Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1426: Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats, How to Get a More Restful & Regenerative Night’s Sleep, The Benefits of Power Cleans & More

Episode Date: November 18, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the benefits of power cleans, the part of sleep that is best for recovery, whether there are “good” fats and �...�bad” fats, and managing fitness lifestyle, business, and fatherhood. Mind Pump Debates: Sony versus Xbox. (5:44) Mind Pump going ‘hard’ on Parler. (9:28) Will there be a mandatory vaccine? (12:10) Hypocrisy at its finest. (17:30) How Jessica is bouncing back post-pregnancy. (18:55) Nerd News with Sal. (20:53) Mind Pump Investments: Predictions for Disney stock. (25:42) Whale watching with The Andrews. (27:32) Maximus loves Magic Spoon too! (30:42) Courteney Andrews the roaster. (34:19) Be careful what you say around children. (35:44) ChiliPad to the rescue! (39:08) #Quah question #1 – Are power cleans worth the try? What do they benefit? (41:55) #Quah question #2 – I struggle to sleep more than 7 hours a night. Which part of sleep is best for recovery? Is it possible to increase just that part, such as deep sleep? If so, how? (47:01) #Quah question #3 – Can you guys break down the whole back and forth of “good” fats versus “bad” fats? Saturated versus unsaturated fats? I thought a macro is a macro. (52:09) #Quah question #4 – How do you manage fitness, lifestyle, business, and being a father? I know you all make it seem seamless, but I struggle with maintaining my fitness, work, and being a father. (56:42) Related Links/Products Mentioned November Promotion: MAPS Ultimate At-Home Workout Bundle for Only $99.99 Parler App: Conservatives find homes on social media platforms that provide misinformation. Ticketmaster exploring verifying fans' vaccine status before issuing concert passes San Diego strip clubs open indoors but churches, schools, gyms and restaurants forced to close Air Force Wants Lasers on Fighter Jets by 2025 Analysts love Disney after earnings, say it’s a great recovery play with streaming hedge The Right Stuff | Disney+ Originals VIDEO: Humpback whale almost swallows kayakers near a California beach Visit Magic Spoon for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit ChiliPad for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1240: The Muscle Building & Fat Burning Effects Of Oly Lifting With Sonny Webster Mind Pump #1345: 6 Ways To Optimize Sleep For Faster Muscle Gain And Fat Loss Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1420: Counting Calories Makes You Fat With Max Lugavere Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Max Lugavere (@maxlugavere) Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Saldas Defano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Congratulations, you're listening to the number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. You did it! We are MIND pump. Now, in today's episode, we answer fitness and health questions, but the way we open the
Starting point is 00:00:25 episodes with an introductory portion, this is what we talk about current events. We have some fun conversation. Today's intro was 38 minutes long. Then we got into the fitness questions. Let me give you a rundown of the whole episode, right? So we open up by talking about Sony versus Xbox, a little bit of a debate going on between Adam and my son. Let's see your wins.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Yeah. Then we talk about the app, the social media company, Parler. They are exploding right now after people are getting pissed off at the perceived censorship coming from places like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. By the way, we're all on Parler now. You can find all of us. You can find me at Mind Pump Sal,
Starting point is 00:01:01 at Mind Pump, Atom at Mind Pump, Atom at Justin at Mind Pump, Justin. Then we talk about mandatory vaccines. It's come in ladies and gentlemen, ticket master said that they're gonna require people to get vaccinated or tested in order to attend their events. So we have a little discussion about that. Then I mentioned the strange hypocrisy or application
Starting point is 00:01:20 of the laws in San Diego. Gims are closed, but stripper places are open, they call stripper places. Those are open. Yeah. Then I talk about my wife looking amazing, nine days after giving birth to my son. Good job, honey.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Then we talk about the Air Force putting laser beams on their fighter jets. I think it's just an exciting. We are living in a sci-fi. Then we talk about Disney. They're gonna release their earnings tonight. We make some projections or predictions as to what we think they're going to show. Then Adam talked about the whale that happened at Avila Beach. He thought they ate big fish. They don't eat small fish.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Yeah, a little little curl. Then we talked about Magic Spoon cereal. Magic spoon makes zero sugar, low carb, gluten-free, grain-free, super high protein cereal. It's got way protein, ladies and gentlemen, and it tastes amazing. It's like blueberry flavor, fruity flavor, there's chocolate flavor. It's like the cereal ate when you were a kid, except this is high in protein without any sugar, okay? Now you can get a discount if you go to magicspoon.com-mindpump. You'll get a huge discount on your box
Starting point is 00:02:26 of delicious high protein cereal. Yeah. Then Justin talked about his wife making fun of him on FaceTime, that's cool. Yeah, well thanks, I... And then I talked about managing the temperature of the bed with the chili pad. This thing is amazing.
Starting point is 00:02:40 You can actually make your bed cool or hot. It's water cooled. There is no EMFs in the pad that goes on your bed It helps improve your deep sleep studies actually prove it and because you listen to mine pump you get a huge discount Here's what you do go to chile technology.com. That's CHI Technology.com forward slash mine pump and then use the code pump 2 2 That's the word pump and the number 224a discount. Pump and your 22. Then we got to the questions. Here's the first one. This person wants to know what
Starting point is 00:03:13 the deal is with power cleans. Are they worth it? Do they build muscle? What are they good for? The next question, this person has trouble sleeping more than seven hours a night. Wants to know what we recommend for them. The third question, this person wants to know the difference between good fats and bad fats, and the final question, this person wants to know if we have any tips on how to manage lifestyle, fitness, business, and being fathers.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Where's the ballots? That's right. Also, this month, our at home workout programs are discounted heavily. And a lot of places, gyms are closing down again. We have some of the most effective at home workout programs you'll find anywhere on the internet. And what we're doing is we're offering three of them at super, super discounted prices. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:03 So the first program maps anywhere. All you need are resistance bands and a broomstick and you can train your entire body. Then we have map suspension. This is an at home workout program that uses only suspension trainers to train your entire body. Then we have maps hit. This is a fat burning program.
Starting point is 00:04:19 20 minute workouts that burn tremendous amounts of calories. If you follow all three programs, you get like five months or so of working out programming, okay, excellent workout programming. Now the retail price for all three programs combined would be $291, but here's what we're doing right now. Get all three with our holiday at home bundle, the ultimate at home bundle for $99.99.
Starting point is 00:04:45 That's it, less than $100 and you get all three programs. One time fee, full access. Remember, all the programs come with video demos and explanations and blueprints. Everything you need to follow the programs. If you wanna sign up, here's what you do. Go to maps november.com, that's the word maps, M-A-P-S november.com. That's the word maps M a p s november dot com
Starting point is 00:05:07 Teacher And it's t-shirt time Shit, you know it's my favorite time of the week. Oh, yes, it is Couple of voice cracks there, too. Yeah, a few octaves up there. We have two winners one for Apple podcast and one for Facebook the Apple podcast winner is a Venga 24. And for Facebook, we have Anthony Evans. Both of you are winners, send the name I just read to iTunes at myumpumedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address,
Starting point is 00:05:40 and we'll get that shirt right out to you. Right out to you. Hey, how funny was that phone call yesterday, Adam? Oh, your son. Yeah, too. Well, you hit me up. I wasn't ready for that, right? So, Sal calls me, right?
Starting point is 00:05:51 And he goes, hey, my son wants to talk to you. And I'm like, so, I guess that way, hold on, let me set the table, all right? So, I sent a text message to, you know, our group thread. And I knew I didn't involve Doug, because I know Doug doesn't give a shit about this. But I know that Justin has two boys. I know you've got a teenage boy and the new Xbox
Starting point is 00:06:11 and the new place. And you are a teenage boy? Yeah, and I haven't grown up still. No. And so I knew the new Xbox and PlayStation are coming out and I thought, you know, this would be cool to have this at the trucky house. I don't play enough to where I would justify spending $500 on myself to use it.
Starting point is 00:06:28 So I was really trying to rope you guys in on splitting that cost with me. And like, hey, I know your boys would like it. So I sent a message and then you guys are all like, well, how much? And divided you're like, yeah, cool. I'm in. So I'm like, awesome. I'm going to get myself the Xbox that I want. And then I get a text message from Sal, like, I think it was the next day. It said, like, hey, my boy says Xbox sucks,
Starting point is 00:06:45 we should do the PlayStation. I'm like, get the fuck outta here with that. Yeah, so Adam sends me like this PlayStation. He sends me like this list that shows the gigabits and stuff. And Xbox beats PlayStation. So I showed my son again and he's like, no, no, no, no. So what is inaccurate?
Starting point is 00:07:01 Yeah, and he's like a total gamer, right? So we're driving, I was driving them to my house yesterday and again, he's like a total gamer, right? So we're driving I was driving them to to my house yesterday and Again, he's like dude get the PlayStation. No, get the expo. I'm like, you gotta talk to Adam dude He's the he's the gamer of the group. So I saw I called a bad up And that was like you got him go look. I don't care what system we get. I'm gonna kick your ass no matter what we play And my son was just like what? Yeah, I knew that was you just challenge me Yeah, he's on puts play stations got more exclusive games son was just like, what? I knew that was the game. Did you just challenge me?
Starting point is 00:07:26 He's on a place station, he's got more exclusive games and I was like, what game? He's like Spider-Man, Adam starts cracking up over the foot. Nobody wants to play Spider-Man. See you're putting your fairy dust games in the light. Yeah, I'm trying to tell him. He's like, the fairy dust, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:07:39 But no, the best. Yeah. At all defensive. Adam goes, we're gonna get a lot of sports games. That one, you can see my son's, you know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. That's good though. You know what? Now that we've hung out enough times, you know what, first,
Starting point is 00:08:05 because he's so quiet. And like you said, he doesn't give you a lot of read on his emotions, right? So you can't read if he thinks something's funny, you can't read if he's excited about it, if he's offended by something. But now that I know his personality, you know, he's a little witty smart-ass dude.
Starting point is 00:08:19 He's definitely. Yeah, he's another one of us. He just comes off as an android at times. So now I know I can go hard in the pain on him I mean, I'm saying I don't have to be all soft originally when we first meet I'm like, oh nice to him and shit. I'm like, no, no, no, no, I can punk him. No, but expected to back now. Oh, yeah Of course, no, I totally expected. I mean, he didn't back down. I mean, he was trying to call me out on it Well, name the games. Yeah, let's let's hear the games that you you're talking about
Starting point is 00:08:42 No, he's funny, dude. He's like, his emotions run, like I said before, it's like between a four and a six. That's it, everything. Now, were you like that when you were that young? Do you remember? I was a little bit more, I think I was a little more emotional. I definitely get excited and I'm more vocal than he is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:01 So he's more analytical, he's like my analytical side double, right? So he's like super analytical, very logical, very dark, sensey humor. I mean, sometimes you'll send me stuff and I'm like, did you send this to anyone else? He's all in the memes. Like, he's got that down. Oh yeah, I don't send this to anyone else.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Yeah. Put your father things this is the layer down. You're the shadow band. You're the shadow band. But I laugh on the side. Yeah, you're like, this is the layer. You've been shadowed man. You've been shadowed man. But I laugh on the side. Yeah, you're like, I get it though. It's really good. Speaking of shadow band, so I think I'm lifted, right?
Starting point is 00:09:31 But it's a slow lift. So I'm not even nowhere close to the type of views I was getting before. So it's gradually bringing views back to you. So I'm going to start posting like the saucy stuff on parlor. So you guys know parlor, right? Yeah, yeah. Okay, so you want to hear something crazy? I'm gonna get on there. Just the last couple of days I've all said,
Starting point is 00:09:49 I don't have done anything, right? I started the count. I haven't even done a post on there, but I opened the account right away when I heard about it. And for some weird reason, in the last like 24 hours, I'm getting ads like create, I'm not doing anything. It's because I've started posting, I think. Oh, yeah, so people found me and then they're found.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Got it, guys. So parlor in a week, right? In one week went from four and a half million users to eight million. So they almost doubled their users in one week following the election. Well, there needs to be competition, right? I mean, there's so much censorship happening right now.
Starting point is 00:10:20 It's like, you wanna find another option that's out there so it's nice to see at least something. Will it be, will it be though? Or is it gonna be you know, I'm temporarily right? It's always like that when a startup company's like oh, we're the best because we offer all these things And then they just completely conform. Yeah fair and balanced But I mean, but because they don't they don't really censor That's what that's their thing at least, right? It's free and open.
Starting point is 00:10:46 That's where I'm posting my, you know, where I'm gonna go hard. I hold back on Instagram because obviously we have a business to run and I don't wanna get shadow band or blog. Right, right. But on parlor I go a little harder. So if you wanna see the fun stuff,
Starting point is 00:11:01 go over there and check me out. And you use the same handle right now. We all forgot what I see. I think we all use the same handle. Yeah, it's still mine pump go over there and check for you out. And you use the same handle right now. We all forgot what I said. I think we all use the same handle. Yeah, it's still mind-pump-sall over there. Right, right. But they're blown up, dude. They are totally exploding because people are leaving.
Starting point is 00:11:13 And you know what? This is what we predicted, right? We talked about this before about private companies, censoring and blocking, and you get the calls for regulation. And what I've always said is, give it time, you'll see competition. People will get annoyed and then you'll see. It's not an American.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Yeah, you'll see other platforms will open up and people will go to them who don't want to have, you know, that kind of censorship or whatever. Did you guys know on part of this, a meme-making feature? What? Yeah, this is brilliant. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:42 So memes are, I will make this statement, I've said it before, I'll say it again. Memes are the most powerful form of communication today. There's nothing more powerful. Nothing gets shared faster, spreads faster than the meme. Nothing at all. And I think it's brilliant what they did. So there's a feature where you could post a picture and then it gives you the option to
Starting point is 00:12:01 post captions and just to make it look like a meme. Smart. So you can make your own me Wow, isn't that wild? That is wild. Yeah, I have some drama for you guys for them. Oh, I love drama Yeah, well, I mean or confirming what I think people were saying was a conspiracy theory just like three months ago, right? So there's this fear people are running the gun. No, not that No, but there's there's this fear that people are running the grocery. No, not those ones. No, no, no, but there's this fear that they're going to make the vaccine mandatory.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Oh, yeah. And then there's the other side that's defending, you know, like that's ridiculous, flu shots aren't mandatory, and people are saying they're not going to make it mandatory like that. The way they're going to make it mandatory is companies are going to start saying that in order for you to buy or use or come here, you're going to have to have this. And did you see what Tick-A-Master? Yeah, Tick-A-Master's doing that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Yeah, they're talking about making, in order for you to attend their concerts, you have to have a vaccine. Now here's the thing, I don't mind that. I really don't. Yeah, they're a private company. And not only that, but they're trying to ensure their success. That's the thing, they're trying to do anything they can
Starting point is 00:13:01 to just promote like a big gathering of people. That's a pretty tough space to navigate. Yeah, how would you do that, right? Yeah. How many people would want to show up now with COVID cases exploding? Right. But if you go and you know that everybody there
Starting point is 00:13:14 has been vaccinated, you're far less likely to, you're far more likely I'd say to show up. Yeah, I mean, it makes sense, but then there's that other side of it. Like mandatory, you know, that's a bit of a scary thought. Oh, if government makes it mandatory, I think that would be such a bad move. I don't think that would be smart at all.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah. Because it's a, what a great way to ensure that a segment of the population won't do it by telling them they have to. So do you think though that the real reason why Ticket Master is doing some of this, is that that's gonna be the only way that government will allow them to open up? That's what I think. Yeah, I think it's the only way they'll be able to use it. That's what I think too.
Starting point is 00:13:51 And that's why I think it's a smart move and I'm not against it. So I know I started this off with like this conspiracy thing like in just a rally. But yeah, but the truth is like I don't disagree with this. I think that if you're Ticket Master and you've been like frozen, right? So you haven't up by the way, I have a buddy who, you know, my connection at SAP, like he's been there for 20 something years of his life just recently got laid off. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:14:14 You know, because no concerts, no sporting events, nothing's going on. Yeah, so like, and he's like high, high up, dude, right? So it's crazy to think that they let him go. But so if you're a ticket master and you can't hold concerts and you can't do any of these, I mean, you're just, you're bleeding right now. And so, you know, you wanna get, you're like, we have, even if COVID spiking right now,
Starting point is 00:14:33 we've gotta find a way to get back in the game somehow. This is probably the only way that government will even, Yeah, I don't like that. Yeah, I'm not down with, say that's again, that's government coming in and saying, you can't provide for yourself unless you do this. I don't't like that. Yeah, I'm not down with, say that's again, that's government coming in and saying, you can't provide for yourself unless you do this. I don't necessarily like that.
Starting point is 00:14:48 But I do see that, I think ticket master would do it anyway. I really do. Oh, you think so. Yeah, I think they would do it anyway because think about it. If you or the CEO of ticket master, I disagree and the reason why I disagree
Starting point is 00:14:58 is because the people, because there's a portion of people that listen to whatever cons, whoever people, because there's a portion of people that listen to whatever cons, whoever the person is, that's singing, that is going to be an anti-vaxxer, and then there's going to be people that are pro-wits. So you're already cutting your audience in half, or at least a quarter. So as a business owner, you would never want to do that unless you had to do that. Well, if you, so if you read, if you look at the current polls, so these are the polls
Starting point is 00:15:24 that are happening right now, the Gallup polls show that 70, something percent of Americans will voluntarily get a vaccine when it's available. So majority Americans will do it voluntarily. Now making it mandatory, that's a whole nother, that's a whole nother thing. I don't know what that would look like,
Starting point is 00:15:40 but I think more people would get the vaccine than not. So I think Ticketmaster would probably do better by saying you have to have access. What have you bring proof that you got tested morning of, like let's say? That's on there. Okay, so that counts too. Yeah, so that's good.
Starting point is 00:15:55 That's another option, like somebody could come in and like they get tested, they come there, and then they do like the temperature and all that, like on site, so it's like just another wall of protection. So that's what I read, did you read that? So it's like just another wall of protection. So that's what I read. Did you read that? So it's not just. It's a vaccine plus that.
Starting point is 00:16:09 No, it's vaccine or that. Or that. Yeah, well, that's good. Yeah, that's an answer. You either need to have been tested that morning with proof that you are COVID free or you have to have the vaccine. Ooh, those testing companies.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I wonder if there's a public option. I wonder if there's a public option. Well, there already, there's at home and stuff, right? So you have companies that are doing all the at home, the at home Ooh, those testing companies. I wonder if there's a public option. I wonder if there's a public option. Well, they're already there's at home and stuff, right? So you have companies that are doing all the at home, the at home ones, right? Well, I wonder if those are valid or you have to go to a certain one. Yeah, because if there's that's that's the certified one, there's your, you know, conspiracy stuff. I watch the government get involved. Ticketmaster owns the test. No, no, watch somewhere. What government have their hands in one of the one of the ones, it has to be these three, one of these three, like conveniently they have their hands and what are the, what are the, what are the, what are the, what are the, what are the,
Starting point is 00:16:45 it has to be these three, one of these three, like conveniently they have their hands in it. Whoever gets that certification is gonna crush. Oh yeah. Because how many people are gonna go get those, especially if they make it mandatory, it has to go through. Oh Matt, see, but here's the thing that makes me so mad.
Starting point is 00:16:56 It's okay, I, first off, I believe that in a free society, people should be able to make their own risky choices and pay the consequences of those choices. And on top of that, that means if you knowingly infect someone that you should also be liable, right? So I'm okay with that. That's why I don't like lockdowns anyway. But that's not really pisses me out. Well, really pisses me off is the hypocrisy and inconsistencies in what they decide they allow to be open and not. makes it makes you feel like things are going crazy San Diego, this is what's just just happened right now San Diego gyms are closed You cannot go work out in the gym strip clubs indoors are open. Yeah, I don't understand churches
Starting point is 00:17:36 Churches closed you can't have indoor You know Churches you can't have you can't worship indoors, but you could go to a strip club. I don't understand the logic. It's illogical. It makes my, that's what makes my brain go crazy. It's like, what do you mean? You saw the mass celebration. Nothing here makes sense.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Yeah, mass celebrations, you know, Biden projected winter. It's not like huge crowds of people celebrating. Nobody says damn thing, you know, but other things are closed. That's the kind of stuff that makes people want to lose their mind. Yeah, but that's mostly here though, right? Is that it?
Starting point is 00:18:06 That's not everywhere in the country, right? That's us that we're dealing with in California. Is that well, I don't know. Like even New York, weren't they like trying to pass legislation? Well, I'm talking to New York in California. Yeah, I mean, it's very similar. Yeah. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:18:18 This is going on. How the hell did the strip clubs stay open? That's what I wanted. It's amazing. I don't know. They had some good lawyers. How the strippers are going to stay in shape without the gyms. Yeah. Or the strippers might be friendly with the politicians. I don't know. That's wrong. Yeah. Hey, so what do you do with you? We gotta
Starting point is 00:18:34 keep cinnamon in business. Okay. She's one of my favorites. So what do you do with your gym? Then if you want to keep it open, just let people work out and make it. No, no, no, we're a strip club. Yeah, we're a strip. It's a fetish strip club Yeah, yeah, we like we like our strippers to do squats. Oh, yeah, just do group classes, you know, everybody does like lap dances Anyway, speaking of a nice-looking bodies. Dude my wife's bouncing back quick. Oh nice transit. She looks really really good already Yeah, this morning she you we were hanging out or whatever, and I'm looking at her. I mean, we're what?
Starting point is 00:19:08 How many days of what? My son was born on the third. What's the day? So I mean, he's like nine days old. So it's only been nine days since she had the baby. And it just, her, and this is what happens when you lift weights and you have muscle and you're strong and healthy, going into a pregnancy and then through the pregnancy,
Starting point is 00:19:27 I've seen this with clients as well. Yeah, and especially C section, epidural, there's like a few days added to that of recovery, so that's amazing. It is. But totally, I mean, everything, you can see that she went into it and during the process was fit and maintaining your health, eating properly and
Starting point is 00:19:46 it's just she's just her bodies coming back, she's feeling really good. The real work is done all before. It's the same thing that I used to tell the competitors, people that were wanting to get into competing. It's like it's not the prep. It's not the once you're 12 weeks away from getting on stage. It's all the work that you do leading up to that that's going to make sure that you're successful.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I feel like the same things for pregnancy. If you did a good job of building a strong physique, heading into the pregnancy, you get away with some of those days off and those the morning sickness that you have to deal with or losing a little bit of muscle because you built so much heading into it. It makes such a huge difference.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yeah, my daughter, you know, she's turning 11 soon, but she's young enough to wear, she's blunt, you know, still, so she's not quite at the, she's blunt, you know, still. So she's not quite at the age yet where you figure, so you know what she says is true. So she said the same thing. She comes over and she looks at Jessica and she's like, wow, you look really good already.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Just because like, oh, thanks. Yeah. You know, that feels good as a mom for sure. Yeah, it does. It does, dude. Nice to pay little kids to say that to my wife. Every now and then, you know, yeah, no. That would have been smart.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Yeah. Had a bit of life. Can you walk up to that lady? Yeah, just real, then. Did you really? No. That would have been smart. Had a bit of life. Hey, can you walk up to that lady and tell us? Man, your body's gorgeous. Tell us, she looks amazing. Yeah. Anyway. Yeah, a big idea.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Dude, Justin, for you, I read an article I think you would like. It thinks it's pretty cool. Really? It's about aliens? No, not. Then I'm not interested. That's your favorite. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:02 So the Air Force by 2025 is going to have fighter jets with lasers on them. Yes! That's exciting! Yes it is! Like lasers? Like real lasers? Yes dude, I'll pull up the article right now. They're going to like, like, incinerate things with?
Starting point is 00:21:16 Yeah. So they're going to... Okay. This was a popular mechanics. The Air Force is putting death rays on fighter jets. Oh my goodness. That's what it says. So the working with Lockheed Martin to deploy lasers on fighter jets by 2025. So it's called the shield program. It's in a lot of fighter jets to shoot down, that's what the to shoot down missiles. That's what the lasers are going to be. So if missiles are shot at them, the late, you know, lasers are extremely accurate. Well, I've seen, honestly, like,
Starting point is 00:21:44 and this is my nerddom, but I have seen videos of lasers that have already taken out missiles from the ground. And so they're attaching these now to fighter jets, huh? That's crazy. And someone in one of you too, please, and one of you nerds, explain how these lasers work. Like, I think of a laser, and I think of a light laser beam
Starting point is 00:22:01 that I shoot where I'm with the cat to chase around and stuff like that. How would that stop a missile? Super concentrated Yeah, what where is how is it different? I have no idea and are these and does it like if the laser were to hit a human would they like cut them in half like a Like a lightsaber like what's it depends on how intense it is right and does it make this sound pu-pew Yeah, no, it's it'll it'll it'll burn you like if it hits you you'll catch fire I don't think it cuts through you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah, cause I've seen the videos of them shooting like targets. Yeah. Oh, you have. Yeah. I've never seen a laser video before. You have it? No. Oh, you did. Yeah, I'm missing out. I am missing out. And rail guns.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Oh, those are my favorite watch, dude. That's the whole other thing, dude. Railguns. Oh, dude. Yeah. What is that? These are, they fire projectiles that, they don't use gunpowder, they use electromagnets. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:47 But they fire the projectiles. That's no friction. So fast and so hard, like, for example, there was this one theoretical weapon where they could literally put it on a satellite and it would fire tungsten steel rods, right, down to earth, no gunpowder, no, no, there's a need any, any type of fuel, but it would, it would hit the earth with such velocity and power that it would be, it would be like equivalent to a nuke, like a meteor, like, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Yeah. How does it generate that much speed? I don't understand. Because when some, oh, um, because electromagnets and they, they, they, they, propellants, they'll put it. It's a pellet. Yeah, there's one called Tesla Rocket. Yeah, there's one called Metal Rain where it'll shoot, I don't know, like a thousand rounds
Starting point is 00:23:32 in a second and it'll rain out and just take out whatever target. Yeah, they shoot these projectiles and they go through multiple buildings. Yeah, it's just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Oh, here's a laser video right here. Oh, yes. Yes, that one's actually on a ship now.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Is this one right here? Looks like a big telescope. Oh, I thought these were like, I could explain that a little bit. Don't they have a thing? Whoa, what? Boom, those are bullets. Okay, that was the laser.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Look, just catch his fire. The hell? Isn't that crazy? Yeah. What, just catch his fire. The hell? Isn't that crazy? Yeah. What? Yeah. It's gonna get weird soon. Don't they have things too where they can send,
Starting point is 00:24:12 like, sound from hell far away and it just be, like, deafening, like, that's what they have in those ships. Yeah, do they have that too? Well, they have those actually as crowd control already, you know, with the police and, like, military, like, national guard kind stuff, where they put them on these like humvees and it can direct the sound specifically to like a group of people.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah, and so like, and they get really, really intense to where it's like it's ear piercing and it just makes you like, you know, fault of the ground. There's a sound weapon that they'll project that people and it doesn't hurt your ears, but it's at a frequency that it shakes your, it shakes your inside so much that you shit yourself. No way.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Yes, the brown. It's the brown sound. Is that what it is? No, I just figured it out. That sounds like, yeah, it's the brown note. Hey, that'll stop a protest. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're not leaving, you know.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Shit, I gotta go. Oh, here's the long range acoustic. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what it looks like. Yeah, don't they have these on, shit, I gotta go. Oh, here's the long range acoustic. Yeah, yeah, and that's what it looks like. Yeah, don't they have these on like ships? Is that where you see? I think so, maybe on some of the Coast Guard ships. Yeah, no, the one that makes you shit yourself, I think that was the best.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I would love to see them use that on a crowd. Yeah, that would make me a... This is where I've watched so many videos, but I wish I could like remember all the specifics, you know, and just start talking about this shit. Like, there's real people behind these, like, what are they talking about? There's no brown sound.
Starting point is 00:25:29 There's no brown sound. There's no brown sound. I didn't do that. What the hell's going on? Oh, no, we are podcasts, somebody will. One of us, we get a DM and get checked for sure. I really, I've never get away with anything like that for sure. Anyway, so, hey, some stock market news.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I know we bring that up every once in a while. Disney is going gonna be reporting earnings as of the recording of this podcast tonight. So what do you guys think? Up. You think it's gonna be up? Well, yeah, because they just dropped Mandalorian. So I feel like that was a big move.
Starting point is 00:25:57 And write stuff, which I keep trying to tell you guys to watch. So that's gonna be a massive hit also. If it hasn't already, actually, look that up, Doug. Is it already turned into a massive, look at right stuff, Disney, how it's doing? Yeah, but what about the parks? Is that such a small percentage of their revenue? Yeah, well, they've had the Orlando parks
Starting point is 00:26:14 been open with real minimal visits, but probably like 20, maybe less than 20, some capacity. I would think that the parks are obviously massive cash cows. They're huge. But they also would think that they have are obviously massive cash cows, but they also would think that they have massive overheads. Right, like, are they massively profitable? Right, exactly.
Starting point is 00:26:30 So I would, I mean, they are. They made them like, I remember seeing this, this is probably way off, but it was like at least like a million a day, something like that. In profit? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Cause I mean, cause nothing is more profitable than the streaming stuff. I mean, once they put that out. Yeah, but is Disney Plus really a big profitable thing? Oh, yeah. It is. Oh, yeah. It broke records when Mandalorian got dropped.
Starting point is 00:26:51 But you see movies are not out. Yeah, there's a lot of factors that might hurt Disney. Mm. You know, but you think they're gonna be up. I do. I say they're gonna go, I think they're gonna come under expectations. You do.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Yeah, that's what I think. It'll be interesting to see. I don't know. Doug, are you looking that up right now think. It'll be interesting to see. I don't know. Doug, you looking that up right now? I am. I'm seeing that the reviews aren't great. Oh, really? Yep.
Starting point is 00:27:11 I loved it. That's funny. Yeah. Well, I don't know. I mean, I know you make fun of my recommendation. Yeah. No. Watch rights to have.
Starting point is 00:27:19 I promise you, it's good. It really is. Oh, well, I actually, and I actually think that you guys will really like it. It's based on a true story. How could you not like that? Yeah. And not every true story is great. That's true.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Yeah. That's a true story. Yeah, that is true. That is true. Dude, you guys see, so down, we've spent time down, past the roles, we spent time down in San Jose Bispo. There's that beach, Avila Beach. So I guess this is a big beach for like whale watching
Starting point is 00:27:41 and stuff. And so there's these people out there in these kayaks and all of a sudden that one of these whales comes up to feed. That was Avala Beach that happened to us. Yes. I saw the video. I didn't know there was Avala Beach.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Literally with this mouth open, like basically took one, like somebody in one of those kayaks in its mouth and then the person just barely like swam out of its mouth as it kind of plunged back down into the water. God, that's terrifying. Basically, Jonah, you know, in the whale. I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:28:12 I was avalabeech, that was here. It was crazy, dude. Can you imagine? You're just like, hey, I'm kayaking, it's a great sunny day. Ah! I don't know where. Yeah, it just came right out from under it.
Starting point is 00:28:23 You know what's, what's stuck about that is, it's not like a shark Or it bites you and then you're dead Well you just get swallowed no, I don't think you wouldn't you wouldn't get down because of the it's got the what's it called? The you villa the bait Just throwing terms up. Yeah, it wouldn't get down. What do you mean? It's got a Baileen is that what it's called? What's the thing called the filters? Yeah, it's like the the brush should. Yeah, I don't think you'd make it, but you'd probably drown Well, wait a second explain this to me. So you they got a swallow fish the size of humans. No, they don't they don't
Starting point is 00:28:53 Wales Oh my god Terrifying Scary that's terrifying. No, wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. You don't think whales eat fish the size of humans like tuna that are like Do you know what whales eat? Huh? Do you know what whales eat? They don't eat other fish? They do but do you know what kind of fish they I don't it's it's krill That's it. That's it plankton. They don't eat any big fish at all. No. Oh, I didn't know they probably make their way in there But you know like swallowing them. Yeah. No dude whales
Starting point is 00:29:22 Millions and millions of tiny little fish. And what they do is they swallow water and filter it. So I knew they ate little fish, but they didn't only big fish, too. I didn't know that at all. Nothing. They just eat all day. And is it because of what you're talking about?
Starting point is 00:29:34 Yeah, like pull up a whale's mouth. Wow. So much indication having. Well, it is. No, I mean, these are all topic. I mean, where do you guys get the information on this? You're actually like a whale watching for attention, it is. Yeah, no, I mean, these are all topic. I mean, where do you guys get the information on this? You're actually like a whale watching for- No, we paid attention to elementary school.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Yes. Maybe that was my bro. The field trip. I'm sorry, I feel bad now. For making you feel bad. Why did it know that? Yeah, no whales are- I don't remember what grade that was.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I mean, I told you what grade it was. It was like fourth grade. Is that fourth grade? See that white thing that filters out the water. It's called a baline. I was like fourth grade. Is that fourth grade? See that white thing that filters out the, filters the water. It's called the Baileen. I was right. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Wow, random fact. Yeah, there it is. Yeah, so they don't eat. Now, is that a big ass order going down in his mouth? That's an accident. Yeah, exactly. I'm sure it happens, you know, like they swallow things back.
Starting point is 00:30:19 That's not what they're going for. No, that's okay. Oh, he's a good though. My point isn't that's what they look. I know they don't love humans, you know what I'm saying? But they can swallow something that size. Technically, that's me. Okay, he's like, though, though, my point isn't that's what they, I know they don't love humans, you know what I'm saying? But they can swallow something that size technically, but they won't, they'll probably spit it out.
Starting point is 00:30:30 You think so? I wonder if they spit it out. I mean, come on, I need help over here. They shit them out. I don't know. It could happen, happen to Jonah. Yeah. You lived in there for the one.
Starting point is 00:30:39 He was written in there for it was. Hey, speaking of, speaking of Biting stuff. So this is funny. So, yeah, yesterday, I'm getting out my Magic Spoon cereal, right? So I get in our cover. And I open up the magic, or get the box out. Open up the magic box. Yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:30:57 I grabbed the box. I'm not kick-a-kid. This big around so the audience can't see, but it's like a size of a silver dollar is chewed out of the corners of the box And I look at Katrina. I go do we have a we have a rat in the house? This is possible in here. It should go. No, that was max So max is max is going through this thing right now because he's teething and he's got like four coming in right now
Starting point is 00:31:19 And as molars are and so he just choose to shit out at anything And I'm like, what's a freak? Yeah, there's some huge rat It looks like a massive rat got a hold of my magic spoon and I thought and I was a all the corners of the side of the box I'm like, what do you gave him the cardboard box like that? She goes I didn't say it was stuck because we had a you know You know, he's got paper and a stomach right now. Oh, yeah, dude kids eating anything right now Yeah, I like this kid. Oh, I mean, I totally thought it was a rat It looked like it was just the way it was all chewed up and destroyed and then the fact that it was in the cupboard,
Starting point is 00:31:47 like it was closed away, I had no idea. But I guess when it came in, so like we get obviously shipments of it on a pretty regular basis. So the boxes were in his, where he could walk around. So the guy can get a hold of anything. But which flavor was it? Yeah, it was fruity, so he's a, yeah. Yeah, but he didn't get to the even get to the cereal.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Oh, yeah, just a card for him. It must have been a way to recycle. You know, throw the box away. Some that I mean, he, you know, I he is definitely and you remember you brought up the whole sugar thing. Yeah, I like I'm on this kick right now of trying to get to the bottom of it. I wonder if his teething is extra bad for him because we haven't given him any sugar. Oh, I had sugar every once in a while. Would it help numb me? I don't know if that works on kids that old. I think I know it's a newborn thing, but I don't know if it works on kids that old. I have no idea. I don't know why it would be different if you've never been introduced to it, right? You've never been introduced to each other. Well, it doesn't work on. Yeah, I hear what you're it would be different if you've never been introduced to it, right? You've never been introduced to any of this. Well, it doesn't work on, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:45 But I hear what you're saying. Yeah, if you haven't, how different is he really than your son if he's not really been introduced to any sugar, I would think that his body would still respond similarly, right? Until you get introduced to it. I don't know. I don't know, just that when you brought that up,
Starting point is 00:33:00 I thought he could be really nasty for some kids. Yeah, if you have some kids' fevers, I'll give some kids diarrhea. My son would get a fever, so I thought. Yeah, he had the fever when he first started, the first ones were breaking through, he was getting that. It's the only thing that makes the kid crabby. I mean, he's such a good kid.
Starting point is 00:33:12 He's a very chill kid. Oh, he's so chill. So, so chill. And so if he's at all irritable, it's like a 95% chance, it's because a new tooth is coming in and that's what we know. I overwhelmed him yesterday. So Katrina was out here working out
Starting point is 00:33:25 and he was there with her cute, he had his little beanie on and everything, little jacket. And you guys know me, I have to like, I wanna squeeze the shit. A little kitty run away from you. Yeah, so I like, and I very careful not to be too loud or be too aggressive, but I didn't hold back enough.
Starting point is 00:33:39 So I'm like, you know, a little bit and I see his face like, ah, the loud shit. He's coming for me. I scared him. He grabs out of Katrina's leg. He's like for me. I scared him. He grabs out of his shirt his leg. He's like, ruined it. Oh, you got to win him over. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:50 He's definitely at that face still where he's very, I mean, it's also the cleanness to us, right? Like I think it were the age of Therat that they've really started to piece together. Who mommy, who daddy is? Stranger danger. Yeah, there's a major transition from like eight, eight, eight eight nine months
Starting point is 00:34:06 You could go any stranger could grab them pick them up and lay with them and he would be fine Like you didn't but once they start putting I think becoming aware of who mommy and daddy are and other people like then Also, they get extra clean so do you feel to that? So we roast each other all the time on the podcast and like I you know I love you guys are actually like really great at it You know in terms of like making fun and like, I love it. You guys are actually really great at it, in terms of making fun, and pointing things out. Do you remember?
Starting point is 00:34:29 Do you remember? Courtney's way better. Okay, so I was FaceTiming her because she's still with the kids in Palm Desert right now. And so I was just FaceTiming her whatever. And she's like, mid-conversation just stops and she's like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:34:44 And it's like, look, are you, do you have blisters? Is that a herp forming on your face? And I'm just like, whoa, whoa, what are you talking about? She's to screen captures it, like, like puts a red circle around it, sends it back to me and like shows me it like on there. I'm like, dude, like, who does that? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:35:02 Yeah, I was like, I was like, I was gonna say, I don't know if that's better than us, dude. I feel like our team. Yeah, I feel like ours are like little softballs. You know what I'm saying? They're not like that. It's like, we go hard on each other the whole time.
Starting point is 00:35:14 That was like the insult I did at Katrina that did not land. You know what I'm saying? That was not funny at all. You can't do that. You cannot be as hard to your wife as she is to you. Or is it cool with that? Can you like hammer her? Yeah, I'm well, it depends.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yeah, I can't. Yeah, I think it's pretty much off balance. Yeah. Like I could take a little bit more, you know, but that was one of those. I was laughing because it was just like so random, you know, that she's, you know, like you're gonna point something out that's like really a thing with me.
Starting point is 00:35:40 No, I would, no, Jessica would cry. I can, yeah. I've got a random funny story for you. So Katrina's best friend, she has a, she has a daughter and a son and a son is like, I want to say he's six, five or six, somewhere real smart boy. And Katrina and her are always talking about, you know, she's obviously ahead of Katrina and their best friends.
Starting point is 00:35:57 So they're always talking about, and Tanya Katrina has something going on with the kid. She's reaches out to her and she gives her advice and stuff. And one of the things that she always talks about now that, you know, Max is becoming more aware and she gives her advice and stuff. And one of the things that she always talks about now that Max is becoming more aware and starting to get words and stuff like that is like, avoid the baby talk and talk to him like he's an adult. That'll help progress him and don't shy away.
Starting point is 00:36:17 If they ask you a direct question, be honest about it. It's because it might be hard. And you've talked about this before. Like the sex talk, if they ask questions to be very straightforward. So I guess her best friend and her husband were talking on the phone the other day and they were all concerned about their aunt because she just got out of surgery.
Starting point is 00:36:34 But she just had a breast implants. So she and so they are like, oh yeah, she's healing the five year old hears that anti so and so is in surgery. And so what's wrong with anti? And so she's all said, she's like, oh shit, okay. What do I say right here? How do I explain this to my son?
Starting point is 00:36:50 Oh, well, she had surgery and, you know, oh, is she okay? And what happened to her? Yeah, okay. Right. And so she's like trying to dodge as best she can by being honest. That's a weird one.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Right, it is a weird one. Because then you're gonna be like, well, why would they do that? Exactly. So she's like, he had, she had breast augmentation. Yeah. And so then of course the follow up when you're that age is like, what is that?
Starting point is 00:37:11 Okay, well that's when you decide to have bigger boobs. And then why would she do that, right? Typical five year old. So they go down this rabbit hole of like explaining like exactly what it is. And he's obviously a little confused why someone would do that. Well fast forward like a week later,
Starting point is 00:37:29 they're at like a birthday party or something and the ants there, you know, boom, the, it, pressing plant thing happened like a couple weeks before whatever. And he sees her and he walks over to his mom dead like, they don't look any bigger. Right in front, right in front of the mom and stuff like that. She said she's like turned like Pete red like so embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:37:48 She's like, you know, that's one of those things where you tell people like be as honest as you possibly can to the kid. But then you like, what do you do in a situation like that and how do you explain like why humans want to do that? You know, you know, yeah. That's exactly what would you say with that? I would just say, I love this idea. That's what you need to know.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Hey, so what do you, it's all on, so Courtney and the kids are gone? Yeah, for a while then. Yeah, the other kind of setting up, you know, down there and doing, kind of, remote learning, because that's the thing about remote learning. It's like, at this point, they can do it from wherever. So they're just like, whatever, we're just going to kind of make the most of this and like, her sister lives down there and so they're all kind of, so what are you been doing in out?
Starting point is 00:38:24 So what, what have you been doing at home? Just like trying to entertain the dogs and like catch up on work stuff and I took my parents off the dinner last night and yeah, it's just been batching it. What are you eating? Oh, dude, I'm literally going out and I'm eating places for burgers and steak.
Starting point is 00:38:42 You know, and that's about it. Mexican food. That's my go-tits. Me and Mexican. Me and Mexican. If I could just live as a meaty Mexican, you know, a connoisseur. Now when Courtney's in town, you guys, is it like you guys have dinner, sit down, have dinner every night?
Starting point is 00:38:59 Yeah, our dinners are, yeah, and we'll, and I'll contribute with barbecue and whatnot, but like for the most part, she does like most of the cooking. Oh, hey, I wanted to ask you guys. So Jessica, when she was pregnant, wanted Acyon all the time. Did that, so her body got really hot, right? Before she got pregnant, she liked the house warm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Does it change back, or, cause I've heard from people that, I've heard from a couple of women, they said, it never went back, I always now. Oh, it changed back for Katrina. So she did take a while? It did take a while, because even after when she was still, I think it was when she was breastfeeding,
Starting point is 00:39:32 because breastfeeding kicks up your metabolism too. Yes, I forget a lot of calories. A lot of calories. So I think just her metabolism roaring more like that is also kept her core temperature up. So while she, I felt like while she was breastfeeding, I was able to get away with keeping the house much cooler for much longer.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Yeah, because right now, I mean, the chili pad is saving things because we can't keep the house freezing anymore because the baby likes warm. Does not like it to be cool. So the cheese cranking up the chili pad to cool down and she's like, when do you think I'm gonna stay like this? I'm just hot all the time.
Starting point is 00:40:06 I'm like, I don't know, my last little... She needs to hold climate. It'll be interesting to know what you guys do, because we have, so we, not only do we have the chili pad on our mattress, we've also got a heater, portable heater in his room, and then I run the AC, so we've got all these climate. But I mean, I feel like with all that, I've got it, right?
Starting point is 00:40:23 So she can't complain about how cold the house is because we can manage his, right? And your Nanet thing has a temperature on there, right? If you don't know that already, right? So we can look at like she like, and this is something that she swears by, that between 68 and 72, he sleeps.
Starting point is 00:40:39 It goes one degree lower, one degree higher. It wakes up. It's an awful, awful temperature for him. So like, she's always wanting to manage it right between that, which makes it really hard for me trying to manage the rest of the house, keeping it cool enough for me to sleep. So.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Yeah, I wonder about that in terms of exposure of like certain climbs, because when I was in Chicago, like, that's really after that, I turned into like, I got acclimated to cold, and I really couldn't sleep if it was hot anymore. You know, like I was, I did much better when I got acclimated to cold and I really couldn't sleep if it was hot anymore. You know, like I was, I did much better when I kind of was here first. I remember that happened to me
Starting point is 00:41:10 and I lived in Palm Desert for a while and it was obviously a super hot down there, you know, 120 degrees in the summer and then I'd come up to San Jose to visit my parents. It'd be 90, 89 and it would be like, oh my god, it's so hot. It's so hot. It's not that hot.
Starting point is 00:41:24 You know, I do think that happens. Yeah This quas brought to you by Organify For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition Organified fills the gap with laboratory tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health the performance the added edge Try organic I totally risk free for 60 days by going to Organify.com. That's lrgaNiFI.com and use a coupon code mine pump for 20% off at checkout. Alright, first question is from Eli J Hall. Are power cleans worth a try? What do they benefit? Oh power clean. You know, power exercises in general are really good
Starting point is 00:42:07 at helping you build muscle and performance. The problem with power exercises is the, there's a higher skill levels. You need to be really, really good with your technique and you don't wanna go to fatigue or train super heavy until you're perfect at the form. At one point, I put hand cleans in my routine on a regular basis, and my goal was to get good at them.
Starting point is 00:42:30 The side effects I got from the hand cleans were a more developed upper back and traps that I didn't get from the traditional back exercise. That's what I noticed personally from them. Yeah, I think it's kind of tough to get triple extension and to get your body to coordinate, like is required for a power clean. And I think that it's, there's definitely a lot of value to it because there's not a lot of ways to apply speed in barbell training. And so that's one of those moves. It's like a definitive like I'm,
Starting point is 00:43:01 I'm working specifically on, you know, power on power with a specific move. And so I know a lot of coaches too in the sports world go back and forth, whether or not it's valuable in the programming for their athletes, because there's such a high education that needs to happen in a period of learning the actual skill of it, because there's so many little nuances to it. So I know a lot of them will use like Med Balls or they'll do slam balls or they'll do more like box jumps in different ways to get this triple extension and this fast twitch explosive type of movement instead with less risk involved.
Starting point is 00:43:40 So I think it really depends on your goal, right? So I think there's better ways to build muscle. I think there's better exercises for maybe specific performance attributes that you're looking for. But that being said, I also think that because it's a complex movement and it has so much benefit and carry over to strength, power, building muscle, it's an awesome idea. And this to me, like, when I think of someone who asks a question like this, and if I'm like training you, right? So if you're a client of mine,
Starting point is 00:44:09 and maybe you've been lifting for five, 10 years, long time, and you're asking a question like you wanna get into power cleanser. I think this is a great idea. I love, I think that at least for me personally, half of what's kept me going for decades as far as training is setting new goals. Like who cares if it doesn't build the most muscle for you
Starting point is 00:44:28 or who cares if it's maybe not the best performance exercise if you're interested in it, it's complex and you like working towards getting good at something. It's a great movement for that reason. Because of triple extension like your Tom Ball, you're gonna build your legs, you're gonna build your upper back, your shoulders, your traps, I mean, it's got a lot of carry over.
Starting point is 00:44:44 It's a great movement. It's a high skill movement though, and you will need to work towards it. But this is also, I think, what's fun. I remember when Justin first introduced the wind meal to me. And I remember for the next six months, like all I wanted to do was train that. I wanted to get good at it.
Starting point is 00:45:01 And I had lots of carry over. I got lots of benefits for getting good at that. And to me, when you've kind of done the whole build a bunch of muscle, get hell-ish-readed, you've trained for sports, to keep it interesting and fun, and this become, to make it something that's a lifelong pursuit,
Starting point is 00:45:18 I think it's an awesome goal to do things like this, to say, hey, I'm gonna get good at power cleans and start to program it. Now, if you have very specific goals that, hey, I want to build certain amount of muscle, I want to burn body fat, I think there's faster, better ways to get there than trying a really high skill movement in your routine. Yeah, you want to treat this like the high skill movement that it is. And what I mean by that is practice, practice, practice, practice. Don't use lots of weight. Don't use much weight at all.
Starting point is 00:45:45 In fact, the ways to learn power cleans is, you typically will start with a broomstick. You'll start with no weight at all, and then you progress to just the bar, and then you use just the bar for a long time, and then you add 10 pounds, and it's all about technique here. So you get to treat it as such.
Starting point is 00:46:03 It is not like a curl, it is not like a leg press, it's not like any other type of exercise. Power movements require lots and lots of skills, so if you decide you want to do it, treat them as such, but I will say this, you get good at power cleans, which will take you a while, but you get good at them. Your athleticism will go up more than with other exercises. Oh, for sure. Yeah, I love them, and I a long time to you know figure out the move and feel like I was proficient enough to pull it off. I like it too as a goal to set you know if something if you've gone through and you've really ironed out a lot of deviations and you know you've been applying a lot of like good mobility practices your movement is really on point, you can stabilize on command, you're moving good weight,
Starting point is 00:46:47 you're strong enough, like this is like the next sort of progression, like it is a good goal to be able to do something like this that takes a lot of skill, but it also demonstrates how much work that you put in leading up to that. Next question is from Britt Cox Rich. I struggle to sleep more than seven hours a night, which part of sleep is best for recovery? And is it possible to increase just that part,
Starting point is 00:47:13 such as deep sleep, if so, how? Good question. Yeah, so yeah, the deep sleep part, supposedly, is most important for recovery, but honestly, all of them are equally important because you don't necessarily just jump into one stage without going through the other stages. Can you make seven hours of sleep better than nine hours of sleep? Sure you can. Yeah it depends right? Yeah no you can accelerate getting into REM. Well you can but what my point is that you need to have quality sleep. So seven hours of good sleep is better than nine hours of shitty sleep. And the ways you do that are the same ways you do
Starting point is 00:47:49 when we talked about before. But isn't what constitutes nine hours of bad sleep, much of the time is people failing to get into REM. And taking a long time to get there at all or being interrupted while you're in REM. Is that normally what constitutes bad sleep is the interruption of that deep REM sleep or how long it takes you to get into that REM sleep?
Starting point is 00:48:08 Yeah, and the ways you can help that are, you have a sleep routine, turn off your electronics, a couple hours before you go to bed, limit your caffeine intake, definitely don't have caffeine after maybe 2 p.m. or 4 p.m. for people who are not super sensitive, would be the latest, I would say, sleep in a very cool room.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Those are things that can help. You can also try using cannabinoids. Some people find that cannabinoids make a big difference. I know CBD has been shown in some studies to increase the recovery aspect of sleep for some people. So you could do like, like we work with a company called Ned, they make a sleep blend, that might help you out, but you really gotta take your sleep seriously.
Starting point is 00:48:48 You can't just, you know, you're on your computer, watching TV and they're like, all right, time to go to bed and just, you know, expect yourself to get in, to good sleep. Well, random that, so I didn't know that, one, I didn't know you picked this question and see it ahead of time too. I didn't know that we had Chile as a commercial today,
Starting point is 00:49:04 but I actually, when I was on the phone with Chile negotiating our 2021 contract, one of the things that we were talking about that's been great, because I always like to, you know, how's the company been doing or all their side stuff. And one of the things that they said that's been great this year is because of all these tools,
Starting point is 00:49:19 like ore rings and Fitbits and everything that monitor sleep. Oh, people can measure. Yes, there's been a lot of people that have been tracking their quality of sleep improvement when they actually start using this tool. So, you know, here's basically how many times they kind of wake up or like,
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yes, yeah, yeah. And then how quick they get into REM, like you can see all that like with ORA rings, I think it fits. You fidget a lot more, right, when you're not in REM. And that's to me, that's the thing that, and it's hard, right? So like you use tools like, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:45 blue blockers to get you in sleep or you use things like Ned sleep or you used to sleep and people are like, it's so hard. Like, is it working? Is it being better for me? I get up at the same time. Like, a lot of times we think that it's all about, you know, am I sleeping eight hours, nine hours or longer,
Starting point is 00:49:59 but it's not, it's about how quick do you fall asleep, get into that REM sleep and sleep, and then how little is it interrupted through the night that normally is what makes constitutes really good sleep. And tools like this, this is what they help, whether they're tools to help you get ready, like your routine like salicing, or that keep you at a temperature throughout the night, those things are valuable. And that's where if you're somebody who is trying to get better sleep, you know, if you get great sleep, then these things may be a waste of money for you. But if you're somebody who is trying to improve sleep or you get up a lot through the night or you toss and turn a lot,
Starting point is 00:50:34 this is where I see a lot of value in things like this. Yeah, the biggest issue for a lot of people without realizing is caffeine. It really is. And they don't, people don't want to face this because caffeine is quite works. It's enjoyable, it's addicting, and if you have bad sleep, you need it the next day. Right, it's a ritual. And caffeine consumption has only increased in recent years, and it's funny, I'll work with clients,
Starting point is 00:50:58 and I'll tell them to reduce their caffeine intake, and there's a lot of him and Haman, Haman, and we'll back and forth. Finally, they'll reduce it or eliminate it and they'll all come back and back. Oh my God, best sleep ever. I didn't really think caffeine made that big of a difference. It makes a huge difference.
Starting point is 00:51:14 If you're having bad sleep and you have caffeine, even if it's one coffee, cut it and then watch what happens. Here's something interesting with the chili pad, Adam. There's a feature, I've talked about this before. I don't know if you guys have done this yet, where you can have it increase the temperature of your bed to help wake you up in the morning, so you don't need an alarm clock. Have you guys tried this yet?
Starting point is 00:51:33 Yeah, I feel like I needed a pee right away. Did you know what? The warm. Yeah, I got me up. Yeah, so I set mine so that it warms the bed up to get me to wake up or to naturally wake up and I wake up like Refreshed rather than being like jolted a lot awake. I double that with also that alarm clock that like is like rising sun Yeah, at the same time. It was like the combo
Starting point is 00:51:56 But I still don't have that I get that. Oh, yeah, but I mean it rarely do I combine them at the same time But when it was it was really effective. Yeah, I think it just don't have kids. That's the other thing that'll help you out. Oh, there you go. Good advice. Next question is from Jor-L A. Morales. Can you guys break down the whole back and forth of good fats versus bad fats?
Starting point is 00:52:17 Saturated versus unsaturated fats? I thought a macro is a macro. No, a macro is not a macro. There are fats are different, just like there's different sugars and proteins even have different amino acid profiles. So good and bad fats, really it's about the balance of fats that you have in your body.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Heavily processed oils tend to be worse for you. So these are oils that require a lot of processing to produce. So like grape seed oil require a lot of processing to produce. So like grape seed oil, for example, canola oil. These types of fats are quite unstable, require a lot of processing in order to produce. Natural fats are present just as they are. For example, olive oil.
Starting point is 00:52:59 You take an olive and you squeeze it between your fingers, you produce oil, very minimal processing to produce that. The fats and animal fats, I know they get a lot of, they get a bad rat, but if you're otherwise healthy, animal fats are perfectly fine. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish are an animal fat. Is there any value though to trans fats? Because I've heard nothing but negative. No, trans fats are pretty, yeah, they're pretty much bad.
Starting point is 00:53:23 They're very minimal amounts occur in nature, and a lot of people in the past, at least, we were consuming them in the form of hydrogenated oils that were placed in products that showed no saturated fat, but the way that they accomplished that. They made that into make it taste better. Is it injecting the fat? I really thought the clip that we we shared that Rachel shared on Instagram of max really Max talked about yeah, I thought this summed it up really well when he addressed us We asked a similar question to him and you know there is there's a there's a camp of you know Law of thermodynamics calories and versus calories out and the truth is like that just doesn't help the average consumer with behaviors. It's like, okay, yeah, that's the science.
Starting point is 00:54:08 If you or somebody and you burn 2,000 calories a day, your body does, naturally. At rest, right? So some of us have a metabolism where it'll burn 2,000 calories even if you've laid a back. Your body has to utilize energy to operate and to live. Everybody's is, and it ranges in numbers like that from 1,000 up to 3, 4,000 depending on how big you are. You could lay in bed and burn 2,000 calories.
Starting point is 00:54:30 So by that science, that means I could technically eat 1,500 calories of mit chip ice cream every day and still lose weight. The truth is there's nothing healthy about that strategy, both not for what's going on in my insights, but also long-term in behaviors. And so, I think that we try and speak to that a lot of time. It's like, yeah, if the calories are all the same, if it's in the goal, as all we care
Starting point is 00:54:55 about is losing weight, then yeah, then a lot of these things do equate to something similar, right, when it comes to just losing weight. But as far as how your body utilizes that and what it does for you behavior wise, I mean, that's the things that nobody likes to talk about. Yeah, and the whole good fat, bad fat in the past, it was all about which one raised or lowered cholesterol. So like, you know, cannolo oil and some flour oil
Starting point is 00:55:21 and margarine, you know, they lowered cholesterol. And they did, they did lower cholesterol, but they definitely did not make people healthier. In fact, there was a study done years ago where they lowered people's cholesterol by replacing their saturated fats with these processed fats, these vegetable oils, and everybody's cholesterol did get lower, but their mortality increased.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Saturated fats get a bad rap, but the reality is, it's a very small percentage of population that has bad effects from having a lot of saturated fat. A lot of us, if our diets are otherwise healthy, saturated fats don't have that. That's actually because it's a combo, right? It's usually coming from a processed source. Or that, or you're having it with tons of carbohydrates.
Starting point is 00:55:57 Yeah, and a calorie surplus. Yeah, and there's a bit of a bias there, because we've been sold so hard that saturated fats are bad that if you took a Survey of people who ate a lot of saturated fat. It's typically people don't necessarily care about their health Which means there's other things involved but like using knees in example. I ate a ton of saturated fat I mean I read meat every single day. I ate eight to ten eggs a day. I know that's more about cholesterol But still it's supposedly unhealthy. I eat lots and lots of saturated fats.
Starting point is 00:56:28 My cholesterol levels are borderline too low. In fact, my totals, I have a good ratio, but my totals are pretty low. But there is a small percentage of people that if they eat a lot of saturated fat, they do get cholesterol numbers and lipid numbers that aren't so good. Next question is from Prof Arbor.
Starting point is 00:56:44 How do you manage your fitness lifestyle, business and being a father? I know you all make it seem seamless, but I struggle with maintaining my fitness work and being a father. Well, I'm like super pumped this person thinks we do it seamlessly. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:56:59 This sure doesn't feel that way for us times. No, I think structure helps a lot, right? So like, if I work out every morning at 6 a.m., that's how I maintain my workouts. If I don't do them at 6 a.m., then they become very, very inconsistent because the day throws things at me, I get tired or whatever. So that's how I maintain fitness. Business, we come in here, we do the stuff that we need to do, and then we hire people and outsource the stuff that we don't necessarily need to do.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I think this is extremely valuable in business, especially as you start to grow, because if you get stuck in that you're doing everything yourself mentality, you actually limit the amount of growth that you can have. And then as far as family is concerned, I mean, I prioritize things like dinner with everybody. I make sure, sometimes I'm tired, and I want to sit on the couch and not do anything, but I have my kids with me, and I make the choice to do,
Starting point is 00:57:52 to hang out with them instead or play a board game. It takes a lot of structure. It takes a lot of balance. It just you got to put your, you have to kind of prioritize some of that balance. It's really the big thing. Yeah, I mean, structure, something I've had to learn over the years just to be able to get any of it
Starting point is 00:58:09 to be consistent, you know, and so that's one of those. It's hard for me to think in that direction because I just wanna go ahead and do what I wanna do at the moment and then, you know, have that always in the back of my mind, like I'm gonna accomplish this and I'll get to it after I get through all these things, but to really be able to
Starting point is 00:58:26 make sure it's a priority, I have to be able to have that space there for that. But it's a weird balance still having that flexibility, so it looks different. So it's not like what I had in my mind of, okay, here's my time a lot of for fitness, it's an hour, and then I'm going to do this very specific program and it's going to look like this workout. It always changes. So I go in there based on how my body feels. I'm changing it all the time and maybe it's less, maybe it's more, but I'm trying to adjust all the time with what I can do and then whether I could incorporate my kids or my wife
Starting point is 00:59:01 into, you know, the fitness and so that way I'm getting family time. And it's just, I'm shuffling constantly, but I'm trying to at least provide some time frames of where that's gonna occur. So a little bit different than you guys. I think empathy and honesty with yourself is important here. So the empathy part, I think, here's the deal,
Starting point is 00:59:27 fitness work and being a father, something's gonna give, right? If you are crushing work and you're a workaholic and you work 12, 18 hours a day, every single day in seven days a week, fitness and fatherhood is probably gonna give a little bit. If you don't work at all and you're a stay-at-home dad, then work suffers a little bit,
Starting point is 00:59:50 but yet you're an awesome father. And then if you're a fitness fanatic and you train seven days a week and never take off, well, you're probably in super great shape, but maybe you're a little bit more of an absent father and just kinda half-ass at work. So, I think being empathetic to you and then also knowing which of those
Starting point is 01:00:06 are your highest priority. So for me, Ryan, and that could change, by the way, where you're at in your life. Like for me right now, that's kind of shifted in change. Like being a father is by far the most important thing to me right now. And with that comes empathy with the way I am physique-wise sometimes. Like somebody who has prided himself on keeping myself
Starting point is 01:00:27 and premium shape all the time and competing at the highest level, like, I have very high standards for what fitness looks like for me. And so I've had to wrestle with that a bit of like, you know, am I, am I, I may not be as fit as where I'd like to be or where I was before, but I also am, I'm being the father that I want not be as fit as where I'd like to be or where I was before, but I also am, uh, I'm being the father that I want to be. And so that's the empathetic part.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Then there's the, the honest part too, because then there's the other side of, of me or many people, which is justifies why I'm not working out or justifies why I'm not being a present as a father. So, you know, those two things, think, I'm always checking in with myself. Like, am I being honest with myself when I say I couldn't make it to the gym this week? Or was I being lazy? Or did I not make a priority to get there?
Starting point is 01:01:16 Because I know that if I train two to three hours in a week, I can maintain a pretty good physique. It's not competitive physique, but it's a pretty damn good physique, two to three hours.. Yet there are weeks when I don't make two to three hours in the week. So was it because I was working so hard and I was being such a great father or was I being lazy and I didn't prioritize? So being honest with you, and sometimes it's going to look like that. Sometimes it absolutely was, you know what, there was a lot of family stuff that happened this week. There was a ton of work things that got thrown on my plate. So I did. I prioritized work and family and fitness
Starting point is 01:01:49 took a back seat and I only made an hour this week. And so I didn't do well. That's okay. Be empathetic to yourself and be understanding, but also be honest. Be honest and be able to look at yourself and say, you know, am I just making excuses why I'm not spending time in this one department? And if you need structure in order to do that, then I agree with that. But I also think that fitness work and fatherhood are three big massive rocks. It's always changing. Yeah, that take a lot of effort, right? I mean, and probably fitness the least, right?
Starting point is 01:02:19 Fitness really only takes about three hours a week, but I do recognize being a father and a business owner that sometimes like fatherhood and business is like everything for me. That week it could be crazy. There's already been weeks where work has been absolutely crazy, stressful, lots of stuff on our play. In addition to that, I am not sacrificing father. I'm not sacrificing my time with my son
Starting point is 01:02:43 when I get home for an hour. That's, I've made that like, that's my commitment. I'm not, and so you know what? Fitness got put on the back burner that week. So what, if it's just one week, it's not gonna take me from somebody who is in premium shape to awful shape in one week's time, and that's where the honesty part goes.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Yeah, and I think too, you know, when you do things like start a business or have a child, you have to make peace with the fact that it's not going to be like it was before. I think this where a lot of guys will struggle, you know, where a lot of guys will say, oh, you know, I used to just work out when I went in the afternoon. That's my favorite time to work out. That's what I like to do.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Okay, it's not going to happen anymore like that. You got to make peace with that. Or, you know, I used to, you know, my wife and I, or, you know, we used to just go out to dinner and enjoy ourselves. And, you know, now that we have kids, you know, well, yeah, this is different now. It's just the way I used to be able to sit down
Starting point is 01:03:34 and watch movies and stuff. But now I gotta clean up the house and stuff. And that's what I do now. Well, yeah, this is, your life is different. Though all of those are important responsibilities. And so life is just going to be different now. That might mean that you have less time to surf the internet or watch TV or do other things because now you're handling other responsibilities.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Here's why it's important to make peace with that. If you don't, you're going to hate it while you do it. If you don't, you're going to be cleaning the house and hating it, or you're going to be doing things and you're going to hate the fact that you have to work out at a time that you don't like to work out, or you're gonna hate the fact that you're working at a home instead of at the gym because you have to save that time. You're gonna hate all these different things,
Starting point is 01:04:16 make peace with the fact that it's just different now. And then when you do, you actually enjoy the whole process that makes it a lot easier. And I think that's a big part. Here's the other thing too, is that, and this is, I like what you said about honesty Adam, because here's where I like to use honesty. Be very honest with the value that you place
Starting point is 01:04:38 on the things that you spend your money on. And so what I mean by that is, a lot of us, without realizing it, the average person, the average middle class American, spends a lot of money on realizing it. The average person, the average middle class American, spends a lot of money on stupid shit. That we really do. If you really look at your thing, at the stuff you spent money on,
Starting point is 01:04:51 and you say you went to Starbucks every day. I buy my coffee every morning, I say, or you go to Starbucks twice a day. You're probably spending two to 300 bucks a month on Starbucks. I'm just using a simple example, but you're probably spending a couple hundred dollars a month on Starbucks. What if instead of spending that money on Starbucks, I'm just using a simple example, but you're probably spending a couple hundred dollars a month
Starting point is 01:05:05 on Starbucks. What if instead of spending that money on Starbucks, you hired a gardener to mow your lawn for you, which now, and do your yard work. So now you've got a few hours, a week open that you can spend more on your fitness or your family or your business. I remember once I came to this conclusion
Starting point is 01:05:25 when I was hiring someone to clean my house, it was in the way I grew up, no way my mom would ever hire someone to clean the house. I can do it myself, that's silly. Well, I started doing the math, I'm like, wait a minute. The hour I spend, the two or three hours, I have this person to clean my house, if I dedicated it to business,
Starting point is 01:05:43 I could earn more money than I spend on that housekeeper, it doesn't make any sense. Of course, I'm going to do that. Or the time that I spend with my family is way more valuable. So think of it that way too. Maybe you don't buy the expensive stuff for the designer clothes or maybe you have a car that's not as expensive. But instead, you pay for people to help to free up time. Maybe you hire an assistant. We do this here at Mind Pump in our business. We have staff here that literally does things that we could all do, but what it does for us is it frees up our time. So we could spend it on other things.
Starting point is 01:06:15 And so that's, I think, a big part of the honesty is, okay, can I free up time by taking money away from these things that I spend money on and placing it in places that might be more valuable. And with that, MindPump is on YouTube. You can also check us out on YouTube, go to MindPump Podcast. You can also find all of us on social media. We're all on parlor.
Starting point is 01:06:36 We're all on parlor. So you can find me at MindPumpSal, Adam at MindPumpAdom, Justin at MindPump, Justin. And we're also on Instagram under those same names. Come check us out. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, Justin at Mind Pump Justin and we're also on Instagram under those same names. Come check us out. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy
Starting point is 01:06:51 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:07:37 If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindP Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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