Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 165: Masturbation timing, soreness & gains, dips v close grip bench and MORE

Episode Date: October 14, 2015

In this weeks Q&A episode Sal, Adam & Justin answer Pump Head questions about Star Wars characters, masturbation, vaping, being sore after a workout, weighted dips vs. close grip bench press and comba...tting rough hands so you don't scratch up your lady. Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, pop, mite, pop with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. Mite! It's a crime! Mite! But down out in it, Mite! Mite! Mite! Mite! Mite! I've been to the sound that is. Do I, I don't know who it is man other songs the classic rock No, who you idiot that was it weren't pink Floyd man I knew that it is a cheat sheet. I did think that's pink Floyd bro. What warrant song was I thinking of that sight?
Starting point is 00:00:42 Nothing no, I thought you're just being cute no I wasn't being cute Oh man scorpions here I am Rock you like a hurricane That's pretty good yeah, so Q&A time Q&A time Q&A time Q&A time Q&A time Q and A time Q and A time Q and A time Q and A time Q and A time. Zero pal. Yep. We're back at it again. Do you know why do I feel like you put a bunch up there?
Starting point is 00:01:10 It's like there's a lot of questions. We got tons of great questions every week. Yeah. I feel like we're in a hammer these out tonight. Before we get started, you know, Justin is feels like Sal takes all the questions. He gets. He gets to hog. Actually, he said you did.
Starting point is 00:01:28 We were fighting about this earlier. Yeah, well, yeah, Justin said it and then I actually seconded. I'm like, you know what, you're right, dude. Fucking Sal never. Anyone that's addressed it just in our Adam, we never answer. But if it's dressed as Sal, we definitely. He who knows all the answers asked. Yeah, you know, it started.
Starting point is 00:01:43 He's the question. Yeah, he started it out. Oh, oh, yeah, this one's addressed to Sal. Oh, yeah, we're doing that one, okay. Yeah, what a dick. So immediately. So today we're like, today we're going to avoid all questions addressed to Sal and we're going to start with Justin.
Starting point is 00:01:56 What's your favorite condom thing? Well, no, no, no, this is the one. So Justin got angry because he's like, we never answer questions that are directed towards me and we're like, that's because of Star Wars questions. It's because of the difficulty. And then it asks you anything. then and then Justin's like no, no, it's okay. It's fine guys It's alright. It's fine. I'm happy. I'll be fast and aggressive about this. Yeah, so we're gonna We're gonna do that. We're gonna go ahead and ask Justin's question. So today's entire episode is Q&A about Star Wars
Starting point is 00:02:24 Well, this is one of these questions that was asked a long time ago. We'll get into Wikipedia. On Instagram and we ignored it. Yeah. It's what is Justin's favorite Star Wars character. Uh-huh. Such a loaded question. What?
Starting point is 00:02:39 Who is? How's that loaded? I don't even know. There's so many options. It's like this we could get really close off. Because I don't mean anyone has a specific moment of, you know, in my lifetime that I was like, wow. At one point I felt like I was a new skywalker because I was young and I was impressionable and like, I saw the world through this.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Oh my god, it's happening. There's these eyes that had opened. You know, didn't know how the world worked, right? And didn't see the empire for what it really was. Yeah. He's going in good. You know, but then I really started identifying myself with more of a gunslinger. You know, I like more like a Han Solo kind of guy, right? I was you know a little bit of the anti-hero sort of you know character that you know that's my guy then you settle on you walk
Starting point is 00:03:35 Yeah, well, yeah, and that was my favorite character in the little you guys that that's what separates real fans from Actually, he walks probably the least the least favorite of all, right? Isn't that the ones that the most hated? Yes. Well, because they were supposed to be like, like, wookies. They were supposed to be wookies, but they did little teddy bears. Yeah, this great idea to make them little teddy bears
Starting point is 00:03:56 that were cute, like, because I think Teddy Ruckspin was popular at the time, right? Merchandising. Mew. Is that really? I'm wicked. Is that really how it went down? Stupid. Yeah. You don't remember Teddy Ruckspin? That remember Teddy Ruffin exactly? No, I'm very familiar with that Somebody might be able to verify that. Yeah one of my fellow nerds
Starting point is 00:04:13 So I'm not not see I'm glad we answer the ass is because now I'm interested because I do remember that era I do remember to he screwed up. Yeah, the best movies. I mean the first one was amazing, but I mean really the Empire Strikes Back was so good because he brought in somebody else to help him write it. And this this why I'm actually excited about the new Star Wars film is because the same guy that came in to kind of help write this new series. He he's there with JJ Abrams and they're together creating this whole new genre for us to Wow, it's gonna be like the mind pump of Star Wars. Hold on a second. I got a great idea. I just got a great idea. I'm a hard on thinking about it. This is what we're gonna do. I got a great idea. We're definitely going for it. We're going for the opening and we're all dressing up as characters. It's been said it has to be done. It's gonna be done. Which one are you gonna be?
Starting point is 00:05:03 Me, I'm obviously Darth Vader. Obviously Okay, no way. Do Adam's got the frame for Darth Vader. No, no, no, I don't got the frame Adam's a wookie, bro. He's freaking chewy He's gonna be true. I think you're like Lando Cal Rizzyn. I'll be Lando. Yeah, he's a bad ass. I'll be Lando We're gonna be who are you gonna be? Hanzolo your hands. I'm gonna be a house. Hello. What's Doug gonna gonna be all day are we gonna have it you walk? He'll be CP3PO No, he's yeah, that's our two yeah, that's our two Dear characters right guys Yoda
Starting point is 00:05:40 Do you know? Yeah, yeah. Yoda. Why is it gonna be Yoda? Or should we be Yoda? Dude, it could be Yoda. This would be a great, it's a great time. All right, are we ready for the next? That's Star Wars question.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Yeah, I wanna give you a serious question now. A very serious one. This is a phenomenal one. Why was it not one serious? Well, that's pretty serious. I felt it was serious. Yeah. The next one is from CURTY D 2011.
Starting point is 00:06:03 And this one is Whether or not you should masturbate before or after a workout It's not a very serious. What is silly question though? Everybody knows after Everybody doesn't know that save the testosterone for your workout. Yeah, come on now save the testosterone for your workout I actually you don't empty the chamber before you do a couple deadlifts. Hey, no, I actually I I don't want to work on you more of last lesson. It happens during for sound. Okay, well, let's depend on heavy ego.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Let's actually get a little bit deeper in this question, because even though it's kind of funny and silly, I used to know buddies that used to football buddies that used to before like a like game week, right? So they wouldn't whack off. They wouldn't masturbate the whole week or have sex or any. I tried that. So what's the theory behind that? Is there any science behind? Is there any science behind that, so?
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yes, actually, with holding from spilling your seed, God, that sounds gross. Why did I say it like that? So gross. You just say it like that. So withholding will temporarily elevate testosterone levels, but it's short lived. So if you don't have sex for a long time,
Starting point is 00:07:04 then you actually drop testosterone levels. But if you don't do it for like a week or two weeks, I think it is something like that, you'll see spikes in testosterone. So it does help. It does help. What? You just might pop a boner during your freaking event,
Starting point is 00:07:18 you know, not a good thing. If your testosterone's fine that well, you're lucky. You know, if your grown-ass man, you're still pop a boner, so you're working out, yeah, I'd be impressed. I'm not gonna be mad at it. All right I think we asked for that one next up from fit Chris 86 When did you guys decide to leave the big gyms and become independent? Oh big box This is a good I can't what year was it I fired Justin it was
Starting point is 00:07:40 Good. Good. Well, I can't, what year was it? I fired Justin. It was, uh, you fired. Can I, can I go first? Because I got a good story. I got two stories. But I'll start with the first one
Starting point is 00:07:51 then you guys can do your thing and I'll tell a second. All right. So I started, come back over the top of this. Okay, go ahead. Go tell your story. I like to sandwich your stories. Oh, it's top.
Starting point is 00:07:59 With my stories. So I started, I was 18 years old. So I was just, just a kid started in the company, right off the bat crushed it, did was 18 years old. So I was just a kid, started in the company, right off the bat crushed it, did very, very well, at the age of 20, so for two years, I was with the company with a large corporate gym, known as 25 Fitness. I left at the age of 20, so let me tell you guys
Starting point is 00:08:21 what happened, I'm gonna give all the details. This is the first time I've ever done this on air. So, I think this is gonna take us all the way back. Yeah, no, let me tell you that. I'm into the future. So do you guys remember, you guys,
Starting point is 00:08:33 you guys have been there long enough to remember flipping? Do you remember what that was? Of course. So flipping for the listeners that are listening, we had memberships that we would sell that were prepaid, three year memberships for, let's say, $900. That was the average. Well, we had members that were paying $40 a month.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Now, you do the math. $40 a month, over two years you're gonna spend as much as you would spend on a three year membership that you could get if you prepaid, right? And then tell them what it would be after that. And then after that, you get a renewal of $149 or $99 a year, okay? It was a killer deal. So killer deal.
Starting point is 00:09:04 So, initially, can you take, before you go further, why don't you explain the science? What the reason why that they came up with that membership, the reason why they came up with the membership was because the average person
Starting point is 00:09:17 doesn't use it. Would stop using a gym. And they would never cancel. That's a genius. So behind any of these commercial gyms, that's what they bank on. And then they would, then the average person, they would stop going out for. Yeah, that's what they bank on. And then they would then the average person they would stop going after three months,
Starting point is 00:09:28 continue paying for an additional seven. So basically gyms would get about 10 free months. So then Mark Maastrop being the genius that he is comes up with this concept of, let's do a prepaid membership where we get $900 since the average member never even lasts to $900. Let's get $900 making a smoking killer deal that seems so ridiculous you'd wanna do it.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Right, and that's what we're doing. And then with a low renewal and which you don't wanna cancel it because you'll never get that deal. Yeah, no one will ever cancel a $99 renewal and I guarantee you we have listeners right now who've got that. They still got it.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah, that probably work out somewhere else or don't work out. So my family hasn't. So it wasn't illegal at this point when they first came out with these types of membership. It wasn't against company policy or illegal to have someone who's already got a membership paying 40 bucks a month to flip and switch to this prepaid membership. It was frowned upon, but it wasn't, it wasn't something that would get in trouble.
Starting point is 00:10:19 When people started figuring this out, then gyms would, because what would happen is would you sell a flip, you'd get commission and it would go towards your sales goal, right? So all these very competitive clubs, and let's be honest guys, that was competitive back then. I mean, we were competing hard against other clubs within the company, people were trying for top sales. So then it became this like flip fest
Starting point is 00:10:40 where people were doing this left and right. Well, what happens is the company loses money on that because we would end up flipping people who were members for two or three years who actually were coming and using the gym paying 40 bucks a month, and we're turning them into these three year membership. So the company... Canibalizing the business.
Starting point is 00:10:56 It would cannibalize the business. But everybody was doing it. Literally, it was a thing. I mean... It took 24-Finders several years before they figured it out. Right. That it was cannibalizing. Right. Everybody was doing thing. I mean, it took 24 off in several years before they figured it out. Right. That it was cannibalizing. Right. And everybody was doing it. So, and I, you know, I was, I did it. Everybody.
Starting point is 00:11:10 It wasn't, it wasn't something that I was the only one doing it. Anyhow, um, all of a sudden, it became this big deal. And they did kind of, they, they sick this, uh, like the internal security person to find out who's flipping. Now, when they did this, they fucked up because I don't think they realized just how bad it was in the company. I think they thought, oh, go find, you're gonna find a few people make an example of them and then it's not gonna be a big deal.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Well, this fucking, and there was a lady, I'm not gonna name her name, but she's stupid. She, he's sickener on everybody and she went ape shit and found all kinds of people doing it and started firing people left and right. And so at the time, some of my very good friends were getting fired for doing something that everybody was doing. And I was so, it was so infuriating to me. And I was a young kid. I was real emotional. And, you know, I kind of had a fuck you attitude, which I kind of still have now. And so when this was happening,
Starting point is 00:12:05 I remember my very, very good friend, who was my mentor at the time, got demoted from a district manager position to general manager position, because of this, because this was happening in his district. And when I found out about this, I walked out. Now, I didn't quit. I didn't tell anybody.
Starting point is 00:12:23 I didn't tell my staff, I didn't tell anybody. I didn't tell my staff. I didn't tell anybody. I walked out of the gym. Peace. Now this was, I was running, I was running the flagship club of the company. I had a staff of, I don't know, 50 people. Well, when they found out that I had walked out,
Starting point is 00:12:38 the whole gym walked out. Everybody walked out. And I didn't find out until I got a phone call from the president who yelled at me, get back in the gym. You're causing a problem. All these people walked out. And didn't find out until I got a phone call from the president who yelled at me Get back in the gym you're causing a problem all these people walked out and I had no idea So I called people up and had a meeting with them and told them all go back to work and to not involve themselves with this whole situation But I left that time and I bought myself a gym down in Palm desert with the gentleman who had you know at the point at that time Been my mentor so that was the first time that I left and went off on my own.
Starting point is 00:13:05 How about you guys? I know. Well, nice. Oh, we're not gonna have a lot of good. You came back and then left again, you know, how about that? I mean, well, I did. I ran a club down in Palm.
Starting point is 00:13:14 We owned this gym or partial owners of the club in Palm Desert. We ended up selling it. And at that time, even though I had left in a blaze of fury, you know, I was a big producer. I was the producer at this time. This was probably before you guys even worked there, I think. I don't think you were there.
Starting point is 00:13:32 You remember this whole thing? Okay. Well, I was there since 2000. You were there right when I came back, I think. Then they brought me back to Hillsdale. they wanted me because I was a big producer, so then I came back the second time around, and they gave me whatever club I wanted, and I picked the one that was closest to my home in San Jose.
Starting point is 00:13:54 They had re-grand opened it, so it was gonna be a big deal. So I went in there, they bumped the guy out of there because he couldn't produce, and we crushed it, we killed it, we did a good job, and I stayed with the company for another, maybe year or two, grand open another gym in San Jose and then I saw the tide turn. I saw the direction that they were going. They had given me this district manager who was just the least motivating,
Starting point is 00:14:23 worst salesperson you could ever meet in your entire life Like this was my district manager and I could run circles around him and then he would get on me for the stupidest shit of all time Like when you're finding you of course you do it was a you know I'm running a club here. I am running a grand opening club destroying it number one Many categories and he would get on me and write me up for not highlighting the planner with the right colors. Not bullshitting you. I know, yeah. Literally getting written up for that stupid shit.
Starting point is 00:14:53 And so when I saw the tide that when they were forcing this kind of like organization, this kind of like, we need to fall within these certain lines and then we're bringing in these people who've never run gins before to run the company type of deal. Then I bounced and then I opened my personal training studio and I never looked back. Right. Well, what about you guys? That was a so like so I was there earlier on. So one thing you didn't mention that you were there for and I was there for also, which was before HR existed. Right. We were there before and I was there after.
Starting point is 00:15:25 So I mean, if you've ever worked for the Wild West, yeah, I mean, being a part of a company that barbecue stories says it all. Being a being a part of a company that is growing that fast and that many people make you money. So like Sal was saying, what was crazy? So he was on the, the, the sales side, the membership side. I was on the fitness side. So I was like, well, I started as a trainer
Starting point is 00:15:47 and then I went over to the sales side. I remember, because you couldn't hack it as well as a trainer so he went over to say. I still hold a more like a competitive one. So I came in and the HR didn't exist. And like Sal, I was there when it came on. And when it came on, it was crazy. Like the story he told about flipping memberships,
Starting point is 00:16:10 well, that big key fit plus membership that was $900, what he didn't mention also included five personal training sessions. And the five personal training sessions were about $250 of revenue there. Well, here's what's so crazy is most people cared so much just about the membership. They didn't give a shit about the training So that's what we latched on to and and very very very very few people actually even utilize their training
Starting point is 00:16:33 So what was really popular and it was totally not frowned upon until later on when HR came around was trainers Used to if their schedule wasn't filled up They would just slot the hours in there and then they they would just, they get paid on those hours, those people would never show up. Yeah, see, that's really gangster, I wasn't that bad. Well, and then it gets appointed, where people are like, I don't think we should do that, because then what if the person comes back and asks for it?
Starting point is 00:16:56 So then trainers got smart and they said, okay, they'll call the people down, you know, because they would keep bugging the people to come use their training. They'd be like, I don't want the training. Well, then can you come in and sign off all your sessions? Right. And then we would convince people to come in, sign off They'd be like, I don't want the training. Well, then can you come in and sign off all your sessions? Right. And then we would convince people to come in,
Starting point is 00:17:07 sign off all their sessions, say they don't want them, and then the trainers would clock them in and pay themselves. Right. So this type of shit was going on like crazy. And everybody did it. It was just part of how the company was making so much money. Everybody was making a handover fist and selling all these memberships.
Starting point is 00:17:21 It was the heydays. And it was like a wolf or wall street. Fitness-wise, I mean, fitness-wisedays. And it was like a wolf a wall street, fitness wise, I mean fitness. And so I was already a fitness man, I was a manager already, I was 22 years old when this happened. Old. And yeah, right, crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:17:34 20, I was 22 years old, I was managing the capital and the key location. And it incomes the HR when it just started. My club happened to be the first club they were going to audit. And it was the same lady, right? It's the security lady. Yeah, and she, let me tell you,
Starting point is 00:17:48 so from the rest of my career, 24, 50, 50, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, is going on and they would have to, and the only reason why I didn't get fired was because they were going to have to fire everyone of my trainers. Because at one point, every single one of them had did something along those lines. And you could, if you're gonna fire one for doing that, you're gonna fire all of them, regardless of who did it more or worse or whatever. So they couldn't.
Starting point is 00:18:16 But then I got, I got known as this guy who just lets the staff run wild and this and that. And so I was kind of black bald. Well, then I'm the first one to get on it. So of course me being a good dude, I call all my peers and be like, hey, HR's coming around, they're auditing on me. I'm gonna clean your shit up,
Starting point is 00:18:29 so everybody fucking burns their files. You know, everybody burns their files, get rid of it, so then I just end up being the one guy who had the bad club, right? So then I was black bald because of that, whatever I still stayed with the company and still continue to crush and break records there. And later on, it's where I met Justin.
Starting point is 00:18:46 You know, I hired Justin when I was at Hillsdale, probably about five years. So you only left after, you only left once. Yeah. I don't remember doing any of that shit. Yeah, that was way, but way before that was before we had. Yeah, Justin came in when we all started getting, like we were straight. Yeah, HR had existed and everything like that. There wasn't a lot of shading.
Starting point is 00:19:02 You had no idea, Justin, back then. He just guys told me stories. Yeah, HR had existed and everything like that. There wasn't a lot of shading miscopacism. You have no idea, Justin, back then. It was crazy. You just guys told me stories. Yeah, it was, bro. You could, when I first started, I would have killed it. You could make up your own price almost. Oh, yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Like, you could charge over this minimum. It was like buying a goddamn car. Yeah. It was crazy. I tried to start doing that when they gave us the master trainer level thing. And then I would, I would keep raising my prices internally. You know, my God, dude, I got like four certs four certs. I charge this much and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And it worked every time. Yeah. And I wanted to keep pressing that and then they wouldn't let me do it. No. Stupid. Yeah, it was. It was silly the way that,
Starting point is 00:19:34 and the company every year. So I was there for almost 10 years. Every year I worked there, there was a compensation change. So there was a comp plan change every single year. And every year, anyone that's worked for a company, anytime a comp plan comes up, no matter what company you work for,
Starting point is 00:19:47 it's never in the benefit of the employee. No, what they're doing is they're figuring out how they can pay people less. Yes. And what they're gonna say is they're trying to push different line items. But in reality, like everybody's making too much money here, let's give less commission on this line item
Starting point is 00:20:00 and give more on this one. So, now the knee part about someone like me who was around as far back as when Sal was and then stuck it through all this line, Adam, give more on this one. So now the knee part about someone like me who was around as far back as when Sal was and then stuck it through all this was I was lucky and I got grandfathered in. So I watched a lot of people coming on onboarding and getting these new compensation plans and I was still making very good money for what I did. But I was watching all these people around me get kind of screwed and believe it it or not, Justin played a role in even part of my decision of leaving
Starting point is 00:20:27 because he was someone that I really cared about as an employee for me. And I remember when it was kind of his time to be promoted. And he should have been the next person that was in line to get this position. And I watched other people that were shit butts get promoted into that position before him and it drove me crazy because he was the right person to get put.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Bro, the A teams no longer exist there. Yeah. They mean they, we had some heavy hitters. We had some champions in there. Oh, yeah. And those clubs don't produce, I mean, half. Yeah, no, definitely. What they did then.
Starting point is 00:20:59 So I hung around and I probably hung around about three years longer than I actually should have. And, you know, I'm surprised. See, I didn't realize you were there that long. I was. And how long ago was it that you left? It was, well, now it's been quite a while. I mean, 34. I'd left when I was 28 or nine.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Wow. You were there for a while. Yeah. I couldn't last. I couldn't. I was coming up for the 10 year. One more year would have been my 10 year. So I could not last that long because because I opened my personal training studio at,
Starting point is 00:21:27 I was 22. So. Well, what I did, I mean, and it was really, I'm trying to say, how do I say this, it's not only cocky fuck here. I smashed everybody. It wasn't even close. Oh, that's better.
Starting point is 00:21:39 It wasn't even, it wasn't. It was mon... I mean, I could, I literally showed up to work late. I left early, I took two, three hour lunch breaks. I'm just gonna keep it real and I can still outperform any other any other guy in the area. Oh, could I left by by far and you know and I attribute that a lot to the staff that I had built, but a lot of that became with came with my experience and knowing how to motivate and move people and build a team. And, you know, I'd built a really strong team and nobody fucked with me. Upper management, the, I mean, there, I have emails that I, well, they just never let you get to another level. Let's just say. Exactly. And that's wanted to keep you there as their, their money making, you know, and so at one point, I had to look at myself and I was approaching my 30s. I was almost 30 and it was like
Starting point is 00:22:25 I got 401k, I got benefits, I got my house, I'm making six figures, but I wanted more. And it was like, it was talk about a hard decision because I mean, that's decent money. I had security. But couldn't you also see the writing on the wall in terms of the direction of the company and how the industry was changing? Oh, I saw that four years before that, but it hadn't mattered because I was in a almost in a protected position. Right. They wouldn't touch me.
Starting point is 00:22:50 They wouldn't mess with me because of- But you weren't worried about like, oh, fuck, this is gonna- Well, I wasn't worried about the company like, absolving or going away. Like, I knew that it was gonna, they'd created a big enough brand and name for themselves, the worst thing that could happen is they go public
Starting point is 00:23:01 and I just continued having assholes work above me, which I had already been, I had had learned and this is also what matured me really fast was I had learned how to manage my upper management at a very young age like how do I talk to them to get what I wanted and so it was it was it was going to be that no matter what so I you know I would just replace one poo butt for another that would come in and then try and tell me what to do and you know they think they would be telling what to do but in reality I'd really be doing what I want to do, and they would be able to do anything about it.
Starting point is 00:23:26 And the other day, it always came down to numbers and revenue. If you were producing, you were hitting numbers, and I was always exceeding goal, and I was always doing well. So they had to, as much as they probably, and this is part of where the name we love to hate Adam and Stim from. It stemmed from all the way back to 24-arfinist days, because I used to say that my boss loved to hate me. It was a to hate me.
Starting point is 00:23:45 It was a love hate relationship. I was his number one producer. I was responsible for probably 60, 70% of his paycheck, but the same time too, I was his biggest fucking headache. See, when I left, I was part of the next generation training. I was supposed to become a district manager. When I left the VP, I had a new district manager at this point. Him and the VP came in for two, I gave him two weeks notice for every day for two weeks.
Starting point is 00:24:07 They were in there trying to convince me to stay. We're gonna promote you, you're gonna do this, and I just, I just couldn't work for someone else. I called the captains of the carrot stringing. Yeah, right. So my carrot stringing, that really is what led me to bail. I was just like, like Adam mentioned. But you left before Adam? Yeah, I left before Adam because,
Starting point is 00:24:27 well, and too, like something happened where we were all just like fed up and then we actually had a meeting at your house, I believe, and we, as trainers. I was gonna do a mass walkout, like yeah. Some people actually ended up opening their own gym from that, right? And a lot of other trainers were just like,
Starting point is 00:24:44 dude, this is bullshit. Like we're fed up. But it was really for me, I just wanted to, I just wanted to go to the next level. I just wanted to have my own club and, you know, experience that and do all that. And like it was, it was too long. Like there was one club, oh, that's not gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Okay, there's this club, oh yeah, but, you know, maybe next one We're actually gonna give it to this person and then oh, yeah this but then you know I didn't see more sales in a weekend and you know this shit. I'm just like, you know what? I am so efficient. I'm so good at doing my own thing. Why don't I just do my own thing? Mm-hmm. And then it just was like, you know, it was hard because I totally Was stoked on the situation. It was really fun and easy. It was hard because I totally was stoked on the situation. It was really fun and easy.
Starting point is 00:25:27 It was easy, dude. Like the work environment, everything was like, I was going to class or something, hang out in my buddies and still making money, which was cool. But it was just like, this is my career. It's not like just some fucking, I'm not like a bartender, I'm not like just some fucking, you know, I'm not like a bartender.
Starting point is 00:25:45 I'm not like doing this as like a side gig or something. How long were you there for? How long was it this for maybe like three, four years? Yeah, three or four years. Yeah, three or four years. Because I had Santa Teresa for three years, and then you were with Hillsdale before that. So probably three solid, three left.
Starting point is 00:26:00 You literally came to the clubs after I left. I think you came maybe like one or two people after. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, no, I definitely do. Cause we worked with a lot of the same people. I mean, I had Larry over at Hillsdale. And I knew where you were at. You were at Hillsdale and then when you left Hillsdale
Starting point is 00:26:17 and I went over to Hillsdale, you were at Santa Teresa Grand Opening Center. Right, right, right. And you worked with a bunch of my buddies there. So always, always knew of each other and what was going on. But I also, like Justin was saying, it was a hard situation because I loved the gym.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I loved being there. It was fun, it was funny, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was, it was school for us. We learned a lot of what we know now and preach now, there. Oh, absolutely. I'll give it credit all day long. That was the best school I ever went to. I was talking to preach now, there. Oh, absolutely. I'll give it credit all day long. That was the best school ever went to.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I was talking to somebody about, they're like, oh, I think I might go to school to learn how to better sell and be a better seller in sales. And I'm just like, why? Why don't you just go to a 24 or like a commercial type gym setting where you have to actually form a good rapport with people and be able to project yourself in a certain way and get better at that just by practice. And also be surrounded by a bunch of killers who you watch on a daily basis perfect
Starting point is 00:27:21 their exactly how they're delivering their message. Right, when I say wolf a waltz street, I mean it. Now, I don't mean the extent with like, you know, drugs and hookers, not crazy shit. What I mean is when like Leonardo Caprio is giving those meetings and motivating everybody and yelling into the mic and everybody's like, ah, that was our production. I like that for sure. That was our production means. I, you know, here I am, you know, my very first club, I'm 19 years old, and then 20 in the big club, and I'd have all my staff show up, 50, 60 people, and I'd stand up
Starting point is 00:27:51 on a table, and I would just go, and I would go off, and it was awesome. We would leave there like we're going to go to war. Now I learned that from my mentors who had those similar, who I was very lucky and fortunate to work under people that were just champions and they are now today even they don't work there anymore but they're still extremely successful. It was school man I tell you it was the best way for me to enter this industry because learning from what I learned there I use every single day to say. I looked at the whole process of leaving. And I've used this analogy before of business and life and making money.
Starting point is 00:28:29 It's kind of like a game of poker to me. And I was in a position when I was there with I had a good stack of chips. I was having fun playing cards, making money, doing my thing like that. And I was in a point where I wanted more, but then I was like, God, if I want more, I'm going to have do my thing like that. And I was in a point where, I wanted more, but then I was like, God, if I want more, I'm gonna have to risk a lot more. And when you're young and you're first coming up and risk is not very high.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Yeah, bills and you don't have a house. You don't have a house, you might not have a car yet. You might not be in a relationship or married yet. Like risking all you have is not a big deal because you don't really have very much. But at that point in my life, I had a lot. I had a lot going for me and I had a very good situation and I remember thinking like I'm about to shove all these chips in because I want more I'm all in and I'm gonna figure this out and
Starting point is 00:29:13 You know I left to go do something totally non-fitness related because of the opportunity and that's what did you have that Opportunity before you left did you know that's where you're leaving to do yes, oh wow in fact I did it I started it. I was building it Yes. Oh wow. In fact, I started it. I was building it at the same time. So at one. Yeah, I had no idea. I had nothing. I left the first time.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I sat down with my buddy Don who left, you know, that's the guy that went on my first mentors. We sat at his house and were like, and we went, we opened up what was it? CBI, international club business international. Remember that magazine? It was a gym magazine or whatever. And we went in what was it? CBI, international club business international. Remember that magazine? It was a gym magazine or whatever. And we went in the back of it
Starting point is 00:29:49 and we looked for gyms to buy. That's literally what I did the second day after. And we were gonna buy a gold. That was initially what I was gonna do is that open a gold. But then we realized all the franchising and this and that, like, let's just open our own gym. And there was an ad for a club down in Palm Desert. And
Starting point is 00:30:06 it was a beautiful club, Rack of Balls, Weimpool, Rock Climbing, huge facility. And in it, it said that they were looking for managers to come in and turn the club around. So we did, is we called the guy, and we convinced him to let us run the club for a month, improved to him, that he would make more money selling us a piece of it than he would employ anybody. And we went over there and we destroyed it in a month and he let us buy into it and that's how that all started. But we had no idea what we're gonna do.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And then the second time I left, I thought I was gonna open a GNC. I was like, I'm gonna open up a GNC, a supplement store, and I looked into it and at the time I was working at the bank, I was doing investments because I was kinda like, I'm gonna do this and then look, a supplement store, and I looked into it, and at the time I was working at the bank, I was doing investments, because I was kinda like, I'm gonna do this, and then look on the side and see what I can do for business. And I just happened to walk into a tanning salon,
Starting point is 00:30:52 and in the back, there was a gym, and the tanning salon, and the lady comes up to the front, and she's like, oh, you know how can I help you? And I said, I looked at the gym and the back, and said, well, how much to work out here, because it was right next door of the bank that I was working in. She was, oh, I'm not looking to sell members to forces.
Starting point is 00:31:06 I actually am looking for trainers who want to like use the space to train people. That's literally that day. I quit the bank and I rented that gym and I started my personal training. And that's how I started it. So yeah, I do want to talk about hip shooter. Like balls of stuff. Like I had no fucking idea. I can see that.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah. I just went. Yeah. Knowing you better now, it's like you just idea that yeah, I just went. Yeah, no, no, and you better now It's like you just you go dude. I love it and I look back on it and I'm like what? Yeah, like the balls fucking go the balls that I did yeah, so perfect So yeah, so there you go if you're gonna start in the fitness industry and you're young It might be a good idea to start corporate fitness and just frickin learn. Yeah, I know you're didn't know what you were doing before. You even think about independent training. I'll say that what does irritate me and something that I put myself out there
Starting point is 00:31:52 a lot to people as far as helping them, you know, like give them past knowledge and okay, you're thinking about getting a certification and oh, I kinda wanna be a trainer, I wanna do what you do. That is great, but it takes a long time to understand not just how to implement a program, but to also sell yourself, get new business, you know, yada yada yada, all this kind of stuff, right? It's a lot from the beginning. Don't be arrogant and think that I got a certification. Now I'm going gonna be an independent trainer
Starting point is 00:32:25 and just do my thing. Would you guys agree that if you're new? We all, you're gonna say exactly what I was about to say and we will all 100% agree on this is that if you can't go into a club like 24-hour fitness and you're not the number one or number two trainer, you got no business being an independent trainer. There you go.
Starting point is 00:32:42 If you can't succeed in corporate fitness, you're not gonna succeed on your own. It's way harder. Bad idea. Way harder. And that used to drive me nuts as somebody who managed trainers for so long is the trainers that would be like, that sucked in there. Yeah, he would suck and they would tell me, you know, Adam, this isn't working for me.
Starting point is 00:32:58 I'm going to go do my own thing and I'm like, cool, because you know what? You'll be flipping burgers and fucking six months. If you can't make it here here where we fucking hand you clients. And then we pay $20 million a year for advertisement. You sure as shit ain't going to make it. I can tell you with full confidence right now, 100% confidence right now. The three of us could walk into any gym and within a day probably probably have 10 clients within the one day.
Starting point is 00:33:21 All your clients so easy compared to being private. All right. Next question is from Matt underscore peak results. This is for you, Sal. You do get a question. What do you think about? I think I see. Yeah, I love this.
Starting point is 00:33:36 What do you think about vaping? Vaping. So I'm assuming he's talking about cannabis. Vaping. Or is he talking about the new trend of everybody doing that? Well, okay. Here's what I think about vaping. If you're vaping flour, so if you're using a vape machine like a volcano, or you take
Starting point is 00:33:54 the bud or the flour, you put it in, and it just heats it up enough to boil off the resin and the trichomes and the active ingredients into a vapor and breathing that in. If you're doing that, that is far better than smoking because it eliminates anywhere between 90 to 99% of all the particulate matter. So when it comes to the dangers of marijuana in terms of dangers to your health, smoking marijuana, I'll tell you something.
Starting point is 00:34:21 They've been trying for the longest time and believe me, they would love to find this connection, but they cannot connect smoking marijuana to lung cancer. They just can't do it. And now to try to say it was like two packs of cigarettes was one joint or something like that. It's actually true because when you smoke, you do get a shit ton of carcinogens. You get a ton of carcinogens, you're breathing in all this particulate matter into your lungs. And so theoretically, yes, it should be very bad for you.
Starting point is 00:34:47 However, what they're discovering now is that cannabinoids are very anti-cancer. They're so anti-cancer, in fact, that a new study with just a new statement was just released by the National Cancer Institute, I don't remember. It's a government entity that shows that the active ingredients in marijuana reduce things like bladder cancer, liver cancer by like 70%.
Starting point is 00:35:10 So cannabinoids are so anti-cancer that when you smoke marijuana, you get the carcinogens but the anti-cancer affects negated and so you end up, this is offset. You end up zero. You end up negative, nothing, right? Now if you vape, you eliminate those most of those carcinogens and you get a benefit. Now, that being said, smoking marijuana might not give you cancer according to studies, but it will increase your risk of getting things
Starting point is 00:35:34 like lung infections because the particulates do inflame the lung. So, that kind of vaping, I think, is the best way to use cannabis aside from eating it. The vaping where you're vaping oils with solvents in them, I can't vouch for because I don't know how safe the solvents and stuff are, that are in there that are aside from the cannabinoids. Silly to me.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Right. It's so silly to me. I just think it's silly. You're a connoisseur though. Well, yeah, I'm a connoisseur. You like the taste, you like a wine drinker, like you savor. Well, and I like to smoke weed because I don't want to blow some flavor. I don't want to blow some flavored oil around.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Like that's to me, I think it's the funniest trend I've seen ever, man. It's like, it's like, it's like Mike's hard lemonade. Well, it's, no, no, forget the sentence stuff about like a volcano. That's what I'm talking, no, I'm talking about the sentence, you know, about that, that could, that, I don't know if you guys walk around with your eyes open up, but that's like the biggest I'm a friend right now is is uh is all these all these kids and stuff like that and and now grown-ass adults that walk around with these little vape pens that are nothing but you know flavor tobacco or whatever like that that's in them and they're blowing them around it's just like
Starting point is 00:36:42 you know I don't know it's it It's like the whole hookah thing. Like these people are all excited about hookah. Like it just came out or something. That shit's been around forever. Like, I think hookah's been around long on the cigarettes. It's been around, it has. It's been around forever.
Starting point is 00:36:55 And it's making this huge comeback right now. And I don't know if it's just because the younger population can they can do it at a young rate? It's just repackaged tobacco. Yeah. And now it's these these vape pins. And it's like, if I'm going to, if if I'm gonna blow smoke in and out of my lungs, it's better give me high.
Starting point is 00:37:07 It's all, you know, I'm not gonna waste my time with some flavored shit that tastes like grape. Oh, this is so great. This is so cool, dude. I'm sucking on a big pen as I walk through the fucking store. Now, what about vape? What about cannabis vaping versus cannabis smoke? I will occasionally do that,
Starting point is 00:37:22 because I know you're a big fan of it. When I'm with you, I absolutely vape. If you got it, it's on you and you do it. I don't like the hassle. My girl rolls my joints for me, so I have my joints rolled and ready for me, so I don't have to go through the whole process of packing this pen. Like you said, I am a connoisseur, so I really, being somebody who, I don't think I've ever told this one on the radio or not, but I grew, I don't think you have. Yeah, I grew marijuana too. So I'm at a connoisseur level and at a commercial level.
Starting point is 00:37:50 So legally, legally, we would say California's a state legal medical medical marijuana state. I don't think we need to announce that, but yeah, okay. I got a pucker for it. I don't think I would be talking about it if it was illegal, right? So I used to chop up crash. I rescue this huge cocaine farm too that I know I so I you know I Okay, far those workers move fast I Learned I learned I learned I learned how to grow and I actually really enjoyed the whole process of Learning how to grow marijuana because there's a lot of parallels with the cannabis plant
Starting point is 00:38:27 with the human body as far as the type of like your protein's carbs and fat is like your NPK for. So you got macro nutrients for weed? Yeah, yeah, so I got really into balancing my macros out from my plants and then picking good genetics and strains and learning how to do. Something bodybuilding. It can be and it's and then you you know learning the taste and the different types and the you know percentage of
Starting point is 00:38:49 Indica versus Sativa the different hybrids and in how they affect you physically and mentally. Yeah, that's true. So I got into all that stuff and so I really appreciate the taste of it. I'm not a like even though I talk openly on this radio station like I'm not this big stoner. I don't smoke weed during the day. I haven't smoked weed at all today. It's not something. All right. It's not something that I'm like this huge advocate of. It's just something that I'm real and honest about.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Oh, you said it night. And I hope to sleep. I'm not somebody who comes home and has a beer at night. I'm not somebody who comes home and pours a glass of wine at night. I'm somebody who takes two or three hits off the joint that's rolled for me and that go to bed. You know, relax or watch TV. Well, the taste from smoke is different than the taste
Starting point is 00:39:26 from babe, but each plant will have a distinct taste. Oh, yeah. And the effects can be very different. Now, when I first started using cannabis, and I've told my story, why is you, but you know, why I use it for, you know, gut issues, but the first time, yeah, from my glaucoma. The first time I started using it,
Starting point is 00:39:44 I couldn't really tell the difference from one strain in the next, because I couldn't pick up on the nuances. Oh, wow. And, but then as you start to use different strains and try to, then you can start to feel a difference. Especially when you go, especially when someone introduces you to two extremes
Starting point is 00:39:57 and it's truly somebody who is like the farmer who knows it, because that's the other thing in the marijuana cannabis. Yeah, some of the hybrids. Well, and a lot of farmers bullshit because they know that things are worth more. And so they they'll just pick a trendy name just so they can sell it for more money. So what do you think about like this whole new wax, you know, the trend that's going on and all this. I've heard stories. Yeah, I've heard stories about how it's like, it's so packed, like they've been able to pack so much more THG
Starting point is 00:40:27 or anything. And you end do it, so like you get this ridiculous. Yeah, all it is, it's just concentrated. Super concentrated. It's the resin all packed together. And then you heat an element up something up, like if you have a bond or something, it's called the nail, it's this metal thing.
Starting point is 00:40:41 You heat it up with a blowtorch, drop this wax on there, it incinerates an amb mountain. And you breathe in one hit is equal to like five or six hits on a joint, which is just, it's excessive. It's way excessive. If you want to be scientific about it, first of all, this is, we started this in the Bay Area. We started this before anybody, anybody in here or anybody that's listening this radio station, fucking never heard like My buddies were the ones we started this shit. Way back when, and the way you, what you're doing is you're pulling all the crystals that you see on there, and you're doing it by using like a butane.
Starting point is 00:41:17 It's basically going to freeze it off of that, and you shoot it through a tube, and then it drips through. And if you were to take like a percentage of the strength of marijuana. So a strength of a marijuana strain, typically for a really strong strain, it's going to be somewhere between 15 and 21%. Now there's, yes, there are some that have 24 or 25% of it's rare. But you're talking average. On average, a really strong.
Starting point is 00:41:40 A medical marijuana. A medical marijuana is going to be between 15 and 21% THC levels. When you blow it through that, all you're basically doing is you're concentrating it. So you're concentrating it, which creates this wax. Yeah, it's like 70%. Yeah, we've some of our stuff's been tested as high as 96. So you're talking about pure, pure, and you know, I want, I never do. I never mess with that because there's no, I'm the guy who I just told you that I take two hits off a joint, there's no reason for me to even touch that because. No, I, I tried it.
Starting point is 00:42:14 It puts me on a different, I tried it once and it just, I just don't like it. I don't like the super paranoid, weird hearing noises, you know, I don't like that shit. Yeah, it's, to me, and I know that for the medical reasons and everything like that, you know, I don't like that shit. Yeah, it's to me, and I know that for the medical reasons and everything like that, you know, there's some people that have extreme chronic pain. And so they want super high doses.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Right, if they want to be completely comatose and everything like that, I don't. I have the pain and aches that I deal with my body, they're nagging, they're not, you know, it's not chronic pain where I can't get up or I can't do anything for the day. It's, you know, my low back is bothering me. My knees are achy or like that.
Starting point is 00:42:49 And two or three joints for me that settles that down. It relaxes me. Or it's my mind doesn't stop and I can't sleep at night so it helps settle that down. So for me, it doesn't take this crazy dosage to do that. I will say this though, there are some strains that'll just make your mind race. And it can be a good thing like there was a strain jack
Starting point is 00:43:06 Herrera that I used. And that's how I that's one of that. I was on Jack Herrera when I came up with all the concepts from apps and I came up a lot of theories from apps. And then there's that one. What's that one diesel? Yeah. Sour diesel.
Starting point is 00:43:19 That's the one that, you know, can't shut up. And well, and like you, I became very, when I got into the cannabis club, I knew nothing about it. And I've shared my story of how I got very intrigued with fitness when I first opened the first fitness book of started reading. I actually got the same way with cannabis. And I was not interested in it whatsoever. In fact, I was super anti-edited at first until I actually started to read.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And when I started to read up on it and started to read these non-biased studies, instead of reading it, because it's hard to find that stuff. Well, you can't be flooded with the opposite. Right. The only studies that are funded by the government are ones that are looking for bad effects. They don't fund anything that are looking for good effects. Yeah. So it's disproportionate when you look at studies.
Starting point is 00:44:00 So it is. It's very hard to find the good ones. And then when you start finding that out, and then I learned about it, and then I learned about it, then I learned about growing and all these things and all the positive things that come from from marijuana, I became very fascinated with it, very, very fascinated with it. And I kind of geeked out on it. I mean, and took a lot of pride in being somebody who could actually produce something that was organically grown and grown at a very high level and tasted phenomenal and was very effective from a medicinal point. So yeah, very, very fascinated with the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Mark, my words, once it gets legal, I guarantee you, we'll come out with some kind of cannabis supplement. Oh, I would love to do that. I would love to, you know, if we didn't have enough on our plate already, I most certainly would have a little operation that we grew. I just like doing that. I thought I had a good time in the future. Something that would be a part of for sure. Mind pump strain. Free workout screen. Yeah, Justin can't wait for that.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Our next question is from Alessandro Tieri. Do you need to be sore after a workout to know that you're getting results? No. No. No. Sores technically a sign of overtraining. Yeah, no. It's a very, very poor indicator of exercise performance. In fact, I rarely ever really get sore after my workouts anymore. Well, here's unless you're switching it up pretty dramatic. Yeah, and then that happens.
Starting point is 00:45:20 And it's okay to get sore. And most certainly, I get sore a lot. Where I get mad at myself because it was too far Is if I know that it debilitatingly sore if it hinders my next workout. Yeah, if let's say for example I did you know chest and I did chest so hard my chest is sore and even my shoulders and triceps are a little sore I mean, I'm just like and then I was gonna go do some shoulders and triceps the next day and they're just gassed You know and sore from my chest workout. I mean that to me is like a I hit myself in the head like that was over doing There's no need for me to put the body through that
Starting point is 00:45:53 Yeah, if you can't duplicate like the same workout, you know in a day or two like yeah, you're doing too hard Let's be honest Yeah, what's next Ferris Allah al-Wahidi. Weighted dips versus close grip bench press for tricep development. This is a little personal preference here. Yeah, personal preference.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I'd say if you're dips. Personally. Yeah, I was gonna say, if you're trying to get your bench press to go up more, as well as build your triceps, then I'd go close grip bench. But if you're trying to just work your triceps and want to try something different,
Starting point is 00:46:26 then I would go for dips. I don't know, I would say too, that you know, weighted dips would promote a better lockout for your bench press anyway. Sure, sure. That's the kind of tossing. Wow, see, I like, I actually like close grip bench better. Yeah, I don't really like close grip bench.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Yeah, we're so different. Yeah, well, and I think for me, I feel like I can load quite a bit of weight for a close grip bench. It's easier for me to control and keep my form. I feel like when I do my dips, I feel a lot in my shoulders and my chest, and I'm always constantly trying to tilt my body back. I think that's probably because you're so wide.
Starting point is 00:46:59 You know, I think because you're so wide, you're probably getting so much more chest. Yeah, like I get a lot of triceps when I do dips a lot. I mean, it's not that I don't at all. It's just that that's why I prefer it more than the other. I still can incorporate dips. And I guess that should be your best answer too, because let's, I think we all would agree on this, because we probably both do both.
Starting point is 00:47:20 If you've been doing a lot of weighted dips and you haven't done a close grip bench press in a while, that's probably the best thing you could do and vice versa if you've been doing a lot of close grip bench press And you don't ever really you can flip it you must have it probably do it flip it if you don't even know you must flip it Flip it good. Okay, our final question today is secret agent Bob 2000 He's asking about it's a asking about having rough hands from lifting and what to do because it can be a little bit rough on your lady. Yeah, when you're touching your lady.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Rough hands. I'll tell you, I'll tell you firsthand that my wife does not like my rough hands. Really? I have to work this out. I need help from the wizard, just like my good friend here, because it's like, it's one of those things, right?
Starting point is 00:48:07 You're trying to sense it. Just work together and you were not them. Right? Yeah, perfect. That would make sense, however I still have balls. I do, they're intact. Are you a lotion guy at all or no? You can see this is where, again, I have balls okay, but yeah
Starting point is 00:48:27 No, nowhere. No, I would I use lotion. I'm a dude I use a moisturizer. I use lotion every single day I'm doing every time a shower That's not feeling something he's lotion then my hands are feeling great. So don't you you ever you ever wonder why you're so soft with the rest of your Body's all chapped like a motherfucker. No, he's got he's got glasses always glistening. He's got calisdick. Well, okay, so this is kind of this is kind of a tough one because I believe we all have Calisd hands because we all do workout like men without Especially when you use chalk. Yeah, right. So and we do all do heavy heavy compound movements which definitely tear the hands up pretty well So I do kind of have I have rough hands to a point
Starting point is 00:49:11 I guess I don't think my fingertips are very rough. I do try and take care of my hands. Yeah, I know we all I see Calus is open your hand. Oh, yeah, no, I definitely have Calus is there, but I don't I mean do you touch your girl like this? The big palm part? Yeah, do you palm? No, no, but like even the tips of my fingers. Yeah, see that's right and that's and that's from lotion bro. You need a lotion your hands up so I mean so I just don't like I'm not gonna be like gonna go buy that like where they make man lotion to bro really I do I have
Starting point is 00:49:42 Man's just like you see the man wipes over there There's man lotion so you can do some man giving me a prostate check with those fingers. Yeah, and then the thing God the other thing is You know I Don't use my hands very much to the micro. I use mostly my mouth for most Most the work I'm doing in a drooly I'm doing it. It's too sloppy and drool-y. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:04 I mean, lotion, bro, lotion, dude. All right, lotion. All right, lotion. Don't wear gloves, though. It's better that your girl... It leave you. Then you wear gloves. Yeah, if you had to pick between wearing gloves and your girl leaving you, she needs to go.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Yeah, but lotion is totally okay. Keep your balls. Lotion is totally masculine, totally okay. Well, here's the thing too. In what situation? Yeah. What do you mean? Well, okay, let me, if you carry. Are you applying your lotion?
Starting point is 00:50:34 Okay, after shower. Yes, after, right after you get other showers. Marks in the morning. That's the first thing you do is you've missed all this memos. You'll probably, as soon as you walk out of the shower, that's what you do is you lotion up after you dry off. You do not carry it around in your purse. If you carry it on your purse, that's a problem. Yeah. So do you lotion everything like your stomach, your back, your shoulders, or do you just lotion? I lotion my arms and my legs from like the top of my knees down to my ankles, just the parts where
Starting point is 00:51:02 I feel like they need the lotion. Yeah, that's pretty much what I do. Oh, okay, so you don't bathe in it. Yeah, I definitely don't take the time, like most girls do, with they like lotion everything all up. I have got Ashi elbows, I've got dry hands, and I have my dry ass fucking calves,
Starting point is 00:51:19 so yeah, I definitely, my skin is a desert. And the light seems to hit them better when they're lotioned up, and that makes them look a little bit bigger so I make sure they're lotion That's a big face cream. I do. He's face cream too. I do have a lotion that's for my face I can't touch my face just and so disgusted with us right now. I don't know where I am right now Every time what dude every time I watch my face like too much like I get like pimples So you don't watch your face. I watch my face, but much I get like pimples. So you don't wash your face? No, I wash my face but not like scrum it.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Do you soap? Yeah. You wash your face with bar soap? No. Liquid soap? Yeah. Wow, that's not good for your face. Well, right?
Starting point is 00:51:56 No, they make soap just for your face. I use this tea tree oil one. I wash my face. I'm actually, I'm sure everything gives you cancer anyway. I bet you, I bet you I'm more girly than you are Adam on this. I bet you are. Because usually I'm not. You're way more girly.
Starting point is 00:52:10 You're way more girly. You're way more girly than you. Because I have my own soap that I use because it's like it's it's or it doesn't it's no chemicals. It's like perfect. I'll avoid a little stone thing that you actually what you should do even if you don't even if your girl doesn't care about your rough hands is you Definitely should get a pumice stone if you get really bad calluses and file them down because I've torn calluses off and that shit sucks I don't know if you guys have ever torn a callus
Starting point is 00:52:34 Yeah, yeah, it hurts a lot of stuff. You know the other thing too is that if you guys lift heavy that's in there Is that a jab because it's blocked? Is that a jab? Because it's blocked. If my girl was giving me a hard time on my hands, I would probably handle on the same way I handle my feet. My feet look spectacular because I get them done. I go somewhere. I'd probably have them do my hands too if they,
Starting point is 00:52:57 because they all do that. They'll scrub the pumice stone for you and work on all your calluses and your fingernails and all your hanging nails and all that shit and you have, but I have, you know, I have pretty nice hands already. How do you guys look? Look at your fingernails right now. From the macho camp. Look at your fingernails right now. Look at that shit.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Look at that shit. Look at that. Show them to me. Look at yourself. Look at your fingernails. Okay. I know what you're trying to do. Yes, you always have to make sure you do that. Yeah, I don't do that. What? No. So it's you. It's because this is what you're trying to do. Yes, you always have to make sure you do that. Yeah, I don't do that. What? No. So it's you, because this is what you're used to.
Starting point is 00:53:29 It is. This to me, because I'm like, So Adam's basically trying to see if you're looking at your claw by pushing your palm out and looking at your fingers or by curling the fingers in. Yeah. Apparently one is inappropriate and the other one's massive. One is, you know, very revealing.
Starting point is 00:53:43 One is like, you're telling someone to stop. That's what we're talking about. One of them is like, what a chick would do. Yes, a chick was looking at her nails. Yes, saying. We're looking at my nails. There's all these little, yeah, new wants things. Yeah, that's why, yeah guys, no.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Magic hands. That's why I don't know anything about lotion. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal Adam and Justin, visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is Mind Pump.

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