Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1615: How to Work Out Every Day for Maximum Results (Workout Included)

Episode Date: August 9, 2021

In this episode, Sal, Adam & Justin put together a daily workout that includes compound lifts, mobility, a pump, functional strength, and outdoor activity. Can I work out every day and still get gre...at results? (1:58) The major components of a 7-day week workout plan. (8:06) #1 – Two heavy compound lifting days. (8:56) What your body can handle is different than what is optimal. (10:45) #2 - Functional mobility. (13:07) #3 – Focus on the pump. (18:51) #4 - Functional strength. (21:41) #5 - 1 hour hike or walk outside. (28:27) Mind Pump’s 7-day Workout Program for OPTIMAL results. (34:51) Monday – Heavy work out. (36:39) Barbell squats Barbell bench press Barbell rows Barbell overhead press Barbell or Dumbbell curls Skull crushers Slow sit-ups and calf raises All for 3 sets, 6-12 reps Tuesday – Pump workout. (38:03) Lunges Dumbbell flyes Dumbbell pullovers Lateral raises Band curls Band press down’s Planks   Wednesday– Functional strength workout. (39:09)   Turkish get up Windmill’s Cossack squat Overhead carries (25-35 steps)   3 sets, 5-10 reps   Thursday – Heavy work out. (37:02) Deadlifts Incline press Pull-ups Arnold press Hammer curls Dips Reverse crunch Calf raises  All for 3 sets, 6-12 reps   Friday – Pump workout. (38:50)   Single-leg toe touch Band fly’s Band row’s Band pull aparts Band curls Band press down’s Band side chops Saturday – Mobility workout following MAPS Prime Pro Webinar. (37:25) Sunday – Get outside for an hour. (39:46) Related Links/Products Mentioned August Promotion: MAPS Strong and MAPS Powerlift 50% off!  **Promo code “AUGUSTSPECIAL” at checkout** Visit Legion Athletics for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout** The Breakdown Recovery Trap, Why You Aren’t Progressing – Mind Pump Blog Mind Pump #1612: Everything You Need To Know About Sets, Reps & Rest Periods MAPS Prime Pro Webinar The Importance of Mobility Training in Regards to Chronic Pain – Mind Pump Blog The Most Overlooked Muscle Building Principle – Mind Pump Blog 3 Turkish Get-Up Variations – Tutorial with Kettlebell Master of Sport – Mind Pump TV Add Windmills to Your Workout to Increase Your Deadlift Strength – Mind Pump TV Mind Pump TV - YouTube Rubberbanditz Resistance Band Set How Do I Choose The Right Weight? (LIFT RESPONSIBLY) - Mind Pump TV Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Alright, this is an exciting episode because for the first time or one of the first times, ever in Mind Pump history, we're giving you a free Maps workout program. We actually lay it out in today's episode. It's a seven day a week workout program, but don't worry, we wrote it
Starting point is 00:00:37 perfectly. So it incorporates, of course, lifting. It incorporates some bodybuilding pump days. You get some abilities, some functional days. We've even incorporated an outdoor workout day. So it's an incredible episode. If you're somebody that likes to work out every single day, but you wanna do it in a way that's effective to maximize your results, maximize muscle building and fat loss and your health,
Starting point is 00:01:00 you won't wanna miss this episode. Now, this episode is brought to you by our sponsor, Legion. Legion makes some of the best performance enhancing supplements you'll find anywhere, things like protein powders, pump products, your pre-workout products. Some of our favorites come from Legion like Pulse, we love Pulse, great pre-workout supplement, and much more. Go check them out and use the Mind Pump Code for a discount.
Starting point is 00:01:23 So head over to buy legion.com. That's B-U-Y-L-E-G-I-O-N.com forward slash Mind Pump and use the code Mind Pump for 20% off. Also one more thing, maps strong and maps power lift, both very popular muscle building programs, workout programs are 50% off. So you can go check those out at maps, fitnessproducts.com. Just use the code August Special with no space for the discount.
Starting point is 00:01:50 By the way, all programs come with a 30-day money back guarantee. All right, enjoy the show. You know, it's a question that we get often that I could totally relate to, and I think would be a good idea to just communicate to. It's the following. What would be a good workout plan if I like to work out every day or can I train my body every day and get great results or what I get faster results working out every day?
Starting point is 00:02:19 So I'd like to address this particular question. I mean, I'm sure you guys have seen this. I love this idea. Yeah. I love this idea. Yeah, I love this idea for an episode. One, we've never done anything like this before. Two, we have no programs that are designed this way. But the truth is, and I talked about this early on on the podcast, that I actually,
Starting point is 00:02:39 I go to the gym seven days a week. Right now, I'm not like this. When I was consistently training back when I was competing, I was in the gym seven days a week. But the, I'm not like this. When I was consistently training back when we were competing, I was in the gym seven days a week. But the thing that I always had to communicate to people was like seven days a week in the training, doesn't mean that I'm like hammering the weights
Starting point is 00:02:52 seven days a week. You have to modify intensity and then I would focus on other things. And so I've had a lot of questions about what that looks like. And so building a seven day routine for the audience and those that actually love going in the gym that often are exercising that often, this will be fun.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Well, I do want to be clear to everybody just so you know, right out the gates, you are going to get a free seven day a week workout program from this episode. So that's what we did. We put it together for you and we're going to literally lay it out. So by the end of this show, you're going to have
Starting point is 00:03:23 a workout, seven day a week workout. Now here's what's important when you're working out. Well, this is always important with your workouts, but it's especially important if you're devoting this much time to exercise. The programming is key here. It is very easy when you're working out daily to overdo a certain component of your workout,
Starting point is 00:03:44 which can cause joint pain, inflammation, or just cause over training, or cause too much of a stress response, which will result in your body actually not building muscle, but rather losing muscle and setting itself up for more fat storage, because when your stress, when your body senses too much stress, it wants to protect itself. Two ways that'll do this, one is reduce its caloric requirements because for most of human history,
Starting point is 00:04:09 stress meant we didn't have enough food. And number two, improve its ability to store more body fat because body fat is an insurance policy against the most common form of stress for most of your ministry, which was not having enough food. The irony is that the more days
Starting point is 00:04:24 that you're training in the gym, the more technical, the more challenging you're ready to program is. Totally. If you're only lifting two to four days a week, much more basic. It is more basic. And you can get away with the routine looking pretty similar.
Starting point is 00:04:36 You could get after it the same, those two to three days, every time you're training, and be okay, as far as intensity, as far as what you're training. But you start getting seven days a weekend, the frequency that you hit the muscle group, the intensity that you do, the type of training you do every time you're in there, it gets more and more difficult. Which the reason why I find that ironic is that I think people would think that, oh, seven days a week, the more I train, the more results I'll have, or the better it will
Starting point is 00:05:03 be for me. And no, I actually think the more you're in the gym, the more difficult it is to know how to program correctly so that you don't run into what you call the recovery trap where you're just kind of spinning your wheels all the time. Yeah, the irony with that is you're in the gym, and it's difficult to kind of program that, but on the other end of that,
Starting point is 00:05:22 the consistency is something that's a lot easier because when you break it up throughout the week and you're only there, you know, let's say two to three times during the week, it's really the motivation to keep that up, to keep up that routine tends to fall down quite a bit. Well, this is exactly why I did it. And Sal talks about this, right? Sal talks about his consistency and like he talks about, you know, his consistency and like he knows that if I didn't train in the morning,
Starting point is 00:05:48 I wouldn't be as consistent as I am. And so he's just, he's carved that time off, that's his time, nothing gets in the way of that. This is what I felt about getting ready for shows was I had to decide like this is my time. Like this is, I had a very strict routine in order to be consistent. And so I didn't like the idea of oh a three or four day a week training program
Starting point is 00:06:09 Where I've got three or four days where I'm potentially off or not going to the gym I needed like I know that every day and back then it used to be 12 dialed in yeah 12 to two I'm going to the gym nothing gets in the way that I built all the rest of my life around that time So nothing got in the way, but I know that I can't go to the gym and Nothing gets in the way of that. I built all the rest of my life around that time, so nothing got in the way. But I know that I can't go to the gym and train the same way 12 to 2 every single day, but I'm gonna go to the gym and I found that it was easier,
Starting point is 00:06:33 it was easier for me to stay consistent with something like that. This is by the way, this is a documented psychological phenomenon. So on one hand, working out every single day means that you have to carve out time every single day. On the other hand, it is easier to say consistent because it's a daily routine. You know, your drug manufacturers knew this a long time ago. So like, for example, old school birth control pills for women, right? They'll take the birth control.
Starting point is 00:07:00 This is the old way of doing it. A lot of birth control now has changed. But in the past, they would say, okay, take these birth control pills for X amount of days and then create an artificial period where you go off for seven days, you get your period, and then you go back on. Here's how they design the birth control pills.
Starting point is 00:07:16 You take them every single day. Seven of them. Or sugar pills. Or sugar pills. Why did they do this? It dramatically improved and increased the consistency because when people went off for seven days, had to remember to go back on,
Starting point is 00:07:27 you would have people messing up their schedules. Now, supplement companies know this as well. There's a reason why supplement companies will often attach their product to a daily routine. Take this in the morning, take this before bed, take this with lunch, things you do every single day, because you're more likely to be consistent.
Starting point is 00:07:45 So working out every day or carving time out every single day for a lot of people is actually easier to stay consistent. I agree. Then it would be to only have three or four days when you could say to yourself, well, I only, you know, I've already worked out twice. I don't think I'll work out tomorrow. Before you know it, it builds up and now you missed your workouts for the week and you've got to start over the following week.
Starting point is 00:08:05 So let's talk a little bit about the components of what a seven day a week workout routine would look like. By the way, this routine is designed to maximize muscle building, performance, fat loss. Essentially, this is a routine that's essentially going to train your body to look really good and move really good. And we do it this way because most people watching this are probably in that category. They want to look really good, they want to perform really well. And that's generally most people's goal.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah, it just sort of covers the broad base of getting that kind of functional strength, also building muscle, but like applying adequate recovery and you know implementing that. So you have structure for each one of these days. So I love this too that we're doing this because when we started to piece this together, it looks very, very similar to what my seven day routine is. And the first thing that we kind of agreed on is the first rule that I gave myself.
Starting point is 00:08:59 So one of the rules I said was, okay, I'm gonna be in this gym six to seven days a week and I have a big goal. I'm trying to get on stage, do these things, I have to be careful that I don't overdo it. And so I had this hard rule of like, I would never allow myself more than two really hard training days.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And by hard, I mean like compound lifts, high intensity type of training. Have you wait going after a very demanding one? I wanted to separate those out, by if obviously I wouldn't go hard, hard, back-to-back days, I want to give a couple days in between. I want two of them are like my intense training sessions where I'm going after the big major lifts,
Starting point is 00:09:33 I'm getting after it really hard, and then the other days I'd have to modify around. Yeah, I agree with that 100%. I think if you're working out every day, two days a week, hard is perfect for most people. You want to center it, like Adam said, compound lifts. This is where you do your squats and your bench presses and your rows. This is when your rep range can be between six to 12. You're training at, you know, near failure. In other words, your sets, you're taking them to, you know, two
Starting point is 00:10:01 reps before failure. So it's a very intense working set. You're doing about one exercise per body part, and about three sets per exercise, and typically you'll start with the large body parts and go down to the smaller ones. And, you know, as we get through all of these points that we're going to make, I think, you know, we'll give you guys more specifics in terms of what that workout is going to look like. Ideally, Adam said this, you want the two workouts, the two hard workouts to have some space in between them. So if I were to do a week of this, my two hard workouts would be Monday and Thursday,
Starting point is 00:10:32 for example. So Monday, hard, heavy workout, then I'd do a couple other different workouts which we'll get into on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, another hard, heavy workout. So that's the first one. Here's the second piece that I think is very important. Well, actually to dress the why.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Okay. You know what I'm saying? Like why not back to back? Why not three days in a row of hard and tense lifts? Yeah. You can definitely do three days a week of hard lifting, but not when you're working out seven days a week also, right?
Starting point is 00:11:01 That's just too much for most people. If you're only working out three days a week, you could do three hard workouts. Well, not if you're working out every single day. Yeah. And plus, we know what the research says. You talked about this in a recent episode that we, there is a sweet spot. There is. It's somewhere between nine to 20 sets. If you're doing six days a week of just based off the math that you just said of how many, how many sets you're doing for that most, you're way beyond that. So you're training, the volume that you're training at is way higher than what's needed,
Starting point is 00:11:30 and the intensity level that you're potentially going after in those days is way more than what you need also. So then the body is just trying to recover this entire time instead of building and adapting. So that is the reason why, because someone might be going like, well, what if I feel good or why can't I just do three days or four days of hard training or just go like that all the time? It's like, again, and you, you did this really well,
Starting point is 00:11:52 cellular day is like, what your body can handle is different than what is optimal. So just because you can handle beating it up three or four days, we, doesn't mean that's what's going to give you the most results. And for some reason, it's really tough for people to make that connection. Think about the temperature of your house, right? There's an ideal temperature that feels the best, and then there's an extreme heat and cold, you can max it, you can handle.
Starting point is 00:12:15 You can tolerate. Yeah, so like you want to live in a house that you can tolerate, you know, the hundred and something degree, whether? Of course not. The right dose will get you the fastest. More than that, that's great that you can handle that. You're not gonna get there any faster.
Starting point is 00:12:28 At the least, you're just gonna get to the same speed and you're just wasting time. But what's more likely is you actually slow down your progress because you're adding more stress to the body that's not necessary. Now, why have the days in between that are other workouts? Because these are hard, heavy workouts, you would like to see yourself progress with strength in these workouts. Back to back doesn't give
Starting point is 00:12:49 you enough time typically to give you the body ability to adapt and build some strength. So you want to have that space. And to that point, that's the reason why the next things that we're going to do in between are going to promote the recovery so that you can even get after it that much harder on Thursday. Yeah. Now, this next one, you know, Justin was adamant on and we all completely agreed, which is there should be one day a week, your workout should be devoted completely to mobility. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:18 So you should literally do a one hour mobility workout. And your goal in this workout is to increase your functional range of motion. So what's functional range of motion? Okay, so range of motion would be like how far someone could lift my leg up to my head. So how far can my hamstring stretch? Functional range of motion is how far can I stretch that hamstring while having strength and connection to it?
Starting point is 00:13:43 Two very different things. Now imagine somebody putting you in a deep stretch. You don't have very much connection to that. If you had to move real quick, you probably tear your hamstring or injure yourself. So what we're looking for is functional range of motion, functional mobility. So you own all of these ranges of motion, reduces injury and maximizes those hard workouts that we talked about earlier. Right. There's nothing passive about these days. And, you know, to address sort of a misconception
Starting point is 00:14:08 that this is sort of allotting a very, like, easy, nice, relaxing type of a workout. No, this can be something very challenging and intensive. And you're actually, like, you're working completely on a different focus. And that is to be able to really hyper connect to your central nervous system, to be able to have these secondary type of muscles respond to protect the joints. And so, you know, and also to maintain certain posture and maintain optimal positions in the joints.
Starting point is 00:14:41 So that way, when you go back to your compound lifts, you have an increase in Performance. Now in a perfect world This mobility day looks very individualized for the people, right? So in a perfect world It's impossible to do that with people watching this right? Exactly So and our goal of this episode was to give you know the audience something tangible that they can go and do themselves and start to apply to see You know what kind of results they get from it. So a great place for the audience to go start at is our PrimeProWebinar.com. It's absolutely free.
Starting point is 00:15:13 That's your workout. That's right. I take you through 50 minutes, literally follow that routine for this day. So for now, and what's great about that is I pretty much address from the ankle to the neck. You address the grossest offenders. You pick this stuff that probably 80 to 90% of people are gonna benefit from it. And that's why I did it.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I figured I'd put together a routine that I knew would benefit damn near everybody that goes through. It'll benefit everybody that goes through it. And some people it'll be tremendously beneficial. Now, as you get better and better at this, or if you're somebody who owns Prime Pro and you understand what mobility things you should be doing, you've already figured out your areas of dysfunction
Starting point is 00:15:48 and you know what areas are helping you the most, stick in that. But for the listener who is not familiar with putting together a mobility day and what would that look like, that routine is perfect for you to start. So start with that and follow that for the beginning. Now what's good about this is when you follow this routine, because here's a deal with
Starting point is 00:16:07 mobility. For most people watching and listening, doing it right is actually quite challenging if you've never done it before. Because what we're used to is stretching, what we're used to is, oh, I'm going through a movement, but intention is so important with mobility work. And it's so valuable to have someone coach you through the mobility movements while you're doing them, so you really understand how to make them effective at primeprowebinar.com. That's exactly what Adam does.
Starting point is 00:16:36 He's literally coaching you, so you're watching him and he's coaching you through the movements. So to give you an example, it's like a fire, and this is not a mobility movement, I'm using a silly example. Let's say I put my chest in a deep stretch, I have to with my intention, now that it's in the stretch, connect to the chest, connect to the rhomboid, connect to the rear duct, connect to all the muscles that support that new range of motion so that I own that deeper range of motion. So similarly, what Adam does is he takes you through
Starting point is 00:17:05 all these different, very valuable movements and then he coaches you through the movement and trust me. Okay, this is not like a Sunday stretch session where you're playing music and you're out in the sun, you're relaxing. You're gonna sweat. You're gonna sweat, it's tough. You're gonna feel this, it is a workout,
Starting point is 00:17:21 but the goal of the workout is to improve your functional mobility. Now, I want to sell this to my young audience that's listening that doesn't have joint pain, feels like they move optimally and perfect already, and that are going to want to go, oh, well, I don't really need that. So I'm going to throw another day if we're training in here. I don't care what you, and what I want to sell you on is that it isn't just for improved mobility and movement and joint support, everything that Justin was selling and telling you, it's also going to facilitate recovery.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Yes. So, it's also going to support that high intensity, heavy compound lifting day that you just did before. This is going to help speed up recovery for you to build more muscle and prepare you for Thursday again to get after. Yes. This is going to help speed up recovery for you to build more muscle and prepare you for Thursday again to get after. Yes, and it's going to make your compound heavy lips more effective. If you can imagine a point scoring system that's awarded to exercises and ranks them in terms of their value, right? So let's say a squat is 100, right? 100 points, maximum benefit from a barbell
Starting point is 00:18:22 squat. That doesn't mean that you're going to derive 100 points of value from a barbell squat. That doesn't mean that you're gonna derive 100 points of value from the squat. It only means that that's the max potential of the squat. Now what determines that potential? Your ability to connect, your ability to move, your range of motion that you have function over. That's what makes that squat worth 100. What makes you better at getting closer to that maximum benefit of the barbell squat?
Starting point is 00:18:43 Your functional mobility. So doing these functional mobility days will make your other workouts far more effective. All right, here's the third piece that we think should be included in your workout. You should focus on getting a pump about two days a week. So two days a week, you're working out in the gym or at home, the goal isn't heavy, high intensity, like with the compound lifts, you're not working on functional mobility like with the mobility day, your goal is to get a pump and add some more volume and frequency while minimizing the damage that you produce to
Starting point is 00:19:17 the body, right? Because you don't want to cause too much more damage, but I still want to send a muscle building signal. This is where body building, some of the things you learn in body building can become quite valuable. Yeah, and this is smart because, too, in terms of practice and teaching your body, to be able to express that muscle contraction more frequently, you're going to get better at a lot of these lifts and your muscles are going to respond accordingly, but not the key is the appropriate amount of intensity, and that's something that we scale through this process and we're able to kind of focus in on that
Starting point is 00:19:49 a little bit more, you know, to the individual groups or we're a little bit more single joint focused. So what this is starting to shape up to look like is Monday we have these hard compound lifts. This is the day we get after it, the big lifts, we're more strength training focused. Day two, we've got an hour of mobility that we're doing, which is you follow the Prime Pro.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Now day three, we're moving into what we would call like a focus type of session, where we're doing more isolation to ourselves. This is like cable push downs and bicep curls and lateral raises and a lot of movements like that. Very similar to anybody who's bought or gone through our Maps Esthetic program. We have what are called focus days that
Starting point is 00:20:26 complement the foundational days. The compound lifting that you're doing on Monday, that would represent like our foundational days that we build in most of our programs. What we're talking about right now would be like our focus days where you are and your rep range, they're higher rep range. Yeah, 15 to 20. Right. We're up to 15 to 20. We're searching up the mindset's different now too, right? So when you go into this, it's not the same as the, when you're going after the six rep range and we're doing compound lifts, we're trying to move weight. We're trying to move weight and the intensity and the focus is completely different. When you go into the isolation days,
Starting point is 00:20:58 now it's about getting the pump. It's about time under tension, controlling it, slowing the repetition down, doing these isolation exercises and training that way for this entire route. Yeah, I did that this morning. In fact, I came in and my body's feeling a little stiff and I needed to go lighter. And so what you would have seen me doing is I'm going much lighter and I'm doing more isolation exercises. So like instead of doing a heavy bench press, I might do some cable flies. I may
Starting point is 00:21:27 do a dumbbell chest press, but light where I'm focusing on the squeeze, right? So higher reps, lighter weight, focus on getting the pump, and you're doing again one exercise per body part for about three sets. Now, the next day, this one's also very important, and this is what we would call a functional day. So functional exercises tend to involve the entire body, and you tend to move into different planes as you're doing this exercise. What do I mean by planes? Okay, so if I do a curl, I'm moving in one plane, right?
Starting point is 00:22:00 I'm not twisting, I'm not moving behind me, I'm just moving in one plane. Functional movements tend to get you to move in different ways all the way through to get your body to communicate. So, to get your upper body to communicate with your lower body, to get your left, to communicate with your right,
Starting point is 00:22:14 to activate what's called proprioceptive ability. Where's my body in space, right? So, like a good example of a functional exercise that will follow this category would be like a Turkish get up. You do a Turkish get up, it's not a shoulder exercise per se, it's not a core exercise per se, it's not a leg exercise per se, although all those muscles are activated and more,
Starting point is 00:22:33 but what it's doing is it's getting the whole body to move and communicate together. And this is important because our joints are capable of so many different angles and has so much range. And if we're not expressing that, then our body starts to sort of down regulate and starts to prune off the abilities that we have. This is just trying to reinforce a lot of the capabilities that we already have. So we need to be able to train that and plan that out. So, you know, I can get them to respond appropriately,
Starting point is 00:23:06 going back into these regular barbell type lifts. Well, yeah, it also lends itself so well to getting great at the compal of. So going back to these intense days that are the biggest bang for your buck or what are probably going to build the most amount of muscle on you, you get really good at a Turkish get up. And you go back and see what your overhead press or what your squats look like, you'll see that that movement will. There's carry over. Yeah, there's carry over to that.
Starting point is 00:23:37 And that's why I like movements like the Turkish get up because in order to articulate that entire movement, it's broken in like eight parts and components. And you literally, from your toes to your neck, everything is being stimulated, and in order to do it properly and really well, it promotes good shoulder mobility, it promotes good hip mobility, good trunk stability, but the ability to rotate in multiple planes,
Starting point is 00:24:00 you have good control through that entire thing, then you go over and do something that is actually a lot easier as far as the amount of movement that's involved like a squat and you'll see how much carryover is into that. Well, and this is so important because in real life, you're faced with all kinds of weird, unique angles. If you're super strong in the gym, that's great, but now that's gonna be your hard-wired response. So let's say, now you have just a little bit of rotation in there, how does your body respond?
Starting point is 00:24:31 It might over-respond the wrong way. And so this is gonna help to teach it to support your joints, but also maintain your strength. And it also makes a lot of sense to structure it this way, where it's like a full functional day and a routine like this, because what I don't wanna do, because I just did a focus session, I've already had a heavy compound lifting day,
Starting point is 00:24:51 I don't wanna tax individual muscles the same way. I wanna get a full body workout, I wanna promote blood flow, I wanna promote recovery, I wanna work on control, stability, range of motion, to get stronger, all those things are gonna come from this functional day, but I'm not gonna get get my triceps, hella sore from a Turkish get out. Your shoulders aren't going to get hella sore, your legs are going to get hella sore from a movement like that.
Starting point is 00:25:12 You're not stressing the muscles as much as you're stressing the communication between the muscles and the movement, which benefits all the other workouts and has value in and of itself. I remember when we first started the podcast, Justin was definitely a very functional, he's still a very functional training guy. And he convinced me to give a windmill a try. Now I've always been able to lift a lot of weight, very strong in that exercise.
Starting point is 00:25:37 I went to try a deadlift and I couldn't even get, I'm excuse me, a windmill and I couldn't even get in the position. The tech, my body didn't know that movement. So I'm like, I gotta practice this, right? So I started practicing the windmill, and I got to the point where I could do it with like a 70 pound kettlebell, not a 10 away,
Starting point is 00:25:51 but huge improvement from not being able to do it at all. I was blown away that my deadlift went up. I was stronger in my deadlift. Now I could break it down and be like, oh my QL got work better and things are stretching in my hip, but the reality is down and be like, oh, my QL got work better and things are stretching in my hip. But the reality is when I did my deadlift, I just felt more stable in my lift.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And I didn't expect that. I didn't do the windmills to get a better deadlift. I did the windmills because I couldn't do that movement. I kind of freaked me out. But the side effect was I got better at my deadlift. So there's lots of value for muscle building and strength, performance. So even if you're not a functional person,
Starting point is 00:26:28 you don't really care, you just want to build muscle. One day a week of this, one day a week of this, you're going to still touch all the muscles of your body, so you're still sending somewhat of a muscle building signal, but it's going to make your body move better and communicate better with itself. So when you do those other lifts, those heavy lifts that are building muscle,
Starting point is 00:26:43 you're just better at it. And I want to stress this to the audience that this will be new to is fall in love with the process of improving the movement more than trying to prove that you can do more weight. Yes. So just because I'm strong enough to go out there right now and grab a 60 to a hundred pound kettlebell and hold that and do a Turkish get up. I know that I won't be able to move through the whole exercise beautifully.
Starting point is 00:27:09 And that's the goal on these functional days is to really improve the movement of it. Not necessarily, oh yeah, I could do a hundred pound kettlebell when I do a Turkish get up and say, yeah, but if it looks like shit, who cares? So when you do these functional exercises that we're gonna lay out for you, the goal is to get great at the movement.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Let that, so notice that all these days have different mental folks. That's the challenge of seven days a week. Seven days a week, every time you go in the gym, you've got to switch your mindset. It's not always gonna be the same. You're not going in with the same mindset all seven days. Each day you have to kind of change like,
Starting point is 00:27:43 okay, this is the focus today. Today it's all about mobility, it's all have to kind of change like, okay, this is the focus today. Today it's all about mobility, it's all about the intention of the movement, and it's about connecting really well, and moving controlled and slow. When I'm going after compound lifts, I'm getting after it, I want to move as much ways I can. When I'm going into these isolation days,
Starting point is 00:27:58 when I'm doing more of the pumping exercises, about time and attention and control and form and filling a pump in the muscle, now I'm on functional day. Functional day is all about the movement. Can I make this movement beautiful? Can I make it look perfect? Or are you organizing and putting it all together?
Starting point is 00:28:12 Yeah. And that doesn't mean that you can't scale up or progressively overload it. But the goal is the movement. That's right. Perfect the movement first before you start to add load to it. Totally. Don't add load to a crappy movement pattern. That totally defeats the entire purpose.
Starting point is 00:28:26 All right, so this last point that we're gonna make is one that now comes from our collective wisdom. Now, I know I use that word to replace the word that, you know, old, because we've been around for a while. But the truth is, we've trained people for decades. We've been working out ourselves for decades, and this last piece is extremely valuable. Don't leave it out and don't worry We'll we'll sell to you why it's so valuable and that's this one day a week
Starting point is 00:28:51 You're gonna do a one hour hike or walk outside. That's the important part. You got to do it outside and every time I talk about this Here's what fitness fanatics think and then what they say to me. So they think oh an hour of Activity I'm gonna burn calories. This makes lots of sense. Why do I gotta do it outside? and then what they say to me. So they think, oh, an hour of activity, I'm gonna burn calories, this makes lots of sense. Why do I gotta do it outside? It's raining, it's snowing, it's hot. Like, why don't I just do it on the treadmill? Here's why.
Starting point is 00:29:15 It's not about the activity. That's nice bonus, but the reality is the, it's really about being outside. What about when it's hot or cold or raining? That's gonna give you even more value. We now know that challenging your body's ability to deal with the elements, strengthens your body's ability to adapt in a general way.
Starting point is 00:29:34 What does that mean? Or metextress. When you're lifting weights or working out, what you're asking your body to do is to adapt, right? If your body didn't adapt, it would be a waste of time to work out. I'm not getting any stronger no matter what I do. Like, okay, why am I to adapt, right? If your body didn't adapt, it would be a waste of time to work out. I'm not getting any stronger no matter what I do. Like, okay, why am I doing this, right?
Starting point is 00:29:49 Or I'm not strengthening my body, or I'm not burning body fat, right? All of those are adaptations. Your body builds muscle because it's adapting to stress. Your body burns body fat because it's adapting to a particular stimulus, same thing with improving performance. Your body's ability to handle the elements,
Starting point is 00:30:11 to get comfortable in the elements is an adaptation system. And if that is weak, just like if any other adaptation system in your body is weak, it's going to affect all the other adaptation systems. Now, we have, because modern life is so comfortable, because we have air conditioning, heating, we have, we have atrophied this particular adaptation system. And this isn't just my theory. Okay, look at the studies, for example, that are done on hot and cold therapy. Look at the studies done on saunas. Do you know that regular sauna use was to just heat, okay, just heat by itself. Regular sauna use decreases all cause mortality by something like 20 or 30% which is insane. This is regardless of heat, okay, just heat by itself. Regular sauna use decreases all cause mortality
Starting point is 00:30:45 by something like 20 or 30%, which is insane. This is regardless of other lifestyle factors, just that alone. Cold therapy has some other interesting properties. Not to mention the benefit of going out into getting the sun, not to mention the benefit of getting fresh air. All the, and we know this instinctively, how many times have you said to yourself,
Starting point is 00:31:06 like I need to get some fresh air, right? What the hell does that mean? What's the difference between the air outside and the air inside? There's a big difference. So going outside, bearing the elements for an hour, tremendous benefits for health and downstream muscle building fat loss.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Don't you think that's the why this trend has happened in the last decade or so of the hot cold plunges and the saunas and the ice pass and the cryotherapy. You've been removed from it. Right. And don't you think that a lot of the research and studies that are showing all the benefits
Starting point is 00:31:35 has a lot to do with that we now don't do that anymore? I bet you 100 years ago, you wouldn't see the same benefits that we see today. I bet you we did research on people 100, 200, 300 years ago. No, why would they do that one that's day, that's their day? Yeah, every day they were, they were fighting the elements like that.
Starting point is 00:31:52 And so their body had to adapt, had to get strong to handle all that, where we've been in this push lifestyle for the last century, that we haven't been challenged this way. So then it outcomes all this research to show, oh my God, look how beneficial the cold plunges, look how beneficial the hot sun is.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Well, I think the reason why that those things are so beneficial today is mainly because we neglected it for so long. We live in flat, like sterilized environments that don't challenge us at all because we want to make our life easier, right? That's been the whole goal with progress is to make our lives less challenging.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And when we remove the challenge, we're not stimulating the body like we need to and we're not, we're breathing recycled air, we're not getting sunlight, we're not getting a lot of these things that spark and stimulate the body in a certain way that's gonna help to protect us when we actually get challenged.
Starting point is 00:32:48 So whenever you find yourself feeling like, oh my God, I'm carrying all this stress, but now I'm facing a new variable. You know, how do I respond to that if I'm not training myself to respond to it properly? By the way, it's not just like training your mental capacity to handle heat or handle cold or handle the elements. Your body actually adapts to be able to handle these things a lot better. Like I'll never forget as a kid,
Starting point is 00:33:12 my, you know, at the time he was in his 70s, 70s, something your old grandfather visiting from Sicily. He's, you know, he's obviously old and he's a different old than you see, you know, today He's an old like porcisellion old. So he's been around. He's worked hard, right? He comes comes to visit and he goes a different old than you see today. He's an old like porcissillion old. So he's been around, he's worked hard, right? He comes to visit and he goes to work with my dad and I, this is when I would help my dad in the summers and we're mixing cement in the summer and it's hot and I'm 15 years old, I work out, I got, you know, I'm spry or whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And I'm dying and my grandfather's whistling while he's mixing cement and I'm like, this guy is made of something completely different. I remember also spaying the night in their home up in Sicily with no air conditioning, hitting grouper there conditioning. And it was, these are cement houses. It was sweltering and he's smoking a cigarette inside. And I'm just dying, I can't believe it, right?
Starting point is 00:33:58 I also know I've had friends who've come from different parts of the country. I had a friend who came from Minnesota. And she would, in 62 or 63 degree weather, which for a Californian is freezing, okay. 63 degrees here in San Jose, I'm wearing a sweater and sweats. She was in shorts and a tank top. And I remember asking, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:34:19 how aren't you cold? And she's like, it's warm outside. She goes, you have no idea. I grew up in Minnesota. My body's adapted to the cold. So your body adapts to these types of things. You can train this in your body and believe me, when you train your body in a way to adapt to these things, all your other adaptation systems start to follow suit. So your body ability to build muscle, burn body fat, get stronger, actually becomes reinforced and
Starting point is 00:34:45 strengthened. So go outside for an hour regardless of the elements. Now I want to make a point before we lay out and give the exactly what these seven days are going to look like for the audience because I have a feeling that this episode will be one of the ones that go viral, just these types of topics, especially if we're giving away a complete workout. There's a free maps program for you. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:06 So since we're doing that, I know that this is going to reach a lot of people that have no idea who the hell my pump is. So if you've been listening for a long time, I don't feel I need to convince or explain everything that we just went through. But what I know is if you come across as someone shares this, this is the first time you've heard us talk about the biggest mistake or the number one mistake that will be made with this program is wanting to do more. You're gonna want, you are gonna,
Starting point is 00:35:29 oh, I feel good today, so I'm gonna do this now. Or, oh, they had an hiking day, I don't feel like going and doing that. I'm gonna do another one of those. What if I do a five hour hike? Exactly. The idea of this was if we were going to construct a routine
Starting point is 00:35:45 that you are training seven days, an hour at a time, every single day, what type of stuff would I build for a client of mine for optimal results? This is for somebody who's trying to build the most amount of muscle, burn the most amount of body fat, or just be as healthy as they possibly can, strength and longevity wise. This is what that routine would look like.
Starting point is 00:36:05 So do not fool yourself and go, oh, well, I'm more of this person, so I'm gonna do more of those things, or I'm less of this person, so I'm gonna eliminate those one thing. Trust the process, follow this routine for at least 30 days and watch what happens. All right, so here's the breakdown,
Starting point is 00:36:20 and if you're listening on the podcast, you can write this down. Luckily for you people watching on YouTube, we're gonna flash this workout up on the screen so you can literally screenshot it. Can we put it in the notes and we're too? Yeah, we have a good idea. Let's put it in.
Starting point is 00:36:31 We'll save all these in the notes so someone can literally just kind of copy and paste. Yeah, and this is literally, we're writing out the workout for you. Okay, so Monday and Thursday are your heavy workouts. Here's what your Monday workout looks like, okay? You're gonna start out with barbell squats, then you're gonna go to barbell bench press,
Starting point is 00:36:48 then you're gonna go to barbell rows, barbell overhead press, curls, dumbbell, or barbell is fine, school crushers, slow sit ups and calf raises. All of these are for three sets, all of them are for six to 12 reps. The Thursday workout, so I'm skipping a couple days, that's cause we're gonna have other workouts in between,
Starting point is 00:37:05 but we're talking about the heavy compound lift workouts, right? The Thursday workout is going to look like this. It's going to start with dead lifts. Then you're going to go to incline press, pull-ups, Arnold press, hammer curls, dips, your reverse crunch, and then your calf raise. Again, three sets, six to 12 reps. The mobility workout, which you're going to follow, the Prime Pro webinar, right? So you're going to do this particular mobility workout. And I think we have the mobility workout set up for Saturday, if you were to follow this exactly, is literally go to PrimeProWebinar.com and have Adam coach you through the workout. After you follow that for two or three workouts You'll probably have a good idea on how to do it on your own
Starting point is 00:37:48 But I highly suggest you haven't coach you because mobility is probably the most complicated or hard to understand of all these And this can be done in the gym and watching it on your phone or this can be doing done on your television at home You don't need equipment for this. That's right. You could do this just on the floor right the pump workouts So these are the ones where you're trying to get a pump, 15 to 20 reps, more isolation exercises. Here's Tuesday's pump workout. You start with lunges, you go to dumbbell flies, dumbbell pullovers, then you go to lateral raises, band curls, band press downs, and planks. By the way, resistance bands are excellent for pump workouts. They provide very little damage to the body in comparison to weights or machines, but they still send a
Starting point is 00:38:32 very good muscle building signal. Strength athletes use them all the time exactly because of this. I put bands as the trigger session workouts and maps in a ball, which is very popular, specifically because of what I just said, minimal damage, you still send a muscle building signal and you get a great pump. Friday is the next is the other pump workout, right? Here are your exercises, your single leg toe touch, band flies, band rows, band pull up out, pull apart, excuse me, band curls, band press downs, and then band side chops, right, for your core. Here's your functional day.
Starting point is 00:39:09 So that was the one that we talked about earlier where you're focusing on the movement. Your functional day is going to be Wednesday. You're going to do three sets of each of these exercises. The repetitions can be anywhere between five to 10. Let's go with Turkish get ups, windmills, caustic squats, and then overhead carries. You're gonna carry for about 25 to 35 steps. Okay, overhead carry, you put basically a weight over your head, extend your arms and do it,
Starting point is 00:39:35 down for 25, 35 steps, and then back. We have videos for all this on our YouTube channel, I believe, I don't know if there's any exercise that we've, everything that we're saying is all you're gonna be on YouTube. It's all gonna be that, right? And then here's your go outside. I don't know if there's any exercise that we've, everything that we're saying on YouTube. It's all gonna be that, right? And then here's your go outside. I don't need to break this down for you.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Go for a walk or a hike regardless of the weather. In fact, the more harsh the weather is, of course, be safe, don't be stupid. So if it's a hurricane, please don't listen to what we said and go to go walk out in hurricane. Be smart, cover yourself up, whatever, whatever you need to do. But if the weather's bad or whatever, that's actually part of the value of this.
Starting point is 00:40:08 And you're gonna do that on Sunday. So that's your Sunday workout. So two things I wanna add that'll help the audience out if that may not know this or if you're first time finding us. One of the best ways to find out information that we've already covered, which everything we've talked about in here we've covered, is that when you're on the YouTube channel and or Google, you literally put mind pump and
Starting point is 00:40:27 then what you have a question about. So if there's an exercise you're unfamiliar with, you don't know the form and technique, put mind pump, then that exercise, it'll populate on YouTube. The second question that I know is going to get asked by a lot of people is, how do I choose my weight? I did a video a year or two ago about how to choose the right weight for you. We'll do the, we'll do it. Maybe Andrew can post it up right away. So somebody, or you guys can see that and switch over to the link on that. If that's a question for you, search
Starting point is 00:40:53 that to help you figure out where to start. But one thing I want to say about all of this, when you're doing this form technique, start lighter first, get good at it before you start to scale up the way. Yeah, thanks for saying that. Okay, real quick overview. Monday, have you workout? Tuesday, pump workout. Wednesday, functional workout. Thursday, have you workout again?
Starting point is 00:41:13 Friday, pump workout again. Saturday, mobility workout, Sunday, outside workout. By the way, this is the first time we've really created a free program in giving it away on an episode. So obviously it costs you nothing, copy it. You're going to see it on the video, you can screenshot it, write it out, follow it.
Starting point is 00:41:33 This is your seven day a week. Share this with your friends and family. Obviously, more people who can get involved, the better you have accountability wise and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, and you're going to get great results. Look, if you like this information and you want more, you want to learn more from Mind Pump. That's free.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Head over to MindPumpFree.com. We have more guides, more information there that can help you with all of your fitness goals and desires. Also, you can find all of us on Instagram so you can find Justin at Mind Pump Justin. Me at Mind Pump Sal and Adam at Mind Pump Adam. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body,
Starting point is 00:42:05 dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump Media.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps for performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs.
Starting point is 00:42:31 With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump. We've seen Mind Pump to your friends and family.
Starting point is 00:43:06 We thank you for your support. And until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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