Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 166: The Pull-Out Wizard

Episode Date: October 15, 2015

A lot is going on with the Mind Pump Crew right now. In this episode Sal, Adam & Justin do an update on the past week's activities including the Joe Donnelly interview and the Orange Theory Fitness li...ve show. Oh, and they also talk about Adam's unorthodox copulation protocol... Please subscribe, rate and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, op, mite, op with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. That sounds like shit. Shut up, bro, that's us! Alright. Oh! Wow, wow, wow. It's like one of my favorite deadlifts. It's because we're the fucking bulls Oh
Starting point is 00:00:30 It's like what do I favorite dead lives because it's cuz we're we're the we're the fucking bulls on parade Yeah, not the balls on parade Bulls up right but we are balls on parade sometimes when it's hot, so right now we're balls sometimes and we're on parade We had a dude. I am we had a good fucking week. Oh, I like I love I like the positive ads because I feel like I'm strong. Yeah, but you're fried, but don't you feel fucking amped? I you know what though. Well, you better get amped. I mean, we're approaching new her eyes.
Starting point is 00:00:56 I'm a couple times in the face. Get him excited. Whoa. Fucking Doug. He is violent. I didn't say slap him in the ass. Thank you, sir. Yeah, no, I'm in the ass. Oh, thank you, sir. Yeah, no, I'm a little wore out, man.
Starting point is 00:01:08 That was a lot. You remember you asked me last week, what was going on with me with my, I tend to put, when we put a lot on our plate like that, I get a little stressed out. Because I wanted all to go well, especially when we're doing things we were performing for other people, we're providing content for others.
Starting point is 00:01:27 My personal life, I feel like that's managed and fine, but I had a lot of my play and then so did all of us. And then poor Justin, what he dealt with right before we go out there. So we had quite the weak man a lot. But it was, but a lot of good shit is happening. There is a tide. Well, let's be honest, it's coming. That's what powered through it.
Starting point is 00:01:44 If it was just plain old work or what I'd say? I mean, God, we're burning the candle up with hands. Well, let's, I mean, number first, first off, we can't talk about it because it hasn't happened yet, but we're talking with a pretty large company, maybe doing something, do work with them a little bit. We're not gonna talk about that. We can, we can sail. I mean, they're gonna know real soon here, right? Yeah, but it's not done yet. So we probably shouldn't say anything. Probably shouldn't say anything. Okay. You know, okay. So basically, without giving out too many details, a douche company wants to work with Adam, put them on the cover.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And you know, because you know, clean, stay clean. Stay clean. No, that's not what it is. Arctic breeze. People are going to make me feel fine. Arctic breeze. Yeah, I mean, the J.S. Make some weak in the knees. You know what? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Could you look into trademarking that? Sorry, I had to do that for... For Fick Chris, you wanted me to do that like a couple... What do you ask for? He was like, I did, I was so bummed. You didn't take that to the, you know, that summer breeze on. Arctic breeze.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Like that was exactly there. So there you go,? Like that was an exact area. So there you go, Chris, that was a shout out for you, my brother. We need to do a manly Arctic breeze on ourself. We're gonna get that. Over there. We have more of those. Yeah, we have seven ups over there. Do we really?
Starting point is 00:02:55 Yeah. Oh, yeah, I want one. I need some of the, I'm parked, could you get me a drink? We have a huge water jug right next to you. Yeah, but I'm tired of that. That's my second gallon of water. You don't want something else next to you. Yeah, but I'm tired of that. That's my second gallon of water. You don't want something else in my mouth.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Oh, hey, we can arrange that. Turn off the mics, please. And then, and then, Yeah, I wanted to set it up, not that. And then our boy came up, and we recorded some shows. Jody. And I will say this. And the guy is an animal.
Starting point is 00:03:21 The guy, so when he's next to you, you could tell, she's just a big dude. I see. Like, his head is big, his neck is big, his hands are big. His elbows is nice. He's a big fucking dude.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Well, I think we should, we should do. Like, I feel like if you guys, like hugged each other as hard as you could, that you would, you would be hurt. Because he's a, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:03:43 He's like a fucking, he looks like a beast. Well, I kind of feel the need, even though we, I know we talked a little bit on the episode that will be hurt. Because he's a, you know what I mean? He's like a fucking, he looks like a beast. Well, I kind of feel the need, even though we, I know we talked a little bit on the episode that will be released. A fire. A beer, yeah, definitely. We're all spinning hot fire. You know, when you, when you need a chance to meet with someone,
Starting point is 00:03:58 I got a chance to work out with him too. We hung out for the couple of days that he was here. You, you can tell he's a natural guy, and you can tell that he's a badass. He's just a big dude. Yeah, because he's a giant person. Well, and here's the thing, like when someone takes butt loads of juice to get huge, right? And because he's a 250 pound dude
Starting point is 00:04:16 that walks around fucking single-budget body fat. So most people just see that, and they can't be natural, you can't be like that. Right, right. But when you look at him, he was born to have that physique. He was built. I mean, his joints, you can see it.
Starting point is 00:04:28 You can see how big is elbows and knees are. And it can support that kind of weight. No problems. Bro, I think he said he weighed 205 pounds when he was like 15. Yeah. Yeah. These things run in like, like at 240 or something, like running back a punts and everything when he's ice cold.. Yeah, well that's stupid. Yeah, yeah, that's crushed me
Starting point is 00:04:50 I liked him and then I hated him. Yeah, but I know right It was like motivating and then it was deflating all the same, but that was fire that episode was fire So I don't know it was fun. It was fun hanging out. He was man. It it's just like, wow, it's so impressive hanging out with guys like that, that just are just animals. Well besides that, here's, okay, you know, we're gonna sound like we're just sucking them off. But yeah, the guy, he's a very intelligent person. A business person, he's a smart guy.
Starting point is 00:05:17 He's a very smart guy. And you know, without sounding too, you know, like a dick, there's not a lot of really smart people in the fitness industry like that. Like you know if he did something else, he'd be sick. Oh no, it's the thing. I'm especially in the bodybuilding fitness icon type world, you know, cover magazine guys.
Starting point is 00:05:36 I'm always drawn to those guys when I meet them because they're so rare. I'm around that 24-7. You were attracted more to the intelligent guys. Yeah, I was in this dating profile. around that 24, seven, you're attracted more to the intelligent guys. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that was in his pridating profile. Yeah. Well, you meet one like that and you're just instantly impressed because, you know, it doesn't, you don't have to be a cover of a magazine guy.
Starting point is 00:05:56 You don't have to be smart. You know, and Joe talked about that in the whole, his podcast about you do not have to be like the smartest guy in the world to make it on the cover magazine Hardworking, you know, and maybe some good genetics as far as the physique goes So it's it's rare more often than not, you know, you you meet guys are kind of dumb dumb's that that's all they do Know how to do is get themselves into shape and quite frankly They couldn't tell somebody else how to do it. They just know how to do it for their body for trial and error and just figuring it out for himself so all around all around cool guy and error, and just figuring it out for themselves. All round, all round cool guy. And then Sunday.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Yeah, the big Sunday was first mind-pumplied performance. You know what, let me, so here's a deal. First of all, so we did it, and initially, we put it out as a seminar. And then we said, let's make it an episode, like we're recording an episode. But a lot of the people, I think, unbeknownst to anybody that was showing.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Right, so people showing up or thinking kind of seminar or whatever. So then after we're done, it was a little, it wasn't an episode. It wasn't a mind-pum episode. It was definitely, we get, definitely, delivered more of a seminar. Yeah, it was a live seminar vibe to it.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Which, it wasn't bad, like, especially going back over and listening to the recording, like I feel better about it. Totally, you know, and not like I feel better about it. Totally, you know? And not that I was negative about it, it's just so different. Like we're experiencing something different, so it's almost like when we first started the podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:14 That's exactly what we're reminding you. It's just like, oh, okay. Knowledge, knowledge. Yeah, we had the chemistry, but it's like, you know, yeah, we try to establish ourselves as an authority. And in front of all these people, they didn't even know who we were, except for the few mind-pump heads that were there,
Starting point is 00:07:29 which God, I'm glad they were there. We got a little standing ovation at the end. People liked it. Yeah, but it did. It was too seminar-like. It's pretty much Sal's fault that it went that direction. Yeah, it's so funny. You see that?
Starting point is 00:07:38 It's so funny. You know why these guys were battling over like, you know what's funny? So we're done at the end, right? And Adam's like, oh, you kept talking the audience. You didn't, you kept addressing them. You didn't treat like a show. I listened to the recording.
Starting point is 00:07:51 You're the first person to address the audience and continue talking about them. I just, I, I went and I listened to the recording, bro. I listened to it. Yeah, but I didn't look at them. That's my point. Okay. You addressed them by addressing.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I don't mean talking to them. I meant like you stared at them the entire time. I'm addressing them. I like to look at people. That's my point. Okay. You addressed him by addressing. I don't mean talking to them. I meant like you stared at them the entire time. I like to look at people. What I like what the dynamic that we have by naked the whole time. I was having a good time. You did you saved us actually and here's here's what I told my here's what I told my girl I'm to work because she said it was great. She's like, I thought it was great. You guys gave tons of great information. We got a standing ovation. Everybody was super happy. I was disappointed because I have these crazy high expectations for who we are, what we do. We've been doing this now for a while. Right. So I was actually crapped out that night. I was kind of down. That's why I sent you guys those emotional texts. Yeah. And you know, one of the... Maybe a virtual massage. My texts were so ridiculous. Well, so I'm talking to Katrina afterwards.
Starting point is 00:08:48 It's embarrassing. Yeah, don't do that, bro. I'm talking to Katrina afterwards and she's telling me like, no, I didn't feel like you guys were off for this and then I said, well, this is how I know we're off. And this also shows you what's so special about the chemistry that we have.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Is when we get under these mics, when we're here in our studio, and there's no planning, there's no nothing going on, it flows so naturally, I never feel like we're working. I literally feel like we're just communicating and talking about each other. Now, when we were up there, I felt the need to talk. I felt like I had to speak up at certain times.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And now I blame that on Sal because he talks as much or more than I do. So I kind of lean in on him and expect him to carry that load sometimes. And then Justin pulls through like he always does, which is making sure he's got zingers in there and his one liners and his bits of info when he feels that need to speak himself,
Starting point is 00:09:41 where I felt like I kept having to talk and I didn't want to. And anytime I feel like I kept having to talk and I didn't want to. And anytime I feel like, I love to talk. So anytime I feel like I'm talking more than I want to, I know something is off. And I was like, I was teasing Sal. Like it's not like his fault. I could see, I could hear the nerves in my voice. I could hear the nerves in everybody's voice when we first started.
Starting point is 00:10:00 But the first, I would say the first five to ten minutes. And then we got comfortable, but we remained in... Seminar mode. Seminar mode. Which is not bad. I mean, the audience got a great seminar, but we thought, hey, let's record a show. Let's make it like a show with an audience.
Starting point is 00:10:17 And so I think moving is kind of a hybrid. It was like, yeah, it wasn't quite one thing or the other. Well, I mean, look, but it's still, yeah, I guess the audience responded well to it. Yeah, and the more of them we do, the better we're gonna get. And I think if we advertise it, Doug had a great point. He said, we've got a great intro.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Oh, it is. It's amazing. The best intro. We taught, here's where I see it. Okay, after you guys gave the explanation, I see it as, you know, like Doug, he did this whole process, he hypes the crowd, you hear it gave the explanation, I see it as, you know, he like, Doug, he did this whole process. He hypes the crowd. You hear it in the recording.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Buh-ha! We get into it and then we killed it. We killed the momentum. Yes. It was like, I agree. Just to play something. I was like, oh shit. Oh shit. It was like playing, I don't know. I felt like I was playing in in front of a library or something. You listen to Doug, if you listen to Doug's intro, and then the music and us coming out, and it's like, I'm hyped, listen to it. I'm like, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:15 And then our first five minutes, like, womp, womp, I know. It was, we were in seminar mode, but I think, you're truly, hey guys. Doug made a good point. He says, we should, if we, the next ones we do, we need to advertise as such. Like come, you know, be the audience
Starting point is 00:11:30 and witness a live recording of my pump. Not have a come, you know, come do a Q&A nutrition and anything like that. Can I also tell, like, just an Adam kind of brought up for a second, like what happened to me, like going into that is for a moment. Oh man. I mean, I don't know if you want to talk about that, but.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Yeah, it's not, I mean, that really, I, well, I had it, yeah, I had it. Yeah, I had it scary. So let's just say that I had to go to the ER because something happened with my son and it was very, very scary and it was like not fun at all. I was like really early in the morning
Starting point is 00:11:59 and so we were, there was the morning of. Yeah, it was the morning of and so I was just totally shaken by that and then like, you you know everything's cool You know so You know we're thankful for that but yeah to go from that and then switch gears and then kind of try to be entertaining have a something Intellectual to say and like it was just really like a stretch for me
Starting point is 00:12:20 So yeah, I just pulled out on my ass, but I totally leaned on you guys because really though it helped me though because I come in here It was like it changed the vibe for me. I was able to escape that, you know that that thought for a while and just be like, you know How you know enjoy hanging out with you guys and whatnot But it was just like man that was that like like I need any more stress. Yeah, you know, I mean, right But the whole week in general just the momentum of where you know and that was, like, I need any more stress. Yeah, I mean. All right. But the whole week in general, just the momentum of where, you know, what's happening kind of with Mind Pump,
Starting point is 00:12:51 it feels like shit's about to blow up. Oh, yeah, well, I mean, there's stuff that's in the worst, possibly not with Joe, there's stuff that we get going on with the supplement company. We just hit it big with OTF. So, I mean, there's a lot of stuff that's going on for all of us, you know, there's a lot of work for Doug. Yeah, Doug said a lot of work for Doug.
Starting point is 00:13:11 He's got to do. I mean, speaking of Doug, there was a lot of was a hero. There was a little fan on the Instagram page. You're talking about how Doug is so rad. Like, you know, you know, I've got to put a notice at the, you know what I mean? Cause a lot of times it goes, you know, he goes unsaid. Well, I feel like people are figuring out
Starting point is 00:13:28 that the three of us are idiots and somehow this all stays organized and professional and sounds clear. So they're like, how the fuck do these three idiots actually do so well and how are they so successful? There's gotta be somebody. But we have a cat wrangler. Yeah, there is.
Starting point is 00:13:39 There is, there is, there is. Kid and whisper. But yeah, there was a little female fan there, you know, Doug is so rad, super rad. And she keeps super rad and you guys talk about it and so we are yeah. Yeah I think I think you know originally we were going to do that whole dating thing with him so that might do. Why should we do that? Why don't we just pluck it straight from our fan base, dude? I think I think that'll be a much better date for you anyways. Yeah. You know somebody that gets it. He's got two but he's too busy though. know, he's got a lot of work to do. He does you just say you know dating for done for a little while
Starting point is 00:14:07 Not until he signs a big contract and we have some big and you will send you really good porn sites and stuff like that Adam will hook you up with a little hand job here. Yeah, yeah, yeah I give him a couple assistance while he was working there He had a cute little mic girl running around for him and had someone run. I thought you did. I thought you gave him a Dutch rudder Do you know what the Dutch rudder is? No, that's pretty fucked up. Okay. You know, can I tell us?
Starting point is 00:14:30 So it's, what was that movie that I see it from? Oh, fuck, something and something make a porno. What's that movie? Is it anything like the Dutch oven? I don't want a part of it. Was that in Mirri or something like that make a porno? Anyway, the Dutch oven, what it was it? Dutch writer.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Dutch writer. So you're, you're jerking yourself off, but another dude is holding your arm and helping you. So you're like, he's like, in your hand job, it's just assistance. What? In the hand. And it's all cool. I love all these terms for these like obscure things.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Oh, it's my face. And you know, someone's tried it. Like docking. No, I hope that don't add. Come on. Let's go. That's gross. I'm scared things. Oh, it's my face. And you know someone's tried it, you know what I'm saying? Like docking? No, I hope that don't add that just to it. Come on, let's do it. Let's do it. That's gross.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Looked it up in urban dictionary. What do you say? Look it up, nothing. No, I want to hear him say it. Docking, docking. Docking? Yeah, let's do it. He's knocking a boat.
Starting point is 00:15:17 He literally cannot explain it on air. It's so disgusting. Wow, it's that. It's so bad. Oh, I have to do this for you. I have to do this for you. Now I intrigue. You guys continue docking here. I'm going to have to figure out. Trust me, you don't have to do this for you. See now, now I intrigue. You guys continue talking here.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I'm gonna have to figure out. Trust me, you don't wanna. That's great. Do I spell it? Just like, docking a boat. Oh, probably. Why don't you look at images if you can see? This is it.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I will. Ooh. It's like that time that I was watching, Tosh.no, and he got the whole audience to see two girls in a cup. I was like, why is everybody having such crazy reaction? And so you looked it up. So I looked it up and I just,
Starting point is 00:15:51 dude, that starts off so normal. And you're like, oh, this is okay. Oh, God, no. You know, can you think of something before that? I feel like that's what kicked off the whole viral thing, right? Do you remember what was bigger than that before? They got shared on YouTube that everybody knew about it. It wasn't on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Yes, two girls in a cup. Was not on YouTube. I've never seen it. Yes, it's disgusting. It was YouTube. No, YouTube doesn't show porn. It's not on YouTube. No, dude.
Starting point is 00:16:20 No, it was on YouTube. You're not looking at YouTube. It's not on YouTube. You're not looking at it. Look at that on the Trust me. You will not see any nudity. You just got five viruses on your phone. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's Apple Apple doesn't get viruses when they're that you know strong Those viruses have herpes. So while he's looking up what he's gonna look up We should do a manly commercial of Arctic breezeze. Two girls one manly one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:45 Arctic Breeze! Arctic Breeze. Do you like your ass to be cool? Yeah. Try shoving this up there and give it a whirl. Clean cool booty Arctic Breeze. Yeah. You'll fart musk.
Starting point is 00:17:00 This is pulling up all kinds of disgusting stuff. Yeah, let's not do that on there. That's horrible. Yeah, this is really gross. So you guys work out today? No, I know who didn't work out. Yeah, you got him. Cause I'm grouchy.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Yeah. If I can't work out on a Monday, I picked up extra classes to teach today. Who's gonna teach it to Monday? Good, you're going to be a good day. I don't, you know, is it that crazy? How important that is for all of us? Like I seriously have to work out for cause that's it is it's like my meditation time.
Starting point is 00:17:28 If I don't get it and Monday is like for me, I feel like the most important time to do that. It's the beginning of my week. I got to get a good lift in. All of this would have been a nice good squat day for me and then start my week off right now. I did it and now I feel like I'm behind. And then tomorrow I'm up at the crack of dawn to the start of my day, so I'm already gonna be tired. And my Tuesday, Thursday work are always hindered a little bit because I don't have very much energy
Starting point is 00:17:50 because I've been going so early. So it's like, errr. Yeah, I had a good workout. How about you, Justin? Yeah, I had a good workout. I mean, it was a long one. You just squat it. I just squat it the whole time.
Starting point is 00:18:00 That was it. As if you're asking me to get bigger. It was a powerful ass. I need a big, you know what else is funny You know, I just realized Adam does a few things backwards Yeah, like like he my hat. No, no like you yeah your hats backwards. You wash your hands Then you pee that's backwards and then the whole like you know the whole pull out method Oh, you're gonna go there. It's so weird. I don't think you had the balls to go there.
Starting point is 00:18:25 It's so weird. I did not think you had the balls to go there. It's a strange, it's the weirdest thing I've ever heard of my life. It is, wow. Because we talked somewhat about this off air and you guys, I had no idea we're gonna bring this up. I thought, Sal did not have the balls to talk about the whole pool. You don't wanna talk about it?
Starting point is 00:18:43 Wow, so bring it, bro. It's a strange, you get to explain it to talk about it. Wow, bring it, bro. Bring it. It's a strange, you get explain it to, because, why don't you explain it to you think it's strange? I think it's very normal. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You got to explain. You might shatter everybody's paradigm again with this.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Yeah, I think, yeah, yeah. You're on a roll lately, so you might as well. It's how, Adam, it's how you use a condom. This is how he uses a condom and go. Well, first of all, I'm so weird. It's with my girl that I've been with for five years. Oh yeah, and of course, okay, we know that. So that obviously these rules are different
Starting point is 00:19:13 because you wouldn't go out banging random girls and apply. No, no, no, no. This is not some wizardoom right now. So I wouldn't be telling like, that would defeat the actual major purpose of the condom to my girlfriend. kill me for this one right here. So it's happening.
Starting point is 00:19:27 But I think it's actually I think it's nothing that she should be ashamed of. I think it's very cool that she's actually never used birth control. She's never wanted to take any sort of hormones or mess with that. And I love that. I think that's I think it's smart. I think I'm not a fan of birth control. I mean, I'm a fan of you with someone steady and you're safe and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:43 And why? Yeah. So and ever. So she's never having her life. You know, so like she's of you with someone steady and you're safe and all that stuff and why yeah, so and Ever so she's never having her life, you know So like she's never mess with her hormones like that. So I think that's a very smart decision I know some I know some women, you know friends of the you know family members who've had took them a while to get back to normal after going off birth control Hmm, so then the guys were there guys were asking me that well then how the hell do you not you've never had a kid or this or that Well, I used a rubber and then they say, you used a rubber and I'm like, oh my god, they made a big old scene.
Starting point is 00:20:08 So I was just thinking, it's just ridiculous. I do that. And then he says to me, why don't you pull out? And I said, what do you mean why don't I pull out? And he goes, why don't you, why would you wear a rubber? Why wouldn't you just pull out? It's just almost as effective as you wearing a rubber. And I'm just like, I can't flip it.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I'm talking about that. So I'm thinking to myself, okay, I don't, I and I'm just like, I can't flip it, talking about it. So I'm thinking to myself, okay. I don't, I think I'm not weird, but obviously he thinks I'm weird in this situation. I think he's weird, because I do, personally, once I'm in, I don't wanna come out. And I most certainly don't wanna come out
Starting point is 00:20:40 and then jerk myself off. I think, or else, I feel like that doesn't. You don't wanna do the porn game? No, dude. And so I think that is just, that's weird to me. And he's just like, oh, you gotta be kidding me. Oh, pull out. You definitely pull out.
Starting point is 00:20:52 I love to watch it. I like to see it. The pull out of the sprinkler. The pull out, the pull out. If you use the pro, if you use properly, they just came out with studies. If you use the properly, look at me and my wife, since we, you know, we got married,
Starting point is 00:21:04 hasn't been on birth control, we've had our kids and it's planned. Exactly, we know, boom, one shot. Okay, right. That's great, but I still find, to me, the best part is the climax. And I don't like my climax interrupted. When it starts, I want to enjoy every last few seconds
Starting point is 00:21:26 or minutes that it could possibly last. And I most certainly don't, I don't want to interrupt it with pulling out and then finishing the job myself. So you know, he pulls it in. So every time that's what you do then, expensive too. It is expensive. Yeah, it pulls it in so so every time that's what you do then so expensive to it is expensive Yeah, yeah, it's it maybe not if you don't do it that much. Oh, no, and it's enough to be expensive So it's you know it I it's not like I Wear it the entire time. I mean, I don't know what you and this is the strange part. Well, I don't know
Starting point is 00:22:03 This is the weird parts the more that's out things weird. I don't know. He's this is the weird part. It's the part that South thinks is weird. I don't think it's weird. I don't know. I don't know. I see I've never been married. So I don't know if like set your sex sessions drop down only like five to 10 minutes long enough. But mine are normally like at least 45 minutes to an hour
Starting point is 00:22:15 and a half long, the one I have sex. So make it look. So I don't know if there's a change in getting married. It is no longer a 45 minute hour session. Depends if your kids are up or not. Yeah. So like for me, it's one step if it's been a few days to weeks. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Okay. So, Anima Scorpio, so as a Scorpio, I'm a pleaser by heart. So, you know, I'm gonna, I love it when he drops science. So, my horoscope says, yeah, drops science. Oh. My horoscope says. Yeah. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Yeah. So I'm going to please for at least 45 minutes to an hour until she's like totally tired of getting pleased. And then at that point, I'm right. See, I'm so glad I brought this up. You did. You established it. This is great.
Starting point is 00:23:03 And then at that point, honey, could you hand me one of the gold coins and she does and then I take, I put it on and then, so you, so the majority of the sex, let's just explain this, the majority of the time you're doing it, no conno, then you put it on at the end to finish. You're planning your,
Starting point is 00:23:21 yeah, that's just your money shot. It's such, it's yeah, but it's, it's so backward, it's so weird, like no one does that. No, that's just your money shot. It's such a, it's yeah, but it's, it's so backward. It's so weird. Like no one does that. No, it's not. See, most people, you have been married. He was the kind of the whole time and then they pull him off. And like he's catching fish. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:35 He's got the net. It's all like, okay, we got close to the boat. Yeah. All right. You're a cause. I scoop it. You know, it's, you, and it's a trophy. What's crazy for me right scoop it. You know, it's a trophy. What's crazy for me right now is that you guys think it's so weird, so I don't even have a great analogy for you. I will by the end of this radio show.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I will have a very good analogy for you. Why this just makes more sense? Why I do it the way I do. I just think that you're just, it's just way over your head because you've been married for so long. So you just think that there's one way or the other way, but for me, it makes complete sense to be able to have sex for 45 minutes to an hour. I get to enjoy the feeling of what it's like to be inside. No, that's fine. And nobody's arguing that. And then,
Starting point is 00:24:13 and then here's the part that's weird when I want to come, right? I don't want to pull out and jerk off. I think you pull out when you want to come, but you pull out, open the, the, the wrapper, roll it on, and then go at it again. Yes, and then finish. Yes. And that way, that process right there, just seems like a,
Starting point is 00:24:32 yeah, you know, well, you see it's like the breaks, yeah. And let's be honest, I mean, it can be. We don't remember hits the road. Especially when it was probably the first time that I was ever probably starting to do this, but I've been, I mean, I'm fucking 34 years old. So I'm gonna do this for a really long time So you know, I've got some pretty smooth strategies that you know, she could be me
Starting point is 00:24:52 training. We're here. She could be me. Orgas and I've already slid that sucker on she has no idea You know saying so like I mean you got to be able to do multitasking You know good like dexterity with those fingers Yeah, I think we're gonna call it a wizard anymore. You're gonna be the magician. Yeah, I don't even really get any head. I don't even even really need hands to put it on. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:25:11 No, so it's not that tough. I've trained myself to do that for a long time. So it's not, it's not hard for me. And when I say I don't like to pull out of the, I just thought I had never pulled out and jerked off on someone's back or whatever, and it's not. That's so good, you get. It's experienced.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, with every guy. Yeah, like what's that guy's name? Everybody needs to do at least one or two money shots in their lifetime, or when he needs to do a shot on the back, Superman, and everyone needs to do all these minor man. Yeah, these moves are essential to growing up
Starting point is 00:25:45 in a manhood. But once you've done it, you start to learn things that you like and you don't like and I don't like pulling my shit out halfway through an orgasm and then masturbating because that to me, I feel like man, you got to be fast though. And then you know, I mean, yeah, no, if you were to do that, yeah, you would, it is like your NASCAR analogy, right? You guys don't do that. Yeah, you would it is like your NASCAR analogy, right?
Starting point is 00:26:14 Sex to me is more like dancing. There's there's more of a rhythm and it's more smooth and it's like it's not like that It's not you make you make it out before the green flag It's a right when you guys when you guys talk about it I picture like helping like a rabbit super fast and then you pull out real quick and get it run over You know, it doesn't work that way. Dude, It's smooth. I can be kissing on my girls neck Let me tell you to reach you with a drawer Let me take that man up, bro. I I You okay? I could make love to you, bro. You'd fucking Christ Okay, and you know, and we're not even into that you know, I'm saying but you would cry I believe that I would you would
Starting point is 00:26:42 You hold his hair and look right I believe that I would. You would probably. Yeah, because you hold his hair and look right. Because I punch you in the eyeball. It would get real weird, real fast. I can't believe you brought that up. I can't believe you brought that up. Why?
Starting point is 00:26:53 Because I didn't think you'd want to go that way. Why not? I mean, that's a great topic because it's so weird. But again, you beat, you, you, what is it when you go to the beat of a different drum or something? That's just it, though. Of his own drum. Again, I feel like you're going to get converters. Is what I'm saying. You know what's funny every time here's what happens
Starting point is 00:27:09 I fucking hate it. Oh my god Yeah, it makes me angry every time every time I make fun of Adam about something you know fucking wash in his hands before taking a Pizz is wiping his butt with smelly, you know like beautiful like pretty smelling, you know wipes We got a shitload of messages conversion. Everybody's like's a great us just like when he posted okay, so he posted the other day this and then I feel like an idiot the gay Oh ever and we're like as you know, I'll check this guy out guys I'm gonna get so many funny comments everybody's oh my god. It's so nice picture Look so great and awesome.
Starting point is 00:27:45 He's in it. You look really good. He's the only one that will hate it on me. My own buddy. I was like, are you kidding me? Nobody's gonna hammer you for this. You were naked in a swing, but your feet are shackled with a chain on your legs.
Starting point is 00:28:01 They're chained you. And then you have this look on your face. Like nobody's gonna say something. Like you have a very content relaxed, like you just farted face like, oh, and everybody loved it. I'm ripped right now, I'm swinging. He continues to prove how wizardly he is.
Starting point is 00:28:17 And he's bulletproof. It's interesting. We can't break through the, we can't. I can make fun of you all day long and it just bounces back to me I'm not gonna do I'm really curious to see how far really fairy does I'm very interested to see how this one goes because I I find Your guys is I ideology and this is quite weird to me so pull out yeah pull out methods been around for thousands
Starting point is 00:28:38 Oh, I'm not saying what so has been washing your fucking hands after you go piss, too. I think it's still stupid You know what I still think it just because it's been around. Hey, just because it was just because all the majority doesn't mean that's so I mean it's right. Sometimes it means all the majority, all the fools are on the same side. I I always watch I have always pretty much washed my hands before taking this issue, but I wash my hand and get pee. But I will say this now. Yeah, that is an exception. You have to yeah, if you ever catch me washing my hands after I pee, you know, I pissed on myself. That's right. That's what happens. Yeah. Because this was, be honest, dude, that hole sometimes has a mind of its own. Yeah, I just, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Whoa! Hey, left field. Or sometimes you shake it too soon before you're not done peeing, and then you get on your hand. So then you get a little sex stick. That's different. That's different. Or you're talking about the dribble and the, when the pee dribble, the post, the post-pee dribble. Yeah, that's a lot. Damn it. That's the worst. Yeah. when the pee dribble the post the post pee dribble. Oh damn it That's the worst On you right when you you know I that one more shake. That's why they should know more shake Well, I also think too. They say you three three shake any more than three shakes and you're considered playing with yourself
Starting point is 00:29:36 I'm just like dude it takes more you're obviously not a man. Yeah, cuz it takes more than three No, no, no, you got it. You got a shake shake shake Then you got a shake then you got a squeeze squeeze and a shake and that squeeze with your hand Then you go left like squeeze with your what is that your process? You're trying to squeeze out more and then shake shake Squeeze you gotta do this a few times because then otherwise you get the post-P dribble and your underwear Which really sucks, which is stupid then you got a windshield wiper like left to right on each side I think I got it. I think I got it. But I got it everywhere.
Starting point is 00:30:06 You know what's funny about this conversation? It's 100% true. I'm not sure. I know. Everybody does a winch of Wipeers. I just chitchat. And then ding dong ding dong ding dong. Every time.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Do you do the Chinese drums at the end? No. Remember? No, remember karate kid when they have the drum that they spin in their hands? Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Remember, remember karate kid when they have a little bit the dream that they spin in their hands Now I know why Justin makes those noises when he's in the stall next to me. I was wondering what he was We thought wrong. We thought you were we thought you were just slapping your leg a few times your hands
Starting point is 00:30:47 Hey, never never fails mind pump always delivers some great valuable information. Yeah. Very, very good information. So the Fridays, so what's going on Fridays? Are we going to try working out together Fridays? Well, Justin, I had been doing that for a while. Have you guys been meeting every week on Fridays? We've been calling Voltron workouts. Almost every Friday.
Starting point is 00:31:00 You guys have been meeting every Friday. That's where almost we're going to begin. My gains have become a lot of fun. You make it sound like we've never invited you. We every time we have. You know what I feel like I feel like that I feel like that kid that you invite to because you feel bad, but then you're like happy. That's all I don't feel I don't feel like you're sincere with your invitation. Nobody wants to work out. We got stronger than me. So maybe that's why you don't want to work out with that. That's what I'm thinking too, bro. So, I'm thinking. Yeah, yeah, I like that.
Starting point is 00:31:29 I think you're getting nervous. That's why you want to come watch our workouts. You're like, you know what, fucking Adam is making gains on that deadline. I better go see what he's doing over there with Justin. No, they must be doing something over there. No, let me, I already have it. They must be doing maps 2.0 there.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Here's maps 2.0, we're going on over a functional core. Look, here's the strategy. First of all, now that I've taught you everything I know, it's okay, okay, I'm happy that. But then the second thing is that the second you match me, then I'm gonna go to the pound for pound number. So I've got all these layers. You have to break this out, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:00 As soon as you can match me, then I'm gonna be like, oh, but pound for pound. I know, I'm gonna be deadlift by like a hundred pounds more than you before I get the crowd. I figure that's all I'm gonna wait Yeah, I figured I'm gonna win the whole time. No, but you know why I want to work out there because I love it It's got all the like the fun shit cuz Ben Zornzer. No, I'm talking about the norcal foot. Does he work out there? It's where he is he doesn't work out. Oh, he's shit workout there. Let's throw him in the mix. Yeah, yeah build some serious muscle He only trains out there. He doesn't work out there. Let's throw him in the mix. Yeah. Yeah. Build some serious muscle. He only trains out there.
Starting point is 00:32:26 He doesn't work out there. He only trains out there. I only see him training in there. Yeah, he hasn't been working out there. Dude, pushing the sled was fun. Yes. Fun. But exhausting.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Yeah, bro. And it's a weird. And it's a weird kind of exhaustion. Like you push the sled all the way down. How long is that? Anyway, how long is's about what 40 yards is a 40 yards? Yeah, so you go 40 40 and 40 backs or you can 80 yards. How much weight did we have on there? Not much not much. I told I told Justin not to go heavy with you. Yeah Yeah, but the thing is different so we yeah, I'll put I'll push more than you on the sled, bro
Starting point is 00:33:03 I can see I knew that's I'll tell you what whatever you push whatever do you stand on it and I'll push that too I was at the very end of the workout to you. No, it was it was it was but you pushed the sled back and forth and You don't feel tired when you're doing you just like ah and then you stop yeah, and then you get it And then all of a sudden you Kettlebell swings for me. Yeah, yeah, you have a kettlebell swings then you get, and then all of a sudden, ooh, you can't breathe. You just suck kettlebell swings for me. You do heavy kettlebell swings.
Starting point is 00:33:27 And I got a nice little quad pump at the end there. It's kind of like a lot of stuff you do if you were an athlete grown up, you do stuff like that. What do you mean? No. No. No. That's all.
Starting point is 00:33:41 That's all. Tuck shit to each other today. That's what's happening now. Can we be friends now? Yeah. Let's say something nice. You have to say one nice thing about each other before we continue because I feel like we've passed.
Starting point is 00:33:53 We went a little too far with the shit. Oh, we do. I have something I'm feeling. I have something very sweet to say about you guys regarding the orange theory thing. Oh, okay. Because I think I was the harshest on us about it sucking and that we weren't as good because I'm like that. Before you do that, let's talk about Justin's fart
Starting point is 00:34:07 before going out there. Oh my God. I forgot about that. Oh, that's right. That was epic. We're in the office. We're in the office. We're getting ready to get called out by Doug, right?
Starting point is 00:34:16 And Doug's doing the whole getting everybody excited to call mine pump crew out. And we're in a small little glass office. Maybe eight by eight by eight. He fogged up the glass. and we're doing our power pose We're doing our power pose our arms up in the air. We're all stand up tall taking a deep breath deep breath and Justin No, no, no, no, we didn't hear you guys are so dramatic. It's not how we didn't hear it. We're seeing there. I just Talk and they're just like
Starting point is 00:34:41 guys were talking and they were just like they salty. No, something in the air. What's weird is I tasted it before I smelled it, which is straight. I felt like I was chewing the air. I was like, why is the air chewy? Why is it thick? And then it hit.
Starting point is 00:34:58 It's the brown particles. And it was full. Just in his grin on his face, right? No, actually, Justin laugh for about five minute straight He was so pleased with himself. It's so funny. It was good. All right, so I'd say something nice I'm you ready for my night my compliment. Yeah, so the like I said, I was I'm pretty hard on us with the whole seminar I thought because I have high expectations of us as a team and I know I Lowered expectations and I do know I do know that it reminded me of our first podcast,
Starting point is 00:35:28 which even when we first did that, we were excited about it, but we knew that it's going to get so much better when we get more comfortable. But the thing that's really cool. And this is what's neat is here, here I am saying that, oh, wasn't that good. It's not everybody's standing ovation. People said it was awesome. And one of the things that I love about both these guys is that, you know, I can be off. And typically this is how it works for me. I'm the solo guy when I'm running my own business, I'm doing my own thing, doing my own seminar,
Starting point is 00:35:53 doing stuff like that. I'm gonna carry my own. And sometimes I'm great, and sometimes I'm not so great, and sometimes what's neat is, we always seem to pick each other up somewhere or another, you know, and that's very, very unique and shit, I've never had that. I've never been. I've never been like you feel comfortable knowing if you're not doing your best. Yeah, that it's going to be okay. Yeah, one of you two is going
Starting point is 00:36:16 the same way. I feel the same way. It's going to pick the slack up. And that's why too. I actually had no one. It's weird that we sounded kind of nervous on our voices when I heard it, but I didn't feel nervous. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No one else. I think anybody was nervous. No, nobody at the seminar would think we're nervous except for the hardcore mind-pump listeners who know what we sound like when we're totally relaxed.
Starting point is 00:36:35 But nobody there would have thought we were nervous. And I didn't feel nervous. You guys didn't feel nervous. We were fucking pumped. Like I felt like I was, I felt like I was gonna get a fight. Like, oh, let's do it. You know like I felt like I was I felt like I was gonna get a fight like oh, let's do it You know, I felt excited. It was it was awesome. Yeah, so I think that I definitely think that's really cool I think it's very unique to have found that in two other men that are in this industry and so unique that we're also
Starting point is 00:36:57 Different so I mean, I think that's so special and it's so rare and it's such a nice feeling for me because I do. I don't feel like I'll ever be nervous or ever worried. I always feel like, you know what, if there's something I can't answer, I know one of these two knuckleheads will always be able to pick up an answer where it's at because between the three of us, there's not really much that we don't know in the fitness industry. It's pretty well. It's pretty cool. But the thing that I'll tell you what I like the most is that I know no matter how good something goes, we could kill it, we could all agree that we kill it. We still want to improve. We want to get better.
Starting point is 00:37:34 And I'm not the only one that feels that way. Normally, I am a super like critical and like no, I got to work on it. And if I'm working with, if I've worked with other people in the past and they would get annoyed with me for being that way, like come on man, can't you just, you know you know, and I'm like no, I want to do but you guys are the same way like we're all like no We got to do this we got to do that we got to improve in this area Let's do it again, but next time we're gonna do it. We're gonna do it even better And I like that because I feel like I'm not pushing Everybody else. I feel like I'm being pushed on top also, you know, I'm saying like I'm feel like I'm being motivated
Starting point is 00:38:03 Also, which normally I'm the motivator. I'm always the motivator. And it's good to feel motivated by other people. Yeah, it's a comfort level. I feel like it is. It's totally like a security in the fact that I know that you guys are going to be on point. And it reminds me a lot of when I was on,
Starting point is 00:38:23 my high school football team is nerdy as that is. Like, everybody on that team was solid. Like, going into game day, you were just like, dude, we're going to fucking murder everybody. And I feel the same way. And I hadn't felt it like since then, really. Because if you look to your left and look to your right, you know, if there's any weakness, it creates this anxiety. And I have zero anxiety going into
Starting point is 00:38:46 anything with you guys. And that's just like, that's like that level of confidence that, you know, will take us to levels that I don't even know. You know, and I feel that way. I really do. So I mean, I mean, to paint the picture like I've given seminars up down left, right? But I've never given seminars with headphones on a mic in front of me, you know, the lights and all this kind of stuff. Most times, I would assume that I would feel kind of like scared going into it. We felt, I felt pumped.
Starting point is 00:39:13 If anything, after we were done, although we wanted to do better, the first thing we said was, oh my God, I can't wait till we do like an auditorium. You know what I mean? Till we have like 500 people. Well, I was telling Katrina, you know, I don't know how many total,
Starting point is 00:39:26 but probably somewhere roughly between, I've probably done between 30 and 50 seminars in my fitness career, where I've held an audience or gone to companies or whatever, where I've had to put on some sort of a nutrition seminar or something related to fitness. And to be quite honest, I'm always a little nervous which I have always been able to you know thrive off of that because I'm an athlete And I like that feeling when you're getting ready to go to the sport and gain the little nervous energy that you have
Starting point is 00:39:53 But you know and this whole thing that we I mean we like you said spotlight was on us We have this huge audience. We have camera recording. Yeah cameras recording us. You got every you know this huge you know Introduction and I like I swear did that that crowd like is I love them for Burbeen there and everything but there was like not many people who even listened to us before so it's like we're winning over a whole group of people that have never even heard us talk about. Well, let's be real. Okay. Let's be real think about if we had a crowd of like all pump heads that we say hey, you know, we're going to this place and like, all you guys listening right now, you know, get tickets and then, you know, let's see what happens. We'll murder that.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Totally different because I'll tell you why. Like if we had the conversation we just had about your backwards condom usage. Exactly. Like if I brought that up in that crowd, yeah, that would have been really awkward. Set the house on fire. Half the crowd would have walked out.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Even as much as Doug prepped them and told them how were the Howard Stern of fitness assistants at, they would have been really awkward. Set the house on fire. Half the crowd would have walked out. Yeah. Even as much as Doug prepped them and told them how where the Howard Stern of Fitness is in that, they would have shit themselves because I'm looking at them. And even when we said shit or fuck that one time, you could see on their faces they were like, ooh, it's uncomfortable in here. So that's why I said the next one we do,
Starting point is 00:40:59 it's gotta be like, we're gonna advertise it to the pump heads, the mine pump, the freaking nation. And tell people, it's a show you're just gonna be sitting. You're just gonna be sitting and watching a show. What did you think about that when I dropped the F-bomb? I felt like it was necessary. I'm like, you know what,
Starting point is 00:41:12 I loved it because I, you know, I didn't know if we were actually at the point where any, but any one of us was gonna do it. And I was like, oh good, at least we got one in there. You know, it's funny. People that listen to mine pump probably think that we talk like this all the time. We have very professional personas.
Starting point is 00:41:29 When we're in situations, well we're talking and we need to be professional. I'm gonna tell you, ladies and gentlemen right now, you, we sound like, like executive. Like executive. Yeah, for exactly. Like we could, we could turn it on and just be,
Starting point is 00:41:40 and I've had to do that. We've had to do that for so long because we're in completely far away. We're in the business side of fitness. Yeah. This is not how we talk most of the time. That is such a great point. And this is actually what I thought was, although this is a therapy is how we see it. Well, and everyone, yeah, shittymalls.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I really, I really feel like that was the number one reason why actually was kind of weird. It wasn't because we were nervous. It wasn't really because of all this stuff going on. It was because it was different. It was different. It wasn't like being in here. It wasn't like us being able to just say, in the back of all of our minds, we were cautious. Dude, it's a back of all of our minds.
Starting point is 00:42:19 You know, no one wanted to say F-bombs. No one wanted to talk about condoms and vaginas and the weird crazy stuff I said there's a baby in the audience there was a baby a baby adorable adorable Really cute baby in a Various day and there's some you know elder general gentleman in the front that I kept making eye contact with and Yeah, I saw them you know And like I just kept kind of scanning the crowd and like, it was just like a lot
Starting point is 00:42:45 of silver heads going around. And that's a lot of notes, a lot of notes. Lots of people were taking notes. That's great. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just saying that's why I turned into seminar mode. You know what's funny? So also, at the end of it, a lot of people were downloading Mind Pump, who were not pump heads. This is going to be the first episode. They're going to hit their pants. They're going to hear episode, look at the fuck out of these guys. Oh my god. Sorry. Sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:43:08 This is who we are. Yep, yeah. Well, we talk about... What were those other guys, too? But, you know, this is really us. I like these guys. this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin. Visit us at www.minepumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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