Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1464: Listener Live Coaching (Q&A)

Episode Date: January 9, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions via Zoom. The guys on their current body composition, Justin’s aesthetic goal & MORE. (4:50) Having ‘the talk�...� with your kids. (10:04) Adam’s happiest day as a father. (15:20) The contrast of drinking with Zbiotics versus without it. (20:53) Mind Pump on the future of the gym industry, the types of gyms that will survive the lockdowns, advice for trainers & MORE. (24:11) Why you shouldn’t sit too close to the TV without your Felix Gray glasses. (36:30) #Quah question #1 – I have lost some muscle mass and gained some body fat over the past eight weeks. Would it be better to run something like MAPS Anabolic first or jump into a strength specific program? (41:59) #Quah question #2 – I'm running MAPS Powerlift right now. How does the 1-rep max calculation work? After you run the 11 weeks, how would you go back and calculate your new max to see how much progress you have made? (48:38) #Quah question #3 – My wife is pregnant. How should I be structuring my workouts pre-baby? During the sleepless nights once he is born? (56:02) #Quah question #4 – Do you have any insight on these ‘anabolic diets’ from these YouTube personalities? Are there any long-term detriments from them? (1:01:57) Related Links/Products Mentioned December Special (Extended until Jan. 10th, 2021): 3 MAPS Bundles for your level of fitness! Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Gyms aren’t coming back. Here’s how you’ll work out in the future Mind Pump #1390: The State Of The Gym Industry With UFC Gym President Adam Sedlack Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! MAPS Fitness Anabolic - Mind Pump Media Sore muscles…what does it mean? - Mind Pump Blog MAPS Powerlift - Mind Pump Media MAPS Strong | MAPS Fitness Products - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Pollack, Ph.D. (@phdeadlift)  Instagram Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, ob-mite, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You are listening to the number one fitness, health, and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pup. Now, in today's episode, we answer live questions asked by people who listen to the podcast. So they called in, ask us fitness questions, and we assess them and answer them live on air. So you get to listen to that.
Starting point is 00:00:31 But before we do, we actually do an intro portion in the episode where we talk about current events, we bring up scientific studies, we have fun conversation, and we mention our sponsors. Today's intro portion was 45 minutes long. In that intro portion, we start out by talking about Justin's six pack goals. He's trying to get a sexy midsection. Watch out everybody.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Could he get more attractive? We'll see what happens. Then we talk about the talk with our kids. My daughter's in fifth grade, Justin's son is about the same age and we're having the talk with them now. So we get to learn about sex and all that. The sturds and the bees. Then Adam talked about his son showing his basketball skills,
Starting point is 00:01:08 warmed his heart, warmed his heart. But number one moment in his child's life so far. Yeah. Then we talked about drinking in Tahoe, Justin had a hangover because he forgot to use one of our sponsors, shame, Zbiotics. Now Zbiotics is a genetically modified probiotic.
Starting point is 00:01:25 You take before you drink alcohol. Now, what these special bacteria do is they actually break down some of the negative compounds that are produced by drinking alcohol. It's a patented product and it's crazy effective. You take it before you drink. The next day you feel way better, this stuff is phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Try it out, just try it out, you'll be sold. And of course, if you use the Mind Pump Discount, you get a huge, Mind Pump code, excuse me, you get a huge discount. Just go to zbiotics.com, forward slash Mind Pump, and then use the code Mind Pump for the 10% off discount. Then I talk about an article by Fast Company, talking about the future of gyms and fitness.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Very interesting statistics in there. So we have some good conversation there. Adam talks about his massive TV that's way too close to his face in his house. And he gives him headaches when he forgets to wear blue light blocking glasses. Now our favorite company of blue light blocking glasses is Felix Gray.
Starting point is 00:02:19 We like them because they're not orange or red, so they don't change the color of everything. You can still be cool. They're very effective And they're stylish and of course because you listen to mine pump you get a discount We actually have five percent off with the mine pump code go check them out go to Felix Gray glasses Dotcom that's f-e-l-i-x-g-r-a-y glasses dot com forward slash mine pump use the code mine pump for five percent off By the way
Starting point is 00:02:45 there's free returns and exchanges so you can try them out and see how you feel about them after that we got into live portion we answered questions from four people we talked to amber from California and drew from New York will from Texas and Stephen from Montana great Missouri thank you Doug for that I I don't know my abbreviations there. Montezary. Great time answering those live questions and we'll be doing these episodes once a week. Look, one more thing I wanna mention,
Starting point is 00:03:15 we have extended our December bundle promotion throughout this month up until the 10th. Okay, so here's what we did. We took multiple workout programs and combined them for different types of people. They're called bundles. Each one of these bundles is nine plus months of workouts planned out for you.
Starting point is 00:03:33 So for over nine months, everything set up for you. You're exercise, you're sets, you're wraps, what body parts you're working every day. There's video demos in each of the programs. So if you wanna look up an exercise, you can learn how to do it properly. Everything spelled out for you.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Here's the three bundles. The first one is for beginners. It's called the new to weight lifting bundle. So if you're just getting started or you haven't worked out for a few months or six months, start there. The next one is for intermediate lifters. It's called the body transformation bundle.
Starting point is 00:04:00 So if you've been working out for six months consistently, a year consistently, that's a good one for you. Now, if you've been working out for six months consistently, a year consistently, that's a good one for you. Now, if you've been working out more than a year consistently in your advanced, try the New Year Extreme Intensity Bundle. That's a great one to take it to the next level. By the way, all of them include one year of free access to our private forums. So you can ask people questions about your workouts, you can post videos of your exercises and get critique on your form. You can have fun sharing funny memes. And Adam, just in my self periodically appear on there as well,
Starting point is 00:04:31 answering questions. So it's a great place to be. It's normally $99. It's free for the first year if you sign up for any of those bundles. Now to learn more or to just sign up, all you have to do is go to mapsdysember.com. That's the word maps, M-A-P-S, December.com. What are you called, Doug, a snack. He's a snack, man. He's not a full meal. Yeah, yeah. No, not quite.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Just a snack. So it's Justin, then. Yeah, Justin's a super-sniper dinner. I'm turkey dinner. What are you, bro? You're gonna have your slot. You know, I'm a fave. I'm totally fave. He'm a fame. I'm totally I
Starting point is 00:05:07 Fuck off. He's a family of four. I've been totally back in place I've been totally projecting my own insecurities on Justin all the last year. I know they called him fat But really I knew it. I'm in the worst shape. Sure. Just I like how Justin just gives you space I mean he's let you yeah, he knows that, that's why. I know what you're doing. I feel bad. He knows he can make me cry. Yeah, we're all, it's at any moment. Yeah, I'm like, hold back, that could have hurt his feelings.
Starting point is 00:05:33 You're gonna let him keep calling me fat. It's okay. We all tip the scales a little bit, didn't we? Yeah. Yeah, you're pushing white, too, right? So, now, okay, comparing yourself to other versions of yourself, where would you say you are currently right now? Mm-hmm, yeah, that's a good question.
Starting point is 00:05:51 I think I'm on the way back to almost feeling like I'm somewhat normal, right? Like I feel like I have abilities again, my strength's coming back, but it's been a while. It actually being less consistent and then going back into consistency was like a shell shock for me. I'm like, wow, I was really like not in, you know, condition like I used to be.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Yeah, your body changed fast. It's stupid, it's just like, just, oh, let's just put attention here. Yeah, see what happens. No, for me, the heaviest I ever, ever got was I think 235. So 232.35. So 220 for me is getting up there, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I haven't been 220 in years. Wait, wait, doesn't matter. I've been 220 and been in amazing shape and I've been 220 in some of my worst shape, right? So like when I did that, when I did a transformation, I was 212 and 20% body. So that was a worst shape I'd ever been in, right? So like when I did that, when I did a transformation, I was two 12 and 20% body. So that was a worse shape I'd ever been in, right? Two 12, 20% body fat. So I have a total different body composition right now. So I definitely, I'm heavier, right? I was
Starting point is 00:06:55 230. How do you do the body fat test? We should. Yeah. I mean, what's the point? Yeah, what's the point? I mean, the highest score is not the winner to that. Well, I like it still for tightening things up, right? Because, you know, as I start to, and I'm not there yet, right, when I start tracking and really getting diligent with the nutrition, I like to have a body fat percentage. It doesn't matter to me either. I don't, you know, everybody argues over like, what's more accurate? All, all like, it's just like the step counter bullshit
Starting point is 00:07:27 and all the Fitbit stuff. Like, all I care is that I have a tool that kind of gives me guidance on, oh wow, I just adjusted something in my diet, my routine. According to what I think should happen, I should be down a few percent or whatever. And if I'm up, then it's always this red flag that, okay, I went too far. I'm actually interested in pursuing some aesthetic goals for this year,
Starting point is 00:07:48 but I know. I know. It's weird, but I'm too much sexiness. But it's like, I realized like through all this, I was, I had at least like pains in my, my hips and I was starting to really, you know, start complaining about the same thing over and over again. And I was still a boost. You know, like it was just getting annoying. I couldn't, I couldn't move the same. And so it really was just a lack of strength and just letting it sort of go. So you are you gonna get a six pack?
Starting point is 00:08:16 Yeah, stupid. I'll say it right now. No, you are not. I'm gonna say it. Don't say that. I'm not gonna say it. You're gonna send it. It's out there.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Yeah, I am. I'm gonna have six packs. Have you ever had a full-on six back? Yeah, when I was like playing sports and I didn't care when he was seven We do a yes to say we just a kid. Yes to say doesn't care. I've never I've never actively tried to have what if that makes sense But I did have well it's danger apparently it's harder than becoming a millionaire so They say kind of a big deal bro. Yeah, it's kind of a big deal, bro. It's kind of a big deal to have abs. You'll look, that's for people that, you know, don't try. You'll look crazy with the six back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:51 You know, when you get down to 10%, and you start to go below that, it starts to get weird. Well, it's like before, I just didn't, it didn't have any appeal to me, because I always felt like I'm just getting smaller. You're already too attractive, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I don't want all that it takes. It's like, let's do my, I'm already like a nine and a Yeah. I don't want all that it takes is like, it's too much. I'm already like a nine and a half. I don't want to have to go. Just gonna start with mid drift bearing shirt. You used to rock those, right? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Fishnet, bring back the fishnet and mid drift. Did you really? Yeah, because football, that was popular. Well, yeah, because it basically, it just went, yeah, the pads would go down to there. And so I would wear that. And I'd walk to practice with this stupid, like, you know, half-cut shirt.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And, you know, I got some attention for that. And then you think I was. Hey, girls, you know where the football field is? Yeah. It's so silly, because I was watching Rocky. I mean, you remember Rocky when they, Rocky, remember? Of course.
Starting point is 00:09:42 No, when Apollo, he's wearing that little shirt. I was like, I used to wear those. I know. Rocky three, that was a good one. They were watching it. They were watching up in Tahoe this weekend. Really? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Oh, well, my kids love Rocky deal. You guys should make a deal, really bad. Do they really? Yeah. So, do they watch the one with the Russian? Yeah. We've watched all of them. That's the best one for kids.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I showed that one on my son, he was just like this. But I got a story for So Forest Gump, right? So. He was just like, but I got a story though, so for us Gump, right? So, you know, there's, I was a little bit like I was fast forwarding scenes. I was gonna say there's a couple parts you guys are people that are a little, you had in the drugs and, you know, sex and stuff. I fast forwarded that,
Starting point is 00:10:16 but when one of the scenes came up and I was like, okay, and I started fast forwarded and Everett was kind of closing his eyes and then kind of, you know, Ethan was like, why are you fast forwarding? And then he's closing his eyes and then kind of, you know, Ethan was like, why are you fast forward and then he's like, oh, and he gives me the signal and he does this.
Starting point is 00:10:31 No, I was dying laughing, and then he made the little okay sign, and he puts finger through. Oh my gosh. I was like, he's so cocky now that we had the talk that like he thinks like he knows everything. Yeah, it's like an inside thing between dad and I. Of course, you and I were dying, we're dying.
Starting point is 00:10:49 It's like when he found out Santa wasn't real. Yeah, I know dad. Yeah, yeah. Right? His sleigh. He's saying I had to slommy right now. He's gonna shimmy his way down the chimney. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I'm about to have that talk with my daughter. Cause she's your. Yeah, she's in fifth grade. Yeah, it's time. You don't hand that over to the wife for that one? No, I mean, I want to be very, I want to have a relationship with both my kids where I can go.
Starting point is 00:11:12 No, I'm not saying. Whether they talked or went on, I'm a bit upset. Oh, okay, so I mean, I would think that I would, in that case, she would have it first and then you would... I'm better at it. I'm serious, yeah. Because I don't...
Starting point is 00:11:22 Now, does she, just see, can see that or does that just your opinion? So my ex, not really very good, because she gets all weird about it. Like it's all, makes it uncomfortable. Yeah, I'm very frank. Because I feel like if you talk to your kids that way,
Starting point is 00:11:35 they won't think it's some crazy. I've learned to do that. That didn't come naturally, but I've definitely learned to do that. Yeah, so my daughter's so naive, like she's way more naive than my son was. So I brought it up, in fact, I was training my daughter so naive like she's way more than I even than my son was and so I brought it up I in fact I was training my kids
Starting point is 00:11:47 over the weekend and we're doing a workout and I said oh, I said you're in fifth grade That means you guys are gonna learn about sex and puberty and my daughter's like I don't want to know Don't tell me anything. I said honey. You're gonna learn this. It's important stuff to know I said you know you're gonna learn about you about your period because you'll be getting that soon and what that is and this and that. Yeah. I don't wanna know any of that stuff. You know, that's the shoes saying me.
Starting point is 00:12:10 But we gonna sit down and talk with her. Oh, yeah. I'm gonna force you to listen to it. I, because I don't want her to have that attitude about it. Now, do you, so there's lots of books around this. Like, there's books that you read to them. Do you guys use any tools like that? Or you just like,
Starting point is 00:12:21 talks on the charts and the cuff. You just talk to them. Yeah, presentation. Could they'll walk up in your grapefruit speedo underwear? What? Yeah, it's just as a diagram. But a great way to traumatize my career at all. How do you bring it up a talk to her about how you're not using any sort of reference whatsoever
Starting point is 00:12:40 when talking to you? Sit down. This is what I do with my son. We sat down and I said, okay, so you did sex ed in class, what they teach you. Oh, they taught me about the sperm and the egg and I said, huh. Do you know how the sperm gets to the egg? Oh, and he's like, well, I think the penis does this
Starting point is 00:12:53 and I said, okay, well, here's what happens. And I'm just very frank. I tell him about the erection. So you'll wait until she's gone through that before is what you're saying. Yeah, I'll wait until she starts it. Okay. Because then they're gonna,
Starting point is 00:13:04 because then I can, that's what I meant. She's got to have a reference to someone that. Sure. So you talk about these things that you never what you're saying. I'll wait until she starts it. Okay. Because then they're gonna, because then I can, that's what I meant. You gotta have a reference to some of that. Sure. So you talk about these things that you never heard over. Sure. You know, a lot of them. But she's funny.
Starting point is 00:13:11 So my son was very much, and my son's like this, he'll just ask whatever, you know, he comes up to me and he goes, hey dad, what's the LSD like? Or why do people do it? He'll ask me questions like that. So when I talk to a bot sex,
Starting point is 00:13:19 he goes, why do people do it? Why do they like to do it so much? I'm like, is it feels really good? He's like, it does. Now, when you ask, when he asks questions like this, do you just answer? Yep, frankly, or do you, and you don't ask, like, why do you ask? Or like, where that came from? I ask, I answer very frankly, and I give them the information that is pertinent to it. I gotta have to go over above and beyond.
Starting point is 00:13:38 But I answer it, and just again, I want that relationship to where they're not embarrassed. Yeah, I try to stay as matter fact as possible and really not like overdo the education of it, like let them come in with the questions because yeah, he hasn't really gone over that much in detail in terms of the reproductive system and all that. So I've had to kind of like dance with it a little bit and wait for him to be interested.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Now you guys use the real words too. You can't say things like weiner and wait for him to be interested. Now you can use the real words too. You can't say things like weiner and whatever, yes, a penis vagina. The whole thing. Now in your house, do you handle that, Justin, or does Courtney help too with that? Yeah, well, I mean, so far it's just been me
Starting point is 00:14:16 because we had a long trip down Palm Desert and we separated, we had two different cars and so I felt it was a good opportunity to kind of just spark conversation. And I had been kind of telling him ahead of time that we should talk. And this is part of a curriculum. You're going to learn about all this stuff. And if you have questions, feel free to ask me. And so I just kind of like slowly brought it up and was trying to see if there's an interest
Starting point is 00:14:41 in talking. And then finally, and there wasn't. And then maybe an hour and you started to ask me questions, and those, you know. One of the first signs, too, is when your kid starts to have BL. That's like one of the first signs. So that happened. I remember my little sister that we had to have her get
Starting point is 00:14:55 deodorant when she was like third grade. That was the first, that was when we knew it was like right around the corner for her, because also, we were like, Yeah, some girls get their period really early. I insist, what's up? You gotta get some deodorant. Yeah, it's just all of a sudden because when the kids, if they sweat a lot,
Starting point is 00:15:06 I mean, they could smell or, sure, but they don't have BL. Yeah, it's a very distinct. It's a very different smell for sure. Yeah, all of a sudden, you're with your kid, you're like onions. Oh, shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Here we go. Horn Mounds are changing. Hey, speaking of the kids, I think yesterday may have been one of my happiest days as a father, I think, close to for sure. What happened really? Yeah, my heart was just filled with so much joy, dude. So yesterday, I'm in the living room, right?
Starting point is 00:15:35 And you know, you were talking to the day cell about recognizing the leaps that the kids make. And I can totally tell, like now, right? Like when he's having a leap, you just all said the words that he's trying to say are much more clear, or he's pointing and recognizing things, or he's doing something physically that he couldn't do before. So we're one of these leaps, and I've been really nervous, right? So like quietly nervous.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I don't say much about it, but, you know, of course, you guys know that I want my board to play basketball like more than anything. Yeah. That's like just the fact that I love the sport so much in Katrina does too. Like, it's like, please God, please just let him just let him like it. No, one reason why you've got with the American Katrina. Right, right. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:16 You know, and then the same type too, I'm like, oh, so cautious as a father to not like overly do it, right? So I don't want to like rub it in his face or constantly pushing him. It's like, let him do his own thing. And he's naturally gravitated to music, dude. He just loves to watch music. He loves to listen to it. He's dancing right now.
Starting point is 00:16:33 He's trying to learn to snap his fingers. He's into the guitar. Someone's playing. And so, no interest in the balls, really. And just recently he's been starting to grab him here in the studio, he'll go pick up the basketball, and I'm like, oh yes, maybe. Maybe. And so for Christmas, when a Katrina's friends got
Starting point is 00:16:51 a little basketball hoop, and he's now put it together like what you do with it. So yesterday he was dunking the basketball and shooting it in the hoop dude. And I was just like, inside just like balling. I know, you said so. So you said so just for the listeners, he sends a video to us, right?
Starting point is 00:17:06 Of his boy, you know, put them, and what did you say? Something like, look at his footwork on the second duck. It's terrible. And I'm like, he definitely has his mom's genetics. Well, she's a D1, she was a high level basketball player. Yeah, she had a full ride, right? Which by the way, I made a mistake on where, right?
Starting point is 00:17:23 We just did, we just did you questions, right? On people from our live ride, right? Which by the way, I made a mistake on where, right? We just did, we just did you questions, right? People from our live quatt, right? That we have coming up. And it was Cal State Fuller Disemphasis. It was, it's that right? It's that right? I'm sorry, Doug. So it was Cal State Northridge.
Starting point is 00:17:38 And the person was Cal State Fuller, and I was texting Katrina, oh hey, just talked to somebody who went to your school. She's like, you do know that I went to Northridge. Oh man. I'm gonna hear about that. Oh yeah, no, I'll do forever. Yeah, I'll get you for sure.
Starting point is 00:17:51 But yeah, I was so, man, yesterday was, and he did, did he shot one like from distance, dude? So his footwork looked good, like his follow through looked good. Like it just, we're just starting. Come on. Genetic program. I, I, I, you start to see these things in your kids, you know?
Starting point is 00:18:05 Like my son was watching YouTube videos on physics and the universe and we're having these like theoretical conversations and Jessica's in the background listening and she's like really into it. And we're going back and then we start debating religion, which he's a fucker because he debates like I do, right? He just goes at it.
Starting point is 00:18:23 So him and our back and forth and I try not to pull out the dad card, you know? No, I know, right? He just goes at it. So him and him are back and forth, and I try not to pull out the dad card. No, I know, but you know, I'm your father. I have wisdom. Yeah, exactly. You can't do that, dude. No, so we're just, I let him, you know, because I think it's good.
Starting point is 00:18:33 I think it's a good way to develop your, your base skills, your discussion skills, and so we're going back and forth, and I'm like, oh, there it is. That's that annoying part of me, that's it. I can't do that. You love doing that, so anyway. Hey, Adam, you say you use Instacart a lot, right?
Starting point is 00:18:47 Yeah, order food. Do they get your order right ever? Yeah, so there's definitely some drawbacks of this, right? I mean, it's like what, new or technology for us. So never, not once have I had a correct order. Really? Not one time. No, we ordered six potatoes.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Yeah, so they brought back six bags of potatoes. I have so many potatoes at home right now. Yeah, I'm gonna be eating them forever. I'm about to six. Bro, I got potatoes, that's my carbsource for the next three, four months. Yeah, mash them all up. Yeah, they're all just down. So, I mean, did you just start using it?
Starting point is 00:19:20 No, Jessica's used it like six times and they always fuck it. Well, that's still relatively new. Like, we've been using it a lot for the last few years So what's the ratio of good? What it is you just learn things like that like you if you at like for example so the opposites happened to us like a Trina's like She wants a banana and you you expect people to get every one banana one banana You know she's like what the fuck one banana like you have to say like a bundle of bananas Yeah exactly or five single but you have to say like a bundle of bananas. Yeah, exactly, or five single,
Starting point is 00:19:46 but it yet to be very specific. So fruits and vegetables, I think are the hardest. They also like, you know, they don't look through. Yeah, if it's already if you want organic, they're not gonna get it. Right, and so there's little things that, like it's really good for like the essentials. Like so how we use it is, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:01 if we have milk that's missing, or there's like, you know, certain like pasta noodles that she uses, or, you know, veal, bison, there's certain things that we order from the grocery store all the time. And so we kind of stick to those things. And if we need like specialty stuff, we know we're going to the store to get that. So it's kind of like, we've learned like what you ordered. Oh yeah, do it's hilarious. We got our groceries and I'm like, I had no idea what she ordered. I'm like, what do you plan on making? Potato soup potato pie
Starting point is 00:20:31 We were giving them we were giving them way to friend sandwiches. Yeah, we have a lady that comes and cleans the house every Oh, yeah, she can't she cleans the house a little bit this lady that comes and I'm like hey you speak of potato I'm like don't worry your Christmas bonus in tomorrow. We got potato guns. The kids go crazy. I mean I love potatoes, but good God. Yeah, that's a lot of Anyway, so I want to ask you guys because I know you guys were up in Tahoe together all hanging out Yeah, have a good time. Yeah, and you know, meanwhile I was over eating clean. It's probably why I'm not as fat as you guys, but anyway We guys drinking what was the deal there? Oh, yeah, I mean, Justin always drinks up there. Hey, did you have a day you didn't drink?
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah, dude, I had a least like, I mean, I only drink two days. Oh, you really? Yeah, I didn't notice that. I didn't notice that. Yeah. Oh, you must have been making drinks for other people. I'll be notices you were not as fun as normal. So maybe I was kind of a dead. Yeah, like, but no, so one of the nights, you know what it was, it was the night after we did the night snowboarding, where we're like, on a high from that, I was feeling good, I'm drinking the night, it was a good vibe. So we just started making drinks
Starting point is 00:21:39 and one thing led to another, I got pretty smashed, but totally forgot to take this, there was this box of Z-Botics right there, and we didn't even take any. Okay, so the contrast, tell me about the contrast because I've done this, I've drank with it, I've gone with it. I know, so we've done this, and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:21:55 oh, this is a lifesaver. So I didn't even think I really got hangovers anymore because I haven't had one in like a year or something. Like it just hasn't really affected me, but I was drinking, so I was mixing whiskey with some of this like cream. So it was, I think it was Bailey's, and we were doing these like,
Starting point is 00:22:10 this Irish whiskey kind of cream drink. And the next day, I was so hungover. I was just like, out of sort, man. I had a headache, I was achy. Like I just didn't want to get up and do anything. I did the same thing. Same thing, I was so pissed. You know, didn't want to get up and do anything. I did the same thing. Same thing I was so pissed. You know, we came back from snowboarding
Starting point is 00:22:27 and I just thought I was gonna have one drink. I was like, oh, you know, like Justin said, I was on a high, we had a great ride, it was a great day, I worked out earlier in the day, like actually was pretty dialed nutrition. I was like, yeah, I'm gonna enjoy a drink. You know, I had all these, I know I burned a bunch of extra calories, like let's enjoy a drink maybe two,
Starting point is 00:22:43 but it turned into four, and they were doubles. Yeah. And that's a lot for me. Oh, yeah, a heavy hand. Oh, and we were like playing cards and doing things sitting down. So I didn't notice until we went to bed,
Starting point is 00:22:55 and we climbed into bed and I took a train, and I was like, oh shit, I'm hell of drunk. And she asked me, she goes, did you take the Z-biotic? And I go, no, I didn't take it. And so I got up, drank a bunch of water, took some Advil, hoping that would mitigate it. Yeah, I did the same. Hungo, all day the next day.
Starting point is 00:23:09 It's weird, I was so pissed. The contrast to me is so weird. We have a massive bot, we have a value back. That's what I wanted to slide. That's what I wanted to slide. 48 of them there, dude. And we have it set up on the bar. So like when you're making a drink,
Starting point is 00:23:21 you're looking at the Z-biotic, and I just didn't think I was gonna have that many and I was like You know one more. I'm that you know what it is. I'm the supplement guy if I was there you guys would have taken you to you to remember 100% You would I would have been like here you go boy. Yeah, we were all momentum. Yeah, I had to do this I had Jessica try it and she I mean she's not going obviously because she's breastfeeding But there was I remember I told you guys we went up to what's that place called sanctuary? Uh-huh, so she would ask you guys, we went up to, what's that place called, sanctuary? And so she did. But to ask you about that, did we talk about that?
Starting point is 00:23:47 I don't know if we did if we covered it on the show, but it was great, we had a great time over there. But she did the pump and dump and all that stuff or whatever and we were feeding them by the bottle from previous milk. So we had a good time, she did the Z-botic same thing. And she's very sensitive. She'll get a migraine the day after.
Starting point is 00:24:02 And she felt nothing. She felt nothing. So that stuff's pretty wild. I think most people, it's gonna have a massive effect. Yeah, it's pretty crazy. Hey, I want to bring up an article with you guys that it's an article being shared quite a bit. In fact, I've had several DMs on it.
Starting point is 00:24:17 You guys familiar with the fast company? Okay, so they did an article titled, Jim's Aren't Coming Back. Here's how you'll work out in the future. Have you guys seen this one? No, no, but I mean, this sounds pretty familiar to what mine pumps in.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Okay, so they're doing surveys on lots of people who work out and all this stuff, and here's what they're finding. Okay, 76% of people have tried working out at home during the pandemic. Here's the important statistic of that. 66% of them, so almost all of them prefer it. Now with millennials, with millennials, 82%
Starting point is 00:24:55 started working out at home, 81% like it more. Wow. So this article is a big shift. This article is predicting that, that okay, now here's, here's, I just wanna say I call, we just had a question on what I think 2021 trend is gonna be and I think we are gonna see
Starting point is 00:25:10 the moving in this direction more than we ever have. So here's the analogy that they used, that I thought was absolutely brilliant. And if you're not, you know, I guess 35 or older, you're not gonna remember this, but when I was a kid, arcades were an amazing place to go. Yeah. You had video games there, you went, you hung out, to remember this, but when I was a kid, our kids were an amazing place to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:25 You had video games there. You went, you hung out. It was a great experience. It was fantastic. But once video games were able to be played at home, same quality, whatever, people thought literally that our kids were going to exist still because people like to be around each other. They are nobody.
Starting point is 00:25:39 There's no arcades anymore. In fact, the only ones that exist now or where you get the tickets and you get the toys and stuff, it's not like they used to be. And they're saying that gyms are gonna be like that. That now people are, that this was the push that, they said, in the article they're saying, it was gonna happen anyway, it was just gonna take longer. But this caused so many people
Starting point is 00:25:57 to really start working at home. And again, a majority of people who are doing it prefer it and they're thinking that the gym industry will never be the same. But just, yeah, that's a great analogy. I could totally see that as being something. Because I loved arcades. So did I.
Starting point is 00:26:15 I loved them. We had one called Special Effects and I would like save all my money and I'd go there and geek out and play videos all day. But once you got the Nintendo NES and you had guys like come over your house, you recreate that same experience within the confines of your house, it was game over.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Oh, it was especially once you got to a place where you could connect. Oh yeah, then it was truly game over. Cause there was like this transition where I, you know, like what I feel like we're gonna go through, like gyms are gonna go away tomorrow, right? And there'll still be some gyms. There's like a go away completely.
Starting point is 00:26:45 No. And so what is your prediction on the type of gym that's going to survive this? I think what's gonna end up happening is your... Hardcore ones. Yeah, you can see like really, really hardcore fitness people. Yeah. Because in the article, they also talk about people doing classes at home
Starting point is 00:26:59 and preferring them. Now with the technology, like Peloton does this. Peloton will, you can literally do a live class at home and you can, if you want, you could talk to other people. Oh, those are gonna keep exploding. Yeah, so I have my cousin and his wife do this and they were big class takers. And they said, okay, be honest with me,
Starting point is 00:27:18 when things open back up, do you wanna go back and do the classes? I like to be honest with you, no, this is way better. I like it more. I don't have to drive and I have to worry about this that I get the interaction that I want and I back and do the class? Is it like to be honest with you? No, this is way better. I like it more. And I have to drive and I have to worry about this that I get the interaction that I want and I get to do my workout. So I think the hardcore fitness people,
Starting point is 00:27:32 I think the class is that you have to be with other people like jujitsu and certain things you have to go. That's different. Right, that's different. But gyms, I think they're, I think it's gonna, and it's not gonna go into. And it's sad, you know, like I love gyms, I love that culture, I love going through all that,
Starting point is 00:27:49 but at the same time, have to be realistic. Those statistics are telling you otherwise. There's people who are... Well, especially when you say the millennial generation, 81% and 80 of them say that they like it better. So it's not a question of if that's true and if it's going to happen just a matter of win. right when when do the millennials become 40 50 you know plus years old and they're the main people there and then even fluids the generation coming out. We're also
Starting point is 00:28:13 talking the article about fitness people who are fitness professionals so trainers and instructors all of them have started to pivot and most of them when they do surveys prefer it. They actually prefer not working in the gym. Why, you guys know as well as I do, when you work in a gym, you know, if the person's paying $100 a session, you're getting, you know, $30 and the gym gets the majority. So a lot of these instructors are now pivoting, doing it online or going to people's houses
Starting point is 00:28:40 and a lot of them, a good chunk of them prefer it. Well, this is interesting because we've been talking about this for a long time, regardless for trainers, right? So this was before COVID, you know, I mean, I mean, part of our pivot is that, right? We all were trainers and training people in gyms and at homes for the longest time and the riding was on the wall that we're moving
Starting point is 00:28:57 into this, you know, digital virtual space and that it's gonna be necessary to have some assets in it if you're gonna be successful in fitness and in business later on. Well, it's interesting to think about too about that format and that platform. There's going to be ones that rise. Just when you went to these group classes, you had a following. All these people that knew that you were teaching the class that day and all that.
Starting point is 00:29:19 There's got to be some crazy incentives. Some of these companies that are providing these platforms, are gonna give these instructors to pull more people, it'll probably create its own social platform. That's an interesting theory right there. And you see that there's a lot of these apps that are popping up and they do that go after like these fitness influencers and they try and gather 10 of them that all have 100,000 followers
Starting point is 00:29:42 and that you can get them all through this one app that they pay a membership and they have access. That's what they're saying, these fitness apps thousand followers and they that you can get them all through this one app that they pay a membership And they have that's what they're saying these fitness apps are exploding and they also use the analogy the music industry the music industry Change the law with technology like now artists don't necessarily have to go through Big labels and all stuff to sell their music and you're buying music not necessarily buying an album But a song at a time and they're saying that you know, is kind of what's going to happen to fitness instructors. They also speculate they think that for Jim to survive they're going to have to look more like social clubs so where they offer things like cocktail bars and cafes but that's more high-end type of stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Now I want to ask you guys you guys know my opinion I prefer prefer working out in a home gym, always, I love it. I just love my own music, my own thing, I don't get away for anybody. And if I work out with friends in my home gym, it's the best. There's no, the gyms are great, don't get me wrong, I grew up in gyms, I love them, home gym for my workouts. It's just more effective. What do you guys think?
Starting point is 00:30:40 Do you guys like the working out now that you guys are doing it here or do you guys still like it? Well, you know what I think happens is, or at least what I feel is happening to me because I out of us I was the one that you were the biggest. Yeah. I was the most staunch about I don't want to work out at home I've tried it a bunch of times not a fan of it But my hand was forced this year Mm-hmm And you know and maybe inside I was grumbling a little bit like I don't know
Starting point is 00:31:02 You know, I want to go I like my gym. I like going to my gym for the first few months. Then I went through this period of like accepting it, like shit, we might not be going back there for a long time, like let's learn to love what I'm doing right now. And now I've gotten so comfortable with where I'm at now, I just don't care. It's that, you know, if the gym's,
Starting point is 00:31:20 and honestly, now it's got to the point where I'm like, well shit, if I just cancel those memberships, I'm gonna save X amount of dollars a month and I figured it out, and it's actually working point where I'm like, well, shit, if I just cancel those memberships, I'm gonna save X amount of dollars a month and I figured it out and it's actually working out just fine the way it is and sure, maybe I like certain things about the gym, but at the end of the day, what I really care about is the results. My productivity and my life better,
Starting point is 00:31:38 is my health good and my strong, do I feel fit? Am I really checking the boxes for the whole purpose of why I had a gym? Am I able to do that in our studio here, right, or at our other place at home? And the answer is, yeah, I figured it out. And honestly, as every day that goes by that I don't go to the gym, I miss it less and less. And I think that's what's so dangerous to the picture.
Starting point is 00:32:03 That's what I'm saying. Yeah, what's so dangerous is that even the people like myself who probably admitted early on when this first transition happened, like, oh, I can't wait for it to open back up though. I missed the gym, I missed the gym. Now I'm like, fuck it. I certainly don't want to go what they're doing right now, outside in some bullshit tent when it's freezing outside
Starting point is 00:32:20 to lift, like, I would way rather be wearing a mask. And everything. Yeah, and I have a hard time in the grocery be wearing a mask and everything. Yeah, and wearing a, I have a hard time in the grocery store wearing a mask for 20 minutes straight to work out with a mask on. I can't do it. And again, I'm not like, anyways, like not trying to be political,
Starting point is 00:32:34 but just like knowing that like, I'm restricted my breathing and all this, like I'd rather just work out my house. That's just, it's just more comfortable, it's more convenient. And there's a lot of better options out there now for setting yourself up in your house where you can have squat racks, you can have things
Starting point is 00:32:50 that aren't so, it doesn't take up your entire room, it doesn't engulf it, like it's too. No, I mean, I grew up working out in my backyard, and then of course I worked in gyms most of my life, so I worked out there, but then I had my own studio, and when I had a personal training studio, it was equipped like a nice home gym because it was a personal training studio, it was equipped like a nice home gym, because it was a personal training studio.
Starting point is 00:33:07 It wasn't a big box gym, so I'm not gonna have tons of machines, it didn't make any sense. And I worked out there for so long, and I got so, I fell so in love with being the owner of the gym I'm working out in. I could play what I want, I could take as long as I want, I could throw chalk everywhere if I want,
Starting point is 00:33:22 I could do whatever lifts I want. I love it, and I still love that. I love that feeling. Even you talk about the cold and hot look, my home gyms and my garage. I don't have a heater in there, I don't have AC in there. I love it when it's freezing. I love it.
Starting point is 00:33:34 I put a bunch of sweaters on, I work out, I can see my breath when it's hot, take my shirt off. You can't do that in a gym, I know it's not as comfortable. But for me, it feels like it's a part of the whole thing. You know what I'm using? I'm also gonna credit, I think the helping of this transition is CrossFit too. You know, CrossFit has such a large following
Starting point is 00:33:52 and it's such minimal equipment required to do that workout, that imagine all those people that have had to made that transition right now too. So you have a big portion of fitness people that 15 years ago weren't exercising that way. Right. And they thought you needed all kinds of machines. Right. And that 90s, the machines, you know, not a list is exploding and everybody's talking about the latest, greatest cool machines. And so nobody is thinking about all I need is a pull-up bar, a barbell, you know, and some plates
Starting point is 00:34:19 that I'm good to get made a couple dumbbells and I'm good to go. Crossfit explodes takes on a good percentage of all the people that are working out. Now here we are with COVID, everyone's having it's made a couple dumbbells and I'm good to go. CrossFit explodes takes on a good percentage of all the people that are working out. Now here we are with COVID, everyone's having to work at home. All of a sudden, even if you're not a CrossFit person, that type of a box or that type of a feel for a gym is becoming more and more appealing
Starting point is 00:34:37 and you realize like, oh shit, I can accomplish everything. Really, it's just, again, it's people who are reluctant, forced and then they realized, hey, I like this. I think I'm going to stick with it. That's exactly what the article's talking about. It's a massive change. So what are the gyms going to do? Like, what are they going to, how they going to pivot, and who's going to survive this, this mass, dude?
Starting point is 00:34:54 I don't know. I mean, you're saying that the, the irony of what you guys are saying is that the gyms that you think are most likely to succeed are actually not the most profitable gyms. So I don't know if I agree with you. You guys are saying these grungy, you know, like, you know, serious, lifter-type gems. Those gems don't make a lot of money. You know, once they make the most money
Starting point is 00:35:13 or your planet fitness is, your UFC gems, you know, that one baffles me. Like, and I saw they're campaigning and everything for the new years. And it's like, where are all their locations open? Like, how is that working out for them? It depends on the state. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Yeah, some states they're obviously more open than others. Here in California, forget it, right? They're the course. And this is the mecca. No, even here though, they're doing outside right now. So a lot of these gyms, a lot of our gyms are open outside. Right. Have you guys gone by 101 and seen the 24-hour fitness super sport?
Starting point is 00:35:43 No. So you know where where bay 101 is over there? Yeah. That whole, I don't know if you guys remember by 101 and seen the 24-arifant in a super sport? No. So, you know where Bay 101 is over there? Yeah. That whole, I don't know if you guys remember, that's a massive parking lot, right? They've turned that whole thing into a massive tent. No, it's in a massive, it's in clothes. No, no, it's like it's a top.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Yeah, it's like it's a- I actually would love working out like that. I don't mind working out outside. Yeah, no, man, that's fun. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of like it. It's pretty cool. You're the bougie gym. I'm trying to get convinced, right now, that's fun. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of The bougie Jim. I'm trying to get convinced right now in the truck you place I'm like we get some heaters on these things that you go out there when it's fucking 10 degrees You grab a barbell. No, it means your hands bleed. I see I like that. You know what though?
Starting point is 00:36:17 I've been me and ask you I know because I know how much you hate working out in the morning or you've said Yeah, yeah, now we're working out in the morning How are you enjoying it? Is it okay for you? You have bad sleep sometimes. I feel good. Yeah, so today was actually the first hurdle. Up until this point, it's been really smooth.
Starting point is 00:36:35 I've had really good nights rest, but today was the hardest time for me. In fact, I almost didn't do it. What I love, I want to most excited about, is that because we are doing this together, had I been training by myself, I've definitely earned a day off or sleeping in or resting because I didn't get good rest and I'd be totally fine. But because I don't want to be the first guy to not make it. Yeah, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:37:00 There's something there for sure. There is, right? So I'm like, I don't want to be the first guy to not make the workout. And since you guys have committed to doing that, like I drug my ass here, just change the intensity of my training. And it's been fine.
Starting point is 00:37:11 It's been okay. I still, and I think we'll, I'll play with this probably in a month or so, like when I really, like it's been a month now of really good consistency and starting to scale volume up. Once I'm really starting to feel myself, like feeling strong and feeling good, I'll start playing with my workout times
Starting point is 00:37:27 because what I found when I was competing and I was really dialed in, there was a significant difference because I trained it all times. I trained it crazy late at night, crazy early in the morning, middle of the day, multiple times a day, and I got a chance,
Starting point is 00:37:38 and when you're so dialed in, nutritionally and consistency, you can really start to like tease out. Like, how does my body respond to this versus some bullshit? You know, article you read that says this is the best time to do this. It's like, what I learned about my body was after I had two meals in. So I had, and I was like noon. Yes, around noon.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Me too. Yeah, I would have a good breakfast first thing when I woke up. I'd have another, another breakfast around 10 o'clock or so. And then noon, I was just, I felt strong as shit. And that, and you would take me training first thing in the morning, and I feel okay, like I'm doing all right right now, but I don't feel as strong as I do
Starting point is 00:38:15 when I've loaded up probably 150 plus grams of carbs in me, and probably a good 2,000 calories, then I feel really good. Yeah, what about like any techniques that help you sleep? And then this morning you woke up, and this morning came in, you're like, I had shit to do. Well, listen dude, here I feel really good. Yeah, what about like any techniques to help you sleep? And then this morning you woke up and this morning came in, you're like, I should have. Well, listen, here's a funny one. We're talking about our partners.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Like, it's so funny. Like, you know, we know when we talk about them on the show, the reason why we're partnered with these companies is because they work and we believe in it. But yet, you know, I'm human. I don't always do it. I don't always take the protein shake. I don't always put the Felix Gray glasses on. I don't always take the protein shake. I don't always put the Felix Gray glasses on.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I don't always use the Z-biotics. So I recently bought the new TV for the Black Friday sale, right? Oh, you get it. So how big is this thing? So it's like, space shipping. So, I mean, you guys know the way my condo is set up. I have a trial level for the listeners, right?
Starting point is 00:38:58 And so it's, I'm only in about 2,000 square feet where Katrina and I reside, right? And the dining room and the living room is, I mean, it's smaller than this studio. And I couldn't pass up the Black Friday sales on the TV. So my original thought was, okay, I'm gonna buy this TV. Let's put it in storage. We're planning on moving soon to a bigger place.
Starting point is 00:39:19 And I was like, I'll just put it in that house, right? So, but of course it came. I'm like, fuck, I wanna open this thing house, right? So, but of course it came. I'm like, fuck, I want to open this thing. It's 82 inches. Oh my God. And that's a movie. And my living room, I mean, I'm probably four feet from the television.
Starting point is 00:39:33 And so I had the last two, so I left one of my Felix Craze up at the trucky house, the ones that I normally have in my living room. So I told you, I've got a mouth, I've got like four pair, right? So they're all strategically in my house, so I don't have an excuse to not wearing them. The one pair that I normally have in the living room
Starting point is 00:39:47 where I watch TV is up at the Trophy House because I left them up there. And the last two nights I've watched TV, I've gone to bed with massive headaches, dude. Because why are you too close to that big ass? I think it's the combination of both, right? Because I was wearing the glasses and watching the 82 inch and I was fine, but the combination of...
Starting point is 00:40:03 It's a lot of bright light. The combination of beaming on you. Do you get a tan? I'm serious though, so two nights in a row now of no field-scray glasses and watching that, I mean, first of all, I don't know, people are listening right now, you're an asshole, you shouldn't be watching TV
Starting point is 00:40:18 that close anyways, like get it, okay, get it, yeah, I know that. But I didn't notice this before when I was wearing the, because we've had the TV since Black Friday, Sailor whatever, so we've had it for a while now. And I've been very consistent with as we turn on the TV, I throw them on whatever, but these last two nights, I haven't had them and sure shit, both nights.
Starting point is 00:40:37 The first night didn't even dawn on me, got a headache, took some, you know, took some Advil, whatever to think about it. Second night in a row and I went, son of a bitch, is it because I don't have these freaking glasses on and this TV's, oh my god. I can't do too big of a TV too close, like it dizzy.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Your shit's happening, and I'm like, what do I look, I gotta look over here, see what's going on, I'm like, what's going on? I watch it from the dining room now. It's better for me. I refuse, like back when the theaters are open, and then you have like, even if it's like, three, four rows back, I can't even do it.
Starting point is 00:41:04 I'm just like, I'm not doing it. Have you guys ever gone to, what is those theaters where it's all around you? Remember those? Ampitheater? No, I'm max. I'm max. No, dude, that's nauseous city, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:13 I can't. I love those, they're awesome. No, man, I'm in. So you're like back far enough in the middle. I'm in there, I'm like, oh, oh. I'm gonna, all right, gotta go. I can't watch you. I saw an avatar in one of those, it was pretty sad.
Starting point is 00:41:22 No, it was too big, dude. Yeah, it's cool. Yeah, size isn't everything. Mm-hmm pretty sad. No, it was too big. Yeah, it's cool. Yeah, sizes and everything. Yeah. That's what... Girl's tolling. This quad brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition,
Starting point is 00:41:37 Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance- added edge. Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com and use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at Checkout. Our first caller is Amber from California. Amber, you must be pretty. I see Doug getting nervous over there in his chair. He's squirming over there and forgetting what he's supposed to say. Hey, 14, Cal State fullerton. That's where Katrina went to college. Me too. Oh, no way. What year? Let's see. I graduated in 05. Wow. You guys would be pretty close. She might have been. Yeah, she might have been in a scene. She played basketball there.
Starting point is 00:42:25 She won a full ride basketball. Oh, cool. I was a Kinesiology major there. So I'm sure we crossed paths at some point. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's great. Awesome. What's your question?
Starting point is 00:42:35 How can we help you? So I completed Map Santa Ball. I can was about finished with maps performance when I had a pretty significant change to my schedule. This was about eight weeks ago. And since then then I've worked out maybe like a handful of times and totally gave in to all of the holiday food and treats. My schedule now is back to normal, and so I'm planning on cleaning up my diet, and I'd like to really just focus on gaining strength. I was able to grab Maps PowerLift in the recent sale and was thinking of either
Starting point is 00:43:05 starting that or maybe purchasing map strong and trying that out. But my question is, since I've lost some muscle masks and gained some body fat over the past eight weeks, would it be better to run something like maps and a ball at first to maybe lose some of the fluff that I gained? Or should I just jump straight into a strength specific program? I love this question and such a smart question because we talk about this on the show, right?
Starting point is 00:43:30 Where, you know, things happen, and heavily you fall off, where we have the holidays, and you miss the gym for two or three weeks. And one of the things that I know, even as a trainer, I would make this mistake of wanting to kind of pick up right where I left off. And, you know, always talk about on the show that the goal is always to do as little as possible
Starting point is 00:43:48 to elicit the most amount of change. Hopping into a program that might have a lot more volume than let's say a MAPSANabolic is unnecessary to start seeing results again. So personally, I have a tendency to want to do exactly with what you're asking, jump into like a strong or go right into a power lift and kind of pick up Where I left off, but the reality is I could probably scale all the way back to a map center ball Pre-phase or phase one and get just as good of results and then eventually progress to one of those programs. Amber You said you took eight weeks off essentially so two months. Yeah
Starting point is 00:44:20 Yeah, so you know here. Here's the thing that It in this just can't be overstated, right? So when you take time, obviously you've got muscle memory going on, you've worked out a lot before. So your body's gonna respond faster than someone who's a complete beginner. So that's the good news.
Starting point is 00:44:35 The bad news is when somebody takes time off after having been consistent, your mental image of your body's capacity and even your pain tolerance are somewhat unchanged from when you were working out consistently. So you'll go into the gym and you'll work out at an intensity that's a little lower than before and be like, okay, I think that was enough.
Starting point is 00:44:54 And then you'll realize a day or two later that you over did it. Going too hard or applying too much intensity or too much volume doesn't get you there any faster. In fact, it actually gets you there slower. The right amount of volume and the right amount of intensity will get you there the fastest. My advice to you is to do less than even you think you should do. It's actually a better place to start.
Starting point is 00:45:21 It's harder to overdo it and then backtrack than it is to do a little too little. And after the first few days say, you know what, I think that was too little. I'm going to add a little bit more and kind of play it by ear. Now, soreness isn't a great indicator of a good workout, but it is an okay indicator of whether or not you did too much. So the goal should be to feel a little bit of soreness or no soreness from your workout. So use that as your gauge, do your workout. Maps and a ball of pre-phase is a great way to jump back into the workout. And if you're feeling a little bit of soreness or not, you know, not any soreness at all, you're on the right track.
Starting point is 00:45:58 After about a week of pre-phase, then I would say you can move into maybe a maps and a ball of phase one or even a phase two for a week or so. I would say probably two or three weeks and you'll be back to being able to go at a higher intensity and higher volume. And then transition, you think over into powerlifter strong lift. I love powerlifter right now. If your goal is to build strength right now.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Totally. How are your results when you did maps and a ball, like? Really good. Yeah. I definitely saw a change. And so, um, it was pretty easy to transition over into maps, um, performance also. So, I was excited for that, but I've just, I've always really focused on just getting like the lean, you know, like muscles. But I've never focused on strength. And so that's something that I thought would be a good change for this year.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Oh, yeah. That's why I wanted to try power lift or strong. No, excellent. That's a great way to go. So thank you very much for your question. Thank you. Thanks, Amber. You know, I love smart question.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Very good question. And in my experience, when women focus just on strength, they get, it warms me up inside. Yeah, it really does. And it gets its phenomenal results. Yeah, they get amazing, and they're always so shocked, right? That their curves are good and that their,
Starting point is 00:47:12 well, we just need more of that. Yeah, we need more of that to kind of change the landscape and get that to be the focus. I think it's such a great thing for women to really like find their way to strength. Well, I'll forget that she's a woman. I think it's great that she asked a question like that because I think this is something
Starting point is 00:47:26 that took me years in my career to finally figure out because I would always overreach because in style you said it perfectly like your body's not there, but your mind still is. Two months ago, isn't that long ago. So you feel like, and if you've been really consistent, she'd ran all the way through anabolic, she'd gone through performance.
Starting point is 00:47:43 So you're talking, she's got six months of consistency, she's probably feeling herself, she probably feels strong, she's mobile, and then you take eight weeks off, it's almost like starting back on Square One, but your brain still thinks like, I can't be that far from there because I was so consistent. And so we always have this tendency to your mind place tricks. Right. Jump into kind of where you were before, and the reality is, you know, a two-day-a-week maps pre-face type of a program is going to get you just as much a result with at least of less effort, and then you can build upon that to get back in. Good rule of thumb, I would say, this is different from person to person, but however much
Starting point is 00:48:18 time you took off, usually it takes about a third of that time to get back to kind of where you were before. So if you took off, let's say, nine weeks, give yourself about three weeks to kind of get back to where you were before, that's kind of a rule of thumb. It can be as high as half the time, depending on how long the time was taken off and your genetics and all that stuff. Our next color is Andrew from New York. Hey, Andrew, what's your question?
Starting point is 00:48:42 How can we help you? Hey, guys. So I'm actually running Math power lift right now and I kind of had a question about how the one rep max calculation worked and then after you run the 11 weeks How would you go back and calculate your new max to see how much progress you made? You know one rep there's a lot of one rep max Calculators that you can find online. Obviously, in PowerLift, we give you some ideas.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Here's the problem with them. They're not super accurate. Okay, they're better than nothing. They're going to give you a general idea. But really, the only way to know your one rep max is to test your one rep max. And I'll give you an example, okay? So for me, I have a lot of low gear strength or whatever you wanna call it. I can lift way more at the low reps
Starting point is 00:49:34 than a one rep max calculator will say. So what one rep max calculator, for example, might say that my one rep max based off of 10 repetitions would be, I don't know, I'll make up a number, 300 pounds. But then I'll end up being able to do 315 on my own. I've known other people to be the opposite where they do really well when the reps are around six, eight reps, and then once we go down low,
Starting point is 00:49:56 they miss the one rep max calculator. So here's my advice to you, is are you able to work out with a partner? I could, I'm just working out from home right now. So if I were to do one rap max by myself, I'd have to have someone come over who is who is comfortable with that during during COVID. Yeah, I would either do that or do you have safeties that you can squat or bench with? Now, not on the rack that I have. Okay. Well, do you have intentions of competing or are you just following the Maps Power
Starting point is 00:50:28 Lift program to just get stronger? Well, I'm taking your advice from trying to move from that aesthetic look and being so anxious about what I'm eating and what I look like to push it more towards my performance. So that's really why I wanted to run Power Lift to just see how heavy I could get my big very lifts. So here's my advice. I think it's a little more important for somebody who is going to do show up to a meet and do a one rep max to use the calculator and to be very rigid about it where you would
Starting point is 00:51:00 actually have a partner come over to measure it and figure it out. Like, okay, this is what 80% of my one rep max should look like and do all the math. I think using it just as a nice guide for you. Like for me, when I think 80%, I think I still got one more and one to two more in the tank. So I would just guesstimate where my weight needs to be because my overall goal is just to build strength.
Starting point is 00:51:21 I'm not gonna get up on a meat and compete against somebody. So if that's your goal, I wouldn't get so hung up on the calculators, because of what Sal said, it is so nuanced, and it is so individualized for everybody that one person they might do the calculation, and they're actually strong on that, somebody else might be weaker. So really, it's there for a good guide for you. And it would be a lot more serious if we were going to get out there and do a meat, and we got to make sure that you are maximizing every single time. Otherwise,
Starting point is 00:51:48 I'm using something like that as just a guide. Yeah, and Andrew, how long have you been working out for? Probably on and off for six years. That's good. You know, one of the most important things that somebody can develop when they're working out on a consistent basis is to kind of get in touch with their body and how they feel because I know from training clients for decades that your max can change from day to day just based off of how you feel, your energy, your sleep, your nutrition the day before. So what Adam's saying is the best advice. You know, use it as a general guide,
Starting point is 00:52:27 but also, and more importantly, go by the way that you feel. If your, if the, if Maps Power Lift is asking you to lift the 80% and you're doing it and it feels more like 70%, then go ahead and add a little bit of weight. And especially if it feels more like 90% then take some weight off. That's the best way to work out long term. Have you gone through all of Ben Pollock's master class about this at the end of the program? Yes, I got, I went through it one time, so maybe I could probably go back and rewatch it.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Yeah, because I mean, we really were just trying to follow a lot of what he does to prep himself and his clients to, you know, getting into a meet specifically. So he uses a lot of these percentages and then changes it based off of the phase. So we tried to kind of align with him and use his best judgment in terms of his calculations for that. But honestly, like they said, it's more of a feel thing than anything else. So I would really pay attention to that more than anything. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Great. So where would you guys go after running powerlifters if you kind of wanted to keep that strength strong? Yeah, map strong. You're going to get more functional with map strong, but it's still a very strength. Yeah, map strong after powerlifters is beautiful. Oh, it's amazing. And it's funny. It's one of the more popular programs.
Starting point is 00:53:47 People love map strong quite a bit. So I would say go there afterward. Do you have map strong? I don't. All right. We're sending it to you right now. Oh, sick. All right.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Thank you. That's awesome. I really appreciate that. No problem, man. Thanks for calling in. Yeah. Thank you. I love you guys so much. Thank you. Awesome. Good easy.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Another good question, because, you know, complete transparency, when I go through PowerLift, I didn't use a calculator. And people get so hung up. I know they do. And there's, there's, there's, there's, there's, there's, yeah, well, I mean, if you're, if you're at a, if you're going to compete and you're going to get on stage, like, excuse me, get up on, on a map or whatever you call it for the, for powerlifting, right? So you get up there on a map or whatever you call it for the for powerlifting right so you get up there
Starting point is 00:54:25 Yeah, platform you're obviously that's that stuff matters right to maximize that But if you're just an average person that's going through that just following the program and going by feel You're gonna get incredible results as far as getting stronger. Let's think of the skill that you develop in terms of Feeling your body and knowing when to go heavier and when to go lighter. That skill is so important for long term success. Well, to me, it's no different than calculating macros. I mean, you know, your metabolism is like ever changing in foam. So it's like, you know, the best macro calculator on the internet is still flawed because
Starting point is 00:55:01 you're sleep, you're stress levels, your activity for the day. Or hormones. Yeah, everything could completely change your metabolism, so to follow something so rigid and be like, oh, it says that I need to put this much weight, or it says I need to eat this many grams or calories, like you got to have a little bit of flexibility in understanding that the body doesn't exactly work that way.
Starting point is 00:55:21 And so all these tools that we have created and came up with, I think are amazing because we didn't have them two, three decades ago for a lot of stuff. So I think it's a great, these are great tools to use, but then you also don't want to be married. Well, it's like your readiness, right? Each time you go into a workout,
Starting point is 00:55:34 and this is why we like Joe DeFranco's, you know, version where he's trying to do the grip test and see kind of like, you know, where your readiness is for the day and like what you can actually like achieve. So, you know, sometimes you want to push through it no doubt and you want to keep you know making progress But also you can really got to listen to your body. Yeah, and also I mean again Those I don't know how about you guys, but those one rep max calculators never really accurate for me
Starting point is 00:55:55 Yeah, they always under estimate. It's just a standardized kind of generic framework for it Our next caller is will from Texas. Hey will how can we help you? What's your question? First, Will, tell us why Salonoy is you so much. Yeah. I know you expressed that. That's okay. Now go ahead and go ahead and ask your question. So my wife is pregnant and I would like to know how I should be structuring my workout pre-baby and more importantly, during the sleepless nights
Starting point is 00:56:26 of the first couple of months when he's born, I'd like to continue my strength goals. Hey, congratulations. First, second, third. You did it. Which baby is this? Yes. First.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Very first. Oh, yeah. You are in for it, my friend. Yeah. Don't let's do it. It's hell easier. Don't let's do it. It's hell easier.
Starting point is 00:56:44 So there's a couple. It's hell easier. Don't let's do it. It's hell easier. Okay. So there's a couple strategies that you could take. So I'll give you my favorite strategy. I've worked with a lot of mothers that were pregnant and their husbands during that period of time. And so I like to tell people to go into the birth at a good fitness level. Okay, and the reason why I recommend this is because
Starting point is 00:57:08 you're gonna miss workouts, you're not gonna be as rested after the baby's born for at least a couple months, if not more, and so you wanna give yourself a bigger buffer. Okay, so go into it, doing pretty well. So right now, you have the time, do some good workouts, have good nutrition. That way, if you fall off, you don't fall off too far. Now, when the baby's born and you're losing sleep,
Starting point is 00:57:33 sleep is a priority. Do not make the mistake of pushing through it with the lack of sleep. You will hammer not just your testosterone levels, but your immune system if you do that. So a good workout, general workout when you're limited on time and availability or whatever is, you know, like a two or three day week full body workout where you're just focusing on the main lifts.
Starting point is 00:57:58 You're just doing the big compound lifts. What do your workouts look like right now, Will? So right now, I'm in phase about halfway through phase two of maps of power lift. Excellent. All right, how's it going for you, by the way? 30, or I'm about to be 30 in April. No, how's it going for you with the workouts? How's your...
Starting point is 00:58:19 Oh, sorry. It's going good. So far, so good. I'm actually transitioning to building a home gym because of how crazy the gyms are going to be now But it's going good strength is progressing pretty nicely, I think so the advice that South gave gave is exactly how I did it Like I really I knew that I was going to have to sacrifice some days in the gym I knew that I'd sacrifice some sleep and so I had some pretty good momentum going into her pregnancy. So I just kind of, I tried to push the volume, try to be as consistent as I possibly could
Starting point is 00:58:51 and as discipline knowing that the inevitable is going to happen. Then I'm going to have these. And I actually the first couple of weeks because he's so attached to her. And I, you can't really, as a father, there's not a lot you can do for the first couple of weeks. I still had really good momentum for the first couple of weeks. I still had really good momentum for those first couple of weeks. It wasn't until I'd say probably weeks three and four
Starting point is 00:59:11 did it get really challenging for me getting to the gym and at Herbie and I'll get to the gym. Right. And so then my workouts started to look kind of like a Mab Santa Ballic phase one and then eventually it even got as bad as probably like pre-phase. And no doubt, I lost some strength. I didn't, I don't look as good as I did right before I came in and prayed to see.
Starting point is 00:59:33 But I mean, it's, we're back in the swing of things. I think I've already surpassed where I was before that. And it only took about a month to rebound and get back. Because I still maintain some training, but my priority became my wife and child, and that's really where it should be for you too. It's like if you can get in there as a new dad and still get one or two full body workouts in
Starting point is 00:59:56 while you're going through all this at the very beginning, I think you're killing it. Everything you're doing right now is what you're gonna carry going forward. And I think what you're trying to do in terms of building your base of strength and having your intensity up right now is a good way to go.
Starting point is 01:00:13 And then really just shifting your mindset once you're in the thick of it because it is gonna change everything. So you just gotta adjust. One more option too, Will, is especially if you have a home gym, is to do mini workouts. Yeah, great, great. You know, like 15, 20 minute workouts here and there.
Starting point is 01:00:28 I did a lot of that. Yeah, two a day or three a day, sometimes, or one a day sometimes. Basically going out to your home gym when you have, you know, a little bit of time in doing a few sets of an exercise. And believe it or not, especially when it's new, the body responds really well. No, I love that advice. and I don't have the luxury of having the gym in my actual house, but the studio's not far from my house,
Starting point is 01:00:50 and I would do this a lot. And because the baby's feeding every two hours and napping afterwards, and so those little 30-minute hour naps were perfect times for me to get a couple exercises in, and that's how I look at it, is if you can do that, and you have an at-home gym Where maybe you can stick to the routine that you're already on but you just break it up in two or three many workouts throughout the day
Starting point is 01:01:12 There's a lot of value to that. So I think that's a great strategy also Totally congratulations again and thanks for the question. Well, thank you Thank you You know, that's such a that's a hard one right because it really depends on I mean I'm lucky, right? Like Katrina really handles a lot of the nights and takes the responsibility. We have support. And so I know that I have a lot more flexibility. Some dads have to be doing all that stuff. Yeah, very hands-on.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Yeah, so asking him to get up in the middle of the night and be doing a lot of feedings with her and then in addition, that also be trying to progress your workouts. It's a lot of feedings with her and then in addition that also be trying to progress your workouts, it's a lot to ask somebody. It is, it's a tough situation. That's why I like to say go into it, you know, really fit, because you're gonna lose some of them. Exactly, yeah. And it's better to have that buffer.
Starting point is 01:01:56 All right, our next color is Stephen from Missouri. Hey, Stephen, how can we help you? What's your question? Hi, I was just curious if you had any insight on these anabolic diets from these YouTube personalities and basically the ideas to create low-calorie dense foods using a lot of protein powder and then a lot of added artificial sweeteners and sugars and basically go low-calorie on everything. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:02:25 If you want bread, go with the lowest calorie bread. My question is, is this technically sustainable? Is there any long-term health benefits to this at all? Any risk, dangers? Well, okay, Steven. So you have just kind of tripped into the secret of fitness and money. into the secret of fitness. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:02:47 No shit. I like that. Yeah, that's complete. And it's funny they're trying to keep that for real. Crocker shit. It's funny. It's funny to call it anabolic. And then they tell you to go super, super low calorie,
Starting point is 01:02:57 which is gonna be catabolic. Yeah, opposite. No, that's all gimmicks and jargon used to just sell people on stupid ideas, books, or supplements. They're probably selling something to people. Antibolic diet, look, if you're eating in a calorie surplus, if your protein intake is relatively high and you also are training your animal.
Starting point is 01:03:21 You're training in a way that your body wants to build muscle. Congratulations. You're eating in an anabolic state. But aside from that, no, that's complete. Not only is it, not only that, it's bullshit too because you're either anabolic or catabolic always, you're one or the other. And if you're in a low calorie diet, you're catabolic. If you're not eating enough calories and you're in a deficit, you're catabolic. So the idea that you're cat or you're anabolic when you're in a deficit, you're catabolic. So the idea that you're anabolic
Starting point is 01:03:46 when you're in a deficit or eating low calorie is a ridiculous notion in the first. Now the other part of your question was, are there any long-term, I guess, detriments to it? And the answer is yeah, if your calories are so low that you start to lose lots of muscle, the side effect of that, the detriment of that
Starting point is 01:04:06 is a much slower metabolism. And you can lose weight and increase body fat percentage because you've lost so much muscle. So to give you an example, a person who weighs 100 pounds, who has 10 pounds of body fat on their body, is 10% body fat. If that person loses 10 pounds of body fat on their body, is 10% body fat. If that person loses 10 pounds of muscle, their body fat percentage now went up
Starting point is 01:04:30 because they still have 10 pounds of body fat on a now 90 pound body. And I've seen this with clients, well they'll not follow my advice, go do some crazy diet, I'll test their body fat and they'll lose 15 pounds, and lo and behold, their body fat percentage went up a couple percent and they can't figure it out and have to explain to them. It's a percentage of your overall body weight, you lost muscle.
Starting point is 01:04:51 So if you want a slower metabolism, if you want a flabier body, then I would recommend doing these programs or these nutrition plans. If you're trying to get long-term sustainable results, you want a faster metabolism, you want to get leaner, build more muscle, I would stay as far away from those things as possible. Make sense. Do you think it's pretty damaging to the fitness community? Basically, they're preaching, hey, you can look good, but they're not really considering the health aspect of it.
Starting point is 01:05:22 People even like me go online, see these things, they may not understand how bad it is for you. Yeah, 100%. I mean, this is the motivation of why we started this. I mean, that was exactly what all of us saw in our space for, so in fact, we were guilty of it. I mean, this is the messaging that we would get down from the company was about selling, you know, memberships was about selling supplements. And so, you know, whatever gimmick or thing that we could come together to sell people on
Starting point is 01:05:51 to make more money for the business is much, oh, most people online run their business. And it's tough for the consumer, you know, especially when they use a bunch of jargon that you're unfamiliar with to confuse you into thinking that this is the best idea. But that's exactly what motivated the four of us to start mind-pompies to counter a lot of this information.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Yeah, I would say easily 90% of the information that's put out by the fitness industry at large, the diet industry at large, and even the wellness industry at large, a good 90% of it is totally wrong and of that 90% a good chunk is actually dangerous. So there's just so much crap that's out there in this space. And like Adam said, this is exactly why we started Mind Pump because it was very frustrating training clients and hearing these people come to us and say, hey, I heard this new thing or I read this book or I saw this ad and I want to do this and I got this new diet and it was doing this. And I'm like, oh my gosh, I felt like I was, you know, I was, you know, fighting it up
Starting point is 01:06:51 hill battle. And so how do we reach more people? Let's start a podcast. Let's talk to people about all this bullshit. Thank you very much for your question, by the way. Awesome. Thank you guys. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Yeah, how frustrating is that, man? When you guys would get clients that would come to you and tell you about stuff like this So common we're always having to kind of unpack this and and really like teach people like why it's so wrong It's it's great though. I like that. I'm you know, I'm enjoying these live questions because we you know There's a lot of people that feel that way but don't don't convey that or say that you know They either just get suckered into it and they say, ah, who cares, I'll just spend my hundred and something bucks, let me try it out or don't say anything. So it's great to have somebody who would admit
Starting point is 01:07:30 or ask questions about this so we can have dialogue because it is your right, so I'll most of the stuff that's floating around, especially right now, New Year's Eve is tempting to the momentum super high. Yeah, you want to change quickly. Right, right now, and right now, they're getting bombarded with ads more than they ever have Look my pump is recorded on videos as well as audio come find us also on YouTube
Starting point is 01:07:50 Mind pump podcast you can also find all of us on Instagram you can find Justin at mine pump Justin Me at mine pump Sal Adam at mine pump Adam and Doug the producer at mine pump dog Thank you for listening to mine pump If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks,
Starting point is 01:08:30 feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Super Bundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time this is MindPump.
Starting point is 01:09:04 reducing mind pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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