Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 151: Adam's Las Vegas Olympia Update

Episode Date: September 18, 2015

Adam is down in Las Vegas for the Olympia, staying in a massive suite at the Palms and doing cool stuff. Sal, Adam & Doug are slaving away in the studio. Adam updates them on the Kai Greene Olympia no...-show, but not before making the boys jealous of his playboy lifestyle.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, MindPump listeners, do you like us? I mean, do you really like us? Are we providing quality information, humor, a way to get through your shitty commute? I mean, just ask yourself that. Now, think about somebody else out there that has never heard of MindPump. Think about that poor, unfortunate soul.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Idiot who's just, you know, grinding away at life and just hating the fact that they're skinny and they have their muscles. Visible fat and just fucking disgusting. They never get laid. I mean, think about that person. How can we help that person by reviewing mind pump and boost in our shit up in the raking.
Starting point is 00:00:46 That's it. Go on there. Leave us a review. We got the contest still going on. Doug, what's happening? Well, it's until the end of September. Until the end of September. Yes. Get your reviews up there. The top three will be getting t-shirts. T-shirts.
Starting point is 00:01:00 And Sal is going to sign it. Justin's going to sign it. Yeah. Adam's going to sign it. Even I will sign it. Oh snap, you got the four horsemen. Well, one of those shirts, here's the crazy part, one of those shirts, Doug wore as a loincloth
Starting point is 00:01:13 during a squat workout. So you're gonna be able to wear the essence of Doug. Wow. This is special, this is rare and it's special. And it smells like vanilla bacon. I don't know why. The science man, it attracts hot bitches. For some reason it smells like vanilla bacon. I don't know why science man It attracts hot bitches for some reason smells like vanilla bacon Sal just keep sniffing
Starting point is 00:01:34 It's a duck you're done talking vanilla bacon done talking I'm explaining how your boss smell like vanilla Make is it crispy crispy get those reviews out people do it even ill-a bacon if you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind, hot, mind, up with your hosts. Salta Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. We're calling Adam Schaefer right now who's in Las Vegas for the Olympia weekend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:02 And we're just gonna... We want to know who's looking like awesome. He doesn't know we're recording, right? So we're gonna surprise him a little bit. Oh, no, I've already told him we're gonna record. You did? Yeah, sorry. That's all right.
Starting point is 00:02:13 How many hot bitches are in the bathtub? Ha ha. Got their meatballs. Bro! Yeah! Bro, you're on the air. You're on Mountain T you're on my tongue welcome We are live
Starting point is 00:02:32 Yeah, bro, what are you doing dude? What are you where you at right now? Did you you guys check out the periscope your your periscope? Yeah, is that like a innuendo or are we talking about the real thing? We don't want to look at you. Well, you guys, you're seriously you're the worst friend ever. No, I don't know. What did you, what did you, what did you, you're busy? What is your periscope? What what happened? I, I periscope the room, bro. Oh, your room? Is it, yeah, I see, I'm, I think, I'm here for five days, so I couldn't just be in like a normal little room, you know. No, it's not how shaper does it is it gains to know what
Starting point is 00:03:05 i i think that's pretty nutty this is uh... it's uh... just under two thousand square feet two stories and then uh... it's a it's a private bungalow so i actually have access to the pool all the time and i would not private gate did you know that you're a dickhead because we asked you yeah we said hey should we all go to the olympia this is literally what adam said well you know it's not that big of a deal i don't know i'm not going to mention the fact that i have a two thousand square foot awesome pen bro i could have brought my whole family bro we all could have hung out and
Starting point is 00:03:36 shit you could have had you know what though i don't ever know so i get here you know i'm saying in fact the real reason why I'm in this room was, so my kind of routine is I book a standard room because I get comps for standard rooms. And then when I get here, I normally upgrade. And the upgrade, so a room like this, the room I'm in, I think, is either $25 or $3,500 a night. So, you know, when I get here, I'm not paying $2500 to $3500, and I'm going to book this room, that's ridiculous, you know, but when I get here, if it's not, if whatever is not sold
Starting point is 00:04:10 out, they normally will hook you up with a deal, especially since I have comps and I'm a gambler. So I just kind of wheel, I can wheel and deal, so I can come in and be like, I came in and I said, hey, you know, you can check my history, I normally upgrade to the Grand Suite. I said, what do you, do you guys have any available she's like no we're completely sold out of rooms I got a hell of piss like are you kidding me blah blah blah this and that I'm like you guys have no sweets available she's like well we don't have those sweets you know we have the Barbie suite and I'm like I don't want to watch you pink room yeah I'm cool with the pink room and she's like well then we have you
Starting point is 00:04:44 know we do have three three bungalows that you've been in those before and as a no tell me about this and she told me about it and I think we got we got three bungholes hey uh... bungalows hey bro uh... we should tell the listeners that you uh... have uh...
Starting point is 00:05:02 done your toes there they're back in form again you've got the the french tip manicures they are there in full force do you do you find your toenails uh... catching on to your socks when you try and put them on does it snag at your your socks or pantyhose or whatever you were no because i still i still trim the masculine bro just because their french
Starting point is 00:05:23 tip doesn't mean i don't cut the masculine i don't have like long have long toenails and a check well you're well i was like i'm thinking like if you're gonna do a muzzle make them functional then you can claim shit you know i mean the fishnets you can have to work with that you know i always i it's always great yesterday i was yesterday yesterday i got a done and whenever i go to a new place it's always great yesterday i was that yesterday yesterday i got up done and whenever i go to a new place it's always hilarious because
Starting point is 00:05:48 the the the you know most of the little uh... now so on their are read by the the ladies that like they speak very broken english right so you know when you get this guy that comes in of course i'm that's like big me had tattooed guy comes in and i'm like yeah tome or do it and then when they get down the toes normally they they ask girls, you know, what color polish or what do you want and the girls tell them what you want? Well, I always have to speak up because they don't ask me to just assume that I want
Starting point is 00:06:13 a clear coat and normal, like probably every other man that comes in there because it's probably rare enough to catch one there. And I always have to say, hey, when you're done, I want French tips. And they always laugh at me like I'm kidding. You know, like, ah, yeah, okay. And then I'm like, no, I want to like and they always laugh at me like I'm kidding. You know like ah yeah, okay And then I'm like no, I would like the condom No, I want French tip for real and then we all start talking and like Japanese and Chinese and you like that all fucking
Starting point is 00:06:40 Here Because they're you know you can pick up on a few. And then also they all start laughing and they're like, everyone's looking over at my feet. You know what, dude? Your language skills is amazing. Yeah, like Asian in- That was total, that point. That was total Asian language. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Whatever that is. So, hey, dude, so what's up? Are you seeing, have you seen a lot of people there from the, like, the show? Are you running into all kinds of crazy stuff? What's going on, dude? So, I just worked out with uh... i i went over to you so when i first landed at my buddy of my buddy has a place over here at the
Starting point is 00:07:12 cosmopolitan you he he lives over here like thirty percent of the year and i was like hey what's the best you know to he's like oh you got to go to last bag at athletic like it's like literally all all the baddest girls and bodies all go there so I'm like okay so I tell my caddy I get in there I'm like okay I'm just like this athletic club so he takes me fifty dollar cab ride this is most expensive
Starting point is 00:07:34 gym work that I ever had bro 100 dollar gym work out but when I got in there dude it is literally the media's meat market I've ever been to and every every girl is in a full blown like from the sneakers all the way to the hair ties completely matching you know sports brought out showing your stomach and kids and everything and full makeup hair done worked out and so what you're in the mid so you took a bunch of pictures right yeah well I'm top I was talking to Katrina right You didn't take pictures. I told Katrina. I said hey, I'm on my way to the gym babe. I said
Starting point is 00:08:11 So I'm gonna go work out and she texted me like 45 minutes ago And I didn't when you guys were calling me I didn't after I was working out with my buddy And then I get done working out and then she was what took you so long? And I was telling her I think my baby there's all these hot chicks in there and it was crazy and she's like no wonder fucking took you so long? And I was telling her, I'm like, well, there's all these hot chicks in there and it was crazy and she'd go, no wonder fucking took you so long. It's not how, I said we were training hard, man. We were training hard in there. Bro, can we talk about, can we talk about how awesome
Starting point is 00:08:33 your girlfriend is that you told her that? And she's like, oh, that's why. Yeah. Oh, let me tell you what would happen if you told your Italian wife, you know that, you get shot, you get a shot in the face. You would have two hosts. So have you gone to the pool?
Starting point is 00:08:48 Any pool parties yet? Well, my room is a pool party, bro. I'm like next to it, next to me are all the cabanas. But I have my own private cabana and jacuzzi and stuff. You're a massive asshole. I don't know. Just a huge gaping asshole. What a jerk.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Hashtag. Adam only does. Bro, can I tell you something right now, Adam? I'm not making this up. You're not here. So you can't see Doug right now, but he's fucking crying. Yeah. You've made him cry.
Starting point is 00:09:13 I mean, he was like, you're 18, right? Right. And they start crying. I just walked out of my balcony. Can you hear everything? No, we can't pick it up that much. But you know what, I think you should do. I want you to take a picture of some of the room and stuff so we could post it on the mine pump Instagram
Starting point is 00:09:29 page if you don't mind. Yeah, I'll also said you guys some pictures, but you should definitely watch the parenthesis. I mean, it's 2000 square feet. So it's kind of hard to take a picture and give an idea of how cool the house and it takes me fucking five minutes to walk through. So there's an elevator, bro, it's in it. That's so in your room. Yeah, it might it's an elevator that takes me down from my master bedroom. It takes me down. The house is designed the way it's designed. If the top floor is the living space, so I can block it off. And then if I want to have like, you know, throw a party and so that the whole downstairs is
Starting point is 00:10:05 a party room. So it's linked. So I have this whole virtual setup to where I just plug my iPhone in and that speakers are in and throughout the entire house built into the walls. And then there's plasma and fireplace is built into the walls all over the all over. Okay. Yeah, that's boring. So listen, so question.
Starting point is 00:10:24 You're having a horrible time. So listen, uh, so question, you're having a horrible time. Yeah. So anyway, so question, you're, there was some controversy you texted me about last night. Are you allowed to talk about any of that? Yeah, I know. There's, uh, there's a lot of stuff going on now. Unfortunately, I can't, I don't know, uh, I don't know specifics because a lot of it's like speculation right now and a lot of rumors, but there's a lot of drama right now going on, which is I'm kind of, I'm kind of excited to be around the expo and around Olympia to see what comes out this week because I'm sure we're going to hear more about what's going on. But first it was Kai Green, those that are not bodybuilder fans,
Starting point is 00:11:00 you know, Kai Green is, you know, runner up of Mr. Olympia for the last three years to build. And he's basically can't they're they've they've said he cannot compete now all like three days before whatever well so he said that but i read all the articles and the response is from the league saying that kai green is not banned from the expo kai green is not banned from olympia he is completely was okay to compete he never even filled in his registration and sent it in if he were to filled in his registration and sent it in. If he were to fill in his registration,
Starting point is 00:11:27 send in he can compete. So, there's something else going on. And here's what I've kind of put together. I agree. And the, I agree is in the middle of launching his supplement line. So he's getting ready to launch his supplement line. Now the I.B.B.
Starting point is 00:11:42 When this happens, there's part of, there's part of the deal they have where they they want a percentage of that they're going to market him and push him through all the olympia and so that the i.p.b. tries to dip their hands into uh... his pocket a little bit and that's what a lot of these big names like high green and what i believe also like in a daily back out to is because he's got their their big names they don't even need a limpia anymore you know they don't that they have a huge
Starting point is 00:12:08 social media falling a huge network of people that are here huge fans whether they can peter not and i think a lot of these athletes are starting to see that and realize it you know which is what we've always talked about this with me you know it's like the whole purpose of the sport for me was never see how far i can climb and do show after show after show it was you know build a brand and build yourself and build a network of people then build a business around that you know where a lot of these
Starting point is 00:12:34 the athletes are trying to lost in their direction and they're they're kind of getting felt like they've been abused you know they've been in competing for 10 to 15 years and they feel handcuffed by the lead right but why why not compete in the in the lily why announce that you're not going to compete in the olympia right before hand if for the supplement company because is it because you want to break the contract so you have to give them a percentage do you think or
Starting point is 00:12:57 yeah that's right and i think it's just a way of posturing uh... you know i think it's a i think it's a way of posturing like okay if you're not going to budge on, you know, the percentage of what you're trying to get from us or whatever they're negotiating or whatever they're debating or whatever that he's just off about. And I think that's what it is. And it's like, okay, well, then I won't compete that.
Starting point is 00:13:17 I don't, you know, I think that's kind of, and I think that's why if you want those that follow all this stuff closely, you know, if you listen to kai gree uh... you know it's personal interview that he did on not enough was paystalker you go to you to be a new crying and talking all about you know all the drama behind the scenes but then he was very very but you wouldn't say anything i think a lot of the reason i was saying is i think a lot of it has to do with you know partly himself i think he's making the decision not to do that I think he's he's
Starting point is 00:13:47 posturing against the iftb as far as which what also came out just the other day was there's rumors that they knew league is gonna come out and the one of the head judges from texas i believe in the name is i don't lead Tom said i believe i might be getting that wrong but uh... believe in the lead Tom said he't lead to i'm saying i believe i might be getting a wrong but i believe in the league of the head judge from texas and he was he's a poll you were supposed to judge in a little bit
Starting point is 00:14:13 and he's now decided that he's not going to uh... judge in a little bit of and is going to create this new league and calling the i thinkb out for tipping the athletes basically new body league yeah and the rumor is that they're going to pay the athletes you know based off of their level so if you're an amateur even amateur supposedly might get some sort of pay if you win shows or whatever like that and then as you work your
Starting point is 00:14:43 way up to the professional level you know you'll actually get paid for doing these shows. I don't know how much that's true. I don't know how much of that's going to happen just like what you said. I think you brought up a great point where I told you when I sent the message over to you is that you know it's not the first time somebody has tried to come up. Vince McMahon right? Yeah the WBF yeah. Way back in the 90s I remember that yeah So you know, and you know it reminds me to like women XFL try to come after the NFL You know, it's like a kind of it's like daddy, you know
Starting point is 00:15:14 I'm saying I whether whether daddy is takes advantage of their athlete or not at the end of the day They they have a lot of power and pull and you said it best that you know even if a new league It's's created and does well, you know, they're in a position to just absolve that league if they need to and buy it. Yeah, that same way that you have C-Bot W-E-C. You know, you say pride and... Yeah, pride and loss and strife force.
Starting point is 00:15:38 So Adam, what's the plans tonight? What are you doing tonight? So tonight, I just had a training and a little bit around my balcony and and trying to get some color so i don't want to go to the whole party's in public uh... Saturday sunday uh... and i'm i'm i'm probably gonna do something we're not probably get on the computer a little bit get the work done for you a little bit of work and chill
Starting point is 00:16:01 i'm gonna stay on the diet of the green i know that this weekend is going to be heavily with a lot of people party in heart on saturday and sunday so i don't want to go hard in the paint uh... you know i got that in the anymore i can run it back to back to back back days i got a quick and choose by days you know i'm in this place all by myself for the next uh... two days
Starting point is 00:16:19 well my growth well bro i can i think i can speak on behalf of behalf of the rest of us who are here back in San Jose and the listeners. Go fuck yourself. Enjoy. Have a good time, brother. We love you. We miss you.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Yeah. And we'll hear you make money on here. Yeah, exactly. Hey, real quick before you kick me off. What does it sound? I'm really curious to what it sounds like. How does it the sound from from uh... for you guys all plugged in right now with your head for all we're all plugged in you sound like you're on the phone you sound like you're
Starting point is 00:16:53 it sounds it's you can hear it it's on really good we sound excellent you sound kind of shitty but we can hear you it's understandable we won't know until we play it back so but this is perfect and good call to whoever's idea this was, just trying to do it for a channel of you. Man, he's bro. It's the fucking producer. He's the fucking.
Starting point is 00:17:10 It's the Douglas spin master. Hey, the good thing we have done, we would be able to find our Dixit or wasn't for you, Doug. No, I couldn't wipe my ass. Doug, thank you for finding my dick yesterday. I appreciate that. The pleasure.
Starting point is 00:17:21 When you guys get done recording and pretending to work, hit me up later on and then watch the periscope. And then I'll talk to you guys later on. Yeah, we'll guys get done recording and pretending to work, hit me up later on and then watch the periscope and then I'll talk to you guys later on. Yeah, we'll already live through all of your awesome adventures. Yeah. You've got to get your head. Alright, brother. You guys, you guys.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Glad to. Later. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam and Justin, visit us at www.inepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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