Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 154: Endurance v. gains, best workout time, lifting too heavy & MORE

Episode Date: September 24, 2015

Want your questions answered by Sal, Adam & Justin? Leave them each Monday @MindPump on Instagram. This week they answer your questions about keeping gains while endurance training, the best time to w...orkout, SARMS v. steroids, gynecomastia and how to know when you are lifting too heavy. Please subscribe, rate and review Mind Pump here on iTunes to help us get Raw Fitness Truth out to more people. Thank you for your support! To learn more about Mind Pump go to www.mindpumpradio.com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, pop, mite, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Yes, who's back from Olympia? Adam's back! Adam's here. Adam's liver is falling out. His liver is falling out. Adam. And we're eating it for dinner time. Can I just say right now? We're all gonna get really drunk.
Starting point is 00:00:28 You can see all the drugs coming out of my heart. Yeah, this is what you're gonna say. No, all I hear is like your face is your skin color is a little gray. It's a little bit gray. You know what they show aliens? Like aliens just post a look like and they're gray and they have the big eyes. That gray. You have this kind of weird disco flash coming out of your eyes. Show aliens like aliens just supposed to look like and they're gray and they're the big eyes that gray You have this kind of weird disco flash from every ice. Yeah, that's good
Starting point is 00:00:49 I just can I just say that what happened? Bucket list for those listeners that I love Vegas Vegas is one of my favorite places as an adult It's pretty much Disneyland for an adult I believe and I've done for the most part I've done most to everything there is the do shouldn't say that, that's total exaggeration. I've done a lot of cool shit out there, especially related to the clubs and night scenes and things like that. And one of the things that had not done yet is the excess night, the night swim, which excesses of club inside the encore, which is one of my favorite. So this is the pool area and night? Yes, what happens about this?
Starting point is 00:01:23 What happens under the water? Please, is there a grotto? There isn't a grotto. The maze will be though. Do you guys play grabby? Grabby? It's a there is a lot of grabby. Grabby touchy feely. You want to so I thought it's a lot of hand one. A lot of hand wandering. Oh, this will do. It's a it's a squid. You know, it's All of Ithan so Katrina and I brought her niece with us. She's 23 years old. She's been a Vegas one time before this and You know, she'd been telling us like you know, I want to go to Vegas with you and Adam I want to go if you Vegas with you and Adam. Oh, you traumatized her didn't she? Well her first her first idea her first experience in Vegas was pretty bad. She said, you know, I was so excited to go and I was with all my girlfriends and turning into drama and so and so gotten to fight with this person and so and so left early and just
Starting point is 00:02:12 terrible. And you're not on a bunch of you guys and you're, you're opinion on Vegas and stuff like that, but it's really about who you go with. And it's one of those places that it really can go one way or the other. It can, because there is so much hype behind it. Everybody, everybody where, no matter where you are in the world, if probably heard of Las Vegas, and if you haven't been there,
Starting point is 00:02:30 it's one of those places that you can't wait to go to. And sometimes there's a lot of build up. And for me, my first experience when I went, it was kind of a want, want, want trip. And I was just like, I'll go to you when you went first. I was 22, and my buddy took me out there and It was cool, but I had so much of it was built up that everyone was like oh
Starting point is 00:02:50 There's a direct correlation to if you have money or if you're college student Vegas is about yeah If you have a lot of money a college student and go there expecting to have an awesome time Okay, so that was the nice way of putting what I was trying to say. I mean, that's what I was trying to be nice about, like, are not sound pompous, I guess, by saying that, you know, you got some hookups now. And it's okay. Yeah. Well, how much would you're gonna go out with your buddies?
Starting point is 00:03:15 You're gonna get into a club. There's four of you. You're gonna spend each on drinks and everything and getting in and this and that. You're gonna spend $152,000 at least. Oh, no, you're not, you're gonna spend $152 at least. Oh no, you're not, you're gonna spend 300 to 500. I'm saying at least if you're being cheap and you're just like, yeah, you're spending a shit ton of money.
Starting point is 00:03:31 If you're fordude, you're gonna stand in a line for about an hour and a half just to get into the club. If you're going somewhere where everybody wants to be. Yeah, if you're just a bunch of sausages, no one's gonna let you in. Yeah, and Vegas, it's all about who's spending, what DJs at what club? And where's the hot spot to be?
Starting point is 00:03:48 Where's everybody at? And there's always a, everywhere is cool in Vegas, but there's always a few handful of spot that just goes off. And it's normally because they got some big name like Calvin Harris who's spinning or Tiesto or someone like that or dead mouse is at some place.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And it's just off the chain. But to get into a place like that, if you're a guy, you're gonna wait in line for an hour and a half plus if you can even get in. And then once you finally get in, you're gonna pay out your nose to probably stand shoulder to shoulder with somebody. So you're not gonna, you know.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Yeah, the only way I'll ever do a club in Vegas, honest to God, is if I have a table. Yeah, and then tables for like, so I was at Hawkeson during, so Hawkeson's one of the hottest night clubs out there. I was there for its grand opening week or the week following the grand opening. So it was the new hot club to be at.
Starting point is 00:04:35 You know, on our table was $10,000 just to be at a table. That's true. And it was a normal table. There was nothing crazy over the top, but it was a nice table and everything. But I mean, so if you're not with people that are willing to shell out that kind of money to have a good time,
Starting point is 00:04:49 and you're like you said, just instead of college students going on a college budget to go go to Vegas and try to live it. Yeah, right. You're trying to live it up like all this little city. There is. Live it up like all these people talk about it. You're like, this isn't really what I thought I was gonna be.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I didn't know I was gonna stand in this line and go to this club that, you know, I'm gonna be shoulder to shoulder. So, you know, a lot of it is that. And when you go with guys that are okay with spending money like that, now if you're a girl, different ballgame. If you're a pretty girl, you get everywhere. Boom.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Four or five hot shit. Sexes, nobody talks about this kind of sex. Right, and then nobody brings this shit up. I mean, no. No. Yeah. Even the gyms out there, you know what I see? You know what they're really used?
Starting point is 00:05:30 This is crazy. You guys will appreciate this one being in the gym industry. So like Las Vegas Athletic Club, which is like one of the big gyms out there that probably rivals the 24-erifant. This is if not, we're even probably more successful out there. Huge, right? Huge gyms. Two stories, 50,000 plus square foot gyms, and their slogan is,
Starting point is 00:05:50 women join for free. So that's like the, the men pay, men pay in. Is this for reals? Yeah. Sexism, right? Could you imagine if a place that guy's joined for free? Oh, men are for free.
Starting point is 00:06:02 We're so oppressed. Right. Well, pretty smart though. So I went through the first day I got there. So in my buddy, Kim Tome, you had to go to Las Vegas have let a club and go work out. So I'm like, okay, I normally just use my free 24, we're not free, but I pay a 24 fitness membership.
Starting point is 00:06:18 So normally when I'm in Vegas, I just go to whatever 24 is nearby my hotel. So everyone can tell me, go to Las Vegas, have let a club and we're like, all right, all right, I'm going to go. So I went there and it may as well be a fucking nightclub too. I mean, that's why everybody was telling you to go. Oh my god. They were telling you. Oh, it was, it was insane, dude. The girls that were in there were dressed from literally head to toe every, like, I mean, matchy, matchy shoes, the socks, to the whole get up the outfit with
Starting point is 00:06:45 the, you know, then they break away halfway through their workout to their sports bra, their stomachs hanging out and stuff like that. Just bad, bad, dying pieces. Let it breathe. Oh, fully makeup, makeup, makeup going on, everything like that. I mean, it just stacked all over the place. Justin likes to show off a little neck when he goes in those jumps. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Oh, it was crazy. It was, it was crazy to see, uh, to see that. I'm zappled up and no, no, no, I'm talking about the other neck. I'm talking about the pubic, pubic area. For the, for the most guy about that guy, for the most part, it's, uh, it was where all your, you know, your, your celebrities, your insta famous, your strippers, like, that's where they all go to work out and so you were there for Thursday Friday Saved yourself for the last two days We're going to bed early and all that so yeah, so I actually
Starting point is 00:07:35 Happens when you get old well, you know, so okay, so I was out there another good buddy of mine Mike who is a Strategic he's he's a big Vegas guy yet. They actually bought a really nice condo up on the strip because they go there so often. So him and I had been around the scene for a really long time. And it was really nice hanging out with him because we had kind of the same attitude. And this is something that we told her in the east and we get there because she was like, okay, what are we going to do? What are we going to do on Wednesday or Thursday night? What are we going to do Friday night?
Starting point is 00:08:02 What's the plans for this? Where do we go? What do I need to wear with this? And like Katrina was like, slow down. That's not how we do on Wednesday or Thursday night? What do we do Friday night? What's the plans for this? Where do we go? What do I need to wear with this in? And like Katrina was like, slow down. That's not how we do Vegas. Like we do not go in there with this agenda of, we got to be here. We're gonna be there. It's like, you know what, we're gonna go there.
Starting point is 00:08:14 You know, Adam will make some phone calls and talk to some of friends and this and that. And you know, maybe we'll go here, maybe we'll go there. Like you don't really know where the spot is that day or what about that. And we'll figure it out as we go. And you know, we'll go there, like you don't really know where the spot is at that day or what about that and we'll figure it out as we go. And you know, we'll fill you in, but we most certainly do not go there with this agenda of this and this and this and this. So did she have a good time?
Starting point is 00:08:32 Oh, she had the time of her life, you know. It means she, first of all, you know, I showed you guys, if you watched the Periscope, the video of my place, well, what I didn't tell you was when I first got there, so I flew on on Wednesday, Katrina and her got there on Friday. Now, the reason why I ended up in that room was because I typically upgrade my standard room to just a grand suite. And the grand suite's a nice suite,
Starting point is 00:08:56 and it's, but it's nothing crazy over the top. Well, when I first got there, they were, because of the Olympia, I heart radio and they go on, it was completely booked out. That's right. They hooked you up. Yeah. And this is what called the look. No, they were, because of the Olympia, I Heart Radio and they go on, it was completely booked out. That's right, they hooked you up. Yeah, so this is what called the bug in the lab? No, they didn't hook me up. I paid for it, you know, it wasn't cheap by any means, but it was, and I got somewhat of a deal with being a gambler there and everything.
Starting point is 00:09:15 So they stick me in the bungalow, but that wasn't the cool part. The cool part was the first day that I got there, I was really irritated because my Jacuzzi wasn't heating up in my room. And I'm like, well, that's part of this, the coolest part of paying for a room like this is I got azi wasn't heating up in my room. And I'm like, well, that's part of this coolest part of paying for a room like this is I got a fucking private jacuzzi in my room. And what's the point of it if it's cold?
Starting point is 00:09:30 It's a cold dip. Yeah. So I was. So, you know, but I'm the person who like comes down and stomps all like my doing just work. I came down and I was like, Hey, I just want you guys know that. I don't know. There's something he's be turned on or whatever my jacuzzi's kind of cold. And she's like, Oh, okay. And then she's like, I'll call maintenance. Well, then the next day, next morning, I was around, I'd check it. It's still cold. I'm like, okay, well, you know, I went down, went down to my host and I was like, hey, man, this jacuzzi is still cold
Starting point is 00:09:55 or whatever with that. Okay. Well, let me call them. They call down there in front of me. And I see him, okay, he should be up there like an hour. So I think, okay, that's perfect. I'm going to go work out. I'm going to go eat. I'm going to do all this stuff. Then I'll be back. So again, I come back, check's perfect. I'm gonna go work out, I'm gonna go eat, I'm gonna do all this stuff, then I'll be back. So again, I come back, check on it, still cold. So now I'm getting a little air take because now I'm feeling annoyed that I'm like, I feel like I'm annoying like I'm that person
Starting point is 00:10:12 who just keeps coming up and I'm like, hey, you know, I've got a nice place like this. I want the job. Right, right. So I go in there and I told the guy, I said, hey, I totally apologize. I probably sound like this annoying guess, but man, I've been down here three times now
Starting point is 00:10:25 and been told that someone was again there and turned my jacuzzi on and fixed it and no one's done that yet. And he was actually, you could tell he was really upset. He's like, you mean, did they have him fixed it yet? And you've been down here? I was like, yeah, no, I've been down here three times already. And at first I thought he was kind of giving me attitude, but then I could tell he was frustrated at the input, whoever it was that was handling my issues.
Starting point is 00:10:42 He was like, look at him, the computer. And he's like, don't worry, Mr. Shave, it'll be handled by the time you get back to your room. Like, cool. whoever it was that was handling my issues. He was like, look at him on the computer. And he's like, don't worry, Mr. Shabin will be handled by the time you get back to your room. Like cool. So it was handled. But now the cool part, this is what I like about Vegas. And I feel this, you know, customer service, like, especially when you're somebody who spends money, does things there.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Oh, they go way over the top. They do. They know they know to take care of somebody who does. If you're somebody who comes there frequently, it spends money, does things like that. They tend to do really, really nice things and take care of you with that. So when Katrina's niece gets in, she's coming in and I had her booked in a standard room
Starting point is 00:11:11 inside there. Well, she gets there and she calls Katrina right away. She's like, oh my God, Adam is so awesome. I love him, but I'll just put that in. And I'm like, why is she so excited? Like the room's there. Just like, there's nothing special about him. There's this standard room.
Starting point is 00:11:25 She's like, oh my God, I can have an orgy in this room and so big and it's like, what did the fuck did they put her in? So I go in and sure, she got the sweet room. She got the sweet that I'm normally in over there. So I guess when she had flown in, maybe somebody had canceled her way with that. So they had bumped her to the grand suite, which is where I know my girl.
Starting point is 00:11:45 So she had a great time. Oh, yeah. So that was how her trip started with her getting upgraded to an awesome room that she got to be in, that she didn't have to do, you know, not have to pay for or anything like that. So she got that and then, you know, we took her out to, Katrina took her out on Friday night, excuse me, Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Yes, Saturday night, she took her out to a club. I didn't want to go out. I'm like, I'm like, oh, man, I got one hard night. That's it. So you just did one night? One night. That's it. I couldn't, I can't do back-to-back, dude. I thought you did a lot more than that. No, just because of the energy level and stuff that I'm seeing. You know, I was, I was, damn, whether you are. Dick. No, you know, it was, hey, could you imagine if I ran two or three nights and this is what I look like? Thank God you did.
Starting point is 00:12:30 You'd be like, raccoon. I mean, let's be honest, I'm coming fresh off of it right now. Like literally it was, Oh, you went to bed at 6 a.m. Yeah, like less than, if I coughed, you'd probably like, yeah, in a plume. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Let's, 12 hours ago, I'm dancing, you know, in a club right now. So it's, hasn't been that long that I was not out there. So, but yeah, no, I got her laid low and I told Katrina, I'm like, why don't you girls go and, you know, we'll call someone and they'll get, and getting girls in is so easy.
Starting point is 00:12:57 It's one phone call for that. It's like, hey, I have two pretty girls that are coming down. Could you slide them in? Oh, yeah, no, yeah. Yeah, which, my poor buddies, they always have front. Am I two friends, Sal and Justin are coming. Can you all, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 00:13:08 busy night, tonight. Yeah, no, it's totally like that. Don't worry room for sausage. And my buddies who don't understand Vegas don't get that. And they always give me a hard time because they're just like, dude, what's the point of being your best friend if I can't get any fucking cool shit like this
Starting point is 00:13:20 when we go there? Because you're a fucking dude. If you're a, what girlfriend of mine would be no problem, but you're another dude. Like, in Vegas, just frowns upon that, bro. Yeah, unless you come in there, give them a bunch of money, they ain't gonna see you do the tuck maneuver.
Starting point is 00:13:32 It's not happening. Tuck and roll. Just not happen. Tuck and tape. Doug, what's going on? We doing the Q&A? We are. But before we begin, Justin has a song.
Starting point is 00:13:43 I have a song. Go, go, Justin. Do it. Do it. No, I song. You're just a dude. No, I already used that one all the time. You gotta give me a reference. I got nothing. Mother. Do your children not to go my way. Do your children not to hear my words.
Starting point is 00:14:02 What the mean. Mother. Mother. I have to hear my words, what the mean, what they say, mother, mother, mother. Mother. Oh my god. We just got, And you keep it in the dark tonight. All right, that's enough. We just got, we got, we got, Adam saying for a second,
Starting point is 00:14:16 did you hear that part? No, I did. Oh, he did again. Cause I do that song. Damn, I like that one. You know, he do the word. He's coming out of the shell. As far as the singing.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I can see that. I know what, you've got the, you've got a, you've got a nice, uh, you do the word. He's coming out of his shell as far as the singing. Oh, I can see that. I know what you've got You've got a nice Foo your voice. I mean it's smooth. Get that Joe Cocker thing. I'm kind of I'm kind of hoping that our producer will there Well, actually you just spruce it up a little bit. We say we didn't get one of those what I call auto tune Adotune Adam tune. Adam to just synthesize me just do that Ask us some questions. Oh great producer. Oh yes. First up from Cisco 41 58. He's asking about training for soccer type endurance without losing his gains and
Starting point is 00:14:57 he's in the gym for well three times a week or so considering considering sour as the soccer shoes we'll go ahead and let him take this one. Yeah. So I don't, I don't, I don't play soccer, but I have soccer shoes on, which makes me more qualified than these two gentlemen. Yeah. I'm wearing basketball shoes and Justin's got chucks on. So you are definitely definitely the most qualified.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Yeah, I'm not, so here's a serious runner. So here's a deal with the, with the human body. The human body, when you, when you try to get progress in multiple arenas, you're gonna get progress in multiple arenas, but you're not gonna maximize progress in any one of them. Okay, so like a power lifter, for example, is very specific for his particular sport.
Starting point is 00:15:40 If he was doing power lifting and doing, let's say endurance running or, you know, trathlon training or something like that, he would get better at that one sport, but he would also lose performance in powerlifting. So it's just the way the human body is. It's capacity to adapt. It's limited.
Starting point is 00:15:57 So it's like when you play those video games, you know, when you're playing those fighting games and you can like move up his strength or move up, but you can't put everything over. You can't keep it all. Yeah. 100% forward. And to add to that, like, like you're saying as far as like being only one thing, like
Starting point is 00:16:12 you're just going to have to periodize it. So, you know, maybe, I don't know when it starts for you or whatnot, but maybe the endurance part could be a focus, you know, more towards the end, like leading up into, you know, actually trying out for the soccer team or whatever it is that you're doing with it. But that's how I would approach it with an athlete and start out with the strength, start out with the explosiveness, establish these adaptations, move forward with that into more of the stamina.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Because that's something that you're going gonna quickly be able to adapt to. Yeah, I mean, you can, I mean, you can still look quite impressive, even if you lose some size because you're playing soccer, you're just getting conditioned. So like, I mean, I mean, there's some pro soccer plays that look, you know, phenomenal. So same thing for you, but in terms of training for soccer type endurance, sprints, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:02 train your VO2 max, do your, you know, go play soccer. It's pretty straightforward for that. Play a lot of soccer. And the thing is like, I mean, the size itself is going to be a hindrance. You know, definitely. Yeah. So you got to, I mean, you got to pick and choose, you know what I mean? Do you want to be powerful and explosive, you know, and like, you're going to lose a little
Starting point is 00:17:22 bit of that endurance, you know? So if you're carrying more weight on the field, you're going to feel it versus being lighter and be able to run longer and harder. Here's one thing I want to say also, if you're training, if you're in the gym lifting heavy three, four days a week, and then you incorporate soccer practice,
Starting point is 00:17:41 which is probably I'm assuming five days a week at least, you know, like after school type stuff. I would recommend lifting one or two days a week. If you maintain your three, four days a week of weights, plus the soccer stuff, you're asking for trouble. You're asking to over train and injure yourself. So back off on the resistance training, one to two days a week, and believe it or not, you'll actually keep more gains doing it that way than if you continue to lift three, four days a week. Yeah. You don't want to just hammer your
Starting point is 00:18:07 body too much. What about you Adam? Uh, so, well, actually this, this, even though it's a mind doesn't really pertain to soccer as much as it does close to home for me with basketball. So this is actually something that I dealt with because I played Intermino basketball the way to I was 30 years old. And so it was important to me to get in basketball condition to where I can run up and down the court and jump and hang with all these ball players. The same time too, I really cared about building my physique. Although at this time, I wasn't into competing
Starting point is 00:18:34 to where that became a number one priority, which is why basketball doesn't exist in my life right now. But so I can totally relate to this. I have a sport that I love to play that I don't wanna give up, but then at the same time too, I'm trying to build this physique that I wanna look like like and then how do I mesh it and what you both said I think that is is 100% correct and important is you know
Starting point is 00:18:51 There's a give and take you know if you're gonna be the buffest guy in the soccer field You're probably not gonna be the best with endurance and stamina, right? I mean just just how it is because you're the buffest guy, you know, and that's gonna hinder that and then vice versa If you're the you know the best endurance and and speedwise guy in the soccer field, you're probably not the buffest guy on the soccer field. So it's kind of, if you kind of want the middle of the range, which is kind of what I wanted. I wanted to play basketball. I wanted to maintain my physique, but then I also needed to be able to get up and down the court. So there were some strategies that I use. One, with Salah saying the first thing I had to do was
Starting point is 00:19:21 scale back to working out. I was no longer in weight training seven days a week. Now I was incorporating basketball three, four times a week, and then the others were lifting. And then my intensity changed and the type of lifting I changed. So I did things more in Justin's world where I wanted to emulate a lot more sports performance and pliometric work for my resistance training versus my traditional bodybuilding type training. So that happened with my resistance training versus my traditional bodybuilding type training. So, that happened with my weight training. And then what I did differently nutritionally is before I would do any sort of sport, I
Starting point is 00:19:51 would make sure I was loaded up calories wise. So, knowing that when I play basketball or with soccer, it was very similar as far as the calorie expenditure that you would utilize in an hour, hour, and a half for the plane soccer or basketball, I would make sure I would be reloading with a high calorie or sugar drink. So something that is going to hit my system quick. I don't recommend going out and getting a rock star, although when I first did this as a kid, that's what I used to do.
Starting point is 00:20:16 It's just use something like that, but that's all an artificial bullshit in there. But having yourself a really high calorie fruit shake or fruit in itself or a drink or reloading halfway through your workout or through your sport. So your body has some fuel that taps into and you're not worried about it running on empty and then having to look for other sources to burn. So that would be kind of a strategy
Starting point is 00:20:42 that I would use nutritionally because I cared a lot still with it. Now, in the past, where if I was playing basketball, I wouldn't be thinking about that. I just care about my endurance and my basketball athleticism and things like that. I'm not thinking about, oh, my muscle might be going away right now. Which it doesn't really work that way either. It's not like you start running up and down
Starting point is 00:20:58 a soccer field and all of a sudden muscle falls off your body. But if you do continue to push and you don't feel it. Your body's just adapting in different directions. That's all. So that would be my strategy is nutritionally making sure that you're feeding. You got to understand that if you're incorporating soccer now and that's something that's new, your body's going to be burning it significantly more. So make sure you fuel it and you feed it that way.
Starting point is 00:21:19 That'll help maintain those cases. And you got to take into account to another point I wanted to bring up is that, you know, soccer itself, like two thirds, I guess they said for men, they, you know, it is spent either walking or in a light jog. And when you go like the ball comes near you, that's when you're in your explosive sprinting, you know, high intensity, you know, portion of the performance. And so, soccer is a lot of fart liking. It's a lot of fart liking. I mean, it's it's scissor around. I love that fart liking. But it's true. But it's true. But yeah, so it's like the jog or the walk and then sprint. That's it. It's it. So if you can, you know, somewhat emulate that.
Starting point is 00:21:56 If you're if you're working like specifically on the endurance and trying to, I mean, you always want to match, you know, somewhat of what's going to go on in the game and and, you know, being able to react and respond the same way. So that's one thing to take into account, like, you know, with intervals and, and, and that too, that way, you know, you know, completely just hammer yourself and like, I gotta just, you know, I gotta do 100 sprints and, and, and you're trying to, to overdo it in order to, you know, overperform that, you know, actual performance. When in fact, you should, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:30 actually be letting your body recover more and fluctuate. You know, something I came up with the other day because I was thinking about how can we present this to athletes and to people in the gym in a way that where it just clicks, you know, because we talk about this all the time and you're touching upon it, this overuse of intensity and this working out for working out sake,
Starting point is 00:22:48 and how that's detrimental. But how do we, you know, what's the way we can communicate that? And something that I came up with was that fitness is not, fitness is a skill. Think of it this way. Think of fitness being a skill. If I'm learning a skill, if I'm gonna go and learn how to play the piano,
Starting point is 00:23:04 I'm perfecting my skill with the piano. I'm not hammering on the keys. I'm like, fingers can't move. Right. So if you're trying to get better at soccer and getting better at endurance for soccer, you don't just go out and beat the shit out of yourself, you go out and get better at getting more endurance. You develop the skill of fitness and what that fitness looks like for soccer. And it's the same thing with weights. When I go to the gym and I'm trying to get my quads or my legs get bigger, I'm not just squatting until I can't move anymore. I'm squatting to get really good at squatting.
Starting point is 00:23:34 So explain to us how that works. So I'm not going to failure. I'm maximizing my form. I'm leaving a little bit in the tank so I can maximize that hard, powerful contraction. I'm sending that signal and then I'm leaving it alone. You know, beating yourself up really just, that's not hard to do. You're not getting better at a skill. It's easy to kick the shit out of yourself.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Right. You know, anybody could do that. So, that's just that you want to think of it as practice. It's like, I'm here to practice my endurance or I'm here to practice my strength versus, I'm here to beat myself up. I'm here to exhaust myself. Yeah, I like that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:13 All right, next question is a Conqueror underscore 837. This person works from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., three to five days a week. He usually works out after work, but he's wondering if he should start working out before work. He thinks that perhaps that might be, but increases stress hormones, though. So he's wanting to get your advice on that. Somebody just asked me this question.
Starting point is 00:24:38 I just answered this. So he's on like a graveyard shift. Yeah. 7 p.m. 70. Okay. So he wants to know if he should work out before or after work? Basically, with like circadian rhythms and everything. Well, he says he's taking a pre-workout before he works out after he's done with his
Starting point is 00:24:55 shift. So let's do this. Let's first answer the question and just forget about the fact that he's working graveyard shift. Let's just, because a lot of people have this question who work regular hours, right? Is it better to work out before or before? That's where I was going. That's the question I just got asked.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I just got asked if what's the best time to work out morning afternoon or night, because like you said, it doesn't matter if he's graveyard or not. It's graveyard if he keeps doing that. I mean, that's like zombie land right there. I mean, it's not good for your body by itself. Well, here, and at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:25:23 it's really, this is the answer, is whatever you like, bro, whatever works best for you that you can consistently do. And I always, I think I've repeated this at least three or four times that, because it's one of my favorite things at cell set, every once in a while you said something I really like. Most of the time, most of the time I don't. But sometimes, sometimes he says something I really like. And, you know, and something that's always resonated with me
Starting point is 00:25:45 that he said a long time ago was that, you know, a program that is, it can be a half-ass program. But if it's done consistently, it's far superior to a program that is the best program or the best time to work out or whatever it is done inconsistently. So, you know, if you, if this person that was asking me this before was like, you know, I'm not really a morning person, but I heard it's really good.
Starting point is 00:26:06 So I can burn burn more fat if I got up and I worked out before I went, you know, started my day or this or that. Well, it's like, if you don't like getting up at five o'clock, let's be honest, are you more likely to skip those days or miss some of those days? And if you like to work out in the afternoon of the evening or that works best for your schedule, you know, regardless of what might be better for you that day as far as hormone level and energy level,
Starting point is 00:26:28 what's gonna benefit you more is consistency, right? When we all agree on that. 100% that's exactly what I was gonna say. Whichever one, whichever one you enjoy more, whichever one you feel like you could be more consistent with, we could sit here in split hairs in terms of the benefit of training at a certain time before your activity and you know, you're gonna eat more meals and we can sit here in split hairs in terms of the benefit of training at a certain time before your activity and you're going to eat more meals.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And we can sit in your split hairs, but if you really enjoy working out after work and you prefer doing it that way and you're going to be more consistent that way, then do it that way. I said the same thing too, is that you could, all three of us, I know, could put a spin on why morning, why afternoon, why evening. I could sell you. There's a benefit. There's actually a benefit to each of them. There is.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I could sell you on why each one is better than the others, but that's not really the answer. Right. And then here's the other thing, too. Whatever benefit, by the way, because they'll do studies and they'll show that working out, you know, before work or early in the morning will, you know, cause different changes in hormones and your body will burn more body fat. They'll say, for example, here's the funny thing though, after you do it for a while,
Starting point is 00:27:26 that all stops. Your body actually learns to be to maximize this performance at the time you train it at every day. So if I always work out, if I start, like right now, I work out at noon, usually typically around noon every day. But if I said starting tomorrow, my workouts are going to be at 6 a.m. For the first two months, see a huge change. Well, they're going to suck, right?
Starting point is 00:27:46 They're going to be hard. It's a different adaptation of the body. I'm tired, whatever. After the two months, that's going to be the time I work out. My body's going to maximize it's performance. Yeah, I don't have time. Yeah, I don't have time to make to that, for sure. That's it.
Starting point is 00:27:56 What about, like, so, you know, he's not seen a lot of sun. You know, if you think him supplementing for that might help as far as energy and maybe, you know, if you're not getting a lot of sun, I would, I would, yeah, I would, I would supplement with vitamin D3. But take it in a form that's not, if you, if you already take fish oil, for example, take cod liver oil, which is naturally high in vitamin D3, a very absorbable form. He says he works out this, this time's three to four days a week, Doug.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Is that what he said? Yeah. Yes, that's correct. Okay, because I hope this is the schedule you follow every day then, because switching from 7am to 7pm and our excuse me, 7pm to 7am, three, four days a week and then the other days a week, going on a regular, you know, where you're up during the day type schedule,
Starting point is 00:28:42 that can definitely affect your gains, definitely, because your body has to adjust each time. It'd be like traveling from Europe back and forth once a week. So if you're up from 7pm to 7am and you sleep during the day type of deal, do that every day. Which you probably already do. I can't imagine somebody wanting to switch back and forth, you know, so frequent. Oh yeah. Yeah. Next question, Brandon underscore moohaw. Sarms versus steroids. What are the similarities and differences? Sarms, Sarms. We love talking about ruins.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Yeah. So Sarm stands for selective androgen receptor modulator. So without getting too technical, steroids are hormones that affect the Androgen receptor in part. There's other anabolic functions, but a lot of what they do is they attach to the Androgen receptor, which is what signals all the things in the body that Androgen tend to do. Build muscle, grow body hair, you know, you know, oilier skin, like all these different aggression, sex drive, all these different things.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Some steroids are more androgenic than others. In other words, they're giving more of those masculinizing effects. And other steroids are more anabolic and less androgenic. They're going to give you more of the anabolic muscle building effects, but less of the androgenic effects. Okay. Selective as, and estrogen receptor modulators are drugs that are not hormones.
Starting point is 00:30:07 They're just chemicals designed to lock into those androgen receptors and kind of activate them without being hormone. Are they still injectable? No, oral. Oral. Oral is how they're doing the studies. So why is that a good thing?
Starting point is 00:30:22 Well, here's what happens when you take an external hormone. Your body is pretty smart. It senses you have elevated levels of androgens in your system. And it shuts its own production of androgens down to try to balance you out. So this is why they say steroid shrinks your balls because your balls stop producing testosterone and they atrophy. With supposedly with SARMS, they are not recognized as hormones by the body.
Starting point is 00:30:51 So if you take a low dose of them, then your body won't stop or reduce its production of testosterone and other endrogens. But you're still getting some of the anabolic effects of the new dose. So you're minimized whatever. Right, so comparison. And there's lots of, there's science coming out now, some studies, this is all preliminary. The thing is, and I know why the dude's asking the question,
Starting point is 00:31:13 because you can buy serms online as research chemicals. It's like gray area shit, where you can buy something that, you know, it's quasi, it's legal because they're selling it for research and not for human consumption. I would not trust that ever, especially with a chemical like a sarm, which has not even gone through, I don't think two phases of FDA trials.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Maybe it does make you build muscle and it's on the Androgen receptor and it doesn't lower your hormones. But boom, now you get Androgen's sensitive cancer, like prostate cancer or something. See, this is good because Psalms, I thought that was like some kind of bird flu. And I was like, what the fuck are we talking about here?
Starting point is 00:31:53 Did you say that out of some sense? That's what I say when we put it with his Psalms, the fuck his Psalms. Yeah. Fancy ass acronym for fucking for designer sterile, it sounds like to me. Somewhat, yeah. So these are chemical.
Starting point is 00:32:05 I don't, here's the thing that it's so hard for me to talk about this without sounding like I'm promoting steroids. I just feel like if you're going to go to that point, where you're going to put these chemicals that have very few tests and studies on, it's like there's a lot more research done on. 100%. You know, we know what testosterone does in the body. There's a lot more research done on 100%. We know what testosterone does in the body.
Starting point is 00:32:27 People have been using testosterone for a long time. We know what it does, what it doesn't do. Sarms, we don't know, I mean, there's being studied. I know why people are using them because they're accessible. And they're not called steroids. Steroids has this stigma about it. So someone says, you take steroids. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:32:46 No, no, no, I do so arms. Oh, okay. That's totally better for you. It's not, it's non hormonal. Yeah, yeah, it's not a hormone. It's not like that. So it's so funny to me. It's like, if you're, that's in the same thing
Starting point is 00:32:57 goes for designer steroids or pro hormones, which I think is the next question where I'm already skipping into here, right? Yeah, because you wanted to know if over the counter testosterone can cause Guinochamastia, which is a development of female breast tissue. I'm assuming he's talking about Designer steroids and pro hormones because testosterone, you can't buy that over the counter. Yeah, so I'm sure he's talking about like test W.
Starting point is 00:33:19 W and yeah, there's this is from Reggie underscore Aloha. Oh, you're two different questions. Yeah, yeah, we kind of I think I'll be couple of stop talking about sexually aggressive resistant men syndrome I don't know you feel in the blame You know, it just there I will there I they're both very similar right, you know Whether you're talking about storms or you're talking about these these pro hormones or this person refer to it as over the Count or testosterone which that doesn't exist unless you're talking about these pro hormones or this person referred it as over the count or testosterone, which that doesn't exist unless you're in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:33:48 It's basically the test one or anabolic four. Where we have Dekadura, Dura, you know, they use all these, which I think is so- Steroids sounding names. Steroids sounding names, and then they change it by, you know, a few molecules, so it doesn't come up on the steroid test or whatever that. But in the day, it's affecting you know, a few molecules, so it doesn't come up on the steroid test or other thing.
Starting point is 00:34:05 But in the day, it's affecting you hormonally somewhere, and we don't have a lot of research on that. You can get, you can definitely get guy in a command. Yes. I have to get guy in a command, say it from DHA. I, so when, remember DHA? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's happened to me where I start to feel like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:34:22 When, what was it, what was it big, the Triniballin or Trinz? It made me cry. Trin, whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was the designer steroids. Yes. And that came out when that came out at, I ran down to my local. And it was over the counter.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yep. And I ran back-to-back bottles without cycling off because I figured, oh, it's not steroids. Why do I need to cycle off and take an anti-estrogen or something like that? So my, after my second use of the second bottle and I came off, I started lactating. I didn't start lactating, but I started to, to feel the beginning signs of gynemascia where I had the nipple sensitivity and then I had the scar, the scar tissue build up in my left side. And still to this day, anytime my hormonal levels are even at all, I can feel the sensitivity
Starting point is 00:35:03 there. So it, and it was all from over the counter shit so so so you have sensitive lipples with your ideas so I do not like it when you fucking try and rubble when I'm sitting next to you I'll rip that fucking right on the least we feel so uncomfortable rip it off and throw so many reasons I know you're right I know you're always trying to get Justin to play with yours I don't like that stuff don't touch mine I'll punch you in the nuts they're dark they They're dark. So I resist just so you know I You you you you have gorgeous nipples though. I got pancakes
Starting point is 00:35:34 They don't they look like they look like they need to be cold. You know what I mean? They don't look tight enough You know what I say? Yeah, well when they're perky. It's like perfect You know what I say? Yeah, well, when they're perky, it's like perfect. Is it? Yeah, but when they're not, they're sausage. They're gross amounts of ice. They're gross amounts of ice, not a real quick. No.
Starting point is 00:35:51 So yeah, you can get, you can get, you can get gyno-comastia from, you can get gyno-comastia from non-hormonal products. There's been, there's been stories of people getting gyno from eating too many, you know, foods containing things that are like phytoestrogens. Okay, I've actually, so I notice, because I told you I'm sensitive to that now.
Starting point is 00:36:11 So where my diet is at? If I'm like, when I'm like, especially post show, I always notice this, and I start to kind of go off the deep in with like bad high fat foods and garbage, I can actually, the sensitivity kicks up and I can feel it from my diet. So I can, he knows when it's gonna rain by having hardy snippel first.
Starting point is 00:36:30 That's how he did. Okay. You just keep talking about how sensitive the hour is. He can adjust him like, REEE! Like dials on the radio. Yeah. Sometimes what we do is we do,
Starting point is 00:36:40 we pull them together in the center and then duct tape them that way. Oh, God. Little cleavage. Yeah. So, sorry, Doug. Yeah, beautiful, beautiful. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Sammy Dostos. How do I know if I'm lifting challenging weights versus too heavy? Do I just watch my form? So he wants to know if he's going too heavy. Yes. It drops on your head. That's a bad sign.
Starting point is 00:37:01 If you shit yourself on the third round. I heard something snap. Yeah. No, if you got to wear rocks, we're horrible trainers. You, if your form is good, if you're in a CrossFit gym, if your, bad form,
Starting point is 00:37:14 if your form is good and you can perform the prescribed number of reps, then you're using good weight. And you're doing it at an intensity where you know, maybe if you do one or two more reps, you'll be at failure. That would be what I would consider right away. It's crazy that this is a very common question to me
Starting point is 00:37:30 because I feel like it's kind of a simple answer, but a lot of people ask this, you know, as far as like what's too heavy or what's not. If you can't perform the exercise like South said, if the person says you're following maps, and you're in phase two, and you're working around eight to 10 rep range, right? So it's 10 reps you're doing maps and you're in phase two and you're working around eight to ten rep range, right?
Starting point is 00:37:47 So it's ten reps you're doing or whatever, eight reps. And you are finding yourself by rep five, you're struggling already or your form is deviating at all. And you can't get to the eighth rep. Yeah. Or even if you could get to eight, but the last three were like a struggle to get the life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:04 You know, then that you need to back off the way to it. But now if you get the eight out, many veins in your neck. Yeah, you see how I go by it. If you do the eight with good form and you probably could have got 12 to 15, well, then you got room to increase the weight, right? I mean, it's pretty simple, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:38:20 But, you know, I guess a lot of people don't really know, and maybe that's why we had the question the other day about social or social, about cues when they're working out if they're formed, starting to deviate or whatever like that. So, you know, maybe a lot of people still aren't in tune with what that feels like. If you're a beginner, I would say focus on four more than anything. Focus on four more than always all day fucking long.
Starting point is 00:38:44 When you get really, really advanced and really good at what you're doing, then you can start to focus on weight, you know, but I'd say when you're a beginner, just perfect your form and then move up the intensity a little bit. Well, you can get really, really good. You can look at the mirror. Yeah. Right? Like that's acceptable at that point. That, you know, that that's where, you know, we talked a little about this because Justin talked about, he made a comment on a podcast not too long ago about how, you know, that's where, you know, we talked a little about this because Justin talked about, he made a comment on a podcast not too long ago about how, you know, he does chest press,
Starting point is 00:39:08 he really doesn't think about all the shoulder retraction and that because he's been doing it for so long that his form is just built, he can flex his chest without thinking about his form. If you're not there yet, you need to get there. That's bottom line. Like if, because then you can't take advantage of those, like power.
Starting point is 00:39:24 The power phase is reserved for that, It's reserved for the fact that you understand strict form and control. Then you can maximize power. You can't maximize power if you are still cannot hold strict form. Then you're risking injury and you're risking not seeing the full maximum benefits because you can't concentrate on what you're supposed to be focusing on. Yeah, you can use this for yourself. Exactly. So, you know, form by far has to be in place first before and in the cheat reps, things like that, that all these other modalities and things that people like to do too, that all that defeats the purpose of you can't contract. And you know, this is, this is somewhat related to the question, but I do want to say this. I have to give Adam some props on this. So we've had quite a few debates about feel versus weight,
Starting point is 00:40:09 you know, perfecting your form on your squat versus trying to isolate a muscle or connect that mind to muscle connection we were talking about. So for me, my shoulders and arms are really, really strong. So what I've been doing lately is I've been benching and inclining and I've been focusing on the pecs really doing most of the movement
Starting point is 00:40:25 Just to just to see how how that works because I'm open-minded and you've talked a lot about this And I know that it's my weakness and that my arms and triceps can you know are so developed and I'm noticing some some results bro A little bit of wizard Happy with wizard got the doctor, huh? Yeah, I did notice I am notice it because I think I put so much of my'm happy you got the doctor, huh? You did. You got the doctor. I did notice it, I am noticing because I think I put so much to my shoulders and my triceps.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Yeah. So yeah. No, I find that very calm. I mean, a lot of that too has been from training so many clients, and I feel like you can tell by body types that, you know, the body is always, no matter what we're doing, is going to choose the easiest path of resistance. Naturally. Now for us, we're advanced and so, you know, we have this ability to focus on that.
Starting point is 00:41:10 But if you don't, if you do not know how to focus on contracting a muscle or focusing on your form and technique, the body is going to choose the easiest way. It just knows, move weight from A to B. Get it off my chest or pick it up or whatever you're doing. It's going to take the easiest path and the easiest path nine times a 10 is not the right path. It's like momentum and that goes yeah yeah like swinging it up that's a lot easier than actually lifting it. Exactly and that goes back to what you guys were talking about earlier about the whole you know the training for
Starting point is 00:41:39 the soccer. The earlier question that we just talked about is just you know perfect thinking of it as like you know you're trying to perfect that technique and get in there and get great at it for or so. You know, it's a great example of what we're talking about. You know, how the body just understands, move weight from A to B and you have to kind of focus on doing the right form and muscles working and whatnot. I'll give you an example.
Starting point is 00:41:59 So we've been training people for a long time. You have a beginner that doing a shoulder press. It's getting heavy and they're trying to get that extension, that last bit of extension. What's, here's a common thing you'll see someone birch. They're back. Well, besides that, that's a common, but you know what else you'll see, you'll see people come up on their toes. You notice that? Don't get up on their toes like they're trying to extend up, because the body knows, all it knows is you're trying to get the move, the move the weight higher. Yeah. It doesn't understand. You're trying to press it. And so you'll see people pushing the struggle at the end
Starting point is 00:42:26 and they'll come up on their toes because the brain will give us an extra inch so you can put it on the shelf. That's exactly what's happening in the brain. So every time I see that, it's like, it's fascinating to me. It gets bizarre. Such a beautiful example of the body,
Starting point is 00:42:38 just fucking moving the weight from A to B. And not giving a shit what you're trying to work. That last lockout's a lot harder than us just going, just get up on the toes. Alright, don't forget to subscribe to our awesome podcast and leave us some more reviews and ratings. And get your family and friends on it, finally. Do it, come on.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Perfect show for a little bit. Yeah, I love you guys. Love you guys. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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