Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 147: Classic Physique & Blowing Up Your Quads

Episode Date: September 11, 2015

Adam is excited about a new IFBB Professional League division called Classic Physique. Sal and Adam, not so much. Unlike Men's Physique where competitors wear board shorts, Classic Physique competitor...s will be wearing tight spandex shorts that showcase their quad development. Adam has been picking up his quad game to compete with Sal's, however, the always competitive Sal is applying blood occlusion training and his quads are blowing up.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So they were totally checking you out. And I was like, I was like, what are you guys doing? And they're like, oh my God, he's so hot. Oh God. And it was hilarious. I'm like, dude, stop. No, no, no. I'm telling you, these guys were totally checking you.
Starting point is 00:00:14 It was crazy. And they kept talking about how hot you were and stuff. So. Hey guys. I know this is important, but we do have a review contest that we got to talk about. Are we working right now? Yeah, we do that sometime.
Starting point is 00:00:27 I'll tell you about the rest later Adam. It was crazy. Are we firing the mics up yet? Yeah, they're already fired up. Well, Jesus Christ, dude, we're going to tell us. Fire it up, fire it up. How do you know that sound I'm working? Are we talking about something totally like?
Starting point is 00:00:41 What? That's why I interrupted you. I can see where that was going. Okay, that's good. He is the producer. He is supposedly supposed to know. Yeah, I've got places to go people to see and things to do, you know. So what are we doing?
Starting point is 00:00:52 So we're doing the review contest. Contact, remember the contest? Oh, the one that I forgot about. Did we, we picked winners? We did pick some winners. That's, oh, are we announcing them? I have, I have Doug. I have no idea how you choose these
Starting point is 00:01:03 because I write them and they were phenomenal. Well, I mean, there's all of them are amazing. Yeah, no. So if Doug, I have no idea how you choose these because I write them and they were phenomenal. Well, I mean, there's all of them are amazing. Yeah, no. So if Doug, can I just say something here? Scientifically speaking, we have the best fans. It did studies and they found that our fans are the best. They are not not only the best, but you know, I have no idea how Doug narrowed it down just to three right here. So if he did not pick yours, that's what he was doing with the dartboard in the back. I don't know how Doug narrowed it down just to three right here. So if he did not pick yours,
Starting point is 00:01:23 that's what he was doing with the dartboard in the back. Yeah, so good. And unfortunately, that is a little bit of the methodology here. Yeah, it's hard. It's just too tough to choose. So who won? Well, everybody won because they put up a review.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Boom! Everybody's a winner. Everybody's a winner. This is what, when Doug tries to be funny, then you're like, now you know why he's behind the mic. That's why he's not on my, that's why we need to do ch-sh. Yeah, that was a joke. We were supposed to laugh for this.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I did my best. No, we got four. We're supposed to have three winners, but we now have four because you know why? Why? Because we're generous people. Behold the merciful and generous dog, eggy. We liked overdeliver.
Starting point is 00:02:06 That's the reason. I thought you were just saying before we hyped up the mic that you're just trying to get rid of that small shirt that we've had in this fucking studio for like six months. Well, the problem is we don't have any... I've done shirt. Look. We don't have any small people who listen to us,
Starting point is 00:02:20 I guess, you know. This is true. But I'm shh. Part two. Well, I'm on a roll here. Hey, this you know, I feel like my Self-esteem is just shot up You know, I can all I could say is those comedy classes are definitely paying off. Sure I'm not taking let it read about you're not doing your thing your I'm not taking classes. I am a pro. Oh, sorry. So fuck my bad
Starting point is 00:02:45 He's a professional pro. I'm a professional that obviously is not having a lot of success here All right, let's get down to the winners the people are on the edge of their no, I think you should tell more jokes All right, so we have four winners. I'm just that one. So it's all right. So we have four winners. I'm just going to read them off here. We've got man underscore baby. Man baby. The man baby.
Starting point is 00:03:11 You win. Just because you have a great name. You should know. You should win. Yeah, exactly. Hawks 7 6 2 5. Hawks you win. Winner.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Another great name. Teymora 6 2 6. Teymora, winner winner, chicken dinner. Not such a26. Timora winner winner chicken dinner. Not such a great name, but probably a good review. It was excellent. You read it too. You fuck. And this is the Kaysa denator.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Kaysa denator. That's a pretty cool name. That's a very good name. So how are they going to get their shirts? Well, they need to contact us on Instagram at Mind Pump. Yep. And let us know who you are. Who you are, your size, and your shipping address.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And we'll send you your free t-shirts. I want to hear Doug use the hip lingo. Like, you know, you'll just do a DM us. Yeah. DM us. I have no idea what that even means. Direct message. It's a sexual thing. It's a Direct message. It's a sexual thing.
Starting point is 00:04:05 It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message.
Starting point is 00:04:13 It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message.
Starting point is 00:04:21 It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. It's a direct message. Yeah, I'll do that if you want to pump your body and expand your mind There's only one place to go Might up might up with your hosts. Salda Stefano Adam Schaefer and Justin Andrews This is Adam's episode This is Adam's episode. He's gonna talk about boring for the shit All that stuff with that we don't care
Starting point is 00:04:42 That's it stuff Adam that has nothing to do with that commercial. Yeah, I do it that has nothing that we're singing a song about you, bro You don't want to sing because you're fucking voice crack So now so now you just want to fuck up our music Yeah, like that kid that takes his ball home. I'm not playing it's my ball So anyway, go ahead and I want to hear about the super interesting. Talk about like the groundbreaking news. Well, the ZEEK time world. Action.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Super super fascinating. Me and most of our listeners are actually excited about this. Sports. No, no, so all right, I'm sorry. We're being mean to him right now. All right, all right. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Sixth play. This is this just came out. I believe Friday was it was announced. And NPC IFBB have announced a new division for the men's league. So currently currently right now you have two divisions. You have men's physique and you have bodybuilding. That's it. So those are your only two categories. So now what they're winning between?
Starting point is 00:05:46 Well, kind of yes. So what what has happened and they if you go on the NPC news online you can actually listen to Jay Manin and and Sandy they had judge talk all about this and why this came about and one of the issues I always had is You know you look at one show and and this is popular like on the East Coast. Like this is that how the people say is like on the East Coast, that's where the big boys are at. And then over on the West Coast, this is where
Starting point is 00:06:14 like the small guys are at. You know, mind you, everybody shredded and looks awesome. But the judging over on the West Coast, as always kind of not always, a lot of the times lean towards a smaller, more petite type physique for men physique. Okay, smaller, smaller guys, it's a bit, you just said petite. I'm not. I did. I did say that. And I'd probably offended some guys that are one on the West Coast.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I didn't mean it for it to be offensive. It's just that that's the judges look for smaller guys. And though on the East Coast, you have guys like Sadeek, you have guys like Steve Cook, you have someone with a bigger, fuller physique guys that are taking first place shows out of the East Coast division. So we've always been like, well, maybe I should go
Starting point is 00:06:56 and get on stage in the East Coast, because then I'm like, well, you know, last thing I'm gonna do is fucking plan this whole trip, go fly out to New York, you know, and do a show. And then all of a sudden, that's the week that these judges are some of them are from the West Coast and they decided to, you know, pick a small guy. And I'm like, that'll just be awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And that pissed me off. So I'm like, whatever. So this has been kind of like the, the, you know, the rumors and the stuff all talking back is like, you know, we need to have some more, you know, uh, we want more meat. We need some standards. We need some like specifics on what it is they are looking for. So that's what they've done with this new division. And what they're trying to do is they,
Starting point is 00:07:33 what's it called? It's called classics. Classics? Minnes classics. And they're, so it's only for old men? No. Oh, the vision, and this is why I think it's kind of cool is, it's a little bit of a division.
Starting point is 00:07:43 They, they want that Frank Zane, you know, Arnold type era of bodybuilding for this division, and they want to keep it from getting. It should make you horny, so. It, well, let's be honest. That's why it depends. It depends. What do you mean it depends?
Starting point is 00:07:59 Why does it depend? Because if, okay, stupid answer. It's a great answer. It's the best answer you have ever heard. Depends are what older people shit in. Exactly. And it's all related. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:10 So, let me tell you why it depends. Because an old classic bodybuilder wouldn't place anywhere in any contest nowadays because they're not shredded and diced to the bone. So, do they want a classic physique in terms of, they want someone that's bigger than a physique competitor, but smaller than bodybuilder, or do they want a classic physique in the sense that
Starting point is 00:08:31 they also don't want them ultra super shredded, they just want them muscular and lean. Like, what does that mean? It means exactly what you're kind of explaining is, they want a classic looking physique, they do not want you to be as shredded as lean as men. Men's physique is going to stay that crazy diced. In fact, they're going to start.
Starting point is 00:08:51 So just starting 2016, they're going to start placing, which they already some judges kind of already do is put guys like me out of the top five because it's like, okay, you're you're already pushing the limits on the bigger side of the men's physique. And guys like Craig, right? Like bigger dudes that are like that. You know, Craig on the last show, Craig, I did what I take like 12th and Craig was 16th or whatever, you know, like, you know, and you guys said it yourself,
Starting point is 00:09:14 how great, you know, like Craig's physique is, like in what he looked like, but he's just, he's much fuler and bigger than a lot of these guys, almost borderline bodybuilding. But you know, in his own eyes, he's nowhere near the size he needs to be for bodybuilding. So it's kind of like in this limbo stage. So it's getting those physiques, good strong cores. You know, you don't need to be super, super bone dry up on stage, but you're not at and
Starting point is 00:09:38 you're bigger, but you're not as big as like bodybuild. So they put weight limits. Are they going to be posing? Are you going to be posing? Are you going to be posing like a physique competitor, like a bodybuilder? Are you put weight limits. Are they gonna be posing, are you gonna be posing, are you gonna be posing like a physique competitor, like a bodybuilder, are you gonna work? Great question. Are you gonna wear long shorts to cover your weak legs,
Starting point is 00:09:49 or are you gonna cover, you know what I'm saying? Because that's another thing. Once again, back to like, they're gonna be... They're going thongs this time. They're going short, they're short like box or brief type shorts that are spandic. Son of a bitch. So they're doing short shorts that are like spandics.
Starting point is 00:10:04 So you're gonna show the legs off very similar to the WBFF. If you're familiar with that. I am. Okay, so it's going to be kind of like that look. I know, I think I've heard rumors of all black. Everyone will have the same look all black. I don't know if you're going to be able to do your own thing. I'm not sure about that yet.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And then what about posing? And then posing is actually your classic poses. So you'll have a front double bicep. You'll have a side chest, rear double bicep, you'll have a side chest, rear double bicep, and a most muscular pose of your choice. And that's it. And then that's it. No, no rear last spread, no front last spread. No, but you will have a 90, I believe it's 90 second routine. Or you can do your own posing with your ass. So you have your four, those are going to be the four. You're going to get music.. Oh yeah, so you get music and you get a routine. Hit it Justin.
Starting point is 00:10:45 One, two, three, one, four. I don't know, I got nothing to do. You just start doing your own, my room five. I'm trying to think in my first show. My first show, I'm coming out to my room five. Just for you, bro. My first show coming out to my room five. Well actually that was the Mamba. Oh, actually, that was the Mamba.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Oh, that's what it was. The Mamba. I knew it was one of those songs. I knew it was one of those songs. Mamba, number 5. Stupid hand gesture. Yeah, exactly. It's a hit with one hit wonder, right?
Starting point is 00:11:17 Is he there going to be that out of the Maca Reina? I was trying to think of that. That would come to me. That would come to me. Oh, Maca Reina. So these guys are going to be bigger, have posing. trying to think of that. I want to come to me. So, oh, I got it now. So, so these guys are gonna be bigger, have posing,
Starting point is 00:11:30 not as lean. Right. But everything else, oiled up, shaved. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it's basically, the shredded part. This is where I'm skeptical.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I'm skeptical with the shredded part, because here's what I've seen that happens with new divisions, is they start a certain way and then they start rewarding the leaner and leaner leaner guy and then they all get fucking shredded as fuck. And so that's the part that I think will be the issue. The size part because it's in between bodybuilding and physique, it's kind of like the transgender of contest prep is that I think that won't be too much of a problem. I think the problem
Starting point is 00:12:07 will be the leanness. I think that's where they're going to have the issue. You know what I'm saying? Is there any transgender in that world? I wonder how that would work. You know what? They're actually, what did I hear this story? I actually there is an MMA. Yeah, there's that one that one girl in MMA. That was born a man, right? You know, I want to say I I want to say there was something dude You know, I can't tell you that for sure without giving you in sort of article or something I know I read it or hurt or hurt. I don't know if I heard so let me ask you this Adam. Are you excited about this new division? I'm actually very excited. Do you want to compete in it? I do Are you excited about this new division? I'm actually very excited.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Do you want to compete in it? I do. And it's what's great about it is that so. You can get all fucking crazy with your squats and deadlifts now, bro. Yes, like no more no more like I'm scared. I'm getting too big. Now we can fucking go for it. Well, I was kind of going for it.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I was kind of going for it anyways. You were after you, but now it really gives me the green light to go ahead and put some weight on because I can actually, at six three, I'm allowed to hit stage as heavy as 232. Whoa, yeah. To hit the stage? Yes, snap. Because you weigh less than that right now.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Yes, so you put on some size, that's for exactly the soaking gain. Now, I hit stage for Contra Costa as an amateur at 215. Last contest, what were you? My last one? Yeah. 203. So you're going to try to push the limit, I'm assuming, right?
Starting point is 00:13:34 Yeah, we want to be as big as you can be. Yeah, exactly. I like to be, so if I, my goal, and obviously I'm setting realisticals, it's not realistic for me to hit stage my first time on classics at 232 lean Just because I when I'm like it right now. I'm at about 225 226 right now easily I could be 232 35, but I wouldn't be super lean right so you know To get shredded and be that more likely I would probably be around 220 To 215 to 220 I've hit stage already at 215,
Starting point is 00:14:05 which was actually one of my favorite looks on my physique. So when I was in amateur, and I didn't even have the muscle maturity of what I have now in the years of extra training towards men's physique. So I mean, I couldn't imagine if I tried to bring a 215 look. Now I think I'd be a lot happier with it. So, but the judges were just like, oh, way too big. You look like a bodybuilder.
Starting point is 00:14:25 And it was my second amateur show. I took six place. Excuse me, it was my third show. I took six place. And it was really bummed. Because like I said, I liked them. Well, especially now that you can like, just get your legs just blown, you know, blow them out.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Well, and that's why I like to give my legs blown. That's also why I'm really excited because I feel like a lot of some of the guys that dominate the men's physique right now, not a lot of them have legs. Not at all. And some of them don't even train legs. Yeah. Some of them don't.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Yeah, you know, you're actually, or if they do, it's like half ass. Yeah. Some of your top notch guys, like your youriques your Steve cooks your Jeremy Bwindiah They train they have some decent legs on them. Well, here's the thing. This is now again I don't follow that sport, but this is what I will say having impressive muscular legs Is one thing having impressive muscular legs that you're gonna present on stage is another Oh, yeah another thing because there's a lot of guys that I've seen, a lot of physique guys who then will post a picture of their legs
Starting point is 00:15:29 on Instagram, be like, see, I work out my legs, and yeah, they look good. But if you were on stage competing with those legs, you'd look like a kite. Yeah. So there's a whole different game, like a bodybuilding, what wins bodybuilding show? Oh, yeah, back and legs.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Oh, absolutely. And that's kind of how I feel. Like the only thing that would keep me from hitting the classic stages is exactly that. Like I don't even have decent legs that I have. I don't think I have nowhere near the legs I need to have to present on stage. Like, you know, that's your biggest muscle.
Starting point is 00:15:55 It should be the most, it should stand out more than anything else. And when I hit, That's how you'd separate yourself, I think from other people. Well, I think that your call out song should be He got legs. He knows how to use the hands.
Starting point is 00:16:07 He does. He does not. He's got legs. Oh. I really think this is going to bode well for someone like a Craig, you know, I think Craig is like, well, he's got crazy wheels. He does. He's got crazy wheels and, you know, that he's going to smoke a lot of dudes just from his
Starting point is 00:16:24 wheels. He could be He can be I had the biggest arms or biggest shoulders with that, but his legs are gonna be so dominant and I think that they will lean a lot towards that like you know because he's his legs get feathered out and Size to him. I mean he looks nasty like that. Well, so here's the thing So you're tall, okay, which sometimes makes it hard, especially for legs, right? Yeah. However, you don't necessarily have long legs. Do you know what I'm saying? You have more, you have a long torso, which is what you want when you're on stage,
Starting point is 00:16:53 percent acute little butt. Yeah. If you're, if you're, you read right into it, Justin, I'm done. I'm done. No, if you, if you were one of those dudes that has really long legs in it, and a short torso, it doesn't look that good on stage. The guys that look really good on stage typically have a long torso shorter legs, more muscular, you know, in that sense. You don't have, you're a tall guy but you don't have crazy long legs. This is probably why you're a good swimmer
Starting point is 00:17:16 because you have a long torso, like a canoe. Yeah, I kind of, I'm probably, I do have a first time I've heard the canoe references for that. Yeah, right. So I do have a first time I've heard, can you reference for that? Yeah, right? So I do have a pretty, I do have pretty long legs, but I also have a long torso. But I'm saying in proportion. Yeah, I'm pretty purport.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I'm not one, I don't think I'm drastically one more than the other that much. I think that I'm pretty even. Give a long leg. Yeah, yes, yes, I do actually. Shut the fuck up. I just, I just, I just, I just hang under my hand. Yeah, I was awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Yeah, I was awesome. Yeah, I'm so, yeah. I'm so, yeah. I'm so, yeah. Thank you, sir. Oh, I'm a man slam. Yeah, no, it's, it's very exciting. I think, um, I think it fits the mole.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Let's put it this way. Regardless, if I'm going to do great in it or not, it definitely fits the mold of the physique I want wanna have. I would love to be 220, 225, and fucking diced on stage. I mean, that's the, I feel good when I'm in my 220. Like where I'm at right now, this is, I like the looked I'm at. Unfortunately, I'm not pull ready.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Unfortunately, I don't look bad at the pull right now because I don't have these like blasted abs and super striated muscles. But I, what I do like the pool right now because I don't have these like blasted abs and super stride and muscles. But what I do like the way I walk around in my clothes, I've all those XL and double XL shirts and clothes, I feel out right now, where when I get sucked up for those men physique shows, come all the way down to 201.
Starting point is 00:18:39 And 201 reminds me of being in high school again, and like, even though I wasn't even close to 201, but it reminds me of that feeling of just my clothes like hanging in my mouth. Hey girls. Yeah. You want to go to Taco Bell? And they're, so they're going to, that's a good random one right there. They are actually going to start, you know, 2016 really pushing the men's physique guys
Starting point is 00:19:02 back to being smaller. They really want that closer to an all natural look and what's happened, just like what happened to bodybuilding. You were more and more extreme. Yeah. You and you and it happened very fast in men's and men's and men's physique has only been around for five years. And all of a sudden we went from, if anybody knows the history of men's
Starting point is 00:19:19 physique, Mark Anthony being your champion, who in my opinion, like had decent abs and you could barely see his separation and when he hit stage the very first time, which is what I think they intended the division to look like to fast forward now to your sediques and your jermies that these dudes, these dudes look fucking peeled three weeks going into their show. I mean, three weeks going into their show, they look like they their 2% body fat, maybe less than that. Do you think the classic physique is going to be such a heavy emphasis on the little tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny waist?
Starting point is 00:19:54 They do say they're still going to lean towards that, but it's still in proportion to having full big muscle bellies. Because for me, I actually do a post about this the other day, that really, really small waist look that's gotten so extreme in physique. It, not, and of course, physique doesn't represent the ideal in terms of fitness and performance. Everybody knows that.
Starting point is 00:20:17 But for me, when I look at a contestant who's lean, and they have a super tiny waist, they just don't look strong. You know what I'm saying? It doesn't, to me, yes, you're muscular, but you look like you could be folded in half. You don't look strong. Whereas when you see someone who's got lots of strength,
Starting point is 00:20:34 and it's not true for everybody, I guarantee you there's guys out there with tiny waist that are ridiculously strong. But, you know, people who are lean, but they've got the built midsection of the bleaks and the built core. They look like they can move away. They look strong. And in the old days and the classic days, they, you saw some of that with some of those bodies. Even the guys with small ways, they had that the strong looking core. Yeah. You know what I mean? So that's, that's, that's, that's, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:58 a two-sense. Yeah. I don't know. So, so much of that to me is genetic. I mean, I think it's silly that a lot of these men's, because he guys really try and change that, you know, so much of that to me is genetic. I mean, I think it's silly that a lot of these men's fuzzy guys really try and change that, by the screams of the blood. Well, that's what I mean. Like they put the little, the screams on, they look, then you can tell, they look weird. Yeah, it just, it doesn't, it doesn't fit your body, right?
Starting point is 00:21:14 It doesn't look right, you know, when you, when you do that and just cause it, can they create that more of a V-tapering stuff? It, to me, it takes away from the beauty of the physique, you know, it, to me, it's like this, like if's like this, if a building of physique is like painting a picture, well, yeah, you can go take a fucking computer nowadays and Photoshop the most perfect picture as far as proportion and coloring and stuff like that. But it still doesn't take the realness and authenticity of someone who's used a paintbrush
Starting point is 00:21:42 from freehand painting something. There's just so much more beauty to that. I feel the same way goes for a physique, whether it be male or female, that when you start starting to fuck with things and getting so either at a proportion just to fit in this extreme, you take away from that beauty. You take away from that realness. I think more people should look at their physique and recognize what type of body type they have and build around it.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Like I said, since day one of heading into this men's physique thing, I have certain guys that I see in the professional level or that have been around that have got great physics that I look like, okay, they have a very similar body type of me and I really like their symmetry, the proportion. And that's the body type that I feel like I'm always kind of focusing on building, is building that physical. I don't look at somebody like, you know, like our body craig.
Starting point is 00:22:35 And I try and build that physique. I can't, you know, I don't have that physique. And I'm not built with a very square, strong core like that. And huge wide back to it. I have a wide back, but I also have a very square, strong core like that and huge wide back to it. I have a wide back, but I also have a very naturally narrow waist, which creates this wasp-looking waist for you, would say, but I also, well, pool most fuckers too.
Starting point is 00:22:56 So, I definitely have strength, core strength, and would never... No, I wouldn't say your waist looks wasp, it's small, but it's not wasp. If you wore a squeam, it would get that wasp, you look. You can just tell when you look at it, you know what I'm saying? I don't know. Well, they don't have obliques.
Starting point is 00:23:09 They've killed their obliques. That's what I mean. It's like, and that's how you can tell. So I have a really strong obliques. If you look at my obliques, I have a deep, a deep line that comes in. It's the obliques. Which I think make, uh, make the physique look better, you know, by doing that. So I, I think they did a really good job of capping the weights
Starting point is 00:23:27 for the height at the right. So at every one inch mark, it's five to seven pounds. It's going up. What was the weight for curiosity off the top of your head for for so many six foot? So, okay, that's okay. Six three is 232, then it went down to 225, and then it went down. So that would be 62, and 61 was
Starting point is 00:24:02 2.0, no, 225, so minus 7, so 2, so my fuzzy math here, 2, 18, and then 207, and then 201. So I think I did that right. I put it on the table. That'd be pretty big because when I get my leanest, when I get really like lean looking, I'm 180 something. That's why I liked it because I feel like it's close to the bigger, but we could still have a little bit of room to put some size on, which I think arguing with you also. I think Johnny Sebastian even did a post that he might consider. Yeah, you know, what I was going to do is bring him back on the show with us
Starting point is 00:24:26 and actually, we're due for those guys anyways. There's such a hoot to hang out with anyways. I love it when you say hoot. You have a hoot called blue. I don't believe. Yeah, I like doing that. I like doing some throwback words every once in a while. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:39 It's groovy. Yeah. What a gas. That's peach. You pick up on my Joshy, Joshy knew earlier too. Oh, yeah. Salis use big words. This is like a useful word. I use these old words. But a gasp, you pick up on my Joshy, Joshy knew earlier too. That's how I use big words. That's like the usual words.
Starting point is 00:24:48 I use old words. Yes. I recycle good ones, you know what I'm saying? He likes to bring out fucking ones that nobody knows what the fuck they are. You know what I'm saying? Unless you play Scrabble all the time. I use good ass old words. I like to Scrabble.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Great job. 17 point words out. Next time, every time he says a word like that, I'm gonna say, I'm usually here, we go like 22 points. Yeah, because you're gonna stop challenging me since you've lost nine to 10 times in a row. And you know what, everybody on the forum came to your fucking rescue right away.
Starting point is 00:25:15 I was like, actually, Sal, I'm a teacher. I'm even English, yeah. Say, I wanna say something right now. No, I'm completely accurate. Completely accurate. Salading. Sal, you're incredibly perfect at intelligent. Oh my god. No, that's not what they said. No, they did.
Starting point is 00:25:32 That's what they were thinking. That's not what they said. They said they used their crud shut up. Actually, in my thesis, it really told the story. I'm so glad Sal's there to school you guys. So you're going to take some time then to put on more size? Well, 2006. Because I was in the gym the other day and I was working out and Adam showed up.
Starting point is 00:25:51 We didn't plan it. He was just there. And the dude, he spent like 40 minutes at the squat rack at least. Yeah, I'm on a mission to catch you. I got some work to put it. I never said you wouldn't work hard. I just said, didn got some work to put it. I mean, I never I never said you wouldn't you wouldn't work hard. I just said they're gonna happen. No, but he was at the squat rack for a while. And then I let him try my squat shoes. Oh, probably. And he's kind of tight like me, right? So it helps you.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Dude, he was squatting like full on like deeper than I go. I go I go parallel or maybe just below. I don't really ever go lower than that because I'm just tightened. It hurts my hips and shit. He was the full asshole, but he was squatting for like 40 seconds. He squatting with the bar lower on his back. I was trying to have him do that. It's the last time I was,
Starting point is 00:26:32 I've been like between, so, see the thing is he has so much forward bend anyway. Yeah. That lower on his back would make, and then again, that's what I'm saying. And his ass has already so developed, he wants more quads.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Well, when he puts the shoes on, he's more upright. Yeah, he sits into it more. So it happens to me too. Oh, how did you feel the next day? Did you get sore differently? Uh, yeah, my quads for sure. You're right. You were dead on with that.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Like, normally when I hit squats really, uh, and it was a heavier day, I think that day, I think I was, I think I was doing triples. That's how I was doing. I was doing. You got, you went up to three, three plates and something. Yeah, I was doing triples. Yeah. So I, you know You went up to three plates and something. Yeah, I was doing triples. Yeah, so, you know, boy, they were, I tell you what, man, first time ever doing that.
Starting point is 00:27:11 And you know what? Well, and you know what, in my head, I'm like, you know, I sometimes I do my high top S.B.s and shoes that I could have heels and to see if that, like, you know, that I squat and that instead of like my chucks. I deadlift in my chucks, I squat in like my S.B.s and shoes that have heel to them for that exact reason, but not like these squat shoes.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Yeah, I made a big deal. Oh, I mean, just to support the support in them, you know, they were designed for that. It felt like it was just the right amount of like elevation in the heel. And then like you said, I sit down and it was normally I feel like my first like couple sets is like literally me finding my form, you know, getting in that, getting warmed up, but then also just like getting that, that, that right, you know, what I don't even know what the word I'm looking for. You're getting the groove.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Yeah, exactly, you know, just trying to find that right groove. And as soon as I put those on, I sat down and I was just like, oh, right into it. Yeah, like it just naturally. And back to the same size shoe, even though he's told to me. So you know what that means. Wow. You know, back to what you guys could play soccer together. What?
Starting point is 00:28:14 Just, just, just, just, Justin brought up the high bar low bar thing. And you know, I never really, to be honest with you, until we talked about that on a podcast way back, I never really paid attention be honest with you, until we talked about that on a podcast, we were like, I never really paid attention to exactly where I put my bar placement. And, you know, I just put it where it was comfortable for me, you know, and I just never thought, never thought twice about it. And since him, I've been playing with a really low bar, really high bar in between.
Starting point is 00:28:38 And I tend to lean towards right in the middle of that. And it makes actually a significant difference because when I go too low on the low bar, I feel like, I feel like it, one, it pulls my shoulders way back. So it's really, it keeps me really stressed because I'll tight I am up top. So to roll that bar that far back on my back,
Starting point is 00:28:57 just doesn't feel as comfortable to hold it there. And then I feel like I start to get a little bit of stress in my low back. And then when I go all the way up on the high bar, if I'm all the way high, I feel like I have a tendency to, you know, as a waitster to get really heavy I'll sort of push off my toes. I'll get off my, I'll get back from seeing my-
Starting point is 00:29:14 So when you say low bar, are you going, are you like right above your rear delts? Is that what low bar is for you? No. Lower than your rear delts? Yeah. Yeah, fuck now. Now I never go lower than my, I go like,
Starting point is 00:29:24 I'm, when I do my squat is my, the bar is literally right above your rear delts? Yeah. Yeah, fuck no. I never go lower than my, I go like, I'm, I'm, when I do my squat is my, the bar is literally right on right above my rear delts. Yeah. Well, just, just, we's back my delts even whole time. Just, then I had, we're playing around with my squat the last time I was with him and we were doing, you know, pause squats and we were messing with the bar getting lower. And, you know, I think I went from one extreme to the other and definitely felt the difference of it. And I think where I feel the most comfortable is. In the middle. Yeah, which I think a good point to bring this up and why I'm even talking about it, is I think this is important.
Starting point is 00:29:51 You know, as many years as we've all been squatting, you know, I still feel like I haven't perfected my form. I haven't perfected. It's because you, because you're individual, you have to find your own angles. Yeah, it's really the point of it. You can't say like specifically, you know, right, hey, you have to have it at this position, which is crazy, because don't say that. Don't you feel like you used to teach that way? At least I did. Yeah, you can
Starting point is 00:30:16 adjust it as a reference, but like you really have to do that and feel your way through the squat. So you make sure you know, you know, where you're at as far as your mechanics are concerned. Well, here, look, with the squat, it's probably true with almost more than any other exercise. Some people just naturally can get into a squat very well. Yeah. And some people squatting for me is never going to be natural. It's always going to be something I have to stretch and warm up and work into. Deadlift, I could grab a bar and pull it off the floor perfect.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Squat and Justin, you can shit. You squat, no problem. Yeah, I can squat. And it's funny because I was that kid that was always squatting. You know, when I was a kid, I would get like, I would just, everybody'd be standing up, I'd be squatting, you know, just kind of hanging out. Yeah, I can't sit in a squat.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Yeah. What my heels come off the floor. Mm-hmm. So. Yeah, I'm the same way too. Like, there's dead lifting. It feels so natural for me. And I literally could not warm up. Just go right into it, start ripping weight off the floor
Starting point is 00:31:12 and go right into my form. Squatting, it's a whole fucking process. Bro, I start with the bar, then the 135. Then I do a couple sets of that, and then I stretch. And then I go tooch for it, and I stretch. And it's like, my sixth sixth set I start working out. You know, that's me deadlift so many people I know though and this is why I kind of feel like I want to just like drill this and everybody who's listening.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Like, because I was the same way and I know so many clients, so many friends are like this. Squats are fucking hard. They're hard to be comfortable and it's very easy to find a reason not to do them. Low back hurts. Oh, they bothered my knees. Oh, this and that. And then you just fucking check them off as you're not going to do them. And I cannot stress how beneficial they are to just your overall physique, not just health
Starting point is 00:31:57 too. I mean, we talk about overall health and your central nervous system and your core strength. And everything else that's going to do for you and the calorie expenditure compared to anything else that you could possibly do inside the gym I mean it trumps everything big time it literally and Lane Norton says it best like if you're if you're if you're not squatting What are you doing with your life? That's literally like it's meant to like if you don't squat what are you doing with your life? Like you it literally has to be in your routine
Starting point is 00:32:19 It has to be and if you can't and you think you can't do it because aches pain. not you do it. Exactly. That is your goal then your goal above all other goals. So if you're somebody right now listening and you're like, I don't squat. I don't do that or you know, I this hurts or that hurts. I got these issues. Figure out how to be able to squat. Exactly. You need to and if you need to hire somebody that can teach you how to correctively stretch and build your body to where you can do a proper squat.
Starting point is 00:32:45 That is one of the single bests. That will trump your 20 pound weight loss goal or your 15 pound muscle gain goal or the next marathon you think you want to run it. Easily the most visible results you'll ever get is when you go from not squatting to squatting. It's the results are so visible. And your lower body and your upper body you'll get some upper body from it. Oh absolutely. I don't know who...
Starting point is 00:33:06 You do stuff in ass like me. I don't know. So massive. I don't know who brought the first time I ever heard the analogy of thinking of it like a tree. And a tree will only grow so big if it roots only go so far. Like if you do not build that foundation, you do not build your roots, the bottom part,
Starting point is 00:33:24 you can still grow the top. The tree will still grow, even with small, short, little roots, you know, but it's only gonna go so high. It's only gonna get so big. If it's gonna continue to grow a massive, it's gotta be able to get... Oh, side note, you can do a lot with a little root. It's what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:33:36 A little bit. Side note, since I started the occlusion on my legs at the end of my squat workout, I'll do a set real lightweight with my quads included. Do you know where I'm noticing the growth and my quads from that? The frickin' teardrop. More than the rest of my quad,
Starting point is 00:33:51 I see it more in the medial part of my quad. I wonder why. I don't know. I wonder if the blood pulls there. I don't know, but I'm noticing it more there. Here's the other side effect that I've never mentioned that I guarantee you guys have seen with the collusion. It will increase vascularity and
Starting point is 00:34:08 You know my my the veins and my arms now seem to be more So nurses will like you. Yeah, they seem to be more dilated just regularly So it's interesting. Just some interesting side effects So when you're including right now, you're recruiting while you're doing squats. So I'll do, so, the fuck are you thinking? So Mondays, but bro, you want legs like Sally,
Starting point is 00:34:31 you got to, I don't know if I do, bro. So Mondays I do front squats and good mornings, and then on Wednesdays I do back squats. At the end of each workout, so at the end of my front squat workout, let's say I work up to, you know, 240, last time I was doing singles, I went up to 305, then I'll back down to 95 pounds. So just a quarter on each side, I'll include my legs and I'll just rep out like 30 reps of
Starting point is 00:34:55 front squats and I'll do that for three sets. But by the second and third set, I'm only getting 10 to 15 reps because you know, all the pain and the blood and everything. When I do squats, same thing. After I'm done with my full squat workout I'll include my legs. I'll put just a 45 on each side, which is 135 and I'll do squats and my squats I don't even come all the way up. I come up and stop just short of come out and go back down just pump them out Yeah, which is that's the protocol anyways. You're not trying to you know This is about a full range of fucking blood. I'm probably about you right in a fucking sucks, bro It is so horrible. I can't imagine and then I sit down and the pain doesn't go away and I sit down in between sets to let the blood really get in there And I want to kill myself. It's horrible and you look like an idiot in the gym
Starting point is 00:35:33 I have both legs included it creates this cup for your crotch to kind of hang down Yeah, yeah, you got it just you look like a dork. I'm sure I look like him, you know, but again, but everything is throbbing Wow It looks like a, you know. But again, whatever dick is throbbing. Cool. Wow. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump. This is MindPump.

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