Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1489: How to Keep Weight Off Permanently, Keys to Success When Reverse Dieting, Knee Pain Reduction Strategies & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: February 13, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer four Pump Head questions via Zoom. Is it harder to raise teenage boys or girls? (4:05) How social media is damaging at any dose and their cu...rrent challenges being a father. (11:46) Mind Pump Recommends, Fake Famous on HBO. (22:18) Breaking down the controversy surrounding the rapper Tom MacDonald. (27:34) Does cannabis affect your entrepreneurial creativity? (31:50) How Caldera has made an impact on Sal’s skin. (35:05) The latest investments the guys are on top of. (38:00) The amazing treats you can make with Magic Spoon! (44:32) #Quah question #1 – What are the keys to success when reverse dieting? (45:55) #Quah question #2 – Any advice to reduce knee tightness and swelling? (56:22) #Quah question #3 – How to keep weight off permanently? (1:07:42) #Quah question #4 – Tips on how to progress your squat strength as a taller male? (1:19:20) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump Live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com February Promotion: Phase II Bundle Parents of daughters are more likely to divorce than those with sons Mind Pump #1175: Dr. Arthur C. Brooks Fake Famous - Watch the HBO Original Documentary | HBO WHY WAS ‘FAKE WOKE’ REMOVED FROM ITUNES? TOM MACDONALD EXPLAINS ON INSTAGRAM! Cannabis use both helps and hurts entrepreneurial creativity Visit Caldera Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for the discount** Altria Group, Inc. (MO) Stock Price, News, Quote & History Parents sue Robinhood after son's suicide after he thought he lost $750K Visit Magic Spoon for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP MAPS Prime Pro Webinar @mindpumpadam Tippy toe squats video Bromelain: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage MAPS Fitness Prime Pro | Muscle Adaptation Programming System Bigger Leaner Stronger: The Simple Science of Building the Ultimate Male Body MAPS Fitness Anabolic - Mind Pump Media MAPS Fitness Performance - Mind Pump Media MAPS Powerlift | Muscular Adaptation Programming System Mind Pump TV - YouTube Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Arthur Brooks (@arthurcbrooks)  Instagram Tom MacDonald (@hangovergang)  Instagram Mike Matthews (@muscleforlifefitness)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, by the way, if you wanna ask us a question live on air, just email live at minepumpmedia.com. So email it out with us. And then if we pick you, we'll answer your question live on the show. Okay, so I'm gonna give you a rundown of today's episode. We open up with an intro portion. This is what we talk about current events.
Starting point is 00:00:44 We talk about our sponsors. After that, we got into the live questions. We open up, I talk about teenage daughters. Ah, what a good time. New study shows that having a teenage daughter increases your risk of divorce. This is true, crazy study. Weird.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Then we talk about how social media is pretty much damaging at almost any dose. And why everybody is either on purpose or on accident just an advertiser on social means why can't trust anybody on there by my skin it which leads us to talk about a show that Adam has been trying to get us to all watch called fake famous Sounds very interesting. I think I'll check it out then we talked about a rapper that is exploding everywhere right now His name is Tom McDonald very controversial extremely controversial probably why he's crushing so much right now, his name is Tom McDonald, very controversial, extremely controversial, so probably why he's crushing so much right now. Then I talked about a study that talked about weed
Starting point is 00:01:30 and creativity and entrepreneurship, believe it or not, it helps and hurts you. Then I talked about my skin, actually I didn't, the boy's commented on my beautiful skin. That's because I use Caldera Labs serum on my face. It's a good stuff. We work with Caldera, which means you get a discount. So go check them out, it's all natural stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:49 It's very, very good, works on oily skin or dry skin. Mine's oily, Justin's is dry. Both of our skins still look good. Go to calderalab.com. That's C-A-L-D-E-R-A-L-A-B. dot com, forward slash mine pump. Use the code, mine pump, get 20% off your first order. Then we talk about investments and the market stocks
Starting point is 00:02:10 that we like and we don't like in particular. And then we talk about the magic spoon peanut butter bars that are our assistant made for us earlier. By the way, magic spoon is a high protein, no or low sugar cereal that has got amazing macros and it tastes like this cereal you were brought up on as your kid. Those fruity flavored ones are chocolate or lots of other flavors. Good stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And the protein, by the way, is quality. It's milk protein, way protein in the cereal. Go check them out. Go to magicspoon.com-mindpump. Use the code MindPump and get hooked up with free shipping. Then we got into the questions. We answered the first question from Bella in New York. She wanted to know about reverse dieting. Then we talked to Sam from California. I wanted to know about helping his knees, not hurt so much. Then we talked to Jasmine from
Starting point is 00:03:01 Michigan. She lost a lot of weight, wants to know what to do now. And then the final question was from Joseph from California, wants to know what to do to get his squat to go up in weight. Squat. Also, all month long, we're running a promotion called the Phase 2 Bundle. This is two of our more popular programs, Maps Performance, which is athletic-minded, and Maps Esthetic, which is bodybuilding-minded. Both programs, about three or four months long,
Starting point is 00:03:27 combine them and you get the best of both worlds. You get a functional, aesthetic looking physique, a body you can shape and sculpt, but one that also moves, squats, pushes, pulls, rotates very, very well. Now normally if you buy both of those programs at retail, you'd spend almost $300. But in this bundle, you get them both for $79.99.
Starting point is 00:03:46 In fact, you get them both for less than the price of one of those programs at retail. And that's a one-time payment. You get lifetime access. Go check these out. Go to mapsfebuary.com. That's M-A-P-S-F-E-B-R-U-A-R-Y. .com.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Do you guys think it's harder to raise teenage boys or teenage girls? Is that a real question? Yeah. No, because I got a study I want to talk to you guys about. But before I- I would imagine, come on, it's harder to raise a teenage girl. It's not even close, is it?
Starting point is 00:04:20 Really? It's not even close. That why, why do you say that? Well, I mean, at least without getting into like, without sounding sexist over it, like I know Jesus, I don't know if I could do it politically correct. Here's the thing, I was a dad, I was scared to death to have a daughter first.
Starting point is 00:04:35 And one, I'm a man, so having a boy, I feel like right out the gates, we have enough in common that I could figure my way out, like a little bit better, right? Where I don't know what it's like to be a woman. So to parent a woman, automatically puts me in a disadvantage, right? I think Katrina would have a better advantage
Starting point is 00:04:56 with a daughter than I would. So that right there. And then the fear of what would I do if I had a beautiful daughter that all the men in school want her. And how do I, what I handle that? That's because you know what the problem with that is, is you remember how you was. Of course, and this is, I also believe in God.
Starting point is 00:05:15 So I believe he has a sense of humor and he has a way of giving between girls and the next. And they're gorgeous. And you know what I'm saying? And then it just takes you back to like all the thoughts you had about girls when you were a teenage boy. And so that scares the shit out of them. And then you add in the fact of makeup and hair products
Starting point is 00:05:31 and stuff everywhere, like I just, and then rebelling on you. Yeah, like you're bringing home some dudes. Like all like you know, on a bike. And girls are smarter. That's definitely more cunning for mind games. Especially at that age, right? At that age, I feel like there's a major gap. Yeah, you can read your typically you can read a teenage boy pretty well.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Oh, my mom used to say that about all of us boys. She'd say, you know, anytime I was lying, she said I'd have a big sign on my forehead. She says, liar. Lying. You say, but her daughters, they could look or straighten the eye. I had a vein in my forehead that would just like pulsate. Yeah, it was just too obvious. Yeah, so dumb and clumsy, dude. So this, so a study came out, that's why I'm bringing this up, right?
Starting point is 00:06:14 A study came out that shows as a funny, funny study. That showed that having a teenage daughter increases your risk of divorce by 5%. That was so funny. Now the authors of the study said it had to do with the father having values that were different than what the daughter wanted to do and then the mother siding with the daughter and that causing a rift in the relationship.
Starting point is 00:06:43 So here's the deal. When you look at statistics, right, if a girl rebels, she is less likely to kill herself or kill others. What I mean by that is she's less likely to become addicted to drugs, drive a car fast, run into someone getting fights, go to jail, but she is generally more likely to rebel and do stuff to the job instead of what you want her to do.
Starting point is 00:07:07 So it's like, if you have a boy that rebels bad, that can turn real bad. If you have a girl that rebels bad, it's usually a little bit better off. But yeah, I think I'm with you. Like I think having a teenage daughter would just feel harder because I'm a guy, so I relate more to the boy. So I'd be like, okay, I know what's going on here. Whereas with the girl, I'd be a little bit more. Well, doesn't that also speak more
Starting point is 00:07:28 to the couple's relationship of their value system and how they're in unison and in line with how they're presenting that to their kids? Yeah, and I'm not gonna lie, dude. There is a bit of a double standard as a father I would have with my teenage boy and my teenage girl. I have to admit that if my teenage boy wanted to go out to some party and stay till two in
Starting point is 00:07:53 the morning and he's 16 and stuff like that, unless I'm more likely to be lenient about that than my daughter. I just feel like I would be more worried about her. Where him I would be more like, watch it back, make sure you're smart, don't be stupid, don't do anything dumb. My daughter, I'm not thinking about her, you know, not being smart, I'm thinking about other people past midnight
Starting point is 00:08:14 and the stupid shit that they do. Well, you know, so here's a thing. When people talk about that being a double standard and how it's wrong, I can see their perspective, but there's also reality. And the reality is a female is far more likely to be assaulted, is far more likely to be sexually harassed.
Starting point is 00:08:31 And just in general, they're just, there tend to be less capable of physically defending themselves because they're not as big and strong as boy. So realistically speaking, I mean, that is true. If you're being objective, it's like, okay, if my daughter's out late at night, she's more likely to potentially get assaulted than my son.
Starting point is 00:08:53 But then this other side, your son is more likely to drunk drive, more likely to do stuff. And do stupid, risky shit like jump off a roof into a pool because of the turn. Yeah, but I feel more comfortable. I feel more comfortable having the conversation with my son doing something stupid afterwards and correcting him Then you can tell other people exactly then something happening to my daughter that I fucking can't live with because I allowed it to raise your voice a little bit. Yeah, and it's like yeah, you know complete disaster Well, no, I just I mean you have a you your daughter, like, like, you just said, okay, my son's more likely
Starting point is 00:09:26 to go, let's say extreme situations in both, right? Okay, my son is more likely to go commit a crime or do something, and I, because I let him stay out to him down there, right? The chances are increased. So that conversation the next morning for me, I can live with that of like, what the fuck did you do? And, and having that conversation,
Starting point is 00:09:43 if my daughter is more likely to be assaulted or something happened to her, I can't live with that. I would have a hard time dealing with that. It feels more like, that's not me sitting her down and being like, you fucked up. Something happened to her and that is more likely to happen. You feel like less control. Yeah, because there's a lot of people out there
Starting point is 00:10:03 that you can't talk to, right, versus your son or whatever. I know it's just one of the, because I have two boys and then I have a daughter and I think about this kind of all the time, like, you know, as they get older and they're going out and they're doing stuff, but you gotta look at the statistics and see what, but I just thought this was hilarious study
Starting point is 00:10:19 that the limited time I was having a teenage daughter increases your risk of divorce by hypersick sense sense. Now here's some more interesting statistics though. A daughter is more likely to take care of their older parents, their elderly parents than a son is. You guys know that? I didn't. Is that true? Yeah. Really? So, daughter is more likely to take care of. More passionate. Yeah, well, I mean, that's the stereotype, right? But the, but- Now does care include financial responsibility too?
Starting point is 00:10:46 Because I know in my family, like the men have taken care of the parents financially, and maybe the wives or the daughters have done the bathing and the cooking and the helping with that. Is it all in general or is it specific like that? No, what does care mean? Like they're more likely to, all of it. They're more likely to be just to take care of
Starting point is 00:11:07 and be involved and that kind of stuff. And that kind of makes it. I mean, obviously I, I have, like I said, I have a son and a daughter, two sons and a daughter, it's all awesome. I love it and they're all totally different. And we're now speaking in generalities, but it is pretty, it is pretty funny.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And they are very good with, typically they advance faster than boys emotionally and with their communication. So they are better at reading a room or reading mom and dad, knowing how to talk to them and doing that kind of stuff, whereas your boys are just like, yeah, nice try, buddy.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I know exactly. We try to do that. So anyway, but I thought that was a funny. That is hilarious. Now how you are, okay, so your son is how old right now? 15. And daughter is 11. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Now you're, so she's like, she's next year probably. Well, next year, this is when you probably get the more challenging. She's getting close, right? She's already doing the whole, I mean, and again, this is just her personality. So I don't know if this has anything to do with her being a girl, but she definitely has this moody thing,
Starting point is 00:12:08 especially when she wakes up in the morning, she does this yesterday, I woke her up and she's just in a bad mood for no reason. My son is pretty baseline. Like on a scale of one to 10, he's always a four or five. Like always there. She bounces between an eight and a three, and sometimes I have no idea which one I'm gonna get. So I say. Okay, what's the three today? I think that's teenagers in general though.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Yeah. You guys have any friends with teenage kids and just ever asked them about that? Not teenage yet. Yeah. Yeah. That's apparently the worst age. It's rough. It's one of those things, you notice right away that they just don't care as much about informing you about what they're doing. They're just very much more to themselves once it gets to the teenage years. And they just want to do their own thing. And you're just a pain in their ass and embarrass them.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And that's all I've heard from my friends of teenagers. I actually wish that you guys would both share more about the challenges. I know you try and I know you don't like to air out your personal information or family stuff, but I like selfishly and I'm sure the audience, there's people that I would like to hear the things that like you're challenged with both. Whatever you're going through with the kids, being a guy who has got a young, very young, and early in first time father, you know, I just, I did an interview yesterday with Brandon Carter for the Dill Wisdom thing, and you know, asking him questions,
Starting point is 00:13:34 and it's crazy, like, I'm talking to him, and I'm like, man, there are so many things that I said I wasn't gonna do that I've already done already. So, I'm always curious to like these things that you guys have foreseen or thought you were gonna do and then or made them as thought you did or you try to implement with your kids and then you failed. That stuff intrigues me.
Starting point is 00:13:52 I wish you guys would share more of that. You know what my favorite is? And you'll hear this now too, Adam, is people who don't have kids who say this. Like, oh, if I was a parent, I would always do that. I'd never do that. Or, yeah, that's easy. You should, and you just like, yeah, okay, buddy. Well, I've already been that guy. So I've already been that guy, right? So I parent, I would always do that. I'd never do that. Or, yeah, that's easy. You should.
Starting point is 00:14:05 And you just like, yeah, okay, buddy. Well, I've already been that guy. So I've already been that guy, right? So I said, there's some things, and I admit that, right? I said, like, oh, I was not going to do this. I was not going to do that, and I've already broken that. So one example of that was originally, I was like, never TV. TV was not going to be introduced to as like fucking 15.
Starting point is 00:14:21 You know, that was like the, not really. I wasn't really thinking till 15, but my thought process was until he became aware of really what television was and could like verbalize it to me and say, Dad, can I watch this show? Like I was like, that's when I'll deal with it. Until then, so long as I can control it, I wasn't gonna allow it. But what ended up happening is that I found the power of it.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I found the power of it for when I'm doing something, right? So I've noticed that, oh man, so example, he went through a phase just like, I don't know, maybe three months ago or so of the like, thinking it's funny to try and move around when the diaper change time is. You know what I'm saying? Like it's time to change his diaper
Starting point is 00:14:59 and he thinks it's hilarious to like get up and run away and roll over. That is funny. Yeah, I do like trying to pin him down and he's just, you know, and so it's like, well, if I gave him like, if I take the phone and I put like something on YouTube that he likes, I mean, he freezes. And so for that minute, I can get him to hold still
Starting point is 00:15:17 while he's watching what's on the thing. And then I can do it. It's crazy how powerful it is. Oh, it's my baby boy is four months old. And if a TV is on, it doesn't matter what's on. And he's too young to know what's on to. Doesn't matter what's on, he'll be glued. It's the stimulus.
Starting point is 00:15:33 It's like, it's wild. You know what? It's too attractive. It is, and you know it's great. So I talked to Arthur Brooks recently, and he said something that I thought was crazy, right? He said that social media in particular, the study and the data is showing
Starting point is 00:15:48 that pretty much at any dose is negative. Pretty much at any dose is gonna be a, is gonna increase loneliness, anxiety, depression, like all the bad stuff. He said the studies are showing that about anything over 30 minutes a day. But that's nothing. Causes negative effects.
Starting point is 00:16:05 I don't know anybody that uses social media. Katrina, that's why I think she's so blessed. I think she's one of the happiest, most balanced fucking humans of all of them. She's on, Courtney's the same. She deleted everything to zero. She's never, she's never had a Facebook and Instagram on a fucking Twitter and Instagram.
Starting point is 00:16:21 She doesn't do any of that stuff. Oh, see, because like what are they doing on there? Other than like, you think that they're connecting with their friends, what the dinners are comparing themselves against everybody else. And every time you do that, it just leads to you feeling insufficient in having some kind of, you know, being depressed about like what you're not doing
Starting point is 00:16:41 or what everybody else is doing. And so it's just, I don't know, dude, it's just a cesspool for me. Dude, in terms of stuff I struggle with my kids, a lot of it is boy energy. I have two boys. They're very much like boy boys, right? Physical, jump function.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Physical, the energy is insane. They always want to wrestle. They want to punch each other and do stuff to physically. And so for me, it's like, I'll go to somebody's house that's very like, you know, meek and reserved and like, you know, we just sit and we talk. And I'm like, this isn't gonna work. You know, this is not the environment.
Starting point is 00:17:18 You need to have things for them to grab and smash and do things outside. And like, dude, I struggle with all the time going to my in-laws, going to some of my friends' house that are very much like, you know, our house is pristine and clean and blah blah blah. And like I'm not gonna go to your house again.
Starting point is 00:17:34 You know, this is not a place for me to bring my kids. Cause honestly, you can reprimand them and I've done this. And it's a battle back and forth. Like I'm gonna reprimand them. We gotta be quiet and still. And so I gotta pick battles. I got pick battles where I'm like, okay,
Starting point is 00:17:50 this environment, this situation, we're gonna act and behave this way. But then you'll get the side eye and all that with some people that are just like, oh my God. But it's their energy, it's where they are in their development. They wanna go out, explore where they are like in their development like they want to go out explore They want to like you know like not not only each other not only that they're you bro Yeah, you know, I'm saying which that's got to be such a and I love hearing that and like yeah
Starting point is 00:18:15 Because when we invite Justin over we have to have stuff Why me sections you know like locked off They're also a part of you that I would imagine as a father, you liken, you love it yourself. Like that they are physical and that you can see that they're gonna be like a very similar version of you and you don't wanna suppress that as a dad, you don't wanna be like, change that,
Starting point is 00:18:38 we're like, man, I love that my boys wanna hit the ball and wrestle and do things like that. I don't wanna like always be telling them no because they're either one, they're gonna, they're gonna, like. Well, there's gotta be a compromise too. It can't just be like, well, in this, like laying the hammer down on, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:54 making sure that they're like so still and quiet and you know, following all these like crazy rules. Like give them something. Like give them something fun to do then, you know, you come up with something, then that's not gonna be destructive, if you're gonna have all these rules. Yeah, for me that's struggling right now
Starting point is 00:19:11 is my kids wanna just go in the room and just be in the room all the time. And so I have to tell them, well you have the big tech son too. Right, and so I do, okay, we're gonna be on a break or whatever, let's turn them all off, come downstairs, and then it's like 30 minutes of them
Starting point is 00:19:26 kind of being annoyed downstairs. And so I try to pretend like I don't, okay, whatever, we're just gonna hang out and you're just gonna be annoyed. But then the conversation start, then the game start, then we start enjoying ourselves a little bit. But that's the challenge right now, especially because they're both,
Starting point is 00:19:41 my daughter's almost a teenager, my son is a teenager. And if I let them do whatever, that's all they would do. And I'd never say. Now looking back, do you think that some of that has to do with how much freedom you gave them early? And now you're in this weird dichotomy of like, okay, I gave them all this freedom for so long.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Now I kind of recognize where it's leading. I have to also be careful of how much I restrict. So I don't seem like I'm this tyrant father all the time. Yeah, there's that definitely. And then there's also because they don't live with me all the time, it's half the time. And the other house that they live in is pretty much unrestricted.
Starting point is 00:20:15 So it would be such a contrast, right? Well, yeah, massive contrast. It already is a contrast, but it would be such a huge contrast. If I went way in the opposite direction. And so that's always a big chance. Now, it's easier with the baby because we're starting from scratch. Right. And they're with us, obviously, with us all the time. And Jessica is full-time mom, and
Starting point is 00:20:35 she's excellent with that kind of stuff. Yeah. But back to the social media conversation, when you look at it, and I was thinking about this the other day, after after after after are the books told me that, you know, I'm looking at social media and I'm realizing that everybody is acting like an advertiser on social media whether they mean to or not. So what I mean by that is, do you trust advertisers 100%? I'm talking about real marketers like company marketers, right? So like, you know, monster antiger drinks is advertising to you
Starting point is 00:21:06 or Coca-Cola or McDonald's or whatever. Do you trust them 100%? Of course not. Their job is to totally sell their product, paint it in the best light possible, tell you all the amazing things that will happen if you use their product or associate it with awesome stuff. Like if you drink our beer, hot chicks will show up
Starting point is 00:21:25 at your party or whatever. So it's, do you trust them 100%? Of course you don't. Well, everybody on social media is an advertiser, whether they realize or not, nobody is being real on social media. Nobody is posting on there. My kid flunked math today and it sucks.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Everybody's posting highlights. And so what you're literally looking at is a bunch of advertisers. They might not be official advertisers, but that's what they're doing. That's a great way to look at it. You're either advertising yourself, self-promoting, trying to get followers
Starting point is 00:21:55 and people to pay attention to you and like your shit, or you've already accomplished that, and you have a lot of followers, and then therefore you're selling a product. And even if you don't want followers, it's just you want the people to see you and to see you as this awesome person, and get that social clout or whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:10 So it's totally fake. You're literally looking at commercial, after commercial, after commercial. Guys, you guys have to watch fake famous, dude. It's on HBO, it's a documentary, and they do this experiment, where they interview, I think they interviewed like 20 of these like random kids that like want to be Instagram famous or whatever. And they picked like the three least likely.
Starting point is 00:22:33 So they're like, you know, they had like a collegiate level athlete guy and he was like pretty good looking and he's fit and they're like, okay, we can't pick him because he could get famous by on his own just because of his image and what he does. So they picked like three pretty average kids and then decided that they were going to try and build their fame. And they, I mean, it's great. It's a great documentary because they were successful with one of the three. Well, all of them, they were, they, they, it's, you got to watch it because all three of them, there was different experiences. Like there was actually one kid who struggled with it. He's like, I don't want this.
Starting point is 00:23:05 He really believed that he should be famous because for whatever reasons or whatever. And he didn't like that they were, you know, doctering the images and pretending they were doing these things they were really doing. And so his integrity got in the way. And so he was just like, I don't wanna do this. Like I wanna be able to have like different formulas
Starting point is 00:23:23 for each person or were they like, were they paint for ads and followers and what. So they did use a little bit of that. So they, and they talk about these accounts where you can buy these followers. And by the way, you can buy fake followers that you can also pay for the likes. You can also pay for the comments to make it look like they're actually
Starting point is 00:23:39 real followers and everything. And so the, and there's actually, and it's gotten such big business now that there's companies that are doing it to beat the Instagram algorithm because Instagram is also putting it. Trying to figure it out. Right, to figure it out, to keep that from happening. So there's all these companies ahead of that to make sure it doesn't get caught. So yeah, it was, it was really interesting to
Starting point is 00:23:58 see some of the things that were, I didn't even know existed. For example, in LA, especially this is really popular. They have a lot of these things that are like stages to look like you're at some tropical island or to look like you're flying prizes. Oh, no. I know, and you run it by the half hour in the hour. And this shit, and they talk about it,
Starting point is 00:24:20 he's like, it was booked for like three months. You know what's so funny about that? It's funny. Here's what's funny about all this, is that, and I don't know, maybe if I was younger, I would be more that way. But I would much rather be extremely successful and you think I'm not,
Starting point is 00:24:35 rather than you think I'm super successful and I'm not, or even that I am, like I would like to be the undercover dude that drives the regular car. Well that's because you have no idea. You're old and wise, right? You know what I'm saying? Go back to 17 year old Sal. Yeah, you want all the attention.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Of course not. Yeah, think of insecure 17 year old Sal who doesn't feel good about his body. Ask him if he wouldn't mind having a million followers and being famous. Like, you know, of course. Isn't that crazy though? Oh, it is.
Starting point is 00:25:00 It's why I just literally just talked to my kids about this yesterday. I said, if I had a magic wand that would make you famous, what would you want me to do that? And at first my son, he thinks he's smart, so he's like, well, you could get famous for bad stuff too. So what exactly, he thought it was a trick question. All right, your son is so you, well,
Starting point is 00:25:18 can't even just answer the fucking question. So you could get famous for murdering people. So I don't know. So I'm like, all right, listen. And let's just imagine you are famous for something good, like you're an athlete or a musician. So they're both like, well, yeah. And I said, well, how come?
Starting point is 00:25:31 He's like, well, because people know you, they like you, you get all the stuff, whatever. He said, man, you do not want fame, it's fake. Everywhere you go, people not watching you, they care about all in your business, and they will turn on you faster. They will turn on you. Very thing.
Starting point is 00:25:47 And I literally had this conversation with them. It's the last thing you would actually want. In fact, what would be awesome is to be successful and accomplished and nobody know. And then I used the example, because I said, how would I explain this to them in a way that makes sense? So I said, do you know who Draft Punk is?
Starting point is 00:26:04 And so my son's, and I was like, he's like, yes. I'm like, oh, I think God, you know what this guys are? I said, do you know who Draft Punk is? And so my son's, and I was like, he's like, yes, I'm like, I think God, do you know what these guys are? I said, do you know what they look like? There's no, they only have their helmets on. They only have their helmets on. I said, it's the most brilliant thing ever. That in the Blue Man group. Yes, I said, nobody knows who they are.
Starting point is 00:26:16 They only have helmets on, they're super successful, and they can walk around and live a regular life, except for maybe the most hardcore fans, nobody knows what they look like. Yeah, it's such a great business model. It's like that blue man group. They were able to then rotate, replicate. Yeah, they're same show with other people
Starting point is 00:26:30 and like, and then the wiser. Yes, yeah, what a brilliant, brilliant group. You should have a watch to fake famous because I'm gonna watch it. I don't wanna like, ruin the whole show for everybody. So there's a lot of cool stuff in it to go watch it. But there is, there is like this, the story arc that happens to the girl who does,
Starting point is 00:26:45 right? So there is, there, one of them, within three months time, they build her into over 100,000 followers from basically like nothing, she had a few hundred or whatever, and she starts getting products. People send in our products, she actually gets some company sponsored, and you get to see that her rise in, in, you know, Instagram fame, and she's loving it. I mean she is eating it up at the beginning and but then all sudden it comes gaining to use waste. Well eventually it comes down you know after that first initial rush of being quote unquote famous and getting all this free stuff then this like feeling and you could see it on in the documentary just this lack of I'm going to watch it with my
Starting point is 00:27:24 purpose. Yeah, just like you know what I'm gonna watch it with my kids. Purpose, yeah, just like, you know, what am I doing? You know, what am I doing? And I don't, and so it's really neat to watch these kids go through it to cool. I'm gonna watch it, speaking of famous, Tom McDonald, this guy seems like he came out of nowhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:40 And it's now, was a general in the charts. Very controversial, rapper. Extreme, which I enjoy controversy. Completely countercultural in terms of like the culture of today. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:27:53 It's, I think that rap has been ready for it for a long time. Well, that's the, that's like you open a huge door now. But isn't that the roots of rap? Rap has always been, and that always, it first started out, it first bucked the system. Yeah, first it's buck the system. Yeah, it started out as this party type of thing,
Starting point is 00:28:07 but then eventually got into this like, we're gonna talk and be counter-culture, we're gonna say stuff that's gonna piss people off. Yeah. That's like the roots of it, right? Yeah. So I feel like he's just going back to the roots a little bit. Kind of, but it from a different view, right?
Starting point is 00:28:19 A different viewpoint. What I think is that rap has grown so big that there's a lot of people that listen to it that don't align with a lot of the messaging of rappers today. You guys, you guys, maybe this is the debate you and I get into. We were getting into years ago in this podcast of you. All rap sucks today. It's all about big booties and pills and guns and like drugs and like this. You're like, and but there's some truth to that, right? Like I don't think you guys were completely wrong with that. I was trying to make the case that there are some still rappers out there that are artists and that are actually putting out really handful of them. Yeah, there's still some thought-provoking
Starting point is 00:28:50 content that's being delivered But nothing like this there hasn't been something from not at this level at least right? So maybe there's some small time rappers, but he's cool logic. Yeah, I told you I like I like guys like that and some of the stuff that they're rapping about, but boy he is He's pushing all the buttons. Yeah, he literally has a like a chart of the buttons that you that say don't push and he's going Well, I guess what the the main thing that I respect about what he's doing is is it's completely independent like he decided to and I haven't really seen this from the rap Community quies with other than like Wutain clan, right? They decided to not go, you know, get signed by some major label and do it all in their own
Starting point is 00:29:31 and grassroots and I love that. He's doing the same thing, but he's just two people. It's just him and his girlfriend. His girlfriend shoots all his videos. He does all the lyrics, all of the beats and everything himself, which, you know, like personally, I think, which, you know, like personally, I think, like, you know, the beats, I would like to see somebody else
Starting point is 00:29:49 kind of come in and help them with that. But otherwise, like, you know, I think it's awesome. I have some critiques, like I've listened to all his stuff now multiple times and, you know, it's not something, like you to this day, you could catch me with my windows down and bump in some two-pock like just oh yeah the hook on it The chorus on it is fire or it sounds good air everything right He's got very thought provoking layer his lyrics and his bars are sick
Starting point is 00:30:15 But his hooks and his chorus and it's a little bubble gummy like right you won't catch me rolling my window down So that's where he misses, right? And maybe that's because like your point, like he's not produced, right? He doesn't have somebody who is that. But that also makes him hard to cancel. But he's exactly, he's untouchable. And he can say all these things that I know not,
Starting point is 00:30:37 you know, there's a lot of people that will respond to that and be like, oh wow, yes, like this is interesting. Yeah, I like the fact that he's just pushing all the buttons. Yeah. I appreciate it when people do that because it takes a lot of guts, you know, because he's a target. Yeah. He's going to be a target, but he's blowing up.
Starting point is 00:30:53 He's actually, he's been on the news because what was his last one? Was a fake, uh, fake woke canceled his last one. Yeah, but no, the one that got him fake woke is what woke everybody up. Yeah. Nobody was right. He's been doing it now for a couple of years and his videos have got a million or so, but it took a long time for those all to get up to a million.
Starting point is 00:31:10 He now, he seems like an interesting person. So from what I gather, he grew up in a normal middle class house and he's Canadian, but then he had some mental illness and I'm only getting that from a song. I think he lived in South Central, in El down in LA as far as I like heard on some of his,
Starting point is 00:31:28 when he was talking about his videos and whatnot. Yeah, very interesting. I'm not sure. And he looks like death metal. He's death former. Like if I saw him, I think like, yeah, and he's like, I do music, I'd be like, oh, death metal. Yeah. Well, I work out to your music.
Starting point is 00:31:42 I was like a mix between that, like with a mumble wrapper would look like, but he's totally not. Yeah, well I work out to your music. I was like a mix between that and like what a mumble wrapper would look like, but he's totally not. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, I got a study on an interesting study on weed that I think will interest you at them. We know, I like that stuff. Yeah, so the study itself was talking about
Starting point is 00:31:58 weed's impact on business or entrepreneurship, I should say. So the title, this was in Science Daily. Great, by the way, great website, if you ever want to just look up studies and be a total nerd about this kind of stuff. Science daily.com is where I like to go oftentimes. But the title of this is cannabis use, both helps and hurts entrepreneurial creativity.
Starting point is 00:32:21 This is the source was Washington State University. We need to just set up this. Creativity, productivity down. Now, state university we need to just creativity productivity down No, so okay, so I was gonna ask you guys. What do you think that means? So what a percent I agree it means creativity's up a productivity goes down Yeah, I definitely think that's what happens Okay, for sure well, so the title is it helps so they're specific They're speaking specifically to creativity, so I agree with you guys on that
Starting point is 00:32:42 But they're saying cannabis helps and hurts entrepreneurial creativity. So it helps creativity, but also hurts creativity. So do you guys have any ideas what they may mean? Well, I mean, I think that it could, okay, so a little bit of it, I think, can make it very creative. A lot of it can make it dumb. So I think that, you know, or think your ideas are much better than what they really are. So I think there you know or think you are I think your ideas are much better than what they really are So I think there's a threshold of that's happened Yeah, yeah, yeah, look at the next day. That was a way to free. Right. There's been times where I'm not gonna lie where I've
Starting point is 00:33:14 I've been smoking and I'm taking notes and I'm like oh my god. I can't wait to share this with guy in the morning I'm like yeah, I'm not gonna share that one out of 10 usually That one I'll keep top ramen It sounded like a great idea yesterday, but now it's not that. Okay, so here's what they found in the study. Good guesses, and this one caught me off guard, but it makes perfect sense. The study found that cannabis using entrepreneurs
Starting point is 00:33:36 generated more creative business ideas, okay? But the feasibility of these ideas was lower. So although they had more creative ideas that were kind of out there, the feasibility of them was more. Oh, that's brilliant. I mean, that just your top ramen analogy, right there is what they're saying.
Starting point is 00:33:54 They didn't stick in real. Is a pervete example, because somebody's stone will be like, that is brilliant. Then you realize how hard that would be to probably create that, because that's a million dollars just to make top ramen flavored Pepsi.
Starting point is 00:34:04 You know what I'm Pepsi. It is hilarious. I also think though, of O'Canabis has been shown to improve certain aspects of creativity. I do think that thinking you're going to be more creative oftentimes is what does it, right? I know for us, we actually create an environment for ourselves. There's this little, there's just like a ritual. Yes, there's this routine and ritual that we've done in the past, especially when we used to create a lot of our programs where we would go stay somewhere
Starting point is 00:34:30 at least an hour away because the conversation would start in the car, we'd go to this place and then we would focus on this idea far away from home or whatever and it tended to spark creativity. And then it was just the routine of it, right? The routine of it made... I think the intent going into it makes the most difference.
Starting point is 00:34:45 You know, if you're, especially into get into group flow, I think like having all of those steps and like having something that you can repeat to be able to get to that point where you feel like it's all kind of coming just naturally, you know, that group flow is, it definitely requires a lot of ritual. I have a question for you, Sal. You are the last one to jump on the Caldera bandwagon. I know that I sold Justin on it and he went from a Ashita Classy and I'm wondering if comments almost all day long.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Yeah. Just be mean. Well, okay, let's look at, look at my face, everybody. Yeah. Does it look, he's the skin look great. Yeah, you do look good. It looks pretty good, right? I have been using it.
Starting point is 00:35:25 I have it right here. I'm going to show the YouTube people. That's so I have been using it. And one of the reasons why I started shaving my beard, all you YouTube commenters, is to say, grow your beard back. Thank you. It's because I've been feeling like my skin is really good.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Stuff is works. Now here's the interesting thing about it. I didn't use it before because my skin, so you had the psoriasis stuff. Right. Justin had the alligator skin, the dry skin. I tend towards oily skin. So I'm like, I don't want to put an oil on my skin because it's already, it's already olive oily, right?
Starting point is 00:35:57 It's nice, right? But you know what it does? It balances it out. Oh really? Yeah, so what they put in there, it's got this really good balancing effect on skin. So I put it on mine and I don't get oilier if anything I just do. Yeah, you don't look oily.
Starting point is 00:36:11 No, no, no. I'm not shiny. Yeah, no, you're not shiny. Yeah, I feel like I look shinier than you do with it on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you tell? I mean, mine's on.
Starting point is 00:36:18 That's like my rare tool before we get on. No, you don't look shiny. I don't, no, no, just handsome. Yeah, just extraceous. Yeah, we don't wear any makeup, I mean, it's crazy. It's close to free, too. We're wearing makeup. We're on camera, we don't wear makeup.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Everyone, that was a thing, like you could not go on camera. People still, everybody, it was, you put makeup on. People still do, yeah. I don't want to sell out any of my, no podcasting friends, but I know people that do that. I mean, I have those like halo lights, like right on them and now that's super big in popular. I don't care about that.
Starting point is 00:36:42 I, the makeup part though I refuse. Like I, like you're gonna powder my face and stuff. That's just weird. Don't say that, never say that. I'll't care about that. I make a part though I refuse. I can powder my face and stuff. That's just weird. Don't say that, never say that. I'll go on Janie Jones. Just rock. You got a book tour probably coming up pretty soon here. So what are you gonna do that if I get on a tee shirt?
Starting point is 00:36:53 I mean yeah, you're going like good morning America. They're putting makeup on you. No, they're not. Never let you live it down. I'm gonna go on an eyeliner makeup. You got like lipstick. Yeah. I don't know, a little cheek stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:04 I don't think do that go lipstick oh that's the whole my bro they are seen Ryan C. Crest they put lipstick on them of course do it don't just do why is your voice so high just happens okay so eyeliner I might be able to get you should let Justin to your makeup, huh? Yeah. Of all people, you're like a clown, I'm not kidding. Justin's the least like, he's the least sensitive, like, he's gonna just mess up. Oh, I'm over-applied. Actually, you'll make me look like a rock bander,
Starting point is 00:37:35 so I'll look like a bander. Oh, yeah. No, so I can get behind eyeliner, okay? Because one Halloween addressed up as a vampire, remember the one I do with Jessica, where we were like 60 vampires? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I put the eyeliner on, and I was like, dang.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Dang, I got a little, I'm mysterious. A little bit, I felt like I'm handsome. I felt like David Blaine prints, you know, like kind of in between the two. All of a sudden, you can do magic. I felt like a single dude, maybe I put this eyeliner on, just go out at night and see what happens.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Yeah, you brought up marijuana, we get asked about stuff. Hey, Doug, what is, Kate, what is the rules for me? I feel like every time I bring up stock, I get in trouble here. So I have to, I have to one, say I own the stock. Two, I don't know the rules. Oh, you don't. Talk to the attorney.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Yeah, well, you're the one that makes sure as we don't get sued here. So if I say I own the stock and then do, get this close that you own it and also make sure you tell everybody you're a trainer, not a trader. Yeah, I'm a trainer, not a trader. I don't know anything about stock, but people continue to still ask anyways.
Starting point is 00:38:28 You brought up marijuana. Atheria is a company that I bought. Probably. Yeah, they're crushing right now, aren't they? Yeah, they've been doing well for a while. I bought them a little over a year ago. And what I liked was the other companies that they were acquiring, because I could see what they were building
Starting point is 00:38:42 towards because of cannabis infused drinks. And so I know they got like a salsa water. Oh my God, you want to know what's just funny? So I pulled them up right now, right? So I bought them yesterday because we were talking, and I had to get out of my GW pharmaceutical position, which that's because they sold to another farmer company. Oh, right. And the deal was 80% cash, 20% stock. So if I didn't sell, I'd end up with 80% cash anyway.
Starting point is 00:39:04 So I sold it all, and I put some in a theory. But you know what's funny? I just clicked on them right now. And there's news behind them. Not bad news. Well, first of all, they're up right now, as we're speaking, they're up 14%. And yesterday they were up 27%.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Okay, so here's the thing, ready for this? Here's the article. Cannabis stock jumps or sores as The reddit crowd that spike game stop jumps in oh no oh So the reddit crowd has now jumped in on this stock Yeah, which which Jesus it's just gonna blow it the powers that be are gonna monitor that like crazy Did you guys hear about the kid who committed suicide is in their shoes? Oh, so sad the parents are suing Robin Hood.
Starting point is 00:39:46 So sad. Oh, bro. First of all, you look at this kid. He wrote a letter too, and I'm just... You could tell he's like this, this kind of like nerdy kid. It's 20. Good kid. Baby.
Starting point is 00:39:55 He, they, Robin Hood sent him a message that said that he owed them $750,000 or something like that. Oh my God. And it was a mistake. Robin Hood fucked up. He didn't owe them money. In fact, he actually made money. But he was so distraught that he had tried trading
Starting point is 00:40:10 and lost all this money. Yeah, because they locked it. Remember when they locked it all, is after that huge spike, horrible, they locked everybody that had games top. And so the thing just kept plummeting. And so he thought that not only did he actually lost that much money.
Starting point is 00:40:22 And that his parents would have to pay it. It was something like that, right? Something out of tons of money. Yeah. How sad. Oh, that breaks my heart. So what do you think? So this makes me a little nervous about stock right now
Starting point is 00:40:32 is that is exactly that. So there's another stock that I bought. COUV who is a company that I was bought, like I don't know. They're not on the, they're on the, yeah, they're a pink sheet. But they got frozen today too. And because of abnormal spike over this last week. And so because of this reddit thing that's happening,
Starting point is 00:40:51 is the SEC starting to crack down more. And if they lock you from trading out, like right now, I'm like, I'm concerned because I'm up like, oh, God, I want to say that, that stock is up like 100 something percent. I'd like to cash some of that out and walk. I can't. It's frozen. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:08 So are we going to start seeing this happen a lot with these stocks that surge all the time just because Reddit gets in there and fucks with it. I don't know. All I know is I'm happy. I bought a stock that Reddit boosting. So it makes me want to take it out real quick. And that's what my game and that's what I'm wondering is like, is that the move is like, do you because it game stop is gone back to where it was hasn't it
Starting point is 00:41:27 I don't know if it's gone back to where it was I definitely went down Amc did right because I know that was the other one that they fucked with I can let me look up game stop and see where they're at right now Yeah, tell me where they were Well, I mean, they're still higher than they were I mean they were at four dollars They're at 54 but they peaked at one point at $220. So even if you still have it, you're still way up. What about AMC? Tell me what happened with that one.
Starting point is 00:41:51 AMC, let me look them up. I don't know. AMC is still, well, they're now, they're back down to five something. And their previous high way back in 2019 was at 16. So I don't think they ever, they never reached that previous high anyway. Wow. Yeah, so, but yeah, I don't know, man. It reached that previous high anyway. Wow. Yeah, so but yeah I don't know man. It's it's an interesting game right now and how are they gonna fight it? You can't like what are you gonna do? Right? Keep freezing those definitely made an impact so we're starting to see like how this is all kind of turn off.
Starting point is 00:42:16 I feel like investors are gonna start putting spies into these groups and psych let me know what the chatter is so I can cash out, I can figure out a way to capitalize on it because they single handedly exploded several styles. I know what happens when the big guys that have all the money that are getting pissed right now, right? They start, they start like, infiltrating it. Well yeah, start using that to their advantage. We're like, okay, just exactly what you're saying right now. Let's get some people inside on this.
Starting point is 00:42:41 They don't need to, they already play their own games, dude. Yeah. They have their own games that do in that shit. Yeah, they don't like to lose. They don't like to. They already play their own games, dude. Yeah. They have their own games that do in that show. Yeah, they don't like to lose. They don't like to lose. They will do it. I would just say they will do it. Billions of dollars, those billion dollars.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Yeah, even if it's a hundred bucks, they're just like, no. They'll find a way. That was my money. Reddit's off all the servers. How did that go? You're a family that's on it. What are they saying right now? Are they, I mean, is there, I was talking to my buddy this morning
Starting point is 00:43:06 who drives me crazy, right? My good friend who likes to speak in code when I ask him direct questions about like what is he doing with his money? Yeah, you know, are they, are they pulling a bunch out? Are they leveraging with other stuff like bonds and gold and silver and reets?
Starting point is 00:43:21 Like, what are they doing to protect himself of this potential bubble or? I mean, I think they're just playing the daily game because they're all like hardcore investors, but they all do think that a big correction is on the way. Yeah. They all pretty much agree that that's on the way. So I should ask them more specifically,
Starting point is 00:43:37 like how much of my position should be cash? That's what I mean. That's what I'm looking for. I'm looking for some advice like that from somebody that is much smarter than I am in this space to say, listen, what we've seen over the last seven years, the run that we're at, everybody, I think everybody's in ignorance,
Starting point is 00:43:52 what goes up must come down, that we'll see some sort of a correction. The question is, will it be anywhere like the correction in 08, or will it be just a subtle correction? And then also, if you're into this for the long game, that you're not looking just to make a buck over a year or two and you're planning to stay in no matter what, what are some stops that you can leverage yourself on so your overall portfolio doesn't get crippled.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yeah, well, so it doesn't get crippled, right? And the only thing I know of is thinking gold, silver, bonds, reets, because if all those, if the stock market crashes, those things should probably go up. There are indexes you can invest in that go up when volatility goes up, I'll find out what the names of those are and see what those look like. Yeah, I'm gonna see what that is.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Speaking of, you know, being competitive with you guys and all that stuff, it is annoying to me that I can't enjoy magic spoon like you guys do because of the dairy, but those peanut butter magic spoon bars that, Jerry, you saw had like four or five I had a little piece of one. Holy cow. So did anyone did anybody like Rice Krispie Treats? Yeah, I mean with all she did was peanut butter honey and then the chocolate
Starting point is 00:44:54 Flavored so it's like a high protein candy. It's what tastes so good. I mean say a Rice Krispie treat but peanut butter. Oh my god. I want to be delicious. We're right before the fog guys. I've watching him over there like scoop him up in his lap. No, he wasn't. He was, dude. I was. Look at that whole thing was full just yesterday. Bro, I had like four or five, dude.
Starting point is 00:45:12 You know, like what do you want from me? Yeah. She made him, you know, out of love. And so I'm just trying to acknowledge that. That's it. Just looking beefy these days. Yeah. There it is.
Starting point is 00:45:23 And the sound. Yeah, it's sounding better to my flex, it does it. This quaz brought to you by Organify. For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition, Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance-the-added edge. Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I dot com. And use a coupon code MindPump for 20% off at checkout.
Starting point is 00:45:53 Alright, our first question is from Bella in New York. Hi Bella, how can we help you? Hi, thanks so much for having me. So I recently just started a reverse diet. And I'm wanting to know if I'm sort of on the right track. And what should my expectations be or what should I anticipate throughout the process? I just feel a little bit lost. Okay, that's a great question.
Starting point is 00:46:17 A lot of people ask about reverse dieting because obviously we've talked about in the show helps speed up the metabolism can help if you've come off of a long period of cutting your calories. Sometimes it can help with hormone balancing and all that good stuff. But I do need to ask you a few more questions before I can help you out. Number one, what are you doing for your workouts? So, I have the RGB bundle. So, I did a Maps a ball, like, and now I'm on phase two of maps performance. And I've done weightlifting for a bit before I started the programs. Excellent. Okay. So you're obviously following good programs. Are you seeing any strength gains and performance gains? Yeah, actually, my strength has gone up in pretty much everything except squats, but I think that's just because I've been doing a lot more mobility.
Starting point is 00:47:07 So just bigger range of motion, but other than that, one lift, everything else has gone up. Did you see that, Bella, when you were... Sorry, did you actually see the strength gains going up while you were in a cut or since you've been reversed dieting. Since I've been reversed dieting, I've seen some small strength gains when I was in a cut, but it was like months. Okay. And what is your purpose for going on a reversed diet? What's the goal for you? So I was gaining body fat or just weight on a pretty low calorie diet.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I was consistently eating about 1,400 calories for a couple years. So I just kind of want to get out of that funk and, you know, I've consistently worked out so I'd kind of like to see the results come to fruition. Okay, so you felt like your metabolism just needed a kick into gear and so that's your goal for reverse dieting. Yeah, yeah. Okay, and now how are you performing it? How many calories are you increasing on a weekly or monthly basis? So I started increasing when I started a new phase, was sort of how I timed it a little bit. And so right now, I'm at around 1800 calories. And I've just been increasing by like 150 each phase.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Oh, cool. So a phase typically for people who don't know last anywhere between three to four weeks. So about every three to four weeks, you're going up about 100 to 150 calories. And now you're up to 1800 calories. You've gotten stronger. Have you gained any weight on the scale? I don't exactly know because I don't have a scale, but I do feel like my clothes are
Starting point is 00:48:59 a little bit tighter, which I guess has sort of made me a little nervous because that's not my end goal, but I'm trying to trust the processor. Yeah, so what could help with that would be body fat tests because that could tell you if you're gaining muscle, losing body fat or gaining both. I think you're on the right track in terms of increasing the calories. You can go very slow with this. So if you feel like increasing your calories is starting to put more body fat on your body,
Starting point is 00:49:31 then you could always pause, you could even do a slight cut and then go back to the reverse. But this can be a very slow process. I've worked with people and where we've reversed them on and off, what I mean by on and off is we'll increase calories. They're getting a little too much body fat. We'll bring it down a little bit and then start back up in a few weeks. And it can take up to a year or more
Starting point is 00:49:51 just to get to that point where you feel like things are roaring and things feel good. Especially, you know, here's the thing that is a clue to that. You were at 1,400 calories for a long time. So it might just take you a little while to get them to go up in the right way. Okay, that's helpful. And so how do you know when to stop the reverse
Starting point is 00:50:12 or what cues, or are there cues? How long have you been on the reverse diet just for information? About late September? Okay, I like to know, can I get an idea of about where you are? Um, about late September. Okay. I like to know, can I get an idea of about where you are? I know it's a totally rude to ask, wait, but I would like to know about what you weigh. Even though you don't weigh consistently, do you have an idea of around your weight?
Starting point is 00:50:36 Yeah, I weigh about 135, but I'm only 5 feet tall. Okay. So I mean, 1800 calories is not bad. I mean, 1400 is a little low, but 1800 is not bad. I know typically we recommend that people don't become slaves to scale and they don't weigh themselves twice a day every day. But I do think when you're reverse dieting, I do think there's some value to this. And it's not like, oh my God, I'm getting fat or I'm gaining a bunch of
Starting point is 00:51:02 weight, but just to keep an eye on it, because when I'm reverse dieting, my goal is to not see the scale really shoot up too much. Now, if it goes up a pound or two, I'm not worried about that at all. I also don't want to see my scale go down. If you're reverse dieting and you're adding calories, and I'm actually losing weight, you know, then I'm going to keep bumping my calories. So the scale does have some value when you're trying to do something like this or body fat testing. It's just easier to have a scale than it is a body fat test. I mean, if you have access to check your body fat
Starting point is 00:51:34 every couple weeks, then that would have value. But the goal really is here is that, okay, we would like to increase our calories, whether that's 50 to 100 a day or as high as two to 200 a day, over a period of time without seeing a huge swing in the scale up or down. And so that's kind of what I'm looking for
Starting point is 00:51:53 when I'm for reverse dieting is, can I continue to add calories into my diet and not see my scale do this huge fluctuation? And by huge fluctuation, I mean consistently putting on, you know, two pounds or more every single week. If you go one to three pounds and you kind of go up and down, that's a good place to be. That means you're kind of hovering around probably what maintenance is for you
Starting point is 00:52:15 and you're starting to speed the metabolism up. You can keep that maintenance and also see strength increase. Right. And you really do. Yeah, so some signs to look for strength going up, energy improving, libido improving, better sleep, right? Right. And you really do. Yeah. So some signs to look for. Strength going up.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Energy improving. L habido improving. Better sleep. Skin hair. All the signs that your health is doing well are great signs of a reverse diet. So you should start. Even your appetite going up. If a reverse diet is done properly, the person's building strength and muscle.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Sometimes it'll actually start to get hungrier. And that's actually a great sign. That means things are moving in the right direction. Things that tell you that maybe you're going up too fast, like Adam said, a lot of weight gain, not feeling good, digest the issues, sleep starts to get worse. Essentially, your health starts to kind of go down. That may be that your, because your calories have gone up too fast.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Also keep in mind, if we are, if we're increasing calories, right, that means probably carbs are going up, sodium's probably going up, maybe even fluid intake is going up. So it's very normal to see your body put on a little bit of size. So if you notice your clothes are fitting a little bit tighter, that's also normal during this process. Now, excessively, if you're going up, you know, pant sizes every few weeks, we're definitely increasing too fast,
Starting point is 00:53:28 but it's very normal too for you to be holding a little bit of extra water, for you to see a little bit of more weight on you. But the key really that I'm looking for when I'm looking at my own body or I'm assessing a client is if I'm putting on muscle, it should look good. Like so, when you look at yourself, even though you might have gone up a little bit way or close
Starting point is 00:53:45 for any tighter, you feel good about how you look in comparison to maybe what you look like two months ago. You're probably heading on the right track, especially if you're seeing markers like Justin alluded to, like strength going up in the gym. If strength is going up, you feel good about the way you're looking as far as muscle being built on your body. You're probably heading in the right track. Okay, great. This was so helpful. Thank you guys so much. No problem. Thanks for calling. as far as muscle being built on your body, you're probably heading in the right track.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Okay, great. This was so helpful. Thank you guys so much. No problem. Thanks for calling. Yeah, how many say? Yeah, that reverse diet is such a mind-screw for a lot of people, right?
Starting point is 00:54:15 Because you're going to see the scale go up a little bit. I mean, you could be building muscle, water, could be going up. And usually the people that have to do a reverse diet are the ones that are usually chronically trying to lose weight. So now you're telling them to eat more food. And so it's challenging. It could be very, very challenging, but the rewards are intramidious.
Starting point is 00:54:37 I mean, I've gotten people's metabolism to change so much. And then when they go to try and get lean, it's so much easier because now they're working with so many more calories that their body's burning just on its own. Yeah. And then just the length of time in the, you know, taking a real gradual approach to it, too, is another psychological hurdle. A lot of clients have like to completely change their focus from trying to lose weight now to just gradually, you know, get their metabolism to go back up is pretty challenging.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Well, this is also too where I see a lot of value in having a coach or another pair of eyes to be instead of yourself, right? Because the mind plays games. It's hard to be objective. It is very hard to be objective when you are somebody who's tried to lean out or lose body fat or lose weight and now you're doing a reverse diet and you see scale going up, you see clothes getting tighter. I mean, for me, like when I was coaching a client,
Starting point is 00:55:27 I wanted to see my clients every week, check in, and they had to make them, you know, pose in the same outfit the same time of the day. And as I'm adding calories, I'm the one who's looking at their body from the week over week and saying, Hey, we're doing great. I don't care the scale, one up three pounds this week.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I'm looking at you, and I can tell that- We're focused on performance metrics. Yeah. Look at what you're doing great. I don't care the scale one up three pounds this week. I'm looking at you and I can tell that we're focused on performance metrics. Yeah, look at what you're doing. Yeah, I can see where our bench presses up, our squat is up. I can see your shoulders and your legs are building muscles. So I think I like right where we're at. Or the other side, I see that, oh, we look kind of flat. She could definitely use some more calories. Oh, we actually stayed the same weight or lost a little bit of weight.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Let's bump it up a little bit. So this really helps to have another person to do this with you, especially a professional who can kind of look at them and kind of help them through this process because I can see how it's tough when you are reverse dieting for the first time, especially when you're somebody who's been in a cut
Starting point is 00:56:19 trying to lose the mental game. Our next question is from Sam from California. Hey Sam how can we help you? Hey guys awesome to talk to you guys you guys are awesome. Hey thanks dude. Yeah so my question is I'm a collegiate catcher at Cal State Monare Bay in my senior year right now and I've had two knee surgeries, meniscus tears. I tore them about three years to go back to back years. Only about 10% of the meniscus was torn and that just scoped it out. So they just took out the torn part. I was only on crutches for about a day for both the surgeries.
Starting point is 00:56:57 I was able to come back physically from the surgeries really quick. Mentally it was kind of a different story. Trust in my body, trust in my knees. I've been able to avoid serious injury in the last kind of two years and my knees have been fairly healthy, but I think because of the meniscus tears my knees get really inflamed really easily. They swell up the back of the knee, gets really tight, the front of the knee gets really tight. And I found that stretching my quads is the best way to kind of mitigate any kind of tightness or swelling. But I was just, you know, curious if there's any ways I could kind of change my, I don't
Starting point is 00:57:31 know, nutrition plan. If there's any more inflammatory things I can throw in or any, you know, stretches or exercises that could really help need tightness and swelling. Hmm. That's a great question, Sam. So as a catcher, you're sitting in that bottom position for long periods of time How did you tear your meniscus was it when you were playing or was it another time? I'm so surprised you knew that of course. I know. Yeah, I didn't even know you knew what a catcher does
Starting point is 00:57:54 I do know that's wow The first one was sliding into second base I still a bag surprisingly for a catcher, but I still a bag in my left knee, just like a cordy and on the base, it kind of got stuck, it kind of compressed. And then honestly, the second one, I don't even know why. Like, I don't even know how I did it. It would just start at her day one day and then I tried to play through it and I finally got in the MRI.
Starting point is 00:58:21 So yeah, the second one, I don't really know how. Okay, so when you're in that seated position, you're, I mean't really know how. Okay, so when you're in that that that seated position, you're, you're, I mean, and this is a sport now. So we're talking performance. You're, although you're active, you're also somewhat relaxed. Like you're not holding the bottom of a squat. If you would, you would, you die by the time, you know, you get, you know, 10 minutes later, you, you die in that position. There's, there's somewhat relaxing that's going on the bottom. And if you have any muscle in your hamstrings or calves,
Starting point is 00:58:46 there's a little bit of separation happening at the knee joint at that bottom relaxed position. Also, you want to consider the knee really only flexes and extends. It doesn't rotate, it doesn't bend laterally. That all comes from your ankles and your hips. So the best advice I can give you to prevent any future tears
Starting point is 00:59:08 besides the occasional random thing like you're sliding into second base and then your leg gets caught somewhere, would be to continue to work on if you're not already, hip, ankle and foot mobility because whatever they can't do, the ligaments in the knee, the connective tissue in the knee, your meniscus, for example,
Starting point is 00:59:28 is gonna have to support, right? So if your external rotation of your hips or your lateral stability is off, for example, and your hips or your ankles, those things in your knee are gonna have to kind of hold steady. And when you're sitting in that bottom position for a long period of time, and you're also active, you're catching balls,
Starting point is 00:59:46 you're having to move and jump out of that position, it's gonna put a lot of strain on those. So that would be the number one thing. You asked about diet and stuff, and I'm gonna be quite honest with you, what you do with your diet is gonna pale in comparison to the mobility work that I'm recommending for your hips and your ankles and feet.
Starting point is 01:00:02 How often do you do like hip mobility or ankle mobility drills? Honestly, not too often. I would say I'm a little bit more of a meat head in the weight room and mobility is a little bit tougher for me. Listening to you guys' podcasts, I've really tried to wean off of having a bunch of resistance days.
Starting point is 01:00:18 I found that I was doing like four to five resistance days and when I started listening to you guys, I really only keep it to about two or three now, of lifting heavy weights and then try to focus more on mobility, but I definitely could be better in the aspect. You want to live in that 90, 90 position. And especially, you know, getting that internal, external rotation out of the hips is going to be crucial.
Starting point is 01:00:37 I know from being in a catcher's position, then having to react right away, but priming that ahead of time, you know, so your body responds appropriately is going to be a game changer for you, just for stability and for performance, but also to really help build and fortify around your knees, as well as these ankle mobility drills as well, toe squats. I know. So when you're in that position, your heels are pretty much raised the whole time, correct? Yeah, I would say, except for if I'm in like for my secondary position, like runner on base, I kind of try to keep my heels on the ground because honestly, when I push my knees
Starting point is 01:01:14 forward and get more on my toes, that's when I feel like I feel, I'm putting more pressure on the knees. So recently, I've tried to gain kind of more ground contact with my heels and try to you know feel like I'm gaining more power from my glutes and hamstrings But you know you always kind of have to be in that front position and especially for blocking a ball You're always coming you know on your toes and you know that's such a you know Position you're in combats. It's a great one for that ankle mobility bro That's I mean, I'm that I'm gonna just jump on on the bandwagon of talking about ankle mobility. That's where, especially with the catcher
Starting point is 01:01:46 in what you just said right now, is like what will relieve some of that when you're up on your toes is better range of motion in your ankles. So you should live in that combat stretch. Two, three times a day when you're watching TV, every chance you can get is getting down there and working on that.
Starting point is 01:02:02 The other thing I think I'd like to see is probably less volume in training. Weight training, two, three times a week max. The other two days is heavy mobility with like a catcher drills. I would go down, I would do my mobility work, I would do my hip stuff, my ankle stuff, and then I would do my catcher drills and be driving that home.
Starting point is 01:02:21 And then only strength training, maybe two, three times max a week. And then actually nutrition, there are some things that, you know, sales ride, it will pale in comparison to what you will do mobility. But, you know, I would play with some things like, maybe on days when I'm not playing a game and stuff like that, I might run like a lower carb and then, you know, load up when I'm getting ready for a game.
Starting point is 01:02:42 So I have more energy and I'm like less worried about, I don't need to be running at 100% in my training so I can do like a little bit lower carbohydrate intake and manage my calories. If you're eating a surplus of calories all the time and a lot of carbohydrates that could be causing more inflammation going on and then also tools. Like, I don't know if you mess with things like the infrared,
Starting point is 01:03:08 doing things like that. I don't know if you mess with cryotherapy and icing and doing so with that. Even though I know icing isn't ideal for the average person in recovery, it is for somebody who's getting you back the next day and having to play again. Well, something Sal actually helped to suggest
Starting point is 01:03:23 for one of my clients who had chronic inflammation and also swelling issues around the knee was brawmalin, I believe, and it's just a natural supplement. That actually really worked well for my client when she'd have those days where it would just blow up on her. Yeah, and a key with brawmalin is to take it on empty stomach and you could take it a couple of times a day.
Starting point is 01:03:41 But again, if you are constantly pushing back the inflammation and not addressing what's causing the inflammation, you're not gonna help yourself. Maybe in the short term, but not in the long term. Do you have maps prime pro Sam? No, I don't. Okay, so we're gonna give that to you. And I want, and you need to do hip, ankle,
Starting point is 01:03:59 and foot mobility regularly. In fact, I would even, even if- Every single day multiple times a day. Yes, and I wouldn even, even if- Every single day, multiple times a day. Yes, and I wouldn't do tons, believe it or not, I would not do tons and tons of lower body strengthening exercises like squats and lunges. It's okay to do those once a week or so, but don't go crazy with them until you get this
Starting point is 01:04:20 under control, because here's what happens. The more muscle you build in your, especially your hamstrings and calves, the more you're gonna get that knee separating effect from sitting at the bottom of a squat. So if you imagine when your knee is really, really bent, right? There's a lot of muscle in your calf and hamstrings as you're pressing on those,
Starting point is 01:04:38 it almost wants to separate the knee a little bit. Pulling a little bit more. Right, so get the mobility under control before you go into trying to build up your legs. Otherwise, you can cause yourself more problem. And the days that you do decide a strength train, this is where somebody I would foam roll and stretch and do mobility afterwards.
Starting point is 01:04:56 So after it, let's say you do squat, lunges, you do some of these traditional leg exercises. Don't just walk out the gym after you get this massive pump on them, then you should spend the time right then doing some some foam rolling then doing some mobility work to stretch it back out again That'll help out Yeah, that is awesome. I've really never you know truly dove into it focused on the ankle but the mobility I know you guys talking about that so much so that's definitely something I'm gonna be focusing on because you know 2022 season that's our next season because we got canceled cover because of COVID and our
Starting point is 01:05:26 2021 season got canceled so I got a little bit of time So hopefully some time to make some good changes awesome awesome Yeah, thank you, and you know just really quick you guys have been you know awesome. I listen to you guys every morning such a great inspiration Actually kind of inspired me to create my own channel too. It's called the Good Dogs DAWGZ, just trying to promote some positivity. So if you guys get a chance, check it out. I don't know if it's allowed to promote on here, but you guys are just inspired me. You're the first one, dude. I appreciate you trying, but we'll cut it out.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Thanks for coming. I know. I assumed you guys. No, we wouldn't. He's just fucking with you. He's fucking with you, Sal. We would cut it out right there. I wish I could see you guys as beautiful faces. You guys have some sets you guys know we would he just fuck with he's fucking with you said we would we would cut it out right there. Yeah, I wish I could see you guys as beautiful
Starting point is 01:06:07 faces. You guys are some such you guys. He's trying to really try. Yeah, we know. We're looking out. Saved good talking to you brother. Thanks guys. You too. Thanks so much. Yeah, that that those compressive forces at the bottom, especially when you're
Starting point is 01:06:19 relaxed, although he's mostly active right because he's playing that can cause problems when you're, when you got some stability issues in your hips and ankles. That is one of the toughest positions in sports to be able to sit in that continually for nine innings, for extended innings. Like it's just brutal on the joints.
Starting point is 01:06:39 And you talk about people that really, I mean, he's a person who hit mobility and ankle mobility will do wonders for him. That's all performance for him. It's going to improve his performance tremendously. And I'm excited that he says he hasn't focused on that at all because that will make a big difference. I mean, it helps, you know, majority of our clients, most people need work in that area,
Starting point is 01:07:01 but you have somebody who is, who's, you who is working at the elite level down in that position and ankle and hip mobility. Totally. I tell you, if you want to look at high level athletes with tremendous, especially hip mobility and even ankle mobility, and when I say mobility, I mean, of course, range of motion, but strength and control and these ranges of motion, look at catchers and look at goalies for hockey. It's mind-blowing what they can do with their hips and their ankles, especially with the catchers with the ankles, and you got to look at them because they're the ones that are able to do it long into their career.
Starting point is 01:07:34 If you don't have those things and then you play high school college, you get tons of problems and usually hits you in the knees. Our next color is Jasmine from Michigan. Hey, Jasmine, how can we help you? Hi, so I recently lost 130 pounds for a couple of years. Wow, congratulations. Awesome. So I'm trying to get back into, I guess, a normal lifestyle without gaining back
Starting point is 01:07:59 a lot of the body fat that I lost. And I know there's a lot of science behind, like everybody gains back the weight. So I was wondering what your pickings are and what I can do to get back to maintenance sort of eating style and training. This pairs really well with the question we just answered. Yeah. You people will go. Yeah. So first off, congratulations. That is tremendous. That's such a hard thing to do. So the fact that you actually did it, I mean, that's a testament to you. I need to ask you a few more questions before I can answer this properly. I need to find out how did you lose the weight? Was this, did you get gastric bypass procedure? Did you
Starting point is 01:08:34 have, did you do it through exercise and diet? Like, what were the things you did to get there? It was all diet and exercise. I started calorie counting and then just actually being active. Okay. Cool. So I'm going to say something that might sound a little bit like I'm not answering your question, but just bear with me. The most important thing you can focus on to prevent yourself from gaining weight has nothing to do with the physiological things that are going to happen to your body as you
Starting point is 01:09:03 watch your calories and exercise and stuff like that. Those are all the mechanistic things that you can work on. And I have no doubt in my mind that you'll be able to do them because you've actually done them already and lost a lot of weight. The thing I'm going to recommend that you focus on the most is working on the behavioral aspect of it, the emotional aspect, essentially the mental part of all of this. So I highly recommend if you haven't already, investing in a therapist or somebody who specializes
Starting point is 01:09:30 in working with the behavioral aspects of not just the weight gain that happened prior to your weight loss, but now what happens now that you've lost the weight. In my experience working with people who've lost a lot of weight, they've usually used food as a way to self-medicate. So now what they've done is they've removed that way of self-medicating and through sheer discipline,
Starting point is 01:09:51 they're able to lose the weight. But at some point, all those reasons why maybe you had that weight on you in the first place, start to creep back in. And so you can have the best plan, the best workout, the best everything in terms of what to do. But if you don't address that, it's gonna be very, very, very challenging
Starting point is 01:10:09 if not impossible. Does that resonate with you? Yes, it does. Okay, excellent. All right, now let's talk about the mechanisms that you're going to work on. However many calories you're consuming right now, now that you've lost the weight,
Starting point is 01:10:24 what's your maintenance at? That's what I can't figure out necessarily. I go between eating around 1600 a day, just because I'm not hungry to around 2800 a day. So it just varies. Do you have any idea of what that would average out to per week? I haven't done the calculations, but probably around 2200 or so.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Okay. It's actually not bad. No, that's not bad. If you're not bad at all, considering you've dropped down 130 pounds. Now, now let me ask you another question. What does your exercise look like daily? Are you doing tons and tons of activity every day? Um, so I have a rebounder trampoline and when I'm bored, I just kind of jog on it for a couple hours a day, honestly. Okay. So I'm not sure if that cardio is influencing
Starting point is 01:11:11 what I'm doing at all. What about training? Are you following any of the maps programs right now? I just finished anabolic. Okay. Excellent. What did you see with anabolic? My muscles definitely got a lot stronger.
Starting point is 01:11:24 I managed to do, I guess, do body recomping the last year. So it definitely just solidified everything I had been doing. Very cool. Very, very cool. Okay, so you're doing two hours of cardio a day in order to be able to consume 2,200 calories a day. Nothing necessarily wrong with that. In terms of sustainability in my experience, it's going to be very difficult to maintain that five years, 10 years, 15 years, and beyond
Starting point is 01:11:51 because it's a lot of structured dedicated activity. I would recommend trying to make your daily life more active. It's a much more sustainable way of doing things. So maybe getting a step counter, seeing if you can increase your steps, just throughout the day, in your daily routines, and then try to replace the rebounding with something like that. Adam asked you the question about resistance training. Stay on that. Nothing positively affects the metabolism, like building strength and building muscle. So I would stay on that. Get your body strong. Get your body to want to build muscle. It I would stay on that, get your body strong, get your body to want to build muscle.
Starting point is 01:12:27 It'll make it so that you don't need to worry about burning somebody's calories manually on a daily basis. And even though I can't, you know, I'm not working with you and I haven't seen how you train inside the gym. My suggestion would be to make sure that you are focused on strength over burning, right?
Starting point is 01:12:44 So a lot of times when I have a client that has a big weight loss goal, it's all about moving and burning calories. A lot of the messaging that you see in social media and even on TV around weight loss is all about burning, burning, burning. And so a lot of times when my clients would come in the gym, that's how they approach their exercise, their sets, their reps, their weight when they're training, is they're trying to keep moving and weight, take some rest periods
Starting point is 01:13:08 to settle down and actually your goal should be, can I add five pounds to my bench press? Can I add ten pounds to my squat and really kind of reframe your thought process of going into the gym and exercising. It's more about building strength, building muscle. That's what's going to help speed the metabolism up. That's what's gonna help speed the metabolism up That's what's gonna allow you to be able to increase your calorie intake without putting on body fat And so I'm not sure what it looks like right now for you But I know in my experience with clients a lot of times when they're trying to lose weight
Starting point is 01:13:36 It's all about moving and burning and I got to re I got to reframe what that should look like for them And it's like hey when we go to the gym I'm not concerned about you you know like crazy and short rest periods, you don't rest. Rest for a solid two minutes between these sets and let's try and increase that strength and let's increase the weight that you're moving. Okay. Okay. Jasmine, you might if I ask you a couple of personal questions.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Yeah. So, before you got on this journey and you were 130 pounds heavier than you are now, what was the food doing for you or what were you eating the food for? In other words, did you find yourself eating because you were bored or sad or anxious? What was that food helping you with? It was probably a combination of all three, honestly. Okay. And what have you replaced the food with?
Starting point is 01:14:29 Exercising. Okay. So what you've done is you've, okay, so you've medicated with food before and now you're using exercise to medicate. Is that sound? Am I saying that accurately? I would say so. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Now, this is actually a strategy that I would use with clients. So when they would have Like you did with food where it was a way to self-medicate either You know sadness depression anxiety whatever and I would actually have them replace it with exercise because it's an easy transition however you can't stay there, okay? Because using exercise in that way is also developing a unhealthy or bad relationship with exercise and it's also totally not sustainable. Does that make sense to you? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Okay, excellent. So this is why I really, again, I wanna stress this, work with somebody who is experienced in an expert in this field and I'm telling you the people that I've worked with and I worked with quite a bit, quite a few people who've lost over 100 pounds. The ones who were successful were the ones that did exactly what I'm talking about. The ones who didn't do what I'm talking about, not a single one of them, was successful long-term.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Yeah, I think you're coming in with the right attitude of trying to find your maintenance and a lot of times the biggest struggle with somebody that's lost a lot of weight that I'm helping coach is that temptation of wanting to burn all the calories and make sure their activity levels are really high and they're doing high intensity things. So the advice I can only just echo trying to sort of refocus on just building your body up and getting stronger and focusing on the metrics. So even something like a powerlifting program, something like that, you know, might be something to look into.
Starting point is 01:16:17 But you know, once you dial all that in and, you know, you're utilizing food to just, you know, fuel the energy going into the workouts, that's a healthy place to be. Jasmine, I want you to know that I want to commend you too. You're kicking ass right now. The fact that you've dropped that down, the fact that you're actually eating 1800 to 2000 plus calories, the fact that you're aware that most people put the way back on,
Starting point is 01:16:39 the fact that you're aware that you were using food to medicate, you're already ahead of a lot of people and in the right direction, so you're doing a really goodate. You're already ahead of a lot of people and in the right direction. So you're doing a really good job. Very, very good job. And take care of yourself, like someone you care about. Always think of that to yourself.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Remember that, that you are somebody that you care about and you wanna treat yourself as such. That'll always guide you in the right direction. Okay. Excellent, thanks for calling, Enjasmine. Now. Excellent. Thanks for calling in Jasmine. Yeah, thank you so much. No problem. That's a, you know, you're actually right, Adam. The vast majority of people that were in her situation
Starting point is 01:17:14 don't even get close to where she's at. Not even aware. Not even aware. And she's, I would say, more than halfway there, but again, I can't stress when you finally get there, you're not done. There's another phase you need to move to that can be just as challenging as the previous phase.
Starting point is 01:17:31 It's necessary in order to maintain what you've already accomplished. Otherwise, if exercise becomes your new drug, and we all know that very well what that turns into, either A, it can become bad in and of itself, or B, you eventually get sick of that drug and you drop it very quickly and go back to your previous drug, which was, you know, food. Nobody ever thinks that you can abuse exercise and fitness.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Right, it's a good thing, right? It's a right thing. Right, it's healthy, I'm exercising, but you absolutely can't, especially if you don't handle the root cause. If you got in that situation, because, and I love that you went that direction with her, because that's what's common, I think, with most people,
Starting point is 01:18:11 is that's your outlet. Your outlet is all I'm gonna go in the gym and exercise. And you know what, a lot of times it gets people to their goal, but long term, eventually, that stuff surfaces, and then you, that's where the binge and the fall off the wagon, and all the weight comes back on because you never dealt with what was really causing the weight gain in the first place. Yeah, I'd say the, in my career, I worked with three, initially I worked with three people
Starting point is 01:18:36 who lost a lot of weight and they later on gained it back and failed and it was so, for me, it was such an eye opening thing and I thinking, like, what can I possibly do? And so I had this completely different strategy moving on in my career where when somebody would come to me and would want to lose 100 pounds or 80 pounds or more, what part of the structure was that they worked with a therapist and that I worked with your therapist. When we did that, the success rate was much higher because then it was, we're really working on the root. And I'm not a, you know, I'm a trainer, right? And I can work with food therapist. When we did that, the success rate was much higher, because then it was, we're really working on the route,
Starting point is 01:19:05 and I'm not a, you know, I was, I'm a trainer, right? And I can work with food relationships, I can work with that kind of stuff, but I wanted an expert who was a therapist or a counselor who could work with that person on the side. Get some part of it. And it was so much more effective. Our next caller is Joseph from California.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Hey Joseph, how can we help you? Hey guys, how you doing? I just had a quick question. Let's talk guys out here. Don't get a lot of love or you don't get to hear much about how to progress and live and really move past those plateau. So when I'm wondering, I'm 64.
Starting point is 01:19:38 I've been working out for about 10 years. I followed Mike Matthews, bigger leaner stronger for, I don't know, let's say about three three or four years really taught me about that strength phase, but I just I need some tips on how to increase my squad I've been really stuck at you know always getting a little bit past that 225 mark, but then coming back down and You know I a reference I heard you guys make was in regards to you know You're running with a bum leg and when you put that intensity or add that weight And a reference I heard you guys make was in regards to, you're running with a bum leg,
Starting point is 01:20:06 and when you put that intensity or add that weight, you're just running faster with that bum leg. So I guess my question is, how and what are some tips to progress for us taller guys, six, three on our squats? Well, I love questions like this. I'm with you too. There is no love for us guys that are over six, three and above, man.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Yeah. You guys have such a hot life. Yeah. And I try and remind, I'm trying to remind Sal and Justin all the time that the way that they measure strength is weight over distance. So guys like you and I, even though we're only moving to 25, we're like twice as strong as Sal and Justin are squatting. I have a little way.
Starting point is 01:20:39 So just remember that, Joe. You and I are much stronger than these guys that are doing you know three four hundred compact power yeah range of motion that's exactly right so joseph what do you okay so what is you said you were doing bigger leaner stronger before what are you doing now what did you work out to look like now yeah so about twenty seventeen twenty eighteen i i found you guys through my
Starting point is 01:21:01 math use the recommended this podcast and i just fell in love. I did first program. I bought was anabolic, absolutely loved it, bought aesthetic, absolutely loved it. I did performance after that, absolutely loved it. I ran anabolic product about two times. I have performance and strong. I started off on strong, but I was getting a little, I felt overtraining, I was sleeping bad.
Starting point is 01:21:24 I was just really, after my workouts I felt more tired than energized. So I kind of was in the strength phase for the last about say six weeks. So then I moved back into, I just jumped right back into aesthetic phase two to just go into more of the pump phase or whatnot, just to get my body to break from that strain. Okay. And how are your focus on the squat primarily? Is that what you really want to improve?
Starting point is 01:21:48 At 100%, you know, I want to get to that 315, but I want to do it right. I don't want to just keep hobbling on this leg and then injuring myself having to go back so you know, 135 to 185 to 1 to 225 and so forth. Got it. Now, how did your squat strength go up going through maps and a ball look and aesthetic and performance? 100%. I could say my overall body and strength, I had some major transformations. Like I said, I was doing Bearling or Stronger, which is primarily focused on just strength training the
Starting point is 01:22:17 whole time, a 46 rep range. But I just noticed huge results by doing the full body three to four days a week and just giving myself that rest and recovery. But also the programming was just awesome how it phased into each phase, you know, from a strength phase to a high, you know, a high-perfect building phase. And then, yeah. How did you do with the consistency of those frequency builders, the trigger sessions, for instance, in anabolic in the mobility sessions in performance.
Starting point is 01:22:47 You know, for anabolic, I love the trigger sessions. I actually do them even with aesthetic and performance. How much I love those, do the air squads and band exercises. I've been really focusing on my chin ups and pull ups and notice a lot of gains in my arms. But for performance, the mobility trigger sessions, they were a lot of new movements to memorize and you kind of go back in old habits
Starting point is 01:23:12 when you don't have too much time and really need to probably focus more on those mobility sessions. Well, the way you would get stronger, if you're tall, is the same way somebody who's short would get stronger. And what I mean by that is it really boils down to the individual. Okay, so number one, I would look at mobility issues and see if those are causing problems. Typically tall guys, they may lean forward a lot when they do a squat.
Starting point is 01:23:39 They might need greater ankle mobility in order to perform a proper squat typically. So I would look at things like work on ankle mobility in order to perform a proper squat typically. So I would look at things like work on ankle mobility quite a bit. That's a very common one. Yeah. And then here's the other thing. If your goal is to build more strength and with your level of experience, now you can start to incorporate some more advanced techniques.
Starting point is 01:24:01 And I don't mean advanced in terms of more intensity and more volume. I mean advanced in terms of like variable resistance. Yeah, so I would use resistance bands on my barbell when I'm doing a squat, either assisting me or adding resistance so that the bottom of the squat is lighter and the top of the squat is heavier. You can also use chains in your squats.
Starting point is 01:24:21 You can also start to do where you pause your reps. So if your sticking point is, you know, right at 90 degrees, I would hold a squat there for three seconds and then come up at the top. You can also experiment with a type of squat called bottom position squats where you get under a bar that's already at the bottom of a squat and then bring it up rather than starting at the top lowering and coming back up. These techniques are really, really good at getting strengthings go up. So start looking in that direction aside from the mobility.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Well, I'm going to go in a couple different directions. One, so I don't know how much you followed my journey, Joseph, as far as strength building and where I was with competing to where I focused on mobility. So where I'm currently at right now like I my when I was competing I was squatting over 400 pounds Obviously, I had a great physique on stage But I had I had really poor mobility and that was a big focus So I transitioned out of competing and to be coming this like really trying to become this really mobile guy Like at six three beat. I wanted to be able to sit like astergrass squat comfortably not just get there But be down in that position comfortably and so I kind of let go of like okay
Starting point is 01:25:33 I'm obviously probably not gonna be squatting 400 pounds. Let's get back to see how deep I can get it Lots of mobility work and to where I'm at currently today is I'm probably squatting somewhere around three 50-ish is probably kind of my peak where I'm at right now, but'm probably squatting somewhere around three, 50-ish is probably kind of my peak where I'm at right now, but it's asked to grass. And my legs are bigger than they've ever been at where I'm at right now. So even though I was squatting more weight before when I was competing,
Starting point is 01:25:58 I didn't have nowhere near the depth in my squat. And so that's another thing too, is to be clear on like what you really want. Do you want to squat more weight so you can build your quads and your legs more or do you want to squat more weight just so you can squat more weight. So I had to ask myself that and like let go of like okay so I'm squatting less weight now but I'm moving the weight at a greater range of motion which is resulting in bigger more defined legs than I had before. So that's one. The other thing I'll tell you that I benefited
Starting point is 01:26:26 from personally a lot was actually our Power Lift program. So especially if you're very focused on building your squad up, the way that program is written, it is written to get your strength up in the big lifts. So it's programmed very, very well. It's very different to how I've ever trained my body. I've always trained like a body builder or like an athlete.
Starting point is 01:26:48 I had never trained like a power lifter to try and get strong in my lifts. That was my first time ever really doing that. And I saw a big strength gains. And for obviously guys like us who have been lifting for a long time, you know, seeing 10 or 20 pounds go on the bars a big deal. And I was seeing that in in my big
Starting point is 01:27:05 lifts from that program so that would be my other suggestion yeah do you have math powerlif joseph i do i do i have a ton of your programs i have prime prime pro it's it's really just figuring out those mechanics and making sure i'm doing the right mechanics before i had that intense the year add those different variations and I think focusing more on the 90, 90, I've been doing that for last year and a half, I felt a lot better. I used to give an impingement and you're my lower back on my left side. And ever since I started doing 90, 90,
Starting point is 01:27:34 since it's been out of the desk all day, it's really helped me out in the combat stretch and just been incorporating those on a very frequent basis. I'm sitting down, wrestling with the kids or what would not. Hell yeah, Joe, are you in the private forum too or no? No, I'm not. Okay, all right, well, we're gonna set you up with that. I'm gonna have Doug give you access to the forum,
Starting point is 01:27:53 and then what I want you to do is I'll actually want you to video yourself squatting. Because right now we're all speculating on ways that we can kind of help you out in the area. I might be able to see the way you're squatting right now and point out something more specific. And a lot of people, that's you out in the area. I might be able to see the way you're squatting right now and point out something more specific. And a lot of people, that's how they use the forum. So there's, besides the three of us being in there
Starting point is 01:28:11 to kind of help and coach people along, we've also got a ton of other coaches and professionals in there and everybody loves to share like a video of them, and then you'll get critiques from everybody including ourselves. So we want to, and since you own almost everything, let us hook you up with that. Yeah, and then one last. Howiques from everybody, including ourselves. So we want to, and sit you on almost everything, let us hook you up with that.
Starting point is 01:28:27 Yeah, and then one last thing, I can't stress this enough, especially with people who are tall, there's a lot of value in split stance exercises. Okay, Bulgarian split stance squats, huge lunges, either backstep or frontstep, unilateral exercises, step ups or single leg toe touches or deadlifts. Tremendous value for everybody, especially for tall people.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Tall people seem to get so much value from doing those split stance exercises. In my experience, I've seen some of my tall and cleanly addresses the any instability. I mean, there's no way around it. And so I think that's great advice to really kind of dive into that as well. And then see how that applies, you know, back to your
Starting point is 01:29:13 backloaded squats. Exactly. Cool. Well, thank you so much. Yeah, ever since I started listening to you guys, I did the split stance, Bulgarian squats. I built two step up boxes, been doing those. And then performance really got me into more of those sink the leg movements. So I did notice some gains there, but really just want to focus on the big four and squats.
Starting point is 01:29:32 It's always been a keel he sealed mine. So I do appreciate everything and I do have chains. So I can start doing those and I do really appreciate it. Thank you. Awesome. Awesome. Thank you. Oh man, he's dialed in. He's got all the program.. Awesome, man. Kickin' out. Thank you. Man, he's dialed in. He's got all the program.
Starting point is 01:29:49 I mean, he's doing, I think that's just a case of like you wanting more sooner. I mean, he's obviously, if he's ran through most of Mike's stuff, he's got damn near every one of our programs, gone through, it's seen phenomenal results already. Like, you know, I think that's something too. And I know you guys, we all probably wrestle with this is that, you know, after you've been lifting
Starting point is 01:30:06 for a really long time, those gains are few and far between. We're stuck a little harder. Yeah, I mean, I mean, a five pound increase today is like a big deal, you know what I'm saying? Or an inch more of mobility. I mean, so, you know, after you've got those beginner gains and you've seen great results from, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:24 going through a few new programs you've never followed, it's tough to see that like major gains, you know, years down the road. And you know, you are right, it's one of the only places in life where being tall might be a disadvantage, right? It's when you're doing barbell squats. Right. Right. So look, my pump is recorded on videos as well as audios,
Starting point is 01:30:41 you can come check us out on YouTube, my pump podcast. We also have a lot of free guides and free written information. So we have guides on how to get a better squat, how to build your legs or your arms or your midsection, how to burn more body fat. Go check them all out, go to mindpumpfree.com.
Starting point is 01:30:57 They're all free, they cost nothing. And then again, and then also you can find a Saul on social media. Instagram is our favorite place to be. So you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body,
Starting point is 01:31:12 dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal and I'm in Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction
Starting point is 01:31:49 of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing Mind Pump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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