Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1436: How to Know If You Have Metabolic Damage, Ways to Strengthen the Pelvic Floor, the Importance of Changing Up Your Workouts for Continued Progress & More

Episode Date: December 2, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about identifying metabolic damage, running a workout program over and over, how a strong pelvic floor is important and w...ays to increase pelvic floor strength, and recommended supplements, vitamins or products to maintain health during the winter. Mind Pump nerds out on Star Wars. (4:56) The guys break down the Mike Tyson fight card from over the weekend. (14:30) Mind Pump Conspiracy Theory Corner. (19:58) The strange errors surrounding COVID death count. (22:30) The latest on the COVID vaccines. (26:04) Mind Pump’s favorite Christmas movies. (30:40) Felix Gray, the perfect holiday gift. (34:18) Sal cannot sleep anywhere anymore. (35:45) Sal calls out his wife. (37:35) Updates on life with the Di Stefano’s. (39:35) #Quah question #1 – How do you know if you have metabolic damage? Or if you have a healthy metabolic rate? (46:55) #Quah question #2 – Could someone realistically run MAPS Anabolic forever, with progressive overload, and still make progress? (54:40) #Quah question #3 – Can you define how a strong pelvic floor is important and ways to increase strength there? (1:00:32) #Quah question #4 – During winter months, what supplements, vitamins or products would you recommend to maintain health? (1:05:12) Related Links/Products Mentioned Cyber Monday Special!! MAPS Program 65% off (Promo code “CYBERMAPS” at checkout) and MAPS Bundles 50% off (Promo code “CMBUNDLES” at checkout) The Mandalorian Season 2 | Disney+ Originals Jake Paul vs. Nate Robinson fight results Artist or aliens? Mystery surrounds Utah monolith's appearance and disappearance New Study Highlights Alleged Accounting Error Regarding Covid Deaths How Lightning-Fast COVID Vaccine Has Spawned Contests, Doubts And Scams Prep & Landing | Official Site | Disney Movies Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** A Supplement That Strengthens Your Heart and Lungs How Do I Know if my Metabolism is Slow? - Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1027: 3 Steps to Speed Up Your Metabolism RGB Bundle | MAPS Fitness Products - Mind Pump Media How To Do The Pelvic Clock Exercise – Mind Pump TV Activate Your Glutes & Accelerate Butt Development with Butterfly Floor Bridges – Mind Pump TV b8ta | Santana Row Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Saldas Defenow, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You are listening to the top fitness health entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Now in today's episode, we answer fitness and health questions that are asked by listeners and viewers just like you, but the way we open the episode is where we talk about current events.
Starting point is 00:00:27 We mentioned studies. We have a lot of fun. That's the intro portion of this episode. Today's intro was over 40 minutes long. After that, we got into the fitness questions. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give you a rundown of the entire episode. We start out by talking about Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Luckily we have Justin here on the team. He's the know-it-all. We're gonna start with real nerdy in this one, you guys. Then we talked about the fights that happened over the weekend, Mike Tyson and other fighters. We had a lot of fun talking about that. Then we discussed the monolith that appeared and then disappeared in Utah.
Starting point is 00:00:59 What the hell's going on? Is it aliens? I need to find out more. I talked about the COVID vaccine, the speed of the vaccine, which is getting approved. It doesn't necessarily mean it's not as safe. Then we talk about our favorite Christmas movies. We talk about Felix Gray, as a blue light blocking glasses. Some of our favorites.
Starting point is 00:01:18 We work with the company. By the way, they're running a huge sale right now. It's massive. It's only one day, as of the dropping of this episode, there's one day left for this particular promotion. So here's what you gotta do. If you're interested, go to FelixGrayGlasses.com. That's F-E-L-I-X-G-R-A-Y glasses.com-forward slash.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Mind pump and it's 15% off. Site Y, that's a big deal. They never run. Oh, sweet baby odon. Any sales. They never have any sales. So this is a huge one. Then I talk about my wife's compliment that she gave me. I know what you're trying to do, honey. Trying to make me feel better.
Starting point is 00:01:53 And then I talk about my baby boy and some of the stuff that's going on there. And then we mentioned organifies. They sponsor that we work with. They make incredible protein powders, green juices, gold juices, and other products, allders, green juices, gold juices, and other products, all vegan, all organic. And because you listen to Mind Pump, of course, you get a big discount. Here's what you do. Go to organify.com, O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com, forward slash Mind Pump.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Use the code Mind Pump and get 20% off. By the way, on their site right now, they have some gift packages that are available and additional discounts on top of the ones that you get with mind pump because it's the holiday season. Then we got into the questions. Here's the first one. This person wants to know how you know
Starting point is 00:02:39 if you have metabolic damage. That's another term for a really slow metabolism. Damaged. The next question, this person says, can you realistically run maps and a ballack? That's one of our most popular workout programs. Can you do that over and over again and be okay? Would you have to switch to different programs? Sell those all the time. The third question, this person wants to know why it's important to have a strong
Starting point is 00:03:00 pelvic floor and what exercises and things you can do to help encourage that. And the final question, this person wants to know what kinds of supplements are important to take during the winter months. Also, right now, there's two days left for Cyber Monday, this is massive. All workout programs. Every single workout program that we have
Starting point is 00:03:24 is 65% off. It's by far the biggest sale of the year. Also bundles. This is where we take multiple maps programs. We put them together. They're already discounted normally. I'll usually around 30% off. You can go ahead and take an additional 50% off
Starting point is 00:03:41 with Cyber Monday. Here's the codes that you need to use. And here's the site you need to go to to do all this. Go to the site, maps, fitnessproducts.com. Again, that's the word maps, M-A-P-S, fitnessproducts.com. And if you want to buy an individual program or you want to buy multiple individual programs
Starting point is 00:03:59 and get 65% off, use the code cybermaps. That's cybercyb-B-E-R. Not cyborg. Maps. And then if you want to do the bundles, if you want to take an additional 50% off the bundles, use the code C-M bundles. Again, you can find all of this at maps fitnessproducts.com. T-shirt. And it's T-shirt. Shit, dog. You know, it's my favorite time of the week. We have two big winners.
Starting point is 00:04:33 One for Apple podcasts, one for Facebook. The Apple podcast winner is Danny B 1984. And for Facebook, we got Michelle Melissa. Both of you are winners. Send the name I just read to iTunes at minepumpmedia.com include your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get that shirt right out to you. Justin, so I was behind on Mandalorian.
Starting point is 00:04:58 The... It's Mandalorian. Whatever. I was three episodes. Mandalorian. Spanish, is that what it is? I don't know. Roll the R there? Sure.
Starting point is 00:05:06 So it's one of the sound definite. It was the, it was, I was three episodes behind. Really was not impressed with the previous two. I really liked the last one, the Jedi. So I really liked that one. Interesting. I wanted to ask you, because I know you don't just watch the show, you go and you geek out and you read articles regarding the show.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Yeah. Are there critics around it? Are there critics around this season? I feel like season one was epic, and then this one's not as quite as epic. What I've heard in the interwebs, like they're really catering to the really hardcore fan. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And so they're taking a lot of like non-canon type books series, and they're trying to kind of weave it in Very explain that to me was that mean so non-canon is it? Stories written about Star Wars that Disney as they bought the franchise. They didn't accept it as like part of the universe And so they basically threw out a lot of like potential characters and things to bring in to the series And so like there's a cartoon, right? There's a Star Wars cartoon. That's in there.
Starting point is 00:06:10 That's the thing. And this is where it gets confusing because there's like Star Wars Rebels, there's Star Wars the Clone Wars. And so they've thrown in a lot of Clone Wars references and characters from that. And now from this other book series that they alluded to already that Moth Gideon is basically working under Admiral Thrawn, which Admiral Thrawn is this like really cool character that was non-cannon that they're gonna start bringing.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Are you not lost right now? So I don't know what he's talking about, but I did read a little bit about it. I had to come in because last time I was a little flat. Yeah, yeah? So I don't know who he's talking about, but I did read a little bit about it. I had to come in, because last time I was a little flat. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I appreciate that. So I did read this.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I did not know that the Mandalorians went to war with the Jedi's at one point. Did you know that? No, so I had this episode, the last episode I learned that they, I didn't even know they were enemies. Yeah, so the Jedi's apparently scorched the planet of the Mandalorians, like kick their ass their ass big time and the armor that they wear
Starting point is 00:07:07 Crick me if I'm wrong the what's that metal called oh? Yeah, why don't I forget it right now? B B stuff to the B no, no, no, no, best car. Yeah, that's car It's basically I don't know why I was thinking beef steak Probably cuz I'm fat like Kremlin. It was they invented that armor to Probably because I'm fat. It was like Kremlin. It was, they invented that armor to to fight, yeah, because I guess you can't cut through it with a lightsaber.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Right, and you saw that with the spear and all that spoilers for people haven't seen the latest one. And then I read this, this is interesting too. This I read on the internet too. I geeked out for a little bit. So, Jedi's can block blasters, right, with their lightsabers. So you shoot them with the blaster and they'll, you'll be when they'll block it. So, Jedi's can block blasters, right, with their lightsabers. So, you shoot them with the blaster and they'll, you pee when they'll block it.
Starting point is 00:07:48 So, yeah, it makes that noise. So, Mandalorians started shooting actual real bullets at Jedi's, because what they would do is they cut it with their lightsaber, but it would shrapnel in the face and hit the other guys. So, they found ways of fighting. Yeah, that's Jenna. So it makes this interesting. I actually like where it's going because it's,
Starting point is 00:08:09 you know, there are consequences. Like the Jedi's aren't the ultimate, kick everybody's ass character. There's other people that can test them. Yeah, how about Lee? Is there just the Mandalorian? That's it. Who else can contest them?
Starting point is 00:08:22 They haven't given it to me. Well, yeah, obviously, yeah, the Sith and whatnot, but that's all related. Well, the real stuff, yes. Well, I can say, aren't they bad Jedi's? Isn't that what the dark force is supposed to be? They're not bad Jedi's, they're Sith. Yeah, but I feel like that's,
Starting point is 00:08:35 this whole thing is like a representation of religion and biblical stuff. Like, isn't that like, isn't that like the fallen angel example? Isn't that like what they are? It incorporates basically like all legend and myth. And this is where Joseph Campbell, like he was inspired by all that stuff and wrapped that all into one thing, one folklore.
Starting point is 00:08:52 So what you guys think of Grogu? The name Grogu. Yeah, it was interesting. Does that come from like a famous Buddhist monk? I have no idea. I know Yoga. Yoga, Yoga. I'm getting all fucking tongue tiedontide over your early stupid names.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Yeah. So this is interesting to me. So my son was the one that was illuminating me because I guess he was talking to one of his friends. That was a big star wars geek that, so remember when he asked the girl to, or the Jedi to train Grogu, but she said I'm not going to because he's attached to you.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Right. And she's like, so basically they're afraid of turning him train Grogu, but she said, I'm not going to because he's attached to you. Right. And she's like, so basically they're afraid of turning him into like what happened to Anakin. Yeah. Because he's too attached. That attachment and the fear of losing is what they saw in Anakin. And that's why he became Darth Vader. So yeah, okay, she alluded to that.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I didn't make it total sense to him. That's what it was. They don't want it to happen again. Got it. Yeah. So how cool would it be if in the future Grogu was like another Darth Vader? Like he goes on the Sith and he's like, Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Shit. I mean, yeah, it's interesting to see what might happen. I think Admiral Thrawn, if they bring him into a Mandalorian is gonna be pretty cool. I'm actually excited about that. I don't know that is. He's like going to do something. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:10:03 He's basically like, so the thing about the Empire is they're very xenophobic. They always have just human only and male type leaders. And so he's a alien and he's blue and he's got red eyes. But his whole thing is that he's super intelligent in terms of strategy. And so he almost has like supernatural powers and reading rooms and being observant
Starting point is 00:10:27 and kind of like Sherlock Holmes. And he's like undefeatable. And unless there's some kind of factor that he doesn't see. I learned something else. Remember, oh there he is, look at that. Yeah, that's it. Where do you go to read this stuff? Is there like a dork internet?
Starting point is 00:10:41 Teacland. Yeah, that's the worst thing. So, I learned something else. Remember the black lightsaber that the dude pulled out at one time? Okay, that was a, okay, there was a Mandalorian that became a Jedi. Yes. At one point. And that was the Mandalorian Jedi's lightsaber that he has.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Which you see who wants that right now. Right, that other Mandalorian from the Clone Wars. Oh, yeah. So there you go after that. Now you're all up to date. Yeah, but I actually feel more lost when we started a conversation. Again, this is like, dude, it weaves in all these
Starting point is 00:11:12 Dark Horse comics. So there's a whole comic book series. There's like cartoons. There's like, you know, excess of all these non-canon book series. And so they're like putting it all in there. So back to my original question, are the critics happy or are we upset right now?
Starting point is 00:11:26 I think all the supergates are stuck as far as I know, except for, yeah, I don't know, they, again, I don't think you win everybody over because then there's the critic of like, well, now you're just always catering to the super nerds and not like, you know, making it about the general public. Whatever, I'll talk about it.
Starting point is 00:11:42 So do you think that the, so the episodes, the two episodes before the Jedi episode, I thought were a little bit of a let down. Now is that because they were sending me? I thought the first opener was amazing. The one where they're, the opener, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:11:55 This is like, of season two. No, no, no, no, no. I'm not talking, that was amazing. I'm talking about the last two episodes before the Jedi. One episode like six right now. It was episodes like three and four. I don't remember that. Where'd that far?
Starting point is 00:12:06 Yeah, it's on episode five right now. Episodes three and four were soft. They were 35 minutes and 32 minutes. Oh yeah. And they were weak. No, I agree with two. I think that episode one was great. The latest one with Asoka, like I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Like it, again, I think they're trying to now create a whole new dimension of the story. So it's like now they're trying to like pull it into the actual universe. Well, I'll tell you why I think they did a good job. My daughter who knows nothing and could care less about Star Wars now has requested to watch the original. She wants to watch the original Star Wars. Katrina is watching Mandalorian. She really likes it. Now she's interested in watching the original or she knows. Yeah, okay. Yeah,'s but she's bought into the the Mandalorian story and likes the show So she watches that with me, which I wasn't sure she was going to this Courtney like Star Wars or no?
Starting point is 00:12:53 Yeah, like not really like obviously not like it's not helping your sex life watching with her She's actually a funny story about that right? So like my my PlayStation I put it on a hard reset, and like it tried to wipe it clean because it's just been nothing but a pain in the ass, like for me to, it wasn't accepting any like credit card payments for all this like membership stuff. You have to pay for memberships to be able to like unlock
Starting point is 00:13:19 certain like downloads and games and all this kind of stuff. Anyway, it's not just plug and play anymore, right? And so I just wiped the whole thing clean. And so I still haven't had the time to sit there and mess with it for, because you mess with it for hours in a sense when you start trying to do all this stuff and download all these things.
Starting point is 00:13:37 So I'm just playing movies. And so Courtney and I, we go back to the bedroom, we usually watch some TV. And I put on return of the Jedi usually watch some TV and I put on like put on return of the Jedi I think and that's on and then you know we start kind of getting into it. You're dreaming. Yeah dude, I'm starting like you know,
Starting point is 00:13:55 I was like a little handsy and then you know one thing leads to the other and then like I'm basically looking up there and I'm like oh. This is a really good part right here. Yeah, it's a really good part right here. How do you, can we go on baby? Yeah, hold on, hold on. It's like right where she's in the bikini and everything, like a job with a hut.
Starting point is 00:14:15 You know, movie hair babe. Yeah, yeah, I gotta look up at the TV. Oh, yeah, the rebels can wait. You know, turn off the TV. I'm gonna finish you back. I gotta, yeah. Turn off the TV. I'm gonna finish you back. I gotta. Yeah. I gotta take a second.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Oh, man. Well, speaking of cool stuff that happened right around the same time, did you guys watch the Tyson card and all that? So I didn't actually watch it. I've seen the highlights of which, by the way, it seems like Jake Paul's fight stole the show. Oh, dude. Okay. Who's the guy that he dropped?
Starting point is 00:14:46 First of all, Nate Robinson. How? I told you. He was embarrassing. Oh, bro. You're a pro NBA, you're a professional athlete, and he didn't just win, he'd like put him out. He killed him.
Starting point is 00:14:56 I haven't seen, I haven't seen somebody get knocked out and face plant that hard. I don't know if ever. Oh, he went to, he was in another planet. That was like, he was dreaming. Yeah, you remember that, what was that that that were the tough guy challenge or whatever. You remember where like this amateur. Yeah, but that's the last time I've seen somebody like fall to the mat like. Oh, he took him out hard. That one was great. And then Tyson is just a
Starting point is 00:15:18 terrifying human being at 54. It was a 54. Yeah. He just is terrifying. Did you watch clips? You watched the thing. Yeah, no, you can go online and watch a bunch of clips and he won they called it a draw but I think he totally won so but he just moves like he's obviously not like he was when he was 20 but still a 54 years old still outlanded some power bro he just the way he moves in his balance and the way throws the punches so now that we've seen this does it anybody get any stats on like Is it still allowed land in some power? Bro, he just, the way he moves in his balance and the way he throws the punches, is it so now that we've seen this, does it, did anybody get any stats on like,
Starting point is 00:15:49 what it drew, what it drew, pay-per-view-wise, like money-wise? That's so what I'm interested in because it's good. We should look that up because Tyson, till this day, I believe, can pull in more money to almost anybody, I think. No, not them, Gregor. So I would be interested to see the money side because this goes back to the original argument that I had with you guys like a year ago,
Starting point is 00:16:08 when the beginning of this really started happening, is that? I told you so much. Yes, it was from the yesterday. I told you so much. Yeah, I was waiting. I told you so. Oh, we can say I told you so.
Starting point is 00:16:19 No, I mean, look at what we're seeing. I mean, I was telling Justin this this morning before you walked in here and we were talking about this off air and I said, you know, there is, I don't even, I couldn't even give you the top 10 pro ranked boxers right now. I couldn't give you the top 10. I guarantee that they all have less than,
Starting point is 00:16:37 well, I shouldn't guarantee that because I don't know. Okay, I'm gonna guess that they have less than a million followers each, right? Or they probably are in the hundreds of thousands at best, even the most, the most famous pro boxers right now and whatever class you want to talk about. Then you have somebody like Jake Paul who's got 19 million followers. I don't know how many million that Nate Robinson kid at, but you get, you get these two kids who don't even have to be great boxers, but because they
Starting point is 00:17:02 have so many people paying attention to them that decide they're going to talk shit to each other, create the high. I mean, it's like a WWF meets boxing world. Yeah, but so we had a good knockout. Paul can actually fight. He looks like he can actually fight. I think he was, if I'm not mistaken, he was a collegiate wrestler when he was in college. Nate Robinson, here's the question I have for him, is why the hell did he agree to do this?
Starting point is 00:17:27 This was a loose, loose situation. Well, not if you had a bunch of money. I heard that they got paid dick for this. Oh, really? I heard they didn't get paid much at all. No, dear research, please. No way, dude. Okay, still, okay, how much money do you think?
Starting point is 00:17:39 I think it was a million dollars, some stupid from what I read, but we can look it up. But what's the win-win for him? He wins, everybody expects him to win. He's a pro athlete. He loses. Oh, that's terrible. It's knocked out.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Like, he's going to be made fun of for the most. He's an ex basketball player. So, I mean, is he making, he's probably not making any money right now. Are you kidding? What's, no, that champion. He's never done a boss match. $500,000. That's guaranteed money though.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Let's guarantee. Yeah, I have no idea. Click on it and tell me what else, because they could have made more than that. No, that's never done a boss. $500,000. That's guaranteed money though. Let's guarantee. Yeah, I don't know how I do. Click on it and tell me what else, because they could have made more than that. Because of the bonus money. Look at Pay-per-view bonus money. So I bet you the Pay-per-view money
Starting point is 00:18:13 pay-out was even bigger. I don't know, let's see. But that's 500 grand guaranteed for Pro. Yeah, probably the one that that wouldn't be worth it. That's like one. Yeah, he spends that much going to be. No, I guarantee that they made, okay, I bet you the pay-per-view bonus
Starting point is 00:18:27 is bigger than the guaranteed money. I would bet so too. Yeah, I would. So I mean, they got, I'm sure he made millions off of that. And if you're a retired basketball player that you don't even know who he is, do you think he's really? Look at that Jake Paul and Nate Robinson just 600 grand.
Starting point is 00:18:42 So that's, but it doesn't say what they got from the pay-per-view, which we'll never, we don't know. What was the, does it say what the pay-per-view brought in? It doesn't say, but I did read something that said it was breaking records pre-pre-fight on pay-per-view revenues. I bet you he got millions, dude. Yeah. I bet you he got a million, a million,
Starting point is 00:19:03 well over a million dollars I guarantee he's not making that much hope so yeah, do you hear it? You're a Tyson said afterwards. No, I guess he got super high before he fight before the fight He's like I just smoke weed because I'm a smoker. That's what I do. Of course I smoke weed before I fought That's crazy and he still moves like you know what he's promoting his business right? That's he made a big move into the marijuana He does he has a farm that apparently brings in over a million dollars a month.
Starting point is 00:19:28 So what a great way to promote your cannabis business. Yeah, totally. I got hired, whoop-das-ass. It's just my weed. I'll tell you what, dude, this is for, if you're a young man listening right now, you ever want to get in a little tussle with him for those years.
Starting point is 00:19:39 What an old boxer, don't do it. I've known a few old boxers and they lose a little bit of speed and agility, but they still hit like a mule I've had some spars with a couple fifty-six year old boxers. Well we've talked about this right that's that central nervousism that old man's train comes from. They don't lose that. No they'll still hit you it's super hard. Did you see just I want to ask you about this did you see that monolith thing that they saw in the Utah desert. I did dude. So what's the deal about that?
Starting point is 00:20:05 It's going to be a conspiracy? No. I mean, I honestly, I remember it went crazy on the internet, and I looked into it and stuff. And so nobody has any real solid theories of why all of a sudden just appeared there, and then... It disappeared. It's gone.
Starting point is 00:20:23 It disappeared. Yeah. It did not disappear. Adam? So it's like a big shiny metal. It's gone disappeared. Yeah. Did you know it disappeared? Adam. So it's like a big shiny metal. It's like three-sided. It's like a big. There it is. What do they call that? An obelisk.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Yeah. Kind of looking structure, but it's just all metal. Like metal, like all connected together, like just right in the middle of this game. Is it buried underground too? It was just there. I guess it was stuck in the ground to Doug what's that movie where there's a big model it was a stunt 2001 space Odyssey so there's there it kind of looks like that if you ever watch that all
Starting point is 00:20:55 right with the the the monkeys or the chimps are like banging on it with the bones so so the conspiracy theory that I read that I thought was hilarious there it is right there metal monolith that was just there. And now it's gone. Nobody knows where it went. So you know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking this may be some kind of publicity for a movie. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Remember that whole clown scare? Yes, I was just gonna mention that for it. Yes, do you guys remember that, that Halloween where people, there were like clowns running around and people were like, there's actual clowns? Yeah, there was, clowns, like I think they were paid to go out and scare people and like harass them. It was great publicity for it.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Totally. So that's what I think it is. Anyway, one conspiracy was that aliens plugged in a USB to the earth and downloaded all of our permission. It's okay. A USB. Yeah. Took it back.
Starting point is 00:21:44 I think it'll floppy this and just shove it in like. We have all the information. You can't even get this big floppy disk. On the earthlings, take it back now. What a great theory. I think you're right. I think a movie theory. Probably going to be some movie that comes out
Starting point is 00:21:57 and what brilliant marketing. Oh, because everybody talk about it. Yeah, but because here's the other thing, I mean, the government, remember with that release that they talked about that they finally said that they did have like some alien craft remnants and like they came open and nobody cared at this point. They're just like, yeah, whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:16 You right now for news that for you to produce news that hits like over COVID, like it's gotta be like, I don't know what it's yeah, it's gonna be crazy. It can't be like, we found aliens, like, that's on page three. Yeah, but what are they doing? Yeah, exactly. Speaking to the COVID stuff, you sent an article over that, okay,
Starting point is 00:22:33 so I never brought this up on air. I've been going back and forth with my buddy since the beginning of all this. And I said, you know, the thing that I'm gonna be the stat that I'm most interested in reading at the end of this year is what this year looks like for total deaths in the United States of all cause, right? All cause at the end of the year.
Starting point is 00:22:53 And is it, you know, millions or hundreds of thousands way more than every other skyrocketed or is it about the same? Right. And so I would actually like look this up, and I could never get this answer. So every time I try and search as I get CDC and COVID deaths and record month of March, I just, all the articles I was reading, I couldn't get like, what is,
Starting point is 00:23:15 like I wanted to see what is total deaths, you know, in the United States in 2012, 13, 14, 15, and then. And is it much higher now? Yeah. So there was this, this is little controversial. There was this article that was published, it was put out on the internet by Johns Hopkins University.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Johns Hopkins. At Johns Hopkins. And then they were... Very, very reputable source. Yeah, but then they retracted it. They took it out, or I don't know why. Because of political pressure. I mean, think about it.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Maybe, right? So it's gone, but luckily, anything that goes on the internet, you could, even if it. Maybe, right? So it's gone, but luckily, anything that goes on the internet, you could, that even if it's gone, you can find it again. So this is website, I think it's like web archive, something like that, dot com, or something like that. Anyway, buddy of mine who's super into this kind of stuff
Starting point is 00:23:56 sends me the actual article that they had initially posted. And it states in it that there are no excess deaths this year compared to previous years. So we do have COVID deaths, but when they look at all deaths, including heart disease, pneumonia, like everything, that there's no difference this year versus... Have you tried to look at subdub? I'm looking for it right now. And so I bet you're gonna run in the same problem I had. Like I was trying to find this months ago. Yeah, I want to confirm this, right? Yeah. Right, I was trying to find this months ago. Yeah, I was trying to find this month going every time I searched for this all I got was like COVID, I bet you is that what you're doing right now Doug.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Yeah, see? So the American insert is that. That's a weird thing. I try and save as many of these articles as I can because they do. They just disappear all of a sudden. Well, here's one. I've been like banking these. Here's one where you can find it.
Starting point is 00:24:44 It's the American Institute for Economic Research. They posted the study that shows that there were no, that the study says that there were no excess deaths. And I'm looking at... Nine or 12,000. I thought I read 12,000. No, no, no, in other words, there's nothing out of the, or need to look at total deaths. There's nothing out of the ordinary in comparison to previous years, is what it's saying,
Starting point is 00:25:04 in the study. Which is weird, because we haven't seen people aren't getting sick, what have you got to happen? What's happening? What's happening? Okay, so, according to the CDC from January to October, US had 299,000 more deaths than in the previous year. Okay, well, maybe this is, yeah, see, that's the thing. I don't know, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:25:20 because I'm reading these articles, and I'd like to confirm them myself. Right, so I don't know. Well, you're the Google master here. I'm the one I tried to figure this out. That was the, I gave up on. Ambassador of health. Yeah, that's it. Now the Google.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Yeah. No, no, I tried to find this and I did dead in, man. It was dead. You know, there's two things this year that I've tried to, like, I don't spend that much time googling, right? So the, that, and I wanted to know know where the all the BLM money was going. Oh those two things I have googled like crazy and can't seem to get a good answer. Yeah yeah it's so weird to me that anything else that I try and search I was talking to somebody in my DMs over the vaccines that are coming out.
Starting point is 00:26:10 So this person works in research and development for vaccines and for medicine. And he, and he was explained to me why or how they, they're getting this vaccine to come, to become a proof so much faster than in the past. Because I've made comments in the past that are like, I don't know if I trust a vaccine that only took a year to get, to pass all these different tests where others take 10 years or longer. He said it's all because they cut out all the red tape. A lot of the reason why it takes so many years to get something approved is waiting for... Yeah, but that isn't the red tape, that's to get something approved is waiting, waiting for...
Starting point is 00:26:46 Yeah, but that isn't the red tape, that's the red tape is the precautions. No, no, no, no. It's like, no, the testing is the thing. They could add all the red tape, like we didn't do any trials on monkeys, we didn't do any of that. No, no, no, that bullshit.
Starting point is 00:26:57 That's not what I'm talking about. No, I'm literally talking about waiting, waiting, approval, ask for this, wait, wait. He says they fast-tracked it, moved it to the front of the list, the testing is the same. He said, it's the, there's trials with 30,000 people. I'm going to challenge that a little bit because it normally takes 10 years, right? That's what it takes. So I'm like, right.
Starting point is 00:27:18 So, part of the testing is just waiting, right? Part of the test is, look, it doesn't do anything right away, but we'll know in five years when it has to pass all these other things. It affects it. Maybe, yeah. I asked him that, and what he told me, and this is according to him, okay,
Starting point is 00:27:33 so maybe someone correct me if maybe he's wrong, but that happens at the end. It's at the end of the process that they actually start to do the human trials and then get to that part of the process. Wow, so you mean like 10 years to get a trial? It's just a big bureaucratic nightmare. I know, but what I'm saying is,
Starting point is 00:27:49 so you mean to tell me that the 10 years of trying to get something passed, there's no human trials until after gets passed? And then? It's towards the end is what he said. So I don't know exactly what that means. That seems weird to me. And he said that this, he said because they fast-tracked this
Starting point is 00:28:03 and because of how it was done, he goes, no, this is, it would be as safe as one, that would be released with, you know, through the normal means or whatever, in terms of testing. Now I'm not a big conspiracy guy. I'm not one that's saying that I am or I'm not going to do it, but it still seems, I'm not saying I wouldn't do it, but it does seem that weird to me that you think that something could be the same as it's something that takes 10 years because you've got 10 years of, okay, we've tried this on somebody and we haven't had any reactions that didn't arise like five years later or seven years later.
Starting point is 00:28:37 You know, that sounds right to me. However, I would never underestimate the incredible inefficiency of the bureaucracies that are put in place. Have you ever tried to get something through? And then you end up waiting a year or two years or just go get in line, try and go get your passport at the post office. You get there before they open, you gotta wait line three hours just to get through.
Starting point is 00:28:57 What's the updates with the Russian vaccine? I don't know about the Russian one, but I do know that the, was it a 1%? Yeah, because they started early. I have no idea. Did you see the post they did on Instagram do know that the one percent has started like early. I have no idea. Did you see the post they did on Instagram with that? No. Oh, it's hilarious. No, I didn't see that.
Starting point is 00:29:09 So it's like, I'm telling everybody, hey, I don't want to let everybody know, but I got the vaccine. I'm one of the test subjects for Russia. But then as you read it, I start speaking Russian. Yeah. There's no side effects. Slowly gets into it. Keep going. Yeah, the Moderna one is the one that I think that they're moving at the front list. Look, I saw this with GW pharmaceutical when they got their CBD drug through to treat
Starting point is 00:29:36 certain forms of epilepsy in children. They got fast-tracked and they were able to get that thing through in like a couple years. And that's a, so they fast-tracked that. And that's not even, that wasn't even this whole COVID thing. Apparently also, there's a new way of making these vaccines that was just developed because of COVID, because all these companies going in,
Starting point is 00:29:55 lots of government, money, lots of funding, and apparently it could revolutionize the way we make vaccines moving forward. All I know is my understanding through all of this stuff has been way off watching the movie outbreak. Yeah, I didn't watch that. You didn't watch that.
Starting point is 00:30:07 No, I was scared of it. The whole thing about it was like trying to retrace like the origin and get the chimpanzee or whatever it was that started it all. I'm like, where's the penguin? Yeah. In all this. Like, we're not trying to go get the penguin and make a vaccine from the band. This is Hollywood science. No, I don't watch that on purpose.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I feel like that was terrifying. It was. It went viral again. You saw that, right? It like surfaced as one of the like the top watch films in the last like month or two. I'm sure that's how you watched it. I'm sure it popped up when I did see it again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:39 You guys noticed that how like crazy different, like Netflix has gotten so good at the like algorithms to like make the make a movie or also to recommend. Like when somebody else, I can always tell when someone else is using my Netflix. I got into the changes. Yeah, because I'm up at the trucky house. I get on there and my accounts logged in. So I'm getting like all these.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Adam has those ancient aliens. Yeah, bro, now I'm gonna be the fucking Justin watching my account dude. I got all this weird conspiracy shit on my account. No, it's my I'm gonna fucking Justin watching my cow dude. I got all this weird conspiracy shit on my That between that and then like when vacations are around all the teenagers screw up the frickin I know dude. That's why that's why that's recommends terrible movies that's why it's stupid movie knock knock was was a number one It was a dumb the dumbest movie. Oh, I watched another terrible movie man
Starting point is 00:31:23 I think another it was Netflix like number four or something this last week. Do you guys have a favorite Christmas movie? Like, do you guys have a little of you gonna ask me about that? I was just gonna ask you about that. I was just gonna ask you about that. I was just gonna ask you about that. I was just gonna ask you about that.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I was just gonna ask you about that. Oh, so, you know what's funny? So, I haven't seen that in a while. Actually, just watched that. It's rated like number two all time. That's my favorite. So, I went to watch it with my kids, right? This is my daughter.
Starting point is 00:31:41 She makes me so happy. I hope this never changed. I'm sure it will though. So, I'm like, hey, we're gonna watch a Christmas movie you guys have never seen this before It's a movie I watched when I was a kid so I pull it up to watch it and my daughter's like I can't watch that I'm like why she's like it's peachy 13. Yeah, I can't watch it because she's 11 I'm like, oh man. She's such a goody-touches. I hope she never I hope she never sorry. I can drink I'm not I'm saying? I hope she never, sorry, I can't drink, I'm not 21.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Yeah. So did you guys start that in your house? Like, so it started for us, right? Like, every night we're watching Christmas movies. The whole Christmas thing went like, bananza this week. So we already, like, I already, like, put all the lights up and got the tree and all that stuff. So we watched Elf and then we watched the Christmas vacation.
Starting point is 00:32:23 And then now we got a walk. Like they wanted to watch Home Alone right after that, which is another great one. I'm like, dude, chill out. Yeah, we're not even in December yet. That's great. Elf is one of my favorites. Elf, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Elf's good. I like personally die hard. I think die hard is the best Christmas for me. I do. That was a movie. The movie that I watched. Okay, so how funny is this? This is, this is, this is a net, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Recky is a love story. Okay, no, no, no, die hard, okay, die hard. It is a Christmas movie. No, no, no, no, no, no. Die hard is argued as one of the, as a classic Christmas movie, even though it's really not, right? Okay, so netflix comes out with hard to kill,
Starting point is 00:32:59 which is featured Bruce Willis. And it's right now in the top 10, never terrible movie. Yeah, what? Terrible. So that's the new 10 never terrible movie. Yeah, what's terrible really? So that's the new one. Terrible. Yes. Not worth watching whatsoever. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:11 So we, I just found these two that now of course I have max right. So my favorite is changing because it's not exactly what I like. It's like shows that I can keep him watching. So there's this series on I want to say it's either Apple or Disney has it. They're 20 minute long, Christmas, there's two of them. And there's one's called Prep and Landing. And the other one is called, it's like the sequel to that. Prep and Landing and I can't think of, anyways, it's like 20 minutes long. And it reminds me a little bit of Arthur's Christmas, which is also another favorite of mine.
Starting point is 00:33:44 So I don't know if you guys will watch that one. It's a cartoon, but it's like, Christmas futuristic for like kids in this generation that understand tech and then probably like, and your kids would like this because they probably sit down and look at the old Christmas like, oh, that's so fake, there's no way to do this. So they utilize like all modern technology to get the presence to, you you know all the kids and shit
Starting point is 00:34:05 So it's interesting. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's that's our like Christmas stories my favorite. That's still my favorite That's gotta be I mean, it's gotta be the best one. I would yeah, I would I would think so right yeah, did you guys start your Black Friday and Christmas shopping did you guys get that done yet? I just a little bit just got my daughter something on Amazon Literally like that's it right before we started that done yet? I just got my daughter something on Amazon. Literally like, right before we started. That's about all I did. I think I got, so I mean, most of my family that I'm gonna say this don't listen to shows. So I'm okay.
Starting point is 00:34:31 I think I bought five or six pairs of Felix Grace. Oh, yeah. I bought two, yeah, for my brother and my dad. Perfect gift. It is. That's actually a great gift. No, yeah, it's really simple as that. It is.
Starting point is 00:34:42 It's a really good gift. I was just having that conversation with my cousin because he went and got his testosterone levels checked and they were low. And he says, first thing, of course I told him, I said, fix your sleep and he goes, well, my sleep's okay. I said, do you wake up at night?
Starting point is 00:34:58 He goes, yeah, I wake up like two or three times every night. How many hours of sleep do you get? Six hours, I'm like, yeah, yeah. Fix your sleep, watch your testosterone go up. So I talked to him about wearing blue light blocking glasses. And, you know, I mean, it's so common that we, I mean, you guys gotta see this in the kids' behaviors too, right? Like, it's so common for you to take your phone into your bed.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Mm-hmm. I mean, we become so attached to this thing. It's like another limb of ours that, and I know this is true to other people because I'm fully aware and I still fucking do it. So I know if I'm doing it and I'm aware of it How many other people mindlessly just do that where you just grab your phone to go and bat and then when you lay down before you actually go to sleep You probably surf the internet for half hour hour for you fall asleep and don't realize how much that disrupts your sleep
Starting point is 00:35:39 Yeah, just simply being disciplined to like throw the glasses on, makes a huge difference. And speaking of sleep, dude, you totally called it. Remember how I told you I was sleeping in another room during the week, because I have to wake up to go to work. Yeah. So I don't wake up with the baby every few hours or whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:56 You called it, dude. I need to change the bed in the other room. It's one of those couch beds or whatever. And it is fucking shit. And you know what makes me upset? I took pride when I was younger. I took pride in the fact that I could sleep anywhere. I could sleep on the floor, I could sleep in a chair,
Starting point is 00:36:13 I'd wake up feeling like nothing can do it anymore. Now wake up and I gotta do mobility work for 15 minutes before I go downstairs and drink glass of water because I'm stiff as hell. I'm not a couch sleeper anymore. I still remember the day that I'm not a couch sleeper anymore. I still remember the day that I got on the online and like he's bought all that shit in one buy.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I was so irritated and frustrated after another bad night sleep was sleeping on our spare room bed. And I was like, that's it. You know what I'm outfitting this thing? And you know what it is? It's the dumbest thing. So when you pull the bottom of the thing out
Starting point is 00:36:40 so that it becomes a bed, it's literally like a half an inch of a difference in height between the bottom of a futon. Yeah, so, oh my God. So, it's just a tiny, it's not even a half and it's like the tiniest difference, but that little bit of difference puts my spine out of alignment, and I wake up and I'm like, ah!
Starting point is 00:36:57 I'm hurting, so I'm like, do I sleep in the bed with Jessica and the baby and wake up every three hours? It's comfortable, or do I sleep in the hard ass? Get yourself a new bed. I might have to worry, it's worth it. You know what, the way I justified it was this, we have company come over and stay in that room all the time,
Starting point is 00:37:10 which now I also, I felt bad. I was like, oh man, I've been making people sleep. Well, I don't see, I don't want to put a full bed because we got to put it, make it a nice chair because it's the baby's room. It's not just the guest room, the baby's gonna be sleeping there at some point. So I can't put a full bed in there,
Starting point is 00:37:23 it'll take up too much space. Oh yeah, I'm a little bit screwed. You are. You get those air mattresses. Yeah, actually those aren't bad. Some of them are really good. They're actually not too bad. No, it's not a bad call.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Yeah, Jessica, she's so funny. I'm gonna call her out right now. She, women are really, really smart on complimenting. Like they know how to do it in a way to where you don't realize that they're trying to make you feel good. Like I'm not so good, right? So she might be saying something. I'd be like, but honey, you're beautiful.
Starting point is 00:37:52 And she'd be like, oh, you're just saying that because I made a negative comment. Well anyway, I was commenting on, I weighed myself on the scale and I'm tipping the scales at a new record for me for the last few years. And so I'm making this comment. So like literally the next day, right? And this is how I know she was full of crap.
Starting point is 00:38:08 She comes up to me and she goes, are you on gear? I'm like, gear. That's not a word that you use. She's like, yeah, you look really listening to the shit. Exactly. She's like, you look really good. Are you on something that I don't know about?
Starting point is 00:38:19 Good word. And for a second, I'm like, wow, she thinks I'm on like some new supplement or something. Like what's going on? I thought about it out for a minute. She wait a minute, she's in talk that way. Like, you're trying to make me feel better. With your fake question. Are you on something?
Starting point is 00:38:31 We'll see. I didn't realize, yeah, I didn't realize I was like, so Courtney called me skinny. He's like, oh my god, you look so skinny. I was like, and I thought I was like, yeah, whatever. Like, no, those words like affect me, but like skinny. I was like, and I thought I was like, yeah, whatever. Like, no, that those words like affect me, but like skinny, I'm like skinny. No, I'd rather be like, you know, like husky, you know, fluffy than skinny.
Starting point is 00:38:52 You know what I mean? I was not wanna be skinny. In order to beat so red away. Yeah, I was like, eating. That's what I put it down. Yeah, my son told me that I was like, No, lean, lean, whatever. He's like, no, you look like a guy who likes to work out,
Starting point is 00:39:04 but also likes to eat burgers, no, lean, lean. I was like, no, you look like a guy who likes to work out, but also likes to eat burgers. Like, thanks, dude. What the hell's happening? What do you call me? What do you call me? When you guys did the, when you're, you, last time we all hung out with your family. A dad.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yeah, he's just, Justin was the surfer. What do you say, a buff surfer guy? Yeah, that's a great compliment. I like that. That's an awesome compliment. That's what you're shocking our nerves. Yeah, and what do you think bigger guy. That's a great compliment. I like that. That's an awesome compliment. That's what you're talking about, right? Yeah, and what do you think of Adam?
Starting point is 00:39:26 He's a dad. He's totally a dad. Like, he could tell. That's so great. He's no buff in front of that. Man, I'm having so much fun right now with the baby and the kids. Cause, you know, this week the kids are with me because they alternate with their, you know, I alternate with their mom.
Starting point is 00:39:42 And I'm watching the kids now bond with the baby. Oh, it's the best thing, man. Oh, yeah, my daughter's like, so my son is, I've told you guys it was before, he's like an android. So his emotions are pretty, like you only know what he's feeling. He's like, yeah, but we did this, we did these pictures with the baby,
Starting point is 00:40:01 these newborn pictures or whatever. And so we had him hold the baby. And he's like, he's got the smile at his face. Uh-huh, uh-huh. And I'm looking at Jessica, I'm like, he's ecstatic right now. Like, he's so excited. That's how he expresses himself.
Starting point is 00:40:16 It's a tip of the scale, right? And my daughter's like, she just wants to squeeze him all the time, but he's still so young. It's hard for her to like to hold him and play with him. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'm like, you gotta wait another month or two. She's like, that's a long time. I don't wanna wait that long.
Starting point is 00:40:30 So how, I mean, what's going on right now? Cause we, it's been almost a week, right since we all been together. So what sleep look like right now? What's feeding, what's he looking like right now? I mean, I see so alert. Eyes wide open, looking, lifting his head up already. He smiles socially, which is pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:40:44 That's pretty fun. So I can make him smile sometimes. We're still doing the, you know, Jessica's still pumping after every feeding. Just to get, you know, more and more melts. And she's starting to make more and more now. So that's really good. Everything's going great, man.
Starting point is 00:40:59 It's, having a blast right now. I'm really having a lot of fun. And I'm way more involved with him than I was with my other two when they were babies. I think it's just because I told you guys, I want to be much more present because it happens so fast the last couple of times. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Now, have you annoyed Jessica because you're overly now? No, she loves it. Okay, so you haven't, you haven't like over compensated because no, no, no, no. She's like, hey, do you believe me alone for some? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, she loves it.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Let me handle this. And I'm like feeding her to like, you know, because she's making milk, right? So I'm like making her like bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches. She's like, stop feeding me. You know, I'm giving her protein bars. Yeah, that's great. Or get a five. You got to get you one of those little fake loops.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Yeah, yeah. No, I can see you doing that. I can see that. I can see that. I can see that. What point do you introduce them to green juice and stuff like that? The baby?
Starting point is 00:41:47 No, I don't know. Not now. No, it's early or what? Yeah, no, that's early, is it? No, no, no, no. I'm making sure that her while I'm helping her, right? Make sure that her calories are good and that her protein intake is good.
Starting point is 00:42:00 So protein is really important. Don't want to be low in anything. So it's not like you can't go low carb or low fat, definitely not low fat. So we're supple, you know, making sure like she gets her. So Katrina had a supplement. Did you, did, what do you mean? Well, because she was not eating enough
Starting point is 00:42:15 to get enough protein in. So we were using protein shakes. Was she really? Yeah, yeah, it was pretty consistently too. Yeah, so that was, that was something that, and she noticed a difference in her production in milk when she was and when she was it. There was times when we were trying to be like all natural, no protein shakes, anything
Starting point is 00:42:29 like that in there, but she just wasn't getting enough protein. And then as soon as we started a supplement, she would notice a big difference. We're doing some of that too, but I think we're okay. I think we'd be okay if we just stuck to food, but we're doing everything right now. Did you know that, what are those types of beers that are dark and they have like the big, like, yes? Yeah, did you know that that's supposed to help produce? Yes, iron.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Yeah, it's the wheat that's in the beer that does that. Yeah, I don't even know. It's even those a wheat cookies and so like that, that'll help production. Like, Cachin cookies. Yes, that's what they call them. I know because we have a postpartum doula who makes them all the time.
Starting point is 00:43:04 That was a big difference for Katrina. Really? Yeah, messed she did the beer the but she noticed that the beer and And the cookies were about the same so she just did the cookies, right? Yeah, she tried both But yeah, I know apparently it makes a difference to do those types of things. Yeah, yeah You know what else I so she's not doing this, but I'm looking this up. So, Crayotein, I'm reading more and more studies about the longevity effects of a health effects of Crayotein. So I'm gonna research and see if it even makes a difference
Starting point is 00:43:33 for a breastfeeding mom to supplement with Crayotein because it's got some like brain boosting effects and longevity effects. Oh yeah. I mean, I just read a study that showed that it's good for heart health and organ health even. So it's the wellness supplement.
Starting point is 00:43:48 It even realized. It is. And it's going to start. You're going to see it now start to break through into other aspects of the health space, not just fitness, but rather longevity and wellness and anti-aging. Mark my words. You can see that. So it's just not using any of our partners, any of our supplements at all.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Just the protein from organifice sometimes. That's it. How often are you guys having to supplement yourself? It's not super often. It depends on what we'll have for dinner or for lunch. But because she likes protein, it's usually an issue is the whether or not we made food or not.
Starting point is 00:44:21 If it's there she'll eat it. Now is she tracking or is she just kind of going? Oh, okay. Yeah, she was tracking is she just kind of going? Oh, okay. Yeah, she was tracking. We were like, because she was, I was, when we were first starting, like we would pay attention to like the milk production, things like that.
Starting point is 00:44:34 And she would tell me like, what do you think it is? And I said, well, I can't tell unless you start tracking from me. So I'd make her track and then we'd sit at night and be like, how do you feel today? What do you notice is your milk production up or down? Like, how's he? Like we, it's such a thing.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Yeah, she would notice a difference how he reacts by how she eats, too. So you wanna hear something weird? So this is real weird, right? So she was using, did you know that women can use a pump, the breast pump, and they won't get out as much milk as having a baby on the breast. So the pump could do the thing all day long or whatever,
Starting point is 00:45:08 and it may not get nearly as much milk as a baby. It's there's a hormone in his saliva, right? That hits the nipple and it causes it. Well, so here's this funny, right? So we had this lactation consult we were talking to, just trying to figure things out or whatever, and she was telling us this. And so she's like, have, she's like see,
Starting point is 00:45:28 because the pump was doing its thing and it stopped. And she goes, you probably still have more, because she felt like she still wasn't empty. She's like, you probably still have more. She goes, you know, see if your husband gets so, so this is true, right? So Jessica comes up to me and she goes, I want you to try and get some milk out.
Starting point is 00:45:44 And I'm like, babe, I'm like, you had no, I'm like, babe, that's weird, I can't, I can't do that. She's like, why? It's the difference. I'm like, because it's not sexual. You want me to do it? It's the babies. I feel weird.
Starting point is 00:45:55 I feel weird. That's not worse. I feel weird trying this out or whatever. So she convinced me, I tried it. I couldn't get it me out. So then she did it to herself, got milk out. So for whatever reason, I could not get. She could do it herself. That then she did it to herself got milk out. So for whatever reason I could not get She could do it herself. That's a talent. That's kind of a hot thought.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Sorry. Not You know it's funny as the words as the words are coming out of my mouth As the words come out of my mouth. I'm like, damn I shouldn't have said I couldn't get it out dude. I don't know what else to add to Bad Latch. Try Organify, totally risk-free for 60 days by going to organify.com. That's olrg-n-i-f-i.com. And use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. First question is from Nina Morgan.
Starting point is 00:46:58 How do you know if you have metabolic damage or if you have a healthy metabolic rate. All right, so first off, to be clear, the term metabolic damage was a term coined by the fitness industry, really to kind of illustrate or explain a slow metabolism, right? So somebody who'd metabolism naturally doesn't burn a lot of calories. You know, I could say, hey, your metabolism doesn't burn a lot of calories, but I could probably sell more stuff
Starting point is 00:47:26 if I say you have metabolic damage. Okay, so that's an important thing. That's an important thing. Yeah, it's an important thing too. And we've said it before. We could say I'm just as guilty as you. Yeah, we've used it. It's a simple, it's an easy way to get somebody across,
Starting point is 00:47:37 like you fucked up their metabolism, isn't it? Right, we need to address it. Right, but to be clear, it doesn't mean that you're sick or ill or unhealthy or something's wrong with your metabolism. In fact, if your metabolism is not burning many calories, unless you are ill or you've really, really started yourself or really extreme in those cases, it's doing what it's supposed to do. Yeah, you have a healthy metabolism. It's slowing down because you've told it to. You've taught it to slow down through maybe
Starting point is 00:48:03 reducing your calories for too long, going on diets, not being active, maybe training in a way that tells your body to have a slow metabolism, lots of cardio, no strength training for example can do that. So how do you know if you have a healthy metabolism? Well, if you're unhealthy in other ways, then maybe something's going on, but you're probably okay with your metabolism. Now if your question is, how do I get my metabolism to speed up or should I get my metabolism to speed up? It's a very personal question.
Starting point is 00:48:32 It's individual. Do you are you happy with the amount of calories that you burn all the time on your own? Or do you find yourself feeling like you're starving, eating your daily caloric maintenance. Let's talk about some examples of where we've seen the most metabolic damage. In other words, what types of clients? What type of petators are ultra-marathoners? What I see most common in, the clients that I would get that had the most severe metabolic damage.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Really what that is, and I do that in air quotes because like Sal was saying, it's not really damaged, it's doing what you've told it to do, but why is your metabolism so slow? The people that tend to be the worst for me that I would get are clients that were really overweight, so they were beyond 50 pounds overweight, and they had gained and lost weight
Starting point is 00:49:22 for many, many years up and down. And many times it looked like this really hardcore restrict. They went on some crazy weird, you know, lettuce or cabbage diet a lot or they would just eat way less or fast or, you know, yeah, exactly. They would do some really low calorie ways of losing weight and they would lose a bunch of weight that way. And then they would go back and they would binge and they would do this yo-yo dieting for many years. And over time, it went from, they were 50 pounds overweight,
Starting point is 00:49:51 the 60 pounds were weight, the 70 pounds, and eventually a 100 pounds or so overweight. And they had been doing that to their body. That's case number one that I'd see that's most common with like somebody who has a really, really slow metabolism. The other is like, the Justin was all to, like your athletes or your competitors that are on lower type caliwits and they have a lot of stress, whether it be exercise running for a very long time or just eating really, really low calorie for a very, very long time.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Those tend to be the, and with lots of stress. Those two things tend to be the most common offenders for me as far as clients. Yeah, especially if it's a lot of endurance type training. That's where you start to see the metabolism adapt. Really, that's what's happening. Your metabolism is adapting. So if you are doing an activity that requires very little strength and little muscle,
Starting point is 00:50:41 and you're doing a lot of it, and doing that activity burns calories. Then what will happen is your body will start to adapt and the way it adapts is it says, okay, we're burning lots of calories during this activity. We need endurance, we don't need a lot of muscle and strength. Let's learn how to conserve calories. We pair muscle down, we slow the metabolism down so that this person can continue to do this and become a more efficient
Starting point is 00:51:10 Better endurance machine. And so you see this with people who do like the cardio fanatics Who come in and I would see these in the gym I'd manage gyms and there would be those members That would come in and they'd do the same thing every time they come in five or six days a week They'd get on the elliptical for 40 minutes They'd get on the treadmill for 40 minutes They've got another piece of cardio for 40 minutes and they do get on the treadmill for 40 minutes, they'd get on another piece of cardio for 40 minutes, and they'd do that every day, and then they'd be, but they'd still be 25 or 30 pounds or away. And it's almost impossible to convince them otherwise,
Starting point is 00:51:32 because they've conditioned it in their brain that whatever they eat, they look at the calories of what they're eating, and they wanna equate that to the amount of calories that they're burning in the gym, not knowing that over this long period of time that they've been doing the same exact thing. They've actually been slowing their metabolism down, which now brings, you know, any excess of their maintenance calories, which their maintenance calories goes down, ends up starting to stack up against them.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Dude, there was this guy that used to come in and you guys probably, because you guys were in Santa Teresa too, Black Dude, would wear sweater and do cardio and just sweat through the whole sweater. And he'd come in every morning, every single morning. Remember this cow, he said to tell him to put towels underneath his bike. Yes, so he did, that's all he did,
Starting point is 00:52:16 he did cardio, he'd come in and do a ton of cardio. That's it. And he was probably 20 pounds overweight, so not like super overweight, about 20 pounds, but did cardio, cardio, cardio, never touch the weights, never touch the machines. And I ended up striking up conversations with him, asked him what his goals are. Oh, I just want to maintain. I said, well, do you know, I was at the time I was trying to see if you'd be interested in training because I could see
Starting point is 00:52:35 that he was doing the same thing all the time. And I said, well, if you could have another goal, what would it be? And so I'd like to get a little leaner. I said, oh, well, have you looked at your diet and he goes, oh, I track my diet. And we talked about diet. And he did. He had a booklet and he wrote everything down, had all his calories down. And this guy was consuming under 2000 calories a day. He wasn't a small guy. He was as tall as I was. Probably, I don't know, 200 pounds. Could, you know, stand to lose about 20 pounds. Eating under 2000 calories a day would come in and do routinely an hour and a half a cardio every single day. And that was really one of the first times that were dawned on me. I was like, man, this guy, his body has learned to burn so few
Starting point is 00:53:12 calories that he could literally 1800 calories is how he maintains 20 pounds overweight. And so I talked from about lifting weights. I wasn't able to get through to him. He continued to do what he did. But again, this is what your body does. It's just how you train your body. When we use the word workout, switch that with the word train. You are training your body when you're working out. And the reason why you're training your bodies,
Starting point is 00:53:34 you're training your body to get better at what you're teaching it to do or what your workouts are doing. And if your workouts are high calorie burning, require very little muscle, then your body's gonna learn to adapt to that workout by slowing down its metabolism. If your workouts don't necessarily burn
Starting point is 00:53:51 a ton of calories, but require a lot of strength and muscle, well now your body's like, let's build this muscle and we can be less efficient with calories and speed up our burn. I think this is so nuanced because it's this big spectrum. You have like extreme metabolic damage on one side and then you have everything in the middle. Like, you know, you have a healthy metabolism,
Starting point is 00:54:09 you have a metabolic, like really extreme metabolic damage and then you have this everything in between. And so it's so nuanced and it individualized that it's like, where am I on that? And it's all about how you're training it. So you can, you don't have to be this extreme marathon runner to feel your metabolism slowing down. You don't necessarily have metabolic damage
Starting point is 00:54:27 to feel your metabolism slowing down. If you eat less and less calories and exercise more and more, especially if you're doing things like cardio, which doesn't demand a lot of muscle, you're teaching the body to become very efficient and not need a lot of calories. Next question is from Grant Satterweight. Could someone realistically run maps and a ballad forever
Starting point is 00:54:46 with progressive overload and still make progress? Yeah, you definitely could. The program was designed to be able to be done in cycles over and over again. Is it ideal now? It's not ideal. Ideally speaking, when we're talking about a lifetime of exercise, a lifetime of fitness, a lifelong
Starting point is 00:55:06 relationship with, you know, exercise and maintaining strength and mobility and muscle and all that stuff, then you want to train lots of different ways. MAP's Antabolic is excellent at building muscle, speeding up the metabolism and getting you really strong. It's not the best program we have for mobility. It's not the best program we have for stamina. It's not the best program that we have. If you start to become advanced,
Starting point is 00:55:34 then you wanna develop more muscle and sculpt your body. It's sculpting, yeah. Yeah, so your best bet would be to, and this is why we have so many programs. Part of the reason why we have so many programs is to help people who have different goals and different fitness levels, but the bigger part, because you got to remember, we're trainers first, we're podcasts for a second, we were all trainers for 20 years, I've only been
Starting point is 00:55:56 podcasting for five years, we designed all the programs because we thought to ourselves, what if somebody follows all of our programs, What are we gonna have them do next? What would we have them do next? We're at the point now, where we have all the programs that you would need to have amazing balance with your fitness for the rest of your life, where you just follow one after another, and you'd be able to really develop
Starting point is 00:56:17 an incredible physique, avoid injury, have great mobility, great strength, maintainliness, all that stuff. So you could totally do one program over and over again, but ideally you would go through different programs. It could definitely be a frequent flyer. And I think that we speak a lot to the general average person, of how to kind of structure something that will give you
Starting point is 00:56:37 kind of continual progress, where the principal of a specificity still applies. If that's my focus, I really like getting stronger. I like building developing muscle. That's my thing. That's something that you could have in heavy rotation, but you got to interrupt that. That way you still reap the benefits that it's providing, but you have to stimulate the body in different ways.
Starting point is 00:57:00 The reason why we have you moving into performance is to account for your joint health and your joint stability mobility. That's actually going to go back and contribute to your pursuits on trying to lift heavier weight and then also move through a lot of these plateaus inevitably that your body is going to recognize pattern and and it's gonna be efficient with that, but you're not gonna see the same type of struggle and challenge that you would if you were to venture out. And so, same with trying to present your muscles in a different way and shape them a specific way.
Starting point is 00:57:37 So it looks what you want. The answer is yes you can and no I wouldn't. Yes you can do that. If I was training you as a client, I would rotate you through the programs very similar to how it end to Justin's point. If you loved that way of training and you loved what you got from that program, it would be the primary focus
Starting point is 00:57:59 but I would still intermittently take at least at the bare minimum principles from the other programs. So even if I like, and I would say this probably closely resembles how we train. Each of us have different modalities that we enjoy more or appeal more to, right? So we're all very different. And so we probably follow a, you know, a one of our programs, like the skeleton of it, most closely, the most common and most often. But then we all know that it's important
Starting point is 00:58:27 to intermittently introduce all these other things. I mean, Sal, you just came off of your, you know, all the unilateral training and drop squats, although you're probably Mr. Annabal. Almost every time I ask you, you and Doug are probably doing Annabal. Justin is always pulling stuff from performance and strong. Of course, I like aesthetic and split.
Starting point is 00:58:44 But yet, we all integrate all the other principles and all the other programs from everything from body weight to the suspension training, to mobility type work. There's so much value in all those different ways of training that it shouldn't be something you forever neglect. Even if you are gonna follow a primary structure for a majority of the time, you don't wanna neglect all the other things.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Yeah, and also look at things, look, we always talk about long term, right? You're not, the goal is not to work out for a couple months and then never do it again. The goal, and this was always my goal as a trainer, was to get people to develop a lifelong relationship with exercise, okay? So look at things from that perspective, right?
Starting point is 00:59:27 Okay, so Adam just brought up that I stopped squatting for a while and just did unilateral work. Did my squat strength drop while I did unilateral work? Of course it did, I stopped practicing the skill of squatting. However, long term, my squat strength is gonna be better than it was before because I'm addressing imbalances and weaknesses that I have.
Starting point is 00:59:46 And guess what? I've been squatting for the past few weeks, and I can already tell I'm gonna surpass the strength that I had before here real quick, because I was able to address those types of things. So, here's another great example. Right now, a lot of gyms are closed. So right now, you may not have access to all the equipment
Starting point is 01:00:02 you had before, and you're thinking, oh my gosh, I'm not gonna be as strong on my overhead press and I'm not going to be able to deadlift as much or whatever as much because I don't have access to that equipment. Follow a program like Math Suspension, which is just suspension trainers. Do it at home. Are you going to lose strength in those core lifts? You will temporarily, but I guarantee you when you get back to them, you're going to surpass what you did before because you're going to strengthen imbalances and weaknesses that you had
Starting point is 01:00:27 that you couldn't necessarily identify because you're always doing the same stuff all the time. Next question is from Foti Joey. Can you define how a strong pelvic floor is important and ways to increase strength there? So the pelvic floor is important in all people for stability, stability of spine, but it becomes very important, especially in women during imposed pregnancy, to kind of keep some of the organs in place and for things like bladder control, help support the uterus, sphincter control, you hear.
Starting point is 01:01:02 I remember as an early trainer, I think it was 20 or 21, I did this small class with a group of women and I was having them do like jumping jacks and jump lunges, and a couple of them were commenting that they didn't want to do them because they would pee themselves. And I remember thinking, like I never heard that before. It didn't happen.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Yeah, I was a kid, I had no idea. Right. Afterwards, the female trainer that I was with that was doing the class with me, I asked her about them, like, why did they say that? Were they trying to be funny? And she goes, oh no, that's after you have kids,
Starting point is 01:01:33 if you don't restrank then the pelvic floor, you start to lose some of that control and then you can start to pee yourself if you jump and bounce. I had never heard of this before as a young trainer. So it's important for a lot of different reasons. The best, obviously the most common exercises that we know of for pelvic floor strength
Starting point is 01:01:49 in your kegels. This is where you squeeze the muscles that you, like you're gonna stop peeing. So literally, yeah, so it's like you're holding, like you're gonna hold your flow of urine. You wanna squeeze that and then relax. I know now they make, have you seen these weighted vaginal dumbbells that they make, have you seen these weighted
Starting point is 01:02:05 vaginal dumbbells that they make? Yeah. They actually have these. I've seen those. I'm gonna have to Google that. So there's a place in Santana Row that has like, I think it's called beta and they have all these like gadgets in there.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Have you guys been there? No. So you walk through and they have all these like new gadgets that are, do you guys remember sharper image? Yes. It's kind of like that, right? Except it's like even more stone. Yeah, it's way more techy.
Starting point is 01:02:27 And they had this like silver, like rod, with the like ball at the end of it, and this like an app that you did. And I assure this was for fitness. Yeah, I promise you. Okay. And I asked the girl, I'm like, what is this? And the girl said, oh, that's, this is a pelvic floor exercise and I'm like, well, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:02:47 is this gonna work? I'm trying to keep it from dropping. You put it up your body and then you can add weight to it and you hold it for time to strengthen pelvic floor month, which is actually brilliant if you think about it. So, kegels and that. Yeah, Doug just, I see. Doug just Googled this and it's so funny
Starting point is 01:03:02 because Katrina has a sex toy that looks identical to that. Yeah, only I can control it with my phone, which is awesome. Doug, Doug just googled vaginal dumbbells. Yeah, I can't wait to see what it has to get on. So I, so almost anything though that forces you to stabilize your pelvis is going to work that. So I think you know, caustic squats, floor bridges, lunges, Turkish get ups. These are all things that I make Katrina do. So whether that was exactly right or not, I don't know, caustic squats, floor bridges, lunges, Turkish get ups, these are all things that I make a train to do. So whether that was exactly right or not,
Starting point is 01:03:29 I don't know, but I feel like a tyrant. You make her do it well. You know, when we were, I shouldn't say it right, she asked me, right? So she asked me to write her a program when she was, when we were trying to get pregnant and then when she was pregnant, and a lot of the training was centered around stuff like this.
Starting point is 01:03:44 And the way I look at it too is when she's getting ready to give birth, a lot of those muscles that you're contracting and are what help push the baby down through the canal, right? So I think that that's something that we wanted to be strong for going into it, and then also for the recovery purposes, like you bring up afterwards.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Yeah, stability's a big one too, to really help with core stability. If you have weak pelvic floor muscles but strong other core muscles, you could still have stability issues, low back problems. You'll see sometimes in women, they'll start to get low back issues because these muscles are weak. So, yeah, deep squats are great for this, but when you're at the bottom, do a kegel. So, you can do a body weight squat, go to the bottom, maintain a kegel the whole time,
Starting point is 01:04:25 and that should help. Yeah, it's a bracing. And it's all the lumbopelva-kip complex in general, like anything that exercises gonna work in that area. Like that's all like post-pregnancy, like to reconnect with your core is like a crucial for you to move forward. So it's, but while you're doing it,
Starting point is 01:04:42 it's important that you're doing it with that the core. The bracing. Yeah, the bracing and the core. So we's, but while you're doing it, it's important that you're doing it with that, like the core. For the bracing. Yeah, the bracing and the core. So we would do, so I do this thing with Katrina, where I had her lunge across the studio, right? So she'd do these real long strides. She'd come up to a balance.
Starting point is 01:04:54 When she'd balance, I'd have her tuck her pelvis. So she'd squeeze her butt, tuck, stabilize, lunge again, stabilize, tuck, and then, so she has all that core control and stability while also doing a deep lunge. Cool. So maybe the little, you know, dumbbell inside and squat. Make it a combo. Next question is from truly interesting.
Starting point is 01:05:15 During winter months, what supplements, vitamins, or products would you recommend to maintain health? That's reminds me I need to get my vitamin D. Yeah, I was just going to, so that's the first place I would go. A remarkable amount of people are vitamin D levels are either deficient or lower than optimum and it's because they're probably borderline low throughout the year. Then when there comes they're not getting any sunlight, they're indoors, I would imagine right now because of of COVID people are isolated, probably lower amounts of vitamin D than normal. And that's not good, right? Vitamin D acts like a
Starting point is 01:05:51 hormone in the body. Low vitamin D levels affect your hormones and men will cause low testosterone. It definitely affects your immune system. So get your vitamin D levels checked. If they're not optimal, then you can start to supplement. I also start using more of the organified green juice in the winter. That's just something that I drink more of. Do you find that it's because you don't get as much vegetables in the winter time as you do summer?
Starting point is 01:06:15 I think so. For whatever reason in the winter, I don't know if it's just the psychological thing. I crave more meat and starches than I do. The potatoes, that's heavy in the way. No, I agree, that's why I do it. So I do the same thing, and I think that's the reason why, is because I just, naturally I'm getting less vegetables
Starting point is 01:06:32 than I would do during the summer and the springtime. Yeah, zinc, zinc is another good one for the wintertime. I know, and man, you know a good supplement for men is ZMA. You take that at night, if your zinc is low, and you take that, you will notice a boost in your testosterone performance. It was a study that came out a long time ago with college football players where they gave them ZMA, well actually tested their zinc all of them are low.
Starting point is 01:06:54 They gave them ZMA and their performance. Yeah, I've been going through that right now a bit. It was zinc and vitamin D, both supplementing those and making bit of damage. Did you get tested and see that? Yeah, they were low. Yeah, that was, you know, back in the day too, like when we were doing the everly well stuff too. But yeah, I got it retested with blood drawn
Starting point is 01:07:12 and it was low. So that was another one they suggested to supplement right away. Oh, interesting. Yeah, so I'd say those are probably the more important ones. I know with my kids, I give my kids vitamin D every day now. And it's mainly because they're not in school. And the only time to go outside is when I take them outside,
Starting point is 01:07:31 which is like I was joking with Jessica the other day, I told her I texted her, I'm like, hey, I'm taking the kids to the park for minimal physical activity. Because it's like kids should be outside most of the time. And even if I take two hours out of the day to take them outside, that's still nothing compared to what I mean. Now, are people with my absence of pigment,
Starting point is 01:07:49 either as white as I am? Am I more susceptible to being deficient in life? No, you'd be less. You'd be less, because someone like Sal's family or me that needs the sun, I think, which is why I think I still attribute to this to where my psoriasis came from. The only thing that makes sense to me is that
Starting point is 01:08:08 for the first 20 years of my life, I was in the sun eight, 10 hours a day every day and then got into this job where I was in a brick building with fluorescent lights and then it took like four or five years of consistently not getting the sun for this to all of a sudden come out of nowhere and then ever since then I've battledled. Well, here's the weird thing.
Starting point is 01:08:26 I have been taking cod liver oil for years. Cod liver oil is high in natural vitamin D. It's also got vitamin A in it. And I've been taking that for a long time. And in the cod liver oil that I take, it's probably about, I think it's like 600 I use, which isn't a ton, but it's still some. And then I supplement on top of that, 5,000 I use international units of vitamin D. Every single day, I get my vitamin D levels tested,
Starting point is 01:08:54 and every time I get them back, I think, oh, I hope they're not too high, because I always supplement. Yeah, it's still not right. I'm in the middle, I'm always ideal. So it's like, if I stop supplement. If I stop people are deficient, I would almost get in. Well, that's why I was taking 5,000 back when we were working with heavily well and got tested and was still low. So it's yeah, that was to me that made me very obvious to me that it was I'm not getting enough.
Starting point is 01:09:15 If I'm supplementing and I'm still registering low, that's crazy. I get out in the sun with your shirt off. You know, like you're not probably not getting enough. Well, we evolved being always outside. Right. Always. So it does evolved being always outside, always. So it does, so that makes perfect sense. But I would say that's probably the most important thing. Look, MindPump is recorded on video as well as audio. You can come find us on YouTube, MindPump podcast. You can also find all of us on social media,
Starting point is 01:09:39 both Instagram and now also on parlor. You can find Doug at MindPumpDog, Justin at MindPump Justin, me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance,
Starting point is 01:09:56 check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer, but at a fraction of the price.
Starting point is 01:10:29 The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five- star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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