Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1641: How to Get a Bigger Bench Press, the Pros & Cons of Eating Rice Crispy Treats Pre-Workout, the Dangers of Rounded Back Deadlifts & More

Episode Date: September 15, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about putting on muscle without putting on a lot of fat, eating a rice crispy treat before a workout to get a good pump, ...whether it is bad to deadlift with a rounded back, and ways to get stronger after hitting a plateau on the flat bench press. Are we getting closer to resistance training being the number one form of exercise? (4:58) The high school football update with Justin. (9:30) It’s tomato sauce season with the Di Stefano’s! (13:49) What is Mind Pump’s go-to Ned product? (17:20) Be careful of the scams out there. (20:56) Things in Australia are getting scary. (26:45) The Navy’s new weapon actually stops you from talking! (30:50) Escaping the fires in California and the downstream effects. (36:16) Justin, the goat farmer?! (39:37) Why all exercises are good for you if you can perform with proper form and stability. (42:35) Mind Pump Investments: The guys speculate on Bitcoin being used as legal tender. (46:32) How Caldera is helping with Sal’s baby son’s dry skin. (57:03) #Quah question #1 – How do I put on muscle without putting on a lot of fat? (1:00:16) #Quah question #2 – Does eating a rice crispy treat before a workout give you a good pump? (1:07:30) #Quah question #3 - Is it bad to deadlift with a rounded back? (1:14:08) #Quah question #4 – What do you recommend to get stronger after hitting a plateau on the flat bench press? (1:19:00) Related Links/Products Mentioned September Promotion: MAPS Performance and MAPS Suspension 50% off!   **Promo code “SEPTEMBER50” at checkout** Resistance exercise, alone and in combination with aerobic exercise, and obesity in Dallas, Texas, US: A prospective cohort study The Central Mechanisms of Resistance Training and Its Effects on Cognitive Function Visit NED for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Generation Hustle | HBO Max Originals Australia Has Begun Building COVID Concentration Camps Australia gave police power to compel sysadmins into assisting account takeovers – so they plan to use it Big Brother Australia: You Have 15 Minutes To Take A Selfie And Send It To The Government The U.S Navy’s New Non-Lethal Weapon Can Stop You From Talking – Here Is How Over 60? Don't Make These Exercise Mistakes, Say Experts The big coin experiment: El Salvador becomes the first to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender Visit Caldera Lab for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for the discount** Mind Pump x NCI Mentorship Coaching Mind Pump #1640: Five Steps To Build Muscle Without Adding Fat GymnasticBodies Jefferson Curl - YouTube How To Incline Dumbbell Press - The Right Way! (GROW YOUR CHEST) - Mind Pump TV How To Do Chest Dips For A BIG Chest! - Mind Pump TV Mind Pump #1630: Ten Ways To Break Through A Plateau Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment podcast. This is Mind Pump. Alright, in today's episode, we answered four fitness and health questions that were asked by viewers and listeners, just like you. But the way we opened the episodes
Starting point is 00:00:26 with an intro portion, this is where we talk about current events. We bring up scientific studies and we mention our sponsors. So today's intro portion was 53 minutes long. After that, we got to the fitness questions. Here's what went down in today's episode. We opened up by talking about another study
Starting point is 00:00:43 comparing resistance training to cardio for fat loss. If you think you know the results, you're probably right. One of them is superior to the other. Then we talked about the football program that Justin's running right now and some updates on that. Then I brought up how over the weekend my family and I made tomato sauce for the entire year. Oh, it's a good stuff. It's a the sauce. Also, I brought up how my parents, both my parents now, are using Ned hemp oil for pain and anxiety. It's really cool to get my parents set up with that stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:15 They actually love it quite a bit. By the way, Ned makes full spectrum hemp oil extracts that you actually feel. So if you've tried CBD products in the past and not really notice a difference, try Ned. There's a huge difference in what you feel. And because you listen to Mind Pump, you actually get 15% off your first order. Head over to helloned.com, that's H-E-L-L-O-N-E-D.com,
Starting point is 00:01:38 forward slash Mind Pump, use the code Mind Pump for that discount. Then I talked about a new phone scam right now, trying to get people to give up their hard-earned money to weirdos overseas somewhere. Watch out. Pay attention. Then we talked about Australia.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Great place, we have a lot of great fans over there. Weird stuff happening over there right now. I feel for you guys. To the citizens, so we brought up some of the weird stuff that's happening. Then I talked about the new Navy weapon that they can literally direct at your face and make it so that you can't talk.
Starting point is 00:02:09 We hear this is weird stuff. Just purchased mine. Then we talked about the fires that have been happening here in California. Just then brought up how he's gonna be a goat farmer pretty soon, literally, a goat farmer. Yeah. And then we talked about the exercises
Starting point is 00:02:26 that you shouldn't do over 60, just kidding, that's a dumb article someone wrote and we clowned all over it. Then we talked about Bitcoin, probably going up in price because a country now declared it an official form of currency. And then I talked about how I'm using Caldera Lab, not just to improve my skin,
Starting point is 00:02:44 but to also help my baby son with some of his skin issues. Caldera Lab is all natural. It's an oil product that can improve the appearance of your skin. It's good for oily skin, it's good for dry skin, it's good for skin issues, it's great stuff. We love it.
Starting point is 00:03:02 It's actually one of the only skincare companies we've ever worked with. Go check them out. Head over to calderalab.com. That's C-A-L-D-E-R-A-L-A-B.com, forward slash mind pump. Use the code, mind pump, for 20% off your first order. Then we got to the questions. Here's the first one that we answered.
Starting point is 00:03:21 This person wants to know how to build muscle without gaining body fat. The next question, this person wants to know if eating a rice crispy treat before a workout gives you a better pump. The third question, this person wants to know if it's bad to deadlift with a rounded back. And then the final question, this person wants
Starting point is 00:03:36 some advice on how to break through a plateau on their bench press. Also, all month long, two programs, two workout programs, are 50% off. Maps performance, this is an athletic and aesthetic based workout program, and then Maps suspension. This is a workout program based entirely around suspension trainer. So it's great for working out anywhere, requires minimal equipment. It's good for stability, building muscle, and burning body fat. So they're both half off, go check them out,
Starting point is 00:04:06 head over to maps, fitnessproducts.com, just use the code September 50, that's September 5-0 with no space for that discount. Oh! Teacher time! And it's teacher time! Oh, I should've done you know it's my favorite time with a wheel, that was hard. That was hard. I think somebody
Starting point is 00:04:27 was strangling him. We have two big winners this week, one for Apple podcasts, one for Facebook. The Apple podcast winner is Doug is cute 69. I have no idea. Why'd you pick? And we have Jay Meilow for Facebook. Both of you are winners, and the name I just read to iTunes at mindbumpmedia.com, include your shirt size and your shipping address, and we'll get that shirt right out to you. I am loving the studies that they're doing right now on health and fitness, because,
Starting point is 00:05:03 so one of the main reasons why resistance training lifting weights, right? Strength training, whatever. One of the main reasons why it's not typically talked about in mainstream medicine as a way to improve your health and why it's typically been relegated to like just bodybuilders and stuff is because they just weren't a lot of studies. They just never did a lot of studies on resistance training. All the studies were either athletic performance and that's it. And then if there was a study on exercise, it was done on cardio. That was just how they did it.
Starting point is 00:05:33 So doctors never recommended it. The only advice you would get around resistance training for health came from people who actually work in the space and say, actually, it's a superior way of working out for all these reasons. Well, anyway, studies are piling up now, right? So it's been like the last five years, and we called it, and I told you guys, I feel like there's gonna be a,
Starting point is 00:05:53 that's why I named the book, The Resistance Training Revolution. I feel like it's gonna happen regardless that people are gonna start paying attention. Well, studies are coming out. They did a huge study on resistance training versus cardio for fat loss, and it was a long study. So I actually tracked, I think, 100,000 people over six years.
Starting point is 00:06:12 So it's a long time. It's a big study. And these were all active people. But some of them chose cardio as their form of exercise and others showed resistance training. And in the average was two days a week of resistance training. And the average for cardio was two or three days a week of cardio. So it was pretty similar. And what they found was that resistance training
Starting point is 00:06:32 was connected to better outcomes for fat loss and for health. So in that long, six years, over a six year period, they found it to be, and we know this, right? We found it to be superior for fat loss and for health in comparison to what's typically the form of exercise that people are referred to for those things, which is cardio. Do you think we're really close to being like
Starting point is 00:06:57 on normal cable television scenes? Within five years. I'll give it about five years before you really start to see it be promoted that way. Then there was another study that came out on strength training and cognitive function. And what they found was across the board improvements in cognitive function. Now they found in the past that just exercising in general improves cognitive function, but this particular study showed that there's probably a, it leans towards a better effect with resistance
Starting point is 00:07:32 training. And my theory is that, you know, because muscle is so insulin sensitive, that in one of the, there's a strong connection between insulin resistance and dementia and Alzheimer's, that that may be why Resistance training is so good for brain function. So there's another study So now we're having studies showing it's great for range of motion injury prevention heart disease fat loss brain function Hormone, you know balance like a men testosterone women estrogen and progesterone We're getting close to the point where that becomes the main form of exercise that people
Starting point is 00:08:08 are recommending. It'd be great if that all kind of found its way back into the school system and they focus more on resistance training instead of just, you know, walking around the track and doing aimless movement. From. Give it 20 years. The school system gets like ridiculous. Yeah, mainstream advice is like, take 10 years, right?
Starting point is 00:08:26 And add another 20 for school. Yeah, but to that point, and in terms of it being popular, don't you think that they'll probably try to make whatever machine that does it all, like the both flex kind of a situation. Like that might have a resurgence. Like it's like the one stop shop for resistance training. It'll cost taxpayers so much money
Starting point is 00:08:46 when you could just buy like dumbbells. Exactly. You just buy that, but it's like you got to be educated. But it's still, I tell you what, I was having this conversation with my son. We were talking about, he has now, I don't know what class it is, but they were talking about nutrition.
Starting point is 00:08:58 So we're talking about macro nutrients, how they affect the body. And he goes, yeah, he goes saturated fat, just clogs your arteries. I said, hmm, so we're having this conversation. I'm like, it's way more complex than that. And no, it sounds like they're teaching you outdated information and so my son's like debating me
Starting point is 00:09:15 because he learned from us, whatever, his teacher. I said, no, here's how it actually works. So there's still backwards. There's still totally backwards with the stuff that they teach. Just that so they got everything else really well though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Speaking of high schools, I wanted to talk to you Justin, so I went to my nephew. He's a freshman at Sierra, which is Tom Brady's high school. And we went and watched him play his first game. Dude, the systems they have in place there are crazy. So, and what I mean by that is how they can track the kids and how much effort that they're putting towards practice. So they, oh yeah. So they have like,
Starting point is 00:09:55 I got money there. Yeah, right. So they track when they show up to practice, how long, like statistically how many plays they make during practice, everything's videoed and then uploaded online so that the kids can access and then study film and then they can track through their IP address how much time this to so here you come to practice on Wednesday and I see oh man Justin spent two hours studying film in the last two days and
Starting point is 00:10:21 then you've got you know the other kid is the slack off who spent a whole total five minutes or no time studying film and they actually weigh that into like- Really? Yeah. Or they can just leave it on, you know, home. See, we have a lot of that like, Axisou Huddle is like, all the coaches use now and the kids and they all kind of are able to have access to videos
Starting point is 00:10:41 and be able to watch like upcoming teams and kind of break down tendencies. But a lot of times these teams are stingy with the film that they upload. And so like for instance, we're going in this weekend and the team the kid coach didn't want to give us any film like give us like something from like two years ago. And it's like, dude, really? Like come on, like we're, we're about to give them like 18 film of like our recent, even our jamboree.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And like we haven't been able to play the first two weeks because of this whole COVID stuff. That I didn't even know if I updated you guys on all this debacle, but. No, no, no, no. I mean, I've, I've had to self-quarantine for like 10 days because of the district's policy as a coach even. And so one of the kids had exposure at school.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And so the policy is like, even if you have exposure and you test negative, you have to then, you're out for 10 days regardless. So you can't play football, you can't do any extra cricket or activity, but you can go to school, which is kind of hilarious to me. Like, how does that make any sense? You can go sit in the classroom school.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Inside, you know, with every single other kid, but you can't go out on an open field in the sun and play a sport. And so anyway, so we lost like one of our best players because their parents were so pissed off with this whole thing And so like transferred over to like a rival school. Oh, no And it's so anyways like there's just been one thing after the next and so a lot of our volunteer coaches are gone now They can't come back because unless they become hired by the school
Starting point is 00:12:21 Which is what I had to do now. So I'm an employee of the school Oh really just so you guys know wow do. Now I'm an employee of the school. Just so you guys know. Wow. I'm taking on two jobs. I think we have a clause in your contract actually. Yeah, I don't think you could do that. I think there's no moonlight here.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Listen, I'm moonlighting up and being up and honest about it. I don't remember the contract. We split your salary now. Yeah. So you're not working. Yeah. So just so that way, now I gotta be tested like twice a week and then anyway, so it's just, it's been a complete headache
Starting point is 00:12:49 for this whole season. We've missed two of our first games, which now we moved one for the buy-a-week, we're able to kind of play them again during the buy-a-week, so we saved that one, but dude, poor kids, man. Like it's just been a rough start. It's a lot of stuff that they do doesn't make sense. Did you guys see, I don't remember where it was,
Starting point is 00:13:08 big wrestling tournaments or whatever, might've been college. The rules were that the kids wrestling can't, you know, before the maps of shakans. Not allowed to shakans. Would you get a wrestle with that? The wrestling. Does that make any sense?
Starting point is 00:13:24 No, this is so much, it's so illogical. What the fuck? It's like, it would be like, you're shooting a porn. Hey, guys, everybody, cause of COVID, no kissing. Okay, everything else is fine. You're just being each other. It doesn't matter. But you know, don't let your lips touch your lips. You can kiss or, you know, but hold, but don't kiss your face. All right. Here we go. I'm a policy that makes sense, but the ones that don't, it's just like, come on, I'm a slappy. Super frustrated. Yeah. See, well, all right. Well, I'm going to talk about some fun stuff, just to change the mood. Thank you. I was, uh, this weekend was the annual
Starting point is 00:13:52 sauce make. Yeah, that's how you guys turned us down. We invited all you guys to the beach and nobody showed up in New York's use was, uh, sauce canning. I gotta do it. I gotta do. So every, you know, it's funny. Courtney made something up for me. I don't even know what it was. Yes, yes, yes, to do. I need to tell them something. No, um, I gotta do so every you know it's funny Courtney made something up for me I really know Yes, yes to do to tell them something. No You know it's funny with the internet. I'm now you're seeing a lot of people now share videos and pictures of Their families making sauce which is kind of cool So it's now it's like people are aware of it because when I was a kid nobody you know
Starting point is 00:14:20 I tell my friends about you do what? Yeah, you guys get together and make sauce like that's a making sense We make a sauce. But I see people sharing it all over Instagram now, which is kind of cool, because it's like I said, it's a big thing, but we all got together. And we did, I think we did like 800 pounds, which is not a lot for us. We've done as much as 2,000 pounds of tomatoes,
Starting point is 00:14:38 but we did 800 pounds of tomatoes, and we finished it all in one day. You guys getting lazy now or what's to do? No, it's because, so the family, as it grows, people start to have kids and then their kids, right? And so then you can't possibly have everybody together. It's just too many people. So we tend to break up now, right?
Starting point is 00:14:56 So this was my mom's family and her kids, my aunt and her kids. And then, and I think that was it. Yeah, that was it. So we all got together. But if you include my other aunts, my uncle, so then, and I think that was it. Yeah, that was it. So we all got together. But if you include my other aunts, my uncle, so they're just way too many people. Are they now doing their own sauce? Yeah, they'll do their own.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Okay, so they'll do their own. Okay, so you guys just divided it up. Yeah, so we get to, but the kids get involved, right? So my daughter's outside, cutting tomatoes, my son's inside, and so the way it works is like, my dad will go buy all the tomatoes, and then he'll bring them back. So everything's ready in the garage.
Starting point is 00:15:28 There's like a setup where you have to first cook the sliced tomatoes, then you put them in this machine, you stuff them in the machine, it spits out the sauce, spits out the skins, then you take the sauce, and then you put them in jars, you boil it, and it's this whole process, and then when you're outside, you wash the tomatoes, cut them. So all the kids are like helping. I got my little nephew, who's six years old, and I'll show you guys pictures and stuff. He's like squatting down, he's like washing,
Starting point is 00:15:55 he's not really helping, he thinks he's helping, right? He's washing every once in a while, throwing at me. And I'm like, Frankie, don't throw tomatoes. I mean, you gotta help, okay. Are there, you know, are there rules? Are there like family, because there's a tradition that's been going for so long as there's like expectations or rules by the family that,
Starting point is 00:16:11 oh, we start at this time. People claim certain jobs. Yeah, yeah, like have you guys built like rules around this? Maybe unsaid ones, right? So when it comes to the heavy lifting, the washing, the cutting, that's usually me or my dad will be out there. Although now my dad manages more than doing that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:30 When it comes to like the jarring of the tomatoes, that's usually my mom and then the kids will help with the machine because it's kind of easy. Like you sit in front of the machine, you just kind of stuff the tomatoes down. Or you sit outside with me and then like I said, like my little nephew Frankie was helping me wash the tomatoes. After about three hours though, he was a little squirrely. We gotta hire your family to come over. I don't know if I tell you,
Starting point is 00:16:51 we got like a orchard of different fruit trees in our backyard, yeah, like all these like, everything from pairs, apples, grapes, like, like you name it dude, it's like, I was like, what do we do with all this stuff? And you have to like, you have to get rid of it. Otherwise, like the tree falls over, dies. Oh, you know?
Starting point is 00:17:10 So you have to like continually harvest it and like prune it and stuff and I'm like, oh my God. You hire somebody for do out, too. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, that's to figure that out. Well, so here's what's funny, right? So I get there and, you know, Ned has the, the hemp oil and capsules and my dad's been using it. And he loves it.
Starting point is 00:17:26 He loves it for his back. He says it makes him feel good. His pain is good. So I get a bottle of it and I bring it over there to my mom. And my mom, she takes it and like, she kind of like hides it. I'm like, what are you doing? She's like, well, you know, it's like, mom, it's not weed. It's hemp. You know, it's the way she's treating it like she's like, and she's like, I like it. I'm like, my mom's using it. I'm like, what do you mean you like it?
Starting point is 00:17:48 And she goes, you know, I feel really good. When I take it at night, take it and your dad and I, and you know, we watch TV together and we hang out. You're like, it's enough information mom. Can't have this been the mood. Yeah, whatever, okay. But it was funny the way she demo, it's hemp. It's not weed.
Starting point is 00:18:01 You need to hide the bottle of the net. But she likes it. She said it helps her with her, like, it's not weed. You need to hide the bottle of the net. But she likes it, she said it helps her with her, like she's got anxiety, so it helps her with anxiety. And then my dad with his back, so now they're both, you know, hemp oil. Now what of Ned's products? Which one do you personally use the most? I like, so I like mellow a lot.
Starting point is 00:18:22 That one's really good. Yeah, but what do you most consistent of all the one all their products? Honestly the old school hemp oil I go back to that all the time. Yeah, I love I just it's really You feel really good. You just feel you actually feel it. I don't know if you guys if you guys use other CBD like You don't feel them. No, you take them and you don't notice anything. What about you Justin? What do you? Yeah? Well, I was using the sleep. Yeah, you used to sleep a lot Yeah, but then I kind of stopped because there's you can actually overdo it And I have and the next day I was just like so groggy. Yeah, you know, but like
Starting point is 00:18:59 It totally works and I I love it for if I've my mind's racing and I have just like a constant couple days where I've just been trying to hammer things out and I'm like all just crazy energy and so it just helps me just get knocked out and recharged. But then Mello for me has been a lot more manageable in terms of like continually using it and then being able to kind of chill out
Starting point is 00:19:25 and then get ready for sleep, it's been helping. Well, mellow doesn't work with the cannabinoid receptors. So it's just, you know, it's those forms of magnesium, a little bit of GABA. The hemp oil obviously has all the cannabinoids and they're including CBD, you know, CBG, CBC and all the other ones, minus the THC. And when it comes to the cannabinoid receptors,
Starting point is 00:19:46 they can start to change how they're regulated. So they can down-regulate or up-regulate. So yeah, you could consistently take lots of cannabinoids and like, not unlike caffeine, you'll find that your tolerance will start to build. So that's just, but for people who, so cannabinoid deficiency syndrome is something that they're starting to research.
Starting point is 00:20:07 That's a thing. Yes. So they're researching it because they find, there's definitely people who have tremendous benefit from supplementing with phyto cannabinoids, cannabinoids from plants. And they just notice this huge benefit. And these are the same people that tend to suffer
Starting point is 00:20:22 from a little bit of anxiety, or they'll have pain, or, you know, their moods a little off. And basically what it is is that their bodies may not be producing adequate amounts of, for whatever reason, endocannabinoids. So they call that cannabinoid deficiency syndrome. And in that case, then taking a regular supplement probably would benefit. Now do you believe the opposite is true, where is there some people that are just non-responders to it don't feel like they get any benefit whatsoever? I'm sure there is.
Starting point is 00:20:50 I mean, there's always an individual variance kind of with everything. So anyway, I want, oh, here's something I want to ask you guys about. You know, you guys have very calls where I'm sure you do, where people are scammers and they're starting to get really smart. That's all right.
Starting point is 00:21:03 We're getting that a lot right now. Right now, right? Yeah. And get really smart. That's all right. We're getting that a lot right now. Right now, right? And text messages too. That's crazy. Every day I'm now getting at least two to four of these, and it's everything from UPS to tax, to Wells Fargo, to the Walmart, to your phone, Walmart, Amazon.
Starting point is 00:21:20 I get a text from one of them all the time, but oh, you have this package, whatever. It's to get you to click on it. They're really smart. So what they're starting to do, and I'll tell you the last one in a second, that my buddy showed me, and I thought it was freaking brilliant and hilarious at the same time.
Starting point is 00:21:33 What they're trying to do now is they're almost like they're targeting people, not specific people, because I'm sure they blanket this out, but they're targeting people who already are probably a little bit paranoid with certain situations. So I'll give you one example that happened a while ago to a buddy of mine. I don't want to call them out because they make fun of them to this day. But he got called.
Starting point is 00:21:52 He got a phone call saying it was from the IRS. And they said, hey, you owe this much. We know that you lied on your taxes. There's a huge fine. If you pay it right now, then we're okay. We'll settle it. If you don't, we're gonna do it in an auto. Now, because this guy that I know,
Starting point is 00:22:10 did a little bit of lying on his taxes, he's already freaked out. And so he actually went and paid them, and then later on found out he got scammed, which is hilarious. Yeah, go down, get a cashier's check. Yes. I'm like, bro, the iris give cards.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Yeah, that's what we take into the iris. And they threaten to take him to jail. I'm like, bro, the irony is gift cards. Yeah, that's what we take it to our arrest. And they threatened to take him to jail. I'm like, bro, the IRS isn't calling you like that. They're not gonna take him to jail over. They don't do any homie hookups. So he got ripped off, but the reason why I fell for it was because he's already cut us. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Okay, so here's the latest one. I thought this was so brilliant. I took a picture of it because I'm like this. I could see how some people would totally fall for this. So here's the scam. He gets a text from random number. Just received a call, he just received a call from US Customs. So this is him telling me, apparently I have a load of drugs
Starting point is 00:22:56 that are sitting down south and I need to contact them. So here's what they did. They called them and said, hey, we caught a package of yours down here and it's contraband. And you're not gonna get it and here's what we need to do. So obviously, if you're somebody, that's waiting for drugs. You're shitting your pants and you're probably gonna
Starting point is 00:23:15 do what they tell you to do. So he's laughing because he's like, fuck that. That's how my consumers mom and I were talking about. She's good. And my theory is they're just setting them out by the tens of thousands. And there's gotta be a percentage of those people that just happen to be stressing about their taxes.
Starting point is 00:23:32 And then, or that they got some drugs. I mean, if that was you. They insticated, I think Courtney got one where, yeah, they said something was off at the bank. And then it leads you, it has a whole link that looks like something, something case.com slash whatever. And then it directs you to this total fake chase web, but it looks real, looks exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:23:55 It's designed for you to put your in the password. Yeah, and then it started to ask her for Social Security and I was like, and she's like Social Security. And so that's where finally she got tipped off, but they almost got her. I'm like, no. Don't do it. I got one from Instagram.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I got DM and the page literally was Instagram. It said Instagram on it. And they DM me and said, hey, your account looks like it's getting hacked. Please log in, change your password. And I knew it was bullshit, but I just want to see what it looked like. I clicked on the link and it looks like an Instagram page. And then what you do is you go to log in, of course, now you give them your password and I knew it was bullshit, but I just want to see what it looked like. I clicked on a link and it looks like an Instagram page.
Starting point is 00:24:26 And then what you do is you go to log in, of course, now you give them your password and they go in and they fuck with your phone. I wonder how much this is increased in social media. You think it's like quadrupled it? Oh yeah, time. This, you know what, the scamming's changed though. Like, remember that documentary watched
Starting point is 00:24:40 the scam wrapper or whatever? Oh yeah. I feel like now you get people to voluntarily give you their money. So it's such a gray area. I'm so sure to try and catch these people or punish them. It's like, you know, that guy told that story about he pretends like he's a hot chick and then he gets someone to buy a plane ticket.
Starting point is 00:24:57 It's like, you didn't, I didn't steal your credit card. You willingly. And they're like ashamed that they would do it. And so they won't pursue any kind of... Totally. So I wonder how much of this is like really going on right now if it's way worse than it's ever been. That's one of the number one strategies is that you get somebody to do something
Starting point is 00:25:15 that they'd be ashamed of, so they'll never report you. It's like when a stripper would take someone's credit card, charge him way the hell up, and the dude's not gonna go fight because he's like, I don't wanna get back to his wife. Yeah, I don't know, I don't wanna go back and try and fight him. And even if it's not crazy like that,
Starting point is 00:25:32 just knowing that you willingly gave your money up for a scam, you feel kind of like an idiot. So even if it's not something to do to you. You just chalk it up. Yeah, I just like, fuck, I should've known, but I don't do anything. Yeah, so when I get calls like that, if I have the time, what I like to do
Starting point is 00:25:44 is I like to just keep them on the phone forever. And I've done this in front of my kids before. So I'll play along, and then I'll be like, hold on a second, when you go get my credit card and I'll put them on hold, and then we'll go do something. And I'll give them 10 minutes, I'll come back on. What did you need again? And then just do it for a while, and then eventually,
Starting point is 00:25:59 that you know, I was on the phone with a Comcast guy for ever, we were dying laughing because, I don't know if he had some kind of Tourette's or what but he'd said like the same thing over and over and over again he's like excellent perfect perfect excellent perfect perfect excellent excellent perfect sir I'm still working on it still working on it you like kept me on the phone I'm like you know you'd be a lot more effective if you just shut the fuck up and like did your little thing in search Yes, yes, sir. Yes, Comcast great. Yes, excellent. Perfect It was like and then I brought the kids to listen their dying laugh and we're just like yes, excellent Perfect and we just like repeat it back to him poor guy, but probably only job is ever
Starting point is 00:26:39 Yeah, he's really excited and I'm just sitting all over him. He's doing the best job that he can Hey, did you guys did you guys see the news? I think in Australia, they are starting these, what they call well camps or wellness camps. Quarantine camp. Yes. Is this real? Yeah, so there's a second,
Starting point is 00:26:57 I can't remember what part of Australia? Queensland, I think. Yeah, and if you have COVID, now I don't know if they force you, but I think they do, then they take you to a wellness camp for and if you have COVID, now I don't know if they force you, but I think they do, then they take you to a wellness camp for quarantine and you have to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:10 So it's only gonna be a couple days. I swear. Yeah. Yeah. I know. Well, here's another one. Scary, dude. They passed the bill, so I just saw,
Starting point is 00:27:18 people send me this kind of stuff, right? Because, you know, they know, you know, kind of my positions or whatever. So they passed the bill and I gotta find, oh here you go. So here's, it's called the Australian Criminal Intelligent Commission and there's a new power, there's three new powers that they've given police.
Starting point is 00:27:36 So now they can, they have what's called a data disruption warrant. It gives the police the ability to disrupt data by modifying, copying, adding or deleting your social media and whatever. So now they have the power to disrupt data by modifying, copying, adding, or deleting your social media and whatever. So now they have the power to do that. There's also a network activity warrant, which allows the police to collect intelligence
Starting point is 00:27:52 from devices or networks that are used or that are used or likely to be used by those subjects of the warrant. So now they can go in and pretend to be you and start collecting shit. And they can also take over all of your... And they want to show you. So resistant about lockdowns here.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Yeah, look at what that could do. And then here's another one. So people are sending me this. So this is somewhere in Australia, but if you come back from a particular area, you're obviously you have to do what's called a 14 day quarantine, but they have this app that you download. And on this app, this app has geolocation on it,
Starting point is 00:28:30 that at any moment, they can text you. So, and this is how it works. You have this app, okay, I'm supposed to be quarantine for 14 days. I can't go anywhere. The police will randomly text you. And within 15 minutes, you have to send them a picture of yourself, where you're at, and it has to match the geolocation If it doesn't then they'll send police out to come looking for him to like some helicopter parents, dude
Starting point is 00:28:52 Dude that's crazy bad. That is wild dude. I've heard if you heard from anybody from Australia in your DMs I haven't heard from anybody in social media from well, you know We have a lot of listeners over there. Yeah, and I remember it was like all the time I'd hear from them and now nothing. No, I get I get DM's I have there's a lot of people that don't like it And then there's some people that support it, but I don't need support that It's not gonna be a lot of people that support it if this stuff gets passed and goes through right? I mean enough to where I guess they're not afraid to pass this kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I mean, they're not a dictatorship over there, right? So I mean, if there's, I mean, people are voting, voting it in in a green. I don't know. They don't have the same kind of protections that we necessarily have. Over here, things can get crazy here too. The problem is, is it's, typically things move with a slow boil.
Starting point is 00:29:44 And then before, by the time you're like wait a minute This can't happen and you speak out out of hand now they have the power to take out take over your media And you can't speak out and you can't organize and that kind of stuff. So throw you in some camps lock. Yeah, what's a little yeah, or The other thing is that when things are over they typically don't go away. For example, we passed the Patriot Act and NDAA after September 11th. That's never going away, you know? War on Terror, is it ever gonna be over? Did either one of you guys watch that?
Starting point is 00:30:13 The Netflix documentary on 9-11, yet? No. I know it's in the top 10 right now. It's really? Yeah, it's coming viral. I don't know. I was gonna watch it last night, but I ended up watching billions instead.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Was that good? Yeah. I know, and I were so excited. Billions amazing. I just love that show. You too, huh? I love that show. I'll watch it when you guys are over it. You do the same thing with Game of Thrones, right?
Starting point is 00:30:34 We're already over it. We don't care that you don't watch it later. I bet you still have it. Well, you watched the Caitlin Jenner one. I did. Did you watch any of the other ones or no? You're like too much sports. No, I just want to have to watch. No, it's just busy. No, no, no. Did you watch any of the other ones who know you like too much sports?
Starting point is 00:30:53 No, I got something interesting for you guys just them might like this so the Navy We didn't get to bring something that I might like at the last like 15 in a row been like Justin You'll like this. I'm not in the I don't know anything about shoes or sports You guys still cross paths. I don't know you might shoes or sports. That's not exactly cool shit. You'll still have shoes or sports. You guys still cross paths. I don't know. You might actually, this is actually, you'll think this is interesting. So the Navy has a new weapon.
Starting point is 00:31:12 It's a new non-lethal weapon that they now have. Non-lethal? Yes. That sound one. Did you hear about it? They've had it forever. The one that's big. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:31:22 That makes you like, yeah. Like humvees, it's attached on the, and they direct the sound. Makes you feel un-m-should. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, this one's even brown note. This one's even Is that what it's called? I don't know. I think that was it's called is it somebody called it that and it stuck right? Yeah, like it reverberates your yeah, and it makes you shit yourself And they can no check this one out. So it's a special electronic device That is designed ready for this to make people stop talking.
Starting point is 00:31:48 What? Yes, dude. So they, that's super power. So they can, they can focus it on one person and they, they focus it on them and the person's own voice, the person's own voice is repeated back at them only at them every time they're trying to talk. Oh my god. And it reminds my first experience of being
Starting point is 00:32:09 high. That was a nut. Bro I'd say I called my best friend crying. You know it was so fucking scary. Yeah dude that was it. That kept me away from it. Yeah that was I was 20. That's what kept me from that's what kept me from weed for like a decade I think that dude The experience I tell people what it was like was I remember I got to a point where I was so high that If I said something it would just keep repeating in my head this on a loop and it would freak me out So if I try to express that then that would go on a loop It was like the worst and then things were were happening on a loop. Oh, that was, I was like, this isn't for me. Hey, so you know the phone. So that that could be, yeah, no, I did. I totally freaked
Starting point is 00:32:54 him out. And the reason why I called him is because he had, he had, he had smoked weed before me. He smoked when we were in high school. And he never smoked again, because that was his experience. And so I was like, Oh my God, it's happening to me. So I knew he would understand. And he came over and was just like, don't talk. You know what the fear of that was like holding your head straight away like holding me, dude. Dude, I had a similar, but it wasn't like that necessarily, but it was like I was staring out. I was out on this deck and I was like looking outside and Like all of a sudden it seemed as though you know those old movie reels where you have like you know the split
Starting point is 00:33:32 You could see sort of like the scenes kind of like like you're going through a slideshow. Yeah, yeah So that's what I was seeing like I was like watching the world kind of go on this really trippy slideshow. And I was like, am I going to get out of this? I start freaking out and it was really bad. And I stopped smoking. So the kind of relationship I try to have with my kids is they can ask me any questions. So my son now 16 and he's asked me questions about weed. It's legal, obviously.
Starting point is 00:34:01 What's it do? And I'm like, well, it know, it's, it's, it's, it's all, it's pretty much non-lethal, although now they make edibles so strong, I'm waiting for now when people can actually overdose, but it's very, very hard to, right? I said, but that doesn't mean that it's totally safe. I said, one of the worst things to overdose on is THC. It's one of the, it's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Yeah. It is so terrifying that it'll stick with you psychologically for a long, you talk to anybody that's overdosed on Edible. It'll tell you to fuck them up. Oh, I kept me at risk for the longest time. You should share that famous recording of the cop with him. Oh, yeah. The cop that did the brownies,
Starting point is 00:34:39 time moving really slow. Yeah, and he thought he was going to die. So that he called the cops on himself. Yeah. I can give you an update. But dude, so apparently this electronic device, moving really slow. Yeah, and he thought he was gonna die. So that he called the cops on himself. He got it. Yeah. I'm like a baby, I'm not sure. But dude, so apparently this electronic device, they aim at someone and it disorient them so much
Starting point is 00:34:52 that they hear their voice on the phone. They shut up. Now here's my, you ready for the, I would love to have that. Yeah. Shut up. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Not you guys, but you know, you get home from a long day. Oh my God, let me tell you what happened. Watch it TV. It doesn't even, how does that work? That's so weird. Well, yes, very strange and it's obviously effective, but here's where I start to get a little freaked out. Like think about the ultimate, like the ultimate protest weapon.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Like there's a protest going on. You know, you guys can't and they just shut the fuck up Yep, you know you over there doing the speech getting everybody riled up and all of a sudden You can't talk anymore. Dude, that's kind of creepy. That is scary That's a little bit scary. We have in like Twilight Zone. Yeah, stuff dude for sure So anyway, so what did you do then you guys just went to the beach alone or what yeah? No, I mean we had we had a Other family right was there. So it was just a small family. Second place.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Yeah. First place in my show. It was a big mess. No, actually my brother-in-law, he just, he had called us up a couple of days before. He said, yeah, it's supposed to be a beautiful day on the beach. What are you guys doing? We were in town.
Starting point is 00:35:57 So we just went down there and hung out for the day. It was nice. Really, really nice. I didn't realize that my place, this is the best weather is this month and next month. I was telling Justin I'm really, yeah. That the, you would think like, because it's hot over here and stuff that it would be.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Falls the best. Yeah, that's what the locals are out at the beaches. Well, the smoke, it was getting kind of smoky in San Jose a little bit this weekend. But you don't see nothing, right? No smoke. No, wow, that's good. Yeah, no.
Starting point is 00:36:24 It was bad. I mean, it's really bad up north. My sister had to cancel her trip. She was, they were playing, I feel so bad because they're in Reno, so they're right in the thick of all those fires and stuff up there. And they have, every year they take off for a week for their anniversary. And this year they decided to go up to Oregon
Starting point is 00:36:41 to get away from the fires. And then like literally like two days before, like massive fires broke out up there and then they had a cancel their trip. So they came down in my place. They stayed there at Perjaro Dunes now but they were at my house for a couple of days for their anniversary.
Starting point is 00:36:54 So my cousin has a place up in South Tahoe and South Lake Tahoe and they got of course mandatory evacuation and he went to go get some of his stuff and he's like dude, it was the weirdest thing. He's like you're driving and you know, it was safe to go get some of his stuff and he's like, dude, it was the weirdest thing. He's like, you're driving, and it was safe to go there to grab your stuff. He goes, but, I mean, you could see the ash and stuff in front of your face and it's like,
Starting point is 00:37:14 you wanna get out of the car in the house, back in the car and gone, because it's toxic. You know, I was thinking about how dangerous and bad this is right now with COVID going, because that's like a, I mean, yeah, I'm still convinced that the reason why I got COVID the worst of all of us is because I smoke out of all of us. None of us, none of you guys smoke weed, I smoke weed on a regular basis.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And so I know that's not good or ideal for my long. So imagine if you are up in the Tahoe Reno area and you're breathing in the smoke air all time and then you get hit with a respiratory virus like that, I'm wondering if we're gonna see like a spike in like hospitalization and stuff like that up in those areas. Well, what you will see is typically places
Starting point is 00:37:58 with worse air, you see downstream events. So you see like 10% increases in lung cancers or other types of disorders and disease. So now the scent really sensitive people, you'll probably see some stuff. But if this continues, because last year we had really bad fires too, right? This continues, it'll be like,
Starting point is 00:38:18 it'll you'll see the life expectancy of living in places like California, Structure Drop because of the quality, because of the poor air quality. But we'll see what happens, right? I'm wondering if now, because a lot of, I mean, that fire is huge, right? Yeah. Is that mean it's gonna prevent future fires now?
Starting point is 00:38:33 Because it got rid of so much. You'd think, but then there's new ones keep popping up, man. It's crazy. Well, isn't that one of the theories is that we actually need those fires. Like, isn't that one of the theories is that we actually need those fires? Like, isn't that like, you know, the underbrush is, I mean, it's kind of part of the cycles, but I mean, you, as you saw, there's arsonists out there starting these things. So it's like, it's all, like, it, and plus, they just don't have the resources they need
Starting point is 00:38:59 to, to fight a lot of them, you know, here because it's been mismanaged so bad. So, you know, there's a lot of that, dude, there's a lot of that here because it's been mismanaged so bad. So there's a lot of that. There's a lot of that to consider and there just needs to be better to use it right. Yeah, the controlled fires were really good. They would do controlled fires, right? To create breaks and stuff. And a lot of those, they just weren't doing anymore.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Partially because environmentalists said don't do it. And there's other reasons. So then over time, you build just like all this basically, you know, flammable material. And you're right, in terms of nature, this is a natural process to have these fires do that. But it's dangerous. So speaking of that, like like Scotch broom
Starting point is 00:39:39 and all the stuff that sort of like hangs around underneath like the redwoods and all that, like I just got closed over the weekend that now we're gonna have goats on our property. What? You're getting goats? Goats. Awesome. That's one of the best ways to clean up the property. Do you know that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Well that's why I got close. I did not know that. They basically are like lawn mowers, you know, for all the underbrush and stuff like on, you know, property. So I was like, dude, do I need more animals? You know, goats, chickens, you're gonna have like a regular old farm right there. I know, you know, what's happening?
Starting point is 00:40:11 You need a cow too. You need one cow, milk a cow. I have a room for a cow, but are they gonna be always there or are you just getting them to clear it up? No, they're always there. They got, there is like a pen for them. I guess the previous owners had them there and I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:40:25 I thought it was like for dogs, but no, it's for goats. So, yeah. Did you know that? So, okay, did you know, I was watching this show with Jessica, it's like this home renovation, shot, I remember the name of it, but this woman goes in and makes these incredible backyards very talented, drops in goat science right now.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Well, no, this is, I didn't know this, right? I know people own goats. I'm not a goat friend. No, here's, I don't know this, right? No, this is, I didn't know this, right? I know people who own goat, not all of them. I have a goat friend. No, I don't know you can do this. You can actually rent, there's people that have goats, you pay them a fee, they bring the goats to your property and they clear out your property for you.
Starting point is 00:40:58 They do that with cattle all the time. I had no idea. I see them on the freeway doing that every now and then too. Like this is just the whole herd of goats just, just, I had no idea. I see him on the freeway doing that every now and then too. Like this is just the whole herd of goats just. Just, I had no idea. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shads cool though. Yeah, how many are you doing?
Starting point is 00:41:10 How many are getting? At least two, right? But I don't know, maybe more, but at least two. Because apparently, you need them. Yeah, you need, I think you need it. Good amount. I mean, I haven't been to your property yet to see, like, but from the pictures, it looks like there's quite a bit of stuff. Yeah. I imagine I need a few of them. Oh, I think it's time to need some. I get, I have a thing to your property I have to see like, but I've from the pictures that looks like there's quite a bit of stuff. Yeah, I imagine I need a few of them. I guess I
Starting point is 00:41:28 get I guess they're cool. Yeah, if you if you domesticate them and like, you know, feed them, you know, hand bottle them or whatever that you get, I don't know, you have to feel like a baby. Yeah, are you guys going to get them from like when they're young? Are you going to yeah, so I guess one of Courtney's friends has them and then is got them pregnant. So then we're gonna get the offspring from them. I was excited to get a little farm over there, man. Now you can eat goat, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Oh, no, dude. I mean, you can eat animal technically. I mean, you can eat fat if you want. I mean, if you got, yeah. Adam's such a plump. You can milk him if you want. He's such a go getter. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:42:06 It's out. Technically, you can eat anything. Disguise the limit. If you believe, you can eat the truth. Why'd you say goats are assholes? Oh yeah, they have like, they're like little dick personalities. Really? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:17 They'll buck you and all that. They're little assholes. Oh, wait a minute. Yeah. Are you gonna put on a helmet and go ham against one? For sure, dude. I know it. Yeah, well, it won't piss us off just get off. Oh, again, three point
Starting point is 00:42:27 nits, they nip a lot and they headbutt like crazy and and buck. Yeah, they're like little shit. That's crazy. Yeah. So I always wrestle them. I had a couple people send me an article over the weekend. Did you guys have anybody send you the exercises you shouldn't do when you're over 60? No. It was, it's making the rounds and it's, it's, it's one of those articles that like shape magazine or something stupid. No, eat this, not that. It's another popular. It's not that. And it's, it's so click bait. Did that, did that grow from the book? Remember that book was really popular? Eat this, not that. Did it that's a real book. Did it grow from that?
Starting point is 00:43:05 Is that what it turned into? That's a good question. Because that thing went crazy. I know that sold a ton of copies, and then now it's turned into like an actual publication or something. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:15 I know it's a big website, and a lot of people have sent this to me. I don't know if it's good. But it's so infuriating to me, articles like this because it just perpetuates, like, you know, myths, right? Yeah. So what are the ones that you listed? Well, here's one of them, right?
Starting point is 00:43:28 So one of them says, don't do any lifts in which you're under the weight. So what? No bench press, no overhead press. It makes me, if you're against me because it treats a 60 year old man, you get why it is, but it's terrible. Yeah, because you're fragile. Yeah, exactly. I better enjoy my last four years. Yeah, you get why it is, but it's terrible. Yeah, because you're fragile. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I better enjoy my last four years. Yeah, it's over. Yeah, you're too close, Doug. Here's another one. Yeah, that's what it crunches. Don't do crunches. No. People over security.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Well, don't do stupani crunches. That's good advice. Yeah, that's good advice for your 60 year old. Yeah, that's for anybody, any age, dude. Here's another one. Moves that put weight behind your head or neck. Don't do any running. Don't do, I mean, so, and here's what infuriates me about this
Starting point is 00:44:11 is that if you're trying to improve your fitness, you're working out, whatever you read this, and it's all myth based. And we've said this many times. Here's the truth. All exercises are appropriate for you. So long as you can perform them properly with good stability, good control.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Would you strengthen the... That's it. Like, like, rascal scooter curls. Or like what? No, I didn't say it. Okay. But it just, it makes me so mad because if you can perform the exercise,
Starting point is 00:44:42 I'd look, I know 60 year olds that could do barbell squats and it's a great exercise. And then I know 20 year olds, I mean, you shouldn't be squatting right now, we need to work on your mobility and your control. So now imagine you read this and you're like, oh, I shouldn't do exercises where the bar is above me. And you're avoiding some of the best exercises
Starting point is 00:45:00 that are known to me. I mean, I've got this from relatives and people in my family, like even on Courtney's side too. It's like, you know, every now and then, like, like my brother-in-law came and he's like, yeah, my doctor told me I shouldn't dead live because it's gonna hurt my back. And it's like, all this is bad for my back.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Like, it's bad for, it's bad for your back. Is that, is that what he's telling you? Is that right? You know, like, it's just like, it's because it's that whole thing. Like it's just perception. It's like if you're picking something up, then obviously, you know, that's a bad lever.
Starting point is 00:45:32 And you know, there's only justifications they make instead of just that it actually strengthens exactly what your problem is. Mark my words at some point, unless we figure this out, at some point, we're gonna become so sedentary and so unable to perform basic functions that there will be recommendations to not walk. Mark my words.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Yeah, at some point, they're saying, listen, the way things are going, they're... Have you ever seen a graph or chart to show like our activity level and how fast it's decreased? Have you guys seen anything like that? Oh, you mean more time? Like, you know, 30 years ago, how active was the average human? Oh, it's not me, you can.
Starting point is 00:46:07 20 years ago, how active is the average human to see at what rate we're moving? I mean, I know just in my short lifetime, I've seen a dramatic difference, but I'm wondering if that's just because that's my perception because I've only been on the earth for 40 years, and it's been on that same trajectory for the last, you know. Once Amazon turns into buy in large, you know, from Wally, and then it's been on that same trajectory for the last, you know. Once Amazon turns into buy in large, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:25 from Wally, and then it's, yeah. Yeah, that sucks. Solidified. All right, some financial stuff. Here you go, Adam, I got some. Thank you. Oh, did you know that El Salvador became the first country in the world
Starting point is 00:46:39 to accept Bitcoin as legal tender? Wow. Wow. It is now a big deal. You can now use it as legal tender in a tender. Wow. Wow. It is now a big deal. You can now use it as legal tender in a country. Wow. Now, so speculation, what do you think? Do you think this is like?
Starting point is 00:46:52 You know, I go, so I think I was probably the most aggressive about it early on when we first talked about it, which is funny, because I feel like I'm the opposite of all of us now, or I'm a little more reserved on it. I'm fearful of us being, doing what it's supposed to do, which is to keep government or anybody else having control of it.
Starting point is 00:47:12 And that's the whole idea behind it, right? What, I don't know if they- Like a decentralized currency. Right, and I don't know if the government will ever accept it or if they do accept it, they're going to want they want they're going to want their hands in it to metal in it some way or another. So I'm a little fearful at I still stand by my original statement, which is I don't think it goes away whatsoever because it serves a purpose for the black market by itself. Yeah. I mean that's in
Starting point is 00:47:39 FOILHAT theory. Okay. Why the good I feel like the government is waiting until they can figure out how to literally like hack it. Like in order to then now this is the new currency, but they're waiting until they can have that kind of control over it because right now it's you know it's it's totally decentralized. Well because cash is still harder to it's still harder to follow cash than it would be something that's digital. Am I right? Right. So hard assets for me, like, that's where I lie.
Starting point is 00:48:11 But yeah, it's, to me, I would love, I love the idea of crypto. I love it. Because it feels like, you know, it gives power back. It takes away from the centralized bank system, you know, but at the same time, like, I just, like, the future of it is so unclear, like it's pretty gnarly. Well, the second, you know, big countries ban it, then what's it gonna do?
Starting point is 00:48:31 Yeah, now they're totally not your thing. Not your thing. The only way I could see it overcoming that is if the country's own banking system collapses, which that would be a bad, that'd be a bad, you know, scenario all the way around. But yeah, interesting. So is it gonna work with other monies
Starting point is 00:48:46 or are they trying to replace? Like what's the goal, you know? No, I don't. I just think that the government said you can accept this is like official currency. Not their official currency. I don't think it replaces the currency, but it's another competing currency.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Interesting. You know what's interesting about, you know in the past, I don't know if you guys knew this, did you know maybe Doug you could look this up because I wanna make sure I'm correct. At one point, it might have been in the Netherlands that tool ups for a short period of time, people were starting to trade them like currency.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Have you guys heard about this? I think you've brought this up before. Maybe Doug you could look this up and because I don't think I had heard that before and then I think you did. People were trading tool ups and there were becoming kind of a currency and then the price of them inflated like crazy and then they had this crash This huge crash where people lost tons of money because they had invested all this money in flouting
Starting point is 00:49:33 You know speed of things that you know Baseball cards are on a run like that again right now. Do you guys know that? I think you oh my god It's getting out of control paid attention and I have like three like good friends and my cousin that are like, we're all on a thread and that's all their post. I wonder if any of my old King Griffey's on that or what's the other one. No, those got crushed. Did you ever watch the documentary on Netflix called,
Starting point is 00:49:57 I think so. Top's something it wasn't so. Yeah, so there's a reason why that that actually card you just referred is like, is it worth it money? I was so depressed on that I traded all my stuff for that card? Yeah, it was upper deck King Griffith. I just think it's really I mean, I think it's really interesting how out of control It's getting right now where people are buying these cards for thousands and $10,000 for like these young players and
Starting point is 00:50:18 Just the market came out of nowhere. I mean from it dying back in the you know 90s Yeah, to now all of a sudden this resurgence and people collecting again. You know what this all looks like? To me, these are all, to me at least, if you look at, because a lot of things that are happening right now. It's like not having faith in our dollar
Starting point is 00:50:33 and so everyone's putting it in anything else. Signs of inflation, right? Yeah, totally. People are taking money and lots of people are putting it towards some of the stuff and pretty good. Okay, so Doug brought it up. So it was the Dutch Republic of the 17th century
Starting point is 00:50:46 where they were using tool-ups as currency in some place. Now was it, was it something to do with medicine? Like you could use it for something? Or is it just because they were rare? They just, people just started valuing them. Yeah. And then the prices got speculated. Two, through the two loops.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Through the roof. And then there was a crash, of course, because then at some point people are like, I don't want these anymore, and then the market. So random. That they picked that. I mean, you think that could happen with all these different big coins is like right now.
Starting point is 00:51:11 I mean, everyone's valuing them, and so they're all driving up that way, and then one day everyone just decides like, oh my god, this isn't that valuable. Yeah, all it would take would be people being like, I don't want this. I don't want it anymore, and now it's screwed. But like you said, there's always a black market. That's
Starting point is 00:51:25 the main currency on the black market, right? On line. That's why I do believe it's not going anywhere. I mean, if you're a drug dealer and you're big enough to where you're doing anything outside of your state, that's one of the hardest things is to be traveling with even cash. Cash, you're saying that isn't very traceable, but it's also a pain in the ass to mail and ship or carry a duffle bag full of hundreds of thousands of dollars. That's more deposited. They'll report you. Yeah, no, so that becomes a major problem for sure. So, yeah, so that sounds insane with the money. And so we'll see if there's going to be a crash with the cryptocurrencies. I know there's a few.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Is it Bitcoin or did they make their own? Did you say that? No, it was Bitcoin. So it is Bitcoin that did actually. It is Bitcoin. Yeah, in fact, I read an article that the IRS did a sting on someone who sold, because you're supposed to pay taxes on your realized gains from Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:52:19 So if you buy it for 5,000, sell it for 10,000, you make 5,000, you not supposed to pay taxes on that. Well, they did a sting on somebody who sold, I don't remember like a half a million dollars with a Bitcoin. Yeah. And they were posing as the buyer, and then the person never reported it, and then boom.
Starting point is 00:52:34 I heard a room, that's why the IRS is so backed up right now, is they're trying to track down all this, all the Bitcoin money that people are making by trading and selling because it's not as regulated and there's a lot of people that are getting, because you still gotta pay capital gains on that. If you bought Bitcoin at $5,000 and you sold it at the peak,
Starting point is 00:52:54 or at that, that's capital gains, you go, but I guess it's just harder for them to track it or newer for them to track that. And so a lot of their scrambling and there's people supposedly that have made $100 million plus off of this Bitcoin. So they're trying to track that all down. That's been a main focus. I don't know how, if there's any truth to that, you know, anything about that dog? I don't, but that's pretty low-hanging fruit for them. Because it's like, okay, this is what you
Starting point is 00:53:18 sold. We can prove that. Now you're UOS. I mean, isn't it supposed to be really hard for them to trace though? That's the part that I don't understand. Well, that'd be the challenge, I think. Not the, not the, what do they call the transaction? Yeah, you're U.O.S. Yeah, I mean, isn't it supposed to be really hard for them to trace though? That's the part that I don't understand. Well, that'd be the now and Joe. Not the, not the, what do they call the transaction? Yeah, if you're using coin base or something, it's very fairly easy. I think that's where the, yeah, that's what Snowden said is the problem. Right. Like, oh, Bitcoin, all those things, that that's really hard to track. But if you hold it anywhere in a wallet, which is what you have to do,
Starting point is 00:53:40 if you're going to make any transactions with it or do anything with it, then that part of it is really traceless. That's a really clear, yeah. So doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of it? I mean, isn't that, I don't know. There's gotta be other ways, just more complicated ways, right? So like, I guess you probably can store it somewhere, but you gotta do all this, like,
Starting point is 00:53:56 most people aren't gonna go through all those hoops, you know, unless you're like a big time. I mean, the way I look at it is, I threw some money at it, I leave it alone, I don't think about it. I think it's very, I think it's pretty, I think it's pretty, I think it's pretty, I think it's pretty I look at it is, I threw some money at it. I leave it alone, I don't think about it. I think it's very... I don't even have... You think it's been excess if you wanted, though, right?
Starting point is 00:54:07 Yeah, I know, I bet. That's it. It hits why I don't... That's the best buy and hold strategy over my life. Yeah, forget your password. Yeah, yeah. That's part of what, I mean, that's the part of my fear of not dabbling.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I have friends that, like, they're making money, trading and doing all this stuff, and I just find it risky. I don't know enough, and I'm not confident enough in that to know what it's gonna look like. And so, I mean, if you, I gamble, so we might say not to do things like that, but that's how I look at it, is gambling.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Look at that article right there. The IRS is coming for crypto investors who haven't paid their... Yeah, see, this is what I heard. I read a few articles around this, and I don't know if that's connected to why the IRS has been so slow the last two years or so.
Starting point is 00:54:47 I feel like it's been really backed up. But as many people as I know that are trading, I mean, you guys all got to know people that are trading this and doing this on a regular basis. Well, you know that they're bolstering the IRS that crazy right now, right? No. Oh, yeah, they're investing quite a bit. And there's talks about tax increases that are also retroactive. So the reincreaser taxes and then go back and collect taxes from the past year or two.
Starting point is 00:55:11 And so they need a big strong IRS in order to do all this because that's a lot of people that are gonna owe taxes. Money. Yeah, that's the they're really good at that, aren't they? Yeah, they're really good at that. Get that money. Are they teaching this stuff at schools? Like, I mean, like, your kids that have really nice private schools, he getting like an education around crypto currency and do they talk about it at all? I wonder like in high school, you'd think they'd start
Starting point is 00:55:35 being interested in it. No, they learn it from YouTube and stuff. So my daughter talks about my daughter. What? 12. She talks about crypto, okay? Yeah, not like she's she knows what they right So she'll say something like trying to get informed. Yeah, so she was talking about
Starting point is 00:55:50 YouTube celebrity she wanted to buy some merchandise from some YouTube celebrity and so this whole conversation started I'm like oh my god It's so weird that you want to buy a t-shirt from a YouTube celebrity and she goes well when you were a kid You would buy it off of the you know the artists that you saw on TV or listen. I said, no, you're right. You're not certain you buy it in person. Yeah, I said, it's the same exact thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:11 I said, it's just now, it's just a different platform. It's really weird to me. And then I said, how many subscribers does this person have? And she goes, well, he's got half a million subscribers. She goes, you know, if you have like 100,000 subscribers, you can make a lot of money. So I'm like, I want to see what she knows, right? So I'm talking about like, how do you make, you know, if you have like a 100,000 subscribers, you can make a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:56:25 So I'm like, I wanna see what she knows, right? So I'm talking about like, how do you make, you know, like, how does that work? And she goes, well, YouTube pays you for advertising. You can sell merchandise. She's going you right here. Yeah, she's just telling me, which is, she's 12.
Starting point is 00:56:36 I thought this was really cool, right? So we're having this coming. And I said, what are other ways that these YouTubers and stuff make money? She goes, oh, some of them make money in crypto. I'm right. So I'm like, what? She goes, yeah, like Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I said, do you know what that is? She goes, I think it's like money, but I sort of she really didn't know. So we're having the soul. But the fact that she's hearing it already is wild. I know. I have to ask my older son, yeah, because he's about the same age.
Starting point is 00:56:59 I wonder if he's researching the same stuff. Oh, it's a, oh, speaking of kids. So I started using Caldera on my baby son. Oh, yeah, so. Really? Yes, so he has a slight reaction to eggs. So we'll give him egg yolks sometimes, and then I'll notice you'll get a little bit of dry skin
Starting point is 00:57:19 on his elbow or kind of behind his ear. I haven't even thought about using it with max, and max kids, that stuff. Okay, so we talked to the doctor and the doctor. It's all natural. Yeah, so the doctor recommended that we give him a tiny bit of egg yolk every single day, which is new advice. In the past, it would say don't give him to him at all.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Now they're saying, unless it's a really bad reaction, you give it to him a little bit every day and then slowly, the immune system kind of gets used to it and then maybe, you know, he doesn't end up developing like a full blown allergy to eggs. But nonetheless, he'll get a little bit of dry skin on his arm and behind right here in the crease of his ear and sometimes he'll scratch it.
Starting point is 00:57:55 And so Jessica's like, maybe we can put something on it to make it feel better. I'm like, let's dry Caldera. Dude, it works like a charm. Oh wow. Yeah, I put a little bit on my finger. No, I told you that. I mean, the original way I felt when I was using it for my psoriasis.
Starting point is 00:58:07 And I totally dampens it down. Doesn't make it all itchy and stuff. Doesn't burn your skin. Doesn't burn. It keeps it, and it keeps it like, I mean, that's the key with like psoriasis because it dries out really fast. So even when I put the creams or lotions,
Starting point is 00:58:19 I mean, the creams that are prescribed, they do a good job. But then you're using like a steroid type of a cream where Caldera, I feel like, does just as good of a job and it's all natural. So that's actually how I started using that. Yeah, so he's not like, he's pulling his ears much. Oh, I'm interested.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Yeah, and it lasts a long time. Of course, I use it so I like it. And then I've said this many times, because it's an oil, I was like worried of using it on my skin, because I have oily skin, but it totally balances me out. So it keeps my skin from getting too oily. It's, you put on dry skin and it does the opposite.
Starting point is 00:58:49 I refer to it as our sleeper product. It was like one of those products that I remember when we, you guys weren't even really interested in. I was like, I really wanted to. I didn't know for honestly being so serious. Yeah, and you did, I was like, well, I know I'm using it like crazy, so I'd like to share it. If we can work a partnership out, we'll just see where it goes.
Starting point is 00:59:04 And it was super well obviously well received I mean we've been now Past a year on track for them. So you know, yeah It lasts a long time too. Yeah, it takes a little bottle takes a little bit of that forever. Yeah Hey real quick. I hope you're enjoying this episode if you're a coach or a trainer or you want to be a trainer And you want to be successful you want clients to get great results But you also want to earn a good living you want to be a trainer and you want to be successful, you want clients to get great results, but you also want to earn a good living.
Starting point is 00:59:28 You want to make good money following your passion. This can be very difficult. The fitness industry is a hard industry to make a good living doing, but it is very rewarding. And of course, you have a passion for fitness. Well, we have a solution for you. If you head over to mindpump NCI.com, there are coaching opportunities. In other words, you will talk to people who know how to build
Starting point is 00:59:52 successful fitness businesses like us. We've been doing this for a very long time. We train people for over two decades. And we've actually partnered with NCI, which is run by Jason Phillips. And the goal is to teach coaches and trainers how to be more successful. So if you're interested, again, head over to mindpumpnci.com. All right, enjoy the rest of this episode. First question is from Dan Grinucci. How do I put a muscle without putting on a lot of facts? The million dollar question. This is a secret. This is a big one because part of putting on muscle, or part of the formula for putting on muscle
Starting point is 01:00:30 has to do with increasing your calories, right? You wanna be in a surplus of calories to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to build muscle. Now the challenge, of course, is will this surplus be shuttled to muscle, or will it just be turned into body fat? And again, that's a tough question. The fact remains that storing body fat is an
Starting point is 01:00:54 automatic function of the body. If you take in extra calories and do nothing else, your body very easily will take those calories and turn them into body fat. So what we have to do is figure out insurance policy. What exactly, 100%. And so we have to figure out what can we do to ensure that these extra calories go somewhere else? Cause remember, extra calories don't just evaporate into thin air, they have to be converted and stored
Starting point is 01:01:21 into something else. Again, this is a rule of physics and thermodynamics. Now, the first thing, and I'll focus on this one, that you need to do, is send a proper muscle building signal. If your body wants to build muscle because of the workout that you provided in your life, the workout sends the right signal, everything's appropriate, then those calories,
Starting point is 01:01:45 or at least the portion of those calories, will get turned into muscle. If that signal doesn't happen, the default is to store more body fat. For that point, that's why I love to change my routine while I'm also switching over into like a bowl. Send the loudest signal. Yeah, so if I'm getting ready to switch over into a bulk or transition out of a cut or a maintenance phase, I also like switch over into a bulk or transition out of a cut or a maintenance phase I also like to transition into a new program. So it's just a whole new stimulus and that way I
Starting point is 01:02:12 Inch almost, you know, I don't guarantee you but I better insurance that the extra calories muscle-preserving effect Right. We'll get allocated over into building muscle instead of storing body fat But it's if you're in a bulk, it's really, and if you're measuring on a daily or weekly basis, it's almost impossible to add muscle without putting a little bit of body fat on. Now if you measure every three weeks to a month and you stretch that out long, it's actually very reasonable if you do like many cuts and many bulks in there, right? So if you run in a surplus for a couple of weeks and then you have a two, three day cut and then at the end of the month,
Starting point is 01:02:49 there's a really good chance that maybe the scale stayed about the same and you gained two pounds of muscle and you lost two pounds of body fat and you've done exactly what you're trying to do. But if you get hung up on measuring every single day or every week, even, uh, and then you freak out because you see the body fat go up a little bit. I mean, that's going to happen when you're watching that. Yeah, wouldn't you say, I mean,
Starting point is 01:03:12 drawing this out for an elongated period of time versus like trying to do a more extreme approach to this would make a big difference as well in keeping the body fat low. Yeah, and it really does depend on the individual and the circumstances, typically yes, but there is evidence to show that sometimes a shorter, more aggressive bulk
Starting point is 01:03:31 might actually be more beneficial. It really does depend on the individual. You know, here's the truth, and this is what makes it so challenging. You don't need that many extra calories to add muscle to your body. Now, some of you might be thinking, how does this make any sense?
Starting point is 01:03:48 I thought you had to dramatically increase calories. Okay, first and foremost, if you're the, like most people, you're an average lifter, you're working out, okay, let's just imagine you're doing everything right. Gainy one pound of lean body mass in a week is a lot. Okay, that's a lot of lean muscle. That's four pounds in a month over the course of two months.
Starting point is 01:04:09 That'd be eight pounds of lean muscle. That's pretty aggressive. That's actually probably expecting more than what most people can achieve, except unless you're a beginner and you get those kind of new beginnings. But just for the sake of argument, let's say that you're gaining a pound of lean muscle in a week. Now, if you do the math in terms of how many grams of protein and calories that requires, But just for the sake of argument, let's say that you're gaining a pound of lean muscle in a week. Now, if you do the math in terms of how many grams of protein and calories that requires, it's not much at all.
Starting point is 01:04:30 We tend to think we need to have all kinds of extra calories to make that happen. Now, here's where the challenge comes from. Extra calories on top of that, also, believe it or not, sends a small muscle building signal. Just adding calories when you're working out, even above and beyond what you need, also might trigger a little bit of extra muscle. And then the second part that makes it hard are the strength gains. Extra calories will make you stronger in the gym, even if you don't gain extra muscle. This is why you see power lifters oftentimes have higher body fat percentages than bodybuilders even in the off season because
Starting point is 01:05:06 adding body fat, I've done this, right? Where I'm gaining weight on the scale and I'm probably not gaining a lot of lean body mass, but my strength keeps going up. It's all the extra calories, extra energy, body fat can change leverage, make joints feel more secure, some lifts respond better to this than others. Like if I just gain weight, my squats tend to go up no matter what versus my dead lifts, which not necessarily, and it could be different
Starting point is 01:05:30 from person to person. So this is kind of the balancing act and the challenge. Now the leaner you are, the more likely it is that you're gonna need to gain body fat just to gain muscle. So if you're, and I'll use an extreme example, if you're 5% body fat in your mail, you're shredded, right? You got like ripped abs and you might have veins in your quads and all that stuff, your body may need to gain body fat just to gain muscle because that lean of a body fat percentage for a lot of guys isn't
Starting point is 01:05:57 optimal for building muscle. So also consider that. Now what if you're really overweight? What if you're, you know, body fat is a man, you're 20% body fat? Well, you could probably get away with not gaining any body fat and gaining muscle. In fact, what oftentimes happens, if you do it right, you might actually lose a little body fat while gaining muscle because you've got so much extra stored energy on your body.
Starting point is 01:06:20 But I think the keys are this, right? Make sure you're doing everything right. Getting good sleep, your workout is really effective. You're not overdoing it. You're not underdoing it. You're noticing strength gains. It's appropriate. Like Adam said, you change the phase that you're in to kind of send the loudest muscle building signal. And then increase your calories, but do it minimally. I would say probably, you know, two to three hundred above maintenance is probably more than enough to get that lean body mass to come on your body. And then the last thing I'll say is to be patient, what always used to screw me up with bulks was one pound, you know, if I gained four pounds in a month on a bulk, that was too slow for me. Even though, even if it was all lean body mass, I'm looking at the scale going,
Starting point is 01:07:05 oh, I could gain more than that. And I would aim for twice as much in a month. It would be easy for me to put on 10 pounds on the scale in a month. Was that muscle? No, it was just a bunch of bloat and body fat from really being aggressive with the bulk. So those things, I think, we'll give you,
Starting point is 01:07:22 that we just talked about, we'll give you the best chances of gaining lean body mass without putting on too much body fat. Next question is from Elsa Vasquez. Does eating a rice crispy treat before a workout give you a good pump? You know where this comes from? The bodybuilding, bro.
Starting point is 01:07:40 So this is the bodybuilding community right here in pop-tars. And I did all this stuff by the way too. It's less about the rice crispy treat or the gummy bears or the Pop Tarts. And it's more that you're shuttling, you know, 60 to 90 grams of carbohydrates right before your work. And this is especially true with somebody
Starting point is 01:08:01 that's in a calorie deficit or runs lower carbohydrates on a regular basis and then all of a sudden you take in 50 to 90 grams of carbohydrates, 30 minutes to an hour before a workout and yeah, no, you're definitely going to get a nice pump from that. It is, you know, the theory behind this pair, that was lots of water, too. Yeah, all right. Oh man, Let me tell you something right now. Water was a bigger game changer for me for a pump than carbs ever were. And then add some sodium to that.
Starting point is 01:08:31 And it's like, remember, the pump is mostly water anyway. Carbohydrates can help with that, which is probably why people feel what the carbs. And of course, carbs will increase performance. That's what studies show. So why the heck are they recommending rice crispy treats? Well, there's two reasons. One, is it sounds crazy,
Starting point is 01:08:47 so it's gonna get you a lot of attention. You know, oh, so-and-so bodybuilders, Jack, and he said he, you know, gummy bears or rice crispy treats. Who doesn't like rice crispy treats? This must be a secret. You know, in the 70s and 80s, what was kind of this like underground secret was to have a little alcohol,
Starting point is 01:09:02 because it gave you a better, it gave you more vascularity before going on stage. As long as you do how fast it converts into sugar and gets into your system, alcohol is the fastest, so that's probably where that came from. But would that be a good idea before you work out? You might feel like it while you're doing the workout. Oh, this is a great way to deal with it.
Starting point is 01:09:19 Terrible idea. So why do they say rice crispy treats? Okay, rice crispy's are made out of rice. So it's a fast, acting type of carbohydrate, and then you make it with marshmallows and lots of sugar. So, oh, fast, acting carbs, this is gonna be the best. Honestly, just the bowl of rice will be, just as effective at giving you carbohydrates,
Starting point is 01:09:36 better for you, not gonna develop some weird relationship of food or give yourself an excuse to eat garbage. You wanna eat rice crispy treat, go ahead and do it, but don't create this weird justification that I'm doing this for fitness. Like the whole reason why I'm eating gummy bears, it's not because I'm eating gummy bears
Starting point is 01:09:50 because I like them. So many of these things, like donuts and dead lifts and there's just like a whole movement around trying to figure out how to entice people through like these types of foods that are somewhat taboo, right? It's like, oh, well, we can use them here because we're shuddling it in right before the workout, which gives us a performance boost.
Starting point is 01:10:09 It's all about justifying, and this is problem with a lot of the mainstream or popular, say fitness industry, is what they do a good job of, which is terrible, is they justify bad behaviors and cloak it, they kind of cover it in this like sheath of, this is for fitness, performance and health, right? So I played with all this stuff, right?
Starting point is 01:10:31 So I did a lot of this when I was competing. I was tracking everything and you already, you hit it perfectly, which is, if you, it's really about the fast acting carbs and the amount of carbs before the workout that's giving you this feeling. So if you just take out that and instead of having 70 grams of carbs from rice, crispy treats and you have 70 grams from rice, you'll get the exact same feeling from that.
Starting point is 01:10:53 And the reason why I didn't like, and I did, I did the pop tarts, I tried the donuts, I did all these things like messing around with it. And what I don't like about that is that now I would crave that stuff more. Totally. So if I was on a really strict diet like I was and then I'm like, oh, you know what? I have 70 grams of carbs and 500 calories allotted right now. I'm gonna go crush a couple of pop tarts right now for workout. Oh, amazing.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Oh, great workout. But fuck, now I'm craving pop tarts. You know, four hours later in the next day, now I want it and I found myself having a hard time resisting those foods outside of what I was just using it for. So that's what you got to be careful with this stuff, is that, okay, yeah, sure, you could definitely do a donut. Yeah, you could do a rice crispy treat. Yeah, you could do the whole gummy bear thing. But you could also do that same, get that same effect by eating good whole foods, and
Starting point is 01:11:39 doing it, timing it maybe a little bit sooner than the faster acting carbohydrate, get the same pump and benefits from it, and then now you're not craving this hyper-palatable food that was engineered for you to want more. Yeah, or creating this false connection between health performance and food that are unhealthy. Totally. You know what this reminds me of? I had a client once, very smart person. By the way, intelligent people are the best at fooling themselves.
Starting point is 01:12:02 I'm just gonna say that right now. Yeah, justifying things. Oh, they're really good. I had a client, she was a scientist, very intelligent, and she would have two glasses of wine every single night. And then she, so at one point, she wanted a track and do all this stuff, and so I said, okay, we could track, and I'd see the wine on there, and it said,
Starting point is 01:12:19 well, you know, if we cut the wine out, actually, we'll give you more room here. And this is what she would tell me. You know, Sal, I drink the wine because I show their studies that show that wine has got some antioxidant benefits and some resvera troll. So it's a handful of grapes.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Get the fuck out of here. I'm thinking about my longevity here, Sal. That is not why you're drinking the wine. You're drinking the wine because you like the wine, and now you're justifying it with health. It's like people who fast for health, but the reality is they just don't want to eat for long periods of time and now they're making themselves feel better by saying their studies that support fasting.
Starting point is 01:12:52 It's the same thing with this kind of advice right here. So if I hear a fitness person who's saying that they're eating crappy food because it's good for performance and health, I want to slap them in the face. That's not why you're eating gummy bears and rice cre- You're eating them because you like them, they taste good. And now you're finding a way to justify it. Just be honest, I like rice crispy treat. Right. And it gives me some carbs, so cool, I get to have a treat
Starting point is 01:13:13 and get some far. And trust me, take in consideration the behavior aspect of this. Totally, because I mean, I did it and I got in phenomenal shape, doing all those things I just said, but then what I found I struggled with was that, man, now I want it all the time. By the way, I'm going to, this is some advice I'll give most of you who want to try this.
Starting point is 01:13:31 Don't do this right before you work out. One of the worst things for a workout is poor digestion or feeling bloated. You want to do whatever you do with your carbs about an hour or two before you work out. And a lot of these, like you said, donuts. I've seen that too, right? People will do donuts and then get, you know,
Starting point is 01:13:46 digestive issues. That's gonna give you a terrible workout. So white, plain white rice is easier to digest for most people than a rice crispy treat. So consider that as well. So you wanna not cause inflammation in your gut, you wanna have good digestion and get those carbs. You're still probably better off grabbing, you know, just plain white rice instead of the crispy treat.
Starting point is 01:14:07 Next question is from Geico Lizard 420 blaze it. Okay, is it bad to deadlift with a rounded back? You know, we addressed this a lot at the beginning when you first started posting videos of your deadlift because people hear this, right? And then they see that you kind of have this upper back rounding when you dress it. So people freak out and go like, oh my God, look at your back rounding is so bad.
Starting point is 01:14:36 But they don't realize that that's not, the lumbars, what we're most concerned about when it comes to rounding, and that's what you gotta be careful. And so absolutely, a rounded, you know, lumbar spine is very bad when you are deadlifting. But if you're keeping that in a fixed position, then a little bit of natural upper back rounding, especially if your posture is kind of fixed that way, is not bad at all. Yeah, and I'm going to use an example to kind of illustrate, you know, in a little more detail,
Starting point is 01:15:03 what is bad and what isn't bad. So I'll use my wrist as an example because it's really easy. So if you look at my wrist, if you're watching this, you can see that I can flex it about that far. So that's as far as my joint will allow me to go in that direction. And then I can extend it about this far. So this is as far as my wrist will allow me to go, my joint will allow me to go in that direction. Everything in between is not the limit of my joint, okay?
Starting point is 01:15:26 So can I support resistance here and here and here? I can, here's the problem. If it goes all the way to the end range of motion and then what is supporting the weight is no longer the muscle but rather the limited range of motion of the joint. So if you look at the spine, even the lumbar spine, right, it's got a bunch of joints, if it rounds a little bit, okay, but it's not at the end of its range of motion.
Starting point is 01:15:50 You're okay. As long as the muscles are supporting that, you're totally fine. The problem is when the lumbar rounds, and then what's supporting you is not the muscle, but rather the limitation of the joint. So it's pressure on the joint and the discs, and then you're loading that and lifting as much as you can, and the muscles are no longer being supportive. That's where the problems come into play. So a little bit of, you know, bend or whatever, it's totally fine so long as it's the muscles that are supporting it, not the range of motion of the joint. Yeah. And with that said, too, like you're going to run into situations where you have different, like, shaped objects that you're going to run into situations where you have different like shaped objects
Starting point is 01:16:25 that you're going to have to move around and pick up from the ground. It's not going to be so nice and balanced out like a barbell where we're going to grab, you know, like a bag of dog food or like a big heavy stone. And guess what? You're going to be protecting your shoulders forward. You're going to be rounding that up or thrashing a bit, but you have to be able to pick it up and do it with good biomechanics, and you do have that stability and support if you train it properly. So it's all a matter of like, you know, introduction to that, be able to brace properly and support your spine and
Starting point is 01:17:02 have strength in that move. Totally. There's an exercise that was widely used by Greco-Roman wrestlers. In fact, if you go, there's videos on YouTube of Soviet era Greco-Roman wrestlers doing this particular exercise called a Jefferson curl. So Jefferson curl. That's all ways controversial. Yeah, you're standing straight up and you literally with resistance roll all the way down. So it's like rounded lower back, rounded upper back, all the way down like you're touching your toes and then you roll all the way up
Starting point is 01:17:31 and people who don't understand by all mechanics and control will look at that and be like, oh my god, why would Greco-Roman wrestlers do this? Well, if you watch some of some Greco-Roman wrestling matches, you'll notice that there are positions and moves where one guy's flat out on the ground. The other guy's got this grip on him. And then what they do is they literally lift him up
Starting point is 01:17:49 off the ground. So the Ranger Motion is ridiculous. You're going from flat on the ground, but you're standing over the guy, lifting him and flipping him over your back, trying to gain points. In fact, there was a Russian wrestler who was just undefeated.
Starting point is 01:18:01 They called him the Russian Bear, a camera man's name, who was just known for doing this. And they don't get injured because they have stability and strength within that full range of motion. They've trained it. Yeah, and am I saying you should deadlift this way? No, what I'm trying to illustrate is so long as it's muscle that's supporting the position,
Starting point is 01:18:17 and you're not relying on the end range of motion of a joint, you're okay. So what does this mean for most of you? For most of you watching this, that means that you want your lumbar spine to remain in perfect position because you probably don't have the strength and stability to even allow
Starting point is 01:18:34 a little bit of flex and bend. Now for advanced lifters, this can change. I've seen some very high level dead lifters who get a little bit of lumbar flexion. Of course, we're not going to range emotion, to end range emotion, but they have a little bit of a flexion or a little extra extension with load, but it's totally under control. They're really strong and they're totally safe. So I think that's where this comes from because you see now a little bit of this
Starting point is 01:18:56 debate in the fitness world. Next question is from BK Prodigy 309. What do you recommend to get stronger after hitting a plateau on the flat bench press? Yeah, what were some game changers? Game changers for you guys on flat bench? For when I went to incline and just started to focus on that, now mind you, the reason why that was so beneficial was because of how much I neglected it. Right, so I, for much of my lifting career, I was always into flat bench.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Flat bench or decline with my buddies because we could lift more weight with decline. And the reason why we avoided incline was because it was fucking hard. It was hard. I was much weaker on the incline bench press than I was the flat or decline. And I was like, well, if hitting flat bench hits most of my chest, why do I need to do an incline that often? Plus, that's the one you brag about. Right, totally, right? So I avoided it.
Starting point is 01:19:50 I shouldn't say I avoided it, but I did it rarely in comparison to how much I did flat and decline. And I remember I just made it a goal at one point, like, you know what, I'm gonna get my incline bench press up to what my flat bench was. And then for probably a good year and a half, consistently training incline bench press up to what my flat bench was. And then for probably a good year and a half, consistently training incline, incline dumbbells, incline flat bench,
Starting point is 01:20:11 and everything came up. And I saw huge development in my chest that I hadn't for, so that was a big game changer, or plateau breaker for me was actually just focusing on a good chest exercise, exercise that I don't do very often and making it a goal to get good at it. Watch what that does. So that incline was for me, but this person could be asking this question, maybe you don't
Starting point is 01:20:35 fly very often. Maybe you don't ever do dips for it at all, like something like that. So yeah, so to piggyback off that, the dips for me were a huge game changer in really working on even pausing down at the very bottom and digging my way out. So I was always working on getting a little bit further and deeper so I could gain more range of motion, more strength in that position because when I go to bench, that was always a sticking point for me at the very bottom. You really have less support, there less force production in that position, but training
Starting point is 01:21:17 that to be able to generate more force there, where I needed it, it was huge. Then on top of that, just having proper mechanics and stabilizing my shoulder joint was tremendous. Because that was always something I ran into inevitably because when you add more load, it's gonna expose what your body's naturally gonna do to be able to use whatever it can by any means necessary to get the weight off of you.
Starting point is 01:21:46 And so I was not using the same, you know, go to like solid mechanics, like once the weight started to increase. And so that was a lack of stability in my shoulder that I exposed, which, you know, rotational pressing and, you know, more rotational type of mobility practice really contributed to a solid joint for me to work with. For me, and those all those made a difference for me, but the biggest differences I noticed was one was frequency, how often I bench pressed. For most of, well, for a lot of my early lifting career, I would bench press once a week, because I hit chest once a week, I'd go to failure, get my chest sore, you know the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:22:29 And I could not get to three plates on the bar. I just could not get to three 45s, three hundred and fifteen pounds. I was a huge goal of mine for the longest time. And then I had this employee that worked for me that just had this incredibly strong bench press in particular. And I noticed that he would bench press all the time. But he didn't do anything to failure. It wasn't like he was doing a workout.
Starting point is 01:22:51 He would just go out to the workout floor in between clients or whatever. And he would throw some weight on and practice benching. And he said this got him super strong. So I tried this out. I stopped benching to failure. And I just started benching three or four days a week and I literally, not only did I get to three plates but I surpassed it.
Starting point is 01:23:10 It was like this huge jump in my strength, just from practicing the lift rather than like always trying to hammer my chest and go to failure. And then the second time I saw a big jump was when I used progressive resistance. This is the first time I used resistance bands on my bench. Literally, I set up my bench press and then I attached bands to the end of it, anchored them.
Starting point is 01:23:32 And so the resistance was higher at the top of the bench than at the bottom and I could overload the lift very differently. And that got me to jump big time as well. Those two things were probably the biggest. But I think the key is, everything that we're saying, if you're stuck at a plateau, you definitely have to do something different. So whatever you're doing, obviously,
Starting point is 01:23:53 isn't working and just change it. Sometimes that means doing more. Sometimes that means doing something different. And sometimes that means doing less than what you're currently doing. Doug, didn't we do an episode that was titled like how to like eight ways to break through a plateau or something like that? We did do something on that some time ago. Yeah, I mean, and this is just go down that list because I don't play it all this. Right, because exactly. We went through all these different ways to progressively overload the body.
Starting point is 01:24:21 And you know, when sometimes we always get so focused on the simple stuff like the weight and the wraps, right? Oh, I've done every rep range, I've done all this weight, I've increased my weight to the most I can, I can't get anywhere. There's other ways by messing with tempo, with technique, like just we can overload the body in a lot of different ways. And we get into that in the episode and just I would go down that list and look at all the things that you have currently tried and things that you haven't and then add them up so you haven't. That's episode 1630. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:24:50 Look, if you like our information, if you love the show and you want more great information, head over to mindpumpfree.com and check out all of our guides. They can help you build muscle, burn body fat, improve your fitness, reduce pain, even guides for personal trainers to make you better coaches and trainers. Again, it's MindPumpFree.com. You can also find all of us on Instagram. So Justin is at Mind Pump Justin. I'm at Mind Pump Sal and Adam is at Mind Pump Adam.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. If your goal is to build and shape your body dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at MindPumpMedia.com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps performance, and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having
Starting point is 01:25:52 Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee, and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunes and by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support and until next time, this is MindPump. Until next time, this is Mindbomb.

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