Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 141: Fake boobs, pyramid schemes, recreational drugs, multivitamins & more

Episode Date: September 2, 2015

This week's Q&A brought questions about female fitness competitors and necessity of fake boobs, Herbalife and Beach Body products, the use of recreational drugs by athletes, inspirational figures and ...the value of taking a multivitamin.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wait, hold on, what say, what Doug? Well, what I was gonna say is, I think we ought to thank everybody for doing ratings and reviews on iTunes. We've gotten, how many have we gotten? We've gotten quite a few since we. Yeah, I don't know exactly. I've started asking people.
Starting point is 00:00:12 15, 20, yeah. 15 or so, yeah, I think. No brand new ones, I think. Brand new ones. Now, what did it, it bumped us? It did, it bumped us in the rankings. Yeah, on iTunes. I wish I knew exactly what iTunes uses as their...
Starting point is 00:00:25 Yeah, we wish we knew their metrics are formula. I'll know. So for a while there, we got bumped over Justin's favorite girl, Jillian Michaels. We went way up. And then we dropped down. I mean, it goes up and down. So I have no idea what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:00:41 I have no idea. They do, they're a factor. They're definitely a factor. I love to see if we got flooded with like 50 at one time to have no way. They do. They're a factor. They're definitely a factor. I love to see if we got flooded with like 50 at one time to see what it would actually do. Well, did now, now here's a second question. We went up on the, we were on what's hot, that list or whatever, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Did our downloads increase also? Yeah. No, we definitely see an increase of downloads. I think the effect is going to be a little bit slower on that because what's happening is when people go to what's hot, they're searching for like, say, new fitness shows. Some people are gonna see our show, some people aren't, some are gonna click on it, some aren't. So we're gonna see a boost though, overall, over time.
Starting point is 00:01:19 And here's the other thing to consider. Most of those top podcasts were done by people who were either celebrities already or had some kind of super popular blog like Dave Asperin stuff like that. This is the only real way that we get exposed. Oh yeah, no, that's why too. I feel it's so important right now that we thank those of our supporters. I mean, the one thing that I can't say is like the cult that we have, and I feel like
Starting point is 00:01:43 we have this tight niche group where everyone looks out for each other. And like the fact that we could just ask people to go on there and do reviews and everyone hops on there right away does that. Those that got on there. Thank you. So much love and respect.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Thank you for everyone. Those get read by each and every one of us. So it's not like we just kind of brush them. We read all of them. I love when you guys do some humorous ones that are great. They I mean, but we can't thank you guys enough and those that are listeners And I think you guys didn't pick up on that last time. I totally appreciate that if you have any chance to do that Those that go out there and plug us on reviews man much love. That's a big thank you from mine pump Yeah, thanks so much. We appreciate it
Starting point is 00:02:21 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind There's only one place to go Thanks so much, we appreciate it. If you wanna pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Might, might, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Did you guys see Doug drunk the other day? We were out at the pool. Yeah, he was drunk.
Starting point is 00:02:41 He was drunk and drunk. Yeah, he just seemed like he seemed like overly relaxed. He just got a really big smile. He was drunk and drunk. Yeah, he just seemed like he seemed like overly relaxed. He just got a really big smile. Yeah. I thought I'd notice he found a friend so they could talk about conspiracy theories. Yeah. Yeah. I would do the pool talk about conspiracy. Yeah, man. We were like jumping in and inner tubes and you know, flipping each other over and dugs over there. Like, yeah, man, illuminati. Hey, you know, if you ever look at the back of a dollar bill, I just wanted to point out too that, you know, we didn't, we, we didn't really make fun of Salonov on this.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And wow. Yeah, I thought I found it. I found it, I found it really odd that he couldn't lift himself out of the pool. You know what? I know. I know. I know. What that he couldn't lift himself out of the pool you know what? He had to swim over and mind you he swims like a dog paddle You know dog paddle his way over I am I am in an owner. I'm in a one it. Here's what happened. Oh, yeah Here's what happened here's what happened. So I was a little tipsy
Starting point is 00:03:43 Here's the problem is I couldn't I couldn't It's Doug's on my side. It was all fucking everything broke guys gonna start a little Yeah, yeah, I push myself up for whatever reason I couldn't get the twist to twist my ass Cheek on the fucking thing so I like miss I kept missing the ledge So I so motherfucking don't laugh because I saw you trying to sit on an interview and flip 85 times. Yeah, you guys had no balance. Hey, we were done, bro. I just I can't because getting out of the
Starting point is 00:04:12 pool is kind of like a muscle up only you got fucking six feet of water to help you kick your legs up and get out of this. So it's like I couldn't do the twist for whatever reason I twist and I missed the ledge of the ass and I just so I had to like I had to
Starting point is 00:04:24 this is how I got up on the ledge He's a couple times he but what we'll do is we I had to push up with my arms So like I'm now up on the ledge and then bring my knee over like a fucking dumb ass So this week I'm gonna take style the gym and we're gonna go to the the weighted assisted pull-up Me thing the weighted assisted pull-up machine and I'm gonna teach him how to do muscle-ups with assisted pull-up me thing to wait it assisted pull-up machine and I'm gonna teach him how to do muscle-ups with 140 pounds assisting him to help him all the way up You can do a muscle-up It's it's it's technically I had bad
Starting point is 00:04:53 I had to breathe that out because I remember I think I remember looking You guys have the prettiest I think I remember looking at a We're salad and I see him I see him swimming all the way over to the side of the Pulse fucking steps to use the ladder to get I see him I see him swimming all the way over to the side of the fucking steps to use the ladder to get And to walk over to the bathroom or something I thought that's kind of him to go piss over there. Oh, everybody out I was waiting for it baby
Starting point is 00:05:22 All right dog. I'm sorry We just we didn't let you talk again. No, that's fine. Did he start? Was he talking like no? I wasn't actually talking see he was gonna talk see not gonna try to make us feel bad for no reason Yeah, yeah, all right, all right I'm pretty sure we Go yeah, I'm sure you won't what are we doing? Never happened. What are we doing today? First of all? I think we're gonna do some Q&A. Oh Q&A oh Q&A
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yeah, we all you know I we like to do that you don't see enough at them You don't you don't come in enough me and just I've been jumping in yeah, cuz my have it my voice cracks I wish you in a drunk. I squeak. I squeak. It's the most embarrassing thing ever So when I teach these classes I teach so many classes went through puberty again Yeah, and I and you know I had a, a lad a lady. This was just last week. She came up to me. She's like, Hey, have you ever thought about getting a voice coach? And I'm like, what? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is serious. This is true story. Yeah. Very
Starting point is 00:06:14 sweet. Actually, she's like, you know, you're on radio. You've got all these classes you teach, you know, you should really, you should really hire somebody to help you. We got to talk through your bow. And I'm sure she said that because like, you that because I do one of those, okay, three, two, one, all out. And I'm like, fuck. And after I do a couple, I mean, I get my throat gets wore out, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:33 And then I get my energy still there. And then just, I'm not too familiar with how that all works, but. Well, all that stuff you do with Jess, and I do throw it through. I mean, it does, yeah. You guys have a lot of throat pain. You've got a nice, you've got a good, gravely radio voice, I think. The gravely?
Starting point is 00:06:53 Not gravely, but it's kind of like... It's like so treating you. It's like, I'm Adam Shea for it. Yeah, it's a little rough. It does that sound like it. It's a little rough, but it's not in a bad way rough, you know what I'm saying? It's not like I fucking got something on my throat. No, you sound like Kermit, that's a little rough, but it's not in a bad way rough, you know, I'm saying it's I sound like a fucking guy Something on my throat. No, you sound like Kermit. That's right. Yeah, yeah, let's be honest
Starting point is 00:07:09 He was fucking famous as shit. So I mean you to be sound that's what I'm saying. Yeah, you know, I'm saying behind the green frog is a man Behind the green behind the green puppet. There is a man. So there was somebody who was doing that. Yeah, it's like, I'm thinking stinky. Behind the green, behind the green puppet, there is a man, so there was somebody who was doing that. He had a hand up a zaz. Mother fucker. He enjoyed it. He enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:07:32 So once you get your hand out of Doug's ass, go ahead and let Doug's let Doug stop these. Who's the myestro? Doug's like a puppet? Who's the myestro? I am the puppet. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:07:42 All right, good luck actually getting his questions out of here. No, no, I'm sorry, go ahead. You're no problem. Take those. Okay, we got some great questions here. Jess Maule, M-A-O. Isn't she a forum member? Yes, she is.
Starting point is 00:07:54 I recognize that name. Yes. And she had questions on fitness chicks and boob jobs. This is a question. Great. Good question for Adam. So there's a number of parts to this question. She asks, you know, what the health hazards, the reasons why girls get them, how big they go is one of the things that she's a bit
Starting point is 00:08:12 concerned about. And she's also heard it's hard to place in these fitness competitions. If you don't have them, do you guys want me to kick this off of you? We should probably leave you last. We just talked about, yeah, can we talk about Baywatch and like slow motion. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. How's that song go? You swim better, right?
Starting point is 00:08:31 Yeah. This is flotation devices. You know, I mean, they make great pillows. I'm sure every, like girls get them. I don't know, they get them for whatever reason they want to get them. It's their body. My thoughts on them, I mean, it's, do what you want to do. It's your body.
Starting point is 00:08:47 I mean, for me personally, when I see a super lean skinny, small girl with like massive boobs, it's just, it's a lot. It's a lot. There's a huge, interesting, like it stops you in your track. It doesn't look bad, but it's, it's, it's extreme, right? It looks kind of extreme. But then again, you know, people who compete extreme, but then again, people compete and present things like that. Well, anything out of proportion looks quite interesting and it takes you for a second. Yeah, it might be your thing, it might not be your thing, and I feel like as long as the girl is doing it
Starting point is 00:09:17 for her own reasons, and she's not trying to be pressured into that or anything, more power to you. It will do this though. I will sit from an athletic standpoint. Boob jobs will reduce your, your athletic performance. If you're naturally flat-chested, you're better off as an athlete flat-chested than you are with big, whether they're even real or, or, or, uh, that's a stupid point. Why? Because that's like, if you, if you and I naturally were gifted athletes, and then also you and I held on to five pound fucking dumbbells and try to play our sport, we would be obviously we would be. Well, I'm just saying, you know why I'm saying that?
Starting point is 00:09:54 Because I've had clients who were very fit females. They were runners and they were very much into the performance aspect. It was of course, there was a visual aspect that they were into. Then they got the breast augmentation, and then they were unhappy because they could no longer run like they used to, because it would bother them or they would create issues. They didn't think that was gonna happen. Like running and boobs.
Starting point is 00:10:19 That's what's saying. It's never worked out. Yeah, maybe before anyone showed me. I mean, it's worked out great for me. And the slow motion of it, but Literally does not work out you know to be fair. I mean imagine if we had to run naked That's what I'm saying out hurt. Yeah Make weird noises
Starting point is 00:10:41 All right, I'm gonna drop some wizard knowledge on this one for sure. I knew that's what we left you last. I did. So first of all, here's the boob master, boob master. Master master, he's ready to go. Do it go. Fakes. Fakes boob are fantastic.
Starting point is 00:10:57 That's it, we're done. Next. Next. Next. They are fantastic. That being said, my girl has a beautiful all natural boobs. So just because I am a huge advocate. Bro, you said that like you, like, like an entire guy
Starting point is 00:11:13 with a bad accent, but girlfriend has a beautiful boob. That's your boob. I got a beautiful, a beautiful boob. So I'm for both. Like I love all natural, but here's the thing. Such a supportive. Fake boobs.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Fake boobs are built for speed, not comfort. Okay. It's like buying a high performance car, right? And thinking that you want to cruise it around your daily driver. You don't buy a Ferrari to drive it every single day for comfort. You buy an S500 Mercedes Benz if you want comfort.. You know, you buy an S500 Mercedes-Benz if you want comfort.
Starting point is 00:11:46 If you want comfort, you buy something like that. If you want speed and you want speed and you want people to look at you while you're driving fast. You know that motor. That's right. That's where you buy your Ferrari. That's where you put these things. You are a goddamn genius.
Starting point is 00:12:00 And so son of a bitch. To answer her question, health hazards wise, I believe the percentage of issues nowadays with the surgeries are very, very minimal if any at all. They've got the stuff they use inside of it now. It's no longer the same old silicone should they have before it's completely. Well, they actually found that the silicone
Starting point is 00:12:18 was an issue either. There was a lot of it was based off of a baloney. Oh, really? Yeah. Don't you eventually have to get them redone? They say every 10 years or so. Oh, that would suck to get a big surgery like that every 10 years. No, let's hear, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:31 You gotta get them redone if you wanted to look with they look like with their brand new. When they're, you know what I'm saying? It's like, once again, the car analogy. You know, you just gotta get a little wear and tear on them. They start to slide down a tiny bit, but they still are gonna look a hell of a lot better than, you know, fifth year old real boobs, you know, 50 year old real tits
Starting point is 00:12:46 versus 50 year old fake tits are, you know what I'm saying? So when people say they're like, oh, I don't wanna get it because I'm gonna have to redo them every 10 years. And that's so much money and that doesn't make sense. It's like, no, it's, no, it doesn't. If you wanted to look the way they look when you first put them on you, yeah, they say you should probably redo them every 10 years or so.
Starting point is 00:13:03 But to touch up on her like you said health hazard for sure That's very overrated that they can it's way safer than what it was What about the competition thing about not being able to compete or how it'll you'll get docked points if you have so I have a couple I have a couple opinions on this Seems like that's political right we're talking right now. Yeah, so this is you know This one you're gonna you're gonna have people debate me on this and you know teach their own whatever You're listening to mind pump more than likely you're you're already aware how smart we are So I'm probably right whoever's debater. This one is wrong. So yeah
Starting point is 00:13:38 You're good. That's good. You get to remember that When it comes to competing when they're looking for us at, especially at the professional level, almost every cover of a magazine, whether it be shape magazine, women's health, men's health, men's fitness, whatever muscle magazine, the women and men that you see on that are professional bikini, figure, and bodybuilders and men's physique athletes. That's pretty much all of them are comprised of it. So when the judges get to that point where they're putting you at first place and awarding you
Starting point is 00:14:09 in the back of their heads, you got to know that they're looking, they're thinking of that like marketability. Yes, marketability. So, you know, and I kind of touched on this with men's physique, you could have the best physique in the world, but if you're fucking ugly, there's, you know, you might not go very far in the sport. Now does that mean you should not do this sport? And well, it all depends on your ultimate goals. If you want to be on the cover of a magazine and that's all that matters to you and you want to prove that you're that, that guy or that girl, then, you know, you probably
Starting point is 00:14:36 should reconsider it. And to be honest, it's better to be fit and ugly than to be at a shape and I'm absolutely that. And that's the other thing too is just you can take the concert. Now with, with the women in competing with the fake boobs, we've got the lights and the dark. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I think it's butter faith. I think it's more because more back to the symmetry thing. So if you're a bikini competitor, it's just like a men's physique competitor, they're looking at symmetry in our body. And if you have these gorgeous thick legs and booty and you have zero tits, well, then, you know what, getting some fake boobs is probably going to help out with the overall balanced symmetrical look on your physique, getting double d's and you have a flat ass.
Starting point is 00:15:18 What if she just builds big pecs? She's going to be working for a really long time, bro. So it really goes to to each their own. Do I think you need them to go for it? No, I know women's competitors that actually are pros and they don't have big old fake boobs. They look fantastic and they look great. But I also think they have very proportionate bodies too. I don't think they have overly thick booties and legs to go with it I think that's where it's more about it's just like it's the same reason why for many years I thought about caffeine plants because I've got these you know
Starting point is 00:15:54 Did you really? Yeah, yeah, I really debated. I really thought about doing it It's about to back then it was like $3,500 to do it and it would put me down for about 12 days off my feet So I looked into all of it and And I decided on the penis enlargement instead. Yeah, you know, I thought, you know, I was waiting back for about $3,500 towards that. Which one's going to get me further in life? Probably the penis. Yeah, so one without no. So no, you know, I couldn't, I didn't do it because at the end of the day, regardless of how stubborn my calves are and how hard I felt, I had felt I had worked before. I still felt there was room for me to improve and that I could build them as much as as hard as they were for me. I thought I and with fake boobs like women can't build
Starting point is 00:16:36 that. So I get I get that, you know what I'm saying? I understand that. I respect that and and be honest with you. I think they look awesome. There's nothing cooler than a chick walking out of the shower and she's her They're like right there. They're setting right nothing cooler. Yeah Cool and I'm like of all the things in the world. It's the coolest thing is this it is up there It's up there. So but like your calf analogy, right? So you you're able to kind of like like you know that's a muscle that you can still, there's some hope there, right? To build.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Like that's kind of how I feel when women like decided to do the lipo and like they know. Oh yeah. You know what I mean? That's like a, or but implants. It's just like, no, you have not tried hard enough yet. You know? My lipo and but implants, I have a total different opinion
Starting point is 00:17:22 on that I do fake boobs. Fake boobs, a woman cannot build her chest. I actually, I would go this far. I would go as far as to say, if you're a physique, if you're a female figure competitor or whatever, a stage presentation competitor, it's cheating to get LIPO or but implant. It's not cheating to get boob implant.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I would go that far. That's fair. Because you're gonna go up there with fake ass and you're judged on the muscle, the glutes. Yeah. Or you go up with LIPO and you're trying to lean. Yeah. That's cheating. Because you're gonna go up there with fake ass and you're judged on the muscle, you know, the glutes. Yeah. Or you go up with lipos and you're trying to lean. Yeah, that's cheating, I think. It's fair.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Like a body, like a male body, a little calf implants. Yeah. That would be cheating, right? Yeah, no, that's fair. I think that's a fair analogy for sure. So, you know, to each surround, you know, the question does say,
Starting point is 00:18:00 you know, what we think girls get them and it's kind of hard because we're three dudes. So we can't speak on exactly why they get them But those are my opinions. I know why I would get them. Yeah to look at them. Yeah, that's because I mean Well, and there's I mean show Justin There's a lot of things there's a lot of things If you're a girl who's flat-chested you you know this that you know There's tops that are not that are hard
Starting point is 00:18:25 for you to win. They make a lot of tops that are very sexy. If you've got these, these full boobs, especially if you have full fake boobs that sit up that you don't have to wear a bra, you can wear these sexy dresses. So there's a lot of perks and benefits that come with this. So I'm a huge advocate of it. So if you can, if you can avoid, if I haven't seen them this passionate a long time, I feel like Adam Adam Hadam, like that poker guy, right? That he lost that bet. Did you guys ever see that guy that got breast implants and he just kept them?
Starting point is 00:18:50 Oh yeah, did you hear about that? Did you hear about that? This fucking dude lost the bet with his buddies. No, no, no, the bet was that he had to keep, he had to get breast implants and keep them for a year. For a year and then he bet his buddies like a ridiculous amount of money, like 50 grand or 100 grand, right? So he went and got them, kept them for a year, won the bet, buddies like a ridiculous amount of money like 50 grand or 100 grand right. So he went and got them kept them for a year, won the bet, never
Starting point is 00:19:07 pick them out. He just loved him. Snap-bikes. I don't blame him. This is fucking great. I love taking my shirt off. Shaking him out. Oh my god. It's so wrong. Yeah, I mean to each throw, to each their own and I have though, I mean that's throw to each their own and I have though I mean that's something you can inbox I've I've actually had Was a little poor you want me to judge and no no no was it inbox me as far as questions regarding this because I have been With very first with five different girls while they were going through it
Starting point is 00:19:41 So I've had five different girlfriends while they were with me, they actually got boob jobs. So I know what that's like as far as the types two, there's different types, high profile, low profile, what do you're looking for? And I do have one piece of advice, 100% every female that I've ever known to get fake boobs, 100% across the board. What if she went bigger?
Starting point is 00:20:01 Yep, every single one and they all say the same shit. I don't want to get all crazy and too big and I don't want it to be like this. I want to fit my body and be natural. So I'm going to do, you know, 350 cc's and I'm going to do the low profile and the teardrop look. So they look natural and they have all it and they do it and they go, you know, I really like them, but I wish I would a little bit bigger. Like that could be more cleavage.
Starting point is 00:20:25 So, you know what, whatever number you're thinking of CCY. I'm not like, I told you to go bigger. I'm telling you right now, Jack, if you go get them, you know, whatever size you think you want because you don't want to be disproportionate, you don't want to go crazy. And I'm not saying, you know, hey, you're thinking about like a nice C cup and to go fucking triple F, you know, whatever you're thinking about like a nice C cup and to go fucking triple F, you know, Whatever you're thinking bump it up a little bit give a little 15% increase It's good advice. All right
Starting point is 00:20:54 Yeah, thanks Not real issues not just the fitness radio Adam, how do you really feel about? Yeah, this is the so Adam. How do you really feel about? Yeah, right, right, right movie alone now. All right, next A lot of places. What would you say have the feel like difference? Oh, that's actually yeah, we I'm very curious. You know what? So there's there's some some woman try and say throw me in the bus. Some some woman try and save money and they don't go under the muscle.
Starting point is 00:21:27 So it's cheaper for you to go over the muscle, which is not the route you want to go, because then you lose the more natural fill. If you actually have the, the breast implants done under the muscle and with some of your, your, your, your better stuff there. Right now, so you spend the money, you spend the extra thousand, $2,000. It costs for the, the better silicone or whatever it is they use now. It's not silicone, it's something else. By far, they feel real, bro.
Starting point is 00:21:50 There's been times where I've had to ask, like, he's real because they look way too perfect to be real. Way too perfect. No, no, they're fake. I'm like, whoa, you know those. That's it. I would never ever get. He just, he just air grabbed.
Starting point is 00:22:03 They're really hard. I just see you guys know. And so I've been in situations where you, you would think 100% based on how they feel that they are real, but because they look so damn perfect, you're like, this can't be possible. It can't be, they can't possibly be built this perfect. And that's the only way you know that they're not. So yeah, the technology, well, we should, I think it's so weird.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I've never, you know never heard or seen that before. Maybe, moving on. Adam, we'll make a guide for that for the listeners. Oh, that's a great idea. All right, next is from Fit By Row. I think that's how you say it. What do you guys think of Beach Body and Urbalife? Urbalife.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Urbalife. Urbalife. Well, the original Urbalife was a Fedra. Oh, what? Original Urbalife. Do you remember Urbalife. Herbalife. Herbalife. Well, the original Herbalife was a Fedra. What? Original Herbalife. Do you remember Herbalife supplements, the original ones, that people did like the multi-level marketing, right?
Starting point is 00:22:51 That's still what it is. Yeah, it is. The original Herbalife supplements were Mahwang, which was the herbal version of a Fedra, and caffeine and aspirin, and then that's how it got popular. Get the hype, you know what I'm saying? Mahwang. Mahwang. Mahwang. Original it got popular. Get the hype. How you pronounce that? Mahong.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Mahong. Mahong. My original, my, my, Wang. Go ahead and Google that out right now, bro. Original, herbal life supplement. Don't mess with my knowledge. My song. Yeah, original, herbal life formula.
Starting point is 00:23:16 I'm just letting the viewers know that, or listeners know that I have to do this to you guys because I know he's so convincing sometimes even I did convinced on shit that I had to call bullshit. So I got to make sure he's on your ear, you're checking it. Yeah, it's the, okay, so I put original herbal life supplements. You were original herbal life formula. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Got it. What? Did you get it before I get it? I hear it, bro. Right here. Why don't you read that? You want to read? Is this a Wikipedia?
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yeah, I just did a Wikipedia. And it's the original ones were with, and they got a bunch of, they had to, a bunch of lawsuits, I believe, because of the Fedra in there, you know, it could kind of fuck you up. Holy shit, $3.8 billion with their worth.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Oh, dude. They sold a shit ton. Anyhow, it's a fat loss supplement company. Is it gonna help? It's a fucking joke. No, it's gonna make you, it's, there's central nervous system stimulants in it. So you're gonna get a little gacked out,
Starting point is 00:24:12 you're gonna feel a little hyper. It might suppress your appetite a little bit. So that's maybe why it might help a little bit, but the long term results are bad. They're not good. You actually don't end up doing any better than somebody who did it the right way. And then they don't get the rebound that you do
Starting point is 00:24:29 when you triangle off. Because what happens is, with central nervous system stimulants, they increased dramatic production of things that are called acetic, excuse me. Can't even think of the term. Anyway, chemicals in the brain that give you that hyped up feeling and the body starts to adapt by reducing, you know, receptors for those chemicals
Starting point is 00:24:48 and reducing the output of those chemicals. So then when you go off, you crash. And you get that crash of going off. And you won't get that if you don't take those supplements. And I would recommend not taking those supplements for fat loss. So those that didn't even know what it was. I just knew what the frickin' business was.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Yeah, I wanted them to... Right, yeah, my face. So those that didn't fall asleep to Sal's description there. He has to say that because that was right. Yeah, no, okay, fair enough. I didn't know that. That's, you know, and every once in a while I learned something hanging out with this fucker.
Starting point is 00:25:16 So learn something again today. All in all, it's stupid. So that's how I'll just keep it very simple without all the scientific words behind it. So, it's not all the fancy words. Yeah, it's all the fancy big words. It's pretty church-ing enough, right? I'm talking about essential nervous systems affected, but okay, all supplements have got all that shit.
Starting point is 00:25:35 They're all the same when it comes to that stuff. They literally are. I mean, when it comes to- You can't wrap your whole program around one dumb thing. Yeah, and that's just it. Urbal life is a fucking pyramid scheme. It's a multi-level marketing scheme. So I don't care if it's Monovie, Goji, fucking Juice, if it's Herbal life or whatever else
Starting point is 00:25:52 is out there right now. White Willow bar. All that shit but hair. If it's an MLM, it should be your first red flag to run. If you guys see an MLM, it should be run. Because they took some one gimmick, one idea, and they ran with it. And that's the stuff that drives me crazy with that stuff. So, there's a chance for Mike loves money. By the way, the name of the,
Starting point is 00:26:12 Mikey loves money. That's what I figured. The name of the chemicals that increase the production of our cataclysmines. Body, what about beach body? You guys familiar with beach body? It's another MLM, isn't it? Well, they have a lot of programs.
Starting point is 00:26:25 No, it's workouts. It's like workouts. I'm not super familiar. They see it. They see it. That's the part that I see. I see lots of people on Instagram. I'm a certified beach body instructor.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Oh, yes. And I look at them. It is, it's another, it's an MLM. She's a kind of real man. Yeah, she is. It's the same, okay, another thing, okay. And you know what, when I see it, you just gotta blend everything together. She takes my orange theory class. When I see her, I'm gonna have to pull her aside and have a little talk with her. She should know better. It's two MLM companies that you're asking about right now. If it's MLM run, keep it simple.
Starting point is 00:26:50 The beach party workout that it is. That's exactly what I've seen. I've seen all the Instagram people that are like, I'm certified trainer and it's like, let's go outside in the park and do lunges and kickbacks and butt kicks and stuff. I'm gonna have to pull her out. I'm certified trainer and it's like, let's go outside in the park and do lunges and kickbacks
Starting point is 00:27:08 and butt kicks and frog jumps. And you're gonna look just like me. Yeah, I'm on their website right now and it's like, it's like workouts and it looks like, yeah, beach body at home workout videos, nutrition, so they must sell supplements. And I'm looking through, you can see, dude, come on bro, look at that.
Starting point is 00:27:26 It's like the typical baloney. Yeah. You know, you're gonna make you sweat and move around a million times at home. Yeah. You know, you're, you're, you go to the gym, lift weights, you know, a few days a week, you'll do it way better.
Starting point is 00:27:35 If you were asking us questions about food or working out and you've not bought our books that we have on it, shame on you. Yeah. Shame on you. Because this is, this is exactly why we wrote those. We wrote those to help people that have questions about, what is the most ideal way I should train my body? We wrote a whole fucking book on it.
Starting point is 00:27:56 It's pretty cool. And there's a one on nutrition too. So if you're looking for, if you have questions about diets that are out there, if you're into, I get a real stuff. If you're into results, if you have questions about diets that are out there, if you're into, you know, real stuff. If you're into results and helping yourself out. So if you have questions, we could have got fancy. Yeah, we could have.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Yeah, we could have had, like, you know, all these models with, we could implant some things really sell our shit. We could have put it, we could have put a dress on a pick. That works. We could easily done formula works. And that's just it is that we that we already put this stuff out there. So when we get these Q&A questions and people ask about workout stuff or they ask about nutrition, do you feel like she really was asking or that she just wanted us to ramp the
Starting point is 00:28:33 top ship? They could have been that, which I never expected that. I'm gonna, yeah. But you know what? Somebody is listening smarter than that. I'm gonna, yeah. But you know what? Somebody is listening right now and it was thought about it.
Starting point is 00:28:42 And they, they're either, the right, they're fucking drinking on their herbal life drink or they just got done with their beach body workout and they're listening their body. Doesn't beach body also, isn't that the name of a company that owns like all those, like P90X and all those other programs? Yeah, I think so. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:56 It's just one big cult. Yeah, crap. Unless, unless beach body wants to hire us and pay us to add a ball in. Yeah, you know, yeah, I can see Sal doing a bunch of high knees and sweating a lot. No, I would be you have to. You can't be part of that system without.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I couldn't even get out of the pool without being a track star. Can we just can we just fly a metric? Can we just tell our listeners right now the amount of money that's a company like that would have to pay us to start promoting it. Let's be real.. What would have to be I want a lot of money if we're gonna sell out. We got to sell out pretty yeah $15 $20 stupid I yeah, okay, here's the wait we're gonna have an animal in well here's the thing I'm gonna tell you guys something crazy
Starting point is 00:29:40 So I and this is on that subject. I promise Doug. I'm not going off subject. I Red in an interesting article the other day and the title of the article was are you on to crazy. So, and this is on that subject, I promise Doug, I'm not going off subject. I read an interesting article the other day, and the title of the article was, are you on entrepreneur or are you an artist? Okay. And there is a difference. And entrepreneur will start a business and sell it to profit from it. An artist will typically stay in businesses because they have a passion for it, even though it's not making the money, and maybe we'll stay in too long, or maybe we'll stick to something. I thought it was they wouldn't give it up.
Starting point is 00:30:10 They won't give it up. So the thing was, you build, you develop, you foster this idea that turns into your business, and the artist just can't give it up to sell it, because it's their baby versus their versus. And I'm probably, I thought I always thought I was like a entrepreneur. By definition, I am, because I've started businesses,
Starting point is 00:30:30 but I think I'm much more of an artist. Oh, really? Yeah, because if a company like Beachbody came to me and said, we want you to sell this piece of shit, work out at home program, that is completely against everything I believe in, and we're gonna pay you a million dollars, I would be very conflicted. I don't even know if I could do it because it would be something I couldn't believe in Even if they were gonna offer me a shit ton of money and I know and mentally
Starting point is 00:30:52 It's like well fucking take the money and do the same. I don't know how's anything to do with entrepreneur and artist I don't know because I think the entrepreneur and you does exactly like what you do with like your gym You own your gym you may run out of it stuff like that. You said hey, it's time to sell up I'm moving on onto the next person. I see both points to that, but yeah. I think I'm maybe in between the two, but like I said, they would have to promote something that I didn't believe in.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I'm gonna say, I know you're gonna get mad at me, dude, but I don't think there's any amount of money that they could give me. Oh, shit, he got it. He got it. He got it. Adam's like, I'll call him.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Now we're gonna go play. Everybody on the radio right now is driving their cars right now to work for this. And they're like, fucking bullshit, this guy's so full. I don't know if that gave this guy $100 million. He would fucking wear a pink dress and say whatever I had to tell, whatever you had to say. I don't know, if it was that ridiculous, it might be one thing on principle,
Starting point is 00:31:39 but let's just say that the money, okay, come over here, look at it. Touch the money. Yeah, then what? I don't know, man, come over here. Look at it. Touch the money. Yeah, then what? I don't know, man. It's tough. Yeah, it's tough. I gotta see the money, I guess.
Starting point is 00:31:50 It's tangible, man. There's a different one. It's tangible. What's your number Adam? Yeah, I'd want 10 million. 10 million, that's a fast answer. Yeah, I'm just gonna be fast. Well, it's 10 million.
Starting point is 00:32:00 It's a good number. Why is that enough? 10 million or 5 million, but then I get to tell my listeners that your shit's bullshit, but I'm still gonna push it. No. So I'll just let you guys know. I just be like,
Starting point is 00:32:11 hey, here's the deal. They pay me five million dollars. Yeah, then you get sued five million. It's gone again. Just like that. I can do it in a crafty way. No. If I know what you would do,
Starting point is 00:32:20 I think you could talk you out of the like, I would have lost my mind. No, no, I know exactly what Adam would do. Adam would you could talk to you out of the like, I would've lost. No, no, I know exactly what Adam would do. Adam would close himself on why he's selling this product, like the product actually works in some fucking way. Yeah, I would. He'd be like, you know, it still gets people to move, and I'm motivating people.
Starting point is 00:32:35 So it's fine. I would find a way to fucking. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I keep it real, you guys, I'll tell you guys that. So you guys know, okay? All right. Sal. All right, moving on to the next question. Okay. All right. So. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Moving on to the next question. I take half the money and then maybe not slightly. Slightly. Try again. We're going to try another question here. We got carne asada vore. Is that really how you pronounce it? I think so.
Starting point is 00:32:58 carne asada vore. carne asada vore. I don't know how you're saying it. But recreational drugs instead of alcohol. Whoa, yeah. This is in your wheelhouse. Wheelhouse, yeah, yeah. Okay, what's your question?
Starting point is 00:33:13 Mr. Cook. I don't understand, what's the question? Yeah, I like alcohol. Well, I think they're talking about athletes who are moving towards recreational drugs because calorie free. Yeah, calorie free. Okay, here's a thing.
Starting point is 00:33:24 If you're gonna replace alcohol, then replace it with marijuana. Other than that, I can't think of any other recreational drug that you should do instead of alcohol, that's better for you or gonna make you feel less like shit. Let's be honest, we can't type. We can't obviously promote anything.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Not that I'm promoting it, but I'm sticking. You just did. You know what I'm, here's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking athletes, athletes, especially high level athletes. Let's do this. It'll be against the rules. I have a better way for this. Or so, well listen, they're so high strong that when they go party or whatever, they probably
Starting point is 00:33:57 do drugs because they're fucking letting loose and going nuts. They probably extreme. I just wanna say, why don't we talk like hypothetically right now? Instead, because we can't promote, you know, drugs like cocaine or molly or ecstasy or, you know, things like that. PCP. Yeah. So we can't move.
Starting point is 00:34:15 So let's talk about scenarios. Just as many lives as possible. Why? Why someone may choose that, oppose it something else. And then what maybe we think about that as in their way of thinking by why they would do that. You understand what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. So I'm a competitor.
Starting point is 00:34:27 I'm a two weeks out from a show. I'm heading out to Vegas to go party and have a good time. I know I can't drink alcohol because it's not on the plan. So I'm probably going to drop Molly. That's what this guy's thinking. Sure, sure. Sure. Sure.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I can see that. Yeah. What are your thoughts on it? As far as damaging the body and like what Molly is a pure MDM for those that don't know what that is. Right, so it causes a dramatic increase in the production of serotonin. It's like fun like times 10 for like two hours. Yeah, so what do you say? Right, so you get all the serotonin,
Starting point is 00:35:01 you're having a good time, but it is exhausting on the body. I can only imagine that it's exhausting on the body and people don't sleep when they take it, right? So you're all the serotonin you have in a good time, but it is exhausting on the body. I can only imagine that it's exhausting on the body and people don't sleep when they take it, right? So you're up all night. Rumor has they have a lot of sex. Really? That's right here. Serotonin is the opposite.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Serotonin, you actually, for a lot of people have trouble having sex. Well, maybe my seroton. That's why people do have lots of sex on it because it keeps them from climaxing. All of a sudden you can't say like coming in shit. Every other episode you say cock vagina. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Yeah. Well, that's that's cross the line. I feel like I'm not gonna say come. I feel like we're already talking about heavy drugs. I can toe down a little bit. I'm trying to tone it down. I'm not trying to be full throttle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:38 We're talking about we're already talking about MDM right now. So you know what? As I'm scared of saying giz. Giz. Let's be clear about this. Yeah, the accident one time. He is one of bring it up. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:35:48 It's a good thing he's still see. So since neither one of you guys are competitors. What, what, what, yeah? I know, that's why this is so fun. Do you think competitors do apply at all? Do you think it's the calorie thing? I don't, you know, I, that's the one thing I have. Like I don't wanna get fat, I'm gonna do blow.
Starting point is 00:36:03 You know, yeah, and I, and I had to disagree a little bit with whoever this is, because it's not really, I don't think it's, I think that's a little, what's the word I'm looking for, overgeneralization to say that, competitors, I think fucking people, lots of people to drugs, lots and lots of people to drugs. Oh, millions of Americans.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Yeah, I think they're trying to say that they're justifying, you know, not drinking alcohol with these drugs, because it's not giving them, like, this effect that alcohol has, right, with fat storage. And let's keep it real. I mean, I most certainly make a choice. There's many, many times where I choose not to drink alcohol, and I'm in an event where I want to have a good time, and I'd rather smoke weed or choose to do something else, because of that simple reason.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Does it really have anything to do with me being a competitor and am I different than an average person who makes that same decision? I don't think so. Well, let's talk about alcohol. Look, we just came back from a weekend where we drank and it was during the day, we didn't lose sleep. I felt like shit today.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Yeah, no, that doesn't happen with marijuana. I felt like shit. I looked like shit in the morning time. My workout was effective, but that's why I don't like alcohol. I felt like shit. I looked like shit in the morning time. My workout was effective. But that's why I don't like alcohol. Because we mixed it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:09 You guys, you look fucking fresh. Shut up, Justin. Justin's got four livers. I'm all right. My liver is on active duty. It is. It's in your blood. I'm just saying you got to stick with whiskey.
Starting point is 00:37:21 All this vodka and then like, you know, shooting vodka and then shooting scotch stuff and beer. This is when he's a wizard. Cross pollinating. This is when he's a wizard. Oh, we had a beer too. Listen, you got to stick with that same flower. Well, you know, when terms of recreational drugs, from the people that I've seen do them,
Starting point is 00:37:42 a lot of times they do the drugs and they drink alcohol. Yeah. I rarely have seen people go, no alcohol for me tonight. I'm just gonna do co-candrats. I feel like it's, oh, it's usually like, they usually do them all. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Most competitors, you got no business if you're two weeks out from a show. You shouldn't be doing any drugs. Yeah, you should, or alcohol or anything. I mean, you're already putting your body, your body is already in such a depleted state that fucking putting any chemicals or I'm saying drop in Molly and freaking dancing on that.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Yeah, it's not a good idea. Anything anything at that point. So to be to keep it completely real, like, you know, even though I'm I do not frown upon anybody party and have a good time and doing what the hell they want to do to each their own, it's their bodies. I really don't care if you want to drop ecstasy or do MDM or do whatever you want to do. I mean, whatever. It's what it's. It's paint.
Starting point is 00:38:33 But if you're two weeks out from a show, I mean, I do not endorse any of this. And you take your support seriously. I don't think you have any business doing any of that stuff. I mean, alcohol is bad. So is so are all those drugs. so are all those drugs, and you're in a state with your body, where you're a very, very minimal body fat, you're in a deficit, you're already pushing the body at an extreme and a consistent level to add any sort of chemicals in there, or alcohol, for that matter, is probably not a good idea.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Yeah, let's be honest, Should we even be partying? Yeah. I mean, no. Your body, you're pushing it at such a limit. You're probably going to get sick. You're probably weak in your immune system with point where you get sick. I've done it where I've trained so hard,
Starting point is 00:39:15 and then I'll go out and have a heavy weekend where I drink or whatever, boom, get a cold the next day. But I mean, if you're depleted like that, you just want to be so susceptible. So you're already a walking dead man. I mean, I like the fucking weather changes. I get sick, dude. Like, I have half my shows.
Starting point is 00:39:29 I end up getting deathly sick after a show because I have pushed my body such extreme that I'm the slightest little virus going around with that. I'm picking that shit up. So yeah, if you're out there doing stuff like that during prep time, you obviously... So you're in crabs. You probably don't want to stop. For played the one. You saw the one.
Starting point is 00:39:46 For that, nothing to do with that dude. That was cause the stupid, you tried to like, that was that into your case. That was cause the stupid inner tube I use that fucking salue use. I use it right behind him bro. That's been fucking without even
Starting point is 00:39:57 the saloon on it. Yeah, there was not an issue. You can't get crabs. Cause waxed. You like, oh bro. It's so depleted dude. I got crabs. I was like, I don't know, I don't know how to help you. that the recreational is it only was it was the whole question can't you burn a mom
Starting point is 00:40:13 That's all that's all this it's not and it's just it's just competitors not no If you're a normal person fucking yeah, do coke do all that stuff. I mean you're normal right you're taking care of yourself if you want Don't advocate Jesus. No, we're not and then it's just it's your body It's a good adult your body is intervening. Okay, and these moments say It doesn't do any good I know whatever Adam says right now is not true This as mine pump does not collectively agree with this The state does man on mine pump today.
Starting point is 00:40:45 If you want to get big best in plants and do co-op, I don't think shafers on the beginning. All right, all right, what's the next? Moving on. Well, Justin, who's this next question from? Guys, it's the Hosoneta! That was bad! It's my boy, the Hosoneta!
Starting point is 00:40:59 All right, I think he's gonna get questions answered all the time just because of his name. I'm gonna keep picking him because I love your name. That is a great name. Yeah. So the hostinator asks, who inspired you guys to get into fitness and become who you are today? And what role did your parents play in the process? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Excellent question. Sal inspired me. Yeah. Yeah, when I was your daddy. Yeah. It's like, ah, Yeah, that one full circle. I actually, I don't think I know the story. I don't know, I don't know Justin's story.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Justin, tell me your story. Do you have a story? Who got you into exercise? You got me into ex-emercising. Yeah. Well, was it Tony Little? I don't even know, like, if I could pinpoint, like, a specific person other than, like... Probably sports, right?
Starting point is 00:41:45 Well, sports heroes. I looked up to Mark McGuire, which of course he was on steroids. So what? No, I know. But no, he was my favorite. Still a badass. Of course he's a badass. I love that guy.
Starting point is 00:42:03 But Ronnie Lot and... Also on steroids. Well, I'm bad ass. I love that guy. But you know, Ronnie lot and also in steroids. Well, I'm super bad as I wouldn't say. I would never touch you by him. That guy is ridiculously bad ass. But yeah, like someone of sports heroes, I guess, got me into like the training element of it. And once I started getting into it more, I guess, I don't know, like, my dad was an athlete, but he was so big already that it wasn't like, he, I guess for me, it was more of a fight to be stronger. Like that was my one angle.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Cause my dad's six, seven and. Holy shit. I didn't know that. Yeah, he's a big. Are you, you're the runt? He's a big dude. My brother's six, three. Oh my God. I didn't know that. Yeah, he's a big. You're the runt. He's a big dude, my brother's six, three. Oh my God. Yeah, how tall is your mom?
Starting point is 00:42:49 My mom is like five, eight maybe, something like that. Wow. So you're like, you're the shortest. You're, and you're not short, you're six feet. Yeah, I'm six foot, so. But you're like a midget. I know, you should see my wedding pictures. I get so pissed.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Fuck. Like I'm like in a hole wedding pictures. I get so pissed Like I'm like in a hole Anyway, so my dad like I was I was that kid that always wanted to wrestle you know like forever like I just had this Energy and I just always had to expend this energy. Yeah, yeah But yeah, like my dad I I mean, he uses body weight and just like smash me and lean into me and just like basically sit on me and smother me. And like he just, oh, you had enough, you had enough
Starting point is 00:43:34 and then I would just, ah, it's frustrated. That I just started, I started lifting weights and my brother used to do the same thing. They would just like use their leverage and everything. And then I started getting bigger, getting stronger. And then one day, one day, my dad tried to pull that same move on me. Guess what? I picked him up and I threw him down.
Starting point is 00:44:02 And then he never wrestled me again. Young lion beats older. Yeah lion, beats older lion. Yeah, it was that moment. It was the, okay, okay. You're amazing. We have a new understanding. That's interesting. The new king has arrived.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah, so then I got it really into it because I was like, oh, I like this. You can body slam down. Yeah, I like being stronger. And then I just, just got a lot stronger, than my brother and way better at sports. And he has one thing on me, it's like ping pong. Just always wants to play that.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Of course. And what was so funny is he's just, okay, no, we're gonna play games like risk and strategic and all the stuff. He's just like, oh yeah, totally got him here. I'm so book smart and I'm so smart. Smart. Right? Yeah, guess what?
Starting point is 00:44:51 Yeah, I learn you the first game. I'm on purpose. I figured all your moves and then I dominate you. That's what happens every time, dude. I'm, I'm letting it out here. You're open. It's just my strategy. Yes, it's good. I'm letting it out here. You're open. That's my strategy.
Starting point is 00:45:07 It's just a smooth, yeah. Let you win the first time. I'm gonna smash you from here. Oh, you know? See, that's a lot more going on in here than you think. There's a lot. See, that's interesting, because my dad,
Starting point is 00:45:18 my dad was always, to me, like a, like kind of like a hero, right? Very strong. I'm taller than my dad. I'm bigger than my dad, but my dad's got this freakish Natural strength just this ridiculous natural strength Actually still to this day he came in I think I've told you guys a story before like three years ago
Starting point is 00:45:34 he came into my gym and Doesn't work out doesn't lift weights. He's got arthritis up and down a spine Body hurts because he's been working manual labor since he was nine years old He grew up as a you know poor Sicilian. He came in my gym He grabbed the 75 pound or the 74 pound kettlebell by the handle flipped it upside down and cleaned it like and just balanced it It's all start on do you know fucking hard that is yeah, I still can't do that. Yeah, I still can't do that Hold it by the handle upside down my dad did that. He's you know, so he's got this freakish strength But I had a different experience the first time I beat my dad.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I got him and we used to grapple and we would go for till submission. And I got him an ankle lock and he didn't want to tap out and he tried to move around like and I popped his ankle and then he tapped real quick. It's the it was the only time I've ever beat my dad because after that, because he was such a hero to me. It was like it was just you didn't want to do that. That's the same. I don't want to beat my dad, because you such a hero to me, it was like, it was just, you didn't wanna do it. That's the same, I don't wanna beat my dad. Dude, that was the same feeling I had.
Starting point is 00:46:30 It wasn't like I was like, yeah, I don't know, it was like dominate, beat my chest about it. I think it was like, finally, I got him off me. You know, and now we can like, amically part ways. That's all. No, I didn't. And so now I will never wrestle my dad anymore because I don't want to, he's still a tough guy. I just don't want to beat him or whatever.
Starting point is 00:46:53 But for me, when I was a kid, Bruce Lee was my first influence. He was awesome, yeah. I used to think you're so buffed. Bruce Lee was like 130 pounds. But I used to think you're so buffed and you've got that last spread, you know? And I wanna, I like Bruce Lee. That's where you learned your angles.
Starting point is 00:47:07 The angles were everything. Dude. And then, I knew it. John Cloud Van Dam was another one. No, serious. Bro, the guy's fucking great. He looks like one's more. Can do the splits.
Starting point is 00:47:18 He finds, like every single movie, doing the splits. Doing the splits. Or the infamous split, his split roundhouse kick., is split roundhouse kick? You know the roundhouse kick? Three jumps and just doesn't hit you with this big toe. It knocks you out.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Hey, what was that with 80s movies? You always had to have like the slow motion. Yeah. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Like the mouth would do the movie. The manly macho movies of the 80s were the best. I mean, they were awesome. They were the best.
Starting point is 00:47:44 I missed them. And the one lin liners every time before they killed someone Like when I came back with a expendable. Yeah, like like a commando when he throws the fucking pipe through the guy into the like the steam Whatever and steams coming out and he's like Bennett let off some steam He just fucking killed him right now let off some steam You need to walk it off. Yeah, I like you. You're a funny guy. That's why I'm going to kill you last. So Arnold obviously was a big influence. And then I got into bodybuilding. And I got into all the bodybuilders of the 70s because that was just because of pumping iron. And I know way too much about bodybuilding history.
Starting point is 00:48:18 And then I really got into the bodybuilders of the 90s because that's when I was, you know, that age lifting weights. And those guys really inspired me. You know, so I was heavily inspired know, that age lifting weights and those guys really inspired me You know, so I was heavily inspired by bodybuilding I would say and then as I got older I got into strong men and I'd go into the old school strong man like Eugene Sandow and Arthur Saxon and those guys And a lot of that influence the way I work out today That's pretty much it. How about you Adam? It was just me right you just looked at me and said yeah, it's pretty much it I don't I definitely don't have as good a story as I didn't want to be I did wrestle my dad Pretty much it. How about you Adam? It was just me right? You just looked at me and said, yeah, it's pretty much it.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I don't, I definitely don't have this good stories. I didn't want to be. I didn't wrestle my dad. I didn't, uh, I didn't ankle lock my father or anything like that. I didn't get into weight lifting until, uh, 20, you know, so I did pants them. It did. I did do that. I wasn't a sports. So I love sports growing up, but that did not get you. A lot of things at 20 started lifting weights Got laid for the first time All the same age that was a big you became a man. That was a big year for you It's like everywhere
Starting point is 00:49:13 It's funny because I'm trying to put those two together just a bit of hair No, it was a little bit sooner not okay just a little bit though So even though I played sports and I put all kinds of sports growing up my entire life, I was never into lifting weights. And even in high school, my buddies and I, we kind of dabbled in it. We had a garage and we worked out occasionally,
Starting point is 00:49:37 like when we were tired of playing basketball outside, or playing football, or playing baseball, or playing some sports. So for me, it was always sports, sports, sports, sports. I never really cared about lifting weights until I started to get into about my senior year. And that was when, and when I was a senior, I was a six, one or six, two, I was almost fully grown. And I was about a hundred and 45 pounds. So it was a rail. You're a fucking huge. You have rail fins. Like you can see my rigging.
Starting point is 00:50:02 When you took a shower, you had to run around to get what Pretty much so I if I said if I were to like pinpoint like what influence me or what what played the bitch I'd have to say probably becoming really interested in women and And women and women noticing women noticing me and and you know, start this was like the beginning of my as a kid and playing sport. I was always athletic this and that. So I really didn't give a shit about my crooked teeth and skinny calves and no muscles. I didn't care about that stuff. But then as I started to get older and I had a car and I had a job and like I'm doing
Starting point is 00:50:43 things and kissing girls and getting in dollars and stuff like that. Now I'll suddenly become more aware of my my physique and my insecurity start to come out. And you know, I think that's what propelled me into, okay, let's see what this whole lifting weights thing can do for me because I don't like being the skinny kid who gets made fun up for being skinny all the time. And I know that women, the girls all seem to be attracted to the buffer football player looking guys.
Starting point is 00:51:10 And I definitely don't look like that. And although I make up for personality and all these other great things, like I want that too if I can get it. It's so funny because I had kind of an opposite experience with that, it was more like, you mean you just got the lady? No, I just, no, I, no, I wasn't like that.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Like, it all of a sudden happened once I started training really hard, you know, for sports. And then, like I said, I liked feeling strong. So I just started getting really into it. And then my body changed. I didn't really realize it had changed so much. And except until like I was getting all this attention from ladies and then I was like, whoa, you know, it was strange. It still didn't even hit me until like a year, even after that.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Yeah. And then, what the biggest compliment I got was this guy that was like a year older than me that was playing basketball. And you know, that's when you're like, I used to wear the shirt that was underneath the tank top. You know what I mean? Cause like, you're too skinny. But I was like, just rocking it, you know, with my, my arms got a lot bigger. And so it inspired like this guy that was like, you're older than me to like train real hard. And then he came back with some guns and he was like, dude, I saw, you know, I saw you playing, man, and I was like, dude, I got a train. I was like that guy. Yeah. Yeah, it's the, I, uh, so it was backwards for me. So for me, I saw it after that. I, I knew that, uh, that I was, this is where my insecurity started to come out.
Starting point is 00:52:35 I started to lift weights and I, I was immediately, uh, fell of it. Now, when I started to lift weights messing around the garage, that was kind of before all this, like the insecurity started. Then when I started to notice it as I started to become a senior and then a freshman in college, then I noticed the importance of it if I wanted to build this physique. And that's also the exact same time that I had actually purchased a national certification to become a trainer and I started already studying at home. So I already started reading. And then I became fascinated. And I was like, wow, this is the first, like I was never all through high school. I was to cliff. And then I became fascinated. And I was like, wow, this is the first,
Starting point is 00:53:05 like I was never all through high school. I was the cliff note guy. I fucking hated reading novels. To this day, I hate reading novels. But for the first time in my life, I found something I didn't wanna put down. I kept reading and I wanted to learn more about my body and like more ways to train and the what's the right way.
Starting point is 00:53:20 And I was- Was that your first certain ASM? No, that wasn't an ASM. That was 24? No, no, it was IFPA. Oh, IFPA? Yeah, so that was the first one that I picked up and started reading.
Starting point is 00:53:29 And this just like, this became this whole new passion for me. I was not only passionate now about working out, I was now passionate about learning and learning this subject. And then I became more fascinated with, you know, real somewhere to how I became fascinated with men's physique
Starting point is 00:53:47 on how many people just didn't know. There's all these people in the gym and all these people have been telling me shit, well I'm reading this book like, you know, the fuck they're talking about. Like they wish we'd be doing this, we should be doing that. And I became addicted to that.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I was like, wow, there's so much more so I wanted to learn, I wanted to grow. And that's what really, and then of course I started to see the benefits from it. I started putting weight on it and then I saw 150s, 160s, 170s. And I remember thinking of myself holy shit, 100 and said, I never thought I would ever weigh this much.
Starting point is 00:54:15 And I remember getting up to like 180 pounds and like, I now had a physique that you could look at and say, hey, this guy looks like he works out. I was by no means big or buff or anything special, but I now felt confident in my physique. What that did for me was huge also. I noticed, and this is also why I preach this to a lot of people that a lot of people don't want to admit about this because it sounds superficial or it's like, oh, it sounds vain to talk like this, but hey, man, in reality, I wanted to feel better
Starting point is 00:54:46 about myself, I wanted to look better, whether it was originally because of the attract attention of women or not, I saw all the added benefits to it too, other side from health and strength and feeling better and looking better. I also noticed what it did to me as a person, I was more confident, I was happy. Oh, it's more driven, it was more focused.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Oh yeah. Everything gets affected. I'm training a young kid right now, and he's getting into it, you know, you start training a kid, I was happy. Oh, it's driven. It affects everything. It affects everything. Oh yeah. Everything gets affected. You know what, I'm training a young kid right now and he's getting into it. You know, you start training a kid and then you can see them start to get into it and start to want to work out on their own.
Starting point is 00:55:12 I'm waiting for the day. A girl tells him, oh wow, look, you look like you're working out. Cause I don't give a shit. Who you are if you're a guy, the second is the deal. The second, if you're a young guy and the second a chick notices that you work out, oh yeah, you're fucking out. You're hooked. Yes I remember I think I was a freshman in high school and I had been working out
Starting point is 00:55:31 But this like a year maybe at this point year two and I had I took off my t-shirt and I had a wife Peter on that's right Why Dude that's been me forever this This may be actually still work. That might be the generation you're studying. That is why he's still work. Actually, a whole lot of second. I'm getting all psychological here with it. Maybe this is why I liked him so much. I remember this to this day.
Starting point is 00:55:53 I was in class. I took my shirt off. I had a wife beat around black one on. And this two girls next to me were both like, damn, look at your arms. So then from that day forward, if that's why I like basketball jerseys. If it was, if it was sunny, I had a wife beat her on.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Hey, by the way, I bought new wife beaters. There are money, they're really fucking nice, but they're still wife beaters. Are money makes way? They do, bitch. They do. Whoa, dude. That was uncalled for.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Yeah. All right, Doug. All right, we've got one more question here. This is from all things forward. How do you feel about multivitamins? Flintstone gummies all the way. All the way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Here's how I would have answered. I'm gonna end right there. Here's how I would have answered five years ago. Five years ago, I would have said, a multivitamin is a good thing because it's gonna provide you with all the nutrients that your body needs just in case... The minerals you're lacking in. Just in case your diet is off, it's going to fill in those holes and provide you with
Starting point is 00:56:51 what you need. Now, my answer is, unless you have a documented deficiency, don't take a multivitamin because we are now discovering that taking too much of nutrients is bad. It can be acidic on some of them. You think about your magnesium, your iron, your things like that, or found in those. Even any oxidants that are, you know, like, they used to say, oh, take lots of vitamin E, you know, it's good. Now they're finding too much vitamin E, you know, people take a lot of it will have
Starting point is 00:57:17 increased the process of cancer. And the process of cancer. Yeah, so I don't think you should take a multivitamin unless your doctor's like, you have a deficiency in this particular vitamin because all multivitamins are really, really high levels of everything. And then on top of that, most of the foods you eat, especially if they're packaged or fortified
Starting point is 00:57:34 with all these vitamins and shit. And if you eat healthy, you're getting lots of nutrients anyway, so I would say, no. Especially if you're taking some other fucking shake or thing like, because what people don't realize exactly almost all those Are fortified with shitloads of items with what you need for your daily intake like you like you pay attention to your multi-vitamits Like all the iron and calcium you need oh, that's great Well, then you look at your protein sugar. It's like all the iron and calcium and protein
Starting point is 00:57:59 They all have everything you need and cheerios. Yeahios. Yeah, everything, if everything is getting infused with all that, you have more than enough, and like Sal is saying, is that yeah, there's certain things in there that you don't want too much, you know, and it can throw your pH levels up. Well, they've shown, they've did studies, and initially the studies would show that people who took a multivitamin, lived longer,
Starting point is 00:58:21 and had better health. However, since I've learned how to read studies better and they've actually gone back and rescinded some of that stuff because what they found was the controls were really bad. Those are the ones that are concerned with their health. Yeah, people who tend to take multivitamins also tend to exercise, tend to watch it. So then they found that when they control for those factors
Starting point is 00:58:39 of multivitamins that didn't really contribute to anything at all, and in fact, my, in some case, it'd be detrimental. Especially if you take a high performance multivitamin or one that's geared towards bodybuilders, have you guys ever looked at like the bodybuilding multivitamin? Just like anything bodybuilding, right? More is better.
Starting point is 00:58:56 You look at the back of a regular multivitamin from the store and it's 100% of everything. You look at the back of a bodybuilding multivitamin and it's a fucking 500 to 1,000% of everything. And they'll give you packs. You'll get the pack of a body building, multivitamin, and it's a fucking 500 to a thousand percent of everything. And they'll give you packs. You'll get the pack and there's like 15 pills in there. And I'm getting 18,000 percent of every mold. I'm gonna be so fucking big tomorrow
Starting point is 00:59:13 when I take this because I'm getting so nutrients. Ah, so many nutrients flowing in my veins. No. Dude, but don't you think, okay, so like with prenatals, right? For instance, they do need very specific types of minerals and everything different. Yeah, different. So I would say that's a whole different class,
Starting point is 00:59:29 but yeah, multi-vibrations, average person who's overall healthy, no need. No, and here's a deficiency. Right. And okay, not only just a deficiency, if you also know that you, and here's that may take a little bit of research for you. So I get this is important.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Okay, if you know you don't eat fruit ever, you know you don't ever eat vegetables ever, or you know like maybe you're not a meat eater, there's certain, and there this goes for anything juice, bro. Alright, they'll give me start on that one. This, those, those things, those foods in your diet provide, you know, essential, essential amino acids, essential vitamins and minerals. And if you on a regular basis don't ever take any of them, then more than likely you probably do have a deficiency somewhere.
Starting point is 01:00:13 But if you're a person who eats a balanced diet, you eat fruit, you eat vegetables, you eat your meats, you eat those things like that, you're probably getting a pretty good balance of what you need. Now I will say this, should you never use vitamins? No, use vitamins. Be smart about them.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Let me give you an example. Let's say you live in Alaska and you don't get much sun exposure. And you don't eat foods that are high in absorbable forms of vitamin D. You're going to benefit from supplementing with a deep vitamin D3. I have clients that in the winter time, they'll get a little, they'll notice that their energies go down
Starting point is 01:00:49 and they'll feel a little depressed or sad or whatever. Supplementing with vitamin D tends to pick them up and they do find that people sometimes in the winter months tend to be deficient in vitamin D. I'm just using that as an example. But there's other nutrients as well. Like if you're a vegetarian and you don't eat lots of meat, you might benefit from supplementing with certain types of iron, or
Starting point is 01:01:09 certain other types of minerals, or the B vitamins, for example. But other than that, just everybody taking a multivitamin like they've been promoting, no, probably not a good idea. Save your money. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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