Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1449: Listener Live Coaching (Q&A)

Episode Date: December 19, 2020

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four listener questions via Zoom. Protein rice is back with Kettle & Fire! (4:35) How the guy’s diets are faring during the holiday season.... (5:35) Adolf Hitler won an election? (12:46) The UFO talk is going full-court press! (14:06) Fun Facts with Justin. (18:49) Sal’s new favorite form of kung-fu. (20:12) Justin is flexing his handyman skills around the house. (22:42) Overprotective parenting, baby updates & MORE. (23:41) The struggles with distance learning and the impact on children. (29:18) Making the argument of the benefits of the sous vide. (34:06) #Quah question #1 – If someone is not a responder to creatine, is it still worth it for someone to take it? (38:18) #Quah question #2 – How do you build pull-up strength? (45:51) #Quah question #3 – How to train from home to improve your baseball swing and balance? (51:52) #Quah question #4 – How have you guys helped male athletes who struggle with orthorexia? (59:28) Related Links/Products Mentioned December Special: 3 MAPS Bundles for your level of fitness! Visit Kettle & Fire for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! (Promo code “mindpump” at checkout for 20% off.) Wienerschnitzel - Wikipedia Man named Adolf Hitler Uunona wins election in Namibia, says he isn’t seeking ‘world domination’ Fmr. Manager of DOD Aerospace Threat Program: “UFOs are Real” The Joe Rogan Experience - #1577 - Terry Virts Chinese “iron crotch” kung fu masters fight to preserve a painful-looking tradition Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Improve Your Pull-Up Strength & Muscle Connection with Tension Pull-Ups Build Your Core Strength with the Hollow Body Tension Movement Stop Working Out And Start Practicing - Mind Pump Media 2 Anti-Rotation Exercises to Increase STRENGTH GAINS | MIND PUMP The BEST Anti-Rotation Exercises for a Strong Core #2 | MIND PUMP MAPS Fitness Performance - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump #664: Jason Phillips MAPS Powerlift - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Jason Phillips (@jasonphillipsisnutrition)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You are listening to the number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. In today's episode, we got some live questions asked by listeners. They called in, asked us a question, and we helped them out. That happened in the back half of the episode, but the front half is the intro portions
Starting point is 00:00:28 where we talk about current events. We have a lot of fun conversation. We also mentioned our sponsors. So let me give you a breakdown of today's entire episode. We open up by talking about protein rice. Believe it or not, if you make your rice with bone broth, our favorite is kettle and fire. You'll have rice that's got a lot of protein in it
Starting point is 00:00:46 and it tastes delicious. By the way, kettle and fire, in our opinion, makes the best bone broth that's, of course, made with real ingredients. It's super convenient. You just warm it up, rich in collagen protein. So if your protein is low, you can drink the protein or do what I did and make the protein rice.
Starting point is 00:01:03 And because you listen to mine, pump, you get a discount on their products. Just go to kettleandfire.com forward slash mine pump, use the code mine pump for 20% off. Then we talked about our diets over the weekend and Adams disgusting diet over the weekend. Actually, he had a lot of weeners. It's about. I'm going some weeners. Crazy. Then I talked about Adolf Hitler winning an election in Africa. I'm not making this up. What?
Starting point is 00:01:27 Actually happened. He's back. Then we talked about somebody who worked in the department of defense saying that UFOs are real. It's like the third or fourth important person to say that. This is the weirdest of weird years ever. Then Justin drops some science on Mars. Then I talked about a new form of kung fu that I learned about
Starting point is 00:01:42 over the weekend called Iron Crotch. It's kind of crazy. Sounds like you need to rub some ointment on that. Then Justin talked about his handyman skills that he displayed this weekend. We talked about worrying about our kids. I talked about kids going back to school. And then I asked Adam and Doug about using a sous vide
Starting point is 00:02:01 to make meat. Apparently makes meat phenomenally, especially grass-fed meat. Now our favorite source of grass-fed meat comes from butcher box. They have great source meat, it's healthy, it's got higher and healthy fatty acids and key nutrients. It's also inexpensive because they eliminate
Starting point is 00:02:20 a lot of the middlemen and they deliver it right to your door. And of course, because you listen to Mind Pump, you actually get an exclusive offer, go check it out, go to butcherbox.com forward slash Mind Pump and don't forget to use the code Mind Pump. And I believe right now the renting of promotion where you get bacon for life, which sounds crazy, but it's real. Then we got into answering the live questions. The first question was from Spencer from Vancouver Island.
Starting point is 00:02:46 He wanted to know if he was a Crayotene non-responder. The next question came from Sadie from Nevada. She asked us what the best way was to improve her pull-ups. The third question was asked live from Jason from Florida, want to know how he could improve his baseball swing. And the last question we took was from Grant from Arizona. He wanted to know how to address or thorexia. Also, all month long,
Starting point is 00:03:13 we've put together a bundle for three different types of people. We have a workout bundle for beginners, intermediate lifters, and those of you that are advanced. So what we did is we combined multiple workout programs to give you essentially nine months of expert workout programming. Then what you do is you go to mapsdysember.com, go to the site, find the bundle that works best for you.
Starting point is 00:03:35 So if you're a beginner, you're gonna wanna do the new to weightlifting bundle. If you're intermediate, you're gonna wanna do the body transformation bundle, and if you're advanced, you do the New Year's Extreme Intensity Bundle. By the way, all of them include one year free access to our private forum. So if you have any questions or you need support,
Starting point is 00:03:52 go to the Mind Pump Private Forum. It is an exclusive group that you will have again, access to for free for a year. Ask any questions, we have a lot of trainers and fitness enthusiasts on there, as well as myself, Adam and Justin, who periodically make appearances. Now, all these bundles are discounted tremendously.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Okay? So, normally, if you were to enroll in one of these programs without this promotion, you'd spend over $300 or close to $300. All of them are far, far less. Go to maps, December.com, find the bundle that works best for you and your goals. Sign up. All of them come with a 30 day trial So in other words you can sign up follow the programs if they don't blow your mind you get a full refund one more time
Starting point is 00:04:31 It's maps December dot com Protein rice is back boys. Yes, it is protein rice is back that time of year. This is a great what a great way to sneak in 20 to 30 grams of protein into rice. Yeah, you make it digestible. You make it with bone broth. Did you make that recently? Yep. You did.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Yep. You get the, you pick your flavor or whatever. I like the beef, the kettle and fire. Instead of water, use bone broth. Adds, I like to make it salty, maybe add some butter. And you basically have rice, protein rice. I'm gonna have to do that to rice. Courtney's been making a bunch of her own bone broth lately
Starting point is 00:05:09 and just storing it, so we're ready to apply it. Are you guys, so she's making it on her own? We should put the bone in. Yeah, she's making it on her own. Yeah, I love it. I know. It's a good winter treat. That's a waste when we have sponsors that send it to us for free.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Oh, it is. But also, it's what I've been doing. So, yeah. How is your SBE and your process? How's your S's diet been through the holidays? Are you good? You bad? You kind of like whatever, how's everybody doing?
Starting point is 00:05:39 Oh, I feel like you're targeting me right now. I'm not. You look good right now. Bro, I look full. It's the, you're like, two, 25 right now. No, no, no, no. It's those cheap shirts that you keep buying that don't fit you really well, that it doesn't do well when you're getting bulky.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Not that cheap. It's dude, I haven't weighed, I'm 220 right now. Yeah, okay. You know the last time I weighed 220? I think it was like nine years ago. It's been a long time. Really? Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Not since we've been, not since we've been podcasting. No, no, no. So this is a thick piece a beefiest you've been. Yeah, dude, I'm entering into cake category. I'm the cakester. My furthest back memory of you is actually all beefed out for sure even bigger than what you had now. Oh, at 24 hours?
Starting point is 00:06:19 Yeah. I was 232.35. Yeah, as in sad. That's good times. And small waste, you know, you had a small waste and then like you had like you look like you did really looking looking at me. Well, you were that you were that same white that white polo shirt. I was sure like you felt good. I can tell that was the company uniform. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:06:37 yeah, you were that white one all the time. I got a medium. Yeah, it's it. It looked like a spray painted on. That's one thing they did. Well, those those unis were a nice snug fit. They did. They were definitely. How is your diet, Adam? Pretty good. Minus the four weenersitual corn dogs last night.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Whoa! Wait, wait, wait. Weenerschnitzel is still available. I haven't had that. That's like the fast food of fast food. So we were driving home last night. That's like if you're going to McDonald's and you're like, I don't, that's too fancy. Yeah. I want to go somewhere.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Too classy. You know, uh, so Katrina and I both have memories of weiner snitchal with our like, uh, grandparents and like, they used to do it when they were little kids. And so it, it's like a shared like story. We've talked about it. We've, you know, it's actually funny. How we're, so we, Katrina and I been together for 10 years. This was the first time we ever had weener such together. I can't believe I didn't even remember. That's a moment. I know we should have been in special. So we were driving home last night. So did you drive through because they have the most unique buildings? Yeah, not the ones of the big. Yeah, it's like a big triangle. I think you're driving through. I think you're driving through. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:43 As Doug, he's the fast food historian over here What it wasn't that a different a different place that used to drive through and they turned it converted them into weeners snitches What was it originally weeners snitches? I have no idea you don't know. No, I why would Doug know that? He's Adelaire and I don't think we had weeners snitches. Oh, this whole time I thought you were a Wiener connoisseur. Yeah. I'm afraid not. Sorry to disappoint.
Starting point is 00:08:10 It's always, I mean, that's what it is. Always requested. It's what it says in your searches. It's so interesting. So what the hell made you go there? It was just, okay, so last night, which I was trying to tell the story here, I was driving home last night from Truckee
Starting point is 00:08:22 and we got caught in a storm. So it was like, well, we were on the road for a long time. The idea was that we had like an early dinner, hit the road, thinking that would be the last time we ate, but we sat in the car for several hours. And when we started to come down the hill from Donner Pass, Katrina's like, oh man, I'm really hungry. I'm like, yeah, I'm really hungry too,
Starting point is 00:08:43 but it's like 10 o'clock at night. There's like nothing. And she's like, well, it's fine, something really good. And I'm like, you know, I'm really hungry. I'm like, I'm really hungry too, but it's like 10 o'clock at night, there's like nothing. And she's like, well, it's fine something really good. And I'm like, you know, listing off things that are coming up. And she's like, I'm like, you're getting all picky right now. Like, you know, we're not gonna find something healthy at 10 o'clock. And we drove by a winner's central.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I'm like, you know, it sounds good as a corn dog right now. She goes, that does sound good. Oh my God. So that just, it never aligns. This is one of the things I love about having like a, you know, a health conscious partner, right? That rarely ever aligns that both of us want the same like bad thing.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And it's always kept us pretty. So when it does happen, oh, you're way over. Yeah, I feel like it's like, I have to do it. I'm like, you know, never has this ever happened in 10 years that we both want a corn dog. So I felt like we interstential here we come. Yeah, it's funny, because I remember the last time I had one was at the boardwalk when I was
Starting point is 00:09:27 some people like flew in from I think it was from Ireland, some of our relatives and we had to take them down and do the whole tourist thing and it was like, dude, I haven't had like a corn dog in forever. If it's like actually made, you know, and fried and everything not like the Costco, warm it up kind of, you know, and fried and everything, not like the Costco, warmed up kind of, you know, corn dogs, and bacon. What's weeners, like weeners' rituals protocol, they're not like, are they frozen and then reheated? Don't run for me, I don't know how it is. So, hold on, so you felt like it was like a five-star?
Starting point is 00:09:55 Yeah, it felt like a five-star. So, you ate weeners? Yeah, why do you say like, it's a lot, it's not a lot. Oh, it's a lot. It's a lot of, I'm a growing boy, dude, come on, I'm, I don't mean like a lot of food, I mean, it's a lot of weeners. Weeners Schnitzel.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Oh really? Yeah, how was your tummy afterwards? Actually okay. Yeah. Now I didn't have it with fries or soda or anything else. Oh cool, you're looking at the history on this. Is it, is it, I wonder what the macro's on a corn dog? 250.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Oh, you looked it up. Of course I looked it up. Hold on 250 each. Yeah. And what how many grams of protein? I wanna say eight to 12, I can't remember. No, it was like eight. It wasn't that many.
Starting point is 00:10:31 That's not bad. So you had a thousand calories, 30, almost 40 grams of protein. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, I think it was eight. I think it was eight grams. Now you do the whole ketchup, do you like,
Starting point is 00:10:39 or you mustered? You just mustered. Just mustard. Yeah, I don't like ketchup. So do you like, so here, I never had weeners stencil, for whatever reason it just seems. Really? Never.
Starting point is 00:10:49 And there's one by my house. Oh, so off about you and Doug, I thought you guys were big weener guys. No, well, yeah, I am a big weener guy, but I almost set that up. So I know, thanks. So hold on a second, I have had hot dog on a stick. Oh, that's better.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Okay, yeah, that's like that. Yeah, that's like the, you know, that's the fancy corn dog. Well, they do it right in front of you. Yeah, that's better. Okay. Yeah, that's like that. Yeah, that's like the, you know, that's the fancy corn dog. Well, they do it right in front of you. Yeah, they dip it. Yeah, it's fans. Now, here's the other question I have. Cool hats because I'm already, I'm already on the boat. I'm already on the train. I'm already on the big boy train. So now I'm kind of thinking this might be interesting. I wonder if they're, if their corn dogs are gluten free because it's corn. Is it gluten free? Because then I can then I don't think so. I think they're mixed with some flour. Oh, I forget it's corn. Is it gluten-free? Because then I can then- I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:11:25 I think they're mixed with some flour. I forget it. Probably. That's not what I do. What is only gluten-free garbage? Doug, what is that? Yeah. What's that say about the history of the buildings?
Starting point is 00:11:35 Yeah, it was, well, I don't, doesn't really say anything about the buildings, but they were founded in 1961, and they sell 120 million hot dogs a year. Wow. Apparently this guy was an employee of Taco Bell and broke off and did his own thing. Oh wow, so that's how that happened, huh?
Starting point is 00:11:50 Brilliant. So I thought originally, He worked for Taco Bell and then he made this. Yeah. So it wasn't a German immigrant that started this. I'm just disappointed. His name's John Galardi. Sounds more Italian.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I'm a fucking shit. Yeah, he tricked us. Is it ever, is it ever like your emotions? His name is John Galardi. Sounds more Italian. Oh my God. So bitch. Yeah. It tricked us. Is it ever played off our emotions? Yeah. Welcome to Venus. It's Venus. I always feel like you're working to talk about.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It's not even I. I always feel like anybody that makes some of my time. It's because they went to another country. They said they had it and they want to bring it back here. It's really whatever stereotypical like, yeah, like word they can find. Wow. Hold on a second. When Galardi came to California at the age of 19, he landed his first job from like yeah, like word they can find. Wow, hold on a second. When Galardi came to California at the age of 19,
Starting point is 00:12:26 he landed his first job from Glen Bell, who then started to talk, oh, I don't know, Taco Bell was named after the founder. Glen Bell. Glen Bell. Or my. Sounds authentic as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:38 The real Mexican. I'm Glen Bell. It's like all of our, it's like all of our different for a tie-ins. You just want to pull speaking of German stuff. Do you guys know Adolf Hitler, one in election? What? Yeah, I read this.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I know you guys like, huh? The deceased? No, no, no, no, no. So there's actually a dude named Adolf Hitler. Wow. That's unfortunate. I know. Now, here's a thing.
Starting point is 00:13:01 You would think if your name was Adolf Hitler, you would never win any election ever, anyway. Like that's the worst. You would kind if your name was Adolf Hitler, you would never win any election ever anyway. Like, that's the worst. You would kind of hope. I feel like his parents named him and they're like, you're never gonna win. Yeah, they gave him like all the odds stacked against him. No, I'm just like, I'm gonna win.
Starting point is 00:13:16 No, Namibia, Namibia, I don't know where that is. I think that's in an African country, and he won an election in that country country and his name is Adolf Hitler. That's way too much for me to process. I know. Sorry. Can you believe that? He won an African election.
Starting point is 00:13:32 He must have been awesome. I mean, how good do you have to be to win an election named... This is like a massive troll. No, actually. Yeah. He actually won. Politician named after Nazi leader sweeps to victory. But promises. This is what this is quote. You're right for this. He's African gentleman. There he is right there.
Starting point is 00:13:50 So you know, he looks, he's a little very happy. Does he? No. Here's this quote after he wins. I am not striving for world domination. Wow. Yeah. Wow. That's contrary to what everybody may be thinking. Yeah, speaking of interesting news, Justin, did you hear about the former manager of the Department of Defense, Aerospace? No, I did not. He said, quote, UFOs are real. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Dude, I mean, they're really going full court press now. I feel like. So here's the question I have for you, because I have never heard this much confirmed, like UFO information where you have former Israeli, like from intelligence agencies, from military, like it's all kind of, never coming out now. Why has this opened?
Starting point is 00:14:43 This has never happened before. I'm surprised it doesn't make you guys put your tinfoil hat on and make you think that this is. Are you kidding me? Yeah, what are they distracting us from? Well, I have a tinfoil suit on right now. Why, okay, so never has anybody out of any prominent position come out
Starting point is 00:14:58 in any government agency ever said, UFOs are real, aliens are real, nothing like that. It's always been like, no, no, no, no. And it's up for Project Blue Bee. I'm telling you, what? Tell me about Project Blue Bee. What is that?
Starting point is 00:15:10 No, that's like one of my friends, it's like this crazy, like a YouTube conspiracy guy, right? Like he showed me a video and Simon was like, oh my God, like it was all this conspiracy about, basically they were gonna show holograms of an alien invasion coming down. That was like this whole hysteria. And he was like, dude, like, this could happen.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I'm like, okay. All right. Well, seriously, is there something weird going on? Like, all of a sudden, they're like, maybe they're sprinkling and just test us. Maybe they just think that we can handle it after this shit year. They're like, this is so fucked.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Let's just get it out now. Cause they've been talking about it for like two decades. The aliens are gonna come and see us. We're gonna have to let them know. We're gonna have to let them know. Pretty soon here, they're gonna be here. And they're like, no, it's not the right time. No, it's not the right time.
Starting point is 00:15:55 And then 2020 comes around. They're like, you know what, fuck it. Just throw it on there. You'll say it never would have been like, no big deal or anything. Everything else is so bad, you know? It's like you're in the kitchen sink. It's like your wife catches you cheating on her.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And they're like, oh, I did drugs too, by the way. She might as well throw it in there. You can get it out of my bed deal. You do more. That's my theory. It almost feels like they're testing like to see people's reactions, you know? But are these from legitimate sources?
Starting point is 00:16:18 Because it's like, I'm seeing all this news coming out from that, but then I see it from sources where I'm like, is this true or is this just like, they're bringing up articles to just kind of get attention? I don't know, dude. These are real people though. This is a real dude from the Department of Defense. And then they had the guy from, I forgot what agency in Israel who came out and said that, we're actually that we were working with, we're a part of a galactic federation. Yeah. And this is like, dude, this is more than one species of a year. So we really are like, you know, in a sci-fi movie.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I know. Right? That's where we're going. I feel like Justin's all excited about that. I mean, like, like, low key for sure. You know, like, I've been preparing for this forever. He's been practicing his outfit. Look at him, he's not really alien.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Yeah, but working on my Han Solo laser shoot and... He's been practicing his outfit. Look at him, he's not really alienly. I've been working on my Han Solo laser shoot and shoot. How did you like the last man-learny? Were you happy with it? Loved it. Yeah, it's really good, man. They're doing a good job. I love the start and the really gel
Starting point is 00:17:16 and tie it into this new university. Oh, yeah. Why did Disney stock took off again? What was that about? Yeah, well, they just announced that they had like, how many of the runoffs? Yeah, there's like 40 of them or something. They were banking. God, you gotta like it, see?
Starting point is 00:17:30 I know. I feel good now about our calls. Well, I think it's a really smart move because they've kind of taken a lot less attention on the main story and started work on all the back stories of all these individual characters. That way they can introduce new characters. They can bring familiar ones back in.
Starting point is 00:17:46 And it's like what they did with the Marvel series. That was so great. They're stock sword also because they ended up getting more subscribers than what was projected. Oh, okay. So they already, they hit all their, so cute. So look that up. It was some crazy number of how many people,
Starting point is 00:18:01 and then they're also going to, I believe Q4, Q1 of next year Raise all the subscriptions up by like one dollar. Oh, yeah, so I want to say they they beat their projections by millions And then they're also going to raise all the subscriptions up by like one dollar They also announced all what Justin's talking about right now. So yeah, yeah big moves Well, it says here so. It's exciting. So one of the main investment firms raised Disney's price target to 185,
Starting point is 00:18:31 which is higher than what it's at right now, as of the recording was podcast. And we were talking about it at like 97.99 was when we were, that's when I first, that's when we first started looking at it. Interesting. You guys are sponsored by Disney Talk About it out of the time.
Starting point is 00:18:47 So I actually heard a crazy fact. This was like space related, not like alien related, but you know how you've heard forever and like seen in movies all the time how they've been talking about trying to terraform Mars? But I just heard today from an astronaut on Joe Rogan's podcast, he was talking about how that would be impossible.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Why? Because there's no like a really low magnetic field. And so the atmosphere were just, so just yeah, it would just leave, like if they tried to melt, you know, the ice caps or whatever, they would just like go off into space. Oh, that sucks.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And now maybe we just make it go. They're gonna say that, yeah, we're just living domes. So it's like the driest, most like, I know, maybe we just make those. There goes that. Yeah, we just live in domes. So it's like the driest, most like desert, like planet there is. Well, you know, what's that one theory that humans are life in our solar system start all Mars and then left Mars came to Earth. That's a theory. Yeah, really? How many theories are there?
Starting point is 00:19:40 There's probably a lot. There's a ton. But unless there's iron in the core, but they don't know that for sure. Like, yeah, if there's no iron in the core that never really had any like sustaining like, uh, what is that? Magnetic field. What does that tell us if there's iron in the core? What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:19:54 Well, it's strong magnetic to get me up to my nerd science here. That makes no sense. Well, now we're not going to be all explain very well. Electromagnetic field. That's what protects us from all these like harmful like rays and radiation. It has to do with the atoms and the molecules. There we go. That covers it.
Starting point is 00:20:08 That's okay. It makes total sense now. Totally. Speaking of iron, I learned a new form of Kung Fu, not I personally, but I learned that there's an actual legit form of Kung Fu called iron crotch Kung Fu. Have you guys heard of this? Where they just kicked the shit out of me. Yeah, I'm gonna guess there's a lot.
Starting point is 00:20:24 It's just like sock. I've seen videos like that. Oh, they, so this? Where they just kicked the shinnies. Yeah, I'm gonna guess there's a lot. I just, I've seen videos on them. Oh, they, so I watched, I went down to the rabbit hole. And so what they do is they, the iron crotch kung fu is not the real name of the kung fu, but that's what people call it. But the practice is at you strike sensitive areas of the body, so like the throat or the crotch, they're most known for getting hit in the in the dick. And then you channel your your
Starting point is 00:20:49 Chi energy and then you're able to withstand the punishment and not feel any pain. So some of the demonstrations these guys do are insane. There's one where they take this log on chains and they swing the log down and blast themselves right in the dick and It's and they over and over again, and there's no they feel totally fine Watch oh here we go a brick He's going under I mean he's not even pretending he's getting taint no, we don't need to watch this come on I get the point. We don't need to watch this. I mean, that's real.
Starting point is 00:21:26 But you gotta see the log. Oh yeah, look at the big ass log. He's end up with mangled meat. Look at that, it's a log. That's a big ass heavy log. And then, Pong! What?
Starting point is 00:21:35 Oh yeah. Why? Now, I'm gonna be honest with you guys. Okay. Let's be real here. Okay, you're about to get into a battle or a fight or I don't know, a war. And some guy does it to himself.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah, and you imagine that, like, that's almost as, that's probably up there with, you know, if you're, if you're, if you say like, when you, do you strip down, take all your clothes off, you're like, what the fuck? Yeah. If you also need to start like pounding your nuts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:00 This is the ultimate flex. Like, imagine you and your boys, because a big strategy in the past was to intimidate the opponent, right? So you would scream or you'd paint your face with blood or whatever, but you imagine you're facing this group of Southern army and you're like staring at each other and then they bring out a log and just blast each other and the nuts of the log. You're probably going to be like, this guy means business. Hey guys, we need to have a meeting. Yeah. Hey, we need to surrender. These guys are invincible.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Again, I always wonder how these things end up in your feed, dude. What are you searching to get this thing? I just go, dude, I like learning. I like learning. Yeah, I like learning. And then you deny you're a big weiner guy, you know? Stop with that. How was your weekend, Justin?
Starting point is 00:22:42 Did you guys do anything? Yeah, I was busy. I've been doing all this fixing, handiwork stuff. I went down to play sound pump desert, and so I drove all the way down there. I was supposed to relax. The handyman guy, we're going to have come in and all that, wasn't there. So I just ended up doing a million things to fix everything up. But I think there was a secret plan there for Courtney to just watch me work.
Starting point is 00:23:04 She kind of like likes that. Oh, it's weird. Yeah, a really good week. Now do you do it? Yeah, you wear a shirt or do you? I mean, you know, like sometimes sometimes like 20 degrees. It's just a toolbell. It's just a tool belt. No toolbell either. How do you hold your hammer? Watch this. Clench it between cheeks. Would you end up fixing?
Starting point is 00:23:28 Dude, the worst was the toilet, because it was like from like 1960s or something. Nobody had changed any of the stuff in there. I'm like, oh my God, that was the worst one of it all. I had to redo the whole thing. I did a little bit of fixing too. So we have the baby, right? So a new baby, and he's sleeping in the bed with us and Jessica's like, make sure everything's 100% safe, right?
Starting point is 00:23:50 Everything has to be 100% safe around us with the baby. So she's, we have these huge, I, you guys need to see my bedroom, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For good reasons. Son of a bitch. It's a trick question. I mean, yeah, but you weren't there.
Starting point is 00:24:07 You know? Yeah. We were there. I found a hair that wasn't mine. No, so we had these huge. You know, it wasn't me there, right? Like this can't be Adam. It was a huge, we had these huge mandala pieces.
Starting point is 00:24:21 You guys know what a mandala is? So it's like a big design. I don't know, Doug, maybe type it. You had a design. It's on the back of your bed, right? Yes, yes. You've showed us before. Okay, so three.
Starting point is 00:24:32 I made from somebody. Somebody. So three huge wooden pieces. And ever since we had the baby Jessica's like, make sure those are secure in the wall. I'm like, they're secure. They're fine. They're not going to come down.
Starting point is 00:24:44 So what if there's an earthquake, whatever, so we're in the bedroom and, you know, so it kind of looks like one of those, right? So, we're in the bedroom and I don't remember what, oh, I took the pillow top off the mattress because she's afraid the baby will suffocate in the pillow top. So, while I'm doing that and I'm doing all the stuff, right, I'm like, look, they're totally secure
Starting point is 00:25:02 and I reach up to grab one and I just pull it off the wall. Oh my God, I was like, look, they're totally secure. And I reach up to grab one and I just pull it off the wall. Oh my God, I was like, damn it. I was like, I told you. The guy's thing's on the wall is, oh, that's the nightmare. Big hole in the wall. So did you take it down or did you anchor it on? Took it down.
Starting point is 00:25:17 So there's three big wooden pieces. We bought this a while ago. It's one of the more expensive things we have up in the wall. And two of them are anchored into studs. Thanks, Justin for the word for it. I looked at you and I remembered stud. I know words. I know. Can you ask, let me ask you a question. Can you ever use a stud finder without making a joke, be honest? I mean, every dad does. It's impossible. Yeah, every time. So anyway, two of them were anchored and studs. One of them just had like one of those sheet rock anchors, which is what came off.
Starting point is 00:25:48 So I ended up getting a much better anchor. So it's all secured now. Everything's safe now. We're all good. So can you tell right now, I mean, it sounds like it from what you're the story you're telling us that she's gonna be like the more overprotective and you're the one,
Starting point is 00:26:01 ah, he'll be fine. Are you more like that? And she's the one who's a little more. Depends. Oh, it does. So on what. Are you more like that? And she's the one who's a little more. Depends. Oh, it does. So on what things are you more, you know, nervous about and then what things are she? You know, it depends on the day I have to say.
Starting point is 00:26:13 So like with COVID and you know, that kind of stuff, sometimes I'm way more paranoid than she is. Really? With stuff around like the baby sleeping, she's a little, but that's probably because she's the one that's just suffering. She's the one who's suffering from that sleeping. but that's probably because she's the one that's just suffering. She's the one who's suffering from that sleeping. So that's one thing we have it,
Starting point is 00:26:28 like Katrina blacks everything out. Like I mean, like our room, the baby's room, and I just, I've never cared that much to, I mean we keep the room dark, right? But I mean she will go, like if we have like the, like the alarm system that has like a little, you know, green glowing light, like she'll hang the hat over that,
Starting point is 00:26:47 she puts like tape over all the, I mean it is, like our room is like pitch black and I'm always stubbing my fucking feet on something on the floor in the middle of the night and I'm like, oh, good. Does it have to be this pitch black? And so her, you know, she believes that if it wasn't for that being that dark that he wouldn't sleep
Starting point is 00:27:04 and it's like one of those things I lose every time. It's like, okay, well you get up every night and you get them then, if it's light in here and I'm like, okay, I guess we'll just keep stepping by the toe. Well, he's starting to sleep, my son's starting to sleep better now, it's so funny too, because he needs to smell Jessica in order to sleep.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Literally, has to be next to her. Like, and so there's a little hack that we're gonna test. So she had her friend over the other day first time. You start wearing her clothes again. Yeah. Yeah. I guess it's under under. I mean, I'm wearing your underwear so the baby can smell.
Starting point is 00:27:35 But she's like, you're at work. No, no, her friend said this that her baby was the same way that needed to smell her. So she would put one of her bras or something next to the baby while the baby was in their carrier or whatever and the baby slept. So we're gonna test that out. We do that. We used to do that with my t-shirt. So he would, we put like the t-shirt and it's quick. When we were starting to break him off from us putting his t-shirt, my t-shirt in the crib or
Starting point is 00:27:58 the chair. Did it work? Oh, that's crazy. That's so awesome. That's like a strategy you learn like even with like animals and they smell their own smell or something they're familiar with. You make that area smell like that and then they're more likely to relax, go to sleep in it versus if it's foreign, this all brand new bed smell for them. They freak out. I'll tell you what's great right now is just seeing my older kids bond with the baby and it's bringing a family together so well. Really? It's so awesome.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Yeah, we were going on a walk and my daughter, she hates it when I take them on walks. I'm trying to keep you active, right? Cause they do school at home and a lot of stuff. But now when the baby's coming, I want to push the stroller and she's pushing them and she wants to be ahead and she's like, you know, I'm like his second mom
Starting point is 00:28:45 and you know, she's all excited about it. I'm watching the kids. I said no babysitting right there. Oh yeah, dude. I'm just, it warmed my heart though to see everybody kind of come together, you know, and the kids fall in love with them. Yeah, dude, the worry thing is real.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Like Courtney still will wake up and have like the worst. She gets like the craziest dreams and nightmares of scenarios and situations. I'm like, I wouldn't even have thought of. You know, I'm like, dude, where are you coming up with this stuff? Like, her mind just goes to crazy dark, I'm like, okay, we gotta do some. Hey, speaking of your guys' kids in school, what's going on right now with the schools? Are they announcing like what the rest of the year is going to look like?
Starting point is 00:29:24 I mean, public schools not yet, but private schools, a lot of them are reopening either hybrid model where the kids will like they'll take instead of having all the kids at the school at the same time. They'll have some like some of them go on like Mondays and Wednesdays, some of them go on Thursdays and Friday or whatever. Is your son doing that already? Okay. So his school opened hybrid only for a certain number of students, but they're going to probably increase the number soon. My daughter's school in January, they're, they're all going to go back.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Now, here's a deal. Both schools have been partially open up until now. Both schools have already had COVID cases. That's already happened. So we get a notice, both schools have been partially open up until now, both schools have already had COVID cases. That's already happened. So we get a notice when that happens. So I got a notice, my daughter's school had a COVID case and my son's- Now when that happens, they also, they pivot for the week
Starting point is 00:30:14 or whatever and say, okay, no one comes in this week or what do they do? Everything's so like, they know who the kids have been around. So they'll notify the parent, first of all, they tell everybody there's been a case at the school, then they'll tell the parents of the kids who are next to or whatever the kid that had it. Your child needs to be quarantined or whatever,
Starting point is 00:30:34 and then the school actually shut down for, I think it was a week or two weeks. So like super, you know. Yeah, my kids school, they're not planning. I mean, actually, they put out a lot of feelers from the parents to see who it would actually be willing to bring the kids back and do like a hybrid sort of a model or like less kids, you know, in physically in the class
Starting point is 00:30:56 but the rest remote. So they were asking us about that. And we're probably most likely you're just gonna keep on, you know, at home because we're going to be doing a bunch of stuff like not necessarily in the area so it actually works out for us you know into next year but I don't really see it opening like fully until probably next fall. So you're going to have an option to do like a basically home schooling and is that what you're doing? Yeah. And have you guys decided no matter what the school does this is what we're going to do?
Starting point is 00:31:24 Yeah we've just decided that to that to relieve the pressure of it. I know the kids really want the interaction and they want to be there physically. It's just so like back and forth, like you mentioned, the case here or whatever, and then, you know, there's way too much fear residing over all that stuff still, which I think is more toxic than anything.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Yeah, I go back and forth, right? Because I tell you, I see my kids and I see how much they're suffering right now. And here's the thing with kids, they don't know that they're suffering. You just see it in their behaviors and you see that kind of stuff. And, but I mean, and then here's the other reality.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And again, I'm not an expert, okay? So before anybody freaks out, but according to what I've read, the risk for children with COVID is very low. Now, of course, they can spread it to other people. So when my kids go back, they're not going to be around people who are in the, you know, the risk category. The teachers are the most, you know, afraid of getting.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Yeah, I've heard there's some schools where the schools back in, and the kids are like kind of back to normal, but then all the teachers are all wearing masks. Well, well, actually, I think they'll make the kids are kind of back to normal but then all the teachers are all wearing masks. Well, actually I think they'll make the kids wear masks too. But the public schools, the teachers unions are saying we don't wanna be open in the public schools. Now private schools are fighting, a lot of them are fighting to have them be open again.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Well, that's also because they don't wanna get one-get-a-patri-strike. Right, one gets money no matter what, whether they're open or not, the other one has to be open in order to get paid. Well, because a lot of private schools are losing kids because if you're paying a premium to send your kid to private school and they're their distance learning. Yeah, then you're just sense. No, you're going to be like, I might as well just do this, you know, in a cheaper way or whatever. So a lot of them are trying to get like so I know the Catholic schools and stuff around here
Starting point is 00:33:06 are getting exceptions to be able to remain or to open up, but we'll see, we'll see what ends up happening, with all that, so I don't know. At some point, here's a deal, at some point, I don't know what this vaccine's gonna look like, but at some point, I think it's out there, we're all gonna get it. I saw you fell for that vaccine post.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Oh man. Oh, trap right there. Right in the forum. Yeah, our forum did it, I saw that it got me to for a minute. I was just like It's an I support mandatory vacations and they picture of a syringe. Yeah, no, it's like excuse me right Vacations. Yeah, and the vacations was like right where the like the needle and syringe was that and so unless like you really looked at the Post you just assume oh, that's funny. I saw that, I didn't get that. Yeah, right. But it's clever though, right?
Starting point is 00:33:48 I think it's kind of smart. In that interesting how, right away, when it's something like the such a contested topic, right away, and right away, you assume that it's vaccines and you want to jump right at it. It just shows you about yourself, right? Totally. Hey, I want to ask you, it, it just shows you about yourself, right? Totally. Hey, I want to ask you, Adam, about the sous-v.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I'm thinking about getting one, so sell me on it. Tell me the whole process you put, it's like a silicone bag that you put in. Yeah, and you can get ones that are, like the one they come with are kind of the generic ones. I think the silicone one isn't that the better one to use? Yes, that's the better one to use. So you don't get to what is a BPA or whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Yeah. So what I like about it, it's similar to like, you know, crock pots or whatever, you can just like set a temperature or the Insta pot and just walk away from it. So we can set it all up in the pot and have it set set set to go off. Where I really like it is with grass fed meat. And the reason why I like it with grass fed meat is, first of all, grass fed is, you always gonna have kind of this gamey feel and taste to it
Starting point is 00:34:50 and the texture. And it's not as fatty, that's why. Yeah, exactly, it's not as fatty. So it's not, it seems to be a little bit tougher, it doesn't have quite as much flavor. And the sous vide just, I mean, it makes a steak to where you can just cut it with a fork. So what I'll do is I'll put it on the sous I'll put the sous-vie or Instapada,
Starting point is 00:35:07 I do use them both this very similar. We're all cooked, the grass-fed meat in it, and then afterwards I'll sear it in butter. And then it makes it just amazing. And what I like it is you can't mess it up. So you said- So it turns itself off when it's done? Yeah, so like if you decide like you like your steak, you know, medium or medium or whatever it is, you can set the temperature.
Starting point is 00:35:27 It will cook the steak perfect to that every time and then all you're doing is searing it. And so for somebody who's not like maybe the greatest chef ever, I think it's a great, and I've heard Doug correct me if I'm wrong, that a lot of some of your really, really fancy high-end restaurants use this technique to make sure they have a perfect steak every time. I'm pretty sure they do, yeah. Yeah, so that's... Now there's also this argument that, you know, cooking meat under a flame
Starting point is 00:35:54 or with heat or whatever produces more carcinogens. And so now there's an argument, I'll argue that back and forth or whatever, but I know boiling food apparently doesn't produce that. Right, I mean, that's not the reason why I'm using it. I'm using it. It's charred tastes a little better. I'm using it because it cooks a perfect state. Now, what have you cooked in there?
Starting point is 00:36:12 Have you tried a tritip? Oh, I've tried. Oh, I've done everything that we get it, everything I get in my butcher box, I've cooked that one. Pork? Yeah, oh no, I haven't done pork. I don't get pork though, from then that often. Oh, they have great pork.
Starting point is 00:36:22 I know you guys both talk about it. I'm not a, I'm just not a big pork person. Me neither. In general. I'm not either. I can't match mine. That's it. So I never like pork chops.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Their pork is amazing. I don't like pork other ones. You've talked about them before, but I have kind of a, and I know I should. I think it's you who does it, right? You're the one who rotates the most with tries their specials all the time. Yeah, I like to do that.
Starting point is 00:36:42 I've like figured out like what groceries we eat the most consistently, and since it's being delivered to Yeah, I like to do that. I've figured out what groceries we eat the most consistently, and since it's being delivered to me, I get it set up to where it's the same thing. So a chicken thighs, we normally get a, the, what do they call them? They're a tri-tip, they call it a... No, now it's just called tri-tip. Yeah, they have a tri-tip.
Starting point is 00:36:59 They have a certain loin cap. Yeah, stay talking about it. But that's different. They also have a tri-tip as well. Oh, so I get the certain loin cap all the time so I get the sirloin cap all the time. I get the chicken thighs in there all the time. And you've done all that in the sous vide. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Wow. All right, so I'm thinking about doing, now would it be enough, I'm sure they have different sizes, right? Is it enough to serve, because I have my kids and, or are they small? Like, is it any pot? How does it work?
Starting point is 00:37:21 Yeah, it's in any pot. Okay. I don't know what the max though. I haven't, I don't think there is a max. So if you have a very large pot, you put your sous vide in there and what happens is the water cycles through the sous vide device and it heats the water to a perfect temperature.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Say it's 135 degrees, which I think is medium rare. Yeah. Then it just keeps the meat at that temperature. So it's there and keeps it there. So it really depends on the size of your pot. As long as you have a pot that will fit that much meat in it, you on the size of your pot. As long as you have a pot that will fit that much meat in it, you'll be fine. Oh, you guys sold me. I think I'm going to give a shot. This quad brought to you by Organify. For those
Starting point is 00:37:53 days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition, Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance the added edge. Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com and use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. So first caller is Spencer from Vancouver Island. Full name and where you from. Full name, Spencer, Antifave and I actually live on Vancouver Island. Full name and where you from? Full name, Spencer, Anti-Five, and I actually live on Vancouver Island in up in Canada, BC. Oh, so very long the coast, just like you guys, but... But colder.
Starting point is 00:38:35 A little higher up, I guess. Oh, awesome. How long have you been listening to the show? So I started listening about, I'd say, a year and a half ago or so and then so I don't know exactly where you guys were at that point but then like a lot about a few months ago I went back and started listening from the beginning again because I listened to all the recent ones and it's actually so funny listening to like all your first episodes. Oh God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Like the first few hundred that you guys made her like definitely hilarious. Yeah. That's a drunken blur. Yeah. None of that was so. Spencer, you look very young. How old are you? I'm actually 19. All right. A lot of people think I'm like a bit younger. I guess I'm just a little delayed. But I am actually 19. Well you be careful because Doug's a vampire. He's just sizing you up. That's how he's been. Hey, from a 55 year old guy's perspective, everybody looks young instead. Hey, so what's your question, Spencer? How come we help you?
Starting point is 00:39:38 I guess the one that I was gonna ask is about creatine. So I've been taking monohydrate for about a year. I haven't like, I didn't really notice a lot of difference or really anything at all from taking it. I don't know if it's just because I already have like, meet in my diet, which is something that I've heard on the podcast before or if it's just that I'm not really a responder or anything, or, uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:40:10 And also the other part of the question is if someone is not a responder to create team, if it's still worth it to take creating, those are actually great questions. How do you take the creative team? Is it, is it pure powder? And then how much do you take on a daily basis? How, like, rectilia, are you asking what are you asking? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Yeah, it's just micro-nized monohydrate. And I usually take about like three to five grams a day. Okay, so there is a very small percentage of people that would be called non-responders that don't notice much from creatine, but it's a very small percentage. I've worked with clients who thought they were non-responders, then they went off creating and they noticed a difference after about a month. So you might want to test that out going off for about a month to see if you notice any
Starting point is 00:40:59 changes in strength or energy or if you drop a pound or two of water on the scale, because creatine will make people gain a little bit of water weight in the muscles. And the other question is, how is your workout? Because creatine is not a miracle drug. If your workout's not great and your diet's not great,
Starting point is 00:41:19 it's not gonna fix that. Yeah, I definitely pierced my workouts. Right now, I'm following like, I used to do like full body three days a week, and then I switched to like a bit of like four day a week full body, but I split it up, so I do like squats twice a week, and then deadlifts one day, and then good mornings and other day. And then I've been doing that cycle for almost eight weeks, but during the eight weeks, I've messed around with changing intensity as well, and tempo as well as volume. So I guess from listening to a lot of your guys' episodes,
Starting point is 00:42:03 I've learned quite a bit for varying the workload and all the different variables. I think the programming is not too bad. And I'm still getting stronger and stuff. It sounds like he's doing a good job as far as that. So this is how long have you been using Cretan for now? And then was this the first introduction to creatine for you? I started like a year ago,
Starting point is 00:42:27 and that was the first time I'd ever taken it. So I mean, this is welcome to supplements, right? I think a lot of times, because of all the marketing and how much we hear hype around a supplement, people expect it to be like this. I feel it right away, or I see this huge difference. I mean, even though creatine is one of the best supplements that's out there, it just highlights
Starting point is 00:42:50 how little supplements play in the role of building muscle and burning body fat. I mean, it doesn't, creatine doesn't make that big of a difference that when you take it, it's like, oh, holy shit, I'm on creatine. It's probably doing its job. You just don't even really realize it. The only way to know would be to stop for about a month and see if you notice a difference.
Starting point is 00:43:10 But I would bet that you're probably going to notice a little bit of a difference. As long as it's not bothering your gut and you feel okay, after about a month, if you notice a difference, I would go right back on because there's still health benefits. They're showing now, creatine has heart health benefits and it's got benefits for the brain, for cognition, so testosterone benefits. So I think most people probably would be okay
Starting point is 00:43:39 or actually get some benefit from taking creatine. Have you followed any maps workouts programs? Because I'd like to hook you up with some to see if changing a program will make a big difference. Well, I've done all the webinars that you've guys have gone through. And when I haven't done any of the actual maps programs, I've been really wanting to do one, but I can't really decide if I want to do like,
Starting point is 00:44:04 anabolic or performance because I'm I actually do on the side I do break dancing. I'm not sure if you guys are too familiar with seeing Oh, oh, yeah, Justin was a b-boy back in the day. Totally. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like the helicopter. I mean, people don't know what it is if you tell them that you do b-boy, but yeah, so that's that's
Starting point is 00:44:30 That's like my main sport and then I do like lifting to compliment that. Oh, excellent All right, so we're gonna hook you up then with both we'll give you a maps and a ballic and maps performance Start with maps and a ballic when you're done with that then go to maps performance And then I would love for you to give me some just to follow up a month from now if you go off creatine. Let me know if you noticed anything. Yeah, I'll definitely follow up with that stuff. And then I guess the only other thing is there's probably like, it's probably a minus fuel. The difference is that you get from taking hydrochloride, I'm guessing.
Starting point is 00:45:00 No, it's quite negligible. No, stick with monohydrate. 99% of the studies have been done on monohydrate and all the other forms of crating don't have tons of literature supporting them. So I would stick with monohydrate All right. Yeah, cheaper to exactly. All right, man. Hey, thanks for calling in bro. Yeah, thanks so much I love I love you guys show like The listen to it every day like. Whenever I have any free time. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:45:26 And if Doug knocks on your door, do not invite a man. Yeah. Stay clear. All right, sounds good. All right, Spencer, you have a good one, brother. Yeah, you two, thanks guys. Stay warm. As Spencer sounds like he knows his workout stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Yeah, I think he's doing good. I think it's more, it just highlights how weak supplements are when you're a kid and you take supplements the first time and you think like it's going to be amazing. Our next caller is Sadie from Nevada. What's up, Sadie? What's your question? Hey, good morning, guys. I was wondering how I could better mollups as a female. So with work, we have a PT test, and part of it is doing pull ups, and I've been able to max out at like 12, and so I'm kind of hoping to bump those numbers up.
Starting point is 00:46:14 That's good. Yeah, that's phenomenal. You know, pull ups is one of those things that took me a long time before I started doing like singles, doubles, and triples of like pull ups. You just don't feel like you're getting as good of a workout, but if you wanna build strength and pull ups,
Starting point is 00:46:29 one of the best things to do is to start doing them weighted and be okay with doing sets of one to three reps with a dumbbell or something that's either strapped to you or you're holding onto, that built pull up strength more than anything else that I ever did. Oh yeah, that's great. Now, Sadie, is this for a test that you need to you or you're holding on to, that built pull-up strength more than anything else that I ever did. Oh yeah, that's great. Now, Sadie, is this for a test that you need to pass
Starting point is 00:46:48 or is just just, could be a badass? Yeah, so what's the deal? No, guys, actually, so I fought Wildland Fire on the helicopter to here in Vegas. And so, the beginning of summer, we have a PT test. So we have to run a mile and a half, we get a 20 minute break, and then we have to do pull-ups, push-ups, and set-ups, and then we submit those scores
Starting point is 00:47:08 to compete against L-er, L-Attackers. Oh, so you're a little competitive this year. Yeah, you're basically a badass. Okay, so here's the deal. How bad do you want to win this competition? Yeah. Because I'm going to give you some advice, but like Nancy Kerrigan, you can do this. Like, break an ankle.
Starting point is 00:47:24 What do you ask? No, like, Kerrigan, you can do advice. Like, break an ankle to the elbow. What do you ask you? Now, like, how bad do you wanna win this? I mean, being the only female, I wanna crack it. Okay, so I'm gonna give you some advice that I wouldn't necessarily give to somebody who's just looking to get strong or to improve their fitness. Adam is a 100% right, start training for strength,
Starting point is 00:47:41 so add weighted pull ups, but here's a second piece. The lighter you are, the more pull ups you're going to be able to do. So I would avoid heavy lower body exercises and do some more endurance stuff for the lower body, get lighter in the legs and that should add a few reps to your pull ups at least. That sounds awesome. Okay, because I said about like 175, 180, so. Yeah, leaning out, getting ready for it, it right to lean out a little bit while also starting to load The pull-ups and watch what happens when you get in Wait hold on let me get the straight so you wait you sit at 175 and you do 12 pull-ups. Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:15 Yep, I'm six-foot tall so oh you are you are strong that is awesome These are all strict pull-ups right we're not They have to be a dead hang. Oh, okay. The dead hang and then Wow, that's impressive. That is impressive. Oh, yeah. If you lost eight more than Justin can do. It is. Totally.
Starting point is 00:48:30 At least, at least if you do like two now, if you lost some mass in your lower body and then did the weighted stuff, I could see you hitting 20 pull ups for sure, especially as strong as you already are, which is excellent. Have you ever trained singles, doubles or triples for pull ups that's weighted?
Starting point is 00:48:48 So I've tried, so I've done pyramids with a weight vest and that helps a lot and I can probably get about three or four with a weight vest being fully loaded and then I'll do that and then I'll take the weight vest off and then do a pyramid just body weight. Oh, that's awesome. Okay, so when you're doing heavy sets with pull ups, you don't wanna train to failure, right?
Starting point is 00:49:10 So pick a weight that you could do like four or five reps to failure. I do three. And then do two or three and then rest and then do it again and do like six or seven sets. Here's another strategy. Have a pull up bar somewhere in your house or around where you're at. And then, I don't know, 10 times a day when you walk by it, just do
Starting point is 00:49:29 one pull-up, body-win. Yeah, just body-win, one pull-up. And you'll get so good at doing them that you'll just... That's the general advice I give for the most people, but you already being able to do 12 is already a leg-up on most people I talked to you about that. So, to do that and then add the strength training on top of it, I guarantee you're going to see more. So, I have a question for that. So to do that and then add the strength training on top of it, I guarantee you're gonna see more. So I have a question for you. What makes you wanna fight fires? Cause that is a risky job.
Starting point is 00:49:50 So it's kind of funny when I got out of the Navy, just happened to stumble upon the job here at this. And I just love it. It's such great community and an amazing people. And we just, you know, we work our asses off all summer long. we work 21 days and we get two days, but it's so worth it. Wow. It's so awesome. Now, are you the only one in your crew that's listening to the show or do you have friends that other co-workers that listen to Mind Pump with you? We actually, when we're not busy, I introduce you guys with my favorite show when
Starting point is 00:50:21 you guys are talking about the Commandments of the gym. And so listen, you know, when we're hanging out and nothing's really going on, we're listening a lot of hot cast and then especially like on our long-term lives and things like that. Awesome. Well, I do want to say thank you so much for the work you do keeping all of us safe from the fires. And I would love to hear how you did with the test. So shoot one of us at DM after it happens. Let us know what happened. That's awesome. Yeah, that'll be in May. So shoot one of us at DM after it happens. Let us know what happened.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Awesome. Yeah, that'll be in May. So I really appreciate it, guys. You guys have amazing information. So thank you. Awesome. Appreciate the support. Thank you. Wow. 12 pull-ups. Bro, 12 pull-ups at 175 and six foot. So she's longer-limbed. Right. And that weight, yeah, length over. That is legit. She's legit stronger than Justin. She's for sure. Right, you're not throwing yourself in that too. That's good. That's why you guys are not fighting the fire. Come on, I didn't imagine. Yeah, I always see you do that.
Starting point is 00:51:13 She's definitely carrying me, dude. Yeah. No, that's exceptional, but you know, when you, like I said, the advice I gave her, I wouldn't give that to the average person and say, hey, lose lower body mass, but when you're trying to win a competition, I mean, five pounds of leg mass, would you be more of a woman?
Starting point is 00:51:29 Especially if she's doing it while she's increasing the weight. So if she's leaning out and getting lighter on her lower half, like you're saying, while also but adding weight to her lower half when she's doing the actual training. Sure, well, why are they? If she's not, if she's trying to eliminate swing and all that doing, hollow body and like really like You know making sure her body stays nice and rigid would be the only other thing out at totally
Starting point is 00:51:50 I write our next color is Jason from Florida. Hey, what's up Jason? What's your question? Hey guys, Jason down Jacksonville Beach Just wrote into ask a question about how I should train in my home gym to Just wrote in to ask a question about how I should train in my home gym to get kind of my swing back. I've been playing some softball with some guys my age lately and I'm not hitting the ball as hard as I used to and I would like to improve my game a little bit and then also been taking up stand-up paddle boarding and I and interested in how I can train at home to You know kind of work on my balance while still being able to you know
Starting point is 00:52:32 Paddle powerfully while maintaining my balance on the board. Let me explain what that is for south So that's the stick and it's a bigger ball that they use Okay, and then the paddle boarding is like a surfboard and then they like roll on top of standing up. Alright, thank you. Where do you notice the breakdown in those things? Have you done them before? Are you new to them? Or is this something you did before? I played baseball and then as a kid and softball as an adult that took a long break when I started having kids. So I used to play softball and I just used to be able to hit a lot better than I am. I don't know if my swings off or I'm just not as strong as I used to be.
Starting point is 00:53:11 So you're one of those assholes that come out to the softball field with a baseball background and beat the shit out of all of us weekend warriors. I got my ass handed to me from teams just like you, full of a bunch of X baseball players playing softball there, whipping all of us dads up. Yeah, well, that's about all I am anymore. It's just a dad out there on the field. Awesome. Well, it's okay. So, so a couple of things, Jason. Number one, and I'm sure Justin will get into this because he's the, you he's the biggest athlete of the group. I would say nothing is gonna get you better at a skill than practicing that skill. So what you do in the gym, and we'll get into that,
Starting point is 00:53:54 in terms of what exercises can complement what you're trying to do. But nothing is gonna be in the gym that you do is gonna be as effective as just practicing the skill of swinging and doing the paddleboard. Yeah, definitely go through in terms of the skill of swing. Do you notice anything like a loss of power? Do you notice any kind of hitch in your swing now? Is there anything different that you can pinpoint basically?
Starting point is 00:54:20 Well, it may just be my swing motion. I think I'm hitting it fairly hard, but I'm not getting any lift on the ball anymore. Everything's on the ground. So I'm hitting hard grounders, but I can't seem to hit those line drives like I do. Okay. And in terms of mobility and I know over over time, we sort of form into these certain positions throughout the day, which changes our mechanics with everything. And so that may be something to address in terms of pulling everything back into optimal posture.
Starting point is 00:54:55 And then seeing if we can then really drive that leg drive and get that power back to really promote more of that power into the ball. Well, what about just one about some of like your, I mean, you've taught me some really cool landmine exercises and some anti-rotational stuff for what he's doing. Yeah, so a couple things. So for rotation and anti-rotation as well, being able to really anchor your body down into that position, something I've worked with, you know, even getting back into baseball with with my son, noticing just how much, you know, kids really needed to learn how to anchor their, their body down
Starting point is 00:55:34 and really be able to get that power through, you know, through their feet and through their legs and getting those hips to really respond. So being able to really secure and get that core strength and everything to brace properly and then release with speed is everything. So once you go back and I don't know, do you do much rotational work or much rotational strength in the exercises? No, I really haven't been. I've just been doing basic lifting know, basic lifting here in my home gym with, you know, squat rack and barbell and some dumbbells. Jason, would you, would you consider yourself tight? Would you say that you're a bit tight if you were to twist really hard or maybe tightness
Starting point is 00:56:15 in your hips or the back of your legs? Yeah, everything's pretty tight. I, uh, I listened to your all's advice about, uh, about, uh about stretching and maps prime. I can't say I've adhered to it too well. So yeah, I'm definitely kind of a bigger guy and definitely tight these days. I feel like performance, man. Yeah, so it's gonna be huge.
Starting point is 00:56:34 I've worked with, so I never played a lot of baseball, but I did do a lot of boxing and there's a lot of rotation involved. And the power, oftentimes people lack power, not because they're not strong, but rather because their tightness is preventing them from really generating that twisting, rotating power.
Starting point is 00:56:52 I would work a lot on ankle foot and hip and then back mobility. That will make the biggest difference. As far as strength is concerned, first I would focus on mobility because getting stronger without mobility isn't going to make a big difference. Work on mobility and then I would do rotational exercises. Maps performance has quite a few of those, especially in the second, I believe the second
Starting point is 00:57:16 and third phase of the program. You combine mobility with rotational strength and of course the technique and you should see a huge difference. Yeah, you really want to just iron out like anything getting in the way of natural fluid movement. To be able to kind of bring it back and do checks on all your joints to make sure they have nice fluid rotation, and they respond appropriately, and you also have access to them and can brace and strengthen to support your joints.
Starting point is 00:57:44 It may seem like you're regressing, but honestly, that's gonna give you the most performance in being for your buck out there in the field. This is why we're gonna hook you up for free with maps performance, because I think it being scheduled into your, it sounds like you know that you've heard it from us,
Starting point is 00:57:59 but then you haven't implemented into your routine. It's built into maps performance. You have, every other day day is a mobility day. So you doing the mobility stuff with all the unilateral and rotational stuff that we have in performance, I think, would benefit a total. And one last thing, Jason, the way you train mobility is different than the way you train strength.
Starting point is 00:58:17 So with strength, you go into the gym, you lift heavy hard for an hour, you do that, you know, a few days a week. With mobility, you're better off doing 10 to 15 minute sessions twice a day. So frequency is very important with mobility. And I would suggest attaching it to something that you already do.
Starting point is 00:58:34 So maybe like 15 minutes before breakfast and 10 minutes before bed, do that every single day. Within a week, you should notice a difference. OK, great. Excellent, man. Thanks for the support, brother that every single day. Within a week, you should notice a difference. Okay, great. Excellent man, thanks for the support brother. Thanks a lot. Yeah, I think, you know, one thing that I learned in Jiu Jitsu and the very little boxing that I did was
Starting point is 00:58:55 I would train for strength and performance in the gym and I would forget that 90% of it came from the technique and skill, you know. So it's like, I wanted to get better at a throw in judo, practicing the throw would be anything I could do in the gym. That's why it's so complex, because every sport has all kinds of nuanced movements that really, you know, like, is very specific to that sport, and so to be able to unlock the movements is everything.
Starting point is 00:59:22 And the only way to do that really is to make sure you have good mobility and stability. Next color is Grant from Arizona. What's up Grant? How you doing? What's your question? Hey guys, thanks for having me on. My question is how have you guys helped male athletes who struggle with orthorexia?
Starting point is 00:59:45 Oh, remember we talked about this with with Jason on the show, right? Yeah. male athletes who struggle with orthorexia. Oh, remember we talked about this with Jason on the show, right? Yeah. Can we get into that when he was here the first time? Yes, that's a really good question. So orthorexia for the listeners is a eating disorder or a bad relationship of food where everything has to be perfect or healthy.
Starting point is 01:00:04 So everything you eat, you need to, it has to be healthy, it has to be perfect, and if it goes outside of that, it causes you a lot of stress and issues. And I would say this is probably... Most common in the body building world. Very common. I would say, yeah, in terms of which sport, I would think that was probably the highest.
Starting point is 01:00:19 I saw this like, you know, when we, this was really surprising to me. I didn't expect this. I expected when getting into competing, I was going to meet all these people that were the smartest, the most dialed, have the best relationships with exercise and diet, and it was actually the opposite. I mean, a lot of them, they were what they were really good at
Starting point is 01:00:40 was being consistent, but part of it was because it was, like, an issue, you know, they were obsessed They were obsessed with measuring, weighing, and tracking, and if they didn't, they would go off the rails. What I would do in coaching, when I'd see this, I've talked to you guys about this off air, I would do intermittent fasting for this reason to help break that, right? So if it's somebody who has an issue with eating outside of like, weighing and everything perfect, challenging them to be like, Hey, listen, we're not going to eat for 24 hours.
Starting point is 01:01:14 It would be, it would be really difficult for them to do it because a lot of times it's tied to very similar stuff that, you know, Sal, you and I have talked about where, you know, I'm, I'm afraid if I don't eat these foods or I don't exercise today, like the muscles gonna fall off. And therefore I have to eat in this, these parameters all the time. Now Grant, is this you or is this somebody you're working with, you mind if I ask? Oh, it's 100% me, like for the last,
Starting point is 01:01:38 I don't know, seven or eight years. Okay, now have you ever dealt with anorexia or bulimia or is it just did you go just from you know regular to or thoraxia or feelings like that? Definitely struggled with Anorexia. I didn't never got into Bolimia because I hate throwing up But I think I would I would go off the rails and then I would purge like with exercise or Doing like the intermittent fasting approach. I'm definitely not telling you the intermittent fasting.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Yeah, no, good question. No, that's why I asked you that. Yeah, so that's why I asked you that. Of course, we're not experts in eating disorders. We've just worked with people with nutrition. Now I would recommend that you work with a professional in this field. So I'm going to speak from a trainer perspective, okay Grant? In my experience, when I've worked with people who have issues with food like you're saying, orthorexics, I would, and this is not the place you're going to stay,
Starting point is 01:02:39 but this is a great place to transition, I would take your focus off of food and put it on performance. Okay. So rather than looking at all your food and I need to eat the right macros, don't worry about that. I want you to look at your performance, how strong am I, how fast am I, what's my stamina, and then if you need more energy, you eat more, if you're too lethargic, you eat a little less, but focus on performance. And in my experience, this is what ends up happening.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Your obsession moves from food to performance. And being obsessed with performance isn't where you wanna end up. It's just a better place to be, or to transition from. Once you move to performance as you're so focused, then you can start to move more towards an intuitive eating point.
Starting point is 01:03:23 But in my experience, I have to take that person's obsession away from food. And I can't do that by keeping them focused on food in any way, shape, or form. It has to be focused on something different. And performance in my experience seems to be a good place to go. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah, definitely. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Now, what kind of workout are you following? Uh, right now I am doing like, well I just, I've been doing kind of like a map Santa Balla type of training style where like for a few weeks I'm going heavy with lower reps and then moderate right now I just started doing like the 12 to 15 rep range for most of my lifts. So it's it's more obviously you guys know like I'm focusing
Starting point is 01:04:12 on getting a pump and getting some endurance in there and then probably within the next couple weeks I'll go back to heavier lifting and lower like rep ranges. You know I would I would love to see and run something like mass power lift. I was just gonna say that. Power lift would be such a great focus right now. This because it will take your mind off focus on the metrics.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Oh, completely. So you'd be focused completely on strength and I like that. I like what Adam said because it will ensure, if you're just focused on strength, you're gonna eat sufficiently. You know what I'm saying? And you'll probably be a little looser.
Starting point is 01:04:48 You might be a little looser with your diet than you would be if you were focused on aesthetics. Does that make sense? Now, you should. Now is that? Oh, go ahead. Go ahead. Oh, I was just going to ask if you're regimented every single day weighing, tracking, measuring, or do you allow yourself weekends or anything
Starting point is 01:05:05 to kind of relax? Yeah, so weekends, when I go and visit my parents, they're pretty relaxed. But then during the work week, I'll do meal prep because I'm lazy as hell and I don't really want to cook when I get home from work. But yeah, on the weekends, it's always just kind of freebies. But I don't ever feel like I'm going off the rails and like, dinging on stuff. It's just, I'm not really tracking how many calories are in this dinner. Does that talk to you guys now? Oh, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Does that cause you anxiety? You said that you don't feel like you're going off the rails Have you tried you know also doing a day here and there during the week? No, I haven't tried doing a day during the week But it doesn't it causes me some anxiety but then Usually because I'm with my family. I'm like, ah, whatever, you know, it's not that big of a deal. And plus because I'm so consistent with my training,
Starting point is 01:06:09 I'm like, I have, you know, I think you guys could relate. Like you have that constant kind of reminder where it's like, well, it's not really gonna matter because I know tomorrow I'm gonna go and lift anyway. So if I have a little extra, it probably will make things go smoother in the gym or in my home gym The truth is that's the right that's the right attitude right there to have that during the week You know, yeah, that's same that same idea like yeah, it's not a big deal
Starting point is 01:06:34 I ate a little more so I'm gonna get after the gym tomorrow just learning to transition that to the week, you know Yeah, I think the focus on performance focus on strength and performance is a great transition Don't end up there because being obsess with performance can also run its own risks. But I do want to add this, there's a lot of light at the end of the tunnel. The fact that you're calling and talking to us about it means that you're aware. And that is the hardest first step. To get somebody who has issues with food to just admit is so challenging. So congratulations on that.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Thanks. I did have a quick question. Is maps powerlift? Is that something that can be done at home? Yeah, oh yeah. As long as you got a barbell. So we got a barbell. If you got a barbell, you're good.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Yeah, do you have a barbell, dumbbells, and a squat rack? I have three barbells, a trap bar, yes. I've got a lot of stuff. You're good, man. So we're going to send that to you. Unless you got it already, we'll send that over to you. Oh, get you going, man. Oh, wow. Yeah, thank you. No, I don't have that yet. Wow. That's awesome. Thank you, guys. Excellent. We appreciate you supporting Mind Plum. I recognize your name. I know you asked me questions before,
Starting point is 01:07:47 so thanks for that and stay in touch about it. Yeah, let's know. Of course, thanks guys, I appreciate it. All right, thanks. I'm so glad that you asked the question because how funny is that? Like my first initial, I'm thinking like competitor and I used to interrupt the internet.
Starting point is 01:08:02 And really it was to make them aware if they would have a problem, right? The fact that he is aware of it and then he's also leaned on the side of anorexia. That would be awful advice to give him would be to be intermittent fasting. Oh, that would be anorexia. That would be anorexia.
Starting point is 01:08:17 But in a way, it's such a great, great question. But it's also, look, he's a male and he's in the, you know, and he's focused and he's trying to build muscle. Nine out of 10 times, they didn't have issues with anorexia. Nine out of 10 times, there was what they would call bigorexia.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Right, so that's, I'm so glad you have, but highlights, this is where when we always answer questions, when we don't have the actual person, we have to say, in sight helps. Because that's a total different answer if it's somebody who is like a competitor, who has the big Rexier or whatever versus somebody who's actually had anorexia,
Starting point is 01:08:48 a completely different strategy on how you go about it. Exactly. Look, you can listen to Mind Pump through audio, but also watch us on video, we're on YouTube, Mind Pump Podcast. You can also find all of us on Instagram. You can find Justin at Mind Pump, Justin, me at Mind Pump, Sal, Adam at Mind Pump, Adam,
Starting point is 01:09:04 Adam and Doug at Mind Pump, Doug. Thank you for Justin at Mind Pump Justin, me at Mind Pump Sal, Adam at Mind Pump Adam and Doug at Mind Pump Doug. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs.
Starting point is 01:09:36 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindP Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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