Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1471: The Truth About German Volume Training, the Dangers of Sweating for the Wedding, What to Do If One Side of Your Body Is Tighter Than the Other & More

Episode Date: January 20, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions about German Volume Training methods, “sweating for the wedding,” whether it is normal to want to sleep 30-60 mi...nutes after a workout, and if it is common for one side’s leg muscles and hip flexor to be tighter than the other. Sal’s COVID scare. (6:54) The fascinating science behind the COVID-19 vaccine. (10:21) The strange ways humans try to treat themselves. (14:01) The bodybuilder with the greatest genetics of all-time. (19:33) How the various fighting organizations are faring during the pandemic. (21:53) Conor McGregor’s ‘fantasy land’ inside a watch. (23:37) Oli Pop is blowing up! (28:32) Mind Pump’s predictions on the future of the economy. (30:11) Can the Government please take notes on the Barstool Fund?! (32:17) Did the Simpsons write EVERY scenario for what has happened? (35:48) The difficulties of not overtraining when you are on an energy high. (37:58) Adam shares an update on his hormone replacement therapy test numbers. (40:37) Public Goods, the future of direct-to-consumer shopping. (43:14) #Quah question #1 – Thoughts on German Volume Training methods? (47:50) #Quah question #2 – What's your take on the catchphrase, “sweating for the wedding,” as seen on social media? What is the alternative strategy, or mindset, for people who are preparing for a big event? (53:01) #Quah question #3 - Is it normal to want to sleep for 30-60 minutes after a workout? (59:08) #Quah question #4 - Is it common for one side’s leg muscles and hip flexor to be tighter than the other? (1:03:06) Related Links/Products Mentioned January Promotion: MAPS Fitness Starter Bundle 50% off! COVID-19: Melatonin as a potential adjuvant treatment SO A GUY INJECTED HIMSELF WITH PSYCHEDELIC MUSHROOMS, AND THEY STARTED TO EAT HIM ALIVE Victor Richards - Greatest Physiques Buchecha To Make MMA Debut Against Senegalese Wrestling Champion at One Championship WEIGHING IN #112 with CONOR MCGREGOR | POIRIER FIGHT | LIGHTWEIGHT TITLE | DIAZ TRILOGY Conor McGregor Gets Roasted After Showing Off $1 Million Diamond Watch Visit Oli Pop for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for 15% off your first order** Why 20 DTC CEOs say their recent skyrocketing growth will continue in post-pandemic world Covid relief, economic stimulus, immigration: What to expect in Biden's first 100 days The Barstool Fund | Barstool Sports COVID Lockdowns May Have No Clear Benefit vs Other Voluntary Measures, International Study Shows CIA declassifies hundreds of UFO documents – here’s where to find them Visit Public Goods for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Receive $15 off your first Public Goods order with NO MINIMUM purchase** MAPS Powerlift | Muscular Adaptation Programming System Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Josh Thomson (@therealpunk)  Instagram Conor McGregor (@thenotoriousmma)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Congratulations, you're listening to the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. You won! You're listening to Mind Pump. Now, today's episode, we answered four health and fitness questions, but the way we answered the episode, or excuse me, started's episode, we answered four health and fitness questions, but the way we answered the episode, excuse me, started the episode, was with a introductory portion. It's 40 minutes long, so we're talking about current events.
Starting point is 00:00:32 We mention our sponsors. We have a lot of fun. After that 40 minute intro, we get into answering the fitness and health questions. Here's what happened in today's podcast. We opened up by talking about my COVID scare. Of all people, of course it was me that thought that maybe he had COVID. Then we talked about the science
Starting point is 00:00:48 behind the COVID vaccine, pretty fascinating stuff, which led just into remember a study or a story he read about a man who injected himself with magic mushrooms. Yeah, not a great idea. No, then we talked about a body builder in the 90s who a lot of people believed to have the best genetics of all time, Victor Richards. I talked about a couple new fighters in MMA. One is a wrestler from
Starting point is 00:01:10 Senegal, Skye is a monster. Then we talked about Conor McGregor and his brand new watch, million dollar watch. Yeah, I hope it tells the future. It looks like it does. Then we mentioned one of our sponsors, OliOP. They're a great replacement for soda. So a can of OliPOP is like 35 calories, no sugar, but here's the kicker. It has ingredients that are good for your gut. This is a gut healthy product. Pro gut.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And it tastes amazing, and this is probably why they had 900% growth last year for their company. Anyhow, try them out. Go to drinkolipop.com. Sohow, try them out. Go to drinkaulipop.com. So that's the word drink. Aulipop is olipop.com forward slash mine pump. Use the code mine pump. Get 15% off your first order.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Group years the best. Then we give our predictions for the economy in the future, because you know we're trainers, we know that kind of stuff. We know all. Then we talked about bar stool, the bar stool fund. They're doing good things out there. We talk about the Simpsons and how they're able to predict everything strangely. We talk about how it's hard not to over train all working out together.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Recently, we've been working out together and it's ramping us all up. Adam gives an update on his testosterone replacement therapy. Then we talk about another company that we work with. Public goods. You got to go check them out. You can get most of the stuff that you use every day. So kitchen stuff, there's dog treats and dog food on there. There's, you know, you can get shampoo and hairspray.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Oh, grocery items. Grocery items. Incredibly low prices. Ethically made. Minimally packaged, no chemicals. And a lot of the stuff you buy once and then they send you these biodegradable reusable Containers anyway, it's really really good stuff very inexpensive and You can use the mine pump code and get 15 dollars off your first order
Starting point is 00:02:55 So in other words you can go on there by 15 dollars with the stuff essentially get it for free Go check them out. It's public goods.com Forward slash mine pump and then use that code MindPump for that offer I just told you about, which was $15 off your first order. Then we got into answering the fitness and health questions. The first one, this person wanted to know our opinion on the German volume training methods. This is where you do 10 sets of 10 reps of a specific exercise in your workouts. The next question, this person wants to know what we think about this whole sweating
Starting point is 00:03:25 for the wedding thing, you know, where you get in good shape for your wedding, like what are the good strategies or mindsets for people in that phase? Sweating in the oldies. The next one, that's the old reference. Yeah. The next question, this person wants to know
Starting point is 00:03:38 if it's normal to want to take a nap, 30 to 60 minute nap after the workout. And the final question, this person wants to know if it's common for one leg to be a lot tighter than the other leg. Also this month, we've put together a new bundle of workout programs specifically for those of you who are just getting started with fitness
Starting point is 00:03:59 or those of you who've already taken off a lot of time and want to get back into fitness. We call this the starter bundle. So this includes some of our most popular programs. It includes maps at a ball, like a great foundational workout program for building strength, boosting the metabolism. So if you have a fast metabolism, it makes fat loss a lot easier.
Starting point is 00:04:19 It's great for building muscle. Included in this bundle is also Maps Prime. This is a great program to teach you how to correct muscle imbalances and get you to move better to prevent injury. Then there's also our Intuitive Nutrition Guide, so this helps you with nutrition. And then we're throwing in Maps Starter. This is the ideal program to get started with. If you've had like six months or more off, if you're a beginner, start with Maps Starter, then move to Maps Antibolic and so on. So normally if you've got all, start with maps starter, then move to maps and a ballock and so on.
Starting point is 00:04:45 So normally if you got all these programs individually, it would cost you over $340, but this bundle right now is priced at $80. So $80 bucks gives you all those programs. Go check them out. By the way, it comes with a 30-day money back guarantee so you can try them out for a full month, return them if you're not satisfied. Go check it out. It's at mapsgenuary.com, that's M-A-P-S, January.com.
Starting point is 00:05:12 T-shirt time! And it's T-shirt time! Ah! Shit, don't you know it's my favorite time of the week. Oh yeah, angry yeah. We have three winners, two for Apple Podcast, one for Facebook, the Apple Podcast winners are Miss Hangers and WM for Facebook.
Starting point is 00:05:33 We have Scott, W. Dell, Ripple. All three of you are winners. Send the name I just read to iTunes at minepumpmedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get that t-shirt right out to you. The other day, I don't remember what episode it was. We were talking about, what were we talking about when I said that I would just go tackle the animal
Starting point is 00:05:55 or go, just go, how we would survive it like, like post-apocalyptic woodskills. We would have, or you'd do a tackle. You just go tackle the deer. Yeah, so easy. A deer would kick your ass out. You say that, right? So somebody sent a TikTok video to me of a video of this guy. These two guys drive it on the road and there was like a deer on the side of the road.
Starting point is 00:06:14 And dude jumps out and grabs it and brings it in his truck to go take it somewhere safe. So it doesn't get hit in the freeway. Wow. It shows me a video of it. You just picked up the deer and takes it? Yes. That's a man, right there. That's a trusting deer. Yeah, right. Like, if. You just picked up the deer and takes it? Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:25 That's a man, right there. That's a trusting deer. Yeah, right. Like, it's so confused. Oh yeah, no it's a bottle. It definitely is. We're a little bit. I mean, he had to wrestle it in to hold it tight.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Yeah, the guy was all concerned about his truck. The deer's parents. I told you not to hide you. He tried. Yeah, exactly. That guy's going to eat you. Yeah. I don't think that's.
Starting point is 00:06:44 We know where this goes. I don't think it's good hunting strategy. No, no, I don't think it's good to have extra energy. Yeah, but it's possible. Well, it's the point. It's the one example. It's possible. Dude, man, I had a little COVID scare, huh?
Starting point is 00:06:55 Yeah, yeah. Of course it was you too. Of course, you know. It has to be me. Yeah, it definitely has to be. That's like God's way of being like, we're gonna deal with this. Yeah, so tell the audience how's your hands a lot?
Starting point is 00:07:04 How this went down. Yeah, so I went to a cousin's house. She cuts hair. She's obviously not working right now, but she offered to cut my hair and Jessica's hair. So we went there and we brought the baby, but she's like, you know, mask, everything sanitized, you know, garage,
Starting point is 00:07:23 everything's whatever. So we get there, she cuts Jessica's hair, she's then, you know, I, everything sanitized, you know, garage, everything's whatever. So we get there, she cuts Jessica's hair, she's then, you know, I'm holding the baby, then we switch and then she cut my hair, her daughter comes in, her daughter is a huge fan of the show. She's a fitness, she's a trainer, actually, a really good trainer. And so she shows up and she wants to say hi,
Starting point is 00:07:40 so I'm talking to her and give her like a quick hug. That's it, but everybody's masked up and the whole deal, whatever. My cousin, you know, at one point, says, hey, can I hold the baby, share it, wash his hands, picks up the baby, or anyway, we, that was like, I don't know what day that was on a Saturday or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Yeah, it was last weekend, right? Yeah, Monday, I get a call that her daughter, the one that was there, the personal trainer, tested positive for COVID. Mm-hmm. And I'm just like, oh, fuck! that her daughter, the one that was there, the personal trainer, tested positive for COVID. And I'm just like, oh, fuck! So, and this is right before we were gonna go to visit Jessica's family and go to Nevada.
Starting point is 00:08:15 And Jessica's family still hasn't seen the baby. So I'm like, oh my God, did she help? Did she help the baby? I gave her a hug real quick. So now we're just like all freaking out. It's like a whole week, we're at home, and we're just, just hold up, waiting to see what happens, got the COVID test.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Everything came back negative and everything, but that period of waiting, it's just a nightmare. Well, you go straight into chicken little mode too. Well, I mean, you know what it is? This guy is falling, this guy is falling. You know what though? I tell you what, you say that, you think that's funny.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I'm gonna tell you a story. My aunt, her daughter got it and they were super precautions and luckily only a couple people in the house got it and the house is full of people. Nobody else got it because it took all those precautions. Yeah, yeah. So, and then, you know, of course, what do I do when I get paranoid or afraid?
Starting point is 00:08:58 I research like crazy. Yeah. So I'm looking up all the essential ways that bring my demise. How can no no, how can I fight this stuff? I'm like, I'm not gonna get that up. Okay, dude, you know that melatonin, they're showing has some pretty interesting effects against COVID.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Oh, I haven't heard that yet. That's, they know they gave that to Trump when he had COVID. Melatonin? Yes. Yeah, and so here's the thing, my aunt's house got it, right? There was a few people that got it.
Starting point is 00:09:26 My grandfather lives with her. He's 89, so he's high risk. And at one point, he developed the cough. And everybody's like, oh shit. And all he had was a cough and nothing else happened. He takes 10 milligrams of melatonin every night and has for years. I wonder if that's why.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yeah, because I mean my grandfather's high risk. Yeah, so we got that, we got zinc, we got vitamin D, like we got also baby aspirin. For the blood clotting. Yeah, I'm just the shoyle. Yeah, I'm trying to hear all these, like other alternatives or ways to treat it when we need you to get it.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah, but melatonin was an interesting one. I felt nervous. Yeah, I was doing the whole thing, dude. Was that part of greenfields protocol? I don't know if that was part of his. I just looked up studies it. So I was doing the whole thing, dude. Was that part of Greenfield's protocol? I don't know if that was part of his. I just looked up studies. I was just trying to look up studies and see. And then I had people message, because in our forum I did a post, and then there were a couple people who work in medicine who were saying that that's part of the protocol that
Starting point is 00:10:17 they're doing some hospitals. Yeah. And they're giving people. Well, how's the vaccine gun? Because I know you've done a bit of research in terms of the actual technology behind it, and it'd be cool to kind of free to explain that. So it's fascinating science, really, really fascinating. So here's how it works for my understanding,
Starting point is 00:10:33 and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get everything right. But so it's a different than other vaccines in that. It is, you are injecting yourself with RNA, which tells your cells to produce a spike protein, which is very similar to the protein that the COVID virus is within. So, your cells produce this spike protein, there's no virus in it, it's just a spike protein. Then your body mounts an immune response against this protein. So, this is why people who get the vaccine, one of the more common side effects is like fever because that's their own immune system You know building or whatever
Starting point is 00:11:08 Then and then you do it again right there's two shots Then when if you do get exposed to COVID your body recognizes the protein that the COVID travels in and it prevents you from getting The severe symptoms so you get like but it's it's it's small now So you can recognize it then it'll When you do get exposed to it will recognize hopefully it's small mouse. So you can recognize it. Then it'll When you do get exposed to it old recognize it. Hopefully is sooner than not. Dude the science is crazy though because Based on the science you technically could and get people's immune system to kill cancer to treat like all kinds of stuff Huh, so it's really fascinating stuff But it does strong cause it in immune response and I know in Iceland
Starting point is 00:11:44 I think elderly people some of them died because it was too much. Oh right, so it was just too aggressive of a response is that why they they perished? I don't know they just said that if you're really old and frail you need to be careful which kind of sucks is that's the piece of the whole that we want to have it the most right? But it's interesting very fascinating science could be a total breakthrough. So I don't know. Well I told the guys that but but I didn't tell you, you ruined my night that night.
Starting point is 00:12:07 So that was, what? Yeah, it was, well, I mean, two times in my, in the last two times in almost two years now, I've had, you know, dad alone time, right? Told you it was all by himself, dude. Yeah. Yeah, like all the jergans out, like, you're really party.
Starting point is 00:12:23 I get this, I get this, I got the house house cleaned, I ate, I had my shower done, boys are walked, I just put my feet up. I'm like, bro, I got exposed. Oh, and I'm getting, and I, you know, I turn on the TV and watch an adult television and my phone is, boom, boom, boom, going off like crazy, and I'm ignored, nor, nor,
Starting point is 00:12:43 and it's out like back to back calls And then I see a text pop up and it says like call me immediately and I'm just like oh my god Are you kidding me right now? Were you mid-stroke? Yeah, bro I was right in the middle of enjoying my night to myself. No one knew you was a calm on the phone Yeah, I'm talking so candles were lit everything did and you just wrote and then of course, after you do that, I go right into
Starting point is 00:13:07 work mode. So I got I got to call Jerry, I call Katrina, called KC, I'm just okay, what are we gonna do? South thinks he might have got COVID and none of it, and so just you just ruined my mind. Oh, my God. I didn't say nothing to you. I was telling the guys when I got on the plan, I was like, listen with this motherfucker did to me the other night. I said, this guy blowing my phone up about possibly getting COVID.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I'm just like, oh my God. Yeah, that's it's fucking sucks, man, because when you get in this great, this weird mental, you know, like worry, what it really what it is, it's not for me. I'm not worried about me. I'm not worried about Jessica. I'm more worried about my baby son because he's an infant.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And there's little data on how it affects infants. We know kids typically are, you know, they don't get symptoms as bad as adults. But there is very minimal data on infants below like six months, or younger than six months. So I'm like, oh my gosh, this is, you know, and I brought them. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:13:59 You feel like a big troll dude. Like so this is totally a different topic, but like speaking of crazy ways to treat yourself, this guy, I guess they found this guy almost dead with psilocybin mushrooms growing inside his body. I read about this. Yeah, so basically he was trying to treat himself for getting off of opiates., like opium, opiates.
Starting point is 00:14:26 And so he had read that like, psilocybin was a valid treatment. And so instead of just taking the mushrooms and like eating them, he actually boiled the mushrooms down and then intravenously injected, yeah, these mushrooms and then so they started to grow like in his blood.
Starting point is 00:14:42 I bet he got highest health though, huh? Keep it, leave that. His organs were shutting down. Like they didn't have aggressive antibiotics to treat it. But dude, who the hell comes up with that idea? You know what a stupid idea it is to inject a fungus grows everywhere, anywhere. Oh yeah, you inject that in yourself.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Yeah, the spores, just in the air. Is he alive still? Yeah, yeah, they were able to save him really Yeah, and what do you do you get to do like dialysis or something like that? They like clean out. I mean what happened probably intravenous anti-fungal Super wrong shit. Yeah, what an idiot. Yeah, but can't imagine it like mushrooms growing inside you like that's so weird Why you want to smoke them because you get into your lungs, right? Yeah, you get all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Totally. I just want to message me, I smoke mushrooms. I smoke mushrooms all the time. Totally, totally weird. Weird strategy. I don't know, dude, I thought that was crazy. He's like, yeah, I like mushrooms, but you know what, hate about mushrooms?
Starting point is 00:15:37 You get a weight, like an hour. Yeah, I just want to. Inject. But like it hides now. So I'm saying, inject is rendered by system. What is wrong with people? I don't know, it's just like, I it. I'm like, it hides now. So I'm saying, it's rejected by system. What is wrong with people? I don't know. It's just like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Man, this is some misinformation. It seems like more people are like taking it upon themselves all of a sudden become a scientist and try out their own experiments. Speaking of misinformation, I thought airlines were only supposed to be like a certain percentage capacity. No, that ended in December.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Oh, it did. So they were doing like every other seat. Yeah. Not anymore. So when I flew back in, I wanna say, I don't remember when it was, when was it when I died? I had like March, April, some days.
Starting point is 00:16:13 That's when they were doing that. Yeah, it was all like the plane was just hardly anything. No, now it's like normal. If it's full flight. We when we flew back from Vegas, it was a completely full flight. I didn't think they were doing that. Yeah, no, they are.
Starting point is 00:16:25 They stopped that back in December. Of course, I did all my research right before. We're gonna go. Yeah. That stopped on December 6th. One thing you can do if you're really worried is you could go on a plane that lets you buy seats and then buy the seats around you. A couple.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Yeah, and then your... Jesus, how expensive is that? I mean, of course. You're buying like four tickets. I was gonna say, you almost, at that rate, then you may as well look into the private, you know flying private Yeah, isn't that isn't that a business now? Isn't that started to grow where people are almost like Uber? Mm-hmm where they they pay you buy a seat But it's on a private jet. I would love to do that. Yeah
Starting point is 00:16:58 You got to do the madden move where he just use the bus. Yeah, he doesn't fuck around. You don't fly just bus Well, I don't know this madden. Yeah, he doesn't fuck around. Just fly, just bus it. Well, wait, I don't know this, Madden. Yeah, he's so afraid of flying. He just would bust every single game. Yeah, it's this entire career. He's entirely bust all over the country. No way. Yeah, he wouldn't fly.
Starting point is 00:17:14 He was afraid of flying. Sure, it wasn't because you're like an unhappy marriage. I don't know, honey, I gotta drive to. Yeah, I don't know. I'm gonna be gone for two weeks, because I gotta take a bus. Right, I'm really scared. I don't think that's the case.
Starting point is 00:17:23 That's crazy. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, no, they changed that policy. You know, if you actually look into it, the air on planes is incredibly, you said that. Filtered in clean. Did they crank it up? Like did they do something more? Did they use insane filter?
Starting point is 00:17:37 Like really? So why did like cruise ships? Why are they so bad? It's contact. It's just being around people. Oh, just all the yeah Well, it's very close quarters and but I just thought it was the air like it was terrible Yeah, that's true about airplanes
Starting point is 00:17:51 Why do I always feel like that's if I ever get sick that's normally when I get sick because you're also sitting next to people So they could filter all they want But if you're right next to someone that airs you can spray you with their snow. Yeah, so it's really not that great Plus I was like I nice filters now or whatever that really like target like micro. I don't know. I know it's HEPA filters and something else. The other thing too is part of travel, the reason why you get sick is you're probably tired, jet lag, the immune system is probably off.
Starting point is 00:18:20 So I wouldn't, you know, I would say it's probably a big part of it. But the big risks are really the flights that are long. So when I did my, from what I saw and read, it's the five, six hour or longer flights. Yeah. You know, an hour, here's a deal. So, of course, because I was exposed, I'm looking into all the stuff and they're saying, you know, if you're, if you're in a closed space with someone for hours and they also have symptoms, that's the highest risk. They don't have symptoms, you're around them for 10 minutes,
Starting point is 00:18:49 they don't even consider that necessarily exposure or they do, but it's very minimal. So all those things are kind of a part of it. So you and the camp that we're eventually all gonna get it or not. Oh yeah, it's out due to the fear. It's a part of life. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:03 So if that's how you feel, we all have to get through it. Then why you worry about that? Because I haven't, my son's an infant. So because of that, there's so little data on what it could possibly do to a eight week old or 10 week old baby. But once he's a year, then I'm not going to be as worried or as careful.
Starting point is 00:19:20 It's like if you're somebody with lung disease or you've got to be careful. But it's there, it's out there. So I don't know. Anyway, good stuff. Did you guys see that? I tagged you guys, or I sent it to you, that bodybuilder from the 90s with best genetics. People think he has the best genetics of all time. Victor Richards, have you guys seen this guy? I probably didn't even know. Yeah, maybe Doug, you can look up. Victor Richards bodybuilder. Oh, I thought that was a flex wheeler video.
Starting point is 00:19:49 No, I actually didn't even look at the name. Okay, so this dude, if you read about the guy, he was like five, nine, and this is in the early to mid 90s, would in the off season, would easily get to 300 pounds. Okay. Dwarfed the biggest bodybuilders of the time. Oh yeah, five, nine, he was a little cute.
Starting point is 00:20:08 There's that first picture right there is him standing next to Dorian, Doug, Nigerian bodybuilder, and he, and okay, scroll down a little bit, that middle picture right there, 16 years old. With that, with the 16 right there? It with the beanie on. Oh yeah, no, it was still, oh wow. That's like the most buffed, I couldn't even get that jacked, 16 years old. He's 16 right there. With the beanie on. Oh yeah. No, it was still. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:20:26 That's like the most buffed. I couldn't even get that jacked. He's 16 right there. Yeah, it's crazy. And then he, you know, there are people talk about his genetics because apparently the guy either didn't or barely used anabolic steroids didn't do anything else. And the reason why he never really competed because he only he became a pro and then he stopped competing because he didn't want to do the drugs. He said that were necessary to. Oh interesting. So the way he looks right there. competed, because he became a pro and then he stopped competing because he didn't wanna do the drugs, he said that were necessary to. Oh, interesting. So the way he looks right there,
Starting point is 00:20:49 he'd be a fun person to talk to. That's just the nausea today, you know? Off social media, off all of it. Oh yeah. You can't find him, but I was reading all about this guy and he was like this, just this, it's crazy. It's crazy. It's crazy how, like the varying degrees of genetics that there are in the world, you know. You see a picture of some of 16. Yeah, yeah, no, It's crazy how the varying degrees of genetics that there are in the world.
Starting point is 00:21:06 You see a picture of some at 16. Yeah, yeah, no, it's crazy. I mean, you can't. That's insane. That's totally crazy. Yeah, I don't know why we never, I mean, he competed one time as a pro than he was out or what? That's it.
Starting point is 00:21:17 One time and then you want to compete anymore. Where did you find this? I remember I used to read about this guy back in the day and then there was a post. I follow a couple like bodybuilding historian pages on Instagram or whatever. And then they brought him up and I started reading more about the guy. What'd you think of Rami winning?
Starting point is 00:21:36 Oh, the Olympia? Yeah, I mean, he was the best guy for sure. Yeah, I know, I thought he looked good. They don't look that sharp anymore though, huh? You know, though, I thought that he did. I thought he came, I think he came like his waist looks way, he looked way better than everybody else, especially for his size. I thought he looked really good.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Well, speaking of genetics, Doug, I'm going to send you a, uh, uh, this link here because I want you to pull this up so the guys can see it. There's this, uh, there's an MMA fight that's scheduled with a couple new MMA fighters. One guy is a world champion, Jiu Jitsu fighter, who I'm familiar with. His name is, I think, Buchetcha, his last name. Or, no, that's his nickname, Buchetcha. This guy's like a badass in Jiu Jitsu.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Just crushes people. Big, strong dude. And then he's going to fight a Singalese wrestler. So this is a champion wrestler from Senegal Senegalese excuse me Senegalese wrestler. Do you guys know have you guys ever seen Senegalese wrestling? No, no what what are the rules? So these guys okay the guy on the right super niche look at that guy right there Oh, oh, we've what you've showed us have I showed you yeah, you showed us clips Look at the size of that guy bro. Yeah, and he's like living
Starting point is 00:22:43 He's like you know chest is humongous. Yeah, so they oiled themselves up in their wrestle. So those two guys are gonna fight, can't wait to watch that. Yeah. But speaking of genetics, look at that dude. He's just a, he's not gonna be, he's so I saw that clip and he was just kept picking them up
Starting point is 00:22:57 and slamming them like he was a little baby. Like you don't weigh anything. Yeah. Is that gonna be in UFC or a different? No, no, no, no. I don't think either one of them are good enough to fight in the UFC. So what are the alternatives?
Starting point is 00:23:06 Is it still pride in the... Bellator? Bellator, of course, but you know, there's like one FC or whatever. I think you're, yeah, that's for kickboxing, though. I think, no, I think that's it. I think that's Aries FC or something like that. And then there's, what's the other one that you said?
Starting point is 00:23:23 Or any of you liked pride, that was the reason. No, pride, I think it was bought by UFC's. Or anything, or any of you guys following to see if like how it's doing business wise right now, how UFC's doing, is it getting crushed? I don't know. Do you know? That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Isn't Connogra McGregor supposed to fight for it? Yeah, did you see he was on our buddy's podcast? Did you see that? Yeah, Josh Thompson. Yeah, Josh Thompson got him on the podcast. Did you see the million dollar watch that McGregor bought? I heard. Did you see it?
Starting point is 00:23:47 It's, you haven't seen it? No, I haven't. So can you look up Connor McGregor's million dollar watch? It's like a fantasy land inside of a watch. What? Is the best way to explain it. It's like, it's something Adam would wear. No, I would not.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Yes you would. No, I would not. No, I wouldn't. Pull it up and then No, I would not. No, I wouldn't. Pull it up and then go. My watches are very cleaning classy, do they? They're not over the face. You wouldn't buy that right there? Where, which one?
Starting point is 00:24:11 No, the one on the very left. No, stupid, dude. No, man. That's just, it makes it. Who's the maker? I have no idea. Yeah, just stupid. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Why would you buy it? It's a thing to me. It's a watch. Well, I mean, it's all. Is it tell the future? It's all relative, right? I guess when you're, how much is, what's his,
Starting point is 00:24:29 what does it look like a future land, lay out at Disneyland or something? Yeah, if you look close enough, there's like people living in there. The world's fair, it's in my watch. Yeah. What is his net worth that right now? Do you know where he's at?
Starting point is 00:24:40 Because a $1 million watch, if you're worth, you know, $500 million, it's probably not that big of a deal, right? I mean, I guess, I guess you're right, right? If you have $500,000, you buy a $1,000 watch, it would be the same. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's all relative, so it sounds ridiculous to us
Starting point is 00:24:57 because a million dollars on a watch is insane, but it's only insane if, you know, there's a network right there, he's only a hundred and twenty million. How's that possible? Did he get paid like a hundred million in one fight? One fight, probably like 50, is that right, Doug? Probably taxes. Tax is not a bunch of taxes.
Starting point is 00:25:16 There are multiple other. I don't know though, if I can use that website. That's the one that said Adam was worked like 15 million dollars. He's out of us. Yeah, say once. Where am I at now? Am I going up or down? Let's look at Adam. Yeah, if I look at Adam's shape for network. Yeah. Where am I at now? Am I going up or down? Let's look at Adam.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Yeah, it might be worse. Look, I'm Adam Schaefer. Yeah, see if I'm getting richer. Didn't it say, what didn't it say? You were, I don't remember what it said. Yeah, it was at least like 10 million. I want to know how they come up. Wow, look, it even Google even has mind pumping there.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Let's see here. No, that's LinkedIn. Let's LinkedIn. I don't know if it's going to be there anymore. So I'm broke. Said it. What does that say? It took it off.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Am I going to? It's $4 million. Oh, okay. broke. What does that say? Take it off. It's more million. Oh, okay. Did you lost money, huh? Did I, yeah, I must have. You lost some money, man. It's a little bit. Making some aggressive moves, I guess.
Starting point is 00:25:52 36 years old, too. Oh, am I? Okay, I like this one. This is a great site. I like this one. Wow. Did you make this site? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:01 You got his hands on big ones. And you're born in May. Why does it say penis size on it? You did make this. Oh, good idea. It says I'm born gonna get his hands on big. And your born hair in May. Why does it say penis size on it? You did make this. Oh, good idea. It says I'm born in May also. That's hilarious. Totally wrong.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Like who makes that? Ah, see. See what people get bored. When I see when I look at something like a million dollar watch, regardless of how much money I would have, I always do this in my head like, what else could I do with a million dollars? Well, I don't know enough about that watch, but Doug and I
Starting point is 00:26:26 maybe it's an investment, right? Yeah, Doug and I were talking about watches on the flight over. And, you know, the cool thing about certain watches, I don't know about what he's wearing. And what I imagine it is is they're, you know, they only make, like if you get like a Rolex, a Panerai, a bright link, there's only so many they make of that watch. And so as time goes on, the value of every watch that I own,
Starting point is 00:26:49 I could sell it after I've worn it for more than what I bought it for. So you look at it like it. Yeah, but I would still look at it like, okay, what other investments are better? Oh, that's the thing. I mean, at that level, it's like it's you, that it's like paintings, you know, like really exclusive,
Starting point is 00:27:04 like expensive items that you can resell Well, and then also too. I mean if you're invested in stock and in real estate in other places No, I'm not gonna judge. I'm saying for me because you know what you can't do you sure shit can't wear your stock investment. Yeah, you sure she can't you doesn't go with your suit You know you can't do that so there's certain things things that, I mean, that's great. I never print out your portfolio, your risk. I carry around on my grill right here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I don't know, things like that that I think that
Starting point is 00:27:32 hold their value or increase in value over time. Speaking of money, you know what I watched that I totally forgot and but Cobra Kai got me thinking about this again. When's the last time you guys watched Karate Kid 3? Oh yeah, it's been a while, dude. So I watched it once way back in the day, and then I was like, whatever. And so I forgot all about it, and I watched it again.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And I remember why I didn't watch it again. It wasn't good. Yeah, like the guy came back to the ponytail, trained him. It's too good. Because I watched, he was decent. I watched one, like 100 times. One is the best.
Starting point is 00:28:04 And then I think I've seen two maybe a couple Good. Yeah, three was kind of garbage. Yeah, yeah, but I mean it was it was whatever I got you know I got so now I think I know what they're gonna do for the next cup of hot of course Don't add 80 I'm not finished yet. You have it. No, no, I still got a couple episodes left. I have a chance to I ran through those quick. Yeah, I don't know how they're gonna bring it back after he died. Stupid get out of here.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Don't ruin the show. Don't ruin the show. Just kidding. Hey, speaking of success, I read an article about Oli Pops, their performance in 2020. 900% growth. Yeah. And the CEO said that their repurchase rate is astronomical.
Starting point is 00:28:46 So people buy it. Oh, that's not awesome. And then go back and just buy way more. Well, because it tastes awesome. Well, I mean, it's what an alternative to soda. I have never, well, that's it. Yeah. Like if you like things that taste good,
Starting point is 00:28:59 I can't think of a better alternative to soda because it's better on my stomach and everything else. Well, it's actually pro gut health. Right. Stuff they put in their ease for your gut, and then there's no sugar and the calories. I know I always feel good after that. What are the 35 calories I think?
Starting point is 00:29:13 Is that the whole can? Yeah, yeah, 35 calories and the whole can. Yeah, so. Can you think of a better alternative soda? Three grams of sugar. That's not, yeah. 900% water. But yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:24 That's insane. That's a company. That's a company. That's going to go gangbusters. Well, they're all over the now. I mean, when you guys see them on when we get tagged on Instagram, it's actually rare that anyone buys it directly through them. So they have, they're in all kinds of stores now. Yeah. So a lot of times people just find them. They hear it on the show and then they see them on like in a grocery store, then they pick them up. Yeah, I feel like I've seen it in Whole Foods. I don't know if that's in all of them, but I've definitely seen it before. I don't think I've seen them in whole foods.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Yeah, they're popping up all over the place. Yeah, their crushing, I mean, 900% growth is insane. And when people are coming back to buy more, it tells you a lot of good stuff. It's great. It's great meeting these companies in those early stages and being able to be a part of their growth. It's a little frustrating to not own part of the company when I see that happen. Yeah, yeah. Well, speaking of growth and money and all that stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:30:11 I actually wanted to talk with you guys because this last week a lot's happened. And without getting political, right about it, I'm interested in what you think's gonna happen to the economy in the next year. What's your theory with? Because they announced just recently that Bernie Sanders is running the budget, right?
Starting point is 00:30:29 So, is that what I heard? Is that correct? Yeah, I forgot what his position is. Right, but he's playing a role. And then I also know that Biden has already got 1.9 trillion that he's trying to get. Is that correct? And then we already had the 900 billion right before that.
Starting point is 00:30:44 So we've had the two trillion, the 900 900. We're going to print a lot more money. So then the prediction that the economists that I talked about almost four or five months ago is right on pace. Right. I told you we keep doing that. Yeah. The prediction was we would see at least three to four two trillion dollar stimulus packages get passed through, especially if we if Biden got office. So what's your theory? What are you guys all doing personally and what are your thoughts of what's going to happen in the next one to four years? Oh, man, I'm just buying guns. Shuffle, shuffling. I'm just kidding. I'm doing the shuffle.
Starting point is 00:31:17 No, I think classical, if you were to look at it from an investor standpoint, you're probably expecting some level of asset inflation. So buying assets might be a good way to hedge against that. So like, property, stock markets, probably going to continue blow up until whatever pops. Bernie Sanders, I mean, there is not, there isn't a spending bill the guy doesn't love. So I can only imagine how much more they're going to want to spend.
Starting point is 00:31:44 The one thing that really annoys me, and I don't care what your beliefs are on minimum wage, but it's part of this bill, Biden is trying to increase the federal minimum wage from, I think it's eight. It's eight something you'd up to 15. 15 dollars. I almost don't. I can't think of a worst time to do that. You just, small businesses just got crushed with lockdowns. And then when they reopen, now you gotta pay your employees 15 bucks. Yeah. And hour is not gonna, the best thing I've seen to take us out of this
Starting point is 00:32:13 quagmire is, you know, from bar stool sports, like what they've been doing for small businesses. I'm so glad you brought that up. What a great guy, that dude. Where are they at right now? Can the government just please take notes, you know, from these businesses that are really putting it out there, like one to one and helping these individual businesses?
Starting point is 00:32:31 It's amazing. They had Aaron Rodgers on the other day. They got Elon Musk the other day. Where are they at? Do you know where they're at? Last time I had heard they would say, get 20 million. He's like 20 million last time I checked.
Starting point is 00:32:41 That was like, That was playing exactly what they're doing. So all they're doing is they're getting all these rich, famous people to donate money, and then they're going and what they're doing. So all they're doing is they're getting all these rich famous people to donate money And then they're going and then they're giving it to small businesses Literally like calling them up and zoom and they like announcing that they've those give me so qualified Do you guys get emotional watching us? Yeah, I watched a couple on well. Yeah Well, it gives you hope again with humanity right all this other stuff that we've seen with all the riots on both sides
Starting point is 00:33:03 And all the bullshit and the division that you see It's really cool to see a company like barstall sports come out do something like that and then to see other people get behind it and support it and It's just and there's nothing there's no legislation behind it. No one's being forced to do any of this This is just good people coming together to help other good people. I just I like it What is it all the barstall given them a chance to keep their businesses going and provide for their families. Well, it's like a basic, you know, American idea. Where's it at, Doug?
Starting point is 00:33:36 There's the same. Oh, yeah, 27 million. Wow, that's so great. That's phenomenal. Yeah, well, there might be a little light at the end of the tunnel. With a remarkable turn of events. I know that the the mayor of Chicago is said that it's time to end the lockdowns. Same thing with the mayor of New York. Well, yeah, there's no more elections. So let's get back to business right guys. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:34:00 there was a stally. Did you guys see the study that came out that said that there were not really any benefits from lockdowns? It was on it was in Newsweek and actually multiple news organizations. Yeah, we can see it dude. It all spread anyway. And they were saying that the lockdowns were not super effective or actually counterproductive that we should probably end them all which is I'm glad that that study came out. So now we have some evidence. I don't know if does maybe you can bring it up. But I'm glad something like that, you know, it's study came out. So now we have some evidence. I don't know if Doug maybe you can bring it up. But I'm glad something like that, you know. That's convenient.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Came out. Yeah, it comes out later. You guys know that's cool. Stop with the conspiracy theory. Did you speak it conspiracy theory? Maybe conspiracy theory. It's not come on, just I. What's the conspiracy about it?
Starting point is 00:34:37 I mean, a lot of people were calling that since day one. Yeah, come on. Come on, get it out of here. Did you guys see that they declass a little bit of planning there? Did you just in mind seeing this? Did you see that they declassified all stuff on UFOs?, get outta here. Did you guys see that they de-class a little bit of planning there? Did you just in my assuming that? Did you see that they de-classified all stuff on UFOs? Yes, I know.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Okay, so that's all out, right? Have you gone through and tried to read some of these documents? I was like, God, I keep waiting for all the nerds to get a hold of it and like, you know, dissect all of it. I'm coded for you. Yeah, please, I don't know what's in there
Starting point is 00:35:03 because I started to kind of read it and I'm like, oh my God, I don't have time for this. You know what though. Okay, here's a deal dude It's like I'm interested though. Yeah, but okay, hold on a second. This is how much I believe that shit though This is yeah, it's all misinformation just like from before you know, they can see it's this trustworthy as those ads That tell you that there's hot moms in your area that want to have you know It's a you know you the CIA themselves. Hey guys, we'll let you see everything, don't ya? Trust us, this is everything that we have. Here's what we disclosed.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Shut up. Okay. You know what I'm saying? No, there's probably nothing about aliens. Probably just like, you know, like different like projects that they did before that looked like alien spacecraft. It's probably just like,
Starting point is 00:35:43 oh someone saw something and then we made sure to write it down. Yeah, you know? Yeah. Well, you know what, you can't spear see there since you guys are going down the route. Well, I thought the video that was, that's going viral right now,
Starting point is 00:35:52 which is the, you know, the weird fucking bull, the guy with the bull horns on his head, walking in like they're getting a tour. I know. Yeah. So did he watch the Simpsons episode and then put that outfit on or did the Simpsons really call that?
Starting point is 00:36:06 Because that's just too weird. They predicted everything. They predicted Trump winning the election They predict I mean so many things you know what I think they just did everything like the Simpsons like wrote every scenario I don't I don't know but you know, it's just like no sir Domas You just said everything and then sometimes he gets it right bro But no sir Domas' stuff is like hundreds or thousands of years it took to happen. You know what I, okay, here's Mike. Okay. We're living in a simulation, it's a big computer game right now.
Starting point is 00:36:32 And that's the way that the designers fuck with us. It's like, let's put in an Easter egg. If people want to know this, just get out of it. They're the same things. We'll make it the most popular. Stimpses in South Park are like where you can find all the... The most popular show ball fight. It's the whole time we sound. The most popular sound park site, you know, the whole time. No, never, they'll never catch on.
Starting point is 00:36:48 You know, we're telling them all the secrets. What's going to happen? Should've paid more attention to the Sims. Oh, man. Anyway, dude, I got to tell you guys, there's a little bit of a, I guess a con, not a pro, but a con from working out with you guys here at the studio. The con, a con. Yeah. It you guys here at the studio. The con?
Starting point is 00:37:05 Yeah. It's hard not to over train. Yeah, yeah. It's mentally, I get caught up in the energy and I end up going beyond what I probably should. Yeah, there's a lot of momentum there. It is like, it's nice because it's like, yeah, like, I get up and I'm motivated to start move weights and all that, but yeah, being around you guys, it does kind of like,
Starting point is 00:37:25 you gotta check yourself, because I'll just like keep going. Oh wow. I know that it was that because we just, we just went to Vegas and I took four days off in a row. So we, I'd been now on a solid four or five weeks without like missing, I think a day is the most I've taken off in a week.
Starting point is 00:37:41 And, and then I took four days off in Vegas and we lifted today together and I felt amazing today. That's all work. That's always the sign is when I know that I'm pushing my body too much and I'm over reaching too much or scaling the volume too quickly is when I take off three, four days in a row like that and then when I go back back to the gym, I actually feel stronger and better. Yeah, I mean, that's always a sign that I need to back off. I so I took off, I took three days off,
Starting point is 00:38:10 because that's when I was waiting for the COVID test and everything, I don't wanna hammer my immune system with workouts, so I just didn't work out. But I reevaluated same thing at them, I worked out, I got a great pump, I felt stronger, I'm like, okay, I was definitely over training. So I'm just cutting down on the volume too. My volume, I was at, I was probably close
Starting point is 00:38:31 to 18 to 20 sets per body part for the week, which is a lot of volume for me. So I'm cutting it down to about 12, 10 to 12. So almost half, and I'm gonna see what happens. And it's funny, this is something that I run into every once in a while, but it's way harder working out with you guys. Way harder, because it's exciting.
Starting point is 00:38:50 We got the music, we're pumped, everybody's having a good time. I can go in here thinking to myself, I'm gonna go easier, but then I get caught up in the energy and in the pre-workout, and then it's it. I end up pushing. Well, you changed your split up. I think I'm gonna still stay with the same split,
Starting point is 00:39:06 only I'm just gonna add in a rest day after each round. So before- What are you doing? You're doing a push pull legs, rest, push pull legs, right? Yes, where before I was, I was going push pull legs, push pull legs, rest, push pull legs, push pull legs, rest. So I was only resting one day of the week.
Starting point is 00:39:21 I think what I'm gonna do now is split it up. Oh, you mean before you were going, oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah. Yeah. I was running, I was running six days of training in a row, one day off, six days in a row. So that means every week, uh, I'll work out, it's going to fall in a different day type of deal. Probably. Yeah. Which is fine. Yeah. I mean, we're not like really lifting with each other right now. I mean, we're training at the same time, but it's, well, we've been off, I mean, today at all, Align, we actually were all doing chest up for you doing upper, no, I'm, so I switched mine now've been off. I mean, today at all, Align, we actually were all doing chest stuff, are you doing upper work?
Starting point is 00:39:45 No, so I switched mine now. Now I'm going upper lower, rest, upper lower, and then two days rest. So I'm only going to work out four days a week instead of the six. I'm cutting it down to four, cutting my sets down. And then what I'm going to do on the days in between is if I feel like I need extra core work or mobility work, then
Starting point is 00:40:04 that's what I'm gonna do. And I actually want to have you just and work with me on things like the clubs and on the mace because. That's gonna be fun to watch. Yeah. No, I can't wait. You guys have to leave the room.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Stand way over there. I'm gonna be swinging this video. You're gonna have to start with like a PVC pipe, dude. Yeah, I'll be fun. Yeah, I'm strong enough. I just might hit everything around. Oh, yeah. I'll get like a PVC pipe, dude. Yeah, I'll be fine. Yeah, I'm strong enough. I just might hit everything around. Oh, yeah, I'll get you through a baseball, dude. That's what we're doing.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I don't want to. Yeah, I don't care. I love to help you with that. I got a ton of DMs about the conversation that we had about the testosterone, my hormone therapy. So I thought that's, I get to remember to kind of keep her back to that. I just did my hormone therapy. So I thought that's, I get a remember to kind of keep her back to that, just did my blood work. So again, I'm going to, I'm going to be as transparent with
Starting point is 00:40:49 the audience as possible so they can know what what I'm going to end. So right now, my, my kidneys, I forget what it's what the actual on my, on my blood work, what she said. But I know that that was the concern on the first one. And it's from the crabs probably. You think that's what it is? Yeah, I have a good concern. Yeah, everybody gets one.
Starting point is 00:41:08 So it's not, it's not like a scary high, but it was high like she thought I worked out in the morning and I didn't work out in the morning. So must be your CK levels there. I think that's what it, I think that's what it is. Stuffed which is like creatine levels, right? A lot of muscle mass, muscle damage, can cause, high protein sometimes, can cause it, but it's supposed to be elevated, but yours must have been higher than what they would have been.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Now, if I was overtraining like I think I was, it'll raise it. Oh, it will. Okay, so maybe that's what it is, is that I've maybe a combination of maybe the, because I know the first common offenders that we look at is like caffeine, creatine, and then overtraining. It depends on the number though, so you don't know what it is that we look at is like caffeine, creatine, and then overtrain you. It depends on the number though,
Starting point is 00:41:45 so you don't know what it is that they're... I'll bring it, so again, I got it over the phone, right? So I took the test before I flew out to Vegas. She called me while I was in Vegas and then we review all numbers. We're actually gonna bump my test to austro in a little bit because my hormones came back. So the way it works is they give me a shot every week.
Starting point is 00:42:05 And then they retest after four weeks to see when I, on day seven, where is my levels at? And my levels were actually a little bit lower than what they were when I even started. So they wanted to boost me up a tiny bit because they're trying, I think they're trying to keep it to where on the last day, so on day seven, I come back down to the kind of like 450 to 600 range
Starting point is 00:42:28 is where I think where they're trying to end. Yeah, because they know it peaks. So after you do something like that, it goes up like up to 400% the day after, but then it slowly comes down throughout the week. Yeah. And they're measuring you at the end, right? So they want you to not to go below.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Yeah, they don't want to see me, I think they want to see me kind of hover at least where I was at or above. And so I was a little bit lower. So they're 10 milligrams more. So like hardly any more. Well, yeah, this is prescription. Yeah. So black marker. Yeah, it feels your, it feels your sterile deal. Oh, triple it up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sprinkle some people and add some sesame seeds onto that. Really fine. No, totally, totally. Yeah. But it's, I mean, I was telling them, I said, I feel really, really good.
Starting point is 00:43:07 So as far as my energy levels and strength and recovery and libido, all that stuff is felt amazing. Adam, I wanted to ask you, because I know you manage the sponsors pretty much the most, or all of it. How is it with public goods? Because the more I dig into their company, the more I'm like, it's pretty remarkable. If you go on their site, and I know you guys
Starting point is 00:43:33 you're shopping there, the prices are so low, it's kind of, it's like, how do they do this? I know, it's like a no-brage, I just don't know enough people know, you know, how much they would save. They're just going to use the price. They have, you know what it is, they have no distributors and no retailers at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:48 It's pure direct to you. And then when it comes to like houseware stuff, there's one thing, there's one hand soap, there's one, you know, cleaner, whatever. And then all of them, you know, of course, they're very simple, it's straightforward. And then they send you, it's, you know, reusable containers and a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Well, I'm not sure, prices are insanely... I'm not sure they like being compared to this, but to me, it feels like a direct consumer Costco type of brand, right? And you know how Costco has their own brand of Kirkland, instead they don't brand at all. Everything's like, like has that very clean, black and white
Starting point is 00:44:20 label, and there's not a lot of money and stuff put into that. All the money is put into saving you at wholesale type prices so yeah you get your bathroom stuff for ridiculously cheap the rays I know Doug uses the razor's already after he got on that I'm getting on that bandwagon Oh yeah I know the soap and the shampoo the door is like four razors or yeah no it's it is it's really really cheap when you look at it So it's and it's great product and like you said they they do everything like a reusable so well so here's the thing when you look at it. And it's great product. And like you said, they do everything reusable. Well, so here's the thing, when you get your order from them. So I don't know about you guys.
Starting point is 00:44:50 So Jessica is very, what's the environmentally conscious, very, like if I'm washing dishes, if I leave the water on too long, she'll turn it off. She's always like looking at containers. She gets really upset when we get things from Amazon because you get some from Amazon. That's the size looking at containers. She gets really upset when we get things from Amazon because you know, you get something from Amazon. That's the size of like my phone.
Starting point is 00:45:08 It comes like there's so much boxing and shit. So much over packaging involved. Yeah, and so when you get something from public goods, they don't do that. It's very, very minimal and you can see that. And then the containers that their product come in are sugar king, like sugar king bottles and stuff. Oh, no way.
Starting point is 00:45:26 So, they're biodegradable. Yeah, so I think this is the future. I really do. I think consumers are more privy to it. And then they've hit the magic spot, which is can we make things more, can we do the non-toxic chemicals, can we do things that are more environmentally friendly,
Starting point is 00:45:43 but also make it so that it's cost-effective and less expensive, which in the past was impossible. Like, you pay for that stuff. You get to pay a lot extra just to go out of your way to be concerned about those things. Well, I'm assuming that it's been going well, and being going well for our audience because, I mean, we're renewed for the entire year with them, so I mean, they wouldn't have done that if our audience wasn't receiving it well and wasn't enjoying the product. Well, good, good.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Because sometimes it's hard to talk about something like that because they offer so much. I know, there's so many new things in the grocery list. I like it looked at all these items that I didn't even like see before. Like you just go in there and you get lost. Well, even myself, I'm still guilty of this because we've been trained to kind of like our grocery list
Starting point is 00:46:19 that we have delivered the Instacart to the house every day, or on a regular, not every day, but on the regular. Do you guys do most of your grocery shopping like that? Yeah, most of it. Yeah, most of it. So we try and like, I don't know, maybe now we're down to once or twice a month of like going into the grocery store and trying to buy like bulk then.
Starting point is 00:46:36 And then we use Instacart to kind of supplement all the kind of day to day stuff. Like the fresh stuff that goes back? Yeah, so that's kind of, that's the hardest part, I think with like Instacart is doing the the vegetables and fruit and stuff like that Because you tend to like to pick that out So Katrina does like to go to the store for those things But a lot of the other stuff we can just order from there
Starting point is 00:46:54 But again, I like I said I'm still getting better about like every time something comes in that we order I'm like oh you public goods sells this and they sell it for cheaper and better like I. Like, I've got a shift to where I'm like using all of all of their products. So I'd save money. Especially if you have reusable to do the prescription. I mean, not the prescription. Excuse me, what's it called? Subscription. Yeah, subscription.
Starting point is 00:47:15 No prescription. Might I get prescription in hand soap? Yeah. So damn strong. But anyway. This quas brought to you by Organify. For those days, you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition. But anyway. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I dot com and use a coupon code mind pump for 20% off at checkout. First question is from Fit Vic.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Thoughts on German volume training methods. 10 by 10. Yeah, this is so, that's the name that they've given it. But this is how lifters used to lift back in the day. They didn't do lots of exercises. If they increased the volume, they would do more sets of a specific exercise. So just a quick rundown,
Starting point is 00:48:12 German volume training refers to exactly that. So rather than doing three exercises or four exercises for my chest and doing three sets each, do one exercise and doing 10 sets of that single exercise. It allows you to get really good at that exercise. Oh, the skill that you develop from it and the strength that you'll develop from it through the roof because a lot of people
Starting point is 00:48:34 don't realize this, but obviously muscles move the way they contract, so they definitely are a part of the strength formula, but technique and skill is a big part of that And so a lot of getting a better bench press is getting bigger muscles But it's also getting better at bench press and then also strength gains can be pretty specific There's a transfer, but they can be pretty specific to what you train So this I love this method
Starting point is 00:49:02 Especially if you want to get really good at certain exercises especially if you want to get really good at certain exercises. Like if you want to get really good in overhead press, instead of doing three different shoulder exercises, just do a lot of sets of shoulder press. Yeah, I love the simplicity of it. A lot of times, I know for your average person who doesn't really have a trainer brain when they go into the gym, it's just like,
Starting point is 00:49:23 what do I do? You just look at all these like machines, you look at all the dumbbells, like where do I start, whatever, like something like this is like so painfully, like it's, you're gonna do this today. This, this like two to three to, you know, five exercises, whatever, but like very, very straightforward
Starting point is 00:49:40 and I'm just gonna kind of hone in on this as a particular skill and just practice it until I get really strong. I don't think I've ever followed a complete GVT protocol, though, where I went through a whole program that way. I like to intermittently do this. You know what I haven't done this in a long time today, I'm going to do 10 sets of bench and then I would just do that. I would say our Maps PowerLift program is probably the closest thing that reflects us.
Starting point is 00:50:05 I mean, there's a lot of eight set exercises in there. You're only doing the major lifts and a lot of volume in it. So, and a lot of it's around practicing and getting good at it. So, I'd say that's probably the program we have that's closest to that. But we get asked us a lot,
Starting point is 00:50:20 and I think it's a great tool. If any part is, I think it's not as popular because people like all this different shit. Yeah, they all want, they want to have a tea. Yeah, they want to have, you know, 10 different exercises or retot something new when the truth is, if you train this way, you picked five to seven of the best exercises
Starting point is 00:50:38 and you always came in the gym and you did 10 sets of them, you get really good at them and you get really strong and build a lot of muscle. You used to always kind of annoy me when I would hear clients say something like, oh, what's next? I've done this on board now. It's like, yeah, it's the soul of doing today.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yeah, I like to think it's supposed to be entertainment, but I get it, it's a factor, right? So I do get that. I look, I tell you, for me personally, this is one of the fastest way for me. Now I don't do this all the time, but if I wanna get really strong at something and really reap the benefit, this is the fastest way.
Starting point is 00:51:10 If I do 10 sets of 10 reps for squats, I'm gonna get really good at squats in a short per-diet time. Now here's some pointers to keep in mind. If you're doing 10 sets of 10 reps, start with the weight that is lighter than you think. That's a massive factor. Yeah, because you do 10 of 10. You think, oh, this is easy with your first set. You just wait to get to set number eight or nine.
Starting point is 00:51:33 I did this with squats. I did it with 225, which 10 reps is relatively easy for me with 225. It wasn't at the end of the workout. By the time I got to the 10th set, it was really, really difficult. So pick a weight that's easier than you think. So this, I actually used to start when I would like kind of fall off the wagon for a couple weeks or whatever, and get back in the gym. I would always start with legs and I would do 135, actually. I do 135, 10, 10 sets of 10. And that was always like a great way to get me back in the train. And it always blasted my legs. You'd think 135 is nothing as far as moving the weight,
Starting point is 00:52:07 but that's a lot of volume in squats. And so just be careful if you do, if you go to GVT training and you've never done it before, I would recommend starting a way lighter than you. Yeah, way lighter than you think for yourself. Now, what are the potential cons of this kind of training? Like, what are the things you need to watch out for? I would say joint pain or injury
Starting point is 00:52:27 because you are stressing the same area over and over and over and over again. So if you're repetitive pattern. If your hip mobility isn't perfect and a squat challenges it a little bit and you do 10 sets of squats, you might find yourself having some issues. If bench presses are okay for you,
Starting point is 00:52:45 but sometimes it bothers your shoulder, 10 sets of bench presses is probably not a good idea for your shoulder. So keep that in mind. Whatever exercise you pick, make sure it's something you could do well because doing 10 sets of it, if you're just a little bit off by the end of the workout, you'll probably be brought into some problems. Next question is from Connie Chiwa. What's your take on the catch phrase sweating for the wedding as seen on social media? What is an alternative strategy or mindset for people who are preparing for a big event?
Starting point is 00:53:13 I didn't know this was a thing. No, is it things? People get creative again making hashtags. I'll tell you, so. I'll go days off. Here's some behind the scenes, like, you know, what your trainer doesn't tell you stuff as a trainer. When I was a trainer,
Starting point is 00:53:28 if I had a goal assessment, somebody shows up and I'm gonna show them some exercises and my goal is to try to get the person to hire me, because I'm trying to build my business and I want them to hire me. If they said anywhere in my goal assessment, when I said to them, why are you working out and they said, oh, I'm getting married in five months, guarantee client.
Starting point is 00:53:48 It was like the most, it was easy because it's super motivated. Yeah, it's like, it's the big day. They've probably been thinking about it forever since they were kids. They want to look a particular way. And I knew that they were going to hire me on the spot. It's an extremely events or dates, things that are important to you, are very powerful short-term motivators, terrible long-term motivators. Absolutely terrible. Once the date is up, all the drive and motivation and all the mental aspect of every, the reason why you're working out in the first place and needing a particular way in the first place is gone. Throw it out the window. It's literally gone in a day and your consistency afterwards completely disappears.
Starting point is 00:54:30 And so I knew this. I knew if a client hired me for their wedding, I was already thinking ahead of time. First off, I knew they were gonna hire me second off. How am I gonna keep this person consistent after the wedding was the second thing. So I would say this, there's nothing wrong with training for a specific date, but in your mind,
Starting point is 00:54:46 have a plan for afterwards and understand that your motivation is gonna be low afterwards. It's just gonna be, what is that gonna look like and how are you gonna maintain your consistency? I think what really matters too is, if we start sweating, sweating for the wedding, how far out from the wedding really makes a big difference, right? So if I had somebody who came to me and they had a wedding in six months, that's a lot
Starting point is 00:55:11 of time for me to spend the first couple of months trying to rebuild their metabolism, right? Get them eating really well and create some good behaviors and lay a solid foundation of lifting. And then I have plenty of time to really ramp up the intensity and the movement and the sweating and the cardio leading up to that event to kind of get them to peak at their best. But somebody who says I'm sweating for the wedding and the wedding is in 30 or 60 days,
Starting point is 00:55:35 that's really tough. It's really one, it's really tough to even see that much change in that short period of time. And I really know that whatever I give them for that, you know, four to eight week window is going to set them up for failure afterwards. And so to me, depending on how much time I have to prepare this person for that wedding really dictates what that programming looks like heading into the wedding. Because yeah, if you come to me and you say, I've only got four weeks and I got a wedding, I need to shred as many pounds as possible. Then yeah, calorie restriction and moving like crazy
Starting point is 00:56:07 is the best route to shred as much as you can in four weeks. The reality of that is though, if you're only gonna rebound that much harder when you get out of it. It's usually that, it's usually a really small window they give you and they just wanna crash. Basically do all of it at once, all the kitchen sink in there with cardio,
Starting point is 00:56:24 with diet, like extreme dieting, and then lifting weights. Basically lifting weights with cardio, and then want to do all of that the entire time to basically burn themselves out completely. And then they just don't realize what they're going to have to pay for after the event and all that. And then there's the wraps and then the sweet sweat and then all this bullshit that they're gonna add on top of that at the end,
Starting point is 00:56:47 which I'm sure they're waiting for us to talk about that kind of stuff. You know, the other thing too is, I had this conversation this week and I was with my aunt, and she was talking about, well, she's wanting to drop away. She's in some of the worst shapes she's been in a long time and I've written diets for her before
Starting point is 00:57:00 and got on stuff and she's like, you know, I really want you to help me, I need to get at least 15 of these pounds off as fast as possible. And I was going over diet with and I was explaining like what I want you to do though this first month is I don't want to lose any weight on the scale. And she's like, no, no, no, no, I want to lose 15 pounds.
Starting point is 00:57:16 I said, you understand, you know, pounds is not what you care about on the scale. You want to change your body as fast as possible, correct? She's like, yes, yes, I want to change, I want to lose body fat, I want to drop down. And I said possible, correct? She's like, yes, yes, I want to change. I want to lose body fat. I want to drop down. I said, so then it's not about the scale weight and the fastest way, believe it or not, to change your body composition isn't you dramatically dropping on the scale.
Starting point is 00:57:35 It's a nice exchange as you are slowly burning body fat. You're also building muscle and so there's very little movement on the scale. And I think people get so caught up and seeing the scale go down in these these short bouts where you have 60, 90 days to get ready for a wedding. And just because you're 60 or 90 days out for a wedding still doesn't mean that you want to see this scale move that much. It's still the fastest way to change your body composition would be a nice beautiful exchange of losing body fat while also building muscle. That will make your body look the most different.
Starting point is 00:58:06 But we get in this like hurry of, oh, I got it. I want to be down 15 pounds. I'm 15 pounds heavier than I've ever been. And we get so caught up in the scale as our gauge of, are we doing a good job? And in reality, if you're just really getting after it or starting your program, seeing the scale drop down in those first 30 to 60 days is not a good strategy. And even if you think that moving the scale that fast is helping you look better faster, you're not necessarily true if you're not building muscle at the same rate.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Yeah, again, I really stress this, like plan for post wedding. What am I going to do after and also realize you're going to be not nearly as motivated and be honest with yourself. So you're working out five days a week, leading up to your wedding, set a goal for three days a week after you get married. Okay, when I'm done, I get back from a honeymoon, I'm gonna go to the gym three days a week.
Starting point is 00:58:54 If you lost 20 pounds going to your wedding, you're gonna gain back eight pounds or 10 pounds. So plan for that, be okay with it and come up with a long-term plan. Cause otherwise you're gonna have have a tough tough road. How do you next question is from Andy Rodin. Is it normal to want to sleep 30 to 60 minutes after a workout? No, that's not normal. It sounds fun.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Yeah, no, right. You know, here's a thing like and this is one of the most important things I ever think I ever communicated to clients and it really was effective for them at least. I would tell them that after their workout, they should feel good. So you should leave, what I would say is you should walk out of my studio and feel more energized than you walk in. You should walk out feeling more motivated,
Starting point is 00:59:43 more productive and sharper than you did when you walk in. You should walk out feeling more motivated, more productive, and sharper than you did when you walked in. If you walk out and feel wasted and dead, and like you need to go sit in the couch for a couple hours, then we went too hard. Now there's nothing wrong with those rare workouts where you're going to the gym and that's the goal is to see what you're made of and test your capabilities. But the vast majority of workouts, after you're done, you should feel amazing. And judge it off that, because if you don't, you went too hard.
Starting point is 01:00:09 And now here's the thing, this is when people have a tough time. They think, well, this can't be too hard, I only did this much, or I only did that much. Why am I, it's all relative. If you feel like shit, or feel like going to sleep after your workout, whatever you did, even if it was 15 minutes on the stationary bike, that was too much. You gotta go, you should not feel this way
Starting point is 01:00:28 after you're done with the workout. Yeah, I've been thinking about this too, because I've had moments where that will happen to me, where I'll have workout that didn't seem like it was that intense and I'll just want to go to sleep. And really, I take it back to being overstimulated and having too much of that early in the morning and then overdoing it to where now I'm adding this added bit of stress to the body.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I just feel fatigued from it more so than I should be. It's just this, you got to do an inventory of stress and figure out where you're at in terms of outside external factors, whether it's stress from work, whether it's stress from family, all these other stimulants and things you're adding in your routine, lack of sleep, lots of different factors. Then you're working out and then after that, you may have a propensity to just want to go to sleep. It's interesting that you share your story
Starting point is 01:01:25 because what I was gonna say in the LUTU was that in my experience with clients, what's actually really common is overstimulating. So is using so much caffeine and pre-workout. You have to get the crash. Right, and they crash hard afterwards. So it's like you're taking a cup or two coffee to start your day, then you also slam a pre workout,
Starting point is 01:01:45 just another 350 milligrams, then you go get after it in your workout, and then you just, it's the crash, it's the come down afterwards. I thought I read a long time ago, and I think you corrected me, Sal, and this or not. I think I thought that caffeine was, like everyone's, we always refer to it as I can upper, but what happens chemically in the body
Starting point is 01:02:04 is what gives us that spike in energy is our body trying to fight against it. Are you familiar? It increases this circulating, I can't remember the chemical in the brain, but it actually increases the amount of it that circulates, and that's why you get an energy spike from it. Right. So the way it works is not necessarily, like it directly is a stimulant, or whether it causes your body's production of these chemicals to be more effective.
Starting point is 01:02:31 But yeah, that's a good point. If I over stimulate, I definitely will crash for sure. And I'll notice it a couple hours or two or three hours later. I mean, if you take a stimulant before your workout, here's how you know you took too much. You feel at a breath more than you normally would. That's what happens to me. So I'm doing a high rep set of squats and I find myself having to stop and rest longer. If you feel like your heart rate is a little too fast.
Starting point is 01:02:54 That's right. It's racing too much. Yeah, a little dizzy if you feel like you're shaky or too aggressive. That might be too much. And then you might get a crash after. Next question is from Mr. James J. Cho. Is it common for one side's leg muscles and hip flexor to be tighter than the other?
Starting point is 01:03:14 It's very common. It's more common than having both be the same. You know, that's for sure. It's actually rare to have both sides be identical in flexibility. And you just, you know, you sit a particular way, you might move a particular way. I know for me crossing my legs, I can tell one side is always a little tighter than the other.
Starting point is 01:03:34 So, yeah. And now this is a good thing to know because now you can work on balancing them out. You can work on improving the mobility of the side that's tight. And you can do exercises that encourage balance. So if this is you and it's a big deal, then I would do split stance. You can allow to exercise. I'm just going to say that's probably the move with this is really refocus and kind of bring that more in the programming of what you're doing to really address a lot of instability or something
Starting point is 01:04:02 that's looming there that's causing this tightness where the body feels like it needs to brace and protect around these joints. I think this is so common that I would make the case that I think everybody is this way, right? I mean, don't you all dominate in one side? Right. Like, there's nobody that is perfectly symmetrical. There's nobody.
Starting point is 01:04:24 There's nobody that their whole left side is exactly the same strength size, everything, length, limb, all those things are, nobody is perfectly symmetrical. So when you do something that's bilateral like a squat, or both feet on the ground and you drop down into that, it's very natural that the dominant, the stronger side is going to take over a little bit of the movement, even if it's subconsciously, and you can't see it, it's just a little bit of the energy and strength is going to come from that side, and the more of it that you have, the more obvious it'll be by how tight you are on that. And the key, for all of us, I think, is becoming aware of that, and then knowing when you go
Starting point is 01:05:00 into your work out, so not only are you addressing it with things like, you know, South Mile Fashion Release and doing mobility work, but you're also thinking about it when you go into your workout, so not only are you addressing it with things like, you know, self-mile, facial release and doing mobility work, but you're also thinking about it when you're doing these exercises now, like, oh wow, if I'm always, so in my case, it's my left side, right? So I have a tendency to wanna shift my weight
Starting point is 01:05:18 over to the left side and a squat. Now, it's so subtle that the average eye wouldn't be able to see it, but I know of it because of how I'm always tighter and worse on that side. So when I drop down in that squat, I'm really thinking about that, making sure that I'm trying to give that equal effort on the opposite side in addition to, of course, the other work. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Look, MindPump is recorded on videos, as well as audio. Come find us on YouTube MindPump podcast. You can also find all of us on social media, or on Instagram. You can find Justin at Mind Pump, Justin, me at Mind Pump, Sal, Adam at Mind Pump, Adam and Doug the producer at Mind Pump, Doug. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:06:06 The RGB Superbundle includes MAPSANABOLIC, MAPSTERFORMENT and MAPSISTEDIC, 9 months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal and I'm in Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review
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