Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1486: How to Adjust Your Diet When Hitting a Weight Loss Plateau, Building Mass With Limited Access to Weights, What to Do If Your Joints Are Hypermobile & More

Episode Date: February 10, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about what’s in Sal’s bag, building mass with only 50-pound dumbbells, adjusting macros and caloric intake when hitti...ng weight loss plateaus, and how to correct hypermobile joints. The anabolic muscle-building effects of cholesterol. (7:21) How parents enjoy embarrassing their children. (11:20) How the guy’s associate themselves now as fathers. (16:50) The lessons learned from lifting weights. (23:32) HubSpot acquires The Hustle. (30:22) The fascinating story of craniopagus twins. (34:15) Interesting partnerships you wouldn’t expect. (36:38) #Quah question #1 - What’s in Sal’s bag? (42:59) #Quah question #2 – Can I build mass with only 50-pound dumbbells? (51:17) #Quah question #3 – How should someone adjust their macros and caloric intake as they hit plateaus for weight loss? How do you know when it’s time to make an adjustment before hitting a plateau? (56:11) #Quah question #4 – You often talk a lot about people not having enough mobility, but what if you have the opposite problem and your joints are actually hypermobile? How do you correct this issue? (1:00:12) Related Links/Products Mentioned February Promotion: Phase II Bundle Excess Tongue Fat Could Be Leading to Sleep Apnea, Scientists Find Tip: Eat Cholesterol, Gain More Muscle Mind Pump #1485: Ten Life Lessons From Lifting Weights HubSpot acquires media startup The Hustle Mind Pump #682: Sam Parr Of The Hustle GW Pharma Will Be Acquired by Jazz Pharmaceuticals for $7.2 Billion Corporate Universe to Acquire Carbon Ion fka ZapGo/Battery EV Technology Company Tatiana And Krista Hogan Featured In CBC Documentary 'Inseparable' Pepsi bets on plant-based snacks with Beyond Meat Domino's giving out free access to movie, TV streaming with online pizza ordering Watch Big Sky TV Show - ABC.com Mind Pump TV - YouTube Visit Paleo Valley for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “Mindpump15” at checkout for 15% discount** Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit Drink LMNT for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1362: What You Can Learn About Building Muscle From Inmates, Gymnasts And Sprinters Visit PRx Performance for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** What is Metabolic Adaptation? - Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Terry Wahls MD (@drterrywahls)  Instagram Robb Wolf (@dasrobbwolf)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You are listening to the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pup. Now, today's episode we answer four fitness and health questions asked by our audience and by viewers just like you. But the way we open the episode is with an intro portion. This is where we talk about current events.
Starting point is 00:00:29 We talk about our sponsors sometimes, bring up scientific studies. I'm gonna give you a breakdown of today's podcast, all right? So we open up, talking about cholesterol and how it signals muscle growth. Eating cholesterol can actually help you build muscle. Of course, you have to be somebody that's healthy because otherwise you may affect your lipid profile. Then we
Starting point is 00:00:48 talk about Justin's mom. We had a good conversation about that. I talk about the 28 years that I've spent working out and some of the lessons that I've learned. We talk about a company called HubSpot that just bought the hustle. This is a great company to look into or invest in. We talked about a couple of twins, cranio-pigus twins. These are twins attached at the head whose brains are actually connected. It's kind of cool stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:14 We talk about beyond meat and how the stock jumped because they're working with Pepsi. And then we got into the questions. Now, the first one's funny, right? The first one, everybody wants to know what's in my supplement bag. A few episodes everybody wants to know what's in my supplement bag. A few episodes ago, Adam was teasing me about my supplement bag and I did not want to reveal.
Starting point is 00:01:30 It was a side A, B, surprise. But they cornered me. So I took out my products and showed some of the stuff, a lot of digestive supplements. But there were a couple in there that were from our sponsors that I used pretty regularly. One of them was green juice from organifi. Organifi makes vegan supplements,
Starting point is 00:01:45 protein powders, green juices, red juices, gold juices. I like using the green juice when I miss my vegetable intake, it makes me feel good and it helps with my digestion. If you go to organifi.com, that's ORGANIFI.com, forward slash mine pump, you can use the code, mind pump, all one word, and get 20% off at checkout. One of the other products was my hemp oil extract from Ned, very effective, high in CBD, and other cannabinoids,
Starting point is 00:02:14 no THC are very little THC, so it's legal. And I get great anti-inflammatory effects and euphoric relaxing effects. They also have another product called sleep, which is the most powerful product I've ever used for sleep. It works really effectively. Anyway, if you want to start messing with hemp oil products
Starting point is 00:02:34 or cannabinoids, go check them out. Go to helloned.com, that's H-E-L-L-O-N-E-D.com, forward slash mine pump. Use the code, mine and get 15% off. The next question, this person want to know if you could build muscle mass with only 50 pound dumbbells, we talk about strategies around using weights that might feel too light for you. The next question, this person wants to know how you can adjust your macros, that's your
Starting point is 00:02:58 proteins, fats, and carbs, and calories, as you hit a plateau for weight loss, we talk about strategies to break through plateaus with your diet. And then the final question, this person says, you know, look, you guys talk about mobility all the time, but what about someone who's hyper mobile? In other words, a really flexible joints, but not a lot of strength, and I tend to get injured. What can I do?
Starting point is 00:03:17 So we give some advice to those of you that are very flexible, but lack stability. Also, all month long, we are running a promotion known as the Phase II Bundle. So this includes two of our very effective popular workout programs. Maps Performance, this is a workout program that teaches you how to move better,
Starting point is 00:03:38 have more functional fluid movement, mobility, better performance, and of course, as a result, you have a nicer looking physique. We've combined that with Maps aesthetic, which is a body builder focus program. This is one where you can pick different body parts, sculpt and shape your body, train for aesthetics. Put them together, you've got the perfect marriage
Starting point is 00:03:57 of functional training and aesthetic training to give you an incredible looking and feeling and moving physique. Now normally, when you buy both programs at retail you're going to spend about 300 bucks, but right now you can get them both in the Phase 2 bundle for $79.99. That's it. $79.99 and you get lifetime access. Go check them out.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Go to maps, February.com. That's M-A-P-S-F-E-B-R-U-A-R-Y.com. Teacher time. And it's teacher time. Ah, shit, you know it's my favorite time of the week. We have three big winners this week, two for Apple Podcasts, one for Facebook. The Apple Podcast winners are Lauren Lisi and Ali Vaughan.
Starting point is 00:04:45 For Facebook, we have Hunter Eads. The Apple Podcast winners are Lauren Lisi and Ali Vaughan. For Facebook, we have Hunter Eads. All three of you are winners. Send the name I just read to iTunes at mindpumpmedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get that shirt right out to you. How's it feel to be the fat guy, the group, so? Huh? How did I get that?
Starting point is 00:05:03 I had to turn. Yeah, how did I get that? I mean, Justin's looking pretty lean and mean. I think I gotta stop with the fat guy the group, so. Huh? How did I get that? I had a turn. Yeah, how did I get that? I mean, Justin's looking pretty lean and mean. I think I gotta stop with the fat jokes on him. I mean, it's all coming together. I just dropped seven pounds, where all my fat. Yeah, I mean, less fat now, that's good. I don't know, I tell you what, we have it,
Starting point is 00:05:18 now that we have an audience on YouTube that's really growing, you guys can look in the camera and in the comments, tell us who the fatist is. You're probably gonna lose that one, dude. Have you been watching this? That's not a look out. Yeah, look at this. You look like you got stung by a bunch of bees, dude.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Damn! In my biceps? It's just everywhere, dude. Everywhere else? Oh man. All meat, no bones, anyway. He had that, that, that, that, that, that, I'm not a meat. Not a first vlog that we did, you were no bones. He had that, that, that, that, I'm not a meat.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Not a first vlog that we did. You're like this. Oh yeah. So, you started mind-pump like five years ago. And I started snoring while I was awake now. Whoa. Not even when I sleep. That's messed up.
Starting point is 00:05:57 You know, you were talking about that the other day, actually, Katrina was telling me that she's like, man, you have been snoring. It's the weight, dude. As soon as I'm pushing the weight the same way, yeah like, man, you have been snoring. It's the weight, dude. As soon as I'm pushing the weight, the same way, yeah. And I just start snoring. It's the, you got your side snoring, you got to issue.
Starting point is 00:06:10 That was me, dude. That's why I said that. Yeah, that's what I said. I gotta do something about it. You know what it is? I told you guys about this long time ago. Your tongue gets fatter. This is, oh yeah, that was mind blowing.
Starting point is 00:06:21 This is what the studies, this is what they say. They say you snore more when you gain weight because your tongue gets fat or the way. That's disgusting. Yeah, yeah, tongue fat. You know. Actually, you ever hear like, what was the name, Biggie? You know, when he would rap or Big Pun,
Starting point is 00:06:41 you don't even need to see him, you can hear it. You hear him or voice like, yeah,'t even need to see him, you can hear it. You're under a voice. Yeah, they're big. Yeah, oh, there's some obesity in that tongue. Yeah. Let's go on on right now. Lane, some fat trash. Dude, it's crazy. You read that a couple of years ago.
Starting point is 00:06:54 I remember when you read that study, right? About the fat tongue. Yeah, I don't remember what it said though. What did it say? Do you remember? That's what it said. Your tongue gets fatter. I know, but like how much?
Starting point is 00:07:03 Oh, I don't know. It didn't have a percentage of how much when you put weight on it. How did they test that? Anyways, no calipers, you could do that, right? It's the way your tongue underwater. Well, I mean, I stick your tongue in the glass. No, I'm sure you can measure like circumference
Starting point is 00:07:15 of it before and after, right? Yeah. Sure, that's how they figured that out. I imagine that's how they studied it. Hey, speaking of cool stuff, not that being fat is cool, but anyway. I am seeing way more articles now talking about the anabolic muscle building effects of cholesterol.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Finally. Well, I mean, how long have I been talking about that? Shout out to T Nation, right? Yeah, they just did an article, right? They love some mind bomb, I swear. Oh, I know. Yeah, we got it. It's going on, boys.
Starting point is 00:07:43 I think we got it. It's going on, boys, we know got it in. It's going on boys. We know you're listening. No, I mean, you know, we've been talking about that maybe since day one, not that we discovered it, by the way, it's just like old bodybuilding knowledge, but now more of the mainstream fitness is starting to come out and talk,
Starting point is 00:07:59 especially after that one study that came out that showed that whole eggs versus egg whites, even if the protein was controlled, contributed to more muscle. And it's the cholesterol. It actually signals muscle growth through a few different mechanisms. How many things are completely the opposite of what we learn growing up? Oh, you mean from government telling us what's healthy?
Starting point is 00:08:19 What's healthy? I feel like it's everything. Does that make you question what we believe today more? Well, not what I believe, because what I believe often is counter to that other stuff, but I mean, we didn't when we were in it, right? I mean, we all admitted that we were in the thick of it and bought into all that.
Starting point is 00:08:36 That fat made you fat, right? We were pushing the low fat diets back in the, early 2000s, late 90s. So candy solves diabetes, that's my next one. That's your next prediction. No, but really though, because we've seen just in our short time of being in this space, we've seen the evolution of nutrition science change so much. Does that ever make you guys question our beliefs today on what we think is so important
Starting point is 00:09:02 or great or what's working or not amongst all these popular diets. I'm much more critical in terms of, yeah, when something comes out like that, like some new way of, you know, it's say it's like carnivore diet or say it's something else, like it's so radical, I'm definitely slow to jump in. I'm at the point now, and I'm sure you guys are too, because we talk about this kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:22 We've been just doing this for so long that you start to learn to be critical. Because there were so many things I took for granted, so many things I thought were true or common knowledge that were proven to be totally false. So, I mean, I'll tell you what, if you're under 30, you don't remember this, but we used to be, I mean, pushed hard to buy Margarine. Like this, and in fact, they would call Margarine something healthy, like healthy spread or heart spread
Starting point is 00:09:54 or whatever, because it was, it was, it was, it was no saturated fat. So it was like plastic butters, they made that a plastic or whatever, and they would literally label it that, and it was totally fine And I remember like well the same with meat right now. I feel oh, yeah, right? That's so so so meat that's made and a lab is better apparently yeah public enemy number one now is meat
Starting point is 00:10:15 Yeah meat is apparently it's interesting to watch even though it's the one food that you could technically not that I would recommend this I don't think this is a good choice, but it's the only single food you could ever just eat by itself and probably never get a nutrient deficiency. You can do that with any of that. Although it's suck, I see, we have friends that are like, all in the carnivore diet, we have a handful. Yeah, I don't think it's ideal.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Right, and we were just back, we just got back from trucky and one of the things we always eat when we're all together, the four of us guys, we always do the rib eyes, right? We do the big rib eyes. Rib eyes, mushrooms, onions, and asparagus. It's like the staple meal that we eat. And we had it back to back days.
Starting point is 00:10:52 And I'm already like, I'm cool on the steak. You know, I wanted you to take it. Oh really? I was like, oh, this is great. Yeah, it was amazing. Oh no, it was amazing, both nights. But then I got home last night, and I'm like, I don't feel like steak, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:04 or something else. So I can't imagine doing that. Is that why you had tacos and cake? Yeah, that's how it is. No, I did not. Did you sell my self-birthday? I did, I did, I know. This guy in his cake, both you two,
Starting point is 00:11:16 fly on the radar on the birthdays, do you? I know. Because ashamed of your age? No, I just stopped counting. That's for certain point. At this point, you know, you pass 40, it's like whatever. I actually literally start to forget. Like, wait a minute, hold my hand.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Now, what are your family, both your immediate family? So wives and kids, and then also like your immediate family, like your mom's, dads and uncles. How are they with your ex's birthday? Is it like a big celebration still? Cause your old no one gives a fuck, or what's it like? I just get a lot of messages. My mom's a little one that cares.
Starting point is 00:11:43 She still cares, she does hard. She used to, you know what was embarrassing. She used to make these huge flags and put it outside her house Like my face on it Are you serious? Oh, yeah, please tell me you have a picture of that so embarrassing. I'll find it Did I'll show you please tell me a picture of that this is saying this is the same person who made you dress up like a leprechaun? Yes, yes, dude. You guys have no idea. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:07 You should put me on a front street all the time. Your mom was training you. You know what I mean? Just like, just deal with it, right? Yeah, they do. That's why I'm not embarrassed. I don't really get embarrassed very often. I used all that up.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Okay, so tell me in my childhood, did you go through a phase of your life then of like resentment and animosity towards her? Sure. Yeah. Oh yeah. You wouldn't be normal if you did you go through a phase of your life then of like resentment and animosity towards her? Sure. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, you wouldn't be normal. I mean, you wouldn't be normal if you do. Well, it was mainly over like things that I would tell her and that was going on in school like I was having problems with my teacher whatever and then she would come in like guns blazing and like embarrass me. Oh my god, dude. I so I stopped telling her things. She can just picture you. Your mom coming in to save you from getting in fights. It's more than she's got flags of your face on your birthday.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Oh man. Anybody drove by there. It's just like turn 16. It went all the way till I left. Disexpoints why you're tough as nails. You probably got your ass kicked all through fucking my jeans. I can't quite a bit. Yeah. She's like, I'm just trying to prevent you from getting bullied. And you're like, mom, it's the flags in front of the house on my face. It's getting me.
Starting point is 00:13:09 It's just rap's honey. Now what was on the, what was on the fly? Was like a picture of you as a baby in the bathtub or was like a current picture? Yeah, it was like a picture of my, like I was a baby. Like it had like, you know, this younger face and then it had like happy birthday. It had like some sports ball in there,
Starting point is 00:13:27 whatever, like San Francisco 49ers, whatever. It was just like whatever I was into, she'd like throw it on the flag and then iron it on there. That's hilarious. Yeah, dude, that's so good. I'm telling you guys, I love your mom. Yeah, she's crazy. Have I met your mom?
Starting point is 00:13:40 I'm only met your dad. I don't know if you've met, yeah. No, your dad's great. Your dad's great, I never met your mom though. Yeah, I met you like, she's, I mean, if you've met. Yeah. No, your dad's great. Your dad's great. I never met your mom though. Yeah. I mean, she's out there.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Like, she's funny. Like, I hate to admit it, but I get a lot of my personality from her for sure. Oh. Like, she's definitely like that, but also can be a lot. That's hilarious. Yeah. When you guys were kids, did you guys, your moms have albums of you when you were a baby in the bathtub naked?
Starting point is 00:14:02 Was that, that was like a thing back then? And they put you with, you know, like, they're friends, friends. They all make it in there. Yeah, so I'm there. That was awkward, cause at one point, I was single and I came back from Chicago and, you know, they're all trying to play matchmaker
Starting point is 00:14:17 and all the stuff, so I didn't have a girlfriend. And one of the girls that, you know, I grew up with good friends, the family, all this stuff. Like, we got pictures of just us in the bathtub naked and all this stuff and they're like bringing it out and like I'm sitting there and she's like, right next to me is so awkward dude. You could totally capitalize on that.
Starting point is 00:14:33 I could have. I mean, I've been like, hey, you want to, I've already seen you naked. It's grown substantially. I know she'd check it out. Let's see how you go. Yeah, let's try it again. It's a good deal.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Let's see how different we look now. Yeah, yeah, let's put them next to each other. Let's compare contrast. Let's see how different we look now. Yeah, let's put them next to each other. Let's compare contrasts. See what happened. Then you would get in trouble. What are you doing? Mom, I'm just, yeah. We want to see how it all worked out.
Starting point is 00:14:56 You guys encouraged this. My parents did my 16th birthdays. I think I've showed you guys. I've showed you that picture of me like standing on a table and I'm in red underwear and I'm flexing and I'm like, I must be seven years old or so somewhere around there. And my 16th birthday, we had taken a, I had a girlfriend who her parents actually owned a limo and they took for my 16th birthday. You did a lot of weird shit for being poor.
Starting point is 00:15:21 I know, I had a lot of rich friends. That's also going to say, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the move. I was, yeah, no, totally, right? So I had a, I had the, shit for being poor. I know I had a lot of rich friends. That's how I was gonna say it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the move. I was, yeah, no, totally, right? So I had the move. That's the move. I mean, you befriend all the rich kids. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:31 That was no dummy. You know, I figured that out real early, right? So I had a girlfriend who was her dad was a lawyer, and so he owned a limo. It was an old one, it wasn't that cool. But it was cool for me, right? It was cool for my 16th birthday, we'd go out to like Chevy's or something, right? And then we come back and I count, so I have like 12, I don't
Starting point is 00:15:47 know, 12, 15 my friends and my girlfriend. And we come walking in the door to my house after we went to Chevy's. And there is a, you know, poster size, you know, 50 by 80, you know, massive thing of me in my underwear. You know, they blew my mom still has this. She's still got it. Yeah, in storage. And she everyone's while she pulls it out. Things it's so. Now you were 16. So was it embarrassing? Because I know now as an adult, you would think it's hilarious. But when you're 16, you know, sometimes you get embarrassed. You know what? I've always been, I've always been in the self-depreciating humor. And because I had crooked teeth, I was poor, I was skinny.
Starting point is 00:16:26 You had no choice. Yeah, so I leaned into the whole, like, making fun of me. And so I had thick skin, so it was funny. It wasn't like, it didn't fucking cripple me or traumatize me, like, forever, it was funny, right? It was whatever, but I was that kid. I was already that kid who did things that was not normal, was okay with people teasing me.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Like I learned that early on. Did you? Okay with that. Yeah, at one point, I figured that out, but it took me a little while. I remember there was this video, I went to Hawaii with my cousin's family and some other friends of the family. And so I must have been 13, probably 13 years old,
Starting point is 00:17:03 and my cousin and I are on the beach, and we're trying to figure out how he's a boogie board. I had no idea what we're doing. Actually, in fact, what do we did? We put the board on the sand, and wait for the wave to get us. That's what we thought. We thought the wave would pull us in.
Starting point is 00:17:14 I don't know what we were thinking. But anyway, I'm out there. That's a skin board. And I'm in my bathing suit, and I'm just skinny, right? I was an ectomore, right? So I'm just a skinny kid. And it took me, I'll get so mad when they play that family video of that.
Starting point is 00:17:27 He's like, oh, don't show that. It was too skinny. I was like until I was like 16 years old that I finally thought like whatever, not a big deal. But I remember, I'll get so mad for like, at least a couple of years. Don't show that video. Oh, no, I remember that too.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I had the same thing because my mom was from everything. And I was goofing and we used to do a lot of lip syncing. And so, my cousin lived with me for a while. She was like my older sister and she'd get me, you know, dress me up and do all kinds of shit to me. And like we'd like sing songs and stuff. And one time my mom like took a video of us doing all that. And then, like I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And then she, like we had a bunch of people over watching that. And I walk in and it was me, you know, goofing and like, you know, acting a fool. What were you wearing? I was wearing a wig and I'm saying that was singing some ridiculous pop song. And oh my God, I was so mad. I was like, you're not mad.
Starting point is 00:18:17 I'm like stormed off. I wonder if kids today are less embarrassed because everything is filmed all the time or if it's worse. You know what I'm saying? That's because when you're a kid, you see a video you're just probably, when we were kids, if I saw a video myself, it was not a normal thing.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Like the best thing. I think it's worse now because teasing and bullying has always been around, right? Even when we were kids, right? So it's no different. It's just how kids get teased and bullied now. So like if you have a video that gets seen by somebody that's your peer,, I imagine that kids share
Starting point is 00:18:48 and post that shit. That's really common in high school. I'm a buddy who's the principal. He has to police that. That's one of the most common things is the way kids bully is they get a picture of a kid that they tease and make fun of the drawn is. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:19:02 The way they're eating and then they do shit to it and then they post it or they do shit to it. Absolutely. And then they post it or they text it to everybody. It's in the classroom and now everybody's looking at this photo. So, yeah, it's like a different type of bowling, right? It's not like we dealt with bowling where somebody, some bully gets in your face and like throws you
Starting point is 00:19:17 in the trash can or something. You know, I'm saying physically does something to you or it's, I think it's more like a mental warfare for kids today. It's the only way. Because then only like two people watch, right? So like it wasn't like the whole school got to see it. You know, now it's more like a mental warfare for kids today. It's the only way. Two people watch, right? So like, it wasn't like the whole school got to see it. You know, now it's like, you do something,
Starting point is 00:19:29 you post it out there, but I got it. Well, that's true. I mean, think of that because, you know, if I got bullied, it was when the bully was there. When the bully wasn't there, it was one to one. There was no bullying. And many times he does that privately, right? He can't do that where the teachers are at
Starting point is 00:19:43 and lots of kids are at. So, you know so he catches you somewhere by yourself and then you get pumped. Yeah, you're safe when you get home or if they're not around, but if it's online, you're not safe anywhere. You're looking at your phone and probably checking, you know, like, oh my gosh, I can't believe this is that.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Wow, that would be terrible. Yeah, and as a kid. Yeah, no, I mean, it'll be interesting, right? I have a kid who's growing now, so we'll see, and I know you guys are really starting to get into that world. I know both of your kids have, they be interesting, right? I have a kid who's growing now. So we'll see, and I know you guys are really starting to get into that world. I know both of your kids have, they have phones, right? But just my son, oh, your son does, your daughter doesn't.
Starting point is 00:20:10 So, you know, I don't know. I once last time you asked him stuff like that, you know, like what's that like? Well, I told you that he, by just association, he got in trouble because he was in this big group thread. And one of the kids on there, I don't remember exactly what happened but one of the other kids was, you know, basically bullying him through the text with like a few things that he said to him.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Bullying your son or no, somebody else. Somebody else. Right, right, but my son was in the thread and because my son and other kids didn't jump in to stop it. So this is why he got in trouble. He got in trouble, which, you know, part of me's like really, you need in trouble for not, but then the other part of me's like, you know what, that's not a bad lesson.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Like if you see something in your there, you should say, hey, this isn't cool. But anyway, he got, you know, reprimanded because he didn't jump in with a lot of the other kids. And so there's some bullying that happened. But this was a group text that wasn't online. Online, I'm sure it would have been a lot worse.
Starting point is 00:21:03 That's interesting that you, it's a grouped thread, which the kid who's in the thread is obviously, has made the choice to be in the thread. He gets, how is that any different than the bullying that I do with you on a regular basis in our thread? There's four of us in a thread. I talk shit to, we talk shit to each other all the time in there, because we're friends,
Starting point is 00:21:22 we have each other's cell phone numbers. How is that? Well, this was the conversation I had with my son. As I said to him, I said, number one, if you're seeing somebody that needs help or whatever, it's a good idea to say something, or leave, at the very least. But I said also, number two, choose the people that you have this kind of relationship with wisely,
Starting point is 00:21:41 because not everybody's, like, we, like, just us, rip each other. If people saw the stuff that we said and did with each other, they'd be mortified. But we, this is the kind of, we think it's hilarious. In fact, when you guys rip on me, it's like, I can't stop laughing. It's the funniest thing ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:58 But if some people aren't like that, some people get really, the feelings get really hurt or they take it the wrong way. If you watched, and I was gonna bring this up because I watched the Breakfast Club, the movie, you know, the old school classic, right? And you think it's good, right? Like, yeah, it's like, that's a great movie.
Starting point is 00:22:13 And I watched it again, and I was like, oh my God, it's a terrible movie. It was just a bunch of whiny little wimps, dude. That's just you're trying about everything. And this guy was being such a douche, the whole entire movie. You're just like, oh my God, about everything and this guy was being such a douche the whole entire movie You're like oh my god. Why was this good? It's because you're your dad now, dude. Yeah, I want to slap all of them I don't know. Yeah, that's a classic. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:22:34 Watch it again. Oh, I've watched enough that I watch that one probably every year. I watch it. I like that one I do too. It's I mean, it's it represents It's like coming of age exactly it represents what you probably were liking high school Here's what happens and this is a weird transition that happened to me not that long ago I used to I used to identify with the kids in the movie now I start to identify with the principal Yeah, I'm like, you know, you know, that's what it is. There was a massive shift I was like what? I can't even put up with this. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:23:05 like, totally, totally. Yeah. These kids just stop. That's what it is. You're just not the movie. You've changed. 100%. I'll watch a movie where there'll be some like kids that like they want to go out and they want to party and drink. And you know, when I was younger, I was like, yeah, this can be cool. Now as a dad, I'm like, these, I hope to parents like this terrible. I couldn't imagine if I was that parent. I'd be so angry right now. I know, right? You just associate with someone
Starting point is 00:23:28 with the other person. Oh, 100%. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Anyway, so obviously, you guys said today's my birthday, and I was thinking back to when I first started working out and I did the math, I have been working out consistently for 28 years, almost three decades.
Starting point is 00:23:44 What do you think is the longest break in 28 years you've taken? From working how? Yeah, and how many times? Like how many times have you taken that long of? Only injuries. I was gonna say, so you've had injury like your shoulder, right?
Starting point is 00:23:55 Yeah, shoulder. And how much that puts you down? I mean, it was like a couple of weeks and then I started doing rehab and I would train the rest of my body. When I was doing Jiu-Jitsu, I didn't lift a lot, but I was still lifting two days a week at least, because I was doing a lot of Jiu-Jitsu.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I don't think I've ever taken like a break except for when I was injured or sick or something like that. Or sport, yeah. So it's been pretty consistent, but thinking back to the stuff that I learned or the value that I got from it, it's really, yes, I definitely can change my body. I mean, I'm a classic hard-gainer, ectomorph.
Starting point is 00:24:29 So I definitely changed that. I think I've definitely had some muscle hyperplasia and things that, you know, like if I never lifted weights, I would still be that hard-gainer that I was as a kid. I think it's my natural tendency. But the real value I got is all the, others has nothing to do with the physical stuff. It's all about the like,
Starting point is 00:24:46 you know what it reminds me of Karate Kid when he's waxing the car and painting the fence. Like the lessons he's learning from doing that are go to other places, in that case it was Karate. He doesn't see it initially. He does it. So for me it was like, I learned the lesson of like, you're gonna suck at stuff before you get good.
Starting point is 00:25:04 And you're probably gonna suck at stuff for a long time. But that's okay, just keep trying. And that you don't get any, there's no real fundamental change or significant change in anything you do unless you're really uncomfortable. Like I learned that. I learned how to have a different relationship with physical, being physically uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I think it's crazy that you've gone 28 years and never a whole month. What about you, Doug? I know you're just in you too. What's the longest breaks that you guys have had? I've had periods where I've had fairly long breaks. Right. Like when I lived in Japan, I did work out for a while there
Starting point is 00:25:38 and then I kind of got out of it for maybe a couple years. Yeah. So maybe that's about as long. Yeah, just. Yeah, I think, well, at least three or four months after a football, I was like, just, I don't know what it was, but there was just a moment where I was just completely fried
Starting point is 00:25:53 because I was so high performance driven. Like I wanted to smash weights every time, and I just, I felt like that was the only way to work out. And so I was just like, I'm gonna just step away for a while. And then I was eating and drinking, and I got fat as fuck. It just happened. And then I just didn't like it.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I didn't like the feeling of not being in the gym, not being strong and energetic. And it just got to me. And so I just slowly made my way back. Yeah, I think the longest I've ever gone is probably three to six months, but I've done that a few times. I can recall several injuries sometimes, coming off, not that long ago with the testosterone thing
Starting point is 00:26:36 and the Achilles injury. Like, I've done probably a few times in my life since I started training, where I've taken like three months to six months. You know what always brings me back though, to your point, Sal, it's not, oh my God, look at my body, like I don't, it's always like, I sort of feel like
Starting point is 00:26:53 lethargic and lazy. It's the mental and emotional effects. And the mood, like my, I start to notice, like always, for me, when I would take a break, the first couple weeks were actually almost refreshing. Like, oh, I, all this free time. I have to go to the gym now and this and that. And the next thing I notice is sleeping in longer,
Starting point is 00:27:09 you know, tired throughout the day. Like, just not, you know, I need to go do something in the afternoon and I've already sat down and I want to get back up. Like, you're real us motivated. Yes, I start to, I start to notice that and I start to see it bleeding into other aspects of my life. That's what always gets me.
Starting point is 00:27:24 That's how it always goes, you know what? I need to get it out of the funk and get back in the gym even if it's just something real basic, whether it be mobility or rowing or doing something because that's what starts to eat the way at me more than anything else. Yeah, it's, you know, for me, it's just a daily, I don't know, meditation is the best word I could do. I know it's not meditation, but for me, it's in the same sense, it replenishes me. It focuses me, centers me.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And so I find that kind of value when I do that. So, but you know, in the most simplest terms, the way I explain it to clients is, you know, all the outside world, you receive through this physical body. So everything that you see and feel and hear and perceive has to come through your eyes and your ears and your body, your skin.
Starting point is 00:28:14 And so if your body is not healthy, then you're gonna perceive the world worse and studies show this. People who are fit tend to handle challenges better, they tend to view things more positively. It's a filter, so if your filter's dirty, and the air can be clean on the other side, but when it goes to that filter, it's gonna smell dirty.
Starting point is 00:28:35 So it's like, I wanna make myself, at least my physical body, which I can control a lot of, I wanna make it so that I perceive things in the best possible way, And that's what fitness does. I was having an interesting conversation with Courtney about, well, she just got diagnosed with Hashimoto's. And we were talking about gut issues. And I just, I can't help but think that the majority of people have gut issues
Starting point is 00:28:59 based on what they've been eating over the years. And like maybe it hasn't really hit them in certain ways that it's like super noticeable, but you know, cause I know so many healthy people that have been able to identify these things now. And I just feel like that, you know, there become sort of a new normal, the way that you operate, and you just sort of deal with whatever pain
Starting point is 00:29:22 or whatever it's comfort or whatever skin issues or all these things. Like you're just, you think that's just a part of you and how you should be, you know, every day and it's not the case. Totally. Think about this. Think about, you know, people in your family
Starting point is 00:29:33 who you know as a fitness professional, whatever is unhealthy, bad mobility unhealthy. Like I have family members like that. Imagine if for a day you could switch bodies, the contrast you would feel would be like, oh my god, how do you do this? I think it's a slow boil. I think that they slowly gets that point
Starting point is 00:29:49 and they're like, oh no, this is just- You know what, healthy feels like it. Exactly. And I'm totally fine, I feel told. This is why when you would get clients, how often would you do this? You'd get a client, and especially when you became good as a trainer after five years of training or whatever,
Starting point is 00:30:02 and you would do exercises to make them feel less pain, and they'd be, their minds would explode after a couple of months. I didn't realize my back was so stiff, and now I can move, or, oh my God, I reached up to grab something, and then I could totally reach up higher on the cat, stuff that they just blew their mind, because they were so used to how they felt.
Starting point is 00:30:19 It's wild. Hey, we talked about this. I think, God, it's been probably, I wanna to say two years or so, maybe a little bit longer when we started to, when do we get HubSpot, Doug, two years ago? Yeah, at least two years ago. So when we got HubSpot, we were all excited about that coming. I think the stock was trading in about 130 a share around that time. When we got it, when we got it was lower than that, when I bought it was like 130.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yeah, yeah, it was right around there. So it was between one and one, when I bought it was like 130. Yeah, yeah It was right around there so it was between one and when we were talking about it on the podcast Did you see the news they just They just acquired the hustle one of our favorite newsletters that we do say how much they paid for it They didn't say how much they paid for it They did say I did read though how many subscribers that the hustle has they have like over 1.5 million Subscribers that open, their open rate is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:31:06 You remember when we had him on the show, right, the CEO, and he talked about their open rate was like well over 40%. They must have a massive email list. That's probably why I have to. Over 1.5 million, so they just said, yeah, so they have over 1.5 million people that are on that list and over half, about half of them are opening that every single day. Wow. Yeah, so it's, well, as of right right now HubSpot is over $400 a share.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Yeah, and now here's my personal opinion. Now, full disclosure, I own some HubSpot shares, but I believe because HubSpot handles online marketing and you know, siloing your email lists and all that stuff and because so many businesses are online now and we'll continue to grow. Yeah, it's basically the new standard. Yeah, HubSpot's gonna be like an Amazon or a Google.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Like it's because it's one of the best ones. Yeah, yeah. So I think it's still, even at $400 a share, I would say it's a good long play. Speaking of shares, you guys see GW pharmaceutical? What happened to? What bought for $7 billion? Yeah, so I think it was jazz pharmaceuticals.
Starting point is 00:32:04 I think that was a name of bot. So, Gidoe pharmaceuticals for the people who don't know is a pharmaceutical company that makes cannabinoid-based medicine. So, medicine based off of marijuana. They have the, some of the only approved drugs based off of cannabinoids, and they have a huge pipeline of drugs coming through phase one trials, phase two trials. And they got bought and the share exploded. I think it went up 40 something percent,
Starting point is 00:32:29 trading it over $200. Wow. So that was a good, I bought that one. I bought that one on a, was a pink sheet, meaning it was a trade. You were on a pink sheet, huh? Yeah, I had to. It was trading at $9 a share when, first, and this is when I was deep in the marijuana science, when my family member had cancer and I was trading at $9 a share, and this is when I was deep in the marijuana science when my family member was at cancer and I was studying it.
Starting point is 00:32:48 So I'm like, I'm gonna buy this. So I just bought a bunch of pink sheets, and I normally stay away from that, right? Cause it's such high risks to do something like that. But my buddy, Brennan's been telling me to watch this company, Carbon Eye on, that just got bought out by the ticker COUV, and I forget the name of the holding company
Starting point is 00:33:05 that bought them and they're trying to take them to the New York Stock Exchange. They have like over, I think, 30 or 60 patents on this battery. Now how are you buying them on the pink, because I know the online trading, they don't let you buy pink sheets or do you? Yeah, you can, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:18 But you have to go. You just have to do like, there's something I have to change in the on my e-trade account. Okay. Do you know what's called that? Yeah, I think you have to set a limit. Yeah. So there's some things that I have to change in on my e-trade account. Okay. Do you know what's called that? Yeah, I think it has to have a limit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:27 So there's some things that I have to do. Probably signs to like check something that's like a disclaimer or something like that. Yeah, yeah, you get like a little warning that this is not on the New York Stock Exchange or whatever. Yeah, but I mean, it's so chatting that it's right around like 40 something cents right now. So it's not a major investment, a major risk for me, but I really like what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:33:46 You're talking about batteries, like for car batteries that will last, I think it was up to like 40 something years, something ridiculous. It chart like a car battery will charge within the same time that you would pump gas, the car battery will recharge that fast. That sounds groundbreaking.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Oh, it is groundbreaking. Like I sent you an email to read all, read everything that I sent over to you that I'm really interested in it and watching that right now, so it's pretty exciting. Wow, that's really cool. I'm gonna look, I know you talked to me about it. I'm gonna look a little bit closer into that.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Hey, you guys might hear something, like I just learned this the other day. I thought it was fascinating. I'll see if you guys think about this. So there's these two, there's this Canadian twins and they're, I can't remember the term that they used You guys think about this. So there's these two, there's this Canadian twins, and they're, I can't remember the term that they used, oh, they're, let's see,
Starting point is 00:34:29 I wrote it up there, cranio pagus twins. Do you know what that means? No. Cranio pagus. Or heads are attached. Or heads are attached. Or heads are attached. And their brains.
Starting point is 00:34:37 And these, that's what you said, paguses? Yeah, no. Yeah, the twins that fly. Yeah, that'd be awesome. No, they're attached at the head. Yeah. And their brains actually have a connection. Oh, wow. So they can literally feel what the other person's feeling.
Starting point is 00:34:51 That's why. They know what the other person's thinking. And they can oftentimes taste smell or see what the other person's feeling. Dude, how weird would that be? How weird would that be to be thinking something in a room? And then the other twin said something like, no something like no no no I don't like that. Dude.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Yeah. You know, you're like you're one, I mean just like you're two people but you share one consciousness almost. I thought that was so fascinating. I've never heard of that. Never heard of that. That is fascinating. So you can't do anything about it right?
Starting point is 00:35:24 You're trying to separate it. they might kill them or whatever. Oh yeah, yeah. Wasn't there a case, I don't know, a few years back, I've thought I remember, maybe we've even talked about it, where a doctor was the first doctor to actually separate those. Oh, I don't think it was this kind of, I think it was. They were attached to the head. Yeah, look it up. I don't know what you would, what you would Google to find that, but I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Yeah, but I probably didn't share thoughts. Oh, yeah, no, I didn't read anything like that I don't think they were that maybe they weren't that connected. There was one pair of of Conjoined twins where they were they were on TV for a while and then they would date I thought that was very interesting because like one of them had a boyfriend So like what is the other one? I guess the other one's just there. When they just kind of just crossword puzzles. Yeah, yeah. Like what are you doing? You guys done yet?
Starting point is 00:36:09 Yeah. Yeah. What is this rare set of Conjoined Twins successfully separated in 24-hour surgery at UC Davis? Wow, that's fascinating. You know, Conjoined Twins, you're right, they were attached at the head. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Yeah. Very sad story with Conjoined Twins, the history, they almost always were the only way they could make a living for themselves is to be in a circus and have people pay to look at that. I know, that's something that's tough. Very sad. Interesting too, very fascinating. Anyway, it's pretty crazy stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:37 Yeah. Do you guys see Beyond Meat? It's talked about stocks, right? Just shot up like 31% because they did a joint venture with Pepsi. Oh, wow. That's like, so the new thing right now, it's not new. Like it's been happening, I feel like. It's like cocaine partnering with heroin.
Starting point is 00:36:51 No, I mean, we saw, remember the Super Bowl last year? I think it was Doritos and Sprite partnered up. Like, so you're starting to see a lot of these companies that you would think are kind of competitors. You know, they're like, if they're in food and beverage, you would consider that, you know, a competitor. But I mean, they're, they're like, if they're in food and beverage, you would consider that a competitor. But I mean, they're enough different that they are starting to see these companies partner up.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And so I find it interesting that Pepsi is doing something with Beyond Meat. And I think that's gonna be, you'll see commercials probably this year coming out. Wow, well, that's, I mean, it makes sense. It makes sense to partner up to, you know, fast foods or snack foods or whatever. But you'll be on meat for me, it's just,
Starting point is 00:37:27 say how can we make meat unhealthy? Oh, let's make it, let's invent it out of all these parts. Do you even grill it or is it like microwave? Well, no, you grill it and it's technologically it's fascinating. The engine you're the shit at a plant product to make it like bleed and taste like meat. So it's still drips and everything.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yes, yeah, it's so it's taste good. The macros are the same as meat. So it's like it's lower calorie. It's less healthy. It's literally high. You eat a burger. It's the vegetable oil. Well, the ingredients of burger is meat. It's like it's just beef. Yeah, the ingredient. Get yourself a beyond burger, flip it, look at the ingredients. There's like 500 things. Yes. It's like advanced science. Yeah, to match nature, yeah. They need a ton of ingredients.
Starting point is 00:38:13 So you got to ask yourself, why would a company do that? Is the market for not eating meat that big? Maybe. Or how can we sell a burger patty and patent it so nobody else can sell a burger patty. Yeah, that's both. Right. Right. I mean, think about you can't patent a beef patty, but you can patent a beyond burger. Nobody else has that. Right. Right. Crazy technology. I saw another interesting Doug would you Google this for me so I make sure I get my facts right. Dominoes
Starting point is 00:38:40 merges with or partners with streaming service. I'm pretty sure I read this somewhere. I thought it would be smart where you're watching Netflix. And would you like a pizza? So yeah, I think I can't remember where this, I came across this, but Dominoes has made a lot of technological moves.
Starting point is 00:38:57 They have, and they've rebranded it a couple times. Like, you know what, that would be a fun CEO talk to you. Although, it's so weird for my opinion. I feel like they've had automated automated their epic self-driving vehicles. Oh yeah I thought looking on to deliver pizza. I thought that was smart. Yeah. It's giving out. Domino's giving out free 30 day movie streaming subscriptions. If you order a pizza online that's smart. Is that yeah you know I've never had a dominoes pizza. So, epics used to be... Forbidable. Epics is the old cinematics.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Am I getting that right? Epics, so I have that streaming service. They do, remember Justin, I introduced you to the Batman, the prequel with the Butler and stuff like that. Yeah, epics, yeah. Pennywise. Yeah. So, that, I believe they used to be a different company. I don't remember epics
Starting point is 00:39:47 Cinematics that was the I think it was that was the channel watch after 10 p.m. Yeah, yeah, yeah, skin to max Yeah, who is it? American premium cable and satellite television network that is owned by epics entertainment a subsidiary of Metro Golden Mayor MGM Oh MGM. Yeah, so penny worth. Yeah. Oh penny worth. Well, they say penny wise company owns Epic click on that and see oh stars. That's what it was. Oh, so stars is now becoming epic got it got it How many so Adam how many of these individual channels? We could like your gym memberships. So you still grow. Yeah, it's I'm really bad with this stuff. Like, I, so you, I have epics. I have the ESPN one. I have sling.
Starting point is 00:40:27 I have hulu. I have Netflix. I have HBO, HBO max. Yeah, it's been a regular HBO show. Showtime Disney. Thank you, Doug. God, damn, I should probably add all these up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Probably paying way more than I used to be. Yeah. Dude, they got us. I don't know, bro. Like, I mean, even if you were to add all those up, because some of those, like, ESPN was an extra $4.99, Disney's like $9. Dude, it used to be like $200 something, right? Yes, no.
Starting point is 00:40:53 My cable bill was $200 in like $50 or $20. Yeah. Yeah, a month. And then when football season came around and I would get the Sunday ticket, it would shoot that up to like $400, $500 for the next three, four months. Wow. Yeah. So I had no idea. and they ticket it would shoot that up to like four, 500 for the next three, four months. Wow! That's good. So I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:41:06 So I paid a lot of money for cable before. So even though I have all of those streaming services and I could probably get rid of some of them that I don't use very often, I still think it's up to you. Do you have what's called YouTube bread? I don't have YouTube, yeah. I didn't.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I know you guys. Well, it's like, if you have Hulu, there's no real point. You need one streaming service like that though, so you can actually get like real channel still You know it might sling so sling does that also. So I have hulu and you know There's a great show on hulu called big sky. Have you heard of this? It's ABC. It's an ABC film and it's really good You guys should check it out. It's like a cop. I don't know your recommendations are suspects. No, this is this is good I'll let Doug and check it it out. Yeah, good. Listen, Justin and I tend to be on the same page.
Starting point is 00:41:48 I got him on the Bob Lazar. We were listening on the drive home interview with Joe Rogan. Oh, that was crazy. It is so crazy. I'm gonna watch that documentary now. So detailed, I don't know. Like it's probably the most compelling you a foothing.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah. Are you guys watching our YouTube channel right now, man, more and more people are watching the podcast now on the YouTube channel. It's going great. I see Collins episodes blowing up already right now. So here's a fun guest. I think we're going to start doing more things over there. I mean, I don't know if we've announced it on the podcast or not, but you know, we're what every Monday of vlog gets released right now on the MindPump TV channel. So if you're not subscribed to the MindPump TV and MindPump podcast channel on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:42:26 do that, we're starting to really produce more content for that, see what you guys like. This quad brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition, Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested, certified, organic superfoods to help give your health the performance the added edge.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I dot com and use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout. Our first question is from DavidGTZ09. What's in Sal's bag? Oh, so glad. You guys did. I'm so glad we're addressing this now. I'm done. Why'd you do that, Puppet Spock?
Starting point is 00:43:11 After, you know what, after we talked about on the show, I must have got a bajillion frickin' dams. I am sick of it. I know, I'm like, I don't even, I didn't even care that bad, but now we have to get this done with. So, come on, pull your corner. I just, I just, I just, I just, I just,
Starting point is 00:43:22 I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I just, I corner. I just have any method pull your purse out. Let me see what you guys Okay, so here's a deal if you don't know this there was a previous episode or Adam Could I have a bag that's got supplements in it and it's gonna take it with me a cute little little emin bag He carried it just cuz it was a bag that I grabbed Just cuz back you did one thing there and he You know came out but I you know I carry it into the studio and I have supplements in there. And- You have a lot of supplements in there.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I do. I don't use them all all the way. Well, I'll go through. You want me to go through. Not only do I want you to go through them, but I want you to, as you go through them, because you have some weird shit in there, I believe. Please tell the audience and us what it is and why you take it.
Starting point is 00:43:58 All right. Yeah, there's gotta be a reason for each thing. Yeah, yeah. I'll hold it up. So there's the red bag you guys are making fun of. All right, I'll start with the first thing. Let's see. Okay, here's the first thing.
Starting point is 00:44:07 It's a baby on board. Sign. Okay, so this is story behind that. Are you a guy that actually sticks that in his window? I'm supposed to stick this on my window. Jessica put it in here to stick on the window. And I didn't. And then a week later, there's a sticker on the window that says baby on board.
Starting point is 00:44:24 So Jessica won Sal Zero. Oh my goodness. Wow. Still in there. All right. I'll go through. I'll just grab the first thing. So this is a Cilium husk, which is a fiber supplement.
Starting point is 00:44:36 And now everybody knows I struggle with gut issues here and there. So I tend to take Cilium husk after two or three meals to help. Now do you take that every day or do you all- Every day. Oh you do. I do and I haven't- If I don't matter whatever you're eating too, it's just like- If it's a big meal, if it's a snack no big deal, but if it's a big meal. And what happens if I don't is I start to develop SIBO again. And so I'm in this constant struggle.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Although right now I'm doing pretty well, but I still take this. So I'll take like five or six of these after a meal. So there you go there. After, wait, five or six after every meal? After, after usually lunch and dinner. So 10 of those a day? Yeah, but they're small, it's not a big deal. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Okay, well we just got, we just got started. We're already at 10 pills. So, and then this is, move to the powders. This is paleovali's neural effects. So it's one of their, how do you like that?
Starting point is 00:45:25 I haven't tried that. I've been trying it. I've been taking it consistent. So I have it in here so I can remember to take it and try it out. And I think I like it. I think I have noticing that I've got, I'm a little bit sharper. So it's got, it's got, you know, compounds and things in there that help with brain function. Okay, how different?
Starting point is 00:45:40 Because I know one of our, our favorites is Organifies Pure. How different is it from that? You know, it's different ingredients. Okay. Oh, it is it from that? You know, it's different ingredients. So it is completely different. Yeah, it's got some different ingredients. Oh, I'll have to try that one. So you can use them both. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:51 You can both combo it. And then this, so this right here, actually I gave some of these suggestions of what we can. I mean, like some. Oh yeah. It's got an embarrassing name, by the way. I asked you for that, then Courtney ordered them for me.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Yeah, what is it? She did. So if you have a rectal dysfunction, I'm just kidding. So here's the deal. Hey man, you know, I I asked you for that then courtly ordered them for me. What is it? What is it? Yeah. So, so if you have a rectal dysfunction, I'm just going to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have
Starting point is 00:46:11 to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have to have So this has peppermint, oil, ginger, fennel, oil in these capsules. You take it 30 minutes before you eat. And so essentially when you eat,
Starting point is 00:46:28 you don't get this bad bacteria that can cause problems. So I'll take this about 15 to 30 minutes before I eat a meal. How many of those pills? One. Yeah, one before. But I gave some to Justin too when he had that sandwich. What you think? Oh, it totally worked.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Yeah, it was crazy. Yeah, I didn't get any answers. And how much different is that than like taking like a probiotic? Totally different. Okay, it's totally worked. Yeah, it was crazy. It didn't get any acid. And how much different is that than like taking a probiotic? Totally different. Okay, it's totally different. Probiotic are beneficial bacteria. These are antimicrobials. These you take them and they kill bacteria.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Okay. So it's like a natural antibiotic. Got it. Essentially. All right, then the next thing I got here is my Ned Hempoil, which I love. I love taking this during the day. It's good for kind of chills me out. If I take it with caffeine, I get this really, really good focus.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Yeah, that's the move. Yeah, so I'll use this maybe two or three times a week. Would you say you use the regular hemp which you're holding right now more than the sleep? Yeah, in fact, I have two of the sleep bottles in this plastic bag because they are oil. So I have those and I'll take that at night for sleep sometime. And it's just me, you pass them over your boy. Yeah, I know you jumped on the last batch I got here.
Starting point is 00:47:33 I'm with you. Really? Once I got introduced to sleep, I used to sleep like 90% of the time. I rarely use. So good for me. The hemp anymore because I, you were using it for sleep.
Starting point is 00:47:44 I was, I was mostly using it for sleep. I was I was mostly using it to calm me down at night to get a better nights rest. And once they came out with that sleep plan, dude, that's like another lesson. It's taking an hour before I go to bed too. So that way, yeah, because I before I would do it like, you know, 10, 20 minutes beforehand, the cop is good. The combo with the sleep and making sure you have your blue blockers on at night, like I'll just be powerful. I go to, I do dinner. I do dinner around seven o'clock or so or seven thirty-ish. And then right after that, I'm taking that and I have my blue block,
Starting point is 00:48:12 and I'm telling you about an hour later, I'm like, yawning and like ready for bed. It's so nice because you're just like, oh man, I'm really tired. I'm just gonna go to bed now. Yeah, that's why I save it. So I don't use it every night because I feel like if I do, then maybe lose his effect.
Starting point is 00:48:24 So I'll use it like a couple nights a week and I'll get, like I'll sleep hard. I sleep in a dream. And do you guys dream a lot when you take it? Yeah, well, I definitely get deep sleep. Yeah, very, very deep. Okay, so there's that. And then I always have some of the organified green juice
Starting point is 00:48:37 packets with me. Clutch. Yeah, because, you know, if I don't get vegetables or whatever, I'll drink one of these. This just, it just feels good. This is probably one of the or whatever, I'll drink one of these. This just feels good. This is probably one of the more consistent supplements I'll take. As long as we've been with Organifi, I've probably used Green Juice.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Now, there's a lot of controversy around Green Juice. Why is that? Why do some people hate on it so much? Because they'll say things like, just eat your vegetables. No shit. You know? Vegetables are superior.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Okay, if you're trying to drink a Green Juice because you think it's gonna be as good as eating vegetables, you're an idiot. But if you misveshable and take sometimes, which we all do, then these are clutch. Yeah, and also the serving amounts that you should probably be ingesting, like, Dr. Terry Walls, like, her standards,
Starting point is 00:49:19 like, good luck trying to like, cram that may be vegetables in a day. Yes, totally. And then, you know, if I don't do like a other, like a specialized pre-workout or rubber, I'll take caffeine with theanine. So this is just, and no association with a lot of these brands, by the way, it's just, I like caffeine with theanine, it feels the best. I've talked about this on the podcast, and then if you combine this.
Starting point is 00:49:39 I didn't even know they make a supplement that actually had it combined. Yeah, we always used to take them separate. Yeah, you could take them separate or, you know, obviously I have a lot of bottles in here. I don't want extra bottles in here, so I buy it so that it comes like this. And then I'll combine it sometimes with alpha GPC, which gives me the best, like focus, the best focus. Now would you do that?
Starting point is 00:49:59 You wouldn't do that at the same time you did that what was the other, the neuro effect from paleo? That's probably too much of your mess in with it. No, it's not too much. I have done that. That's a good time. That's a really that's a really good time. Yeah. And then the last thing lately I've been using a lot of the element. This is the raw wolf. I'm on two time. I did it again. So are you guys noticing better pumps and stuff like that? I'm on to a good workout with it so far. I'm saving my I'm saving my review until I've got enough consistent days
Starting point is 00:50:27 that tease it out with other stuff. We'll see. So far, so good. I'll tell you what though, I did the chocolate one last time and somebody was like, oh, have you tried that in coffee? And I hear the combining it with the cold brew. I just did that this morning. How was it?
Starting point is 00:50:40 It was so good with Nitro. Oh my God. Oh yeah, so you and Doug both did that. Yeah, super tasty. Yeah, so that's basicallyro. Oh my God. Oh yeah, it's fine. You and Doug both did that. Yeah, super tasty. Yeah, so that's basically it. I don't take this stuff every, no stuff I take the most consistently is the gut stuff
Starting point is 00:50:51 because I eat every single day, green juice, probably the other one. The NAD is just the best hemp oil product ever. I've used probably 30 different hemp CBD type products and nothing compares to hemp, excuse me, to Ned in terms of the effects, but that's pretty much it. Most of the stuff I just carry it with me
Starting point is 00:51:10 because I'm a weirdo. So thanks for calling me out. You fucks. Hey, that's what we're here for. Next question is from Dan, Yo 12 12. Can I build mass only with 50 pound dumbbells? That's a good question. Yeah, yeah, absolutely you can.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Now I guess the real question is, what happens when I get so strong that the 50 pound dumbbells start to feel light? Try a six second negative and get back to me. I was just gonna say, there's a whole lot of variables we can play with. There's many ways to make a weight heavier. Remember, your body doesn't really know
Starting point is 00:51:41 you're lifting 50 pounds, it just knows the tension. One way to make a weight heavier is to add weight. The other ways to go slower, change your form. I hold the squeeze, hold in certain positions. Hold the stretch. I did this last week with squats. I had some weight on the bar and rather than going heavier, I just held the bottom position for five seconds. I love that. So I love that. So one of my favorite exercises is anyway, it's about 50 pounds, is what I do this with, is incline alternating dumbbell press, and I either hold at the bottom or I hold at top, and I switch that up.
Starting point is 00:52:15 So I'll do an isometric hold at the top, where I'm squeezing my chest, where the other one's going down, and I'm alternating back and forth like that, or I'll do the opposite, where I'm holding down in the stretch position and then I just... But you're maintaining tension. Exactly. You're not arresting you. Yeah, no, it's isometric. So you're getting that.
Starting point is 00:52:29 We talk about the benefits of that, and a lot of people don't include that in their workout. That's a great way to include in your workout, and a great reason to do it is because you don't have the weight to scale up. So interesting story, right? So during World War II, there weren't a ton of gyms, but there was definitely, at the time, there was a developing muscle building culture where you had, you know, some guys that would like the lift weights to develop and build
Starting point is 00:52:49 or buy, especially in Southern California and some places on the East Coast. During World War II, there was, they were rationing steel, right, they needed it to produce planes and bombs and weapons, and so it was hard to get weights that were heavier than, I don't remember what the weight was, but a certain amount. It was just too expensive, too hard, you couldn't get it. So at the time, the bodybuilders started experimenting
Starting point is 00:53:11 with super slow motion, these called super slow motion reps, where they go really slow. So you got these guys that are used to lifting 200 or 300 pounds. Now they, all they have is 100 pounds. What can they possibly do? That's exactly what they did. They slowed the reps down, and what came out of that was the understanding
Starting point is 00:53:29 that you could develop your body with these different novel ways of training, and it became a whole form, a whole way of extra training. There's still a lot of camps around that way of training. So I'll never forget, this was my, I wanna say third, second or third boss when I was just getting into training, and he was probably 25, I want to say third, second or third boss when I was just getting into training. And he was probably 25, I'm only like 20, 19, 20 at this time.
Starting point is 00:53:51 And I remember, he, great, great shape. In fact, he competed. But the way he trained was the super slow technique. Now everything he did was that. So he would take a weight and he would, I mean, he would just go as slow as possible. And sometimes it'd only be three reps. And he would come, it would take the muscle to failure that way under control.
Starting point is 00:54:10 And I, I looked phenomenal, dude. And that's how he trained. And up into that point, I never kind of bought into the, I wasn't doing any isometric stuff. I was never really paying attention to the eccentric motion and going really slow. After meeting him, that changed my training. And I started to play around with it.
Starting point is 00:54:26 And then I started digging a little bit deeper. Yeah, you guys talk about slow. And I said, you can also move really fast with them. You can do dumbbell snatches, you can do cleans, you can do a lot of things where you're getting fast twitch activation with those 50 pounds and you know, get a whole new stimulus. Oh, completely.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Again, there's so many ways to make a weight feel heavy. You don't need to add weight every single time. You look at guys in prison when they start especially in California when they took weights out and they couldn't lift anymore. They would experiment with stuff like this and it was like, in the guards, a lot of the guards were like,
Starting point is 00:54:58 damn, what do we do now? Oh yeah, and these dudes are still jacks. Oh, and imagine, you know, you throw out some cool stuff. Like, take a 50 pound dumbbell chest press and then superset that with explosive pushups. Yeah. Right afterwards. I mean, there's a lot of cool things, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:12 Katrina and I were getting ready to move soon and so we're actually ordering a PRX for the house because we'll be far from the gym here. And I told her just to get up to 50 pound dumbbells. Exactly what she's like, you know, let's get some dumbbells too. And I'm like, ah, you know, we don't need a whole set of them. I got plenty at the studio. And as long as I got up to 50 pound dumbbells. Exactly what she's like, you know, let's get some dumbbells too. And I'm like, ah, you know, we don't need a whole set of them. I got plenty at the studio.
Starting point is 00:55:27 And as long as I got up to 50s there, I know I can get a great workout still. So I mean, this is for when you do your really heavy training. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, honestly, it's funny that, you know, we're talking about a question like this and that was something we literally were talking about last night about only getting those.
Starting point is 00:55:44 You know, sometimes I do better when I, this is all I have to work with. Totally. It versus knowing that there's a bunch of weight and that does not, because I want to lift heavy. It's just, I think it's, it seems to be more intent around your workouts that way.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Yeah. And you know what, when you have to move slow and control like that because you don't have to be, the form is gonna be way better. Way better, less likely to get hurt and injured. And most people need to throw that type of training in there every once in a while.
Starting point is 00:56:08 So no, there's a lot of value to this. Next question is from Chels Fit Diary. How should someone adjust their macros and caloric intake as they hit plateaus for weight loss? How do you know when it's time to make an adjustment before hitting a plateau? Okay. So calories you adjust when the weight loss stops. So if you're weight loss stops, you're not burning any more body fat. Typically, and there's a lot of different ways to do this,
Starting point is 00:56:35 you would just reduce the calories even more. Now, obviously, you can see where this tends to end up. If you keep doing that, eventually you might get to your goal, but not your stuck at super low calories. So I tend to stagger this. I'll cut the calories and I'll throw in a few days of higher calories. This tends to stoke the metabolism a little bit and prevents that what's called metabolic adaptation. But in plain English, you would reduce the calories
Starting point is 00:57:00 when the weight loss stops. And if you're trying to gain, you would bump them when the weight gain stops. As if you're trying to gain, you would bump them when the weight gain stops. As far as macros are concerned, this is where I like to have a lot of fun. You can keep, you know, 2,000 calorie low carb diet versus a 2,000 calorie high carb diet, feels very different on the body,
Starting point is 00:57:17 it feels very different in your gut. This is where you can start to have a lot of fun. I like to do this with myself sometimes, not change the calories, change the macros, see how I feel, and sometimes this actually triggers more effects in my body. So that's macros totally different from calories. You can keep the calories same, adjust the macros,
Starting point is 00:57:39 calories adjust according to how your body responds. This is actually a really good question, but it's also a really hard one to answer without a lot of stuff that I'd wanna ask this person. And the reason why is because, if I decide which direction I'm gonna go with my calories with somebody, even if your goal is like fat loss, weight loss, right?
Starting point is 00:57:57 That's your main goal. I might actually go up right here if you're already really low. So for example, let's just say, and you know, I'm helping somebody with their nutrition right now and she weighs about 145 to 150. And you know, we were just coming off of a cut not that long ago and we did, you know, she was up to, I think I had her up to about 25 originally. We hit a plateau. I dropped her down to 22.
Starting point is 00:58:21 She had another plateau. We dropped down to 1800, hit another plateau. Now I went the other direction. And the reason why I went the other direction is because now I'm getting to a place where I want her to be able to eat 2000 plus calories when we get her body to where she wants to sustain it. That's a realistic amount of food that she can sustain for a really long time. If you get in the game of every time you hit a plateau, you drop calories, you drop calories, you drop calories, eventually you get to this place of eating 1,300 calories
Starting point is 00:58:49 and you feel like you're starving. And yeah, you might have reached close to your goal or hit even hit your goal, but then you're at a place where you're like, I can't, that's not enough food for me and you would eventually go back up. So sometimes when we have a plateau like this, even with someone who's weight loss,
Starting point is 00:59:03 what I just recently did to this girl is I said, okay, we're gonna bump your calories. I want to add 250 calories a day and let's go in and we're gonna move your training into a strength phase or I'll switch the programming that we're currently doing and let our goal now is let's build some strength. Let's build some muscle. Let's do that for a few weeks and then we'll go back and we'll cut back down on calories and so it really depends on where this person's metabolism is. If I would give them the recommendation of cutting calories or actually potentially increasing calories. Totally, that's really good information.
Starting point is 00:59:34 As far as protein is concerned, that's probably the one macro I manipulate the least. But I still manipulate it. If I have someone that's high protein consistently for months, sometimes I'll throw in a low protein day. And what I notice with that is it almost resensitizes the body to protein. Some studies suggest that this actually might happen,
Starting point is 00:59:53 where if you eat a lot of protein all the time, your body becomes a little less efficient with it. So it uses more of it for energy, less of it for muscle. You throw in like a fast or something like that for a day or two, throw protein back in your diet, and all of a sudden the protein becomes more, you know, for lack of a better term, uh,
Starting point is 01:00:07 anabolic, but the fat and carbs of the ones I'll manipulate most regularly. Next question is from Connor Flynn. We often talk a lot about people not having enough mobility, but what if you have the opposite problem and your joints are actually hyper mobile? How do you correct this issue? I always feel like we get this exact same question, like once every about three or four months. When we're talking about mobility mobility mobility, there's always somebody who's hypermobile that ends up asking these questions.
Starting point is 01:00:37 You can get in these positions super easy, but you might not feel as stable as we like. So that's it. That's it, that's it right there. I wanna change the terminology here. So when we talk about mobility, what we're talking about is not just your ability to get to a full range of motion, but it's to do their full range of motion have control, strength and stability within it.
Starting point is 01:00:57 When we talk about mobility, that's what we're referring to. Yeah, this person thinks it's confusing with flexibility. Well, no, instability, right? So when this person has long ranges of motion, so they're super flexible, and they also have no strength or stability. So hyper-mobile in this sense, what they're communicating is instability
Starting point is 01:01:14 with long ranges of motion. I've worked with clients like this, and it's a totally different challenge. Now, the key with this is to increase your strength and not go to your end range of motion because you have such bad stability. So if I have someone like this who's got this hypeless long range of motion,
Starting point is 01:01:33 they're unstable, I'm not gonna have them do ask to grasp squats, even though they could sit down there, they're so unstable, they're gonna hurt themselves. I'll actually have this person will put weight on their back that they can control and I'll have them stop just below 90 degrees, hold it for a second, and then come back up. Try and build strength in a shorter range of motion. Once I feel strong and stable in that range of motion, then I lengthen it, and then I lengthen
Starting point is 01:01:54 it. Over time, now they're doing their full range of motion. Yeah, this is where, I mean, I've had some clients like this, some gymnastic clients that have come in with hypermobility. What we focus on the most is really being able to access this muscular tension to be able to really ramp that up with isometrics or with kin stretch type movements where it'll basically put you in some of these extreme ranges of motion. But now how do you get out of that? How can you squeeze and connect to the muscle to gather the strength,
Starting point is 01:02:29 to be really stabilize around the joint and feel like you have that strength and control? And so just gradually sort of taking them through different angles, with their joints, but making sure that we're really irradiating. We're getting a lot of this muscle tension to respond, and then start to load, but really having to make sure that the joints feel like they're stabilized and secure before they really go through that. Now, is this an area where you guys would agree
Starting point is 01:02:59 that you see value in some instability training, right? Where you have somebody who may be on foam pads that are going in a dy or dino-disc and are squatting really deep on these unstable environment or tools in order to get them to build a little bit of. Depends how bad this stability is. I actually, I worked with this lady
Starting point is 01:03:17 who she had no background in dance, she had no background in stretching, she was just born this way, and she was also very weak. By the way, strength is the solution to this problem. So she was weak, but super flexible. And her stability was so bad that if I put her in a deep squat, I mean, I felt like if I pushed her the wrong way, her joint would have come out of socket, right? So with her, it was short ranges of motion and strength and stable. We had to be stable because she had such a port. She was so weak
Starting point is 01:03:44 that if we did anything on an unstable surface, it was like an injury. She was like a noodle, right? Like a baby is. In fact, that's a good example. Babies have long ranges of motion, no strength. Like if you ever take a baby's feet, put it by their head, move it around like super flexible,
Starting point is 01:04:01 obviously no stability. If a baby tried to support it in your way, they would obviously injure themselves. You know, little gumbies. Yeah, so strength, strength is, get strong. But don't use your full range of motion. You don't have enough strength to support full range of motion and you're asking for problems.
Starting point is 01:04:18 So this is one of the few cases, I would say, limit your range of motion, get strong in that short range of motion. Then when you feel strong in that short range of motion, now extend it like a couple of points. And it's incrementally. That's it. I, you guys mentioned gymnasts. I actually, so I trained quite a few people like this, but it was all, you know who it was for me,
Starting point is 01:04:34 were like your hardcore yoga people. Yes. If yours, I got it quite a few that were, you know, they just love yoga. They've done yoga their whole life, but never strength trained before. So they were like super flexible, but they had no strength and control when I take them through like a squad or a linger a basic exercise.
Starting point is 01:04:51 So that's where I found it more common. Those were the clients that I think ended up having that. Totally, you see a lot of hip problems in those types of practitioners. Now I'll argue that proper yoga, when you do it properly, it actually will increase your stability with the range of emotion.
Starting point is 01:05:08 But the way that sometimes people do yoga here, especially in America, is they do these Yin classes where they sit in these long static stretches or they get in poses and they allow their joints to support them rather than start to relax. And it's more of a bit cold.
Starting point is 01:05:20 But goal is for them to get to a range of motion not to increase their strength throughout the range of motion. Yeah, because if you take a yoga like from a really good instructor, they'll tell you is for them to get to a range of motion not to increase their strength throughout the range. Yeah, because if you take a yoga, like from a really good instructor, they'll tell you, like when you get in a pose, they'll say, draw your energy in or push out. What they literally mean is activate your muscles.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Don't just let your joints support you. Because if you do that, you get flexible. Yeah. But then you have no strength and you end up developing instability. Look, thanks to everybody watching us on YouTube and listening to the podcast on their phone or on their car.
Starting point is 01:05:48 MindPump is available on lots of different platforms, YouTube, Spotify, Apple, podcasts, we're all over the place. Also, we have a lot of free information. So if you want to read more stuff about training your body, about diet, about training a specific part of your body, we even have information for personal trainers. Go to mindpumpfree.com.
Starting point is 01:06:08 It's a library of guides. You can download all of them. They cost absolutely nothing. Go check them out. And then finally, if you want to find us all individually, come to Instagram. You can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. Me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump.
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Starting point is 01:07:26 We thank you for your support. And until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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