Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1516: The Best Quad Building Exercises, the Fastest Way to Recover from Soreness, How to Know When to Stop a Reverse Diet & More

Episode Date: March 24, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about the best exercises to build mass in the quads, the quickest way to recover from soreness, when to stop a reverse di...et, and how to add running to a weightlifting routine. The ultimate pro douchebag move. (3:43) How Butcher Box has the best customer service, hands down! (11:32) The inconvenient truths surrounding men’s versus women’s sports. (13:50) Mind Pump Recommends, The Last Blockbuster on Netflix. (28:32) Justin is looking good in his Felix Gray’s. (38:39) Is the human reproductive system declining? (39:54) #Quah question #1 – What are the best exercises to build mass in the quads? (50:28) #Quah question #2 – What's the quickest way to recover from soreness? (59:03) #Quah question #3 – How do I know when to stop a reverse diet? (1:03:11) #Quah question #4 – I want to add running to my weightlifting routine. I was thinking of running a mile or 10 minutes before lifting. My goal is to keep and improve on gains, but also weave in some endurance training. Is it better to run after weights or on my days off? (1:05:55) Related Links/Products Mentioned March Specials: Get in Shape for Summer! MAPS HIIT, MAPS Spilt, and the Bikini Bundle all half off! – Promo code “SPRINGBREAK” at checkout Nearly $1,000 worth of oily pennies used to pay former employee Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! Striking difference between men's and women's NCAA weight rooms Women's College Basketball Loses $14 Million a Year, Says Mark Emmert The Last Blockbuster | Netflix Blockbuster laughed at Netflix partnership offer Facebook smart glasses coming in 2021 - CNBC Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Plummeting sperm counts, shrinking penises: toxic chemicals threaten humanity Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race Mind Pump #1230: Surviving & Thriving In A Toxic World With Max Lugavere The Only Way You Should Be Doing Bulgarian Split Squats! (BUTT GROWTH) - Mind Pump TV Complete Guide To Squatting Like a Pro | Mind Pump Media Build Your Legs with the Barbell Hack Squat - YouTube Mind Pump TV - YouTube Sore muscles…what does it mean? - Mind Pump Blog Rubberbanditz Resistance Band Set Reverse Dieting: What Is It and Should YOU Try It?? | MIND PUMP TV Why You Can Prioritize NEAT Over Cardio – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Ronda Rousey (@rondarousey)  Instagram Jake Paul (@jakepaul)  Instagram Eugene Teo (@coacheugeneteo)  Instagram Stan "Rhino" Efferding (@stanefferding)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND,IND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, our audience, fitness questions, but the way we open the episode is with an intro portion. So we're talking about current events, talk about scientific studies, we mentioned our sponsors, stuff that doesn't make sense sometimes. I'm gonna give you a rundown of this whole podcast right now. So we open up by talking about how somebody paid someone else in pennies, thousands of dollars worth of pennies
Starting point is 00:00:43 because they're a jerk. Then Adam talked about his deliveries that he gets to his door. He likes to order everything to his door and how butcher box has the best customer service anywhere. I agree with him. Butcher box actually replaced one of my boxes one time because it was left out in the sun.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Now, they're a great company that provides grass fed, healthy meats to your door, very, very low priced, but also very good quality. Go check them out, use the Mind Pump Discount. Go to butcherbox.com-forward-slash-mind-pump. And the Mind Pump offer gives you free ground beef for life. That's two pounds of grass-fed, grass-finished ground beef for life. That's really, really good.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Then we talked about the controversy of men's versus women's basketball. They're training facilities. There's a lot of people claiming sexism. So we have a... Here we go. Talk about that. Then we talked about the blockbuster documentary on Netflix. I talked about Justin's handsome face and glasses. He looks really good. The glasses he's wearing are blue blockers from Felix Gray. And of course, we have our own link. So go check them out. Go to FelixGrayGlasses.com. That's F-E-L-I-X-G-R-A-Y glasses.com forward slash mind pump.
Starting point is 00:01:56 And then you can go check them out. Then I talk about this book that came out. Talk about how our reproductive system is declining. Penises are even shrinking. Spurm counts may be down to zero and over, little over 20 years. Crazy, crazy stuff. Then we get into the question.
Starting point is 00:02:12 So here's the first one that we answered. This person wants to know what the best exercises to build the quads. The next question says, what's the fastest way to recover after getting sore? The third question, this person wants to know when to stop reverse dieting. And then the final question, this person wants to know when to stop reverse dieting. And then the final question,
Starting point is 00:02:27 this person wants to add running to their weightlifting routine. Once you know when the best time is to run, so it doesn't conflict with their resistance training. Also, we are running a huge promotion this month. We have two individual workout programs that are 50% off, and we have a workout program bundle that's
Starting point is 00:02:45 50% off. So the first program that's on sale is Maps Hit. That's high intensity interval training. The second program that's on sale is Maps Split. That's a body part body building routine. And then the bikini bundle is the bundle that's 50% off. You can go check them out and more at mapsfitnessproducts.com and then use the code Spring Break for the discount.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Oh, yeah! Teacher time! And it's teacher time! Oh, shit, dog, you know it's my favorite time of the week. We've got two big winners this week. We have one for Apple Podcast, one for Facebook. The Apple Podcast winner is Chris Lambert, 79. And for Facebook we got Jeffrey Sismanski.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Both of you are winners and the name I just read to iTunes at MindPumpMedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address. And we'll get that shirt right out to you. Hey, I got something for you guys, dude. What's it up? Yesterday this drop. So hopefully I'm like the first to bring this up that I died laughing. Katrina actually shared it with me.
Starting point is 00:03:51 There's a luxury auto shop guy, okay? Get owns this, they work on Ferraris and Lambos. Oh, okay. And it's going viral right now, and it was all over the news yesterday last night He paid the his he fired an employee and he paid their final check in pennies Oh, I think I might have seen this and he wanted oil right yeah, okay, so do you know why no? You must have really pissed them off. So yeah, totally guys an asshole too by the way
Starting point is 00:04:22 It's it's unfortunate because you guys know I've pulled pulled, I've pulled a similar move off. You did this when your card out there. Yeah, yeah, similar. It was quarter. So first of all, so it wasn't nowhere. So that's like, you're talking about like a like almost a thousand pounds of fucking pennies. Like it's, it was legally, it's legal tender. So you accept it. Yeah, like, yeah, what are you going to do? There's nothing illegal. He did. And it. Yeah, like, what are you gonna do? There's nothing illegal he did. And then in addition to that, what Justin said, is there's like this oil on him. So it's like kind of grimy and shit.
Starting point is 00:04:51 You know, you know what, and I didn't know this, but you know why that's like just fucking hilarious? Why? Because you can't take it to the bank until you clean all that shit off. No. Oh. So he's got a thousand pounds of penny.
Starting point is 00:05:04 And he has to clean them all. Wow. Are they just get it? I mean, at that point, you just go, well, I'm not dealing with this. Yeah, no, they just throw it away. They just put it in a, no, it's thousands of dollars. Thousands?
Starting point is 00:05:16 Thousands of dollars. Oh, I thought it was like a couple hundred bucks. No, it's like a couple thousand dollars. It was their final check. Wow. And he put it, I think he dropped it off and they're driveway with a little note. And it was covered in oil.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And he had to get a wheel, he got a wheelbarrow filled the entire thing up, right? And it's just sitting in there, in there garage and that they were talking to him, right? They interviewed him and it said that they can't take it to the bank until they clean all the oil. Well, don't you have to clean them and then also roll them. Roll them. Yeah. Into those things. Yeah. So I mean have to clean them and then also roll them. Roll them.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Yeah. Into those things. Yeah. So I mean, how long would that take? Like a month. Like a month. I a lot of the ultimate F you. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Yeah. Now what sucks was like, I was so excited to read the article and then I watched the video on the news and everything I thought. And I was like, I was totally pro this asshole move. I'm like, you know what? Probably some fucking dumb ass kid served it, right? But the guy's kind of a douchebag. Like, they interviewed like five former employees.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I'm like, yeah, he's a dick. Yeah. Yeah, he's done some like really. Now, you paid your bill because they told you car a bunch of times and they were assholes and you paid them in quarters? I paid in quarters. And they had to accept it, right?
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah, they had to accept it. They had to accept it. How many? It was a lot. And I broke it up it up right so I didn't give it to him in the role So I got it from the bank. So it was all about It would you see when I do a way to do oh absolutely well because they had ruined my day at that point If those that haven't been listening the podcast a long time don't remember the story But I used I lived in a an apartment complex or, right? This is where my first condo was out. And there's a hustle here if you guys don't know about this.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Like a lot of these like gated communities, they work deals out with these tow truck diaries. Oh yeah, it's always the same company. In fact, there's always a phone number on the side. Yes, yes. And it's a backdoor deal. It's like, so the first, the complex, so the complex I live in, I own the place in,
Starting point is 00:07:06 pay my fucking HOAs that were ridiculous and everything. I'm only allowed one car outside of my garage that I get a parking pass for. Well, for someone who has three cars or more, you're pretty much screwed, or if you have a roommate, which I also had, so I had a roommate, plus I had multiple cars. So we couldn't even park in our own gated community.
Starting point is 00:07:24 We have to park outside of that. So they have a deal at midnight, tow truck comes in, he has the gate code, puts the gate code in, cruises the parking lot. Makes the money. Yeah, swoops up a bunch of these. So they used to do this to me. And I had the attitude of like,
Starting point is 00:07:39 and if I had a girlfriend over or what someone's spent the night or what, that would be like, what am I gonna do? And by the way, at this time in my life, I'm living on East Side San Jose, which those I don't know. It's like, that's the ghetto side. And in the gated community, I felt safe, but out right outside of that, like your shit's getting jacked. Yeah, cars get broken into old people. Yeah, it's getting me on blocks.
Starting point is 00:07:55 So the way I looked at it was like, I'll just roll the dice, you know, with, you know, possibly getting towed or trying to play this, you know, hide and go seek it. It's not a type of bill to, it's like, three hundred and four. Oh, yeah. So it was just, it was normal. I, every month, sometimes multiple times a month, I was paying for, for tofis. And it was just like, I chalked it up to the game, like whatever. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:08:12 I'm not gonna risk parking it out there, like, I just kept doing it. It was, I didn't want to park outside the complex. I'd rather, the tow truck knew your address. Oh, they, they knew what, the people at the tow place knew me because I'd show up and, oh, you know, and, and know, and honestly, it was like, I almost just laughed it off. You got me again, you know, it was like kind of that attitude. Like I know I'm not supposed to be parking in there.
Starting point is 00:08:32 They've got me a bunch of times. Every time you come, you have to bring your ID, your registration, your license, all that stuff. And they had to fill out in this book and they have the stamp. It's like, you could go back and you could see me every time. Every car I've had and which one's been towed every time. And this one time, I'm late for work too, but already, right, so I'm already running behind and I get there
Starting point is 00:08:53 and I didn't have, for some reason, I didn't have my registration. I think I was driving a Toyota at that time and I didn't have the registration on me. Yet I was literally towed just last week. Like my knee, I was like, I might be walking and they're like, Adam, yeah. And then they're like,
Starting point is 00:09:06 Oh no, you need your registration or we can't give you your car. And I'm just like, come on, I was just here last week, flip the fucking book back. You could see my registration right there. It's a week ago, you know, you just told me, Oh no, and the lady who like,
Starting point is 00:09:19 older lady just being a bitch to me, total bitch to me. And I'm like, are you serious? You're really gonna make me go all the way back home just to get my registration. So I had to get a ride and go back. And at that point I was so pissed. I was like, that's it.
Starting point is 00:09:31 I'm gonna go to the bank and pay these motherfuckers and quarters. Got all the quarters. Which, I mean, it was like a plastic bag about that big. Broke them all up and sat them on the counter. Here's your money. Yeah, yeah, walk next door to McDonald's and got myself a coffee and sat there.
Starting point is 00:09:45 Cause I actually had to count. Yeah, yeah, cause they wouldn't let me go until they counted it. So that was, so I was kind of somewhat shooting myself in the foot, right? I mean, if I would have done that in pennies, they would have made me sit there and count out every. That's commitment, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:56 You were committed to getting them back. Yeah, I was so, I appreciate it. Yeah, I was like, I'm so mad about this. What, my day's shot. I'm already late. I'm calling in. I'm not going to work today. It's like everybody miserable. Yeah, so I'm like, and I'm over there pretending like I'm not bothered anymore this, my day's shot. I'm already late, I'm calling in, I'm not going to work today. It's like everybody miserable.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Yeah, so I'm like, and I'm over there pretending like I'm not bothered anymore, drinking my cup of coffee, but I'm mirrored, infuming inside. But yeah, this guy does this. I think it's absolutely hilarious. Unfortunately, this guy's an asshole though. So as you can, I mean, but I thought that was, what are the odds?
Starting point is 00:10:20 What a great move. Me and my buddy did that, but not because for any other reason, then we just thought it was funny. So we were the assholes We paid for a pizza like that with a bunch of coins. Why would you do that to a pizza guy because we were High school now that's a tick move totally. That's a tick move You know, come on or pizza guys like probably some teenage kid getting by So like let's do live it up like two dollar tips for pizza was dude Oh, what did you do without even tipping him to no? We we tipped him
Starting point is 00:10:47 But it was all like pennies dimes and nickels. Oh, that's bad You know what we okay? Come on like you guys were never dickheads in high school Yeah, dude so just cuz you know you're with your buddy. Yeah, we cut school So we're at his house and we're watching a godfather marathon while we're supposed to be at school and we're hanging out We're like it's gonna pizza. I'm like, do you know be hilarious? So fucking guys shows up and you know, I'm in the back You know like a dumb head. Oh, yeah, you're watching your break cuz I don't have the guts to give with the collage You know, like I don't want to do is all this like yeah, that's exactly what he did He took it. He's like he goes like you fucking kids
Starting point is 00:11:23 And he leaves and we're late to the ninjas. We're fucking crazy. Yeah, that's hell, that's messed up. That's messed up. Couple of assholes. For sure. The opposite of assholes, super nice. You can check this out.
Starting point is 00:11:34 So you guys, obviously I just moved recently. And I had, and this is different, this just shows you, I love good companies like this. So I have like my dog food on delivery. I've got butcher box being delivered to me. What are the companies that we have on like on auto ship right every single month. And I it was a headache because the time that we were transferring to the new address, it was some of the stuff was already in transit. And you know, I ate it. I like my stuff. I lost some of the only company that was Roxas Salon,
Starting point is 00:12:07 was Butcherbox. Butcherbox does that. They, not only did they, they're custom service. They ate it. They ate it. Yes. And they shipped me a whole new box out to the new place.
Starting point is 00:12:16 They did the same thing to me because my, where I live, if you type in my address, it'll take you to the back where the garage is, because the garage is separate from the place I live in. So you could either deliver things in the front door or the GPS where it will take you to the garage. Well, we don't see stuff that's delivered by the garage unless I'm leaving or coming home. And so that happened to us. And, you know, it's packed in the freezer thing or whatever. Yeah. It was over a weekend. We were in a house all day long. None of us ever left the garage.
Starting point is 00:12:48 So I'm like, I see I go on my email, I'm like, oh shit. I go out there, I had been sitting out there was in the summer. So it was fucked because it melted and got hotter whatever and they fucked their customer services. They're so good. They forgot, they had some deal with bacon and we opted in wanted to you know
Starting point is 00:13:05 Have that in the order and didn't show up and so we always is just contact them And then they gave us like a whole another order of like five or six like things of bacon. Wow Yeah, have you guys okay, please tell me you tried the poor child. I know I bring this up all time I still have it. Oh come on. Yeah. I know. I know it's I am not a fan of pork I'm not a big part of it. I've done that one yet. It's there They're like this big, right? They're like this circle or whatever. And we do the iron skillet.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And then Jessica makes this butter garlic. I don't know what the hell it is. Sauce or whatever you call it and pour it over. It's incredible. And I don't like pork, but this is so tender and sweet and delicious. I've had pork with some like apple maple glaze thing on it.
Starting point is 00:13:44 It was delicious. Yeah, but of course that's really sweet. I'm a big fan. All right, I've been saying I'm like apple maple glaze thing on it. It was delicious. Yeah, but of course that's really sweet. Yeah, I'm a big fan. All right, I've been saying I'm gonna do it for a, all right, I got some controversy for us. Yes. That's my favorite thing. So Doug, you got that picture for me?
Starting point is 00:13:56 So if you could pull that picture up on my telly's guys, the background. Okay, so today is NCAA tournament, right? March Madness is officially starting, I think, today. Is that a wreckable? Huh? Reckable. Reckable.
Starting point is 00:14:09 So I got tagged on this picture, and I actually just went back and so I got tagged early on it, right? This, some girl posted this. I don't know who she is. Small following, I think. Oh, you sent this to us. Yeah, I think she's some coach or something. I don't know, I don't know who she is,
Starting point is 00:14:24 but she's small following, like less than, less than, I think, five this to us. Yeah, I think she's some coach or something. I don't know, I don't know who she is, but she's small following, like less than, less than I think, five, six thousand followers. But the post has gone viral since this morning, since last night. So I saw it, I didn't comment, I just looked at it, and I was like, I thought it was interesting. And so I screen shot it, I said it over to you guys. So this is, so right now you've got the big tournaments going on.
Starting point is 00:14:40 So this is the men's and women's basketball tournaments. And they're doing very similar to what the NBA did. They have like this bubble, right? So they ever put COVID or whatever. Yeah. For COVID, they stay there for the entire, the entire month or whatever, with the duration of the tournament. And they have, and they have, and they set up these facilities. So the picture on the top is the men's facility to work out. And the picture on the bottom is what the women got. Okay, so the top is full on Jim. Right, you got one bottle.
Starting point is 00:15:10 You got one bottle on his bumper plates. The whole deal. Yeah, I'm gonna take it even further. So I'm gonna, for the audience, so they can get an idea. An idea, I would estimate, okay, based off of what I can see from these photos, that the men's facility has probably got
Starting point is 00:15:24 about a quarter million dollars worth of equipment. It's a gym. Yeah, it's more than, I mean, I can see six or seven full squat rats and platforms. I mean, it's sick. It's basically a crossfit competition, like they're outfitting the entire place.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Yeah, now the women's facility has a dumbbell tree. Yeah, it's a little table. Literally, it's like when you find out your aunt's house. Yeah, and a yoga mat. And so I would say probably- Is that the full picture though? Okay, even if it's not, let's pretend it is for the for argument's sake right now.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Okay, so now, if you guys see, look, it's already got 94,000 views. I saw some of our peers that I know in the fitness space. Okay, so with this highlight- You have this amount rate. Oh, there's people flipping out right now. Of course. Now, look, this is, and I know in the fitness space. Okay, so with this highlight. You have this amount rate. Well, there's people flipping out right now. Of course. Now, look, this is, and I know what they're saying. Oh, it's, it's sexist.
Starting point is 00:16:10 The men get all this amazing equipment. The women get this no equipment or whatever. And I get the, I get that sentiment. But here's the, I mean, this is just the truth, whether it's fortunate or unfortunate, and I'll give you some examples of the reverse. Here's the truth. These are market-driven industries.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Men's college basketball draws a lot of money and viewers. Women's basketball does not. Well, let me give you some specifics to that, because I had to go look this up before I even opened my mouth about it. Because I, right away, thought the same thing, so I was like, I was like, obviously I knew that men's basketball draws more, but how much more was it, like a crazy discrepancies?
Starting point is 00:16:51 It's massively different. It's not even in the same universe. So the NCAA men's basketball tournament, okay, draws over $700 million a year. Okay. The women's loses money every single year. And that's just for the tournament, the rest of the whole rest of the year.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Did you guys know that over 99% of all the women's basketball college programs lose money every year? I know. And you have colleges like Duke University, Tennessee, by the way, broke records a few years back where the girls team had like the most unbelievable streak. I think Yukon did the same thing too. All three of those schools, they spend over a million dollars, it lose almost a million dollars a year on the women's program.
Starting point is 00:17:34 So then I see this, right? And it comes up and I see everybody outraged. People say it's not fair, but that's just, that's the way, look, I'll tell you what, there are markets where the reverse is true. If you look at, for example, fashion models, women out-earned men tremendously. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:17:50 Absolutely. Top fashion models, women generally crush men. There's way more, name five fashion models that are men, name five that are women. Well, I don't know either one of those. Well, you would know, I bet you can name three, at least that are women, maybe from our era, but that's just one.
Starting point is 00:18:04 From our era. Yeah, I know, Cindy Crab that's just one. I have it from our era. Yeah, I know. Cindy Crab, Kate Moss, Naomi Camp, Claudia, whatever. So I mean, and that's just, you know. Tyra Banks. Yeah, and that's just, it's just, markets, it's just, it's the same reason why men pay more money for car insurance than women.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Do you know that? It's because men get more tickets and more accidents. Yeah, it's all more of a risk. It's all market driven. And so, and again, it's okay, look at Hollywood actors, right? Male actors tend to out earn female actors. Well, the truth is the male actors, people pay to go watch them.
Starting point is 00:18:36 And here's another part of this kind of inconvenient truth, I guess, is that even women will spend more money watching men play basketball than watch women. So it's just- Well, of course that's true. Or else it is an uncomfortable truth. There's the top fashion model. So I don't see any guys, right?
Starting point is 00:18:52 They're all, no, it's 19 and they were all women. Yeah, so it's all market driven and here's a deal. And this is what I love about this. If you think this is unfair, so if you're the one that gets outraged by this and you see this, like, that's not fair, take a mirror and look at your own face. Do you watch this is unfair? So if you're the one that gets they're outraged by this and you see this, like, that's not fair. Take a mirror and look at your own face. Do you watch women's basketball?
Starting point is 00:19:09 It's us, we're the ones that drive it. Because if the consumers, all of a sudden, switch to watching all women's basketball, it would go on the other direction. I'd like to propose too. So what are the, because there are sports that get a lot more attention. Let's say tennis, for instance, like a women's tennis.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I'm sure that in terms of like getting eyes and views, like they're probably making a substantial amount of more money than women's basketball. Yeah, I would assume so. I would assume so. But generally speaking, men's sports tend to do better in terms of learning. I just, I just, it's just interesting, because you see a picture like that, I mean, you feel for these women's teams, like that's shitty.
Starting point is 00:19:50 Like it sucks to kind of see discrepancies that are that vast, right? But again, it's an inconvenient truth that what do you do with that? Because if we, what do we want to do? We want to just throw a lot more money in there to kind of level the playing field, but now it's even more in depth in terms of like,
Starting point is 00:20:10 like, okay, I just hate that everything goes straight to being sexist or racist. Yeah. Like right away, we just, right away, it has to be sexist or racist instead of like looking a little bit deeper into this, like, is it really, and your point is perfect, so it's like, if we all just start, if we all said, you know what, men's basketball is kind of and your point is perfect so it's like if we all just start if we
Starting point is 00:20:25 all said you know what men's basketball is kind of boring if everybody's basketballs way more entertaining there would be the we all started watching it so and buying the jerseys and going to the games and buying all the popcorn while we're watching and spending all the money and it began to make that kind now the argument on the other side is that they don't get the same exposure therefore that's the reason why they're not. It's the exposure follows the demand. It's not controlled by someone at the top, who's like, ha ha ha, we're gonna make sure that nobody.
Starting point is 00:20:52 That's not true, okay, look at the UFC, right? UFC included women's fighting, and at one point the top fighter in the UFC, pay was Ronda Rousey. At one point she was making more money than everybody else. By the way, she wasn't the best fighter. She just had the biggest draw. In fact, you talked to, I know a lot of fighters who fight professionally, and they'll tell you, and it's frustrating for them, that oftentimes the best fighters are not the ones that are paid the most. It's the guys and girls that have the biggest draw. Look at, who's that YouTube guy that went and made a shit ton of money
Starting point is 00:21:23 fighting the basketball player Jake Paul or whatever. Oh, yeah, I mean look at that. You know here You are your boxer and you've been training your entire life and golden gloves and get your head bashed and you're fighting And then you got some dude who's just a YouTube star made millions of dollars off one fight that's not fair But that's just consumers are the ones that decide so we're the ones that have to wait tough You gotta get a turn it back on yourself and like your that decide. So we're the ones that have to it's tough You gotta get a turn it back on yourself from like your own habits and what you're into why are you into it? You got to like really assess that now where it is where does title nine stand in this like what exactly does that?
Starting point is 00:21:54 What is what does that do in a situation like this? I know that I am not super familiar, but I do believe Can you pull that up? Doug can you do a quick little run down on and give me a school me on title nine? I'm if I'm not mistaken, it basically guarantees a certain amount of scholarship. It's more scholarship driven. Yeah. Yeah. Is it just that?
Starting point is 00:22:12 I think there's more to that. Well, yeah, I'm sure there's some stipulations in terms of like how much money they allocate towards the programs. I would think, you know, like I would be interested to see what that looks. Yeah, you know, and this is, this is obviously going to piss a bunch of people off, but the irony is, Oh, it's here it is, it's a federal law that states no person in the United States shall on the basis of sex
Starting point is 00:22:29 being excluded for participation in, denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity, receiving federal financial assistance. So if it gets any federal financial assistance, which all these colleges do, then they have to have men and women's, essentially. Well, it's not, it's further than that.
Starting point is 00:22:47 It's also the benefits. So then, you know, there's the argument right there, is that okay, all these big schools, you know, the dukes, the Harvards, the Stanfords, all these schools are getting government assistance. And so because they're getting government assistance, they should, all the women should get equal benefits, right? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:23:04 I don't know if that's, if that, if it means that. I sure sounds like that to me. I think it means we're gonna have a program. We're gonna have women's sports. That are, so if we have a men's team, we have a bat of women's team. Yeah, if you read that again, it goes into the benefits of it.
Starting point is 00:23:16 What does that say, dumb? That's not it, right there. Oh, that's different. Yeah, that's different. Yeah, so no, I don't think it means that they get, I think the, in terms of money and all that no, I don't think it means that they get, I think in terms of money and all that stuff, I don't think it means that. I think it just means that they have the sport, that they have it available, and that they
Starting point is 00:23:32 provide scholarship. Well, I mean, so it sounds like it's a gray area, right? I think you're right, and that's why legally the school can get away with sticking the girls with the yoga mats and 10 pounds, that's all they get, and then the guys get quarter million dollars worth of equipment because legally, they're probably protected. But, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:50 It's interesting to me too, because here's the truth. And again, this is probably an upset people, but whatever, it's the truth. If there was a school, okay, let's take it out of Division One and there's like a small school that's trying to buy, and they have a men's football team, okay?
Starting point is 00:24:06 And it was losing money for three years in a row. The program's getting cut. Gone. Yeah, yeah. The programs deleted. Gone. By the way, the reason why these private colleges spend so much money and energy on some of these sports is because that's what generates
Starting point is 00:24:26 revenue for the colleges. That's what brings people in. Of course. They buy their merchandise, you got people paying, you know, trying to get into these schools. That's the only reason why they spend so much, because if you go to some of these colleges, you just see how much money they spend. Go to their stadiums and their gyms and they spend tremendous amounts of money on their sports programs.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And oftentimes, bend a lot of rules in order to allow students to come in who are really good at certain sports. Why do they do that? It generates a lot of money. And again, we're the ones that control that. I learned this as a kid. I remember as a young kid, I don't remember where we were going.
Starting point is 00:24:58 We were driving somewhere. And I was just looking out the window and I was paying attention to things. And I would see liquor stores, right? And I was old enough to the window and I was paying attention to things. And I would see liquor stores, right? And I was old enough to understand that alcohol, cigarettes, are not good for people. And I asked my mom in the front, my mom and dad, and I said, how come I see so many liquor stores
Starting point is 00:25:18 as we're driving, but I don't see like as many grocery stores or churches or schools and stuff like that. And I said, that's terrible. They're trying to get people to drink a lot of alcohol. Just giving them what you want. And my mom and dad said, what do you think would happen if nobody went to the liquor store and bought alcohol and cigarettes? So they would disappear.
Starting point is 00:25:37 So the reason why there's so many of them is because we people keep going to them and giving them their money. So it's all market driven. So it's all reflected on us. And so this is just the way it is. It's just, the men's sports generate a lot of money and that's just the bottom line. But sometimes again, I use the UFC's example
Starting point is 00:25:55 because for a second, their Ronda Rousey was the top paid athlete in the UFC, had nothing to do with the fact. It was because she drew so many points. Did she surpass everybody at one point? At one point she was, because she was, she's in the same era as McGregor. I don't think she ever passed McGregor. I don't think, I think at one point she was the highest. I don't know if, I don't know if McGregor was, I mean, I definitely know that at one point, she was definitely one of the highest. She was the first,
Starting point is 00:26:18 first female to be the main event. I know that. I know that, but I don't know if she ever surpassed what McGregor was making. She definitely was one of the top. If not, the top, she was definitely up there in terms of her draws. I know she was high. I didn't think that she ever was, I don't know, I don't know, she was the top
Starting point is 00:26:36 at the time or not. I don't think that. Maybe I can find what her pay, maybe though. I mean, there you go. Ronda Rousey talks being the UFC's highest paid fighter. So she was at one point. And it's just because people wanted to watch her fascinating.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And again, she wasn't the best fighter. She wasn't, you know, she got her ass kicked by a couple of people afterwards, but she was entertaining to watch. She was very entertaining to watch. I mean, she ended up in WWE because of it, because she was so entertaining. What's the name, Brock Lesnar?
Starting point is 00:27:05 He jumps in the UFC, never fought in MMA, and they paid him a shit ton of money to fight, forgot who it was that he fought. It was Frank Meer. Frank Meer, who at that time was kind of like, he'd already fought Lombard to shit out of him, and like, he'd been like locked him or something. It's just a draw, so college sports are like that. And so, it's like back to your Logan Paul thing. Like that's like nobody really,
Starting point is 00:27:28 well obviously there's people that want to see it, but like people like me, they're like into actual boxing or into actual like UFC fighting. Like it, to me, I'm like, oh, I don't want to see that happen, but guess what, there's a lot of people that want to see that happen. And so they pay for it to happen. And so that's just what you have to write.
Starting point is 00:27:44 I just think it's so funny when people get outraged by this type of stuff and go right away to this. I think the envision like there's these, you know, a group of 10 old straight white males that are like trying to suppress all these women. They're like, hey, let's just flock them and give them yoga mats and dumbbells and then we're gonna hook the boys up with a corp.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Like it's not like that. I guarantee there's a budget. You know what I'm saying? They're like, okay, this is all the money we have to spend. Where's some not like that. I guarantee there's a budget. You know what I'm saying? They're like, okay, this is all the money we have to spend. Where's some of the money to go? Where some of it not gonna go? And they're like,
Starting point is 00:28:10 let me tell you what runs these people at the top. More than anything. There's one color that matters more than any other. It's green. It's green. And if they see green, it's not sexist, it's not biased, it's not racist. All of a sudden, all of their, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:23 their biases are gone. I don't give a shit. I can hate you all I want. You're making me money. Cool. Let's put you at the front and let's make a deal. It's just kind of the way it works. Speaking of crazy money and business, did you guys, did you guys, did you guys,
Starting point is 00:28:35 anyone watch the Blockbuster documentary yet? Blockbuster? Oh no, I can't. It's trending on Netflix right now. And I almost didn't watch it. Katrina wanted to watch it. And I was like, yeah, I kind of know this story already. But I'm glad I did because there's a lot of things I didn't know it. Katrina wanted to watch it. And I was like, I kind of know this story already,
Starting point is 00:28:45 but I'm glad I did because there's a lot of things I didn't know. Like for one, do you guys remember, because it was in our lifetime, it was in the 80s, the evolution of movie cassettes, movies at home, you know, it was not that long ago that you couldn't watch a movie that was just in the movie theater and on a cassette tape on your TV at home.
Starting point is 00:29:04 That was during our lifetime when that transition happened. Do you remember that transition? Oh, man, I just remember, we were young. I mean, I was early. I remember the mom and pop videos, there was a thing for a while. Like, Blockbuster wasn't really the dominant force at the time, it was like all these little mom and pop shops
Starting point is 00:29:21 and you would go in and it was like you're borrowing it, but really they made money off of the late fees. Yeah, we used to go to a place called One Hour Photo Drive-Up. That was the name of the place we went to get our money. So there's a couple like really interesting things. First of all, that was actually a very short window. It was early 80s when it hit and it was only for the very early 80s,
Starting point is 00:29:40 like 80 to I think 84 or so. By the way, I know industry drove the creation of those VCRs and tapes more than, yep, 400. So that actually brings me to one of my, so you guys and think about what a ballsy move it was for the first guy because there was a blockbuster type of video store before blockbuster. It was called, I forget what the guy named it, it was in Texas and that was like what
Starting point is 00:30:00 catapulted the first like blockbuster kind of like idea. But how ballsy was it that he goes out and builds this super store that was like what catapulted the first blockbuster idea. But how ballsy was it that he goes out and builds this super store that was gonna have 10, 15 of every single TV, it's gonna be massive and then not have an adult section. Think about the, think of the cajonas that would take to do that, knowing what you just said. Yeah, because before that, that was it.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I mean, everybody who rented movies early was because you were renting. And that's why they had that shady back room. You got to think that that was where they were making most of their money. So you wanted to make it like family very family. Yeah. And and go all big like that. But it paid off, right? I mean, he did really well. And I believe that first one got sold to somebody who later on turned
Starting point is 00:30:39 it into a franchise, which is blockbuster. But where they really crushed was when they actually made a deal with movies. So when it originally came out, I did not know this. Do you know what the original video cassette, if you were to buy like the, you know, honey, I shrunk the kids or whatever the fuck was going on in the 80s. What that would cost on cassette when you first bought it, you know, $99. And that was back then, dollars?
Starting point is 00:31:02 Yes. Wow. That even adjusted for $300. That's like $300 right now, right? And. Yes. Wow. That even adjusted inflation 300 some dollars right now and and here's the thing soon is gonna be a million people people thought it was a people thought It was a good deal Because the way they thought of it was I can have 10 of my friends over We would spend that I'll collectively spend almost that much money going to the movie theater just charge your friends to come watch I mean I imagine that's what they did or they all went to get a place. It was a new technology
Starting point is 00:31:24 I mean you gotta think of that I mean, I imagine that's what they did or they all went together. The place it was a new technology. I mean, you gotta think of that. I mean, my dad's first video- Like a status doing. My dad's first recorder to record home movies was like $300 something back then. I would never spend that much money on a tech, you know, on something to record people nowadays.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah. But it was just new. So, okay, so obviously, someone gets smart and goes, oh my God, I can buy all these things, and then I'll rent them to people for a couple dollars. So that model comes out, explodes an entire industry. So now all the mom paws pop up.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Now what puts them completely out of business is blockbuster goes and makes a deal with the movie. So they get it first. Not only they get it first, they get a hundred copies per store, and they get it for five dollars of movies that are $99 a movie. And they give them a rev share. So they offer the they offer all the the move, offer the movie industry, all the big production companies, a kickback on all of the rentals. And so they make this deal, okay, well
Starting point is 00:32:21 then we're going to give you all these copies for super low price. So they can fill all their stores. And they just complete. Yeah, I remember I remember those mom and pops You get like one or two copies and like if you weren't there right away like it was gone I there's there anything more disappointing and going to the video store you see the box This is how they used to display them They would have like boxes of the movies and you're like, oh shit terminator, too Yeah, you grab the box and behind it like, oh shit, Terminator 2. You'd grab the box and behind it would be no video.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Yeah. They're gone. How many times did you see critter before you actually finally rented it? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I remember critter. I remember going up to the guy at the counter.
Starting point is 00:32:59 This is before Blockbuster days, right? And being like, when's it due back? You know what I'm asking him? Well, it's supposed to be do on Tuesday at 4. Just remember, be kind rewind. Yeah. Oh my God. Yes, I remember that. I remember watching videos with my parents and like a dirty scene would come up like boobs or whatever. And you know, it's VCR. So you can either stop it
Starting point is 00:33:19 and fast forward it and predict when the scene is over, which sometimes you'd be mid-naked. So he'd like, stop rewind, fast forward hit play, oh shit, stop it. So then what he would do is you just fast forward it while it was playing, so you could kind of see what's going on. I'd be sitting there like, yeah. Do you know that was one of the dumbest moves that Blockbuster ever did to try and compete with Netflix when Netflix started to come out of nowhere? They decided to wave all late fees to try and ride Because that was Netflix big.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I don't know if you guys are remembered. Yeah, Netflix used to mail you DVDs. And there was no late fees. No late fees. When you mailed them back, you got your next set. That was like the way they were modeled. Blockbuster Brilliant at first, dumb at the end. Didn't Netflix try to approach them to work with them?
Starting point is 00:34:00 Yeah, 50 million. They got laughed out of the office, dude. 50 million dollars is what they could have bought Netflix for. What is Netflix valued at right now? Billions, right? In the billions. At least a few Bitcoin. Yeah, at least a few.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Yeah, they're in the billions, right? So if they could have had of her $50 million. Let's find out. What did that cut? So they cut out the late fees, like, what did that hurt them financially? $250 million a year annually. Right away.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Just like that. Instantly, just lost it. Well, they were dead. That was like the majority of them. They weren't million a year annually. Right away. And just like that. Instantly, just lost it. Well, they were dead. That was like the majority of them. They weren't dead yet. No, I'm saying they probably were desperate. They're like, what do we do? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Maybe thinking they could put Netflix out of business. Yeah, yeah. By doing something like that. Yeah, I don't know if they thought they could put Netflix out of business, but I thought they, I think they thought they could keep, you know, keep trucking along. They didn't.
Starting point is 00:34:42 That worth 2020, what does it say there, Doug? $120,000,000? Wow. Wow. So they could have bought it for 50 million. They'd be, you know, for a long time, Netflix didn't make any money. Do you guys know that? Most of these companies. For a long time.
Starting point is 00:34:55 It made no money and then eventually they started making money. And there was a time when Blockbuster, they had the power, even when Netflix was on the rise and becoming very popular, they still had the capital. Because Netflix was like you said, losing and they're just building their network, they could have squashed them. Well, did they get into Redbox at all? Remember at the same time, they kind of emerged.
Starting point is 00:35:18 They referenced Netflix and Redboxes, the two major competitors that shifted the market in that direction. Talk about a short window of success Right red box like they're for a second. They were doing great. They're any machine of movies Yeah, and then done then that was it didn't die completely because I you still see those and I put There was one over there. Yeah, there was one exactly there in grocery store still I was going to a red box right now They're like, bro. They're still a blockbuster. They're still one. There's one. Where is it like Alaska or Bend, Oregon?
Starting point is 00:35:47 That's right. They're ones before it, they were Alaska. It's probably like more like a tourist attraction. It is now. That's exactly what it's turned into. It's turned into hipster mecca. Yeah. A blockbuster made a lot of money off of them.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Sure, candy and popcorn and shit like that. Nobody ever rented a movie and didn't buy candy. Yeah, you know what, they actually didn't talk a lot about the how much revenue that generated. I was all about the red vines and popcorn That was a thing. That was the combination red vines popcorn is red box still alive. Doug. Yeah, it is It isn't well. Live and well even I don't know how well, but yeah I mean you gotta think there's there's these rural towns where that don't have access to a lot of stuff probably don't have There's a lot of places. Okay, so my where I grew up
Starting point is 00:36:22 Near people who want to be off the grid. I'm gonna stand up for some shit, no man. No, it's not even that. So I lived up in Dom Pedro, right? Where Dom Pedro Lake is, which is kind of, this is about two, three hours from here, about three hours from here. And it's up and nowhere, small ass population town. They're internet service is terrible.
Starting point is 00:36:41 So you're not streaming anything. It's still today. Yeah, a lot of like my best friends, parents, I know, a lot of towns like that. And like all they have in town is like mountain Mike's pizza. Yeah, and that's it. Always, yeah. Yeah, always mountain Mike's pizza.
Starting point is 00:36:55 So places like that are still rocking DVDs. You know, they're still, yeah, they're still. Until they get the internet blimps that, what's the name set he was in a build? Yeah. What did he say? Is it Elon or Facebook? I think Facebook was doing that. Yeah, the free blimps that what's the name said he was in a build. Yeah, what's it? What do you say? It was a is it Elon or Facebook? I thought Facebook was doing that. Yeah, the free the free blimps that are gonna go over you everybody internet Facebook is Elon's the satellite satellite. Did you see the news on Facebook? They're they're dropping their glasses soon
Starting point is 00:37:15 They're I didn't read the article so there's what is it are they like augmented reality? Yeah, so okay Here's they're being all coy about it. Maybe Doug and pull an article up We can we can dive into it a little bit, but they, you can like people and dislike them in real life. They're, oh, that motherfucker. They're trying to downplay it a little bit because originally, I think back in 2017,
Starting point is 00:37:33 they said like this, you know, these VR, AR glasses are coming out, but it's not gonna be completely augmented reality yet. And so, they're just talking about how you got these new glasses. I don't know, it smells very Google glasses to me. Yeah, it's probably like notifications, you know, like a visual icon or something in the corner. I would guess. I'm like, they're probably just trying to flirt with it so you get used to the idea of having something like flashing in front of you.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Here's what I think would be cool. If you got these glasses, not that I would use them, because I think it's getting crazy. But let's say you have these glasses on and then you walk up to a restaurant and it immediately shows you all the friends that you know that like and reviewed that restaurant under glasses Yeah, I wonder if this is good you look at it and say you know your friend John said this restaurant It's my nori reprimation you guys that was like the most accurate depiction of like what you know the future could look like because you're walking down the street You're getting advertised to just by looking at certain stores, like certain things are popping out in front of you. Like you liked this, why don't you come back in. Wow.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yeah. And it's gonna record everything. That's the article I was reading right there, Doug. What's the exact one? Smart glasses. Yeah. Speaking of glasses, Justin. Yeah, man, those look good on you.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Yeah, I don't know. I'm trying to wear them more often. My eyes have been getting strained. I noticed like headaches. I thought it was like I was dehydrated or whatever, but like I've been on my phone and computer like a lot more frequently lately and getting headaches. What frames are those?
Starting point is 00:38:56 So these are the Jameson's from Felix Gray. Okay, so they look really, really good. I wear the Nash. Do you know what, which one? I sure the smaller one. Yeah, I have those too. I do the Nash you have now Yeah, I don't have like I don't have you have a narrow face like me. I don't have the block. You gotta give I'm gonna see those grandma frames
Starting point is 00:39:15 You wear a prescription glasses too, right? Yeah, so did you get your prescription into your Felix Grace? I did not these these ones are are just the blue blocking ones, but I have that pair, like I have like three pairs, dude. Well, I'm probably gonna start wearing them in here, too, because, I mean, you can't see this whole thing. We're literally inside a box that's for production, and there's zero natural light that's coming in here. There's not a window in there. No, it is, I feel like we're in a bomb shelter.
Starting point is 00:39:42 It's 100% super bright. You get a feeling after you leave too, right? I've noticed like wearing these, like I don't get quite as, like, I feel like fatigued almost, so you're leaving this place. Hey, did you guys get to see the article on reproduction and penis sizes shrinking and all that stuff?
Starting point is 00:39:58 Oh, I heard you mention this. Oh. Are dicks are shrinking? Yeah, not ours. We're already set. Oh, we're okay. Yeah, we're good because we, you know, that's not what art is like. It's the next generation. So it's kind of good news for us, right? Our dicks are shrinking. Not ours. We're already saying. We're OK. Yeah, we're good, because we, you know, we're not
Starting point is 00:40:07 like next generation. So it's kind of good news for us. How to counter this? Yeah, by comparison, you know, you're going to be huge. Yeah, you're now larger than average. No, so this is crazy. This is kind of crazy. So there's a book that came out that talks about,
Starting point is 00:40:23 so the author, Shana Swan, she's an environmental and reproductive epidemiologist. So she's obviously a scientist, and she's studying what's happening right now with our reproductive health, testosterone levels, like all the stuff. Now we've known for decades, men's testosterone levels have been dropping,
Starting point is 00:40:41 and our ability to reproduce has been dropping for a while. Spurm counts have been going down. Women's ability to reap. So she did this book where she actually goes and studies everything and highlights everything. Bro, this is crazy. You ready for this? This is scary stuff now. This is actually quite terrifying.
Starting point is 00:40:56 So Spurm counts, okay, and men since 1973 have dropped almost 60%. So since 1973, which is not that long before we were born, sperm counts are down 60%. If we can continue on this trajectory, so there's a graph from when we started measuring this to now and you can see the trajectory, it doesn't seem to be slowing down. If we continue at the same speed, sperm counts will be zero by 2045. Wow, that's alarming. 2045, if we stay on this pace, no one's making sperm anymore. What? Which is crazy. Women, ready for this? The average 20-something woman today, so woman in her early 20s today, is less fertile than her grandmother was when she was 35.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Now, there's a big difference in fertility from women when they're 20 to 35. So that's a big gap there, but women today and their 20s are like women were, you know, couple generations ago in the mid 30s. Now, what do they attribute this to chemicals? Oh, chemicals is the biggest factor? Yes, and here's the problem with some of these chemicals.
Starting point is 00:42:02 They call them forever chemicals because they don't go away and they just accumulate. So the more of these chemicals we put on it, you piss it out, it goes in the water, the water, you can't filter all of it. Okay, so according to this book, they do studies on infants and they find infants are just full of a lot of these chemicals that affect our hormone systems,
Starting point is 00:42:24 our reproductive systems. they're finding that with rat studies and there even are some human studies that suggest that penis sizes are shrinking because of this exposure to these chemicals. Now that's what you said originally. That would be so hard to measure that. Well, especially with how much there's, we are, you know, I gotta do is go on Instagram, get all the's we are, you know, I got to do is go on Instagram,
Starting point is 00:42:45 get all the dick pics together, you know, catalog it. Yeah, that's a buy it. There's a little bit of a self-selected. Nobody with a small dick. That's true. You're not, you're not showing it. They're not sending DMs. I don't see anyways. If you are, you're some some brave. You're courageous. That's it. By the way, that might work. You might actually get some attention. Hey, it's small. I'm gonna show you now Yeah, but I'm gonna be I'll be big later when everybody is small Don't trip this will be big in ten years No, I just with cuz I mean there's also like average penis size by your nationality too, right? Yeah, there's some stuff that suggests that but it's oh really is it pretty is it pretty even I don't know I haven't I'm gonna'm dived into that research
Starting point is 00:43:28 I haven't done on the last one I saw since the sillians had the bill I mean I believe it that's not true. No, I don't know about I don't know about that But because that's I would think I would there do studies on on animals and they expose them to the same these chemicals That were exposed to and they find there's a dose-dependent relationship. So the higher the dose, the more you see this homogenization of the two sexes. It makes me feel like, in the future, we're gonna look like mannequins.
Starting point is 00:43:55 You're seeing a mannequin naked. Oh, yeah. There's nothing. It's like a kindall, it's just taint. Yeah, just like one has bumps for boobs, but there's nothing there, and they both look, it's just gonna be nugs. It just pure bunch all the way up and down.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Isn't this kind of crazy though? This is a crazy area. It was crazy is that the rate it's going and when you said that it should go to zero, I mean, you gotta hope that we see something disrupt that in the next five years. Bro, what are we gonna do? Look at this.
Starting point is 00:44:21 So at what point does it become so alarming that it's like mainstream news? I know you're reading one of your nerdy articles. No, this is making mainstream news. Oh, it is. Yeah. So they're saying so, uh, uh, uh, foulate exposure is widespread in infants and that the chemicals were found in the urine of babies who came in contact with baby shampoos, lotions, and powders. So, so they're in right away as babies. That women and their breast milk, they're finding it. It's really great. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:44:48 This is true from the book. In the United States today, for example, you can't eat the deer meat caught in a scoda Michigan. Okay, so deer, you hunt deer there. They won't let eat the meat because the health department there issued a do not eat advisory for deer caught near the former air base because of the staggeringly high PFOS levels and the muscles of deer there so the deer there because they're near the air bay their air force base or whatever They're so high in chemicals you hunt them. They say don't eat them
Starting point is 00:45:16 They're too high in these particular chemicals. What yeah, dude. This is this is getting crazy now this ties into some of the the you know the the here's some stoner theories here ready ready Justin Oh, yeah, that say that aliens that visit us I know they like like this feature us future us trying to figure out the the that problem Well, because it looks like they don't have any sex or back that up again You're say what again you think that what so okay? So it's the alien theory? If you read the accounts of people
Starting point is 00:45:48 who've been abducted by aliens, how they describe these gray aliens. Yes, first of all, the gray aliens have no genitalia. They seem to be very homogenous. You can't tell if they're male or female. But a lot of the experiments that these people report revolve around doing something with the reproductive organs, taking sperm, taking eggs, creating hybrid alien humans,
Starting point is 00:46:09 like this is widespread stories from people who are abducted. So the theory is that aliens are future humans who've come back in time, trying to figure out how to fix the reproductive problem because we're at a point where we can't reproduce because we've killed our sperm in our eggs. What? I know.
Starting point is 00:46:29 I like that one. Yeah. I like that one. That one seems realistic. Yeah. Adam's like, I now believe in aliens. This makes a lot of sense that. Well, I mean, we've been drawn on the same
Starting point is 00:46:40 for a really long time and they do look like that. What? They look like they don't have a sex, right? What if they did? What if they did? They show up like when you have your bottled jargons and they're like, no, don't use the lotion. It has chemicals.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Oh my gosh, I just thought about. Holy cow. And they have massive heads and brains. So that we get smarter and smarter, right? So I figured we figure out time travel by then. Well, and so in this article, they're talking about how, you know, it seems like kids are growing up and are less and less interested in sex also as a result. Yeah, there's a lot of cultural factors to that too, but I mean, yeah, the chemical thing,
Starting point is 00:47:14 if that's the biggest issue, well, you think about that with champoos, lotions, with soap, with deodorant, with like all these things you're inundating your skin with constantly and just like, you know, all these like Xeno-Estergins, I guess that all adds up, man. It does, that's why you want to use glass container. How much of this though is like a correlation thing? It was like, oh, the rise of Xeno-Estergins and then we also did so we correlated that.
Starting point is 00:47:38 No, it's cause. The evidence is becoming pretty clear. Really? Yeah, the evidence. So here's a deal, It's not an evolutionary thing. There's no, okay, you're talking about four or five decades where we went from men averaging, I don't know, or 900 testosterone to five or 600
Starting point is 00:47:56 to sperm counts dropping 60%. In a very short period of time, that's not how evolution works. It doesn't happen in two or three generations without serious pressures coming on the species. But in so it's these chemicals, and they test these chemicals on animals, and they can reliably change the sex of an animal
Starting point is 00:48:15 or fundamentally change it in the womb by exposing them to chemicals. So based off the same chemical. So based off this alien theory, because I like this theory. Yeah, yeah. And the rate that we're going based off what you said because it's 2000 and would you say 45? Okay, that's our lifetime. Okay. We're gonna see that shit right? We're gonna be around that's what I'm saying So it based off of that that's what you infertile then that's what I say right so based off saying if it goes on the same
Starting point is 00:48:39 trajectory, yeah, right no more sperm so it would make sense that These UFO sightings and everything is really going to escalate in the next 10 years or so because they would I would imagine future us if we're aliens is going to come back to the the pivotal moment when it really happened yeah so which would make this this this the last 20 years to the next 20 years right is the window wow so we should see that here's what I'm thinking Here's what I'm thinking. Here's what I'm thinking. So 20, 45, how old are we gonna be?
Starting point is 00:49:09 We're gonna be in our 60s, right? So we'll be in our 60s. And there's no more sperm, okay? Let's just all fuck, we're out of sperm. Yeah, 65. But we have a sperm. We got sperm. We're worth a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Are we gonna be making shit tons of money? Are you gonna go to the bank and just get it? Can we start banking that right now and freezing it? How good? How long can we do that right now? What if we don't realize everybody? What if this is like early Bitcoin? Like I'm like gold.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Yeah right, he throw it away and whatever. Not a big deal. This is brilliant actually. Could be worth millions of dollars. This is brilliant. Yeah we should say that. We saved it now. It could be good frozen, right?
Starting point is 00:49:45 We could set our future generations of children up with retirement. Wow. I know. Wow. Literally called the spank. After we're done with this, we're gonna have a meeting. Maid.
Starting point is 00:49:53 That's a good idea. Maid. And, hey, you can't do it anyway. Might as well save it. Got some good DNA. Brilliant. This clause brought to you by Organify. For those days, you fall short on getting your organic veggies or whole food nutrition,
Starting point is 00:50:07 Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested certified organic superfoods to help give your health a performance-the-edit edge. Try Organify totally risk-free for 60 days by going to Organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I dot com. And use a coupon code MindP pump for 20% off at checkout. First question is from PB for the soul. What are the best exercises to build mass in the quads? Yes quads, we love building them quads.
Starting point is 00:50:38 The one you're not doing. Yeah, well that's always a good answer, right? Whatever you used to, oftentimes changing it up will get your body to respond like you did the first time you start working on it. Well, this reminds me of just the recent debate that we had on the show about the whole hip thrust and squat thing. And, you know, this back and forth of which one's technically better. And, you know, I would make the argument that if somebody squats all the time, introducing hip thrust would be the best thing for the butt. If someone always hip thrust and ever squats, I would say go do squats and I bet you that will give you the greatest
Starting point is 00:51:10 results. Now generally speaking though, right, generally speaking, if you're comparing all the lower body exercises, I really don't think there's anything that can compare to a back squat or a front squat in terms of quad development. Now, I'll tell you just for myself personally and for my clients, but I'll speak for myself first. My legs, my upper legs respond quite well to exercise. So one body part I have that I feel like is a little bit genetically gifted.
Starting point is 00:51:35 The rest of my body got to work really hard to get to respond. My legs just seem to grow. And I've gone through stints of not barbell squatting, but still doing lots of other exercises, still doing lunges, still doing leg presses and sissy squats and hack squats and everything I can keep in the volume high.
Starting point is 00:51:54 And then I'll go back to doing squats and nothing, my quads just explode. There's just nothing, my quads don't respond to anything like barbell squats. Now, for my clients, it was very same thing. Barbell squats and comparison anything else, nobody saw results like they did with the squats. They just didn't, absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:52:13 I could make the case for Bulgarian split squats. I, but here's the thing though, is I had already been squatting for a long time when I introduced Bulgarian split squats. So, you could argue, my argument that I was just making. See, I like hearing your experience because you had said for a long time, your legs were a hard body part to develop. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:35 And so I like to hear what worked for you. Yeah. Well, I mean, for sure, well, a couple of things actually, getting to a deep full range of motion, a squat was a big difference difference too. So just squatting was great. I mean, that was obviously built some of the foundation of my legs, starting to do that because before that, I was the leg extension leg press kid, avoided squats like to play. Then I started squatting consistently,
Starting point is 00:52:58 notice my legs really start to develop. Then I got into like Bulgarian split squats, really saw my legs blow up, then I got into a place where I was working on my mobility and my deep squats, and I've never had to do less work to keep my legs the size they are when I deep full range of motion squats, develop my legs more than anything that I've done by themselves. And again, this is my experience. I still think though that if worse,
Starting point is 00:53:25 who I'm talking to really matters. If I'm talking to somebody who's like a fresh, clean slate, you don't really train at all, I'm with you, Sal, I would make the case that squatting is probably the quickest, best way that we can develop your, you're just your total legs. I mean, I think too. I mean, I even feel, I told you guys that when I started squatting really deep,
Starting point is 00:53:48 I saw my calves come up. Of course. That blew my mind away. Especially at the bottom. Yeah, because I was, I was starting to get into really deep, heavy squats and I started to notice that I was getting some calf development from it and hamstring development from it. So, I don't think anything is a bigger bang for your buck than just getting in there. It affects the entire lake. Yeah, I can totally echo that. I think, you know, in terms of like what specifically blew my quads up even more was when we would actually elevate our heels and we did front squats.
Starting point is 00:54:19 We still kept it, like it was all about keeping that heavy load. So if you started to work on it as a skill of front squats, you know, challenging for a lot of people because they just don't do it, it was all about keeping that heavy load. So if you started to work on it as a skill, a front squat's challenging for a lot of people because they just don't do it. And so that was something that you have to kind of work your way into then being able to add a substantial amount of load, like you could in a backloaded squat for it to have those types of gains and results. But the majority of clients in general,
Starting point is 00:54:43 it was not hard to build their quads. In fact, they were more likely to be quad dominant than they were, you know, to have more development in their glutes or hamstrings. Right. Now, there's camps, and we have friends that are in these camps that Hacksquat is the best way to develop your quads in terms of machines. Just in general. Yeah. That would get behind trying to isolate your quads. In terms of machines. Just in general.
Starting point is 00:55:05 That would get behind. You're probably trying to isolate it that way. Yeah, because of, because... Well, the HACSQOT mimics a normal squat more than the leg press. That's for sure. Oh, yeah. If your leg press is a very short range of motion,
Starting point is 00:55:16 even if you do a deep leg press, it's a short range of motion in comparison. Yeah, and because of the lack of ankle mobility in most people, most people can't actually squat deep, full range of motion. And so they can in a hack squat. And so that's where I can get behind. Like I know our good buddy coach Eugene Tau, like he definitely touts this a lot. That the hack squat is better for leg development for most people.
Starting point is 00:55:43 And where I can get behind that argument is that case, is that most people can't do an astergrass a barbell back squat. And so if that same person who can't break 90 degrees on their barbell back squat, can go to a hack squat and get all the way down because of the way your feet are positioned relative to where your back and hips are.
Starting point is 00:56:03 And it doesn't take very, you don't have to have any ankle mobility, really, to do a hax squat. No, your feet are in front of you. Yeah, all the way down to the floor. For that reason, it's basically a squat with full range of motion, so I would argue it's superior, right? Now, for me, there was actually a period of time where I was having a lot of fun developing my legs, and I wanted to compare training styles, and I went through a period where I was having a lot of fun, developed me my legs and I wanted to compare training styles. And I went through a period where I did,
Starting point is 00:56:26 this was my workout, it consisted of leg press, hax squat, leg extension, leg curls. And then I compared that to a period of time where I would just go and do 10 or 12 sets of just squats. The squats, what? I did the same thing. They build my legs more. I did the same thing.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I did the same thing with dead lifts. I've talked about this about dead lifting for my back and not doing all the other, you know, you know, top exercises that people say. And nothing did compare to it. That's why I think we're, I think we're so adamant about pushing people in that direction, that squatting and deadlifting are just. Big five. They are.
Starting point is 00:57:01 Instead of them always. Yeah, it's just, they're, all things equal, right? Mobilities fine. Yeah. You know, level of training, all that. And this is why these, sometimes these questions are hard to answer because it is nuanced. If you have a client who limits ankle, they have very poor ankle mobility, then you can make the case that some other exercise might be.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Or if you have a client who has actually got great form, but it's been squatting for years and they've never done a Bulgarian split squat or they never do a client who has actually got great form, but it's been squatting for years, and they've never done a Bulgarian split squat, or they never do a squat. Yeah, or if you've never done some of these movements, then right away as a coach and a trainer, I'm gonna, and they're saying to me, Adam, I wanna keep developing my quads,
Starting point is 00:57:37 and I squat three times a week, and I've been doing that for the last four years, and I go, how long have you, when was the last time you had squatted? When was the last time you did a Bulgarian split squat, and they go, oh, I never do that? I'm gonna go, well, those exercises are gonna build your quads more than you else.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Yeah, and now I wanna add one more thing, all things being equal, and I love heavy lifting. Everybody knows that, right? If I have a tendency to go five reps or lower when I'm working out, just have a lot of fun doing it. But I'll tell you, when I do sets of 12 or 15 reps in the squat, and I'm consistent, blows my legs up, The muscle just explodes.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I get a lot of hypertrophy from that relatively high rep range. Well, this is the Stan Effardin camp, which I love that he talks about the 20s. Yes. And to me, that's just because the novelty of it, because most people, even if you are a regular squatter, very few people like the squat, 12, 15 reps.
Starting point is 00:58:24 No. I don't know very many people that are, you need, I need personally a couple hours of nothing after a while. Most people that are, the most people drawn to squatting and that are good squatters, they like to squat because they like to increase the weight. They get stronger and stronger and stronger.
Starting point is 00:58:38 And that doesn't play very well into 15, 20, but for gains, for hypertrophy, for building your legs, building your quads. If you've never done 20s, if you've never gone in front squatted 20 or done a barbell back squat for 20, that's fun with that. Yeah, I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:56 I mean, you're gonna have to reduce the weight significantly, but your legs will blow up from that. Next question is from Paula Angela. What's the quickest way to recover from soreness? Oh, God, you know what? I've tried everything in the past as a kid, especially, because I thought that soreness was. There's so many products for this too.
Starting point is 00:59:15 I'll tell you what, there is nothing that compares to movement. There is nothing that compares to movement to get the soreness to go away faster and to speed up recovery. So you could try cold therapy, ice bath, massage, sauna, all that stuff, or you could stretch and do very light resistance exercise. Trigger sessions and maps and a ball, that's part of where they come from was I noticed that when I was sore,
Starting point is 00:59:46 no matter where I was sore, let's say it was my chest and I go do some very light intensity pushups throughout the day, not only did the soreness go away, but my recovery would be a lot faster, I'd be stronger the next time I work out. Yeah, I know it's the same things, but I love rubber bands for that to do like these like real light pumping type exercises.
Starting point is 01:00:05 You literally view it as like I'm pumping blood throughout where I feel like it's sore and immobile. You start to regain a bit of mobility and range of motion almost immediately. And so you just kind of carry that and lightly go through these movements. Yeah. When your muscles contract, they literally squeeze blood out.
Starting point is 01:00:25 And then when they relax, they allow blood in. And so the process of contracting and relaxing, which is what these reps are, is literally flooding your body, your muscles with nutrients, with recovery agents, with all the things that your body wants to send there anyway to recover. Now I used to, when I was younger, I thought the fastest way to recover was to not move. I thought, okay, if I work out and I'm really sore, what I need to do is kick my legs up on the couch, let my body heal. Like, don't move, don't cause any more damage.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Let it heal. The truth is that's the worst possible thing you could do. In fact, if you want to be an experiment, if you want to do experiment on yourself, go do overreach in a workout. Go hammer your legs, super hard beyond what you normally would, and then for the rest of the week lay in bed, and then go back to your workout and you'll be weaker. You'll actually lose muscle and strength from doing that. So movement, movement crushes everything. Well, it depends on how much money we have or the access you have to what tools, right?
Starting point is 01:01:25 So I mean, I, I, because I have access to a lot of cool stuff, I mean, I have like a formula for this for myself. I'm really trying to maximize my training and recovery. I mean, I would, I would obviously train, after a training hard, I'm in the infrared sauna. I'm, I'm hydrated, so I'm drinking a lot of water. I'm well fed while I'm in the infrared sauna, I'm hydrated, so I'm drinking a lot of water. I'm well fed. While I'm in the infrared sauna or right afterwards, I'm doing a good stretching session, so mobility or really good deep
Starting point is 01:01:53 stretch, or if I'm lazy, I've got Katrina doing a deep tissue massage on me. Then the next day, I'm doing bouts of mobility or trigger type sessions to facilitate recovery. That formula for me, well fed, hydrated, infrared, sauna, stretching, and mobility, moving work, getting blood flow and fluid moving around, I think we'll speed up recovery more than any supplement out on the market, right? All kinds of cool things out there for people
Starting point is 01:02:22 at touting BCAAs and Tumoric and all those things great, they have benefits, sure, you could take that too in addition to it, but those things I just said, stretching after a hard workout, infrared, sauna, hydration, being well fed, and then not laying around the next day and moving those muscles and getting them, and getting them, we're not training them hard again, getting them moving and getting blood pumping
Starting point is 01:02:45 in like a trigger session, that to me that's the best formula. Well, I do find value. If it's like a swollen type of an issue too, like of getting elevation, like doing some LDoas where I'm up against the wall, my legs are up, and I'm actually like, you're still active though, in those poses and stretches and squeezing the muscles,
Starting point is 01:03:02 but you're allowing gravitational forces to kind of bring that fluid back in and express it out. Next question is from M Becker 11. How do I know when to stop a reverse diet? I am four months in and have gained muscle and improved my metabolism. How long do I keep going? Well, you stop the reverse diet
Starting point is 01:03:24 when you're feeling very healthy. Your libido is feeling good, you're getting good sleep. So hormones feel like they're back in balance. And you've reached a calorie amount that you now feel like you can reverse out of, or you can cut from, right? So typically for clients, it was when they would tell me all those things, I feel good, everything feels great, and then they come to me and say, I'm eating a lot.
Starting point is 01:03:47 I feel like I'm eating, I feel like I can't eat anymore. And then I'll tell you okay, now we're at a good place where we can start to cut from because then we'll end up, we'll be a good place to. I like that answer because this is very individualized, right? It's not a time thing. It's not, oh, once you hit five months,
Starting point is 01:04:04 you're at where you're supposed to reverse diet. Reverse dieting can take a very long time for some people. It could be relatively quick for other people if they have a very responsive metabolism to things like this. Also matters where their calorie intake was before, where it's at now. The generic answer that I, is the way you just went south,
Starting point is 01:04:22 I always like to, if we are gaining muscle, we like the way we're looking. We're not putting on a lot of body fat. I'm increasing calories, whether it be week over week or month over month. I'm gonna keep doing that until my client comes to me and goes like, Adam, this is too much food. I mean, this is, it's a lot to eat. Good place to be.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Yeah, that's a great place to be to now reverse and go the opposite direction and start cutting. What I don't wanna do, if, let's say this person's a great place to be to now reverse and go the opposite direction and start cutting. What I don't wanna do, if let's say this person's getting great results, but they're still only eating, let's say 1500 calories or something, and they're like, I'm still kind of hungry. Keep reversing.
Starting point is 01:04:55 If you're still hungry, keep feeding the body, keep building muscle, keep going in that direction, until you get to a place where you're like, this is a lot of food and it's almost hard to get, and that's how I treated all my competitors. That's why I would never take on a client who would wanna sign up with me and say, hey Adam, I have a show in November
Starting point is 01:05:13 and get me ready for a show because I wanted to do this with them before we cut for a show. I wanted to build their metabolism up to where they looked at me and said, I'm eating so much food, I can't eat anymore, Adam, I don't wanna do this. Okay, now we're ready to prep for show. Now let's start talking about restricting and cutting
Starting point is 01:05:28 and getting ready. I think everybody should go through that phase for sure if you're thinking about competing. And if you're this per just a normal person, I mean, you're the one that knows this answer better than anybody. Yeah, you don't wanna cut from low calories because then you're screwed.
Starting point is 01:05:39 You know, if you're eating 15 or calories, get out of go with that. Yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna end up at a thousand, 900 calories, now you gotta maintain that that. So not sustainable. Now you wanna get it up with good lean body mass feeling, good that way when you cut where you end up is a great place, an easier place to maintain.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Next question is from Saraya Graham. I want to add running to my weightlifting routine. I was thinking of running a mile or 10 minutes prior to lifting. My goal is to keep and improve on gains, but also weave in some endurance training. Or is it better to run after weights or run on my days off? Help! After a day or days off. Yeah, well, it depends.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Okay, so we're splitting hairs a bit because you're not running a ton. You're running a mile. But here's a good point. Here's a deal. What's more important to you, the endurance or the strength? If endurance is more important than you run before, you work out, if strength is more important
Starting point is 01:06:32 than you run after you work out, the best answer is on the days off in my opinion. On the days off when you're not lifting, then you don't have these kind of competing signals. But if it's on the same days, studies will show whatever you do first, you tend to improve the most in your workout. By the way, this is true for exercises too.
Starting point is 01:06:50 So whatever your exercises you do at the beginning of your workout tend to be the ones you get the most improvement in and the ones at the end of the workout, you tend to get the least improvement. But again, we are splitting hairs here. You're only running one mile, so it's not gonna be a huge difference either way. I feel like we address this all the time.
Starting point is 01:07:05 And I feel like too, because everybody is so inactive and sedentary in general, I think even like having a pursuit to jog, run, do whatever, to acquire more steps throughout your day is something everybody should consider even. If you're sitting all the time just to gain more activity in general, I mean, there's a lot of other ways to accomplish that in which I tend to prefer like the neat method where we're just like focusing on just being up and being active and, you know, being more productive and using that time, you know, to accomplish things within your house or work or whatever,
Starting point is 01:07:44 versus just like running on a treadmill like a hamster. But if this is something that you really enjoy to do, I see no problem in incorporating that, but yeah, I would definitely put it at the end of your workouts if the priority right now is strength. I love this right after a workout, especially a mile. Less than 10 minutes. Even if you have a relatively slow mile, you're doing that in 10.
Starting point is 01:08:06 You're just cruising. Yeah, that's cruising. And if you do it every single day, you will build some endurance. You'll get it relatively quick. And I like that. This is actually the place that I kind of go back to. If I haven't ran in a while, this has been actually on my mind because I haven't in a while, is I like to just make sure I can run a mile.
Starting point is 01:08:23 My logic behind that is, I'll probably never have to in my life run longer than a mile. This is probably the most I'll ever have to. So I want to be pretty good at it. I want to be able to, if I got to go take off with my son or do something where I got to run for a straight eight minutes or so, I'm pretty efficient at it. I don't have any desire to run 5, 10, 15 beyond that. And so, and it's...
Starting point is 01:08:44 I want to catch a burglar. And because it's such a... five, 10, 15 beyond that. And so, and it's... I only catch a burglar. And because it's such a, because it's, yeah. Exactly. Right, if a guy steals from you, he's not getting very far. He's not getting longer than a mile. You know what I'm saying? So, to me, if you're only running that short of a duration,
Starting point is 01:08:56 it's not that conflicting of a signal to build muscles at the same time. You're talking about a very short window. It's not, I mean, it's almost a warmup, honestly. It is. If're endurance is decent, if I ran a mile before, it wouldn't be a warmup, it'd be a hard workout. But if someone else did,
Starting point is 01:09:11 and if your endurance is okay, it's kind of a warmup. So I'm glad you brought that up because this is what I would do during, when I was competing, I would actually run a mile before I started working out. And it was like a warmup, it was like, I'm just gonna do that. And because my priority now is to cut into lean out.
Starting point is 01:09:26 I'm like, oh, I'm gonna go into the work out. You're gonna lift any heavy anyone? Yeah, I'm not lifting, I'm not training real heavy. I'm all my gains were done in the off season. Now it's time to shred, peel down. So I just want to burn. And so I'm gonna burn as many calories before going into the workout. Then I'm gonna really gonna burn when I'm getting into my workout.
Starting point is 01:09:39 And then sometimes I'd even walk for 10 or 15 minutes afterwards. So yeah, that's sort of a duration. I think you could do every single day and be totally fine and make great gains. Excellent. Look, if you like MindPump, if you like our podcast, you gotta go check out MindPumpFree.com. We have a lot of guides and written information
Starting point is 01:09:55 that we created for listeners and viewers just like you. You can also find all of us on social media. It's Instagram as well we're found. So you can find Justin at MindPump Justin, me at MindPumpSal and Adam at MindPumpAd. So you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin, me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy
Starting point is 01:10:12 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal and Amin Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable
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