Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 140: Reversing Metabolic Damage

Episode Date: August 31, 2015

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin discuss how to reverse metabolic damage....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, pop, mind, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Are you sure with those shitty headphones on? You know what? You know, your brand new shitty headphones?
Starting point is 00:00:21 They're skull candy, bro, they're good. Why did you have to put the brand on? I always think I'm addicted to that. They're always candy, bro, they're good. See, why did you have to put the bread on? I always think I'm a dick. There was like, oh, it's go-kid. The only people that are gonna think you're a dick are the ones that are very think. Yeah, it's good point. Very good point.
Starting point is 00:00:32 And you know what, though, here's a thing. We remember we did the stats on it, Justin. What was it, 72.7%? 72? Yeah, I think. So I like you. So I like you. I like 25% of you.
Starting point is 00:00:42 So, Sal, this is, just goes, this is so, you know, we talked earlier at, I mean, in previous episodes about, you know, if we were stupid, stupid rich that we would not, you know, spend money. Sal would go and what we were going to do is start nonprofits and travel, seize, and have all these teachers come to his house, but he wouldn't drop by a fucking Lamborghini. So it's obvious because the guy could definitely afford a nice pair of headphones. We do fucking record what a professional studio and everything that but he goes out and spends $40 on a pair of fucking skull candy. You know what though? They work all right. I can hear everything. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I don't need $500. I don't need $500. I'm fine man. I don't need $500 fucking headphones just because Dr. Dre put his name on him. You know what I'm saying? It matters. He's a good guy by the way. I heard he's a good guy. I heard he's the man. He's only hit like four women.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Yeah, well he's a great person. Definitely want to spend money on him. I'm gonna apologize to all the bitches. Yeah, I definitely want to spend money on his products. Hey bro. Don't even get me started with media. I like I like to listen to Chris Brown on my beats head folks. Oh man. Oh, Irony. That way you can tell us your show. You can tell us go. Hey, honey, you want some beats? All right. You have no business going off a tabloid bullshit, especially when a sub you're like that. You know how that is.
Starting point is 00:02:12 It's just not. It's just fun. We both know you are not well read and hip hop for sure. No, no. You totally just said, you know, Chris Brown's probably a fucking listener. Now he's not listening to my pump anymore. You just totally finished. You know what, I really don't care. care actually if he doesn't listen anymore. I really don't care. No
Starting point is 00:02:31 No, I don't like his music either you don't do did you guys see the love the way he dances? Yeah, he does dance But did you see that that press conference with the boxers fuck what's that what's the guy's name? Mayweather? Sugar. Oh, sugar. Oh, sugar, sugar, sugar. Sugar. And was it Mayorga? It has come back.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Okay. Did you see? Did you guys see the press conference? What happened? No, I didn't. Without you even telling me, I can give you a guess just to show you that this is just trying to promote. Dude, he's coming out of retirement. Oh, yeah, go ahead. Let's see if you can guess. I guarantee they started a bunch of fucking drama and stuff like that to make it sound all
Starting point is 00:03:04 crazy. Like it's's gonna be a fight So that's what that police is old. He's old. Bro. He's done. No, that's not what happened. What happened to me? So show they're doing the press conference right there. They're like standing there looking at each other whatever Sugar Shane Mosley's girlfriend is there She this is I you can see this shit online She bends over to like grab something because they're moving and fucking me or gas banks her in the ass dude No way right and come on bro totally staged right in front of that's what I'm saying dude come on I think that was stage a new level right dude you and I are gonna fight bro
Starting point is 00:03:37 You and I are gonna fight and your wife bends over in front of me. I just fucking smacks macro ass dude come on There's no way we don't even plan that. Hell yes they did. Dude, I saw that and I was like, wow. But I mean, it just goes to show how well that stuff works. I mean, that to me, that is like great marketing. It's gonna get all kinds of fire and attention.
Starting point is 00:03:58 It's the one thing, to me, I love a fight, which I think everybody does, whether it be boxing MMA, where there is some real animosity. But to me, I can always tell the difference between like a real real animosity between two fighters versus the two guys that decided let's promote this fight. You know what I'm saying? Like, that's what a lot of these guys do.
Starting point is 00:04:17 It is pretty brilliant. If it's planned, it's pretty brilliant. Yeah. Because it did get me heated. No, because I saw that and I was like, oh, that's like, oh, this guy. You know, it's the new thing to do now, because people are real, especially with social media
Starting point is 00:04:28 and the things get shared. It's like, you know, that, I wouldn't even watch that fight, but now I'm interested in watching that fight. Because you're right. I feel like such a fucking idiot, you guys. I fell for it. You're not an idiot, I mean, no, it's, yeah, it's, it's, it's why everybody needs a wizard.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Yeah, everybody needs a wizard because that, otherwise you fall for shit. Yeah, dude, it hits yeah, it's why everybody needs a wizard. Yeah, everybody needs a wizard because then otherwise you fall for shit. Yeah, dude, it hits that primal thing. You're like, no, he spacked my wife. I would kill that motherfucker. Oh, dude, I would, I would have murdered him right there. I would have lost the, I wouldn't care.
Starting point is 00:04:59 And that's how you know it's cause you, let's, I mean, if you that really did go down like that, dude. Yeah, cause he kind of reached first, because what's his name? Mostly kind of reached for his neck and then they pulled them off, but he didn't like lose his shit. He didn't like lose his mind. Yeah, dude. So afterwards his girlfriend's like, you better beat him, you better kick his ass.
Starting point is 00:05:14 And he's like, I will, honey, I will. I got this, honey. I got this. I got it. I got it. You sell almost. Oh. Here's, I think one of the, one of the most brilliant, you guys almost. Here's I think one of the most brilliant.
Starting point is 00:05:25 You guys ever watched the 24 or seven leading up to fights? And you know who started that Oscar De La Jolla started that. Yeah, I remember that. That was one of the, that saved boxing in my opinion. I have super interesting. I have, I have watched, I have purchased at least 10 fights that I would never have watched. Just because I watched it.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Basically a commercial hype it up. It's a long commercial. Yeah, it's a long commercial and you get so into their training and the shit talking, going back and forth up in the training camp, you're like, I gotta see this baby. Well, dude, I've got a chance. Yeah, you guys remember John Jones and like DC, like when when John Jones was in the other room, I think it was in the ESPN studio or whatever. And like, and the mics were,
Starting point is 00:06:09 quote unquote, turned off. And then the camera's still running, you know, and all the stuff. He's like, you, how fucking kill you? And all the stuff, like back and forth, they're just like, you know, the best shit talking they've ever heard. Check out this leaked video.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Yeah, and that's just it. That's where it's going, you know, and I don't know. It's, to me, it kind of ruins it a little bit, but I mean, I guess if it, if it, if it pulls you and gets you to watch the fight and you have a great time watching the fight, then who cares, right? Well, look, it's entertains like WWF, right? It is. It totally is.
Starting point is 00:06:38 You know, everybody, it's kind of fun to watch your shit talking. You have to be emotionally connected. Yeah, right. Even though, even though WWE and W and whatever, it's no longer WF, I'm calling it what I watched it when it was WF World Wildlife Federation. No world wrestling center. I know, obviously. Of course. Come on. That's the real name, dude. It's the original name, right? So those guys, you
Starting point is 00:06:58 know, if you're a huge fan, which people, there's fucking more wrestling fans and there are football fans, you know, you know know it's fake, but you respect the athlete and the entertainment value of it. So I guess maybe it's kind of the same thing. But then in your Rick Flair's who can talk, awesome shit. Oh, it's so good. You know, though, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I think there's a good debate in this actually. It's maybe we're transitioning into a mind pump talker, not even realizing it. Is that never happened? No, no, no. I mean, don't you think that it kind of degrades the sport a little bit? Because I think most fighters would even tell you too that there's a respect level. You competed at doing judo and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And even though it's a physical thing that you're doing with another man that you're competing against, you don't want disrespect or you don't want to make him feel it. I mean, you both are giving it your A game. Well, the very, it's like you shake hands and you move on like there's a sportsmanship of it. Well, here's why I like fighting sports so much and I always have, I don't like violence and people think that's funny when I say that
Starting point is 00:08:00 because I like fight sports so much. But if you think about it, there's an automatic level of respect when you agree to any set number of rules to fight someone. You're automatically showing respect. I'm automatically agreeing, it's honor, right? It's the old world honor. I'm automatically agreeing that I'm not going to kick you in the nuts.
Starting point is 00:08:20 You're gonna buy a code instead of just screwing in. Yeah, I'm not gonna bite you. I'm not gonna poke you in the eyeball. You're, we've already agreed that we're gonna try beating the shit out of each other, but there's a set number of rules and there's a guy in there that we have to listen to the referee and that kind of honor in something that's so primal to me, I find absolutely fascinating.
Starting point is 00:08:39 It's the incredible dichotomy of human behavior where we take our primal instincts that are just, you know, because we are animals, people. Yeah, we revisit our animal nature. 100%. But then we apply these rules to it to make it more of an intelligent, honorable type of thing. When in reality, we're trying to fight each other. We're just trying to, you know, I'm trying to hurt you, you're trying to hurt me.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Right. But we've agreed to these rules. So that's one of the things I find fascinating about. And personally, for me, I enjoy watching fights when two fighters don't hate each other, but when they respect each other and then when they're incredibly competitive against each other, you know, when you see the fights where like, who was it? Iceman, Chuck Lidell against that Randy Cotor. Oh, yeah, great fight. You know, they they respected each other, but hell no was neither one of them gonna let the other guy try and win. Yeah, and each guy's trying to impose his will on his style. So it's just these two incredible people with lots of honor
Starting point is 00:09:32 and respect for each other. Going at it to me, that's more exciting than watching two guys who hate each other. If I want to watch two guys who hate each other, you know, go to go on a fight. Go down to the local bar. I'll go to yeah, I I'll go watch some fucking, I'll watch some shitheads go throw down and, you know, just watch Jerry Springer. Yeah, stupid. Yeah, stupid. We should probably talk about fitness at some point. Oh, this is a fitness show, isn't it? Yeah, it is. You know, if you're tuning in for the first time, this is a fitness show. This is a fitness show. Welcome to Mind Pump, where we talk about nothing for the first 10 minutes. Do, um, I think we should revisit a subject. We've touched upon a few times,
Starting point is 00:10:06 but we get a lot of questions on in both the forum. I get questions on Instagram. I've seen some on yours, Adam, in regards to metabolic damage. Oh, you know. Good topic. Yeah, I think it's a great topic because I think it's. It's one we'll probably have to revisit several times,
Starting point is 00:10:24 I imagine. We will because it's common, it's super common. And if you don't, if you can't identify some of the signs of being in metabolic damage, and by the way, metabolic damage is also known as, or you'll heal people, heal people called adrenal fatigue, might be another term for it. What are some of the signs and symptoms,
Starting point is 00:10:43 and what can you do to remedy the situation and why is it so difficult to get out of for people? Let's talk about some of those signs and symptoms. What do you see in people? What do you guys see in people where you say, okay, they might have some metabolic damage going on. Well, one of the first signs I know right away is when I have a client that I take on that regardless of their weight and size, if they are significantly under-eating and they're still struggling to lose weight. I mean, it's really obvious when someone who's 200 pounds and they're, you know, 30, 40 pounds overweight and they're only eating 1800 calories or less and their body is not moving. It's not, you're not losing any weight.
Starting point is 00:11:25 I mean, just based off their weight alone, how much muscle and fat they have on their body and how much nutrients is needed to sustain that alone. If they are significantly underfeeding that and still not losing weight, then more than likely, they've completely slowed their metabolism down. So that's a big indicator. Yeah, just energy in general, too.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I mean, that's something I noticed. And this passionate drive to like keep hammering away, like especially cardio is like always a big issue that people come in and the answer is like, it goes back to that answer of cardio is going to get me in better shape. And I have to really be strict and just hammer on that like completely. And they just never really allow for that pure recovery to happen.
Starting point is 00:12:12 They're always filling in all the gaps. And unfortunately, it's a great, it's great to kind of revert, if you have like an addictive personality, it's great to kind of divert that into something healthy, right? That's always like the case. However, you know, addictive personality, it's great to kind of divert that into something healthy, right? That's always like the case. However, addictive things like getting into cardiovascular, like weight training and never allowing for proper recovery, I mean, that can be a real issue.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And this is something that we have to address. Well, I know it. I mean, I see it quite a bit. Here's some of the symptoms, by the the way that you might want to identify yourself Okay, excessive daily fatigue, okay, so you exercise a lot you eat really good But you're freaking just exhausted no every day And you want to take a nap and you can't figure out why you're getting eight hours of sleep But you still you're feel tired
Starting point is 00:13:02 Lola Bito is another one sleep, but you still, you're feel tired. Low libido is another one. If your body is not healthy, one of the first things to go to disappear is your libido, because your body does not want to reproduce. If it thinks you're in a state that's not healthy, or you're in an environment where you can't support a human being, you know, producing another human being. Moved swings or depressed mood as another one. Anxiety is another one. Cold hot temperatures. So if you find yourself being cold when you shouldn't be, even hot flashes are another example.
Starting point is 00:13:36 But I find cold as another one, as a big one, where people's hands will be cold, their feet will be cold, even though it's, you know, 80-something degrees outside. Ain't no leakage. That's, no, that's the other thing. That's the other thing that you that you had. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:49 You still using that cream? Yeah. Is it working? Um, that's we got a cleanest. You had them. He was he was sounding too much like a commercial I had to throw him off. Yeah. You like right?
Starting point is 00:14:02 So like one of those commercials all the side effects. If you're feeling this nausea, do you have this? Yeah. Yeah. If you're exercising a lot, eating a little bit, and your body simply is not progressing. And by the way, we've all heard the term starvation mode when the fitness industry tries to sell you on,
Starting point is 00:14:21 you know, eating their protein bars and powders and don't go into starvation mode. Here's the thing, here's what real starvation mode looks like. It actually looks more like metabolic damage. The body can adapt in pretty dramatic ways and it will hold on. It will hold on to body fat if it feels like you're in
Starting point is 00:14:39 an uncompromised state and it, excuse me, a compromised state in a state where you're not an optimal health. And so the way that people try to fix this is they try to work out more. They try to work out harder. They try to reduce even more. And I'll get clients that'll come to me
Starting point is 00:14:53 that'll say things like, you know, I only eat 1400 calories a day. And when I go over by a couple hundred calories, I gain three, four pounds right away. Or, you know, I work out every single day. I do Pilates, I do yoga, I do lift weights, I run four miles a week, and I just feel horrible, and I can't figure out why my body is not responding. Your body is trying to hold on, and you're trying to fight your body.
Starting point is 00:15:14 We've said this before. If you fight your body, if you're trying to fight your body to get loose, you will get a fucking loose, your body is in a win, I promise you. And eventually you'll get sick. I've even seen clients get stress fractures from constantly running, constantly pushing themselves and running more and more and more trying to get leaner and the body just breaks down and they'll get a stress fracture. Well, being that exercises of stress and everything else, do you see also just the mental stress and workload and everything else from
Starting point is 00:15:46 because a lot of the similar symptoms and effects like I noticed with people that are like way overworked in their job. Oh yeah that's a definite yeah. Most common for sure. Yeah so that's I mean and then that and then they try and and feel like I have to get healthy by by hammering my body in the gym and then also restricting my calories and it's just like, holy shit, that's amount of stress that you're putting on your body. You know, it's funny. In terms of like the competitive,
Starting point is 00:16:12 people who compete and present their physics on stage and they'll diet for 12 weeks and get really shredded, they put themselves in metabolic damage while they're in their pre-contest to get on stage. But a lot of them are smart enough to know that they only do that two times a year. Adam, how many competitors have you see compete one after another after another, and then find that they can't come in condition anymore? It's very common when they hit their fourth show or so in the year.
Starting point is 00:16:41 They're getting worse. They're regressing because their body's not as responsive as it was. And that's what, it's crazy to me when I see it happen because it's so obvious to me, but even these pros going after it, they just don't get it. It's like, dude, you're, you're writing the same formula for this body every single time. It's adapted, it's figuring it out. It's becoming efficient. So just because you think two hours of cardio and 900 calories did it for your first show
Starting point is 00:17:04 and kind of did it for your second and kind of did for third, it's definitely not doing it for the fourth, it's getting adapted. So yeah, I would say in athletes, and in what Justin just said, are probably at least in my experience, 90% of the people that have metabolic damage. If you're fat and you're lazy,
Starting point is 00:17:24 you're probably just fat and lazy, you're probably just fat and lazy. You're probably not metabolic damage. It's probably not you. If you sit on the couch all day and you eat McDonald's, if you're like, I walk 30 minutes on Mondays, and I can't lose 30 pounds, and I stopped eating a large french fry now,
Starting point is 00:17:37 I have a medium. So if you're, yeah, exactly. That's not metabolic damage. If you're in the drive-through right now and you're listening to us, this is probably not you that we're talking about right now. So, but it is very common with competitors, If you're in the drive-through right now and you're listening to us, this is probably not you that we're talking about right now
Starting point is 00:17:55 But it is very common with at competitors like what Sal was just mentioning and what Sal and what Justin said about which is probably the average person that I get the most is you know your your male female CEO manager, entrepreneur, fucking seven day a week or work guy or girl, and they pretty much, they live their life full throttle. They work crazy hours, they're killers, they're grinders, and then they come in the gym, and when they hit the gym, they don't mess around, they kill it in the gym too, and they understand the whole, they get the science of law, law, thermodynamics and calories in versus calories. That's all they focus on. Exactly., law, thermodynamics and calories in versus calories.
Starting point is 00:18:25 That's all they focus on. Exactly. And they know what's bad food and good food. And that's exactly all they focus on is sticking with good food, staying lower calories, push as hard as I can. And that's kind of the extent of their, their expertise or knowledge in the field, but they, unfortunately, it's not that easy. And it's especially not that easy as we get progressing get older, because as we get older,
Starting point is 00:18:46 we deal with even other issues with hormonal levels and getting in there. Like you said, with stress factors and release chords on the body, things like that are going to affect somebody's metabolism already naturally. And then on top of that, if you've been yo-yo dieting, if you're somebody goes up and down and up and down so many times times these things can all lead to metabolic damage and the hardest thing to do with someone like that, the biggest thing I struggle with is they hire you and at that point they finally have thrown their hands up and they're like, fuck it, I can't figure it out, I'm gonna go bite the bullet and pay this expensive guy, right?
Starting point is 00:19:18 Well, I see a lot of this too is because they look at it from a numbers perspective and they look at it like you numbers perspective and they look at it. Like you're mentioning calories in, calories out and all that makes sense to them. Everything's very easy because it becomes a metric. It becomes a number. And I see that too with a lot of the metabolic damage like people that I experienced. They're very analytical and they're breaking down. What exercises we're doing,
Starting point is 00:19:45 how many reps we did, like everything to the T, you know, it's very like type A. And unfortunately, like, there really aren't a lot of metrics for all these other exterior factors, like, you know, how you're feeling, your energy's gonna fluctuate on a daily basis to begin with. I mean, yeah, you'd like to think you have control over that just with like what you're consuming,
Starting point is 00:20:08 but you know, something will affect you that like a mood or somebody like projects something, you know, to you that you take on that feeling, like say, you know, somebody dies or something, and you have a whole totally different day like your body shuts down uh... there's just all these different factors in life that that make it so it you can't just count on those numbers well the thing is the the problem with this with what we're talking about is there it you can't quantify it like what just insane a lot of this is based off of field and unfortunately I hate saying this because a lot of people with metabolic damage
Starting point is 00:20:47 have horrible perception on their own bodies. It's so skewed that they have no idea that they feel like shit and that they're doing too much and eating too little. But you have to listen to your body, you have to feel your body, you have to be objective about it. How do I really feel? Because I've asked these people,
Starting point is 00:21:03 like, how do you feel? Oh, I feel fine. Like, oh, really? And while I'm looking at you, you got dark circles under your eyes and I could tell you energy levels a little. You have to be very objective about how you feel and say, yeah, it is true.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Run around one o'clock in the afternoon. I'm fucking dragging ass so hard I have to drink an extra large coffee just to pick my ass up and feel normal again. And Angie drinks totally like hammer this, like that's the issue. Right, and I'm doing everything right. I'm doing everything right. I'm counting all my proteins, my fats, my carbs, my calories.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I'm exercising every day. I'm doing weights, I'm doing cardio. And I don't know why it's so hard for me, my body to change. It just doesn't make sense. If you, if you can say that to yourself, and you're honestly looking at everything, and you can say to yourself, this doesn't make sense, then you are spending your tires in place,
Starting point is 00:21:54 and we need to rebuild your metabolism. We gotta get your body working with you again, and not against you. And so here's some of the steps. Here's some of the first steps that I tell people. Step number one is cut your activity level dramatically. Reduce your activities. A matter of fact, one of the first things I tell these people is, I don't want you to do any cardio and I just want you to lift weights twice a week. That's all we're going to do. We're just going to lift weights twice a week and cut your cardio out. And the only
Starting point is 00:22:22 kind of cardio I want you to do are, you know, maybe daily walks outside for 20 or 30 minutes. Or some kind of meditative practice, right? That's it. And when I say walk, I don't mean like I'm out hiking, trying to burn calories. I mean, you're going for a stroll outside and join the outside weather, whatever, and just relaxing. And we'll start with that.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Step two, I tell them to let's keep your calories where they are because if we bump your calories right off the bat, you'll gain a bunch of weight because again, we're dealing with slower metabolism. So what I'll do is I'll change our macros, I'll reduce their carbohydrates and I'll increase their fats and I'll keep their proteins pretty moderate. Now, why do we do that? We do that because fats are protective, fats are good for nerve health, you know, neuromuscular health, so the central nervous system, they're good for the brain, they're good for the joints, and the right kind of fats are also anti-inflammatory. Carbohydrates in this particular case, we're reducing number one because we've reduced your
Starting point is 00:23:21 activity level, but also because I'm trying to reduce inflammation in your body. And that's kind of the first steps that I do. Then the next step I do is I'll take out common food intolerances. I'll remove sugar, sometimes I'll remove gluten and dairy, just to get the body to have some things that are really easy for the body to assimilate and work with. And then I start to remove their caffeine and people hate that fucking part. I'll tell you that much right now. When I tell them, like, okay, we're going to have you like, instead of drinking three
Starting point is 00:23:52 coffees a day, we're going to move it to one, and then I move you to green tea, and then I move you to nothing. People really fucking hate that. But the reason why we do that is the caffeine, their body has become not dependent on that caffeine to maintain a certain level of catacoloming production and to get stimulated. And if we, we have to slowly remove that to let the body rebuild the back to where it was. And believe it or not, when we reintroduce caffeine
Starting point is 00:24:15 at a later date, it's much more potent at that point. You know, they'll have one coffee and it's strong as shit because they've let their bodies kind of rebuild. And then we monitor, we look on a weekly basis, how you're feeling, what's going on. At that point, I'm not looking for weight loss, I'm not looking for anything, all I'm looking for is how do you feel.
Starting point is 00:24:33 And as long as your weight is staying the same and you're feeling better, we're succeeding. And then little by little, we might gradually increase your activity and put you on a more sustainable type of routine. But those are the things you need to do, and I'll tell you, and you guys in in this room know exactly what I'm talking about. That is the hardest fucking thing to tell someone who is obsessed with exercise to do is to tell them because they think that oh shit I'm gonna I'm gonna gain 30 pounds in two weeks. Well, this type of person to I
Starting point is 00:25:00 I've been dealing with this with some of my clients that are super, super high in demand, no sleep. They're traveling different countries, you know, CEO type. They actually have clinics that some doctor created and basically it's this weight loss clinic, but all they do is they're basically treating metabolic damage on that level, so they do it in an extreme way. It's more like they completely make them eliminate all that stuff that you mentioned like from the very beginning, which I feel is a flaw because you're taking an extreme
Starting point is 00:25:41 person and you're throwing them into an entirely other extreme that they're going to look at it as just hammering. I'm going to hammer this out. I'm going to do this. Yeah. Like it sucks. It's not addiction to another. It sucks to cut out caffeine because I got all these like, you know, conference calls and all this kind of stuff and like, you know, I'm cranky. And then it just doesn't last. It's like a couple of weeks in and they just are hammering to try and correct themselves, like so hard that like, you know, it's...
Starting point is 00:26:09 No, you have to take the client and take yourself, if you're thinking, if you're listening to this podcast right now and you're thinking that you have been a bulk damage, you have to take into consideration it's a dramatic change, and you are less likely to adhere to any program if it's a dramatic change right off the bat.
Starting point is 00:26:26 So that's why you want to go into stages. And the first stage is a reduction in the activity that you're doing. And by the way, I forgot to say this, and I want to make this very clear because I've had people do this where I tell them, don't do cardio and lift for twice a week and so what do they do?
Starting point is 00:26:41 They go to the gym twice a week and beat the shit to themselves. That's why I'm saying, it's the mentality. So I guess even step A is to dress that mentality. You have to come in with clarity that you're healing yourself. It's not that you're fixing something in like, you're able to correct because that's what I'm saying. This mentality of that type of person is very like controlling.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Yeah, no, no. You gotta go, you gotta work out. Lift weights, don't go to failure. Do straight sets, no circuits, no super sets, straight sets, go in, you lift, you rest, you lift, you rest. Don't go to failure, compound movements, full body workouts, 45 minutes long, twice a week, and that's it.
Starting point is 00:27:25 It's funny, I had a client like this a while ago, and she was the poster child for metabolic damage. She worked her ass off in the gym. Ran, I think like 10 miles or more a week on top of it, was watching everything she ate. I convinced her to scale everything back and just focus on weights for a little bit and do it right.
Starting point is 00:27:47 And she was shocked. She was so shocked, she thought something was wrong and she couldn't figure out what was going on because all of a sudden she was getting leaner. You know, she's looking in the mirror, she's like, holy shit, all those areas that I had issues with getting leaner are now getting leaner and I'm working out with one-tenth
Starting point is 00:28:05 of the amount of time that I was before. Like how is this possible? You know, that was the attitude that she kind of gave me. The funny thing is she kind of slipped back into her old habits, and now I'm working with her again to bring her out of it. So it's interesting, but it's easy. It's easy to get caught in that cycle. That cycle of constantly pounding yourself
Starting point is 00:28:26 over and over and over again in the gym and really restricting your food intake. But you gotta work with your body. Yeah. Absolutely have to work with your body. Like I said, the carbohydrate and fat intake, eat those recuperative fats, those fats from your grass fed beefs,
Starting point is 00:28:43 from eggs or a good source, of course avocado, nuts, fish, those types of foods, lots of vegetables, things that are that are recuperative, that are anti-inflammatory in the body. Very low grains, you don't need a lot of grains, especially if you've cut your activity levels drastically because we're trying to get your body built back up. Don't eat so many grains, first of all, you don't need them.
Starting point is 00:29:05 You're not going to be doing all that cardio and shit you were doing before, but they can be inflammatory in people with these kind of issues. And if you're in this situation, they're probably inflammatory on you. I have another client who changed her diet and slowly and slowly, you know, slowly but surely would took her out of metabolic damage. She's so, she's now so much drastically better than when she has a weekend out where she eats those inflammatory foods with sugar and stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:32 She'll notice right away, she'll tell him, she'll be like, man, my neck hurts now. I'm stiff again in the areas I used to have pain and I know exactly why. It's because over the weekend, I went wine tasting, had some bread and then had some desserts and now I can feel the inflammation. And she's like, and it's funny because I used to feel
Starting point is 00:29:48 like this or worse all the time. I got so used to it, I thought that's the way I always felt, and it wasn't a big deal. Well, all of them too, like, I mean, you said lower the movement activity and all that, and I totally agree with that. However, I would also suggest that you, you know, could spend that time
Starting point is 00:30:05 in a more meditative state by flexibility, by yoga. Like you're still moving, but you're doing it in such a fluid way that it's not really, yeah, it's restorative, it's a different mindset. So yes, you definitely need to still, you know. So not power yoga. Great point. Just as I was waiting to touch, you know, so not power yoga. Great point. Just as I was waiting to touch on the neat, the neat fact.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Yeah, yeah. So like rest is not, yeah, go ahead, but yeah, rest is not just sitting on your ass. Yeah, you know, so perfect, like Sal said, I would drop you down to two to three times a week tops, but then, you know, the other way I'm going to try and counter, you know, the reduce of your high intensity working out because you have, you've shot ourselves in the foot, you've touched your body to be used to that pounding in order to stay the same with those calories. So I am concerned you'll shoot right up when I cut all that out.
Starting point is 00:30:57 The next thing I do, this is where I normally focus on step goals with my clients. I'll assess how many steps they're taking a day and I'll give them, hey, now we're going to step three to four thousand more steps a day, which sounds like a lot, three to four thousand, but that's literally like 25 to 30 minutes of walking consistently walking. So focusing on the neat factor to help keep that metabolism going and then not completely slow down their calorie expenditure. The other thing that I want to revisit that South said that I think is such an important point. If you're listening to this and you're somebody who has metabolic damage or going through it, probably, you know, this would be a good video for you. I did a YouTube channel
Starting point is 00:31:40 way back when I thought it was a good idea. And then I thought it was kind of silly afterwards. And then I regretted stopping it because it would have been neat to have kept it going all the way through this process. But what I did do is I did record the first, I think it was 30 or 60 days of my, you know, transformation from fat to fit. And probably the number one thing that I, you know, talked about in those videos was the want to be a trainer, be in the athlete, be in somebody who's going from eating bad food, be in set and Terry wanting to go balls of wall, but then making sure I don't do that. And in fact, I wanted to lose body fat, but yet my goal was actually to increase the amount
Starting point is 00:32:24 of food that I was eating, which sounds crazy, but I wanted to replace all the shit calories that I was getting, and I wanted to get more nutrient-rich foods. So I wanted to keep my calories about the same or even a little bit more, but just more nutrient-rich foods, and then just cancel out what I'm the extra intake by, you know, activity. And, you know, and it's hard because you get going and, you know, you've been pounding away at the way. So, you've been consistent with your eating in two weeks, goes by, you know, and I didn't want to see any fluctuation on the scale up or down, you know. And in fact, if I saw any fluctuation, I was
Starting point is 00:32:59 in, I wanted to see go up, even though the ultimate goal is to reduce body fat and ultimately come down. But I knew at the very beginning that it was so important for me to fix my metabolism. Because even though I may not have had a metabolic damage, I definitely had changed my metabolism over the last year and a half of being sedentary because I had stopped working as a trainer where I'm moving around all day and I went to a job where I'm sitting behind a desk for 10 to 12 hours for six days a week. So it completely changed. And then I'm eating all this garbage food
Starting point is 00:33:31 every single day, even though I was still kind of working out here and there. But I talked to the camera a lot about this, these feelings that I have of wanting to push and wanted to do this. And then, but being okay with, hey, my first workout was 30 minutes, 45 minutes, that's it.
Starting point is 00:33:47 And I got on the treadmill and I walked for 10 minutes and I talked about these things that seem, talked about being over with the silver weights by sip curling and shoulder pressing and doing things with like five pound, eight pound dumbbells that are so light, but it's like, I don't need any more than that right now. My body's not used any of this stimulation and ultimately right but it's like, I don't need any more than that right now. My body's not used to any of this stimulation,
Starting point is 00:34:05 and ultimately right now it's about fixing the metabolism and my body working with me versus against me. And I've been working against my body for so long for poisoning it and not being active. I don't need to go to the other extreme of so perfectly eating and so perfectly working out super high intensity. I want to progress myself to that.
Starting point is 00:34:27 You have to remember, you have to remind people exercise. If you do it right, it simply serves as a stimulus for your body to change. And it's like anything else. It's like any other stimulus. It's like the sun stimulates my skin to get darker. Well, if I've been living in a basement for 10 years and I go outside, it's not gonna take much sun exposure to get my skin to adapt.
Starting point is 00:34:51 And if I overexpose it, which at that point might be 15 minutes. I agree, burn. I'm gonna get a sun burn. So, you have people with metabolic damage and what's happening with those individuals is they're, they've pushed their bodies so hard for so long with the reduced calories on top so hard for so long with the reduced calories on top of it for so long that their bodies in a constant state of survival. It's in a constant state
Starting point is 00:35:12 of efficiency. I need to be really efficient with these little bit of calories and I need to just worry about just keeping the body from completely breaking down. I can't even think about adapting. I can't even think about adapting. I can't even think about building muscle or burning body fat. I'm just trying to survive. And that's what I mean by fighting your body. You're fighting your body. Your body just wants to survive. And you're pushing harder to try and get it adapt, which is the opposite. The harder you push, the more it's going to try and survive. So hopefully that makes sense to people who are listening right now.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I used to always give this analogy that if I was taking a car and I'm driving it from here down to LA, so for those of you who have no idea what that distance is, you know, that's probably what a five, six hour drive right for us. So if you're driving this car from here down to LA and you've got, you have not to put any gas in it. It's got the oil has been well overdue. The timing is off of the timing belt and it has three flat tires. Driving that shit down to LA is going to be a pain in the ass. More likely you're going to spend
Starting point is 00:36:11 a majority of your time pushing it. I mean, it's not going to actually run. If you spent more time making sure that the car is primed and it's running well and efficient, the amount of time it's going to take you to get to that ultimate goal or down to LA is going to be a lot faster. Even if you're there, somebody who left first in those three flat tires and all that stuff that's not fixed on the car. So the body's the same way. If you don't take care of all the systems
Starting point is 00:36:34 and all the things that it needs, or you'll get there and it'll be broken. Yeah, exactly, right? You could literally push, it gets possible. You could push a car down to LA. It might take you months or whatever to finally get there. And when you do, you're probably like, fuck this. I ain't going anywhere else. That's such a good point because, you know, if you're in metabolic damage, you feel like shit
Starting point is 00:36:51 right now. You feel frustrated. Plus you feel like shit. You literally feel like shit. This is your body talking to you. If you don't listen to your body, here's what it does. Your body speaks to you. It tells you you need to chill out. You need to eat a little more. You need to reduce the intensity. If you ignore your body, it stops talking and then it starts yelling at you and the and what ends up happening is you either you get injured or you get ill and I've seen it a million times. The person they just won't slow down. They're forced to slow down. Boom! Next thing you know, they're injured. Now I can't do shit. Now I just got to sit around trying to heal whatever it is. Yeah, just got to sit around trying to heal
Starting point is 00:37:25 or whatever it is. There's something crazy. Yeah, like I got a cold and it turned into fucking pneumonia. Yeah. You know, my immune system was shot. And so that's what happens. You got to listen to your body. Your body will win if you try to fight it.
Starting point is 00:37:37 We've had people now, you know, who have enrolled in our program, you know, the MAP's Santa Ballac workout program, for example. And the program, when you look at it from face value, if you're the kind of person that works out all the time, like a maniac and overdoze it all the time, you're gonna look at the program, and initially it's gonna say two to three, maybe three, but usually two, maybe three, real gym workouts in the gym,
Starting point is 00:38:02 and we call those foundational workouts. So those are the harder workouts you're actually doing where you're lifting heavy and you're doing more of the traditional workouts. And I'll have people write me, they'll get the program, they'll write me, they'll be like, it's how I've been doing a six day body part split for five years and you want me to work out twice a week. I'm going to modify, I'm going to do this five days a week and I'll say no. Do exactly what it says and watch what happens.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Because it sounds crazy to them, right? Well, I've been doing it and then I'll ask them, how much progress have you made in the last six years since you've been doing this split? Well, I made a little bit of progress. I okay, why don't we try this out? What's the worst thing that can happen? You go back on your split and you're fine.
Starting point is 00:38:36 So let's just try it out for a second. And every single time they do this, literally three, four weeks, that's not that long, three, four weeks. I'll get an email, holy shit, I'm lifting more weight than I've ever lifted before. Oh my God, I feel great. I'm sleeping good, my body's changing, this is weird. Or you're like me and you get into that
Starting point is 00:38:54 and like the athlete comes in like those trigger session days. Like I started to use the rubber bands like I would super heavy weights. Oh my God! Oh my God! Wrecking my way through it three times a day. And it's just like, it's counterproductive. You know, like once I, and I voiced that to you guys
Starting point is 00:39:17 and you're like, dude calm down. Okay, you gotta use that, like it's intended. And then I started to do that. And it 100% made a difference going into my compound lifting days and you just are never going to experience that unless you can shut that mechanism off in your brain and you listen to your body and you do exactly what your body needs and a lot of times that's just to recover. There's no doubt in my mind that a good hack,
Starting point is 00:39:46 because we've had people who've done that program and have given us, you know, have told us about just amazing results. Pictures, especially on the forum, people posting pictures. There's no doubt in my mind that a large percentage of that, a decent percentage of that success is due to the fact that these people were overdoing it before.
Starting point is 00:40:04 I, of course, a much larger percentage has to do with the fact with the program just being the way it's designed and how effective it is, but there's a good chunk of that is because they were just overdoing everything before. They go to this program and now their body has switched from surviving to adapting and boom. We got a guy on there right now who's been, what did he say on there? 15 years, Doug?
Starting point is 00:40:24 Is that what he said 15 years? He's been doing body parts splits. And this is like week number right now who's been, what did he say on there? 15 years, Doug? Is that what he said 15 years? He's been doing body parts splits. And this is like week number three. And he's like, I don't think I'm ever gonna go back. Yeah. And this is like, this is a guy who's a, is a personal trainer respected, knows his shit. I've gone on his Instagram page, knows his shit.
Starting point is 00:40:41 He's a smart guy, he looks good, but his body now is starting to respond to this because he probably was even, we all fall into this trap of kind of overdoing it. But I'm telling you, and you know, I don't know, do you guys notice more women than men tend to get trapped in this metabolic damage?
Starting point is 00:41:00 Yeah, I would say it's more, that's hard to say though because I think 60 to 80% of our clientele is female already so we're already the minority. We definitely have to address it with the women, for sure. Yeah, because I mean, I just noticed it from a body image, maybe perspective or like trying to correct things with cardio and all, that's why I brought that up because a lot of times for some reason that's fed into the to the mindset that You know if I eat this then I have to you know run run run run run run this off
Starting point is 00:41:31 Yeah, and then it just becomes this this constant sort of hamster wheel that It has to keep on this like super intense scale I see I've seen it in both but I do see it more in women and it becomes more pronounced in women and There's no science behind it yet. And look, let's just disclaimer, okay? Metabolic damage, adrenal fatigue, whatever you wanna call it, there is no science supporting it yet.
Starting point is 00:41:57 And I say yeah, because it's like gut health or other types of emerging types of science that are coming out now. You will start to see more and more supporting it. But right now in the industry, It's like, you know, gut health or other types of emerging types of science that are coming out now. You will start to see more and more supporting it. But right now in the industry, for us trainers have been doing this for a long time, we've seen it, we know it, we can identify it. It's a real thing.
Starting point is 00:42:14 So, but it's just not a medically accepted terminology. Like, if you go to your doctor and you say, hey, I have, you know, metabolic damage, you're going to look at you like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But do they accept me? Yeah, I dream of fatigue. No, they won't. No, you'll get some internal, like, internal medicine specialists who will talk about it,
Starting point is 00:42:31 but it's still not. The pie give you some pill for anal leakage. Yeah. Maybe. But I have a theory with why I think women might suffer from this death. A little more. And I think it has to do with the hormones.
Starting point is 00:42:42 I think men just have higher levels of anabolic hormones. But I do also think that women's bodies are more sensitive to holding on to, you know, maybe certain amount of body fats, simply because they're the ones that have babies, are the ones that have to have children. So I think their bodies are a little more sensitive towards that. And that might be why, I don't know, I personally have seen it much more with women and men.
Starting point is 00:43:04 And in terms of correcting it, the formula is the same in terms of correcting it. Although I do get a lot of pushback from women, I think they just freak out. They're really scared about cutting back those workouts. I don't want to gain 10 pounds by next Wednesday. Yeah, it's definitely a generalization, but I feel like the worry factor tends to be a little bit higher on the female end, like when I have clients this stuff, like so worried, you know, constantly about, like so many things.
Starting point is 00:43:30 And that just anxiety creates, like even more stress and I don't know, it just tends to compound. Well, here's how I found success with that, with clients that I've had to work through metabolic damage. I literally have to stay in touch with them every single day because that's how freaked out they are about stopping their ship. So literally I will text them every day.
Starting point is 00:43:52 How do you feel today? How's everything look? You know, oh, I went on the scale. I didn't get any weight, good. But how do you feel? I think I feel a little bit better. And I have to constantly be in their ear on a daily basis because it's so ingrained in the brain.
Starting point is 00:44:05 You gotta reiterate. Oh my God. And I'll get questions all day long. Are you sure that this is the right thing to do? And maybe I shouldn't eat as much fat because I think I'm like getting body fat or maybe I should, and I gotta constantly be with them and walk them through.
Starting point is 00:44:18 But eventually it all works out. I just gotta think. I think it's got a big, hammered so much harder with marketing, I think, the men. Oh, do you know what I mean? Like just about their body, like just constantly getting hammered. So I feel like, you know, that has to play a factor. Well, it's, and the opposite for each sex, right?
Starting point is 00:44:35 So if you look at your covers of magazines and some of that, it's, it's normally like this for females, it's this skinny, borderline, anorexic, you know, tall model. And for men, it's like this overly stair-roaded buff dude. You know what I'm saying? So the body images that are out there for, you know, what's the ideal for men, an ideal for women or like such polar opposites, and one supports a lot more calories in food for the other one. Correct. Because men are when men are marketed to, the marketed to eat a lot more, eat a lot more protein,
Starting point is 00:45:05 lift weights, but let your body rest and grow. No guy really likes to be told, oh, you look lean, you look a little smaller. Excuse me? Yeah, smaller? I hate that when I'm dieting and then someone will be like, did you lose weight? No, the word is leaner.
Starting point is 00:45:20 The word is leaner. I don't lose weight, I'm not leaning. You're not leaning. Yeah, you're cut. So if you have any more questions on this, we'll probably end up doing more episodes because this comes up so much. Well, what about is our program right now, discounted still?
Starting point is 00:45:36 Our program is still discounted. You could go to mindpumpradio.com. The programs that we have available with the bundle include the workout programs, include nutrition survival guide, pretty much everything you'll need, but they are perfect. If you're in metabolic damage, enroll in the program, start in the pre-phase section of the maps program,
Starting point is 00:45:55 do two foundational workouts a week. That's perfect for people in metabolic damage. Absolutely perfect. It's perfect for everybody, but if you're in metabolic damage, enroll in it and just follow it exactly what it says and It'll move it'll move you out and eat the eat phase one of the nutrition guide for sure Yeah, just with your your nutrient rich foods and just balancing all our and yeah, just focus on that exactly
Starting point is 00:46:17 Oh, and don't forget before we sign off here, please rate and review us on iTunes Helps us move up in the rankings. Awesome. Thanks, guys. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show, and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Until next time, this is Mind Pump. Next time, this is MindPump.

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