Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 153: Impact Dave

Episode Date: September 23, 2015

Sal, Adam & Justin interview Dave Patellaro, coach and entrepreneur....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You want to happen I went to the doctor and the doctor's like we have bad news and I said what he says your herpes has crabs Fuck I didn't know that was possible goddamn herpes. All right. Yeah, all right Doug They said yeah, we have a t-shirt sale going on guys wet t-shirt sale I could be wet all you have to do is jump in the lake and you have a wet t-shirt. I'll let us see Adam We just all white shirt campaign? No. No, okay, let's be serious now. No, we do have shirts and you know what?
Starting point is 00:00:30 I was going to cut this off on the 23rd, but I've decided that let's get people more time to buy shirts. Are we bringing back the classics, the raw truth shirt and the, what else? What do we got? We have the raw truth shirt and we have a V-neck mine pump. That was about pump. Oh, that's the one you said to us. Yeah, so this so this is such this is like the softest plushes I don't know it cotton. This is my favorite shirt. It's a tri blend and it falls as falls beautifully on the body It's got the v-neck so you could it just fucking look sick I have a picture on my Instagram. I could you cue model. Yeah, it's pretty much look fantastic in it.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Very classy shirt for sure. Sex in his level. Very high. Okay. Yeah, very high. My favorite for sure. So what I've decided to do, instead of cut it off on Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:01:15 like I was, I'm going to extend it through the weekend. Dude, I like extending it versus cutting it. Yeah, I mean, because I've tried both. Yeah, extension is always better. People talk about how mean Doug is, but then he proves them wrong. You know what, I like to peer like this hard ass and then surprise everybody.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And then you have a soft ass. By being this, you know, he's got a jiggly ass. It's a soft jiggly ass. Not enough squats. I'm not a gloom dominant. That's the teacher mentality, right? You come in like a dick. Absolutely. It does influence.
Starting point is 00:01:46 You gotta set it, you gotta set the drop the hammer out. So do we have men's and women's or these men's? What's going on? They're unisex. But women have been asking for women specific tanks and teas. So I'm gonna be looking into that as well. Okay. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:02:01 But go to mindpumpradio.com and there's a button. I think it's a blue button or as Adam would say Yeah, make you guys get to a WW dot mind W just disappears The wizard web. It's the wizard web. My pub radio. .com. Bye. If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Mind, mind, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Hey, let's talk about how much you guys missed me when I was gone. What? I like he was gone. What? You went to someone happy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:50 We did. You know what? You were more like we were fantasizing. Me and Sal both were sitting here fantasizing that we were there with you in the pool. Yeah. With you. No one else. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:03:01 So let me, let me tell you what happened though. This something fascinating happened. You weren't here just in emerged like a butterfly. And you just have a good, did you hear the episode? You just talk about all kinds of crazy knowledge. I did, I did, I did. I did, I did.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I got to drop some knowledge. I think you repress them a little bit. I feel like, bro, here's, let me defend myself because like I was saying, like we haven't just haven't covered any topics that I'm like, that's my thing yet. You know what I mean? So I just wait till it comes and it's taken only, uh, 152 episodes to get there. Like how hard Adam's tried that to drop to.
Starting point is 00:03:38 But guess what? It's been a week, bro. It's in there. And I just like, yeah, I just got gotta ask the questions, you know what I mean? Hey, I kinda feel like it's like, like we're like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And I kinda feel like I'm the peanut butter. And I don't wanna say that just because
Starting point is 00:03:53 the peanut butter is the best part of the sandwich. Well, that's up. It's like sometimes you can take the jelly and bread because it's like, oh, it's kinda like toast. Exactly. It's kinda good. No, I'm the bread because if it's just not filling jelly, it's a mess.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Bro, you know, we're gonna put it. You're all hopped up on cars, It's kind of good. No, I'm the bread because if it's not feeling jelly, it's a mess. Like we're gonna put it. You're all hopped up on cars, but you know, you're not full and satiated. It's still great. You're jelly jelly toast. It's still awesome. I'm a satiator. You guys are you guys are being rude right now because in the room right now we have another dick. There's an extra dick in here. I think we have another. We got five dicks in the room. We got five dicks in the room. So I wanted to bring my buddy Dave in here. So Dave Petalaro is with us. Trainer of the store. He's like the pro trainer.
Starting point is 00:04:35 He's celebrity's pro, you name it. Right. Done it all. He's the guy. Entrepreneur also, he just recently purchased Nutri Shop over here, which is cool. Hey, congratulations bro. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:45 That's awesome. It's Luke. What's the address? It's on Bernal, huh? 117 Bernal Road, 95119. Beautiful. Next to Gold Gym. Right across the street from the Mecca of Silicon Valley Gold.
Starting point is 00:04:55 So that's the one that everybody works out of. So we've been trying to get Dave on here for a while now. We've been friends for a long time, and to give a little history, and I'll let Dave talk about himself in a minute. But you know, immediately before I even met this guy, I had a lot of respect for him. So I actually followed when I took over Santa Teresa 24-feinuses where we all come from. Dave was there also.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yeah, did he work with you too? No, he did. He was there. I know you work with me. Yeah, I know you work with me. Yeah, he was at Santa Teresa. And you know, it's cool because anytime you came into a new club, I know you work with me. Yeah, he was at Santa Teresa. And you know, it was cool, it was because anytime you came into a new club,
Starting point is 00:05:27 I was always competing over the previous year. So I can look at the stats of the trainers that were there before my staff came in. And it was Dave and who was the other guy that was always right below you? Probably just got Brynn. Yeah. Brynn Heath maybe?
Starting point is 00:05:44 Yeah, there was one other guy that was always close to you, but you were always the one that was cranking too much. Well Dave, this is how I remember you as a trainer, extremely professional. Clients loved him and always kind of a student of the fitness, always learning, always, you know, you know, perfecting his craft. You don't see that with a lot of trainers. You see a lot of trainers who start training and then the way they train people stays the same.
Starting point is 00:06:09 They never try to improve or change. Yeah, my experience with Dave, I just knew like, you know, he had his specialization right away. Like I could tell that like he had, you know, found himself as far as like fitness and like training these athletes for the stage and like, he was your guy that you'd go to. And so even as I trained in goals at the time with him,
Starting point is 00:06:29 that was like, people would seek him out specifically because he's made such a name for himself from that aspect. So. Yeah. So that being said, we just all jerked you off right now. Yeah, well, we'll be getting going. Just get you warmed up. What I don't know, And maybe you can enlighten us
Starting point is 00:06:46 and the listeners and so that is that transition for you. You know, you were a bad ass trainer, 24 of fitness, you decided to go private, you worked on, you headed over to goals. And then when did you really, I know you were competing as a bodybuilder, when did you really get into coaching a lot of athletes? So the coaching didn't come along until maybe 2008, I'd say 2008, I did my first show in 2003. So it was a big gap between just doing my shows, training my clients. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I started training, let's see, 12 years ago, 10 years of goals now. I'd say the real coaching got about three years ago. That was solid, the sport of men's physique had just came out. Everybody wanted to do it. It was a new, hot thing. So got a group of guys together, started working with them and started doing shows.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Very cool. So do you have any names you could give us of people you've worked with or trained? Some local, because I know, these are like local big boys. A couple of guys that I started out with would be John Wynn, James Hurst, Eddie Ronchetti, see a couple more. There's been a whole bunch, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:59 but those are just a couple off top. Well, I went to Dave when I, my very first show. So I kinda sought out, I was like, okay, this is a new world for me. Although I'm somebody who can do my diet, my training, do that, I wanted to seek someone who I knew that one, I felt new more than I did in this field and that I felt comfortable with, with ticket advice from.
Starting point is 00:08:20 And what I found out really early, before I even found Dave, it was, you know, I was talking to a lot of different coaches and people that I know and stuff. And man, I was seeing like the the diets and the routines and the stuff they're putting through. And I thought, this is crazy. Like a lot of these coaches out out out in the area. And I'm talking about well respected coaches as far as how many athletes they have underneath them and how many people they teach are teaching a lot of bad shit. A lot of really bad stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:46 And I was like, wow. So instantly I knew that I was not going to go and hire anybody like that or, you know, if I already saw right away when I first met them, that they were given like bullshit diets and workout routines for these athletes again, shape. I was like, okay, well, that's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for somebody who's going to enlighten me
Starting point is 00:09:05 and teach me something maybe that I don't already know. And at that time, like I had... He's also got a trainer background. Yeah, right, right. Not a lot of coaches actually train. I mean, so that's the one specialty that I have is I get to work hands on with a lot of my clients, which is, that's my love, that's my passion.
Starting point is 00:09:23 That's what I started out doing was changing lives. I came into this field as a trainer first, I fell into the coaching aspects, not willingly but kind of forcefully by a lot of people coming to me. You know, it's still not something that I thrive on, I just do it as a hobby. But my passion is training, you know, I get up at 315, my first client's at 5am, and that's what I go for is changing the everyday person's life, making them feel like they can achieve the same results as somebody who already has an athletic background.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Which I think that's so key for those that are trying to hire a coach or find someone is, you want to see that first. You want to see that he or she, whether it's a male or female coach, has got that fitness background versus training. The health and nutrition piece first, saying, understanding what's best for your body overall, and then also accepting that, hey, we're about to do something that's extreme and compete, but as a trainer and a good trainer, you're always trying to stay true to that, that taking care of the body and being healthy first before you know, before you're just doing these extremes. And I feel like a lot of these are their coaches.
Starting point is 00:10:27 They just push a lot of athletes to extremes to get these extreme results, not thinking about the repercussions that they're going to pay for afterwards. And so, you know, when I got down to my final two weeks of my first show, that's where I, I saw it after Dave and then actually hired him. I paid him to, to, hey, coach me and, and make sure that I'm doing everything right. And, you know, with some of the best advice I had ever got was going and speaking in, there's just a lot of things that, you know, even with my knowledge and background, I was like, oh, shit, I didn't realize how important that was going to be to my stage
Starting point is 00:10:56 presence. And so I attribute a lot of my early on success and competing from him. So, well, that's what the specific coaching really comes into play is Is that those final pre-contest weeks I would assume. Oh, most important are the last two weeks leading up into the show. I mean, that's where you either make it or break it. So what are some of the bad things you see in terms of coaching for, you know, you don't have to call anybody out unless you want to. But, you know, what are some of the things you see that are just like, you know, like God, what do you do?
Starting point is 00:11:24 You do, yeah. Yeah, like common things that you might see that are just not worth. I mean, some of the common mistakes, I guess, would be, you know, not learning the individual's body first and just making certain assumptions. Everybody's different though. You know, so there's a reason every coach does something and that's, that's fine. You fine. That's what they see and that's the way they decide to do it and that's perfectly fine. I always believe in learning the body first. I always make sure I get a past track history of what the individual has been doing and I kind of gauge it on that progress. If it takes me longer to achieve the results, that's fine because I know that in the long
Starting point is 00:12:01 run it's going to be better that way. Do you see that with a lot with diet? For example, you hear some people talk about going real low carb. Other people talk about cycling carbs, and then there's other, of course, other people talk about eating higher carb and lower fat.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Do you adhere to a particular philosophy, or do you notice that some people do better with one or the other? Well, I mean, number one right off the bat, anybody says I need to get ready automatically, they cut their carbs, whether that's be somebody training for a show or whether it's an individual client. I met a guy today, he was his first session, he's 430 pounds.
Starting point is 00:12:33 He comes to me and he says, yeah, you know, I just dropped 60 pounds, I cut all carbs, stopped eating carbs. I'm like, okay, how'd that work for you? Well, as soon as I ate carbs, I gained all my weight back. I'm like, okay. So it didn't work for you. But a lot of people just use it as a quick fix. And that's fine, you know, if that's what you're going for.
Starting point is 00:12:51 But then you have to understand that when everyday life comes back into play, things are gonna be different. And the biggest thing I see is post show. A lot of people died extreme, they go real low. And then after the show was done and over when they incorporate regular food back into their life, they blow up. Yeah, I mean, there's some huge weight gains, Poe Show.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Oh, I've seen. Yeah, like crazy. Do you, how does that affect the athlete if they keep doing that? Number one is I experienced a lot of mental breakdown first and foremost, opposed to actually some stuff that harms the body with a lot of retention, whether it be from fat, water, sodium. The biggest key I see when I worked a lot of people
Starting point is 00:13:32 is mental. Mentally, they don't look as good as they used to. Physically, they don't look as good, they can't perform like they used to, and a lot of people actually have a downward spiral from that. First and foremost, you have to make sure that they take care of themselves. Yeah, that mental part is not talked about enough. No, it's not. What about this too? I kind of noticed this.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I'm curious to you, because you've trained even more athletes than I have is I kind of find it really, especially with men, it's more common with the men, especially in men's physique and stuff that come in. they just want, they want to learn like a steroid stack. They want to hear hormones, you know what I'm saying? And they think that that's like that's the answer, like, you know, I'm going to hire this coach and maybe he'll tell me like, what steroids I need to take so I can look like that. Like that's the, that's the answer to looking like that. Do you see that a lot?
Starting point is 00:14:21 I do and I don't, you know, I mean, a lot of people say, oh, do I need to take this this and that? I said, well, you know, I mean that's totally up to you. I mean, I've worked with people that Get amazing results without them, you know? Yeah, I think I think a lot of times it's thought of as the the secret You know, or that that's gonna do the work for someone. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, but I'll look out to other than the gym today I was working out today at Golds and when I Monorites. I want to easily work out at. And there was a dude working out. And you can clearly see that he's got a shitty diet as workout sucks, but he's on a shit ton of gear. So what do you think he looks like?
Starting point is 00:14:56 A big bloated. Yeah. And that like looks like he's about to have a heart attack. And he's working out and it looks like that's that's what he always does. And so, you know, you could take a lot of gear and not have diet and exercise right. And you're going to look like shit. Oh, yeah. You're not going to look good. So you know, it's kind of, so what got you into, so now you're in another venture now. So you've been, you've been a trainer for a long time.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You've been a trainer for a very long time. Yeah. Working with athletes, coaching, and now you bought a supplement store. Yeah. So, you bought a neutral shop. The purchase of the neutral shop, you know, has been in the works for a while now My buddy Anthony used to own it before a major property him for starting it up You know and getting three other ones started, you know
Starting point is 00:15:33 He didn't amazing job building the business And it was time for him to you know on a way out, you know So so we talked about it and we came up with something for me to go ahead and purchase this one You know, I got a strong staff with me, got a great partner. Basically, what it is, it's I'm looking to bring it together and this back to the industry that's kind of been separated for a while now. I want to bring one stop shop, you know, so not only out of the shop are we going to have supplements, but we're going to promote other trainers now out of the shop, you know, help them build their business Bringing in mill services, so we're gonna be providing the mill prep so you can go there right now And you could pick up your mill for the day. They're already ready to go. Oh, wow portioned out
Starting point is 00:16:15 Females just right off the bat. We're going four and four males. We're going six and six I mean, you could do a lot more with that but just real basic right off the bat. It's right there We can go eight and eight. We could do a lot of things You know, we can get them on like you were, it's right there. We can go eight and eight. We can do a lot of things. You know, we can get them on, like you were saying, the carb cycles, we can get them on different things. But, you know, if you want to make it easy and convenient after the gym, what do I eat? Go there, boom, you're ready to go. So it's just all set up.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's cool, it's right by the gym, too. Yeah. Yeah, those that don't know that address is, it's literally right in the same part. I, it's sound, you know, it's philosophy's gonna work really well and it feels like he kind of learned that from working with me years ago. I would attribute that to the nickname Meatball, yes, you're right. It has stuck with me for 12 years. That's about 225 pounds there.
Starting point is 00:16:57 And that's kind of what a you and DJ used to call me. Hey, Meatball. I don't remember that. So, uh, so you're a dick. So just for you, we have a special on turkey meatballs this week. So if you want to go down there, you know, so I want to get into a stuff that Justin
Starting point is 00:17:17 loves to talk about, um, right now, because yeah, I'm fresh off of coming, uh, from the Olympia and flying in literally right now and you look really You still look so nice So it's those that are listening right now. It's about six o'clock our time right now I I landed at five 20 and then drove straight from the airport here and this morning or whatever you want to call it last night Whatever I got in at 6 a.m. So son was coming up when I was trying to catch a few hours of sleep before so Straight rally for mind pump over here. There's no way I can miss two episodes in a row. So just soldier, but
Starting point is 00:17:57 So what you got in that I wanted to save this You know for to talk to you guys a little about but there's a lot of drama going on right now There's a new there's a new others even I got so much for you guys right now. Oh, there's more than we know That's why it's all just saving it for when we go who slept with who yeah, so there's all this stuff going on She's banging which one and I and I do I do want to bring it up and hear Dave's Perspective on it and what he thinks what and stuff so I'll tell you guys what I've learned, what I know myself, and then what I know are facts, and then I'll explain what are rumors, and what I don't know for sure.
Starting point is 00:18:32 First of all, IFBB and NPC are kind of like the Godfather of the bodybuilding industry, right? And, you know, for a very long time, it's pretty much been just them. Now, there's been other companies that have tried to start or rival it. We kind of talked about that before. But the most recent news that's happened
Starting point is 00:18:52 is one of the main executives judges that it's part of IPB is branching off and doing his own thing, Lee Thompson. Lee Thompson was a head judge out of Texas and is now starting a lead called NPC Global. And before that had happened, I had already heard about Steve Cook, Kai Green and Dana Bailey, not competing in Olympia. They pulled out last minute. And so this is, this is room. So are they connected? Okay. So this is this is rumor. I don't know this. I don't have a hundred percent facts, but you know, I will tell you that a lot of those people come from the Texas area and they supposedly are interested in joining
Starting point is 00:19:31 that leak, which could be really big for them to have Chi-Green, Dana Bailey, Steve Cook, those big names hopping over there right away. Is there any word out on if they're going to change how the judging is done? Are they going to change the look that they're looking for? Because usually when another organization comes out, aside, because I know they said they wanna have a shared economy, they call it where we pay the athletes to compete even amateurs, but a lot of times they'll say
Starting point is 00:19:56 we're also looking for something a little different. I don't know if you guys remember the WBF back in the early 90s, was it that world bodybuilding federation? Yeah, WBFF. And they'd come out and like costumes and shit and make it kind of like, you know, like almost like the the like world wrestling Federation at the time. So what totally makes sense? What they're, what they're saying, what they're saying is that
Starting point is 00:20:19 less of it being so different and more trying to create more clarity of what judging. So they're supposed to be like real time judging and live feedback for the athletes and like the coaches and stuff like that. So if I'm up on stage and I'm competing, you supposedly are going to be able to hear the judges go in like, oh, yeah, no, I really like his deltoids, but oh, his back is well, you're posing instead. Yeah, yeah, not me.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I won't. Oh, okay. Yeah, fuck me about. Yeah, no, not me. I won't. Oh, but like, yeah, okay. Yeah, fuck me about. Yeah, no, no, no. Listeners will be able to hear that here, the real time judging going on and then the scoring, you'll get to know right away. So, so it'll be a little more cut and dry. So that's kind of the pitch, but here's the new dirt that I found.
Starting point is 00:21:01 And this is some factual stuff that you got. I'll send you guys the articles. So I'm talking back and forth with one of my other buddies who's also a coach like Dave, and he's been around the industry for a really long time. And I said, hey, what do you think about this new, this new division and stuff on what's going on? He's like, uh, bullshit, it's not going to last us and that. And so he's all super anti it. And I said, well, I don't, I said, it sounds kind of good. Like it sounds like it could be either good for the NPC and IPB because maybe it'll, it'll force them to do some things that are better for the athletes or whatever
Starting point is 00:21:27 and maybe it'll create more opportunities by another division, whatever, right? So I saw the positive side and he started to kind of talk about Lee Thompson, he's not a fan of him. I said, well, I don't really know much about him from what I've read and this and that. So he started sending me all these articles. And I was, so in 2009, this dude was indicted for a steroids scandal and money laundering through the MPC. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And so this is not the guy that's creating the new one? Yes. And this was in the paper. This was in the media, huh? Oh, yeah. And I'll send the articles over to you. I raised a big old long hard-fired red all this stuff. So these are all facts and so
Starting point is 00:22:07 It you know, this is what the real story is that okay, so I have BB. It's pretty much said. It's it's time for you to leave You know you you know, obviously they can't have an executive So you think he left and he's like well fuck you. I'm gonna do my own things. So that makes more sense now to me You know that makes more sense even though the lows of Home Depot, right? Got it. No, Dave, did you know me this? Did you know me this yet? I did hear some.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Yeah, I was starting to get texted like the minute it came out. Hey, do you hear this? Hey, do you hear that? And I was just like, oh, interesting, interesting. But what do you think? I think it's going to be hard. I think it's going to be hard to get a lot of people switch over. They put a lot of time already in the MPC and the IFBB that for them just to switch over. It probably
Starting point is 00:22:50 wouldn't be the smartest thing for them. Yeah, because security, right? They're like, if I switch, I'm going to burn a bridge, and then if this shit doesn't work, on the flip side, I was talking to Adam about this, you know, competition sometimes good, but like the WEC was competing with the UFC for a while pride, and then the UFC just bought them because they did well. Well, now they still have Bellator to deal with though. I wouldn't be surprised if eventually UFC bought Bellator. I mean, yeah. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:23:14 That may. If they continue to do well. That may happen, but right now I feel like maybe that's the closest, you know, comparison of what's going on with the... And my buddy thinks that's going to do well. He thinks Bellator is going to bring it back to the Bay Area. Because he's still have a lot. I mean, I think the UFC is trying to legitimize,
Starting point is 00:23:31 the overall sport, so they have to go through all these growing pains. Here's a deal of sponsorships and how to unify everything. But when your headliners are old beat up UFC fighters, then you're gonna have a tough time. Yeah. Because you have to develop your own. And that's the thing with this new division. Just the standard.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yeah. Well, and that's the thing with this new NPC Global Division. The way that I think someone like this would do well, sure you're gonna take some top guys, maybe you pay someone a lot like Kygreen or whatever, we're speculating, but you say here, move over to us, and we'll pay you a shitload of money. But really what's gonna make them explode
Starting point is 00:24:06 is if they discover talent themselves. Because otherwise, they just look like old IFB guys. But if they have a new guy that they develop, you know, that's when the frickin', that's when you're competing. Well, and that makes sense? Yeah, but that's what, just like the USC, what do they do? That guy comes out and he starts there, then they throw money, throw more money at him.
Starting point is 00:24:23 They throw more money at him, and then they just acquire him over to the ice. At the end of the day, it's better for the athletes. Well, and that's what I said. So I said, I kind of saw the positive side of, okay, it'll create this maybe healthy rivalry between the IFBB and this new NPC global, and maybe that will force the IFBB to have to maybe
Starting point is 00:24:41 dip into their pockets a little bit more or offer better opportunities for the athletes. So I kind of saw that side of it. But to me, I was most surprised by, I'm always looking for people's motives. And of course, when you listen to the first interview, if you guys haven't listened to it already, I think someone posted on my Facebook of Lee Thompson coming out and announcing it. So it's a whole his one-on- one interview or whatever of him talking about, you know, what he's doing in his vision and, you know, how much he cares about the athletes and this and that.
Starting point is 00:25:12 You know, and you hear all that and I can't help but think like, you know, read between the lines of like, oh man, that's so nice of this guy. He cares so much about us, but, you know, in reality, what's it really all about? And then when I started seeing all the articles, I thought, oh wow, okay. Well, that makes a lot more sense now that, you know, you don't really have
Starting point is 00:25:27 a job anymore than I have to be. So it's, it loads well to start a new kind of guy. It'll be interesting for you. I got a question for Dave. The new physique, was it classic division that's coming out? What do you think of that? I actually like that. I think a lot of the guys that are doing the mentorship now with with the board shorts and, you know, and they do got some legs and they like the more classical part and they want to show off their pose and a little more. I think it's great for them to come over and switch. Now they're supposed to be bigger in the classic division but not as big as bodybuilding.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Is there a size difference? Not too sure, but I would assume so. I haven't followed that too much, but obviously in between I mean obviously when men's physique came out it did huge, right? So they're assuming classical physique comes out and does just as huge. Sure, right? They're turning over a lot of pros almost every show is about a hundred pros in the physique these big national shows No, no, not just physique but in general in all the categories So there's a lot more pros coming into the sport and
Starting point is 00:26:26 The Olympia started what? Two three years ago with 19 guys and now there was what 36 this year and then next year there'll be 50 Why do you think it's such a fast growing part of the IPB? Did you grow on fast because of the money, you know, I mean the faster it grows the more money that's made It seems it seems more marketable to me also, you know I mean like bodybuilders are so big now and so muscular and so freakish looking that a physique competitor If they could if they put they can put them on more magazines. Oh, definitely more appealing to the eye
Starting point is 00:27:01 It's more of a natural look. It's what the everyday gym rat wants to achieve. He'll go, man, I want to look like that. And they see a bodybuilder go, oh, there's no way I could look like that. No matter how hard I train or you guys train, you probably never get to that level. No, never. Yeah, but you can get to looking really good.
Starting point is 00:27:20 And that's what it comes down to is in the physique. It's looking as best as you can, showing off what you look like. It's getting pretty competitive now. It's getting very competitive now. Yeah, there's a lot of guys and they all look amazing. I was just gonna say, the last time you competed, you said it was what 2003 in bodybuilding?
Starting point is 00:27:36 2008. 2008 in bodybuilding? Yeah, in bodybuilding. What do you think about competing ever again? I mean, if I wasn't so busy and I wasn't doing my thing, I mean, possibly as a hobby, but now I wasn't doing my thing, I mean, possibly as a hobby, but now it's, uh, would you do, would you stay in bodybuilding? Would you do a different category? I would either do bodybuilding or classical physique,
Starting point is 00:27:53 classical, you know, I like to train my legs. My legs look pretty good. I think. Yeah, you've got wheels. I would show them off. Mm-hmm. Very cool. Awesome. Well, uh, and now you were not at the Olympia weekend. No, I wasn't able to make it out there this weekend. I had a lot going on with starting up the shop, trying to get some, uh, some things set up. You know, one of the big things we're looking to get out of there is, um, live fit a parallel line. We just placed the order for 23 different items on that. Uh, that should be in by Thursday and ready to go for a grand opening this Saturday. Saturday grand opening. Saturday grand opening, yeah, from 10 a.m.
Starting point is 00:28:23 till 4 p.m. You getting balloons, Getting balloons. Getting DJs, getting food out there. We're going to have games, prizes, all that stuff. That's beautiful. 20% off everything. I love it. So, okay, so besides all that, you weren't at the Olympiad and earlier when you were off the mics here, you and Adam were talking about what these conventions are kind of like. Some of a lot of our listeners have never been to one of these conventions. Like break it down because, you know, you guys were talking about it and I've been to,
Starting point is 00:28:49 and for me, like I've been to two and I'm like, I don't wanna really ever go again. I mean, what do they, what do they like? Did you just trying to get us to talk shit, bro? It's all good, dude. I can talk shit if you want. You said you, you said you'd bread to your such a dog, right there.
Starting point is 00:29:01 That's why he brings it up because we were talking shit before we got on the mic than sounds like. Oh, it's up there you're talking shit. You're just, you know, you're kind of breaking it down. Well, here's a thing. I think if you're into the world, if you're into bodybuilding, your into-mins, if you're into bikini, if you're into that stuff,
Starting point is 00:29:15 I believe it's something you should do at least once. At least once you should go check it out. It's quite the spectacle. I have never been into celebrities or I don't get, that doesn't impress me, I'm not into that stuff, right? Where I kind of feel like it's turned into this, like social media, Instagram, celebrity, like... So, it's a lot more social media celebrities now. Yeah, and it feels very red carpetish.
Starting point is 00:29:48 So like when Shreds came in, oh God, I was gonna ask you about this. Yeah, it's crazy. And homeboy comes out of this mirror glasses. First of all, first of all, they're rolling with like, you know, five of the biggest name security guards in like the industry, like people that are security for like all your big rappers and rock stars. They need security.
Starting point is 00:30:11 So they have those guys that are that rolling with them. They come in on to our style with the whole camera with on a crane and like a whole group of them all all in the matching jumpers and everything like that. And just the place goes insane, dude. And it's like, I literally throw up in my mouth. Oh! Like, because it's just, yeah, right. You went up and hugged me.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Oh, I did. I was just like, I couldn't lay out. I was teasing Mike. I don't know if you guys saw my Paris go up or not, but I did. I Paris go up that one. Mike picked me up to head over there and Mike's totally not in that world.
Starting point is 00:30:43 And I'm just like, call them out. So, he can't wait to get over there and meet Devin Fuzekin-Joysewell. He wants to take pictures with him. So bad. Oh, jeez. But the people, people wait in these lines for like, I'm not kidding, 45 minutes to an hour to get, you know, a handshake in a picture with one of these Instagram famous people.
Starting point is 00:31:02 And it's just, um. It's a future. It looks like the future of the sport. It looks like the future is, you know, you used to have to rely on an organization to promote you, but now you just promote yourself. Well, a lot of these guys are promoted through there, which would be a great little bit of that. Yeah, the athletes, I respect that.
Starting point is 00:31:19 It's, they don't even compete. Yeah. Let's just put that out there. Yeah, it's true. Yeah, you're a person. I respect the athlete. I don't respect that. Well, and here's any. So that's the Kardashian effect. So I got one for you guys. You guys are like this too. So I found this out. So a good girlfriend of mine.
Starting point is 00:31:34 She, she's like me. She's very into the business side of the social media. And she likes digging through like these companies, like shreds and seeing like how much of this is a facade? How much does real? What's it like. And so one of the things that people just don't realize is their office is also Devon's page, Joey's, it's all their house and kitchen. So it's one place that everybody loves.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Everybody gets photo, yeah, Photoshop. Yeah, it gets all the photos taken of. Oh, and they have their marketing media manager that photos taken of like oh, yeah, they have their marketing Media manager that writes all their post forum and then they just like, you know, so yeah a lot of this stuff is I I understand that Yeah, it's very but a lot of people don't you know a lot of people They eat it up, you know, they eat it up and they're just they think of a sheep these people are just like these these are Amazing amazing They give us a sheep. These people are just like these amaze, amazing people that just care so much about everybody
Starting point is 00:32:28 and their health and wellness. And I'm just like, you know, these guys are just like the face of the supplement line. And that's the other thing too, is that a lot of these companies are hooring them out. You know, it's the supplement company's really making up. Oh yeah, absolutely. And it's great because they're so smart
Starting point is 00:32:43 because they feed into these young kids' egos, because how cool is it to walk into this place? I make a lot of noise. Oh, yeah. And the place goes nuts and people snapping pictures and waiting in line. I mean, I would be lying if I said it doesn't feel good to walk around and people stop me and say hi
Starting point is 00:33:00 and tip wanna take a picture with me. And so it feels good. It would feel good for anybody. And I have no idea what that feels like at that celebrity level of those guys when they walk in. But the thing is, that's what these companies do is they find that and they feed right into that with these kids and like make them feel
Starting point is 00:33:15 like these superstars with the end of the day, the people are really making the money or the people that are doing setting it all up. You know, so that's the crazy part. I don't know, some of these social media kids or whatever make a shitload of money. Yeah, make a shitload of money. I think they're doing all right.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Yeah, some of them like like these YouTube kids that'll like play video games and shit and people record them playing video games. One kid I don't remember what his name was PewDiePie. I think his name is it's like the lead he plays Minecraft. My son plays Minecraft. Yeah, kid made seven twitch. He made something like $7 million Twitch TV. Yeah, well, I heard something about some statistic.
Starting point is 00:33:48 I don't know if it's true or not, but you make after every like 100,000 subscribers, you get like something like 50,000 or something like that. Well, yeah, I don't know that. I don't know that that I wouldn't confirm that. You're supposed to know that. It's something like that. It's your job to know that shit, though. All right, whatever. You're supposed to know that. It's something like that. It's your job.
Starting point is 00:34:05 No, shit. All right, whatever. We're gonna start YouTube channel. I've heard all kinds of random. Probably the most accurate based off of what I've seen from myself is you know, you should be able to convert a dollar to a follower type of deal. So like if you've got 100,000 followers,
Starting point is 00:34:21 you should be able to convert that to about $100,000 a year. If you're smart, but I mean, yeah. Yeah, just as far as overall advertisement, they'll pay you. Oh, you mean like if somebody else sees that, oh yeah, oh. Yeah. Once you start getting over over 100,000 plus followers, that's where, I mean, even before that, I mean, companies were already coming after me and trying to see if I would promote
Starting point is 00:34:42 their stuff. And at that point, as a social media kid or whatever, you have over 100,000 people that are tied to you. You have a lot of leverage. And I think that's what they don't understand. Yeah. They get excited because all these companies are offering them free t-shirts and shit or free supplements, but in a sign of contract.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Yeah, that's an exclusive. And you have no idea how much power you have. If you've got 40,000 to 100,000 people that are tuning in to you every single day, that is so much more than a teacher. That's the beginning. It gives them an opportunity, I guess. Maybe they start somewhere and then they start to learn and some of them get taken advantage of. It's like any other industry. Shit. Hollywood. I mean, all these industries, I think. Poor. Same thing. Yeah. Well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:24 No, I think it's a good industry. It's a very solid, you know. Who's really making that money? How many, how many, how many women the pen, the women and the, the, the, the people making the porn. No, see, here's the thing. I know you're right. The women do.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Here's the thing. Here's the thing. So this is what the internet has done to porn. The internet has made. Not to the distributor. It has made individual like amateur people famous and then they make a lot of money instead of the other way around.
Starting point is 00:35:51 So I'm wondering if like in physique and bodybuilding stuff, if that'll start happening. Oh yeah, it should. Like you're just gonna promote yourself. Like why am I gonna, you know what I'm saying? I'm gonna make myself famous and then you're gonna pay me because I'm already famous.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Well let's paint that picture. What is, what do you, would you see like the future of this sport, like evolving into as far as that goes with relationships? Okay, so this is what I, and this is also. And it used to be you had to look good, and that's it. Now, you gotta look good, and you should be able to present yourself in terms of social media.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Well, this is where, that's too hard. Kai Green and Dana Bailey, okay, this has a lot to do with, whether they end up going, whether that's a rumor about them going to the NBC, those that, that I don't know is a fact. A lot of it could be too that they're just, they're realizing that that them competing at Olympia does nothing for them anymore. They already have a name. They're already huge.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Going, you know, going into this is only helping that. You know what, that's a, that's a great point because 20 years ago, winning Mr. Olympia gave you a shitload of credibility in terms of being able to sell supplements and programs and products and put you on a magazine. Now, I bet some of the top sellers are not, but not even, maybe not even competitive. Well, exactly, that's shreds is a perfect example of that.
Starting point is 00:37:01 They're cranking out more supplements than anybody else. If they're more interested in you doing a squat on one of those fucking rolling things and you know dumbass shit. Dude, that's crazy. Who did that? Oh, yeah, that was Bradley Martin. Dude, dude, that is dumbass shit. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:37:17 I didn't see that one, I must have missed it. So it's like, you know those little skateboard things that look like little segways, but there's no... You know what, I did see that, I did. Yeah, I did. Dude, he was doing, it's just stupid shit like that. 400 pounds to someone. It's so great, he's still like that.
Starting point is 00:37:30 He's stupid. Yeah, nothing. But anyway, I mean, but that's what the, and I give him like credit to the fact that he knows that that's gonna give him like a million hits. You know what I mean? But that's what, it's like, somewhat of a dangerous element now,
Starting point is 00:37:44 we gotta throw in there for people to give a shit. And so that's what makes you money. Well, I also think that's where this is where we came from. And this is why we do what we do. Exactly, that's why I have to say, you know, call it out and be like, stop fucking doing that. And that's just it is that it's,
Starting point is 00:37:59 it's, I respect him for doing it. You know, what he's doing because he's, like you said, he's been, when you think about it as far as from a marketing standpoint, it's smart. Cause like you said, fucking a million people shared that thing, you know, they see it and it's like, holy shit, that's crazy, he did that. It's stupid too.
Starting point is 00:38:15 But you know what I'm saying? It's also gonna get a hundred thousand people now that he didn't have before, now watching that. So you can't hate on him too much about it, but at the same time too, that's what we've always been about is like bringing shit to light and being like, you know, do not go out and do some stupid stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:31 It's cool if you want to look at it and you think it's cool and it's funny, but by no means do you want to emulate that because you see like you're this fucking insta-famous kid that you want to be like, you know, doing. So I guess that's the hard part. And I think, you know, we're gonna see more of that as shit, as we continue to evolve in this industry
Starting point is 00:38:49 and it keeps going is, you know, you're gonna see a lot of these athletes starting to promote themselves and do things. And it's gonna be hard for the average person to kind of weed out whose bull shit who knows what they're doing. Well, I just wish that that was more tied into like, you know, the jackass stunts.
Starting point is 00:39:03 You know what I'm saying? Like, there's a place for that. And it's awesome, it's hilarious. And you expect them to hurt themselves. You know what I mean? Don't put that, don't cross it. Hey man, you know, at the same time. At the same world.
Starting point is 00:39:14 In the same time, let's just be honest, the personal training industry is guilty as shit for some of that stuff too. I know. Remember that whole, I'm trying, we're trying to clean that shit. We were all trainers during the freaking joke Physioball everything you know
Starting point is 00:39:27 Remember that Dave remember yeah a lot of people actually got hurt on that thing They actually banned people from doing the chest press on it because a lot of times it popped and guy would break his back No shit. I've seen it happened to stop pop yeah Where I don't even remember what Jimmy was at. Yeah, but all of a sudden here's a boom and guys on his back, I'm like, oh, yeah. So funny. It's so fun.
Starting point is 00:39:52 You're right, though. You are right, that we have, we have definitely, you know, it's just like the exercise thing, too, though, which just makes me die laughing when I see the tag, the one you tagged me in the day on the weighted pull up machine doing push down with your treasure. God. Do you see that, David? Do you still see that at goals with people using it?
Starting point is 00:40:10 I see a lot for the butt. I get a lot of that one. No. Now what? You're obviously an internally very strong person because you don't walk over and slap them in the face. Like how do you prepare yourself to not say, do you just ignore them? Because that would drive me nuts if I was working in that gym.
Starting point is 00:40:27 You know, I mean, I'm there 12 hours a day. Every day. Every 60 hours a week. I see almost everything and I just look, I smile and go, okay, do you surround that? That's pretty much what it is. Teach your own, you know, I mean, everybody does something for a reason. Whatever that reason is, it's totally up to them, man. I saw a guy, where was it? I think it was at your goals. He was, and he was kind of built,
Starting point is 00:40:47 but he was using the row machine, and he was like bending over and doing shoulder press with it. So like bending over, kind of putting up his head against the pad, and then like, and I'm like, why don't you just do a standing shoulder press?
Starting point is 00:40:58 I don't get why. Well, that's why you gotta use the row machine for that. You know, because I'm such a huge shreds fan, I was looking at Joey Swales page to the I didn't and he haters have a ride. That's us. Right. Right. I just can't help it. It's too easy, man. It's too easy when you do shit that I that everybody like and I can't help but look at like 5,000 comments of people sharing going like, oh, check this out. We got to try that next week. I'm going like, what was it? He took a cable fly machine, right?
Starting point is 00:41:28 And then he did a, what he did was he used a preacher bench to lay his back up against it and create basically an incline fly. But it was just like this, yeah, all this extravagant shit to create an incline fly. And I thought, well, you could have put a bench there. You could have used a bench as a, or you could have just dropped them the free motion machine. Even the creative. Don't have a bench or dumbbells.
Starting point is 00:41:52 You're like anything available. You know, this is your easy fix to that. You know what? We should make a fucking, we should make a bunch of videos where we just get Zoom or Creator. Fucking creative. I would love absurdity. I would do curls on the leg extension.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Talk creative absurdity. I would do curls on the leg extension. Talk creative absurdity. They are, people will be doing these exercises that are just so over the top that it's like there's already a machine that's created for that dude. There's no reason for you to go wheel over a bunch of other equipment and do all this weird shit to try and emulate. That machine actually is right over there and nobody's using it. Well see, I know working in gyms, I've seen just some crazy shit. And I wonder if the crowd, if you see different types of crazy shit at goals versus 24.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Like, is there- You have to. I think it's like, it's worse at 24. Yeah. Because it's 24 is worse. It's just like the vibe. Which one's worse in terms of just crazy shit that you see, Dave? I would say probably gold has more stuff just because there's more people there, there's
Starting point is 00:42:46 more equipment and there's more things to get fancy with. I mean, 24-arifinus is pretty basic. You know what I think a lot of it comes down to is people get bored. People get bored doing the same thing. They're like, there's got to be a better way, there's got to be a better way. Well, you know, and here's, and I told these guys before that, this is where I'm kind of okay with it. And I, and I, because I know I'm sure, I mean, you'll probably catch me do something that's kind of different or weird once in a blue moon. And that's
Starting point is 00:43:13 why I do it, because I'm bored as fuck. And I'm like, yeah, I'm going to do something different just to entertain myself. I, where I have an issue with it is when I see these young kids that are emulating it, that it's like, dude, you should be, there's so many foundational lifts that you need to be doing to build that physique of yours before you start getting creative like that. Because you, Well, there's a lot, yeah. You haven't earned boredom yet.
Starting point is 00:43:33 You haven't earned boredom yet. You need to be doing some squats and bench press and deadlifts for a little bit longer. Dude, I, I see it all the time. You'll see the young kids, you know, 18, 19 skinny, they want to build muscle, and you could tell they're really serious, they're so excited because they're lifting weights.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Yeah, and they're doing like a shit ton of machine arm exercises because it's bicep day, and they're going from one machine to another and they're getting their fucking going crazy. And I'm watching them, if you just barbed all road and got strong right that, it would crush everything else you're doing in there with all know, with all those machines. And they are, you're right, they're emulating a lot of these other guys who are already big and muscular, who then get bored and want to invent shit or just, you know, get a good
Starting point is 00:44:13 pump. Yeah. You know, I had a question for you, David, circling back around to your coaching. Do you, do you think you coach more women competitors than men or do you, what do you think? You have a lot of both, huh? And I, me personally think? You have a lot of both, and I, me personally, I do have a lot of both. My clientele is 50-50 with my clients, so in terms of bikini competitors
Starting point is 00:44:34 and men's physique competitors, I think I work well with both, and I think a lot of that attributes to the way my wife looks. She looks really great in my opinion and people see that. And so they obviously know that, oh wow, he works good with males and females. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:51 You know, some people get along with males better than females. Some people can get along with females better than males. And I just have the luxury of, I can get along with both. I'm very personable. My youngest client is 14 years old. My oldest client is 73 years old.
Starting point is 00:45:05 So I can pretty much work with the broad spectrum of things. Some people they like to just have a niche and whether that's males or females, that's fine. Everybody has a specialty, you know? What's your favorite kind of client overall? Not necessarily male, female,
Starting point is 00:45:20 but in terms of goal or age or... Favorite client I would have to say is the one who's going to be dedicated and consistent. So you're just like the hard one? I just like someone that works hard because I can take someone who works hard and maybe has the worst genetics and I can put them on stage and they could come out top five. Awesome. And that's God's honest truth. I've done it before.
Starting point is 00:45:44 So and I would say that when'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say you're just like, you know, did he do all of it? Or did he do half a bit? Or he lied about this? Or, you know, half-ass this with competitors, I imagine, you know, 90% of your competitors are doing exactly what you tell them to do because they're in the sport of it, right? Right. And then most of the competitors, you know, they're using your service as more online. So you're working with them remotely.
Starting point is 00:46:21 So you actually never see them face to face. So they have to follow everything, because you're not there to ride them on a daily basis. A lot of my individual clients, I see on a daily basis, and I know, hey, you didn't come to the gym today. They're like, well, yeah, I know. I'm like, yeah, I know you know, I've been here. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I know, I'm like, okay. Exactly. Well, good deal, man. So Saturdays, your big grand opening party, New Shoshop. Yeah, this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. All right, perfect. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:46:53 Are you doing a discount? What do you got going on? We got 20% off everything. We're going to be raffling some prizes. We're going to have the meal service there that we're going to be providing for everybody to go ahead and try out, see how they like it. The lift fit apparel will be there. She's well, I've like what two 300 items there. So anybody that's big
Starting point is 00:47:10 You know lift it fan, you know come on out dude. We're gonna have the wide as variety from here to San Francisco around Awesome, maybe we'll give well, maybe we'll have some shirts in your store What do you say? Yeah, we got lots of shirts. We got the new shop shirts We got my impact training shirts. We have the lip fits shirts We're gonna get some mind pump shirts in there. We're gonna have some level up shirts in there Pretty much anybody else that's looking to promote the business, you know, whether it's a trainer who needs some love You know someone just starting out come stop by I get it daily. Hey You got a good trainer for me. I'm like well, unfortunately. I'm all booked up
Starting point is 00:47:42 But my buddy or you know what I got this perfect lady for you. Oh, this CrossFit studio is awesome. You know, you guys name it. Come on out, show your support, and we'd love to promote you. Beautiful. Love it. Thanks for coming, bro. Hey, thanks for having me, guys. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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