Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1469: Listener Live Coaching (Q&A)

Episode Date: January 16, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions via Zoom. Adam shares openly why he is back on hormone replacement therapy. (3:21) Justin is looking even MORE hand...some thanks in part to Caldera. (23:41) How Sal is enjoying the process with his baby boy. (26:08) How Adam is loving every moment with his son. (30:59) Justin is really into shocking news stories. (34:56) Mind Pump Recommends, Tiger on HBO. (39:57) Can drinking more coffee lower your risk of prostate cancer? (45:05) Ben Greenfield’s COVID-19 protocol. (46:09) #Quah question #1 – What are some ways I can improve my deadlift working out from home? (48:11) #Quah question #2 – What prerequisites are required to perform a proper sprint? (51:34) #Quah question #3 – Any advice on how to fix weak transverse abdominal muscles? (1:03:26) #Quah question #4 – I am a middle-aged man and have run MAPS Anabolic three times. Any advice, program wise, on how I can progress further? (1:15:22) Related Links/Products Mentioned January Promotion: MAPS Fitness Starter Bundle 50% off! 1 Week Special: MAPS Performance 50% off! “Promo code “GREEN50” at checkout” Low levels of serum testosterone in middle-aged men impact pathological features of prostate cancer Visit Caldera Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for the discount** Tiger - Watch the HBO Original Documentary | HBO Drinking more coffee every day could lower your risk of prostate cancer Mind Pump TV – YouTube Correcting Upper Cross Syndrome to Improve Posture & Health-- Prone Cobra GROW Your GLUTES with a SINGLE LEG DEADLIFT! Do You Have Back Or Shoulder Pain? YOU NEED TO TRY THIS! | Mind Pump MAPS Prime Pro Webinar MAPS Fitness Prime Pro | Muscle Adaptation Programming System How To Do The Sled Push The RIGHT Way! (AVOID MISTAKES!) Shrink Your Waist with Stomach Vacuums | MIND PUMP How to Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt (BECAUSE SIT HAPPENS!) | MIND PUMP The SECRET To Getting A Flat STOMACH (AVOID MISTAKES!) MAPS Fitness Anabolic | Muscle Adaptation Programming System Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ben Greenfield (@bengreenfieldfitness)  Instagram Alex Whitehair (@realgame.athletics)  Instagram Joe DeFranco (@defrancosgym)  Instagram Cory Schlesinger (@schlesstrength)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You are listening to the number one fitness health and entertainment podcast in the world. This is Mind Pump. Now, in today's episode, we took live questions from listeners who wanted some answers for their fitness questions. I'll get it to those in just a second, but before I do, let me go over what we talked about
Starting point is 00:00:30 in the intro portion, which was 36 minutes long. That's where we talk about current events and studies and talk about our lives. So we open up by talking about how Adam is the first person out of all of us to miss a workout. Oh man. He gives an okay excuse in the episode. Actually, he talks about, he talks about his hormone
Starting point is 00:00:46 replacement therapy that he just started. So if you're a guy and you have low testosterone, you're gonna wanna listen to that part of the episode. Then we talked about Justin's glorious golden skin. Ooh, I'm glowing. Looks really good right now. And that's because he's using Caldera. Caldera has all natural products
Starting point is 00:01:03 that balance out the oils in your skin. If you're watching on YouTube, when you take a gander at Justin's face and you'll know that that's stuff works, by the way, because you listen to Mind Pump, you actually get 20% off any of their products. Go check them out. It's good stuff. It's very, very good for your skin. It's Caldera Lab. That's C-A-L-D-E-R-A-L-A-B, dot com forward slash mind pump, and then use the code, mind pump for 20% off. Proof is in my face. Then I talk about my infant son and his obsession
Starting point is 00:01:31 with boobs, started already. Eight weeks old, can you believe that? Total boob guy. Then we talk about people getting struck by lightning and other weird stuff. We bring up the Tiger Woods documentary, and then I talk about how coffee may actually lower risk of prostate cancer, and then we brought up our friend,
Starting point is 00:01:46 Ben Greenfield's protocol for fighting COVID, because he got COVID and he killed it in like two days. Then we got into the questions. The first question was from Oliver from Michigan. Then we talked to Gabriel from Florida, then Sally from Alabama, and then we talked to Matt from Texas. By the way, when we talked to Matt, we'd recommended to him
Starting point is 00:02:07 maps performance. This is one of our workout programs that focuses on movement and mobility to improve aesthetics, aesthetics meaning the way you look. So better develop muscles, more balance, more fluid motion. Now in the episode, we actually gave him access to maps performance for free because he was one of the lucky callers.
Starting point is 00:02:26 But because we did that, we wanted to extend something out to our listeners. We're actually going to give all of you for the next week 50% off Maps performance. So if you listen to that part of the episode and that applies to you and you want to try out Maps performance, here's what you do. Go to mapsgreen.com, that's M-A-P-S green.com, and then use the code green50, that's GRE and 5.0. And I remember this program is a full workout program. It specializes in movement, mobility, strength,
Starting point is 00:02:59 and functionality, and of course, it improves aesthetics through all of that. It comes with workout videos and blueprints, so you know exactly what you need to do. It's a very phenomenal program. It's actually one of our core workout programs. And again, you get 50% off within the next week. One more time, it's mapsgreen.com and then the code is green50. Speaking of handsome people, one of us didn't show up for the workout today.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Oh, come on. This doesn't count. The first person to face. Listen, Linda. Listen. He always wants to be first place. No, no, no, no, no, no. Guys, I just don't want to be the guy. This doesn't count. Yes, this doesn't count.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I remember you saying that. This doesn't count. I got my, I go get my blood work today and I was told not Yeah, yeah, so I go for my hormone stuff so I go Later on this afternoon and she said make sure you don't Work out that I want to make sure you don't spike anything in that supposed Yeah, so my first so this is my my second follow-up
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yeah, so I wasn't asking if we could talk about it now Yeah, so I I mean a Complete transparency. I was waiting for some stuff to go through with the company that I'm working with because they wanted to do some sort of a sponsorship deal and this and that. In fact, we're still in conversation, but at this point, I'd much rather just talk about it. I'm saying it's already been, I'm actually today marks four weeks that have officially started the hormone replacement therapy. And I know on the show I've talked for a long time
Starting point is 00:04:30 that once Katrina and I got pregnant that I would most likely end up going back if I could never get my levels up any higher than what I had done. I did a lot of work the first couple of years to try and rebound them and get them up to healthy levels. And I'm in that range where I'm on the lower, okay level, but I've always felt, you know, I don't really pitch and complain on here. I know I did early on when I was really going through it, but it's been a battle the last couple of years to get back to kind
Starting point is 00:05:01 of my normal self as far as energy levels. Like I feel sluggish in the afternoon. And I'm checking all the boxes, all the things that we talk about to really make sure that I'm optimizing it as much as I can. Yeah, you're doing everything. Yeah, and I took it from, you know, in the low 200s right into the, I broke into the 300s and then low 400 when I was the last three years.
Starting point is 00:05:23 And then I have just kind of just, just there. That's so my peak right now is low 400 levels. Which if I were to see a general practitioner, they might be like, oh, you're fine, you're not in danger of anything. Now, once you go below 300, then a general practitioner will put you on testosterone. However, if you're in the low,
Starting point is 00:05:44 if you're under, I believe 450, and you have symptoms you on testosterone. However, if you're in the low, if you're under, I believe 450, and you have symptoms of low testosterone. So it's actually 650, it's 650, so a hormone therapist, if you... Oh, that's your time about the hormone therapist specialist. Yes. It's not about like you go to your normal doctor.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Oh, a GP, yeah. No, GP, they won't even mess with you if you're under 400, even if you mark those things. Cause I've gone and seen a GP before and talked to him about how I felt, and they're like, oh, you're okay. We'll check again and see if it comes back up. But I had been recommended to like, why don't you go see a hormone specialist and see what they say to you.
Starting point is 00:06:17 And their markers is if you're under 600 or 650 and you mark enough of those things like low energy levels, libido, all these different. There's like a whole question error I had to fill out. And then you qualify for it. And you know, when I told her my history of like antibiotics and using it for competing and even before that in my 20s, she was like, oh, you're most likely going to.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Well, you know, I found a study that showed that men who used antibiotics steroids, and not even a lot, just guys who had used it a few times or whatever, that a majority of them later on, especially these approach to 40s, had lower testosterone compared to other men. Interesting. So there are long-term... Because of intervention, because you got exogenous lead. Well, there's a feedback loop when you take steroids or testosterone that your body stops producing its own.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Doesn't take much, by the way. You don't have to take much testosterone to have that happen. And in fact, it's been testosterone has been studied as a potential constraceptive for men because of that negative feedback loop on the side effects of that is lower sperm count. Again, it doesn't take much.
Starting point is 00:07:25 You could take a tiny bit and your body starts producing. Well, that was our biggest concern, right? So, you know, when I came off, right, this has been, God, it's been over three years now. So when I came off and I went through that whole depression, I tore Achilles, which by the way is correlated to low testosterone too. So that, that happened. Then that, during that time, I think I was like one, 50 or two. I was really, really low around that happened. Then during that time, I think I was like 150 or two. I was really, really low around that time.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And I went through it for a while to kind of get it back up to somewhat healthy. And the only reason why I didn't get on HRT back then was because I knew that it would decrease our chances of getting pregnant. And that was really important to us at that time. And so even though I was kind of quietly going through it, I didn't say anything and I was not gonna, you know, put that on us
Starting point is 00:08:09 to possibly get back on and then make it more difficult for Katrina. Katrina had that cis she was going through, so we were already, you know, there was a year there that I don't know if the audience knew that or not that we were trying and she didn't get pregnant. So we had already, so you have me with my hormone levels and my issues that I was having,
Starting point is 00:08:26 then you have her with her cyst that we didn't know about at the time, and we had been trying for a year. And so, even though HRT sounded like a great idea for me, I was like, just, I don't want to decrease any of the chances of us potentially getting pregnant. Well, you do know a lot of people don't realize this, but low testosterone levels and man puts you at increased risk for a lot of chronic disease.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Believe it or not, prostate cancer risk goes up with low testosterone. Your odds of dementia, Alzheimer's go up, diabetes goes up, even heart disease. Healthy levels of testosterone are healthy for your body. If you take bodybuilder doses, right, which is like many, many times above what would be considered the top limit, then you're causing yourself other problems. But if you're low, you have issues as well.
Starting point is 00:09:15 And like what I've always said on the podcast is if you're low, try to see if you can raise it naturally. But if you try and it still stays low, it might be healthier to have your hormone levels brought up or up to... Well, I wanted to give it a really good chance of me. Yeah, three years as a good chance. Yeah, yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:09:32 So I think I get, and I have consistently now done blood work and it has stayed like right at that low 400 or lower, right? So it's dipped sometimes, and then it stayed right around that 400 around that 400 mark and you know their goal So their goal is this the way it looks. So it's I take 150 milligrams. I'm just gonna ask what are they? Yeah, so they they they give me 150 milligrams a week right now Plus 250 I use of HCG that the HCG is to keep my natural production up still so it still is not
Starting point is 00:10:03 I mean, I it still decreases my my chances of pregnancy and stuff like that, but it still mitigates that by taking the HCG, right? No, it's test, is it testosterone, sypione? Yeah, sypione. So this is the way it works, right? So it's once a week that I get a shot from them. It's based on a little more than a half CC of 200 milligram testosterone. So it's 150. Their goal is that it shoots me up to like the 900 or so range. And then at the end of the week, I come back down to about five, 600, and then you take it in the shot.
Starting point is 00:10:39 And so it kind of keeps me in the upper range of testosterone. And so this is my fourth week on that dosage, they'll redo my blood again and see if I'm coming down to what they expect me to come down to. And if I come down to right where they are, they'll probably keep me on the same dose. If I'm lower than what I should be, they'll put me on a little bit more,
Starting point is 00:11:03 but they won't give you a dose that is like a bodybuilder type of work. Yeah, I was gonna say, this is the first time you've actually done this through a clinical setting, with hormone doctors managing everything. Yeah, so in the past, I've actually had doctors go do my blood work
Starting point is 00:11:19 and then tell me, and then I've done black market on my own, and then manage my own stuff. This is the first time that I've actually gone through a clinic, had them constantly be measuring blood. They're the one prescribing it. Like I'm medicine to follow their dosage. I'm not going out a beyond or any more than that
Starting point is 00:11:36 or taking anything else. It's literally just to kind of see how I feel. And I tell you what, man, the next day, literally the next day, it was night and day different for me. And what was night and day was like, of course, somebody who has used anabolic as many times as I have, I don't feel strong. I don't feel anabolic.
Starting point is 00:11:55 That takes a look week. Yeah, and I don't feel that right now. I'm on four weeks right now. And I don't feel that still right now. What I feel is good. Like I feel good. I feel I decided to work out. Like, you know, the workouts in the last couple of years,
Starting point is 00:12:09 a lot of self talk going on with me, like to motivate myself to go through it. And again, and you're not gonna hear that negativity for me on the show, but, you know, it was a struggle for me because this is, I love fitness. I love to work out. Like I was a type of person that liked working out so much that when I go to bed,
Starting point is 00:12:26 I'm thinking about my workout the next day. And that will literally happen. Like so not feeling that it just feels off. Oh yeah, it just totally feels off. And you know, and then I'd have these dips and energy around two o'clock in the afternoon where I just want to take a nap. And so if I didn't get an exercise in before that, then I would totally not do anything that day. So yeah, what I feel right now is amazing compared to what I feel. I don't feel like I said super strong or feel like I'm anabolic.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I just feel healthy and normal. Well, bodybuilder doses are five, six, seven times, 10 times higher than what you're taking. Yeah, yeah. Now, compared, so because this is pharmaceutical grade, this is Dr. prescribed testosterone, how does it compare to black market? Because from what I've read, black market stuff tends to be underdosed because there's
Starting point is 00:13:16 no way to check it. So that's an interesting question, Sal, and I'm trying to put my finger on this right now, right? Because in the past, the feeling that I feel right now from it on this low of a dough, like I've been on this low of a dose before like when I'm coming off of testosterone, I would I would, but it was black market. Yeah, but it was black market. I definitely, this feels better, feels cleaner, but it's like,
Starting point is 00:13:43 come on, it's, I don't know don't know, I don't know for sure. Well, look, I tell you what, I've read studies where they've taken black market antibiotics, and stuff that's not labeled testosterone, so stuff that's like bulldoknown or decaduraballin, which is, you know, nandrolone, that's another, these are all steroids that are not testosterone, but they're, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:02 they take the testosterone molecule and they change a little bit to make it a different anabolic steroid. All those, many times, they'll test them. So the bottle says, Nangelum, they'll test them like, no, it's testosterone and Nantate are sipinate because testosterone is cheaper. Or they'll take testosterone and Nantate are sipinate.
Starting point is 00:14:17 They'll test it on the bottle, the black marker bottle, it'll say 200 milligrams per milliliter, they'll test it and it's 125. No, I don't completely disagree with you. Like that's obviously possible, but there's also, I've read things that say that a lot of the black market stuff sometimes is some of the best stuff because now you have these,
Starting point is 00:14:38 these people that are in these forums that are making big, big money that selling steroids on the black market and their reputation is on the line. Like I've dealt with stuff, you know, again. Nowadays, you got that kind of that market. Yeah, this guy, I mean, if I'm getting from this guy on the black market, he has got a major reputation.
Starting point is 00:14:58 He's got 10,000 reviews and if anything doesn't come through the mail, he rescinds it to you. Like, it's a lot more sophisticated today than what it was 10, 15 years ago when you and I And if anything doesn't come through the mail, he resends it to you like there's there's there It's a lot more sophisticated today than what it was, you know 10 15 years ago when you and I were probably Around that stuff now you know the problem with that is is that because I've been God, what was that website that they took down that was doing a silk road? Yeah, yeah, and the problem with that is like if you're testing other drugs from what I read There's easy test kits you can buy online
Starting point is 00:15:26 In fact, you could test something to see if it has You know, what is it? Excessy. It's a very easy test kit. In fact, you can buy one online, I believe But to test testosterone and to see how many milligrams are on a milliliter. I think it's an expensive process I bet it is. So I don't know if it's you know, it's challenging right? So the reviews may be something like, right, right, they feel it still, but they don't know it's watered down by 25%.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I get where you're going with this. And so I wonder the same thing too, because I do feel so good off as such a small amount right now. But I also wonder too, this is one of the longest stretches I've ever had since I was in my 20s. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Of not taking testosterone. That's what your receptors might be just wide over. Right. And because I came from such a bad place of like solo, I was depressed, the Achilles, all that shit, it really challenged me to really dial in my health. Like I really, really put a lot of focus on my sleep and the juvenile and making sure that I was doing like strength training that not over applying intensity and diet was clean.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Like, I really put a lot of effort into, can I naturally do this myself, you know, vitamin D supplement? I'm doing all the stuff that I should be, I even ran through a protocol that you gave me way back when with a tongue cat Ali and the ashwagandha. So I've done a lot of things consistently for a while now, to bring it up naturally and for that long for me not to take any part of me Think that my body was just almost reprimed for it again, and that's why it's now have you ever
Starting point is 00:16:50 Have you ever done HCG like this before? No, because they're giving it to you every time you know So the I've used HCG in the past to come off of it off of a cycle We call it post cycle therapy. Yeah, so that that HCG used to be part of my post cycle therapy You would run it for a few week, two to four weeks post-cycle. Now, for the listeners, HCG, in fact, that's what a pregnancy test will pick up in a woman because her HCG levels will go up and it shows that she's pregnant. But in men, it looks like luteinizing hormones. When they give it to men, it tells the body to produce more testosterone
Starting point is 00:17:27 and more sperm. And so I think the theory is they give it to you with testosterone to keep your testicles from kind of working, not shutting down and atrophing, right? And I know if they give you a high enough dose from what I've read, you can have kids, even though you're on.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Oh, it's only like a 7% when you're running ACG with testosterone. So if you run testosterone by itself, I forget what the statistics are, but it's a. Shuts it way down. Yeah, it's the statistics of you getting someone pregnant on consistently taking synthetic testosterone is very low. If you're running ACG with it, it's only like 7% less than what it would be
Starting point is 00:18:06 if you weren't running anything. It's okay, interesting. Yeah, so it's supposed to be, I mean, and the reason, I knew that before, and I still chose not to, because I'm 7% 7%, I mean, if I got this... And if you were waiting a year.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Yeah, exactly. We were already had been trying for a year, I wanted the best chances to get her pregnant, and so even though I knew that it would still be 93% chance, it didn't matter. I want as much chances I could back then. And that's why I'm in a different place. Okay. So besides feeling good, and I'm assuming you mean just more energy and better mood.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Yeah. L'Obiido. That's the big one. I think a lot of the number one reported side effect that men will get from low testosterone is loss of libido. So number one, in fact, that's why men will often get tested, is that's what they'll complain about? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Is that different? Yeah, yeah, I know that's, that is probably, to me, that's like the most obvious thing that I feel out of anything. Like, I can't remember the last time that my sex drive felt like it was. Now luckily, Katrina and I have a very healthy relationship. She's beautiful and very attracted to her.
Starting point is 00:19:10 And so even during those times when I wasn't feeling it, we never go more than a few days. In our house, that's like a rule. I'm in trouble if I go beyond four or five days. Yeah, I got to have a very good excuse to make it five days without any sex in our house. So, and, you know, it's not hard to muster up the energy to have sex with her at all.
Starting point is 00:19:30 So, yeah, even then, so I would say, you know, again, being completely transparent and sharing my personal shit, I was probably having sex on a low week, twice, on a high week, four times most consistently. Well, that's a lot for four times most consistently. That's a lot for compared to most people. Well, yeah, but I mean, this last week was like six times.
Starting point is 00:19:48 You know, so it's very different. Yeah, very, very different. It's a different drive, different. Yeah, and you know, and that's too prong too, because I'm also, you know, I'm like, Katrina teases me as being the chick in the relationship or I have to feel sexy about myself and feel good and I didn't want to have to say.
Starting point is 00:20:04 So it's all, it's compounding, right? I'm trying to have sex with you, like, but you haven't complemented my head. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I have chocolates first. I feel mushy right now, you know. So, yeah, I'm tired. Yeah, so, yeah, so I'm definitely that way, right?
Starting point is 00:20:16 So, and so that's probably compounding. Not only is it obviously increasing my libido, right? But in addition to that, I'm also, I haven't been this consistent training and diet, you know, for a long time either. So I think the combination of that, I'm really feeling all those things, you know. Oh, that's awesome. Well, I'm, you know, again, this is something that is testosterone is the male hormone, and if it's low, you're not going to feel like yourself, you know, and you have to have a certain level to be healthy. And if you go above that, hormone and if it's low, you're not going to feel like yourself.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And you have to have a certain level to be healthy. And if you go above that, you have problems. If you go below that, you have problems. I always knew there was a very good chance because of what I had experimented with in the past that I could potentially be on hormone therapy as I get into my 40s. People asked a lot. When we first would talk about this when I was going through it, I'd always get,
Starting point is 00:21:07 you know, are you gonna get on testosterone again? Are you, are you, are you? And at that time, I was like, probably, probably, but I didn't know when I would. I really wanted to give it a fair shot of me truly trying to see what I could do naturally before I decided to go down. Now, any reason why you chose
Starting point is 00:21:24 or why they chose injection versus cream or patch or anything like that? I mean, I know I've done my research, so I know kind of the difference, but any particular reason for you? Well, I think injection is supposed to be the best, right? Yeah, and obviously I don't have a problem with needles. So, I've already done testosterone,
Starting point is 00:21:42 so I've given it to myself. So having a nurse inject testosterone on me, I definitely don done testosterone. So, and I've given it to myself. So, having a nurse inject testosterone, I mean, I definitely don't feel it. Yeah, because from what I've read, the creams, people can have a tough time getting their testosterone levels up to a certain level with them. And then there's transfer.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Have you guys heard this? So, if you rub this cream on yourself. Remember that's what the CrossFit girl trying to claim. Yeah, that's her argument. You can go hug your wife or it gets on the bed and then your baby playing the bed and next thing your nose like, why is Max having mustache?
Starting point is 00:22:08 You know, I mean, this is a real thing. Just spread and testosterone over her. Yeah, and there's also that there's a patch, I believe, but from what I've read, the injection is still the best. The downside is it's an injection. A lot of guys don't want to have to do that. Yeah, I guess if you're really scared of that stuff and that then I would consider that, but I'm not, I mean, I know that that's the purest clean want to have to do that. Yeah, I guess if you're really scared of that stuff then I would consider that, but I'm not,
Starting point is 00:22:25 I mean, I know that that's the purest, cleanest, best way to do it. And so it wasn't even an option for me. It's like, of course, I'm gonna go there. I'm seeing huge guys like get really scared. A little needle. It's pretty bare. Well, I mean, your wife's a nurse.
Starting point is 00:22:38 And she ever told you about this. She's told me some stories, yeah. I've like trying to get IVs in and it's past to having to hold people down and people passing out and yeah, all that stuff., like she's had to go through all kinds of issues with that, especially with like big guys. Dude, I knew a guy. I don't like to give blood.
Starting point is 00:22:53 I will give you that though. Really? Yeah, that for some reason that still, I mean, I'm like look away. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't like to let pass that one time, just watching her, like go in and then seeing the blood come out. Me too. me too. I got light hit, it only took one, it took one bad experience for me. And it was one of the first times that I had blood,
Starting point is 00:23:12 that I, it was, I think it's even doing a blood drive or two. Dude, I would do it to myself. I'm like, really? Oh, really? It doesn't bother me at all, I think it looks cool. Oh, no, it's totally, I don't, here's the reason why I don't look when they put the needle in, because I don't want to anticipate the pick, the feeling of the needle. I don't want to tense put the needle in because I don't want to anticipate the pick the feeling of the needle
Starting point is 00:23:25 I don't want to tense up. Yeah, so I let her do it. Nice me But then I like to look because you know when they clip those things on and the blood fills it up Oh, it's cool. Well, you're weird. Yeah Yeah, I'm a little bit weird. Yeah, can I can I take one of those? That makes sense. Yeah Now speaking of handsome other handsome people Adam, have you noticed anything different about Now speaking of handsome other handsome people Adam have you noticed anything different about Justin's face? 100% I have dude Yes, I've even complimented me at all. We're waiting for the commercial I'm not gonna bring it up. Yeah, dude. Come on. I've been lathering myself
Starting point is 00:23:55 I made like a nightly ritual of using the Caldera a serum Bro, you look if you're looking on if you're watching on YouTube right now. look at his face. You do. It looks way different. I wish you would have done a before. I wish you would have done a before and taking a picture of your own lines. No, it's just, don't make it fun. It's for real. I know, no, I know.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I have to make fun of myself because it's like, I already started off this year being like, oh, I have like these aesthetic goals and six bag and I'm gonna beautify my face. What's happening to me? Bro, this is what happens. You work with two sales guys. For number, it's true.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Number one, when we started the podcast, Justin's like, ah, we don't really like that much. Right, love me. Love me, love me. Now I'm just like an edible female. It's a fair thing. What happened? Now, it took this long.
Starting point is 00:24:37 It was a long one, by the way. That is aesthetics. Gonna get six back and beautiful skin. Might as well. You know, beautiful on top of everything, right? No, but all joking aside, what's your routine? You just put it on at night before you go to bed. Yeah, that's been it, just consistency.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Like I've been trying to do that every single day. It's been two weeks of straight consistently applying it. Well, are we noticing? What? Is Courtney noticing? Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, she's, but she doesn't, I don't know, man, she's, she's a little bit like, we'll ping pong it off. Like, oh, I'm not, you know, working out as much.
Starting point is 00:25:07 And I'm not this, it makes her feel insecure. It's a little insecurity there, but can't get too sexy, huh? Yeah, I don't know, I don't know. We're working through that. But I, yeah, she does compliment every time. So use it like this the next time, because we do so much stuff on camera and shit, and I know we shot yesterday, we shot clips yesterday.
Starting point is 00:25:22 So the next time we have to shoot clips, do it right before you shoot clips and then watch your video because we were in all the lighting and you can really tell a conference and then you can look back at other videos. That's what sold me so bad was because I went and watched a video, like when we first got it in,
Starting point is 00:25:36 I was like, oh, let's try this stuff out, whatever, right? And then I remember watching one of our videos in my face and I thought Doug did something different with the lighting and I was like, oh shit, that was a day that I put the Caldera on right before. And so that was it. Yeah, no it does. It looks like. No, my skin does feel softer. And like I've noticed, and of course I've made fun of the fact that I'm dry as an alligator pretty much like 24-7. So this is all new. My skin. It's like a sponge your skin's like oh thank you I gotta tell you guys hilarious story about my so you know obviously my baby boys
Starting point is 00:26:11 Yeah, he's only a couple months old, but he is so funny about Jessica's boobs. Oh, yeah, so funny, bro. He's gonna be a boob guy. Oh, oh you have no idea She sends me video. I can't show you guys because obviously it has Jessica's boob on it. Sure you can. Nah, I can't do it. I'm not gonna do it, especially that you had on. But, but, but, but she'll, she'll,
Starting point is 00:26:30 she'll breastfeed him, he'll fall asleep, right? And then she'll keep her, because she'll lay on the bed or on the couch. So she's kind of laying there. And then she'll start to move away. And then he starts to go, he's smelling to see if it's there.
Starting point is 00:26:43 And then he does this, he does this thing right here. He's testing with this tongue. If he sees that it's there, he's smelling to see if it's there. And then he does this thing right here. He's testing with his tongue. If he sees that it's there, he'll stay there. If it's not there, he starts to cry. So she sends me this videos of her moving her boob away and then he's looking with this tongue and then, eh, he's just got to keep it next home, like,
Starting point is 00:26:57 oh my God, what do we get to do with this kid? You gotta be glued to this kid all the time. It's so great. But it's so funny, let's see if it does. That's the treasure right now. It's all about it. Now does it feel like time is flying for you already? Is it, I mean, you're already past two months right now,
Starting point is 00:27:09 or do you feel Twilight's zone a little bit? Like, what are you going through right now? I mean, I'm way more involved. Yeah, you talk about that. And so it feels like it's slowing down. So is there, okay, so because you feel like you're so more involved, are there specific things that you're making like a habit that you're doing
Starting point is 00:27:26 that maybe you didn't do before traditionally? Like, I know I have my own things, right? I've like, this, I'm really adamant about always doing this. I wanna build this bond or whatever with him. Are there little things that you're already starting to do that like maybe you didn't do before that you like consistently like every day?
Starting point is 00:27:41 This is what I do with you. Just more of the care. Like I always love, you know, I always kiss my kids and will always play with that. Yeah, you're a very affectionate father already. Yeah, but the care aspect, the changing, the diapers, the changing is clothes, the, you know, making sure he does the right, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:56 like tummy time exercise and that kind of stuff is, and you know, that's part of being involved with your kids. I mean, when I first, and this was a big realization for me with my older kids, when I got divorced, all of a sudden, now I had the kids, they would come with me every other week, and I had to do all the things that I didn't do before. I had to make them lunch and make sure that their homework
Starting point is 00:28:19 was done and pick them up from school and do these different things. And at first, it was kind of daunting and overwhelming. But as I started doing it, I realized that doing those things is what makes me a part of their life. And I know them better as a result. Whereas before I looked at it like, oh, these are just chores,
Starting point is 00:28:33 someone takes care of it, not a big deal. But it's actually an important thing. So even just caring for it. It directly affects them. Totally, just caring for the baby, you know, changing as diaper, for example, it's kind of stuff. I mean, I've changed more diapers now than I did with my first two for sure.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Oh, like total. Oh yeah, like I barely ever changed diapers before. I was the happy fun play dad and then, oh, poop, pass them on. Now I'll do more, I mean, Jessica still handles most of it, but I do more. It gets a lot stinkier. It's, yeah, that's when the food comes in.
Starting point is 00:29:00 They change, don't they? Now, was there a learning curve, were you bad at it? Are you not so good at it, or were you good right away? I'm okay, I mean, I think I'm good. I mean, you have to ask Jessica. See what she says. Yeah, she always calls out your bullshit. Yeah, you know what's funny, dude, is, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:14 when you change a boy's diaper, if you don't point their penis in the right direction, the pee's coming out. Oh yeah, you have to point. You gotta do a false one, too, because even the cold air will get it. No, you throw it, so you go up, and then you go back down and they piss it. You throw a wipe or you throw a towel over it.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right before. Yeah, as soon as I pull diprop, you just, it's just like a habit for me. I just drop something over the top of it and then you do your thing and then right before you close it up, you pull it up. Dude, my son makes it. They actually make a, they actually make a p-cone for boys.
Starting point is 00:29:40 They call it a t-p-t-p. Is that what it is? A p-p-t-p. Yeah, yeah, they actually make them. But you mean you just, we just use like a little, I know. Yeah, we're in it is? PPP. PPP. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they actually make them. But you mean you can just, we just use like a little, I know, we own a PPP. Yeah, we're all a freaking white bull.
Starting point is 00:29:49 They now, I mean, that's crazy. It's the amount of money that's in like, every so many products now that like, didn't exist. We have a white warmer. Yeah, we have a white warmer. We have one too. Now, when I first, when I first heard about these, it's cool though.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Well, hold on, this is necessary. Hold on, so when they first came out with these and in we you know Jessica talked about I'm I thought to myself like I'm gonna spoil my kid that much I can't wipe his ass with a fucking room temperature, you know wipe. It's gotta be warm like come on But you know what happens? You change your diaper in the middle of night. You put a cold wipe on them It wakes them up. Oh, yeah, so it makes sense. You build them in a gold bath. Yeah You all that stuff. It's sprinkled.
Starting point is 00:30:26 You get a drone to kind of fly down and you know, change. Now, you know, that's a great example. Is there anything that you've come across that you feel is a little ridiculous or over the top that you guys use or that you've received yet? It's really about making your own life easier, all the stuff.
Starting point is 00:30:39 So I'm open for all. Yeah. Open for any hack. Because it's really okay. He likes it too, but actually really, it's helped me. Yeah, he defines me like 10 minutes of sleep. Yeah. Open for any hack. Because it's really okay. He likes it too, but actually really, it's helped me. Yeah, he buys me like 10 minutes of sleep. Yeah. He makes this face though when he's about to pee or grow the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:30:51 It's like, I can tell now. So I'll be playing with them or whatever. And I'll be like, oh, you're about to poop, aren't you? And then you're here. Yeah. Did you see the story that I posted of him? And then I know the guy who's running the meme page made the funny I'm praying over my son or whatever. So this is his thing right now, right? Oh, it's such a sucker for
Starting point is 00:31:10 it right now is he can feel when and I'm worse at it, right? So Katrina is better at putting him down than I am because she puts him down before he's fully asleep and then she can get him to kind of settle down where I like to rock him till she's asleep because me leaning over into the crib, he feels that distance. I try to explain that to him. You know, me, when I go over the crib and come down, he can feel the instability where she can stay tight and close and bring him down to the thing that's like closer for her and he goes right in and no problem. So when he feels, he's off your body.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yes. And I'm so long and I'm so tall and the crib is so low. So I'm like, when I'm extending him out from me, he feels that instability and he like, you feel him blocking on my finger or grab something. So then when I lay him down, he will put like a death grip on my hand. And if I try and pull it away, he'll pop up and he'll wake up.
Starting point is 00:32:03 So I gotta like, so that picture is me like, laying there, you know, for like five or 10 minutes for him. That's the way it is. Yeah. For him to, for him to like slowly do it. And, and it's like this, it's like just, just, bro, you become an ninja. Yeah. Like slowly inching out or like tricking him by like rubbing his back when I'm pulling out at the same time, right? So I have all these. Slide of hand. Yeah. And every once in a while, you rock him way out here before even get there. Oh, yeah, total. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All the way down, right?
Starting point is 00:32:29 So he will, he sometimes I can get it, and I get out and I'm way in fine, but sometimes he'll feel me pull away. And he doesn't cry. He just instantly stands up, and then, you know, it's pitch black in that room. So he's reaching for me.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And then he grabs around my neck and that that that photo Katrina took that while I was in there. I didn't know that and he he stood up and he like nustled his his you know his his face and I'm in my neck. I don't get you. And he's like squeezing. You want to come to bed with that? Oh man.
Starting point is 00:33:00 So I did. I was exactly what I did. So I would know what he knows right? Is right after that video, I carried him, I picked him up and then I was like, and then you're reinforcing bad for it. Oh yeah, right totally. So I went, oh, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:33:11 So I'm the stickler on that, right? So I'm the stickler on the rules and not enforcing this to that. But I'm also the one to break it occasionally. And Katrina's always like, you're so, what are you doing? And I'm like, well, you know, sometimes it's okay. You know, this is the one time it's okay right now. But I say so.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Yeah. I'm so, I'm so double standard about it. You know what I'm saying? Like, hey, we got to teach him. You got to let him cry. Do this and that. You're consistent enough. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Then he has those moments when he does it. Oh, okay. Just one time. Just one time. Just one time. Just one time. Just one time. Just one time. Just one time. Just one time. Just like, oh, we'll do that. But listen, the kids, they haven't been even very healthy. This has to happen, this has to happen. She'll do that. And then all of a sudden, she'll come home and she'll be like,
Starting point is 00:33:48 hey, kids, and chocolate. Yeah, I'm like, what's going on here? Yeah. Why'd you just do that? It's hard. It's totally tough. But that's a good point, Justin. It doesn't last that long.
Starting point is 00:33:58 It doesn't. Yeah. You're not embrace it. It enjoy it while it's there. Because I, like, hearing you talk about is like totally brings me back to like, it being in the rocking chair and like, I would fall asleep, you know, and then like, it was just, but I loved every minute of it, you know.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Thinking back. I love it. I love it too, like I, you know, and that's why I try to tell her all the time. She's like, why are you, why are you in there for 20, 30 minutes? I'm like, yeah, you know, like, I don't want to forget these moments. Like I really don't. Like I, I'm very mindful of that while a minute. Like I know that I yeah, you know, like, I don't want to forget these moments. Like, I really don't. Like, I'm very mindful of that while I'm in it.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Like, I know that I'm sitting here rocking in. It's hard. And that one in a couple of years, it'll never be like this again. It's hard, though, and it's so sleep deprived. Like right now, the baby's going through a growth spurt or something. He's eating like on the dot every hour and a half, two hours. He's eating, and he seems to be just growing. And Jessica is just so sleep deprived.
Starting point is 00:34:46 It's borderline comical. Like she's like, she'll lose her shit, and then she'll stop and be like, wow, I need some sleep. Dude, I have no idea how to transition out of this, but so totally random. We've been watching a lot of nature stuff and these documentaries and things on Nat Geo, I think.
Starting point is 00:35:06 But I saw this one freak incident. So this guy, well two incidents. Actually, one of them involved this guy was basically the caught on video. He was getting out of the semi truck and all of a sudden he spontaneously combusted. So you've heard of spontaneous combustions. I have. That's been something they've talked about for centuries.
Starting point is 00:35:27 And I always, I'm always like, does that really happen? That's when God is like that, right? Like you just, you just think of that. Just all of a sudden you just like burst into flames and that literally happened to that guy. And he was just bursting in flames. His friend jumps out trying to pat him down, but his whole body was on fire.
Starting point is 00:35:42 And then what happened? They don't know how it happened. And I think that, so this next one actually was kind of bummed because it was a little bit, like they said that it was staged. So there was some shenanigans with it, but then I went down this rabbit hole of it. So they showed this guy who was walking down the street and it was like a dark, somebody's camera
Starting point is 00:36:02 that was like outside filming this and got struck by lightning. And so you see him get struck by lightning and then he's kind of stumbling around and he keeps walking, get struck again. And you're like twice and then like later on, like you kind of find out that like one of them was kind of bullshit. But what I saw after that, then they showed his arm, and he had these patterns, and it was like a fern. You know, like all the, what's that geometry that is like fractal geometry? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:37 You know, so it follows that sort of like leafy kind of fern pattern. So when they get these burns, that go all the way down their skin from like lightning victims. Yeah, people get weird, weird patterns. What is it? Lichten burn. What are you watching?
Starting point is 00:36:54 What is it? I don't remember the name of it. It was like shocking incidents. So, so remember how I told you guys a while ago when I was a kid, I used to read these books on on there's like a whole series of books on weird stuff that Magnus monster big foot there was a book on spontaneous combustion really yes and I read it and there are cases where for example I don't remember where this happened but there was this lady that caught fire she just caught fire in
Starting point is 00:37:20 her apartment that just where she sat caught fire because after she was done her body was incinerated, her shoes were still there, so her shoes were left, her rings on her fingers were stolen the couch, couch was fine, house was fine, everything was fine, just her. Just her, just caught fire. Yeah, and there's a picture of it,
Starting point is 00:37:36 you could probably find it somewhere on, oh, those are the burn marks from the, oh, this is the, from Lightning Strikes, yeah, that's a real thing, look at that, you get a cool tattoo. It's kinda cool, I mean, it's, I mean, I hate to say it, but it looks pretty badass. Okay, and then there's been stories for long periods of time
Starting point is 00:37:51 where there would be like a ball of light that would fly through the air and do weird things and people would say, oh, it's spirits, it's whatever. Do you know what it is? Ball lightning. Oh, you know, that's a real thing. Yeah, no, no. Ball lightning is a real thing
Starting point is 00:38:04 where it's literally a ball of lightning that flies through the air. It's just hovering across Yeah, I've seen a video put ball lightning up there and and click on images. I hope nothing weird You guys watch and read some weird shit. I'm into it man The freak here the better. Yeah, like a weird ball of lightning is flying through the air. Isn't that weird? What? Yeah It's kind of cool. Yeah, that's the ball of lightning is flying through the air. Isn't that weird? What? Yeah, it's kind of cool. Yeah, that's the one I've seen where it goes across of train tracks.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Now Doug, put it. I thought it was BS, but it turns out it was legit. Doug put spontaneous combustion up. So ball lightning is still theorized. Like they're trying to figure out like if it's real or a lot of people say it is real and it hasn't worked. It's some weird optical illusion.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Yeah, Doug, look up spontaneous combustion and then put images and I bet we're gonna see that picture. Oh, there you go, spontaneous human combustion right there. And I bet you're gonna see a picture of the couch that I was telling you about. Oh, right there at the yellow couch. That's not the one, but that's weird right there. Oh, there's one right there with the leg is just left
Starting point is 00:39:00 and the rest of the body was incinerated. Those look fake. I may be, huh. I don't know. Those look yellow fake Maybe, huh. I don't know. I saw it when I was a kid, so maybe it's... Dude, it looks like it looks fake as shit. Yeah, I don't know. Oh, no, up, up, up.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Just so I've always thought it would be like a... That's the right... Wives tail or some kind of legend, do you know? What does that say, Doug? Yeah, in 1982, Jenny Safin eventually wrapped into flames while sitting on a chair Her father who was a witness of this incident said she saw a flash of light and She covered it was covered into flames. Oh, man. That's yeah, that's there's a way to go right? That's when it's time to die. Well, I'm done. There's nothing to do about it
Starting point is 00:39:43 I just burst in the flames. Yeah, I would hate to die's nothing you can do about it for years. I don't know, there's a burst in the flames. Yeah, I would hate to die that way, because I feel like everybody would know like I fucked up. Yeah, you got smited. Especially if you got struck twice by lightning. Oh, yeah, definitely smited. Well, while you guys are watching weird stuff, I was watching the new documentary on Tiger Woods that just came out so good.
Starting point is 00:40:01 HBO. Yeah, that's what I thought of it. I think it's a, well, it's at least a two-parter because I know the other half is not in. So real quick, I'm not super familiar with what got him a bunch of trouble. He explained golf. He, let's start from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Yeah. He would take Ambien with hookers and then he'd have sex with them, right? They try not to play with him. Okay, so we haven't, we haven't got. That's one part. So that's part two, right? They'd try not to play with it. Okay, so we haven't, we haven't got. That's one part. So that's part two, right? So this did all his childhood stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Okay. So he is just now, he's won the masters and he's starting to become like super famous. His dad, since he was little, like, you know, proclaim that he was going to just like, be like Gandhi, like he was going to be so important to our society as far as like what he's gonna do for sports.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Yeah, so he's been saying that since he was like a little kid and shit. And there's, there's a tyrannical, like you know, a lot of these other dads like get way too involved totally. Yeah, yeah, no, he totally. And he wanted a superstar kid just being a shitty dad I guess.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Yeah, well, you know what I didn't, well, I mean, so originally he wasn't painted that way. Like, it wasn't until later, it's more stuff start to come out. Like originally, everybody like loved him. You know, he's a green beret, you know, Vietnam war hero, dude. Like everybody said in use, he's very, when he presents himself on television and stuff, you would know. And he loves Tiger and he go and they go into that, right?
Starting point is 00:41:26 Like he's definitely got a love for his son. It's not like it's coming from a good place, but it obviously didn't manifest into that. And then some of the things that he did, the thing that I didn't know, because I followed Tiger Woods and know most of his story, what I didn't know and connected to the question you were just alluding to, Sal,
Starting point is 00:41:44 what happened with, because I can't know and connected to the question that you were just alluding to, Sal, what happened with, because I can't remember they found like 300 different hookers and girls that he was sleeping with while he was married. And of course, that went through the news and he got just destroyed for that. Well, it makes a lot of sense when you see the way he was raised. Like he had no time.
Starting point is 00:42:02 There was teachers and stuff that were trying to ask, like, oh, he wants to play baseball, or he wants to try his dad would like. Golf is everything. Golf is everything. And he used to take him on this navy base golf course that he had access to him and another guy. And this guy is the one telling the story
Starting point is 00:42:19 and kind of laying this out. And he used to, and this is like when he's like a junior high entering high school so he's a young man and his dad was cheating on his mom like every day at whether they're out there golfing. He used to drive a Winnebago to the golf course. What? And like in front of his son, take girls into the Winnebago and have sex with them. So he parked the Winnebago.
Starting point is 00:42:41 All right son, go have a good training. All into what? He's bad behaviors came for you. I'll be here. You know the rule if you see a tie hanging around the door And a hundred percent like yeah, and it did that through his whole childhood and his dad was probably his hero His big time big time big time big time Yeah, so then you you hear that and you see that and then you know You have a little empathy for the guy because I think when obviously when that news came out It was like how could you cheat on a model and this and that and
Starting point is 00:43:07 we held it we all like we always do hold these famous people and athletes on pedestals and then he falls from that pedestal and then we just we destroy him at what a bad person he is and then you see how this poor kid grew up you know where he was completely sheltered from from the world and forced into doing just non-stop golf. And then the only outlet that he sees is his dad, bangin' random girls on the golf course while he's out there teaching them stuff. And that's his hero.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Yeah, and that's who he looks up to. Oh, that's terrible. Like, man. I mean, he could have been war, I mean, I'm not excusing what he did, but he could have been worse. At least he wasn't violent, you know, and hurting anybody.
Starting point is 00:43:43 That happens, you know, with a lot of some of these athletes. They do some pretty bad, like, violent shit. Yeah. I mean, he wasn't great, but at least he wasn't that, you know, and hurting anybody. That happens, you know, with a lot of some of these athletes, they do some pretty bad, like, violent shit. Yeah. I mean, he wasn't great, but at least he wasn't that, you know? Yeah, no, just a lot of pressure is what he did. That's all. Oh, that's crazy. But yeah, I read that it was like,
Starting point is 00:43:54 that was their drug of choice was ambient, which is- I don't know, we'll see. That's next, so next Sunday is part two on HBO, and we'll see what, we'll see what, all, because I actually didn't dive that much into that. I knew like a little bit of it, like it, I don't get into celebrity drama and all that stuff. So I do know he got, you know, definitely blasted,
Starting point is 00:44:12 you know, for a while. I also, it's such a mistake to, in just such human nature, right? Somebody's really good at one thing. I know. And we naturally turn them into an angel. So somebody's a good singer, a good actor, a good athlete, a good whatever,
Starting point is 00:44:26 and because they're so talented in one area, it's natural, it's human nature. We paint them as this incredible person, but the reality is they're good at something, but they could be totally shitty and everything else, or just like all of us, which is flawed, right? We're all told about. There's a term for it, what's it called? It's called, what is it term dug for that when we idolize athletes or we make them, we glorify them when they're, it is called, it's not, for some reason, God complex keeps jumping
Starting point is 00:44:55 in my head, but that's doctor shit, that's not, there's a term for it, I've said it on the podcast before, but it's very, very common, and we do that with famous people all the time. Oh, I got good news, I to bring this up for you Justin. Oh Because you know how you drink coffee all the time. I know this yes In fact, I think you're the first person I know who drinks coffee post workout as well as pre workout
Starting point is 00:45:17 I'm gonna make this a thing. Yeah, by the way, so two things about that But okay post workout caffeine increases insulin sensitivity, so it could help with replenishing glycogen faster, by the way. Boom. If you have your coffee, post-benefits. You have some caffeine post workout with some carbs, it could speed that up. Okay. So there's that, but here's another thing, read a study that men who drink three or more
Starting point is 00:45:40 cups of coffee a day had significantly lower rates of prostate cancer. Yeah. So it's good for... That's all the information. It's good for the things. I was gonna ask you how your prostate was doing. Yeah, no more fingers, no that stuff. So I've been good.
Starting point is 00:45:55 Plural? Yeah. I'm gonna feed you yourself. Whoa. I told you guys about like my doctor visit. That's what I'm referring to. Yeah, but he just wanted me. You're right.
Starting point is 00:46:04 It was just wise. Just to be clear. No's what I'm referring to. Yeah, but he's one to me. You're right. No more just to be clear. No more. I like to. No more. Yeah. Hey, by the way, did you guys hear Greenfield had COVID? Oh, yeah, yeah. Did you see? So I talked to him. What's his protocol? He had a crazy protocol. So I talked to him, right?
Starting point is 00:46:16 He got COVID him and his wife and he said, I asked him, like, what do the symptoms? What happened? Are you okay? Is everybody all right? And he goes, oh, we had the sniffles for a couple of days and it was gone. So he had like a super mild case. But here's this protocol. I saved it because you know Ben Yeah, Ben's you know, he'll break it down on a molecular level. I've been is who I I posted a meme of Chuck Norris with COVID, you know, did you see that one or it's like you know Chuck Norris got COVID COVID is on
Starting point is 00:46:43 Covid out for two weeks.. Yeah, actually like that. I imagine. He ran a marathon. Yeah, he was on the way. I imagine Ben Greenfield as like Chuck Norris of COVID. Yeah, he didn't get COVID, COVID got Ben Greenfield. Yeah, yeah. So here's what he did.
Starting point is 00:46:55 And I'm not saying this is what you should do. This is literally what he wrote in his on his Twitter. So as soon as he had symptoms, he did 4,000 IUs of vitamin D a day, 3,000,000 I use a vitamin D a day three Three two thousand I use a vitamin C a day. So three times a day two thousand I use a vitamin C a day zinc Glutathione Nebulized silver H2O2. So I guess he was breathing that in Ozone water Plus you took the peptides BPC
Starting point is 00:47:21 BPC 157 and TB 500 TA1. And he repeated this for three consecutive days and then he goes, and that's it. Yeah. Just picking up a bit Walgreens. Yeah, that's a lot of stuff right there. A lot of deal.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Very interesting. I saved it though, just in case. He had no right. So, well, that's the guy, dude. I would try to protocol myself for sure. Yeah. This clause brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition,
Starting point is 00:47:49 Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance-the-added edge. Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I-D-C-A-N-I-D-C-A-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-N-I-G-A-N-I-F-I.com. And use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. Our first color is Oliver from Michigan. What's up Oliver? How can we help you? What's your question? Hey, what's going on guys? So I've been running MapSanabolic, the at-home mod for about nine weeks now. And I'm just looking for ways to improve my deadlift form and was wondering if there's any specific trigger section or body weight exercises that might help me out there. Oh, great question.
Starting point is 00:48:35 First on, how is the, because we, maybe people listen, don't know this, but we put dumbbell only, you know, modifications in most of our programs programs people could do them at home with just dumbbells how is that working for you by the way otherwise in the past nine weeks uh... it's been great uh... you know the programming is really allowed me to make some gains uh... while being at home uh... it's also helped with just connectivity and uh... slowing things down and uh... working on form as well.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Excellent. Now, in your deadlift, where do you feel like you have the problem? I would say keeping my shoulders rolled back, the hip-hands not so much an issue, but keeping my shoulders rolled back is a little bit harder, especially without the bar. Okay. So, a couple things I would recommend. One is to do prone cobra as a priming movement before you do your deadlift. So prone cobra, if you're not familiar with the exercise, we have it on our Mind Pump TV YouTube channel, but it's phenomenal for what you're talking about
Starting point is 00:49:39 a scapular retraction. And then the other thing I would recommend is to do one leg of deadlift with your shoulders pin back that'll really help you out Okay, I just was answering literally a similar question on the forum this morning So that single-legged deadlift exactly what I recommended so I that's the way I go. I love I don't know all of you've gone through my Instagram, but I was posting that for a while probably done I know last year some time so if you go gone through my Instagram but I was posting that for a while, probably done in a last year sometime. So if you go back enough videos,
Starting point is 00:50:07 you can see me showing the technique of it, but it's tough. It's a challenging exercise to get good at, but once you get good at it, you'll see some serious carryover into your deadlift. Definitely, cool. Thanks guys, I appreciate it. No problem, man.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Thanks for calling in. No problem, take care. Yeah, a lot of people don't realize that if they get good at a single-legged deadlift with weight Their normal deadlift is gonna skyrocket. I noticed that myself. It's like I didn't think I would have that much carryover But it's pretty remarkable. Yeah, it's interesting. It reveals a lot of the imbalances Especially when you when you do it with one leg and that's what I love about that. And to bring those shoulders back and everything, I didn't bring up, but just our wall test is great for that as well to work on. But I think everybody needs a little hip strength and stability.
Starting point is 00:50:54 And I just think that that's one of the best movements for it. And I don't care what level you're at. I can regress that all the way down for a seven-year-old woman that's doing it or somebody who's a 25 year old athlete that can lift 400 plus pounds on a deadlift. You can make that exercise extremely difficult, and you can regress it enough to where you can do it with somebody who's very old.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Exactly, but yeah, that Prone Cobras got to be one of the more underrated movements. I don't ever really see anybody do it, but what a great movement for people, especially for posture and just to activate that mid-back. Yeah, especially to prime right before you go to do that. Totally. Our next color is Gabriel from Florida.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Hey, what's up, Gabe? I feel like we know you. Yeah. Maybe. It's going on, buddy. What's happening guys? How you guys doing? Good, man. What you got for us?
Starting point is 00:51:46 What's your question? All right, perfect. So here's my question. So there's usually like a checklist, a prerequisite of things you want to take care of before if you want to do a movement like a snatch, right? So there's some mobility checkpoints that you want to just make sure you cover. My question is, is there anything for like a sprint? I might be, you know, overanalyzing this, but I feel like I want to just make sure you cover. My question is, is there anything for like a sprint? I might be, you know, overanalyzing this, but I feel like I want to do a sprint, but I'm not too sure if I'm there yet to do it such an explosive movement. Okay. Well, let's get a little bit more specific here, Gabriel. For you, in particular,
Starting point is 00:52:20 number one, are you looking for injury reduction or performance enhancement because there's two, you can do it kind of two different ways and then number two, where do you notice the issues in your body when you run or sprint or do you notice any issues? So first off it wouldn't be for performance, it wouldn't be for rehab or anything, I do want to just implement sprinting to my routine. Anytime I try to get on a treadmill, a cardio actually turns into a sprint because I could just get either bored
Starting point is 00:52:49 or I don't know something. So I do want to incorporate that, but I want to do it the right way. Last time I did when a full-out sprint, I want to say about 30, 40 yards. I noticed a really sore like in my right butt, to be honest with you. So I'm just not too sure if it's,
Starting point is 00:53:05 if I'm even or if I'm just doing it the right way because I know that when you take an explosive movements, you just wanna make sure you got your basis covered. Well, sprinting, I would start from the ground up, right? So I look at the way your feet are striking on the ground, your ankle mobility, your foot strength and control, your ankle stability.
Starting point is 00:53:28 I would look at that first because even if you're feeling things in the hips or the low back or working your way up to kinetic chain, most likely it's stemming from what's going on with the way you're impacting the ground. So when it comes to running, that's the first place I'm going to look at and address and assess. So I'm sure you have most of our programs. You have Prime Pro. Yep, I do.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Yeah, so I would work on the toes and feet and ankle, work in that area first, and then work your way up the body, and most things that are stemming from the feet. All right, appreciate it. So if I'm looking at my feet, if I'm recording, like I would have probably record myself, I guess running towards the camera. Am I looking for something, some kind of deviation, if I'm, like,
Starting point is 00:54:07 for instance, if my feet are collapsing or any kind of way, like, what am I looking for? Yeah, I would say you're really looking for, not to get too technical, but what you're really looking for is a difference between the right and the left side. But ankle, proper ankle mobility should help either way, but do it in a more dynamic fashion, right? So, you know, normal combat stretch, you get into the position and you activate, and you hold that position for a second.
Starting point is 00:54:32 But before doing explosive movement, it might be a little bit more dynamic. You move into the position, activate, and then move out, and then move into it, activate, and then move out. The second thing for performance, believe it or not, studies will show that doing a few sets of a heavy Exercise before a sprint actually increases speed. So now this is not at a high intensity, but let's say you were to get You know some dumbbells bring them to the track and you did five kind of heavy-ish squats and then you waited about a minute and then you sprinted Studies will show that that can actually increase someone's
Starting point is 00:55:05 explosive power as well. Yeah, I appreciate this question a lot because a lot of people don't even consider that. How many explosive movements have you done besides running and sprinting? So I like a box jump, like I can go to maybe just below my ribcage as far as height. So I can do that. If you want to consider that. Yeah, I would just consider maybe implementing in your programming a bit more variety of explosive movements
Starting point is 00:55:36 that you get more repetition with. And you can build up that sort of resilience with your joints to be able to handle that kind of a stress. Just to get the response of the fast twitch muscles takes a lot. It exposes a lot of imbalances and things that will reveal themselves to you. So, to do those in short bouts and really focus on the wraps
Starting point is 00:55:57 of short bouts, even with a sled and being able to be a little more explosive with driving the sled forward will we'll help a lot. I'm gonna keep going back to the ankle and foot stuff. Did you gave you your phone on you? I do. I shouted this guy out on the show the other day and I don't think this episode is aired yet.
Starting point is 00:56:16 So check this dude out. I really like the content that he puts out. I think it's a great place for you to practice a lot of the movements that he has on there. His Instagram handle is a real game period athletics. And it's all body weight, explosive movements, and he's all about technique. And there's a lot of foot and ankle stability
Starting point is 00:56:36 and explosiveness in there. I think there's a lot of really good exercises. I've been trying to get about here to get on the YouTube channel so we can share some of his content. Yeah, another guy would be Joe DeFranco. You know, there was some controversy a while ago because Joe DeFranco talked about how driving a sled would improve someone's Speed in the sprint and everybody a lot of people disagreed with him. Well, it turns out he was totally right and studies actually showed that driving a sled
Starting point is 00:57:00 Would improve somebody's sprint Speed so that's something else you can do Now you guys are both kind of addressing performance stuff where he's asking prerequisite stuff. That's the reason why I keep going back to like, I mean, to me, like what everything that boys are saying right now, I 100% agree with like to improve your sprinting. But if you're talking about prerequisites and what you might be a breakdown or dysfunction,
Starting point is 00:57:22 I'm looking at the feet and Sal said earlier, like very, there's normally a discrepancy between left to right. If you go through Prime Pro and you do all the tests, you'll probably notice one side will be more challenged the other, address that side that's more challenging and focus on that. And then I'd be doing exercises to really strengthen and work on the mobility of my ankle and my feet.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Okay, yeah, yeah, I'll make sure to do that. And it's funny that you bring up the sled style because when you mentioned doing a heavy exercise beforehand, I was gonna ask if using the sled would be best to do so. So I am gonna just take out the sled and just maybe do some heavy pulls or pushes prior to doing a sprint.
Starting point is 00:58:00 And then my question will be to Justin to follow up. He mentioned doing other explosive movements. Are there any recommendations for an explosive movements that I can add to add repetitions? Yeah, basically, if you're gonna emulate a sprint, I would do those in like, have you ever done liners or do short bouts where you do it in a controlled way where we're just gonna run and sprint and then stop
Starting point is 00:58:22 and make that specificity a priority in terms of the mechanics of the running. So to get off work on the start, add a rubber band to your belt. So you have some resistance when you pull forward. Basically do some slam ball. There's a lot of different things you can do with medicine balls to add explosivity. There's ice skaters. There's lots lot of different things you can do with medicine balls to add explosivity. There's ice skaters. There's lots of stuff.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Like you mentioned box jumps. You mentioned. So just thinking along those lines in terms of moving very quickly, but under control. I love ice skaters and doing them like barefoot. So really work on the foot and ankle stuff that I keep talking about. And then doing things like ice skaters where you're doing them barefoot. And again, the idea when you're doing this to work on mechanics, it's not about how much weight or how many reps you could do. It's about perfecting the movement and just making it look extremely fluid and
Starting point is 00:59:19 beautiful on both sides. That's the reason why I recommend this guy that check out his videos. I mean, I think he demonstrates so many different exercises that you can be implementing and then the goal should be to be able to emulate them like that to where it looks that perfect. If you're firing on all cylinders on both sides like that, you're going to be pretty damn well. And he's a great example of being able to add like a lot of acceleration, but also the same amount of intensity on deceleration. So both of those in combination is what's gonna give you the best mechanics.
Starting point is 00:59:52 All right, perfect, I appreciate it. No problem, man, and thanks for your support, brother. I always appreciate it. Yeah, have a good one, Gabe. Yeah, at least I can do. But I don't, man. Yeah, that's a really, that's a very nuanced question to try and help somebody with.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Personally, I kind of know Gabe writes, I've been on his podcast and he's been listening to Mind Pump for a really long time, so I kind of have somewhat of an idea of his fitness level. And I just feel like before the performance recommendations come in, I think addressing like foot, ankle, stability, strength, and hip first, getting that all really well, and then implementing those things, because I think this is a classic example of, he's not a serious athlete,
Starting point is 01:00:34 he's just a guy who's into working out and improving himself, and then wanting to jump right into the athletic performance type of stuff. When I know he's older, he's not a young kid, you know, I'm saying like he's probably got a lot of stuff to work on first. Yeah, and I try to take it a little bit further.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Make sure people know like, you know, if you're gonna go ramp to 100, you know, if you're out there like running and you wanna get into sprinting, really like gradually work your way up to 100%. So it's, you know, it's scales, it's 50, it's 60, it's 70, you want to like ramp that intensity up so, your body can respond appropriately
Starting point is 01:01:10 because that's a lot of stress all at once that could end up in danger. Who else has a lot of really good stuff? And he did it during his rehab of his Achilles is our good friend, Corey Slesinger. Yeah, Corey Slesinger has some good stuff. And what's his handle? It's school strength or always stress,
Starting point is 01:01:28 slash strength, slash strength, that's what it is. Sorry. I did ask him if it was performance or, he was interested and he did say performance, but here's a deal if, you have a issue, he did. No, no, no, no, you asked him that. He didn't say it was performance.
Starting point is 01:01:40 He said prerequisite stuff. Yeah, but then when I asked him specifically, he said he wanted to do it with performance. But here's the thing. You're both right. And here's the point. Here's the point I want to make is that people don't realize that moving better and improving your connection mobility will improve your performance. Exactly. So if that's the issue, that's why I say stay focused there. You stay focused on just getting better mobility, better ankle stability, better foot strength, that's gonna translate into better performance.
Starting point is 01:02:06 And it's the place to start. What ends up happening to most people to ask questions like this, is you jump right to the stuff that's interesting. Oh, explosive jump boxes and ice skaters and doing like dynamic movements, and you just haven't done. So I thought he asked the question perfect.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Like he asked, what are the prerequisites? What are some of the things? Before I go get into all these explosive exercises and movements for performance? What are some of the things I should look at when I think of a good runner? It starts from their feet. They got great feet connection. They got a great take off there. And if they don't, it normally works its way up the connect chain. They got issues in their knee or their hip or their low back because something's not firing. And the last point too is, you know, if you're really serious about sprinting and running, they're a good running or sprinting coach
Starting point is 01:02:52 is worth their weight in more. It's such a technical thing. People don't realize how technical sprinting can be. That if you have somebody who knows what to look for specifically, that's their profession, they can make a huge difference. I wouldn't even, if a client, that was, if a client was really serious about spreading
Starting point is 01:03:08 the candy, I would be the, I would be the first to admit, like, I'm not your guy. I would outsource. Yeah, it's just like Olympic lifting. It's like, yeah, I can give you some basic tips and technique and I can maybe look at where there's dysfunction and help you, but by no means am I an expert in that field and if you're very serious about getting good at it,
Starting point is 01:03:24 then I agree with you so. Our next caller is Sally from Alabama. Oh, I know why you're all excited. Sally, did you watch the game last night or what? I went to Auburn, so. Oh, really? Oh. Okay, you went to Auburn, but you work at Alabama?
Starting point is 01:03:41 No, yeah, I know. I'm a school teacher in Birmingham, Alabama, but I went to Auburn and I can't stay like my dad went to Auburn, uncle went to Auburn, or teach the foreigners. I cannot stand, Alabama. She's not in the celebration of it. I do love Deontay Smith though. I'll give it to him. He's an incredible player. Okay, okay. That's great. So what's your question? So my question is, I'm just trying to work on my physique a little bit and I've always been in the fitness. And it is about, I didn't know if y'all could help
Starting point is 01:04:18 me out with this, but sometimes with women they have, and it's not fat in the lower area. It's like protruding abdominals in the lower abdominal section and I've tried, I've heard vacuum work, I've heard that it's supposedly wheat transverse abdominis and I was like do y'all have any advice on that and how you can fix it or is it just something you're kind of stuck with that because I've seen to always, it's just gotten worse as I got older. That's a really, really good question. Sally, are you a mother?
Starting point is 01:04:54 I'm not a mother, no, I'm not. So this is more common when women have a baby, mainly because the abdominal area stretches and muscles atrophy in particular, transverse abdominis. But it's not super uncommon. It's actually very common. Just generally, right?
Starting point is 01:05:09 Because here's what happens. When you're standing, gravity pushes your organs down and it pushes out at the lower abdominal area. And so it makes people feel like they have a lower belly pooch and they'll get lean and they say, well, why is this kind of sticking out? And your best bet is to strengthen the muscles that pull in the midsection. You mentioned vacuums.
Starting point is 01:05:30 That is a great exercise. I would do them on all fours to add a little bit of resistance, but also I would work on doing vacuums while doing core exercises. So normally when you do a crunch or anything else, you're not necessarily pulling the core in, you're just doing the movement, but I would recommend doing that as well to try to pull in the midsection while doing just to kind of tighten things up a little bit. I think this is too prong too. I think that it's an area that we tend just as humans to store body fat.
Starting point is 01:06:01 And it's one of the last places to go. I experienced this when I was competing. It tripped me out. I went all the way down to about 7% body fat, which was really, really lean for me. I'd never seen myself that lean. Yet I still had this little bottom pooch that I couldn't figure out. It just didn't make sense to me. I was leaner than what I was when I was in high school as a kid. Yet I have this bottom pooch of fat that I can't seem to get rid of. And it took me to put on some muscle, lean out again, put on some muscle, lean out about three times of staying consistent with my training and diet and building,
Starting point is 01:06:39 and then cutting back down and building before I finally kind of eliminated that. So you add in what Sal is talking about with the TVA and the organs and make sure you're doing that training and then also have a little bit of empathy with yourself. You know, we're all not, you know, 15 year old kids anymore and we've put on some body fat over the years and that's probably just a stubborn area. And so that's why it's probably makes it seem
Starting point is 01:07:02 like it's even worse. So the combination of those two things, the transverse abdominis, and then also we store more body fat there. And then just sometimes it just takes a couple times of leaning out, putting on muscle, leaning back out to really eliminate it all the way. Sally, another question for you. Are you familiar with what an anterior pelvic tilt is? Yes, I am.
Starting point is 01:07:22 And I have read on that that that could be a problem with it and I don't have that. Okay, so I've gotten checked on that and I've done multiple in the test that y'all also recommend and I do not have that. Okay, okay. So, but I also have been, I mean, I've gotten down to as a woman, this was way too low, but I've been 8% body fat and I still have That area that it is it's definitely not fat. It is just like lower abs that stick out a little bit And it's only in that lower section. Okay. Now you might if I ask you a personal question Yeah, do you think you might be a little too harsh on yourself? Yeah, do you think you might be a little too harsh on yourself?
Starting point is 01:08:14 Yes, I definitely believe that I can't I have struggled with body dysmorphia before and an eating disorder and everything But that is completely gone. I'm healthy got healthy menstrual cycles and everything, but it is Like if I was to ever compete or anything like that, that would be an area that I would definitely try to work on because it is something that I do believe is does stick out a little bit and I could improve some way. Okay, so I'm gonna go in a little bit of a different direction, Sally.
Starting point is 01:08:41 I myself struggled with body image issues in the past. I don't necessarily believe they completely go away. I think it's always kind of in the background for most of us. I know it is for me. It can rear its ugly head every once in a while. And one of the characteristics of body dysmorphia or even experiencing it in the past and coming out of it, is we tend to have this remarkable ability to be super critical of everything about our bodies and we tend to look at ourselves as pieces rather than as a whole. I've done this to myself where I'll look at one part of my body and it doesn't look the way that I want and I can focus on it and it becomes very challenging.
Starting point is 01:09:25 So here's, I'm going to change my advice for you, because you said a couple things to me that you've been working out for a long time. You got down to 8% body fat, which for a man as lean is shredded, for a woman is insanely shredded. So here's my advice to you, and you could take it for all that it's worth, but I would say for you to focus entirely on performance on strength, on speed, on mobility, and on stamina, and completely ignore the aesthetics for a while. I would take your scale, I don't know if you use a scale,
Starting point is 01:09:57 put it in the closet, stop weighing yourself, and I would stop if you can, this is a challenging thing to do, but I would stop looking in the mirror and finding things that you need to change or work on and rather you take that focus and this isn't where you want to end up, but this is a great place to move your focus because it does help, it will help or it can help you become a little bit different with this. Change that focus that you have from what you look like to your performance and start just journaling your workouts.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Am I stronger, am I faster, am I lifting more? How do my joints feel? Do that for about four to five months and just be dogged about it, be just hardheaded about it. And then four or five months later, go ahead and look at yourself in the mirror and see if you notice anything different. Well, I have one more before. Okay, Sally, are you in our private forum?
Starting point is 01:10:47 Am I out of what? Are you in our private forum? Uh, no, I'm not. Okay, I'm going to give you access to that. So, Doug, can we send her access to the private forums? You're on Facebook. Do you have Facebook account? I do have Facebook account. Okay, so I'm going to make sure Doug gets you access to the private forum. And in there, it's a small community of people
Starting point is 01:11:07 that have been listening to us, since most of them since beginning, most have gone through our programs. And it would help if I actually saw you, right? So we're sitting here trying to speculate and guess based off of how you're describing things, but I would love to see the way you move and the way it looks on you
Starting point is 01:11:22 because one, South could be absolutely right. You could be just being really hard on yourself and you probably look phenomenal. Or it could be something mechanically going wrong. Like we could see the way you squat or move and maybe there's something there that we can help out with. But I agree with Sal, like not focusing being so hard on yourself. If you're someone who's been all the way down to 8% body fat, I bet you look pretty damn good.
Starting point is 01:11:42 So I don't think it's that. I think it might that. I think it might, he might be right. There might be something a little bit there where you're probably a little harsh on yourself, but there also could be something going on movement-wise that we could potentially help you with. And in that forum, there's just a collection of people like ourselves. We're in there. We've got a lot of PT's, doctors, nutritionist, therapists, everybody's in there. And if you come on there and kind of share what you're going through Either there's probably other people that have also gone through that and two we can take a look at you and probably give you a little bit more advice
Starting point is 01:12:12 Oh, wow, that sounds great. Yes. Excellent awesome Sally. Thank you so much for calling Sally Yeah, thank y'all for helping me out. It was so good to talk to y'all. Thank you. I don't thank you That's a really hard one, dude. That's a tough one. You know, it's funny. You start listening a little bit to how she's talking about what you nailed it when she said she's been down to 8%. And it wasn't gone.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Then you, okay, you might be a little harsh. And I know what that feels like. Well, especially if she doesn't think that it's body fat because I've shared on the show many times, I mean, that blew me away. Like I thought it was the weirdest thing ever. I'd never seen that on my body before. But dude, 8% for a woman's like 3% for a man.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Yes and no, right? Like Katrina carries her body fat percentage really low. It never made sense to me. Every time we've tested consistently, she's like around 10 or 11%. And I mean, you see my girl, she doesn't look 10 or 11%. So some people just their their body fat percentage will read lower like that. She's one of those people. So that doesn't quite tell the full story, you know,
Starting point is 01:13:17 that just because she says she's at eight, she's been at 8% body fat. But the fact that she thinks it's not fat yet something is sticking out and protruding, then that also makes me think of just like the way her posture is. And you might just have that structure, you know. Right, right. Women in particular, they'll get lean and they'll have the lower, this is Jessica, her lower abs will come and then they'll come in down towards her pelvis. Right, and I find it, I think it's extremely attractive.
Starting point is 01:13:45 It looks very good. That's why I wanna see her, right? So that's part of why I'm like, get on the forum. Let me see a picture because then maybe we can talk, talk some sense into her if she does look phenomenal and it just literally is just, you may just need reassurance. Yeah, it could be her anatomy.
Starting point is 01:13:57 We're all, we're all, I mean, you know, I remember when I was competing, I would get so many guys that would be asking like, how you develop this certain looking abs and everybody has like different Apps you got some people with these very very very over the place. Yeah blocky looking some people have abs that are like They're not lined up so they're they're off. They're off on it You know and you just have one big one and like why it was this one bigger Yeah, and that's not that's not something you're going to go train and change
Starting point is 01:14:21 It just could be your anatomy and so yeah I'd like to look at her and see if it's that or maybe it's more what Sal, you were alluding to. But, I mean, the dark side of fitness is you really can get into it and then you can get really critical of yourself and just break yourself. You can be a professional. And you're never perfect. Well, I think, and I also think it was great that you addressed to that.
Starting point is 01:14:40 I don't think that it ever goes away for us. It's always, if it was something that created a deep insecurity in us that drove us to body dysmorphia where we were doing things to our body, I think you can get beyond that. I think you can learn from that. But I think if it was that much,
Starting point is 01:14:59 it caused you to do things it's forever kind of there, right? tendencies will probably show. Yeah, I mean, I know it's in the background always for me and that's why I always like to kind of challenge it by like pushing myself the other direction to make sure I keep growing in that area because I know it's so deeply rooted. So yeah, that's a tough one without seeing somebody and being able to look and assess ourselves.
Starting point is 01:15:19 But I think you hit the right areas. Our next caller is Matt from Texas. Hey, what's up, man? How can we help you? What's your question? Hi, thanks, Sal. So my question is, as kind of a middle-aged lifter, I'm pushing 49. I found that my time constraints really only allow me to get into Jim consistently for
Starting point is 01:15:43 about an hour, an hour and a half, three times a week. And I've been running an anabolic, I can actually run it on my third swim through that and love it. I really do. But, and it fits my schedule really well. But I wonder if there's something else I should be doing to progress from there. You know, another program, I looked at aesthetic and it looks cool but five days a week is going to be hard to do. Should I try to modify another program or look at playing with different things within anabolic like tempos and things like that, really just looking for some
Starting point is 01:16:19 guidance on how I can keep enjoying this and progressing with the schedule constraints that I have. Really good questions. Yeah, and you know, three days a week is great for great long-term success, especially if you're, in your age group, I've trained people three days a week and gotten people to really advance levels. So I'm gonna ask you a few more questions just so I can answer your question more specifically for you.
Starting point is 01:16:46 First off, what are the kind of results in progress that you've experienced with maps and a ballack? And then what are some of the things that you'd want to work on now that you're potentially switching to a different program? Okay. So progress has been really cool, you know, up until I started in a ballack, I missed around in the gym and never really seen much, but I've really seen a lot of development in my back and I'd like to see more in my arms in my chest of course and maybe shrink the midsection a little bit. My goals for this are
Starting point is 01:17:18 obviously overall health is most important, but somewhat aesthetic to be honest, I mean, I'd like to be a little bigger in my arms and my chest and just kind of fill out my t-shirts a little better. I do have to say all the shrugs in anabolic, none of my short-collar is 50 more. That's actually, you know, what is that effect? This, you know, and this is why we have so many different programs. They all have strengths and And you know, what, when, because they have strengths, that means that they may lack in other areas, maps and a ball, phenomenal, mass and strength builder. Okay. One of the, the downsides of maps and a ball, is the lack of mobility working it. Now, how does that apply to you? Well, if we can improve your mobility, the aesthetics are going to come faster and you're going to get a more balanced and symmetrical
Starting point is 01:18:03 physique. The perfect program to move, especially if you've run maps inabolic multiple times, the perfect program to transition to, that will positively affect your aesthetics, especially again, if you've done maps inabolic a few times, is maps performance. Now, I know we advertise maps performance as an athletic training program, but it's exactly what your body's missing. And so what you're gonna notice from maps performance, aside from the improvements and strength and you're gonna move better,
Starting point is 01:18:32 is all those exercises that you like in maps and a ball, like all those dead lifts and squats and presses that are building your physique right now, you're gonna get better at them and then those exercises are gonna to do more for you. The mass performance also has mobility sessions, which you could do at home when you have time with a broomstick or just your body. It really only requires a few days a week in the gym.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Yeah, to add to that, the more secure and stabilize your joints get, the more responsive your muscles are going to feel. You're going to be able to allow more force production. So it may seem like it's a totally different goal that you're going to be facing with a program like Maps Performance. But again, to South's point, it really does address a lot of underlying issues that are going to come up later on in terms of, you're gonna find yourself super tight, you're gonna find some impingements,
Starting point is 01:19:29 starting to form that's gonna limit progress going forward. So this is the perfect follow-up for you if you can make it work with your schedule. I think Matt is really, you're an example, I think of what we kind of envisioned when we were building the order of these programs, right? Like you really fit the demographic of our average client. Somebody who wants to be a little stronger, they care about health. Yes, they do,
Starting point is 01:19:52 they'd like to sculpt and shape their body a little bit. How would we progress them through programs? And it really is. It's anabolic performance and then aesthetic. And the good news about both performance and aesthetic, you know, you look at it and it seems like you need to be in the gym five days a week, but you don't. They actually call for three days in a week, and then the other two days are like 20 minute sessions that can be done at home in performance, their mobility focused, and so you could do that literally
Starting point is 01:20:17 in your living room or in your garage, or at home or on your lawn, it doesn't take that much time, and it's designed to complement the programming that's in performance. And then if you move from there, you go into aesthetic and aesthetic is more focused on building. So you said your chest and your arms, so that's exactly, we have the moldability for whatever you want to focus on. So when you get to aesthetic, I would tell you your focus sessions to be chest and arms.
Starting point is 01:20:42 And those are these 20-minute sessions that you can also do from home with bands or whatever you may have at your house to keep the program going. So all three of those programs only really require about three days inside the gym, and then the other bit of time can be done inside your home. And it is the perfect progression for somebody like you is to run anabolic like you've done,
Starting point is 01:21:01 build a solid foundation, move into performance, which you're gonna do all kinds of new, dynamic type of exercises focused on the mobility, on the off days of training at the gym, and then eventually move your way into aesthetic. Yeah, trust the process, because here's what's gonna happen, Matt, you're gonna go into performance,
Starting point is 01:21:18 you're gonna notice some performance, definitely performance improvements, but you'll also notice aesthetic improvements, then when you go to maps aesthetic, the aesthetics are gonna explode, but they have to be done in that order for best results. Do you have access by the way to maps performance, Matt? No, I don't.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Okay, you do now, we're gonna send that over to you. Awesome, thank you, that's great. No problem, we appreciate your support a lot. Thank you very much. Yeah, great question. Hey, thank you all for everything. I really enjoyed following you. It's you very much. Yeah, great question. Yep. Thank you all for everything. I really enjoyed following you. It's been really great.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Awesome. Thank you, Matt. Yeah, I really love hearing stuff like that. So, it's a great day. So, I'm a big age and, you know, and I love that he's getting great results. So, he's doing the right things. Yep, yep.
Starting point is 01:21:58 And he'll get blown away. You know, I think you'll get, people sometimes think, oh, I'm gonna focus on performance and mobility. My aesthetics are gonna suffer. They won't. They will get better. They'll get as a regression, but really, yeah, you'm gonna focus on performance and mobility. My aesthetics are gonna suffer. They won't. They will get better. I think it's a regression, but really, yeah, you're just working on other things. You know, something I didn't get to say to him that hopefully he listens to this, so we can add to this, is that,
Starting point is 01:22:13 you know, when we, I think we talked a lot about this when we first started the show, when we first were creating the programs, and maybe we've gotten away from reminding people this that, when we created these, they were designed to be moldable. You know, they weren't this, you have to follow it exactly to a T. So one of the cool things is if he goes from anabolic to performance and aesthetic and he gets to experience all those
Starting point is 01:22:36 different ways of programming, he can start to grab and pick and choose from those programs. So if he loves the anabolic layout of the three day a week coming to the gym and like that fits his lifestyle, he can totally take some exercises that we have put in performance to help improve mobility and work in different planes. He can take some exercises that we've had in aesthetic that are designed to build, build, bring up lagging
Starting point is 01:22:59 body parts like his chest and arms, and he can start to kind of piece it together in an anabolic or in that type of a format and get some of those carryovers. And so that's really how these were all designed is that it's like education to take you through this process. Then once you've gone through all the programs and you start to piece together what works really well for you, there's nothing wrong with you going, hey, I'm going to run a three day a week program because that works best for my schedule. But boy, I love when I do these exercises in aesthetic,
Starting point is 01:23:26 I see my body respond really well. When I do these exercises in performance, man, it really helps my hip mobility. And I notice this with my shoulders, like start to build your own program that way from the knowledge that you gain from going through the other. Yeah, once you learn your body, there is no better trainer than yourself.
Starting point is 01:23:42 That's right. Look, my pump is recorded on videos, as well as audio, come check us out on YouTube, Mind Pump Podcast. You can also find all of us on social media. Instagram is our favorite place to be. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adam.
Starting point is 01:23:55 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal money back guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at
Starting point is 01:24:45 MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. This is Mindbomb.

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