Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1583: The Maximum Amount of Protein the Body Can Absorb in One Meal, How to Get Rid of Knee Pain, the Value of Digestive Enzyme Supplements & More

Episode Date: June 25, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about how much protein the body can absorb in one meal, the best way to get rid of knee pain, the benefits of digestive e...nzyme supplements, and their opinion on psychedelics. Sal keeping it real when it comes to sleep training his son. (5:14) Justin’s Palm Desert inferno. (12:37) Mind Pump Recommends, Fatherhood on Netflix. (18:16) Mind Pump Shout Outs. (21:17) Adam’s wedding experience in Laguna Beach and their experiences meeting and interacting with fans outside live events. (21:53) Justin’s dumpster diving excursion. (27:47) Father’s Day gifts from the wives. (32:26) Butcher Box filets and the benefits of the sous vide method. (36:45) What’s the deal with the John Wayne Airport name controversy? (40:20) Tales of a professional private driver. (43:03) #Quah question #1 - How much protein can the body absorb in one meal? (46:57) #Quah question #2 – What's the best way to get rid of knee pain? (51:27) #Quah question #3 – What are your opinions of digestive enzyme supplements? (54:44) #Quah question #4 – What are your thoughts on psychedelics? (58:29) Related Links/Products Mentioned June Promotion: MAPS Prime, Prime Pro, and the Prime Bundle 50% off!  **Promo code “JUNEPRIME” at checkout** Visit ChiliPad for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Fatherhood | Netflix Official Site Visit Butcher Box for this month’s exclusive Mind Pump offer! John Wayne's Name on Southern California Airport Faces New Scrutiny MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump #442: Steven Kotler- Shortcut Success & Lead A Richer Life By Using The Techniques Of Navy SEALs, Silicon Valley Executives & Maverick Scientists Mind Pump #488: Jamie Wheal- Stealing Fire Co-Author On Optimizing Human Performance The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work – Book by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Emily Morse (@sexwithemily)  Instagram Steven Kotler (@kotler.steven)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump, alright, in today's episode, we answered four fitness and health questions. That's 43 minutes into the episode. That's when we do that. The first 43 minutes, though,
Starting point is 00:00:26 is an intro portion where we talk about current events, talk about what we did over the weekend, bring up scientific studies. We mentioned our sponsors. So let me give you a rundown of today's episode. So again, we open with the intro. We open up, I talk about Justin's Palm Desert in Furnow. He was a scorcher.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Went down there for Father's Day. And it reminded him why he liked using the chili pad or the uler so much. This is a device that goes over your mattress. It uses water to cool or warm your bed, and it's very effective. There's also a feature where you can make it warm up to wake you up in the morning.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Naturally like the sun would, this particular product is a game changer. Go check it out and you get an exclusive offer because you listen to Mind Pump. Head over to chileesleep.com. That's CHILI sleep.com-for-slashmindpump and check out the exclusive offer on that particular page. Then we talked about the movie Fatherhood on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:01:24 If you like to cry, if you want your heart to melt, watch it. If you don't like to cry, don't turn it on. It's tough to watch. Then Adam talked about his waiting weekend. He's cousin got married at a good time. Justin talked about his box fiasco. He went dumpster diving. Yeah, I did. It's a good time. I brought up the fact that I'm going to be trying out butcher boxes new filet mignon's. I think that you can add them on right now. So head over there. I'll give everybody an update.
Starting point is 00:01:51 But if they're like any of their other meats, they're probably gonna be delicious. By the way, here's an exclusive offer for you if you want to try out butcher box, which delivers grass fed meats right to your door at great prices. First off, go to butcherbox.com forward slash mine pump. You can get free bacon for life with this particular offer. And if you sign up now, you can get a pack of their legendary bacon for life for free. And maybe some other stuff. Again, go check them out. Then we talk about the John Wayne airport changing his
Starting point is 00:02:19 name, which is kind of whatever, you know, how things are going right now. Oh, boy. Then we got into the questions, here's the first one. This person says, how much protein can the body absorb in one meal? The next question, this person wants to know how to get rid of knee pain. They got some popping in their knee and it hurts. So we give some advice. The third question, this person wants to know what we think of digestive enzymes and the final question.
Starting point is 00:02:42 This person wants to know what our thoughts are on psychedelics. Also, we are running a sale all month long. Maps Prime, Maps Prime Pro, and the Prime Bundle are all 50% off. You can go learn more about them or just sign up at mapsfitnisproducts.com. Just make sure to use the code June Prime with no space for the discount. I know we've messed around about talking about maybe doing this without headphones, so it's better visually.
Starting point is 00:03:10 But I'm gonna be honest with you. You know, I love it. You know the scene in the Matrix when Nio's about to learn Kung Fu and every other martial art and they stick that thing in his back of his head. And he's like, when I put these headphones on, bro. Wush, come on. Speaking of that. I mean, mean the matrix Mark Wahlberg just came out with a new one that is kind of like totally biting off the matrix
Starting point is 00:03:30 So you guys might like it. I lost me because I was like, yeah, that's not original really yeah, it's called Infinity I think something like that you guys haven't seen it. Let me guess. He's a cop from Boston. He's kind of Every movie just... Oh, yeah. Him and Matt Damon. Yeah, the other team up. Yeah, I want to watch that movie from Boston. What's that movie that we're waiting for to come out? Is Tom cruising it?
Starting point is 00:03:56 It's like the future? No, it's that dude that you like, what's his name? Come on, that actor from... The dude that Justin likes? You know, I'm talking about, is that one actor that's always like if I if an actor ever played me in a movie Oh, yeah, yeah, I know you're talking about Yeah, Chris no, but it is a Chris no no, no, it's a Helmsworth what happened to all of us through all of our brains fall out of our face earlier. This is so weird
Starting point is 00:04:21 He's from Guardians of galaxy. Yeah, oh Pratt Pratt. Thank you. Yeah. Oh, Pratt. Pratt. Thank you. Chris Pratt. It's the movie where it's going to be coming out like next week or the week after where people from the future go back in time to get more humans to fight the aliens. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:36 It looks like a future war or something like that. It looks really good. I know. I'm actually into that. I saw the trailer for that. I'm pumped, dude, to watch that. And he's in it. So I like him, too.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I like him. You haven't seen that? I don't know if I have watch that. And he's in it, so I like him, too. I like him. You haven't seen that? I don't know if I have enough. What's it called? It's called Feature War. No, this is the one that had a robber going to the infinite. Where can you watch that, by the way? My app all know, Paramount is the streaming, but through Apple, you could buy it, so I bought
Starting point is 00:05:01 it through Apple. I want to watch it. When I was talking about, I don't know. Mar know Marrow war tomorrow war that looks really good, dude tomorrow Tomorrow so Dude I gotta share this with you guys because it's this you guys know it's been a struggle with the baby sleeping Yeah, I don't share just how much of a struggle it is but And the reason why I'm bringing this up, by the way, is, you know, Father's Day just passed.
Starting point is 00:05:27 And I got so many DMs from dads saying how much they appreciate us talking about being dads. I don't know, do you guys get a lot of DMs like that? I do. Yeah, I got a few, they're pretty cool. Yeah, and I feel, it's really cool to hear that. And I guess there's not a lot of resources for dads to hear other guys who are, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:44 dads who take it seriously or whatever. So I'm like, I should share this because when you first have a baby, it can be really challenging with sleep. And then when you're sleep deprived, which Jessica's bearing the brunt of that, right? Oh my god, yeah. Sleep deprivation is, it's a tool that they use in interrogation because it just, it literally will break down all your wealth. Oh, it's a form of torture. It's terrible, right? So we've been, it's been very challenging.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And Adam always says this quote on the podcast. He said it 100,000 times. It's one of the best quotes I've ever heard. And you say, one of your biggest strengths is also your greatest weaknesses, right? This is a great example of that, because- You would also said that. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Yeah. Strength is biggest with that. Definitely. Yeah. Strength is biggest with that. Strength is bad. I'm not even gonna do it. So Jessica's great at one of the things that makes her so special is, and why she, when I first started dating her, why she was such an incredible stepmom,
Starting point is 00:06:37 is that she's extremely empathetic and very, very sensitive. So she's just so maternal, but that also makes it so challenging when she hears her baby cry. Right, right. She can't handle it. So if he cries, it's like so hard for her because she feels it in her bones, right?
Starting point is 00:06:54 So she has to go to him right away. And so it's been very, very difficult because he's now at the age where he has to cry a little bit to kind of figure out how to sue themselves. So we finally hit this kind of breaking point and I said to her, I said, please let me just take over. And what I need you to do is leave the house. Because what ends up happening, if she hears him crying,
Starting point is 00:07:17 she comes upstairs after 10 minutes and has to do something. Well, you know what makes that harder too, is that they're in, of course, you know, both you know this, because you have kids already, but I remember when, before Max was born, when you start researching strategies on sleeping and raising your kid and feeding, all these things, there is literally a million
Starting point is 00:07:36 different philosophies. And so, maybe you are like, oh, he needs credit, but then I bet she can probably defend it with some article that she read that said, oh, no. Yes, and I agree. So she's got a lot of kinds of books. We have it nailed down and you have to do this method.
Starting point is 00:07:51 You're right. So we both don't subscribe to leave your kid and let them cry until they figure it out thing because it definitely, I can understand this. It would feel like they're being abandoned. Like they're just sitting there crying by themselves. Eventually, they just fall asleep out of exhaustion. I'm not, I don't do that, but what I do,
Starting point is 00:08:07 and I remember this, when my son, when my oldest was 15, now I remember when he was a baby, he would have challenges sometimes sleeping, and what I would do is I would go in there, I'd pick him up, and he'd cry and squirm in my arms, and I would just provide a safe space. I would just hold them, I'd let him squirm, let him cry, wouldn't let him hurt himself, and he had to like work out that energy. And then eventually,
Starting point is 00:08:28 he knows I'm there, obviously I'm touching him, but I'm not talking to him. I'm not like shaking him or trying to like, I'm just providing that space. And it would work. So what I did with him, in which, you know, come in my wife for having the courage to do this because it's really hard for her. She went outside, I took the boy, I said, all right, we're going to lay down together. So I lay down and I put my arm around and put my hand on top of them. And of course, he's like, ah, you know, after about 10 minutes though, you know, he starts to kind of in between the cries, you can hear him start to settle down, settle down, falls asleep. Then I pick him up, put him in the bed, and I purposely allow him to wake up because he also has to figure out a
Starting point is 00:09:03 fall asleep on his own, put my hand on his chest. bed, and I purposely allow them to wake up, because you also have to figure out how to fall asleep on a zone. Right. Put my hand on his chest. Yeah. Again, crying, crying, about five, five, seven minutes, falls asleep. I've now done that four times in a row, and it's getting like better and better. So we're like turning the corner. And so I'm like, oh, thank you, honey, for letting me try that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Because it's really hard, like if he cries, boy does that, you know. And again, I know that that is her, it's one of her, what really makes her special is she's like when she talks to kids, she understands kids, she knows what they're feeling, she really did, I mean I remember we first started dating, she would talk to my daughter and I remember being like, oh my god, even think of that, like you totally understand her,
Starting point is 00:09:40 but also because she feels so much, it makes it really hard, but. Now you guys were actually exploring even doing like a sleep specialist, right? Are you still gonna do that or what's your thoughts on that? Yeah, so we're gonna work with, I don't wanna talk about them yet, because if they're good, I wanna give them props. Right. But if they're bad, I don't wanna give them any props.
Starting point is 00:09:55 So throw some shade on them. Yeah, so we'll see how it works, but- But you're definitely gonna do it. I didn't know if you're gonna do it. I know you guys talked about it. I didn't know if you guys- They came highly, highly ranked. We'll see how it works, but it's definitely gonna do it. I didn't know if you were gonna do it. I know you guys talked about it. I didn't know if you guys. They came highly, highly ranked. We got great referrals from other people, so we're gonna try that.
Starting point is 00:10:11 So we'll see, I'll let you guys know what's going on, but I feel like we're turning a corner because he's starting to, and the thing is he associates, because the only way he calms down with her is if he's attached to her. And so then she takes them off, he's like, ah, so I'm like, let me do this for a second. Let me see if this will work. And it seems to be working.
Starting point is 00:10:28 So, man! Good. So dads and moms out there. There's some light, you know, in there. This shit is hard, dude. It's hard, but you're... Oh, it's so revealing, too. Like you said, the biggest strengths are also your biggest weaknesses. It's just one of those things. It gets even more intensified when you have a little one like that that is a complete reflection of that. You know, you learn so much more than just that one thing. Like as I grow up, you get such revealing these other personality traits and things you see, you know, oh my God, is that me?
Starting point is 00:10:57 I didn't realize that was me. I was talking to Courtney about this a little bit with, you know, the way Ethan acts and stuff. And he's just, you know, he hams it up every now and then and he'll dance or something. You know, when we're in the grocery store and all this, and like, dude, where does he get this from? And he's like, dude, you do this all the time. You know, that's like, I don't realize like it's like, it's like a, it's like a tick. I just start doing a show or whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I'm just like, I think that's the hardest part of being a parent is probably owning that. The kid is a reflection of you. In one way or another, and all the way at their age, even at the age that you're doing right now. It starts right away. And you don't wanna think that right now. You're just like, oh no, they're too young.
Starting point is 00:11:37 No, they're already picking up on your energy and stuff like that. And they are to these little mirrors of you. And so owning that as a parent, no parent wants to admit that. Good and bad. Yeah. His like my oldest son. Yeah, we all want to admit the good stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yeah, he got those smarts for me. Oh, yeah, look how fast I'm. Yeah, but you never want to admit the bad shit. Yeah. Yeah. Like my oldest son, right, he's 15 and he can be so fucking cynical. Like he'll break shit down and he's like super like, oh, well, yeah, that's because and it's annoying as hell, but I'd say that's me,
Starting point is 00:12:05 dude, right there. That's so meek. That can be very cynical as well. And then I'll try not to, my tendency is to like push back and argue into bait, but he also takes after me in this case. He'll debate until. Yeah. He'll never, he'll never, he'll never, he'll never, he'll never, he'll never, he'll never, never submit. No, he's, he's, and he's good at it. He'll find angles and find ways to whatever. So I just, I'll step away. Cause Jessica's like, you know the harder you push, the harder he's gonna dig his heels on the ground. Which is just like that.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Exactly. Like we did. It's so annoying. Anyway, do you guys have good father's days? I did. Yeah, I actually spent it in a blazing inferno. Oh, well, yeah, dude. It was a hundred.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Yeah, Palm Desert was hot, right? It was 123 degrees. Oh my God. I can't remember the last time I was in 120 plus. No, thankfully it was like dry heat, so it's not as bad as that. It's not as bad as that thing to say. I mean, it's not the heat that gets you.
Starting point is 00:12:57 It's, yeah, humidity. I mean, it is, for me, the humidity makes me super uncomfortable, but not to say 23 degrees is comfortable. This is not comfortable. I mean, you basically have to hide during the middle of the day from like one till four or five even. Like it's just like two unbearable.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Yeah, I remember living in Palm Desert, because I lived there for a second, and the difference between the shade and the sun is like, like it's unbearable in the sun. It's like you're in an oven. Yeah, well, I mean, even the pool itself, we'll just hang out in the pool. You're not gonna hang out in the pool.
Starting point is 00:13:31 It's literally a hot tub at that point. It's a hot tub, and you're getting beat on by the sun, and I'm white, and there's just lots of factors there that just go against me. Now, how are you sleeping? Because you're super sensitive to heat while you sleep. Yeah, so here's the thing, the only deal I made with Courtney was if we're gonna go, I get to control the
Starting point is 00:13:51 thermostat. And so it was like Arctic to cold in our room. I slept like a baby. Oh, I slept so good. But yeah, so we were having a good time and I actually have a kind of a funny story. Well, so one of the things though was that like, I was, so I had like fans go in the whole time
Starting point is 00:14:10 and I remember when I was at home, I don't have to have the fans running all the time because I have one of those ullers. And so the pad on there is all set to like my perfect temperature and all that. And like, so I have all these fans blown, have like, you know, the AC running like crazy and all that. And I'm like, dude, have the AC running crazy and all that. I'm just wasting a ton of energy here.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I got to get one for the Palm Desert Place too. My mother-in-law slept in our bedroom this weekend. She watched Max as we flew out of town. When we get back, I totally forgot about the way our ulyris set up. No, it was too cold for me. She was just like, what the hell is wrong with your bed? Because one side is like a furnace like his Katrina keeps it at 95 and the mines 55 She's like, I'm either sweating. Yeah, she's like I'm sweating on one side of your mattress or I'm freezing on the other side of the mattress
Starting point is 00:14:56 That's weird. Died laughing. I'm like, oh my god, I totally forgot to shut those off So wouldn't have to she wouldn't have to deal with that. Yeah, it's almost like I'm on, like sleeping on autopops, the way that I sleep. Yeah, like I have it like super cold and speaking of autopops. So did you guys know that Costco has alcohol versions of like autopops? What? Did mine blow?
Starting point is 00:15:18 Are they called autopops? Did they call it something different? No, it's like the Kirkland brand or whatever, but so they have vodka in it. And so yeah, I indulged a bit. You know, I went off the little dieting thing for a bit, but near the pool, I was like, dude, it's so hot. I gotta have something then to have a popsicle
Starting point is 00:15:35 with alcohol in it. I'm telling you guys, game changes. That's slowly turning into a drinking vodka. It does. It does. It was fun. Hey, but however, I did see a picture of you with your shirt off that you showed me in the mirror.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I only showed you. Yeah, what's up with that? I didn't get it half naked picture. What do you mean? I showed you my abs like a long time ago. That was in person. I don't have anything to blow up or anything to do. Bro, I keep that close to me.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Bro, you're looking good, dude. I mean, I, thanks. Bro, I'll that close to me. Bro, you're looking good, dude. I mean, thanks. Bro, I'll talk to Adam now for a second. He looks good, dude. Like, hey, the aesthetics are coming through. Yeah. Like, whatever he's doing is definitely working. I would say, do you remember when we first started the podcast,
Starting point is 00:16:16 how we got real lean for the whole transformation? Yeah. He's about that lean almost, but more muscle. Oh. Yeah, so. Yeah, it feels like I'm a little less skinny, you know? That was the whole reservation I had to getting lean the first place, which is like,
Starting point is 00:16:30 I've done that before, but I always feel like I get small. And I hate that. I hate feeling small. Now, you were at your cousin's wedding, but did you celebrate Father's Day? I did. Yeah, Katrina, and I love her for this. She wanted, she knew that I would want to be with Max on Father's Day.
Starting point is 00:16:46 So and I didn't arrange to fly it the night of the wedding, which was the day before we flew back. I said, hey, what time are you getting us back tomorrow? She's like, oh, don't worry. We're flying out at seven o'clock. I'm like seven in the morning after a wedding. I'm like, oh my God. So yeah, I was a little tired,
Starting point is 00:17:05 but yeah, we were back early. I mean, I got back before Max's first nap and got to do our traditional thing where we listen to music and he cuddles all up next to me and stuff. I love watching you with your son, by the way. I watch you when we're at the baptism. You're so good to see you with your kid.
Starting point is 00:17:20 He's so close to you. Oh, we're extremely close to a point where I think that everybody gets a little bit jealous of the two of us because we're so tight. And I want to believe that I'm going to be able to keep this forever. So as a dad, I'm on this mission of, because everybody tries to say, oh, enjoy it while it lasts.
Starting point is 00:17:36 And then he just takes off and then he doesn't care about you anymore. And I'm like, no, I want him to be his best friend, so bad, but then his father at the same time too. So I'm not going gonna just be a buddy. You know what's hard? It's hard when they get to the point where they like to do things on their own
Starting point is 00:17:51 and be with their friends. So my kids now, so my 11 and 15, right? So they like, don't hang out with me, but then they wanna go hang out with their friends. Or I'll be like, hey, when they were real little, I would just tell them, hey, let's watch a movie together. Oh my God, so excited, let's make pop. Now I would just tell them hey, let's watch a movie together Oh my god, so excited. Let's make pop now. I'll be like hey, let's watch a movie together Oh actually, I'm gonna be meeting up with my friends online and my daughter's like, I'm not really into that movie and I'm like sad
Starting point is 00:18:14 Man speaking of which dude Fatherhood have you guys seen that with Kevin Hart? Yeah, I watch I don't know if I would have recommended it because Yeah, I watched. No, bro. I don't know if I want to recommend it because Katrina and I watch how much should you just how much should you Okay, so I watch it the while we're in the hotel room in in Laguna, right?
Starting point is 00:18:31 And while I'm away from Max. Oh, and I think I think Oh, bro, terrible idea. I'm like and we looked at it. I saw it was trending like number one or one of the number one of you know, shows on Netflix right now. So I tell Katrina, oh, let's watch this. I Kevin Hart, hilarious, like I love his stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:49 So I get into watching it thinking that it's gonna be this hilarious film around fatherhood and thought this would be fun to watch right now, but Jesus, it was like a rip your heart out. It's type of, yeah. There's definitely humor in it. So it's definitely funny, it's got common. It's funny ish.. There's definitely humor in it. So it's definitely funny. It's got comedy.
Starting point is 00:19:06 It's funny ish. But it's based on a true story. Do you know that? I didn't know that. Which makes it even more hard to walk. Yeah, that's really hard to walk. So I mean, I'm not gonna ruin the story because it literally tells you in the trailer.
Starting point is 00:19:15 But it's this, husband and wife, the wife, they have a baby, the wife dies. Yeah. That's how the movie starts. He is raising his daughter, his infant daughter, by himself. And that's all I'm gonna say about it. Boy, boy was that hard.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yeah. And then you see the challenges he goes through. And then the stereotypes as a dad, it really made me think about how people view the capabilities of fathers versus moms. There was one scene that I was like, oh, that's exactly what happens, cause it's happened to me before.
Starting point is 00:19:43 He's with his infant daughter hanging out. and at least four people walked up to him. Where's mom? Oh, how cute. Where's mom? Oh, where's mommy? Oh, and as ever happened to me when I'm with just with the kids, oh, where's mommy? As if I'm like some idiot. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:57 That baby's not alone with you for too long. Oh my God. He got to eat health. Yeah, I got this. It's mom close. Kick rocks. Do you call someone help you out? Yeah, so, but boy, that was this. It's mom close. Can't cross. Do you call someone help you out? Yeah, so but boy that was really good.
Starting point is 00:20:08 It also highlights though, I mean, how many, how many probably dads or fathers go into parenting though, a kind of relax because they know they got a wife. Mm-hmm. You know, I'd be at first to admit that knowing how capable Katrina is, how much research she did on her own, I'm a firm believer,
Starting point is 00:20:26 how you do anything is how you do everything. And I've seen the way she's attacked with every other part of her life. So, you know, I know that I'm like, I don't have to worry too much, I've got to, but I got a good team setup. But I can't help to think that if that were to happen, how did it happen to me?
Starting point is 00:20:39 Like, oh my God, would my life be flipped upside down because I lean so heavily? Bro, I got hit hard with that when I got divorced because all of a sudden, I didn't have my ex-wife there being the mom, right? So it was just me, the kids, and at the time I was dating Jessica, but she wasn't married to her yet. I didn't expect her to do all the mom role. And I remember taking on these new roles that I didn't take on before.
Starting point is 00:21:02 That was a learning curve, dude. Oh, yeah, you didn't even know how to do the laundry. No, that was when I was, that's when I was 20., yeah, you didn't even know how to do the long dreams I know that was I was that's when I was pointing Come on, dude. I knew I had to do the laundry. I called me up like hey bro with what cycle do you put this on the chial bro? Oh my god, hey, I want to give someone a shout out real quick. So you know, you've been getting giving police Like stations. Yeah, we got there's a post office, I got, it's written up there. New Bedford, Massachusetts, downtown post office. They all listened to the show.
Starting point is 00:21:29 The post office? Yeah, dude. Oh, no way. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So shout out to those, to those post masters. Because you talk about their calves. That's, that's funny. That was probably what I was in the DM.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Oh yeah. Oh, you're right. You're totally right about this. Yeah, we all have impressive calves. Yeah, we've all got really nice, yeah. Tell Adam from all this. Yeah. Oh my gosh. The guy, man. Yeah, from all this, you're right. You're totally right about this. Yeah, we all have impressive cast. Yeah, we all got really nice, yeah, tell Adam. From all this. Oh my God, man. Yeah, from all this, you know, from all this walking.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Oh, man. Nice. I read into a couple listeners at the wedding. I thought that was really interesting, which I, so ironically, like, So these are, this was family or friends? No, so, well, friends of my family, right? So my cousin Brett, who, the audience probably doesn't know
Starting point is 00:22:04 this works for the company. He works with my uncle Casey, who's part of the marketing team on the back end. And, you know, I just assume that if they know him, they know he works for MindPump. So I would assume that they would, you know, if they know who MindPump is, that they would have made that connection,
Starting point is 00:22:19 but no, they did not. And so three different times at the wedding, which was really small, they had to, which by the way, imagine this the way imagine this right so covis are I'm going left and right here They have a wedding 250 people planned because of COVID everything gets rescheduled shut down Sure, they have a hell of a time trying to get approval to a place to have certain amount of people and so this just keeps getting delayed and delayed and delayed and delayed And finally, there's like we just want to get married find a place that will accept us So they found this place in Laguna Beach, which was amazing, but then
Starting point is 00:22:50 82 people who was like the limit. So could you imagine, okay? having a narrow down well, and not only that, but you've already invited originally 250. Oh, so you're gonna send out D invites Imagine, can you just think about the stress that would cause a couple getting married. Of course. And how do you make those cuts? Even just for me to, in Courtney, we went through that of not inviting kids and like having to tell like, you know, some of her family members has a lot of kids and then, you know, some of my family members, that was definitely challenging.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Yeah, I can only imagine. What did they say to them? Oh, so oh, I should shout them out, because at least the two, I remember. We did a raffle. Yeah, yeah. Well Adam made the cut. So Michelle and Patrick were the two people
Starting point is 00:23:35 that I met. They were awesome and so shout out to both of them. But yeah, they came up and everyone's always so polite when they're like, do you mind if I ask you a question? I'm like, yeah, of course. Are you mind pump at him? No. I'm listening.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yes, I'm at him. That's me. Oh my God, I've been listening to show for, and they go into this story and tell me how long they've been listening to show. And I think it's so funny and I run it because they're really close to my cousin Brett. But I guess it's not like he's posting about mind pump on his social media. So if you never knew that, so this whole time these people have been listening to the show forever, not even connecting that with him and I are related. Now, now, how does that, because I've had experiences like that, and there's been times where it didn't, like,
Starting point is 00:24:16 it's all, it's cool. And then there's been other times where I start to feel self-conscious, because now we're all hanging out, and I feel like, am I, they're watching me? So when, when this first started happening, it would make me all weird. Yeah, like when it first started happening, it would make me feel weird. I'm a little more comfortable with it now, right? I'm more comfortable. And I think I'm more comfortable because of how much more we're established. It was weird when the when the business was really brand new.
Starting point is 00:24:40 A lot of people didn't know what podcasting was. Then you have this random person who's that, you know, you know, say they're a fan or a listener, and then other people will stand around like, what the hell is a podcast? What do you do? So because it's evolved so much, we've been doing it, that's happened now a few times. And I really like, I'm really happy for the way
Starting point is 00:24:58 that it all progressed for us. So, you know, I feel like it kept, always kept me level headed and never made me feel like there was a moment of like, oh, nobody knew us and then also we're like famous. It was like, oh, always kept me level headed and never made me feel like there was a moment of like, oh, nobody knew us and then also we're like famous. It was like, oh, every once in a while in the fitness circle, we'd meet somebody and then it started getting outside of that
Starting point is 00:25:12 and then it became when we fly some places and so it slowly happened. And I think that our listeners are very similar to us. Like I think we share so much on the show that they're like people that we would hang out with. Yeah. The irony is funny because every time it's happened, in my experience is, it's never when I'm at the gym. Like I've been to the gym a few times. Like, hey, you know, like, hey, I'm from here.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Yeah. Nobody gives a shit. Right? And then I'm eating and stuff in my face and drink alcohol or something. Like, hey, man, I'll listen to your show. Ooh. Yeah. I'm trying to wipe it off. It's a piece of cake. Yeah. I'm shit. Yeah. man, listen to your show, I'm gonna wipe it off. It's your piece of cake. Yeah, that's shit. Oh, this is a,
Starting point is 00:25:48 You've been watching me in this whole time? Yeah, this is low carb. Yeah. Low carb cake. Oh, that's great. So it was a nice wedding. Oh, it was beautiful. It was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:25:56 They are right on the rooftop of this hotel, the Inn at Laguna Beach, and it was beautiful, viewing the ocean and stuff like that. And it was overcast all weekend, I think, called what June Gloom over there, very similar to like over in the Monterey area. But I mean, for photos, I'm sure it's going to be amazing because, like, right, Doug, and that overcast, sometimes the best photos come out of that, right?
Starting point is 00:26:16 Yeah, that's true. Yeah, so I mean, even, and then it was all, I'm in a suit, so the fact that it was, you know, it wasn't as hot as it could have been. Did you get the fitted shirt? Better. Is that what you were wearing? I'm one of the nights. Yeah, I got, finally got my shirt. Is it a game changer you know, it wasn't as hot as it could have been. Did you get the fitted shirt? Is that what you were wearing? I, one of the nights, yeah, I got, finally got my shirt. Is it a game changer?
Starting point is 00:26:29 Yeah, it is. It makes it be different. Yeah, because when you wear dress shirts, if you're fit, so you'll be more muscular, right, you'll have a smaller waist, they don't make shirts off the rack for people shaped like, especially you, you're such a wide shoulder. Yeah, I'm like a double XL shirt for my width and shoulders and stuff. Like a medium for you.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Yeah, like a, so all my, so you look like it's, you're wearing a dress. Look at clown. Yeah, I can't stand. That's why you're wearing the vest. Like the kind of scene she did. That's actually exactly why I wear the vest a lot. People ask me, they're like, oh, man,
Starting point is 00:26:59 you're really nice. What's with the vest and stuff? And part of the reason why I do that, because I look, I feel like I look sloppy in a, it looks like somebody doesn't want to dress themselves because they're close. I think it's on puffed out. Yeah, it looks like I have a dad who,
Starting point is 00:27:10 but let me borrow a shirt, you know what I'm saying? It's like, no, that's not what happened. I'm just, where are you making lots of a lot of weight? Yeah, but what it really is, is just, I've never, I mean, and I get the, you know, custom neck and everything else is that way, but I've never gone and had the waistline. Big difference.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Yeah, it makes a huge difference. Yeah, I've had to do that. I did that, the gone and had the waistline. Big difference. Yeah, it makes a huge difference. Yeah, yeah. I've had to do that. I did that the first time I did that was for my cousin's wedding, and I was this best man. And I said, hey, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:27:32 Let me see if it, like, what the deal is. Never again, well, I wear shirt. If I'm going to a nice event, if it's not that big of a deal, I don't care. Huge difference, because you don't get that huge ballooning crap look at the bottom of your shirt, you, I mean looks way way better dude So I did have a funny story that happened like father's day this whole thing like it was supposed to be relaxing
Starting point is 00:27:52 You know like the kids were waking up help in trying to you know serve me baking in bed and all this kind of stuff I'm like cool awesome and so Courtney was was putting up new Framed pictures and so and they didn't really work out and so And so Courtney was putting up new framed pictures. And so, and they didn't really work out. And so, before that, I had taken this huge thing of cardboard. And basically, I couldn't throw it in our community because they get all pissed off if you put like a bunch of big amounts of trash in there that everybody puts in.
Starting point is 00:28:23 And same time, so I'm like, whatever, you know, I guess I'll go find some random dumpster to throw this in. That's a little by the way. Yeah. So allegedly I did this and I have a friend. I have a friend. He's telling this story about someone. You know, this guy looked real similar to me.
Starting point is 00:28:39 It was like driving this truck and through this alley and I found, oh well, this guy found, this dumpster and took it and threw it in there. And cool, everything's great, drove back. And Courtney was like, oh my God, it's not gonna work. These look cheap because they weren't glass finish and I was like, I'm not happy with these, whatever. Where'd you put the cardboard? And I was like, I got rid of it. He told cardboard? I'm just like, I got rid of it.
Starting point is 00:29:05 You know, you told me to get rid of it. I got rid of it. It's just like, oh my God, I really hate to do this, but I need it. No. Oh no. You gotta be kidding me. It's still 120 degrees.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Like, everything is a pain in the ass, and it's a meal of the day. And I'm like, dude, really? All right, you know, I'll be, whatever. I'm gonna be a good husband. I'm just gonna take this one for the team.'ll be, whatever, I'm gonna be a good husband. I'm just gonna take this one for the team and like, okay, I'm gonna go back. And it's one of those dumpsters.
Starting point is 00:29:30 It's like, it's, you have to climb all the way in. Oh my god. There's no way. And not only this, so there's a store right next to it that was with furniture. And so it was cleaner and all that. Like the dumpster, I went on the side of the restaurant. Oh that's the worst dumpster. So you have like all the shit in the Chinese food and shit. Dude it's so awesome. Beer like spilled on it and
Starting point is 00:29:54 and I'm like look at him like dude this is no this is getting she's like can you grab it and so I had this broom and I'm trying to scoot out and and then my arm got on the top of it, and it's 120 degrees. So the whole thing he did up, it's a black dude. I almost had a third degree brother. I'm not getting it in, and I refuse. And then I'm like, you know what? I know this one place.
Starting point is 00:30:16 So there's this consignment store that always has cardboard and they're like smart. And they're even like, hey, you are a problem solver. So I'm like, this is where we're going. And so we go. And I'm on my way. And so we kind of like drive around in the back and we're like, grab it.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And I feel so weird. I'm dumpster diving. Like that's my day. That's what I'm doing. I'm dumpster diving today. Happy Father's Day. Happy Father's Day. Grab it, throw it in the truck.
Starting point is 00:30:40 We're like, oh my God, this is so stupid. We're making jokes about it. And like, this is really, this is where we are now. You know, we're dumpster diving. And I think taking garbage from dumpsters is illegal too. Anyway, continue. Again, this is all hypothetical. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:30:53 I think so. I think if, I think they can't, nobody's gonna care. They offer it usually when I'm there though, to like pack. That can't be true. You're furniture, I know you're dumping. I know dumping in other trash cans is illegal, but not taking out.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Yeah, yeah, I think it is because people still take into your property. And people will steal, like identity theft stuff. Nobody cares. Oh, I didn't think, okay, that's a good point. I never see someone go. It's completely hypothetical story. But so I get back in the truck and we're making jokes
Starting point is 00:31:21 and I get back onto the freeway there. Well, the road and I start driving away. We're like, aha I get back onto the freeway there. Well, the road and I start driving away. We're like, ha ha, have a good time. It flies out of the back. Until I forgot that it just took form and just flew out. And I start laughing, I pull over and I start running to go get, I'm in flip flops and I'm just like running
Starting point is 00:31:41 to go get it and then it moves and I'm like, oh shit, and then I wait wait and then a fucking bus just Runs right over it smashes the whole thing and like Like grab it so like part of it I could still use this I'd like dragging it back to the truck and we get back and oh My like everything that went wrong could have gone wrong. Now were you able to return everything? Didn't work. So eventually I like cut it, you know, pieces and like made sense of it and it actually worked.
Starting point is 00:32:10 So oh my God. Yeah. So there is some some lights. And then added it to 120 something degrees too on top of all that. Yes, dude. Wow. So anyway, so she's like, oh you won't fit.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Running it. Running a flip flops has to be the most unmannedly flip, flip, flip, flip. Hey, what? You know what? So what was the gift? Remember, we never got chance to, what did you guys get Running and flip flops has to be the most unmannedly Flopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopflopfl He was like hesitating to say it like Oh, it was a big penis punch. Yeah, I know, it's like you could get bigger. I don't know. Yeah, so I got a backpack. A leather backpack. And so it was really cool.
Starting point is 00:32:56 I was stoked on that. But yeah, when we first got to the airport and landed, I was there with Ethan. We're're waiting for our bags and all that stuff. And Courtney went on to go ahead to make sure and get the rental cart. And I'm like, oh, good. And so we found the bags. And so I'm grabbing all of them. And Ethan was kind of dragging his bag and Courtney's bag. And we're waiting there for the shuttle to arrive and he's like, Dad, mom's bag is buzzing. Oh, what? Well, it's bags buzzing.
Starting point is 00:33:31 I was like, my toe face turned white. No, I was like, how do I respond to this? Was it the toothbrush? Yeah, it was the toothbrush. Is it toothbrush? That's happening to me before. Oh, wow. It's happening to me before.
Starting point is 00:33:43 It's like, he's scrambling to like try and find him. I'm like, no, don't find it. Let me, that daddy find it's like, it's happening to me before. He's scrambling to try and find him. Like, no, don't find it. Let me, that daddy find it. Daddy don't find it. That's happening to me before. You know what's bad is that that makes your guys his hard stop, which means you guys take your sex toys with you so many different places.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Well, it's not bad. That wouldn't even come to my mind. I'm not having it. If my bag was vibrant, I'd be like, that's strange. I wonder why it's vibrating. But you guys travel with your sex toys so much that that's the first thing that comes to my mind. I mean, me, that must be my double size vibrator that's inside I wonder why it's vibrating but you guys travel with your sex toys so much that that's the first thing that comes to mind me that must be my double size vibrator that's inside of the way I go. Where's case scenario?
Starting point is 00:34:10 Yes, it's just it's just an honest thing. Oh, it's not that I travel look at I'm not saying she doesn't don't you're in backpedal that's what I thought it could have been that I'm very pro sex toys I don't give a shit I wouldn't travel with them because it goes to the x-ray so you imagine the guy or girl looking at the x-ray machine and it goes through Yeah, what does that look like on the x-ray machine? Remember when we we flew back from guys Everyone flew back from LA with sex with Emily. Oh That was the same time that they did the whole inspection on me and everything Yeah, I had Oh, that was exciting. Yeah, it's time. Did they get up? Did you have a room? A bad exception.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Yeah, I had one in the bag. Now luckily mine was like that cute little wee vibe, but it was like a giant dildo that was flying back with. Because that one, what is this, sir? So it was like, it looked like a gift for my wife. So it was like, okay. You're that or you're just getting used to using it. Yeah, just one of those new rings, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:02 biohacking rings. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Biohacking rings. I read it from what it is. Bang Greenfield puts everything in his butt. biohacking rings. Yeah. Yeah. Biohacking rings. I read it from the back to it is. Feng Greenfield puts everything in his butt. It's so big. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:10 It works. So what did you get? Well, so Katrina, you know, it's funny, was, or like the list, midweek or so, we had that episode where we talked about how I told you guys how I send her stuff all the time. She doesn't give you shit. So I totally know she heard that, because I know she pivoted. So, oh no, she totally pivoted. I think originally the plan was to give me a massage down at the beach while we were down in Laguna or whatever. But our schedule was so tight that wasn't going to work out very well anyways. And I literally heard her
Starting point is 00:35:36 listening to that episode. So, she actually, I've been trying to get Justin to get these chrome hearts. And so, she's been trying to track those down for some. There's sunglasses that are really hard to come by. Yeah, they're super cool. Yeah, and so she actually tracked them down and I haven't received them. I got the here they're on their way type of. She ordered them. Yes, that's how I know.
Starting point is 00:35:57 She's the same guy. Totally. 100% Katrina is definitely like that. Well, I am too though. So it works out great that we're both terrible with that stuff, which is why normally for holidays, her and I just agree, like let's plan something cool for each other and do it that way
Starting point is 00:36:14 because the gift thing is sometimes that's really good. No, I got Jessica got my car detailed. So someone showed up and that's a big deal for me because you guys know how I am with washing my car. I can tell you what I'm saying. Cause you're really into cars. No, so no, but I like it when it's clean. I really enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:36:27 She got that all detailed. Then her and the kids all cook dinner for me together. She also bought me that thing that we're going to hang up in here. It's Mickey's gym, Mighty Mix. So this is Mickey from Rocky. So she knows what a big, it's going to be Rocky fan-a-am. So that's pretty cool. Oh, also, I wanna tell you guys this,
Starting point is 00:36:45 did you guys know, I don't know if it's gonna be in regular circulation, but I went into my butcher box and added on filet minions. Did you guys know they have filets now? Oh, yeah, so I know you're a huge filet. Okay, so I haven't had them yet. Maybe on that immediately. I haven't had them yet, we're having them tonight,
Starting point is 00:37:03 but they're the six ounce like center cut filet. Oh, you already got them coming, huh? No, I haven't already. I just haven't had them yet. We're having them tonight, but they're the six ounce center cut flake. Oh, you already got them coming up. No, I have them already. I just haven't cooked them yet. So we're dig frosting right now. So I'll let you guys know what the crap that I'm baking call a day. Did you ever go get this sous vide
Starting point is 00:37:15 or have you guys not used that? It's so funny, you brought, okay, so we were talking, literally Jessica's friend came over and I was talking about the flays. I'm like, oh, they came because the butcher box came the same day. And she, her friend is subscribed to butcher box and she was talking about the flays. I'm like, oh, they came, because the butcher box came the same day. And she, her friend is,
Starting point is 00:37:26 subscribers of butcher box. And she was saying that the flays were really good. And Jessica is a huge fan of fatty cuts of meat. And so she's like, but it is, yeah. So she's like, is it in the flay lean? I said it is, but it's very tender. The key is to make it not over, not to go past medium.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I have to, that's why I brought that up. Yes, yes. And then I talked about the sous-vie. Yeah. So explain that because they were both like that. That's what, so no, what makes the sous-vie so great, especially for fillets,
Starting point is 00:37:52 because fillet is one of those things that's an expensive cut, it is a leaner cut. You easily can screw it up. And it's also really thick. So it's, your timing is off like most states. You have to get it room temperature first, the whole deal. Yeah, and the sous-vie just guarantees you to cook it perfect.
Starting point is 00:38:06 So now when you pull it out, you sear it. Yeah, okay. See, that was the thing that she was like, oh, that's gross. I'm like, no, no, I think he sears it. Yeah, you cast iron, you cast iron, he keeps the juices in it. Yeah, cast iron skillet,
Starting point is 00:38:15 or you could do your barbecue really hot and do it, but you do a little sear on each side. So what I recommend and Doug can chime in because he's probably even more an expert at this than I am, is cooking it a little under perfect for you. So whatever you, if you like medium or medium rare, wherever that that temperature is that you like, and that's the key to anything like this, you've got to kind of do it a couple times to figure out, oh, that's what I said it at, 129 or 132. It's about to finish it. Yeah, and then you know you're going to probably
Starting point is 00:38:41 sear it for a minute to two minutes, you know? So, because you're gonna do that, you're gonna cook it a tiny bit more. So I would barely under cook it, and then it cooks more. So you sear after. Yes. Okay. Yeah, like my medium rare, solid probably sous vide at 130. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:55 And then, you know, medium rare is 135. So when you sear, it brings it up to that. I'm thinking about getting one, because you guys have almost sold me. Yeah. My only, the only bad thing is another kitchen appliance, like really, I'm gonna get it in the middle. I know.
Starting point is 00:39:09 It's tiny. It is, huh? Yeah, it's just a little, it looks like a little rod like this and it just sits in the pot or whatever. And then you get, they make, remember when I first brought it up, people were like, they make these that are non plastic bags. Just look on. Yes, yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:39:21 So come bags that you can, you can cook them in. So, yeah, no, I mean, I, I think I I I think I'm excited to cook them tonight and then you said rap them in bacon. So Justin What do I do? Do I rap them before I barbecue so rap them and then barbecue? I don't know Never got it, but I eat it. Thank you. Yeah, I just bring it up because it's you know something I want to eat You know rap and in bacon. I'll give you some of that my brother-in-law did the last time we barbecue, just like two weeks ago. He went and got those big green jalapeno poppers or whatever, and he carved out the inside of it,
Starting point is 00:39:53 cut the top off, stuffed it with cream cheese, wrapped baking around it, rolled it in cinnamon, and then drop it on the barbecue. Cinnamon. Bum. Bum. Bum. That's like, get that sweet and savory. Oh, Bum. Yes. That sounds pretty good. It human. Bomb. Bomb. Bomb. That's all you get.
Starting point is 00:40:05 That's sweet and savory. Oh, bomb. Yes. That sounds pretty good. It was so good. Yeah, I have yet. The next thing I'm going to try is Justin's coffee rub.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Coffee ground rub. I still have yet to try that. But I'm going to give that a shot. Yeah. We'll have you guys over. We'll make it. All right, so Adam, I know you said you weren't sure if you want to bring this up
Starting point is 00:40:22 because controversy or whatever, but I'm going to make you bring it up anyway. What's going on with the airport over there? Oh, yeah, so I mean, well, part of why I wasn't going to be just because it's not like something I went and researched and read a lot. I was, this was, it's starting out here say that I confirmed it to see if it was true.
Starting point is 00:40:38 But when I was, I was getting a ride to the airport, or from the airport, John Wayne, that's where we flew into, right? Same in California. And I've flown in there a bunch of times before. And when we were heading back, my driver made a comment saying, like, oh yeah, not much longer, they're changing the name. I said, why would they change the name?
Starting point is 00:40:58 And I guess that John Wayne back in 1971, did had an interview with Playboy magazine and made some racist or sexist type comments. And so they're going to put what was the comment though you told me yeah, yeah, so it's something I think he alluded to the black panthers being, you know, lazy lazy. But that was the thing that he said. Yeah, well again, like I said, maybe Duncan. Oh, there we go. Dunks pointed up right now. Oh, so he's, I believe in white supremacy as well.
Starting point is 00:41:27 No, that's the article. So that's again, you gotta, that's all that. You know what the problem with all of this is, by the way, not defending if that's true and that's what he said, not defending that. But where it's an endless rabbit hole. Yes, and it's selective because here's the truth. The swamma say right now, this is the truth.
Starting point is 00:41:44 If they were gonna cancel people consistently, the Democrat party, and I'm not a Republican, you guys know I'm a very libertarian issue. I go between both parties. The Democrat party wouldn't exist. They started the slavery, they fought to keep slavery, they fought against civil rights movement, they were against women voting.
Starting point is 00:42:00 I don't know why it's not, they're not being targeted by the same, and I know why, it's because they're the ones wielding the talent. They're the one doing the targeting. It's ridiculous. To me, and you can't do this, you can't judge past behaviors by current standards because current standards change and this is a good thing. It's currently celebrities. I mean, you could find some bullshit. Any celebrity said on like it doesn't matter what ethnicity there. Forget that, just anybody said.
Starting point is 00:42:27 We move forward, we progress. Go back 50 years. I mean, everybody said shit. I don't idolize any of them. It's just interesting too. I mean, it just went viral, right? And what, 2019 is what the article said, Doug? Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yeah, so it's like, I mean, there's something that's been around since 1980, something. And then because of obviously, the climate over the last two years has been so crazy that somebody came up and found this and then is doing, it's just, this is not how you fix problem, by the way, this is pretending to like, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:54 oh, we changed the name, problem solved. No, it doesn't do anything, that's kind of whatever. Yes, I'm so focused. Focus your energy on important things, in my opinion. You know, speaking of my driver, this guy was so cool, Angelo. Angelo was his name, Italian guy from New York. That's what my brother's gonna name is baby coming
Starting point is 00:43:10 by the Angelo. Yeah, yeah, real cool guy, man. And it just started sharing some really cool stories. Like on the way there, we ended up taking him on the way back too because he gave me his card. He says, we were asking him, oh, how long you been doing this?
Starting point is 00:43:22 And he was, you know, Uber driver, right? And then he tells me that he's also a private driver. And I said, what do you mean, like private drivers? Oh man, he's like, yeah, I started it up a couple of years ago. I'm like, well, made you go from Uber driving to private driving and what was that transition? He was like, well, actually, it's kind of a crazy story. And then he tells me that one time he's picking up the airport
Starting point is 00:43:40 and he gets this lady and she, you know, he says, she was super friendly. He was going to open the back door for us. She goes, no, I'm not going to send the back. I'm going to, it's just me. I'm going to sit up front with you. That's weird. And so he's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:43:51 So he lets her in. She gets in the front seat. It's Lucy Liu. Oh, cool. And they start talking and sharing like their childhood and stuff like that. And they connect right away. And she's like, you know what, Angela, I want, I want you to pick me up for now on. I fly down here. I'll take, I guess she flies back and forth
Starting point is 00:44:08 between Laguna and New York all the time. And she goes, I think you should start up a private service. And he's like, what? He's kind of like, he's like, no, I guess she has business cards made up for him, sends it over to him, and suddenly hooks him up because she has a private jet that she has six ways with like, six other, like a Netflix producer and some other answers. So he's private for them? Yeah, so that's how it started. Now he's got a company in Las Vegas, and he does this all the time on top of like his Uber side hustle, too.
Starting point is 00:44:37 That's great. Yeah, and she literally like set him up for private driving. And you know, it's so funny was that before this story came out, like I was telling Katrina, like I was like, man, just some people are really take this Uber driving to the next level. Like I get in, first of all, on the back seat, that he has the passenger seat moved all the way up,
Starting point is 00:44:59 so I can like, and he's in a nice Cadillac, right? So my legs can fully extend. There's two different iPhone or Android phone chargers that are ready to go there. Center console, you pop open. There's all different gums and breathments. There's tissue over here. There's water bottles on the side of the door.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I mean, just like, it makes you feel like you're getting into like a limo or really nice executive car that's taking you around. I'm like, and I was commenting to Katrina, like, how professional and smart that is, because then you get someone like me who appreciates it, and I asked for his car to tell this whole conversation went, and then I paid him extra when he,
Starting point is 00:45:34 so I messaged him because of word flying out early. I'm like, hey, man, I said, would you be interested in coming to pick me up? He goes, what time? I'm gonna go 6 a.m. And he's like, yeah, and he, and he's like a long pause before I get the response. He's like 70 is 75.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Okay. I said, well, how about 80 cash? And he's like, he laughed out. He's laughed out loud. Yeah, I'll be there in the morning. So, but I mean, I appreciate that. So that's, you know, you, you meet somebody like myself who does appreciate those things.
Starting point is 00:45:58 And then I think takes care of someone like, you know, it caused all that to happen. Competition. Yeah. I molded enough to remember before Uber and Lyft and all this existed and there was no competition. Taxes were shit. Smelt like dirt and friggin' dirt. And they figured it's mean and yeah, just crotchety assholes. And they could give a f**k. Yeah. And they didn't care because they were the
Starting point is 00:46:17 only show in town. Now you got competition so you have opportunities for people like that to do a good job. Yeah, yeah. We call I'm going for everything. Max Quiles. Today's calls brought to you by Max and a Bolic. If you're looking to maximize your overall muscle and strength, Max and a Bolic is the perfect place to start. With a full 30-day money back guarantee, there is absolutely zero risk. So what is your waiting for? Go to mypromini.com and get started today!
Starting point is 00:46:49 It's the motherfucking car! English Landish! Quique-quique. First question is from Zellen Castiat. How much protein can the body absorb in one meal? Is there a limit? And if it exists, what is it? 20 grams? 30 grams? 80 grams? Can the body absorb in one meal? Is there a limit? And if it exists, what is it?
Starting point is 00:47:05 20 grams, 30 grams, 80 grams? Yeah, I like this question because it gets asked all the time. And because it highlights something that is, it is annoying in the fitness industry. And that's this. A lot of the information that we start to believe to be true really came from marketers and advertisers trying to market their products. So this whole concept of, you can only absorb, and this is what you'll get sometimes,
Starting point is 00:47:29 you can only absorb about 40 grams of protein at a city, or 50 grams of proteins about the most you can absorb. How did they measure that? They measured it because that's about as much protein as you can pack and two scoops of protein. Exactly. That's what it came from.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Nobody's taking cadavers and like, you know, taking samples of, you know, your cells and figuring all of that. No. You know what dictates how much protein you can eat? Well, again, like anything else, so there's got to be some sort of truth in it. That's why it gets, that's why it carries some weight, right? Because obviously, it does take the body some time to assimilate the protein, right? And I'm sure it's, but here's the thing, there's such a wide individual. Everybody's different. Yeah, right. And if you're fasted versus if you were fed, if you're somebody who's 300 pound big person
Starting point is 00:48:09 versus someone who's 110 pound, all those things change. So I bet there is kind of a round number that's close to that. Here's what dictates how much you can absorb, your digestion, that's all. So if you eat past a certain point and you feel bloated or inflamed or constipated or diarrhea, then you probably went too far. That's what dictates it because here's what happens with
Starting point is 00:48:31 protein. It's a slow process of assimilation. So if you can need 100 grams at a sitting and be okay with your digestion, you're going to utilize 100 grams of protein. So long as your body needs it, then you're going to assimilate it. It's not like this, oh, the body's hit 50 grams. Let's take this other 50 and do what with it. Like, just comes out your body. Yeah, that's the thought, I think. No, it doesn't work that way.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Your digestion determines this for you. So I know people, I've worked with clients where they need to have small amounts of protein because for whatever reason, protein was constipating for them. I had a few clients like that where they would eat over 30 grams or so they noticed that they would kind of get constipated. I know other people other people where
Starting point is 00:49:12 protein is extremely I'm one of these people. I can eat a large serving of protein for a meal. I can't do that with carbs carbs tend to bother me but if I I can eat 100 grams of protein at a meal and feel totally fine. I can so long as it's not mixed with something that you like for like if I have like let's say the five guys burgers Which ends up being like 56 or 60 grams of protein for two of these things? I'm fucked up from that But it's because of the bread and the cheese and maybe even the fact that it's not grass-fed beef like I talked about before But if I ate just sat down and it had a you know one pound
Starting point is 00:49:45 like I talked about before, but if I eat just sat down and it had a, you know, one pound rib eye steak, I'm fine. Yeah. So it's literally like, oh, you know, if I had, if I had a half a pound steak and I had it with pasta or bread with it, it would, you know, it would upset my digestion. So I think that's the take away for people is to pay attention to what you're eating the protein with and do you get bothered by exomount when you do? Yeah, and I mean, if you think about back in the day when they were eating mammoths,
Starting point is 00:50:11 you know, it's like, that eat as much as they could before the meat spoiled, or maybe they figured out how to dry the meat or whatever, but the point is, is that you're gonna adapt based on what your availability is, too. And it's like, so to put an arbitrary number there, like, oh, you only eat, you're not gonna, you eat 60 grams of protein, you know, that's too much.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Like, you're only gonna assimilate 40 grams of it. You're way, so it's such like, otherwise, otherwise it would be in cells brought this point up before, otherwise it would be a great strategy. Then you just eat five meals with a hundred grams of protein in it always, and then you can guarantee that you're not going to get fat. Yeah, all those calories don't count because my body can't absorb them. That's the way it is.
Starting point is 00:50:49 But that's a great point, Justin, like the way we evolved is we ate and what prevented us from continuing to eat more was our digestion. So I'm sure we didn't eat fat to the point we got sick. We would eat, and I don't want more, and I'll feel good. I'm done. And you're done. That's all, that's typically the number one thing that should dictate your diet and nutrition.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Is how does it feel when you eat it? How's your digestion? Because if you digest it's off, you can forget about, building good muscle or burning good body fat. You're too inflamed. Your gut controls quite a bit of things. So let that determine. And so for some of you, it's going to be a lot.
Starting point is 00:51:23 For others, it's going to be a lot for others. It's going to be much less. Next question is from Omar Angland, Angland, Santa Maria. What's the best way to get rid of knee pain? Every time I do a squat, it pops, and I can't do a perfect squat from the pain. This is an area, I would say, where my answers changed pretty dramatically over the last seven years or so. In the past, I would say, foam roll your IT band, look at the hips, that's where some of it comes from. Now I'll say, look at the feet, the ankles, and then the hips.
Starting point is 00:51:55 I'd say those are the three places and start at the feet and ankles, and then move your way up. If you just consider the knee as a dumb joint, it really has serves it serves one function. One function. Yeah, so you really do have to kind of trace it back down to the feet and the ankles and the hips,
Starting point is 00:52:13 but really I think that we just haven't put a lot of emphasis on the feet and the ankles and what that determines as far as how that affects your entire kinetic chain. So it definitely plays a massive role. Well, I would actually first, because this person's saying they're in pain, it pops and prevents them from having a good squad, I would send you to the doctor.
Starting point is 00:52:33 So that would be the first thing I did, to potentially get an MRI, because if they're in pain and they can't even squat down pretty far. Yeah, so there may be something that's done to you that you might have injured it somehow, that's eliminating that. Then after I get, the doctor telling me,
Starting point is 00:52:50 oh no, there X, Y, Z is fine, then we can go to work and I would go to work with South, so that I would start with your feet and work the way up. And more often than not, it's gonna be both, foot ankle stuff related and hip, the combination of the two of those that's probably causing the stress in the knees. Yeah, it's a good point because I mean, you could have had an acute injury.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Like you could have had something where, yeah, it put everything out of alignment because of a torn ligament or whatever, you know, the case was that now you built this different type of recruitment pattern that you have to now try to retrain. But yeah, for the most part, a lot of the knee pain that comes from a lot of like, you know, overuse injury. Yeah, and again, just to clarify, remember the ankle is super mobile, so I can, it can flex laterally, it can of course forward and back, there's a lot of movement in the foot, the hip is super mobile, the knee flexes and extends, that's it. So if there's an issue in those two areas, yeah, that's the midpoint.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Yeah, the knee is bearing the brunt of that. Here's a fun little trick, by the way, that you could do. I said to you, this was clients, they would say, oh, my knee hurts. So then I would have them, I'd set up a physio ball squat. So if you don't know what that is, the ball is up against the wall, you put your low back up against it, and then you move your feet away from it a little bit, and then you roll down the ball and come up keeping your back straight.
Starting point is 00:54:08 I would have them do that, and then I would put a band around their knees, and I'd say push the band out or maintain tension while squatting. Do you still feel pain? Or I would put something in between their knees. Squeeze this, come up and down, and tell me if you feel pain.
Starting point is 00:54:22 And if they didn't feel pain doing one or the other, it would tell me it's because they're stressed on the knee because of an imbalance in the hips or the ankles. If you do that little trick and you find, wow, when I push my knees out against the band, all of a sudden my knees feel a lot better. You know it's coming from the hips or the ankles. It's not something maybe internally wrong with the knee.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Next question is from Bad Inkling. What are your opinions on digestive enzyme supplements? Oh, you guys live by these. Yeah, you know what's funny? So I have to. Why are we not sponsored? Do any of our sponsors care? We're working with one potentially.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Oh, are you? I just say, I don't know why we're not because both of you guys use this religiously. Yeah, so digestive enzymes, obviously, these are enzymes that help break down foods. If you're for the most part, you can taste this. For the most part,
Starting point is 00:55:08 you probably don't, most people don't need them, but in certain cases, they can make a big difference, especially if you're somebody that tends to have gut issues. Here's one, it's not a digestive enzyme, but it has tremendous value,
Starting point is 00:55:20 especially for people who tend to have acid reflux or gird, heartburn, that kind of stuff, HCl, HCl, which I think was at Stanford, hydrochloric acid. Look at hydrochloric acid. Is that what it is? Okay. So this is essentially the acid that is produced in the stomach that helps break things down.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Oftentimes when people have acid reflux, it's not because they have too little acid, but I'm excusing me too much acid, it's rather because they have too little acid, but I'm excuse me, too much acid is rather because they have too little acid. Yeah, the timings all right. Yeah, so you take HCL right when you eat, especially high protein meal, and all of a sudden you find that it tends to solve issues. Also having low acid levels can contribute to things like SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, and other types of issues. So I like HCL for people. And then the digestive enzymes, you know when that helps, is when if you notice that if you eat,
Starting point is 00:56:09 let's say more often than not, so where I notice it, somebody will eat a high fat meal and they'll feel nauseous or a little bloated, especially for people who have their gallbladder removed. Take the fat, the enzymes that break down fat. So light paste and I think that's the main one. Take that with your meals, see if you notice a big difference.
Starting point is 00:56:28 I've had clients have a lot of success with those. So I think I've asked this before in the podcast, but have you explained it again? Because when I hear the digestive enzymes, it reminds me very similar to a prebiotic. How different are they? What's the main difference between a prebiotic and a digestive enzyme?
Starting point is 00:56:44 So prebiotics are things that feed bacteria. And then there's probiotics which are actually bacteria. Enzymes are totally different. Enzymes literally are, think of it this way. They cut back at the bacteria. Yeah, or things that are feeding the bacteria. If it's the acid. No, not the bacteria. HCl will do that. That's why I mean if it's the acid pills.
Starting point is 00:57:02 But the enzymes themselves are what are used to break down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. So, and your body produces them themselves naturally. But some people produce like low amounts of certain ones, so supplementing with enzymes can help. So, people who sometimes feel, can you do that in combination then with a pre-body? It's not, it's not. No, they don't conflict with each other.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Okay. Now, here's not, it's not. No, okay. No, they don't conflict with each other. Okay. Now, here's where I see the benefit. If you're really pushing your protein intake and you're noticing that maybe it's affecting your digestion a little bit and you're like, oh man, I know, I want to eat this high protein but my debt just a little bit off. Try taking digestive enzymes.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Well, I've noticed it. So I mean, I add of the three of us, I pretty much almost never use it But I have played with it a couple times because you guys bring it up to the Tahoe House all the time and I Was about I think it was one night. I was gonna have ice cream where I was gonna have bread or something I know that normally would bother me and I took one of your guys is to see and I didn't notice a difference like it It I felt like it mitigated the the the below and the up how my stomach would be upset a little bit afterwards I felt like it mitigated the below and the up, how my stomach would be upset a little bit afterwards. I felt like it minimized that, right?
Starting point is 00:58:07 In person. Now here's something else that's interesting about some of these enzymes. So, bromelain can be used as an enzyme to help break down proteins. If you take bromelain on its own, on an empty stomach, however, it's anti-inflammatory. Very anti-inflammatory.
Starting point is 00:58:21 It's very, very remarkable. Does that blow out with swelling? I'm just kidding. Yes, dude. It's like one of the most effective anti-inflammatories I've ever used,. Does hell a lot was swallowing, I'm just kidding. Yes, dude, it's like one of the most effective anti-inflammatories I've ever used, but you have to take it on empty stomach. Next question is from Audrey Smith 19.
Starting point is 00:58:31 What are your thoughts on psychedelics? Oh, gosh. Oh, yeah. Psychedelics. Yeah, it seems that this hasn't been as big of a conversation in our space. I don't know, like it was, it was huge, right?
Starting point is 00:58:43 It was like, everybody's doing these retreats and having these like totally crazy epiphanies that they're coming back with. And now of a sudden, it's not as much in the news. I think that we, you know, I'm gonna speak for us. You guys can correct me if you disagree, but I feel like for the most part, used responsibly, we've been pretty pro with the stuff that's
Starting point is 00:59:06 coming out around psychedelics. Now I think that we took a stance early on to not talk about it because we were annoyed by the fitness space. I feel like, you know, we were, what, four years ago, maybe more when we had Stephen Kotler on the show, we had Jamie Wheel on the show, which wrote Stealing Fire and Rise of Superman, which they talk about, the use of microdosing in psychedelics inside there. Yeah, so I think we're all very fascinated
Starting point is 00:59:34 with the research that's around that, and think used in the right environment can be an incredible tool, but like any other tool can also be abused. And what we saw in the fitness space around the same time that we were kind of reading and going through all this is just it became this trendy hip thing to go get high and bang hello girls and do and like get everybody
Starting point is 00:59:54 on psychedelics and retreats. And then trying to wrap in spiritualism on top of that. Which that's all we saw. But yeah, there's, there is a lot of value in them and there's the powerful tools. And it's cool to see what they're doing in terms of like psilocybin and some of the research there where they're actually helping brain injuries
Starting point is 01:00:16 and ways to address things like that and also to treat psychiatric disorders. and also the treat, you know, like... Psychiatric disorder. Psychiatric disorder. Yeah, no, the research on psychedelics continues to come out and it's remarkable. But here's what's very clear, they need to be really respected, like very, very respected.
Starting point is 01:00:38 I think because they've been so illegal for so long, which was stupid, this was a dumb policy by the US government. By the way, the US government's scheduled drugs specifically to go after the counter-cultured hippies. Yes, the 60s and 70s, they were counter-culture protesting the war, it was a big deal. And they said, how can we throw these people in jail
Starting point is 01:00:58 for expressing their liberty of protesting? I know, let's make the drugs they use the most illegal. So if you look at the scheduling of drugs, the worst punishments federally were like marijuana, mushrooms, LSD, right? Which, by the way, those all tend to be the least addictive and safest in terms of physical potential effects, right? You know, other drugs like cocaine and whatnot
Starting point is 01:01:20 can be way more dangerous, further down the scheduling. But anyway, what that did, which was terrible, the side effect of that is because they were scheduled so illegal, there were no studies done on them. You had a lot of studies that were done in the 60s, early 60s, then they were scheduled as super illegal done. And so the problem is, in American psyche, is we view psychedelics, either as,
Starting point is 01:01:42 oh my God, super scary, or it's no big deal, they're super fun. This is what I did when I was a hippie or when I was hanging out. And this is so wrong. They're very, so far the research is very clear. They can be very effective to treat certain psychiatric disorders depression,
Starting point is 01:01:57 post-traumatic stress disorder. So crazy, at the stat, I believe, is like 80 or 90% of all. Sure, yeah. It's crazy. After one visit, I think. Yes, but here's the stat, I believe, is like 80 or 90% of all of it. Sure, right. Yeah. It's crazy. After one visit, I think. Yes, but here's the thing. It's done with a therapist who's an expert in the right environment, and the person is
Starting point is 01:02:14 being closely monitored. These aren't people doing it in the field with their friends or at a rave or at some music festival. Because something this powerful that can potentially help solve post-traumatic stress can also cause it. There's been many cases of people giving themselves post-traumatic stress from taking too much mushrooms or acid and it causing problems. So it needs to be respected, but the science is remarkable.
Starting point is 01:02:39 And I've said this early in the podcast, I'll say it again. I think that we're going gonna see psychiatric medical breakthroughs in the next 20 to 30 years that are gonna, they're gonna be complete breakthroughs. They're gonna blow away anything that we've done in terms of antidepressants or any other treatments. It's gonna be crazy. Now, help me understand the science a little bit about this
Starting point is 01:03:00 because if I understand this correctly, the reason why it's so beneficial for these types of clients is, and what happens, right, when you've had trauma in your life is you can't get away from that trauma. Cause repeating in your brain, repeating in your brain, and one of the things that the psilocybin is known for is to open up new pathways in the brain. So you make new connections in the brain.
Starting point is 01:03:24 So is that, is alter state of consciousness? Is that what is happening? Is it disrupting this negative pattern of thinking about the war or thinking about these bad things, the traumatic things that have happened, and then they take the psilocybin and then it opens up new pathways for them to... Physiologically, that's what they seem to see,
Starting point is 01:03:40 is that the brain starts to rewire as what they'll say. But psychologically, so far, the best explanations that I've heard in my opinion are, let's say you were in war and in war, you see terrible things, something happened, or you did, this is where it really gets hard, you did something. That's terrible that you can't reconcile because you consider yourself a good person, you consider yourself honest, then you're in war, some kid is running out, you with a grenade, something terrible, you blow them away,
Starting point is 01:04:10 and now you can't reconcile that. And the challenge isn't that you relive it necessarily in your head, but rather, you can't revisit it to process it. So you're so, I can't think of it, I can't reconcile it, you avoid it, and it causes all these problems. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:24 And what they're saying psychologically is people will be given either MDMA or cytosybin, is that there are this super empathetic state of mind where they can go in, relive this terrible thought or this terrible thing that happened, revisit it and process it. They actually find the will to process it through and it can be very challenging They actually find the will to process it through, and it can be very challenging,
Starting point is 01:04:47 but they're able to process it through, because when you have unprocessed feelings, that's when shit really gets really hard. So that's the best explanation that I've heard so far. Yeah, I mean, I had such a unique experience with Katrina. So I convinced her at one point to do a microdose with me. And the intention was we were out at the beach and we were going to be in nature, spending the whole entire day together. And at this point, we've been together at nine or ten years,
Starting point is 01:05:17 somewhere around there together. And I like to think we have a very good, strong relationship with communication. Like, her and I talk about everything and if there's ever anything going on with one of us, like we don't let it fester, we talk about it, whatever. And there's been something in our relationship that has always been really hard for us to see. I don't, it's just one of those things that we've just kind of agreed, like, oh, agreed to disagree to have a deal. And it's something that's really not that big of a deal.
Starting point is 01:05:45 It's something that's small is, I have this drive for us to reach a certain place of success financially. And her greatest fear in the relationship was that that will never end for me or that my drive for that is more selfish than it is for us, right? That it's, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:03 oh, you have this thing that goes back to your childhood and you just, you want things and you don't, we'll never, you'll never stop. You're never gonna be satisfied. That's right, that's right. And so that's kind of like her thing. And I've tried to explain it a hundred different ways to get her to understand me and that, no, this is not it.
Starting point is 01:06:18 And how can you say that? After all these years we've been together, and every time I tell you I have a plan or this is what I'm trying to do, I follow through and then, you know then I move on from her whatever. And we did, we had this incredible breakthrough where I mean she was all emotional and crying and got me all emotional and crying and she looked at me and I'll never forget to look in her face when she looked me in the eyes and said like, I understand.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Like she goes, I understand and I get it now. Like I could never see it before. And it wasn't like she was like, oh, the shrooms are doing this with that. It was, we were not even thinking about it. We took a microdose, it was hours earlier. It's a super intense connection. Yeah, we were just having a,
Starting point is 01:06:56 open, yeah, yeah, having a great conversation and we were sharing all kinds of different things. And at that point, not even thinking about what we had done hours earlier, and then it kind of just led down this pathway, it got to a place where, and again, we didn't do it with like, oh, we're gonna talk about our problem.
Starting point is 01:07:12 Like that wasn't even a conversation anytime recent that we had had that, but it naturally surfaced that day. And then we went so deep into conversation around it that I felt like we solved something that has been in, that we have never really saw eye to eye in in almost 10 years in our relationship. And so that for me was I was forever sold on the power of it.
Starting point is 01:07:32 That being said, I can also, I've done it less than, I want to say less than five times, definitely less than 10 times. So somewhere between, you know, three and seven times at the most, I've done it, right? And I think that it's something like anything else that you could easily go down this addictive, even though there doesn't have addictive problems. You can abuse it really. You can escape. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Well, and it was an incredible experience. So I could see people chasing that experience all the time. But like, so Katrina's family are big into like shaman and stuff like that. And what they would say about somebody that is the real power in these, these, these drugs is not the actual experience itself, but it's the work that you do from the inspiration. That's right. So, and what I see a lot of people doing in the fitness space is chasing the experience versus, oh my God, I had this huge breakthrough. Now, let me go back and put
Starting point is 01:08:24 it, put it to work and work on it in my life, versus always kind of chasing the high. Yeah, that's, you know what that reminds me of? Have you guys ever seen that sculpture? I think it was that burning man years ago, with the famous sculpture of two adults, the man and a woman,
Starting point is 01:08:38 and they're backstriing against each other, and you can tell that they're angry and pissed and they're like facing away. And then on the inside, they're like reaching for each other. Yeah, the inside is two children. Oh, that's good. And the two children are trying so hard
Starting point is 01:08:49 to touch each other and it reminds me of that. Like you have so much built up that when you're trying to talk to your partner that sometimes it takes just to get out of that. Just get out of that space. Sometimes it means you gotta just go somewhere else or maybe take a microdose mushroom, but it's like, you get out of your own way. Otherwise, it's like, you can't
Starting point is 01:09:10 get through. Well, yeah, and I think that we try to analyze all the time. I don't know, is the prefrontal cortex, we're just always in that sort of state of mind of rationalizing everything, whereas this sort of just flips the table upside down and it's like, oh, wow, whereas this sort of just like flips the table upside down and it's like, oh, wow, you just kind of think a bit differently and see things from a different perspective. So I see value in it from that, but again, like it's a very, very powerful tool. You got to be careful.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Awesome. Look, if you like our content, you got to head over to mindpumpfree.com because you have lots of free stuff that we give away all the time. These are free guides, free information, everything from Burning Fat to building muscle against MindPumpFree.com. You can also find all of us on Instagram. So if you want to find this personally, you can find Justin at MindPump Justin, me at MindPumpSal and Adam at MindPumpAdum.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballac, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having
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