Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 167: Fat Burners- Fact & Fallacy

Episode Date: October 16, 2015

Do fat burners really "burn" the fat off of you? Or is that just marketing hype? Sal, Adam & Justin pull back the curtain and expose the RAW TRUTH about supplements once again. Please subscribe, rate ...and review this show! Learn more about Mind Pump at www.mindpumpradio.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mite, omite, omite with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. On, on, on, turn me on, on, on, turn it on, on, on, on. God, dude, I'm a fucking pump today, man. You know why? Because everything's coming together like butt cheeks. Yes. Seriously, all this whole week, you know,
Starting point is 00:00:26 sometimes I like butt cheeks to be a part. Every once in a while, South sends me like a private text message just to check up on me and say, Hey man, you didn't seem like you're normal South. Yeah, you were kind of like, you were a little bit like down. He's like, you know what they're like?
Starting point is 00:00:37 He'll be wrapped out. I have to, this is gonna be my, and then I send a long like motivating like from the heart, like response to him, and then he responds with a fucking emoticon Like a thumbs up or something like mother fucker. Did you read my shit? No, I just motivated you You know, it's funny. I have to say this is where you know, and I know we've said it since day one how much we're alike Yeah, you're reading and you're like you're doing what I would exactly I'm reading this
Starting point is 00:01:00 I'm going like this motherfucker cannot be any more like Which is awesome. It's awesome and then at the same time, it's too. It's just like, dude, you'll never ever be able to get anything by me, dude. I've heard this before, it was in my head. Yeah, exactly. I heard this one time before.
Starting point is 00:01:14 But you know what, it also gets, even though I only give you a little motor con, I get this little twinkle in my eye because I got mad love, dude. And that's the one that I got a lot of heart. And I feel like you guys do, and there's this. It's, to me, it's, I mean, I don't know. I love you guys and that's the one that I got a lot of heart and I feel like you guys do and there's this it's what to me It's I mean, I love you guys. It's borderline. It's it's definitely borderline homosexual. I have close
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah, I mean I have butterflies that have sprinkled that's on them. What I don't know I want to come from you remember like You're like an anchor man that guy brick no, I didn't watch that You just he just chimes in I love lamp. Yeah, I feel like I'm that guy Yeah, he's hilarious, you know, I it's To me it's it is definitely why this is gonna be so much bigger than where it's even at already is that there is there's this this This chemistry that we have where's all so much alike yet so different at the same time, which is, I love that man.
Starting point is 00:02:08 It's almost, it's very family feeling like amongst us. And I do have this little piece of my heart, and you guys have a little piece of my heart. Is that a song? Yeah. Would I just say that? Are we gonna like these things up? I think we're on right now.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Are we lit, Doug? You know what's, because I'm'm fucking lit now check this out. Hey Hey, you know why today is Thursday and Thursday is my mother fucking Friday. Is it really? Yeah, I should do you ain't get so check this out. You got Joe coming in town tomorrow Let's let's look around the room. Let's look around the room for a second. We're all pretty happy But one of us is is, it's fucking glowing. Doug is grinning ear to ear. Like a child that just got a cupcake. It is.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Look at his face around. Somebody got a new toy. So excited. It's because we got the new, what does that thing call the mixer? What does that say? Yeah, multi-track recorder. Oh, it looks, it looks.
Starting point is 00:03:00 It's gonna have to be right down. We can't, yeah. It's like track recorder. I've been playing with it all day. I have to go find a little knobs and dials So I came in the studio. It was pretty awesome actually I came because we had a speaker hooked up Yeah, I came in the studio and Doug has got all not only does the studio fucking immaculate Which is awesome to see because Sal fucking makes it to disaster all time. Why do you blame it on me?
Starting point is 00:03:20 It's just fun to make it cuz I cuz you still still wear white socks on your shoes. That's fucking why. So he got me, I come in and some broccoli fart. I see how it's gonna go today. Yeah, this is where we're heading today. So I come in and Doug has got his toy out. And he is, he's just like so excited to show me. You know what I'm saying? Like when you were a kid and you like got a new toy
Starting point is 00:03:40 and you could go to your friends came over and you get your show excited. Look at my new toy guys and he had it all hooked up ready to go. He my favorite song as I come in I went back out and was it Kate set it back up Come back in when you're ready But then did you see what happened when when we would get near it like we want to touch it? Yeah, whoa Step back And whoa that's a new noise. I don't want to get a fight, fine.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Well, especially, see them after last week, you know about that. I've established myself as kind of a badass. You did. You did a very good job. Very badass. You did a very good job. A little bit of a frightening situation there.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Eight, so more vain. It's going to be, you know what? One of these days, we're all going to go out and he's going to be getting, we're going to be the ones going calm down like full of that. No, I'm going to do is I'm going to start a fight and then I'm gonna say, hey, I'm gonna let the big guy take care of you. Hey, Sal, Adam, you guys got this, Justin, you got this? You got this real nice, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:32 We'll do the jail time for you, buddy. No, what we'll do is we'll pick you up by the back of your pants and just throw you hard at the opponent. Like, bowling, huh? Just use the momentum of the speed, the battery ram. So, a flying dog coming at you. I don't know if it's something that's in the weather or what's going on this week with all of us, but we kind of all, I mean, we're teasing Doug right now
Starting point is 00:04:53 being kind of like a little schoolgirl and shit, but we all were a little child this week. And you know, it started with Sal. It did start with me. It started with Sal and we got tagged on an Instagram post and this happens every once in a while where I love when you guys do this by the way. I love our fans. Yes. Oh, the best shit starters and fucking world. So one of our instigators. That's right. And okay. So you see opportunity and they
Starting point is 00:05:20 pounce. I have to preface this a little bit though by saying that it was immature on our part, but at the same time too I don't really give a fuck because here's the deal in in a situation like this It's totally not us to be immature. Well, I also do not I do not believe Yeah, I do not believe in bullying. I do not believe if you were the big big kid on the block to pick on someone else But if you're the small guy and you feel like fucking with the big guy Hey, so be it and that was the situation here because somebody tagged us on one of the shreds athletes and we're blocked now.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Yeah, they were promoting their new max bat burner with its proprietary plans and all the special stuff. Dude, so check this out. I looked at the ingredients, did a little research. I sent it to you guys. Revolutionary. Oh yeah, bro. I have a revolutionary. to a little research. I sent it to you guys. Revolutionary. Oh yeah, bro. I bet.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Revolutionary. I bet. I'm going to prepare it to your blind date. Okay. Now that's the answer. Here's the question. Give us a word that is the opposite of what you thought of the supplement, Sal. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Well, why don't you get one? Find that backwards. So Sal decides, so we're going to recap the listener since most you'll not only did not see it, but we'll never be able to see it since we got deleted and blocked. So, Sal and I get, Sal just when I get tagged, Sal's the first one, I don't know, I think it was the first one to get on and say something. I said, I don't remember what I said.
Starting point is 00:06:36 No, you just tagged me. Oh, I just tagged. You just said Sal. Oh, yeah. I said, oh no, I said, uh, science, bro. Oh, yeah, it's he says. I said science, bro, then I tagged sound and sound gets on. And he sees it and he decides to put the little emoji con thing or whatever. Little shit.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah, the pile of shit. And so it could have meant it. This is the shit. It could have meant that. Right. And that's how I thought I said science, bro. So this was this was the extent of our shit talking. We got on the they're promoting a fat burner, which was shit.
Starting point is 00:07:04 And the and this promoting a fat burner, which was shit. And the, uh, and this is a, uh, uh, Michael Turner, if you guys don't know who that is, he's a shreds athlete. Um, I don't know what he does as far as athletic. I do feel kind of bad because we put him on the spot. I don't. And he, he, here's why I don't feel bad because I was working. By the way. Yes. Yes. That's it. Just it was late to this party. You know what though? Just the boat. You know what though? For as long as we've been doing the show, Yes, that's it. Just it was late to this party. You know what though, just the boat. You know what though, as long as we've been doing the show, Justin, let's be honest, you get a little uncomfortable when me and Adam start
Starting point is 00:07:30 over here now. I did. Since the very beginning, you know, I've gotten less though. Right? You have a lot less. I'm just like, okay, the dogs are loose. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:39 You know, at first I was like, oh my God, they're gonna bite somebody. Yeah. You know, they're gonna give somebody rabies. I'm gonna have to go get them. You know, now I don't even worry about that. I'm just like my god, they're gonna bite somebody. Yeah. You know, they're gonna give somebody rabies, I'm gonna have to go get them. Yeah. You know, not only worry about them, it's like, yeah, they're gonna...
Starting point is 00:07:49 I would... I would... I would love to be a fly-by-line with Justin going home and talking to his wife after our first few episodes of us talking. Oh, right. I do remember him being puckered up a lot. Yeah, I walked real stiff-legged. So...
Starting point is 00:08:04 I'm out of house. So this stiff-legged So so this is okay So here's the reason why I don't I don't feel bad because it is not I do I'm not somebody who likes to troll on people's pages and talk shit I will we were tagged so first of all somebody know one of our listeners tagged us like basically asking our opinion exactly So so wasn't we were looking for we were we were giving our opinion to our listen and that and that I said something sarcastic Like science bro and then Sal gets on there and puts a little mojcon of shit, which that's it. We're not talking about him as a person. We weren't trying to blow his fucking thing up.
Starting point is 00:08:32 And we don't know him. And to be honest, after we talked with him back and forth a little bit, he seems, I don't know, he seems like a nice guy. He doesn't seem like a jerk, you know. Uh, who are you, R.A. No, no, no, I'm not done. Who are you? A little sensitive. He's a little sensitive, like, you know, because then he got real, you know, uh, what are you? Are you? No, no, I'm not done. Who are you?
Starting point is 00:08:46 A little sensitive. He's a little sensitive like, you know, because then he got real, you know, well, so is that that this is the funny part. So we do that. And then he decides to write like a fucking paragraph. He writes a paragraph that is and he starts attacking us, our, us personally. Mm hmm.
Starting point is 00:09:00 And it was just out of, and I was like, whoa, and I even said back to him. I said, whoa, bro bro easy with the name calling You know, I wasn't saying anything about you personally dot dot dot yet And then when I said that he didn't like that at all because he thought I think he goes are you threatening me? I'll get on periscope right now and have more periscopers and you guys this little radio show Okay That would be cool Okay. That would be cool, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Yeah, I see. Give him a thumbs up and say, well, even though this has nothing to do with the popularity contest, we were just actually talking about the fat burner that you're promoting. And I'm just curious to how a fat burner actually helps shred your origin insertions of your muscle and give you a better pump. It gives you a better pump. But, you know, to rewind for a second, I'm going to, you know what, I'm going to, we pride ourselves in being super honest and open with our audience. So, so let me just put this, let me just put this out here. Let's,
Starting point is 00:09:51 let's talk about marketing and promotions one, oh, one. Okay. Let's pretend I have a burger joint and I have five locations. And I'm doing good and I'm growing. Yeah, sales burger. Okay. But I got five, I got five places. And I go on social media or commercials and I attack McDonald's. Now McDonald's then comes after me. Okay, I don't give a shit what McDonald's says. I'm gonna grow because of it, because I'm the guy with five burger joints
Starting point is 00:10:16 and this is McDonald's. McDonald's has nothing to gain. They have nothing to gain from attacking my five burger joint place. Now, mine pump is growing, it's definitely growing, it it's getting big we're not nearly as big as shreds has millions of followers lots of people page halfway has more so they start talking shit back to us and we're literally on the other side master we're jerking off like this is great I don't know thank you that was it necessary yeah because it's like why do we always
Starting point is 00:10:42 do it throw masturbation that's the first thing I can't have an episode that doesn't include it? I have no so it's like you're you're you're talking crap and it's this is like great You're acknowledging and you're coming back at us and so for us this is excellent And I think at the end of it. That's why we get blocked and and deleted because it reminds me shit I shouldn't even yeah, it reminds me to the old strategy I mean if you guys have listened to Howard Stern and we actually have, some people have kind of compared us somewhat to how he started, right? Because we've been coined as the Howard Stern
Starting point is 00:11:10 of fitness. Well, I know, but I think that's a pretty old statement. You guys both always get so humble. Why do I always look like a talkie instead of a bitch? Yeah, because we have to have you. You gotta have me. You have to have me.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Good point. Fair enough, good point. That's what I'm trying to do. Period. So, you know, his whole thing, dude, me. Good boy. Fair enough, good boy. That's what I'm trying to do. Carry on. So, you know, his whole thing, dude, he went after people. You know, people probably don't remember how aggressive he had to be. And he had to overcome a lot of hoops and, you know, FCC and everybody else coming after
Starting point is 00:11:38 him because of, you know, the content and that's just how I feel. I feel like there's issues that need to be addressed and everybody's a bunch of pussy's and they don't want to, they don't want to take it on man. Well, we're definitely, and here's the thing. You know, there's, there's a lot bigger than people realize and there's a select, you know, minority of the population that realizes us too.
Starting point is 00:12:01 And when they hear us talking about, they're like, fuck yeah, you know, somebody's talking about that. And guess what? You know, the awareness of it is going to build. We're not going away. That's what we're talking about. The movement is going to is going to grow and grow because people want information. You know, this is the information age. You can't hide behind, you know, shitty content and an inspiration, quote unquote. Inspiration, quote unquote, is not gonna hold weight anymore. We wanna know why, why is this working? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:31 Like, are you just a dumbass that's gonna dismiss that? Bro Justin just gave me chills. I know what he gets fired up by that. You just gave me chills. No, you're 100% right. We, someone tagged us, we're gonna explain it, we're gonna talk about it. We can't, we started this with the goal of exposing
Starting point is 00:12:47 some of the bullshit that's out there, and that's all we did, and the dude came after us, and so we went back at him, and the funny thing is when it ended up happening. We got blocked. No, besides that, before that. Oh, this is my favorite part was that, this is what I love you guys for this too.
Starting point is 00:13:00 When there's nothing cooler than to see us get blocked like that, and then all of a sudden all of our and a bunch of mind pump. Yeah, and go on mind pump. I get on there and just start roasting this dude and it was so great because everybody got blocked. Everybody got blocked. Well, to kind of break it down, you know, we call this immature, said a bunch of stuff and you know what? I said, yeah, you're right. We're being immature right now. I said, but to be honest with you, I would really like to know the product, what's in your supplement and the science behind it. How does it work?
Starting point is 00:13:28 Like I'm giving you an opportunity. Very fair question. I'm not being a dick. I'm giving you an opportunity, like explain it to me. Now, if you're representing a product, you might not know about the product, you might not know the science, you don't have to, you're an athlete,
Starting point is 00:13:39 but you should have a reference. You should be able to go back to your corporate people and be like, hey, listen, people are asking, what should I say? Because there's an article here. I'm representing the shouldn't document. Because you better fucking believe, if we're selling a supplement,
Starting point is 00:13:51 that we're gonna be able to back it up with some kind of science and explanation. We're not scientists, but enough to explain why we're saying what we're saying. What does he do? He fucking ignores it. And then like five of our fans go on there and say, hey, answer the question.
Starting point is 00:14:04 What's the science behind it? Explain it to block block block everybody delete because that's krypton When somebody's selling snake oil when they're selling shit the kryptonite is when you ask them how Explain it to me. What's the science? How does this work? Oh, it gives me better pump How oh because I look better. No, no, no how break it down for me And if they can't do that, then it's time to fuck off. Well, and this is why too, like it's it. And, you know, I guess it was first CrossFit that we took on.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And it looks like now it's gonna be shreds because, you know, once somebody ruffles my fucking feathers like that, I'm not gonna go away. So that's the thing that drives me crazy with these guys is you got all these kids that millions of people are following. And none of them have any sort of credentials. None of them have any real credibility. None of them are athletes. None of them are anything. They are what they are are marketing. The guy who found them, they're all for a reason.
Starting point is 00:14:58 There's a tattoo guy. There's a super steroid buff guy. There's an all natural skinning guy. Right. Give him. Yeah. There's a, there's a, there's a super steroid buff guy. There's an all natural skinning guy. Give him a try. Give him a try. Yeah, there's a CrossFit guy. There's a all body weight guy. There's a super bomb ass looking hot chick. There's a W.E.
Starting point is 00:15:14 There's a bunch of bomb ass chicks. I mean, it's brilliant marketing. He has gone after and he's found people to put in front of all these things that he's going to push and sell to all these different demographics, and that's what those people represent. They do not represent the truth, they do not represent what's gonna help you out, they do not represent anything to do
Starting point is 00:15:33 with this whole fucking fitness movement. They have in fact, I bet you 90% of them don't even take that bullshit. Well, what they represent is that they're getting money from a company and exposure. That's it. Well, here's what they did. They have literally, they have literally written the book.
Starting point is 00:15:48 They have designed and written the book on how to utilize this new medium now, which by the way, I'm going to make a prediction here in the next 10 years or so, the social media will dominate all advertising. It will kill, TV, it will kill all of it. Digital advertising will win, whether it comes from social kill, TV, it will kill all of it. Digital advertising will win when it comes to social media. Podcasts will Trump radio and internet will Trump television.
Starting point is 00:16:13 And what they've done is they've written the book on how to utilize and maximize social media to sell and advertise a product. Yeah. Because before that, the only way you got a supplement out there was you had to use magazines, you had to get professional bodybuilders. Do that.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I don't think they have any professional bodybuilders or professional athletes. They definitely, I don't think they're even presented in magazines, or at least maybe they are now, but they weren't in the beginning. They have really utilized this medium to an amazing extent. Now, as far as your supplements are concerned, when we say they're shit, we don't mean that they're, they don't have what they say they have in them or that they're dangerous. We don't know, we haven't had them tested, we don't know any of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:47 They could very well have everything they say in them and whatever. But we say that because most supplements are crap. Here's what the shit is, it's the claims. That's the shit. Yeah, that's all that's the truth. Don't tell me that you take this way protein and now you've gained 45 pounds of muscle
Starting point is 00:17:00 and you look like a fucking freak. A lot of these dudes are yacked. I mean, these guys advice if I stood next to them, I would disappear, I would fit inside their quadricep. But you don't look like that because of that. You have great genes, you probably work out hard, and you take a shit load of gear. And it's not because of your super pump,
Starting point is 00:17:16 5,000 something or what. Yeah, don't tell me your fat burner has anything to do with your origin or insertions of your fucking muscle. No, that's a bad sense. This is gonna make fucking sense. Bro, I took that, check this out. You know what that is? That is, okay. That's a bad sense. This is gonna make fucking sense. Bro, I took that, she gonna check this out. You know what that is?
Starting point is 00:17:27 That is, okay, that is one of the things that you said. He's not gonna let this one go. I'm not gonna let it go because I've seen this a million times. Is it a couple trainers, okay, or whatever the fuck he is, okay, fitness icon, whatever you wanna call it. They learn a couple words that have to do with a nat. Or some words into the insertion. Yeah, and then they said to throw it in, like in some sort of a thing.
Starting point is 00:17:47 So they sound smarter because you know what the average kid who's 17 years old, who's a reading that goes like, oh, damn, he knows about origin and assertions of muscles. That's he must know what he's talking about. You view this. Yeah, right. So I don't know that muscle. They throw, they throw the They only supplement that target, specifically targets fast twitch muscle fibers.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Like that's all you know. And then, and oh, that was the other claim. It said it builds your circle mirrors. It focuses on building the lean mass only. And that's the type of mass you want to build, is the lean kind. Yeah. Well, I'm like, okay, I would have left this kid alone.
Starting point is 00:18:23 If there wasn't at least five things that were just so far off the radar that didn't even make sense. It's like, dude, shame on you, because you know why? And this is where why I felt like we should call it out. It's because shame on you shreds for not actually getting your fucking employees in check.
Starting point is 00:18:39 And maybe you should write those things for me. If you're gonna hire someone who's an idiot, maybe you should probably fucking write his content for him. So it's because, I mean, I believe a lot of those guys actually do have the right to do. those things for me. If you're gonna hire someone who's an idiot, maybe you should probably fucking write his content for him. So, because I believe a lot of those guys actually do have to say the rid. I do, I believe so. But then when someone like that posts on my dad,
Starting point is 00:18:51 I'm like, well, obviously he's not having it written for because that person is get fired. Yeah, no, I mean, we're not looking at it. We got one that went row. We got one that get rowed. Yeah, I mean, we're not gonna call out, I mean, we're not talking shit about the individual themselves. Like, you probably work out hard.
Starting point is 00:19:05 You probably eat right. You know, you might be on gear. Some of them are not. You look real fit. You might know a lot about how to train yourself. I came pretty much guarantee you, most of them are not trainers. Most of them had never really trained people.
Starting point is 00:19:16 They might have coached people, but they don't have to really train people. But please, please, we will call you out all day long. This is just for anybody. If you try to pretend to know the science behind your shit, if you try to make claims, you better back that shit up because I was that fucking kid. I was that kid that bought every goddamn supplement
Starting point is 00:19:36 and shit my brains out because not only did I not build muscle, but it fucked my stomach up. Now I have food intolerances because I took so much of that bullshit. I was the one that bought that kit of seven supplements with the before and after the dude looks like, you know, he not only just built a shit ton of muscle, it's a different guy now.
Starting point is 00:19:52 And I had to take seven, seven pills in the morning and four over here and five over there. And I spent $200 on my own harder money on it. And I gained zero. I gained nothing. Not only did I gain nothing, but because I followed your shitty workouts, I lost muscle. We are here to prevent that shit from happening to everybody else because it's a lot of crushed
Starting point is 00:20:10 dreams, it's a lot of crushed, you know, these kids come in with, they're motivated, they're so impressionable. Yeah, why don't you just fucking tell the truth. I'm gonna do a post that's gonna trump all your bullshit supplements. Here it is, you ready? If you're a kid, you want to build muscle, learn how to squat. Done. It's like one sentence, but you know, it's not sexy, it doesn't sound exciting. It doesn't sound like I've just break through,
Starting point is 00:20:30 you know, new fucking, you know, Barry from the, you know, Himalayas or whatever. It doesn't sound sexy. We understand that, but times are changing, ladies and gentlemen. We're definitely gonna make, we're gonna make a living doing this and the way we're gonna do it is not by bullshitting you.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Oh yeah, we're gonna tell the truth. I love, you know, like, that. I love talking about stuff like that. I just love the word play. Even the stuff that's written in the advertisement, things like after two years of vigorous studies in clinical studies, the new fat burner max has now been released. And then in small fine print, it says two different things. Actually, we've had this all the whole time. We just have to say it to the right now.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Right, really fast, really fast. It's too, no, you know what it says. It says, two of the ingredients found in our supplement have proven to. We're proven to. Yeah, we're, we're shown that the subjects who took them in a study lost weight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:17 As we've talked about before, let's look at the studies because not typical to any of you actually take this. I'll give you an example of a study that we could take and extrapolate and then sell some of this. Yes, do this. I've been meaning to do this for everybody. We could have 30 people take a supplement, caffeine, and all diet and exercise.
Starting point is 00:21:38 And then the subjects lost 10 pounds, okay? Now, this is what I can say. All the subjects that took our caffeine- 100% lost 10 pounds, okay? Now, this is what I can say. All the subjects that took, you know, our cap- 100% lost 15 pounds. I mean, that's not lying, but it's misleading. It's misleading. Here's a thing with fat burners. Do fat burners work?
Starting point is 00:21:56 Well, they work in this respect. They, some of them, the stimulant ones, will curb your appetite. So you might eat less. They might give you some energy so you can get off your ass and move. Do they have like these crazy fat burning properties that make your body burn body fat?
Starting point is 00:22:11 You know, if we test it in a lab, we might be able to see more fatty acid mobilization, but we could say the same thing about the amino acid carnitine. We could say the same thing about creatine. We could say the same thing about fasted cardio versus fed cardio. What we're really doing is we're really splitting hairs and we're splitting hairs two and three times when we're saying that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Now, if you like taking these fat burners, persuasively, see that. That it looks like how you want it to look. Yeah, and you know what? I'll tell you something. I've taken fat burners because they're fun. You get energized. It's true, but.
Starting point is 00:22:42 It's like a party. But most of what's in there, a lot of them, especially when you see proprietary blend, most of them will have one or two really strong stimulants because here's the thing with fat burners in particular, and I know I'm picking on fat burners, but that's what I'm that subject. Here's the thing with fat burners, same thing with pre workouts. You want your customers to feel it, not to see results necessarily. You just want them to feel it. Not to see results necessarily. You just want them to feel it.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Like I want to take a pre-workout and I want to feel my hair growing. I want to see sounds. I want to feel like I could fucking climb the walls. And then after one dose, this is a great pre-workout or this is a great fat burner because I feel like I'm on some kind of something, some kind of crack.
Starting point is 00:23:22 In fact, there were pre-workouts and fatburners that got in trouble. I can't off the top of my head, I can't remember the name of this ingredient, but it was borderline speed. And a lot of them got in trouble for it. Yeah, it was in the middle of the city. A lot of them got in trouble for selling that shit.
Starting point is 00:23:36 So, a couple of companies went down for that. Well, a couple of things to talk about then right here. Okay, one, I would just drive me nuts is the fact that they call it a fat burner. There's no fucking such thing as a pill that's a fat burner. There's nothing that targets fat and burns it up. What happens is you, you, you, you, you, you can sell them like a mess. It's incinerating. Yeah. Like it doesn't, you know, I feel the need to explain this because people think that they think they're buying a fat burner. So if I take this bill, it helps,
Starting point is 00:24:02 it helps to burn my fat. And it does help, but the way it helps is by the caffeine and the other thermogenics that are in it that affects your central nervous system that speeds up your heart rate that in turn makes you burn more calories. So then I could say it helps burn fat. But all that's negated when you eat in a surplus and eat like shit.
Starting point is 00:24:18 So, or don't exercise or what? Or don't exercise. And in fact, if you do it wrong, it just doesn't just burn fat, it ends up burning. Yeah, everything. Now, I would like to do this. Let's get into a real, something that actually does help burning burn fat.
Starting point is 00:24:33 It's actually an illegal substance. It's a substance that athletes will use pre-contest. And by the way, they'll use it for maybe two weeks because after that, it stops working or they have to cycle it. Clean butyrol, okay? Those of you who are listening might not have heard of this and those of you compete know exactly what I'm talking about. maybe two weeks, because after that it stops working, or they have to cycle it, clean butyl. Those of you who are listening might not have heard of this, and those of you compete know exactly what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Clean butyl wasn't asthma drug, it's a prescription drug, it's not available in the US, and the way it works is it attaches to, I believe it's a beta agonist if I'm not mistaken. So it attaches to beta receptors, which in turn stimulate the central nervous system. It actually has some very mild muscle building effect. They've noticed that this in animals,
Starting point is 00:25:09 they used to actually beef up cows by giving them clean buterole. Now it's illegal to do so, because sometimes people eat the meat and get clean buterole poisoning. But clean buterole can be dangerous. Can you overdose on it? You better fucking believe it.
Starting point is 00:25:20 And guess what? It stops working after about two weeks, because your body down regulates those receptors to stop this effect. And then when you go off, you have a rebound effect. And so bodybuilders, of course, and athletes have figured out ways to work around this. Well, right. Now, there was at one point a supplement that was a beta agonist as well. However, it was a much dirtier, bigger to agonist. It was kind of like a big, you know, sledgehammer, whereas Climby, there was always much more precise.
Starting point is 00:25:47 A fedra, a fedra is kind of similar. Here's the problem with these though. If you go crazy with them and you're not training properly, not eating right, what besides that, you could actually lose muscle too. So it's not, so okay, so you lost 10 pounds on the scale, but you lost five pounds of muscle and five pounds of fat. You're basically where you started.
Starting point is 00:26:08 You're not really in any, you're not in an 80 advantageous position. You're where you started, you're just smaller now. And I've seen people do this before. And most of these athletes that take limb uterol also will take anabolic, which kind of offset that, right? Well, isn't it, I mean, the whole hormone system in general, if you take too much of one, it throws the whole process off balance. The body, the body will downlit regulate receptors, it'll reduce production of certain chemicals,
Starting point is 00:26:34 it'll, this has to react and readjust the entire system. Listen, you don't just get a whole bunch of one thing and it's gonna give you the results you're looking for. No, like if you have to be balanced. Right, like if you took, if you were an opiate addict, if you took heroin or you took, you know, what's an opiate, like it in, whatever, right? If you've never taken it before, you take one,
Starting point is 00:26:57 you feel it. Take one every day, pretty soon you'd have to take two, then you have to take three, then you have to, because your body starts down, regulating its receptors, and then guess what, when you go off. Now you've got all these receptors shut down. You're off this stuff, your body's not producing more opiates or more cataclysmines or more or whatever. So now you have a rebound and you go through withdrawal.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Well, and this is the most common thing I see with people that love pre-work out so much, is, you know, what they end up doing is they start with, you know, one, right? They get introduced to it and they're like, whoa, they're zinging. Just like you're saying, oh my god, this is amazing. I'm sweating. I'm like jacked from my workout. I can't wait. And so then that, like you said, they've created a formula to give that feeling that people
Starting point is 00:27:38 have. And then they fall in love with that. So it becomes a thing that they do every single workout. And they get adapted to it. And then they get adapted to that. So then what they do is they look for the next strongest one. So it's, hey, they do every single workout. And they get adapted to it. And then they get adapted to that. So then what they do is they look for the next strongest one. So it's, hey, what do you take? Oh, what do you take? And then everyone's trying out their pre workouts, looking for the strongest one out there.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Then that's not enough. Then you start doubling up your dose or mixing it with something else. And then if you decide, well, man, maybe I need to come off this for a little bit. You come off it and then you have shitty workouts because you're not all I am up. Well, those of you listening who've never taken stimulant-based supplements, you've probably drank coffee before. Caffeine does this. So if you drink coffee every single morning,
Starting point is 00:28:10 and then you all of a sudden stop, you go through with a draw. Caffeine is classic with draw symptoms. And supplements, look, we're not hating on all supplements. Supplements can be used if you use them properly and effectively. And if you're educated and intelligent on how to utilize them, I use pre-workout
Starting point is 00:28:23 that I kind of mix myself. But my idea I use pre-workout that I kind of mix myself, but my idea of a pre-workout, by the way, is not necessarily to give me a ton of stimulants. My idea of a pre-workout is to maximize recovery, increase blood flow, and just to keep, so I can push my workout a little harder without tipping it over into overtraining. So my idea of a pre-workout's more of a long term,
Starting point is 00:28:44 whereas some people will take it more as a short term, like I'm going to be jacked out of my mind type of deal. So, and here's the other thing with supplements. We know this. We know supplements are not regulated. Now that doesn't mean they're bad, but it does mean that they're not being checked. Yeah, it means yes to do your homework. You got to do homework. And the big companies, the big companies are much more likely to have what they say they have in the supplements. The smaller companies, the big companies are much more likely to have what they say they have in the supplements.
Starting point is 00:29:06 The smaller companies, the more, you know, the companies that aren't so established. More proprietary blends, you see. They could literally put nothing or everything in there. You know, there was a supplement that got, there was this news article I read not the long ago where there was this herbal supplement, and I'm not gonna say, I'm not gonna say the name,
Starting point is 00:29:23 say I can't remember it, but it was for erectile dysfunction so take this gives you a boner it's supposed to have all these herbs and it will guess what they tested it you know what they found in there viagra they actually this they actually had generic viagra that the one that works so they actually put prescription drug in there people that know they're taking it now it could that be dangerous you better fucking believe it because you know not to take ten viagra time but this new herbal supplement you think is safe you take 10 of them next you know you get a heart attack
Starting point is 00:29:48 Yeah, or you get a boner that last time medication that you know your doctor has prescribed already and then you're taking like a supplement You think it's just a supplement and you're combining you know how bad is when you start combining two different types of Medications exactly on all per well exact so I have a lot of respect for supplement companies that do it right and present it right. But the ones that make these ridiculous claims, I'm sorry. We're gonna fucking smash you all day long. Well, you know, Mercy, you've been saying this since day one
Starting point is 00:30:15 and I believe we all believe this that, you know, where we, the tide is changing. The tide is changing. Absolutely. And you guys are about to see it. And you guys can remember where you fucking heard this first. We've been saying this for a long time. And you see smaller companies starting to do it already,
Starting point is 00:30:32 but real soon here, you're gonna start seeing some of the big names. Oh, they're gonna have, this is it. This is the way it's going. They were going to have to start moving in the health and wellness direction because for so many years, the idea was to make it as chemically crazy as possible.
Starting point is 00:30:47 And that was even the marketing, that was the branding. Yes, that was. You would look at a bottle of a supplement to build muscle and it would have a picture of a molecule or a beaker with chemicals in there. Or even some of the supplements even had a syringe on it. Ooh, so fancy. Or even some of them had a syringe on it.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Oh yeah, they had little droppers and then they had names that like, sounded just like a real steroid or a hormone. Right. Test 2000 booster or whatever, you know. Dic-a-bucca-gaw. Yeah, exactly. It'd be all these crazy names.
Starting point is 00:31:14 It's like a transformer. That sound like crazy. Yeah. And people are becoming more and more aware of this, and you're starting to see the pendulum swing back. Well, you know, you know when you go into Safeway and they have an organic section that is massive. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Or when you go to Chappell, I was gonna mention Costco. Costco, dude, if you want to see trends happen, like if you want to predict, yeah, they're very much trend forefront, right? They're the ones, because think about it. I was just talking to one of my friends about this. They have this huge stockp pile in bulk, right? And it's all over.
Starting point is 00:31:50 It's not everybody, how many people you know go to Costco? Everybody, I haven't been there for a little while. But you'll see, they were the first to really stock pile on the organics, and now it's huge. They're one of the biggest distributors of it in the world, certainly. Yeah, and then now also too, God, what was the other thing we were talking about? We're talking about another trend that we're starting to see with supplements.
Starting point is 00:32:10 So they're carrying supplements in there now too. Yeah, Costco got supplements now. Yeah, ones that are like vegan proteins you're seeing in there. They're very... And they're carrying on the cuss. And they do carry reputable brands. Yeah. There's a way, I forgot which way protein is in there.
Starting point is 00:32:24 I want to say optimum nutrition, which I've always respected. I know they started, didn't you see Celucor in there? Celucor. I think muscle, I don't know, muscle. So, but the trend is to move in that kind of wellness and health, look, when you know when you go to Chipotle and they had, this is on their own. They have not been, there's no law,
Starting point is 00:32:41 there's nobody that told them they had to do this, they did it on their own because they know their consumers have demanded it, non-GMO products only. Yep, yep, yep. Fucking Cheerios. Cheerios. Yeah, they came out with that commercial came out. Yeah, gluten free.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Yeah. You know, our Cheerios now we guarantee our gluten free. Yeah. Like these are major established brands where it costs them tens of millions or more dollars to change the process. Change the process. Change the process. Supplements are going in that direction also, where people want, they want effective supplements,
Starting point is 00:33:09 yes, but they also want supplements that are healthy. They're going to help their performance, but also help their health, because here's the deal, ladies and gentlemen, here's the 100% deal. If you're looking for long-term performance, if you want to improve and exercise and train for the rest of your life, health has to be first. Because if you put health second and performance first, you're gonna perform really great for about four, five years, and then shit's gonna go downhill,
Starting point is 00:33:34 and then you're not gonna perform well anymore. And that's the whole direction of the whole market. You're gonna start seeing huge supplement companies go in that direction as well. And so, and I think that's a great thing. It's a great, yeah. And I'm very proud to be on the forefront, very proud to be among the first people,
Starting point is 00:33:48 because we are the first ones to really call that shit out. Well, and you know, we've been having so many people. We've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. We've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people.
Starting point is 00:33:58 And we've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. And we've been having so many people. part of us keeping it raw and real, not just with supplements and things like that out there. But even just from a business standpoint of what we're doing and what's going on and we mentioned talking to supplement companies.
Starting point is 00:34:08 I mean, we're on our third company just so you guys know, we've talked to three different companies about supplements and we just refuse to, we refuse to budge. It doesn't even matter. It's for us. And I think that's the weird part when we deal with some of these companies is it's not about the money for us. We didn't, we didn't start for that. Now, having for a bit, we're a business
Starting point is 00:34:26 and of course we want to make money, but we're also not going to sell out for something just because they're going to pay us a shit ton of money. And that's the one thing that none of us will bend on is whoever we do, if we even decide to ever align with someone, it's someone who sees our vision of where we believe that supplements are going. Whether they're there yet or not,
Starting point is 00:34:45 you better believe that they're gonna be on that pathway if they're not on right direction. Yeah, because that's something that we know, it has to either happen now or it needs to be happening in that direction. And the funny thing is we've promoted brands and talked about things that we have, we're not having nothing to do with
Starting point is 00:35:01 just because we like them. Like I know a lot of people in this industry, people with some influence, who won't even promote something because they're like, they're not paying me so fucking, I'm not gonna tell everybody. We don't care, we'll tell you, look, on it, on it's a great supplement company.
Starting point is 00:35:14 By the way, we've never talked on it, they're not one of the supplement companies that talk to us. We like, I've looked at their products, I like the way they present themselves. They look legit. Same thing with exercise on workouts. When we see people promoting workout programs and train at home, build your butt, doing this 5,000 rep,
Starting point is 00:35:32 workout whatever, we're gonna call that shit out. Because someone out there is buying this, doing it, failing, and you know what, we know this. We know it because we've been trainers. We've been trainers for a long time. I've been a trainer for almost 20 years. I know that the more time somebody fails, the more likely they are to never do it again.
Starting point is 00:35:49 And that breaks my heart. Every time it breaks my heart, when I see somebody who comes and hires me and I'm the last resort. You know, many people come to me as the last resort. Oh, most, which I'm happy they came to me, but I'm also sad that it took them that long. That they had to go through all this bullshit
Starting point is 00:36:05 to get to me and they have all these bad experiences. And then the first three months of our training is me proving to them that I'm not another bullshit sham artist like the all the ones that they've worked with. Well, and too, I think in our defense, like, if we, we're not just, we don't just naysay everybody, right? And our way is the only way and our way is the highway. Obviously, we do have our own program and we promote it.
Starting point is 00:36:27 But if you have a solid program, we'll promote it. We're not afraid to do that. But typically, those are the types of people we'll bring on as guests. All right? Yeah, because we want to take them in is like, hey, this is solid. You know, this has science behind it. They've done their homework. It's totally like mind pump approved.
Starting point is 00:36:48 You know, like, but that's, that's kind of the screening process we have is like, either they're going to be a guest of ours or, you know, a lot of times, their buddies of ours, you know, and, and we're always open to meeting like minded people and, and giving them their, you know, their fair do because we want people to know that there are quality things out there. It's not just about like everybody's shit. It's that there's good stuff, but it's really
Starting point is 00:37:12 the mass, you know, the mass public, they don't know. Well, it's not even just that too. It's also that, you know, when we talk about even our program, like we don't say our program is the answer, and it's the only way to do it. Exactly. You know, it's, you know, we've, we the only yeah, you know, it's you know, we've we've we always talk about You know, there's an evolution to it. There's also you know modifying it for the person like it's not the this is gonna lose if you do our program for the next six to eight weeks It's guaranteed to lose. I mean we could do that. We could so say that
Starting point is 00:37:38 I mean like I could say all that shit if we wanted to but it's like I. I've told countless people, I've written a million times in social media when people have asked me that we believe that the way we design our program, the philosophies that we use in there, will work best for most people. And that's a confident, now most could be 51%. But we know for most of you,
Starting point is 00:37:58 if you try this and you do it our way and you follow those philosophies, you're probably gonna get better results than if you follow some other philosophies. Now that doesn't mean that there might be someone that does it and got way better results following a routine that we might talk shit about. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:38:13 Like look, here's a thing with fitness. There's a lot of general truths, okay? But they're general and the variance between individuals can be dramatic. I mean, the difference between individuals can be draw, I mean, the difference between individuals can be dramatic. I mean, we talk about, look, our friend Joe Donnelly, right? The dude trains in a way that I would never,
Starting point is 00:38:31 my body would never be able to respond, would just wouldn't work, but the dude gets great results and he's got people that got good results under him. And it's just, there's a huge variance there between individuals. Oh yeah. You know what I'm saying? Oh yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:38:44 So, I mean, at the end of the day, I would say, we're in the age of information. there's a huge variance there between individuals. Oh yeah. You know what I'm saying? Oh yeah, absolutely. So, I mean, at the end of the day, I would say, we're in the age of information. It's not hard to verify what someone might say. And so, you are totally, feel free whenever you see someone on social media, ask them, because you have a direct connection to them. Oh hell, just tag us, we'll do that for you.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Or you could tag us, we'll do that. But ask them what's the best of them. Well, ask them first, then bring in the big guns. That's right. Yeah, right. Set it up on a tee first, and then we'll come and smack it out the park for you. Shootin' our cannons off.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Absolutely, do not be afraid of do it. Just make sure if you do that, you stay tuned because they'll be better believed in it. They'll work together. There's a resurgence of, you know. And you know they are attacking. You know they are going to, for sure, delete that shit and pull it off just like the other kid Take a bunch of screenshots. You know, and I do want to I do want to say something to that
Starting point is 00:39:30 You know, we got off we're all excited and fired up because we were talking about this and it brought up a bunch of Obviously you could tell emotion for us But really if those they got to see it would know this but you since you guys didn't it It's not like a sound I went in there and we fired and touched like should should in fact, even when the guy got defensive and started attacking us personally, you know, softened up. Yeah, both of us, we apologize. I said, hey, man, we weren't trying to attack you as a person whatsoever. This is not us getting on your page.
Starting point is 00:39:54 That's not my style. It's not his style. I'm sorry if we came off that way, but we just like to turn him into a fan. I mean, honestly, the amount of shit talking is to to basically educate. Yeah. And that I mean, that's the focus is to get them to think differently. And then maybe they'll give us a chance and listen to our show. Because I, you know, that's that's really like our hope. It's not it's not to just make them crumble before us. Right. No, no. They're just like the two kids that we dealt with, you know, that talked about South's saggy tits and his, uh, no traps.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Get to bring that up again. You're at least the next 60 days of it throwing at it. They're, you know, almost every positive. He's, you know what? He's mad about that one post I did with. He's been small little trapped. You know, I was, you know, I was. You know, I was.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I had to run something about it. You two now just. I know, I know. I was on. I only, I only, I only pick on people more muskier than me Hey guys, don't forget to subscribe to mine pump mine pump My My, what did you say? My, I almost said, it's my, I heard my gun too. My man. That is a better name.
Starting point is 00:41:06 That is a better name. It's a scribe, Ray Mancun. Mancun. Listen. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump. For more information about this show and to get valuable free resources from Sal, Adam, and Justin,
Starting point is 00:41:21 visit us at www.mindpumpradio.com. Until next time, this is MindPump.

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