Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1635: How to Build a $10,000/month Fitness & Coaching Business

Episode Date: September 6, 2021

In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin speak with Nutrition Coaching Institute Founder, Jason Phillips, about actionable steps to take to build a successful coaching business. 1635: How to Build a $10,000.../month Fitness & Coaching Business The lack of integrity that currently exists in the fitness influencer space is disgusting! (2:43) How to Build a $10,000/month Fitness & Coaching Business. (6:58) Step 1: Be able to solve a problem and deliver results. (8:52) Step 2: You must have a really good offer. (24:05) Step 3: Create leads and attention. (38:51) Step 4: Have nurture frameworks. (50:08) Step 5: Selling is not telling. (56:10) Jason’s Framework for Sales. (1:02:53) Providing and over delivering extreme value for coaches through the Mind Pump x NCI Mentorship Program. (1:16:38) Related Links/Products Mentioned September Promotion: MAPS Performance and MAPS Suspension 50% off!   **Promo code “SEPTEMBER50” at checkout** Mind Pump x NCI Mentorship Coaching Visit Chili Sleep for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! NCI Certifications x Mind Pump Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources Featured Guest/People Mentioned Jason Phillips (@jasonphillipsisnutrition) on Instagram Jordan Syatt (@syattfitness) on Instagram Mike Millner (@coach_mike_millner) on Instagram  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Alright, today's episode is for those of you that want to get into the fitness and health space as a professional. You want to build your business, you want to get into the fitness and health space as a professional, you want to build your business, you want to get people fit and healthy,
Starting point is 00:00:28 and you want to be able to support yourself successfully, or it's for those of you that are already in the fitness and health space, but you want to figure out how to really become even more successful, not just for your clients, but also for yourself. We have Jason Phillips on the show, he's trained numerous, six, seven, and even eight
Starting point is 00:00:47 figure coaches and trainers out there. So he knows how to make people successful. We talk about how to get leads. We talk about how to generate awareness. We talk about closing the sale. We talk about delivering great results. Having a good offer. You're a lot in this episode. By the way, You're going to learn a lot in this episode. By the way, we've partnered with Jason Phillips in his company NCI to offer some very specific type of mentoring to trainers. I know there's a lot of mentorship programs out there, they're super expensive. We wanted to make this one very, very accessible. We wanted to make it so you had access to myself, Justin, and Adam.
Starting point is 00:01:24 So through this mentorship program, you're working with NCI, you're getting in-depth coaching on how to build your business and be successful. But you also get to meet with us once a week, ask us questions, and here what we have to say about becoming successful. You can find this at mindpumpnci.com. Again, it's mindp pump NCI.com.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Now this episode is brought to you by one of our sponsors, Chili Sleep. Now Chili Sleep makes products that warm or cool your beds. And there's two sides to some of the products. So if you and your wife or you and your husband or you and your partner prefer different temperatures, that's totally fine. It's controlled by your phone.
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Starting point is 00:02:24 Also, all months long, the following programs are 50% off. So maps, performance, and maps, suspension, both 50% off, go check them out, head over to mapsfitnisproducts.com. Just use the code September 50 with no space for that discount. You know, before we started recording, we were just in here having conversation
Starting point is 00:02:47 and talking, and I don't wanna go into, obviously, you know, throwing anybody into the bus. But just talking about, it would be fun if we did, but yeah. It would be fun. It would, yeah. Just talking about the absolute garbage that in the lack of integrity that exists
Starting point is 00:03:03 in the fitness industry, but exists in the fitness industry, but specifically in the coaching fitness industry, and to be more specific in the influencers and people who sell other coaches, how to be better coaches and how you, and it's absolutely terrible. It's actually one of the reasons why we started Mind Pump. We literally, when we first sat down and met each other,
Starting point is 00:03:22 we sat down and we said, there's a huge market that's available to us for being honest and helping people the right way because so many people are doing it in terrible ways, hurting people and praying on their insecurities and it's run by these insecure egomaniacs. We just have to figure out how to sell it better
Starting point is 00:03:41 than their bullshit messages. And we think we've kind of figured some of that out. And, you know, we meet you and we hit it off and, you know, we, for a long time, we've been approached by so many people to work with them, work with my certification for coaches and help me. And we said no to everybody and we didn't want to touch it because we didn't like anybody, of until we met you. So. What are some of you guys' theories on, oh, why that is so prevalent in our space? Like, what I think the first thing that comes to mind for me
Starting point is 00:04:14 is how easy it is to gain attention with social media. Like, we've never had something like this before. In the past with, you know, like, you know, mailing to your house, marketing, or television, or radio, or things like that. Like ads and things like that would have to build enough value or you'd have to find a way to acquire these leads by spending your own money or whatever we're now
Starting point is 00:04:36 on social media, you can do gimmicky shit and get attention by thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands and even sometimes millions of people and When you have millions of people in front of you You could have a pretty shitty Product that you're selling and still convert at 1% and have a six seven figure plus business Yeah, it's it's low hanging through I think because fitness and health can be very, at least for the mainstream,
Starting point is 00:05:06 synonymous with looking a particular way, like looking lean, looking sexy, muscular, beautiful, whatever. So if you're a dysfunctional, ego maniac obsessed with fitness and you happen to look good, it's not hard to sell that to other people because we see somebody that looks a particular way, especially on social media, and we think they must know what they're talking about. And so it's like, well, I look good. Who knows how they got that way, but now I'm going to promote myself as this expert and exercise and nutrition, and it's just, oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Well, even just talking to all these influencers, I mean, they're getting approached by a lot of people, like, hey, what are you doing? Do you have some kind of a plan? I want to eat the way you eat. I want to train the way you train. They're, and even though they're not, they don't have a background in it in terms of educating
Starting point is 00:06:01 other people, they've been able to apply this to themselves and therefore, well, I'll just basically write down what I did and sell that to everybody. And you see that a lot because it's an easy way for them to immediately monetize this huge following. Yeah, now I wanna go on the other end, right? The fitness and health industry is better equipped than any other industry I can think of.
Starting point is 00:06:23 For actually helping people solve these chronic health issues that we deal with in modern societies that are a big deal. Okay, more Americans than not are overweight. I think I believe in majority now is even obese. We got lots of health problems. Even if you aren't necessarily sick, your mood is affected, your attention is affected, how you are as a person is affected because you're poor health, and the fitness and health space has the answers.
Starting point is 00:06:53 And within that, we just talked about the crappy ones, the people that get all the attention. Lots of really good people go into it, wanting to become coaches and trainers to help other people, and then here's what happens. They go into it and they say, okay, I want to make this my career. So I have to earn money, but the real reason why I'm doing this, and by the way, when I gave talks Jason,
Starting point is 00:07:12 before all the lockdowns has to everything happened, I was going to gyms and talking to trainers for free. And I would say, hey, raise your hand and tell me why you became a trainer or a coach. Nobody said it was to become wealthy. Every single person said, it's because they wanted to help people. So here you are, you wanna get in this career, you really wanna help people, but the reality is
Starting point is 00:07:31 you also have to earn a living. So what do you end up looking to as your inspiration? These terrible moron influencers that are doing everything right, and then you think, well, that's the way to do it. And it's absolutely not, and I'm so glad that we work with someone like you because you have actually developed, train and developed a lot of very successful coaches
Starting point is 00:07:55 and trainers doing it the right way. And I would like for you to give that away a little bit. Like what, you know, how can a coach or fitness professional go into the space, do a good job, but also make a good living doing it because that's, people think it's two different things, but I think it's actually connected. And if you do it the right way, I think you'll become even more successful. Yeah, I mean, I think that there's the one offs for sure of people that quote unquote
Starting point is 00:08:23 and make it. But I think if we actually did a study today and we looked at all the people in the fitness space that are successful online or even brick-and-mortar, like none of them are ultra successful because they deliver a poor quality product. Right? Now, they may have had temporary success. They might have made a hundred grand, 200 grand, maybe even a million dollars on, you know, putting out their own program, as you said it,
Starting point is 00:08:46 which I think is extremely common in the influencer world. But I think that the prerequisite is every coach has to be able to solve a problem. When we look at business in general, any business, Amazon, PayPal, whatever it was, there was a problem that existed in the world. They went in, they solved it, they are clearly getting compensated really well for it. It's the same thing with coaching. There's problems that exist. I mean, obesity is at an all-time high rate right now.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And I think our world is more aware of it. You look at the stats of the craziness that's going on in the world, obesity's contributing to that. So our world's becoming hyper aware of it and coaches and trainers, as you said, we have the solution. We have the steps to get there. The problem is, how do you communicate that to the world? That's the problem that I think most coaches see.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Is another diet the answer? Well, if you look at social media, no. Either everyone's saying, I have the diet that works, except every human being that we communicate with, the diets don't work. Every brand new lead we get, every individual that we speak to, they're like, well, I've tried every diet under the sun and it doesn't work. And when we get into the marketing, I'll explain kind of why that is. But I think that the first solution, man, is you've got to have something that's
Starting point is 00:09:56 really good. And I think we both have experience there. When I first started, the very first time I ever came to you guys, I had, I think it was like 2000 followers on Instagram, which is nothing by today's standards. And I think at that time, I know I was doing over 100K a month, but I might have almost been to like 200K. And so it was never a game of, you know, being super popular or being an influencer or selling something crazy. It was the fact that I had dug in, I wanted to help people, and I had a certain way of helping people. And as I've gotten to know you guys, you guys went into a space and you're like, we're just gonna put out great information
Starting point is 00:10:29 and we're gonna put out the truth and we're not gonna try to be successful overnight. But the people that we connect to, they're gonna get what they actually need from us and they're gonna get answers and it's gonna work. And when you start delivering those results, people tell their friends and they tell their friends and it's like holy shit, things actually come together
Starting point is 00:10:46 and growth happens organically instead of being forced. Yeah, and I want to get into a little more detail about, you said having a quality product or solving solutions, some people watching this right now may think, oh, I can get someone to lose 30 pounds, so I can solve their problem, or I can get somebody to look fit in 90 days. That's not a solution to the problem. Millions of people every year lose weight. They
Starting point is 00:11:12 also gain it back. The real solution is they get fit and healthy forever. It's not a temporary thing. That's the challenge now. Now it's hard because any idiot could get somebody to lose 30 pounds Actually, I think everybody knows what they could do to lose 30 pounds right away Stop eating, change yourself to a treadmill. It's gonna happen But are you is that sustainable? Is that healthy and is that really the way you want to live? And so that's I think I'm glad you started there because you got to know what you're doing and you got it and you got to really solve it not pretend Well, it's it's counter social media culture and yes, if everybody goes and they scroll everybody that's listening to this if they go scroll Instagram they scroll Facebook they get on YouTube they get pre-rolled
Starting point is 00:11:56 What are you getting hit with here's how to make blah blah blah money as a coach and everyone's like oh shit I like this fitness thing I can make a lot of money. And so what do they focus on first? Marketing and sales. Like, oh, my sales skills aren't good enough. Oh, my marketing is not good enough. I don't know how to acquire customers. Well, I'm sorry, but the majority of the people out there, you also suck at creating results. And I mean, we can all say it. Like, we've been around. And I mean, dude, we've been to local, you know, big box gyms and you laugh at some of the things that you see trainers doing and listen. Everybody starts somewhere. If I go back to the very first sessions, I everyday with my clients, I would probably be laughing at myself. And if I go back to like the very first diet programs
Starting point is 00:12:35 I ever wrote when I was like 19 and young and naive, I would probably still laugh at myself, too. So, but so we all have like a learning curve. But there was a point where when I went completely online and I was like, I'm going all in, I knew I could deliver results to literally anybody. Anybody that came my way, I knew I had the principles, I knew I was rooted in science, and I knew that no matter who you were, I could deliver a result. And if I couldn't, I wasn't going to take you on. And that became the foundation of what I did.
Starting point is 00:13:00 You know, for us, our whole movement is impact over everything. If I can't help you, I don't want your money, I don't want you wasting your time with me, I want to help you find a resource that can. That's not marketed anywhere. Like, you can't go open up your social media today and find anybody outside of NCI, our friend Jordan and his certification.
Starting point is 00:13:20 You can't find anybody saying, like, here's the tools you need to create the best results. Because that's not sexy, right? What coaches out there are like, here's the tools you need to create the best results. Because that's not sexy. Right? What coaches out there are like, great, I can create amazing results. They have a hard time correlating that to hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars. So instead, what do the marketers do?
Starting point is 00:13:34 They put it in your face. They're like, here's millions of dollars. Here's your path to millions of dollars. Except everybody's forgetting the one prerequisite is, you actually have to fucking be good at what you do. I think that's unique to our space too. We were talking off air before, and I was sharing with you my experience
Starting point is 00:13:52 getting into fitness and being interested in the business side. And I felt like back when I first got into it, two decades ago, so much of the focus was a geared in what Sal was saying, which you never heard a trainer say, like, I'm gonna make, I wanna make millions of dollars, that's why I'm gonna become a trainer. I wanna help people.
Starting point is 00:14:09 So a lot of the information that was circulating at that time was certifications and how to be a better coach and how to program better and nutrition advice. That's true. And just how to be better at your job. But nobody was talking about how to make money. And so- I don't know any wealthy trainers back then.
Starting point is 00:14:26 No, no. And so everything was centered around, and then if we talked about, if you were asking us 20 years ago, who are some of the best, the names of the people that you talk were the brilliant science-based guys. Right? But then we talked about Bill Phillips. I was like the famous one. And what did everybody say back then?
Starting point is 00:14:42 Nobody said Bill Phillips is super rich. Right. Nobody leader, oh, he creates amazing results with body for life. And he had the first hundred million dollar supplement company Absolutely, but nobody ever nobody ever talked about his wealth at that time, right? They talked about his growth and his presence except here's the thing the world The world has picked up on different levels of insecurity and every coach has different levels of insecurity Actually have a big belief in terms of your own business development is only it's only hindered by your ability to overcome your own insecurities. And so I think that most people that get into health and fitness as a career started with some level of insecurity. They wanted
Starting point is 00:15:16 to improve their own body. They want to improve their own image. Like I know for me when I started as an anorexic, I had massive insecurities. I wanted to be liked by females, I wanted to be accepted by other alpha males. And so that drove me into a needing disorder. I overcame that. I was like, okay, my next insecurity was I can't help people enough. So the industry spoke to me. I went and got my degree. I got every certification under the fucking sun.
Starting point is 00:15:40 I went and I started helping people. I started creating some results. My next insecurity was, well, this can't be my career. I don't know any business. So then I went and I learned the business stuff except my next insecurity was like, well, I'm not good enough. Right? I was back to the very beginning in security. I'm not good enough to be the leader of a business or a movement. I overcame that shit. I built a big business. Now my next insecurity was, well, my knowledge won't be accepted by the industry. It took me forever to write NCI. We wrote that back to the same insecurity of I can't leave this movement. Except every time I've overcome an insecurity, it's allowed me to propel myself forward
Starting point is 00:16:14 in business. The industry has just picked up on the different levels of insecurity. We're in a very body confident movement right now. And so people are starting to overcome the whole mirror and scale and all that shit. So we can't pander to that. Instead, we have to pander to people's like inability to feel worthy, to feel like they have enough and especially financially. So we do that, we speak to that insecurity, it's like, oh, you don't have enough money,
Starting point is 00:16:39 you can make a lot of money. And that's what's selling right now. And I actually think this will become cyclical. I think that if we are listening to this podcast five or 10 years from now, you'll see more knowledge things being talked about because at some point we'll overcome our fear of mine. Well, I think the progression that I saw was
Starting point is 00:16:55 beginning, it was all centered around certifications and fitness type knowledge, nobody was teaching business, then some smart business, e-commerce people saw an opportunity to go take advantage of a space that nobody was teaching that. So then you get all the charlatans who come in that are great at marketing and selling. And you can... Yeah, the doughnut.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Right, the doughnut fitness don't you health that don't understand that, don't understand what drives most people like insecurities, aren't truly in the business of helping those people. They're all in the business of converting leads. And so then you have that group of people that are teaching the fitness space, how you do this and you go about it. And so we're really at this time,
Starting point is 00:17:31 we're finally starting to see, and I felt that was kind of how our relationships are to develop of people that have that knowledge in the space as far as the science they care about people, that's their motive, and then they've learned the marketing side, and now can teach that to people how to do it the right way. Well, I care about people, that's their motive, and then they've learned the marketing side, and now can teach that to people how to do it the right way.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Well, I know for me, the only reason I learned business was one, I needed to grow my own. But number two, when we started certifying coaches in NCI, I knew that we had the most talented group of humans. I know our certs are hands down the best in the world. I know we create the best application in the world, except I saw these people that could create amazing results. They didn't know how to get clients,
Starting point is 00:18:06 they didn't know how to systemize a business, they didn't know how to scale a business, and I said, okay, it's incumbent upon me now as the leader of NCI to go out and be like, okay, here's the tools you need to actually touch more people. And we all know that income is just a function of impact. Like if you are touching enough lives, you're changing enough lives, helping enough people,
Starting point is 00:18:23 you're making more and more money. And that was like where we started. I actually learned all the business stuff by necessity. I think now like we're really, really good at it. And I think obviously we're gonna share here shortly like what people can learn from this. But that was never my start game. And I think that there's so many people right now
Starting point is 00:18:41 that's where they're starting. Yeah, you know it's funny when Adam, you made me really go back to when I started as a trainer. I was an 18 year old kid, so passionate about fitness. And I had no concept of how much money, I live with my parents and they took every the handle bills. And I remember showing my checks to my parents
Starting point is 00:19:00 and I'm going like, oh my God, you're making a lot of money and it didn't register to me. Really what I wanted to do was keep training and helping more people and so I think it's I mean It's obvious. It sounds it's funny. It's business 101 right be good at your craft But we have to remind people like before you do anything else you got to be a good coach You got to be a good trainer. You got to know how to get people where they want to go You have to start there Everything else isn't gonna work very well for at least not longterm, if you're not at least good at what you do.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Oh, yeah, and speaking of insecurity of that, that was my experience of seeing all the trainers when I first started, was just like being confident enough to know that you have this value that these clients are seeking out. And, you know, to be able to sell yourself was a very difficult process for trainers when all they wanted to do was run them through the workouts and really educate them. But selling themselves was like always the sticking point where the confidence just wasn't there. And to be able to kind of cross over that and start building that into the way you present information and to be able
Starting point is 00:20:06 to ask for what you need to be able to create a viable business for yourself was such a difficult process. Well, at that time too, we were all lied to. We were told to sell the package, which is a horrible thing to sell, and then sell the process. So you're sitting in the sales seat, having just overcome insecurity of being able to deliver, and now you're expected to actually be able to, you know, not only are you selling that hour process, you're selling belief in yourself that may not even exist yet.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Right. Right. Right. And that's, and that's the sad reality. That's why a lot of people suck at sales is they're trying, right? Yeah. They're trying to sell a belief that they don't currently have, which is I can't deliver this result. Selling a lie, you can't fake it. Social paths can do it, but really selling a lie is hard. I have to believe, if I believe in what I'm selling, I'm gonna sell it better than anybody. If I don't believe in it, it ain't gonna happen. And that's true for 99% of the people out there.
Starting point is 00:20:57 And that's where I think levels of insecurity come in. I think people always ask me, what's the fastest way to level up in business, get better. But part of getting better is self-awareness and self-mastery. Our lowest level program that we sell in NCI is a program called Coaching Mastery. And there's three levels of mastery. So like mastery of self, mastery of connection,
Starting point is 00:21:16 mastery of marketplace. There's a reason we don't start marketplace. If you don't overcome your own shit, if you can't identify your own stories, if you can't identify what's holding you back, and obviously we teach you how to leverage the stories, but if you can't identify those things and overcome them, you're not going to make it as business. You're going to live in a scarcity mindset. You're never going to find abundance. You're always
Starting point is 00:21:35 going to be desiring, which in and of itself is a horrible thing. And you're just going to effectively shit on yourself over and over and over again, which I know firsthand because I did it for like eight years. Like I was the person that got in my own way when I tried to go online and I had some of the assets, man. Like I was the first spokesmodel with BodyVillain.com and I had people in my DMs of body space back in the day, like they talk about side enough in the DM, I was like one of the first times.
Starting point is 00:22:01 We just brought that app up to their day. Yeah, it still exists by the way. Yeah, oh, that's crazy. But I was like one of the first there, and I had people asking for help all the time, except my insecurity around my ability to deliver to each and every person was there. And so I half the time I didn't answer the questions or I didn't make a sale or I didn't make an offer.
Starting point is 00:22:19 And I knew intuitively back then, I probably could be making a lot of money, but I had the insecurity. And so it wasn't until several years later that I had the skill set, that at that point I could confidently tell anybody if you pay me X number of dollars, I'll deliver X, you know, X result
Starting point is 00:22:34 and our business was able to scale from there. So, and that's where the experience in education part comes in and putting the work at the self mastery like you're talking about, because a lot of times I'll get somebody that will be asking about, you know, of times I'll get somebody that will be asking about how do I wanna build something just like my pump
Starting point is 00:22:48 and how did you guys blow up so fast? I'm like, well, it was fast to you. Oh, nice, bro. Because you found me last week and then you see where we're at. In the decade. I'm like on your 20, bro, and there's a lot of mistakes and a lot of failures
Starting point is 00:23:02 and a lot of learning that I had to do to get to the place, to even find Partners like this to even have an idea that this this business would solve a bunch of problems like so you got to you got to remember that We all they all want a fast forward right to the hack the Instagram algorithm and get a million followers like no You don't it's just like I tell people to that are always like man Don't you guys want to be on Joe? I used to say we don't want to be on Joe We probably could handle it today, maybe today. But just a year ago, even,
Starting point is 00:23:29 everyone thinks that just getting in front of all these people is the answer to having this super crush. It'll crush you too. If you suck, you're gonna hammer yourself just as much as you could potentially. It was just a whole bump. We did creating hyper awareness. And let's just say you actually sell all of the clients
Starting point is 00:23:46 of the people that are looking at you. If you can't fulfill, all you've done is created the perfect storm for being known as the coach that sucks. Oh yeah. And that's flat. The term is flash in the pan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:57 All right, so you gotta be good first. You gotta be able to deliver first. Know your stuff. That's number one. You got that. All right, so now I'm a trainer. I've got some certifications. I've learned some stuff. That's number one. You got that. All right. So now I'm a trainer. I've got some certifications. I've learned some stuff. I think I'm good enough to really start helping people and working with the average person. What's the next step?
Starting point is 00:24:13 Yeah. And this is going to blow some minds because the next part is you have to have a really good offer. And so in the coaching space, everyone's like, well, you know, I've got my month to month coaching and I sell it for X number of dollars. And the very first thing I sell every coach is if you're selling coaching, stop selling coaching. And it blows a lot of minds, except for the fact that NCI is certified over 6,000 coaches. So that means I've already put 6,000 of your competitors out in the marketplace.
Starting point is 00:24:38 There's plenty of people that have gone through our competitors, right? I think there's 70,000 to 80,000 coaches. There's hundreds of thousands of coaches out in the marketplace, all selling coaching. They're all selling month to month continuity. Some of them have picked up on defined end products, but most of them are selling month to month continuity
Starting point is 00:24:53 somewhere between $200 and $500 a month. And it's like, well, what's unique about you? Well, I'll connect with you. Really, motherfucker, you don't think the person down the street is gonna say the same shit? Well, I care about you. Oh, and the other coaches don't give a fuck about you. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:07 That's a great, unique selling proposition. The problem isn't coaching. There is no USP, right? There is nothing unique that you can do in the process. And so everybody's like, well, how am I different? And the truth is, as a coach, you're not that different. And so you're always going to have a small handful of people that choose you based on proximity, based on referral, and that's cool, except you can't grow a massive coaching business purely based on proximity and referral. Like it's just not going to work that way. So what you have
Starting point is 00:25:34 to start defining in your offer is you have to understand the wins that you actually create for somebody. And you know, I used to, I made this mistake early on in when I was doing business stuff is everyone's like, well, how do I fix my business? And I'm like, let's just have a conversation. I'll tell you everything that's broken. And I really hadn't even created self-identification that there's really four major things that I look at in the business.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And when instead of having these transactionally based conversations around like fixture leads or whatever, I was like, dude, there's only four things we need to look at. What is your source of leads? What's your source of nurture? What's your offer in your sales? And what's your LTV? And everyone's like, oh, there's only four things we need to look at. What is your source of lead? It's what's your source of nurture, what's your offer in your sales, and what's your LTV.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Everyone's like, oh, it became really simple. And so I encourage all coaches have a system, have a very clearly defined system. By the way, as a coach, it's gonna make your life a million times easier. Because when you get on a console with somebody, if you look at an email, you should quickly know which part of your system somebody's fucking up in, right?
Starting point is 00:26:23 It shouldn't be, oh, they had a cheat night on Thursday night, and that's what threw everything off. Okay, well, maybe that's the consistency part of your program. But, you know, if you, most coaches out there, they probably put everybody through a few very distinct phases. I think, you know, my good friend Mike Milner that owns Pop, right? He puts people through three very specific phases, which the first is metabolic priming. And effectively, that's like reverse dieting, right? I'm getting you back to maintenance. Every person that goes to him has probably tried eight to 10 different diets, right?
Starting point is 00:26:54 And they're like, clearly, they're probably some level of metabolic adaptation. They probably need to restore homeostasis, they need to get back to maintenance to have, to have the ability to burn fat at a reasonable rate or to achieve some level of result. So he starts with metabolic priming. Then I think he goes into some sort of fat loss activation.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I forget what he calls it, but it's something there where this is the actual diet. This is where we're gonna create results. And then the final component is like, hey, I'm not gonna get you results and just leave you hanging. You wanna keep those results, right? So he calls it lifestyle optimization.
Starting point is 00:27:21 So the big difference is, if somebody goes to him and they're like, well, why are you different than someone else? He's like, listen, at the end of the day, you're going to get a diet, right? You're going to get a workout plan. You're going to get communication. Has anyone ever said differently? No. Well, has that worked for you? No. Great. That's because what you've done in the past is only communication, only training, only diet. And it wasn't predicated on achieving these three things. Have you ever optimized your metabolism? I'm like, no, what the fuck does that mean? Great, that's probably why you've been failing because you've never optimized your metabolism.
Starting point is 00:27:53 So let's prime your metabolism for fat loss. As soon as you say that, now they're bought in, right? Great, do you think that if your metabolism was primed for fat loss, that you would be more successful with the diet? They're like, yeah, probably. Great. That's when we're going to move into the fat loss activation. Now, do you want to achieve fat loss and then gain it all back?
Starting point is 00:28:12 Because I know you've done that a couple of times and you're here. You're like, no, no, no, I want to keep it off. Great. Have you ever learned how to do that? No. Oh, well, we have that in our program, too. And so, over the course of six months, we're going to teach you those three things. Well, that becomes a super compelling offer, right? And really, at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:28:27 offer is just a perception of value. People are not making an investment based on something that they think they're going to get an inn or nitly low return on value, right? Or return on investment. If they're investing three grand into a six month program, they think they're getting five, seven, 10K in return. Now, you have to start stacking that value. So you have to stack that value in wins. You have to stack that value in results. But you also need to think about things like guarantees. One of the best offers I've seen in our space is my friend, Joe Harris, that owns a keto lifestyle diet.
Starting point is 00:28:57 He basically takes people, he starts them in keto, because it takes very overweight clients, improves insulin sensitivity, does things like that. And ultimately, transitions them to a balanced lifestyle where they can have carbohydrates, genius approach, right? And it's a year-long program.
Starting point is 00:29:11 He's like, if you don't achieve your goal in a year and you've done everything I've asked you to, I'll keep working with you completely for free until you hit your goal. Yeah, that's a great offer. That's an amazing offer because it removes all barrier of risk and he's literally putting it on the other person
Starting point is 00:29:23 where he's like, dude, yeah, and anybody that buys in, his level of attrition is so ridiculously low. And it's because anybody that buys in, they know the only way they fail is if they fuck up, not the diet. That's why he's not success. You just said that so much more eloquently than I've probably ever presented to my trainers.
Starting point is 00:29:40 I used to tell my trainers whenever they would walk a deal or they couldn't scale their business or sell any personal training that, it always comes down to my trainers. I used to tell my trainers whenever they would walk a deal or they couldn't scale their business or sell any personal training that. It always comes down to two things, value and price. Either your price is way too high for the amount of value you're providing or you're not giving enough value for the price that you're asking.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Can I have one thing to that? Yeah, go for it. And I think value and price are a function of certainty. I think that people will only not invest in you quote unquote based on price and I think price is completely bullshit based on their lack of certainty as to what that price will be relative to the value that they perceive it to be. Right, right. And I think if you can create more certainty, A'la guarantees A'la creating winds having varied to find processes they've never heard about.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I think that's where you can start to bring the level of certainty up, which brings their barrier of investment down. Oh yeah, and a big problem too, is when you're a coach or trainer and you don't have confidence in yourself, you don't see the value and even the price that you're presenting. I've had trainers actually tell me, I wouldn't buy
Starting point is 00:30:43 training for $3,000. It's like, well, why? Obviously, don't lack confidence in yourself. The way I used to present at Adam, because I'd had the same exact conversation about price and value, and sometimes they get these looks like, well, no, because it's too much money. It's okay. Well, take the most expensive package of training that you can sell, which probably I don't know, a couple thousand dollars. Could I sell you a house here in San Jose for that price?
Starting point is 00:31:04 I bet you I would have a line out the door with 10,000 people willing to buy that because it's worth it, right? If it's worth it, then they will pay it. So your job is to make it worth it and bring them that value. The price means nothing at that point. Well dude, what kind of cars do you like?
Starting point is 00:31:20 Like what's a car that you would like? You're asking me what that is. Which one do you love to car? I don't like that. I don't know. What do you love to car? I love the Range Rover Sport. Okay, Range Rover Sport, right? 130,000 on a truck, right? It's 30 grand in your world, like it's a good amount of money, right?
Starting point is 00:31:35 Like it's a lot of money. Like if I asked you for 30 grand, say you're probably not just giving it to me. That's cool. If I said today, dude, on the street, 130 grand, Range Rover Sport, are you buying it like today, like outside? For 130 grand?
Starting point is 00:31:46 Yeah. No. Okay. 130 grand for a Range River Sport outside, are you buying it? Yeah. No brainer. Okay, you just told me 30 grand's a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Right. Right. It's a function of certainty and value. Right. I took something that you really like, something that you're confident in the value in, that is perceived to be something super high. That's right.
Starting point is 00:32:03 And I just gave it to you at a number that you just told me is a shitload of money. So 30 grand for people's lot of money, except I gave you something insanely valuable and something that you're certain in will deliver on that amount of money. But people are already perceiving, oh my god, 5,000 is a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:32:16 For who? You don't know the fucking situation. Dude, I had somebody come in to NCI six months ago, sold his car to pay for NCI. And this goes back to the whole results thing. Five years ago, I probably wouldn't have taken the client. But I'm so confident in what we do that I was like, I know that I'm your last resort.
Starting point is 00:32:38 If you're willing to sell your car to come to me, I know I can make you a lot of money. I used to share stories with my trainers about clients that would pull out home equity lines to buy personal training from. It's like if you build enough value, I mean, this is how we started here, right? When we got into the space,
Starting point is 00:32:54 we knew there was an opportunity with selling online programs. We knew there was a ton of crap there and an opportunity to sell that. The average price when we did our research was between $27 and $57 is the average digital online program. We had a program ready to sell before the very first episode was recorded in MAP Santa Ballack. We did not release that for over a year. And what we did for that year was build this tremendous value ourselves. And then guess what we got to do when we
Starting point is 00:33:20 got to release that program. Sell it for five times the normal market value. And it sold like gang busters. He also knows an amazing product. Well, yeah. Well, that's the thing. So let me ask you about this guy that sold his car. How's it doing? He made $10,000 in his third month of this.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Right. And so here's the other part of this. And I'll bring it back to fitness, right? You have a client in front of you that you're trying to sell coaching for a thousand two thousand dollars whatever the price is If they knew that for that investment they would get fit Healthy lose weight and it would stay off forever and have a good relationship with food and exercise that worked They would spend way more money than that amount that all of a sudden that thousand or two thousand dollars of coaching They'd spend two hundred thousand dollars if they knew that that would happen.
Starting point is 00:34:08 The difference is they're not sure that that's gonna happen. I'm gonna hire you, but I'm not sure in you and I'm not sure in myself. And that goes back to certainty. Right. So in a sales conversation, you're creating certainty. But at the same token, I would argue 90% of coaches that are on the sales side of the conversation,
Starting point is 00:34:26 they're not certain. That's right. And that's a fucking problem. Like if you're a coach, you know, listen, like I said, taking on a $5,000 payment from this guy, he sold his car to get 5 grand to pay me, was five years ago that I've been so scary, except I know definitively.
Starting point is 00:34:40 If you come to my program and you do exactly what I said to do, you're going to make well beyond 10,000 I mean the number of six and seven figure earners we've churned out in the last year is Observed and I would put it against anybody in the end is now when you're coaching these trainers up Is this one of the first major hurdles right here? Is this creation? Yeah a million percent because everyone's got a shit offer And everyone's got a commodity offer. I mean here's the reality We could talk about it in the sports supplement world, right? Create a team basic supplement Assuming it's creeper which most people want, right? Where are you going to get it? Yeah, Amazon why?
Starting point is 00:35:15 Anywhere because cheap fast easy cheap. Yeah, right? Yeah, okay Assuming coaching is the same individual to individual where are you getting it? Yeah, the cheapest the cheapest it's all the same It's the same right and so. Where are you getting it? The cheapest. The cheapest. It's all the same, it's the same, right? And so everybody's in a race to the bottom. Everyone's like, well, how do you sell hide-to-coaching? For coaching. And then you got gurus out there. We'll just sell hide-to-coaching, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:32 defined end commitments. Except it's all sleaze. You're making really shitty promises. And you're getting people that are few and far between. Jason, this was the downfall of the company that brought us up, 24-hour fitness. When we were there, they were crushing, they were number one blowing the doors off, and then they brought people in from outside the industry who just said, this is literally what they said, I was in meetings,
Starting point is 00:35:53 and they would say, we have more clubs in everybody, we have good gems, we're just going to be cheaper and we'll crush the competition. And all of us who worked in gems in fitness were like, no, don't do that, that's not how it works. Like, yeah, we got a nice gym, but we're not selling gym. What we're selling is you're getting fit and healthy and you're getting connections and all that stuff. Well anyway, of course they were wrong. There's a couple of things there.
Starting point is 00:36:15 One, they're not really making all their money there. They're also making money on PT, upsells, and supplements, right? Like there was a big LTV, 24 hour fitness. And so now if you're changing the front end, if you're changing the front end entry point, you're bringing in a cheaper consumer, now your back end LTV is greatly affected
Starting point is 00:36:29 because they're desirred. Less people get resolved, less people get fit. That's the unintended consequences that they've had. Massively unintended consequences they never thought about. The other problem is there's only one cheapest. And I can tell you 24 hour fitness was not the cheapest. They were cheap, but they weren't the cheapest. Planet fitness today is the cheapest.
Starting point is 00:36:44 There's no point in being second cheapest. So if somebody's commodity shopping you, you don't go to Amazon and find the second cheapest, you find the cheapest fucking thing and you order that. And so there's no benefit in being second cheapest. This is why I am a believer in mostly high ticket, but at the end of the day, if you're a commodity, you're going to struggle in high ticket. So inside of your offer creation, if you can't define how you're different, you have a problem. And most coaches struggle there. Now that then bleeds into their marketing.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Because I'm like, well, great, how are you going to promote yourself? Well, I'm going to talk about nutrition. Oh, you and the hundred million other motherfuckers in the world talking about nutrition. Like what makes your nutritional content any different? Well, it's my face. Okay, great. So there's like a thousand people to follow your face. other fuckers in the world talking about nutrition? Like what makes your nutritional content any different? Well, it's my face. Okay, great. So there's like a thousand people to follow your face.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Got it. Except how are you ever gonna distinguish yourself in the eyes of the consumer? You can't. But if you knew your offer, if you had very specific wins, do you think your marketing would get easier? And again, using the examples of Mike and Joe, if Mike talks about metabolic priming,
Starting point is 00:37:44 nobody else can talk about that. If Mike's talking metabolic priming, nobody else can talk about that. If Mike's talking about lifestyle optimization, nobody else can talk about that. If Joe's talking about the fact that on keto, you should eventually be able to have carbs. Nobody else can talk about that. If Joe's talking about you're gonna achieve your results no matter what,
Starting point is 00:37:58 no one else can talk about that. Oh, now they're offered turn into marketing. It also shows up in the sales script, but I think we'll talk about that and I'll let you know where that part shows up. But if you don't have an offer, dude, and this is 95% of the people, we are talking offline.
Starting point is 00:38:12 One of our friends, he just wrote a book, right? On offers. I know him very well. There's a reason he started with offers and not client acquisition. Because your acquisition, if you don't have an offer, is nearly impossible and it won't be nearly as good. This list is an order of importance for sure.
Starting point is 00:38:29 This is the order I process everything. Yes, and by the way, it wasn't, 25th of it, this wasn't the cheapest. In 1998, an all club membership was $300 of join and $45 a month, which was very, which is today, super expensive for a membership. Back then was very expensive and we crushed because we did a lot of the stuff that you're talking about right now.
Starting point is 00:38:51 All right, what's the net? So you got the, you know what you're doing? You could deliver results. You've got it on offer, it's unique, it's unique to you. What's next? Yeah, so you guys have amazing programs, right? Maps, Annabelle, like, strength, like all of them, right?
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah. If I put you guys in an empty lecture hall, and I said you have to sell everybody in here, how many sales are you gonna make? Everybody, bro. Yeah, everybody. Yeah, fuck it out. The problem is that number is zero.
Starting point is 00:39:17 And it's gonna make you zero dollars. And so it stands to reason that everybody needs leads. Yeah. And I think that, you know, just people in front of you. Just people, you need attention, right? And this is the one everybody gets hung up on, which it is important. Everybody gets hung up because they don't understand
Starting point is 00:39:33 it's twofold, right? And so we've talked a lot about the social media influencers. Well, social media influencers have what I call earned attention. And most, we've all heard the stories of social media influencers struggling to create big business. In fact, I was supposed to go out, I was supposed to go from here to Colorado to meet with four social media influencers, huge names, million plus followers each, all of whom are not producing maybe 15k a month in business. With a million followers.
Starting point is 00:40:01 With a million followers, struggling at producing 15 kind of month. Which by the way, is a false signal for some people when they're for a billion, because they're making some money. Yeah. And if you were at zero dollars and now you're making 15, you think maybe you're kind of okay at business. Right. So I think that's another. I think a monkey could make 15 grand a month off
Starting point is 00:40:18 of a million dollars. Well, that's true, but you don't know that until you get it. Or some people assume that this is the formula. It's just, and most people assume them to be very wealthy. Right. They equate follower number to wealth, and I can definitively tell you after the number of people that have reached out from my health in that realm,
Starting point is 00:40:33 it's not true anyway, true, right? But they have what we call earned attention, and the problem is they don't control that attention. If Zox walks up, like woke up tomorrow, and he was like, watch this. Let's fuck with the world. Right? Change the algorithm.
Starting point is 00:40:48 That my fingers. No, no, fuck the algorithm. Let's just shut down social media. It was just positive. Your business is gone. You're irrelevant in the world. Nobody knows who you are. They don't know where to find you.
Starting point is 00:40:57 You don't have access to them. You can't communicate to them. You can't put a message in front of them. You can't market to them. You can't sell them. This is so important to know. You have to know. It's so true.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Right, so this is what we call earned attention. Your Facebook, your Instagram, your TikTok, your YouTube, right, at the end of the day, Mark Zuckerberg and the algorithm define who sees the content you put out. You're in control of the content you put out, but the algorithm defines who is actually going to see it. So there's actually six or seven leads. Earned attention is actually one of them
Starting point is 00:41:23 because if people happen to see your stuff, it's an offer and they take you up, they can buy for me, right? Not the end of the world, so the influencers make small amounts of money. But there's also own detention, paid attention, there's referrals, there's partners and affiliates, and there's outbound.
Starting point is 00:41:38 I have a firm belief that if you want to create a massive amount of leads, a person only becomes a lead, first of all, when they move into a traffic source of your own. Right, so all these people with a million followers, they can throw out offers all day long, those people don't wanna hear your offer. No. Right, they don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Like if it's a dude with abs, they probably followed you because you have abs, if it's a really hot chick, they followed you because you're a hot chick. Right, they're not following you because they think that you have something to sell them. So they don't care about you. Not only that, you also, the more you do that
Starting point is 00:42:04 in pursuit of trying to make more money, the more you turn off the So they don't care about you. Not only that, you also, the more you do that in pursuit of trying to make more money, the more you turn off the people that are paying attention to you. So you gotta be careful. Yeah, where's the butt picks? That's all I want to say. That's what most of them want, right? So, the reality is, if you can move that attention though
Starting point is 00:42:16 to a traffic source that you own, and I always say a traffic source you own or lease, which would be your email list or your Facebook group. I believe Facebook groups are the most undervalued piece of real estate currently in terms of generating revenue. We talked about this a little off the air. I can personally tell you I've made over $5 million this year off of a Facebook group. And so if you can move that earned attention into own attention,
Starting point is 00:42:41 now you can communicate them, communicate with them regularly. But the, I guess the prerequisite here is they've raised their hand and moved themselves to that, right? It's illegal to go out and take a bunch of emails, put them on an email list, and then market to them. That's illegal, like you can go to jail for it. It's illegal, right? And people have to acknowledge it to just move people into your Facebook group, right?
Starting point is 00:43:03 Like there's no way that I'm aware of. It's not illegal. But you can't move them into your Facebook group, right? Like there's no way that I'm aware of. It's not illegal, but like you can't move them into your Facebook group without their approval. They have to say yes, I'll accept this invite. So there's been some level of acknowledgement from a lead that says yes, I'm interested in hearing more about what you have to say. I was just gonna interrupt you,
Starting point is 00:43:18 that's the difference between it being earned and it being owned. Because you said Facebook, so someone's might be going, wait a second, you just said Facebook is like Instagram and Twitter, that's just earned. How does it become owned? Well, it becomes owned because this person is opt-in to your, they say, I want more of you.
Starting point is 00:43:33 And we could define that by level of intimacy. Right? So the level of intimacy of touch on email list is like, if I send an email, it's going to your boss. Yeah, you get it, right? Now, you can choose whether or not to open it. Right. If I make a post in my Facebook group, the level of visibility is exponentially higher.
Starting point is 00:43:47 But if I put something out on TikTok, I don't know if you're going to see it. If I put something out of my public news feed on Facebook or Instagram, I don't know if you're going to see it. I don't see half the people, probably 80% of the people that I follow, I don't see their stuff. That's true. Right. And the algorithm controls that. So that's earned. Like you somehow got their attention. You got the follow, you got the friend request, whatever. But owning it is you putting it out, guaranteeing that they are going to see the message, which effectively is marketing.
Starting point is 00:44:11 We're putting out a very clear message to either add value to you or to make you an offer. Now, here's another point to that, is the owned aspect of this. Let's say you own an email list, and you can make these email lists, you can build them in many different ways. One can be a free offer and they opt in.
Starting point is 00:44:25 And then in that email list, you continue to provide good content and values. So now that email list continues to grow. But what's good about that is you also protect yourself a little bit. You know, I had a friend who had a business and he was generating $700,000 a year. No joke through Facebook ads and through social media, they changed the algorithm. He went from 700,000, same everything, everything the same, from 700 to 70,
Starting point is 00:44:53 all because they overnight changed how you reach people and what the deal is, and because he didn't own any of that, he was screwed. Now if you own an email list, unless they at some point decided to drop you, which is very, very unlikely. Never it never happened. Right. Right. This is yours. And so now if you have, you know, 500,000, 5,000, 10,000 people and a good percentage are opening your content because you're providing lots of value, well, that's yours. Those are your leads. Yeah, I don't know if you're going to
Starting point is 00:45:21 get into this or not, but that's another important piece is once you've got that, you've, you know, own those leads is to nurture those and take care of them. So you train them to want to open and listen to what you have to say. And don't look at it as like, Oh, I've got them now. Now I'm just going to sell them right away because you'll lose them just as fast as the earned leads. So I want to touch on that, but I want to go back to leads because I think a lot of people are like, well, how do I get that? Right? Like, I don't have a lot of friends or I don't have a lot of followers or whatever. I think everyone needs to reverse engine. You're that question. Why should somebody become a lead? What are you doing on your email list that is worth somebody giving you their email?
Starting point is 00:45:55 What are you doing in your Facebook group that is worth people showing up to see? And people are like, wow, you know, whatever I post. And I'm like, great. Like you asked a question because it's an engagement question. And that's not adding value to anybody. So things like free trainings, things like giveaways, things like we call it value exchange content. So, you know, you're giving value or you're giving content in exchange
Starting point is 00:46:17 for them giving their valuable email information and valuable trust. And you can't convince a person to give you something back for free, which is their email. You have got, this is, I mean, we're laughing right now, but this is something that I've helped a lot of kids that are trying to build a business like, listen,
Starting point is 00:46:31 you need to rethink your offer and your business because you can't even convince people to see you for free. They don't even want to pay attention to your Instagram or come in your Facebook group where you're offering free information. There's obviously a disconnect there with what you think you have to offer in what they really want.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Right, that likely goes back to your offer. Because your content's probably a function of your offer. So if you're putting out content that's leading people into an offer and nobody's connecting to the content, when they wonder your offer's not converting, right? Nobody likes your free shit, nobody gives a hell about your page shit.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Or they have no alignment, right? It's booty shots, then oh, by the way, I can install a stereo about your page. Or they have no alignment, right? It's booty shots, then oh, by the way, I can, I can, yeah, I can put it in Stolisterio in your car. It's like, it's not why, it's not why I'm here. Depends on the show up. I don't know. You know, we're those shorts to the downstairs.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Maybe I'll hire you. You sell a few, that's the thing about getting a large social media volume. There will be a few people that will still get you to install in the stereo. And then, you know, the other social leads I talked about, I'm one of the few people that I think like paid media and referrals, partners and affiliates and outbound. I'm a believer that even those four sources, they can be sources of leads on their own
Starting point is 00:47:35 to drive people to a sale. I think that current digital strategy says those should be sources of owned media. And I think that most people right now, especially in the coaching space, like Quick Tip, if you're a coach, don't run Facebook ads. Do not run Facebook ads to a coaching offer. It won't convert. I can tell you, after a quarter million dollars of testing, zero dollars in return, it doesn't work. But running traffic to owned media and then nurturing that own media, like two or three group or two or three group or two email list or, you know, two or a nurture framework that I'll get into here in a second.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Three learned that same lesson. Yeah, you cannot make direct art. You can go into the red, and then you can like liquidate some of your costs with back end up cells, and you can understand lifetime value, and like, it's just a big number. It's game, but for most coaches, they're like, Unless I have a huge name, like, if you're the rock, and then you sell a program, like people would buy it. I think what that really highlights
Starting point is 00:48:26 is it just goes to show you how much really good free content exists out there. That's how competitive it is. You gotta be, you think you're gonna come out accessible with your great coaching program and think you're gonna go sell it to cold leads. When they can get free stuff. You're tripping.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Yeah, when there's tons of free good content out there. I can tell you on the paid side, even cost per lead on free content is still relatively hot. Yeah. I pay on average eight to $10 a lead for free stuff, meaning I'm just giving you $10. I'm giving Facebook $10 for your attention. Yep.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Like that's it, which is, you know, a year or two ago, you used to be able to get that for two or three dollars. Now, I do want to highlight though, the value in that is that you're getting a very specific lead for free. You raised your hand and said, you like what I have to say. That free thing was in line with my offer. That's right.
Starting point is 00:49:14 So I've prefrained you, hey, I'm giving you this result. Oh, you like that result? Do you think I could get you bigger results? Great. You should come into our paid program. By the way, you look at the break even point. I mean, the bare minimum of entry with me is $1,500. $10 a lead. I can spend a lot of money to supply our customers. All you need is one to hit after. Yeah, I mean, it could literally spend. So, so obviously,
Starting point is 00:49:34 we got to have leads. We all agree leads are the lifeblood of a business. You can have an amazing offer. You have no leads. You could be the best salesman in the world, but if you don't have sales appointments, nothing happens. But like you said, you can't have somebody come in your community and then just like throw it down there, throw it like buy my shit, buy my shit, buy my shit. Like I think Billy Jeans, the only person on the internet that can get away with repeatedly saying buy my shit. And I love Billy, like I'm an iron good friend, but you can't do that as a coach because everybody's kind of saying that and at the end of the day, it's a value construction, right?
Starting point is 00:50:03 Like we're supposed to be getting value, you're supposed to obviously be paying for that value at some point. And so this is where I think nurture is another very overlooked part of it. Everyone thinks of nurture as content. And I actually think that you need to have nurture frameworks. One of the first questions I ask a new client is,
Starting point is 00:50:20 if I put a gun to your head, and I said you have to produce 20 to 30 sales calls in five days, can you do it? And very few people say yes. And that's a problem. Because if you need to produce cash in your business, you need to be able to produce cash in your business. And there's two ways to do it.
Starting point is 00:50:36 One, you can charge your current customers more money, but if you don't have current customers that's a problem. Two, you need to be able to get people to an offer. You need to be able to get them to a phone call, to a sales call. And if you don't know how to do that, you're definitely need to fish in to get people to an offer. You need to be able to get them to a phone call, to a sales call. And if you don't know how to do that, you're definitely deficient in your ability to grow your business. And this is where I think frameworks come in.
Starting point is 00:50:51 I have three, I just added a fourth that are highly effective. I can literally print leads on demand for virtually any business out there. They just work really well in the fitness space, but they're all predicated on value. They're all predicated on you receiving something super high level that will get you a win that will move you towards your cold guaranteed for a super low barrier.
Starting point is 00:51:13 And sometimes that's free. Sometimes I'm going to work with you for a short amount of time. Right, like we've all heard of these $97 fitness challenges. Well, $97 fitness challenges doesn't work. I'll just openly tell you, they don't work. Because you're actually attracting a super low barrier client. I'll give away some of the gold. A free fitness challenge will convert way better
Starting point is 00:51:33 than a $97 challenge, right? Because a free fitness challenge just captures commitment. You're not capturing commitment to a certain price point. You're not. You already set the anchor right there. You already set it. So now how are we gonna take take you from 97 to 3000? It's not going to work really well.
Starting point is 00:51:47 So I actually think all these people that are looking at it myopically as front end money or trying to liquidate whatever ad spend they have. I think that's very flawed. I think that you just need to be able to move them close to an offer, but by moving them to an offer, you have to show value. You have to define where they are today
Starting point is 00:52:03 and you have to show them what becomes possible because we go back to it, certainty and belief, right? We said those are the two things that we'll ultimately convert. So how do you do that in your nurture? If you can do that effectively for all of your leads, game over. Right, so silly, probably not super effective example
Starting point is 00:52:21 of what would be a nurture framework. Just to give you an example of what framework is, let's say I have an email list and let's say there's 500 people on there and if I send out an email, let's say 20% of them open it, which is really good, right? So 20% open. And once a week I send out a newsletter. And in that newsletter, fitness tips, favorite exercise of the week, a recipe, right? And let's say once a month, I put out that I coach someone for free or do a free, but you can tune in so you
Starting point is 00:52:53 can come over here, but that's offered every month. And then maybe something else, in essence, what you're saying is you have systems on this nurturing framework. And so people can start to rely on the fact that you're building value. And here's the thing, you build authority this way. Like, if they hear you once a week, twice a week, every single week for five months, and at some point they're like, Jason knows a shit. And then it's as easy as being like, by the way, I have a spot open for coaching. Boom, I want that right away. Yeah. So that way works. Now take what you said and put it on steroids and say, instead of once a week and now, oh by the way, the next five days,
Starting point is 00:53:28 I'm gonna teach you a very specific outcome. So let's say we're talking about fat loss. I'm gonna teach you how to lose 10 pounds this week. The five steps that all of my clients use, right? That you're probably not using the five steps that you need. Day one, give them step one, give them an implementation standpoint, have them come back day two.
Starting point is 00:53:44 The people that are still there on day five, that are following the advice, they are super hot leads, you've given them five days of value effectively given them the gold and now you're saying, hey, look great, you lost 10 pounds. It's probably not the first time in your life that you lost 10 pounds. You actually want to keep it off and keep going. We should probably work together. But you've given them reason to believe in you. It's no longer hype, it's no longer conjecture, it's tangible, they can touch it, they can feel it, they've experienced it for five days.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Well, this is, you're literally building a digital version of the normal in-person sales cycle. Yes. I used to tell I used to do this deal with my trainers, where I say, you know the difference between a good closer and a great closer is this. A good closer can push anybody into the sale, a great closer can pull somebody into a sale. And so, and what I tell them is like when you're in your presentation and
Starting point is 00:54:33 that with afterwards they come to me and be like, Adam, I didn't sell it, whatever. And I said, well, you know, at what point did they ask you about how much training is? Well, never. I just got the binder out the end because of the end of that. I did. I said, well, there's your mistake right there. You did not build enough value to get them to even ask you that they want. Then you try and sell them with the likelihood you're going to close that deal. Even some of the best closers aren't going to close that deal. Somewhere in your presentation or the value that you're providing is where the misses
Starting point is 00:54:58 at. It's not in your sales closing skills or the sales presentation. It's that you haven't done a good enough job of building so much value or so that these people are such hot leads. They want to know, well, how much, Jay, you've already helped me out so much. What's it going to cost for me to be a client of yours? That's what you're searching. That's such good segue because ultimately what nurtures about is three things. Is one, you need to make sure that your clients start in the pain that they're currently
Starting point is 00:55:23 in, right? Your prospects are, they need to recognize the pain they're currently in, of not having the results they desire. Two, you need to showcase the possibility of what they can achieve working with you. And ultimately, if you've nurtured them right, the offer presentation and the sales conversation is about them inquiring about your path, your unique opportunity, your offer, right? It is an inquiry into that path. It's not you presenting the path. So you start them and pay and you showcase possibility.
Starting point is 00:55:50 So the whole point of the nurture is you want to lose 10 pounds. Well, you're in pain. You need to lose weight, right? The possibility is I'm going to show you over the course of five days, how to lose 10 pounds the end of five days. You've successfully lost some weight. I've shown you possibility in your life. Now I want you to ask me, how do we keep this going? If you ask me that, I've successfully lost some weight. I've shown you possibility in your life. Now I want you to ask me how do we keep this going.
Starting point is 00:56:06 If you ask me that, I've now got you, and this transition to the next phase of all this, which is sales, right? And everybody thinks they suck at sales. And I've got two very strong beliefs on sales. One, people attach entirely too much to the outcome. Like they think that the whole point of a sales conversation is to sell.
Starting point is 00:56:25 I don't believe sales is about selling at all. And I think that if you go into a sales conversation and you're trying to sell your shit, you suck. You're lost. You're gonna lose. Selling is not telling. No, that's such a good line. I've never heard that.
Starting point is 00:56:38 It's an effective communication. Sal says it all the time on the show. It's exactly all it is. It's just being able to communicate your points. That's all it is. My whole goal in a sales conversation is to make sure that you feel and confirm, I think is a better word, is to confirm that you feel inadequate with your current abilities to achieve what you actually desire.
Starting point is 00:56:56 And I do that through questions. If any, I have so many recorded sales calls, and I could like release them. But if you ever heard me give a sales call, I talk no more than 10 to 15%. You okay. So one of the first rules that I teach in my sales courses is you have two years of one mouth, use them in proportion. Amen.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Listen twice as much as you talk, and that's where that selling is not telling. I think a lot of people think selling is like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, to someone in front of, no. They will tell you. That's a presentation. You need to listen and hear the information. They'll tell you everything that you need to know.
Starting point is 00:57:28 And it's an effective communication is listening more than it is. It's so funny because we all are, obviously we didn't grow up together in this business, but we all have a different way of communicating the same exact thing. Like that was my push and pull. And when you said that, I was like,
Starting point is 00:57:44 all here it is, like this perfect. That's exactly what you know, what you tell them is like, yeah, sure, maybe the best of best sales guys could push you and talk you into a sale. And then you leave with what's called by remorse because they got bullied into it. And the other person was just felt like, oh my God, I just want to say yes,
Starting point is 00:58:00 because I'm afraid of this conversation. I just want to get out of this conversation. And then they go home and they 24 hour cancel, or they feel terrible about it, whereas if you can ask the right questions and lead that person into the sale, they leave excited as shit, they can't wait to get... By the way, asking questions is a very easy way
Starting point is 00:58:17 to direct the conversation in any direction. You wanna go, you know, like, what's your favorite color? Right, blue. Yeah, so now we're talking about your favorite color, right? So, asking questions also allows you to direct a conversation and kind of move it in the way you want to go. By the way, you have to go into this with, first off, really having a passion for helping that person.
Starting point is 00:58:37 If you're not that person, now you're just bullshitting. Amen. And I'm gonna tell you something right now, you can get away with bullshitting a little bit, but you'll never be great, and you'll never be really successful There's a very very small percentage that can be very successful bullshitting people and it's usually because there's gifted Somehow or some other way or whatever right but or in sociopaths But it did for most people it doesn't work so because I believe and understand what I do
Starting point is 00:59:02 And this is how I used to communicate it to people as I would say look if there Was some technology that I could literally transmit my knowing of What you could accomplish and how you could accomplish it and how it would change your life I could just transmit that to your brain. I wouldn't have to sell you anything You would give me your money and say let's do this We don't have that technology instead. We have words and we have ears and we have questions and we have conversation. And it's the same exact thing.
Starting point is 00:59:28 It's a little harder, but that's really what it's all about. And that's why it's a good sales person, it's effective communication, is effort, it feels, it doesn't feel pushy, it doesn't feel stressful, it feels good. Do you want to remember the person that's in there, what do they want? They want to know that you care. They want to know that you have a plan, they want to know that you're confident and you
Starting point is 00:59:51 have to be able to communicate that and convey that information so they feel that you have these answers and you've really listened to them and understand them. And so for you to be able to understand them is where they feel bought in. That's one of my favorite my favorite quotes. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Well, in a sales conversation, I think two things have to happen to really to achieve the sale. They have to first, they have to understand that you understand them, right? Or you have to actually understand them, but then they off, they have to also understand that you understand them. Yes. And so as coaches, we do understand our prospects.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Yes. We know the pain they're in, and we talked about it most of us. But they don't know that. They don't know that. Most of them don't know that. So really good, like you said, we have words. We have communication. I think every coach, every trainer, anybody that wants to be
Starting point is 01:00:36 successful in any endeavor, if you're looking for one area to level up your life, get better at communication. Being a good communicator and an effective communicator will change your world. Transversion to everything. Oh, that's, I mean, I'd say that's 80 to 90, your life get better at communication. Being a good communicator and an effective communicator will change your world. Transversion to everything. Oh, that's, I mean, I'd say that's 80 to 90% of the success in being a good coach.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Why? Because although I'm helping, even if you're in front of me and I'm training you and I'm teaching head exercise and you're with me for a year, two years, three years, it's lots and lots and lots of conversations and working through shit and how can I get better with my diet? And wow, this is really challenging for me.
Starting point is 01:01:09 And man, it's hard for me to be consistent. And wow, I really crave those cookies. And oh man, I don't like the way I look and I hate my body and ooh, I'm tired. It's constant sales. I'm constantly selling this person, how we can move in the right. It's no different than being led up a
Starting point is 01:01:26 Mountain to the to the goal and it's cold as shit and dark and I can't see anything and I got the freaking Sherpa in front of me Walking and he's saying follow me and I don't see anything and I have no idea he could be leading me off the cliff But I'm like, okay, it's hard. It's I'm tired. I trust you Let's go and I'm gonna keep taking these steps. That's what you're doing. And that's that is sales skills 100% daily sales skills. The more you force somebody, the more they're going to resist. Right? Like the more you just push on them, the more they're going to resist. Like one of the best sales calls I just did recently is a $25,000 sale. And I got on the call of this guy's influencer. He's got, I don't know, 60,000 plus followers. And he tells me how much he makes per month. And I was like, okay, like it's a little unfortunate. It could be better. And he was like, yeah, he's like, I feel like I should be crushing it. And I'm like, yeah, you probably shouldn't.
Starting point is 01:02:09 I'm like, tell me about your assets. And he tells me I'm like, all right, you got all the prerequisites. And I'm like, what's your offer? And I'm like, okay, that could be better. Try this. I improved his offer for him. He's like, dude, that's amazing. I'm like, cool. I'm like, well, it sounds like you have some really cool stuff. Man, good luck. And he was like, wait, that's it. And I was like, well, yeah, I'm like, you take a lot of followers. Take away clothes as the greatest clothes. I was like, I'm like, you got a lot of followers. You got the prerequisites. I just improved your offer. I'm like, there's a lot of things I could definitely help you with if you wanted me to help you. But I'm like, you know, good luck. And he was like, no, no,
Starting point is 01:02:38 I want you to help me. And I was like, oh, and I was like, all right, we'll call Dustin. You know, he's our sales guy. He'll sign you up. It was done, right then. Like, why are just $25,000 a couple hours later? And I never push, but I think a lot of people are like, all right, how do I sell? How do I sell? So is it cool if I give a framework? Because I think there's a framework I have for sales
Starting point is 01:02:56 that right now is operating on a 90% plus close rate. I share this on a live training if people are freaking out about it. Which is just to be clear, if your close rate is over 50% in sales, you're doing good. Over 25%. Over 20. If you close a quarter, in fact,
Starting point is 01:03:10 our goal, and we were, we actually were one of the highest in the company at the time. If you can close at 25% of new leads that come in, you're closing at a very high rate. The average in the company was like 16 to 17. And I thought, I mean, you guys had a lot colder traffic too. I think a lot of people that are implementing
Starting point is 01:03:26 this framework, slightly warmer traffic, and traffic source has to be considered. Well, I don't care where you're talking. 90% high though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, you know, ultimately we've all heard you got to open up the gap, right? Ask a lot of questions.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I like to be super direct. Like get on sales call, do the whole rapport building, being exchange pleasantries, and then it's like, great, so let's open up the gap. Where are you at today? Where do you want to get to? Let's figure out how I can help. Immediately open that up. Like, this is where you're at, pain, this is where you want to get to, um, you know, how can I help?
Starting point is 01:03:55 They tell you, this is where most people fuck up. You need to restate that. They need to number one, know that you heard them, but number two, they need to hear it in a manner that's worse than the way they set it. So if they're like, well, you know, I'm 20 pounds overweight and you know, I wanna lose 20 pounds so I can bubble-blop, got it. So, you know, just to confirm today, you're 20 pounds overweight, like,
Starting point is 01:04:14 you don't like feeling that way, it's hindering you, like your wife's not looking to you as much, like, I don't know what else is going on, but there's probably a few things you didn't tell them. It's piled it on there. And so like, I'm gonna dig that knife in a little bit deeper. Is that right? And you capture that commitment. Yeah, that's piled it on there. And so I'm gonna dig that knife in a little bit deeper. Is that right? And you capture that commitment.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Yeah, that's right. Okay, dope. Can I pause real quick? Here's why that's important. It's not important because you're manipulating the person to feel bad. What Jason is doing is he's revealing the person to himself.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Getting the connection to their feelings. Because I'm gonna tell you something right now, and I guarantee someone watching this, right? And a lot of people watching this understand, if you, when you first walked into a gym, that's not the first time you thought about it. You've been thinking about it for a long time, and you finally walked in,
Starting point is 01:04:55 and it's probably months or even years of pain and challenge. So when you go in, and the person says, what would you like to do, and this is your answer, I just wanna get in a little better shape. No, that's not really how you feel. And so what you're doing is you're revealing the person to themselves, but also they see that you understand.
Starting point is 01:05:15 I know I just said, I want to get in a little better shape. Boy, this trainer understands me, this shit sucks. And I really want to make a change. And to add to that, and I used to tell trainers at a solid time that many times clients are just going to give you a surface answer to that. And. And to add to that, and I used to tell trainers it's all time that many times, clients are just going
Starting point is 01:05:25 to give you a surface answer to that. And so you reframing it for protection. That's right. It is. And they're going to put this kind of this wall up a little bit. Just move screen. Yeah. And then you want to get vulnerable.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Because I'll tell you right now, you know how many times that I've had someone sit in front of me and the first five minutes were touching on their goal. And then the first five minutes, it's, oh, I want to tone my arms up a little bit. And I'd like to, you know, lose, lose like 15 or 20 pounds. And then an hour and a half later,
Starting point is 01:05:50 of hanging out with me and really getting connected, all of a sudden, they're crying, telling me about what their husband said to them when she came out of the shower or some shit. Nothing to fucking do with all these other goals. And there is what drove her into and making sure that You guys can all connect on what why that person is really is so important so getting there Right making sure you're getting to the real reason and then being able to say it back to them so they can make that connection
Starting point is 01:06:16 So I had to stop there But yeah, no, I think that's I think it's huge I think we all perceive vulnerability to be a function of trust except it goes both ways You don't just become vulnerable when trust is present. When you become vulnerable, you also create trust. And so I think as you're capturing their commitment to vulnerability, you're now building trust in the relationship, right? I mean, if we think about it, I met you guys two years ago.
Starting point is 01:06:37 I would tell you guys, way more things today than the very first time I walked in and probably vice versa, right? Because it was surface level at the time. We've become better friends. And it's like, it happens in every facet of life. So all right. So we open up the gap, right? Because it was surface level at the time, we've become better friends and it's like, it happens in every facet of life. So, all right, so we open up the gap, right? We create that. You restated to them, you got their commitment.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Now we wanna cross off all of the shit they've tried. We wanna rehash a little bit more pain. So, listen, I'm assuming this isn't the first thing you've tried to help this, right? Like I'm sure you've tried other things or you've worked with other coaches, like tell me a little bit about that. What have you done in the past? Keto, Carnival, or
Starting point is 01:07:07 fasting, vegan, blah, blah, blah, got it. Again, restate to them all of the things, but make it sound worse. So got it. So you did Keto. You want carbs? I get it. I had cake earlier today. I love carbs too. It's cool. You tried that Carnival thing, except you realize there's more to life than me. Like vegan, don't get me started. Like, I want a burger too. And, you know, fasting, like, let's be honest, I get hungry in the morning and I love pancakes. Cool, right? So those didn't work. Right?
Starting point is 01:07:31 Right. You have to get that commitment because they have to remind you those things didn't work because they will use those as excuses later in the call. Would you mind if I pause you again? Yeah, I love this. This is perfect. Because like more people need to understand the phases. No, I mean, this is the, I train, I taught and is perfect because like more people need to honor some of the things. No, I mean, I train this for years and the reason why you do that is because every statement
Starting point is 01:07:52 that you say to the other person can be true of false. So if I tell Jason right now, you know, the best flavor of ice cream is chocolate. I don't know, true of false. He could think yes, he could think no. But if I say the best flavor of ice cream's chocolate, wouldn't you agree? If he says yes, we now both agree. So the reason why you get that commitment as you go along is because you got to both be on the same page and you'll run it and you'll see the snags if that happens.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Well, no, that's actually not how I feel. All right, let's dig a little deeper. We can't continue to move on unless we both understand what we're at and we both agree. So that's why it's important to ask, you know, is that right? Because now it makes all those statements true. Yeah, and I mean, if you're ever selling from stage
Starting point is 01:08:34 or selling digitally or even on Zoom, you're also capturing micro commitments. You're getting them in the habit of, yep, yep, yep, yep, you want to take my money, yep, yep. Right, so you're moving them along. The next, so once we've gotten the rapport, we've gotten the gap, and we've gotten out of the way what they've tried, this is where I think the gold lives is in this one single question.
Starting point is 01:08:52 At that moment, I'll literally be like, dope. So what's the plan now? And they're like, I don't know. Or it gets really silent. And I'm like, I'm like, surely you have something in your mind. Like, what are you going to try? And they're like, I'm like, surely you have something in your mind. Like, what are you gonna try? And they're like, no, I don't know. Oh, well, that's a problem.
Starting point is 01:09:11 So you want to lose 20 pounds, and I'm gonna reset your goal. So you want to lose 20 pounds, but you have no idea how you're gonna get there. You've tried all these things, yeah. Is that right? Yeah. Oh, well, or that's one answer. The other option is, well, you know, keto worked initially, so I thought about going
Starting point is 01:09:27 back to that. Boom, this is your chance to destroy false beliefs, because if they're thinking that, they're going to use as an excuse later in the call. Let's destroy that now. So like, well, keto worked for me, so you know, I was thinking about going back to that. Oh, okay. Well, I guess I should have clarified your goal. Did you say you want to lose 20 pounds and keep it off? Or you want to lose 20 pounds and regain it?
Starting point is 01:09:46 Because if you want to lose 20 pounds and regain it again, it sounds like Keto's a great solution, you should definitely do that. But, if you want to lose 20 pounds and keep it off, that didn't work for you. So which one was it? Like, well, I want to keep it off. Oh, so, do you think Keto's going to work?
Starting point is 01:10:02 No. Got it. So what's your plan? And I always bring you back to what's your plan, and you're like,'s gonna work? No. Got it. So what's your plan? And I always bring you back to what's your plan, you're like, I don't fucking know. As soon as I capture that commitment, you're rendered helpless.
Starting point is 01:10:11 That's right, you want to get a moment. I can't tell you, I don't have a plan or I don't know. Yeah, you're fucked. So it's like, great. Now you don't want to go into presentation as our most coaches will go right into presentation mode. Well, this is how I'm gonna help you and you scare the shit out of it.
Starting point is 01:10:23 And it's like, okay, well, I gotta ask you, there's a lot of potential solutions in the world, right? There's no shortage of diets, no shortage of coaches. Why me? Why are you on the call with me? Why are you seeing me right now? And this is where you're going to get the next piece of gold. And they're going to tell you what it is either they love about your program, they heard about your program. So like something specific to you and what you do, or they're going to give you, oh, I saw us so and so result. They're going to say that they love your social proof, right? And build you up. Got it.
Starting point is 01:10:51 So you saw Jane, she lost 20 pounds. In fact, a lot of our clients are losing, you know, 20 to 30 pounds on average. It's actually really simple because of our system, right? Like, Jane's amazing. Don't get me wrong, but it's the system that repeatedly works. I'm sure that if you saw Jane, you saw Mary, and you saw Karen, and you saw that they have similar results, right?
Starting point is 01:11:08 Right. That's when it's like, do you wanna know how it works? Do you wanna know how it works? Not I work, not my coaching works, not anything about me, it. You're putting all the power on your system. So I'll see the scalability part of that as massive. Thank you, because one of the hardest transitions that a trainer,
Starting point is 01:11:27 and I remember experiencing this as a trainer myself, when I first became a trainer, I had a lot of clients right out the gates, I loved it. And then I went to become a fitness manager. So within four months, I was managing trainers. And I had to learn how to not sell myself. I'm a manager, I can't train all these people. So how do I sell fitness without selling me?
Starting point is 01:11:49 So this is why this is so important because you sell the system. And then later on, if you wanna scale your business with other coaches that you train to reach more people, it's not just about you, it's about the system. And if you don't scale how? Yeah, if you don't figure this out,
Starting point is 01:12:03 now the best and worst thing ever happens, which is you ignore it right now, you don't realize it's a problem if you don't figure this out, now the best and worst thing ever happens, which is you ignore it right now, you don't realize it's a problem, you do such a good job of selling yourself, then you reach a point of critical mass, and you're like, oh fuck, I'm still not to that big financial goal I wanted to get to, but I am completely booked,
Starting point is 01:12:18 completely loaded, and I don't know where to go from here, because I've been selling myself this entire time. I learned this the hard way, I got to 167 clients in my own. I was doing over 30 K a month as a silver bird. Not sleeping. No, I worked 20 hours a day. Yeah, definitely. I had no concept.
Starting point is 01:12:32 But we started this with one thing, which was, do you know your offer? This is where knowing your offer becomes critical. Because when I say, do you know how it works? You better fucking have wins. You better have an offer. Because if you say how it works and you start talking have wins. You better have an offer because if you say how it works and you start talking about your communication, that's no longer it.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Right. It's not your process, it's not your wins, and this is where it becomes critical. It's not your metabolic priming. It's not your metabolic priming, right? So this is what you're gonna share. Got it, well Mrs. Jones, I'm assuming everything you've tried, like you started with a diet, right?
Starting point is 01:13:04 Right. Why didn't that work? Because I gotta tell you, if you're in a calorie deficit, and your body's working normally, you're supposed to lose weight. So that's kind of a problem. So if I just give you another diet, do you think you're gonna lose weight? Well, I guess not.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Well, we should fix that, right? Well, what if I told you the real problem is that all the diets you've tried have led you to something called metabolic adaptation, and that the only way out of this is fixing your metabolism first. Would you believe me? Well, yeah. Great. So do you think we should start with a diet or fixing your metabolism first? Wish probably I fixed my metabolism. Great. The real reason all of my clients are successful is because we don't start with a diet. We start with the metabolism. And so in phase one of the program, we're going to create metabolic restoration for you.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Now. Now it's the offer. Right. Now we're in the offer, right? So I'm not making an offer, I'm just telling you how it works. Right. Now, do you think with a functioning metabolism, right? If we were stored, we'd get you to a great place.
Starting point is 01:14:02 You think you could lose fat faster? Yeah. Well, do you want to think you could lose fat faster? Yeah. Well, do you want to die for a really long time? No. Great, that's why we call it fat loss acceleration. That's face to. Because you have a primed metabolism and we can speed this process up.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Because let me be honest, I don't like the diet either. And I know you don't want to do this for a long time, right? Right, great. So we're going to accelerate your fat loss and get you to your goals. But I asked you earlier, you said, you don't just want to lose weight and regain it, you want to keep it off, right? Great. Has anyone ever like worked with you on that? No. Well, there's a host of habits that we actually teach our clients face three that allows them to keep this weight off forever, never need us or any other program again.
Starting point is 01:14:39 So that's sound good. Great. What questions do you have? Yeah. Yeah. Excellent. Right? And so there's no sales, there's no money, there's no duration. I'm literally giving you the wins because tangibly you as the client are like, I'm gonna fix my metabolism. I'm gonna lose weight. I'm never gonna regain it. I got everything I wanted. It was never about a process. Sales calls like every coach listening to this right now is like, oh my god. In my sales presentation, I talk about how we check. In every week, how we send text messages,
Starting point is 01:15:07 how we get on calls. You know what you do when you talk about that? After they hire you. After they fucking pay. And you know what's funny, by the way? Okay, all the way back to the first point that Jason made, he did a great presentation, he knows how to sell, he knows how to pull the person into this commitment,
Starting point is 01:15:23 you got to deliver. The end. You got to deliver. If you don't deliver, he just sounds like a slick, you knows how to pull the person into this commitment, you got to deliver. The end. You got to deliver. If you don't deliver, he just sounds like a slick, you know, talker. Yeah, which is fleeting. Yeah, you may sell it to you. Do that a hundred times, right? And listen, you'll make a hundred grand.
Starting point is 01:15:36 But at the end of the day, when people like, you can't sell something that the internet says you don't produce. And the internet is a spotlight today, right? I mean, I'm armed with case studies of clients selling their cars and becoming a six figure earner or people from six figures to seven figures or seven figures, the multiple seven figures. Like, I've got the case studies to back it up.
Starting point is 01:15:55 So I'm super confident presenting that. But at that point, you're basically saying, okay, great, like, do you have any questions? No, great, when do you want to get started? Price isn't discussed, oration, and obviously they're gonna ask you price. The investment is blah, blah, blah. It's always an investment.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Yeah, but you make it, it's not the most important part of this whole process. It's almost an assumption. It's just like what you went back to the range, like the range, like the difference of the range rover being 120, 130, like that. If it's somewhere, that's not the deciding factor. Get me in it, let me drive it, let me feel it,
Starting point is 01:16:27 tell me all the cool bells and whistles, like all that stuff, and then I'll be like, okay, I want it, and then we go, oh, how much is it again? And then you can break all that shit down to me. Yeah, so, I mean, you know, you're one of the first people in the space that we found that gets all of this,
Starting point is 01:16:41 because what we saw for a long time were pieces like, oh, this is a great course that teaches you good education. Oh, here's a sales course. Oh, here's a mark. But you go from beginning to end and you turn these coaches into good, effective, successful, both for themselves but also for the clients as coaches. And so our first, I think we interviewed for the first time,
Starting point is 01:17:06 how long ago was it? Two years ago. It took us over a year and a half of listening to coaches who worked with you, talking to trainers, talking to people for us to finally be like, all right, all right, we're gonna work with you. And by the way, you're not the first person
Starting point is 01:17:20 who's approached us who said, hey, would you like to work with me to teach coaches or to answer questions? We've had that probably asked to us. I don't know a million times We say no almost every single time because we want to know are we are we really is this gonna really make a good impact? And is it valuables it really we've also said no to doing it ourselves for so long because of our own integrity and wanting to put something out and Provide tremendous value right like I mean, it's the number one thing that I get questioned about in my DMs is other coaches that want the help from us to scale and build their business.
Starting point is 01:17:52 And we have been so focused on building our own business that I would never want to do a disservice to somebody else and tell you like, yeah, I know how much value I can give you. But then I also know how much I would need to commit to that in order to provide the value that I would want to provide that when in order to provide the value that I would wanna provide that when you go through this process with me, you would walk away and be like, oh my God, that was worth every penny, I'm so glad I did that.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Which that is what makes this partnership so beautiful is you've put so much work into that being your business that us aligning together now can provide tremendous value for. I think we've all had a core belief over our time together that really good coaches have three things dialed in. They're educated, they know how to apply their education and they know how to monetize, right? If you can do all three things, you can have impact,
Starting point is 01:18:34 you can have income, and ultimately that's what being a really successful coach is about. I think like when we put this product together, like the monetization stuff is stuff that I teach all the time except to get to me, to work with me at a high level, it's expensive. It's $25,000. It's not even available to work with you guys. When we actually sat down and we discussed this, we were like, how can we deliver a high
Starting point is 01:18:54 amount of value, but not be the 25K guru or the program? How can we give an access point to literally everybody? That was our goal. We wanted to reach the average trainer. Yeah, I wanted to reach the, because I was the average trainer. All of us at one point started that way and I wanna reach the average person
Starting point is 01:19:11 who has a passion for helping people. And it's not gonna happen if, you know, $10,000, $15,000, $20,000, it's just not gonna happen. That's saying there's a value in that, but our goal was to reach, you know. Well, especially when we know that a lot of the people listening, I mean, God, I don't know how many people that we've turned on to become a personal trainer and you're making zero dollars.
Starting point is 01:19:30 So trying to get that person to commit to a $25,000 commitment, even if I know I could provide $25,000 worth of value. Right. It's just a huge deal. Well, you've invested in mentorship, right? Right. And when you first got in, you invested in mentorship and the mentorship you invested in today is probably significantly more expensive.
Starting point is 01:19:46 I remember when I first started, I hired a guru that we talked about off the air and it was over $800 a month. I don't have $800 a month, right? I'm actually at the time my mother let me put it on her credit card because I had such conviction I would make it work. My mom's like, I'll pay for it, just pay me back.
Starting point is 01:20:02 Dude, we don't, I mean, I can't even imagine now, like brand new coaches in a competitive space asking them for $800 and being like, that's where you have to, you know, that's 800 a month to start your business, is just insanity. We wanted to make it accessible and there's, oh, just, you know, put this on a,
Starting point is 01:20:18 you put our $25,000 fee on a credit card. Like, first of all, I don't want you in my 25K program if you're not already producing some revenue because there's way too much build up I have to do for you. And I think that if you're willing to go broke to invest in something like we probably need to have a different discussion on finance. And listen, inside of business, we talk about finance. But I think also at this point we're almost two months in to this mentorship. And I think how many people are in to this mentorship, right? And I think-
Starting point is 01:20:45 How many people are in there right now, Jason? It's about 120-ish. Yeah, so our involvement, just for people who are wondering, so just mind pumps involvement is once a week, one of us get on there, and it's a topic. So we're talking to all 100 and, you know, plus trainers, and then the second half is, you get to ask us direct questions
Starting point is 01:21:06 about business and training and fitness and I got questions on podcasting, I got questions on social media, whatever, and you can ask us directly. So that's our involvement. Everything else is through you, NCI, the coaching, the building, the business, the whole thing. Yeah, it's, you know, the concept when we launched was there's no access to you guys outside of social media right now And there's no direct access to always get your questions answered and we've created that outlet which I think is super cool I know I put myself in the shoes of an early coach I would want to connect to the best coaches in the space and be able to ask them questions pick their brain and I did that Except I invested right like I think in the first podcast I did with you guys
Starting point is 01:21:42 I said like I hired every coach under the sun. Like, Hony, Scott Able, Lane, like, you name it, I probably worked with them. Because I just wanted to pick the brain, like, I wanted to learn. And I think that we wanted to create that level of access to you guys. And conversely, we wanted to give them the foundational business things that they need. And so, we also now do a bi-weekly business assessment where come on, bring your business, and I'll break it down just like your $25,000 client.
Starting point is 01:22:06 We're going to start at your offer. We're going to talk about your lead gen, your nurture. We're going to talk about your sales. We're going to talk about the lifetime value of your customers. And I'm going to give you the exact action steps to keep growing. Like, go out, do this, come back in two weeks, and let me know how it's going, and all adjust the steps. The exact way I would coach a $25,000 client.
Starting point is 01:22:25 So not to mention the fact that now we've put our branding team in there, and we're getting ready to put some done for you templates out. And there's new value that's come to the group every single week because we've had new requests. And I think that this is a new thing for everybody. And we keep listening to the community. The community's super excited.
Starting point is 01:22:43 I've gotten DMs, you know, you're saying off air, you've gotten tons of DMs, which has been really fun. Like it's been great to see the reception, but it also gives us areas where we can keep adding things and as it sits now, the value definitely exceeds what we ask. Well, that was the idea, right? So what, 97 bucks a month is what the monthly comes out to be to have access to us all like that.
Starting point is 01:23:03 And the idea for us, because we had, you know, we had big plans for this and a vision for this down the road was, I remember both the Unite when we first were drawing this up. I said, listen, I would rather put it so damn cheap that we fucking crush it out the park as far as value in the first year. We can figure out where it should be priced in the second year. I'd rather over-deliver right now. Wow, we're building this thing and figuring out what are the best things that we can be
Starting point is 01:23:27 teaching this group and what are all the things that we can add on later on. That was the thing. And when I love that, that's where we all align. It's like, that's the first priority. It's like, and it's no different than what we're teaching with the sales thing. It's like, that's the first step of selling everybody on this is that we have a good offer and we're going to over-deliver on the value because we know that these people will be lifetime people. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:47 They come in, they take what you guys say, they're going to be better coaches, which means they're going to deliver a better service. That's where this whole conversation started. If they come to the conversations with me, they're going to have an offer. If they continue coming, they're going to know how to put that offer, generate leads, and ultimately sell that, they're going to have more income. And if all of the people come in and they just implement everything that's being taught at the end of the year, their coaching business will be quantum leaps ahead
Starting point is 01:24:07 of where it was. Right. And I always look at like, if you can make a small investment and it takes a leap forward in your business, it was worth every single penny. And I think that, you know, we set out to do that. We set out to create a platform and it's been, it's been really fun. I've enjoyed every minute. It's a blast. And I'm, and this is true. I mean, this was my pump at Arty grown. All of a blast and this is true. I mean, this was my pump had already grown. All of us were doing this full time. Everything going great. And we were traveling to gyms and flying to gyms
Starting point is 01:24:30 and driving to gyms far away just to talk to trainers and help them for free. None of this was, we didn't charge anything. We did it for free, ultimately because the more good fitness professionals that are out there, the healthier people get, and it's the goal. That's the goal.
Starting point is 01:24:48 I know that it'll pay us back in other ways. I know that. I know that. But I want good trainers that are out there. There are good trainers out there, but there's not enough. We officially have an announcement to our audience and drove to the URL. What's the URL for us so people can opt in? It's mindpump NCI.com.
Starting point is 01:25:08 So mindpump NCI.com and it's the only... You can sign up right on that page of it. You can sign it. It's the only, I mean, we put our name on it. And we've never done anything like this for a reason. So if you're a coach or you want to be a coach and you want to be really good, we're putting a heart and soul into this with one of the people that we trust the most in the space.
Starting point is 01:25:29 And that's an honor and to everybody that does listen to this. I come from super humble beginnings and the first time I came out here, I was like a kid in a candy store meeting these guys. And so two years later, hopefully I've added enough value and I guess I have because now we're doing this together to now bring more value to the world So if you're a coach, you know, there's a power in proximity to and Showing up and being in this environment and being around these people if you can continue to add value to the community We've created there's a chance that you're sitting in my shoes, right in my chair in in the next year two years three years
Starting point is 01:26:00 And so if you have big aspirations, there's a massive power in the proximity you create for yourself. Contagion. So I would definitely encourage you to consider that side as well. Excellent. Look, if you like our information, you'll love our free guides at mindpumpfree.com. You can also find all of us on Instagram. So Justin's at Mindpump Adjusting. I'm on Mindpump Style. Adam's at Mindpump, Adam Jason. Where can they find you? I'm at Jason Phillips is Nutrition. There you go. Thanks. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy,
Starting point is 01:26:30 and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPump Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com.
Starting point is 01:27:16 If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is Mind Pump!

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