Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1558: Bruce Lee Style Isometric Training to Build Muscle, How to Workout If You Only Have 10 Minutes, Tips to Prevent & Treat Heartburn & More

Episode Date: May 21, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about Bruce Lee's chain & bar contraption for isometric training, whether a 10-15 minute trigger session every day is ben...eficial for muscle gain and fat loss, tips to prevent and overcome heartburn or acid reflux, and the most effective psychological tactics to help clients overcome their attempts to quit on themselves. Bill Gates, the philandering philanthropist. (3:47) Baby Aurelius is an eating machine! (11:22) Mind Pump are BIG review guys. (13:51) Can the scent of a mushroom cause a spontaneous orgasm? (19:06) All the fun flavor combinations you can create with Magic Spoon cereal. (23:24) Back to school updates with the Mind Pump kids. (26:13) Companies that are incentivizing getting vaccinated. (30:25) Why are more UFO sightings being declassified?! (31:33) Russia, go BIG or go home. (34:06) The value of cardio in the right context. (36:26) Red light therapy and its positive effects on your skin. (43:44) Mind Pump updates on their families and home improvements. (45:55) #Quah question #1 – What's your take on a Bruce Lee chain & bar contraption for isometrics? (52:24) #Quah question #2 – Can a 10–15-minute trigger session every day be beneficial for muscle gain and fat loss? (57:33) #Quah question #3 - Tips to prevent and overcome heartburn or acid reflux? (1:02:40) #Quah question #4 – What are the most effective psychological tactics you have used to help clients overcome their attempts to quit on themselves? When is it appropriate to refer someone to a behavioral therapist? (1:08:45) Related Links/Products Mentioned May Specials: MAPS Aesthetic & the Extreme Fitness Bundle 50% off!  **Promo code “MAYSPECIAL” at checkout** Bill Gates Stepped Down from Microsoft Board After Investigation of Affair with Employee: Report Love, Death & Robots | Netflix Official Site Can a Rare Hawaiian Mushroom Really Give Women a "Spontaneous Orgasm"? Visit Magic Spoon for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! How to Get Promotions, Prizes and Freebies with your COVID-19 Vaccine Filmmaker Jeremy Corbell on newly-declassified UFO footage Russia Drops Declassified Footage of the Biggest Nuke of All Time The Resistance Training Revolution – Book by Sal Di Stefano Visit Joovv for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Design Features That Make the ISOCHAIN the Ultimate Isometric Problem Solver—and Make it the Strength Gift that Keeps on Giving The Most Overlooked Muscle Building Principle – Mind Pump Blog Rubberbanditz Resistance Band Set Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Tero Isokauppila (@iamtero)  Instagram Paul Saladino, MD (@carnivoremd)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, alright, in today's episode. We answered some health and fitness questions, but the way we opened the episode was with an intro portion where we covered current events. We talked about scientific studies.
Starting point is 00:00:29 We had some fun conversation and we talked about our sponsors, lizard people. Today's intro was 46 minutes long. After that, we got into the question. So we opened up, I talk about Bill Gates again, looks like there was another affair or an affair that, yeah, Microsoft, I got him in trouble. Just so much drama.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Then I talked about how my six month old son is now eating food and he's in eating machines, so that's kind of cool. Then I talked about an old study that is getting circulated right now about a mushroom in Hawaii that gives women orgasms. I'm not making this up. I just booked a flight. You could look at yourself, doesn't work on guys. Sorry, Justin. Then we talked about one of our sponsors, Magic Spoon. Magic Spoon makes high protein, no sugar,
Starting point is 00:01:12 cereals that taste like the cereals you ate, growing up as a kid, no joke. These cereals are delicious. And the protein is high quality. Now, better for you. Way protein. So it's really, really good stuff. Go check them out and you'll actually get a discount. Go to magicspoon.com forward slash mind pump. Use the code, mind pump get five dollars off. Then we gave a little back to school update with our kids. Then we talked about companies giving out prizes for people getting vaccines.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I talked about declassified footage from Russia, showing them detonate the biggest nuke of all time. This was back in the 60s, I believe. La bomba bomb. Then we talk about HIT cardio and why it actually is more effective than other forms of cardio for fat loss. And then we talk about red light therapy
Starting point is 00:01:59 and its beneficial effects on skin. By the way, we work with a company called Juve that makes the best red light therapy products. You'll find anywhere the highest quality and the ones that are used in studies. Don't buy crappy red light. You don't want to just shine red light on your body. You want the real stuff. Otherwise, you're wasting your time and money. Go check them out. Go to Juve.com. That's j-o-o-v-v.com forward slash mine pump. Use the code. Mine pump get $50 off your first purchase.
Starting point is 00:02:25 That's a big discount. Then we got into the questions. The first question, this person wants to know what we think about Bruce Lee style chain and bar contraptions for isometric. So it's a good conversation on isometrics and their value for fitness. The next question, this person says, look look can attend to 15-minute trigger session everyday be beneficial. So we talk about trigger sessions. What are those and why are they so awesome for building muscle and burning body fat. Then the third question this person wants
Starting point is 00:02:54 some tips and advice for helping with heart burn and acid reflux. And then the final question this person wanted to know what were some of our most effective tactics to helping clients avoid quitting on themselves. That's the biggest struggle when you're a personal trainer. Also, all month long, running huge promotion, Maps aesthetic is 50% off. That's a workout program that's great for people who are focused on their aesthetics. Right, half off. Also our Extreme Fitness Bundle, which is multiple workout programs put together and discounted, taking additional 50% off with this sale. So Maps aesthetic, Extreme Fitness Bundle, both 50% off,
Starting point is 00:03:37 you can find them both and learn more at mapsfitinistproducts.com. Just use the code MaySpecial with no space for that discount. Hey, did you guys hear about Bill Gates? I mean, didn't we just bring him up? Is there more developments? Yeah, dude. He had an affair with, I think, what is assistant and it's any confirmed it. Oh, really? Yeah, dude. I didn't take heat away from his Epstein logs.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I don't know, but it might be just that he's a full he's a flandering philanthropist Wow, that's a time twister, you know, I mean, you know, it's funny is that you can't tell by looking at someone right like if I I look at Bill Gates, but he doesn't look like he's having sex. He's a little hound off He doesn't look like he's having sex at all. No looks like and it and he also doesn't look like someone anyone would want to have sex with right now You know, I'm saying I don't I mean imagine it I imagine if you're the person having to have money and you're your desired outcome is just like hopefully I get some shut up money Right, right? That's like why are you put the keyboard on my back? You know, it's not all about that
Starting point is 00:04:39 I just picture Working you don't need a desk. Yeah. Use my back. Use my back. That's real news though. That really came out. Yeah. I did not see that anymore.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Yeah, did you know that? No. It was like a woman I should know. It was a woman at Microsoft. A lady at Microsoft. Wow. And he apparently had a hair. Now is it been like a long ongoing thing
Starting point is 00:05:01 or did it just happen once or like I mean? He confirmed it. Is this the reason why the divorce happened? Like, no, no, he actually confirmed it. It was a board, Bill Gates left Microsoft board after a fair with female staffer in 2000. So she wrote, that was 20, over 20 years ago. No, no, no, she wrote a let, oh, I did this more
Starting point is 00:05:22 to the story, I didn't even know that. Oh, there's a picture of her, look at that. He's not a... Oh, no, that's his wife, never mind. Okay. So it says here. She had done good, look up who he had a fair with, there I was here, she looks like, I know, right?
Starting point is 00:05:32 Yeah, I don't know. Watch her be like a guy. She's super hot. Just bad. No, one of those areas is bad. No way. He's like the most unsexyist thing in the all of all time. It says here, so check this, I didn't know this.
Starting point is 00:05:44 The woman he had an affair with, remember when the whole me two thing was happening and all these, it was just going crazy. Yeah. When that happened, she wrote a letter and she demanded that his wife read it. So she exposed it 19 years later. Whoa. I know, right? Yeah. Oh, back up here. She wrote a letter 19 years ago, but they didn't release it. 19 years later. So in 20 in 2000, they had the affair. Okay. 2019, right? So it's 19 years later. She wrote a letter and that's now what's coming. So was it ongoing? So it was like another relationship he had with the I don't know. This woman. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Would you like skim the article or what? Yeah, I read the headline and I'm bringing this. This guy. look it up. I mean, it's something. Here you guys, chill. I'm waiting for Doug to throw me a bone so I could like talk about it if I didn't give him enough time.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I mean, I'll read the highlights. I do want to see what she looks like. I don't know why. It says here, okay. This is the highlights of the article. Bill Gates, 65, admitted to an affair with a female Microsoft employee. Like how young was she? The employee, employee a Microsoft engineer wrote to the company board in
Starting point is 00:06:49 2019 and allegedly asked that Gates estranged wife read her letter Gates resigned suddenly from the board in 2020 after the company initiated an independent investigation By a law firm a spokeswoman for Gates said his decision to leave the board had nothing to do with the affair. Oh yeah, okay. Really? Weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:11 The Wall Street Journal report came out a short time after revelations emerged that Gates had asked out two female staff members. Oh, he's a hound. Now how do you guys feel about this? Double enough. You know, like when it comes out that a celebrity cheated just in that or a politician,
Starting point is 00:07:27 like, remember when the whole thing was clinton, it was right, like, yeah. How do you guys feel about that as far as like, the uproar that happens, like, do you feel like that matters? Like, does it matter that that person is doing something like that? Does his sex life have anything to do with how he is,
Starting point is 00:07:43 he should be able to run Microsoft? I mean, where's your stance on that? I feel like we're just so jaded now. I just feel like, like, whatever. Yeah, like, who really cares at this point? Yeah, I think you know what it is that we put people on like this pedestal, celebrities or whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:57 And so when something like that comes out, it's like, oh my gosh, can you believe that, whatever. But this should happen to all of us. And does it, is it different because it was internal with an employee and would it be less of a big deal? That's the problem. I'm sorry, probably. Yeah, do you think about like how,
Starting point is 00:08:11 what a dumb move and by the way, I mean, I know I'm sound like I'm judging him and I know a lot of smart people have made stupid decisions like this, but bro, you're the richest man in the world. You're very well known. And not only did you choose to cheat on your wife, but you did it with an employee?
Starting point is 00:08:28 I know, isn't there like a famous island he could have went to and nobody would have gotten trouble? Allegedly, there's a place. Is that a place? Is that a place? Yes. Supposedly famous people could go to and do work, not get in trouble.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Yeah. You called up Epstein? Hey, look, I can't keep it in the pants, bro. Yeah. can I come to your island? I keep picturing because I don't know I keep thinking of like ghostbusters you remember when I think it was Janine or and then Egon They had this like relationship. Yeah, and then I just that's what I picture like her and him like these two like super weird Burnier, you know, you know, you know, you know, which one bloom? You know, which one First shocked me and then I went, eh, I guess, the most of all celebrity affairs or whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:10 When Arnold's, like, son came out. Oh, yeah. And he ended up having sex with his housekeeper. Yeah. And she was not, she was not good looking at all. I think, look up, he looks just like me. I can say he's his, her son, the one that looks, yes, bro, all of his kids,
Starting point is 00:09:27 and the other one doesn't as much. All of his kids with, what's his wife, ex-wife's name, Maria Schreiber? Maria, right, one of the candidates. All of his kids, none of them look like him. The none of them look like Arnold. Sever him. The one that he banged is, the housekeeper
Starting point is 00:09:40 looks exactly like Arnold. And I follow him by the way. And I say, yeah, Joe, Joe, something, right? seems pretty pretty cool. He's all into working out stuff. Yeah How wild right it is well. Yeah, that one blew me away when that happened. I was like Arnold. What are you doing dude? Yeah? Well, it's it's you know sort of proximity She was there there like yeah, I just took a shower That's how let's do something cleaning the floors well How's that saying go?
Starting point is 00:10:05 Like you can eat filet manion every night, but everyone's wild. Hot dog sounds good. Is that what it comes? Yeah, look at him. You're a ballpark. Look at him flexing up there. I mean, he's even got his dad's kind of like muscle shape
Starting point is 00:10:16 and everything. I know. It's bizarre. Isn't that wild? Yeah. That's weird. You know, you ever seen pictures of Arnold when he was like 18, 19? Yeah. just massive.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Yeah, that gets the story. The rumor is that he got on the, the D ball, really. That's somebody who's like 19 right there, and that left picture. Yeah, he's a beast. Yeah, and I guess the story is that he got his hands on Annabalox at a young age, and that's why he looks like that when he's 18 years old.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Why, is this a dumb question? Why does he not carry the same last name? They weren't married. So still a son. He wouldn't take his he would just automatically take it legally. That's that's the way you do it You have to legally put it on your birth certificate. Oh really so I didn't know that in fact you In fact you you you you could your son could have put your your wife's last name or anybody whatever you guys choose So this kid was born the mom is like well, he's not here. So don't give him's last name or anybody, whatever you guys choose. So this kid was born, the mom is like, well, he's not here. So don't give him his last name. Yeah. Because it came out, how much later did it come out?
Starting point is 00:11:12 I don't remember how old he was when it came out. It wasn't that long ago. I think the kid was like 12 years later or something like that. Yeah, it was quite a bit. It was over a decade later. So that makes sense. I know, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Oh man. Hey, speaking of kids, so we started feeding my son like solids now, right? So we we found have you guys have seen the Sarantikids baby food love it. Oh, yeah, really good stuff me all about that Yeah, really good stuff right. It's all there's like no preservatives. No, it's really with a healthy right grass fed me whatever Anyway, so we started feeding him food the solids just to see what his, and my kid is an eating machine. He's like, he's pumping them with protein now. Bro, we took him to my parents house to visit
Starting point is 00:11:51 and Jessica's like, and so here's a thing. So, in my culture, it's like a sport to see how much you could feed your kids and grandkids. And it's really interesting. Like, I don't notice it because I grew up with it. But when I step outside of it and it's pointed out to me, I'm like, I guess you're right.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Now does that challenge you in Jessica? Yes, okay. So, because when I, I'll give you an example, right, here's a story. So like, when me and my cousins would go to my grandma's house and she cooked dinner, she would literally come out with money and say, whoever finishes first gets this money. So we'd be like, ah, going as fast as we could.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Wow. Yeah. And my grandma would follow us around when we were little with food. We'd be outside playing. She'd go outside with the food. And while we're playing, she'd like, do this with the spoon. And so you're like, ah, okay, I'm playing. I'm good.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Like they just feed the shit atty, right? So so my son, we bring him to my parents house. And Jessica, you know, had, house, and Jessica had some baby. We also make our own, right? So she pureed grass fed beef with sweet potato or whatever. So she gave it to my mom, and she's like, you can feed him. Now my son is like every Italian grandmother's dream, because it doesn't matter. You put the spoon to his face, he opens his mouth. so he eats, he's just eating, he's just like, it's too fast. I think he's going too fast.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Someone was asking, he won't stop, he'll just keep going. I gotta control Nana. Someone was asking me if that was really hard for us to do that with Max's food, like man, isn't that so much work for you guys to do that? And Katrina's like, it really isn't because all we do is we just puree the food that we make for ourselves.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah, and then he freeze it. Yeah, exactly. And do is, we just puree the food that we make of ourselves. Yeah, and then you freeze it. Yeah, exactly. And she just, we portioned out, freeze it, and then now he's set for the next couple of weeks. But you know, some kids are more picky or they don't want to eat or whatever. My boy, man, he's like, she just, like, am I feeding him too much?
Starting point is 00:13:38 I'm like, I think he'll tell you when he's full. No, he'll just keep going, you know, little, little, just in a growth phase. Oh, yeah. He's gonna become a little chunker. He's a shit out of the know, little, little, just in a growth phase. Oh yeah. He's gonna become a little chunker. We say shit out of the way. I love that man. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:50 It's a good age dude. Dude this weekend I was, I had kind of a funny weekend. We, I went to this zombie movie and I, the theaters are open again. Wait, zombie movie. Yeah, there was a zombie movie out. Is it new? It's made for TV. They did not disclose that because it's a Netflix film.
Starting point is 00:14:07 So it's technically it's a movie and it was in the theater and so we're like, let's give it a try. I have no pre, like I didn't see any kind of previews for it. I have no idea what I'm in for. Surprise. Totally surprise. I'm like, it could either be like Sean of the dead, kind of like humor or it could be like 20 or 80s.
Starting point is 00:14:24 20 days later and get a shot at me. You know, either way, I mean, you know, let's figure this out. And so we're in there and we're watching it. And man, they just could not decide whether or not to make it a funny movie or like super dramatic. And it just became just insanely awful. I wanna throw stuff at it.
Starting point is 00:14:41 It was so bad. It's like, they're trying to develop a romantic interest in this zombie movie. Yeah, in the middle of it. And it gets all dramatic. And she's like, I love you in this. And then she opens a door all of a sudden, a zombie just snaps her neck and it's over.
Starting point is 00:14:59 And it's like, that's what we let up to. And that's all you give us. Now, are you guys big on, like, looking at reviews before you go watch any movie or download it or what if I thought if you're at home streaming? Like, you know, I do. Usually. Yeah, I like to, because they're actually pretty accurate.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And I've test so many times I've watched a trailer. And I'm convinced it's gonna be a good movie. Then I read the reviews and the reviews are bad. And I still think it's gonna be a good movie. Yeah. Usually the reviews are right. Every still think it's gonna be a good movie. Usually the reviews are right. Every now and then you gotta take a chance, you guys gotta do this.
Starting point is 00:15:29 It's like, and then if you know it's a total dud, then you can start having fun with it. Yeah. And start talking to you. Do you go with your wife? No, I went with my friends. I was in the same place. If you're with your wife,
Starting point is 00:15:40 you just start making out with her. She hate you. That's what we're doing in zombie movies. Yeah, that would be, is it like a couple, like giving each other tongue with the fucking in the, in a zombie movie? That's what makes're doing in zombie movie. Yeah, that would be, is it like a couple, like, you know, giving each other tongue and the fucking in the, in a zombie movie? That's what makes it fun, Adam.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Like, there. Yeah. That's a dead couple. We'll give you a hint of what heads are. You want to make out right now instead? Okay. Yeah. Do you know there's,
Starting point is 00:15:55 do you know there's actually like a science to like a perfect review rating? Do you know that? What do you mean? A 4.2 to 4.76 or 75. So five is not a good review? 5 is not good. Why? Well, I mean, good for the average person. So what happened? The psychology behind this is this. I forget what book this was in, but they say that if you see 5 all 5 stars
Starting point is 00:16:18 that it's your seem real. Yes. You question it right away like, oh, this, I mean, perfect. Everybody's going to vote pervuelence. So if it falls between the 4.2 to like 4.7, somewhere in that range, it's supposed to be like the sweet spot for reviews, for it to be realistic. And like, and if it's right below that, way less people watch it's right above that than people would watch.
Starting point is 00:16:39 If you like, if you guys like, I know Justin would probably like this, right? If you like creative film, and whether it's animated or not, but something creative, you gotta watch Love, Death, and Robots on Netflix. I see that. You saw the first season.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Second season is out of the new one. Yes, really smart, right? So they're animated and the animations are different. Sometimes you talk about this before, you try to get us to watch this before. Dude, it's really smart, it's really good. They're like 12 minutes long and they always have a twist or it's weird. One of them, the animation is so good that like two or three times throughout, I'm like, is this film or is this animation? I thought good, the CGI is
Starting point is 00:17:20 getting. It's so crazy. The only way I could tell is when I looked up closely at the faces of the people. Otherwise, I could not tell that it was, I thought it was, it was film. You have such different tastes than the other. I go, I use Doug's movie referrals, I will watch. I've tried a few of yours and that was one of them down just in not bro. You like this straight forward, too. If you guys can, you don't know. I like you guys can handle like really bad films and I have fun with them.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Here's one for you. It's a class of 1984. And you would never know it, but Michael J. Fox makes this like very first appearance in this movie. And it is literally a turd sandwich, but it's so funny because it's so wrong. Like there's people like at school, there's these punks like take over the school
Starting point is 00:18:03 and it's this whole thing that basically they take over the school and everybody's under their tyranny and all this stuff. People are getting strung out in class, on heroin, there's people having sex all over. Is that happened in 1984? 1984, I was like, this is so raunchy and out there, it's crazy. Do you ever listen to these guys referrals and go watch any of the movies that they Did you prefer here? Never? You have to have a creative. I think you had to try. Did you try I tried early on I tried a couple of them in it's like I'm gonna stick with Adam. What?
Starting point is 00:18:36 Sometimes I like the weird shit, you know sometimes yeah, I find it more rare that we all align on something It's you guys are always into like weird. They're like pop music and we're like, you see. Stop, you know? There's nothing pop music about the movies. It's true, just take a side of thing. You guys are like, I like the stuff everyone else like. Yeah, I like it because- If you want to be like everyone else.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Yeah, I mean, I, you know, I can't take- I just go like the real deal. Yeah, like people take some of you guys. I only like the movies that everyone else says is cool. Yeah. Anyway, I'm gonna take a left turn here and tell you guys about the most fascinating study I've ever read in my entire life.
Starting point is 00:19:12 What? It's a big statement. That's a huge statement. That way, would you? But it's back, back up. It's legit. Okay, ready for this? So somebody DMed this to me and I thought, no way.
Starting point is 00:19:23 So I looked it up and it's real. There's a mushroom, a rare mushroom that grows in Hawaii. And the legend and stories were that if women smell this mushroom, it produces very strong arousing effects and orgasms, spontaneous orgasm. This is real. So they actually went and found this mushroom and tested it with these female scientists. Now here's a trip. The men smelled the mushroom and they all thought it was repulsive. It had no effect on the men whatsoever. The women were felt aroused and one woman had a spontaneous orgasm from this. I swear to God and Calvin Klein has not made a clone out of it yet. No, so think about this mushroom. Can you think of anything that's gonna be make more money than this freaking rare mushroom?
Starting point is 00:20:11 And is this new information? Yeah, dude. I'll pull up to... It's just like like dirty underwear. I don't know if that works for you. I guess. No, this is your wife into this. So check this out. Driving around with mudbud.
Starting point is 00:20:24 No, it's just like, you, I was just like, you know, the pheromone thing for men. Like, what are we giving that? You guys don't like this league. I mean, you guys don't, you don't smell good. So, I mean, like you guys say, do we don't?
Starting point is 00:20:38 But it still turns you on. I'm just honest. No, no, so check this out, right? This was a science alert, even wrote about this. By the way, this is not us. Oh, here it is, here it is, here is here it is look at that it's very phallic yeah it is yeah no it's wild so it's a old study so the study was done in 2000 it's a grower but it started gaining a lot of attention because people found it but it's legit so a pair of medical scientists published a report international journal of metad medicinal mushrooms is her there a name? Where can we get these?
Starting point is 00:21:05 Yes, there are names. You know what they've named the mushroom? So it belongs to the Dictafora genius stuff. All right, now you're born late. No, no, no, no, you didn't. Scientists do stuff. No, no, no, you know what they named it? Phallus.
Starting point is 00:21:19 They literally named the mushroom. Phallus. Of course. So it only grows on top of the 600 to 1000 year old lava flows of Hawaii. And the scientist John C. Holiday and Noah Saul described it as a particularly difficult to find. I'll be a foraging. So listen to this. They did a smell test. They did a smell test on 16 female and 10 male volunteers. Six of the women reportedly experienced a mild, spontaneous orgasm when
Starting point is 00:21:48 they sniffed the mushroom while the remaining 10 were found to have an increased heart rate when given a smaller dose. Now the men thought it was gross. What the f**k? How weird is that? That is weird. Now I can't be interesting now. Break through. This could become like an incredible pharmaceutical. Now I'm a breakthrough. This could become like an incredible pharmaceutical. The Aphrodisiac. Now, yeah, and now I'm thinking like this, because this study was in 2001, why isn't this blow, why isn't this blow up? Right, why have we not found a few and then actually found a way to clone them and make
Starting point is 00:22:15 different things? I think you cannot patent something that is found in nature. So here's what I think. Yeah, but you could recreate it though, right? I think a pharmaceutical company is pharmaceutical companies are getting this mushroom and trying to figure out how to make I have. Yeah, but you can recreate it though, right? I think a pharmaceutical company is pharmaceutical companies are getting this mushroom and trying to figure out how to make synthetic patent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Patent noble, is that the right word? Versions of this. Yeah. Because think about this. Think about like how many people would buy that? If you had, if you just buy a bottle, the doctor could describe it to you. Oh, I see you dollars.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Did you let your wife's angry at you, you just walk up to, you should, I sure you mad at me right now. Yeah, this tea. Yeah. Text our boy over at Forcing Maddox. What's his name? I'm sure he's got a tarot. Tarot, yeah, I'm a T. Yeah, text our boy over at four sigmatic. What's his name? It he's I'm sure he's got a tarot. Yeah, I bet he's on it, right? It's not quarter steps. I mean, he's got it. I mean, he's like the mushroom guy. Yeah, he's got to know this Cinema message. How wild is that though? No, that that's probably up there with one of your best studies. I told you
Starting point is 00:23:01 Why do you always do that boy? It's fun. It's a big deal. It doesn't have an accent though. Yeah, I like his accent. That is fun. It's fun to do. Well, let's go on the busroom party. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:11 We're going to a foreign. That's best. We're not even doing a forced cinematic commercial. I don't know. Yeah. Speaking of fun guy. Speaking of commercial. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Yeah, I'm a fire. Wow. Speaking of commercials. So what's the deal with the new flavors of Magix? Have you guys tried them all? Have the perfect cake. What was the maple? The other one?
Starting point is 00:23:32 Peanut butter. So have you tried any of the new ones? I mean, peanut butter, I've been devouring. Really? Yes, super good. Now have you tried it with, see I can't have dairy, which pisses me off, right? Because it's got dairy protein in it.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I just try a little bit just to taste it. It's really good. Have you tried chocolate milk with the peanut butter? So you have like a kind of like a Reese's type of I've never done that Why I don't know why like it maybe we throw because dude it's so much sugar in chocolate milk That's true you're eating it because you don't want sugar. This doesn't have any of the sugar That's kind of like the feces of purpose right? Yeah,? Yeah, I mean I got 45 boxes to get through before I It's a different I was like I really have to have friends over and like have a part I've been I've been hooking up family and friends when they come over
Starting point is 00:24:13 So I think I'm down to like 36 or someone with that I still got a lot of boxes How many do you go? We got to do some swaps too because I got some different flavors. Oh I go So I do have a little hack though because you know you can go through that box pretty quick right? I mean for I can eat three bowls. I can empty that box easily right? So I found these you know like little clear containers that three boxes fit in there. Oh when you can seal it Yeah, okay, so it's have the air pump. Yeah, that's great. Well doesn't have a pump But it like air locks or whatever you know like, like you snap it and it sucks the air out or whatever So yeah, no, I use that and so it's hard for me to measure exactly how long one lasts
Starting point is 00:24:51 But I think I only get about three bowls that have I have some pretty big size Yes, I'm getting probably 40 grams of protein every time that I have a certain and how do you feel when you feel good? Amazing. Oh, yeah I I reintroduced that too because it was something that I wasn't for a couple of weeks there. I got rid of all these things, but I just reintroduced, you know, magic spoon back in, what? No, I don't know, four or five days. That was one of the first things on the list.
Starting point is 00:25:13 It was. I was just staring at it. He's all broccoli. Well, you got so many boxes, you got to kind of consider that. Oh, yeah, no, that'd be a terrible. You got to get through them. Well, and what I've noticed, I know Sal talks about how sensitive he is with way.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I can be too if there's, I do like multiple products that have it or a shake and then you do a ball. Yeah, and I had dairy that like if I have a lot of dairy in one day, but like a little bit of cheese or a bowl of magic spoon like or just one protein shake doesn't bother me, but if I do a lot of it, then it will, it will bother me. Yeah, right now I have my son off Darian gluten,
Starting point is 00:25:48 because he looks like he's got my gut sensitivities. So I've taken him off those things, and it's so funny, I forget, like for me it's so second nature, because I've been doing it for so long, but when people remove certain things from the diet, they don't realize like Darian and gluten, for example, they're in a lot of stuff, like a lot of stuff, like barbecue diet, they don't realize like dairy and gluten, for example, they're in a lot of stuff, like a lot of stuff,
Starting point is 00:26:07 like barbecue sauce, you don't think we'll have gluten in it, soy sauce, we'll have gluten in it. Speaking of your set, what's going on? I haven't asked you guys in a couple of weeks, what's going on with schools right now? Where are we? Are we still the half and half? Yeah, and his school is half and half.
Starting point is 00:26:21 And does his school also have a bunch of parents that are actually opting out to not even let them come back in? I think they all, I think all of them now are 50-50. You know my best friend, I told you guys that's a principal. I just, he was with me this weekend and stepping down after 10 years in Admin. Why? He said this was his worst year of his life, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Because of all the, yeah, dude. I mean, imagine being in that position as a principal. And then having gonna answer to everybody Well, just think it's like you're damned if you do you're damned if you there's no way you win no right Right it's become it's become so polarizing and political this last year That you just it's already a stressful position right being a principal dealing with high school kids dealing with a bunch of teachers and stuff like that Like it's already a stressful position with high school kids, dealing with a bunch of teachers and stuff like that, like it's already a stressful position.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Just imagine what it had to been like for a lot of these principles in this last. I can't imagine because, thankfully for, my kids are a little older and there's always, typically someone home, right? If they're with their mom, their mom works from home, so when they do school from home, it's okay. When they're with me, obviously Jessica's at home.
Starting point is 00:27:22 But I can't imagine like kids with working single parents or whatever and they had to do school at home. How did you manage for a year? Some of these schools didn't go back for a whole year. Like how did they manage it? Well, there's a lot of, he told me 50% of his school parents opt to not come back at all too. So they run like a hybrid.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I think that's a mistake. They run a hybrid where it's like, yeah, he thinks so too. And this is by the way, this is my super left liberal buddy of mine too. And he's still thinking, he thinks that what we're not talking about enough of is what that potentially does to kids long term at those crucial ages, right?
Starting point is 00:27:58 So we were talking about all this together, this is because they were this weekend and Katrina was sharing that. She has some friends that had kids like not long before COVID happened, and they're almost two years old now, and they've never played with another kid. Oh yeah, it's like, you gotta think about that.
Starting point is 00:28:10 It was crazy even just with my own kids. We didn't even own iPads, and specifically, I just didn't like the idea of them being glued to that, like that close, but we had to get them because it was the only way you could run some of these programs for school effectively. They did have laptops and everything but it just didn't work out the way it did And so it just became the sort of justification and now it's like this interactive thing with their friends Where they only communicate with row blocks or with these different chat
Starting point is 00:28:39 You know like insta chat things where I'm like trying to get them out in the world And they're like no, I just want to stay here. And it's really a battle now that was never a battle before. I mean, my daughter, because you get to understand, okay, people think, oh, you know, five months or six months is not that long or a year. What's the big deal? Look, go back to school in a year. When you're talking about a kid, you know, when you're nine years old,
Starting point is 00:29:02 a year is more than one-tenth of your life. Like, that's a long fucking time. Yeah. Imagine skipping fifth grade. Yeah. You know, when you're nine years old, a year is more than one tenth of your life. That's a long fucking time. Imagine skipping fifth grade or fourth grade. Like, that's a big deal. And I remember when my daughter went back because when they finally opened up, they asked if parent,
Starting point is 00:29:16 and I was one of the first parents that said, yes, I'd love my daughter, she was awkward for like a month, being around other kids and stuff. They don't know what to do, what to say, or whatever. Because it's a skill, the social skills are skills. It's funny, I mean, there's always memes going around now about like, you know, because things are kind of opening up
Starting point is 00:29:34 and people are coming back, but it's like basically crawling out from under a rock. It just, you know, hey, I'm trying to have these social interactions again. It's all these, it's just really awkward. So I saw Vegas just announced they are going like, no mass, no restrictions, no nothing in July. Something did you see that?
Starting point is 00:29:50 You guys saw? When is it? It's July something? I think so. I bet you that is gonna be one of the craziest ragers ever. Oh my God. People are gonna raise shit over there.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Yes, so much pent up. I bet you they're gonna, it's gonna go, it's gonna be. I thought it was a joke anyway, because I'm not an anti whatever, but I thought it was a joke, because I'm not an anti whatever But I thought it was a joke because when I was there was it two weeks ago Going through the casino and seeing these people on rascal scooters because their two will be still on You pull in their mask down and they're pull yeah, they're smoking cigarette. They're pulling their mask down to smoke You know and doing the thing like what are we doing? Really at this point? Yeah, thank god you got that mask on huh?
Starting point is 00:30:23 Who just jumped on the the vaccination thing right now too? Is it McDonald's that's doing now? I saw that. It was it's it's it's shake shack. It was another one in New York. They're giving away food for yeah they're giving away food to incentivize a lot of companies are doing this thing too where they're like doing raffles like raffles do in $10,000 if you if you if you get vaccinated and you you get into this pool. And they do. Wasn't there a lot of those things? I rather than approach than the four-man date.
Starting point is 00:30:49 You know, I agree. I appreciate that. Yeah, but still, it's like those companies, you know, that like the period of health. Wasn't there a state that actually did a $5 million dollar lottery if I'm not mistaken? I think it was a state that did a $5 million dollar lottery. So in the way you enter is by getting vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Yeah. In order to motivate people. This one wasn't that big, but I have a realtor friend, and that's her office, that's what they did, is they, and it was pretty, I think it was $10,000 like, either a week or a month that they were giving out. Yeah, and it was a consistent thing they've been doing. Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:20 But I'm with you, Justin, I mean, I agree. I mean, that's fair enough, you know what I'm saying? Like, it's not mandating it, but incentivizing people to do it. That's a smart way. I wish that was, yeah, the common way they handled it across the board, you know, personally. Justin, did you see that they just declassified more UFO footage? Dude, I mean, how much of this, like, can you really just, are you just like, this is all disinformation at this point?
Starting point is 00:31:45 Or is it, this just keeps coming out because they're trying to get you to look at something else? Listen, I've been into UFOs since I was a kid, just in probably even more than I have, okay? I feel a little bit better. Now, before last year, before last year was the Air Force or the Navy or anybody official declassifying UFO videos?
Starting point is 00:32:04 No. Nothing came out forever. Nothing commander, framer, like you see this, like all these examples on these codes. There's literally a video they just declassified and it's like this long cigar shape looking UFO. That like obviously called the model of Quesque. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:21 I didn't even come out right. The model of Quesque. Wow. We just talked about it. Yeah. Top top of mind. Yeah, anyway even come out right. The water goes with skin. Wow. We just talked about it. Yeah. Yeah. Top of mind. Yeah, anyway.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Anyway, and they're showing it doing maneuvers, obviously, that planes that we know of can't do. And then it goes in the water, like goes in the ocean in discipline. Of course, they call that something else too, right? Like a USO or something. Oh, right. It's instead of you, you identified flying objects.
Starting point is 00:32:43 Hey, guys, it's fucking with me right now. Is that real true? Is that true? Yeah. I've identified, is it, is it, what are they of you and identified flying objects. Hey guys, it's fucking with me right now. Is that real true? Is that true? Yeah. And identified, is it, is it, what are they? It's submergeable. Yeah, something like that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Why would they call it a flying object if it goes on the water? What is weird to me is that they're declassifying it, right? So that it was classified before that. That's what I'm saying. That right away makes it like, okay, even my cacles go up a tiny bit for that. Right? What are cacles but I don't know. Duncan, you look up cacles.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yeah. I've said that. I don't like, it look up cackles. Yeah, I've said that before. I've been like, they hear dogs, you hear on the back of your neck. Is now this like, I don't know. That would have cackles. I don't know. I'm probably using it wrong. I feel like it's something to have to do with an ankle,
Starting point is 00:33:14 but I think kinkles. No, yeah. It gets your kinkles up. Cackles, tackles. But I mean, I'm probably saying it right now. But why all of a sudden are they releasing in talking about and commenting on UFOs? I don't know, but. Like crazy. What are they releasing and talking about and commenting on UFOs? I don't know, like crazy.
Starting point is 00:33:26 What are they trying to do? They were always theories out there that they're literally prepping us. Like maybe this whole thing was just to get us all vaccinated and get us all ready for the invasion. Yeah. Yeah. You guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:39 By the way, they pull a mask off. Yeah. I think it's still. I think it's so we forget about Epstein Island because I think there's just too many powerful political people that are tied to Epstein Island yesterday's no, what's up? What'd you got? It's hackles not cackles. Oh Cackles like a laugh. It is hairs hairs on the back of the neck though. Hackles You know, it's funny is that none of us here knew that it was hackles. No without his cackles. I should be cackles
Starting point is 00:34:01 We could be strong. It's just the yeah, we just make words up anyway. Speaking of declassified video, dude, we might not have talked about nukes the other day or else they're giving you some facts on the biggest nuke ever dead day. Right, right, right. The Tsar Bomba, they declassified video of this of this nuke going off.
Starting point is 00:34:19 What? Yeah, I gave it to Doug, maybe Doug can pull it up. Yeah. Bro, it looks like they made a son, like just a new son was created. It's a, where do they detonate this? We're look, it's a Russian film, so that's why it's all,
Starting point is 00:34:29 it's all, it's all, it's all, that's why you can't read it. It's a high or good parachute. No, no, so here's it, they're gonna show it going off right now. Okay, I can't see. And that's the timer. But it's-
Starting point is 00:34:39 Just down to like a 50s movie. That's a little bit of a- That's when you think it went off. Oh yeah. Yeah, you think this could just happen? This was like, this was like back in the 60s, I think. Oh, okay. I just said, it definitely looks like that. No, okay, so when you think it went off. Oh yeah. Yeah, you think this just happened? This was like, this was like back in the 60s I think. Oh, okay. I just said, it definitely looks like that.
Starting point is 00:34:48 No, okay, so when you hear some statistics on this bomb just so you can, look at that. Oh. Like, it just, and by the way, it's like, I'll give you some statistics. So this bomb packed a punch of 50 megatons. So you guys don't know what that is. So that's equivalent to 50 million tons
Starting point is 00:35:04 of conventional explosives. How do you know just doesn't know what that is. So that's equivalent to 50 million tons of conventional explosives. How do you know just doesn't know that? I mean, you just assume. I don't know, that makes massive you mean. You know, as a me. Wow, I feel like you would know that. Look at that though. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Like what's going on right? It's like another sun was created. And then they'll show like an aerial view from like hundreds of miles away. So like Siberia somewhere, because this is on land that they're dropping. Look at this. And when you go in the sky,
Starting point is 00:35:27 it literally hit, I think it hit the stratosphere. Oh, dude. The top of the bomb, like the mushroom cloud literally went into the upper limit of the earth's atmosphere. So check this out, ready for this? That single bomb right there. We're all breathing that, you know, the remnants of that.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Dude, Russia has like, I think their strategy, by the way, is like, we might not be able to beat you, but if you fuck with us, we'll kill everyone. Yeah, we're just all gonna die. It's all go bigger, go home. Listen to this, this is what blew me away. It's 10 times more powerful than all of the munitions expended during World War II.
Starting point is 00:36:01 So you take all the bombs and everything that went off in World War II. Wow. Times 10, That's one bomb It's 1500 times the force of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined that one bomb right there. They just don't fuck around How insane is that right there? Isn't that crazy? I just saw that video this morning I was it was like I mean, it's fascinating to me, but it's also a bit yeah, I'm just terrifying. Yeah, yeah I'm glad that they're not still like lighting those things off. No.
Starting point is 00:36:25 So anyway, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna get back to fitness now that I derailed the shit out of this conversation. So I was on an interview, and I thought this was an interesting topic, so I want to hear what you guys think. So I was on an interview talking about obviously the book, right, Resist Training Revolution. Was this your ABC? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:36:40 Are you talking about this, I'm shout out to you, by the way. That was kind of cool. Oh, thank you, yeah. Yeah, on, on, on National TV. Yeah. He was on ABC. I love kind of cool. Oh, thank you, he was closing. Yeah, on national TV. He was on ABC. I love Texas, right? Yeah, I got a tag. I was like, oh, look at Sal, dude.
Starting point is 00:36:51 I'm network TV. Yeah, yeah. So you know it's funny about that. I know. My family will lose their shit over newspapers and network television. That's why I told you and I were going back before these, like, it's not that big of a deal, bro.
Starting point is 00:37:01 I'm like, yes, it is. For anybody who's over the age of 35, it's a huge deal still. Anybody younger than that, it's like, whatever. They probably gonna, yes it is. For anybody who's over the age of 35, it's a huge deal still. Yeah. Anybody younger than that, it's like, whatever. Yeah. They probably didn't even catch it. Grandpa jumped out of the seat.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Yeah, so, no, it wasn't that interview. It was one I did right before it, but with the person brought up, who was it? Paul Saladino. So Paul Saladino, I was on his podcast. I don't think it's aired yet. And we were talking about fat loss, and I was talking about studies on resistance training versus cardio. And then he says, what about HIT? What about studies on resistance training versus cardio. And then he says, what about hit?
Starting point is 00:37:25 What about high intensity interval training type cardio? Studies show that hit cardio burns more body fat, doesn't result in the muscle loss that steady state cardio will result in. So to give us a clarify, studies done on steady state cardio, traditional cardio, and diet. So people only do cardio and diet. When they lose weight, about half the weight they lose is muscle, obviously not a good thing, right? So he says, what about the hit studies?
Starting point is 00:37:50 That kind of cardio shows way less muscle loss and more fat and just more pure fat loss. And I said, well, here's why. Hit is basically resistance training using cardio, right? So you know how we've talked about how sometimes people use dumbbells and barbells, but they do in a way where it's not resistance training. They're essentially doing cardio with weights to fatigue.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Hit is doing weights with cardio. It's the same thing, but on the reverse, because when you're doing hit, you're explosive, you're taking breaks, you're resting, you're the goal is to be anaerobic, not aerobic with your activity. So the preservation there was because of the weights. It's essentially resistance training with cardio. What do you guys think about that explanation? No, I think it's a great explanation.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I mean, that's exactly what's happening. But did you guys, did you go into like the adaptation process, though? Oh, yeah, and I did say to him like, you know, I would not take somebody who's not already stable, has good mobility and strength and have them do explosive hit cardio, because of the explosion, you know, you have to be explosive with it. The exertion is really high,
Starting point is 00:38:50 and if your technique isn't good on slow stuff, you don't wanna go fast, because if it's bad on slow, it's gonna be way worse on fast, and then you're gonna end up hurting yourself. Speaking of cardio, I'm actually gonna start up, I just, and mainly just to get in more movement. I was talking, I could train to this weekend
Starting point is 00:39:07 because I've been trying to get my weight down and I'm like stuck at like this 220. I'm not getting below that. And I'm like, man, my diet is super dialed in right now. I had a drink over the weekend and I ate out one time, but I mean, normally if that's like nothing, I mean, if I'm training and I'm moving around like my body doesn't feel that or really see that
Starting point is 00:39:30 where I am right now, I just think that I'm sitting more than I've ever sat. I just, we sit, I sit on the time. Just the most sedatory I've ever been in my entire life. Yeah, I agree. So I'm literally going to implement it just for that exact reason, just some studies. Just for your health.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah, because when I was a trainer, when I own my studio, I would train eight people in a day, seven people a day, 10 people a day. You're standing, you're walking, you're moving weights, you're moving equipment. I was never sitting down. I was always on my feet. And here, what we do, we're gonna look at us.
Starting point is 00:40:03 All we're doing is sitting down. We need an intervention. And so that's look at us all doing something in intervention. And so that's where I do see the value in cardio. Like really just bringing up the overall activity for the day. Like that's an important thing. I used to have a lot more active days where I was grabbing weights and I was moving around.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I'm showing exercises and I'm working out on top of that. And to just come in here and sit down and then try and recreate that for like an hour and then sit down again in my car driving, it's just like brutal. I am going to be a bit methodical about it though before I do it. Like I'm going to measure because I know I have to see how many steps you're ever going to. Yeah, I haven't tracked yet, right? So Katrina just started tracking hers and she's been like telling me what she's been
Starting point is 00:40:39 to because she's following a starter where we actually prescribe steps. What she says has been phenomenal. I don't know how many people listen to show that actually follow it to that, to a T like that. But she's like, I notice a huge difference if I fail to follow that. And she's like, I will get under the steps for sure. So I'm gonna start there and just kind of see where I'm at.
Starting point is 00:40:59 So you're not gonna change anything. You're just gonna track. Yeah, I'm just gonna track. And now my guess is that I think I'm under five, six thousand steps a day. And then the first thing that I'll do is just make sure that I get like 10 to start. And if that means I'm walking on a treadmill
Starting point is 00:41:13 or going for a walk outside, I'll do that first. But I have a feeling that I'm just having a piece of cardio equipment like in our office at home, I think is gonna be a useful tool for me for that. To that help during the week, I've been really intentional about every weekend and when I get home to get outside and go on these hikes and been walking a lot more outside
Starting point is 00:41:31 and trying to get as much sun as possible. And that really helps my mood, everything else, energy, you can feel a difference. And then when I come here during the week, it's kinda like, I feel, once I get home and like tired, and I'm like, I didn't even do anything yet. Well, because my son doesn't sleep great sometimes in nap, that gets when I get home and like tired and I'm like I didn't even do anything yet. Well because my son doesn't sleep great sometimes in nap. That gets when I get my steps in because then I got to put him in the stroller and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:41:50 all right, we're going for a walk buddy. And that's like two hours because it takes him 45 minutes to settle down. And then I'm like, all right, now that he fell asleep, I have at least another hour to go so I just walk around the neighborhood with him. If you guys seen all these posts and things, People have been tagging us on about all these trainers and people that are all crying about other people promoting to not do cardio and focus more on weights and saying like, how dare them?
Starting point is 00:42:16 You know, they're like, yeah, this is such an effective way to burn body fat. I can't believe that trainers would say things like that. No, there's no, look at this that. No, look at the stuff. Just look at the studies. I mean, by the way, there's nothing wrong with cardio. There isn't anything wrong with it. But if that's the cornerstone of your,
Starting point is 00:42:32 and you get to remember this, too, this is important. We typically are communicating when we communicate fitness, and we'll say if we're talking to a fitness fanatic, but we're usually communicating to the average person. And the average person will work out two or three days a week. That's it. And the average person will pick one form of exercise. And the average person is interested in weight loss.
Starting point is 00:42:50 And that you don't have to sell people doing cardio to burn fat. No, it's already the standard. Yeah, if that's your, if that's the context, if you work out two or three days a week, you only pick one form of exercise and your goal is fat loss, then resistance training is going to be the most, it's going to be superior. Mainly because of the adaptations it produces. a week, you only pick one form of exercise and your goal is fat loss, then resistors training is going to be the most, it's going to be superior. Mainly because of the adaptations it produces, forget the calories you burn while you're
Starting point is 00:43:11 doing it. Also, here's the thing too, we need to stop valuing exercise for the calories that you burn while you're doing it. That's not the value of exercise, the value is in the way it changes the way your body adapts and the adaptations that occur. That's where the real value is in the way it changes the way your body adapts and the adaptations that occur. That's where the real value is. So what's the value of just moving and being active? It's not because you're burning the calories.
Starting point is 00:43:32 It's rather, it's just good for the cellular function of the body, it's good for circulation. It's got mental benefits, and if you do it outside, you're outside. So that's where you get a lot of those types of benefits. Yeah, speaking of outside, man, I didn't get outside at all this. Man, we had all sent a cold front. I mean, we were, I had,
Starting point is 00:43:48 Oh, it was cold. Yeah, the weekend before your time was being coming back all 10 and stuff like that. I think we had like 87. I was like 50 something six months. That contrast was killing me, dude. It was way cold and all gloomy and shit all weekend. You know, when I tell you what,
Starting point is 00:44:01 what I've gotten better about since we've moved out there where it's all gloomy on these days, is I'm way better now about actually using my infrared, like getting in front of the jive light. And it would just now become a habit, like okay, instead of just being consistent with doing it every single day or three days a week, I literally try and mirror what's going on outside.
Starting point is 00:44:19 If I see, if I pull up my, you know, weather app and see that it's like overcast cold and I'm going to, okay, I'm not going to be outside walking probably. Like, I just need a schedule and make sure that I get in front of that thing for like 10 to 15 minutes. I notice a huge difference when I do versus when I don't. So Jessica has the, their newer, smaller panel. Remember they sent it to us because I was on the live IG with them.
Starting point is 00:44:41 So, you know, obviously I took that home. And you go, I think it's cool. And we have that little one up there in the corner. Yeah, I think it's kind of like that, but it's a new one. A little bigger, yeah. So Jessica's been using it almost daily on her face. So Cassie does.
Starting point is 00:44:54 And I mean, yeah, she likes it. Bro, within, I'd say it took about three or four weeks, and I was, I kept, you know, look at, and remember, keep in mind, she's sleep deprived as hell,
Starting point is 00:45:06 right, because we have a baby. And when you're sleep deprived, you're typically can tell. They're skinned to the look is gonna be a little worn. They're just, oh, tired. Yeah, so, you know, she'd be using it for three or four weeks and I'm coming home, like, man, you're getting good sleep. She's like, no.
Starting point is 00:45:18 I'm like, you look really good, like, something's different and I forgot all about that she was using the juice. You know what it looked like? It looked like she was putting on foundation or something before I put on. I feel like I look more tan after I get in front of it. I know it's not tanning my skin, but I swear to God when I get done, I'm like, I look like I just laid in a tanning bed for a few minutes. I swear it does.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Well, that might be the glow that it makes you like your skin. It looked like it, I swear to God, it looked like she'd put something on because she had that the skin looks like it's up, like what is it? Like there's no blemishes, very smooth. I'm like, you put something on, she's like, no, I didn't. I'm like, holy shit, it's really working. But it took about three weeks or so.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Speaking of Jessica, what do you, I know the sleep thing has been probably the most challenging thing right now. What else do you think that she would say is one of the more challenging things right now for her? Like, obviously the sleep, that's number one. What else? Have you guys had any hurdles
Starting point is 00:46:08 that you guys are dealing with right now? That's the biggest one. And it's pretty much it. He's the most chill, happy baby ever. Like he's super happy, super cool. He goes with anyone very smiley. Like do you feel like he's easier, harder than your other two? Like what are you starting to be reminded of certain phases?
Starting point is 00:46:27 So here's the problem. When I, when I, when my older kids were babies, I worked so much that I think I missed a lot of the, like the nap challenges and stuff like that. So I just don't know. Although, I think they did sleep a little better at night. But he's just, he's not cranky, he's super easy going. If it wasn't for the sleep, I swear he'd be like the perfect baby
Starting point is 00:46:49 when it comes to in terms of how challenging he is. But now we're doing the feeding, so we're testing different foods, seeing how he poops and whatever, and even eating. He's like, give me more, I'll just eat more. You know, I know that's a challenge. Sometimes you first start feeding kids. You gotta figure out what they'll eat or whatever. You know, I know that's a challenge sometimes. You first start feeding kids. You got to figure out what to eat or whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:06 But now he just crushes whatever we give. Oh, so here's what we did yesterday. We gave them, so it's recommended, when they do what's called, I don't remember what's called, where it's more of a natural approach. You introduce different flavors to babies, and they can develop a palate or whatever. And one of the things they recommended was to give your baby
Starting point is 00:47:25 a small piece of dark chocolate with very little sugar and because of the bitter flavor, it introduces them. So we gave them a square and it's like dark chocolate. It's, there's nothing really much in it. And he's kind of, we're trying to see what his expression is and what it is. Yeah, I was gonna say, what did his eyes get all bigger? No, I mean, because it wasn't,
Starting point is 00:47:43 it's not like a sweet piece of chocolate. It's relatively bitter. Yeah. So it's like, let's see if he likes it. Now Jessica is a chocolate fanatic. Love chocolate. I could do, I could, whatever, it's not a big deal for me. Anyway, we're giving it to him,
Starting point is 00:47:56 and you can see him kind of start to figure it out. Like, hmm, and then he started here. And then he started getting into it, and then I'm like, I think that's enough. Like, let's take it away. Oh, dude, we took it away. Ah! And we were all laughing because I don't know about you guys,
Starting point is 00:48:09 but when you see your baby, not like a normal cry, but like a frustrated cry, so like, yeah, it's kind of funny. It's like, ah! Yeah, it does this with his face. Oh, yeah. We took video of him,
Starting point is 00:48:19 why he's doing it. He got chocolate all over his face. Yeah, I was messing with my kids this weekend. Oh, I actually had this guy come out from Oregon and they have a company where they do the outfit for like zip lining and- Oh, you're getting that, don't you? Rob's course and like they build stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:48:34 You're gonna put that in the back, and the back door? Yeah, I do. So it's the same people I did like the zip line course that's like close to me in this camp. And so they were out there anyway to kind of check all the lines and stuff. And so I coordinated it so we could come on my property. And so we got up there and we're starting to kind of, I was telling them all my crazy ideas and all that stuff. And he's
Starting point is 00:48:52 like, oh yeah, we can do all of that. Like really? And then we can even have a place where you don't have to belay. So you don't have to like have anything clipped. You can just like have these, these bridges with netting and then failing. And so you can have for the adults, I'm gonna have an adult kind of like line so you can go up there and like have a beer and just watch the kids zip line and climb and do crazy. It's gonna be crazy dude, just wait.
Starting point is 00:49:18 So give me, give me, give me, I don't wait. What is something like this cost? Is it expensive? I mean, it's expensive, but it's not like crazy. You're gonna kill my budget. I'm trying to actually like work in ways of saving money. So you guys know I'm going to this big remodel
Starting point is 00:49:32 with the house. I'm gonna take a lot of the wood because the wood right now is the most expensive thing. Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah, so I'm gonna try and see if I can use a lot of repurpose it. Yeah, repurpose it for. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Yeah, so that'll save us a lot if I can work on a lot. I mean, give me an idea, like, to put a whole, like let's pretend like you don't have five grand per, like, you know, let's just say per station. Yes, station. And how many stations do you, like could you do? Well, you could do as many as you want. Well, no, you can't, you need a fucking tree guy.
Starting point is 00:50:01 You know, however, he only has so many trees in that area. Oh, I thought you were asking generally. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, Adam, I thought you were asking generally. Yeah. Yeah. Well Adam, I think you could do as many as you want. I'm like, all of it. I'm like about his property. Like, do you plan to have like 10 different stations,
Starting point is 00:50:14 three stations? Yeah, like honestly, probably like eight to 10 stations. Like I'm gonna go ahead and kind of ham with it a little bit. But I mean, it's not gonna like take over the whole landscape. Like you're not gonna, do you still like my, 75 trees. You're gonna be the most popular. Do you really have any trees?
Starting point is 00:50:29 Yeah, it doesn't look like it. No, it doesn't look like there's that many. But they're so big. I would have never thought that you have that many on your property. Yeah, each ring of redwoods, there's at least four or five of them together or so. Wow, so you know what I like?
Starting point is 00:50:41 Is it, you guys ever seen people put rollercoasters in the backyard? That's, I'm trying to give them to do that. that I tagged him on I think it was a bar stool or something Oh, yeah, and they they had this sick ass like roller coaster you could do oh That's so cool, and he has the perfect hill for that. I'm like dude. I'm on monosloops Yeah, I was like you should so do your house is gonna be the most popular house Well, that's kind of what I mean and that was kind of the idea or not. They're gonna be like video games Yeah, well that's why I wanted to create something where it was like it was an attraction for
Starting point is 00:51:07 them to just climb and, and, and, I love it. You know, and do stuff that's physical and be outside. So I gotta outcompete these, these freaking video games, man. Hmm. Well, good luck, dude. Yeah. Hey, real quick, the question portion of this Q&A episode is brought to you by our sponsor, Ned.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Now they have this great product. It's a sleep blend that combines CBD, we all know about CBD, but with another cannabinoid called CBN. Now CBN has sedating effects on the body. When you take this product, it chills you out. It's the most effective sleep product I've ever tried, no joke.
Starting point is 00:51:48 If I take this about an hour later, I need to hit the sack and I sleep very, very hard. Now they take CBD CBN and they combine them with very effective natural botanicals to enhance their effects. So if you have issues with sleep, you want deeper sleep, you want more vivid dreams, you have troubles falling asleep, try this product out. Go check them out. Go to HelloNed.com. That's H-E-L-L-O-Ned.com forward slash mine pump. And you can enter the
Starting point is 00:52:19 code mine pump and get a discount. Go check them out. First question is from Demoos 134. What's your take on a Bruce Lee style chain and bar contraption for isometrics? I have never seen this actually. No, I have never, I know it, now I know he did, he trained a lot with isometrics. This was something that he believed very heavily in. He found it made his punches and kicks harder.
Starting point is 00:52:46 And he was rumored to be able to take a 100 pound dumbbell and isometrically support it at arm's length. This was like a rumor, I don't know if you ever actually did that. That's crazy about it. Yeah, which is really crazy. Are you familiar with this piece of equipment? Yeah, so, and I've seen a couple companies. I know Dragon Door was one of them.
Starting point is 00:53:01 They do a lot of unconventional stuff. Like, they are the first ones I kind of, I went through some of their certifications for kettlebell and all that, and I saw them had the chain isometric tool. So basically you have a board, and you have the chain, two chains that connect to then a stick that basically,
Starting point is 00:53:19 you can set the chain length. So you set the chain length to wherever you want to go to then have that isometric hole. So you can stand on it and say, yeah, I can do like emulated deadlift, I can emulate the row, I can emulate sort of like a, you know, a press position or whatever, but it's like, you know, it's, it's definitely just within that station, but you put all of your force and your might into that exercise hold for like five to ten seconds and then rest. Why have I never heard of this?
Starting point is 00:53:46 I know, I'm never saying, you know what, that would work. Of course, Justin thinks this is brilliant. I mean, this is literally like the axon stick, like concept, right? So that's brilliant. Yeah, and that's something that actually, I've stumbled across that as I was researching a lot
Starting point is 00:53:59 of isometric methods out there. Is that when you first saw this? I did not, I'm surprised you don't know because you were like a total Bruce Lee fan. I knew that he trained a lot with isometrics. I would have never seen that tool. Neither of I. And he also did a lot of bodybuilder poses
Starting point is 00:54:12 that he would like exaggerate and make him into isometric exercise in between doing sets like on banter squat. Wow, Justin it even measures like just like. This is the day I modernized it apparently and added like a digital scale or whatever. Oh well they're they're gonna find a nice patent that blocks that so. I was gonna say bro you better get on that. Oh we'll come after them that's fine. Wow. Yeah I guess international patents. You know it's so strange it's such an interesting story when you look at the the rise and fall of popularity of isometrics.
Starting point is 00:54:45 In the early days of resistance training, even Olympic lifting, isometrics were a big deal. It was something that bodybuilders did and strength athletes did, and feats of strength that they would perform usually involve some kind of isometric hold. The studies, by the the way support isometrics tremendously. Wow, $500 for that one. I know. You could buy the old school one for whatever make it yourself without the one.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Yeah, but it's not measuring it right. I'll show you guys something cooler. Yeah, but the value the value of isometrics is incredible. It doesn't you know beat up the body. It's got a lot of carryover. It's a fast way to get strong, a very fast way to get strong. You could feel it almost immediately. I also love it for form and technique.
Starting point is 00:55:33 It's such a great way to teach someone how to be aware of their entire body and the way you're positioned while you're trying to contract a specific muscle. I mean, that's how I use it. Yes, my favorite use of it. That's how I use isometrics when training clients more than anything else, is I would get them
Starting point is 00:55:50 in a position, whether it be with a cable, a weight, put them in an isometric position, and then I would go move their body, their hips, and like, I want you grounded like this, I want your shoulders back like this, I want your chin to, and then contract as hard as you can. You do that enough times, and then you hand them away.
Starting point is 00:56:06 That's obviously a lot easier to move. You can build muscle, it's such a legit training method. It just doesn't have good marketing. It's not sexy to see a video of somebody just kind of staying there and just flexing. Like see the struggle in their face. But it's so effective if you apply it into your training and it complements basically everything.
Starting point is 00:56:25 And also it's safe. It's one of the safest training methods out there that you can just internally just back off on your effort. Yeah. You know, like Jiu Jitsu guys, you see a lot of them start to incorporate isometrics because a lot of the positions and holds require a tremendous amount of isometric stamina, strength and endurance. So when you're in a position or here's a common thing when you're doing like a geech joke
Starting point is 00:56:47 on someone, if you're, I mean, you have good technique and set up, but if you're, if you're hands and forearms give out from the isometric holds, then it, then you lose or whatever. So it's very interesting and it's something that I think, again, you don't see anybody doing it, which is, which is interesting to me because the studies on isometrics are, it's not like, oh, you have a little bit of value. It's incredible. You just look them up for yourself. It's incredible the value that they can provide. And here's the thing with them. You can add them to any routine and you run very little risk of over training. So it's like, you know, when you're training, like, oh, I can't add that new thing because it'll push me over the edge, I have to take something away. With isometrics, usually you
Starting point is 00:57:28 can add them and it won't take away from your body's ability to recover too much. Next question is from way to fit. Can a 10 to 15 minute trigger session every day be beneficial beneficial for muscle gain and fat loss if the client has time restrictions with work. Yeah, trigger sessions have tremendous value. They're the best for that. They're incredible for that. So trigger session essentially is a short, I usually say eight to 10 minutes, right?
Starting point is 00:57:55 Eight to 10 minute, many, and I hate, I use the word lightly, workout, but essentially what you're doing is you're doing a load of moderate intensity Workout you're aiming for a little bit of a pump You pump session. Yeah, or you can make it more mobility focused and you do it shortly and ideally you do several of these a day Two or three of these a day when I do trigger sessions at every time It's like within three or four days. I could tell a difference in my muscle shape
Starting point is 00:58:21 I could tell a difference in fat loss energy everything It could tell a difference in fat loss, energy, everything. It's the very, how in depth did you go in the book in this? With trigger sessions? Yeah. I didn't talk about trigger sessions. Oh, you didn't at all. No, I kept it very basic because we're talking,
Starting point is 00:58:35 and here's the thing, actually, it's kind of an advanced technique. Yeah, and here's the thing, like in the resistance training revolution, I talk about sets, reps, tempo. Like, you gotta imagine the average person that you're talking to. The first introduction to weights in general.
Starting point is 00:58:50 But I mean, trigger sessions are not advance in the sense that they only benefit advanced people. No, no. You gotta get the basics first. It's an advanced concept, right? Yeah, no, that's what I mean by that. But yeah, no, it's great. And you know, back in the day,
Starting point is 00:59:04 we didn't call it trigger sessions, but I would have clients do, but yeah, no, it's it's great. And you know, back in the day, we didn't call it trigger sessions, but I would have clients do, you know, hey, I tell you what, every morning, why don't you practice and do, you know, three sets of 10 body weight squats, which is kind of easy for you. Just do that in the morning, or you know, at work, every two hours,
Starting point is 00:59:20 I actually used to do this with quite a few clients. I'd have them have like an alarm that would go off on their watch or something and every couple hours Go ahead and do five minutes of this particular band exercise and they would notice improved productivity They'd notice you know a little bit of strength gains that we would see translating to our workout Who was it? Who was it that did the greasing the groove was that pop who was a hovel? Yeah, poppled at that and then Rich Piana forgot what he called it. Theater session. Yeah, very similar type of a concept, right?
Starting point is 00:59:48 Yeah. And you know, in terms of Dr. Adtomas, he applied something kind of similar, but it was more, you know, basic exercise, calisthenic type stuff in between for school. So they would take breaks, like lots of like planned breaks, where they would have these physical poses and different exercises that they would do. And they in turn had some of the best performance and numbers out of anybody in any kind of competitive state around them. Yeah, yeah, no.
Starting point is 01:00:18 And you know what, the biggest. So when I did them the first time, and remember, the story goes, I witnessed blue collar workers in my family who had muscular body parts that correlated to their physical job, right? So, you know, like a male carrier, they all had great calves and the mechanics of my family had great forearms. And the reason why I thought of trigger sessions like, if you're a mechanic for 30 years, yeah, I'm sure the first few months your forums get sore, but after that, it's now you're adapted, it's a low level
Starting point is 01:00:49 intensity activity, and yet they would have forums that rivaled like amateur bodybuilders or whatever. So I thought, okay, there's something to this. When I applied it, I did not expect to feel and see some of the other benefits, which were cognitive and energy wise. It was like, I would just feel so sharp.
Starting point is 01:01:10 I mean, one of the reasons why we work out before we podcast now is it makes us so much sharper. I mean, just throughout your day, just you five minutes of exercise. I love that. So, when you got me doing it, I actually took our bands and I would keep it downstairs where my TV room was at and just hang it in a closet door that was in there and I just made a habit of like if I sat watching you know two hours a TV or something that just because you know you sort of feel the thar jig and so you're on a weekend right it's maybe it's a Saturday
Starting point is 01:01:38 I kind of slept in kind of chilling then I catch myself or I've been just like in the couch forever, feeling even more lethargic. Now I don't even want to go get like a full workout in, hopping up and doing a trigger session. Completely changed my mind. The same thing. I had one in the pantry and I would just like after I was sitting too long watching TV, I'd go grab and just do some pull-aparts and get my chest, you know, up and just get my posture right and it was like gold. And it's so easy because you're not committing to like a full workout.
Starting point is 01:02:03 It's literally 10 minutes long if that and it just takes and it's not easy because you're not committing to like a full workout. It's literally 10 minutes long, if that. And it just takes, and it's not really hard, but how you feel afterwards is amazing. You're aiming for maybe a little pump, maybe get a little burn in the muscle. Nothing even close to intense. And here's the bet. I mean, in my opinion, here's a selling point. If you have a weak body part, let's say you're having trouble making your butt grow, or your biceps or whatever.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Do the trigger sessions for that weak body part. Just do them on a, you know, I'd say five days a week to do a couple a day. Watch what happens to that weak body part. It responds very, very well. Next question is from Plain Jnet. She is wanting to know tips or experience with heartburn or acid reflux.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Just in wheelhouse right here. Yeah, no, I've gone through all kinds of different options. I mean, I was the guy that was like taking Prilosec and all these other different medications just to try to eliminate it and forget it. When did that start for you? How old were you, do you remember? I mean, it's been with me ever since I can remember
Starting point is 01:03:05 pretty much, I really. Yeah, maybe I would say 10 years for the most part because you start really kind of eating crap and you introduce all that stuff because I'm kind of going away from what I'm eating at my parents and I'm eating more fast food and things. Once I started eating fast food, it was just like. No, a whole tub of cookie dough, right?
Starting point is 01:03:23 Yeah. I mean, do you remember how long you were like naive to it though, like it was happening and you didn't like, you're just like, oh, it's probably just everybody feels this way. Yeah, I really didn't even dawn on me until I forgot college. Like I just assumed that that was something that was handed off to me from my dad because he has a really bad case
Starting point is 01:03:44 of it himself and my brother as well. My dad actually associated it though with sleep apnea, which I found out is could contribute towards it as well. And so that was something that I tested out and teased out and I was like, thank God, that's not it. I didn't want to have one of those Darth Vader machines, you know, hooked up to me at night
Starting point is 01:04:03 and carried that thing around when we travel. But I would tease you out. Just the jokes alone, it just killed me. You know what though, if you have sleep apnea, that's a life changer. I have family members about it. And I wish I used it before. Yeah, and so I've tried a lot of things
Starting point is 01:04:17 and then we had talked about like, a couple of functional medicine doctors, like they had mentioned that it's an acid. I wasn't producing acid at the right times, it was a timing issue, and I had trained my body to basically, like through this whole sphincter valve thing, whatever you wanna call it,
Starting point is 01:04:36 like it was releasing it at the wrong time, and so it would go up in my throat, like when I'd laid down at night versus having it there to digest as I was eating, and so to take these HCL pills was a strategy and I went through that process for a while and it did somewhat help. But the latest thing now that I'm on
Starting point is 01:04:55 is this licorice extract. I was trying to look that up, like those were totally sphincter valve. That's like a real thing. Yeah, any muscle that does this, Adam. Yeah, so it's not just your bottle. That's sphincter says what? Oh, that's the sphincter. That's the definition of that? Yeah, that's like a real thing. Yeah, any muscle that does this, Adam. Yeah, so it's not just your bottle. That's Fink-ter says what? Oh, that's the Fink-ter.
Starting point is 01:05:07 That's the definition of that? Yeah, it's a Fink-ter muscle. I learned something new every day hanging out with you guys. Adam immediately is like, you have a butt hole in you. That's what I was. I know Doug was in the same way too. Doug looked at me, gave me the same look I had. Right, what?
Starting point is 01:05:19 Did he just say? Doug just knows our humor. Like someone's gonna say something. You know, a deglycerized licorice, just for anybody that's curious. That's what I'm on now. So it's... It's... It's...
Starting point is 01:05:30 No, it's pills, dude. You know, okay, so a lot of those proton pump inhibiting drugs, like the ones used to take, I know I fucked this up for Justin, because they're effective. You take them, you don't get heartbroken. You don't have got me off those. The study about dementia. I know. It's because of shit. I know, I'm sorry about that. But I was, you know, he's like, man? The study about dementia. I know. It's good to share.
Starting point is 01:05:45 I know, I'm sorry about that. But I was, you know, he's like, man, I take these all the time. They totally work for me. So, you know, me, I'm like, I'm gonna look this up and see what's going on. And I find these new studies showing that these protein pump inhibitors are connected to a cognitive decline in dementia later in life. Oh my, fuck. Sure, it would just get started happening.
Starting point is 01:06:02 How long have you been taking these? So you're saying the football or the black licorice is a natural way to try and help. And now you take it right before you eat, how often do you take it? You always, yeah, twice a day. And so, yeah, I've been taking that and also adjusting my diet.
Starting point is 01:06:22 And that's something anybody that's suffering is through that as well, I really highly suggest you go through an elimination diet and reintroduce different types of foods so you can really know what's the biggest of things. So SIBO is very closely connected to acid reflux. So SIBO is small intestinal bacteria overgrowth, right? So bacteria builds up where it's not supposed to.
Starting point is 01:06:43 And if you have SIBO and your heartburn or acid reflexes due to SIBO, if you get rid of the SIBO, which it is curable, so SIBO is curable. Now, a lot of people can come back. But if you cure it, either with antibiotics or herbals, by the way, herbals in more recent studies, were shown to be just as effective as the antibiotics.
Starting point is 01:07:04 If you cure it and get rid of it, your problem will be gone. And some of these supplements contain these, lots of these kind of antimicrobials in them, you know, peppermint oil and oregano and garlic and some other stuff. But essentially, we do, you take them about 15 minutes before you eat, then you eat, and then what it does is sits in your gut. You throw the food at the bacteria. The bacteria comes out to eat the food, but because of the presence of these herbals around there, it'll kill them.
Starting point is 01:07:30 The process of treating seaboke can take as long as... I mean, is that similar to how a probiotic is working too? No, a probiotic's bacteria. So these are antimacrobials. They actually kill... It's like shaving away at it slowly, by the way. Yeah, so like peppermint oil, oregano oil, I said garlic, and there's some other stuff, but I took two herbal concoctions, the ones that were in a study for seabull, and I didn't
Starting point is 01:07:54 get heartburn, mine's different, but I did have seabull, and it was, it's called despyoside is one, and then Fc sideos and other, and those are the ones that I saw in studies that they actually use, or you can go get antibiotics, but the problem with the antibiotics is they can be very expensive. Well, another thing too is it's like stress was a big component for that that would set it off like almost immediately and speed of eating too. So I really had to like concentrate on slowing down, you know, taking deep breaths and eating slowly, and that really helped.
Starting point is 01:08:28 And it's just kind of annoying because I'm like the last guy to finish food all the time now, but it really does help. And also cutting eating after like six o'clock at night. It's amazing, and you still get it all over your soft. It's crazy stuff. I'm still hungry. Next question is from MFS wellness.
Starting point is 01:08:48 What are some of the most effective psychological tactics you've used to help clients overcome their attempts to quit on themselves? When is it appropriate to refer a person to a professional behavior therapist? All right. So let's start with the first, uh, the first part. So and I hate to use word tactics. I feel like that sounds like you're tricking someone, which is silly. You're not going to trick
Starting point is 01:09:08 someone into long-term fitness and health success. Now, my experience, the best strategy is how you go into the process to begin with. So if you go into it with self-hate, I hate my body, I hate the way I look, this, I'm going to, that's it, I can't take it anymore. You're going to fail. You have to go in from a standpoint of self care. And then there's another part, which is I always talk to my clients about motivation and why it's fleeting, not to rely on it and rather to develop the skill of discipline. When someone goes in with self-care with a slow, methodical, build discipline, the skill of discipline approach,
Starting point is 01:09:50 the success rate is much higher. You see more balance and you see less of the quitting, or at least quitting forever with their workouts. So I have two things. One, to take from Jordan Peterson, aim low, right? So doing something like not giving them this massive target. A lot of times they come in and they have this huge goal and they're focused on that huge goal.
Starting point is 01:10:11 So getting them away from thinking about this goal you know is gonna take months or potentially years and not to focus on that and to give them small, obtainable, realistic goals. They can start hitting them like within the first week, right? So I can start hitting them within the first week. So I think that's the first strategy. The other thing that, and I was just talking to Vicki as she was doing our line-in-a-step today,
Starting point is 01:10:32 and we were talking about when I competed, and she was asking me questions about like, oh, what do you attribute the success of it and this and that, you know what's funny? It's like, there wasn't anything magical at all. In fact, probably the thing that made the biggest difference was the consistency. I never in that my life have been that consistent with my diet and training. Even as a personal trainer, I mean, I still fall off and have weekends where I do whatever.
Starting point is 01:10:56 And one of the games that I played with myself was I would compete with how many days in a row that I did well on the diet and or training. And that could, when you're day one, that's zero. So accomplishing one or two days in a row is your first record, right? And so let's just say inevitably by day five, you have a mishap, you you know, eat off the diet or you don't get your training session in like you're supposed to. And so I would start back at zero again. I would pick myself back up. It's not a big deal.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Shit happens. It's going to, it's inevitable. But now the new goal is to beat five days in a row. Can I get five days in a row more than five days in a row, which so six would be a success or more? And I would just keep doing that until, you know, five days, seven days, 13 days started to turn into months. And then eventually in this case, turn into years. And so I would do the same thing with clients,
Starting point is 01:11:52 with the idea of like, all right, here's our small goals, our goal is to see how many days we can be consistent with this once they do that. It's okay when they come to me, oh, out of my fuck now, if I did this week, that's okay, you know, you've got nine days of us being really good. Now, okay, tomorrow we start at zero again,
Starting point is 01:12:08 the goals to get to 10, and you just, you keep doing that, I found a lot of success with helping clients stand. Yeah, now the brilliance of that, what you're saying, and there's a lot of different versions of what you're saying, but the brilliance of it is you're comparing yourself to yourself, and you're comparing yourself to yourself recently, so it's a fair comparison.
Starting point is 01:12:25 I think that one of the biggest mistakes people make is they compare themselves to other people or they compare themselves to themselves when it was a totally different circumstance. Like, man, when I was in my 20s, I was like, so dialed in, yeah, we didn't have a mortgage, you didn't have kids, you didn't have this job. So what you're saying is very brilliant
Starting point is 01:12:44 because it's only real fair comparison is, okay, how did I just do recently? Okay, I did this well. Can I beat myself? Like, I did, you know, last week with what I'm doing. Yes, I can. And then you get that kind of momentum going. Yeah, and usually people that are in that situation
Starting point is 01:13:01 where it's like, like, you feel that sense that they're not coming back and they just want to quit. And it really, it's's like, like, you feel that sense, they're not coming back and they just want to quit. And really it's assessing like how much, you know, they're taking on, like what are all these things in your head that you think aren't working? And what's, you know, like how can we bring it back to just focus on a few things that you know,
Starting point is 01:13:22 like this is just something I do all the time and let's like slowly build on that. It's just, it's one of those things, as a young trainer, it's like, why won't they do this? And let's figure out a strategy to make you more consistent and it just has never worked like that for me.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Like I have to be there as the accountability and I'm always here as the rock for you to come back to it and go through this, but really it's like, this is your journey, and so you have to basically figure that out. Well, and to address the second part of this question, I don't think it's ever a bad idea, not to hire somebody that's a professional.
Starting point is 01:13:56 If they are in a position where they work or they can afford to have a professional, a mental health expert that is supporting them through this, it's only going to help. Now, we all have experience in that. We're all well-read in that area. We know that part of the job is kind of like being that, although we're not one. So, anytime that I can get a professional to assist me, I mean, I would recommend that right out the gates. Certainly, if all the tactics and the things that I'm trying, I'm continuing to fail, or they can't get past a mental hurdle, right?
Starting point is 01:14:27 They keep coming back and telling me like the same excuse or the same story. If I, because here's a thing that's a, a lot of times people will say the same story over and over and over. If they're giving me what I think is kind of that same story and I've tried to help them overcome that, I'm gonna really really push that direction.
Starting point is 01:14:45 But again, I mean, it wouldn't hurt him to do that on the streets. My best success with clients was when they worked with me and a therapist. And I always would work with the therapist. By the way, if you're a trainer, here's the strategy. What you don't do is tell your client, hey, I think you need to see a therapist because that'll prop, I'm serious. Yeah, yeah. That's not gonna work. What you do is you find a good therapist
Starting point is 01:15:09 and then you know them by name and then when the person hires you, you're working with them and say, hey, look, I've had some other clients have a tremendous success with working with me and, you know, John Smith or whatever their name is. So when they work with me and John Smith, it's incredible, we're a really good team.
Starting point is 01:15:25 It's very effective. Let me know if you want me to send you over to go see him. Just like that, leave it at that. Now the other times I would recommend is when you're dealing with severe obesity or there's any hint of some kind of a dysfunction, a clinical dysfunction that has to do with eating. So if someone says to you,
Starting point is 01:15:43 hey, I've had an eating disorder before, or it looks like there may be some issues with that. Again, have someone that you have a name of that you can recommend to them. And make sure you recommend it in a way that you think is effective. So again, I would say something like, hey, I work with this other person
Starting point is 01:16:00 who works with all my clients. Oh my gosh, we're such a great team. Joseph Smith. Yeah, let me know if you'd like to. Yeah, one of the best ways of doing that to make people feel comfortable is to say that you do that with a lot all my clients. Oh my gosh, we're such a great team. Joseph Smith. Yeah, let me know if you'd like to. Yeah, one of the best ways of doing that to make people feel comfortable is to say that you do that with a lot of your clients.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Yes, I have a lot of success with most of my clients that choose to do this so they don't feel like they're alone. They're the only ones that gotta go see a mental therapist that trained you. But I mean, working with them is what I would do all the time. So I'd work with the therapist, and of course we get the permission
Starting point is 01:16:23 from the client, the client knows that we're sharing information. And the therapist would And of course, we get the permission from the client. The client knows that we're sharing information. And the therapist would say something to me like, hey, we talked a lot about eating and it would not work well for them to count calories or to count macros or don't weigh them. This is not something that you should do. And I'd say, well, I'm gonna focus on performance now.
Starting point is 01:16:40 We're gonna focus on strength. What do you think they'd be like, yes, that's a good idea. But working together like that, oh my gosh. So, so, so, so, so, so. By the way, if you are a personal trainer, this is someone DM me the other day about getting their kinesse and a minor in psychology. Oh gosh.
Starting point is 01:16:54 And I said, man, you probably, beautiful combo. Yeah, you can't, I don't think you come up with a better combo. And so, if you're a trainer and you have either kinesse or you've got national certifications, I highly recommend reading in this direction because I found a passion for reading this direction
Starting point is 01:17:08 and I can't tell you how much it helped with coaching these types of clients because I mean, are all clients for that matter, even if they don't have some sort of a disorder or they're mentally challenged in this area, I mean, having that background and understanding and empathy when you're talking to any and all clients, tremendously that.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Oh yeah, I mean, towards the end of my career, I had in-house, I had a physical therapist, a massage therapist, and an acupuncturist. So those were the people in-house, but I also worked with a hormone specialist who was off-site. So I'd find these people, and I'd work with them, talk with them, and they'd say something like, hey, I'm a local trainer, I would like to send clients
Starting point is 01:17:47 your way, who I think may have hormonal issues, and we're gonna say no, of course, and of course you find a good one, see how they work out, so I had someone that I would refer to there, I had therapists that I would send people to, so I'd have this repertoire of people that I could refer to, and you know, valuable that made me as a trainer. It's like, I know someone, don't worry,
Starting point is 01:18:06 we can work with them. And it was wonderful. I think that should be every trainer's goal if you want to be really effective and successful. Look, if you like Mind Pump, if you like our information, head over to MindPumpFree.com. Check out our free stuff. You won't believe what we'll give you for free
Starting point is 01:18:21 at MindPumpFree.com. You can also find all of us on Instagram so you can find Justin at mind pump Justin me at mind pump salad at my pump at home. Thank you for listening to mind pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at mind pump media dot com. The RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad,
Starting point is 01:18:46 maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal and I'm in Justin as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the
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