurred, to this day, there's conspiracy theories around that. Just have to go. What's the statistic on that? There's statistics on 90 something percent of time. It's the obvious answer.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Yeah. I think it's a Occam's razor, right? Is that what it is? Yeah, another's a stat on that. 90 something percent of that. It's a very high percentage that it's the most obvious thing. Yeah. And sometimes we're hard to believe stuff happens.
Starting point is 00:24:29 So what do we have? We have a pandemic that's, we haven't experienced in our lifetime. So that alone is gonna spread. People are at home not doing anything. Your mental health is probably suffering right now, especially if you're already on the brink. We have social media that spreads things.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Did you read that Facebook article I sent over to you? Oh, yeah. What did you think of that? I think Facebook, so the article talks about a guy who, well, I actually can't say that, they're non-binary, so they're, that's what they say in the article. But they left Facebook because they think Facebook is not doing enough to stop the spread of dangerous political information or dangerous information. That incites hate and violence. Based off of this person's particular person's opinion,
Starting point is 00:25:17 here's a thing, Facebook is any, first of all, they have a, whenever you have a lot of power and they are as a company, they have the most users of any other company in the world and they have the most information on their users of any company in the world. And they're arguably one of the more powerful, if not the most powerful media source, right? It would be Facebook, extremely powerful, largely credited for Trump's victory in 2016.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I know that the Democrats really pissed off about that and said Facebook didn't do enough to prevent meddling or whatever. And then the Republicans say that Facebook is liberal leaning and they, they silent. Here's the thing, they're so powerful, they're going to be blamed for everything. And because they've already taken the stance that they edit, the stuff that's on their platform, now no matter what they do, someone's going to be pissed off. Yes. Now, if they had always opened up and been like, we're not, they're not neutral. So it needs them open. So what I, what I read into that is that they're feeding into it because it just creates more traffic, right? Yeah. Because they're easy, they're monetized off. Right. The easy way to solve this would be
Starting point is 00:26:20 like just eliminate all political shit on Facebook. It's like, that's, we're just going to say this platform is to connect to families and friends, like it would originally started as. But that's the most serious stuff. When it's charged is when everybody's going there and like arguing. Right. And what I thought was interesting about that article too was that,
Starting point is 00:26:35 because until that article, I've read more recent stuff about Facebook being leaning liberal and it's more conservatives that are angry at Facebook. And that was the complete opposite. he was like somebody who was saying that the he they promoted things that were more charged and more conservative leaning and attributing the actual the action winning to trump because it probably goes to the whole algorithm of feeding you exactly like what you
Starting point is 00:27:01 want to see in your own bias yeah well the top track the top, track, the top pages on Facebook, politically speaking, with the most traction, you can actually look them up, what the top ones are. A lot of them are conservative. They get more views and more shares than other pages, but it's users that are doing the sharing and are spreading this stuff. So that feeds into the, oh, you're not, you know, you're biased the one direction. However, when it comes to blocking pages, there's evidence to show that they may be blocking more
Starting point is 00:27:30 conservative pages. Again, here's the problem. That's where it's interesting. Yes, and here's the problem. The problem is, for Facebook, this is where they're screwed. They are not neutral, and they are powerful. They're gonna be targeted. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:42 No matter what they do, they're gonna piss someone off, and they're gonna be blamed for something or someone losing or someone winning or some issue It's just the way it is the way that they could have done it had they gone back in time I don't know if this would have been better would have been hey, we don't we don't We're neutral you post whatever you want if you don't like it you block it. It's up to you We're just a neutral, you know, it's interesting It's like as you as you get to you know. It's interesting, it's like, as you get to that size, it's inevitable, right?
Starting point is 00:28:07 It's like, it's impossible to build something to that scale and not literally piss off. And here's the thing, like, you know, we hear this all the time, right? Like our marketing team most is, don't pick up the brick, right? Don't pick up the brick. Just cause one loud mouth is bitching about this,
Starting point is 00:28:22 it's not a pure representation of your entire business. The difference is when Facebook is dealing with billions of people, a fraction is millions. It's its own government in a sense. I mean, and that's why we get into this like political divide because it's everybody's opinion all smashed in one direction. Now businesses have to deal with that. Well, look, when you're at the top
Starting point is 00:28:42 and when you're making the most money or you have the most perceived power. You're a target for everybody look at bezos Look at Amazon. He is now a target by everybody all of a sudden He's either evil and I forget the facts forget the hundreds of thousands of jobs. He's creative or or the fact that he or they literally he literally created a company that has arguably been one of the most positive impacts on our lives, especially now, whether you own a small business or what you do good. You can do good, but we don't want you to do that good. You can win just a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Well, here's a deal, I don't feel bad either because if you're gonna be at the top, what do they say about leaders, right? When you're at the top and you're leading yeah everything is your fault It's all your fault first role of leadership is everything is so you're gonna accept it You want to be the bat you want to be the dude or the girl? Yeah, yeah, I cash out before that You know what I'm saying that's right? I'm out before that I'm saying like I let me go back and fucking be invisible take your money Yeah speaking of like companies disappear pandering and shit like that Justin fucking madden 2021. I thought this was a fucking joke
Starting point is 00:29:48 I thought this was a joke, but they literally they put Colin Kaepernick in madden 2021 and I believe he's made the cover But he's not even in the NFL. He's not even good. It wasn't good. I know He wasn't even when he's not even anybody's roster, like how does that work? Hey, what are his special moves? Like, did you see what I posted? No, I just said. Left bumper, kneel, right bumper, kneel, right trigger, kneel, left trigger, kneel,
Starting point is 00:30:12 V pad, kneel. All he does is kneel. Every time. So he's, yeah, he's, I mean, you guys think it'll make, it'll increase their sales because now they're getting more attention around it. You know what? Here's a deal.
Starting point is 00:30:23 If you're a die hard mat, I was a pig. I don't know much. I play, I was the kid who bought mad in every single year for many, many years. And if you're a die hard man, if you buy it no matter what, you don't give a shit about all this political bullshit. Like you're just like whatever. I'm saying so if you love the game, you're playing the game no matter what.
Starting point is 00:30:37 But and maybe there is a group of social justice lawyers that are gonna, would never buy the game, but they wanna buy it as support. I think it's totally pan-free. I think it's brilliant because I think I could just picture from a business perspective. I do. I think I can imagine two guys going to play a game against each other. One guy picking Kaepernick, the other guy being like, I'm gonna crush you. You know what I mean? Just because there's so much rivalry in football. So winning.
Starting point is 00:30:59 So winning. Call him Kaepernick. Well, he won in the Nike thing. He won. Like, look at him. Like he's gone. So the rumor is, they made his attributes better than Cam Newton, which that is, I would be fucking pissed if I can't. Oh, I get what you're saying. So like, I've never played the game. So in the game, you have like skills, like his speed, his accuracy, his like, you know, all these, just like, and he wasn't that great, wasn't he?
Starting point is 00:31:23 And let me, so by the way, that's a big deal in the NFL. So like, Madden has become such a phenomenon that, are you brag about your skills? Oh, yes. Like athletes like take that serious, like they ranked my speed at 97 this year, what the fuck they think I do that. Oh, yes they do.
Starting point is 00:31:38 They made him better than Camdew. Yes. What? That's such a crock, bro. Oh, dude. Like it's already bad enough that you bring someone offended on his behalf. Yes. What? That's such a crock. Like it's already bad enough that you bring someone offended on his behalf. Yes. Cam Newton's awesome. Hey, hilarious. The Catholic has made a lot of he has actually monetized this
Starting point is 00:31:55 pretty. Oh, yes, he has. And you know what? Good for him, whatever. But I just think it's hilarious. All the companies that are pandering all this shit. It's getting out of control. Well, the consumers will decide if it was a good decision or not. If their sales are good or bad, that'll determine if more companies continue. Because did Nike sell a lot because of him? Or did they lose money? I think they did well, didn't they?
Starting point is 00:32:17 They did both. It went one way than the other. It's hard to say, right? The overall, how did it do? It's just like the NBA we're seeing right now. Like, you know, the definitely viewership is down. But, you know, I mean, NBA's making such a hard pivot that this is, they're calling it the new NBA, right? And so, you know, maybe this is just a rough time right now.
Starting point is 00:32:36 And maybe guys like me who are like dying to watch basketball and missing it so bad, are just like, fuck it. I don't care anymore. I wanna watch the sport so bad, because I love the sport. Deal with the bullshit. You know what I'm saying? That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Dude, I read a very interesting study. I thought this would bring up a conversation between us. So they did this study on, they were trying to find out what kind of thinking patterns are connected to your, the probability that you'll believe in a higher power. Okay. And they found something very interesting. So here's the summary of the study. This was a study done at Georgetown University Medical Center.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And the summary says, it's in science news daily, by the way, great website. Individuals who can unconsciously predict complex patterns, so this is an ability called implicit pattern learning, are likely to hold stronger beliefs that there is a god who creates patterns of events in the universe. So they connected the two things. So here's what they did, right? They did a test. How do you test that? Well, here's they did a test, right? And so it's called what I call what I say was implicit pattern learning. So it's an unconscious ability to identify patterns and they can test for this. And one test that they do is they have people watch a sequence of dots appearing and disappearing
Starting point is 00:33:49 on a computer screen, and then people push a button for each dot, and then the dots move quickly. But some participants, the ones with the strongest implicit learning ability, began to subconsciously learn patterns hidden in the sequence, and even press the correct button for the next dot before the dot actually appeared. Now Now here's what's crazy about this. The best implicit learners did not know that the dots formed patterns. So they were even unconscious of the fact that they were able to do this. So this is a skill you could pick up on. This is, according to the study, is highly correlated with people who believe in a higher power.
Starting point is 00:34:25 So your subconscious ability to pick up patterns, maybe you can even call that a gift, I guess, is also connected to people saying that it's not exist. I think that's interesting because I've forever I've said this, like whenever, and it's always, in fact, I can't remember where we were just where, we were somewhere, Katrina and I, and it's normally when we're in nature,
Starting point is 00:34:46 and you just see the beauty, the amazement of like how it all works, the design and structure of it. Yeah, and I always catch myself saying, it's like, man, there's people that don't believe that there's something far more greater and powerful than us that laid this out. Because it's so wild. It, it's a fractal geometry. It trips me out.
Starting point is 00:35:06 It's just so, it's so perfect. And everything works together so well to create this thing that we take for granted every day that we walk around on. That I just think it's wild to think that there's people that just believe that we collided with the fucking rock and then it all just happened.
Starting point is 00:35:22 So, I just think that's crazy to me. Well, it is interesting to me. It is interesting that there's this subconscious, brain pattern of identifying patterns. So this is the subconscious thing that's happening. You might even be able to stretch and say, it's an ability, right? It's an ability that you might not be aware of,
Starting point is 00:35:41 almost like a sense or a feeling, because that's what subconscious things are, right? Like you just do things and you might not be aware of, almost like a sense or a feeling, because that's what subconscious things are, right? Like you just do things and you're not really aware of them. What was the percentage of people that had this ability versus people that are tested? You know, I got to look deeper in the study to see what that is. But I'm just curious,
Starting point is 00:35:55 because like if that's like an innate ability, you know, that most people have versus just, you know, a select amount of people that can, you know, think in that direction. Yeah, it said the data suggests that if children are unconsciously picking up on patterns in the environment, their belief or is more likely to increase as they grow up, even if they are in a non-religious household. Likewise, if they are not consciously picking up on patterns around them, their belief
Starting point is 00:36:19 is more likely to decrease as they grow up, even a religious household. And you know, it's funny about religion or spiritual practices? There is, there always is an element of faith, right? There's always an element of just feeling or just, almost like, I hate the word, use this word, but knowing, right? So it is interesting that they picked this up and this was a neuroscience study. Really? Reassion, huh?
Starting point is 00:36:41 Yeah, isn't it fascinating? No, it's really fascinating because what I just said is, I have said that so many times and it's always happened in those moments where I'm out in nature or in awe of something, right? I'm just in awe of like what I'm looking at and trying to be present at the moment. Like, wow, this is just so wild, how, or this is also what draws me to like the nature channel.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Like I love watching that because it's just, it's so fascinating to me on how many of these creatures and species intertwine and work together. Speaking to that, so National Geographic, I think you can get it through Disney Plus, but they have this show on there with this guy who we watch Josh Gates and we watch these sort of archaeological type shows where they go to these old ruins and ancient ruins and sites and things and the discoveries they're finding now in like down in mine cultures
Starting point is 00:37:35 with these like these incredible cities that they're uncovering because of Lidar. And so they're going through this like really dense jungle that you literally can't see anything. And they're finding all these pyramid structures that are on top of like mountain ridges that they're finding, oh my God, this was an entire military compound that was devoted to, you know, fighting off this other
Starting point is 00:38:01 invading culture over here that we just discovered like 10 other pyramids over here that never been seen before. It's insane all this discovery that's happening right now that we're not hearing about. You'd have to go find it for yourself. This is my favorite kind of stuff to look into because it teaches us about ourselves. Right. In what's so much more history out there. Way more. And there's theories out there that human you know, that the human civilizations had built things
Starting point is 00:38:28 and done things that are, that were so old that it just, we don't have any evidence of them because they're so old that they, you know, we're, you know, weathered away or there was a natural disaster. And so the stuff that we see, we think, oh, the oldest is the pyramids. And there's some theories that say, hey, some of the stuff, even in Egypt, whether it be the pyramids or the sphinx, that was there before the Egyptians. Do you have you heard about this with the sphinx? I have, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Like the water erosion, they're like, yeah, the lambs. I'm cock, yeah. He talks about that. He talks about that. Yeah, see, that's what Lidar looks like. So they can see what the structure looks like. Yeah, it's a really crazy technology. I mean, it just removes all of the trees and the shrubbery
Starting point is 00:39:04 and whatnot and just gets it down to the elevated land. And you can see structures and everything just clears day. That's really wild. Yeah, that's so see there you go. Water, sphinx, water erosion. And they're saying that the it's a hypothesis or a theory and that the that there wasn't water on earth in that region for way before the Egyptians were there. So in other words, the theory is they found the sphinx and then they built around it or they found some of these structures.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Well, that was like the center of knowledge, like from all around the world, people would go there and then the library of Alexandria and everything and then that all got decimated. Well, what I find that's very fascinating about this. Okay, so obviously we've been on Earth for a long time as a species, is that sometimes we discredit the wisdom that has lasted for as long as it's had,
Starting point is 00:39:53 but we shouldn't do that because it literally has stood the test of time. So a lot of these ancient spiritual practices and beliefs, and you see a lot of crossover across the world from one practice to another that maybe not even had contact with each other, that's real wisdom. That's been around for a long, long time. And then even if you go in the more like what we know of, I've gone to Rome and they
Starting point is 00:40:15 talk about the engineering that was required to build some of the stuff or with the Colosseum how they fill it with water to have water about. They didn't have electricity or didn't use electricity. It was all crazy engineering. No water channels, it like toilets all figured out. That's the. Super wild. Dude, I figured out, my neck,
Starting point is 00:40:35 sometimes I get kinks in it and it's just something I've dealt with for a long time. But I think I finally figured out the cause of it, like 100% the cause of it. Is it too high of a pillow? Yes, I had the same exact either awakening. Either too high or too low of a pillow. So when we started working with Pluto pillow, right,
Starting point is 00:40:52 you go on the website, you enter in, it personalizes a pillow for you. I did not realize how big of a deal that was because pillows for me, now I'm realizing, are either too high or too low. So if I sleep on my side, I'm in this kind of weird, king position. And the Pluto pillow, because it's individualized to me, it's always perfect. So if I use another pillow, I start to notice the neck pain.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Yeah, I kind of did. I mean, Courtney always makes fun of me because like she, she called me the princess in the peak because I have so many pillows. You know, I got one too, I stuck between my legs now for my hips and all of a sudden, lady. Yeah, dude, because sometimes I lay on my side and I'm like, oh, my hips, like bother me. Short legs, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Yeah, short legs for this. It's a short leg problem. Yeah, so I used to have two that I would stack and it was like, I just realized this is way too high, and so I ordered one too that was smaller, and in size, and it was a complete night and day difference. I didn't wake up with that kink in my neck, I was facing all the time.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Yeah, dude, it makes a huge difference. It's a brilliant city company, do there was, nobody was doing anything like this before? Well, I thought it was so smart. What I used to do was I would have my pillow, which was either down, I like down pillows, or like something soft like that. And then I'd have to like, throughout the night,
Starting point is 00:42:11 crumpled up, folded, or, you know, you're like stuffed corners to like push it up. To create the perfect height, but then as you go to sleep throughout the night, you end up losing, you know, it's shape or whatever, this thing holds its shape. Obviously it was individualized for your neck and your shoulders and the whole thing. And you know, it's shape or whatever, this thing holds its shape. Obviously it was individualized for your neck and your shoulders and the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:42:27 And you know, this is an issue for, especially for people who build a lot of muscle. You sleep on your side and you got delts and all that stuff. You're a normal pillow, probably isn't gonna be appropriate for, you know, for someone like you. This quads brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition, Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods
Starting point is 00:42:52 to help give your health a performance-the-edit edge. Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com. And use a coupon code MindP pump for 20% off at checkout All right, a first question is from Brady Thomas. How do you develop the upper chest? Yeah, heavy barbell incline. Yeah, just you know, it's you know, it's so funny is it growing up in the 90s and then early 2000s and working out the exercise for a long time, the exercise that every guy compared himself to other guys with was the bench press.
Starting point is 00:43:30 That was the exercise that you... You did it, you bench, bro! You'd never asked the guy how much they did anything else. It was always how much can you bench. I was like, you're the way that you showed your strength. So this is very, very popular exercise. Everybody did it. Mondays and gyms was like national bench day,
Starting point is 00:43:46 and you'd see all the benches taken up. And literally, on the gyms I would manage, there would have between five to six flat benches, because they were always taken and used. And, you know, but body builders, they used to do a lot of flat bench, but then later on, you noticed that a lot of them mainly did incline exercises.
Starting point is 00:44:02 And they said that it would create a better, more aesthetic looking chest. I tend to agree with that. I think, although the bench press is a phenomenal exercise for developing overall, you know, chest mass, I think in terms of aesthetics, most guys are probably better off
Starting point is 00:44:20 mostly doing incline exercise. Yeah, I would catch myself just living near the bench section, like Monday's, like that was like my thing. I would do incline, then I would do flat bench, and then I would do decline. They were like all in a row. And you know, going through, I definitely found the value in incline bench, and I actually enjoyed that and would feel like it did have an impact on the growth of my chest overall. I did not have that same feeling about the decline
Starting point is 00:44:49 bench. Pretty much find that exercise worthless. I don't know what you guys think. I would go dips over a decline. Declined in due time. No, I didn't. So somebody asked me on my questions, actually, a similar question to this saying that is it true that incline bench press will do more for your chest development than any other exercise?
Starting point is 00:45:09 And I said, I can make that argument. I can make the argument the other way too. That's all somebody did, right? You're doing something different would actually be a huge value. So if you were a hardcore incline barbell bench presser and that's what you did mostly and you never did flat or you never did dips
Starting point is 00:45:23 or you never did flies, then the obvious would be true doing one of those would actually do give you the most development in your chest. But I think that why that's true or why your point is true, Sal is because I think that as once you get introduced into the bench press, it's like the staple move that, you know, for young boys for sure, like to measure strength, Like, oh, what do you bench, bro? Well, you know, and when you tell someone, what do you bench, you go off of the flat bench, you don't go off the decline,
Starting point is 00:45:50 you don't go off the incline, what do you flat bench is your number? Because of that, you spend most of your time trying to get good at that and you neglect the incline bench. And I just think that, you know, the upper chest, when you develop the upper chest, the, it looks, uh, it makes your chest look so much more impressive. I mean, for sure, this was a,
Starting point is 00:46:12 a major focus when I first was getting into competing. And, you know, when you've been lifting for 10 plus years, you know, it's hard to, you know, how good at your programming or whatever, it's hard to see like really massive changes in your physique. And that was probably one of the biggest changes I set out and I've talked about on the podcast more than once. I set this goal out like I'm gonna, I'm gonna incline bench so much that I want to catch my incline bench to my flat bench. So that was like a big goal of mine. Like how close can I get my numbers? Can I get my ink? Can I ink line almost as much as I flat bench? And the result to that ended up being the most impressive chest that I'd ever built over the two decades of lifting. And so I always encourage lifters to do more ink line chest press, especially if you're if you're in
Starting point is 00:47:01 this game for the aesthetics you're trying to sculpt and build a physique, I think it's one of the best things you can do. Yeah, I think the flat bench is great, especially when you're first starting lifting, but an incline lift, incline lifts, whether it's the barbell or a dumbbell or dumbbells, is really important for the aesthetic look. Women in particular, I think,
Starting point is 00:47:22 because they're, because they have breasts working the upper chest, probably is gonna give them more of aesthetic look, women in particular, I think because they have breasts working the upper chest, probably is going to give them more of aesthetic appeal than the flat bench. And then here's the thing, if you want functional ability from your presses, overhead presses are one of the most functional exercises. Inclined presses are closer to an overhead press than a bench is. And then for that kind of functional strength, like you would get from a bench press, I think dips are a really, really good exercise. They're, it's going to give you that, that's a similar kind of functional strength that you may need in a sport. And then if you think of the pushing movement in sports, it's
Starting point is 00:48:00 often at an incline. Like if you're in football, you don't, you very rarely push someone away, standing straight up or leaning back. It's usually leaning forward, you're using your hips along with the press, that mimics more of an incline press. If you're throwing a punch in, you know, not that pressing necessarily makes you stronger at punching, but it does work some of the muscles
Starting point is 00:48:20 that are involved incline probably translates better than a flat as well. The other case I'll make for it, besides just developing the chest is that are involved, incline probably translates better than a flat as well. The other case I'll make for it besides just developing the chest is that I liked it later on, you know, when I started to do it more myself, I realized that it actually puts you in a more favorable position for mechanics. It's easier for sure. Yeah, so the incline, because part of getting good at bench pressing, you need to learn to be able to retract and depress the shoulders down.
Starting point is 00:48:50 So you can engage more of the chest and you don't roll forward. And since most people, that's the common thing, right? So you get a client, you lay them on a flat bench. One of the hardest things to get them to understand is to not let their shoulders retract forward and push with their triceps and their shoulders and teaching them to be able to retract the shoulder blades back while they press to engage the chest. That's like one of the hardest things to teach
Starting point is 00:49:13 when you're teaching a client, especially somebody who's fairly new to lifting. What I found was when I would take that client over to an incline because of the angle, the angle naturally lets the scapula kind of drop back down and like back into your back pockets, right? So it naturally pulls the shoulder blades back and down. So it actually was easier to get clients
Starting point is 00:49:33 into the proper form and mechanics on an in client. So I then began to teach that first before I would teach a flat bench once I piece that together. Yeah, now here's the thing too. If you wanna see what kind of chest you'll develop from focusing more on flat or more because flat definitely is probably more of an overall mass builder.
Starting point is 00:49:51 You look at the chest of the 70s. They did favor the bench press as a lot. Look at Arnold Schwarzenegger. There's really big chest. This kind of square look to it. You could look at power lifters who converted to body building. So they built a strong foundation of bench press.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Ronnie Coleman was a power lifter before he became Mr. Olympia. And he still did a lot of bench press. And you look at his chest, and yeah, he has a little bit more lower than Upper, but he's got this really big full looking chest that was hard to compete with. Whereas always focusing on the upper chest,
Starting point is 00:50:20 maybe you'll have less mass, but you'll have maybe more of a balanced look. So they're both exercises are important, but if your goal is upper chest, then I would just do all upper chest exercises when you're doing your presses. I wouldn't do any flat bench if that's an area that's lagging. Next question is from J. Heinz 62.
Starting point is 00:50:41 What are the consequences of eating below the minimum daily requirement of fat? You know, not good. Yeah, to be hair, skin, or hormones. Yeah, fat and protein are essential. Okay, your body cannot make certain fatty acids that it needs for hormone production, for nerve development, for brain function, for connective tissue, support and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Same thing with protein, there's certain amino acids the body cannot make. In other words, if you don't get the adequate amount or the minimum amount of fat that your body needs, the consequences can become very, very dire. Okay, this is not true for carbohydrates. Those are not essential. Not saying that you might not suffer from some performance issues or whatever if you drop your carbs, but you're not gonna have major health issues
Starting point is 00:51:32 like if you don't eat enough proteins and fats. You don't see this as much these days, but especially when fat was demonized, this was something that I saw with female clients. It was very common. Yeah, I would see that they'd have the dry skin, hair loss was one. Their inability to feel full, they're always hungry. Mental fatigue was a big one.
Starting point is 00:51:53 If they got tested for their nutrients, you would see that their fat soluble vitamins, A and D, for example, would be kind of low. The consequences are really not good if you don't get adequate fat. You need it, your body absolutely needs it to thrive. I had several female clients that this was the key that unlocked us breaking plateaus. For months, I was managing calories on them, trainings going good. I know everything should be lining up that we should be seeing results, and their body was just staying stuck. And I remember looking at fat and going like,
Starting point is 00:52:28 oh, you know what, her fat's really low. I wonder if I boost her fat up a little bit. And I remember the first couple of times I did that, and it was just, it was the key that just unlocked their body to start responding then again. So, you know, you just gotta remember that, like everything works together. So it's like a car engine when something is off,
Starting point is 00:52:45 like the timing belt is off, the car sounds different, it runs different, it feels different, our bodies are similar in that way, where even though this is, maybe there's not something that's related to fat, that is directly correlated to your metabolism, but if things aren't operating smoothly, it can and will affect those things.
Starting point is 00:53:02 And sometimes it's that simple for some client that, oh wow, you were just, you've been under-consuming on a central macronutrient for so long that your body's not performing optimally, it's not running optimally. And just by me kind of boosting that up a little bit, all of a sudden the body fat starts coming off,
Starting point is 00:53:18 energy levels, skin feels better, notice hair, like all these things started to change. You also could, I'll get clients who feel cold all the time. I had a couple female clients who had fertility issues. We bumped their fat and take up and they got pregnant. In men, I've seen low testosterone. So I've had male clients who don't eat enough fat and they come to me with their testosterone readings.
Starting point is 00:53:40 And we just bumped their fat and take and low and behold their testosterone levels go up. Sleep is another one. Not being able to sleep because you don't have enough fatty acids. It reminds me of what was it like late 80s, early 90s, the whole low fat. Everybody was so concerned about eating any fat and that was like a big push that you were,
Starting point is 00:53:59 because you eat fat, you're gonna get fat. And I'm just wondering where this question, you know, is coming from in terms of what type of diet strategy you're gonna get fat. And I'm just wondering where this question is coming from in terms of what type of diet strategy they're trying to implement. If there's other, I know vegans, obviously there's gonna be a big push to find fats from vegetables and find fats out there
Starting point is 00:54:17 that they can get that aren't from animal products, but still you gotta do a lot of hunting to make sure that you're getting adequate amounts. So I'm sure that is a bit of a struggle. Yeah, Omega 3 fatty acids or what vegans typically need to supplement because it's really hard to get those from vegetable sources. You can get sources that convert to that,
Starting point is 00:54:37 but it doesn't do a very good job. But yeah, not eating enough fat is a bad idea. It can cause some real problem. If it's for short period times not a big deal, but you definitely don't want to go too low. Next question is from Carlos V. U.S. does running with a plastic bag over your upper body help burn more calories? You guys remember the, you remember wrestlers and stuff on this?
Starting point is 00:54:58 Yes, it's super common. For waterway. Exactly. For waterway. If you're an attractive, you can put it over your face, too. I can do that. You know what? Okay, here's the benefit of running with plastic bag over your body. There is one. Yeah, let's hear it.
Starting point is 00:55:12 You might be able to train your ability to acclimate to heat. You know, you might be able to increase your tolerance for discomfort, calorie burning. You're gonna burn less calories. Here's why, you can't perform nearly as hard. Go try to run as fast and hard as you do, normally with a plastic bag, and you'll notice that you can't.
Starting point is 00:55:35 So, whatever extra calories you may burn from the fact that it's harder, is more than negated from the fact that now you can't perform. Like you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, if you, you see, if you drop, it heats you up faster. You, you start sweating. You feel like you're working more. It's like that.
Starting point is 00:55:50 That's really, it really would. Your core temperature rises. It makes you sweat. That's it. It'll benefit as sweat. It only makes sense to me if you're an athlete who is cutting water weight. Because here's, here's a deal with water weight.
Starting point is 00:56:02 The minute you go over and you drink a half gallon of water, it goes right back. So if you are cutting to make a weight, because you got a weigh in, because you're in a fight class, and you need to drop two more pounds, and you've got five hours till then, this makes sense to me.
Starting point is 00:56:19 I understand what you're doing. If you're sitting in Sonna's, wearing trash bags, doing that makes sense to do that. Everybody else, I think you're a moron. Dude, I got in a big old thing with the wrestling coach, one of my cousins, wrestling coaches, because he was a wrestler, he did very well. And he was spitting. I saw him spitting outside, spitting in a cup, and then he was looking very good.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I'm like, what are you doing? He's like, I'm trying to make weight. He's like like oh no, we need to have a conversation. He's a sophomore So your coach is literally telling you to go sweat and spit and not drink water to make weight I'm like go fight in the higher weight class and let me have a conversation with this guy But these are some of the practices that they would do to try to make weight which are dangerous silly Silly silly if you're a kid don't do this if you're an adult sure you can do whatever you want with your body But don't do this. If you're an adult, sure, you can do whatever you want with your body, but don't do this to try to make ways. Oh yeah, and you see the body wraps,
Starting point is 00:57:08 that was big business for a while too, where people would like, get this moment where they're like, oh my God, like my waist is a little bit smaller and then they drink water and everything else the next day. And boom, it's right back. Just magic. Just do this. Next time there's a UFC fight, watch the weigh-ins,
Starting point is 00:57:25 and then look at the fighters at the weigh-ins, and then look at the fighters the day of the fight. Totally different looking people, because they've sucked everything out of their body. I would have people in the gyms I'd manage, and we have signs that say you can't go in the sauna with a plastic bag or a plastic everybody, or oils that encourage sweating,
Starting point is 00:57:45 but at least, I don't know, once a month, I'd have to go in there and kick some guy out for having a garbage bag over his body or rubbing wax all over what is it called? Sweet sweat or whatever? Yeah, yeah, yeah, the sweat. Yeah, there's really no health benefits whatsoever. It doesn't burn more calories.
Starting point is 00:58:02 If anything, in my experience, you're burning less calories because your performance goes down into the crapper. Next question is from Ants Dope Life. Can smoking weed impact gains? Sure. Ants Dove Life, definitely. Yeah, definitely can't. I talked to a cannabinoid scientist recently, had a great conversation with her, and we went down a whole
Starting point is 00:58:25 bunch of different paths with cannabinoids. These are the compounds that are found in marijuana plants and hemp plants. There are some potential health benefits that you can get from cannabinoids. If they improve your health then they'll might help you with your gains but I can't you know I'm trying to think of all the people I know that smoke weed, how many of them have improved their health from smoking weed. I can think of one person out of that, I don't know, 30, 40 people I know, who smoke weed.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Most people who smoke weed like to get high, and that kind of use is, yeah, it's gonna take away from your gains. Canabinoids, high dose, especially THC, probably negatively affect your anabolic hormones. They predictably lower testosterone levels or anabolic hormone levels, I should say, in animals. They can do that in humans too, especially at high doses.
Starting point is 00:59:14 It can definitely, if it's used chronically, it can definitely reduce motivation, which that's not a great thing for working out. They can balance out inflammation if used at low doses, but just two or three hits from a joint is way higher than low doses. And at that point, you may be influencing inflammation in a negative way in terms of gains.
Starting point is 00:59:41 So I don't think it's not something I'd say go do this to improve your career. I've heard from long distance runners, like they do well with Miran. Under the influence. Yeah, just during the, yeah. Yeah, we have our downvents. Have you ever done a long run?
Starting point is 00:59:54 No, I have, and I don't know, it's awesome. I love mobility. Yeah, under the influence. No, it's awesome. Because you trail off, dude. You trail off in your thoughts. And I mean, it's like, when you know when you hit that, like when you're running, right? It takes about 10, 15 minutes or so. I don't know how to run or say, dude. You trail off in your thoughts. And I mean, it's like, when you hit that, like when you're running, right?
Starting point is 01:00:06 It takes about 10, 15 minutes or so. So I hit the runner's eye, yeah. Yeah, then you hit that runner's eye, and then if on top of that, if you got a cannabis eye on top of that, like you just kind of drift off into your own thoughts. You know what they, very therapeutic. And you know what they attribute the runner's eye to?
Starting point is 01:00:21 Natural cannabinoids that your body releases. Yeah, so it makes sense, right? Anandamide, I think that one's called 2AG if I'm not mistaken. And here's something you can do. Okay, if you want to utilize cannabinoids for potential benefits, use hemp oils, full spectrums, stay away from too much THC,
Starting point is 01:00:39 too much THC's got some negative effects on the brain, use things like CBD and some of the other cannabinoids that are non-psychoactive. What those things tend to do is they tend to increase your body's own production of its natural cannabinoids. This is not a bad thing. So if you're gonna notice any benefits from using cannabinoids, then you go in that direction,
Starting point is 01:01:01 not buying the weed at the dispensary that's, you know, 20% THC or smoking a joint with your buddy, that's probably going to be detrimental. So that's why for me nowadays, I stick to things like Ned, which is the full hemp oil extract, full spectrum, and that, I don't notice the negatives. If I were to have weed from the dispensary, I get that you can have fun with it and all that stuff, but it's negative is what I know. Yeah, you have to be real careful.
Starting point is 01:01:26 I mean, this is a conversation I have with my younger brother a lot, right? Like, I was lucky that I didn't really even find cannabino. I mean, I had a bad experience with cannabino twice in my early 20s and it wasn't even till I was like 30 that I really like smoke weed. And like, the way I look at it right now, so I like weed the same way like a desperate housewife
Starting point is 01:01:43 likes wine. And I look at it the same way that like, weed the same way, like a desperate housewife likes wine. And I look at it the same way, they're like, you gotta watch it, you gotta be careful of that. Like if am I smoking every single night, am I, is this something to do a cougar? You might, it might depend on this, am I having the whole bottle type of deal?
Starting point is 01:01:59 Like, and because there's so much positive messaging around right now with marijuana and the health benefits of CBD and yada yada yada at the end of the day, it could turn into an addiction and an issue like anything else. So if it's getting in the way of you learning more and growing and spending time on your business or working better at your craft or being a good husband or being a good father or being a good son, if it's starting to bleed into those things and you have to be, you only know that you have to be self aware of that to make that decision.
Starting point is 01:02:30 And most certainly can bleed into getting into way of your gains. If you know, getting high ends up happening and you don't go to the gym because of that, like that's, it's an obvious issue. But if there's ways that you can find it to compliment your life and have balance, I think there's nothing wrong with it. Just like I, I think there's nothing wrong with it. Just like I don't think there's anything wrong with someone having the occasional glass of wine to enjoy that with their dinner. But very easily you can turn into somebody who has two or three glasses of wine every single
Starting point is 01:02:54 night. And then at that point, when you start asking yourself, okay, is this more of an addiction and something that I rely on more than something's actually helping me or complimenting or enhancing who I am? Yeah. And when they do studies on cannabis and performance, it clearly reduces power output and explosive performance. So for lifting weights, probably not a good idea. Not the best idea.
Starting point is 01:03:15 I've done it before lifting weights. Terrible. It's not a great idea. It just doesn't, for me, it definitely doesn't improve performance, but maybe for long. Makes you more interested in it though. Maybe. For long, lower intensity kind of long duration stamina based movements.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Maybe the pain killing effects, the fact that you're in this other state of mind might help with that kind of stuff, but for lifting weights and for explosive power, definitely not a good idea. It doesn't make me stronger for sure. I can't lift this heavy, you know, but I might be in the gym longer and I might focus more on squeezing and pumping the muscle or I might just lose my focus and start looking at articles for now.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Yeah, or whatever walks by. Yeah. So look, my pump is recorded on video as well as audio. If you want to watch the podcast, you can come check us out on YouTube. You can also find all of us on Instagram that includes Doug the producer. You can find Doug at Mind Pump Doug, you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adam.
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