Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1579: How to Drop Stubborn Body Fat, What to Do When Strength Is Not Increasing, Ways to Hit Aesthetic Goals in Time for a Wedding & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Episode Date: June 19, 2021In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer five Pump Head questions via Zoom. Father’s Day, the most overlooked holiday EVER! (5:00) New potential partner alert, From You Flowers. (...7:54) Revisiting the conversation on the visual style of Loki on Disney +. (14:24) The conspiracy surrounding the N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) supplement. (15:00) Why dry scooping your pre-workout is NOT the issue. (17:51) A great example of the power of celebrity. (21:03) The guys speculate on the future of podcasting, audio versus visual, and their go-to CD they would listen to on repeat. (23:52) Why the guys are fans of Super Coffee. (38:41) Creatine and its effect on arthritis. (40:27) The freer the market, the more opportunity for growth, innovation, and giving society. (41:48) China changes its policy on having children. (44:47) How we take freedom of speech for granted. (46:50) Fun Facts with Justin: Does the theory of Pangea still stand with the science community? (49:25) Mind Pump x NCI certifications important updates. (53:06) #Quah question #1 – What can I do to improve my physical strength, when I feel like I am pushing myself to my max? (55:23) #Quah question #2 – Any recommendations to hit my aesthetic goals in time for my wedding? (1:10:30) #Quah question #3 – Should I be concerned the clicking in my knees when I squat is a potential muscle imbalance? (1:16:45) #Quah question #4 – What are suggestions to drop stubborn body fat? (1:25:52) #Quah question #5 – Do I need to manually adjust my one-rep max number or trust the process? (1:34:24) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com June Promotion: MAPS Prime, Prime Pro, and the Prime Bundle 50% off! **Promo code “JUNEPRIME” at checkout** Visit From You Flowers for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Loki | Disney+ Originals Retrofuturism - Wikipedia Studies show N-Acetyl Cysteine supplement can possibly protect patients against COVID-19 A 20-year-old had a heart attack after eating a dry scoop of highly-caffeinated pre-workout supplement powder, a dangerous TikTok trend Coca-Cola shares drop $5 billion after Cristiano Ronaldo's gesture to drink water ‘Call Her Daddy’ Is Making It Exclusive With Spotify From the archive! Recording one of the first Mind Pump podcasts in my living room, December 8, 2014. Visit Super Coffee for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MINDPUMP” at checkout** Effects of creatine supplementation on muscle weakness in patients with rheumatoid arthritis | Rheumatology | Oxford Academic MacKenzie Scott says she's donated another $2.7 billion, condemns the wealth gap China announces three-child policy in a major policy shift 'F9' star John Cena says he loves China after Taiwan remark stokes anger In The Future, Earth Will Have Just One Continent. It Might Look Like This NCI Certifications x Mind Pump MAPS Fitness Anabolic | Muscle Adaptation Programming System The Breakdown Recovery Trap, Why You Aren’t Progressing – Mind Pump Blog MAPS Aesthetic | Muscle Adaptation Programming System MAPS Fitness Prime Pro - Mind Pump Media MAPS Fitness Performance | Muscle Adaptation Programming System MAPS Suspension Training - Mind Pump Media Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Doug Egge (@mindpumpdoug) Instagram Jason Phillips (@jasonphillipsisnutrition) Instagram
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If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go.
Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts.
Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews.
You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast.
This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered live fitness and health questions.
So people actually called in and asked us questions
about exercise, diet, nutrition, rehab,
and we got to coach them live on air.
By the way, if you ever wanna be somebody
that comes on the show live to ask us a question,
email your question to liveatminepumpmedia.com.
All right, so the way we opened the episode
was with an intro portion,
so we talk about current events,
talk about scientific studies, we mentioned our sponsors was with an intro portion. So we talk about current events, talk about scientific studies.
We mentioned our sponsors.
Today's intro was 44 minutes.
We have fun, Sal.
After that, we got to the live question.
So we opened up by talking about Father's Day,
which is Sunday.
It's that other day, you know, the other day
where you celebrate the other panel.
Yeah, oh yeah, dad, yeah.
Let's do something.
Really cool.
That led us to talking about a company
that we're flirting with that's called
So let's place, sends flowers to anybody you want to,
really, really good prices.
What we're looking for is some feedback.
So try them out, let us know what you think.
This will help us determine whether or not
we want to partner with them.
Go to fromuflowers.com forward slash flower,
forward slash mind, forward slash
mind pump.
Then we talked about Loki, that series on Disney Plus.
We now know what the style is on that show.
It's called Retro Fusion.
Then I talked about the supplement, NAC.
It is now FDA approved as a medicine.
In other words, you can't buy it over the counter anymore.
And there's some conspiracies around that.
It's kind of interesting.
Then we talk about dry scooping pre-workout,
is taking your pre-workout powder dry different than taking it mixed in liquid.
Then we talk about how Coca-Cola lost lots of value on the market because Ronaldo said drink
water instead.
Then we talked about the podcast, call her daddy, that signed a three-year deal
for $60 million, the podcast world is exploding.
It's blowing up.
Then we talked about one of our early mind-pump clips.
This was back from 2014.
Doug actually posted it on his Instagram at mind-pump.
Doug, warning, we sucked a lot.
Go back and experience the cringes.
Then we talked about one of our new sponsors,
Super Coffee.
This is coffee infused with things like
theanine amino acids and other compounds
to enhance the effects of coffee.
Also, it tastes really, really good.
Go check them out.
You actually get 25% off your entire purchase.
If you go to drinksupercoffee.com,
forward slash mind pump, just use the code mind pump for that discount.
Then I talked about Crayotene and its effect on arthritis.
We talked about Jeff Bezos and his ex-wife and how much money they donated.
It's a tremendous amount of money.
Then we talked about China has graciously allowed their citizens now to have more children.
Plus so nice.
That's great.
Then we talked about John Cena
and his weird apology to China.
Looks like they punked him a little bit.
Just a bit.
Then we talked about Pangaea,
Justin talked about how Pangaea may come back apparently,
but it's got other weird names.
And then we talk about our other sponsor NCI.
They have some of the best certifications online
for coaches and fitness trainers
to teach them how to become better online coaches.
It's a booming field.
If you want to build a business online, you're going to want to have a good certification
that teaches you how to do this.
NCI is the only one that we promote.
Go check them out and also they have some free classes just for mind pump listeners.
Head over to NCIcertifications.com-forward-slash. Mind pump and check out all the free classes you can take just
because you listen to mind pump. Then we got to the fitness questions, the live questions. The first
one was from Christine from Idaho. She's trying to become a firefighter and wants some advice on how
to train. The next question is from Heather from North Carolina.
She's getting married soon, wants to know how to work out
to look her best on her wedding day.
The next question was from Juan from Canada.
This person's got some pain or clicking in their knees,
wanted some solutions.
Then we talked to Andrew from Georgia.
This person is a trainer, going to Chiropractor School,
isn't working out as much as they used to.
Can't get rid of the body fat once I'm advice.
The final question was from Harry from Australia.
He is following Maps Powerlift, wanted to know what to do
with the one rep max calculator that's found on the program
because he thinks it's not entirely accurate
for his individual body.
Also, all months long, we are running a sale, maps prime,
maps prime pro, and the prime bundle are all 50% off. You can find out more or just sign
up at mapsfitnisproducts.com. Just use the code June Prime for the discount.
God, I forgot Father's Day is this week and coming up already. It is, yeah. It totally is. The most, yeah, overlooked.
It's the other day.
The most overlooked holiday ever.
Yeah, it's like, Mother's Day and then,
Oh, that's right.
Like everybody has to remember Mother's Day.
Oh, that's right.
That's a fact.
What do we do to get dad, new balance?
Yeah, I bet you're not sure.
We want a new dad, get like a steak or something,
and then that's it.
That's the conversation.
I've been sending Katrina links to things that I want for like the last six months
We'll see if she knows you haven't. What if you okay? Tell us what you've been saying. You've been planting seeds
Yeah, a little like there was like a goggles for a drone. There was like a jacket that I wanted
I think some shoes that I want
You get into that drone racing where you have the
I mean, so I like a 16 year old kid and a grown man's I love it. Well, that's my love language.
That's my love language.
So and what I do to help my partner out
because I know I have to be a pain in the ass to buy for
because I buy most shit that I want.
When I see something, I'm like, I want that,
but I don't need it.
I'm like, oh, good gift.
That's so, and I, and I'll send him to her,
but she didn't know me to do it.
Yeah, I'm curious because Courtney already bought me
something that's this big box and she's like,
she can't handle that I can't open it right now.
Like she doesn't like surprises and all that.
I'm just like, I'm not gonna open it
till the actual day at least,
but I'm very curious because she did this on her own
and she never does that.
She's like me, that's how, when I buy a gift,
I'm like, do you want it now?
Yeah, because I don't like waiting.
She's like, like'm anticipating my response.
Well, so far, that makes me nervous.
It does.
When someone is like, you know me, right?
So you guys already know my background
on like getting receiving gifts.
And then on top of that, like if someone's like
really excited to give it to me,
then it's just like it builds it up way too.
I'm like, I've been, I've been tainted because of,
getting a bunch of like used stuff
because I was like the younger sibling
and it was always like, here's the recycled version
of what you were asking for.
Like thanks.
You get your brother's old jacket.
I don't really care about gifts that much,
but I do like acts of service.
So I do like, you know, like waking up
and the kids wake me up with something
and Jessica does something nice for me.
It's nice when you acknowledge.
But give's I don't care because if I want some,
I'll buy it and I'm not really a things kind of person.
Although Jessica's so upset
because she screwed up a surprise a little bit,
we were having dinner last night
and I'm like, oh man, Father's Day is this Sunday,
like I totally forgot and Jessica's like, yeah,
or you know, make sure the kids can stay with us
because it's gonna be the week that they're with their mom.
And I'm like, what time should I get him? She goes, well, they're gonna be making dinner for you. So make sure and then can stay with us cause it's gonna be the week that they're with their mom. And I'm like, what time should I get them?
She goes, well, they're gonna be making dinner for you.
So make sure and then my daughter's like, Jessica,
that's a surprise.
And Jessica's like, oh, fuck.
That felt so bad.
So, but apparently there's another surprise.
Yeah, I love surprising Courtney though.
That's because, especially if it's like totally random.
And like I mentioned a while ago, it is like a little bit in the dog house. So I already put my order in and basically put out
you know she's gonna be receiving flowers. Oh, I got that too. Oh yeah you guys did it. I did
the stunning beauty. So we'll see if it's. Oh that's your bouquet. Yeah. I got the Ruby Rose bouquet
and it's red roses. I like purples my favorite favorite color, right? So red roses and purple, I don't know what other flower it is,
but looks really nice.
It's like 40 bucks.
I'm not gonna tease you about that.
Same day delivery.
Purple being your favorite color right now.
I'm more curious about the flowers
because this is something that we're testing, right?
So the audience knows this may or may not be
a future partnership.
Now I assume that we probably have a lot of guys
that are also good dudes that like to take care of their wives or their partners
Girlfriends or whatever and would do this and I think it's such a killer deal and I love the way they set this all up
So this may be something we keep if it is I've worked out a deal for our listeners
So at the end Sal will do his normal like you, you know, share with the coupon link is,
I really wanna see if our audience responds.
If they like it and they respond,
it'll be a partnership that we pursue if it falls flat.
So we're like testing it.
I'm just using it then.
So far, I like it.
I love the idea of it just to do,
cause I'm always thinking, like, man,
like I haven't done anything like for my spouse
in a while,
I just acknowledge it and just a little thing like that
goes a long way.
So we used to live right next to before,
right next to a floral shop,
and I actually had this routine,
like at least once a month, I would go in there
and I would build this bouquet out
and I would bring it home.
So it was something I continually to do.
Well now we don't have that, right?
By the way, so this is what made me look for a service
that, okay, well maybe I can just be a lot easier
for me just to be delivered.
Now are you guys, are you guys into flower?
In other words, if you got it, if you came home
and then you had flowers sent to you, is that,
or not, what would you like to do?
Nah, unless it's like Venus fly trap or something.
Oh, like a kill like flies.
Did you ever buy it, but those?
You could buy those sometimes.
I did that because I wanted to show my kids
because I'm like, dude, these things are cool.
Dude, they're fricking rad.
They're so rad.
I've never seen one.
You've never seen them?
So they have like a little hair inside the,
I don't know if it's the flower or the plant.
And if it gets triggered, I think there's two hairs.
Two hairs have to get triggered.
It literally snapshots.
It looks like it has teeth, but it's just, you know,
it's just plants.
And it'll capture the fly and then it'll digest it.
And so what we used to do is I would buy them,
I would get a fly, catch a fly,
and I'd take its wings off so I didn't fly or whatever.
And then I'd put it on, it's so cruel.
It's gonna die anyway.
Then I'd put it on the plant and you'd see it walk across.
And as soon as it triggers the two hairs, it would close and the video's like a spider in it.
Yeah, I was just the fuck with spiders. Oh, man. I was supposed to. I've never seen it work.
I've never seen it work. Actually, where do you get them at? I used to be able to get them
at the grocery store. Yeah, I used to go like lumber yards that had like garden sections. Like I could find some there.
And also you could buy like huge bags of ladybugs.
And so I used to do pranks with that as well.
So you buy a huge bag of ladybugs
and I'd like throw in somebody's car.
Wow, that's a fun idea.
That was the door.
That was the thing.
Yeah, that's the prank that keeps on giving.
Yeah, you know, it was a fun one.
We just came up with a brilliant idea, absolutely brilliant.
Because flowers is big business and the majority of the recipients of flowers are women.
I want like dangerous plants.
Imagine if they had flowers for men, but it was stuff like that, like venomous plants.
I'm cool with getting flowers. Are you really? Yeah, yeah, that stuff like that like venomous. I'm cool. I'm cool with getting flowers. I really yeah, yeah
Yeah, that's true. You would be I would be like a girl
Yeah, I like I so I like a nice house and I like my house to smell good and look good
And so like you know flowers flowers make that happen flowers make it smell good and look good
I'm good morning. Yeah, I'm picture yada right now like he's he's at home
He's getting the bathtub ready with the candles.
Yeah, ding dong's like what's that?
He goes out in his room.
Get the music.
Yeah, he opens it.
Oh my God.
This what a I can't believe who's it from?
Doug calls up Doug Doug.
Thank you.
Just huffing it.
The thought it's the thought that counts.
It's very very nice.
No, it's nice. Yeah, no, flowers are nice.
Jessica appreciates them quite a bit.
Yeah, how are your wives like big?
Cause some of them don't even give a shit, they don't care.
Jessica loves it.
You know her mom used to own a floral shop.
Oh, no way.
Yeah, and her mom was like an expert on plants, on all plants.
So it's kind of cool.
So whenever we go visit her, we'd see some cool plant.
She'd tell me, oh, that's a whatever.
And then you'd have to take care of it.
So there's a lot that goes into, you know.
What's the title that it's in Meet the Falkers?
Remember, that's what he is.
He's a CIA agent, but he's, he's a,
he's a botanist or something.
Is it a botanist?
Is that what it is?
I don't know.
You know what else I used to be able to buy?
So there were Venus fly traps, which is cool.
Did you ever buy Mexican jumping beans?
They called them?
Have you ever seen those at them?
Hell or racist?
No, no, no, that's what they were called.
They're fun, dude.
Have you ever bought them?
No, I haven't.
They're like in a little bag and then they're like,
Yes, you know what makes them jump?
You know what makes them jump?
There's a little larva inside.
And literally, if you put them on the table, they jump.
They're so weird.
That is weird.
That is weird.
But there's a worm inside of them.
And then the same store probably has those,
like little pouches that claim it has a snake in it
and you should open it, has a wound up rubber band
that snaps at you.
Speaking of meat eating plants,
there's, I don't know where this plant is,
but there's one plant, it's huge
and it's got this big funnel like, funnel-like thing, and it eats animals.
Not like bugs, like a bird will get trapped in it, and the way that it's designed...
Is that the one that smells like shit, like, like, for miles?
There is a plant that smells like rotting flesh.
Just rotting, yeah.
You didn't know that?
There's literally a plant that smells like...
It's huge. Rotting flesh, and it attracts animals. Maybe you're plant that smells like huge. Rodding flesh and it attracts animals.
Maybe you're right, because it smells like rotting flesh
it attracts animals.
Yeah, like birds and stuff will fly to it.
Like, yeah, vermin go in there.
And they'll get trapped.
They'll go down this like plant
and because of the way that the plant is obviously designed,
once they crawl down they can't come back up.
And then they just,
they're like drowned or something and it's, it digests them. What, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's cool. It's like from another planet. Oh, you know what? That reminds me. Somebody DM me about what we were talking about with Loki.
It's called retro futurism.
Oh, that makes sense.
That's cool.
That's what that style is called.
That's cool.
Everyone we were trying to figure that out.
That makes perfect sense.
I know it does, right?
Yeah, because it's future, but it's what the future would be thought of in the past.
Yeah, so it's own timeline, so can basically do whatever they want with it.
Yeah, and we've seen this before, right?
I mean, we were talking about the different examples of it.
So I knew there had to been like a name for it.
I just didn't hit the nail on the head
when he said it was like future land and Disneyland.
Like that's exactly what the style felt like.
It's what reminded me of.
In that movie, yeah.
Did I tell you guys the conspiracy theory,
controversy around the supplement NAC?
Did I bring that up on the podcast?
Oh, that it's now banned because it was like a valid
treatment, is that the?
Dude, so Doug, what is NAC stand for?
And the Cedal Cistinus, I think.
Thank you.
Okay, so this is a supplement that's been sold as a
supplement, very inexpensive for over two decades.
You could buy any supplement store online.
It's in liver support supplements.
It's just very common supplement
that people have been taking forever.
All of a sudden, the FDA comes out and says,
uh-uh, this is now gonna be a prescription.
It's banned.
Now, their rationale is that NAC was originally designed as a pharmaceutical.
So, that's what they're saying.
Although, it's been sold as a supplement for two decades.
It's extremely sad.
They have seen this.
And there's no problems.
Of course, you have.
It's been around forever.
So, here's the controversy.
Here's the conspiracy theory.
Studies were coming out showing that NAC could be a viable potential treatment for COVID.
So studies were showing that people with severe COVID,
supplement with supplement with NAC,
and it would really reduce symptoms
and increase survivability.
So all of a sudden the FDA slips,
or they pull it off of shelves.
It's so crazy.
That's the conspiracy, but that's fucked up.
Any competition to the vaccines is gonna get pulled.
Or any competition to any drug. Well, yeah, is gonna get from pharmaceutical companies. Well, that's a up. Any competition to the vaccines is gonna get pulled. Or any competition to any drug.
Well, yeah, it's gonna get from pharmaceutical companies.
Well, that's a thing, too.
And like, have we gone back and finally admitted
that hydrochloroquine has some relevance
in terms of treatment, just because Trump said it,
like everybody was against it.
Yeah, that was actually,
as studies came out that showed that for severe symptoms
of COVID, it seems like hydrochloroquine
God, that was the most...
The most appalling thing I saw with everything that went on.
It's like, okay, so a valid scientific treatment that they've used, you know, like for, in
the medical community for a long time, all of a sudden...
For decades.
...and now it's politicized.
Yeah, it's weird.
I had a...
So I had a...
You asked me to train a lot of doctors, and I keep in contact with one of them.
And he told me that it used to be very easy for him
to prescribe hydrochloroquine.
Anytime he had a patient that was...
Hydroxychloroquine, sorry, I made up the name of the...
We both said that.
Just pulled the Trump right.
I know, don't.
He's a good guy.
He's bleached, yeah.
Yeah, bro.
He said he used to prescribe it so easily.
Like if you had a patient that would be flying
out of the country or very easy.
He'd call it in the pharmacy, they would prescribe it.
No questions asked.
It's been around forever.
It's in, again, decades we've been prescribing.
And then he said after the COVID happened,
he was like, if he asked the pharmacy to prescribe it, nope.
We're not gonna, all of a sudden,
he could not get them to give it to anybody.
Cause he got so politicized, how messed up is that?
So frustrating.
So crazy.
Anyway, speaking of kind of weirdness,
have you guys heard of this like,
dry scooping pre-workout controversy?
That's going on.
I heard someone died.
Yeah, right?
So this is like something that's trending right now.
Yes, so I wanna,
that's been around forever though, dry scooping...
Well, yeah, but I mean, there's obviously people
taking videos of them doing it and posting it on social media.
Yeah, so there was this girl, she was in her 20s,
and I guess it was this TikTok challenge
to dry scoop pretty work out.
There you go.
And it gave her heart attack, and she died.
Now, here's the problem that I have.
The articles that I'm reading,
there's lots of articles and people have been sharing them
with me left and right in my DMs.
The problem is the articles are focusing on the dry scooping
part and not on the ingredients in the pre-workout.
By the way, take pre-workout, dry or mix it in water,
same fucking thing, it doesn't matter.
The dry scooping has nothing to do with what made it deadly.
It's the fact that she probably took 700 milligrams of caffeine and a bunch of other
shit that's in there.
But they're making a big deal about the fact that it's somehow taking it in powder form
versus mixing it with water.
That's what they're alluding to, which is false.
That's stupid.
It was just one though, right?
Do you hear any more cases?
Was there more cases?
There was that one, and then there wasn't there another one
where somebody had like brain inflammation
from taking too much, some other kid or whatever.
At some point, I feel like energy drinks
and pre-workout supplements are gonna be targeted by FDA.
Well, I mean caffeine is always,
like, and they had the caffeine that was in just pure
Powder form that you could buy off the internet. Oh, that's right. We're doing that and getting severely
Someone died. Yeah, they went to hospital and some died. It's just like that's one of the it's a real drug
Especially when you take it in in a high
Quantity, yeah, that was really really damn easy. There was a kid that bought powdered caffeine,
did the calculations wrong.
So he forgot to move a decimal.
He thought he was taking 200 milligrams of caffeine,
ended up taking 2,000 milligrams of caffeine
and died. That's insane.
And now it's banned.
Now you can't buy powder caffeine anymore because of that.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Oh, really?
If you go online, you're not able to buy
straight powdered caffeine.
Can you still do like the capsules?
Okay, the tablets.
So you still open the capsule?
Yeah, because at the same time, I think the alcohol
was a powdered version.
They were like promoting that as well.
I saw that.
What is that?
Dude, that's so bad.
What powder version of alcohol?
Do you guys remember what it sounds like fun?
Yeah, when we were in Austin and they had,
oh yeah, the oxygen version of it, right?
It was like a vapor, a bomb of a bomb.
It was like a bomb of a alcohol.
I was so fascinated by that.
I'm like, first of all, I just don't think
that was gonna take off.
But it was a weird feeling.
It was totally different than drinking.
It's like you got a little bit drunk for about 30 seconds.
Yeah, that's where I came and went.
That's why it will never take off.
It was expensive and you get a 30 second high from it
and then it's gone.
No one's gonna want that.
You drink the real thing that'll last me hours.
You know, it's right.
I don't see anybody.
Yeah, the best delivery for alcohol is in a drink.
That's it.
We've proven that.
It's already time tested.
Yeah, over the last few thousand years.
Speaking of drinks, you want to just
what a great example of the power of certain celebrities. Did you guys hear about what happened
with Coca-Cola? No. So Ronaldo, you know, I saw that. Okay, so, okay, I saw him take it
off the shelf. Like he got all upset. Is that because he sponsored by Pepsi or something
else? I had no idea why he did that. No, so I'm gonna pull it up just so.
So there was a video, okay, I saw the video
and I'll let you finish the story while you're looking it up.
And it came in my feed and it's,
we're not all getting ready to do a press conference
and somebody had two Coca-Cola bottles on there
and he looks irritated and he takes the Coca-Cola
off the counter.
Now I just assumed that's because he was sponsored
by some sort of a competitor
and that's why he did it.
What was that?
No, what he did was, and this is what it says,
he was preparing to begin a press conference.
He removed two Coke bottles from the table,
so he looked at him and he removed them,
and then replaced them with bottles of water and said,
Agua, which is Portuguese.
So it's like, not Coke, I'll drink water.
Coke lost four billion dollars.
Shud, just from that.
In market value.
Oh, wow.
That's how powerful is that like a health move?
Like he was trying to.
Who knows?
Who knows?
I think he's just.
No, I think it was just it would look like at least it looked
from what I the clip I saw.
It was just he was encouraging people to drink water.
Yeah, I just I don't drink.
He probably doesn't drink Coke and he wants to drink water. But the fact that he, because it was caught on air, that he was making a stance
against it, and because of his influence. I know. I remember Coke sponsors everything. They're
the most powerful sponsors of all time. So I wonder what's going to happen with Ronaldo,
like how they're going to work this out, because one thing, $4 billion of market value gone.
I didn't read that, that's a same-
That's fascinating.
And again, Coke sponsors the tournaments he plays in,
they sponsor-
Well, he's like literally the most popular athlete
in the world, in the world.
Yeah, he, like nobody really touches him.
And remember all those countries
that were soccer super popular?
Coca-Cola is extremely powerful,
very, very powerful in a lot of these countries.
And, well, you know what's funny about that?
Is Coke is Coke owns Dessani,
which I love Dessani water.
So you would think that they would figure a way out
to like run a...
We got one or two.
Yeah, it's no exactly. You know they're gonna do, they have to do to do something like that right because you're not gonna convince him to do an ad for coke
You would I wonder what the the profit margin is on coke versus water because a bottle of dissonny doesn't cost much the bottle of coke
No, no sure not as much no it's like a dollar versus something that's like to some right really what do you think though?
I think coke might be a little more expensive. Okay, because that would make sense.
Yeah, it's a water plus stuff.
I'm pretty sure it has plus stuff.
Plus color.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Now it's a little bit, a speaking of, you know, powerful companies and moves and stuff
like that, did you see Spotify on the move again?
So three year, $60 million contract with the podcast from Barstold,
the Call Her Daddy podcast.
Yeah, top five podcasts, I think, and all podcasts.
So they just made-
How much?
They bought it off of Barstold.
Yeah, three-year, three-year, $60 million deal.
Oh my God.
That's exciting.
Now, what does that typically look like?
They own the podcast, and then what do they do?
They pay the salaries of the
house and and barstall loses complete rights to it or is it like like they're renting it essentially
for three years. Well, I mean, we can say here we can like syndicate it. We can have fun and speculate,
but I don't know the details of that. It's very similar to when we were speculating about Joe Rogan's
deal. Like, I, you know, I think there's a lot there's probably a lot of nuances in the contract as far as
who gets what and how much and how it's paid over time. Can you or can you not advertise
in addition to that? So I'm sure there's a few things. But just the fact that Spotify's
doing, they made a deal with deal with bombas too. I don't know what that was. They made
another deal with two other famous podcasters that I didn't know who they were,
but they are obviously big podcasters.
Boy, podcasters come a long way since we first started.
What do you think?
Yeah, was it seven years ago?
Yeah, thanks to Doug for posting that video of one of our first podcasters.
If you go to Mind Pump Doug on Instagram,
he posted a video of us.
What year was that December 8th?
What was the?
And it was, I had to be one of our first podcasts that we did.
We're literally in his living room.
And it felt like it.
And it's hard to watch, too.
So bad.
Also, it doesn't look like seven years ago.
It looks like 20 years ago.
I don't understand how we entered into this aging vortex.
We're time all of a sudden moves fast. I don't know. we entered into this aging vortex. We're time all of a sudden moves faster.
I don't know.
I feel like everybody looks better.
Yeah, back there.
Yeah, I felt like I'm like, we were promoting fitness.
I mean, you were a little more gray, but you look small in there.
I'm a lot more gray now.
Come on, dude.
Well, I mean, you were also coloring it, though, back then.
I don't think I colored it then.
Oh, really?
No, I don't think so.
Oh, okay.
This shit ramped up, dude. I mean, you're gray. I have no hair. Oh really? No, I don't think so. Oh, okay, wow. Okay, so yeah, this shit ramped up dude.
I mean, you're gray, I have no hair.
So there's, there's a big difference there.
I was chunky and baby-faced.
Yeah, we'd never smile,
because this teeth were all fucked up.
So, we wouldn't talk much.
Yeah, so I thought everyone looked, it looked better.
You know what I'm saying?
I mean, we'd look older.
You know, not much you can do about that.
We've come a long way, but you know, seven years ago
when we started the podcast, more often than not,
if somebody asked me, you know, what I did,
I would, and I said, oh, I have a podcast.
No idea what it is.
More often than not, people would be like,
what's a podcast?
That's how far it's come.
Now we're getting these $60 million, $100 million deals
for just podcasts.
And you know, it's even, what's crazy?
It still is a fraction of the power
that talk radio used to have,
which means there's so much room.
Or even YouTube for that matter.
I mean, we're-
It's so much room to grow.
I, you know, I don't know.
I go back and forth on how much more will it grow.
Do you think that it fully replaces radio?
Yeah, really?
I do.
Once they figure out how to monetize better
with adding in partners and ads,
like it unspodified, it's a little clunky still,
in my opinion.
What do you mean?
In terms of how they squeeze in the ads
and everything's at the very front of it,
and all you gotta do is fast forward it.
And so I don't know how that's all gonna work out
in terms of just sponsoring the show and saying,
like, hey, this is, this show is just completely sponsored
by so and so.
Yeah, everything's going digital.
So all, every broadcast, everything eventually
is gonna be replaced by digital.
And with radio in the past, in order to have analytics
in terms of who's listening and how you're reaching people and who you can advertise to, with radio in the past, in order to have analytics
in terms of who's listening and how you're reaching people and who you can advertise to,
the potential with digital, anything and podcasting,
especially, the potential is massive to target audiences,
to see when people drop off, when they listen.
Now, that doesn't mean the analytics great now.
I'm gonna be the first one to tell you
the analytics for podcast suck, compared gonna be the first one to tell you that analytics for podcasts suck
compared to other digital platforms.
Like YouTube has got way better analytics than podcasts do,
but it's gonna happen.
I guarantee you, as the competition grows,
you're gonna start to have very, very good analytics,
and I do 100% I think it's gonna replace
all broadcast radio and anything audio in that sense.
Yeah, I mean, I don't see radio actually staying around that long
I just also think that there's so many other
competing things like YouTube for example like that just the the idea that you could actually
That's a point. I see what you're saying watch um
You know a television show on your phone today is just incredible. But I mean, back in the day when you were a kid,
and you're at the pool, you have the radio playing
and you have music going, so okay, so you're,
but now you've had the option to possibly shoot up
a show and stream television or out there on the pool deck.
Well, you know, it's a good thing.
Things like that just didn't exist before.
You know, it's a good comparison would be interesting.
How many people does, so the top podcast,
I would say is probably Joe Rogan in terms of reach.
One of them, right?
Yeah, him, Adam Corolla.
I would compare Joe Rogan's reach to Rush Limba
or Howard Stern in their peak.
And I'd love to see what those numbers look like.
Like, Howard Stern's peak, how many people were listening
to a show on a weekly or a monthly
basis versus what Joe Rogan is doing right now?
That'd be a good comparison to see.
Yeah, that's interesting.
That's interesting.
I don't know if you can find that Doug if you could see, like Howard Stern's reach at
his peak and then look up Joe Rogan's current reach.
And let's see what those two numbers look like.
And again, podcasting still is
in terms of you know total people listening's minuscule compared to what radio was YouTube things
interesting because you do have the option of the visual element which you know a lot of people love
that even more so than the audio and then the audio is also just nice because you can if you're
on the road or you're you know doing work at the same time you could just listen to your show so
it's like you have options to just keep it going.
Well, and there's just so many other competitors.
There's just other things that are fighting
for your social media for that matter too.
Like there's that distraction.
Like when you listen to the radio back when we were kids,
they're just part of the reason while you did
was also because there just wasn't a lot
of other options of what you could be doing.
Yeah, so you were limited to that
where there's social
media is competing with that.
Serious radio is competing with that.
All the different stream, I heart radios,
the spotifies, the iTunes, all the streaming services.
So they're all kind of fighting for your attention
and all of them are doing well.
But I don't know if you're gonna see the same kind of dominance
that you saw on radio and television back in the days.
That would be an interesting step.
So Howard Stern at its peak, it says here,
was syndicated to 60 radio markets
and gained an audience of 20 million listeners at its peak.
So what does Joe Rogan have in comparison?
I think Joe Rogan's probably...
You might have been pretty damn competitive.
Yeah, well I mean from what numbers I've heard him talk about on the show, it was definitely
more than that.
I know he's...
I mean he's like...
I think he's like a few hundred million?
Yes, a few hundred million a month I believe.
Well there you go.
That just goes to show you that although we have more variety and stuff,
you also have more ways to access it, right?
Rogan, you could listen to it anywhere,
you could access it pretty much anywhere you have electricity,
whereas with Howard Stern, if you weren't next to a radio,
you weren't listening.
I wonder how they calculate that too,
because just like what we're learning about our show, right,
is we have two audiences now, we really do.
Like we have the podcast now. We really do.
We have the podcast audience, which is different.
iTunes and stuff, which is very different than our audience
on YouTube.
I mean, I think on the show, I think I mentioned that,
or on my story of the day, that our YouTube audience
was 80-20, I was wrong.
It's actually 90-10.
So 90% of our YouTube audience are male listeners and younger.
So there are more in their 20s where the podcast is more of a 50, 50 split and it's older,
like 30, 35 range. And I'm sure there's some crossover. I'm sure there's some people
that listen and put very small percentage of people will listen to a podcast and then
go watch the podcast. Now, here's my question. I've heard this but I've never
confirmed it. Is YouTube generally male dominated? Or is it?
Yeah, the platform in general is that I think Doug and I have looked
up that before is isn't the platform just use is like. Yeah, men use
it far more than 60 70%. Really? Yeah, we'll see that's got a
change, right? Because YouTube is why do you say that? Because it's it's got lots of shows, lots of information and at some point I would imagine it would balance out or
women on other platforms for watching videos. Maybe women are just doing more important shit.
Just guys get distracted. So maybe that is never going to change so.
They're busy handling.
Guys are a little bit,
but you get off the couch and help me.
Hold on, I want you to.
You're a conspiracy rabbit hole video.
Yeah, I do.
So sorry, I am.
I'm okay.
Yeah, I don't know.
That's also too why, you know,
I don't know how big podcasting is.
There's a bit of a self selection bias.
Most people are more intelligent growth-minded. That our higher education
and more income. Yeah, that are consuming that content. So, maybe it really does well with that,
that demographic of people, but maybe it doesn't get the broader stream of people that listen to
podcasts. I mean, have you not noticed that in your own circle, like the friends that I do have that are like podcasters,
they're my growth minded type friends.
They are, but.
I have podcast friends and I have YouTube friends.
Right? They're different.
Well, I feel, yeah.
And now here's a thing though,
no offense YouTube friends.
Yeah, I love the YouTube guys.
Yeah, I don't, don't fling them both in the,
no flames, I, you know, they're just different.
I never said anything. I don't want to, I don't want to them both in the, no, no flames, I, you know, they're just different. I never said anything.
I think you guys, I don't want to notice both of you.
I don't want no audience that exists.
You know, so here's one thing that I have noticed though,
is that that trend has changed a little bit.
When we first started podcasting,
it was definitely the big time nerds that only listened.
Now you're getting more everyday people that listen.
I think podcasting lent itself well to that,
but as it becomes more and more and more popular,
everybody's gonna start listening to podcast.
Yeah, I don't know if I agree with that.
Really? That's like saying that everybody would listen
before podcasting that everybody would listen to talk radio.
Did you listen to talk radio or you would big talk radio guy?
Well, that's a thing. There was lots of different kinds of talk radio.
Right? I know, but were you a big,
personally, were you a big talk radio guy talk radio, right? I know, but where you a big, personally,
where you a big talk radio guy.
And the morning commute?
Yeah, everybody.
I mean, I younger back then too.
You know, like, I found myself, like,
I would have never listened to talk radio,
but now I would, like, once I was,
ah, like late 30s, I started to kind of get into podcasts
and obviously, but like, I was more interested
in what people had to say, versus before that,
I was just music.
Yeah, that was it.
That was music. That was music, music all the way. I didn't, I didn't want to. before that, I was just music. Yeah, that was it, just music. That was me too, music all the way.
I didn't want to.
Even in the morning, morning commute?
Yeah, no.
I mean, Lamont, to Nellie or something.
I was a huge show.
I would listen.
I mean, again, now you're fast-forwarding to my 30s.
Like, if I'm listening to talk radio,
it was in my 30s, in my 20s, I got a CD in there.
Yeah, I'm saying.
And then as soon as MP3 players,
him, I've got my thing hooked up.
I don't want to listen to commercials.
So I don't know.
I don't know if it attracts.
What was your CD?
What was your, what was your regular rotation?
Back of the day.
One CD you're asking?
Well, I don't know.
Was there a CD on repeat?
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Did you have one that was like your go-to
that you just listened to?
No, I don't think.
Nelson changed her.
I mean, there's certain,
I mean, I listened to it probably,
I probably wore out my, my
tool CDs more than almost anything.
You're listening to a lot of them.
I'm still listening to a tool.
I love it.
I mean, it's one of those undertale.
It's a, it's a band that I feel like I can be in like all different types of moods
and I still like to listen to it.
Where a lot of other music, I have to be in a very specific type of mood to listen to it.
Like, I have to, like, I can't listen to too much heavy metal when I'm like just cruising in the car. Like, I can't do this. That's just, just to try to script me out. I mood to listen to it. Like I have to, like I can't listen to too much heavy metal
when I'm like just cruising in the car.
Like I can't do this.
That's just, just think trips me out.
I can't listen to it.
He literally, yeah, I know.
He literally meditate to the most,
I can fast sleep to it.
Evil shit.
So when asked me the other day about what,
asked my most annoying thing about the two of you,
I forgot what I said about you,
but that was what I said about just like.
Probably the way I chew food or something.
Well, I normally get you on that one. It was something else that I, I know. Oh, I forgot what I said about you, but that was what I said about Justin. Probably the way I chew food or something. Well, I normally get you on that one.
It was something else that I knew.
Oh, I think you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you it's just like, when I drive, I actually like to be kind of in my head a little bit
and like have him in my thoughts.
He's like, oh, oh, sorry.
I'm like, oh, my God, bro, can we just have some silence?
He's my heart going, yeah.
I'm focused.
I'm some easy listening jazz, you know?
I was already, I was already professing that
to all the kids I've been working with for football.
I'm like, you guys need to get yourself some metal CDs.
Oh, I didn't say CDs, but it's not listening to metal.
I would never coach, whatever old guy.
No, so you wait, hold on.
It's your metal mentality.
Okay, this is what we need to establish.
So you told the team,
because now you're coaching the team
or the strength coach.
You literally told them, go home and listen to metal.
That was their homework.
Yeah, it's so rad though.
Yeah, because listen, it provides like a hardening.
It's like, it's something that,
You're not wrong?
Like, it's a mentality, it's a driver.
It's something that you bring into an intense situations.
The more you listen to it, the more you get it.
And I just want to start really like planning those scenes.
Did you tell them specific bands and songs and stuff?
Oh yeah, I'm like Pantera, Sepultura, you know, Lamb of God.
Like let's get in some of that real driving like,
like powerful music.
If you want to get strong and powerful,
you got to really like start like plugging it in.
If you weren't so far right right now,
it'd kiss your face.
That's such a great, and these kids are so lucky.
I swear to God, I have no idea how much they're gonna grow.
Well, I'm on this mission, and I just feel like everybody's so soft.
And this is one cure, metal cures the soft fluffy bullshit.
You're gonna get, you're gonna get parents gone.
I know, you get some angry mom.
Good, come at me.
My son is summoning demons in his room
with the fuck did you tell me?
Well, there's positive metal.
It's really hard.
It sounds like demonic, but they don't talk about terrible stuff.
You know, like, he's like, hey, breathe.
Like, it's all positive.
Yeah, the irony of the name.
That's hilarious.
Speaking of energy and hype and whatever,
we've now been using the sponsor SuperCoffee.
What's the, what's the, the low down?
What do you guys think?
Because I have my opinion.
I love it.
I love the mint one.
That's my favorite.
That's my jam.
So I've been, I must have, I've been saying on the podcast,
probably, I don't know, at least seven years since we started,
one of the best things to do with your calf,
with your coffee or caffeine is to combine it with like,
It just, and I'm telling you guys,
if you haven't done this.
Yeah, we were on that early.
Go do this.
It will make the biggest difference in the world.
When you drink your normal coffee in the morning,
take two or 400 milligrams of theanine with it,
and go ahead and DM me and tell me how you feel.
It's always your tapers that high.
So you don't get too high with, you know,
the jitters or whatever,
and it just, you ride it out long time.
It's smooth. Anyway, so super it out long. It's smooth.
Anyway, so super coffee has that.
It's got other nutrients.
So it's not just caffeine.
It's got other nutrients in there.
They also standardize it so like a can of the ready to drink
is 200 milligrams, which is good dose.
And they have one that has plant protein in it,
and then they have the dairy version.
So the plant protein one is pretty good.
It's got, I think 10 grams of protein plus MCT oil in it, plus the theinein and other stuff. Now do all the products have the theinein
in it? I haven't checked that. That's part of their blend, right? Oh, that's great. Yeah, so that's
part of the blend. That's probably why I like it so much. Yeah, so it just feels, so Jessica loves it,
right? So she takes it, but it's a little strong for her because she's not, she's trying to
lower her caffeine. So she'll do like a half calf, or excuse me, half decaf,
half super coffee blend.
Yeah. And so she can have both.
Have you seen Doug, can you pull up all the stores
that they're in? They're all over the place, you know that?
I've seen them, I've seen them.
I saw them in Safeway.
Yeah, they're a pick for you guys.
Yeah, I get tagged on it quite a bit
and it's not, people aren't ordering it online from us.
A lot of times people are just picking it up
at the grocery store.
Yeah. So I want to see all the different stores.
Yeah, speaking of supplements, I've been reading more, you know, I always bring up
Crayotein and how it's probably going to be at some point soon, one of the most recommended
supplements around just for health. Forget muscle building, forget, you know, strength that we
already know it does that. But did you guys know they're finding benefits now for arthritis?
Take creatine helps alleviate pain from arthritis.
What's something to do with the blood flow?
Like what, what's going on?
You know, it's, it's improves myocondrial function,
improves strength, and it's, I guess it's got
anti-inflammatory properties as a result,
but people who have arthritis who take creatine
will say that they, well, doesn't have an anti-inflammatory for the a result, but people who have arthritis who take creatine will say that they,
well, doesn't have an anti-inflammatory for the brain,
like it was, wasn't that part of the,
or is it just the cognitive benefit?
It cognitive benefits.
And it's got some anti-depressant effects too
for some people.
Some people will face it,
and feel like their mood get lifted.
So this is a supplement I've never recommended to,
like my dad, my dad's got,
he's got joint pain up and down his spine
and his knees.
He's been working hard labor since he was a child.
He grew up very poor.
I'm gonna give my dad a creatine
and I'll report back to you guys on that.
That's really interesting.
Isn't that interesting?
Wow, Doug, are those all the stores?
That's another thing.
Yeah, locally, Safeway, Walgreens, Home Foods, CVS, Target.
All carry super coffee.
Oh, there you go.
It's super.
They've exploded.
Hey, you know, you brought up,
Sal the other day you were talking about
the whole Jeff Bezos and Elon type of deal.
Yeah, I was reading.
Yeah, I was reading art.
You know how much that he donated this last year, 2020?
Yeah, $10 billion.
Yeah, how much, how angry is that make you that,
that they get targeted by media and politicians
and then people who are ignorant see that and say,
it's not fair.
Without even knowing what that is.
It's not enough.
That's what I'm saying, though.
It's like, I can't.
It's $10 billion.
I know, it's like, would you guys
rather him be in taxed $5 billion more dollars
and then not gave any money towards any sort of great cause.
Like I just think that's so interesting.
You want to know something interesting?
Incogniting information.
This is an objective fact, objective fact, capitalist societies with freer markets, which
most of the western world is, including the Scandinavian countries.
I hate it when people bring those up and say they're socialists.
They're not the free market-based, capital-based societies.
They just have some elements of socially funded programs, but they're very, very free market.
When you look at countries that are capitalistic, the freer the market, the more innovation
and wealth that people generate, the more giving they are, the more that they give to charity,
the more that they give time and donate time.
So it's not just money, they also donate more time
to helping other people.
So overall, it produces a more giving society.
And I know that goes contrary to popular opinion,
which says that it's greedy or whatever.
But actually, the numbers don't show that.
They actually show the opposite.
They show that we're more giving,
we donate more of our time and energy towards helping people.
Yeah, his ex gave like $6 billion.
Yeah, something like that.
You know that she became instantly after the divorce,
like I think top 50 most wealthiest people.
She's the wealthiest woman, right?
I think she got that title.
Yeah, she's like top 50 people.
Yeah, and her wealth is just growing still rapidly.
I think they're the article
it's cool to see she's already like donating it's like that amount. It's crazy. Yeah, the
article is actually more about her and like all that she does like a lot of like small
companies that are trying to do like good like I forget some of the names but nothing I've
ever heard of as far as like instead of just kind of throwing it like one big foundation
like her husband does. I think he does one for like climate change.
And it's like a big umbrella like type of foundation
that he throws all of his towards
where she's like hand selected all these, you know,
small companies that are going and doing stuff.
But yeah, between the two of them,
$16 billion towards.
You know what an awesome position to be in.
How good would that feel to be able to write that check
to it somewhere that you want the money to go to.
Not that you're forced to give it to someone,
and you don't believe what they're doing,
but rather you can pick an organization,
and you can say, here's a million dollars,
or here's a billion dollars.
Like how great would that be?
Instead of it just getting taken from you,
and you have no idea where it's going to go.
More bombs.
More cool.
More bombs and jets.
More drones.
Yeah, we need a lot more of those. Speaking of countries and stuff more bombs. More bombs and jets. Drones, yeah, we need a lot more of those.
Speaking of countries and stuff like that,
so news out of China, they now allow their people
to have three kids.
So, wow.
Lucky people.
Over there.
How long was that, how long was that law for?
Long time.
It was a long time.
So everybody there only has two kids,
or is it like one of those things that's like,
it was a one child rule.
It was one child rule. Yeah, for a long time. Yeah for a long time. Yeah for a long time
You could only have one child and there were exceptions to being able to have to
Which was messed up because we saw I mean obviously some of the priority was that it was gonna be a boy
Yes, and then there was this issue
Do yeah, it was dark the black market for
In China for aborting female babies was huge and abandoning female babies.
So they would have a female and they'd say we want a male and they would literally abandon
the baby.
There was a whole documentary on it.
There was a documentary on it.
Yeah, it's terrible.
It's hard to watch.
It's so terrible.
So they had the one child for 35 years.
35 years.
35 years.
And now that they can have three children, people don't want to have three children.
Oh wow.
Because the economy's gone up.
And in countries where the economy is true, populations go down.
A number of children go down.
That's actually quite true.
As poor.
Why are those related?
People are more wealthy.
They're not concerned about having children to take care of them.
They get old. that type of thing.
Look at Japan, maybe like one and a half children per family.
Yeah, so with the averages.
I think so.
And what are we two and a half here?
We're 2.2 or 2.3, something like that.
I'll look it up.
Yeah, it's on the average.
I'll be the point two.
What's wrong with your kid?
That's the point two.
It's just the point two that we're having.
He's trying real hard though.
You imagine living in a country like that where they're like, hey, one kid. What's wrong with your kid? That's the point, too. He's just the point, too. That we're having. He's trying real hard, though.
You imagine living in a country like that where they're like, hey, one kid, are you going
to jail or all of a sudden they're, you can have three.
That's what's so scary.
I know.
It's just scary to allow that kind of power to dictate your just living and being a human
I know, it's crazy.
So what are they going to do now that they want?
They obviously are looking to grow their population now all of a sudden.
I wonder how they're going to encourage people to have more than one kid. So you guys see the the John Cena video where he was
addressing something he got oh yeah, why did he blamed for he got all kinds of heat?
Yeah, because apparently like he was he was promoting some movie launch that he was in but
movie launch that he was in, but acknowledged that Taiwan was its own country. And China did not like that.
And so he basically went on this like, apologizing.
He really weird, like a apologetic video.
All in, is it Mandarin?
I don't know what language it was, but it was definitely like, it was this really bizarre
like China fashion.
Like they gave him a script and he's like,
oh, I'm so sorry, you know, like,
I'm so sorry.
I know that they're not a real country and blah, blah, blah.
And it's like, dude, like you just,
that's a very visible example,
like we've seen, you know, other organizations,
like the NBA and things that have to like move
and shift around because of the inner twined politics
with China. Oh, wow.
Yeah, well they have a lot of, I mean, they got a lot of money.
It's been a lot of money on our market and they have a huge influence because of that.
So apparently it was like almost 60 or 70% of the box office income came from China.
Is he getting roasted on a social media?
Yeah, you'd be very sure.
I would think that more.
I mean, there's been memes out the yinying for that.
So yeah.
Yeah, it's weird, isn't it?
It's just strange.
It's just, to me, it's like, it's alarming to see somebody that's this powerful guy like
that, sort of just bound down.
I mean, I don't think it's that strange or weird.
I think it's sad.
I think it's sad.
It's sad.
Yeah, it's more like, I don't wanna see it.
Right, it's pathetic that you,
I mean, you care that much about,
how much money you're making that you would forget
my integrity or forget my morals,
like whatever I have to say to make sure
that the money keeps rolling.
It reminds me of like if all these countries
were like monarchies, you know?
Like you have to go pay homage to the king and like go like you have to kneel, like
kneel. And then they'll just like, yeah, we take free of a speech here for granted,
don't we? Big time. That's one of the most important freedoms that we have. We can never
let that go away because then you get caught. I was wound up like John Cena. Yeah, did
you know that that when movies are made sometimes in Hollywood, because China's now
such a big market, if China says,
we don't like this part, you know,
then they'll move it to edit it.
Or they'll say, we want this doctor to be Chinese
instead of English or something,
then they'll actually change it and manipulate it
because of the Chinese market now so big.
So you might like this cell.
I had this thought about, it was a scientific thought and it was
back when you know the whole theory of Pengea and like that, I'm like, does this still stand today
because I know like the scientific community kind of brought that up as like a potential possibility
because of the way that everything shifts with plates,
that at one point a lot of these continents
were really close.
There's one mega continent.
And it always has made sense to me
because of all the different cultures around the world
that were pretty damn similar,
but all of a sudden now we're really far apart.
Like Omex, for example, had like, you know,
these statues that like really look like they had African
features and you know, this isn't South America.
And it's like, they didn't know what to do with that.
And, you know, and so I'm like, well, is this something that still holds?
And so I guess there's this whole thought that there's like four different ways that
they think that in the future there could be another super continent.
So just one big, huge continent because of the way it all shifts
and might actually align and come back together again.
So it was pretty funny.
I don't know, I'd have to get Doug to kind of pull up
like those four things.
Wait, so they think,
okay, so obviously the tiktot and plates shift
and so the theory was that they were all together
then they separated and spread out.
And so what they're saying is that at some point
they'll come back and converge.
So in different organized ways. then they separate and spread out. And so what they're saying is that at some point they'll come back and converge. Some might.
In different organized ways.
And so there's four different,
like, I wonder how long that will be.
Versions of that.
I do not in our lifetime.
Well, it says it was like something like,
they move at a couple inches or something like per year.
So it's not like, it would take like millions of years, you know.
Like to even like have this happen
But there's sent a message in a bottle for someone to get later on. Yeah, we knew this was here
Yeah, like finally we're like on shore with you
Yeah, have you guys ever heard read stories of people finding messages in bottles that are like 50 years old
Oh that old yeah, oh no, I haven't heard I read one a long time ago where there was a young lady that found a message in a bottle and it was
It was like a letter written to somebody. It was like 50 or 60 years old and she located the grandchild of the person
No way. Yeah, and the really delivered the letter. Oh, that's cool. Does that make you want to make one?
I feel like that makes me want to do it litter
Throwing a message at the bottle. So here's our board just before.
Just to forget.
So you got Nova Pangea, which is new Pangea.
Yes, you have Pangea Ultima, which actually has,
it's kind of cool, it's like this conglomerate,
but it also has like a water feature in the middle.
So it's like this huge lake in the middle.
And then you have Orica, like AU AU RICA, and then Amasia.
So that's your four different versions.
What's gonna happen?
Hold on, that's America's and Asia combined?
Is that what that is?
That's already happening.
Real creative with the names.
Yeah, my boots on that one.
Yeah, it's already kind of merging.
Welcome to Africa, Europe.
Africa, yeah.
We used to be Africa in Europe.
Wow, Doug pulled us up.
Look at this.
A Perth family, so this is somebody, obviously from Perth,
has found the world's oldest known message in a bottle,
a 132 years after it was thrown into the sea.
Wow, dude.
It looks like it was typed.
Is that typed?
Is it typed, Doug's zooming on it and see if we can read it.
132 years ago?
Something printed, I don't know if that's the original or not.
That is, what if you open it up?
It's like 132 years old and say, yeah, please help.
Oh, shit.
Got this.
Like a weird cartoon.
Yeah, I got this a little bit too late.
Hey, speaking of help, Doug, can you pull up
what NCI is offering for free to fitness coaches?
Oh, speaking of them, why you're looking that up to,
I'm really excited.
So I just message Jason.
So getting him out here, I think he's gonna fly out
in the next week or two.
So we can talk a little more detail about the project
that we are all working on.
So that will be going live for our audience that want to get enrolled in it
And that's the I don't know the name of the course
So we're gonna we're gonna name it but basically you have access to
the four of us in an in addition to Jason on a weekly basis and I know he's putting a masterclass, right?
Yeah, kind of like that and the idea is to make it
very reasonable and affordable
for entrepreneurs that want to be able to get that guidance
from us. And so I'm pretty excited.
So that's a go or moving forward.
I think we'll have the website set up
in like the next couple of days.
So here's what you can get for free right now
that is really cool.
So they're going to give MindPump listeners
an exclusive offer to gain access
to our level one certification,
which walks you through all of the education application
necessary to get of course, good results
for yourself or one of your clients.
Then they also give you free access
to portions of their master class,
like women's health, men's hormone, thyroid, and gut health.
That's all totally free.
So basically $5,000 with the classes and courses, totally free for a limited time.
So this is really, really cool.
Obviously, we've been working with NCI now for a while,
one of our favorite online courses for coaches and trainers.
And one thing that we always work out with Jason
is give people, give our listeners more free stuff
because it'll sell itself.
So give them free information, let them in,
let them see how it works, and then,
they'll either get just great value for free,
or they'll decide to do more.
Yeah, I'm really excited for this project.
They'll be coming out, it's gonna be a good one.
This quad brought to you by Organify.
For those days you fall short on getting your organic veggies
or whole food nutrition,
Organify fills the gap with laboratory-tested,
certified, organic superfoods to help give your health and performance the added edge. All right, first caller is Christine from Idaho.
Hey, Christine, how can we help you?
Hey, guys, thank you so much for taking my call.
Yeah, no problem.
So, I'm 30 years old and I work full-time as a paramedic and also part-time as a reserve
My goal is to work full-time for a local fire department, but I'm really concerned that
my strength is not where it needs to be, to be successful. I'm 5 foot 6 and about 145 pounds. When I use the in-body scale at my local gym,
it puts me at about 27% body fat. While I think my upper body strength is adequate, I really struggle
with my lower body strength, and I think a lot of this has to do with the past injury. 10 years
ago, I was hit by a car.
The car's bumper hit the back of my leg, just below my knee, and it tore my calf open.
After the initial surgery, they weren't sure if they were going to have to amputate the leg,
but thankfully, I was able to keep the leg. But I have some pretty severe deficits from that injury.
My ankle mobility is extremely limited. I have posterior
tibial tendon dysfunction, a collapsed arch, and some pretty significant nerve
damage. I can't push off with my toes or pull my foot inward. I wear an
orthotic in my shoe to help with the arch support, but otherwise there's not
much else that can be done to help with the nerve damage or the shortened Achilles.
I do see a physical therapist regularly from my leg
and he's working with me to try to increase my mobility and my strength with my ankle and my foot.
I've been trying for this job for upwards of five years now. I've made some pretty good
accomplishments physically considering my injury. I passed the mile and a half run that you have
to do in 11 minutes and 30 seconds. I've done a pack test which is the Wildland test which includes a 45 pound weight
best and a 3 mile hike. I've done the CPAT which is the National Test for
entry-level firefighter and I also participated in a fire academy this past year
and earned my firefighter one certification. The problem is I feel like I've
nearly had to kill myself to do these things.
I don't give up easily on my goals but I feel really pushed to the minute physically to achieve
these things. Every time I go on shift at the local fire department here I just feel really
apprehensive. I won't be able to perform adequately during a structure fire call.
As I said, I've been trying for this goal for several years, but it just feel like I've really reached a ceiling
on my physical strength and ability.
I tracked my calories, and I'm eating about 3,000 calories a day
with 280 grams of that being protein.
I do full body workouts three to four times a week
with phased rep ranges, progressive overload, and de-load weeks.
I commute on my bike and usually total
anywhere from three and at the most 10 miles a day. Of
course, my sleep is affected by my my professions. I
work at a 24 hour shifts, usually two to four 24 hour shifts
a week. So the sleep is a little more challenging for
me for that reason. I just feel like I'm constantly pushing myself
to be better physically and I'm just not seeing the results.
It's really frustrating to see other girls
even locally in these local departments
that seem to perform a lot better than me
and are a lot stronger than me.
And I'm not quite sure what I'm missing here.
I even follow athletes on Instagram that have one leg amputated and wear prosthetic and
they're able to squat with one leg more than I can squat with two.
So I understand this is a really loaded question with the added complexity of the past injury,
but I was just hoping with the information I provided, you might be able to advise me
on my nutrition or workouts or a possible exercise variations
to just help me progress and achieve my goals.
Yeah, no, wow.
Yeah, wow, that's a lot right there.
Yeah, so we need a little more backstory.
Yeah, please.
So, I guess I'll figure this out.
First of all, you're a badass and I appreciate what you do.
That's great.
Real quick, I want a little clarification.
You're eating 280 grams of protein today. Did you say that? Yeah, I want a little clarification. You're eating 280 grams approaching today. Did you say that?
Yeah, I eat a ton of meat. I eat
You know grass-fed beef, chicken, eggs
Okay, why so much yeah, that's why so much that's excessive amount that's excessive for me. Yeah
Yeah, why why so much so yeah, yeah answer that I guess it's just kind of the way my eating habits have developed.
I eat a ton of fruit and vegetables and then for my fats, mostly nuts.
I don't eat a ton of processed grains.
So I guess to just kind of try to keep my calories high
and ends up being more protein, but I can try to adjust that if you think.
Yeah, so a couple of things I'm going to recommend.
One, and this one's iffy, but I think you'll probably
respond better doing it this way.
I would cut your protein down.
It's way too much protein, not that it's necessarily bad,
but you're probably noticing reductions in performance
because of good chunk of that protein,
you're just getting turned into glycogen.
So you're not utilizing all those amino acids.
It's not, it's just way too much for someone you're not.
Not to mention the amount of time it takes
for that to convert over into that.
And then you're doing stuff that's probably...
Lots of glycolytic stuff.
So I would take that protein and bring it down
to 160 grams at the most.
And then I would take the rest of it
and eat it, eat some complex carbohydrates,
easily digestible, it could be white rice,
it could be sweet potato, things that you find
that are easily digestible.
That should improve structure around your workouts too.
Yeah, that should improve your performance.
And then here's a second,
and this one's very obvious for me, point.
You're overdoing everything, okay?
You're definitely probably a high achiever.
You're doing a lot of exercise, a lot of writing.
I keep hearing you saying that you can't push yourself past this point, and there's nothing
I can do.
It sounds like you're hitting...
You feel like you're killing yourself going through all this.
Yeah, I've trained people like you.
And then in addition, that you allude to not getting the best sleep either.
So yeah, I would take your workouts.
I would cut them down.
Do resistance training twice a week.
So that's three or four.
Two days a week, focus on building strength.
Don't go to failure.
Practice the movements that you can do appropriately.
So I'm with your particular injury.
If you can squat, then I would squat.
If that doesn't work, do split stance style exercises. Continue working with the physical
therapist and improve your mobility. But cut that stuff down. You're doing a lot, a lot,
a lot, a lot, way too much stuff. And your body is just not able to recover from it.
What have you been able to do exercise-wise for your legs? Well, it's just very challenging.
So, you know, a few months ago, I was able to be doing squats and
queens deadlifts recently.
I've had like a hip thing flare up, you know.
Again, talking about, you know, pushing yourself, it feels like
every time I start to like creep up on my max
lifts, for my lower body, I always end up getting some sort of injury that sets me back
Well, I mean, yeah, a couple of things.
If you were able to do those, so I would also, I would follow maps and a ball, like
follow it to a tee, two day a week routine, like Salisang, I would do for you because of your situation
with your calf, I would actually do heel raise squats.
So everywhere that there's squats in there, that way you can work on range of motion, right?
So the limiting factor probably for your squat depth, I'm imagining is your ankle mobility
in the lack of it in that one side.
So you were an example of somebody who for this reason, I would allow
to put your heels elevated while you squat. And I would focus there. And I would suggest
even going more unilateral work and split stance for your legs mainly because of there's
still a stability issue. If you say you keep coming up to a certain point
and then inevitably hitting that point
where you feel like you're gonna get an injury again,
there's something that's not being addressed.
And to go through that for quite a lot of time,
you're gonna still build a lot of strength and support,
but you're gonna find that your hips and your ankle
are gonna be challenged more stability-wise,
which is gonna be a good thing overall.
Not only that, there's not a lot of benefit
for you to be pushing max lifts either.
I mean, I don't think I would ever allow you to do,
right, at least right and not right now,
where you're currently at, what our goals are,
you know, less than four to five reps on anything.
So you should be at most working at 80% intensity.
So back off the weight, I mean, the things that you're going to have to do as a firefighter
aren't going to be, you know, a max loaded back squat.
You're going to have to do things that require a little bit of grit, stamina, endurance, and some strength.
And so your training should model that.
So I wouldn't be constantly trying to push the weight, trying to see how much more you could live,
especially if your body keeps telling you otherwise you can get hurt. Yeah, I would look at
these the following symptoms. Look for issues with inflammation. So inflammation creeping up in
your joints. Look at your hair. Are you noticing that your hair is either getting dry or more
straw like or if it falls out? notice your skin, is it dry?
Are you noticing patches of dryness or oiliness
in your skin?
Of course, sleep issues.
L habito is your libido erratic.
In other words, is it either sometimes really high
or non-existent?
And then look at hot and cold tolerance.
Do you find yourself in a room with other people
in being like, is it really hot in here?
Is it just me or is it really cold?
Or is it just me?
These are all signs that you're just pushing your body
too hard, too long, too often.
Now, there's nothing wrong with the mental toughness
that comes from that.
You're gonna need that.
But to me, from what you said, what screams to me
is you're overdoing everything.
You're just pushing your body too much,
not getting enough sleep, and your body is just,
you're spinning your tires in the dirt.
So back off on some stuff, allow your body to adapt
because it sounds like your body right now
is primarily focused with healing.
It's trying to just keep up and heal,
but not really given a chance to adapt.
And I bet I'm probably not the first person
to tell you that you overdue all this stuff.
And it's probably something that's been
a part of your personality for a long time.
Am I guessing correctly?
You are, I think the biggest thing that is hard for me
is feeling this pressure to achieve these physical goals
and just always feeling like
Like I don't do enough, especially like the comparison trap is bad one But it's really hard when I look at other girls and they seem to be training more than me and being very successful
Whatever who cares so don't worry about them because not to mention Instagram is a terrible place to judge
Yeah, and you gotta do look what's your goal Is your goal to look at other people and copy them
or is your goal to be the best version of yourself?
Maximize yourself.
Yeah, so here's a deal.
You've got, you sound like, and based on what you do,
I would assume you have incredible mental fortitude.
I'm gonna want you to direct that towards what I'm talking about
because here's your challenge.
Your challenge is gonna be to do less, not more.
And that's gonna be hard for you.
So meet it like a challenge.
So when that voice creeps up in your head that says,
you're not doing enough, you're not good enough,
you should be doing more.
Remember that you're mentally tough
and that you're not gonna allow yourself
to sabotage yourself, like you've probably been doing
for a long time by overdoing everything.
So try that, give it a shot and give it for at least four weeks, but I say give it
even at least eight weeks.
And if you start to see your performance improve, I'm right.
Then that means I'm right and stay the course.
Don't do this when the performance goes up.
Don't then say to yourself, oh cool, I'm in the clear.
Now I can start hammering myself again.
Don't do that.
Do what works. Don't do that. Do what works.
Don't do what your insecurities tell you to do. Does that make sense?
Trust the process.
Yeah, so keep the calories right with that. Make those adjustments to the macros and then
just cut back.
You might even be able to be able to cut back a little bit on the calories depending on
how much volume we reduce in your training. So I'm not sure what the two-day week routine,
how much that's gonna be a reduction
in what you were currently doing.
You may be able to scale back to 25 to 2700 calories.
You know, I wouldn't even do that yet,
because if you're in that state of HPA access dysfunction,
you're gonna wanna feed your body.
I wouldn't reduce calories unless you absolutely need to.
27% body fat's fine. You're not in a bad feed your body. I wouldn't reduce calories unless you absolutely need to. 27% body fat is fine.
You're not in a bad place body fat percentage-wise.
You can perform phenomenally at that body fat percentage.
So I would just keep your calories right around where they're at for now.
We can always readjust later on.
Drop the protein, increase the complex carbohydrates from
easily digestible sources, and then pack off on the intensity and the volume of your workouts and let your body
adapt, allow it, get out of the way and let your body do what it wants to do.
Okay. All right. Now do you have maps in a ball at Christine?
I do not. Okay, we're going to send that to you so at least you'll have that to kind of follow a template.
Well thank you guys. I will do what you suggest and I'll check
back in with you and let you know how it goes. Yes, please do check in back with us. Thank
you. Okay. Thanks, guys. Some of the hardest people to work with. She holds the record for
the question for sure. Most detail. Yeah, yeah. We didn't have to ask questions that way,
though. Yeah. But how hard is it to train people like that?
It's like harder to train someone like this
than it is to train someone who you have to get, you know, motivate because it's like they're taking it all on.
Yeah, that's just the mentality.
I mean, the tough one.
The positive of her going on and on and on about everything was a dead giveaway that's how,
the way she does everything is all out.
Okay, yes. And then this and this. Yeah, even the way way she does everything is all out. Okay, yes, and then this and this and this.
Yeah, even the way she asked her question was all out.
It's like all out of the protein, all out of the workouts,
all out of my mobility, all out of the testing,
like everything is all out.
It's okay, you can rest.
Yeah, it is pretty amazing.
It is amazing though, I've had clients like this,
and when I finally convinced them to do what I say,
and just to trust me, it's like, they're blown,
oh my God,
I had no idea. It's like, I know. I think we're taking a lot of conversations. I think just
reducing her protein and potentially calories is going to make a difference. Three, your body,
think about doing all that work, lacking in sleep, and then also trying to digest and process
all that, 260 grams of protein. Yeah, that's a lot. for a, she's not a big girl, you know what I'm saying?
So she's that much, that much protein and calories to be digesting while you're lacking
in sleep and pushing the body all day long.
Her body's just on over time.
Let's like, dude, let it rest.
Yeah, her body's literally taking more than half of that protein, turning it into glycogen,
which is a much
longer process than just eating carbohydrates, it's a total waste.
Our next color is Heather from North Carolina.
Hey Heather, how can we help you?
Hi, so I'm getting married in October and right now I'm a travel nurse just to give a
little context.
I have a background mostly in endurance training,
marathon, half iron man's, that kind of thing.
So I'm looking for just some recommendations
for the direction that I should go with my fitness regimen
as I move towards the wedding.
I've never really had an aesthetic goal or like a timeline
for when I want to like look or feel a certain way
and to give a little bit of background for my weight training. I have about four years of
somewhat weightlifting experience and when I say weightlifting, I mean, picking up and putting
down weights about four years ago, but I really started weight training about two years ago
about four years ago, but I really started weight training about two years ago with power lifting, Olympic lifting, and that kind of thing, and CrossFit. I'm sorry guys.
But any recommendations that you have, I'm open to them. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Yeah, so how much time do we have again? What's the time frame for the wedding?
Yeah, so I get married October 9th.
October 9th.
October 9th.
And so what's your ultimate goal?
Is there an aesthetic goal?
Or is there a performance goal that you have for that?
I think short term, pre-wedding, more aesthetic.
But long term, I'm an athlete.
I've always been an athlete.
I think performance would be a great direction
to kind of transition maybe after the wedding.
But yeah, for the wedding itself, aesthetic would be the goal.
Well, aesthetic.
That's your focus right now.
Yeah, if it's aesthetic, then I would focus, really make the cornerstone of your workouts,
resistance training.
That's what's going to give you the sculpted look.
It's what's going to speed up your metabolism, make it easier to get lean, and then nutrition.
Those two things are going to give you the aesthetic goals that you have. Now after the wedding, what you can do is you can trade resistance training
workouts for performance or athletic type workouts. So let's say you like to run and let's say
leading up to the wedding, you're lifting weights three or four days a week, which is probably a good
routine. After the wedding, you can back down to two days a week of resistance training or one day
a week of resistance training and then run two or three days a week. But leading up to the wedding, you could back down to two days a week of resistance training or one day a week of resistance training and then run two or three days a week.
But leading up to the wedding, if it's aesthetic, train like a bodybuilder and look at your
Those two things will get you looking the fastest versus anything on.
Well, we even have a little more time.
I'm doing my math, right?
We have like four to five months.
And me, what I would do with you is I would run
anabolic first, and then I would transition you into maps
And then when you get done with your wedding,
then I'd pull you back to either a one day a week with
anabolic with your running or like a maps performance type
of a program.
So that's what your programming would look like for me. And you have plenty of time. So I think that we could do a lot. I think the Anna Bulk is a
perfect transition from what you're coming from and a great place of start shoots. Also the way
we we wrote it with that intention to start most people up. Now technically I would normally
move you to performance. But since we have an aesthetic goal and we have a time frame, I would skip
you right into maps aesthetic. So that's what the programming will look like.
Just challenge yourself,
because it is going to be a completely different shift of focus.
I know for me, specifically,
I'm always trying to voice this,
that I don't really focus on hypertrophy that much,
but when you do go all in that direction,
your body's going to definitely change
and it's going to respond in a different way.
It's a totally different way to train and stimulate
the body.
So just trust in the process of that.
I know a lot of athletes have a hard time
because they want to jump back and do functional type
exercises and things that will apply more towards
their true passion.
But go all in, it would be my suggestion.
OK. And just to give a little bit more background,
I'm a traveler nurse now, so right now,
when I'm traveling with, I have about 170 pounds,
including a bar that I'm working with,
and then I have 25 pound dumbbells.
And the last, like week or so,
I've done starting strength with like the Mark Reptope program.
And I kind of thought that was maybe a good way to start transitioning into doing more weight lifting
for the time being. Yeah, that's a solid routine. But I would go maps and a ballic,
maps aesthetic, and you have enough weights to be able to do both programs. Both of them come with
a dumbbell's only version as well. So they can both be modified for the equipment that you have enough weights to be able to do both programs. Both of them come with a dumbbells-only version as well.
So they can both be modified for the equipment that you have.
Do you have access to either one of those programs?
I don't.
All right, we'll send that over to you, okay?
Well, thank you so much.
Yeah, and congratulations on getting married.
Thank you very much.
Try, good luck.
Thank you.
Yeah, I want to look good, but I also like to
run like to run a lot. Yeah, I mean, I'm not necessarily talking crap about
running, but when it comes to aesthetics and getting lean and having the sculpted
look, it's not the ideal way to do that. It's far from it. Yeah.
It's a completely different goal. So yeah, that's again, it's the same on the other
end of it. It's like I want my cake, but I want to eat it too. It's, you know, it's the athletes. I can identify with this
in terms of like having to then do what I don't really normally do because, you know, that's
what's going to have the most impact on my body.
I think it's because everybody has a person in their life like that, right? The friend
who runs and they have like that great physique also.
And so you see that, you're like, oh, you know, well, he does this or she does all that.
And I like that and I like to do that.
It's just wherever your starting point is, if your goal is aesthetic, you know, to change
your physique, right, your body composition, running is just not the ideal way to get there.
Now, if you get there, you build the physique you want
and then you want to introduce running into the routine
because you love doing it.
That I think that's a great strategy
and there's nothing wrong with it.
I think it's a very healthy way to live.
But people just for some reason still think that
that is like a really good strategy to get involved.
Well, especially when you have a timeline.
You know, like, like, yeah.
It's just be specific with your goals.
Our next color is Juan from Quebec, Canada. Hey, what's up, Juan? How can we help you?
Hey guys, so first of all, I've been listening for over two years and I have nothing but respect for y'all and so please keep up the good work. Thank you
Thank you
And so a little bit of background on my question, it's regarding my knees.
So since the last year due to the pandemic and the lockdown,
I had quite the change in my lifestyle.
So my activity levels decreased.
I stopped walking a lot. And the gyms got closed over here for over 8 months and that was
pretty, pretty hard on my lifestyle.
I was at the time I was following maps and abolics, so I was lifting consistently.
Then after that, after a couple of months into lockdown, I noticed a quick noise on my knees.
So every time I would go past 90 degrees on a squat, I would hear this grinding noise,
this grinding sound that it would be just a noise, like it doesn't, like I don't feel
it, it doesn't hurt, but it's just it's just an
annoying noise that's not normal of course. So I did a couple of things so
first of all I just thought it was a lack of priming so I got into priming that
like it helped just a little bit but it didn't have like the big effect on it. Then I did some research and I thought
it was a muscle imbalance. So, and like there's several muscles attached to the knee joint and I
thought it was a muscle imbalance. So I started foam rolling and I also modified. I took a maps and a ball, and I modified it.
So it wouldn't be so heavy on my quads
because I noticed my quads were getting bigger
than my posterior chain on my legs.
So I modified my maps and a ball, and that's what I've
been doing so far.
And so my question is, can the clicking noise be due
like to the muscle imbalance?
Or is it just another factor such as mobility
at my ankles or hips or just my posture in general
when I work out?
It's gonna, it's gonna,
welcome to getting older, Juan.
Yeah. It's a, it's gonna's, it's gonna, it's welcome to get an older one. Yeah.
It's, it's, it's gonna be,
it's either gonna be your hips or your ankles.
It's probably where it's gonna go.
So feet, ankles or hips.
So I would do,
it's all, it's,
mobility work on both of those on a regular basis.
Like daily, I would do, you know,
two, 10, 15 minute sessions a day,
working on mobility in those areas.
And then when you do your squats and your lunges,
go lighter, go lighter for a while so you can focus on working
on better connection and mobility.
A couple of weeks ago on my Instagram,
I posted a video in my garage squatting barefoot.
If you turn the volume up on it,
you can hear my ankles and my joints,
like in my knees the entire time.
It doesn't hurt, it doesn't bother me.
Sometimes I notice it like when I go out and I squat
and I'm pretty cold.
So if I didn't do like a really good job of warming my body up
and priming really well and I kind of get into it,
I notice that you can hear it.
But it's pretty common.
And if it's not causing any pain and you don't see any major
discrepancy in your movement, in other words, if you look at your squad and video it and
it looks pretty damn good, like your moving really nice, I don't think that I would assume
that it's a muscle imbalance. You know, one of the best ways to test like a muscle imbalance,
like a discrepancy in left or right, is to do something like the
1990 and Prime Pro, and does one side look way different than the other?
Can I do this internal rotation on one side, but the other side, I can't do it at all.
That would point me in the direction that there's probably a muscle imbalance going on
that we need to address.
There's a really good chance that you're just, the clicking here is like air and
the joints just kind of popping and if it's not hurting you, it's pretty normal.
Yeah, really just to be concerned if it's not tracking properly and you could feel if
it's like an instability issue where, you know, your knee might travel inwards or outwards
a little bit more when you're squatting, but if it's just like a noise and a clicking
noise, I
mean, I'm going slower and adding more tensions, going to allow more support around the joints
always, but yeah, like Adam said, a lot of times, like even my shoulder, I do a lot of work,
a lot of mobility work in my shoulder.
And every now and then it clicks and it's just kind of one of those things that you just
kind of work through.
But I've always trying to address it at least
and slowing down and adding and priming and warming my body up properly.
Yeah, you mentioned grinding. So there's clicking and then there's grinding and also pain.
If you feel pain and if you feel grinding, that's something to pay attention to, which
is different than just popping and clicking, which oftentimes doesn't mean anything bad.
So, if you are feeling grinding under the kneecap, then...
These are all dance moves, by the way.
Not that kind of grinding, just that.
Grinding, popping, locking, all that stuff.
Yeah, I mean, do it.
If you are feeling pain or grinding, then I would focus on working on the hip, ankle and
foot mobility every single day, going
lighter on your leg exercises and allowing your mobility to improve until the point where
you don't feel those things.
If it's clicking and there's no pain, and you've got good form, it's probably nothing to
worry about.
Did you only notice this after you put on weight during the pandemic or has this always
been kind of something you've noticed?
No, I noticed it after the pandemic.
I assume it was just like,
I stopped moving as much as before. So I just assumed it was like, you know, lack of movement in general. Was it like just a little bit of way you put on, or did you get like Justin fat?
I mean, that's all it. That's it. We had it. We had it. You don't say, and don't feel bad,
Justin went through the same thing during the pandemic. We had a CGI his his body and I gained the COVID-19.
Just be honest.
His glutes were grinding.
It was really.
It was.
It was impressive.
And that's good.
No, I didn't put on that much weight.
It was just a couple of bones.
I think it was mainly mainly muscle leg.
Uh, okay.
Also, but it was mainly on my, on my legs though.
You're probably good.
Yeah. Yeah.
Thanks for calling one. Oh, you won. You, man. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks for calling one.
Oh, you won. You already have prime pros. That correct?
Yeah. Yeah. I do have prime pro.
Okay. And you're following what?
Anabolic right now. What are you following right now?
Yeah. I'm following anabolic at home.
Right now, I was hesitant to go back to the gym because like I knew I would
go heavy like, you know, like I would have the tendency to go heavy
and like the squats and stuff like that.
So I just wanted to ask,
you're telling me to go lighter for a couple of,
I would say, wait, months, maybe.
I would also consider moving into maps performance
after that too.
I think I'd do you some good. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I can do it. All right.
Perfect one. Thank you. Awesome. Thank you guys. Bye.
Yeah. The clicking versus pain. You know, that's a big one. Right.
I mean, what's that sound? It's normally isn't it? I mean, if there's no pain, it's almost always the air in the joints or even like the muscle fibers like kind of
flopping over each other.
Yeah, and then it's what it is.
The active tissue not really, yeah, respond.
Yeah, and then the pot, and pot is like when you crack
your knuckles, it's like imagine taking a suction cup
and pulling it off a window.
That's what the sound is coming from.
It's alarming though, so I'll give it to him.
But if it hurts or if you feel grinding,
that's very different.
Like grinding could be issues.
Not only to pain typically.
Yeah, and I know, I mean, there's,
it's a distinct different feeling.
Like there's popping and then there's like,
oh man, throughout the whole rep,
I feel my knee grind, almost like you need WD 40 in there
or something like that.
Did you hear that video that I posted a couple weeks ago?
I did it.
Oh yeah, I turned the sound of it off.
Yeah, a few people commented, they noticed it. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, I turned the sound up off.
A few people commented they noticed it.
What does that sound?
Yeah, you can hear.
That's the come down.
The sound of eight.
I do notice it though more.
I do, if I neglect priming really well.
If I do a good job of priming and then doing like some, so another thing that I've been
doing lately that I like in my garage is I have the suspension
trainer attached to the PRX and I'll do like 30 like body weight squats and I use the suspension
trainer to help me stay upright and to kind of pinch my shoulders and I just I bust out 30
full range real deep squats and then I do some priming and I do that with cost X squats. I'll
hold on to the suspension trainer get try and get real deep on one side and then I do some priming and I do that with cost X-quats. I'll hold on to the suspension trainer,
get real, try and get real deep on one side
and then move together and get that lateral activation.
For me at least that's what helps a lot.
Our next caller is Andrew from Georgia.
What's up Andrew?
Hey, how's it going?
Good, what's going on?
Good, so I've been a trainer for just under a year
and I started car practice school about six months ago.
So since I started school, I haven't been able to work out as much as I did before.
I'm just sitting in class a lot studying most of the day.
So I've been putting on some extra body fat.
And about two months ago, I reduced my calories, cut out a lot of the junk food I could eat.
And I've been doing about two to three full body workouts a week
But I'm still seeing the fat
Come on, so I was just wondering what you guys would recommend for
Changing training style or frequency or just focus more on nutrition
Okay, what one of our programs are you following?
No, well that is your first problem just focus more on nutrition. Okay. What are one of our programs are you following? No.
Well, that is your first problem.
Big mistakes.
It's your first problem right there.
I would go, I would go maps and a ball like,
there's a dumbbell only version in there,
so follow that.
But honestly, the thing you can do that will have the biggest impact
is your nutrition.
That's like adjusting your nutrition rather than trying to burn more calories or add workouts
to make up the difference.
And oftentimes people are like,
oh, I reduce my calories, but they don't really,
they're not tracking or they don't realize
how much they reduced them.
That'll have the biggest impact.
There's, I mean, cutting your calories appropriately
will do more to get you lean
than adding additional workouts at this point.
Another suggestion. So this is actually close to home for me right now. In fact,
Katrina and I were talking about this last night. She was like, Adam, you're fat still.
Yeah. Yeah. So I've been, I've been intentionally trying to lean out. So I've tightened my diet
up really well. I'm consistently training about three, four times a week. But I cannot,
I cannot get over how sedentary I've become
over this last year.
And I think that was a lot of what the job is changed to.
I have a commute now.
I sit at home a lot.
And I'm just, I'm not getting the regular activity
that I was.
And so even though my diet is cleaned up
and looks ideal as far as the balance
and I'm not over consuming, I'm still not eating in a deficit enough for my body to really
lean out. But then I'm also in this crazy predicament of, wow, I'm not eating very many calories.
If I reduce my calories much more than I'm also going to have to, I'll be missing my protein
target and I want to maintain my mass. So it's become very important for me to make sure I get out
and get like an hour to two hours of walking
throughout the day.
And so, you know, that is a must for me.
Otherwise, I'm not moving enough to really drop and lean
and I'd have to reduce my calories to a number
that I don't like, I don't like being in the low 2000s for a guy in my size.
I should be consuming a lot more calories than that.
So I've just opted to make sure that I get out
and get that hour to two hours of walking a day.
So that may be a suggestion, depending on where your calories are.
So I would want more detail, which way I would drive you.
I mean, potentially, I don't know,
you could be eating 3,500 calories.
And I'd say, well then, Andrew, let's just
reduce your calories by 500 calories and I bet you start to lean out.
But if you are like me in the mid-2000s, which isn't very high for me as it is, and I'm
training and I want to lean out, I don't want to go down to 2000, so instead, I'll pick
up more activity.
So where would you say you are? I know a couple of years ago,
my maintenance was around 3,000.
And I dropped, I think I'm around like 2,700 right now
because I didn't wanna drop too much
because I got that hard gainer type of body.
So I was worried about this losing muscle
because I'm not eating enough.
But yeah, right now I'm probably around 25 to 2700.
So a very similar predicament as me.
What does your macro ratio look like?
Like one-to-one for a protein and body weight.
So I'm trying to get around 200 grams of protein and then like 20% fats,
the rest carbs.
How tall are you and how much do you weigh?
You said too high.
Six, four, around 200.
Oh my God, you're exactly me.
Okay, you're literally your body, I am you.
Yeah, your body type, your current calories and your current problem is the same as mine. Like literally right now.
So the answer for myself that I'm doing is just that.
I don't want to cut anymore calories than where you're currently out or where I'm at.
And so, and I know that I'm just sedentary.
And so, I don't know, if you look back just like a week or two,
you'll see on some of the old episode, just recent episodes,
I'm wearing my Fitbit again.
I was doing that for the last two weeks
so I wanted to get an idea of where I was.
I don't know if you use tools like this.
This is where I find this extremely valuable.
And I'll look at it and go, oh wow,
it looks like for the last two weeks,
I'm averaging, you know, 3500 to 6,000 steps a day on average.
So then right away, I know, okay, well, my new goal is,
I just got to at least get 10,000 every day.
Some days that only requires a half hour walk. Some days it requires an hour and a half walk. So I
think that's a really good place for you to start.
If you want to see yourself leaning out without having to significantly reduce calories.
Gotcha. Yeah, in your weight training, like so you do two to three times a week, and is it total body, full body workouts? Like what does that look like?
Yeah, full body workouts, just dumbbells at home.
And since most of my classes are just online,
so sometimes I've split up my workouts,
do a little bit in the morning, finish in the afternoon.
Yeah, so I mean, in terms of muscle preservation,
like really focusing on your strength training
and keeping that going with, we always suggest our best program for that is Maps and Obolic.
And that's something that I would definitely suggest in terms of like also, you know, adjusting
your calories, making sure like the nutrition part is solid because that's really what's
going to control most of the body composition, but to preserve muscle, to stay in that strength training phase would be ideal.
All right, Andrew, we're going to send you maps in a ball like if you don't have it, okay?
Thanks so much.
No problem, man.
Thanks for calling.
You know, something that a lot of people don't realize is the type of volume and training
that requires you to build muscle is not at all the same kind of training of volume and training that requires you to build muscle
is not at all the same kind of training of volume
that is required to keep muscle.
You can get away with way less training
to maintain your physique than you did.
Yeah, so if you're pushing your body
and you're building muscle and building strength
and then you're like, oh my gosh, I'm so busy
because of work or school or other circumstances.
And you back off on it.
I mean, you could literally cut your volume down by half and you'll probably lose minimal
strength and muscle.
I mean, keeping muscles a lot easier than building it.
He's literally in the exact same position.
He's not as big as you though.
He's only 200 pounds.
You're like 200.
Yeah, he's a little leaner.
So he's a hard gainer, for sure.
Sure, it sounds like I mean,
if you're at 200 pounds, 64. So I'm obviously I'm more like 230 and six six three. So I'm thicker.
So he's probably concerned about reducing calories. Just like I was, he reduced calories on a guy
like that. And he's going to drop down below his protein intake for his muscle. He doesn't want to
lose that. So I just was literally having this conversation
with Katrina and I was like, man,
I'm normally would be leaning out.
Based on, I know what I'm eating.
I know where my maintenance normally is,
but it's just I'm not moving.
Being sedentary, that's the hardest thing to do.
It's a mother fucker.
You know what I'm saying?
And people don't, you don't, you don't calculate it like this.
You don't think about, you know, in your head,
if you, if you do a hard training session,
let's say four or five times a week,
you're like, I'm active.
I'm active.
You think that way, but what you don't realize
is that one hour of hard training may burn 400.
So you can't care you so far.
400 calories or so?
That doesn't matter,
because in 10 hours a day, you're sitting.
Well, where I'm getting at here is, you know,
6,000 steps of walking in the day, okay,
which is probably a good hour and a half to two hours walking,
ends up being more calories burned and just that.
So you don't really compute that or realize that
when you're training, you automatically just assume
you're an active person.
You just have to be extra conscious of any opportunity
to get up, move around.
That's right.
And that's really gotta be it.
Our next color is Harry from Australia.
Harry, what's going on, man?
Hello, how's it going?
Good, how can we help you?
So I just had a question regarding like my one max calculations on the powerlifting program.
So I recently bought the strength and powerlifting programs and I got to the you know there's like an intro section
There's a strength portion and then there's the peaking portion and I was in the intro portion and I was doing the you know at the end of the
Three weeks you take your April Max on the last set of the exercise and
essentially I was heading towards that point where I got
it. And I put my 8 rep max in. And the numbers that were coming up for my 1 rep max were
quite low below what I knew my 1 rep max was. So Squats, for instance, I think my One-Ret Max came up with like 80 something kilos.
And I'd just recently done, oh you guys are in pounds. Also, it's like times 2.2 or something.
We can do math. That's all right.
Okay, cool. So it's like 80 something kilos, but I know I've done like a few weeks early,
I've done like 100 kilos for or 220 pounds for five.
So I knew I was in a little bit of a like a peek when I've done that so it was maybe a bit lower, but I was basically wondering
do I need to
sort of manually adjust those calculations to reflect what my one retmax actually is or
Yeah, just I just trust the process and just maybe like not exhaust my central node system and
Do something closer to what well?
Okay, Mr. Flakey Harry both both options are possible, okay?
So first of all this is this is one of the greatest challenges of of creating digital programs for millions of people is that
there's always going to be this individual variance.
When you use calculators that are built on the internet to hopefully work for most people,
it's not always going to work for everybody.
Especially eight reps, too, which is something we agreed for.
It was more towards the beginners that were introducing them towards powerlifting.
So there's some other calculators that might be a little more accurate in terms of coming
up with your one-up.
That's right.
And to Justin's point, and the reason why we went with this type of a calculator was for
We knew that we were going to attract people that have never powerlifted before and we'd
always rather them focus more on form and technique and maybe a little bit lighter towards
their one rep max,
then here we are talking to someone like you
who's a little bit more advanced understands it is.
So one, yes, you could totally adjust it up
because you know your one rep max better
than the obviously the average person
getting introduced to this program.
And then there's the other option of actually
just following it to a T all the way through
and seeing what the potential benefits are because one of the things I've seen with some of my powerlifting friends
that have gone through our routine is that they too run in the same thing.
Oh, I could do more and I've told them, like, you know, just follow it all the way through
and tell me what ends up happening at the end.
And sometimes what ends up happening is they actually end up surpassing some of their
previous best because maybe what their body actually needed was to not be pushing that hard all the time.
And focusing on practicing and mastering the technique of it.
That's right.
So either option's okay.
Yeah, that's great advice.
I would agree 100%.
One rep max calculators are almost always off for someone like me.
I lift way more in the low-reparanges than the
calculations will give me and I'm less in the high-rep calculations that they'll
give me. I have really good low grinding strength and really I guess poor in
comparison higher-rep type strength. So these are very-
Which seems happens to me more in like in like the posterior chain and like
glute dominant movements. I seem to be able to do more in like in like the posterior chain and like glute dominant movements
I seem to be able to do much higher weight in the low rep range as well as like my bench press reflects a little bit
Yeah closer. It's general. It's rough estimates. So you know you can you can adjust them for your specific body
But you know Adam gave great advice like sometimes I remember I did this once where I read this routine. It was an old
Adam gave great advice, like sometimes, I remember I did this once where I read this routine,
it was an old Soviet style workout,
your philosophy where you picked a weight
that let's say was, you know, you could do 10 reps
with that was 90% intensity.
And then for like two months,
you always only ever do 10 reps.
Even though as I obviously got stronger,
it felt like it was 80% and then 70%
and then 60%. I always did 10 reps. Then at the end of two months, I went and tested my strength,
and I got stronger than I would have had I always tried to push 90%. In fact, if you've been
working out for a while, and you're relatively advanced, I think you should go in that route.
I think you should go in the route of less, less as more. And then at the end of the program, test your strength and see where you're at.
I think you might be surprised at just how strong you've gotten.
I can always run the programming again to like what's losing, I'm not losing 12 weeks
in my life. The other thing I was thinking is, you know, because I've missed a time a
little bit, but I wanted to pick in this program to do a Tujitsu competition, and I'm thinking if I'm completely frying
myself every workout, I'm going to what my true one-retting max is, then am I just going
to over train and not be able to do as much as the other things I'd like to do?
Yeah, that's totally different answer now.
So even more easy to do that cause.
What rank are you in Jiu Jitsu?
Oh, you're a purple belt.
Well, you should know better.
You should know that max strength
is probably not the most beneficial for Jiu Jitsu.
I mean, for Jiu Jitsu, I would do,
you know, I would do like a map's performance type of routine.
That's gonna make you,
that's gonna give you much better performance.
I mean, you're gonna get good performance
from Power Lift 2, especially as a purple belt,
you're probably training at least three or four days a week,
so you're able to integrate it by
to your end-range ability.
Yeah, I would go, I would do like a maps performance
for Jiu-Jitsu, especially if you're gonna compete.
Right, okay.
Yeah, especially if you're gonna do a competition
because, you know, you know, you know better than anybody.
I mean, you've probably been training for at least three or four years if you're at a
purple belt level.
You know, strength is important, but how, but if that strength can't be applied in different
directions with different tensions and lots of mobility, it's not very useful in jujitsu.
So I would do especially if it's like,
if it's like,
gnawing into your training time or entry, you know?
But I guess the reason I picked the power lift program
was because we'll firstly like, simplicity,
because I'm using like a,
I don't know what sort of gyms you guys have there,
but like a really commercial gym that has pretty basic equipment. I don't have any like balls to throw. Yeah.
And that sort of stuff. Well, man. So I just thought I'd keep it like really simple,
deadlift squats. And I've definitely noticed that has like improved my game, because I
used to do like a lot of yoga and calcinex and that definitely helped, but just adding
some powerlifting movements in to a certain degree has definitely helped.
And you look at comparing yoga to any strength training, you're going to see better results
with strength training.
I would love to see him do suspension training.
Suspension or maps with performance.
Here's a deal, maps for performance.
You could do maps performance with basic equipment. It's not, it doesn't require lots of weird equipment.
So I'll send that to you if you don't have it.
If you're gonna compete,
if you're gonna compete in a tournament, do that.
But also modify it.
If you're doing jujitsu four days a week,
I wouldn't do more than one or two days a week
of strength training.
I wouldn't do any more than that
because then you'll be doing too much.
So we'll send that over to you.
And also I appreciate you calling it,
I know you're calling from down under,
and it's like, what is it, three a.m. over there?
So we appreciate you.
Yeah, I was pretty excited.
Yeah, thanks for calling, man.
Pleasure. Thank you.
No problem.
Yeah, good question,
but he threw in the Jiu-Jitsu at the end.
Yeah, the change makes the whole conversation.
Yeah, it changed everything.
It's like, you're gonna compete in Jiu-Jitsu,
and he's like, well, I noticed an improvement.
And he's like, well, yeah, you were comparing it to yoga.
Well, even, of course,
even our suggestion with performance is a bit much
for someone who's doing Jiu-Jitsu four days a week.
We have to cut it back.
You have to cut it back.
I mean, what, two days a week maybe of performance is?
That would even be one day a week.
That's why the suspension trainer I just feel like,
because it promotes the deep range of motion and stability
and you're still gonna get strength from it
and it's not as taxing as a barbell type of a program,
I feel like we'd really compliment his Jiu Jitsu,
be really interesting to see how he did with that.
Yeah, totally.
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