Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1478: The Underrated Benefits of Isometric Exercises, the Truth About DNA Fitness & Nutrition Tests, Using Multi Grip Bars for Benching & More

Episode Date: January 29, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about using isometric exercises in a workout, DNA fitness and nutrition tests, using multi grip bars for benching, and wh...at to do when you do not feel like eating but still need to maintain your calorie intake. Is Adam ahead on the leaderboard? (4:32) Why Sal is now sold on Caldera. (12:42) The crazy evolution of video game complexity. (13:46) Why has California ‘magically’ lifted their stay-at-home order? (24:54) Why are overweight D.C. residents being prioritized for the COVID-19 vaccine? (27:28) Mind Pump Investments: Why are all stocks winning?! (29:03) Why some things make no sense. (30:05) Mind Pump Recommends Crazy, Not Insane on Prime Video. (31:43) Has Conor McGregor lost the “eye of the tiger?” (34:54) Is Tom Brady the GOAT? (38:47) The UCLA gymnast floor routine going viral. (40:14) Doug’s meat strategies and the latest MASSIVE deal from Butcher Box. (44:20) Why is Justin a magnet for farts? (45:46) #Quah question #1 – Explain isometric exercises? How would you use them in a workout? (47:40) #Quah question #2 – What are your thoughts on DNA, nutrition, and fitness tests? The ones that reportedly tell you the optimal way for you to eat and train? (55:27) #Quah question #3 – What are your opinions of the multi-grip bars for benching? (1:01:24) #Quah question #4 - What should you do when you do not feel like eating, or are not hungry, but still need to maintain your caloric intake? (1:03:55) Related Links/Products Mentioned January Promotion: MAPS Fitness Starter Bundle 50% off! Visit Caldera Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for the discount** As Newsom lifts stay-at-home order, new COVID-19 reopening questions emerge All overweight D.C. residents will get priority for the coronavirus vaccine. Experts are skeptical. Woman stabs husband after seeing pictures of him having sex with younger woman without realizing it was her Watch Crazy, Not Insane | Prime Video Dustin Poirier defeats Conor McGregor with a knockout in the 2nd round Watch UCLA Gymnast Nia Dennis’ Epic Floor Routine That Is Going Viral Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Dissimilar perceptual response between trained women and men in resistance training to concentric failure: A quasi-experimental study Bison Bar - Chrome Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Phil Daru (@darustrong)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You are listening to the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pup. Now in today's episode, we answer fitness and health questions that are asked by listeners and viewers just like you. Yeah. That happened at the end of this podcast. At the beginning of the podcast, the first 42 minutes, we do this intro portion where we talk about current events.
Starting point is 00:00:31 We bring up scientific studies. We talk about our sponsors. I'm going to give you a rundown of today's entire episode. So we open up by talking about Adam's son's hair. Looks like Adam wins the battle again. Whoa. It gets the cut of his boy's hair. Then I talk about my skin.
Starting point is 00:00:47 It's looking really good. You can see this on YouTube actually right now if I go like this. Look at that skin right there. Super radii. That's because I've been using Caldera's face serum. This stuff is all natural and it actually really works just and in fact, through it on his face
Starting point is 00:01:01 and now it looks amazing. I'm your inspiration. Didn't think you'd get any more handsome, but he did. By the way, mine pump has a discount with them. Go check them out. Go to calderalab.com. Forth-sash-mine pump.
Starting point is 00:01:12 So that's C-A-L-D-E-R-A-L-A-B. Com-forth-sash-mine pump. And then use the code, mine pump. You'll get 20% off your first order. Then we talk about video games and how much we played as kids. I talk about how California now is reopening. It's like it just changed our mind overnight. It's really weird.
Starting point is 00:01:31 It's magical. Then we talk about Washington, DC, overweight people with beginning priority for the vaccine. Then we talk about the woman who stabbed her husband because she saw a picture of him with someone else. Listen to the episode to find out who it was. Surprise. Surprise. Then we talk about the documentary on Amazon been because she saw a picture of him with someone else. Listen to the episode to find out who it was, surprise.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Surprise. Then we talk about the documentary on Amazon called Crazy Not Insane, really scary, crazy stuff. We talk about the McGregor fight over the weekend. We talk about Tom Brady, the second best quarterback of all time. Then we talk about the UCLA gymnast who she did her act to. I think it was two-pock and someone else.
Starting point is 00:02:05 It went viral, it's really cool. We talked about Doug's meat strategies. He's got some incredible meat strategies. Makes them taste. He knows all about them. Really good. Which let us talk about butcher box and little bit of our sponsors.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Right now, if you sign up for butcher box, here's what you get. I'm not making this up. This is true now. You get a rack of St. Louis ribs, one pack of pulled pork and a pack of bacon for free, for free, down your first box. They deliver grass-fed meat to your door, no middleman,
Starting point is 00:02:32 it's good stuff. Go check them out butcherbox.com-flour-slash-mind-pump to get that hook up. Then we talk about how Justin is the magnet of farts. That's right. Apparently. Then we get into the questions. Here's the first one. This person wants us to talk about how Justin is the magnet of Farts. That's right. Apparently. Then we get into the questions. Here's the first one. This person wants us to talk about isometric exercises
Starting point is 00:02:50 with their values. We talk about that. The next question, this person wants to know what we think about DNA, fitness, and nutrition tests. The third question, this person wants to know what the deal is with multi-grip bars for bench pressing. And then the final question, this person says, look, what do I do?
Starting point is 00:03:08 I don't want to eat any more food. I'm not that hungry, but I need more calories based on my goals. We give some strategies there. Also, all month long, we're running a promotion where we took multiple workout programs, maps programs, and put them together for the beginner or for somebody who's taken a long break
Starting point is 00:03:25 and wants to get back into fitness. Here's what you get with this bundle. You get map starter. That's this program you start with. So get going there. After you complete that program, which is about two months long, then you start maps and a ball. Then muscle really starts to come on your body.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Strength goes up. Metallves and really kicks into high gear. That's a three month program. Then you have maps prime, which teaches you how to prime your body before you work out. Superior to warming up prevents injuries, gets you to move better, improves your strength output. And you also get an intuitive nutrition guide,
Starting point is 00:03:57 which is included to help you with your diet. By the way, there's three days left as of the dropping of this episode for this particular promotion. Normally, when you sign up for all those, the retail price would be at $340. Right now, you get all of them in the starter bundle for 80 bucks. That's at 80 bucks and you get lifetime access to all of those programs. Plus a 30-day money back guarantee. You literally have nothing to lose except for maybe some belly fat. Some LBs. Go to mapsgenuary.com.
Starting point is 00:04:26 That's M-A-P-S, January.com to go check it out. Oh. Dad won. White easy. Oh. Well, that whole family is probably. What'd you do? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:38 I'm on the outs right now, for sure. I cut my son's fucking hair like I said. Oh, wait, did you tell her or did you just do it? No, of course I did. Of course I did. She knew it was gonna happen. I mean, we've been talking about it for like the last couple weeks. The ponytail thing was like the last... Because it's the last straw for you. Oh, yes, just started putting it in.
Starting point is 00:04:54 People have put it up in a bun. I don't know, guys with ponytail's just, there's something about it. I can't do it. You gotta cut it. I feel you on that, dude. I would have heard of it. The only guy that gets away with his Steven Seag It's the only one that can wear the the bun Well, and it was getting to a point where it was like you know, it's it's growing over his ears and it's you know It's all super long the back. It's falling in his eyes like you can't his hair It's not like it's curly and puffy to where it's still okay. You got the straight hair
Starting point is 00:05:19 Yeah, he's got the straight hair that like hangs in his eyes the whole time. I'm like wiping it away Okay, so give a little backstory There's a Katrina's family has well Okay, yeah first though before that because I was having this conversation with a friend of mine and they're like And the lady who cut his hair was like I didn't tell her till after we started that yeah wife isn't really happy about this So Katrina and I have been to get the and we've talked, I swear, everything. I mean, religion, politics, schooling, discipline, communication. Like, I thought we covered all the basis, right?
Starting point is 00:05:54 I thought for sure. She kept this one as a kid. This one's not in. Yeah, and you know, I killed deal with that when it happened. Right. Like, it was an even, it was never brought up. It was never conversation. I don't know her, she has two older brothers
Starting point is 00:06:08 that I guess this was the family tradition that they don't cut the hair for four years. Oh, four years? Four years. Wow. Oh, that's a long time. It's a very long time. How long does a hair get?
Starting point is 00:06:18 Holy cow. Yeah, yeah, no, really long. I mean, obviously forced it to be in ponytail long. I mean, he was already at what, you were at a year and a half, and it got to a point where you'd have to kind of put it up in this ponytail thing just to keep it from being in his eyes like 24-7 and getting in the way. So up and to that point, I wanted to cut maybe two,
Starting point is 00:06:41 three months ago. It was already getting to a point where it was like that to me, where it was in his eyes and over his ears. I was like, let's go, let's clean it up at least, right? And so it was like this constant like fight back and forth. And I think she finally just, you know, said, and the way I said it, it said, listen, we plan to try and have a second one. So whatever, I'll let you do whatever you want on the second one, but my first born boy, you gotta let me cut his hair, man got I had no idea this was like you did the you just did the wear her down close Yeah, I did it was persistent. I was very persistent about it
Starting point is 00:07:14 But I also had a drunk first honey. I was also you know, I was aware that this is this one after the fact right that it was a family tradition Like nobody was gonna be happy with me with the family. But I don't know like I I I always imagined having a boy and when I had a boy that I want to cut his hair and dress him and do those things like maybe some guys. So I played with dolls when you were a kid. You practice a lot. I got a real one now. Let me do this. Right. right. So did the family get mad? Did they find out? I don't know if they were mad and maybe disappointed. Maybe it was similar to when Katrina didn't get the ring on her 40th, it was probably that same similar feeling.
Starting point is 00:07:52 I'm just not winning right now. You know? You know? Just doing your own thing. Yeah, yeah, so. Now is there a superstition behind it? Like, is it like Samson's hair? It's like it's good to long. No, it's not, there's no religiousition behind it? Is it like Samson's hair? No, it's not. It's good to long.
Starting point is 00:08:05 No, it's not, there's no religious thing behind it. They started with their brothers? As far as I know, yeah. Okay, so it's not like this. Oh, for the last seven generations, which you broke the chain. Yeah, all right. I was like, tradition, come on.
Starting point is 00:08:17 You mean your two brothers didn't cut their hair? I had to compromise like that with my older, my two older kids because in my family, and this goes back generations. I mean, as far back as we know, the first born son and daughter are named after the mother and father of the groom. So like, I'm named after my grandfather, so then my son would be named after my dad, my daughter would be named after my mom.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Well, this was a big area of contention. It was back and forth back. And so the way we compromised was, we'll do it with the first born and then the second born, then we'll just name whatever I want. So I said, okay, but yeah, that was a long standing tradition. Which is why, you guys have been around some of my family members before.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I've gotten the comments of like, why is there three names in your whole family? Like if you go to a family party and you yell like, Giuseppe, like four people will turn into these right. Hey, I think it would be so annoying. Well, everybody has a nickname. Okay. So there's SEP, there's Joey, there's Giuse,
Starting point is 00:09:19 there's Joker, like there's like a million different nicknames. Like mine, like when I go to Italy especially, because that's where that's where my dad's imagine the poor wives that marry into this family Like trying to remember all that. There's a lot of wins too You know, I mean yeah, yeah, it is remember three names No, but like in Italy because my dad's family's over there. There's so many sales everybody's first born in because you my grandfather a lot of kids So there's I'm sad because in America it's sad, Italy that you sell, but then there's tauta, tori, dua, sasa, like these are all nicknames for.
Starting point is 00:09:51 For sale? For the same date. It's hard to really let out. Yeah, wow. I know, it's not funny. Yeah, yeah. That's why my dad's name is Mimo, but his real name is Domenico, and Domenico is too many.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I like, so I didn't realize that you did both your first and second born. No, my second born, that was the compromise, that my second born, that if we do it with the first and the second born is whatever we want it. Oh, okay, yeah. So just a menico is named after. Yeah, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Speaking of kids, I don't remember this or I forgot, but you know how kids they change so quickly, especially when they're really young, like literally within a week your kid is just different. It's transformed. Yeah. In the same day, it happened yesterday.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Well, no, no, I'm serious. I was playing with my son yesterday, it was a weekend. We're hanging out and playing with the baby, whatever. That night, he, all of a sudden, became super vocal and just different. And Jessica and I were just like, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:10:50 This kid completely changed from this morning. And the past few days, he's been super cranky. Obviously he's going through this growth spurt or something. And then his pajamas that fit him like the day before don't, like, almost don't fit anymore. Yeah. In one day, it's crazy. It's insane. When that happened.
Starting point is 00:11:09 No, I notice that right now too. Like he, his face is changing a lot right now. Like between who he looks or like, there's days where I feel like he looks spot on. He's starting to not look like a baby anymore. You know what I mean? Where they go from like infant to baby. So that was the biggest thing in contention with his family.
Starting point is 00:11:25 He's like, they all want to like keep him the baby boy for as long as they can. And they know that the haircut makes him look so much older right away. And so that was part of the pushback is like, why could you know, want me to stall as long as I did? It was because she's like, I don't want to cut his hair. Then all of a sudden he looks like a full grown toddler.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Like, but I'm like, he is a toddler. So it's okay. Like, let's find it. It's fine for him. Oh God. Are you going I'm like, he is a toddler. So it's okay. Like, let's find, let's find for him. Oh God, are you gonna have like all the full fades like right away? Did you really? Oh yeah. I love Buzzcuts, I'm cute.
Starting point is 00:11:52 I'm the worst. Yeah, I don't know why. That's always been like, I just can't stand having any kind of like long neck hair, anything resembling. Yeah, it's just like, it's, I don't know, it's very clear cut. Like it's, you know, anyways. Yeah. it's just like, it's, I don't know, it's very clear cut, like it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:05 anyways, that's just how I was brought up. It looks really clean on their faces. It's very 50s. I used to shave almost like a flat top. I used to shave my head when I did Jitsu, but it was purely function. And I loved the way it felt. Didn't look good there.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I don't look good with the shaved head. Yeah. Just a greetsual quick. Justin looks great with the shave. He's got a big ass head. So when you shave it, it looks like a juggernaut. Yeah, but I can't do it because it's like everybody, I don't know, it's a little too aggressive looking.
Starting point is 00:12:32 You know, I end up looking like some kind of neo-Nazi or something. I don't have enough of a tan to pull it off. Yeah, you can't get the tan, dude. Yeah, I got you a tan. Anyway, dude, you sold me on Caldera, by the way. Oh, yeah. Yeah, because I was seeing what it was doing., you sold me on Caldera, by the way. Oh yeah. Yeah, because I've seen what it was doing with that.
Starting point is 00:12:47 This is the ass, is where it is now. I mean, completely transformed his face. It is, it's amazing. So now, here's the reason why I, my skin I've never had issues with, and I tend to be more on the oily side anyway. Yeah. And so I'm thinking, you know, I don't need to use anything or whatever, but it balanced out my skin.
Starting point is 00:13:03 So it actually helped with that. So it's like yours was dry and it made it more moist. Yeah. Wow. That one plush. I know, I should have been allowed to descriptors. I think it was all those. I'm trying to think of a better word.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Yeah, I'm pretty moist. You mentioned it. Yeah, that's it. And but it balanced mine out. Now it looks like, you know, it makes it look all good. You guys have to do compliments for me. That's all right. It's really good.
Starting point is 00:13:28 There's no crows feet. No, you do. You look good. You know, and you're all shaved up right now too, so you can see all that. You look gorgeous right now. Yeah. You're going for that useful look.
Starting point is 00:13:36 It's not the same because I asked you to say something. I brought it. I didn't buy it. Do I look more handsome? Yes, yes, you do. Yeah. Do I look any better? You totally do. Hey, you were up at Tahoe this weekend. Yeah. look more handsome? Yes, yes you do. Yeah, I do. Do I look any better? Anyway, you're up at Tahoe this weekend.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah, that's so cool. It was great. So ever it's birthday was this week and we decided, like, let's do something fun, you know, because it's been so hard for him because all of his friends, parents are super hysterical about everything. And so like they just won't let, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:02 him interact with their kids. And so we decided to go up and then like, some of't let, you know, him interact with their kids and so, we decided to go up and then like, some of his cousins were able to make it up and we went skiing and everything. So had a great time. Snowed a little bit, one of the days, we had a fresh coat of powder and everything.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Oh nice. Yeah, so we hit it up, yeah, it was a good time. What'd you do for his birthday? What was his gift? So I got him a switch, Nintendo Switch. Oh yeah. I thought you guys already had that. No, huh. Oh, I got him a switch. Nintendo Switch. I thought he already had that. No, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:14:29 You got to play Mario Kart with him and just kill him. Yeah, I need to get that, but they have Mario Maker on there. That's why I got it because it's super creative. You can go through and basically do all the Mario style games and create your own levels and everything. So yeah, I got sucked in. I was surprised you didn't hit me up to grab the Xbox because I've been, I brought it, I brought it back from Vegas. Oh, I didn't know you had it. Have you tried it?
Starting point is 00:14:54 I just did. So it just means it worked the best game on there. Well, I, so I downloaded a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a all the other games. Yeah. I'm not into the, I'm not in the first player, Star Wars, like, you know, adventure games. I mean, I love that shit. Yeah, I'm in the sport. So that's all you're going to get me playing. But you know, it's funny because I mean, I haven't, since Katrina and I've been together, I haven't played like, I mean, intermittently, right? So if my, my two high school friends and I would get together, we'll play every, like,
Starting point is 00:15:24 once in a while. And you know, I haven't had a console in my house in a really long time. And I had a little bit of time, Max went down to bed and I'm like, yeah, I'm gonna fire it up, download some video games. Yeah, yeah, play some video games, dude. I have, it's crazy to me how sophisticated it is now.
Starting point is 00:15:42 And what I mean by that is, so you, if you're at like the, at least the sport games, right? So basketball and football, you know, not only do you have to be good with your, your, your hand, your hands, right? Like as far as your reactions and, and be able to work eight, ten different buttons, right? All simultaneously.
Starting point is 00:16:01 But now they've evolved these games to where you gotta know, you gotta know the sport, you gotta know the coaching level, like you got to know how to call plays. I got to be able to come up the court or down the field, read a defense and then know what plays to call. In addition to, yeah, in addition to knowing how to watch the future like best coaches be like, you imagine that the future coaches will be like, well, I so I mean, it's, if I was a kid,
Starting point is 00:16:25 I would geek out on this big time. I think it's really, really cool, but it's for an old guy like me who hasn't played in so many years, what sucks about it is I'm playing, right? And I'm like going through and checking it all out and seeing like, oh wow, you can call these plays and I can do this and right bumper,
Starting point is 00:16:41 left up down this. And I'm like trying to figure it out. I'm like, Jesus, the amount of hours I would need to put into this to get actually really good with it, to where I could memorize, be playing the game live, memorize like, oh, I wanna call a screen for this guy and do a back cut here. And this type of blitz is the outside.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Now can you hook it up so that it's live so you can play other kids? Oh dude, just get your ass kicked by some ten. Oh, I would, I would, for sure, that knows how to do all of that. Oh, yeah, last night, I was hanging out with my kids and I was talking to my son and he's just, you know, he's 15 so he'll just sit there and not say anything for hours.
Starting point is 00:17:16 So I'm like trying to get him to start conversation. So I'm like, do tell me about an easy way to get him to talk is to have him explain video game strategies. Oh, yeah. All right. So he plays, I forgot the name of it, easy way to get him to talk is to have explain video game strategies. So he plays this. I forgot the name of it, but it's this first person shooter and it's huge and people go on on duty. Oh, no, it's a different one. Oh, so I'm like, I said, when you're playing with your friends, do you guys have strategies? And he's like, of course, I'm like, explain the strategies.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Dude, this kid went on a 45 minute dissertation. I'd do it. it is complex. Yeah. I'm like, I'm like, so are you sitting there calling out like the plays or whatever? And he goes, oh, yeah, absolutely. You know, I'll say, and I'm making words up because he said a bunch of stuff. I forgot. I'll be like, midline blue. And that means this over here and this other, depending on what the enemy is doing. If the terrorist is over here, then we say this and then this happens over here, then we sacrifice this play. And he's going on forever. And I'm just, I'm doing the head nod,
Starting point is 00:18:08 like to show that I'm actively listening, but I have no idea what this kid's talking about right now. I mean, it used to be when you're holding a level. You figure out the four buttons, or so that you need to use. Two, when I play, yeah, yeah. That's like at the switch, like I actually do that mainly for me.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Yeah, it's like easy, dude. It's like straight forward. Let's bullshit it, I actually do that mainly for me. Yeah, it's like easy dude Straight straight forward. Let's bullshit dude. I don't have time for that I see though how you get sucked into these things though because again if you if you're really into the sport right If you're really in a basketball you're really in a football and you appreciate that side of it man Oh totally, it's actually great training. I mean if you I mean if you're a kid coming up in high school or even younger And you want to learn about basketball or football, and if you get good at that game, you got to learn that. You got to learn how to read defenses and then how to call plays in addition to the skill of playing the game. It's, yeah, it's, it's insane.
Starting point is 00:18:55 It's insane. What they do with these, these games and these kids are so fast. And I don't know. Have you ever tried watching a kid who's really good play one of these shooters and not get dizzy by looking at the TV screen? It's so, yeah, it's so fast and everything is happening, just like cuts, the cuts of it all is just like too much. It's almost like, I'm sure there's been a lot more cases of like seizures and everything with these needs. Well, this is why I think that like Twitch
Starting point is 00:19:20 and everything blew up was because the game is so sophisticated now that that's one of the best ways for you to learn as a kid. So I get it more now, right? Originally when I first saw me, who the hell sits down and watches somebody else play a video game for two hours? That is just to stick watch. Yeah, it's almost like, well, back then we had like game pro or whatever. Nintendo, what was it called? Yeah, game pro. Yeah, what was your magazine? Yeah, but Nintendo, Gando Rue. What was it called? What was it called? Yeah, but Nintendo Power. That was the first one. Oh, power, that's it. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:19:48 Yeah, my brother wrote to them and they published his letter. No, I didn't. No way! When he was a little cute and hilarious. You gotta see if you could find it. He saved it. He did? Oh, you gotta forget that in.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yeah, that's hilarious. He was a fanatic. Yeah, and then I was asking him about Minecraft because when he was younger, he played that like crazy. And if you guys know on that game, they can build, there's some kids have built entire, like, you know the death... You can build games in there.
Starting point is 00:20:09 You know the death star? Yeah. Kids have built the death star in my... Same scale. To, like, and everything. I know. So I asked my son, I said, have you ever built anything crazy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:19 He's like, oh yeah, let me show you. And him and his buddy built this like the space station with it. I mean, I looked at it and I'm like, this is insane, how long does this take? He's like, oh, we spent about two weeks on it. Yeah. Just building the whole thing. Yeah, that's my oldest.
Starting point is 00:20:33 He does the same thing, Minecraft. He's like super obsessed with that kind of stuff. Oh, it's crazy. Yeah, he made like a whole roller coaster ride that went on forever and ever. It was like a whole amusement park. I did now, you, Justin, you were probably more into video games than Sal was.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Like, I really believed I was gonna play forever. Like, I did not think. What do you mean? I mean, I really believe that. Like, I really- Well, yeah, because I was in my, okay, in my 20s. He's like, my girl's gonna have to understand. This is what I'm thinking.
Starting point is 00:20:58 No, bro, I'm not like that. I remember when he was like that. I was like that. I think Justin would, I remember breaking up with a girl one time because she was throwing a fit when we were playing video games. No way. Yeah, so we remember that so it was a big deal You broke up with it. Yes, like in the middle of playing because she was cause because she was throwing a fit about it Right, so we had the reason why she was get out. I don't want to be with you Yeah, it was just like that. So I'm like
Starting point is 00:21:21 25, I'm like 25. Yeah, so like 25 25. Oh my god, you're 25. Yeah, so I'm like 25, right? And at my house. I wonder if she's looking back and going, oh, that's a good thing. I'm glad he brought me up with that. Yeah, right. So in case we had, back then, this was a big screen TV, right? We didn't have the, I mean, this is like, right,
Starting point is 00:21:36 as the plasmas were coming on scene. But I had the old school, like, you know, big old big screens, right? That were, I think like 60 inches was like the biggest back then. And I had one in my living room and I had one in my bedroom. And we used to play these games like Call of Duty and stuff
Starting point is 00:21:49 and then we would hook up two systems and then we'd all be playing. So the one guy would be back in the master bedroom and so she was so mad, she lived with me because there was no available TV in the house and then we were on a Saturday. We could go eight hours, dude. Just all day long.
Starting point is 00:22:03 So she screwed. Yeah, so she was so mad. Grab your shit, get out. Did she live with you? Yeah. Oh my, you kicked her out? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I mean, of course, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Come on, it wasn't like I was that crazy, or it was just the video games. It was probably other things that I have no ideas. Of course. Yeah, now the tipping point was it. But that's in her house. Don't take the video games.
Starting point is 00:22:21 That's an important thing. Yeah, well, that's what it is. That's what it is. And I have my best friends there at that time. And this was like a pack, dude, that we made when we were very young. We just like, listen. No girls.
Starting point is 00:22:31 That's right. No girls get in between our video game. That's the four ways. And the girls that we marry will understand this. You know what I'm saying? Like, we're not giving this up. Hey, so I would use it closer ourselves because you got my two buddies, okay?
Starting point is 00:22:43 I'm the only one that didn't finish college, right? They both have college degrees. One of them's got a master's. We all got good jobs. Everyone owns their homes You know, and we're like, you know, why shouldn't we be able to degenerate? That's right exactly why I did Degenerate because I play video games for eight hours That's exactly how we justified it really was and so I had what I think what got me to finally pull away I had a buddy of mine who was let's see Mark was like five or six years older than me. Kind of like a mentor to me right. Good, good friend. And he would always tell me like, dude, when are you gonna give the video
Starting point is 00:23:14 games, dude? I'm never gonna give the video games. He's like, you do understand though, right? That those four hours, eight hours, two hours, like those are hours you could be putting into, you know, bettering your craft or bettering yourself or making more money. And that was like the selling point for me was like, okay, if I really did put the console down, stop playing, did I have the discipline? So your ex girlfriend, she didn't do it right.
Starting point is 00:23:38 She did it. She should have sold it better. Yeah, she, hey honey, I look, I love the fact that you play video games. I think it's really cool, but kind of, for these eight hours, imagine if you were just, right on time, doing another business. But anyway, I'll see you later.
Starting point is 00:23:48 You just drop the ball. Yeah, and that's what he did. He did what you're doing. He got me to look at it like that, and I thought, you know, okay, let's see, and that's actually around the same time. So it was around 25, 26 when I talk about, I started reading a lot more, and I did it changed my life.
Starting point is 00:24:03 So I've learned to look at like a building business and watching that stuff as more of a hobby than playing the video games. And that was a transition for me away from that. So I haven't really played like that till this weekend. And I got a couple sessions in Katrina. Yeah, Katrina was really cool about, she was just like, I just wanted to give you your time.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Yeah, I kind of gave it up after college. Like college was great. Because you had nothing better to do. I mean, you're stuck on campus and it's like all these dudes were just like, you know, waiting for either practice or working out or, you know, the next class. And so we just would play, it was either golden eye
Starting point is 00:24:38 or then call a duty cane, but we'd all like play that together and like, dude, but after that, I was like, I'm, I just, I had to make some money, I had to make some, some things happen. Yeah, I stopped playing after Street Fighter II. I was at Street Fighter II. Yeah, and then I was at Animal Play anymore. At toys.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Speaking of stuff to do, because I know you were saying there's not much to do, do you see that our governor here, Gavin Newsom, looks like he lifted the stay at home order. In all regions in California. Boy, they didn't even wait a week for a Trump to be going. Has a magical shift has nothing to do. I'm sure it's not connected to the recall that's happening right now. Oh, not at all. What did Doug say? You don't need a inoculation. You need a inauguration to solve this.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Yeah. It's a good. Well, I mean, here's the truth. The guy who came out too, right? They came out and said that the lockdowns were not maybe these statistics were a little different. Well, you know, here's my argument from day one, and I've made this argument on other podcasts very clear, which is that the argument for the lockdowns was solely based off of preventing infections and nobody looked at any of the unintended consequences, which also result in mental illness deaths, drug overdose, crime, all that stuff. So I'm glad that they're starting to do this. I just hope people are still responsible.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Just take away livelihood and then we'll figure it out. But yeah, the recall is getting a lot of signature, so I'm sure that's sweating right now. Do you know where it's at? Do you know where it's most recently at? I don't know, but I know it's reached some high numbers. I know it's a real possibility of getting on a ballot. So the wineries and all the restaurants like form this coalition and they just sued him.
Starting point is 00:26:13 And this was another motivating push to get him to open up the state. Now here's what irritates me. Is he, of course, is gonna lie, but in his statement, he's saying it's due to metrics that they're following, which they won't release, of course. Not, they won't. Top secret.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Now your saying's. The truth is, the cases are still, Skartner's still high. Where are we at, like, peak right now? Well, no, we were actually coming down quickly. But we were just at a peak like a week ago. Yeah, okay. So then the number is coming down.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Now it's coming down. Yeah, that's interesting. But the number's still real high. It's so magical. It's stopped is. But the numbers still really high. It's so magical. It's stop you guys. The numbers are still high, so it doesn't match, right? It doesn't match with what they said before. But anyway.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Yeah, good time. I have a buddy like two damn predictable. So does mean the gyms are gonna reopen. I hope. Yeah, I have a lot of buddies that run. Disney and Ann, let's do this. I think, finally. Are they, you think so?
Starting point is 00:27:04 You think they'll do the gyms? The gyms is open, man. I, if they lift Oh yeah. Finally. Are they, you think so? You think they'll do the gym? This is open, man. If they lift the, if they're lifting everything, they stay at home. I don't know what the details are, but I hope the gyms can be a lot to reopen. You know, California is the, this is the birthplace
Starting point is 00:27:15 of the gym business. You know, this is where the big chain started. This is where, the whole thing is. I'm not complaining. I'm just happy. You know, it's like, finally, like let's let's all try and like move forward yeah and speaking of this of that topic I think it was New York if I'm
Starting point is 00:27:32 not mistaken I'm gonna look this up I believe it was New York that just said that oh DC sorry Washington DC so they just said that overweight Washington DC residents will get priority for the coronavirus vaccine and that's causing a stir. Well, back that up again, overweight? Yes, so they're saying that all overweight,
Starting point is 00:27:53 so people with a high BMI, I believe, over 25. I haven't fit my eyes. I haven't seen any, I know. I know. All overweight DC residents will get priority for the coronavirus vaccine. And I think it's based off of the data showing that people who are overweight have some of the highest risk.
Starting point is 00:28:10 I mean, I don't care about that. Well, you know what though, people are angry because I think there's a lot of other people that are saying, hey, what do I mean? Exactly. Yeah, no, I get it. It's over 25, BMI over 25, which by the way, they're at the greatest risk.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Well, I think my BMI might be close to that right now. I mean, I know, if you build a lot of muscle, BMI is not a very good indicator. Oh, they're using that not body fat percentage. No, they're gonna test your body. They don't have to do that. Yeah, yeah. You ever get a body fat test from a doctor?
Starting point is 00:28:34 No. The easiest way to shuttle people through is just go with BMI. Yeah, they just have you stand on the scale. And that's it. But yeah, I think it's causing a little bit of a stir. So we'll see what happens. I heard that because a lot of the vaccines
Starting point is 00:28:46 have to be stored at such cold temperatures, that at some, like if they don't use so many, they have to throw a bunch away. So there's a lot that are getting tossed in. Really? That sucks. Yeah, I think it's like this, it's not the most efficient system
Starting point is 00:28:58 where they're trying to kind of figure all that out. So I don't know. Let's go to the stock market right now, dude. It doesn't make sense. Just going up. Yeah. This is crazy. You could I feel like you can you could I honestly have a monkey throw dog Dude, I have like a little pick winner. Yeah, I look at his like gambling right? I still because I don't think that I mean I get questions all time on my story Which by the way, I'm not that I'm not nowhere near as red on stocks as I am in the housing market.
Starting point is 00:29:25 I spend way more time on that side of the fence than I do. Stocks for me is like playing Crap's in Vegas. That's how I look at it. It's like, I've got a little bit of gambling money. Let's say I like these companies, whatever. Right now, everything is winning. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Everything is winning. There's not a thing, I don't have anything, you know what's like the only thing that's going to perform me is gold right now, which I thought for sure was It will it'll it will but gold will perform on the stock market goes down. Yeah, that's your head. I know that's my hedge right on what I've done. But I mean, everything is just is going. It doesn't make sense. I know that unemployment is still going up and there's still a lot of economic
Starting point is 00:29:58 issues that are happening, but yeah, it's still ballooning. So it's kind of a weird situation. Well, I'll tell you who's not winning. There was this guy in Mexico who his wife basically was looking through pictures and found a picture of him with another like skinnier lady that was like attractive. And so she ended up stabbing him multiple times. Don't tell me it was a picture of her.
Starting point is 00:30:24 It was a picture of her when she was younger. What the fuck are you kidding me? No, this literally happened, man. Why crazy is that? Wow. Yeah. What? What a psycho?
Starting point is 00:30:34 Oh my God. Yeah. Did he die or did he just, is he okay? I think he lived, but thank God. Oh, thank God. He messed up, yeah. Wow. Is he hoping divorces?
Starting point is 00:30:44 Is he gonna divorce her? I hope so, man. She really loves me. Yeahed up, yeah. Wow. Is he a Hopi Divorce? Is he a Divorce? Oh, he's like, oh man, she really loves me. Yeah, she's really passionate. She thought, she didn't look at what she loves me. Oh, it's not. Yeah, dude, I mean, come on. It was her. Yes, it was her.
Starting point is 00:30:57 How do you know? Okay, that makes no sense. How do you not know what's a picture of yourself? Maybe her other personality came out. I don't know. She's got multiple persons. I mean, it's not without. Maybe Sherry had like suspicions
Starting point is 00:31:07 and then was just looking for it so intensively and then like found that picture. I was like, this is it. She's like, he definitely has a type. He just wants a skinnier to look kind of like me. He's a son of a bitch. Yeah, I'm gonna stab him right in the eye. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Confused jealous wife stabs husband after seeing her younger self in photos. Oh. She's not even that, like's not even the, like super overweight. She looks like a young old, she's older. She's older, yeah. Wow. That's kind of. Well, I guess the husband didn't change much, you know?
Starting point is 00:31:34 Like if he passed, is like, yeah, like it's a recent photo. Yeah, that's what she thought. Or maybe she just thought I was like an old, old thing that he changed. Speaking of multiple personality, there's this thought, I can't remember the name of it, this sucks, I'm sorry everybody, for I'm gonna hype it up, and I can be all fine. There was this documentary on Amazon, I think,
Starting point is 00:31:53 of this woman who would study serial killers, and she's comes up with this theory that the majority of them suffer from multi personality syndrome. And she's explaining how it works. And she's showing interviews with a lot of these famous serial killers that she would interview.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Is that part of schizophrenia or is it, that's a different thing? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if they're connected. I kind of feel like we could have guessed that though, don't you? You know, that was, it was very controversial when that first came out.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Really? When she first came out with that, because people wanted the law, because here's what happens. If you have a mental disorder, you don't get put to death and you don't get thrown in that kind of jail. You go to mental hospital. Right. And so when you get caught and you're the whatever serial killer who just killed 15, you know, college girls, the public is going to be pissed and they want your head. Right. And then you have a doctor coming out and be like, hey, he's got multiple personality disorder, they're like, no, execute him.
Starting point is 00:32:47 So it was this huge controversy. They're saying that she made the whole thing up when you watch it, that she made up this whole thing. But you see her interviews and her talking with these people. It's so crazy what the mind does. So these people, these serial killers, this is very, so if you're squeamish, I had to change it with Jessica
Starting point is 00:33:04 because it really bothers her to watch this kind of stuff. But I watched them on my own. And Courtney loves it. She was just like, eat popcorn, yeah, murder. She feels wrong with you. I can't get Katrina to watch that stuff either. Yeah, Katrina won't watch that stuff. But she has to be in the right, high, normal, and day time.
Starting point is 00:33:20 And we have to have enough time to watch something else afterwards. Well, Courtney's a nurse and she's probably seeing some crazy shit. Totally. She probably can't shake her. Yeah, very easily. She doesn't like the actual watching it happen. It's the aftermath.
Starting point is 00:33:33 It's all the pictures, and it's the solving it and all that kind of stuff. Well, so they were showing all the stuff, and then she would interview these guys and talk about their childhood. Oh my gosh, the abuse that they went through as children. And so what happens is your mind literally creates these alter personalities so that if you're getting abused terribly, that's it right here.
Starting point is 00:33:58 They were not born evil inside. So this is, what's the name of it, Doug? Crazy, not insane. That's it. Crazy, not insane. Really's it, crazy not insane. Really crazy. I want to check that out. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Show Courtney, show love to guys. Oh yeah, for sure. But I guess when they're getting abused so terribly, and I'm talking about the worst, I can't even talk about half of it because it's so bad, your mind literally makes you gone. So, Sal is no longer here. Now you are abusing Mark, some other personality.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Create somebody else to put in front. So they don't even remember it. So she has to find and talk to this alternate personality and then the alternate personality can out voice changes. Their demeanor changes, their sitting differently. Say that with the M Night Shyamalan movie, what's that, this split? Or a...
Starting point is 00:34:38 I never watched it. Oh yeah, I was hearing a hundred different personalities. Just some of that, right? Was that good? Old lady, then he was like this animal kind of character. Oh, yeah. I'm telling you this crazy, not insane documentaries. It shook me.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Yeah. It's really really great. Do you either one of you guys watch the fights this weekend? I saw the highlights. Just heard about it. No, did you watch it? I saw the memes of Medreger look like he's asleep. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:00 You see those? Yeah, he got, he got locked up. Yeah, he did. Big time. Yeah. Do you guys think Yeah, he got, he got locked up. Yeah, big time, wow. Yeah. Do you guys think he, because of his fame and fortune, he lost, I'm gonna use a term here, the eye of the tiger? Do you mean you lost that a little bit?
Starting point is 00:35:15 He's like Rocky III, dude. Exactly. He's exactly like Rocky III, you guys are soft because yeah, he got all famous and like, yeah, he probably didn't train the same way. He wasn't putting that kind of intensity in it. I guarantee that's, well, I mean, it's kind of hard to, what, I, you know, Doug, what he got paid, did you check the purse on that?
Starting point is 00:35:31 Like, I don't think it was, obviously, it was nowhere near when he did Mayweather, right? So, yeah, hard to get up for a fight that is, you know, significantly less than the fight before, not to mention. And that, and Dustin, play as a killer, right? I think it, so I think the strategy was from what I from what I heard from my cousins That's our boys guy too filled our use guy. Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, he did so I guess the strategy five million bro Yeah, compared to his hundred million. That's only gonna get a five watches
Starting point is 00:36:00 Well, so from what I yeah, but you know what we don't know what he's making from the pay-per-view is that just this Pais whiskey probably makes that in a month. Yeah, so so apparently the strategy was this is according to what my cousin told me that Poreade took out his leg just kept Shopping his leg down which he took his leg out that made him a did he actually break his leg or just he was just complain that it was like He was let him he was living with the cane afterwards. Yeah, I think he took out his leg to the point work Because you know McGregor's so dynamic right moves a lot. Yeah, take think he took out his leg to the point where, because McGregor's so dynamic, right? He moves a lot. Take his leg out. He's a good smart strategy.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Take his leg. Very smart strategy. Very, very smart. But remember that quote in pumping iron when Arnold is, I think he's going for a sixth title. And one of the guys goes, hey, you know Arnold, the wolf climb, the wolf on the hill is not as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill.
Starting point is 00:36:42 And Arnold goes, yeah, but when he wants the food, it's there. Yeah. And I don't know. Yeah, but he went when he wants the food, it's the yeah. I mean, I feel like you, okay, you, you make a hundred million on a fight before. You, this one you're getting paid five million. So it's kind of like chump changed you. And you beat him before and you, and you already won. So you know that even if you lose, your bigger payday will be on part three. You set up on the trilogy.
Starting point is 00:37:03 So I mean, like, why not roll into it with, you know, okay, training and kind of an outweigh. You think you might have done this as a weight money strategy? Yeah. I'm gonna go in and buy you two. You're talking about one of the smartest money guys in the UFC ever.
Starting point is 00:37:17 It's hard to think somebody like that would go in going for an L. Okay, so I don't think he was going for an L, but I think you just kind of have the attitude you lose about it. You have nothing to lose. You're not going to make that much money, you know, win or lose in it. You know that if you do lose, part three is going to get a much bigger payday than one or two. Okay. You already made a hundred million. So why not go into it with where I'm at? Let's see how I do. Let's see if I can still win beat this guy where I'm at. Then you get to be all cocky, like you barely even worked very hard to get here. Or if you lose,
Starting point is 00:37:48 you set up the table for the trilogy. That's my theory. Maybe. I feel like I experienced this myself in Jiu-Jitsu. I didn't compete a ton of times, but I did compete enough to experience the change in my motivation and drive after a loss versus after winning. I remember when I went to a tournament and I just lost, and I was so driven afterwards. And then I remember I went to another tournament, but my won, and it's like I lost my drive because it didn't feel the same.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Yeah. My whole college career in football is just a nightmare. Yeah. Just at least I lost so many damn games, dude. I was just so pissed off all the time. Whether you're fault. Yeah, I'm just, and nobody had that same like, you know, sting like it, it, to me, that that, that shows like whether or not you're going to be like a championship kind of team. If you like really take that loss as a sting and it's like, fuck, like we can't let that happen.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Not going to let that do not, not let that do, not gonna do that. Did you have any time to watch the football games this weekend? I did. Oh, you did, yeah. Yeah, so how about Brady come through? Oh, bro. So this is like, such a chance. This is an ongoing like debate. Like, isn't he old now?
Starting point is 00:38:56 Yeah, he's a little older, right? Yeah. Wow. Well, he takes his team his first year all the way to the Super Bowl. Yeah, you know, it's crazy. It's a constant debated. So I have an uncle who's like a just radical die hard, nine or fan and Joe Montana,
Starting point is 00:39:12 I feel like nobody's better than Joe Montana. Nobody is better than Joe Montana. And he has all the ways to try and prove that. That fact, even though Brady keeps fucking cool. But it's a hand-frogging all these stats. You say, like, go on, dude, it's gonna do a point. You gotta call him the goat sooner or later and he just refused it.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Then I have another buddy who's the same way too, that everybody used to argue that Tom Brady is a system quarterback. He had Bill Belichick and the Patriots had such a... I've heard that argument so many times. Right. And so I love to see that he did this. I love that he went to the box and then the first year
Starting point is 00:39:43 be able to take them all the way to the championship because it kind of gets that monkey off his back. Everybody to do this in this. So the next quarterback to have played in as many Super bowls is Joe Montana at seven. He has 14 or 10. No, excuse me, 10, 10 Super bowls, 14 NFC championship games. Wow. Okay. That's fucking insane. Yeah, that's pretty good. Yeah. No, I got to recognize. I still think Joe went down as a better. I mean, I like him better, but the only time I watched football, did you guys see the video that's going viral right now of the gymnast, the floor gymnast that from UCLA that put the, the she played, she did a whole routine to two-pock and I did. Did you see that? It was really good. It's going viral right now.
Starting point is 00:40:27 It just happened like, I think this weekend and because she did it to Kendrick Lamar and two-poch, so it's like to this. Yeah, and she crushed it, so let's go on crazy now. My feet just flooded with Bernie Sanders memes. It's like, I'm over it now. I'm over it now. It was hilarious though for the first few days.
Starting point is 00:40:44 He looks so miserable. I was sitting over this mitten. I'm over now. It was hilarious though for the first few days. He looks so miserable. I'm sitting over this mitten. It's just me. It almost did epitomize the mood. Everybody, over the last year or so. Yeah, but Bernie got leapfrog. It was the second time they fucked him. That's why.
Starting point is 00:40:57 I know. Well, it's just, yeah. You guys don't like me. I'm gonna remind myself. Gymnastics is the, I'd say, of all the sports is always the one that impresses me the most. It's the one that I always watch and I always think to myself, how is that even possible? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Like, especially the tumbling acts, how the height that they're able to launch themselves in the air, it looks like it doesn't make any sense. It's just amazing feats of body movement. And you can't even, like, you can't even fathom replicating that. I told you guys when I trained, I first short-period time I trained this 13-year-old gymnast and she was a very high level.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I don't remember her name, I only trained her for like four workouts, but it sticks in my head because she was this tiny little thing. She walked around like she just made out of pure muscle. I remember like holy shit, what is this? And the dad's like, hey, can you teach her a few exercises? She doesn't really do, she's never done weights muscle. I remember like, holy shit, what is this? And the dad's like, hey, can you teach her a few exercises? She doesn't really do, she's never done weights before.
Starting point is 00:41:47 I'm like, sure. And I remember I had her, you know, do pull up. I'm like, can you do pull ups? She goes, oh yeah, yeah. I said, can I see how you do pull ups? And this is literally the speed at which she did pull up. So I was like, and her face didn't change. Like, she didn't like, it was like, all day long.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Yeah, like, like, she's watching TV. And I remember thinking like, this is not making a sense. I remember when she benched, remember this is a 13 year old girl, she benched, I think there was like 120 pounds on the bar. Yeah. And the whole gym, everybody was like, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:42:16 I was like, this makes me feel terrible. No, I mean, not to take anything from ginice, because I think you're right, I think it's unbelievable, but I feel that way about like, ex-game athletes, because I think it's the combination of that type of, you know, ability to flip and turn into. Yeah, and you're doing it like 80 miles an hour on a, on a, on a, like, if you mess up your desk, you're like, much higher.
Starting point is 00:42:37 8% grade mountain going straight down, like, that's crazy to me. Yeah, that's a whole nother level. Yeah, did you see that video of the, what are those wing suits called that people will fly on a wing suit? They are wings suit. Yeah, I think it's called to me. Yeah, that's a whole nother level though. Yeah, did you see that video of the, what are those wingsuits called that people will fly on a wingsuit? They are wingsuit. Yeah, I think it's called wingsuit. So, you know, people die in those all the time. That's the most dangerous thing.
Starting point is 00:42:51 Yeah, have you ever watched the documentary they have on? Yeah, like at the end of it, a seven of the times. There's only like two guys left. Yeah. Did you watch the one where the guy did the wingsuit? He jumped out of one plane and landed and went inside of another plane while it was flying. What?
Starting point is 00:43:04 Get out of here. Yeah, they left the door open. And so he fell inside of another plane while it was flying. What? Get out of here. Yeah. That's the door open. And so he fell out of one plane and he made it inside of another plane. What? People have no idea how dangerous that is. And they didn't like put that in some major motion picture. They just did that for shits and giggles.
Starting point is 00:43:18 I think it might have been Red Bull, but he just made it inside of a plane. That's way too crazy. Bro, that's like throwing a pin through, it's like throwing. I don't know. I can't even You mentioned what what the talk about the brilliance of a company like that to attach itself to all these up and coming extreme sports before Anybody did yeah, nobody was paying attention to the those sports tester named every viral video possible Yeah, that it absolutely brilliant Exactly because there shit is so overpriced like you get like a little like a little red bull drink viral video possible. Yeah, that way. It absolutely brilliant. Exactly. Because their shit is so overpriced,
Starting point is 00:43:46 like you could get like a little red bull drink. It's like three, four bucks, dude. That's crazy. I still stand by the original, I had the original Thai red bulls. They were these little glass bottle. I had a Thai really? And they were not carbonated and they were sweeter
Starting point is 00:44:00 and they were strong. Oh yeah. Yeah, my buddy used to bring them from Thailand. He was a Thai boxer and he'd bring me like a caseloam. I never found him here. Were they like, were they, so super sweet? And like, syrupy or? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:44:11 And it was like a little glass of oil like this. It almost looked good. I bet it was powerful too. Hell is strong. I used to take him before I worked out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have the best workouts. Hey Doug, I had a question I wanted to ask you.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Last time you and I talked off air, I was telling you what my brother-in-law did with the cook in the meat, how it was. Did you try that yet? I did. I did a sirloin cap. So what I did is I took it and put it into the sous vide. I think it was 130 I had it at.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I did it for probably about six or seven hours. Okay. And then what I did is I put it into an ice bath afterwards to cool it down, okay? And then I fired up my trigger and I Cooked it over there on the smoke setting for I don't remember how long and tell the temperature went back up to the medium rare and Then I ate it delicious I'm gonna tell you the meat was so incredibly tender. Oh
Starting point is 00:45:05 Amazing, you always make the best meat. Yeah, make the best meat, everybody relax. It's, but hey, speaking of meat, butcher box, I don't know how they do this by the way. Did you see their giveaway? No. If you sign up for butcher box right now, here's what you get, Doug lifts it up there,
Starting point is 00:45:19 because there's a lot of stuff. One rack of St. Louis style ribs, one pack of bacon, and a pack of pulled pork free, included. Wow. In rack of St. Louis style ribs, one pack of bacon, and a pack of pulled pork free included in your first box. Every time they do that, you end up getting like three or four pounds of meat. Just such a good deal. All the meat you need. Was the cap from them also too? Yes. Oh, I'm going to have to try that. They're tried tips really good. You actually have a try tip now, which is really good. Yeah. You know what Adam, I do want to say just about your dog right there sleeping so cute.
Starting point is 00:45:48 He does something now. I've observed him doing this now at least 10 times. If he's sitting there, he's sitting over there. It doesn't matter where he's at. He'll mosey over to Justin and fart. Yeah. And just walks away. I don't pet him.
Starting point is 00:46:02 And he turns, you know, and faces the other direction. Just crop dust. Yeah. He just, just Justin. He doesn't do to me. Oh my dude. I don't pet him. He turns, you know, and faces the other direction. Just crop dust. Yeah. He just, just Justin. He doesn't know what to mean. Dude. Doesn't do anybody else, but Justin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Yeah, you guys complain, but I think it's a good thing that disguises your own force, which by the way, the other day Justin thought the dog was here when the dog wasn't here. Yeah, it wasn't you when I needed it. We're out in the gym. We're out in the studio or in the gym. And we're all sitting there and
Starting point is 00:46:26 Just Ribs a big one and just so happens to be is right when Jerry's just really audible Yeah, the way I was sitting it just we came out like that was gonna be you know just the past no big deal Thunder you sitting on the bench. Yeah sideways His cheeks were hanging off the back. He's just had like, last vibrato. So it was like a Trump bubble. He was like, no. Jerry closed his mouth.
Starting point is 00:46:54 He's always complaining that we created this fake stereotype of it, but he always reinforcing. So this is every now and then I gotta let it show. I doces it. So, this is every now and then I gotta let it show you, you know? I do own it. We call it. Today's call is brought to you by Max and Obolic. If you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength, Max and Obolic is the perfect place to start.
Starting point is 00:47:23 With a full 30-day money back guarantee, there is absolutely zero risk! So what is your waiting for? Go to mindpromidia.com and get started today! It's the motherfucking flaw! An English Landish! Quique-quique... First question is from J. Rosen 10. Explain isometric exercises.
Starting point is 00:47:44 How would you use them in a workout? First question is from J. Rosen 10. Explain isometric exercises. How would you use them in a workout? All right. So, probably one of the most valuable yet underutilized techniques in training, I would say, is training isometrics. So you could loosely categorize, I guess, repetitions or how muscles contract three different ways, right? So there's the positive portion of a rep, concentric that would be like me curling a bar
Starting point is 00:48:08 That's a muscle contraction. Then there's an eccentric or the lowering of the bar muscle contraction So that would be me bringing the bar down with the curl and then isometric is essentially just holding steady, right? So muscles holding a weight steady or supporting something Stationary maximal contraction, but you're not moving at all. Right. Now, this produces, first off, the strength gains you get tend to be relatively specific, meaning if I only train concentric or I only train
Starting point is 00:48:35 eccentric or I only train isometric, I get a lot of strength gains in that one thing that I train, but there's so much carry over. This is where it gets fun. Isometric training does not damage the body, definitely not as much as eccentric, which is probably the most damaging, and not as much as concentric,
Starting point is 00:48:51 which is still more damaging. So isometric is a great way to add volume without causing lots of damage. The other thing that it does, is it turns on the central nervous system really, really well. One of the ways that I have always used isometric training as a trainer was when I had a client who had trouble feeling a muscle
Starting point is 00:49:10 or firing a muscle. So if I had a client who was like, man, when I do squats, it's all quads. I get no activation in my butt. That's what I'm trying to build. Then we would do like an isometric squeeze before the squat and that would give them the ability to start to feel it in the glutes, almost like turning on the glutes. In that case, you would just, I would put them
Starting point is 00:49:31 in a squeeze position, I'd have provide a little bit of resistance, and I'd have them hold the squeeze for hard for 10 seconds or something like that. So that's one way to do it. I used to use it too, where I would take a client, and I'd get them to whether it be a bench press, a curl, anything, and I'd get them to hold it in that position. And then I would actually move their body, like because a lot of times when someone's doing an exercise, even as simple as a bicep curl, I mean, how many times have you seen somebody, you try to teach a bicep curl, you show them and then they try and do it and then their shoulders roll forward, they rock, they do those things.
Starting point is 00:50:00 No matter how many times you say the cues. So sometimes what I do is I take the You know, let's say let's say the curl and they go up the halfway point and then I would come up Then I'd actually hold that and then I go walk behind them pull their shoulders back Tucked their chin in and be like this is the position. I want you in while you're in this while you're feeling this contraction Same thing for like a bench press. I would get them down in that deep position Get them to pull their shoulder blades back hold it. So I love it for teaching technique and for too. I love that same thing, you know, addressing weak points in whatever part of the movement. Like if you're trying to then add, you know, a performance enhancement.
Starting point is 00:50:35 So where the performance leaks, where you lose a bit of, you know, this tension in the muscle that's supportive. So when the body recognizes that you're not fully stabilized in a certain range of motion or position, it's not going to allow for you to get as much force to create. So it really is a performance-enhancing type of a method too, if you apply it directly like that. And also there's a 15 degree carryover in terms of how how the strength sort of translates like up or down from that angle too. So it gets affected, you know, from that angle gets affected 15 degree radius on both sides. Yeah. So for an example, for what you're talking about Justin, if you would apply this,
Starting point is 00:51:17 let's say the bottom position of a squat is where you're the weakest, which is quite common. Then what you might do is an isometric squat in the bottom position. A couple of ways you could do this, the more advanced way to do this would be to set the safety bars so that the bar that you're squatting pushes up against the safeties.
Starting point is 00:51:34 And then what you do is you get in position and you gotta make sure you have really, really good stabilization, really, really, because if you have bad position here, then you're gonna do an isometric with bad technique. So good form, good technique, squat up with the bar and push into the safeties, really hard, but stay stable. And what that'll do is make you stronger in or it'll work on increasing strength in that
Starting point is 00:51:54 bottom position. But then to what Justin said, you get that 15 degree K-Ary over. So let's say it was 90 degrees that you were doing the squat. Well, it's gonna be at, you know, 80, 75 degrees or plus 15 degrees from 90, so 105, right? Yeah, I just wanna add one more, because like, I'm definitely have been passionate and been studying a lot about isometric training.
Starting point is 00:52:14 There's also analgesic effects. So there's a pain relieving effect to also like applying isometric attention, you know, throughout the body to stabilize around the joints. So somebody has knee pain or has lost a bit of stability. Just taking that time to go through an exercise where we're focusing on squeezing and connecting and stabilizing around the joint
Starting point is 00:52:37 is it's a pain relieving technique as well. Oh, that's interesting. I didn't know that. What is it that's causing them to do that? Is it just firing all the surrounding muscles around that joint because you're doing it? Like it has like radiates out. Is that like the idea? It's actually similar to my official release. When you push hard on a muscle and you get this kind of localized analgesic effect, you get that with isometric. There's a localized and then there's also the kind of this systemic effect.
Starting point is 00:53:05 You know what's interesting about this is that this was such a huge training tool back in the day. When you look at like strong men, strength athletes, from I'd say before the 1940s, this was a mainstay in their routine. This is one of the reasons is because a lot of these strong men, bodybuilding shows weren't a thing really back then. That didn't become a thing till a little bit later.
Starting point is 00:53:31 So what these people would do is they would do these performances where they would balance tremendously heavy weights above their head often, or in maybe a bent press position, or they would do a hip bridge and they'd have a table and they'd drive a motorcycle on it and stuff like that. So they would train a lot of isometrics to have that kind of strength and stability. You could still see this in acrobat. If you ever watch circus performers where there's two,
Starting point is 00:53:56 you ever see those acts where there's like two guys and one guy's holding the other guy up with one hand. That's tremendous isometric strength. And this is a wonderful thing to develop. It teaches your central nervous system to really turn on. I mean, to give you an example of what I'm talking about, if you were to squeeze like something that measured your grip strength, but you were squeezed as hard as you could with your right hand, but kept the rest of your body relaxed, you would only get so strong. If you did it again,
Starting point is 00:54:23 but tensed up your entire body, you would only get so strong. If you did it again, but 10 step your entire body, you would actually produce more force. This is a central nervous system, you know, factors. This is a CNS being able to fire better. Isometrics at the beginning of a workout done properly can actually increase your stability and performance during the workout. So for strength athletes, applying them properly,
Starting point is 00:54:41 don't fatigue yourself, but applying them properly at the beginning of the workout will make you stronger and more stable during the workout. For the bodybuilder types, for people interested in hypertrophy, use them as finishers. Bodybuilders have done this for years. They didn't call it isometrics, they said posing. They pose, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Yeah, it's like, oh, at the end of my chest routine, I like to pose my chest and squeeze it for. Bruce Lee, you used to promote this quite a bit too. Oh, he was, he was well known for. In fact, there's, you did it in between sets, even. Yeah, and there were stories of him being able to balance a hundred pound dumbbell arm's length. You know, he couldn't bench press a lot,
Starting point is 00:55:12 but he had this incredible isometric strength because he said it helped him punch with more stability or whatever. So beginning of the workout for performance and strength and the workout for hypertrophy or like his bodybuilder say, as a finisher. Next question is from Pat of Blanc. What are your thoughts on DNA fitness and nutrition tests?
Starting point is 00:55:32 The ones that reportedly tell you the optimal way for you to eat and train. This is like the blood type stuff, you know? Yeah, you know, here's why I'm not a fan. It'd be great if we could just pull formulas and it worked completely, right? It's just, okay, there's why I'm not a fan. It'd be great if we could just pull formulas and it worked completely, right? It's just, okay, there's so many factors on an individual basis that determine
Starting point is 00:55:50 how hard to work out what you do. Not even individual basis, on a daily individual basis. Oh yeah, like that's, like, you can get tested for something that tells you train this way, and maybe it's extremely accurate, but one night of bad sleep, one night, or three days of under-consuming calories, three days of overtraining completely changes
Starting point is 00:56:07 all the different. Right, plus DNA we know now is not as fixed as we thought before. It can actually express itself differently depending on your lifestyle. So I mean, what's the term that DNA loads the bullets, but lifestyle pulls the trigger? So I can't remember the term,
Starting point is 00:56:24 there's a term for it where you can... Epigenetics. Epigenetics, thank you, Doug. So your lifestyle can affect that as well. Here's my experience with this kind of stuff. I had clients who were very successful, wealthy, they were always on the cutting edge, and they would do these tests, and then I would notice it affect their decision making when they trained. Like they would stop listening to their body. Well, my DNA test said that, you know, I respond well to high intensity training. So that's what I'm gonna continue doing.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Or my DNA test said, these foods are probably best for me, even though they're ignoring the fact that they're getting gastroissues or digestive issues as a result. Listen to your body is the best advice I can give. Now, here's where I think it might be valuable for people who are very into with their bodies, people who are self-aware maybe very advanced then it can give you a little bit of insight but you got to use it properly otherwise
Starting point is 00:57:12 you end up like you know like we're saying you go in your workouts you go in your diet and you tend to be blind oh it says I'm supposed to eat low carb high fat you know I know I feel like shit but that's what my DNA test says so I'm just gonna continue to continue doing that well what my DNA test says, so I'm just gonna continue doing that. Well, what's the saying that you always say that an inferior program done consistently is better than the superior program done in consistency? That's another one, right?
Starting point is 00:57:36 So it's like, could this be, maybe this is like, maybe this is cutting-edge stuff that we are learning more and more and it does have some value, right? It still doesn't trump that. It still doesn't trump you being consistent with everything. Somebody who is being consistent with their training and dieting is gonna be better than the guy or the girl
Starting point is 00:57:56 who follows some DNA protocol for three weeks and then is inconsistent for another week, right? So, you know why that's important to say, Adam, is because let's say you're somebody that, I'm gonna make something up, but I'm sure they don't say this, but I'll make it up. And your DNA test says, the best form of cardio for you is sprinting.
Starting point is 00:58:14 This is the kind of cardio you should do. But you love swimming. You absolutely love swimming. But you're like, you know what my DNA, and you hate sprinting, but you're like, I'm gonna do what my DNA test says, I'm gonna do this form of exercise. I hate. As a result, you become inconsistent because you do this form
Starting point is 00:58:28 of exercise. You absolutely hate in replace of the one that you love that you would probably be more consistent doing. So I think that's where it's very valuable. Right. That's the same thing that we make the case about, you know, people saying that, you know, because I think there's stuff that's came out now too, like depending on when you were what time of day you were born, you're more likely to see better results training in the morning versus the evening. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember this one.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's came out recently like where, you know, depending on what, you know, and everybody's different, right? So, but again, none of that matters if this hour in your day is where you can be the most consistent because that's what your schedule allows you to. That is more important than what some test says is the most optimal for you. It'd be interesting if you could trace back and see the epigenetics of what you might be predisposed to.
Starting point is 00:59:16 That was really the case, especially with nutrition, if you could avoid certain things with then, because a lot of times people don't know what's underlying that's been passed on, but I just don't know like what's underlying, you know, that's been passed on, but I just don't know that they've been able to nail all that down. The other thing that's hard about that is to be able to tease out,
Starting point is 00:59:31 because there's stuff to prove this, right? So, someone just following a protocol is gonna be more successful than somebody not. Like the whole blood type thing. Oh yeah, totally. I read that book when that was popular, and it was hard for me to say, okay, are these people having success because they're following their blood type diet?
Starting point is 00:59:51 Are they having something? Exactly, because before they were eating pizza and whatever and not really paying attention, then they switched over to this blood type diet and then all of a sudden they're like, oh my god, I have structure. Yeah, my energy feels good and in this and that, I'm like, okay, well, was it really that? And that's the same thing that goes for when people switch to carnivore or keto or vegan. It's like, is it really the diet that is making you feel
Starting point is 01:00:13 this way? Or is it cut out this food? Or that you got rid of something that was enough of a fender to your body before and now you feel so much better. It's hard to tease that out. You know what's happening with these DNA tests? Is that people are getting,
Starting point is 01:00:24 because there are some DNA, like there are some results that will come out that will say you are very likely for to get this type of cancer. I think there's one, I think it's called the BRAC gene or whatever that can show. I think it puts you at like 80% chance of getting breast cancer.
Starting point is 01:00:39 But then there's other stuff that says, you are predisposed to this or predisposed to that. And then you might have an uncle or an aunt who had that particular thing. You know what I've been reading that's happening? Is that people will get these tests and then it freaks them out. Then they're stressed out, they're so worried.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Then they take these steps that they didn't need to take to help themselves and actually cause themselves more problems. This reminds me of the studies that show that, men respond to intensity better than women and women respond better to volume. But here's a deal, as a trainer, when I train the individual, I don't care.
Starting point is 01:01:12 I'm watching the person. And if the person does well doing something, that's what we're gonna do. I don't care what the studies say, I don't care what the general ideas. If you do better doing this thing and it's working for you, this is what we're gonna do.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Next question is from Ted Mills. What are your opinions on the multi-grip bars for Benching? I don't have a lot of experience with these. Justin, have you used them? Yeah, I've used them. I mean, I like it. It's interesting. It's a different feel. I get it with that sort of a neutral grip, you know, and then coming in for a narrow. I like it a lot for like narrow grip bench pressing, which I've used it for before. But really it's just a slightly different recruitment pattern. You know, I could focus a little bit more on my triceps, you know, for instance, with a narrow grip, but, you know, I just look at it as is another way to like provide a different type of a stimulus, but that's about it. Yeah, I felt the same way about it. I think it's neat. It's a neat
Starting point is 01:02:02 out. I mean, there's so many cool bars and stuff that are out. Now, I mean, you just recently brought in the, what's your call? The bison bar. Yeah, the bison bar. And, you know, I don't get a chance to squat with it very often. It was fun to squat with it. Like, do I necessarily think that it's necessary
Starting point is 01:02:16 or it's like so much better than the straight bar that it's like, oh, this is the answer. It's like, no, I think it's a cool way to vary. If you're training a lot, right? And you've been training consistently for a long time, I think these are all cool tools. I don't think it's the difference maker of you building this amazing chest because you've got a bar where you can change the position. I think people get really pumped on it when they've had like wrist issues, for instance,
Starting point is 01:02:37 and like, you know, maybe this is a way that they could put the wrist in sort of a better position where they feel like it's secure and stable. And that might be some value to that. But yeah, like it's just a different state. I could see that with the close grip because one of the challenges with the close grip is the angle on the wrist. Yeah, you got to break your, you got to break your wrist or it just feels really weird the way you're playing. Especially at the bottom.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Where if you get to do close grip, you can turn it in a neutral position. It's a lot more comfortable. Yeah, the reason why I've never messed with these is because I've always done that with dumbbells. So if I wanted my wrist neutral, and here's why I change in the wrist help gives you maybe different results than with other exercises. It's not necessarily the wrist, but rather where the elbows follow. So when I have my wrist in this neutral position, it more naturally makes my elbows bringing a little closer. Exactly, they're so cool.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Yeah, I'm going to get more shoulder recruitment. I'm going to get a little bit more tricep recruitment. So, I've just done it with dumbbells. I've done that. I've done incline and flat presses with my wrist neutral elbows in versus elbows out, you know, kind of bodybuilding. So, I'm with Justin. I like it for that reason because you're right.
Starting point is 01:03:41 When you do a close grip bench press, which I love to do for triceps, you have a bit of an elbow flare, which you would get more tricep involved if I could be in the neutral position and tuck my elbows in. So that bar allows you to do that. Next question is from Sonya Griewell 01. What should you do when you do not feel like eating
Starting point is 01:04:01 or not hungry, but still need to maintain your caloric intake. Okay, so without knowing too much more, or more information about this person, I'm gonna assume you're a healthy individual because there could be some psychological stuff. I've had this with female clients in particular, where I'm trying to get them to eat in a appropriate amount of calories,
Starting point is 01:04:20 and they just psychologically- Just a block there. They're afraid of gaining weight, but let's just say you're a healthy person and your body's like, I'm not hungry. Okay, step number, first number one, I would say listen to your body. Okay, forcing your body in one direction or another,
Starting point is 01:04:34 usually means it's probably not the best for your body, but let's say you've got these really hardcore goals, you know, and you do have, and when you have really, really specific goals, sometimes you do need to push your body a little bit. I would say the first thing I would do is look at what I'm eating and seeing if it's causing any digestive issues, because eating more calories,
Starting point is 01:04:55 if you're eating foods that you are intolerant to, and they cause bloat or gas or acid reflux, those foods are gonna make it hard for you to continue to eat more calories. So I would go more to the fast digesting, easy digestive types of foods. For me, that would be beef and rice and well cooked vegetables.
Starting point is 01:05:16 I could eat a lot of those. Potatoes. Potatoes, to some extent, if I push those too hard, that would cause me to blow. Wheat, definitely not. That would make me not wanna eat again, cause it tend to have digestive issues with wheat. Definitely not, that would make me not want to eat again, because it tend to have digestive issues with wheat. So that would be the first thing that I would say.
Starting point is 01:05:29 But there's other strategies too, like if you've been bulking for a long time, like a few days of localities, typically would jump your eyes on. That's where I was gonna go, right? So my one, it depends, right? Like who we're talking to, because there's a lot of different ways,
Starting point is 01:05:43 I think I would communicate this based off of what your goal is But something I think that has changed for me personally today that was different than maybe just Seven eight years ago as a personal trainer I don't I but so you this happened to me yesterday yesterday I had what I have for breakfast. I can't remember what I have for better I think I had in my my stable right now which is a four no I can't remember what I had for a bear. I think I had my stable right now, which is four eggs, sourdough toast, and then bacon,
Starting point is 01:06:07 and then I didn't eat again till late at that night, and it was like chicken soup. That was literally like all eight that I, in the past, I would freak out about that in the past, because I was so hung up on getting enough calories and eating enough food and fear of losing muscle that I would run downstairs and eat a bag of popcorn, ice cream, whatever, anything just to get calories. So I didn't lose, right? That where my attitude towards that now is like, you just alluded to Salas.
Starting point is 01:06:34 If I've been eating, you know, ample amount of calories for three, four, five or a week or two weeks in a row, having a day of super low, even a couple days of really low calorie will probably do me some good. And so I don't really worry about it too much. So it really depends where this client is at with their eating. I mean, if you're consistently eating in a surplus
Starting point is 01:06:53 because you're trying to gain, and then you have one day where you're just like, man, I'm just not hungry, I'm not feeling like it. That's, I love to go low, go low that day because watch the next day your appetite will probably kick and kick up. I think that's the thing I would caution my client who I give this advice to. So if I tell my client, hey, don't worry about eating and hitting the calorie intake.
Starting point is 01:07:11 You've been doing really good. One low calorie days, not going to hurt us whatsoever. What I'd caution them is be careful because you went so low today. Tomorrow you might feel these crazy cravings and have the temptation to want to go eat outside of your meal plan. So that's the one thing that I would caution somebody who I'd say don't worry about one day if not hitting your calorie and it would target is
Starting point is 01:07:32 the next day you may find your cravings. Now if you're that like classic hardgainer, right? If you're that person that's just metabolism is roaring, you're skinny, you find it very hard to gain any weight and you're really dedicated to doing this. Drinking some of your calories. I'd say smoothies or shakes. Yeah, I mean, if you can tolerate dairy,
Starting point is 01:07:53 like this, here's an easy way to add 500 calories to your diet, drink a glass of whole milk with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'll put some nice calories, give you some extra protein and it doesn't feel you up nearly as much as food well. But again, I think for the average person, you gotta listen to your body. I think when you push your body too hard
Starting point is 01:08:14 and one direction or another, and you're ignoring your body's signals, the detriment's outweigh any positives you might get from the extra calories. Look, my pump is recorded on videos as well as audio, so come find us on YouTube, MindPump Podcast. You can also find all of us on Instagram, Justin is at MindPump, Justin, you can find me at MindPumpSale,
Starting point is 01:08:34 Adam at MindPump, Adam, and finally, if you'd like some free information on how to build bigger arms, how to get a better squat, build a nice butt, develop your midsection, we have a bunch of free guides you can find at mindpumpfree.com. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbumble includes MAPS and a BOLIC, MAPS Performance and MAPS ASTEDIC, 9 months
Starting point is 01:09:08 of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbumble is like having Sal Adam andin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review
Starting point is 01:09:44 on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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