Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth - 1684: How to Undo the Damage Caused by a Bad Fitness Coach, Learning a New Skill in the Gym, How to Get Back Into Lifting After a Break & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Episode Date: November 13, 2021

In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. The master antioxidant, Glutathione. (5:46) Organifi Pumpkin Spice Gold Juice Lattes > Starbucks Pumpkin Spice La...ttes? (9:30) Have some tea with your sugar. (10:50) Why Mind Pump invests in certain companies. (13:57) Baby Aurelius loves the sled push and how Justin is engineering competitiveness with his football team. (25:54) Mind Pump on the tragedy at Astroworld and the dangers of mob mentality. (31:03) #ListenerLive question #1 – How big of a role does your body shape play in doing certain exercises? (37:49) #ListenerLive question #2 – How can I undo the damage caused by a bad fitness coach and build back my metabolism? (49:39) #ListenerLive question #3 – Is it counterproductive to train for strength on your compound lifts and hypertrophy on isolation exercises? (1:06:30) #ListenerLive question #4 – Any advice on how to reclaim my love and passion for health & fitness after putting my body through multiple endurance events for the past 12 years? (1:16:29) Related Links/Products Mentioned Ask a question to Mind Pump, live! Email: live@mindpumpmedia.com November Promotion: MAPS Anywhere and the Fit Mom Bundle – Both 50% off! **Promo code “NOVEMBER50” at checkout** Visit LivON Labs for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Effects of Supplementation with Glutathione and its Precursors on Athlete Performance Eight weeks of resistance training in conjunction with glutathione and L-Citrulline supplementation increases lean mass and has no adverse effects on blood clinical safety markers in resistance-trained males Visit Organifi for the exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MINDPUMP” at checkout** Visit ZBiotics for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Mind Pump #1682: Bacteria For Muscle Gain, Fat Loss & Health Visit Felix Gray for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Luna Physical Therapy Visit Drink LMNT for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! Visit My Serenity Kids for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Promo code “MP20” at checkout** Visit Path Water for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! **Code “mindpump” at checkout for the discount** Kobe Bryant estate reportedly gains $400M in BodyArmor sale Visit Vuori Clothing for an exclusive offer for Mind Pump listeners! 8 dead, including 2 teenagers, in Astroworld Festival incident The Grim Story of Hells Angels Killing a Black Teen at a Rolling Stones Concert Beastie Boys Story | Apple TV+ MAPS Fitness Performance | Muscle Adaptation Programming System Why The Scale Is Not Always The Best Way To Measure Progress – Mind Pump Blog The Key to Fitness Success is Self-Love – Mind Pump Blog MAPS Fitness Anabolic | Muscle Adaptation Programming System Facebook Forum | Mind Pump Media MAPS Prime Webinar MAPS Prime Pro Webinar Mind Pump Podcast – YouTube Mind Pump Free Resources People Mentioned Justin Brink DC (@dr.justinbrink)  Instagram

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND, MIND with your hosts. Salda Stefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews. You just found the world's number one fitness health and entertainment partners. Hey guys! This is Mind Pump, right? In today's episode, we answered live questions. So people actually called in, asked this question to help them with their fitness and their health and their performance.
Starting point is 00:00:29 It's a lot of fun. By the way, if you ever want to be on an episode with us live, email your question to live at minepumpmedia.com. Okay, hang out with us. The way we open this episode, though, is with an intro portion. Okay, so this is what we're talking about. science studies. We talk about our sponsors after that is when we get to the live questions Okay, so 38 minutes of the beginning of this episode was the intro after that we got to the live questions Here's what went down in today's episode. We opened up by talking about glutathione It's the master and the oxen and I just read some studies that improves athletic performance and builds muscle as well, which
Starting point is 00:01:05 is really cool. By the way, one of our favorite companies for glutathione, at least the kind that you absorb is live on. So if you go to mindpumppartners.com, you can find the link for live on and we actually have a discount code so you can try them out. Then we talked about the Gold Juice lattes that we're making with Organified gold juice, so their gold juice is made to help relax and calm the body. You add it with coffee and caffeine, you get this wonderful synergy. It's a nice ride.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Of calm, focused energy. By the way, organify makes some of the best plant-based organic supplements anywhere, including plant-based proteins, green juices, gold juices, red juices, which is for energy. Go check them out, use our discount, you get 20% off, head over to organify.com. That's O-R-G-A-N-I-F-I.com forward slash mine pump, and then use the code mine pump for 20% off. Then we talked about McDonald's sweet tea. I bet you won't believe how many grams of sugar is in a large McDonald's sweet tea. It's probably exactly what you think.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Yeah, let me put it this way. It was too sweet for Adam. Okay, so that's the only clue I'm gonna give you. There you go. Then we talked about some of the cited investments that Mind Pump does. We actually, a lot of people don't know this, but we actually invest in a lot of the companies
Starting point is 00:02:20 we work with. Only actually, only the companies, we really, really, really love the most, the ones we believe in. The one, one of them is Zbiotics. Now Zbiotics makes a patented probiotic drink that's genetically modified to produce compounds that help your body break down acetaldehyde, sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:40 What is that compound? That's one of the negative compounds that your body produces when it metabolizes alcohol, okay? It's responsible for the crappy feeling the next day. So what does that mean? You drink Z-biotics before you drink alcohol, you feel way better the next day and there's no other product like it in the market.
Starting point is 00:02:58 It's patented zero. Go try it out, get 10% off. Head over to zbiotics.com. That's zbiotis.com forward slash mine pump. Use the code mine pump 10 for 10% off. Then I talked about my one year old son pushing his own version of a sled. I've been talking about the fitness and strength
Starting point is 00:03:17 benefits of pushing a sled. I won. I started early sale. My one year old loves it. Oh, made my heart so full Justin. Oh yeah. Then we talked about the Travis Scott concert and mob mentality, kind of crazy. Scary. Then we got to the questions. Here's the first one. We talked to Danielle from
Starting point is 00:03:33 New Hampshire. She wants to know how much her body structure plays a role in her inability to do certain exercises. The next question was from Shannon from Pennsylvania. She had a terrible fitness coach Give her some of the worst advice. We've ever heard now is in a bit of a predicament her body will not respond to really low calories anymore Wish we could shout out that coach's name. I know wants to know how to heal her body and get back on track The next question was from Balthazar from South Africa shout out out to South Africa, by the way, a lot of new listeners coming over from over there. He's following a push, pull legs routine, also plays at a high level cricket, wants to know how to combine the two to get strength gains and maximizes athletic performance. Did you know cricket gains can last nine hours, Justin? Slowner than me. I want to watch that on TV. Then the final question came from Michael
Starting point is 00:04:26 from Florida. He has a history of competing in very, very challenging events, Iron Man triathlon events, did a little bit of CrossFit. Feels like his body is broken down. That's weird. Sounds like he's tired. Wants to know how he can get his health back. So we help him out. Also, all months long, we're running a huge sale on a workout program and a workout program bundle. All right, so here's what's going on. Maps anywhere is one of the most effective workout programs you'll find anywhere that requires no equipment. All you need to resistance bands,
Starting point is 00:05:00 but we didn't just make this program just for fun. We said, look, let's make a program that doesn't need weights, doesn't need machines, doesn't need a gym, that still builds muscle, sculpts the body, and can challenge even the most fit individual. Well, that's maps anywhere, okay? So that's 50% off. We also have a bundle of programs on sale that includes maps anywhere, maps it, maps it, maps in a ball, and the intuitive nutrition guide. It's called the fit mom bundle, although anybody can get it. Now, that bundle's already discounted,
Starting point is 00:05:28 but we're taking an additional 50% off. So huge sale this month. If you're interested, you want to learn more, you just want to sign up, head over to mapsfitinistproducts.com and use the code November 50, that's November 50, no space for that discount. Hashtag mom bod.
Starting point is 00:05:45 I went down the rabbit hole this weekend on Glutathione, the master antioxidant. Obviously, one of the companies we work with is Livon and they have a really good liposomal Glutathione. When we were all sick with the virus, that shall not be named. We all used it like crazy because I read studies showing that there's a very strong correlation between low glutathione levels and severe respiratory illness. Anyway, went down the rabbit hole on glutathione, it actually has proven performance enhancing effects. Build more muscle, reduces
Starting point is 00:06:22 muscle damage and improves mitochondrial function or ATP production. So it's actually a good performance-based health supplement as well. Well, what does this study look like? Was this over a long period of time? Was it a decent group? It was a resistance-trained group. So they were already resistance-trained, so they weren't brand new. And they divided up into two. One group placebo, one side did glutathione and the glutathione show greater gains and strength, performance reduced muscle damage.
Starting point is 00:06:52 So it's, they show it as a successful performance enhancing supplement. I've been taking it religiously post workout. Now, one thing is there's a difference between liposomal glutathione and traditional glutathione. In the past, glutathione supplements were, it was a waste of money because it got destroyed as you would consume it, and the only way to really get glutathione levels up was through IV.
Starting point is 00:07:17 So all the studies were done on IV. Then they came out with liposomal where they encapsulate the glutathione in a liposome, which is essentially a fat, which protects it through the digestive process. Then studies show that it definitely raises glutathione levels in the blood like IV would, for example. That's interesting. I've just been taking it as a preventative measure because so many people around me right
Starting point is 00:07:38 now are sick. I'm just like, I gotta do all the things to keep it at bay, but I had no, yeah, I would have never thought it was like it was a performance and I didn't either, but I, but it is. I was just like I said, I went down the rabbit hole and I saw. So should I add that to it? Cause I do the same case when I get like, you know, everyone's getting sick around me. There's a few things that I start to do. I try and start to take the, the zinc.
Starting point is 00:08:01 The, yeah, I start taking that. I do the green juice with organifi. I start pumping that up and start being take the zinc. I start taking that, I do the green juice with organifi. I start pumping that up and start be consistent with that. You think I should add the glutathione to that strategy or something? Yeah, because of the sensor. Yes, because what you don't want to do is play catch up if you get sick
Starting point is 00:08:18 and then try to get glutathione levels come up. Because in that case, you probably want to use IV. Glutathione, you want your glutathione levels good going into illness. So it's probably a good idea to supplement, especially if you work out hard, you place your body under a lot of stress. It's a good idea to do. So I'm doing zinc, green juice, and then now also the glutathione. Is there anything else you would add to that mix on a regular basis?
Starting point is 00:08:41 Yeah, well, like just like Justin said, this is what I do because I'm not, sometimes I'm inconsistent with taking some of that stuff. But obviously, there's times, it's like, okay, if there's ever time that I wanna make sure I'm good on all my- So when you're about to get sick. Right, where there's lots of people around you, they're sick, right?
Starting point is 00:08:52 So, it's an interesting after Halloween, how all of a sudden we get, you know, sort of this break up, like flu and all, like the seasons come in terms of my- It's because everybody's together. Everybody's together indoors. And then you add the fact and then they're candy. Yeah, it's just late and like it's just all the habits
Starting point is 00:09:08 that you know foster like a lower immune system response. I would add Adam depending on what your vitamin D levels look like. I would add that. That's a daily for me. Okay. That's one of my that's one of my daily's no matter what. Yeah, then you're
Starting point is 00:09:22 I have to. And then the other stuff you could throw in if you get sick, then you start adding things in. But those are good on a regular basis. Yeah. You know, based on what I've written, speaking of organify, those, I've been telling about those gold juice lattes that I'll make for just delicious.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Okay. They're better than the pumpkin spice lattes of Starbucks. Yeah. Should we get somebody trying to find you that one? Yeah. Yeah. Listen. So you've gotten too far. No. spice lattes of Starbucks. We're gonna get somebody try and fight you, right? Listen, you know what? So you've gotten too far.
Starting point is 00:09:48 No, wait, she just like clicking her ugg boots right now. Let's get to say someone's gonna throw an ugg at me outside. No, so the pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks are just way too sweet. It's like drinking candy. Organified gold juice, it's got some sweetness,
Starting point is 00:10:03 but it's not too sweet. And if you make it with almond milk or macadamia nut milk and you add your coffee to it, you know, first frost it up with the gold juice then throw in the coffee, it's delicious. But then you get the benefits of the the nice balanced caffeine because of the because organifies got those relaxing compounds. It's a great combination. I mean, it's tasty. There's no doubt. I just, you know, it's just kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I don't know if you compare it. Yeah, it's a strong comparison. You know, thanks to each other, but it is good. Definitely going to fire some people up for sure. You know what? People who like to drink candy, maybe. I mean, that's what it is, right? You're, that's who you're dealing with.
Starting point is 00:10:39 You ever have one of those, uh, those ones from Starbucks? I swear it tastes like diabetes too much, dude. They, they, it's like the. It's too much, dude. It's like the first time I've drown it in syrup. Have you guys ever tried the sweet tea at McDonald's before? I tried that. So I love sweet tea as a kid.
Starting point is 00:10:54 I'm not right now, as an adult, I like just regular tea. I don't like anything in my tea. As a kid, I loved sweet tea. My mom used to do it, you know, make her own tea at home where she leaves the thing outside, you know, let's the sun, like basically, you know, what do you call it? Steep, is it steeping?
Starting point is 00:11:11 Is that what you call the palates in there? Yeah, whatever. So she would do that. And then we would sweeten it up ourselves. And I love Sweet Team. So I warm it up and just pour sugar as you. Pretty much. Pretty much.
Starting point is 00:11:23 So, you know, I had this, this was a wild back. It's been a long time. But it was the first time I had ever had McDonald's sweet tea. I had this weird cra- You know, I have a get- We're cravings for like kids, something you do as a kid. Like, you know what? I drink tea all the time, but I haven't had sweet tea
Starting point is 00:11:36 and forever, I'm like, and I heard McDonald's has a good sweet tea, so people would tell me that. Oh yeah, McDonald's sweet tea is amazing. Oh my God, disgusting. It's too much. Yeah, have's sweet tea is amazing. Oh my God, disgusting. It's too much. Yeah, have some tea with your sugar. It's unbull, it is like they put cups of sugar in there.
Starting point is 00:11:51 It's so gross. In fact, I'd wanna, maybe you could look up the calories on what a large sweet tea and McDonald's runs because it tastes like. How many grams of sugar do you think is in that right now? Just guess. Okay, on a large, I'm gonna take, I'm gonna say, oh, more, now I'm gonna say 80.
Starting point is 00:12:06 80 grams of sugar? That's how I'm gonna guess. Let's see how close I am. Yeah, let's see what the, what you got just, that's how it's straight there. Yeah, 50, 80. Mountain Dew has diet. I just won't throw that out there.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Diet Mountain Dew? Disgusting. 100, oh no, that's how, that's how, that's how 160 grams of sugar was like. Yeah, look at the nutrition facts, that click on that, let's see how many grams. No way. It's only a hundred, must they must be using like a sweet
Starting point is 00:12:29 and low then. Yeah, what does that say Doug? How many grams of sugar? 38 grams. Wow, it's almost like I know everything. It's so, so close. It's really good. Okay, that's, I see I don't even believe that because it has,
Starting point is 00:12:39 so are they using both though regular sugar and then like an artificial sweet or tip to boost it? Like tastes like it has to be. Yeah, both. Now I can't believe that's a 30 ounce serving. That's massive. Yeah, I don't buy that. Yeah, but still, I don't buy that.
Starting point is 00:12:53 40 grams of sugar in that, it's gonna taste like, it's gonna taste super sweet. I still don't believe that. I really don't, I think it's sweet. What if I start out as that, then the employees are just like, you know what, Not a bad point. I wonder how they actually regulate it. Exactly. How close are they?
Starting point is 00:13:08 Yeah, cause they got to do the mixing and everything there. Yeah, you know what I used to get cravings for the only thing at McDonald's was the soft serve. Oh, this one's a little more accurate, maybe. It's 560 calories. That's more like sweet tea, no ice. And let me get the, the, 141 grams of sugar.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Now, now that's more right. That's more like it. Wow dude. That's more like it. That is. Yeah, that, hey, you know, that first one, that first one's made by McDonald's bro.
Starting point is 00:13:37 So that's not that. You know, that, that first ad that you pulled out of that. No, that's actually not true. This is actually from McDonald's. Oh, so this is McDonald's. It was the other one. Some other company, but it wasn't McDonald's. That is more, McDonald's. Oh, so this is McDonald's. What was the other one? Some other company, but it wasn't McDonald's. That is more, it's, it tastes like that right there.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Maybe the other one had so much ice. There's like, you know, the half of a cup. It's all just water. It's just water, dude. Gross, dude. That's ridiculous. Hey, speaking of partners that we're working with, I think it's safe to talk about some of our investments
Starting point is 00:14:02 that we do and why we invest in certain companies. We, and I think we're all an agreement, right? We might be investing in Z-Botic. Oh yeah, now that's after talking to Zach, which is cool. I think Doug, you're releasing that on Wednesday, Wednesday or so. Yeah, it's actually this is gonna be actually prior
Starting point is 00:14:18 of, no, proceeding this episode. Oh, so if you're listening, you will have a chance to have already heard it or go back and listen to the interview that we do was Zach, which couple things. One, dude, such a smart guy who comes off as like super down to earth. Yeah. Like you still hang out with him and he's not left. Totally. Yeah. I remember when we were first having him on, like Sal's been concerned, was like, is he going to know his stuff? Like, are we going to get somebody who's talking about the science and something and they don't, we've had that experience.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I don't know if we shared that with the audience before. We brought, we didn't share it. We had a cannabinoid expert come on. And Adam and I both knew way more. Oh, dude. What are you doing right away? I was like, oh my God, we just literally sit as a butender.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Yeah, but it's a fucking stoner hipster kid for a butender trying to break down the science for us. I was like, oh my God, god is so bad. So no, but Zach, Zach knew his shit and boy was it fun to. Bro, it that science of genetically modifying bacteria to do specific functions. Oh, it's fascinating. It's not just fascinating. It's potentially.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Revolutionary. Yes. Yeah. And what they focused on is on this simple stuff, right? So, z-biotic genetically modified to produce a compound that breaks down acetaldehyde, which is a negative byproduct of alcohol. It's one of the reasons why you feel like
Starting point is 00:15:34 absolute garbage the day after. So you do z-biotics before drink alcohol. Wow, I don't feel nearly as bad, right? But that's a very simple thing. And they're focusing on this simple stuff first as the science gets more advanced and they can do more. Because at some point, you might be able to genetically
Starting point is 00:15:50 modify bacteria to produce more serotonin for you or dopamine or anti-inflammatory, you know, things or whatever, which is far more complex, right? Very fascinating. So many different directions, yeah, they can go with that technology. Oh yeah, when we, after we turned off the podcast, if we stopped, we were talking to them more.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And we're just like, can we like invest? We only invest in companies that really blow us away. And luckily, they were open for it. Well, since you let the cat in the bag with talking about that stuff, we haven't shared this on the podcast. All I think you should do that. And it includes Felix Gray and Zbiotic, since those will be the two next rounds that were involved in. So if you include Zbiotics,
Starting point is 00:16:30 you include Felix Gray and then the other four companies, which are your favorite, each of your favorites, and which do you think are the most risky as far as what we've invested in? Obviously, we wouldn't be in it if we didn't believe in all of them. But what do you guys go? This is my champion horse of, oh, I don't know, right now Zibatix pretty high up there with Luna, I think, or my two top. One of the risks is always, how is the company run?
Starting point is 00:16:56 Because they could have a crazy product, an incredible groundbreaking product, but business is business, and if it's not run well, then you're screwed. So that's always the risk. But you say say that but one of the things that I think that Heges that was Zibiotic is they have a patent. Yes, so let's say You know operationally they they don't know what they're doing with having a hard time. No competitor Yeah, there's no competitor and the bare minimum they could sell off sell off their technology. Yeah, they're technology
Starting point is 00:17:21 No, I like Zibiotics for the science. I would say Elemente as a consumer product. I get really excited about. I see that being a major player, especially with like ready to dream. You should have listed everything first, right? So list all the all the companies. There's Luna, which is the physical therapy to your door company. And they have the technology that's similar to Uber. And that's that's a billions and billions and billions of dollar market So that was pretty incredible Well, they have the actual one of the executives from Uber is now on their board covered by insurance That one I think is probably the most guaranteed For it's just gonna take a while. Yeah to get everybody involved with that
Starting point is 00:17:58 But yeah, I would say would be the other ones you bought X is also pretty exciting I like serenity kids a lot that market's also very but I don't, I also see them as the best in their particular space. Yeah. Pathwater is interesting. Pathwater is another one we're invested in. By the way, it just got a whole food 450 of their like 500 locations. Now what's exciting with Pathwater is if state and local governments continue to push this agenda
Starting point is 00:18:26 of getting rid of plastic bottles, more recyclable, reusable, then they'll sign contracts and exclude plastic bottles, and they've done this in a lot of public schools and stuff. That could be huge. That one is determined, in my opinion, a lot of that's going to be based on the politics. If the politics move in that direction, they'll crush. If not, then it might be a little more challenging because it's water. Water is very challenging kind of, you know, product. And then I leave anybody out. To X-ray.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Felix Ray, I'm iffy on. And I know we still haven't invested in them, so we'll see. Because they're science is incredible. It's an amazing product in that market, but I still want to look at what you're doing. So now that you went over them real quick for the audience Who what's your number one pick and then which do you you consider the least or the most risky for you the most risky Most risky and then what do you say is your champion horse?
Starting point is 00:19:13 It's all pick that's all pick one and then put it on air so we see for right later Yeah, yeah, that's it be fun. Why not? Yeah, I think it'll be fun to talk about it as we as the companies progress top two I would say are for me Luna and element. No, you can do touch you. I said one you get to pick one champion horse You get one ride that horse, dude. Yes one champion horse and one and Luna number one. Okay, Luna's number one for you and then most risky Well, I don't want to say few things for you. We haven't invested in them yet. So we haven't decided. No, you're still gonna count them I don't you count them. I put them in the most risk. Okay, so you think they're most risky Justin you're still gonna count them. I don't even should count them. I put them in as the most risk.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Okay, so you think they're most risky? Justin, so my bottom, I'll start at the bottom. I think Serenity kids, you know, I love, you know, their products and everything. I just feel like that's a hard one to break through. And then I go Z-Batics is my top horse. Okay, yeah. Doug.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Yeah, I'm gonna go the same as Justin on that. Oh. Yeah, absolutely. The thing about Luna, as much as I love the company is that they're gonna have to be able to get enough therapists To meet the demand so that when people order it, there's somebody there for them. Yeah, but But they are backed by insurance companies, and the medical market is not a well. This is great market
Starting point is 00:20:23 This is great. This is great because we're evenly split here because I'm with Sal on Luna. Luna is definitely, but I'm with Justin on Serenity Kids being my most risky, I think. So I like- I like them to push through, but it's a hard one. Yeah, but none of them- I like Felix Gray even better than Serenity Kid.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Yeah, Felix Gray, they did a really good job of being like one of the leaders in the blue blogging space. I know that they're connected, I believe, with Apple, Google. They're in the game stop now. So they've partnered up with some good companies already. Man pump, you know, they know what they are doing with that. So they were. That's right. I want to invest.
Starting point is 00:21:00 They've all done that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're all smart. Obviously, we all want them all to be well. But I'll tell you, it's a pretty, yeah, yeah, yeah, they're all smart. Obviously, we all want the bill. All to be well, but I like it. I'll tell you, it's a pretty, like what's his name? Kobe invested in 2004, just for people to understand, right? You can invest in a company that sold publicly, right?
Starting point is 00:21:15 So the stock market, or you can be an early investor, more risky, but the return is bigger. Yeah. Kobe put- Six million. Turn it into four. He put six million into a body armor, the drink that you get, you know, set the safe way or whatever, the sports drink. Six million. Two minutes four. Six million into body armor, the drink that you get, so the safe way or whatever, the sports drink.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Six million, that was in 2014. 2021, his estate got their return, cause they exited, $400 million. Which I think you said, and it might be correct. He might have just made more money on that. Did he? Confirmed. He made more money on that. Did he confirmed that he did in his career? Is it tire career? What about his real deals? I don't know if they counted all of that, but I do know that that what did you say is shoe deals and everything else?
Starting point is 00:21:57 Oh, maybe not if you count all that, but I mean, it would be impressive if he just outperformed his contract. I mean, somebody he was at time he had to have been the highest paid player in the NBA. So and he I'm several contracts. I'm sure you had Doug, would you look up how much money did Kobe Bryant make in his career playing basketball? Yeah. And if you can find just for what he got paid because yeah, the shoe deal, I'm sure with that would might push it over, but it would be impressive alone. If he literally made more money off of that investment than he did off of anything else. And it was, yeah, it was six million,
Starting point is 00:22:30 I was reading that again, because I think I said it wrong the first time. I think I said it was one or two million before, but it was six million dollars. And at that time, I wanna say that he, that made him 10% owner. Well, I mean, imagine had we had the opportunity to invest in
Starting point is 00:22:48 Viori when we first got with 680. Yes, 600 and endorsements. Yeah, that's in that's with endorsements. Yeah, if you pull endorsements out, he made more. Wow. Yeah, wow. Look at that. Look at that. So 70% of their torsion. He made like essentially 70 more than 70% of his total earnings in one investment. Wow. You know, if you do the math, like, when you figure out what a frat, it's only six million to him. It sounds like a lot of money. I mean, 40% of all the money he made, put it this way, a little less than 40% of all the money he ever made in his entire career ever, one investment did that. Yeah. That's crazy. We have all the work and effort he took to make 680 that was just one six million dollar investment. I wonder how much influence he had to I mean
Starting point is 00:23:30 because seeing that and then it just makes me feel like I'm definitely gonna lose my argument with, you know, tonal because of We could a lot of broad James and investors and investor in them now too. So it's like, you know if you have that much power as a celebrity and you're invested in the company, you're doing everything you can to help endorse it and to push it. So, I mean, even if you're not just a, you're a mega celebrity. You're world famous like everywhere.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Yeah, but you still need to have, consumers still need to, you know, back it up. Like body armor. There's so many people that will buy it just because of his face. And not only that, but the company with tonal was already showing positive trends and signs before. Well, I wanna see what's happening now.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Look, you see what's happening to Peloton. They tamed. Well, tamed. I mean, there's stuff that went wrong with them. Yeah, they couldn't meet demand and there were supply issues and just, and then people fell off the treadmill or whatever and it just Taked well, I heard the latest drop had to do with the not the news that came out with Pfizer
Starting point is 00:24:29 That's what I heard I heard that the so Peloton was taking a ship from all the things that you were saying already That was the first hit but the next the next big fall was when that news just came out with Pfizer with them You know, they have the the pill that's supposed to you know supposedly get rid of all the cover. You didn't read that, you had to read that. What did I have to do with Peloton? Because people aren't thinking they're going to be, the reason why Peloton did so good is because this idea that we're going to be stuck in our homes and we're going to have to do exercise at home. And so this idea that Pfizer's come out with some sort of a pill that you can take.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Well, that's what I'm saying. So people are not going to work out at home like everybody thought. I mean, how's that going to affect the company like Tonal? Yeah. Remember the cost of getting one of these electronic fitness devices is pales and it's so much cheaper to go to a gym. Now, I know they say there's so many more features, but the average fitness consumer would buy it for fitness
Starting point is 00:25:19 and then the features. Well, that would make you right because you, that's what I said. You made the comment in that interview that, you know, wait a second, did you guys make your huge surge in the pandemic? Like, and so that would mean that if it got hit that hard just from some Pfizer news, like I was saying, that would tell you that that spate or that company is very, very volatile with whether people are going to be working on the home or not.
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's just the window for a lot of these at home, type companies that are coming in and thinking it's gonna be long-term, maybe as long as they thought. Hey, I gotta tell you guys, speaking of fitness, so you guys know I've been talking about using the sled for a while and having a lot of fun. Yeah. So I don't know if it was you guys,
Starting point is 00:26:01 it might've been you guys Adam, gave my son this little walker thing. Yeah, yeah, it's from us. Is that from been you guys Adam, gave my son this like little walker thing. Yeah, yeah, that's from us. Is that from you guys? Okay, so it's like a little walker thing, looks like a sled. And you can adjust the wheels to make them a little more challenging or easier.
Starting point is 00:26:14 A little friction on them. Yeah. My, okay, my son is obsessed. Bro, we went, I took him outside in it, right? I took a video of it. It'll be up on the YouTube channel. We put him outside in it and he literally went, I took him outside and it, right? I took a video of it. It'll be up on the YouTube channel. We put him outside and he literally went all the way to one end of my backyard and back
Starting point is 00:26:30 for like non-stop 45 minutes. He's, remember, he's one year's old. And he's just, and he's grunting, and he's gripping it and he's grunting. And then when he tries to turn, it's hard to turn. Sounds just like you when you work out. Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:26:43 My heart was so full. And he's just, and I'm listening to him, I'm like, he's obviously tired and pushing himself. I'm like, why won't he stop? And I tried to pick him up and he's like, kicks his leg, and then I put him down and he's like,
Starting point is 00:26:56 he's determined. Pushing this thing around the backyard, dude. Oh, it's a great one. It reminds me, dude, I saw our season and it was like a catastrophe there at the end. I won't talk about it I want to hear a little sensitive there. I want to hear about you tackling all the kids you can't do what the hell's wrong with you Oh my god, I didn't talk about that last time. No, dude You just sent us a picture with all your all your screams and bruises
Starting point is 00:27:19 I know some of them listen to shows so I'll try and try and do justice But we like This side at the end of one of the practices, we're just gonna have some fun. And the coaches were kind of lined up all over the field. And the kids were like at the goal line. And we threw the ball. And basically the whole thing, the premises that you gotta go,
Starting point is 00:27:41 try and tackle the coach and get the ball. And so like we're trying to basically create an opportunity to condition them by passing it and run all over the field with it away from them and stuff. And their goals are trying to get you in time. Yeah. And so of course, inevitably this turned into one of those things where one kid tries a little too hard,
Starting point is 00:28:02 ripped the ball out, and I'm like, no, no, no, you're gonna rip the ball out now. So I decided you know like to you know take a few of them out and then it got a little bit more aggressive after that tackled some kid like smash them on the ground and then this one kid they had like this kid like I got the ball and I threw it away and then this kid kept coming at me and trying, it couldn't stop. And so I just like, you know, kind of hit him and he flew, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:31 little too far and I was like, well, I definitely like got a little carried away. I swear we used to play a game just like that when we were kids. Yeah, you know what? I'll tell Doug, you gotta hear this. Adam and I were sitting out here, Justin's out there, he's getting a haircut.
Starting point is 00:28:44 We overheard him talking to Vicki, right? And he's talking about like, yeah, you know, coaching these kids and he's like, yeah, you know, these kids don't really have like a dark place where they can put that aggression out of, you know? And I'm like, what? Bro, I had a full conversation about this. She wasn't stealing it ever since.
Starting point is 00:28:59 That's like, you need a dark, your life is too good, kid. It is, too soft. You gotta have like a little bit of darkness inside you that you need to channel in a safe setting where it's okay, it's appropriate. Like let's express this healthy way, but anyway. So the reason I brought it up is because I already
Starting point is 00:29:20 constructed, like I just wrote a plan handed it off to the AD beforehand to make sure, because he's running these kids in a class for weight training. And so, like the, what we got buy-in from was like doing tests. And so we started to kind of like run these kids through like a 40 time and, you know, the shuttle run and like some of these things that were like tangible
Starting point is 00:29:42 that like they're like, oh, what did he run? You know, what time did he have? And it's like, oh, then I started to get buy-in. And I'm like, duh, should have had these going like the whole year and having them pick against each other, it's like I have to engineer that competitiveness. So I put like in some of the plans,
Starting point is 00:29:59 I had some fun kind of tests. And I was like, constructive one idea was like for Fridays, we're gonna do this. Like, what's it called when you basically, it's not drag racing, but you're like tractor pulls. So, and I mean, you sleds for that. So, you stack it as heavy as possible to where you could barely even grind your way forward
Starting point is 00:30:19 and we're gonna see how far they can move. Like the heaviest stacked sled. And you know, stuff like that where it's like competitive, but it's not crossfit where it's aimless. see how far they can move like the heaviest stacked sled. And stuff like that where it's like competitive, but it's not CrossFit where it's aimless, it's like has purpose behind it. So take that CrossFit. Yeah, it's very much more thought goes into that.
Starting point is 00:30:38 That's awesome. Yeah. Coach Andrews, can I try out for the team? I don't know, is your dad in alcoholics? Yeah, he is. Come on, come on, Borkton. You had any kind of abuse that you can use and shuttle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Anything really bad happened when you were a kid. That's all I've had in my life, sorry. You can go to the team. Who balls not to sport for you, dude? Go play tennis. Did you guys, did you just, can you just insult everybody today? I just thrown it out there. Did you guys see the news that happened
Starting point is 00:31:05 with the Travis Scott concert? No. Oh, yeah. More people trampled and squished it at. I thought some people were getting stabbed. Like, it was, yeah, I think several needles. Several people died, is that right? Yeah, I've seen that.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Yeah, I've seen that. Somebody was going around and pricking people with a needle and then they're dropping and passing out and like some people died. Like a security guard got like poked in the neck and passed out and then he got to get revived by some kind of like adrenaline. So the needle obviously had something poisonous in it. Something.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Yeah. That's what they're speculating. Wow. And I guess we'll Travis Scott, whatever he got a lot of heat because he's still singing. He's still singing. He's looking at. Now I've heard both sides, right? Some people are like, listen,
Starting point is 00:31:45 when you're on stage like that, lights are in your eyes, crowds, stuff's going on, so like that, you can't tell. And you're a professional, so you just keep singing, you don't think it, but then you have other people be like, that's crazy, it's bullshit. You can tell.
Starting point is 00:31:56 My one made it worse. You know, if there's a big crowd, hey, what's going on? And then all of a sudden everybody moves in. And it's such an interesting thing because- Eight people died. Wow. 14 to 27, according to what's that say?
Starting point is 00:32:07 Yeah, how many people in ages 14 and 20? So you might be a small person. These group mob mentality, is that the impression of the rug? It's like it was 0.001% of people dying. It's a lot of safe is getting back. No, am I bad? No, that's insane.
Starting point is 00:32:20 So this reminds me of, was it the rolling, I want to say the rolling stones had a concert in the 60s. I think it was the Rolling Stones, and they hired, it was in San Francisco, maybe Doug will remember this, and they hired the Hells Angels as security. Oh, I've heard about that.
Starting point is 00:32:39 So the Rolling Stones did a big ass concert and hired Hells Angels to be the security. And they just beat the shit out of people who were out of line. Just fucking hammered people. And while they're up on stage doing their act or whatever, they had to stop them and go, hey, no, what are you doing? And they just got, it was a whole... No, I mean, this is tragic.
Starting point is 00:32:58 This reminds me of, I don't know if it was great white, I think was the band, but it was like indoors and all of a sudden a pyrotechnic kind of error. Nobody could leave fast enough in the whole place when in flames and people died from the fire. So it was the ultimate concert. Oh wow, 1969. They actually killed somebody in the audience. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:21 It was the Rolling Stones, Jefferson Airplane and Santana. And I don't know who thought it was that idea. Who do you guys want to security? Dude, it's hard to get the model. They had bad ideas. I mean, whole Woodstock 99 thing, where you know, you brought like it's supposed to be peace, love, and whatever. And they brought these metal bands, you know, corn, limp biscuit, and like I think Metallica even. But of course, like, you know, limp biscuit, like,
Starting point is 00:33:43 took the biggest black eye from that whole thing because I guess, like, if I can go back, what happened was like, one of the guys, like, and they're such an energetic electric band, you know, and so he just gets the crowd going crazy and part of a piece of like the stage on to the side, like somebody grabbed it and like, made like this board
Starting point is 00:34:06 where people could like crowd surf on top of. And so then he gets on top of it and it's kind of encouraging. He's the whole thing. And then everybody starts ripping everything down and then it just turns into this like riot. And, and, and. Mob mentality is well studied
Starting point is 00:34:21 and it's fascinating psychology. If you ever want to learn about the weirdest in human psychology, read about mob mentality. Normal people will do the most crazy thing. Lily, turn into animals. You don't need to read anything. You just need to have your eyes open for the last two years. Yeah, kind of.
Starting point is 00:34:38 I mean, we're literally... Little happening, yeah. I've seen examples all over the place on both sides. It's crazy, man. Yeah, so... Let's just not use our brain, and then just go with the mob. Yeah, so I brought them up,
Starting point is 00:34:49 because they just came out. I love a comeback story, and I had heard from somebody on my, like, ask me anything. They're like, oh, did you hear the new Limp Basket album? I'm like, is it good? It's great. Yeah, it's really good.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Really? He's toned down his grate. It was like, really great. I was like, this is pumped. You got me, you messaged me, and I was I was he got me hella fired up had an edible This one song called pill popper and it fucking slams Yeah, it's it's great. Hey speaking of music. I was listening to Beastie boys this morning working out Oh, so okay
Starting point is 00:35:20 Do you know how many songs would have been canceled from the past if they were erudem today like Girls by the BC boys. Yeah, I know that would be gone Well, they talked about that in the which one. Yeah, did you not see the documentary still? I still haven't seen you got to watch that They took a they took a left turn from that that was like the whole engineered Version of BC boys like, you know, they're doing that all for that record company and then they've decided like we don't want to be those douchebag party guys. Oh boy. Let me tell you those are such a cool Document show. I've never seen one done like that the way they did it. They did it to where they were like narrating it I'm right down because I keep forgetting to watch this. Yeah, because it's called something else
Starting point is 00:35:57 It's not called the Beastie Boys document. The documentary. It's what called something else, right? Shes to clean up. I don't know. I'm assuming it's on Amazon, I can rent it. Yeah. Yeah, I think I had to buy it on Apple back, but if you can buy it on Apple, you can only buy it on Amazon, so I'm sure it's on there somewhere, but it's worth watching, for sure. Yeah, I mean, I love BC Boys growing up, and there was a lot of things I didn't know about their...
Starting point is 00:36:23 They were one of the first, not the first, but one of the first hip hop groups or whatever to sample, to use sampling as part of their music and make it really an art. Yeah, no, they're responsible for a lot of trends that I didn't realize until you watch that. You watch it and you go, oh shit, they did that first. I go, wow, yeah, no, it's, they're really. With the Jewish kids from New York.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, real's literally. With the Jewish kids from New York. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Hey, real quick, I hope you're enjoying the podcast. Look, if you listen to the intro, you heard me talking about hyposomal, glutathione. Well, one of the best companies for this particular product and more is live on. I notice when I take a difference,
Starting point is 00:37:00 when I take live on supplements, all their supplements are designed to be maximally absorbed. And that's the big problem with the supplement industry that won't tell you. You take the pill and you get expensive urine. Your body doesn't actually utilize it. Well, live on is different. And because you listen to Mind Pump,
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Starting point is 00:37:39 I recommend trying out the glutathione. It's my favorite, but they have a lot of good stuff over there. So head over there and check them out. All right, here comes the rest of the show. Our first caller is Danielle from New Hampshire. Danielle, how's it going? How can we help you? So I'm great.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Thanks. Guys, I just want to let you know how grateful I am for you and all that you do. Earlier this year, I lost my dad to COVID so it got me to start thinking about my own health and my own mobility. About June of this year I started working with an FRC coach and she basically has me unwinding everything that I've learned. So I've always been active, I was a member of the Y, I like to swim, I like to hike, I like to ski.
Starting point is 00:38:33 But I started to think about, there's things I can't do. Like, you know, we're in Kinstretch and we're learning about, we're gonna flex our toes and we're gonna roll our ankles around. And so I'm learning of I'm getting new mobility, but I'm still struggling. And then I came across this article and I'm just wondering so basically I'm five nine I'm about 185 pounds and I'm like a tall pair, I guess you could describe me. And just wondering how does your body shape fit into some of the exercises that you may be able to do or not do? So for instance, a squat.
Starting point is 00:39:13 I can get really low when I have no weight, but as soon as I put weight on the bar, I'm back to being parallel. I know what the answer I want you to say is, but I'm just curious to get some a little bit of feedback, I guess. Yeah, no, that's a good question. So the answer is actually in what you just said, you could do a full squat with no weight,
Starting point is 00:39:35 but when you add weight, then your form obviously goes in the wrong direction. So that's a strength issue. How big of a role does your body shape play in a lot of these exercises? Somewhat of a role, small role for most people because a lot of these movements are kind of foundational, fundamental, you know, pieces of human movement. So it's like walking, right? So there's a person's body shape, play a role in their ability to walk to some degree, but really small, right?
Starting point is 00:40:07 Because we all evolved to be able to walk. Well, you also evolved to be able to squat and press and row and rotate to some degree and do some split stance exercises. Now when you get into very technical movements that require very specific types of mobility, then maybe it plays a larger role. But when you're talking about, most of the exercises you're gonna do in the gym, a lot of it has to do with strength, mobility, and connection.
Starting point is 00:40:36 And much less of it has to do with just our body shape or the length of our limbs or how our joints look. And I know there's like this movement in the fitness space to talk about hip joint in the socket and the length of our limbs or how our joints look. And I know there's like this movement in the fitness space to talk about hip joint and the socket and the length of the femur and, you know, and yes, there's definitely cases where that plays a role. But it's a lot smaller than people think.
Starting point is 00:40:56 For the most part, all of us have the capability to be able to do most of these movements. And what gets in the way is just, you know, tightness, weakness, and lack of stability. Danielle, first of all, I think the fact that you're doing FRC and you fired a coach is incredible. I think everything that they're teaching over there is phenomenal. It's life changing. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:41:19 It really is. Yeah, no, I love, I love hearing when people actually sign up and start going through that process. It was life changing for me. So I think that's great. Are you doing any, are you following a maps program or anything in conjunction with it? Are you doing that by itself? Just by itself. And then I work with her the trainer three days a week doing heavy lifting and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:41:41 So I am the kind of person that needs that constant correction and that for right now where I'm at, I just need someone standing over me and correcting form. And like I said, I have done push-ups wrong. I didn't realize this. I was doing push-ups wrong my whole life. So it's a little bit eye-opening, but I just need someone right now where I'm at to guide me through the phases and the exercise and using proper form. Are they coming with you in person? Are you doing this virtually? How are you doing it right now? No, I'm going to the her studio.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Oh, nice. Well, I mean, and you know, tell you what, like if you didn't, if you weren't following something, I would have recommended something like Maps Performance, I think would complement what you're doing with FRC, but even our programs. I think we've said this many times on the show nothing beats a Really good coach in person somebody who can call an audible while they're coaching you and explain to you Why this feels this way or what's going on with your body? Hey, let's move over here and now do these movements and if that coach is doing that stuff with you I think that it's at this point. It's more just about being patient. Be patient, stay consistent. You're doing the right things. I think you're on the right track by having
Starting point is 00:42:54 someone like an FRC coach to help you out. I think you're in great hands. Yeah. I mean, going back and going through all the different clients that had limitations, you know, there are, you know, very, very few examples of morphology sort of getting in the way of being able to attempt these types of movements. Every single time I've gone through it, and the more educated I got with techniques like FRC and other types of ways to address connectivity issues and stability issues, really highlights just the amount of times you've just patterned this certain process forever to where you've self-regulated
Starting point is 00:43:33 and sort of limited that a lot of times just based off of the type of habits and routines like you've done over the years. And there is a way to go in there. And like you said, kind of unwind and unpack and dive into that process and see, like, it unlocks a whole new potential movement-wise. And that's what I love about those types of modalities.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Is it really highlights the abilities are there but you have to do maybe sometimes more work to get back to the root of the actual cost. And Danielle, it says in your written question that you started in June of this year. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah, you gotta get just warming up. You're just, you're just, you're just, I know, it's really hard when someone says you don't have to pre-repress it to do that. You know, well, you know what? Don't, don't, don't, I saw too that you, I mean, you admit that it's kind of a shot to the ego for somebody who's been working out and doing fitness, you
Starting point is 00:44:32 know what, it was, it was challenging for me too. I remember the first time that I hung out with a doctor, Brink, and he broke me down. Here I am a personal trainer. I've been training other people my whole life. And then basically to tell me the same exact thing, you don't have the prerequisites to be squatting that much weight on your back. You should be doing x, y, and z And and I'm also somebody who falls under that like, you know, morphology is not ideal for squatting really deep I'm six foot three. I do have a long a long femur. I have poor ankle mobility So it was extremely challenging for me to get to where I'm at. That's why it's why too today I'm more proud about my squat depth than I am any PR.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I've ever hit in my life as far as, oh, I've, you know, I've squatted 420 pounds. I've benched X like I don't really care about that. I'm more proud about the change in movement that I made in the depth. You have totally different metrics now that you're applying towards these. These exercises. Yeah. And you just have to look at it completely differently, like metrics now that you're applying towards these exercises. Yeah, and you just have to look at it completely differently like of how much you're accomplishing but in a completely different path than you were before.
Starting point is 00:45:32 You're on the right track, Danielle, you're doing the right stuff. So just hang in there and you're gonna continue to improve for a while. I appreciate that. Thank you. No problem, thanks for calling in. Yeah, a lot of you don't realize that,
Starting point is 00:45:44 by the way, forget mobility, forget what this person's talking about. If someone hires me as a beginner, it takes six months, at least. It's so humbling. Before they really, I'm able to really start pushing them with their work out, literally, for the average person, it takes at least six months.
Starting point is 00:46:01 I know, but she's what that happens. And he's an athlete, dude. I can totally connect with this feeling. Like when she said that, you know, it's tough to be somebody who's been hiking, swimming, running, biking, you know, playing sports your whole life and then have somebody break you down and basically say you've been doing all that wrong. Your whole life. Yeah, that's a chance of the guy.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Yeah, and there's these things. It can be a shot. And then it is a, I think mobility progress is seems to be a little more daunting than seeing just more way. I feel like it's easier to get strong in my opinion. It's easier to add three to five pounds to the bar on almost any exercise you're doing
Starting point is 00:46:40 than to see yourself get an extra inch or two of depth. Well, it's more, I guess, ego rewarding. It's counterintuitive. Yeah. It's just more ego rewarding. You don't, you don't, I mean, you, you, you want to brag about your new PR, but, you know, I went, you know, half an inch deeper on my, exactly. Nobody else gives a shit that I can get, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:57 it's like, how much are you squatting? Well, for me, this is what I'm concerned about. Yeah. That, that plays a role. Yeah, and back to what I said, it's, it, it takes a while. Um, it, it takes a while. It doesn't mean you don't have a certain level of fitness or stamina or strength for what you were doing. It's just you're relearning movements.
Starting point is 00:47:13 And it takes a while. She's probably already made tremendous improvements in that short period of time, but wanting it to happen faster. It does just take time, but once you get there and you start to get there fast, you start to get there faster and faster. It's a snowball effect. Well, and a lot of this is just reframing the way you look, you know, kind of exercise and to, to Justin's point. I had my nephew just called me recently. He just, he's just
Starting point is 00:47:38 transitioned out of maps and a ball. He's going into maps performance. And he's kind of like over viewing the workouts for the first phase. And he's like, you know, this seems too easy for me. Should I add, he was calling to ask if he should add sets or do some of that. I said, listen, I need you. And I know him really well. Obviously, so I can, I have a little more insight. I'm like, I need you to look at this program completely different than the way you looked
Starting point is 00:47:59 at maps and a ball. When you went into maps and a ball, it was about building your metabolism, about getting stronger. Now that we're moving into performance, I really don't care if the workout looks like it could be easier, it could be harder, it could be more, you get away from the, I want to be strong and that's where you're heading. Just even though that's your maybe your long-term goal, the goal of this program is to perfect your movement, is to increase mobility.
Starting point is 00:48:21 So when you go into a workout, let's say you're doing like the reverse lunge to press with the landmine, which is a unique exercise. A lot of people may have not done that before. I care less if you called me and said, hey, Adam, last week I was doing that with 50 pounds and now I'm doing it with 80 pounds. I would rather you say,
Starting point is 00:48:43 I start off with 50 pounds that I actually had to back off to 40, but man, the movement feels so smooth. It looks so good. You know, I can, I can slow it. Yes. So and that, that's the idea is you, but it's hard. If you are, you know, like my nephew wants to be, he's, you know, ex football player, strong guy. Like that's all he cares about is getting buff and strong or losing body fat. It's all centered around that and just getting him to wrap his brain around when we are now working on movement and mobility. It's a different mindset going into it so that she needs to do the same thing as is stop worrying about how fast you ran or swam before forget about how much weight you squatted or bench press before and now becomes, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:25 what did the movement look like last year and what does the movement look like this year with the work that I've been putting in and start being proud of yourself for the gains that you've made in that direction versus the weight going up or down the bar. Our next caller is Shannon from Pennsylvania. Hey Shannon, how come we help you? Hey guys, how are you? Good, good. Good, it's amazing to be on here today.
Starting point is 00:49:49 I listen to you guys every day. I never miss an episode. Oh, thank you. So I'll just jump into it. So my question is about building my metabolism. So little background, two years ago, I competed in my first speaking bodybuilding show. My coach
Starting point is 00:50:05 kept me on prep for about 10 months and had me ready eight weeks prior to my show. But instead of increasing my calories and reversing me into the show, she continued to keep me at under 1200 calories and about two hours of cardio every day for those remaining eight weeks. So at five calories and about two hours of cardio every day for those are
Starting point is 00:50:25 remaining eight weeks. So at five six, I went from weighing in the 140s and I went on stage at 112 pounds. Unfortunately, I did stay with her for another prep. That was shortly after that first one, but three weeks out, it was canceled due to COVID. So six months after that, I did get a new coach and she did bulk me back up to about 152. And then we started another prep. After six months, I decided to call that prep off because my body was not responding.
Starting point is 00:51:04 And I wasn't willing to ruin my hormones or anything else for another show. So, and at that point, I was at the end of the sixth month. I was doing about 1,200 to 1,300 calories, 120 minutes of cardio, and I had only dropped about 10 pounds. So I ended that prep this past May and have been honestly trying to figure out what to do next ever since. So currently I'm holding steady between 140 and 145, but I don't feel fully comfortable at the suites.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I did try to do a mini cut, but after six weeks at about 1200 calories and four days of an hour of cardio, I barely lost anything. My body didn't respond. So I know that my curmitabolism is awful. I feel like for at with my height and how much muscle I have that my maintenance being around 14, 15 hundred calories, I think that's extremely low. And I know that I need to reverse and increase my calories, but I want, would prefer not to put on more weight and too, I really don't want to put on more muscle. I do think that my upper body is where I would want it to be. I don't see myself competing any time soon again.
Starting point is 00:52:26 So if I do put on muscle, I do focus on my lower body. And so my question is to put it simply is, how do I increase my metabolism without getting that much muscular if it's possible? Well, Shannon, so, okay, at this stage looking back, actually right now, while you're telling us about your first coach that had you prepped for almost a year and doing two hours of cardio day on top of your
Starting point is 00:52:52 resistance training workouts, when you say that now or when you look back, how do you feel about it? Do you feel like it was a good idea? Do you think it was totally damaging looking back? Like what's your opinion on it now? It makes me really frustrated, to be honest, because I live in briefs, health and fitness, and for some reason, I just did what she told me,
Starting point is 00:53:15 and I ignored all the red flags. So it's very frustrating because if I had a proper coach, I know that I could be really good. A really good bodybuilder. And now, let's go back, okay? So why did you stick with it that long? You said you live and breathe, health and fitness. What made you ignore all the obvious signs
Starting point is 00:53:38 that this was not good? And this is, I was not in a mind pump yet. Seriously. I was not, no. I wasn not listening to line pump yet. Seriously. I was not, no. I wasn't listening to you guys yet, but I also do have a history of binge eating and I actually hired her as a lifestyle client first to get my macros in order.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Because after trying to figure it out myself, it wasn't happening. So seeing the results, like seeing myself actually lose weight, you know, it was a dicting. So I her. Yeah, okay, so I'm glad you were honest about that Shannon I felt like there was something else there that might you might not have told us Knowing that and I do want to say this and this isn't for you I think you might have already Unfigured this out, but this is for anybody listening right now if you have a history of
Starting point is 00:54:23 Ben jeeting or anorexia or any type of an eating disorder or disorder related to that, the absolute worst thing you can do for yourself is enter into some kind of a contest where you get judged on your body, especially bikini or bodybuilding or physique or something along those lines. It's a very, very bad thing to do. It typically results in worse outcomes for people. Now what we're dealing with is this, Shannon, now you're in a situation where you literally have to heal your body.
Starting point is 00:54:55 You can't die it. If you die, and I think you might already understand this, if you start to die it now, nothing happens. Your body's so resistant because of the trauma that you put it through with a 10 month prep and then followed up with a very short bulk with another cut. Your body just wants to hold on.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Has a memory of what happened and what you have to do is get healthy. You have to give your body a chance to get healthy. So the scale, toss it, no more weighing yourself, no more judging your body by its appearance, you're gonna have to take care of yourself and allow your body to heal for a second. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:55:35 Feed your body, eat whole natural foods. Stay away from heavily processed foods because those can definitely be triggering and make us wanna overeat. Focus on resistance training. I would avoid all that crazy cardio that you're doing because I think you have a bad relationship with it considering you've done hours of it,
Starting point is 00:55:52 even on your reverse diet. So I would say just walk, just go outside and walk if you wanna do some form of cardiovascular activity. Lift weights a few days a week, focus on full body and heal your body. Don't worry about gaining weight, don't worry about losing weight, don't worry about gaining muscle. None of that matters until you get your body to the point where it's healthy and not scared
Starting point is 00:56:15 anymore about, you know, the fact that it might have to go back to where it was before. If you do that for a while, I think it'll be shocked at how your body starts to respond, but it may take a while. It may take you a year or two. You've done about a year, or maybe even more than a year, you actually did more than a year of this kind of damaging approach to yourself,
Starting point is 00:56:37 and maybe even before that, I don't know what you did before that. So it may take you a year to come out of it, but that doesn't mean within that year you're gonna gain 50 pounds of body fat and oh my god what happened to me. If you take care of yourself in a very genuine way, you'll be very pleasantly surprised that you're not going to get some crazy rebound, but you're going to give your body an opportunity to heal a little bit.
Starting point is 00:56:58 And then at that point you can get back on focusing on maybe more of a reverse diet or whatever. But I think right now if we focus too heavily on calories and macros and the scale and all that stuff, I don't think that's a great idea for you at this moment. You also said something that would concern me if you're a client and I'm trying to help you in this direction, which was that you do not want to put on any muscle right now. And if you've got that in the back of your head while you're also trying to build your metabolism right now, it's going to be really tough for you to overcome
Starting point is 00:57:32 what you potentially might see in the mirror during this process. Because if I tell you to limit or cut out cardio completely, and I say just focus on strength training, feed your body like Sal is saying, there is very much so a potential that we might put a few pounds on. You might look a little fuller. You might build some muscle, but I'd have to be in your ear on a regular basis, telling you this is just part of the process.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Just trust the process. We've got to rebuild this metabolism. I promise you that losing muscle is one of the easiest things you could ever do in life. So don't worry. We can, we can peel it down later if you absolutely hate it. I promise you that losing muscle is one of the easiest things you could ever do in life. So don't worry, we can peel it down later if you absolutely hate it. But right now, our focus has to be around getting you healthy. And for me, it would be a little more prescriptive. I know Sal was kind of being vague, but I would say you're lifting only two to three times
Starting point is 00:58:23 a week. Maps and a ball, it is what I would have you on. You are not allowed to do any cardio. You can walk. So if you have a routine because there's a one thing I never want to take from my clients, if you really enjoy that getting on the treadmill or stairmaster or doing these long bouts of exercise, I wouldn't say, you know, go sit on the couch and do nothing. I'd say, okay, well, go for a nice walk, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:45 go walk on the treadmill if you want or write a, write a recumbent bike and read a book or do something that's more recuperative and active at the same time. But I do not want you pushing the body and running and sweating doing cardio. Movement is fine, but mainly focused around the two to three days a week of a full body
Starting point is 00:59:05 routine. That is it as far as strength training. And then the rest focused around, you know, eating the whole foods and slowly increasing your calories. Our goal would be, can I minimize the amount of weight that I put on while also increasing calories over the course of the next six months plus and Sal is right. we have to fix this first before we worry anything about our aesthetics and where we want, if you want to get out of this, if you want to get out of this, that's got to be the focus. And and again, not to pile on because this is a good time to, to address the audience. This is one of the, the, my biggest pet
Starting point is 00:59:44 heaves with online virtual coaches. Now, this is an extreme example because you're a competitor, but this is happening every day to thousands, maybe more than thousands of people that are hiring these people online to give them diets and recommendations to get their body to look a certain way.
Starting point is 01:00:01 And it's dangerous. And it could really affect somebody long-term and you gotta focus on health first and get that under control. Shannon, are you in the market for another coach? No, no, currently I'm not. If you are, if you get to the point where you'd like to hire someone to help you,
Starting point is 01:00:20 do not hire a fitness coach, don't hire, definitely don't hire a prep coach. I would suggest you work with a therapist that understands and works with either eating disorders or body image issues. So non-fitness-related, but someone you can talk to on a regular basis, on a weekly basis or bi-weekly basis, that focuses on those things. Now, here's how I'm going to sell it to you, Shannon. And I'm not going to lie to you. I'm going to be very honest. If you work with that kind of a therapist, you'll get better results than you ever did
Starting point is 01:00:51 with the other coaches. I'm talking about physical results. Okay. You will get the side effect of that. We'll be, you'll get better physical results, even though they're not going to coach you on fitness or macros or calories. They're just going to work on body image and they're going to work on eating issues and relationships with food and relationships with yourself. And that's, I'll put my money on that all day long. So if you think to yourself, I want to hire somebody, go in that direction.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Not only is it something that I think you'll just benefit from generally, but I think physically, you'll get way more out of that than any fitness nutrition coach that you'll find. Okay. All right. Do you have maps in a ballac by the way? You'll get way more out of that than any fitness nutrition coach that you'll find. Okay. All right, do you have maps in a ballac by the way? I do. Oh good, so you're set. And you know what, Shannon, if you're not in the private forum,
Starting point is 01:01:32 we're gonna let you in the private forum. I would love for you to give us some, you know, just to let us know how you're doing. Yes, please. A couple of months. Please, and as the challenges arise, which they will share with us. And we'll do our best to kind of help support along the way.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Cause that, for me, I think the hardest thing that I know I would have to deal with is you already kind of know in your head. I don't want to build muscle. And so you're gonna, you're gonna struggle with that a little bit as you start to potentially put on a little bit of weight. It's gonna be a head game.
Starting point is 01:02:00 This is gonna be really, really hard on your psyche. And I can relate, okay, cause I know I went through something kind of similar. So it's going to be a challenge, understand that, know that going into it, that, okay, the obstacle in my way is going to be me. And remember that, because you're going to that, that side of you is going to emerge, especially if you haven't weighed yourself in a few weeks and maybe you're feeling a little bit tighter in your jeans or maybe you're getting stronger. Oh, am I gaining weight? What's going on?
Starting point is 01:02:28 That's going to be your biggest challenge. So just keep that in mind, okay? Try to stay above that. Try to maintain kind of an elevated view of everything because it'll lead you in the right direction. Okay. I have a quick follow up. So you said do not focus on any macros or calories right now. So don't count or track.
Starting point is 01:02:47 No, no, no, eat whole natural foods. You know, make sure you're eating protein with every meal, but don't, and just listen to your body. So eat until you're satisfied, not until you're stuffed. Does that make sense? Do you know what that feels like? Yes. OK.
Starting point is 01:03:03 And that would be, if you were going to track anything, I'd say just pay attention to protein intake. And you don't even have to be per size. It's like you know your body weight somewhere in the 131.40, so make sure you're getting about 110 to 120 grams of protein a day. And as long as you're close to that consistently. Yeah, if you're eating 30 to 40 grams of protein
Starting point is 01:03:21 three times a day, you're fine. Yep. Yeah, not an issue. I get around like 160 now. Okay. Yeah. All right. Good.
Starting point is 01:03:31 As long as you hit that and then stick to the whole foods and then you'll be fine. Thanks for calling in, Shannon. Good luck. Okay. Sounds good. Thank you. You know, it makes me so mad because it gets me all. Oh, I know.
Starting point is 01:03:41 This is your guys world. So I'm just like, bro, they literally prey on people's challenges and insecurities. And the problem is this, this coach that helped her, here's the worst part of it, okay? The worst evil is done by people who think they're doing good. Yeah, that's the problem.
Starting point is 01:03:58 The problem is these idiots think that they're doing the right thing. And it's because they themselves have these terrible relationships with their body and diet and nutrition. Oh, they think they're doing the right thing. This worked for me. So what a 10 month prep. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:04:10 With two hours of cardio, 1200 calories a day. This is happening all over the place. And this is again, you know, many people too, that you know, the trend has become too to hire a prep coach just to get you in shape. Forget that you're going to get on stage. That this, this whole Instagram coaching thing has gone so viral. And that's what people do. Save your money. Is, oh, let me look at this body that looks amazing.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Oh, there are pro, you know, physique competitor, there are pro bikini. So, and they do coaching. So I'm gonna apply the same process. Yeah, I'm gonna hire them, get ready for Vegas in three months. These are the idiots that are gonna get personal training super regulated by the federal, this is right here. These idiots right here, hurting. That's going to make,
Starting point is 01:04:47 and it makes all coaches and trainers look bad. I mean, it's times like this. I wish, you know, I would, maybe I shouldn't have, but I would have loved to get this person's name out there. So that nobody hires this moron anymore. Well, the truth is there's more of them than the other. I know you've got one that off. It's like a hydra, right? Yeah, it doesn't even matter. Like you're not even, you're, yeah, there's too many people that, uh, that this is happening to right now and it's, it's a, it's really, really sad to see, I'm so glad though that you did bring up, um, you know, the eating thing, I, you smelt it out right away, that there was something more there.
Starting point is 01:05:17 It was underlying. And it, the, the irony in this is that the, the people that are attracted to this, which we talk about, it's time to peel, are the people that are attracted to this, which we talk about is the people that are the ones that need it to least. And that's the most dangerous for. If you already have body image issues or you have any sort of an eating disorder in the past, literally going to compete is the worst thing you could possibly try talking the matter of that. Yeah, it's difficult. It's like being an ex alcoholic and then signing up for, you know, wine tasting every weekend or something like that. Like what are you doing? That's it. It's like being an ex-alcoholic and then signing up for, you know, blind tasting every weekend or something like that. Like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:05:47 That's the odds of you not relapsing into some kind of dysfunction or so small. So don't do that if you have any body image issues. Unfortunately, majority of people that sign up for those contests, that's why. They sign up for those contests. I know, but also the problem is, are, but are also not aware that they have body image issues. They think that sometimes it's willingness. They're willingly unaware.
Starting point is 01:06:10 She knows going into this that she had bulimia issues, but you'll willingly ignore, like, no, no, I'm going to keep doing this. It's not until after when you look back and go, wow, like what have I done? And it just makes me upset because people in our space yeah, it was bad advice. We have the tools to solve health problems, not to create them. Like we shouldn't be creating more health issues. Our next color is Balthazar from South Africa. Balthazar, how can we help you?
Starting point is 01:06:35 Hey, what's up, guys? How you doing? Good. It's happening. Now I'm doing well. So I just want to ask a question around like rap and state volume when chaining for strength. So just just want to ask a question around like Rapin State volume when training for strength. So just a bit of background. I'm about I'm 25 years old. I'm about like 187 centimeters. I think that's six foot one. I'm not sure how the conversion is good. I'm not as good at conversions, but I wear around 196 pounds. So I play cricket for fun. So I train cricket twice a week and then have a game on the weekend and then I
Starting point is 01:07:10 Strengths train five days a week So since these need you guys are cut down significant on my State volume and my rate volume and my question is based around that that so I wanted to know is it counterproductive To train for strength on your compound lifts? So like what between one and six reps, and then for your hypertrophy, for the other exercises on your exercise day,
Starting point is 01:07:36 so between eight and 12 reps, especially if you're trying to gain strength. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, well to it. So what you're doing is perfectly fine. I will say that now your goal, it sounds like your goal is to get stronger in the in the big three lifts. Is that correct? Yeah, I think for my size, I feel I'm not pulling and pushing like a lot of weight. I know it's not good to compare, but I feel like I can like for my size, I should be, you know, doing a lot like being able to like cool and push a lot more. How long you been working out? Because I'm going to give you a program, but I want to make sure I send you the right one.
Starting point is 01:08:29 So I've been probably stringed training for like a year and a half, but I've been playing sports since I was very little. So we had a little bit of string training in between, but not a lot of focus on it, but properly for a year and a half. And then you're not going to go away from an Ebola right now. Well, I was just going to say, how intense are your practices? How intense are practices for cricket? Are they pretty like hard workouts?
Starting point is 01:08:54 It's three days away. No, it's not hard. Hard workouts is around two hours. And it's basically almost like a baseball, I could say. So it's a lot of like throwing and a little bit of running. But on weekends, our matches are like nine to 10 hours long. So I try to stay away from doing push workouts like on a Friday before the game
Starting point is 01:09:18 because I don't want to do a very press and then my shoulder's. Cricket is the ultimate it's the ultimate spectator sport for the dad who is like sorry I got a whole day. It's a little bit golf even huh? I was going to say so. So balthazar I'm going to I'm going to send you maps and a ball. That's right.
Starting point is 01:09:36 I think that's perfect for what you want and your current you know training regime with your sport. We also have something called maps power lift, although maps power lift is better run by itself without additional exercise and athletics. Maps and a ball like I think would be ideal. And you can choose two or three foundational workouts a week on it. I'd start you off on two.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Do the two foundational workouts and then stick to your normal practice, two trigger sessions on some of the off days. And I wouldn't be surprised if your strength went through the roof. I'm probably gonna be probably getting the off season where you're not like comboing that with your skills, sessions,
Starting point is 01:10:16 what you're doing in practice and everything else. So you could just focus completely on, you know, getting strong in those core lifts. The biggest challenge you're gonna have is the mental piece here, because it sounds like you're a competitive type of person, athlete, you were already lifting five days a week on a push, push pull legs,
Starting point is 01:10:34 and you were doing three days of cricket. So us all of a sudden coming in here and saying, okay, more than cut your strength training in half and your goals get stronger, it's gonna sound counterproductive to what you're trying to do, but the truth is this is the direction you need to go. So you need to kind of trust the process.
Starting point is 01:10:50 I'm- I need to recover to move forward. Yeah, I'm about that. I'm gonna make sure Doug puts you in the private forum. That way too, we could yell at you if you don't listen to us over the next couple of months. Because this is the most tempting thing, a young guy like you's gonna have,
Starting point is 01:11:03 okay, it totally can relate to this being 25 years old, full of piss and vinegar. I'm playing, playing sports on the side for fun. I'm also trying to build muscle and I want to end the, and the thought is the more I put into it, the more I'm going to get out. But it's, this is not true when it comes to building muscle and strength. There, there is a too much and a too little. And I think you're leaning on too much and a too little.
Starting point is 01:11:25 And I think you're leaning on too much if our goal is to get stronger week over week, just simply backing off to the two to three days of maps and a ball of routine is going to give you the results you want. You just got to trust the process. They'll stick with it for a while. You don't even have to trust it for that long. I think if you follow it within the first two or three weeks, you'll see strength gains. So within the first few weeks, you'll know right away, like, oh, this is definitely working
Starting point is 01:11:48 for me. That's how confident we are in this kind of programming with what you're currently doing. But I would start with the two foundational. Don't go to three unless you stopped getting results from the two. And I'd be surprised if you probably did a whole three month cycle with two foundational workouts and add tremendous amounts of weight to your main lifts. Another way to use that, I think we gave this advice to someone the other day, is for you to decide whether you go to, or this is a beautiful thing about maps and a ball, you could have
Starting point is 01:12:19 one week where you do two times a week, the next week you do three, and then the week after that you go back to two, It doesn't mess up the programming. So you could kind of choose that if you like. And we gave this advice to someone who was in a similar situation. I believe she was like a volleyball player or something. I don't remember who it was. But if you can learn to read your own body and have the self-awareness to go like, oh, you know, this week we really didn't practice that hard at cricket or the game was easier
Starting point is 01:12:43 or my body just feels really good. Maybe I go to three days a week and if it's a week where you know you had a extra long game or practice was taxing or maybe you had a lot of work was kind of stressful. If it's kind of a higher stress week and you know that you've kind of you know, taxed your body more than the week previous than you dropped to two. So if you get good at kind of paying attention to those things which I recommend you start paying attention to if you're not already, and adjust the amount of training you're doing based off that, I think that works really well too. We'll send that over to you, okay?
Starting point is 01:13:14 Balthazar. Awesome. Can I maybe just ask two questions around that? If that's okay. Yeah, sure. So I kind of have like a history of like, I would say, other training, like, I really like training and I try to do it every day, but if let's say I can only do the two foundational workouts a week, how do I, you know, stop myself from doing something on that day?
Starting point is 01:13:39 Is it something I can replace it with? Yeah, mobility. You can do trigger sessions, mobility. You can do trigger sessions, you can do mobility work, you can go outside and hike. You can go for walks. You can do yoga. I don't want you to not be active. It's just low to moderate intensity. Yeah, I just don't want you to lift weights, you know, with high intensity. When you get the program, you're going to see that. So even though we're saying two to three foundational days, the other two days a week are trigger sessions. So your technically could be working out still four or five days.
Starting point is 01:14:05 It's just a lot different intensity. Follow the trigger sessions as applied on there. And if you wanted to do more on top of that, I'd say some light mobility work with there and a great place to start from mobility. If you don't have any direction on that is if you go to the maps or is it primeprowebinar.com Yes. Go to primeprowebinar.com. Literally follow that routine
Starting point is 01:14:26 That I do on there. It's about a 50 minute routine So if you feel antsy and you want to do something and you want to do movement you follow that I think that'll have tremendous benefit for you Okay, great. Thank you. No problem. Thanks for calling that. Yeah, thank you And I just want to thank you guys again for I know everyone says this but no Since this and you guys like for, I know everyone says this, but since it's you guys, like my life has changed a lot. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:14:48 In a personal and professional life, my relationship, everything has changed. Oh, thank you very much, man. That's more convenient. I'm always welcome to here. Thank you. Appreciate that, man. Appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:14:57 You know, we've had a huge surge of listeners from South Africa recently. So it looks like we've kind of caught on over there, which is kind of cool. Yeah, this is named, dude. Baphasah. And now, right. Two things that are very interesting.
Starting point is 01:15:10 One, I forgot that cricket was that long. I remember I had a buddy who played it and he said that sometimes they would stop a game and have to restart it later because it was, they're just so, I can go on for so long. That's crazy. It's a wild ball got like long. And you know, winded.
Starting point is 01:15:25 Yeah. That has to be like to set the record. One of those episodes on Bad Sport had one of the on cricket. And I'm like, I was, it gave me like the urge to want to go figure it out. Cause it's so frustrating for someone like me who likes sports, to watch a sport and not know what's going on. I know that's right.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Yeah, it's so confusing to me. Paul, I'm sure it's not that confusing. It's just so new to me. So I don't know. But, but yeah, back to, you Paul, I'm sure it's not that confusing. It's just so new to me, so I don't know. But yeah, back to kind of what he was talking about with his workouts and stuff. You know, the right dose is the right dose. And I know, and I look, I get it, man,
Starting point is 01:15:55 I do this all the time to myself. You wanna do more because you enjoy the process, which is actually a good place to be. You just gotta be smart about it. Otherwise, the process will kill you also. So, but yeah, if you enjoy the process, I totally get it. You just want to be constructive. So I'm glad he has.
Starting point is 01:16:11 You've got the balances, man. And I'm glad he asked that second part, like, okay, what do I do? Cause I like to move. It's like, you can totally move. Yeah. You just do other things that are gonna benefit you. Don't just get you smarter about it.
Starting point is 01:16:21 I mean, that's really the key. You should just know that there's the right dose there that's gonna propel you forward. You do too much. Not gonna be to about it. I mean that's really the keys to just know that there's the right dose there That's gonna propel you forward. You do too much. It's not gonna be to your benefit. Totally Our next color is Michael from Florida. Michael. What's up, man? How can we help you? Hey, what's going on guys? So I in the past I guess 12 years. I've had two major weight fluctuations where I gained a lot of weight, lost a lot of weight. The first one I lost 50 pounds, I gained 50 pounds, lost it all, I did that, I'm actually training for a triathlon.
Starting point is 01:16:56 The second one, I got a job, met a girl, got comfortable, gained a lot of weight. I actually got a serious injury. I was non-weight-bearing for 90 days, and I pretty much gained all the weight back again. And then I lost the weight the second time by doing your favorite exercise, doing crossfit. And then I kind of plateaued for a while. I tried a bunch of different things, and it carved cycling, which screwed up my stomach so bad, I had to stop doing that.
Starting point is 01:17:30 And then I recently just completed an Iron Man this past weekend. I'm actually still down here now in Florida. And I'm kind of like nervous that, I used to love lifting weights, and now everything I've been doing is endurance and beat myself up. And I feel like I've screwed up my metabolism over the past 12 years
Starting point is 01:17:48 Doing this up and down up and down especially with the crazy endurance training I've been doing the last six months and I'm kind of done with it And I want to get into lifting again, and I'm just like kind of lost I don't really know where to start. I don't want to just go into the gym and and do the same thing every day So I'm just kind of looking for your advice. Yeah, no, good question for sure. So, okay. Okay, why do you do these events?
Starting point is 01:18:14 What's the motivation behind Iron Man, Trial Flawne? Crossfit. Crossfit. What's the real, I want to hear the truth of the root motivation behind why you do these. So I grew up swimming and I was actually a really bad place during the first trough when I did. I got laid off from my job.
Starting point is 01:18:32 I was working in Atlantic City, which is a crazy nightlife. And I was just going down a really bad path. So I found a local trough on this coming into Atlantic City. I decided to sign up for it. And I was really motivated to train for it. I actually met my wife, she was training for an Olympic triathlon distance triathlon and kind of got into it. And then we decided to have a family and I ironed Manson's really cool. And this was kind of my last shot to do an Ironman for the next 10 years because we have hopefully have another one on the way. So the time to train really is it going to be here.
Starting point is 01:19:09 So I did the Iron Man. The crossfit thing, honestly, I moved to a new area and I needed to lose weight. And I was, I kind of needed to lose like 40 pounds at the time and I jumped in to a crossfit and I kicked my ass and I was like, oh, this is going to be great. And it helps. It'll get me wrong. I mean, I end up losing a lot of weight, but I feel like it might have done more bad than good.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Aside from the things you do say, like, you know, I was deadliving, I was squatting, I was doing things that I haven't done in the gym before, which, you know, I was deadliving 500 pounds at one point. So I know long term, it's not healthy for me, and especially with like I said, the gaining weight and losing it all the time, but I'm done with the end time stuff at least for now. Yeah, do you feel like if you don't sign up for an event
Starting point is 01:19:56 or a competition that you tend to go in the opposite direction? The motivation thing. 100%. 100%. Okay, so we need to address that first, Mike, because any advice I give you is not gonna work unless that is Insolved okay, so you have to change the
Starting point is 01:20:11 Relationship that you have with fitness and exercise because right now Fitness and exercise is you're using it like a drug, okay? So whatever the other drug is whether it be not moving and eating a lot of food or whatever, what you're doing is you're replacing that drug with fitness and because fitness is better for you, gets you to move, it's not as bad as maybe what the other drug was. So we tend to not identify the fact that it can also be damaging.
Starting point is 01:20:39 I've had a lot of, I've had situation with clients that quit smoking and then they started using exercise like smoking and overdid it in that direction as well. So I want you to change your motivation. You said you're having another baby. I don't know if this will work for you. This is work for other clients in mind, but I want you to focus on longevity and quality of life.
Starting point is 01:20:59 So what I mean by quality of life is like think of the most important things that you have in your life. Maybe being a father, being productive at work, being a good husband, what kind of workouts make you better at those things, and keep reminding yourself of that while you're going through what I'm about to recommend. Because if you do that, you'll stay on the right path. If you maintain the kind of relationship that you've had in the past with exercise, the advice I'm going to give you right now is not going to work. It'll be very short term and at some point you'll either fall off and then rebound by signing up for another event or going extreme in another direction
Starting point is 01:21:32 or by giving up entirely because it just doesn't feel good. Okay, so the route has to be there. But once you can do that and remind yourself of that, I think for someone like you, a program like Maps Performance, I'm glad you went that way. It would be a great, I was sure you're gonna go that way and I do like that a lot for him. Yeah, because you have the athletic background, I think you'll appreciate the functional component
Starting point is 01:21:54 of Maps Performance. There's a mobility component in there, so I think you'll enjoy that, so you can do some kind of fitness every single day. Brandy stimulus in a lot of different direction. Totally. It'll make you feel good. But you got to remind yourself of that route. What's making me a better person today? Do I feel better today? Do that quality of life, you know, longevity. That'll put you in the right direction. Otherwise, like I said, this
Starting point is 01:22:20 advice I'm giving you is not going to help. I also like the idea of maps performance too. I just recently was sharing with the guys that I had a phone call with my nephew, who just moved from maps and a ball like it's now going to performance. And I was trying to coach him that you have to complete, get the change your mindset going into this program. And it's all around movement.
Starting point is 01:22:38 And so what Sal's saying about quality of life and the child and all this, like I would totally reframe the way I look at exercise. It's like, one, my goal is like, what's the least amount I can do to get the most results? Because I'd rather spend more time with my family than in a gym or hammering myself training for like an Iron Man. So that's first and foremost.
Starting point is 01:22:59 And then I wanna be able to do things like squat down and play with my son while he's on toy and not feel like my back is killing me and my knees are killing me. So when I exercise, I'm doing movements that are going to support that. And that is like a win for me. That's more of a win than hitting a new PR in the deadlift or the squat. And so when you approach this program, you know, approach it with goals like that is, hey, I've never really focused on my squat depth or my movement
Starting point is 01:23:26 quality. Can I look at these exercises, watch the model that's dimming on them, and my goal isn't, can I get the weight way up and get stronger in this movement? My goal is, can I make this movement look perfect? Like I'm the model. Can I make it look better than what they're doing it and approach your exercise like that? Yeah, you're re-examining a lot of these familiar exercises that you've been in a race to get through. And I don't know if that resonates at all, but for me, I very much have had that
Starting point is 01:23:57 mentality that you've had in terms of trying to find the next super hard punishing thing to get involved in. And it was always a race for me to get there. And I just felt like I always needed that. But this is one of those things where you can reexamine a lot of these types of exercises and find out the real value. If you just slow down, if you slow down, your body is gonna benefit tremendously.
Starting point is 01:24:20 And to be able to kind of like shift your mindset towards that is gonna be able to take it more in a sustainable direction in terms of longevity, right? The race really is sustainability for you. What can you stick with the longest and not want to just jump into the next thing and punish yourself? Yeah, it's going to be a practice, okay, not a workout. Now, you're definitely going to work out, but I want you to think of it as a practice, a daily or almost daily practice, whether it's one of the foundational workouts
Starting point is 01:24:51 or mobility session, Math Performance gives you the option to be working out or doing a mobility session, one of those five days a week. Three of those workouts will be a little longer and the other two will be shorter kind of mobility sessions. But go into it like a practice, like think of it as a practice. So very zen.
Starting point is 01:25:08 Okay, that's the mentality I want you to go into it with and use that, that same competitive mindset that got you to lose 50 pounds to do a triathlon or whatever. Think of yourself, zen, quality of life, it's a practice. Once it clicks, you're going to find this rhythm that's going to feel very good, very balanced and serve you well, rather than pushing you to red line and then causing you to stop and continue the cycle. By the way, you mentioned your metabolism being ruined. It's not ruined. It's doing exactly what it's supposed to do. So don't worry. You don't think you're like, oh my God, I
Starting point is 01:25:40 damaged my body. What am I going to do? Your body responded the way it evolved to respond, and it will respond the way it evolved to respond if you do what we're telling you. And if you do what we're telling you, what you'll find is your metabolism will start to, not worry so much about being so hyper efficient. You're gonna build some muscle, you'll start to move better, and you'll develop a comfortable,
Starting point is 01:26:03 good relationship with exercise where it feels not just exhilarating because I know you know what that feels like or punishing or like I survived. Like that's okay occasionally, but the kind of relationship you develop with exercise is like I said a practice. Like this sets me up and boy can I be a great father,
Starting point is 01:26:23 business owner, employee, husband, whatever, it's going to improve the quality of your lifelong term. So go into it that way and I think you'll have tremendous success. And if you don't have maps for formats, we're going to send that over to you right now. Awesome. Cool. Yeah, I definitely don't have it. Yeah, my wife will be pleased to know more 15 hour training weeks.
Starting point is 01:26:41 So you're maniac, dude. Just tell her, say, hey, look, the guy said to replace my workouts with sex. So we're not going to have to do a lot of sex. I'm sorry. Done. You're welcome. There you go. All right.
Starting point is 01:26:54 Thanks, guys. No problem. Yeah. That's the, the old, I had, this isn't like the most common thing, but I had. It's pretty common. It's a lot of these. I mean, I wouldn't say it's like a majority, but I definitely had those clients that they'd finish one race.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Gotta work out for the next. I actually think it's like they had to do it that way. Yeah, I'd say it's really common. But what is hard is getting somebody who's into all these things to convince them that that's their issue. It's not a good thing, right? They all, I mean, you, when you're in this, on this track a lot of times, it's a good thing for you.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Like, oh, I'm gonna sign up the next hire. I'm gonna sign up for the next this. I'm gonna sign up for the next that and they don't realize that they have this pattern of, oh, wow, unless I'm signed up for someone like this, I'm terrible at being consistent with my diet and my training. You know, is there something else underlining there? Or is this a good behavior to have for the rest of my life?
Starting point is 01:27:47 There's all the gurus out there that they're probably following that really hype this up. You gotta get off, you gotta get up at 4 a.m. And there's just so much of that that this message here is just not elevated enough. Yeah, I had a female client that she just was just repetitive over and over again. And she got to the point where she was doing like an event every other month. And what finally got her to open her eyes was when she could not lose, she could not get
Starting point is 01:28:17 leaner eating under 1200 calories, running 20 plus miles a week and lifting weights four to five days a week. And she's like, why can't I get an e-liner? I can't get below, you know, I don't remember what it was, like below 20% body fat. And I said, well, this is all the stuff I've been telling you. And she finally like, okay, I give up. I surrender. I'll do what you say.
Starting point is 01:28:37 A year later, she was eating 20 something hundred calories a day in a leaner than ever and working out way, way less. It totally works. Look, if you like our information, you got to head over to MindPumpFree.com. Check out our free guides, right? We wrote guides that can help you with almost all of your fitness goals.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Again, it's MindPumpFree.com. You can also find all of us on Instagram. So Justin is at MindPump Justin. I'm at MindPump Sal and Adam is at MindPump Adam. Thank you for listening to MindPump. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pump
Starting point is 01:29:13 Media dot com. The RGB Superbundle includes maps and a ballad, maps for performance and maps aesthetic. Nine months of phased, expert exercise programming designed by Sal Adam and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. With detailed workout blueprints in over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin as your own personal trainer's butt at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money bag guarantee and you can get it now plus other valuable free resources at MindPumpMedia.com.
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