Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 138: We LOVE Haters

Episode Date: August 27, 2015

OK, admittedly the Mind Pump crew has hated on one or two different people/organizations. However, credit is given where credit is due. In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin expose a particularly insidio...us kind of hater, the one that smiles to your face.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are we hot? Yeah, we're hot. We're hot right now. We're hot. It's very hot. I'm super hot. I'm bothered. I'm so hot.
Starting point is 00:00:06 So guys, we're growing, right, Doug? I mean, we're growing. Yeah, we're absolutely growing. But we could always grow faster in my pants. Yeah. We could always grow faster. So I have an idea. This is what I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Check out my idea. What is it? We make a bunch of flyers and then we attach them to helium balloons and just let them go. And then they randomly, like it falls and slides. I think so. That's a great idea. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:27 I probably get arrested for a littering. You know, just to let them. You know, that's really. Is that a brilliant idea? I think it's not very targeted either. I mean, you're gonna do it over a nursing home. Well, what are you thinking? We could do this.
Starting point is 00:00:38 I was thinking we could do, well, bottles. What do you mean, bottles? Put them in like bottles and stuff. Right, I know. I know. She said we start getting people across the sea. See, I was thinking about your no cakes that way you know guys Piano pissing and listen to me like yeah Okay, I'm gonna listen to my about some real solutions here. This is our real solutions. What's your idea?
Starting point is 00:00:57 Well, we do know what I was thinking though about that your Okay, no check this out. Oh, what about the year? No listen when you're taking when you're taking a piss You are looking where you're peeing absolutely that's your looking. Yes, and you're on your iPhone looking for podcasts. The yellow button Am I right? Make it a yellow cake. Yeah, yellow tape. And then say P here. P mine on the yellow button. That's fucking Perhaps we should try something that's already been proven. What are you thinking? Well, what I'm thinking about is What if we got I know what if we paid someone to get a tattoo. A tattoo? Yeah, I had to be on the floor here.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Yeah, something like very visible. Like on the taint. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, but no one's gonna see that. That's awful. Fuck your right. We need to do it and someone famous. That's what they know.
Starting point is 00:01:38 That's to be a hot chick. Parasel gets her taint-tatted mind-pump. Yeah, if you had to take that, for sure. Watch your spreader cheeks. It goes from mind to mind pump. I mean, I think these are all brilliant ideas. All right. But. What's your idea?
Starting point is 00:01:53 Let's do something that actually works. All right. And we know that. Are you trying to tell me my porn idea didn't work? Is that your trying to tell me? All right, hold on. Basically, this is basically Justin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Let him go. Let him go. Kat Herder is back at it again. Okay, all right. All right. Mew. We know that iTunes reviews and ratings are the thing that pushes to the top. Because there's something called what's hot on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:02:16 And every time we get more ratings, more reviews, we get pushed up to the top of what's hot. We're up there with Jillian Michaels, the bulletproof executive. Finally, Jillian Michaels. Hold on a second, I got an idea. I got a great idea, guys. what's hot. We're up there with Gillian Michaels, the bulletproof executive. Finally, Gillian Michaels. Hold on a second, I got an idea. I got a great idea, guys. She's great.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Check this out, I got a great idea. So there's a section, if you go to iTunes, there's a section that says what's hot. The way you move up on that section is by getting more reviews. Is that what Doug just said? Huh? That what Doug just said.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I think you're reiterating exactly what Doug just explained. Oh, okay. Yeah. That was a great idea But sell Can't let anybody have their own ideas. I'm gonna give them credit So here's what I'm gonna propose if I can actually get a word in edge wise for gay You got another I tuned review contest Now I want to put a deadline on this. Our last one went on for about a month,
Starting point is 00:03:08 but this one's only gonna go on for a couple of weeks. I've set a deadline, September 8th, put up your iTunes ratings and reviews. Any review that comes in that is top notch, five stars, we'll take the top three and send out t-shirts. Cool. What if we did something where they have to creatively use the word cock three times, at least, inside the review?
Starting point is 00:03:31 No. No. I might not laugh that. No, you know, like that. Maybe. Yeah. I think it's talented. I see you're going with that.
Starting point is 00:03:40 That's creativity. Yeah. All right, mine, pump listeners. Now you know what I have to deal with. So you know what? Just do me a favor. Go do some ratings and reviews on iTunes and just let me, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:52 escape these crazed mine pump. Ain't it? Let's do it. Doug so funny, he holds back, he gets, yeah. He wanted to cause a name right there but he's too nice. He's warming up to it. If you want to cause a name right there, but he's too nice, he's warming up to it.
Starting point is 00:04:06 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Sal's working out in the gym the other day. And I've only seen this happen one other time in my entire life. So there's a dude leg pressing behind me. With a wife, beater on.
Starting point is 00:04:31 No, I'm the only one wearing a wife. That's why I thought, wow, two people, a wife, beater. No, I'm actually, I did see someone else with a wife, beater the other day. I did see someone. And they did look kind of buffed. Did you see this fist bump? I started to try and say it.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I saw this old Italian guy with a gold chain on wearing a wife theater And I took everything and me not to go take a picture with him And it was good I thought like this would be such a dick move bro. You were you were looking into the future I was going to say this is a 70 year old sour right here But then I thought you know what who knows this guy could be like mafia related and get killed for me But that's pretty racist probably but I did so I mean so so this guy's working it. That's pretty racist. Probably, but I do. So, this is a lie, man. So, this guy's working out.
Starting point is 00:05:06 He's doing leg press, right? And he does like two reps, and then he like, I hear him rip one, like, right? And then he locks it up, and he gets up, and he fucking goes straight to the bathroom. Oh, totally. Oh, sure, did.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Totally shit his pants. Oh, no. Totally shit his pants. He's in excel. I guarantee you he shit his pants. Why would you run into the bathroom after a fart? Bro, he did like three reps. He did like three reps, and I heard it, like, I heard have spent. You think so? I guarantee you he should have spent. Why would you run in the bathroom after a fart? Bro, he did like three reps. He did like three reps and I heard it, like I heard it rip
Starting point is 00:05:29 and you know, you know, he can kind of hear the different type of fart. Yeah, you can hear, you can like, no, no, no, no, it wasn't a blower. It wasn't a flapper. It was like a atom. It was like a geyser. It was like a underwater fart.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Yeah, I was wet. And then he took off real quick. So I think he shit his pants. You know what I'm saying? Dude, that's what, I mean, you gotta take care of that before you start working out. Listen, dude. Listen.
Starting point is 00:05:52 There's rituals in this. Bro, I've shit my pants before, not in the gym. That sucks. But it does suck to shit your pants. There's nothing worse. You gotta throw away the underwear. I think I made someone shit their pants as well. You kinda have to hide for a while too.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Well, you got a story out of him? Yeah, no, you made someone shit their pants. You kind of have to hide for a while too. We got a story at them. Yeah, I know they made someone shit their pants. Well, you know, there's probably a chance that he did. I wouldn't be surprised. So this weekend, let me paint the story for you guys. We're up in Reno, right? This is my fantasy football draft. There's 10 of us do.
Starting point is 00:06:16 We can do a song. Fantasy football. Doing my Dungeons and Dragons. He's friends. I'm doing our Dungeons and Dragons. It's just the same. Yeah, this is my nerdy side. This fantasy football league has been going
Starting point is 00:06:29 for almost 10 years now. It is comprised of this. So there's 10 dudes, there's half of us are all my childhood best friends. We go all the way back to some of us before high school. And then the other five are one of my best friends, younger brother, who's three years younger than us, and all his friends.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Now when we grew up together and we were in high school together, we actually used to fucking get into it back and forth. Like he has a bunch of like hard ass friends and then my buddies and because we were older, they were always trying to, trying to fuck with us. Yeah, and you know, it's like being the older guys and the older brothers and stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:01 We can't always put up with it, but they've, and we've always told ourselves, like you know, maybe these guys will go out, well, now we're all in our 30s, right? Even the younger guys are in their 30s, and we're up here for this draft. Now, two of these five guys are, they party hard, they party hard,
Starting point is 00:07:17 they get it out of control when they party, and I give them a lot of latitude. They're the type of guys too, they start. You're a merciful, you're a merciful friend. Well, you're about to see how how long my fuses before I go. Right. Yeah. So let me unfold. We've been drinking for a while. There's two strippers up in the room and there's 10 guys. So you can get in my inverse,
Starting point is 00:07:36 we're up in my suite at the Atlantis. That's a two to one ratio. That's that's pushing it. Yeah, there was supposed to be two more coming coming, which I thought you guys got the bargain deal Anyway, so they're in the room. We're doing our thing and we're drafting right we're doing our in our draft Now these guys, you know, the draft normally takes four hours So it's like two hours and these dudes are just getting hammered and at this point He's doing she's pulling his cock out and he's waving around and all the dudes faces and stuff like that He's doing she's pulling his cock out and he's waving around and all the dudes faces and stuff like that He's
Starting point is 00:08:09 After explain Justin's face Shifting he was he had a normal look on his face and then he said always he's getting kind of crazy He's waving his cock at us and just his face Well, I noticed I was losing him on this spot on this story, and I promise if you stay with me on this story, that it's quite the story here. So don't get to try. I'm trying.
Starting point is 00:08:31 When you say someone's getting crazy, I don't think my life is the first thing. Call me my dick out. I mean, that is crazy. Yeah, God. Yeah. So we're in this room, right? Because this is what's happening.
Starting point is 00:08:41 He's getting drunk. He's pulling his cock out, being funny, and so that. And at this point, all his buddies are begging're begging him on and it's it's all funny, whatever. You know, I'm saying like that's your thing. You do that. Then he's also one of those guys too. It starts kind of like slapping you in the face and poking at you. I don't touch me. I don't not like to be touched. So he's doing that. I'm just I'm irritated, but that's okay. This is what he normally does. And you're the big guy. You're the one you're the target exactly I want to pick at a escalate. I always escalate everybody likes a poke to bull But here's the I'm used to that we go back for almost 20 years
Starting point is 00:09:11 So it's this isn't getting me yet. I'm totally cool and fine right now, right? We also had this conversation last year when he was pulling this stuff what she's doing again He's smoking a cigarette in my non smoking suite and he's fucking ashen in on the carpet like it's nobody deal on Intentionally not like he's trying to get a cool guy just smoking blown the smoke and then flip flipping it on the carpet Wow, and I'm just like this motherfucker, but okay, whatever he's wasted. He's up on one So I'm just gonna let it go still let it go and then my host comes up my host is helicool been with him for over four years He takes care of all of us not only do I have like the top suite over here at Atlantis, but then all my buddies that came up with me
Starting point is 00:09:47 all have their rooms comped. So this shit's all on my diamond on these and on my buddy who set this up for us. And he's a cool dude, he's younger, he's our age. And totally knows all the craziness that's going on the room and totally protects us. Make sure to security or no one comes up. He'll call me on my phone if there's any real issues,
Starting point is 00:10:02 like if we're too loud or something crazy. So he's up in the room and he's talking to my cousin, my cousin and him are good friends. They're right here to my left, just right to my side. So I can see him in the corner of my eye, but I'm focused up on the fantasy draft. And remember I said there's all these people here, it's kind of loud.
Starting point is 00:10:15 And all of a sudden I see my host storm out. And it was kind of weird, I was like, that's weird, he doesn't normally do that. You know what I would say by to me. He didn't say by, I just walked out of my room. And I look over to my left and I look at my cousin. My cousin has like this ghost white look on his face. And I'm like, what? He goes, he goes, did you fucking hear that, bro? And I'm like, no, what happened? And at this time, the, the, my buddy who I'm talking about that's acting all crazy
Starting point is 00:10:38 is, you know, has, has moved his way over to the TV and we're all that we're the horrors are at. And he's hanging out, he's hanging out And he's hanging out talking to them, right? And I look at my cousin and I say, what did he say? He says, pro, he just walked over and stuck his finger in Ryan's face and said, you're a fucking faggot. Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:58 And then Ryan, my host, looks at him and was just kind of confused. And then he acted like he was gonna shake his hand and then he took his hand away, turned his back on him, and then looked back, and it was a very, you suck dick, bro. And then Ryan, like obviously probably feeling awkward. He crossed a couple lines there. Oh, a couple lines.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Storms out the room and leaves, and then my cousin's repeating this to me. And I, so that's why you wanted to kill someone. Oh, bro. Yeah, I came on glued. But you know what? I didn't fight him. It was this close to it.
Starting point is 00:11:28 I yelled in the room. I stopped all the noise, shut everybody down, and told him to come sit his ass down. Like the little boy that he is right in front of me because I'm going to talk to him. And he was like, and then I, you know, and of course I'm like, I have a scream on the radio right now. When I screamed at him and everybody like,
Starting point is 00:11:43 fucking stop, dead silence in it. The strippers started cleaning the room all crazy. You're like wiping the counters down. I can't get the trash about the floor. Oh, they just, they just, but you know what? They were all common normal. Like it was crazy. Dude, it was like crazy. All intense, all this testosterone going on.
Starting point is 00:11:57 There's 10 grown men, two of these guys about to rip each other apart, right? And I'm just like, Gale and Chast as him. Tell him he needs to go downstairs, go to my VIP area right away. You ask for Ryan, you apologize, you make this right, or I'm gonna fucking kill you. Bottom line.
Starting point is 00:12:12 You do this now, right? And, okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. And he goes and he leaves. But then he comes back, and after he comes back, he decides to take more shots, which just puts him over the edge. And then he starts talking shit to me.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Oh. And then, and then I just, and then I, I don't even need to go night night. His brother is, yeah. His brother, who's my best friend, is standing up and like, and trying to calm him down because I got up.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I hadn't got up yet. This whole time I'm doing this sitting down and yelling at him and stuff like that. I haven't got out of my chair yet. And now he's got me out of my chair. I'm standing up and it's like, I'm about to go train wreck this fucking kid, you know? And I stand up
Starting point is 00:12:45 and my best friend gets up right away in the between the two of us. And he looks at his brother and he's like, Hey bro, I can't help you on this one. I'm like, my best friend who goes with me, we go all the way back to like I say, we're kids. And afterwards, he looked at me since Brian I've ever seen you that mad before.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And I was like, dude, I haven't been that mad. I said, I can't believe all that much disrespect. And I said, I can, I can put up with you disrespecting me like that. You know what I'm saying? I got along, but yeah, but somebody that's taking care of you guys, somebody that is taking care because you're potentially not only ruining the night and the day for everybody and everybody's situation there and right now, but you're potentially ruining something up, ruining something for me. What's interesting about that story too is this choice of words, which is incredibly inflammatory derogatory word. And this is coming from the guy who was pulling his dick out and waving it at dudes all night long. Yeah. And it's interesting. It was
Starting point is 00:13:35 so mature to me. My buddy Ryan is also married to Freud. He's married. He's he's rock. He's rock and like he's suited and booted with like he's got this purple sick burberry tie And I mean the dude's like he's he's he's on point like and then of course my my red neck best friend's little brother Doesn't know shit about style or clothe or anything like that and because he's wearing some purple Decides to say say some shit like that. I'm just like dude. You know purples my favorite color. It is I swear to God Is it really I it is I could see like a black you know purples my favorite color. It is I swear to God. Is it really I? It is I could see like black purple fucking awesome, bro. I'll get you some purple sneakers. I'll wear purple. I do alone some purple soccer shoes Yeah, I'm good. Prince used to wear purple all time Well, that's a pretty fucked up story. Yeah, I don't like that. I'll tell you what dude. I don't like them
Starting point is 00:14:21 I'm proud of you though for not for not going shit because let me tell you something, dude. I wasn't always like this. I really don't like, actually I've always not liked violence, but I'd get in fights when I was younger. And when I started training with guys who fought like in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and some top MMA guys, you know, I became friends with, I realized how much damage
Starting point is 00:14:45 you could do to somebody in a fight. And now it's like the last, I mean, you'd have to like, you'd have to come at me for me to do something because my fear isn't necessary. My fear really isn't of getting in the fight. My fear is like, okay, if I hit you, what if I really do something bad?
Starting point is 00:15:00 You know what I mean? Because that's more big doom than what's the whole thing. That's my girl is always freaked out of that. She's like, don't fight. I'm like, are you kidding me right now? I'm not going to get in a fight. But if this dude comes over here, he's going to get wrecked right now. And she's like, I'm not worried about what's going to happen to you. I'm worried about you getting mad and doing too much. Yeah. Well, you're a big dude. You can hit somebody and you can really do some damage. What if you, I mean, people have died just getting hit once, hitting the ground and hitting their head. And she, you know, to be honest with you, be honest with you, as much as everybody thought I was probably gonna train
Starting point is 00:15:27 or kill you, I had already in my head, like, because I was so mad and I thought this is gonna happen right now. I was so inferior that I was gonna let him, you got 30 seconds as take everything you got on me right now. You got 30 seconds and I was gonna just let him slug away for like 30 seconds, dude, and then then I'm returning fire.
Starting point is 00:15:43 It's a certain fire. Well, it's damn. Yeah, it was pretty crazy. Everybody, you know, I guess I kept my, I know, I'm tense, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm people like that, I know people like that. And especially when they drink, I don't know what it is about some guys that they just hate themselves. It's like, they're cool. I know plenty of those guys.
Starting point is 00:16:10 It's like they're normal and then they drink and for whatever reason, the outlast. They lash out at everybody. Yeah, it turns them into like major fucking assholes. And I don't know if it's because they're normally such pussies that they can't let out their emotions normally. So then the alcohol, all of sudden just everything just you rubs So there's so restrained just hate themselves. Yeah, so they want to take it out on everybody else
Starting point is 00:16:32 These guys are they were their whole lives. They they got into brawl and fights They were always quick to fight. They're not big dudes They're smaller frame for sure. He's probably about a hundred and seventy pounds tops He's not a big dude at all all of them right. Which that's that's what drives me even more crazy. It's like you know and I know that if this hat were to happen that you I would whoop the shit out of you. I want the shit out of you when we are kids. You could probably hold it. I'm like a hundred pounds heavier. Well, I was just saying you could you could probably hold them down to make a love to him if you wanted to. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Well, and when we were younger, that's what used to
Starting point is 00:17:01 happen. So yeah, when we were younger, whoa, whoa, whoa. They started. That took a left turn. Minus the mic and love part there. Oh, okay. But I would just hold him down when we were younger. You know, I'm saying you talk so much shit and you piss me off.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And I would just, you know, put you in a chokehold and lay on top of you and you can't do anything. But, you know, you give me that mad. And I'm, so this reminds me of an episode idea that I had. Somebody was, I don't remember who I was talking to, somebody was bringing this up. But basically, I'm sure you guys have experienced this,
Starting point is 00:17:29 but I get this sometime from clients too. They'll start getting in shape. Someone comes to me, 30 pounds overweight, 40 pounds overweight. They start to get in shape, they clean up their diet, they start exercising, and then all of a sudden, the people closest to them become like haters. Like they start hating on them. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:47 And I've experienced something very, very similar. So let me tell you what's happened. So since we've started this show, and I don't know what this necessarily means, but since we've started this show, there's people that are close to me that kind of distance themselves to me. And I'm not quite sure, I don't know if they're I have a theory afraid that I'm gonna like just fuck them off And they're just already cutting the ties or if they feel like I've I want to be because we were talking about this And I've experienced a little bit, you know of that myself and it's just so strange because like I
Starting point is 00:18:17 At first I thought it was just because you know I have two boys and and my time is absorbed to be honest I don't even have time for extra curricular stuff right now, so I don't really get but heard about it. But I see myself getting invited to less things like all the time now. And it's just kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:18:36 It's like, what the fuck is this? I have a theory on this. I have a theory on this. What's your theory? Yeah, so. I love it when you're the scientist. This is cool. Well, and I've been when you're the scientist. Yeah, right. This is cool.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Well, you know, I've been dealing with this for a session, you know, the last, I don't know, year and a half or so. And it started for sure with me talking about getting ready to compete and coming from fat to fit. My theory is that everybody loves an underdog. Everybody loves an underdog. Always loves to hear the guy who started off fat and gets fit or the guy trying to build a business and is working on it growing and
Starting point is 00:19:09 nobody heard about it. Now it's a big deal. But here's what happens is everybody loves an underdog and wants to see you work from the bottom up. But then once you kind of start to achieve the success, then people started, then it switches from like this encouragement to jealousy. And it's a really funny transition because that's when you kind of know you're starting to make it, you know? It was like when I was going through the competing, I remember like, you know, first when I started fat
Starting point is 00:19:35 and I was like, oh, this is so cool, you know? Oh, you're doing great, man. Oh, yeah, like cheering me on every month. Every month, they're like, oh, man, so awesome. And all the likes and shares and everybody all, all a fan and happy for you. And then you're like, I'm gonna get into competing. They're like, oh man, so awesome and all the likes and shares and everybody all, all a fan and happy for you. And then you're like, I'm gonna get into competing and they're like, oh wow, that's so cool.
Starting point is 00:19:49 You're gonna go from being the fat guy to competing. And then you get into competing and it's like, oh, it's awesome. And then you work your way to national level and then become a pro. And then also when I became a pro, I was like, oh, are you gonna be one of those guys? Not your a pro.
Starting point is 00:19:58 You all suddenly think you're better than everybody. And it's like, it's like, what the fuck? You know what, why is this different than what three months ago? And you're dead to me. Yeah, I'm like, I in this. That's weird. What the fuck? You know what? Why is this different than what three months ago? When I was in the movie. And you're dead to me. Yeah, I'm like, I guess. Well, there's this old Sicilian saying, and if you, you know, in English, basically what
Starting point is 00:20:13 it means is, everybody wants to see you do well, but nobody wants to see you do better than themselves. Yes, exactly. It's an old saying, and it's very interesting to me. It's like a proverb for sure. Something, and I noticed people close to me, it's like a proverb for sure. Something and I noticed people close to me. It's like they're, you know, and so I can, and it's funny because I haven't really experienced this before,
Starting point is 00:20:31 but I see it with clients when they go to try and get in shape and all of a sudden their friends are trying to feed them shit and come on, eat some more of this and who cares? And don't worry about it, you can miss a workout. Oh, you can calm down. And so I have a similar theory. So I think part of what you're saying is true, but I think there's another part of it
Starting point is 00:20:45 as well. I think that when you are working, when you yourself are friends with someone, and let's say you're both at a shape, let's say you're both overweight, and they start to get in shape, it now challenges you because now you, now there's, it's like this person close to me who has similar challenges to me can do it. It's now making me revisit myself myself and I don't like it. I don't like questioning. It's a very good point who I am and what's going on So it's like if you work with people and you guys are busing you're asking you got friends that are working hard and then they see it Start seeing you make a lot of money all of a sudden to them to like well, fuck, you know What am I not doing? Yeah, and they don't like that so instead instead of questioning themselves, because nobody wants to own shit, nobody owns anything, right?
Starting point is 00:21:26 They wanna blame and everything. So instead of owning it, they're just gonna say something like, he got lucky, or, oh, she got obsessed, or her husband left her, that's why she's losing weight, or she has no life now, that's why she exercises. Yeah, I love that one, the no life. Yeah, no life thing, right?
Starting point is 00:21:42 And so for me, and so I think that's a part of it, but I think what we might wanna do for the listeners is to kind of teach them how to deal with the haters. Because let's be honest here, look, if you're in defendous and you really into it, your goal is to look like not a lot of people. You know, you're gonna walk around looking really fit. You're not the majority anymore.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Not at all. Not the masses. You're at the top. You're part of around looking really fit. You're not the majority anymore. Not at all. Not the masses. You're at the top. You're part of the small percentage. And you don't have to be a pro anything. You just be kind of lean and fit and you stick out. You're out there. You are way out of the ordinary here in America.
Starting point is 00:22:17 That's for sure. Yeah, so we might want to tell. I mean, I'll tell you what, this is, we go, me and my wife will go to functions. We'll go to like school functions with parents and stuff. They watch me whenever they have food and stuff out, they'll watch me to see what I'm about to eat, or I'm not gonna eat.
Starting point is 00:22:32 And then if I don't eat, they'll be like, why don't you have some pizza? So I'll have some pizza. I'm like, no, no, no, I'm cool. And the reason I'm not having pizza is because dairy fucks me up, it's not because I don't want pizza, but they think it's because I can't, I never eat pizza. And so they're always like, come on,
Starting point is 00:22:43 you can have a slice, it's not a big deal. And it's like, it's funny because they're, it's like people want to find, they want to see you fall, they want to see you stumble because then it makes, they're a love's company. And it makes them feel better about themselves. It's like, oh cool, you know, we're all fuck ups. I mean, I don't know how I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:22:59 So how can people deal with these haters? Well, you said it, you said it really well. And I believe this is pretty much true across the board, no matter what situation you're really in, when people hate or talk shit about you, it's always a reflection of themselves. It really is. It's really, if I'm calling you stupid or fat
Starting point is 00:23:19 or names or there seems like that, that is a reflection on something that I'm dealing with, whether it's completely directly related to that, that maybe I feel insecure about my weight and where I'm at, or I feel insecure about my sexuality, or I feel insecure about my success in life right now, whatever, whatever I'm talking shit to you about, that just shows that I've got some sort of insecurity dealing with that. And that's the way I, like when someone is says something like that, and they kind of offend me, like when they're talking, that's the freaking thing with an, oh,
Starting point is 00:23:46 man, this poor guy or this poor girl, like they really have an insecurity with that. Like, they've got an edge, they feel the need to point that out to me. And sometimes, sometimes if somebody continues to go that direction with me, I'll call it right out. And I'll do it with a very calm personality where I'll say, like, hey, man, I'm, I'm sorry that you feel insecure about that. And then of course they get all even more defensive. Like, Instagram, what are you talking about? You're the weirdo that does these.
Starting point is 00:24:10 So that, well, obviously, if you find the need to point out something like that about my life, it actually shows a reflection of something going on in your life. So, I hope you're doing all right. If you need anything from me and you just spit it on him, bro. Well, I've seen people get, you know, tripped up by it,
Starting point is 00:24:24 you know, and for myself personally, I'll tell you something right now, haters, they irritate me, but they drive me. Like when I have people hating on me, in my head, I'm just thinking, motherfucker, as soon as I leave this wherever I'm at, I'm gonna go grind even harder, because I'm gonna prove you wrong, all right?
Starting point is 00:24:40 Yeah, they just turn into targets, basically. Completely. Yeah, anybody that says something, and it's not like I hold grudges either because like for me It's always been about what I'm doing how I can better myself like what's gonna get me ahead in life and Every day how can I how can I like look at myself and like? You know, what can I do better and if and like, what can I do better? And if somebody's gonna like bring me down to a negativity or say something that's gonna like, make me feel bad or whatever,
Starting point is 00:25:14 I honestly will remember that, and I'll remember their face or remember the time or something like that, and then I'll just remember that. And that becomes the driver. That becomes the thing, Yeah, that becomes the driver It could be some something somebody said, you know like oh, yeah, oh, you're gonna do that. Oh cool Yeah, it's like a real snarky, you know like a real like sarcastic kind of comment and Forever I'm sorry, but you just burn that shit into my brain and I'm gonna conquer you
Starting point is 00:25:41 Yeah, I love that. I'm gonna fucking stop on you. Well, I think and I'm gonna conquer you. I love that. And I'm gonna fucking stop on you. Well, I think that's a little added to it. Yeah, I'm gonna conquer. And I'm gonna stop on you. Well, I think if you're focused on a goal, if you have a goal, whether it be fitness, business,
Starting point is 00:25:54 life, whatever, and that goal is really important to you, you have to be prepared for things that, unintended things that you don't necessarily think are gonna happen. You know, you're bettering yourself, and so you think everything's gonna be better. Unfortunately, a lot of times you lose friends. You know, there's people that you no longer wanna hang out with anymore because they were either enablers or because they themselves now that you've seen the light and all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:26:20 you're working hard and you're no longer a lazy ass or whatever. These people you hung out with that were degenerates, now you're like, I don't have anything in common with you. Oh, yeah. So be prepared for that. You have to be okay with parting ways. And I'm dealing with that a little bit myself. It's hard to do because you like a comfort zone.
Starting point is 00:26:39 You like a history comfort zone that, you know, you share this common bond and you can always reflect on that. But like, it's just inevitably happens where if you're pressing so hard to move forward and you're just doing that all by yourself and it's all your own internal motivation and energy that you're putting into it.
Starting point is 00:27:01 It can be lonely. It's lonely and guess what? Like you're by yourself and you're putting into it. It can be lonely. It's lonely, and guess what? You're by yourself, and you're gonna find a whole new level that's waiting for you, but some people aren't gonna be able to catch up to you. And that's just the nature of it. This kind of reminds me of an episode that we talked about a long time ago, that this is something that's very, very close to home for me,
Starting point is 00:27:23 because I've lost several best friends in the last five years. And a lot of that, it's hard because it, part of it, eats me away because I'm like, oh, man, I lost another really good friend who, or someone who I would consider a really good friend. But, part of why my circle, I feel like, continues to get smaller and smaller. And I'm a lot harder about letting somebody in. I've realized that I've gotten older, the qualities that I want in another male friend that I require now.
Starting point is 00:27:53 One of those being, I want somebody who is going to lift me up. That may sound silly to somebody who's in their early 20s. I want a buddy who's fun, is going to do this and do that. I got lots of fun buddies. I got lots of buddies that want to go out and have a great time and this and that. I don't need anymore tough guys in my circle. Yeah, right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:11 You know, I don't need any more bad asses or someone who's gonna make me laugh all the time. Like, you know what I want for a friend? Is I want a friend that challenges me and makes me a better me. And when I'm successful that I can celebrate that success with them and he's truly grateful and happy for me for being successful. And vice versa, like that's a very
Starting point is 00:28:31 healthy dynamic and friendship. And the more you continue to grow yourself and you start to realize that not a lot of people are very self-aware. Very few people are self-aware and realize how important it is for personal growth and it continue to grow themselves. A lot of people think that growth is just like maybe reading more books or educating themselves further but working on yourself is huge and I can always tell by another man or even a woman that has a lot of self-awareness and is truly trying to be a better person day in and day out. You know, I'm so glad you said that because I find myself more recently, I'd say over the last five to maybe seven to five years, where are the friends that I have?
Starting point is 00:29:14 And I'm very close to these people. It sounds like, and if you're listening right now, you're thinking, oh, you're just trying to find somebody that you'll benefit from. Not, no, it's not. It's because you have particular goals and you end up finding a connection with people that mentor you. Let me explain what I mean. Because I have lots of mentors
Starting point is 00:29:31 and they don't know that they're my mentors. These are people that I'm friends with that I find something about them fascinating and I wanna learn from it. I don't tell them, hey, you're my mentor. I'm gonna, it's just something about them that I find fascinating, something I can learn from. I'll give you an example. I had a really, really good friend.
Starting point is 00:29:46 He moved now, but he lived in the area for a while. One of my very, very good friends, his name is Bav. And he's English, he was from England, but Indian immigrant. And this guy is probably the most charismatic person I've ever met in my entire life. You could go into any room, and within two seconds, everybody's friends with them. And I've never met anybody entire life. You could go into any room and within two seconds, everybody's friends with them.
Starting point is 00:30:06 And I've never met anybody quite like this guy. I can go into a room and I can work a room. This guy blows me away. And so I would go out with this guy and he would mentor me without even realizing, I would watch and see how he was able to connect with so many people in a room. And it didn't matter where we were.
Starting point is 00:30:22 He could do it with wealthy people, with lower classes, upper classes, educated, uneducated. Anywhere we went, this guy made friends, old, young, whatever. And I paid attention, I watched what he did. So we became very, very close friends, but the whole time, he didn't realize that he was teaching me quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:30:41 And I did learn a lot about communication from this guy. And so now, and a lot of my friends of the last five to seven years were like this, where I found something about them that just, very fascinating. That's how I got that connection with them, and then they mentored me as a result. And I learned from it. And those are the kind of people you kind of want to hang around with. And if you're growing, like Adam was saying, if you're working on internal growth, a lot of times you outgrow the people you were with.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Absolutely. And it's sad, it's lonely, but you gotta accept it. Otherwise, you don't go anywhere. Yeah. You know, what do they say to people who are trying to, you know, like stop drinking alcohol, right? You're probably not gonna go, you can't go out with your alcoholic friends anymore.
Starting point is 00:31:20 You know, that's an extreme case, but it's very, very tough. Yeah, it's very tough. It's very tough. And then they rip off. And the better you do, the better you do, the's an extreme case, but it's very, very tough. Yeah. It's very, and then they'd rip off. And the better you do, the better you do, the more successful you are, the more haters you're going to get. It's just the way it is.
Starting point is 00:31:32 So it's like, what do they say? If you've got haters, you're doing something right. You know, it's just the way it is. And those friends within those circle that, you know, and I hate it or maybe you're strong word, but maybe you don't think of your best friend or one of your good friends as technically a hater, but you'll start to notice their true colors come out as you become successful too. And a really good friend, like I said, they're going to be encouraging and truly happy for you. And you could tell, and I mean, you're everybody, everybody listening,
Starting point is 00:31:59 you're either in denial about it or you just, you, you see it and you just haven't done anything about it, but you know you can feel when someone is genuinely happy for you and encouraging you versus a superficial fake happy for you. And that's a big deal. Somebody might just brush that on the rug and just pick, oh yeah, I know that's my girlfriend. That's my buddy. He's always not, you know, I can't ever really talk about business with this and that because he gets jealous or there's that's not a good friend to have around. Because you're gonna continue to progress if you're somebody who's successful or trying to become successful
Starting point is 00:32:30 and you need to be surrounding yourself with other people that are like-minded, as successful or more successful in you. And when I say success, it doesn't always translate into dollar amount. Like I said, it could be person. Whatever your definition of success is. Yeah, it could be, it could be,
Starting point is 00:32:41 it could be somebody with personal growth, or like with sales sets, somebody who has this unbelievable chrismatic personality that you just are so fascinated. But I'm the same, I am the exact same way I touch myself to people that I find extremely talented in areas that either one, I already think I'm pretty talented and they're even more beyond talented that I am. And I'm fascinated by that. I see that I go like, God,
Starting point is 00:33:03 what is he doing or that I'm not doing to be that charismatic or that smoother, that good at what he does? I wanna attach myself to that person. I wanna learn and I wanna grow. And then maybe if it's a mutual relationship, he gets something from me. So very, very important, I think, to growing successful and continue to be successful.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Well, I'll tell you what, I've got friends. I've been family. So so my best, best friends are my cousins, we grew up together. We're family, but we're, you know, like anything else, you know, if you have close friends or like family also. You know, it's interesting, when I see them succeed, I feel zero jealousy, but what I do do is I want to learn from what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:33:41 And this is different now. You might have a friend that sees you successful in doing something and they might ask you how you're doing it and be genuinely interested in kind of learning from you. That's a good person, not because they're following you but because there's no jealousy there. They just want to know, you know how you know when someone's jealous, when you're doing something
Starting point is 00:33:58 that they want to do, but they don't ask you about it. Like they want to lose weight. You're getting... They brush it off and they'll change the subject. Yeah, I don't care what you're doing. And it's because they have their haters. And there's more haters than there are not. And it's very, very sad.
Starting point is 00:34:14 You know, it's funny, Adam, before me and you ever met, the one thing I knew about you that people used to say we both had in common was that, you know, you, from what people would tell me, is you would try, when people wanted to learn from you, you know, you, from what people would tell me, is you would try, when people wanted to learn from you, you were very open to teach. You would spend your time with them and show them with no monetary gain or anything like that, right? And a lot of people like that, if you find someone that's successful, that's doing well, and you want
Starting point is 00:34:37 to learn from them, I just ask them, you know, hating doesn't really get you anywhere. Even, look, even us, even us who a lot of times will hate on people jokingly, we always, if they're doing something well, like look, we'll talk about shreds, right? We hate on shreds all day long, but at the end of the day, what do we always say? Oh shit. They're marketing right, they're doing something right.
Starting point is 00:34:55 I would be the first person to say, I'd love to sit down and have a lunch with Arvin. You know, I'm saying the guy who created it or the CEO of shreds, because, you know, regardless if I'm not a fan of your product, regardless if I don't like how you do things They're doing something different. Yeah, I've got a reason yeah mad respect for somebody who's successful Yeah, you can't hate the business
Starting point is 00:35:13 Yeah, you know in the effort and the sweat it takes to build something like that. It's ridiculous Absolutely, dude. I've 100% full that way and you know South talks about You know that there's a reason why I am like that. I felt like when I was when I was coming up and I had a very similar person. I had this from a very very young age. So a lot of times when people ask me, you know, if you could pick one thing that you attribute your success to what would it be? And, you know, at a very early age, I learned that I should attach myself to other successful people. And I was not afraid to ask questions. I was not afraid to be humble and admit
Starting point is 00:35:47 that you know more than I know, even if it was a field that I'm supposed to be really smart at, I'm the first one to ask her question about fitness, even though I'm supposed to know all this stuff in fitness, I'll still ask questions because it's how you grow and learn. So I did that a lot and there was a lot of times
Starting point is 00:36:01 I ran into some people that were successful and then would because maybe we were really close And I'm still asking questions and like maybe in success They would shun me out or they wouldn't you know open up to me or share with me Or they blow me off and like I really hurt my feelings because I was like man I'm not asking you these questions so I can be better than you like I want to be better as a person You know a better as a trainer and you know that's frustrating that. And you have other gifts that you could give them, right? As far as like how they could learn
Starting point is 00:36:29 and, you know, achieve more personally. So it's just like, yeah, it's this thing that people, I don't really understand it at all with being shut off from other people that are successful. Like how are you ever gonna advance like without networking properly with people that are doing things the right way. And I mean, if you're just going to learn everything yourself, you know, good luck. You know what, that those same people though, I mean, and I'm talking, I had a few in my
Starting point is 00:36:56 head right now because they made impressions on me when I was younger. We are far beyond any of them. And I knew that. I knew that would happen because I saw that in them already, that like, wow, you find this is something competitive and you have it, you feel threatened and you don't want to share with me. And then I made a promise myself, I will never be that way. No matter how successful I am,
Starting point is 00:37:14 if there's somebody who's coming up and they want time for me and it's related to fitness and they need help and they will, I will stay after work, I will spend time with them and I just, I wish that everybody did that for me when I was growing up. And I didn't get that all the time. And so I always made that promise to myself
Starting point is 00:37:30 that anytime somebody wanted knowledge or wanted help when it came to things like that that I would always, I'd always been there here. For sure, Zigg Ziggler quote, something like, if you get as many people as you can to get what they want and then you'll get what you want, that's very, very true. Like, you help enough people, you can to get what they want and then you'll get what you want. That's very, very true. You help enough people do better themselves.
Starting point is 00:37:49 You raises you up as a result. It raises you up. So you know, this reminded me of, this is pretty funny. So I have younger cousins and younger brother and they're, let's see, how much younger? They're about seven years, six, seven years younger than me. And I've been married for a long time, but I'd go out with these guys.
Starting point is 00:38:03 And these guys at one point were all single. Now they've got some of them got girlfriends, but before they were all single, and I'd go out with them and I've been married for a long time, but I'd go out with these guys, and these guys at one point were all single. Now they've got some of them got girlfriends, but before they were all single, and I'd go out with them, and I'd watch them try to pick up on women in the bars and clubs. Funniest shit you've ever seen your life because these guys were young, and they would just cock block each other
Starting point is 00:38:19 all fucking day long. Like they were hating on each other. So one guy would talk to a chick, they'd go come in and try and cock, block, and pull her. And at the end of the night, nobody gets itty. Nobody got anything. And so me and my other cousin who, you know, also got married young, we'd sit down with
Starting point is 00:38:33 them when we talk to him, say, guys, if you guys try, you will get, you will get, excuse me, but if you try to get your buddy laid, you'll get laid. Like if you guys try to help each other out, and don't worry about yourself, everybody's gonna have a good time. That's true. And I remember the day clicked when we were all out, and then they started kind of helping each other. So you'd be talking to a girl,
Starting point is 00:38:53 I'd walk up and I would pump you up to her. Like, oh this guy, you know, and I wouldn't say nothing about me. First time they did that, it was beautiful. I mean, everybody brought, and they told you about it as well. When we were all over the island. Yeah, exactly. Well, let's be honest. It reminds me of that.
Starting point is 00:39:09 It's like you try to hate out other people. You're not going to get. Don't talk about the conda. Let's be honest. We have we have tons of women listeners. If there's women listening right now, think of what's more attractive. You see a guy's two guys fighting over you. And you're a beautiful attractive woman. And you see that total turn off for most women. But I see a guy comes up attractive guy comes up to this attractive girl. And you're a beautiful attractive woman. And you see that total turnoff for most women. But a see a guy comes up, a attractive guy comes up to this attractive girl and you start talking to her. And instead of like hitting on her aggressively, you're talking about your good buddy.
Starting point is 00:39:32 And you're talking about all the great qualities about them to show that humility is such an attractive quality for most women, especially when they know they're a beautiful woman. They know most guys they approach like that. Their intention is gonna hit on. I see a girl smart. She's like, you're supposed to give your approach in an atmosphere like that their intention is gonna head on I see it a girl smart She's a coming you're supposed to give your approaching in an atmosphere like that in the bar the gym
Starting point is 00:39:49 The season's guy B line and so it's a great approach. Oh, it is I mean I knew the wizard would come out with We haven't had we hadn't had a good wizard story in a while. I want to come back to it No, no that's that absolutely you say I I mean I have buddies that we used to intentionally do that for sure. We would set that up where, you know, hey, you tell me who you like, I like it. Right. And then he's going to talk to the girl. I like, I'm going to talk to the girl.
Starting point is 00:40:15 You know what I'm saying? You're right. So just make up personas. Just the other guy. Bro, I totally did. Dolphin trainer. I like a Scottish accent. I, you know, I'm more and more,
Starting point is 00:40:26 the more and more we have episodes where the wizard comes out, the more and more I realize that a bar represents life. Yeah. Like everything, everything in there, you know, like haters, cock block, you know, but it's all, it all, it all, it all, it makes perfect.
Starting point is 00:40:39 We need to do like a scientific study on this, like a documentary, go into a club and just apply that. Let's take some shots of knowledge. Well, what do you think? There's a lot of moving parts and stuff going on inside of. Yeah, inside. There's a lot of energy that needs to be transferred to a certain place.
Starting point is 00:40:54 A lot of people there for different intentions and stuff like that too, you know that. And I think it takes a really intelligent person to walk into a club or a bar scene and to be able to have it figured out. Yeah, to figure it out. Like I always tell people like, you're going to pick up on the, you go, you see these group of here's a, here's a little note for you guys to go out to clubs, trying to pick up girls. If you go to a club and you see, you know, five hot chicks and they are
Starting point is 00:41:16 just, they're out. It's Saturday night or what that and they're just dancing with each other. Just the five girls have it and they're hot and they're having a great time. Don't talk to them. Exactly. They don't even fuck with them. They are not there to dance with your ass. They're just they just want to dance. They just want to dance and they want to have fun with their stuff. They do not want to see your goofy ass come up and check is you know what they're they're going to turn you down.
Starting point is 00:41:35 They're going to talk shit about you. I don't care how smooth you think you are. No, now you go to the bar on Tuesday night and there's a girl drinking at the bar by herself. She's ready. That's already closed. Probably there's, you pretty much. Hopefully you get it before she's a little. Yeah. I mean, obviously she's there for a reason on Tuesday night having drinks. And I mean, the best thing you possibly do is just have good conversation with her. And you're probably going to do pretty well. So, you know, knowing your surroundings, it's pretty smart. So, and I think a lot of guys don't have that
Starting point is 00:42:06 social awareness to be able to see that and go like, you know, oh, wisdom. It's wisdom. If we could just end every episode with like some wizardly wisdom. We would have to. We would have to. I think we would, I think we would blow up so fast.
Starting point is 00:42:21 I'll try, but my poor girl, she always gets on to me like that, can we keep it easy on her? Because I get on the way up. She's putting'll try with my poor girl. She always gets on to me like that. Can we keep it easy on her? Because I get on the way out. She's putting in a book and over with me. I know. I won't wait for her out today. Am I a girl?
Starting point is 00:42:31 Can we start pressing Adam to write a book? Can we tone down the office and sex today? Or like that? All right, babe. I'll do this. Oh, yeah. Don't forget, before we leave here, rate us and leave reviews on iTunes. Get our rankings up so we can get more listeners.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Yeah, and we appreciate you guys doing a little shout outs to other podcasts. Oh yeah, we love you. Yeah, so that's been awesome. We love you. For sure, I guarantee I'll make Doug give you a sure too if you find a way to put three cocks in the review, just saying.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Yeah. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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