Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 161: Best deadlifting grip, periodization, lifting while pregnant & MORE

Episode Date: October 7, 2015

In this week's Q & A, Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about recovering from injury, the best grip for deadlifting heavy weight, tailoring lifting while pregnant, linear v. undulating per...iodization and wrist pain while squatting. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, ob-mite, up with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Hey guys, I have a snarfit. I learned something interesting the other day, and I doubt it. No, really, this is interesting. Pretty sure he's making it up. Well, let me ask you guys a question. Is it weird to pee in the shower? No, I pee in the shower every day see this is what I was saying so I so so this subject came up
Starting point is 00:00:32 I don't know how in the gym that I work at except doing my kids toys are in there That's the only time this I love her. Yeah, I piss on your toy the fuckers I'll piss off and shit. I'm not evil. Kids are acting up at night. Like don't worry son, when I go to bed, I go take a shower to that. I'll piss all over your toys.
Starting point is 00:00:51 No, it's, we came up in the gym, working the other day, and people are like, oh, you're peeing the shower. I'm like, it's just, yeah. You wash your ass in the shower. My pee is cleaning in your ass. Then the water comes off your butt Yeah, you're on the bathroom thing. I find this strange
Starting point is 00:01:09 He's like this is my world So no no what I do what I do do that people find is very what I do do I Yeah, what I do do What I don't do actually is I don't wash my hands after I go pee What I don't do actually is I don't wash my hands after I go pee Mitting this I come you know I have a theory behind this. Okay, first of all I don't know about you fox I'm not shaking your hand. Well, I don't know about you two fox But the cleanest part of my entire body for sure is my dick for sure Not after you've been working out your gym rod
Starting point is 00:01:40 No, you're talking to the guy who showers three times a day and carries fucking baby I just trust me my fucking dick and my balls are the cleanest part of my body all the time all the time super clean All right, so I find that weird you might be right. I find that weird if you know what it probably makes sense to wash your heads before you Pete exactly yeah, I will you don't want to get your death I do I do when I'm in the gym when I'm working out the gym and I'm catching all kinds of fucking bacteria and stuff like that I why go in the bathroom people probably think I'm weird I should wash my hands and then I go be and then I walk right I just think you have dyslexia I find it wrong. I find it backwards that we do that. I think it's weird. So you watch hands after poop.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Yes. That's different. But after you pee, you don't. No, after you. You know what though, I noticed that, because when we go all go to the bathroom together, because we'll do this with a cord in between episodes, none of us watch our hands after time.
Starting point is 00:02:38 And then if one of us does, then the rest of us, I totally do. The rest of us do because we feel like we're obligated. Yeah. Shut up, Justin. And it's, I don't watch every time. I totally do. The rest of us do because we feel like we're obligated. Yeah, shut up, Justin. I don't watch every time. I watch you. I know you watch. Let me smell your hands.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Explain to me though. Explain to me. Explain to me. Why would you, if that area is the cleanest area on your body, if it's the cleanest area? Well, because I think Dix can carry disease. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:03 What? You can carry disease. Like, what if you have like, what if you have like herpes or something? Well, if you don't and you have a clean, if you got like big legs, there's a lot of friction and it gets swampy. What about that? So if you get swampy, swampy. You really, if you're somebody okay, so this is, I'm not exaggerating. I shower at least three times a day and in between you clean your dick Also, yeah, yeah, so right right now you could put your hand down my hands Swipe my balls and then smell your finger and I guarantee it smells fucking fresh It smells like that perfume probably will do that. But yeah, what's that?
Starting point is 00:03:42 It's Arctic breeze Yeah, what's up? It's a great I get some best Dude, it's the best. I was gonna say the nerdy South Isn't there something to like the too many showers effect right with your Microbi bacteria that lives on your skin? Yeah, it can actually let's let's talk about that. It can actually promote the growth of certain bacteria because you consistently and constantly are killing.
Starting point is 00:04:07 There's a sort of hippie told me. Yeah, you need to have a certain level of like the oils in your hair protect your hair. So this is whole, they call it the no poo movement where people don't shampoo. They just wash your hair with water. That's a horrible name for the movement. No poo, no, I'm just gonna hold it.
Starting point is 00:04:22 It's like, I'm not gonna poo anymore. It doesn fucking sound good Um, but yeah, I mean showering daily is probably it's probably okay, but fuck three four times a day three times a day every day Damn every day. That's why your boss is also good. Yeah, I Do know that about your I only I only shampoo and wash my hair though once a day So I do know that about the oils and I know that's important. And it's probably why actually my psoriasis tends to flare up on my skin because I do shower. A lot.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Yeah. You know what though, I would have to say if I were to bet money on the part of the body that men spend the most time soaping and lathering. It's a triangle of doom. It's 100%. I would bet my home on this. I bet any man listening right now, every man listening is nodding his head going, yep, that's the first, that's where I spend the most time washing. If you have a lufa, it's just going, oh my balls. Just in case I state your house. It's good to know.
Starting point is 00:05:25 You know, you know, you know, that's where it's going. Use the plummet stone. You know, it just stays in that. I have to make sure I'm gonna be a fresh towel and a fresh lufa on your bed. Here you go. Just here. This is for the week. Ascle. Yeah. P before you go in the shower. Don't put in your kids toys in there. I just thought that was, I just thought that was kind of weird. I thought I was kind of different when it came to that because I do. I always see everybody washes their hands after they go pee and I wash my hands before
Starting point is 00:05:48 I go pee. Before you go pee. You don't want the outside world on your on your junk. No, right? But you want to share your junk with the outside world again. No, I'd probably that. You know what? He's in it. He's a kid. I wash my hands after I work out like all the time though. It's just gross. When you work out. yeah, everybody else. Yeah, of course. And that's what I'm saying. Like that were horrible. And that's what that's to me.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Because Adam's over there lifting weights after he just touches D. Yeah, but okay, we can even bend the dumbbell, okay? Am I right? Yeah, yeah. Now, but pay attention to what I just said though, okay? How often do you see this? I mean, I'm the only one I see who walks in
Starting point is 00:06:22 from lifting weights in between sets to go take get pissed washes his hands first denty's Biz then walks us out everybody walks in pulls their shit down grabs their dick and subs pn and then they washed their hands That's ass backwards to it is it is because you just touched all these sweaty fucking gooey machines Sometimes I don't wash because I have chalk from lifting and it just helps with the grip Helps with the grip. This is where the pull the shorts up maneuver certainly makes sense. You know what I'm thinking? Here's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking you don't have to touch anything. You don't have to touch anything like we talked about the pull just pull your pants down let
Starting point is 00:06:55 shit go free you're in front of the urinal and just let where it wants to go let it be where it wants to be. It'll go everywhere though. Like a fire host. Yeah bro. Yeah. It's a lot of back pressure there. Yeah. Well, just say that all I got. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. It goes all over the place. Like it's like a crazy hose. Do you wash your hands after you pee, Doug? I do. Before I'm after. No, not before. But you know, Adam makes a good point. And now he does. And now he's probably thinking twice now. Now you know why you got that rash. Yeah, that flare up. They don't call them. They don't call them the wizard for nothing, Doug. Yeah, yeah, no, I'm I understand why the wizard of the wizard. That's that was a win. That must be where that gonerie came from.
Starting point is 00:07:39 That's what I'm gonna go with. Just say it. Just saying. All right. So are we doing a Q&A? We are we Have to help me dude. I've been trying to I'm trying to get these guys These are just themselves and we just can't we cannot stay on the same page here like on mic number one on this new thing with this again Hi, and resurgence every every three months We come back to it. All right. I do the intro that you do the intro is my friend. Okay. Well, and resurgence every every three months. We come back to this. All right. All right. Do the intros. I do the intros, my friend. Okay. Well, I'm I'm here with Sal. This is a huge saggy boob. And that's Adam. Justin Andrews. All traps saggy boob. What? Justin Andrews. Yeah. Doug. The spider. Yes. And myself. Adam shaper. Adam shaper. Now we're the Adam Schaefer. Now with the kids.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Now we can do the kids. Now you can do the kids. Oh, you got, before we do, I need you guys to stop. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. Okay, next time. I had to live through Husky for like Bro, it's it's ball trash. It's a Pudgey Even worse I don't have small traps small traps. It's sweet. You don't but it's funny that they said that's why it's why of course You don't bro. I was about to go synth all my traps Do you have some questions here? Oh, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Just watch this pose change. Well, you asked them already, Doug. My God. Yeah, yeah. I'm trying to get there. I'm just taking the time all the time. The first one's from universal or it could be Derniver Sal.
Starting point is 00:09:15 It's Spanish. It's Spanish. It's Spanish. No, it's Spanish. Who in a version of French is it? Possibly. He in the MSH. He in the MSH.
Starting point is 00:09:23 This person wants to know the injuries that you've had and the proper way to recover from those. Injuries we've had each. Yeah, okay. Adam Broke is dick. I did. I did. That could be painful.
Starting point is 00:09:35 This is if you've stand up and you have, is that what she came off to for? No, no, yeah, exactly. If you try and the stand up move, where you try and have sex standing up and you and you get you cannot do that really fast You can't do the same way you do you know on jackhammer. Yeah, you can't jackhammer that because that's his favorite move Yeah, especially if you're a strong guy and you have some strong hips You may throw her a little bit further than you want and then she comes back down and it's oh
Starting point is 00:10:01 Did you really break your neck? Did you really break your neck? A couple times, yeah. You actually broke it? No, you did it. Oh yeah, I had crutches on it and everything. I did it. And it's like, and the funny thing is,
Starting point is 00:10:12 they put it in a sling, they use regular like normal crutches because they were the right size. Yeah, for that, for the broken dick. It just made that up so like, the girlfriend at the time would take care of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The doctor says you have to pull on it,
Starting point is 00:10:23 you have to pull on it to keep us straight. I have never, I have never broken my dick. Although that sounds pretty funny. Of course you have it. It's everybody knows it's unbreakable. God. It's stupid. It's stupid.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Just like the movie. It's not about injuries anyways. It's not about injuries. We've all had. I got some. Who said the most you think? Who said the most at all? The most injuries?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Yeah, injuries. Well, since I have a place for I have He's probably the least amount okay Probably Justin Now if we if we it's an interesting thought if we block out head injuries how many How can you block those out? Yeah, probably just in number one. I've never actually had stitches broken bone in my life never never had stitches Never had broken bone in my life. I've stitches never had broken bone in my life at all Yeah, wow, yeah, wow if you had surgery
Starting point is 00:11:10 Yeah, I've had surgery where What about oh I had my ACL MC all torn. Oh, well, fuck. That's a nice injury. Yeah, yeah, that's basketball. Yeah, yeah It's nasty. Yeah, that's a nasty one. What if I just think well when I was a kid try to keep it under 10 That's a nasty one. What if I just think well when I was a kid try to keep it under 10 Back in the day I had I had to broke my right arm twice In the same year actually well that's right when I covered yeah, cuz this this bully kid The second time the first time I fell off the monkey bar second time They're playing like King of the mountain and my brother was two years older than me and so it was all his buddies
Starting point is 00:11:47 and this older kid that was huge, just like totally was punkin' on me and threw me in this ditch and I landed on rock and broke my arm again. Fucked up. Yeah, and so anyway, I got really good with my left hand though. So it was ambidextrous.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Everybody like two and that's it. And that's why I, you know, they call me double pumper. What about some injuries as you got older and you got some knowledge on how to rehab? As far as, okay, as far as, take that up. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:17 I'm gonna go down the list. You guys say, oh, I never had it. So I'm gonna start from the very beginning. And they're going, no, I'll cut to the chase here. I did have some injuries in between that weren't related to athletics and working out. So the ones that I had. I had the masturbating. But.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Yeah. You're just saying, you're. Oh, straining lots of straining. Stop, dude. I'm trying to talk here. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Good. Uh, fucking so.
Starting point is 00:12:47 No, that like I actually made it pretty far in my career without getting hurt. So believe it or not, I was very like, I was into training, you know, pretty, pretty dedicated. So I was, I was strong. I was always strong going into every sport that I did. Um, and it wasn't until my junior year of college, I tore my MCL. So.
Starting point is 00:13:09 You have your surgery? No. I didn't get surgery. I just had a ridiculous, you know, animatronic brace that you don't have an MCL. Like your MCL's bolt gone now. No, it's just, I mean, it wasn't, yeah, it was torn but it was like partial so yeah, healed,
Starting point is 00:13:24 but it's not like awesome, so I still feel every now and then, I feel like too much range of motion. So you strained your knee. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being specific to that. See, it's, get a straight face.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yeah, so I strained it. I was just kidding. Yeah. Yeah, anyway. Dude, I went down in basketball one time, my friends will never let me lose down. I was a junior in a hypersend in my knee, and I started crying Yeah, and I was you know nothing ended up happening, you know, just it was just crying. Oh, yeah, what's it hold for you?
Starting point is 00:13:56 Soft more You're 24 this is like last year. I was a sophomore or junior in high school I don't know shit So you are pretty old to be crying in front of your friends? Yeah, my buddies, my buddies, fucking do this. What? Yeah, good bless you to fucking her, bro. I mean, it literally f-hyper stood off the last terrible. Planned in my heel and then came over the top.
Starting point is 00:14:13 I hate that. I hate that. I thought, in the way it felt, it felt, which I think we can all test this when it comes to injuries. Sometimes pushing a ligament or pushing a bone to as far as you can without breaking it or tearing it, severing it completely. Sometimes it's more painful than actually completely severing it because when I tore my ACL and MCL, it actually wasn't that bad.
Starting point is 00:14:38 I mean, it hurt and it definitely hurt the next day. But when the actual injury happened, Guy landed on my knee completely just, it went. And it almost felt like a sprained ankle at first. I just grabbed my knee and I was like, ooh, but I hopped up and I kind of walked it off and I was like, I'll be able to get back in the game. And then I just remember every time my cadence, I was kind of missing, something was missing.
Starting point is 00:15:01 It'd take like five or six steps that would feel normal and all of a sudden, it would just something would skip. And I was like, this doesn't feel right. That was a good feeling. That was a good feeling. I was like, I better set this one out, but I didn't feel, it wasn't that painful till the next day.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Next day, I thought I was gonna die. Next day, my fucking knee was the size of a basketball. It was so nasty. And it like just any sort of lateral movement at all just broke me down into tears. What about lifting? You guys ever get any injuries? What did you, QL?
Starting point is 00:15:28 Not that I heard it, but it wasn't like it was an injury injury. I mean, I had to really like, like take a lot of time doing real basic, like rehabbing type exercises and mobility and all that kind of stuff, because it was painful to walk. And it was a gradual process, and it forced me to really practice what I preached.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And so I actually was somewhat glad that it happened because it's just like I could spend that time to really focus on getting that mobility reestablished and core strength of functionality and range of motion, all kinds of stuff. Well see, I learned how to squat and deadlift because of an injury. So I dislocated my kneecap, which I actually have done that a few times in my life. And I was, I want to say maybe freshman year after the summer of freshman year,
Starting point is 00:16:23 so going into my sophomore year. And I dislocated my knee and then they put me this big long straight brace. So I had to walk kind of funny. I had like this pimped walk for a while. And then they gave me this hinged brace. And here I was a kid, I had not anything really about physical therapy, what to do.
Starting point is 00:16:40 I go to the physical therapist, you do a couple of band exercises. But anyway, I'm in this fucking brace forever, forever. And my knee just never felt stable. My leg never felt strong. And it must have been, I mean, it must have been six, seven months later. And I got pissed.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I remember specifically, I got really fucking mad. And I went to the YMCA gym where I would work out at. And I just said, I don't give a shit. I'm gonna fucking lift. And I started doing squats, laying press and shit like that. And within like a month and a half, that was 100%.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I'm never forget that. And this is how, and I don't know like how many people like the listener wise, like no like physical therapy, it's pretty aggressive. Like a lot of physical therapists that I've like sort of shadowed under and like a lot of them were really aggressive. So long as you do the right stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Yeah, exactly. Nothing like, nothing to cause further injury or stress it too far past the threshold. It's gonna be painful, but reestablishing and connecting that with that range of motion, with that tissue is so important and to get on it like quickly. I mean, when it comes like, another thing is like surgeries,
Starting point is 00:17:51 like a lot of clients, I've had clients will come in and say, okay, I'm gonna have shoulder surgery in a couple months where I'm gonna have carpal tunnel surgery in a couple months. And what we'll do is we'll try our best to strengthen that area before going in. And then when they, I'm talking about not emergency surgery,
Starting point is 00:18:06 not surgeries that are need to be done on a cute basis, but like the austral arthritis or whatever. And training into the surgery, and then recovering, and then of course, doing your physical therapy. Yeah, it'll definitely help speed up the recovery process. And here's a single physical therapy too, who's another thing.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Insurance were typically cover you to get range of motion back, but that's strength. Yeah, I fired my PT. Really? Yeah, because you'll get range of motion back, but they're not going to bring you back to where you were many times. Mine was a joke. Really?
Starting point is 00:18:36 For your knee? Yeah, because I mean, at that point I was already, you know, I'd been a trainer for you. I did my AC on MCL when I was 20. Oh, so you were pretty well versed. Oh, 27, 28. Yeah, so, you know, IL when I was 20. So you were pretty well versed. Oh, 27, 28. Yeah, so I knew what I was doing. And when I got in there, and they made a comment right away,
Starting point is 00:18:51 like when I was like, man, that's so crazy that I tore it because I didn't even feel like I did. They said, well, you have so much muscle, that the muscle was holding you all in place and supporting you, which is a blessing to the skies because if you were somebody who had no leg muscles, whatsoever, and that happened, you would feel it. You'd be walking, you'd be all over the place.
Starting point is 00:19:09 And I was like, oh, that's it. You had the rubber leg? Yeah, I found that was kind of fascinating. And then when she started me, I mean, first of all, I was in a physical therapy place where there was like six people that were being, you know, taught stuff at the same time. And we were all on these little timers. I was like, oh, here you go. And she puts me on like wall ball squats, you know, taught stuff at the same time. And we were all on these little timers.
Starting point is 00:19:25 I was like, oh, here you go. And she puts me on like wall ball squats, you know, like do some wall ball squats for, you know, two minutes. I'll be back over here and she sets the timer and walks over and gets the next person. And it's like this thing. And I'm like sitting here and I'm like, I'm doing it and I'm not thinking of myself.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Dude, she didn't even come over and like, stress my form on this or anything, like it, I'm thinking of myself. Like the natural, what is the natural thing that happens? If you just had a huge injury to your ACL and MCO. You're gonna compensate. Exactly, and you squat down on a wall wall. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:19:52 You have an asymmetrical shift, right? For sure. Now mind you, I'm a trainer, so I know better, you know what I'm saying? I know what I need to do. But what you're doing that to everybody? Yeah, that's right. So that was like the first thing,
Starting point is 00:20:03 and then the next thing after that, I was doing like stupid things like bouncing on one leg and throwing like a ball off this thing and bouncing I'm like, okay, I know what she's doing right now and this is really lame and I'm not getting any really good guidance About the only thing that I kept coming for and I'd come back and I that's eventually what I said I said hey, you know what I want to do is I don't want to come to any more of these sessions But I still would like to get the ultrasound stuff and the massage and shit. Like, that's cool. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Yeah, and I can't do that myself. I'll run my legs. Yeah, so I'll come back and do that. But I rehab, so I pretty much rehab myself. So, but the one mistake I did make, so being, I went from one extreme, I went from getting feeling like I got no help from this physical therapist and looked like it was going to take me forever to progress and get myself back to normal
Starting point is 00:20:53 to me, getting myself back. And I was like seeing like gains right like every single week of getting stronger and better and better. And then I did next thing you know I'm doing like single like box hops and shit. Like I was, I was really like push, push, the next thing you know, I'm doing like single like box hops and shit, like I was, I was really like push, push in the limits, you know, and it was like, I had no business doing that, that early, just because I could, you know, and I was,
Starting point is 00:21:13 and I was so excited that I was almost back to normal. Yeah, and I'm like, starting pressing. Yeah, and then I re-entered it, you know, and not as bad, obviously, but enough to set me back and to kind of wake my ass up that, okay, just because I could do that doesn't mean I'm not. Well, I'll say this, this is kind of general advice because injuries are so different from one to the next, okay. But here's some general advice. If you have an acute injury,
Starting point is 00:21:35 make sure you get diagnosed by a physician, make sure that you don't need surgery or whatever. The next step, wait for the inflammation to kind of go down and then start focusing on range of motion before you work on anything else. So if I have like an injured shoulder, I'm getting maybe five pound dumbbell, ten pound dumbbell or no dumbbell and I'm just focusing on full range of motion and that's my exercise. And then I move up and you're actually going to, you'll actually do better doing daily work on that area at super low intensity, because you can't go high intensity anyway, right? So do it every single day.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Don't treat it like you're working out a regular body part week rest for a week or a half a week or whatever. I wish this person would have asked a more specific question with the injury because this is such a, I mean, we could talk forever about, because each area and the severity of the injury would make a huge difference on what we're doing.
Starting point is 00:22:29 It could be impact, you could be shearing, yeah, all kinds of different life. You know, for example, like, okay, so I complained to you guys always about my call for Zebel, right? So that's completely eliminated from me now. Because guess what, I'm not competing. You know, I'm not like, I'm listening to my body.
Starting point is 00:22:43 And so I've given myself some rest and I've stretched it and got massages and I've laid off of it. So those things immediately have already recovered and gotten better, but that was some serious pain that I was going through for months and months and months while I was getting ready for my show. So, I mean, I guess you could count that as kind of an injury
Starting point is 00:23:01 or a problem like that. For chronic, but yeah. Yeah, you know, so I wish we were a little more specific on here without us being so vague because there is a lot to talk about when it comes to injuries and how to take care of them. Definitely. Moving along. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Next question is from Milk underscore monsters, the best grip for deadlifting heavyweight. Milk monsters. No, not that porn site you go on. Power grip. Just what? Is that what they call it? I've been looking at my Google history. I've that that? Monsters. Another porn site you go on. Power grip. Just what? Is that why they call it a power grip? You've been looking at my Google history. Have you been looking at your history? Yeah, milk monster.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Yes. Isn't that why they call it a power grip? Wouldn't that be the ideal grip? Because it's called a power grip. Well, there's, okay, there's three general ways you could deadlift. And we're not talking about wrist straps. We're gonna rule that out because that's not really
Starting point is 00:23:44 a particular, no, not because I'm talking to you. No, go ahead. But because when you use wrist straps you don't really need to worry about your grip, right? You can just go double overhand. Right, right. So the three grips, the three grips you could use are traditional standard double overhand is probably the weakest grip. That's where you just grab the bar overhand. Then you could use an alternate grip, which is where one hand is, what's called, pronated and one hand is supinated, or in other words, one hand, the palm is facing back, the other hand,
Starting point is 00:24:13 the palm is facing forward. So both hands are facing in opposite directions. And then the third grip is a hook grip, and that's what Olympic lifters use. And this is, it's a double overhand grip, but the index finger and sometimes the middle finger will hook over the thumb rather than the thumb going over those fingers. And that you can also lift lots of weight with. If you're trying to lift maximum weight, then you're you're not going to be able to lift the most weight with a traditional
Starting point is 00:24:43 overhand grip. You're just you're just gonna let go of the bar. There's no way. Yeah. For example, I could deadlift well into the 500 pound range, but I can't overhang grip, maybe more than 470, or I don't know, I don't even think I can get to 500 with a regular overhang grip. Hook grip, I wish I knew how to hook grip really well.
Starting point is 00:25:04 It takes a lot of time to get good at that. Yeah, I've never been able to do that. It hurts. I haven't really tried it though. Lane Norton deadlifts that way. Okay. He pulls over 600 pounds. That's how he does it.
Starting point is 00:25:15 He pulls over 600. Yeah, I want to look. He does double over. He does a hook grip. An Olympic lifters can fucking, I mean, they don't just deadlift. They're doing a power, you a power exercise where there's acceleration. So that's even harder to grip. You're not just grinding weight off the floor,
Starting point is 00:25:30 you're flipping it in the air, and they're using hook grips, and these guys can hold on to 500, 600 pounds. You know, some of the big guys. So it's effective if you practice it and do well, but I've never been able, I'll practice it for a little bit, and it's fucking hurts.
Starting point is 00:25:42 And so I just go to my straight, alternate grip. Alternate grip, yeah. Is that what you do the same thing? Ideal. I think maybe part of his question was probably, is there an issue with that? I've heard people say, yeah, like you know,
Starting point is 00:25:55 as far as the recruitment patterns is bad, like is it gonna cause an injury down there? Yeah. So here's what I do, because the only time I really worry about this is with deadlifting obviously, but I'll do, I'll start overhand grip and I'll usually go all the way up to 400, 400-something. Then I'll go switch to my alternate grip, but I'll use my opposite alternate grip up until I start to get really, really heavy and then I go to my favorite alternate grip.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Just so I can work kind of both sides. I'm not as good as other people. I know other people who will focus on one side, one workout, the other side, the next workout. That's probably the best way to do it. But I've gotten so good now with a supinated right and pronated left that I can't max out the other way anymore. It would take me a while to practice that.
Starting point is 00:26:40 So that's a good idea. I would have thought to do that, but I haven't even done that. I just go with what I normally would go with. And so, you know, I'm sure that that's been causing a specific recruitment pattern with that. But, you know, it's just, I go as far as I can go, you know, with the double overhand grip. And then, yeah, from there, I'll alternate it. I'm going to have to though. I'm the same as Justin. You just go forward and then say, I go forward. I'll alternate it. I'm gonna have to, though. I'm the same as Justin. You just go forward and then say, I go forward, I'll go forward.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I'll go forward. What hand you a supinate? Just curiosity. Oh, you left. Yeah. Wow, so I supinate, right? Interesting. One thing that I've noticed is when I'll supinate
Starting point is 00:27:16 really, really heavy with my left, which is not the hand I normally supinate with, I'll get sore at the bottom on my bicep. It's just not as strong in that position as the other hand is. So there's definitely some recruitment patterns there that are adjusting or adapting to the lift. So I would say if you're gonna use alternate grip, because that's the easiest one to learn.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Switch it up. Switch it up. If you can learn how to do a hook grip, awesome, but I haven't had luck with it. JD underscore Kubicki. Do you need to tailor lifting when pregnant? She is not pregnant.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Sure you do. But she is a power lifter, I believe. Yeah, she was more concerned with her heavy lifts. Is what I read out of the question. There's reading it on the thread. Let's be honest, there's not a need to, right? Really when you're in that position. Well, I would say that, yeah,
Starting point is 00:28:05 like if you're a power lifter, it's gonna change. And that's just the reality. Like, as far as working out, you wanna work out. There's nothing stopping you with resistance training. In fact, it really does help aid in the pregnancy, going strong into the pregnancy. However, you know You know power lifting and just like an excess of weight
Starting point is 00:28:34 It just may not be a good idea and there's complications and there's things to consider You know, we don't want you know anything to happen like even just from personal experience, okay with my wife like the first pregnancy Worked out everything first pregnancy worked out, everything was fine, worked out pretty intensely, even going into it. And the next pregnancy totally different. And there was, you know, little complications here and there, so it'd be real sensitive and careful. And because that's the priority, right?
Starting point is 00:28:58 And just have to step out of that as far as being, yeah, maybe, you know, your, your lifts are gonna change your, your physical level that you're at right now, you know, might change a bit, but, but you'll get it back. I think a good rule of thumb that I've always told my clients is don't do anything that you weren't doing before you were, before you weren't pregnant. Like, don't, like a lot, I've seen women not work out,
Starting point is 00:29:24 never do anything, get pregnant, I'm gonna get in shape now. Yeah. That's the biggest mistake I say. So whatever you're doing before you're pregnant, unless you're training at a super high level, is probably fine, but you gotta listen to your body. Well, that's what I mean. Power lift things at a high level.
Starting point is 00:29:38 It is. Yeah, let's calm down. Oh, I mean, I would take it as a... You don't wanna push too hard, man. I would just, I mean, it's like don't want to push too hard. I mean, it's like you're anyway, I would take it a step further. Um, and I would, I wouldn't let my clients probably train, uh, out of the hypertrophy phase. I mean, maybe a little bit of strength, but really why, why even risk it? It's not, you know, you have to look at the risk versus reward. Like, okay,
Starting point is 00:30:01 so we could continue in your power phase and continue lifting heavy ass weight and stuff like that. But boy, I mean, if there was ever a chance that you're going to throw something out or you're going to drop a weight on yourself or do something, it would be when you're working on power. Well, you brought up a good point, Sal, that their bodies changing and you're already getting more weight, right? So you got to account for the fact that you're front loaded. You got all this extra weight loaded in front. And so there's ways to sort of help brace and help aid in that as far as posture goes. Well, the other thing too is when you're,
Starting point is 00:30:37 as the baby starts to grow, it stretches the core muscles out. And a muscle and its stretch position is not as strong as it is in its neutral position. So if I took any muscle, I could take your bicep, your quad, put it in an extreme stretch and then have you try to activate it, you're not going to be nearly as strong. When your core is stretched out like that, your core isn't strong. In particular, the rectus abdominis and the transverse abdominis, and so now you're relying more on the bleaks and lower back and this white low back problems become so prominent and women who are active and after the pregnant right because it's
Starting point is 00:31:12 most of the way so heavy heavy heavy weight in that position you're like where's the load getting better is what you're saying and that's the perfect sense unless you are sque Yeah, keep the baby It's the baby tectin. Yeah, you know what if you're if you are a woman and you're working out That's fucking awesome and you can do it all the way till that sucker pops out more power to you I highly highly recommend that you do it But there's no this you shouldn't be trying to compete you should not be trying to PR anything. You know what, you're there to burn some calories, keep that blood flow going, keep the muscle,
Starting point is 00:31:49 keep maintain what you've already worked so hard to get. You don't need to be trying to push the body. You actually made a good point at him. You said it's about risk versus reward because yes, humans did evolve to be able to do a lot of shit while they were pregnant. And can you get away with running a marathon when you're pregnant? Yes, I've no woman to do that.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Can you get away with working out really hard? Maybe, yes. But the risk increases. You have a much higher risk factor there. And so it's just not wise. That's all. You know, do what you were doing before, but don't go crazy with your intensity. That's what I would say.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Yeah, we're not here to tell people exactly what to do. We're just give suggestions like, hey, look, consider this, right? Yeah. Yeah. Next question is from Nate Strickler, linear versus undulating periodization. Mm.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Lots of studies still coming out on a lot of this stuff. So to break down the difference between them, a linear type of periodization takes you more in a, it's more of a traditional type of periodization where you're working up and weight. Right. Like for a pyramid sort of a progression. Right. So you're progressing heavier and heavier each week or, you know, the reps go lower and
Starting point is 00:32:58 lower each week or something that seems to be in a straight line. Undulating would be, you know, much would appear to be much more sporadic. Which one is better? I don't know. I can only speak from personal experience, and I've seen good results from both, and I've seen good results without, sometimes without periodization, where I just stay consistent with a particular goal. So, I don't know, it's a tough question. This could be a preference thing. There you go. There you go.
Starting point is 00:33:30 As far as that goes, there you go. Yeah, because depending on your schedule of what you already work out, is there a need to throw in an unsilating situation for the next day? And for me, periodization is worked great, especially with athletics, because you can sort of pattern it out as far as what adaptations I'm trying
Starting point is 00:33:51 to seek out. And so that's something that I've used quite a bit in my career. However, the endulating schedule is something that, as I don't have very specific goal in mind, far as like an athletic performance, you know, at the end sort of speak, like it works really well for me because I like to constantly vary things. So I naturally do underlating, but I've seen studies come out on all of them and they're it's like spitting It really is I think what Justin said about
Starting point is 00:34:27 Finding what works best for you in this case is is ideal at the end of the day It's this is that and it's just like how maps is designed is you never really want to be doing anything exactly the same for For too long yeah for for about four weeks, you know, you start hitting that four-week mark Whatever it is that you've been doing you you, you want to switch up, whether you're linear or you're underlating or your traditional periodization, you know, you need to get out of that, that same modality. So that's the biggest key. And that's where, that's where the biggest results and stuff you're going to come from is by understanding that and then learning to always be change it. Cause I, I don't know about you guys, but I mean, this was definitely something that I was a,
Starting point is 00:35:07 you know, I don't wanna say a victim because it was something I was choosing to do. You know, I would find myself, you know, in the same type of program, you know, like I'd look back and go like shit for six months now, you know, I've been in this 12 to 15 rep range or I've been working in this six rep range, you know power phase forever You know like it's you got to you got to check yourself and and as much as you enjoy one phase or the other is getting out of it
Starting point is 00:35:34 You know, I think to like as far as like thinking thinking about that with with periodization the the great part to that is that you can track Right It's more it's more on a schedule and I did do, and thinking about when I was going through the maps program in particular, too, I was able to notice adaptations and really see progress in that, and then switch it right before I was comfortable. Just to talk about it. Exactly. right before, you know, I was comfortable with it. Yes, exactly. And that there's a lot of success with that, because that's something that you can really see
Starting point is 00:36:11 and you can feel it happen. Here's something I always do. If I PR in a lift, I periodize right after that. So the second I PR, I change up my workout because I know I've hit a PF, and I don't keep pushing it. That's what we just talked about with me is and I actually did back to back weeks of PR and that was kind of like my okay, that's why you're going with that. That's why I'm that's why I'm switching phases right now is because I've had back to back
Starting point is 00:36:35 Weeks where I've hit PRs and that's hard to do. Yeah, it's exciting. Yeah, because I'm not gonna lie nothing more than anything this morning when I was hitting legs, especially with all the shit talking back for being fucking salad over here. So bad if I hit 405 last week, I just want to see what I could get this week, and I know I could get a little more. But then instead, I'm dropping the weight down, and I'm increasing the reps, and that just doesn't sound like fun right now. It sounds like I want to put, I know better.
Starting point is 00:37:05 I know better, but I got to check myself. I got a death or I easily could fall into that of doing that. I think people have to understand that. There's a different, there's different, you've said this many times between adaptation and recovery and getting caught in that cycle of, our bodies are becoming adapted to this way of training and you're getting stronger and it's getting easier for you and stuff. That's also a sign of less and less change happening to you aesthetically to your body and learning that, you know, if that's what your, if your ultimate goal is to, you know, improve your body composition and overall physique,
Starting point is 00:37:38 then knowing that's so important that you have to continue. Well, I'll tell you what, we've been in gyms long enough. I've been going to gyms long enough that when I work out, I see people doing same shit. You know, because I can, I'll tell you what, we've been in gyms long enough. I've been going to gyms long enough that when I work out, I see people doing same shit. You know, I can, I work out at the same time. So there's usually a good crowd of people who go at that time. And I, now I know them because I see them
Starting point is 00:37:55 every time I work out and I can fucking tell you their workout. I can tell you what machine they're gonna go on next. I can tell you what exercise, how many reps? How much weight they give out? It's the same shit every. You watch people just on the treadmill. but machine they're gonna go on next. I could say, what exercise, how many reps? How much weight they give out? It's the same shit every. You watch people just on the treadmill.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Hey, oh yeah, I saw you do that. It's the same workout. It's like the same order, same workout. Like, you know, you could see me working out and you could see one workout where I'm doing sets of one and two reps or I'm doing super sets or I'm doing more traditional bodybuilding stuff. It's gotta be that way.'s got to be that way.
Starting point is 00:38:25 It has to be that way. You know, it reminds me of that guy that was at 24. Remember Adam that had like the headband and he used to do his rollout with the wheel. And then he would get on the treadmill and he just had like every single day. It was the same thing. Yeah, same. I love the guy. Nice guy. Super awesome guy, but just I just never saw him do anything different. Well, I just don't think people you really realize that they could just by simply changing some things up like how much their body will change.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Dude, it's crazy. Yeah, you're right. Right. Your body will start immediately starting to see. You're already there. You've already disciplined yourself to get to that place for an hour every single day. Why not make it work? Do you know what I just remembered? So I remember this is an interesting story. So I was 14, I'd been lifting weights now for about a year,
Starting point is 00:39:14 and I would always do the same routine, right, every single time, because I was a kid, I didn't know any better. And I really wanted my arms to grow. And around this time, I bought myself a BMX bike, and I was teaching myself how to bunny hop. And when you bunny hop, you pull up on the handlebars, really hard, especially when you first start off,
Starting point is 00:39:30 you don't really know how to do it right. And I'll never forget, one day, me and my cousin went out for like four hours trying to bunny hop, and I'm pulling next day my arms grew. And I remember thinking like, I was like, why are my arms bigger? I'm like, it was different. It clicked.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I'm like, it was just something I'd never done before. Like I always do bar dog curls. You know? That was like the first clicked. I'm like, it was just something I never done before. Like I always do bar dog hurls. You know? That was like the first time that I did high reps. I mean, literally for probably the first five years of lifting for me, I never saw over six reps in my life. Ever because I wanted to be big, you know? And everything was cool.
Starting point is 00:39:57 And that's the big, the big one. I was like the ones we were talking about just doing sets of one that changed my life. Oh, then that's like all I wanted to do. Yes, right. He doing like 15 reps. Oh, it that's like all I wanted to do. Yes, right. He doing like 15 reps. Oh, it's like, it's like, oh, murder for me. I did six forever.
Starting point is 00:40:10 And then I remember finally getting, becoming a trainer, then learning about it, and then going like, oh, shit. I'm going to do some 15 reps and see what happens. Dude, like my chest, really like straight, really exactly. I was like, what the fuck? I'm getting so much bigger and stronger right now.
Starting point is 00:40:24 And I'm lifting lighter weight more reps. Who would have thought? Just change it yeah, exactly. I was like, what the fuck? I'm getting so much bigger and stronger right now. And I'm lifting lighter weight more reps. Who would have thought? Just change it up, man. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Final question. Anna D. Modib. She is wondering about her wrists hurting while she's squatting. Oh, just balanced the bar on there instead.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Yeah, yeah, let go of the bar. I think it's your grip. So either move your hands in or out. Yeah, yeah, let go of the bar. I think it's your grip. So either move your hands in or out to see if it changes and strengthen your wrist a little bit in the position. So rather than letting them fold back so hard, grip the bar a little bit. Yeah, grip the bar and roll, roll for a little bit and keep that grip nice and strong. In the hand, yeah, get those muscles activated. And that should take some pain away from the wrists when you're squatting. I think we're good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:10 I work on your wrist mobility. It does help. Mm-hmm. Trickle. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin, visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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