Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 146: EZ v. straight bar curls, foam rolling, women & creatine, sleep and MORE

Episode Date: September 10, 2015

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin answer EVERY question that was posted @mindpump on Instagram at the time of recording. This includes comparing EZ bar v. straight barbell curls, sumo v. conventional... deadlifts, the importance of sleep, foam rolling, creatine and women and much, much more.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. I love people, I just love people, I mean I don't want to fucking... I don't know, do you like the hug? Hug your hug. He's a hugger, he hugged everyone. He comes in front of him.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Hug. Sound the huger. What's the, what was the, what was the, Adam, if you don't fucking sing, bro, I'm not singing it. Listen, me and Justin, I get to use take like the bass parts, right, but yeah. It's a huger.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Salzo, hug. Dude, I told you. And we'll build on it. I'm telling you, me and Justin are gonna fucking jump you, bro. You know, so, this is getting ridiculous. It're like I can't you guys. I feel like right I feel like the guy too right now is who's you can't dance and he's like on the side of it No, I did you like just do something like that. We'll give you a triangle
Starting point is 00:00:57 I can't do the dance dude. I can't do the beat No He's right Chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik-chik- like, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And the shift. This is the last thing that's the one I think it is. This must be pick on Adam moment. I know.
Starting point is 00:01:32 No, we have to. We're switching gears back to. No, no, no. Yeah, we're switching gears. I would like as Adam, I want to talk to you about your four or three Cox reviews suggestion. My three Cox reviews. Yeah, remember when you said put cock in there five times.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Oh, okay. Yeah, okay, go ahead. Now some people tried to do that. The items in trouble, I bet. Yeah, I feel like I'm getting scolded right now. The item loves cock. Here we go. Oh, people tried to do it,
Starting point is 00:01:57 but iTunes actually have real people review the reviews. So you can't put bad words. You can't put bad words. You can't put in you endo. Really? No, I don't think so. You can't put it in where? You can't put a word in the word in you endo in there. No, you can put the word in you endo. Do you know what endo means? No, I don't. Does it mean to insinuate something? I have no idea. I don't know what it's exactly related. What do you think? Yes. For example, if you say cockadoodle-doo,
Starting point is 00:02:28 like, you know, Adam has a big cockadoodle-doo. People know what they're talking to you, you know. I know that that's why I was trying to do that. Was because I got that it was a challenge. You can't just say cock three times, you know. Right. But instead we're not getting reviews. It's a good challenge, but unfortunately, these people
Starting point is 00:02:45 are not getting their reviews. Do you really think that's happened? Do you really think I think so, yeah? So, okay, so let's be clear. Let's be clear. I think Doug's wrong. If you're gonna leave a review, no bad words, no in-you-endos, but everything else is fine.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Yeah. In other words, it can't reflect this show. Yeah, I'm right. So, particularly, you're reviewing somebody totally different. High-noon, full-mast, you know, that kind of stuff. So what I'm going to say is, if you've already tried to put up a review and you don't see it, please double check, make sure you don't have any naughty words in you window, that type
Starting point is 00:03:15 of thing. And repost. Am I the only one that you don't be naughty? Am I the only one that gets horny when someone says naughty? I know. Well, can we have Doug clarify some of these words just so we know for which ones we're talking about? What are some examples, Doug? Give us five or six examples.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Well, for you, Adam. You know the words. No, I don't. Either do these. You need to just suffocate. For all the examples. I realize that Doug has barely ever cussed. I'm not a cusser.
Starting point is 00:03:42 I'm not a cusser. That's the funny thing about being a producer, the show. Is it why he's having a really hard time doing that? What's the worst cuss word you the I'm not a cusser I'm not a cusser that's a funny thing about being a producer the show is it well He's having a really hard time with the worst cuss word you can think of yes, I want you to say come 3 2 1 You say I could say come I could say come yeah I can't the worst of it wash your mouth dude you kiss your mother with that It's out worse when Doug says it does dude like when I say come everybody like hard whatever It sells worse when Doug says it. It does, dude. Like when I say cut, everything's like, hard, whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Hard scene. But when he says it, it's like, oh, I know. That's why I don't say it. Like he's so much power. Like he's talking in lieu of you. So that's where we can't use. So don't say no. You cannot use that one.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Don't say bad words every time. Don't use cut. No. That's the only one. What about the F word? Not the F word. What about the S H word? Not that one either. Shoes. What else? What words can F word? Not the F word. What about the S H word? Not that one either.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Shoes. What else? What words can we use? Son of a gun might be okay. You take those three words out of my vocabulary. I don't know how to put a sentence to you. Well, that's okay. You're not writing a review.
Starting point is 00:04:35 It's a good point. Yeah, you can say all those words at them. I can't. Yeah, I think you should too. We'll do all the swearing. Let's do what we're trying to say. Yeah, I think we should, yeah, you should figure out a way to inject some of these words into today's absolutely you should cut funk So let's get this going right now. I'm ready
Starting point is 00:04:51 say funk and shizzle Funk shizzle all right Go ahead. What are we doing? We're gonna do a Q&A again? Yeah It's Q&A time it's Q&A time. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. It's cute. if we created a monster. All right, our first question is from Kerry Nolts 26. Where are the benefits of raw food? Well, if you like diarrhea, yeah! If you like your food to be honest in your face and just say whatever it fucking feels,
Starting point is 00:05:34 then you eat it raw. You know, the raw food movement is, here's the thing, it's based on, I'm gonna offend a lot of people. It's a lot of it's based on fallacy So let me give you an example If I take a cup of cooked broccoli very well cooked boiled and I take a cup of raw broccoli and we take it to a laboratory and the
Starting point is 00:05:58 Scientist or lab technician Analyzes each one and determines how much of each nutrient and enzymes and all the good stuff is in them, they will indeed find that the raw broccoli has higher levels of everything. So the raw food people will be like, yes, eat raw food because it's higher. These are the studies that they will show, too. These are the type ones they will show. Right. Now, here is, let me give you an example that proves how stupid that is.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I could grab a rock outside and show you that it's packed full of minerals. Every rock is packed full of minerals. Can you eat rocks and assimilate them? No. The same holds true with a lot of raw food. Raw food, yes, will be higher in nutrients and enzymes because it's not being destroyed in the heat. However, you can't eat a lot of it because it'll destroy you.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Like, I can't eat two cups of raw broccoli, it'll fuck my stomach up, but I can eat two cups of cooked broccoli. So, which one then is gonna provide me more benefit? Because of the sheer volume, many times cooked food is better for you. And you'll be hard pressed to find any scientist that doesn't agree that humans in, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:04 discovering fire and cooking their food did not play a major role in our ability to survive and evolve. So yeah, of course. Yeah, of course. Well, wouldn't you, would you argue to say that there's benefits of kind of combining the two of them? So yeah, I'm not against raw food, but, but when people are like, raw, everything has to be raw and I, all I eat is raw food. I feel like those are the same people that like feed each other in public.
Starting point is 00:07:26 You know what I mean? They like have things that they dip in and they just feed it to each other. Honey, did you bring the hummus? We're so raw. The next time we have lunch, I'm so mad. You are not raw. Just this is gonna feed me.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Yeah. Come here, we're gonna periscope it. Listen, we just converted to the raw diet. We actually, we did do that. We go raw I did that right sound I do that, but it was it was not It was what we do we fed each other. Yeah, no it was raw gelato. It was raw gelato Did you guys when did we do that we put it we put it on Instagram? There's a picture of it. Well, we fed each other Well, you were feeding me. Oh my god. I have sound every notes around what sounds that yeah, whatever salad
Starting point is 00:08:05 Are you guys are you just let's slipping roof and all in my freaking water again? Pro you were all for it bro. Yeah, you're a game on yeah, in fact I think I just said hey to someone want to feed me this and Justin's like fuck no, I will actually I would love that's when I fed it with to you in no hands That type yeah very so yeah, that's when I fed it with to you in no hands. Yeah, it was. Yeah. Yeah. That's how it's like. Yeah, very. So yeah, that's an innuendo. No food.
Starting point is 00:08:29 That's my dick. I'm talking about. Yeah. So I don't know. What do you guys think about raw food? Do you guys eat anything raw? I mean, I'm just a little bit more than for raw meat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:40 You're just just fucking. You just grab the deer out of the bag. Every now the tackle things and I eat it. Every now and then he comes in here with a raw tea bones take and he's just chewing on it. I'm like, it's a little bit more. It's a little bit more. I heard it's better.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Yeah, it makes you... What do you eat raw? Do you eat anything raw? Really? I've got some vegetables and stuff that... Some stuff I like crunchy. You know what I mean? Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Or if I'm just doing carrots and broccoli or something, I'll just do it like as a snack, but yeah, for the most part, I pretty much cook most stuff. What about you, Annel? I eat quite a bit of raw stuff. Probably every day there's something that's raw in my diet, whether it be spinach or some broccoli or some shishimi. I tend to have some raw food. But I definitely cook a lot of my stuff too. And I most certainly do not sit down and eat like a whole big old bowl of vegetables not
Starting point is 00:09:36 cooked. No, have you ever tried that? No, I know it's horrible. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to. I mean, and even I do not care for broccoli. It's not that I look forward to, so, but like Justin, like, you know, if I have a couple of those cold and raw, like, you know, it's nice to kind of satiate me or whatever and handful those, you know, it's a whole bucket of food.
Starting point is 00:09:55 You know what always cracks me up? All these trends tend to start in like really, like super wealthy societies, like America where you, these really, weird fuckers are like, I'm going to, this is gonna make me super healthy, so I'm gonna create this ridiculous fad that nobody has ever done in the history of the world unless they absolutely had to, like we have no access to fire,
Starting point is 00:10:17 so honey, we have to eat some raw shit. Like if you go in old countries, they cook like, like my culture in a tie-ins, we, I mean we eat salad raw and stuff, but a lot of the vegetables we cook the hell out of and we put all the oil on them and whatever, and it's some of the healthiest diets you can have. Look, I eat probably, I eat massive servings of vegetables
Starting point is 00:10:34 a day, there is no way in hell I'd be able to eat that stuff raw. Could you imagine eating a massive bowl of raw broccoli, how you would feel after that? Well, you know, a lot of it stems from, people have heard that, you know, you could cook like, cook a lot of the protein out of like meat. Like let's say a, talking about a t-bone steak, you know, let's say it's got 50 grams of
Starting point is 00:10:52 protein in it, right? Yeah, eat a raw t-bone steak. Let's even have it. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? But a lot of people think that, you know, that's the science behind it is like, oh, when you cook it, you lose some of the nutrients. So you lose some of the nutrients. But then you can absorb it.
Starting point is 00:11:02 But then you can absorb the nutrients that are in there. And that's the argument I think that we, that I think why she, it's a sheet, right? Doug once you get there. So you can eat a lot, but then you can absorb the nutrients that are in there And that's the argument I think that we that I think why she is a sheet right dog asking this question. Carry. I think so I thought I thought the picture was a guy. I'm not sure, but so whoever it is. Sorry. Yeah, sorry, I'm sorry, I've dug offended you guys I blame that I dug right there. Yeah Look at that. Look at Doug checking his phone right now while we're trying to talk. Is it fucking rude, man? I know. Is it a girl?
Starting point is 00:11:28 I think I want you to man. Are you talking to all you're looking up? The reason why I asked is I was pretty sure it was a guy, but Doug referred to him as a her. But so I got your back, bro. You know what? Listen, mine pump is gender neutral. We don't care.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Yeah, we don't care. All right, so what reason? And I like goats. Uh, what? Some for some reason I've completely lost my fucking train of thought. I don't know why. All right, I have no idea why I lost it.
Starting point is 00:11:54 All I know is that raw food for me, it just screams the type of person is like, the type that just doesn't wear deodorant, right? And they fart a lot. I mean, it's like, it just goes hand in hand. It's just, it's just hand in hand. I just hope you don't want to fart a lot. I'm just saying, yeah, I'm not in, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:12:12 Adam earlier. Well, you, you, you, you, I just think that what's wrong with it is what Sal kind of touched on a little bit is, the people take, you know, they get one study they read or they read some fucking health journal thing and you know, there's, you know, a study comes out and it says, oh, you know, there's more nutrients found in raw foods and there are found in cook foods. And it's like, you take one study like that.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Everything raw. Yeah. And then all of a sudden, you do this extreme and it's like, no, you idiot. It does, you know, first of all, learn how to read a study before you go listen to it. Very good. Because there's also studies that show like, there's lots of studies that show vegetarians are healthier than the average American.
Starting point is 00:12:49 People who eat raw food are healthier than the average American. People who follow, you know, ex-diad are healthier than the average American. Newsflash, it is not hard to be healthier than the average American. If you pay a tiny amount of attention to your diet, so people who eat all raw food, by nature, they have to be very planned and calculated
Starting point is 00:13:09 and have to understand what they're eating and same thing with the vegan. Because they've taken all these foods out and they have to pay attention to what they're doing. So they're going to, by default, be healthier than the average American that literally doesn't give a fuck. And eat. They're already consciously making decisions.
Starting point is 00:13:24 That's it. and that's it. It's just consuming. Right, so, but if you compare someone who eats raw food to someone who eats a balanced diet, but also pays attention, the raw food people will be very tired and sleepy in the corner with very little muscle mass and kind of weak. And that's like, and I'm not making fun of that.
Starting point is 00:13:40 No, but seriously, honest to God, nothing really wrong with raw food, but is it superior to cook food? No, not at all. All right. What's up? What's next? Next question? Cassidy H626. Oh, it's our girl. Yeah Dream celebrity client. Who would that be for you guys? Why don't we let why don't we let Adam start because I'm pretty family energy. Oh me huh? Yeah, I'm pretty sure you have a you already have you already know No, I don't if I but if I yeah, Pamela Anderson would be up there. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah right now Well, you know she's still cool, you know
Starting point is 00:14:12 It's so I it doesn't necessarily I think she just be a great person. I think she'd be pretty funny to be around Pamela. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Have you did you see her roast on coming central? She's hilarious She's funny. Yeah, no, she's doubly Her and I mean what's the other one around her generation the same time that you had her own little talk show that's hilarious to oh, Cindy McCarthy, right? Oh, Jenny McCartney. Jenny McCartney. Yeah, she's got the personality too. Dream, dream celebrity. Wow. First all, I have to admit that I am horrific with following like who's famous and who's
Starting point is 00:14:44 not. So I know you're probably searching Cassidy for like somebody in this last 10 years. Who's cool, which is funny because that's why we're talking about Jenny McCarthy. You want to train Britney Spears, wouldn't you? I probably would back then. Now, now, you know, I like to get my hands on. What? So, how about Page Hathaway? I would like to train Page Hathaway.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I'm gonna look her up. Keep going. Yeah, she's, unfortunately, she sucked into the shreds, which that's why I wanna train her, because I think that I could help her. I could really help her out. She really helped. And she's not too bad to look at. So I think that if I had like a dream,
Starting point is 00:15:17 and she has a celebrity in a sense, she's pretty social media famous, and she's got a banging body already, so it's not like she needs a lot of work. Oh, I see her. But, you know, it wouldn't hurt to have her hang out with a guy like me, it could actually really help her out, and get her away from like companies like Shreds
Starting point is 00:15:32 that are probably just pumping her full of supplements, and she's too beautiful for that. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So that's, that's not. Gotcha. What about you, Justin? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Oh, man, I don't even know. Come back to me. It's so pretty, we're all, none of us are like celebrity people. Yeah, I don't even know. Come back to me. We're all, none of us are like celebrity people. Yeah, I don't even like, it's not star struck as much as it, it probably be like a musician, just so it's something interesting to me. Right, someone, I'm trying to think of it. I feel it's Roach Lucas.
Starting point is 00:15:59 No, you know, no, that's probably probably, probably, that would be very cool. Okay, there it is, George Lucas. Just because Just because and I hate I hate to like totally like pigeonhole myself to like only being like Star Wars Driven but it's just like that kind of a mind. I think somebody like that would be like excellent for me to Hang out with like constantly and yeah, I think like Charles Barclay would be up there Charles Barclay I know a few people have actually met him in person and of course you can tell his personality on is just a fucking hoot I hear he's just like one of the coolest down to earth. Yeah, he'd be fun for sure Yeah, so I think training something with that you know the page out the way thing is a semi joke because she's so hot
Starting point is 00:16:40 I think in reality she probably would probably boring,. More unlikely if she's got that much beauty, she's got all that things to go on for. Maybe she's not that cool. Well, yeah, for me, if it was a celebrity, Natalie Portman for a female, Natalie Portman, and she's a really smart girl too. I feel like it would be awesome to train someone that you could have good conversation with
Starting point is 00:17:06 And then I would like to I mean I'd like to train like like some of these celebrity scientists like Michio Kaku or Tyson yeah, like you know that would be a cool one for sure that would be really fun for me to train some people like that But you know my dream celebrity thing to do would would be Would be to train, to be a trainer for a movie. Like, you know, like the movie 300 or whatever when these movies came out. And they hired a trainer and like design our program for our guys and train them and get them ready for this role.
Starting point is 00:17:36 That would be awesome. That would be so awesome because, you know, I'll take Scarlett Johansson by the way. Oh, yeah. Forget about that. Can we have a moment of silence? Yeah. And we're back.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I'm back on Mindpuff. Yeah, I would love to train, you know, like a for a particular movie. I think that'd be awesome. But training a celebrity's gotta be easy, right? I mean, it's gotta be easy. It's gotta be easier to train a celebrity than a client than a normal.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Ah, I disagree. Bro, here it is. I disagree. Okay, I'm thinking in terms of their training for a movie, not like regular. Does it matter? Dude, you've got a celebrity who's coming to you and you've got Paramount. Paramount's like, we want you to train Hugh Jackman for the next week. Okay, I knew you were going to pick a guy who's already got self-disciplined and already
Starting point is 00:18:22 works hard. Oh, whoever. Oh, it doesn't even use a trainer. And if he does, the trainer is a guy who carries already got self-disciplined and already works hard. Oh, whoever. Probably doesn't even use a trainer. And if he does, the trainer's the guy who carries his fucking water bottle around and like just kicks. It's a Christian bail. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? These guys, I feel like those guys are different.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Like that's a very special. I think if you get the average famous client who hires you as a trainer because she's rich and she can throw a fucking $500 an hour away, it doesn't matter. And she wants just some cute trainer to fucking make sure he shouldn't do anything stupid, like wear a scheme, right? Like Kardashian. Kardashian's trainer needs to be fucking fired whoever he is. And I would hate to train one of them. Can we just talk about that?
Starting point is 00:18:55 Exactly. That is the point why I brought her name up. She's throwing money at me. I'd be like, go put your shirt. Go put your squeam on. Yeah, you know, so I think I think they, and they would be so pretentious and I think they would just, but a lot of them probably have god complex, a lot of, I think you would probably, you would probably have a really hard time. I know, I know our personalities and our own he goes, you know, just because and you think in your head, well, fuck, I'd be making
Starting point is 00:19:21 500 to $1,000. How annoying do Kanye would be in the corner watching the train. I know. Or like your training p-dead, p-dead he's kid, and he throws a fucking kettlebell at you. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Yeah. Yeah, deal with that. Dude, I read that when he ran the New York marathon, he trained, I think, for six months. He paid a specialist, a trainer, something like half a million dollars a trainer for six months. And just lived with him, and he took took them with them everywhere and that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Yeah, but I feel like when guys throw that celebrity, throw that money out, you're no longer like, right, in our industry right now, like if a normal person comes and they pay us one fifty to two hundred dollars an hour, like there's this respect level that you get. Like you're almost, you get, at least I feel like I get like this respect of almost being like a doctor in my field of what I do, that they respect you and they ask you a lot of questions where when someone throws $500 in that you because they're a celebrity and so like that,
Starting point is 00:20:15 like that's shit money to them. That's like, to them that's like, take care of this. Exactly. It's more like pumpkin you bro. It's like, yeah, it's more like, yeah. They look at it more like, I don't know, it's like a plastic surgery or something, or it's like something that like, fix this.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Yes. Yeah. I don't know, I feel like it's different. I feel like if they take what they do very seriously because they're actors and celebrities, excuse me. And if they're getting ready for a particular event, like a movie, this is what I think would happen. I have no idea. I'm making this up, okay. You're wrong. What are you doing? I mean, I like a movie, this is what I think would happen. I have no idea. I'm making this up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:45 You're wrong. What are you doing? Okay. I mean, I might be, but this is what I would think. I would think like Paramount would come to me and say, we want you to train our celebrity for the next Spider-Man or whatever. He's got eight months to get buffed. We're going to put them on steroids. We've hired him a nutritionist. He's going to come train with you. Do everything you tell me.
Starting point is 00:21:00 And this guy who gives a shit about working out, but is getting paid $20 million to this movie is just going to do everything I tell him and probably get shitty shape after I'm done. A lot of them do that right? That would be awesome. Right. And can I just say that is like Justin talking about the how common it is that someone walks in his gym and says, Hey, bro, I'm getting ready to try out for the 49ers next summer.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And I need you to get me in fucking tip top football shape right now. Let's do this. You know, that doesn't that that's the one percentile of the one of the one percentile You know that that show the spider-man or the Wolverine part like those are one of the million movies Those are one of million guys that like that's so rare that comes across. I'm willing to bet like there's a there's a there's a million celebrities that are Either be less be less seeless celebrities people that can afford to pay you know 300 good keep a John Favreau in shape I love him by the way. Yeah, I just see no. I love you man, but you know, yeah, you fluctuate right Please tell me that that's what it would be like right it would be more more realistic like that and possible You would be probably washing his car and you know what baby sent his kids on some days
Starting point is 00:22:11 Exactly, but I'll do it exactly cuz I love him. I want to Exactly, I'd be in imagine that you show up to John Farr was house, and it's you know You can pay your $500 an hour and he's like hey bro. I got a call from the studios I got a studio. I need to watch my kids for the next two hours. You cool with that, right? And then the worst part. I got it. And then the worst part, they're like an overweight celebrity
Starting point is 00:22:30 and you're their trainer. Yes. This is John Fiber's trainer. And you're like, like, I don't care. I don't care. I swear I don't suck. I told you that. I told you that story before.
Starting point is 00:22:38 What happened? About my client who just decided that they wanted to stop kind of listening to me as far as eating goes. So they just started getting fat and... Yeah, getting fat. Meanwhile, he's wearing one of my shirts printed off. Oh, you're like, you wear that in my shirt. I'm not gonna let you keep wearing the shirt.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Give me my shirt back. You gotta earn the shirt. You're like, bad. Yeah. That's bad business. You're trying to Give me my shirt back. You gotta earn the shirt, you'll be bad. Yeah, that's bad business. You're trying to explain, but you just are getting fatter. Meanwhile, it's advertising. You're bulking, you're bulking.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Next question. Now I got a trainer. Next question. All right, our next question is from Fit Chris 86. And his question is, is marriage necessary? Oh shit, I'm taking the fifth on this one. I'm not. Doug's gonna sub in for me on this one.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Oh yeah. I wanna have a bed to come home to. Yeah. Well, you know, there's a lot more to this question. Oh, there is. Yeah, yeah, some questions about marriage. Is it just a smart business move? Bragging rights for women?
Starting point is 00:23:44 Ooh, some people are gonna love that. And excuse to have a big celebration. All the above, he wants to know. Interesting. So he wants to know our personal opinions because we're not experts on this. Well, I guess I'll let the married guys go first. This is like a little tiptoe dance we're gonna do. Yeah, I'm really interested.
Starting point is 00:24:03 I'm just putting my feet up right now, took my shoes off, I can't wait to hear you two. Here's the thing, I could talk from my own experience, but then I would have a different opinion for just like your regular guy. Right. You know what I mean? It was like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:24:19 I guess this is like completely blue moon chance that are like lightning struck you know to find find a girl that I found otherwise I would say no way dude don't get married don't do it you know he's so you know Justin he are a good closer do you see how
Starting point is 00:24:38 he did that yeah he did he set himself up perfectly and then he said no it sucks see you guys got the way to get it Oh, we're so jealous. I don't know what I'm doing. This is how I got my wife. I knew that, look, look, you just know, right? And if you know, then you know,
Starting point is 00:24:57 like that's what you got to do. And I'm not saying out of obligation, but it's just like, it just consumes this internal thought of like, dude, we gotta do this. So that's what happened to me. I was like, I just gotta make this happen. It's like, yeah, I actually thought about it for six months. I bought a ring and I was like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:25:24 I just, I'm not ring and I was like I don't know I just you know I'm not I'm not really one for like being like oh my god I was so overwhelmed and I was so in love and I Want to you know be with her forever never never and all that fun, you know fanciful stuff It was like you know I had I had some of that but it's like dude Like this is what's gonna happen like I was very realistic about it and then I had to sit that, but it's like, dude. This is what's gonna happen. I was very realistic about it, and then I had to sit and think about it for six months. And then once I was weighing it out in my head,
Starting point is 00:25:54 I was like, you know what, no, this is the one I wanna be with forever. And so then boom, when I have a decision, I make the decision. I guess it goes in line with my personality. I'm gonna interrupt. You make it right away in six months. That's it.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Just right away. Six months. Six months rule. You will not find an anthropologist that does not believe that marriage as an institution did not benefit mankind. It did not benefit the evolution of societies. It's something that is a part of humanity. Now marriage has changed quite a bit in terms of what it looks like. In the past, most cultures had very paternalistic societies where men had multiple wives.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Much of some of this was created to protect property, some of it was created to, you know, this is my wife so that I can protect my DNA so that she's only going to have children with me type of deal. But it's actually also quite natural in the sense that men, excuse me, that humans are, we are serially monogamous. We're not purely monogamous. You don't meet someone and then stay with them for the rest of our lives. We tend to date, but for the most part, humans are with one person at a time, for the most part. That being said, marriage is very, very challenging, especially nowadays. People live on average till they're 80 now.
Starting point is 00:27:23 It used to be for most of human civilization, it was 30. You lived until you were 30. So now when you make the decision to get married, that's a long commitment. You know, that's a very, very long commitment. Whereas before, you know, we probably got married at 15. I was with you for five years, you got pregnant,
Starting point is 00:27:40 you probably died during childbirth, and I had another wife, and then she died during childbirth, and then I was with this next wife. And then I died. And this, so marriage is very different now and so divorce rates are, you know, 50% and it's very, very difficult. But is it necessary?
Starting point is 00:27:54 No, fuck no, it's not necessary. Whatever you want to do, you know, for me, you know, it's important because having a family is very important. Right. So there's the other point, right? Having the family and so that's the thing that went through the thought process of the six month period for me.
Starting point is 00:28:10 It's, I love this person, but I want to have a family with this person. What does that look like? And there is a lot of benefit to being married and having a family. Sure. And I'm sure on the other end, like the only case I would say where, I probably still wouldn't think it'd be a good idea
Starting point is 00:28:30 is if you're a celebrity or you're some kind of like high profile person. Like I think, I don't think any of those people should get married. Why? Because there's just, there's two, it's too intensified of a situation. And legally, like, I don't know, between money
Starting point is 00:28:47 just gets too crazy with people. And if you can manage to stay off of everybody's, I don't know, it just feels like, it feels like then there's too much involvement with public eye and then sway like Trying to find dirt, you know on certain people and all that kind of stuff Meanwhile like somebody like was a Kurt Kurt Russell and you know never got there. Yeah, oh, they're still together Yeah, that's why I don't think it's necessary. I mean you can be together
Starting point is 00:29:20 Yeah, and that have to be married, but you know marriage nowadays, we think of it as a government institution. We need to go ask the government permission to have this marriage license. This is what we consider marriage now. I think that's absolutely fucking ridiculous. I think it's stupid that you ask anybody for permission. You want to be married to someone. It should be what you want it to be, whether it's a religious ceremony or not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:44 It's a religious ceremony. let's keep it that. I think I'm in the same boat and why I say not marriage is because of that simple fact of that. It's so much of a legality. It's something that people wrap in with like, you know, like a mortgage. Right. Right. But you know, family is something that's very, very important to me.
Starting point is 00:30:02 And you know, a lot of guys out there are like, oh, I don't want to get married because I want to have, you know, I want to be able to date as many chicks as I want. Look, there's going to be a point, bro, when you're not going to be able to pick up chicks. When you're gonna be kind of old and bald and you're dicks broken. And then it's nice to have someone
Starting point is 00:30:19 who's going to always be there for you when you're sick or stupid or whatever. So, it goes both ways. And statistically, you know, it shows that married people live longer and have better health because you have that committed partner with you. So I'm not hating it. I'm not forward.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I'm just saying, you know, it's, I guess, to each around and Adam's super quiet. I don't want to say shit. I know I have such an answer for this. Now that you guys are done with Justin's censored answer and Sal's fucking anthropology and fucking evolution lesson, you guys can go ahead turn your radios up inside your car. So, because if I get all mushy gushy,
Starting point is 00:30:54 it's gonna ruin my image. Yeah. That's what that was. I was censoring myself, might I really feel? Because I'm like, hey, bros. Be a bro. You gotta keep that stuff going.
Starting point is 00:31:04 You know, I gotta be like that guy. I can't be like, dude, I love being married. You know what I'm like, hey, bros. Be a bro. You gotta keep that subject up. You know, I gotta be like that guy. I can't be like, dude, I love being married. You know, whatever. I sound like a, you know. So Chris, for sure, here's your unfiltered raw fucking answer to this right here. So, of course, I'm the only one in this room that has not been ever married
Starting point is 00:31:20 and I'm not currently married. Although I've been in the same relationship now for almost five years. So here's my theory on it. This is what I where I why I'm at where I'm at right now other than the fact that probably no one wants to marry me. No, I'm just kidding. My girl probably marry me We hope yeah, we hope we'll find out I'll marry you so and that was the proposal as a trainer. So I started as a trainer when I was 20 years old will you? Oh, fuck
Starting point is 00:31:50 Sorry I'm totally gonna give you trouble His armpits got instantly so Honestly, I know I'm having a talk when I get home So I okay, so I had these I've had clients right so I over a course of you know, whatever It's been almost 15 years of training clients, of training hundreds, probably thousands of people by now. And I used to, I loved, and I know we've talked about this in previous episodes, I love learning from people
Starting point is 00:32:16 and asking questions and not just related to their profession, you know, like, you know, you train thousands of people, I can get a pretty good idea, you know, of this, the age group and, you know, married, unmarried, the pros, you know, you train thousands of people, I can get a pretty good idea, you know, of this, the age group and, you know, married, unmarried the pros, the cons. And I used to just suck all that stuff up and I just love to inquire and ask people, you know, hey, you know, what's your thoughts on, you know, when to get married and this and that.
Starting point is 00:32:39 It was a very common topic for me and clients that I had. And I'll tell you what, every single client I had, I don't care if some of them got some of these clients and they all range from getting married as young as 17 years old to waiting till they're 40 something years old, everything in between kids, no kids, all that stuff. The one thing that I found in common,
Starting point is 00:32:58 this is both men and women that I've trained. The one thing that I found in common, every single one of them, this is how they answer when I ask a question. So I say, you know, hey, what do you, you know, I know you have two kids and your husband and this and that, like, you know, are you glad you guys got married?
Starting point is 00:33:11 You know, when you got married and this and that, this she always, they always go, oh, absolutely. I love my husband. I love my children. I would not trade them in for anything. But, if I could go back and do it all over again, I probably would have waited like five or ten more years It's a way and they like you know five or ten more years so they always everyone always had like this this weight
Starting point is 00:33:32 I would wait a little bit longer wait a little longer, but then I would want to marry them I love them. I love my kids But you know sometimes I feel the soil some oats yeah, and and they're here and this is what I've put together my own life It goes oh, yes, it's oil And this is what I put together my own life goes goes. Oh, yes, it's so I soil my for breakfast. We know we know the Kiki shit. And there's now here's what I've learned. I've learned poop. Here's what I've learned from not being married.
Starting point is 00:34:00 So I actually think, I mean, I'm in my 30s, I'm such a different person. And you got to remember this, man. I mean, I was out of my own at a very early age. I had bought my house by time. I was 21. I was in a career making good money. Very young. So I had to mature pretty fast for a young man growing up because typically we always say, but you weren't mature. Exactly. You know, so I, I, relationship wise, right? Like I hadn't got to that point where I had been through enough relationships, dated enough women, had enough shitty incidents
Starting point is 00:34:34 and had enough great ones to realize what I love, what I don't love. And then in all actuality, what you're really doing is you're learning about yourself at this, at whatever age I think Chris is in his young 20s, early 20s or mid 20s, I believe. I think he's a little bit younger than us, right? Pretty sure he's one of our four.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Well, it's 86, he's probably born in 86. That's probably good call. So he's a little bit younger than we are, right? So, you know, through my 20s, you know, this was a lot of me learning myself. You think you know yourself, and then, you know, you go after something like, and I'll give you an example.
Starting point is 00:35:02 So, you know, in the past, like it was like, you know, I had, I did it a lot of the, like, you know, model type chicks, like that, just were, they walk in a room, everybody breaks next. Perfect. Yeah, exactly. The perfect tens, right? Everybody was just, it was so awesome. Great arm, Candy.
Starting point is 00:35:18 But it's something that I've learned over years and years and years of dating, many, many, many, many, not, there's most of these girls that are like that, that's about as deep as they get. And it's not their fault. And that is deep as you get, you know what I mean? Yeah, right. So it's not their fault because most of their life, they've gotten most things thrown their way
Starting point is 00:35:37 because they're beautiful. Not because they were super intelligent or they had great work ethic or they had this, that a lot of social or self-awareness, it was normally because they were beautiful. So I started to figure out like, you know, okay. So basically you wanna get the hot girl that used to be ugly.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Yes. God. Yes. You can't sit next to Adam as long as I have now and not learn. Oh. You know what I mean? I know.
Starting point is 00:36:01 So there's things that you pick up on. Or the one with like head gear for years. And you also don't want to grow, you know, you also don't want a girl too, who hasn't had her own experience too. She needs to have dated a few shit butts. So when you, when you fuck up along the way, cause you're gonna fuck up your guy, we always do.
Starting point is 00:36:16 We're bound to run into a fucking brick wall soon or later, or do something really stupid. It's in our DNA. It's just how we're made up. Sorry honey. So when you do fuck up and you do act like a fool or you don't, you don't conduct yourself properly. You know what? She doesn't fucking jump down your throat because she goes, you know what? You're still better than those other five guys I fucking dated. You know what
Starting point is 00:36:36 I said? He has all these other redeeming qualities that make up for you need a woman that's well balanced with that. You can't find a 25 year old and I know, I know right now there's girls listening to us that are probably in their early 20s and mid 20s right now They like well, you don't know me and just because you know what if you if you said that shit right now You're definitely not one that you're definitely not right because if you did the head nod in the Me yeah, yeah, it is you know me. I've been married a long time right I got married at 22 So, you know, we actually just had our 14-year wedding anniversary.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Right, so I've been married a long time, especially for someone in my age, and I'll tell you this much, Adam's correct. You are not the same person. And look, if you're going to be married to someone for a long time, you're going to change throughout that marriage. It's just the way it is. You're a human and you grow and you evolve. And the key is to grow and change together
Starting point is 00:37:26 and to work on things together because, I don't care who you are. If you live with your best friend for 30 years, you're eventually gonna wanna kill them. You're eventually gonna wanna never see them again. And unless you work it out, that's what's gonna end up happening. It's just human nature.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Well, you have to have a plan, I mean, even while you're in. And here's, and here's, this is the big myth. Here's a big myth. People think, I'm in love, I love this person so much. I'm always gonna be in love with them. Yeah, you have butterflies forever. No, you're not. There's gonna be times when you are in love with that person.
Starting point is 00:38:00 And there's gonna be times when you're not. And there's gonna be times when you like them. And there's gonna be times when you're gonna fucking hate them. And that's just, that's just the times when you're not. And there's gonna be times when you like them. And there's gonna be times when you're gonna fucking hate them. And that's just the way it is. But you, if you, you have the value. It's a value relationship. Right. And you gotta value the family unit
Starting point is 00:38:11 or value that relationship enough to work through those and to be open about those things. Otherwise, it just won't work. Well, marriage is a lot like couples tennis. I mean, that's pretty much how it is. And like you're saying right now, like you're gonna get better with the game as you continue to play, right? And hopefully if you're both playing the game, you're going to evolve together. But it bodes
Starting point is 00:38:31 well for you to get really good at tennis. As far as you start fucking picking up a partner to play tennis, because if you try and come in and you're pretty shitty at playing tennis and your partner's really good at playing tennis and you try to be a team and play couple of tennis together, one's always going gonna be way ahead of the other one and you're always gonna have these fucking problems. So you're always better off working on your tennis game. Get really fucking good at it. Let your partner, whoever your future partner is.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Really good at tennis. Then you guys meet together and you've got like an awesome like serve overhand serve. Exactly. It's like killer. So if you meet a girl you really like and she's had like 30 to 50 sexual partners, she's had a lot of practice. Yes, she's somebody want to marry. She's been in that's Wimbledon. That's the opposite of what I've read and heard. So that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:15 That's why you have to learn how to read studies because a lot of these studies that come out are fucking backward. Shit. I'll tell you right now. Because do not be. Yeah, I can take notes. It's like couple of times. Adam's like, you see that sled over there? She'll make a great wife. She's a killer. She's a killer overhands. I mean, I mean, yeah, she's crafted a lot of things in that time.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Do you get it? I mean, tell me you get that. No, I hear what you're saying. I don't know what the actual numbers are in terms of who's more likely to stay together if someone has had a lot of partners before, if they got married young, or didn't get married young. I do know getting married too young.
Starting point is 00:39:54 You have a higher chance of a rate of divorce. But I think there's a lot of cultural factors also. I do know that in some countries, and I'm talking about Western modern countries, because we could obviously go to some of the backwards countries where people don't get divorced, but that's because if they do, you know, the woman will get killed or something, you know, crazy like that. But in the modern Western societies, you have some cultures that have a really low
Starting point is 00:40:15 divorce rate in comparison, like Italy, for example, for a long time had a divorce rate that was like 10 to 15% lower than a lot of countries. I think part of that is the cultural, the culture over there is much more, they definitely value the family unit very, very strongly in the past. Now I think it's changing quite a bit, but in the past. And they're also more forgiving for shit.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Like, you know, if you, you know, you're in a marriage and you fuck up real bad, let's say, you know, infidelity or something horrible, you get it, you know, addicted to drugs or whatever. You know, the attitude here is very, very quick. It's very much like, leave that person. They did that, that's it. You know, you got to, you can't be with them anymore.
Starting point is 00:41:00 In other cultures, the family's valued so much that it's like, okay, they fucked up, like, what are you going to do? How are you going to work this out? How are you guys going to work together to solve this problem? So, you know, there's a lot of cultural factors that go into that as well. And of course, on an individual basis, it's how much you value that stuff. For me, family, you know, family is very important. But in a lot of these cultures stuff is changing. Italy, people don't get married anymore. I sort of got people move into it together. They is changing. Italy people don't get married anymore. I mean, people move into together.
Starting point is 00:41:25 They have one kid and they don't get married. It's just, it's really strange how things are changing. So there's a lot of things that go into it. Yeah. I mean, society in general is changing. Yeah. So yeah, Doug, you had, you had some more, more stuff for us. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:39 We get a lot of questions every week. And a lot of people don't get their questions answered. Okay. Yeah. So what we have today is called the speed round. Speed round. Speed round. questions every week. And a lot of people don't get their questions answered. Okay, yeah. So what we have today is called the speed round. Speed round. Speed round.
Starting point is 00:41:49 This is gonna be so hard for Sal Doug. I know. This is gonna be so hard. Peace cake for me. Well, we set up this chair so that has a shocker. So we just push the button and it zaps him. Oh, that was. Yeah, so it goes over a minute.
Starting point is 00:42:04 We're gonna zap it. Okay, so no less, less than a minute answer. Okay, so no, the less, the less in a minute answer. Okay, so all answers have to be short. Short, short of that. Very short, short of a minute. And let's start with the first one. Jamie Crisis, best headphones to rock in the gym. Sal can't even answer this.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Sal can't answer this. Yeah, beats, come on, beats, beats all the way. I know. Beats, beats, beats, beats, dude. Beats all the way. I know. Beats all the way. Beats, beats, beats. Okay. Jamie Crisis, next question.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Do you think we might see Mind Pump at the Arnold Fitness Expo next March? Get us there, man. Yeah, that's all the way it up. Where's it? Idaho. Yeah, I hope. Columbus. No, Columbus, Ohio.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Is Ohio? Yeah, Ohio. Ohio. Oh, I always get the two key views. That's awesome. One has potatoes, one has the Arnold Classic. That's the part. I think it Yeah, Ohio. Ohio. I always get the two confused. One has potatoes, one has the Arnold Classic. I think it would be fun to go. I think so, but I think we all would be at Olympia first together before we made our way out the Arnold.
Starting point is 00:42:53 That's my opinion. Yeah. Then this year I think these guys are missing Olympia with me again. Okay. Next question. And I'm going to screw up this name. It's luctor.a.emergo. Oh, yeah, we know her.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Okay, favorite Olympia candidates. What is what? Do you even know who those are? Next question. No, no, no, don't we know isn't Nicole going? No, oh, oh, she's probably talking about the Mr. Olympia. Oh, I don't know. Well, she's me.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Why don't you just talk about people? I like silly. I like Phil Heath for Mr. Olympia. By Sips. Yeah, I'm looking forward to the, you know, Ky green and Phil Heath battling him out again. I'm also looking forward to. I don't think Ky will ever win that, by the way. I disagree. I like Phil.
Starting point is 00:43:32 I think that it's going to be a good little battle this year. I think Jeremy Boindia and Sadiq for men's physique is going to be fun to watch. And then we're rooting for our girl Nicole to hold it down for men's physique is going to be fun to watch. And then we're rooting for our girl Nicole to hold it down for women's bikini. Yeah, girl. Next question, Mike underscore prelude. Brand name or generic brand supplements.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Does it really matter? Oh, that's a good question actually. Repu, I would go with that. She's not Walgreens. I would go with the reputable. I would definitely go with the reputable. Yes, for sure, reputable. And here's why.
Starting point is 00:44:05 The reason why is because a lot of the ones that are off brand or generic do not go through the same policies and procedures. Lots of filler in there. Yeah, we know this for a fact. They've tested supplement. I do mention Walgreens. I know for a fact because I used to work
Starting point is 00:44:18 in a mixing company where as a kid, we used to scoop the protein powder in the fucking barrels. And sometimes you get a half the scoop in there. Sometimes you get a quarter scoop and we were the ones actually mixing it and pouring the big bags. And sometimes you get most of the bag in there and you get three quarters of another bag. So, you know, the ratios are not 100, they don't have to be because they're not regulated. It's a it's a supplement company. So they don't they don't I would go more reps.
Starting point is 00:44:43 So you're better off going with a big name that you know is putting that extra one in a minute. I think. Yeah. Well, I didn't ask you. I didn't zap. Next question. 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Yeah. Next question. Philly underscore Renee. How to pick a good competition prep coach. That's for you, Adam. Don't just. Yeah. I mean, probably reach out to just, yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:45:07 probably reach out to one of us. I mean, fuck, we can help you out like that. Yeah, good answer. Good answer, good answer. I feel like my family's gonna answer. All right, we got some questions from Mitchell Cochran. Yeah, Mitchell. Mitchell. Thanks, Justin.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Thank you. My son just started T-Ball, warm up and stretches recommended to avoid shoulder problems. I have from years of baseball. You guys should check out that stick mobility. I brought them on. They got a lot of good stuff for dynamic flexibility, range of motion work. I like Indian clubs specifically. I keep showing those.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Yeah, especially those clubs, because then I can disco, disco all night. Um, but what I'm trying to say is Indian clubs, and maybe I'll have like some in high volume, so I might be able to, you know, hook you guys up down the road. So you guys can experience some of those next exercises. Next question from Mitchell. Easy bar versus barbell curls, doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Oh, okay. Yes, straight bar curls hand is slightly more supinated. Easy bar curls hand is slightly less supinated. Which one's better? Which one ever, whichever one feels better? Yeah, everybody has different attachments. It feels, for me, a complete straight bar. Yeah, if I go complete straight bar curls,
Starting point is 00:46:21 I end up, it does bother my wrist event. Pro and next rotation. Pro and next rotation. Pro and next generation. All right, Mitchell, one more. When foam rolling, do you relax muscles as much as possible? Yes. Foam rolling guide coming out. Yes, you should relax muscles and yes, eventually we will release the guide. Focus on your breathing, real deep breaths, trying to hit as much oxygen to the muscles
Starting point is 00:46:40 possible. So yeah, it's important that you stay in an area. Do not roll it like dough, like you see most people do. No, just go on a position, hold's important that you stay in an area. Do not roll it like dough. Like you see most people do. No, just go on a position, hold it. Let me make that sink in. And drill it. Yep. Next question. I don't know if I can say this guy's name
Starting point is 00:46:52 because it has a naughty word in it. But I will. Be his booper. Ooh, Justin. Be his favorite. 500 days of fuck you. This is high calorie foods. I'm having trouble being able to eat in a surplus.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Oh, dense. High full fat. Like quite recommended foods, I'm having trouble being able to eat in a surplus. Oh, dense high fat like quite recommended food. I think this is, you know, high fats, things in high fats. Exactly. Yeah, high fats, but, you know, if you're
Starting point is 00:47:14 supersatial. Yeah, the high fat foods sometimes. So this is the strategy. The strategy is to eat clean and lean most of your day and get air all your stuff that you need in your body as clean as you possibly can, and then pile on the saturated fats later after. Just great point, next question.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Yeah. Just a few. This is from a sporty girl. From lifting dumbbells, my right hand has been hurting me for the past couple weeks. The grip strength is not there, stirring, opening jars, et cetera. There hurts after a bit to hold a fist, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:48 What can I do, it's a question. Try Mastermitting with your left hand instead of the string. 40 girl. Oh, I guess it could. It could be. It's too much cheating. Double click, double click, come out. Double click, come out,
Starting point is 00:47:57 double left hand. Digi, digi, digi. I know, but they don't typically make a fist. Oh, what? Well, actually, that was a question. Oh my god. Well, actually actually does. I stand corrected. That with left field. When I masturbate a self-fist. Okay. This is from I think I don't think we help you at all. No. No. Do you have some like real? No. Try massing with your left hand
Starting point is 00:48:23 and get back to us on the next Q. All right. I think just yeah. Thanks for trying again. All right. Next one is Sherman Goether. I think it's pronounced kear.c K-I-E-R. How often should you get a massage to benefit performance versus aesthetics? Is there ever a time when too much pressure could be detrimental? Too much pressure aesthetics. Too much pressure you can bruise, definitely. What is that? Depending on how much you train, I would say, between once a month to once or twice a week from massage.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Next, raging underscore wheezy, underscore gains, 88 underscore, sumo deadlifts versus conventional deadlifts, any significant difference. Conventional deadlifts, you're gonna get more of the back. With sumo deadlift, you're gonna get more of the back. With the sumo deadlift, you're gonna get more hips. And just pick your preference. It's not that big of a difference. You'll find more often than not that one is gonna be matched.
Starting point is 00:49:17 One's gonna be more natural for someone and then a different one. Yeah, so some people, it's whatever one does more comfortable. You'll stick to that one. Yeah, if it fits you. Yep. All right. Lala lifts double underscore. Do you all track your workouts? Notebooks, apps, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:49:31 No. I'm not erotic. 90 more. No, not anymore. Yeah, initially, yeah. Yeah, I don't track anymore. Shit. All right.
Starting point is 00:49:41 This one is the real gene 91. What are your thoughts on calisthenics in general? Good or not? Calisthenics can be great. Should they replace weights? No, definitely not. Dude, movement. I mean, he's just asking, yeah, movement is good.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Next question. Mandy Lynn underscore fit. How to find a good powerlifting coach if you're brand new to the sport. Google's pretty good. Yeah, you're We're not very helpful. Google mood. Well, I know. I mean, it's okay. Next question. All right, Alan ranch 89. Did you ever Did you ever conduct your race a town experiment? That's right. That did happen. We did we did try some people got headaches. I got it all got awesome. That was a question.
Starting point is 00:50:26 That's just like it. Yeah, just like that. Yeah, I got a headache from it. Yeah. Yeah. Nice. You're a legend. Reggie underscore Aloha. This one is directed to you. Adam, during your physique competitions, have you experienced any mind games from other competitors? Like them trying to psych you out and throw you off your game. No, if anybody were to do that, that actually would be me talking with you. You're puny. I would probably fuck with a competitor before they get,
Starting point is 00:50:52 first of all, there's not very many competitors that could even fuck with me because most competitors don't know what they're doing. They're following some coach you told them what to do. So I'm the guy in the back who's like, what? Your coach told you to do that? Why would he do that?
Starting point is 00:51:02 Oh, and then you fuck with them. Yeah, so you're silly. I would be the one to fuck with someone. They wouldn't fuck with me because most of those guys are just following what they've been told by somebody else. So that would be me who'd be fucking with them. Excellent. Champs PD.
Starting point is 00:51:15 How did you guys meet and why when did you decide to start a podcast? Well, we all met at, what is that? What is that highway? Anyway, it was a rest stop. And there were bushes and stuff was going on. And the truck stop. We did a whole episode on this side.
Starting point is 00:51:33 I know who asked that question. I know who asked that question. Is it the origin stories? Somebody had a glory hole, right? It was on. So yeah, go back to like episode 30, between 30 and 50, I think somewhere around there, we did a, we did a, or maybe even sooner than that, maybe around the 20s actually.
Starting point is 00:51:49 We did early on, very early on, we did an episode all around how we all met each other and how we started this. Odd rockin' egg. What advice can you give someone who is starting their own personal training business? Mmm, that's a lot of faith. That's faith.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Yeah. All right. Now, you know what? Go to all the local businesses around small businesses, offer to train, offer free sessions to the owners of the businesses as long as their owner operated because they will refer a shitload of people to you. How about listen to every mind pump episode? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Listen to it already. That'd be a good start. And then get good at online marketing. Next, little underscore fit shark. Should women take creatine when trying to lean out, but maintain muscle? Sure, yeah, creatine more. Yeah, I read one study not that long ago that it said perhaps creatine might,
Starting point is 00:52:41 and this study was kind of vague that it might reduce the fat burning property, but then on other studies the fat burning property, but then on other studies or fat burning process, but then on other studies it showed that people who took reteen were got leaner faster and it's probably it's probably because it's inter-reported. Well, it helps to build muscle, which is gonna help you get. I would assume that the theory behind that is that creatine's gonna help you replenish
Starting point is 00:53:00 your ATP and ADP, which is basically your stored energy. So if it's gonna help you replenish that at a faster rate, you, you could train harder, but also it could diminish how fast you would tap into your fat stores is the next primary source, right? So maybe that's, but you're splitting hairs, right? It could be your splitting hairs because all the studies show that creating contributes to fat loss and muscle gain. Yeah, well, you're exactly then it's countered by the muscle you get from it.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Yeah. So take it. All right. John L. V. VII, this is to you, Adam. A lot of the members on the forum have been wondering how you have taken maps. Does that stop breathing? Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:38 And personalize it, essentially. Pretty much I took it and then did anabolic steroids to it. Pretty much I just it and then did anabolic steroids to it pretty much just added like 250 milligrams to foster them in there that's pretty much what I know I we're coming out with either a a guide or we're going to do a webinar what Sal talked about where I can kind of go in detail and I know you're getting ready for a show so maybe I can talk more about it on my periscope for you, bro. But because it's not a short answer.
Starting point is 00:54:08 A lot more time in front of the mirror. Next question. This is more with lots, I believe. My question is for sale. What made you come to California? Yeah, because back in the old country, you know, tells me tell us what the main part that wasn't really you see I have a dream to make a pizza parlor I come to America and I learn English from SpongeBob
Starting point is 00:54:37 And I speak so possibly Yeah, that's something to eatija and Kermit and a kid? Yeah, so eat some pizza, bye. I didn't come to California. I was actually born here. So my parents came to California. And they came here because of the opportunity presented by this country which allows you to work really hard and succeed and they wanted to offer that opportunity to their children and so thank you mom and dad and
Starting point is 00:55:10 that's that's pretty much it. Yeah. All right. Final question of the speed round. Final question song begins now. Doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh doh do Reynolds 23 How important asleep dover all health fitness and progress in the gym ways to improve quality of sleep It's one of the top probably five things. That's important 30% of your life. Yeah, so Have to improve the quality of your sleep Make it make off before you go to bed. Oh, we're done. Thanks for
Starting point is 00:55:45 tuning in. We appreciate it. Have trouble sleeping. Justin will come to your house and give you a hand job. Hey guys, don't forget leaves are milk and jerk in it. Leave some reviews on iTunes for us. Help us climb the charts. Thanks for listening to Mind Pump. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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